#coronation is another mythic thing
ewanmitchelll · 9 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (X): Long Live.
Imagine you are transported to the past… instants before the legendary battle between Aemond and his uncle Daemon Targaryen occurs. What will you do? Part I.
Warnings: drama, angst, smut—fluff; loosely based on “Outlander”.
Warnings 2: alternative universe concerning the end of “GOT”’s season 8 where Daenerys lives and Jon Snow never killed her, with a more modern take.
Warnings 3: long post.
• Current days.
With the war coming to an end and the recent coronation of Queen Daenerys, your life has finally returned to what it used to be… before the threat of the Others, when you were forced to flee from Winterfell to go down South and live with your uncle and aunt all the whilst the rest of your family decided to move to Sunspear, in Dorne.
You start a new life at King’s Landing, taking a course at the Westerosi University, making new friends and even finding a few dates for yourself.
“We should definitely head to Aegon’s Hill”, your friend Margaery says. “There’s a very mystical place, abandoned after the Usurper fell”, she adds in reference to Cersei Lannister’s death by treason.
You hesitate, but what’s there to lose? Security has been restored thanks to the joint efforts of Queen Daenerys and her King Consort, Jaehaerys II after years of civil war plus the madness coming from the north.
“We should celebrate there”, another friend named Lyna adds.
And that is how it all begins. But who could tell what was going to happen?
In the first hours of the morning next you, already dressed in red, black stripes pants and a white, winter like blouse, get your fundamental things in your backpack with an adventure feeling you cannot get rid off.
“And here we go”, you mumble to yourself after getting some coffee.
You hear the sound of a “beeeee”, and you know it’s Margery on the car. You wave a quick goodbye from your aunt and uncle before dropping into it.
“Don’t get yourself too late at home!”, you hear your aunt yelling over her shoulder.
You laugh quietly before yelling back:
“When have I ever failed you?”
And so you are driven all the way to Aegon’s hill, singing a random song seconded by your girl friends.
“I feel so excited about going there”, you, usually the quiet one, find yourself chatty this morning. Is the coffee the cause of it? Maybe. “I was reading about it and rumour has it there are a few enchantments surrounding the stone blocks that remain still.”
“You can’t honestly believe this shit”, Lyna reclines back the backseat and gives you a look. “It’s all mythical. Stories tell us that that hill received the Conqueror’s name because that was where he flew with the great Balerion.”
“But before his arrival there used to be the spot of ancient religions that turned such spot one very meaningful for their practices and all. Aegon himself kept it, aware of its importance”, you honestly don’t know what’s with you, but part of you likes the mysterious aura that place has.
“There is also a legend dated from the days of the Blackfyre rebellion that if you are not careful enough you can be tossed into the past”, says Margaery.
“How past that is, one wonders”, Lyna muses, eventually taking in the idea.
“That depends. The three eyed crow could tell… but it’s been said the man was killed by the Night King.”
You tilt your head as if pondering what the girls are talking about.
“I still can’t believe he died during the war”, you muse out loud.
“He sacrificed for the realm. Apparently he always knew that.”
No one dares to say anything. The Great War is still a sensitive topic to many and your group isn’t an exception to it. Eventually, however, you manage to get to the hill.
It’s large and surrounded by very ancient stones indeed. The beauty in its mysticism makes all the more alluring to you. Something so captivating calls you and, distracted, as if you have been hypnotized, you attend it.
In baby steps you walk, ignoring the bubbling of your friends. A soft hymn, as if played by a harp, is heard.
“Do you hear this, girls?”, you turn at them, missing the mist that rises from nowhere.
But they seem unable to hear you. You try to reach them, especially when the sound of an earthquake scares the hell out of you. You grip tightly the stone, or try to, but it’s when everything spins and you scream.
When your friends turn at you, you are no longer there.
• Days of War
I said remember this moment in the back of my mind. The time we stood with our shaking hands. The crowds in stands went wild…
A thunder scratches through the black clouds, roaring it violently. It only announces bad omens. Men paint the soil with their blood in red all the whilst dragons rip skies in cursed fighting.
As it starts to rain, Aemond Targaryen prepares to fight his bitter enemy, confident that he will bring victory to his side. Rhaenyra has been suffering with many losses, betrayals, no one believes her cause anymore.
Dressed in dark green leather, he doesn’t mind the rain that soaks his long silver hair. A twisted, evil smirk is seen as he rests his hand over his sword sheath.
“And here we go, Vhagar”, he mumbles when climbing Aegon’s hill where his dragon, the legendary beast that followed Balerion and Meraxes in the conquest of Westeros many moons ago, awaits.
But it’s precisely when seeing Vhagar agitated and spitting fire that has Aemond startled. What could be the cause of its state? He is ready to run to it when he sees… you.
A scared woman in what he judges to be in her mid 20’s has just tumbled before him. Dressing in strange clothes, your hair is soaked and you shake. You are bloody scared, he can tell, and in other circumstances he’d shoo you away.
However, you not only possess strange objects he’d never seen, but something else that captures his attention. And when you see who’s the man that stands right before you… you remember your history lessons.
And you scream.
Right before you pass out.
“What the fuck?”, Aemond breathes heavily, wide eyed gazing at you. Part of him tells to leave you there, but another cannot. Curiosity takes the best so he forgets the battle for now and carries you with him. “Vhagar, it appears we are delaying the freaking encounter this day. For now.”
Not in the best of the moods, he is, however, intrigued by you. As he flