#coronavirus latest
jkstvn1982 · 2 years
केजरीवाल सरकार द्वारा बनाए गए महोल्ला क्लीनिको में नहीं हो रहा मरीजों का इलाज
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लेकिन अलीपुर में बने महोल्ला क्लिनिक की बात की जाय  तो. यहाँ की स्तिथि बेहद ख़राब है, क्योंकि ना तो यहाँ डॉक्टरों का पता होता है और ना ही दवाइयों का अब ऐसे में केजरीवाल सरकार पर सवालिया निशान खड़े हो रहें हैं, की आखिर महोल्ला क्लिनिक गरीबों और आर्थिक स्तिथि से जूझ रहे लोगो का मुफ्त में इलाज करने के लिए खोले थे लेकिन वो अब बंद क्यों पड़े हैं।
दिल्ली में स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं की खुल रही है पोल क्योंकि मोहल्ला क्लीनिक में बीमारियों का इलाज नहीं हो रहा, ऐसे में आर्थिक स्तिथि से जूझ रहे लोग मोहल्ला क्लीनिक तक अपना इलाज कराने के लिए जाते तो हैं लेकिन केजरीवाल सरकार द्वारा बनायीं गई मोहल्ला क्लीनिक बंद देखकर लोग निराशा के साथ घर की तरफ रुख करना पड़ता है,
ऐसे में दिल्ली की सरकार चल रहें कोविड-19 के नए वेरिएंट को लेकर चिंतित है और सभी स्वास्थ्य एजेंसियां अलर्ट पर भी है लेकिन वहीं दूसरी तरफ देखा जाये तो  दिल्ली सरकार की स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं ठप होती भी दिख रही हैं।
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दिल्ली में दिल्ली सरकार स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं के नाम पर बहतरीन और मुफ्त स्वास्थ्य सुविधा देने का दावा करती है कि दिल्ली के हर हॉस्पिटल और मोहल्ला क्लीनिकों में लोगो का डॉक्टर्स द्वारा  मुफ्तमें  इलाज  किया जाता हैं और साथ ही  तकरीबन 12 सौ से अधिक मुफ्त टेस्ट भी किये जाते हैं, लेकिन दिल्ली के लोगो के लिए महोल्ला क्लीनिकों का बंद होना दिल्ली सरकार पर कई बड़े सवाल खड़े करता है। ऐसे में लोगो ने  Read more….
लेटेस्ट न्यूज़ इन  हिंदी
दिल्ली सरकार का बड़ा फैसला, कोरोना के खतरे को लेकर, सरकारी स्कूल के शिक्षकों की एयरपोर्ट पर लगाई ड्यूटी
नए साल की शुरूआत से पहले ही दिल्ली-NCR में बढ़ाए दूध के दाम, आम जनता को लगा महंगाई का झटका
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ramon-balaguer · 1 month
Sad, so young and athletic to be Gone with the Makani but my unpopular, uninformed and unprofessional opinion is he was mostly COVID-19 Fully Vaccinated or at least got his first fear shot.😢
Praying for his family, friends and teammates… 🇺🇾🙏🙏🙏
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Source: Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
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werindialive · 9 months
21 cases of Covid-19 subvariant JN. 1 detected in India, authorities on high alert
With the fresh cases of coronavirus subvariant JN.1 emerging in India, Indian authorities have been on high alert. The subvariant JN. 1 is being investigated by the scientific community as the authorities work on curbing its spread already. As per NITI Aayog member (health) Dr V K Paul, as of now, 21 cases of COVID-19 JN.1 sub-variant have been detected in the country. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is focused on the genome sequencing of the variant.
Out of the 21 cases, 19 cases have been detected in Goa while Kerala and Maharashtra have recorded one each.
First found in late 2023, the JN.1 (BA. variant of COVID-19 is a descendant of the BA.2.86 lineage (Pirola) of SARS-CoV-2. The BA.2.86 lineage (Pirola) first emerged in August 2023 and showed more than 30 mutations in the spike (5) protein unlike the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron XBB lineages. The mutations make the variant highly risky with a high potential for immune evasion.
The JN.1 subvariant has been classified as a variant of interest by the World Health Organization.
Head of Pulmonary Medicine at Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. Rohit Kumar said, “COVID is an RNA virus that changes its form from time to time, and new variants of it emerge. And now a new variant has emerged, which has been named JN.1. However, not a single case has come to light in the capital, Delhi yet.”
"We are on alert, keeping an eye on the Corona cases. Testing of patients is also being done, and the patients who are coming positive are also being sent for genome sequencing. So that new variants can also be detected, but till now no case of new variants has been reported in Delhi," Dr Kumar said.
"If there is a sore throat, cough, cold, chest pain, or difficulty breathing, consult the doctor immediately. Especially those already suffering from respiratory diseases and asthma patients need to take special care. The doctor mentioned that during this season, individuals with serious diseases should be more careful, as those dying due to Covid often have pre-existing serious conditions such as heart disease and diabetes," he added.
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swadeshlive · 10 months
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
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"The Food and Drug Administration approved new mRNA coronavirus vaccines Thursday [August 22, 2024], clearing the way for shots manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna to start hitting pharmacy shelves and doctor’s offices within a week.
Health officials encourage annual vaccination against the coronavirus, similar to yearly flu shots. Everyone 6 months and older should receive a new vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends.
The FDA has yet to approve an updated vaccine from Novavax, which uses a more conventional vaccine development method but has faced financial challenges.
Our scientific understanding of coronavirus vaccines has evolved since they debuted in late 2020. Here’s what to know about the new vaccines.
Why are there new vaccines?
The coronavirus keeps evolving to overcome our immune defenses, and the shield offered by vaccines weakens over time. That’s why federal health officials want people to get an annual updated coronavirus vaccine designed to target the latest variants. They approve them for release in late summer or early fall to coincide with flu shots that Americans are already used to getting.
The underlying vaccine technology and manufacturing process are the same, but components change to account for how the virus morphs. The new vaccines target the KP.2 variant because most recent covid cases are caused by that strain or closely related ones...
Do the vaccines prevent infection?
You probably know by now that vaccinated people can still get covid. But the shots do offer some protection against infection, just not the kind of protection you get from highly effective vaccines for other diseases such as measles.
The 2023-2024 vaccine provided 54 percent increased protection against symptomatic covid infections, according to a CDC study of people who tested for the coronavirus at pharmacies during the first four months after that year’s shot was released...
A nasal vaccine could be better at stopping infections outright by increasing immunity where they take hold, and one is being studied in a trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.
If you really want to dodge covid, don’t rely on the vaccine alone and take other precautions such as masking or avoiding crowds...
Do the vaccines help prevent transmission?
You may remember from early coverage of coronavirus vaccines that it was unclear whether shots would reduce transmission. Now, scientists say the answer is yes — even if you’re actively shedding virus.
That’s because the vaccine creates antibodies that reduce the amount of virus entering your cells, limiting how much the virus can replicate and make you even sicker. When vaccination prevents symptoms such as coughing and sneezing, people expel fewer respiratory droplets carrying the virus. When it reduces the viral load in an infected person, people become less contagious.
That’s why Peter Hotez, a physician and co-director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, said he feels more comfortable in a crowded medical conference, where attendees are probably up to date on their vaccines, than in a crowded airport.
“By having so many vaccinated people, it’s decreasing the number of days you are shedding virus if you get a breakthrough infection, and it decreases the amount of virus you are shedding,” Hotez said.
Do vaccines prevent long covid?
While the threat of acute serious respiratory covid disease has faded, developing the lingering symptoms of “long covid” remains a concern for people who have had even mild cases. The CDC says vaccination is the “best available tool” to reduce the risk of long covid in children and adults. The exact mechanism is unclear, but experts theorize that vaccines help by reducing the severity of illness, which is a major risk factor for long covid.
When is the best time to get a new coronavirus vaccine?
It depends on your circumstances, including risk factors for severe disease, when you were last infected or vaccinated, and plans for the months ahead. It’s best to talk these issues through with a doctor.
If you are at high risk and have not recently been vaccinated or infected, you may want to get a shot as soon as possible while cases remain high. The summer wave has shown signs of peaking, but cases can still be elevated and take weeks to return to low levels. It’s hard to predict when a winter wave will begin....
Where do I find vaccines?
CVS said its expects to start administering them within days, and Walgreens said that it would start scheduling appointments to receive shots after Sept. 6 and that customers can walk in before then.
Availability at doctor’s offices might take longer. Finding shots for infants and toddlers could be more difficult because many pharmacies do not administer them and not every pediatrician’s office will stock them given low demand and limited storage space.
This year’s updated coronavirus vaccines are supposed to have a longer shelf life, which eases the financial pressures of stocking them.
The CDC plans to relaunch its vaccine locator when the new vaccines are widely available, and similar services are offered by Moderna and Pfizer."
-via The Washington Post, August 22, 2024
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avantimedia · 1 year
वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना ने साल 2019 में अपना भयानक रूप दिखाकर कई परिवारों को खत्म कर दिया था। कोरोना संक्रमण ने जहां कई बुजुर्ग माता-पिता से उनके बु़ढ़ापे की लाठी का सहारा यानी की उनके बच्चे को ही छीन लिया। तो कई घर ऐसे से जिनके छोटे बच्चे अनाथ हो गए। जिनपर बीती है वो लोग आज भी करोना नाम से खौफ खाते हैं। लेकिन ऐसे में राहत की खबर भी सामने आ रही है। जिसमें विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) ने डब्ल्यूएचओ के महानिदेशक डॉ टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस ने शुक्रवार की देर शाम कोविड-19 और वैश्विक स्वास्थ्य मुद्दों पर बातचीत करते हुए मीडिया ब्रीफिंग के दौरान घोषणा करते हुए कहा कि-  “मैं बड़ी आशा के साथ कोविड-19 के विश्व से खत्म होने की घोषणा करता हूं. हालांकि, इसका मतलब यह नहीं होगा कि विश्व पर कोविड-19 का खतरा बिल्कुल नहीं होगा।”
30 जनवरी को आपातकाल घोषित कि गई थी वैश्विक महामारी
डब्ल्यूएचओ के महानिदेशक डॉ टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस के मुताबिक हम सब जानते हैं, दुनिया भर में हजारों आज भी इस महामारी के कारण जिंदगी से जुझ रहे हैं। लाखों लोग कोविड-19 के बाद की स्थिति के प्रभावों के साथ जी रहे हैं। गौरतलब है कि डब्ल्यूएचओ द्वारा ही साल 2020 की जनवरी में Covid-19 को वैश्विक आपातकाल घोषित किया था। टेड्रोस ने कहा, 30 जनवरी 2020 को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य विनियमों के तहत अहम बैठक बुलाई थी, जिसमें आपातकालीन समिति की सलाह पर के आओधार पर ही मैंने कोविड-19 के वैश्विक प्रकोप हुए आपातकाल को घोषणा करा था। बीते 3 सालों में कोविड-19 ने हमारी दुनिया को पूरी तरह से पलट कर रख दिया है। डब्ल्यूएचओ रिपोर्ट की माने तो दुनिया में मौतों का आंकड़ा इतना ज्यादा रहा की अंतीम संस्कार और दफनाने के लिए भी जगह नहीं मिली।  
सार्वजनिक आपातकाल है अभी भी
दरअसल शुक्रवार को WHO द्वारा वैश्विक महामारी के रूप में घेषित की गई कोविड-19 महामारी अब खत्म हो गई है। एस बुरे दौर से गुजरने के बाद दुनिया में कोविड-19 से पीछे छुड़ाना बेहद ही चिंताजनक है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन WHO का कहना है कि यह अंतरराष्ट्रीय चिंता का विषय बना हुआ है। लेकिन विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने चेतावनी देते हुए कहा है कि कोविड-19 अंतरराष्ट्रीय चिंता का एक सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य आपातकाल बना हुआ है। 
क्या कहा डब्ल्यूएचओ चीफ ने?
डब्ल्यूएचओ महानिदेशक टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस का कहना है कि "कोविड-19 का खतरा अभी भी सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य पर बना हुआ है चिल न करें ...सतर्क रहें।" डब्ल्यूएचओ ने ये भी कहा है कि कोरोना महामारी अभी भी अंतरराष्ट्रीय संकट और आपात स्थिति है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने हालांकि ये भी स्वीकार किया है कि वायरस शायद एक संक्रमण बिंदु पर है, लेकिन इस संक्रमण के सावधानीपूर्वक और संभावित नकारात्मक परिणामों को कम करना जरूरी है।  
यह भी पढ़ें- 
यूपी सरकार ने निजी कृषि विवि के वीसी,निदेशक पर धर्मांतरण का हलफनामा किया दायर 
UP STF का खुलासा, विदेशों से मंगवाएं थे माफिया मुख्तार अंसारी के बेटे ने आर्म्स
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Did Raccoon Dogs Cause Covid-19? What the New Genetic Reports Really Tell Us New analysis of genetic sequences collected at the outset of the pandemic connects raccoon dogs as a possible vector of Covid-19 to humans. https://www.inverse.com/science/raccoon-dogs-covid-19
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
WHO calls on China to be transparent in sharing data to determine Covid's origins
The WHO has criticised China for withholding data related to samples taken at a market in Wuhan in 2020 that could have provided vital information about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins, calling on Beijing to be transparent and to share results of investigations it conducts. The Huanan market in central China’s Wuhan city was the epicentre of the pandemic. From its origin there, the SARS-CoV-2…
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srilanka1234 · 2 years
China says restrictions on its travellers abroad discriminatory: Warns countermeasures
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factifiedblog · 2 years
scarlet fever : This fever caused havoc in Britian with corona, 19 children died so far
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gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
China Covid News: चीन में लगा लाशों का अंबार पर अभी नहीं थमने वाली कोरोना की तबाही, तीन नई लहरों से नए साल में मंजर होगा दर्दनाक!
China Covid News: चीन में लगा लाशों का अंबार पर अभी नहीं थमने वाली कोरोना की तबाही, तीन नई लहरों से नए साल में मंजर होगा दर्दनाक!
हाइलाइट्स चीनीी अस्‍पताल कोविड-19 के मरीजों से भरे हुए हैं और लाशों का अंबार लगा है कुछ दिनों में देश में कोविड की तीन नई लहर आने वाली हैं इन लहरों की वजह से देश का पूरा हेल्‍थ सिस्‍टम टूट सकता है बीजिंग: चीन में विरोध प्रदर्शनों के बाद राष्‍ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग ने लॉकडाउन को हटाने और जीरो कोविड नीति में ढील देने का फैसला किया था। इसके बाद देश में स्थितियां बेकाबू हो गई हैं। अस्‍पताल कोविड-19 के…
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Alarm bells ring in Japan as experts warn of fast-spreading new Covid variant KP. 3 - Published July 19, 2024
Paywalled at the South China Morning Post: Unpaywalled by Covidsafehotties.
The country reported a 39 per cent week-on-week surge in infections from July 1 to 7, with Okinawa the hardest hit
Japan is grappling with a new and highly contagious coronavirus variant that is fuelling the country’s 11th wave of Covid-19 infections, health experts warn. The KP. 3 variant is spreading rapidly, even among those who are vaccinated or have recovered from previous infections, according to Kazuhiro Tateda, president of the Japan Association of Infectious Diseases.
“It is, unfortunately, the nature of the virus to become more resilient and resistant each time it changes into a different form,” Tateda told This Week in Asia. “People lose their immunity quite quickly after being vaccinated, so they have little or no resistance.”
Tateda, who sits on Japan’s advisory panel formed at the start of the pandemic, said the coming weeks will be critical as authorities monitor the variant’s spread and impact.
While hospitals have reported a sharp uptick in Covid-19 admissions, Tateda said he is “relieved that not many of these cases are severe”. Typical symptoms of the KP. 3 variant include high fever, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, headaches, and fatigue.
According to the health ministry, medical facilities across Japan logged a 1.39-fold – or 39 per cent – increase in infections from July 1 to 7, compared to the previous week.
Okinawa prefecture has been the hardest hit by the new strain of the virus, with hospitals reporting an average of nearly 30 infections per days. The KP. 3 variant has accounted for more than 90 per cent of Covid-19 cases nationwide, the Fuji News Network reported, leading to renewed concerns about bed shortages at medical facilities.
Since Japan’s first detected Covid-19 case in early 2020 involving a man who returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan, East Asian nation has recorded a total of 34 million infections and around 75,000 related deaths. The country’s Covid-19 caseload peaked on August 5, 2022, when more than 253,000 people were receiving treatment.
Japan’s uptick in cases coincides with similar increases being observed globally. In the US, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 23.5 per cent week-over-week rise in the number of people visiting hospitals with Covid-19 symptoms during the week ending July 6.
High-profile US.figures such as President Joe Biden and Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice-President Kamala Harris, have recently tested positive and gone into isolation. Meanwhile, several riders in the ongoing Tour de France cycling race have also returned positive test results.
Experts say it is too early to determine the full impact of the new variant on Japanese businesses or cross-border activities like travel. Precautionary measures are already in place at the country’s air and seaports to monitor the health of incoming arrivals. However, the global spike in cases may deter some Japanese from venturing abroad this summer.
A recent survey by Nippon Life insurance found that just 3.2 per cent of Japanese plan to travel abroad in the coming months, which is likely to depress annual travel figures once again. In 2023, Japan saw 9.62 million outbound travellers, a recovery after three years of extremely low pandemic-era numbers, but still far below the 20.01 million outbound travellers recorded in 2019.
Despite the latest surge, infectious disease expert Tateda insists there is no need for panic in Japan. However, he emphasised the importance of following precautions implemented during the pandemic’s peak, such as mask-wearing in public, handwashing, and social distancing.
Tateda also stressed that anyone testing positive should immediately isolate themselves.
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darkmaga-retard · 12 days
A Big Pharma insider has warned that the new batch of COVID-19 vaccines being pushed on the public contain ‘super strength’ sterilization chemicals that are designed to deliberately serialize 70 percent of recipients.
Prof. Sir John Bell, a prominent figure in the development of the University of Oxford‘s coronavirus (COVID-19) jab, let slip recently the fact that the school’s latest COVID jab is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of those who take it.
Naturalnews.com reports: In a recent interview about the new shot, Sir John, who teaches medicine at Oxford, seemed to suggest that one of the goals behind these injections is to mass sterilize the planet under the guise of protecting public health against the “COVID virus.”
“These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population,” Sir John said with seeming disappointment during the interview.
“They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70 percent. We’ll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully to make sure that it’s done what we need it to do before it gets approved.”
A clinical trial for the shot is still ongoing and Sir John says there will be a “delay” between when the results are in and when regulators give the shot the green light for public release.
Sir John was barely able to complete his sentence before the interviewer cut him off, apparently to keep him quiet from revealing any further incriminating information about the new Oxford shot.
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willowreader · 3 months
This was in main stream media 4 years ago. It seems nobody cared.
Stroke surge
"Reports of strokes in the young and middle-aged — not just at Mount Sinai, but also in many other hospitals in communities hit hard by the novel coronavirus — are the latest twist in our evolving understanding of the disease it causes. The numbers of those affected are small but nonetheless remarkable because they challenge how doctors understand the virus. Even as it has infected nearly 2.8 million people worldwide and killed about 195,000 as of Friday, its biological mechanisms continue to elude top scientific minds. Once thought to be a pathogen that primarily attacks the lungs, it has turned out to be a much more formidable foe — impacting nearly every major organ system in the body."
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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This Type of Intermittent Fasting May Protect Your Heart Against Covid-19 New research found patients infected with Covid-19 and with a previous history of heart issues were protected from the worst heart complications of the disease. https://www.inverse.com/health/intermittent-fasting-may-protect-your-heart-against-covid-19
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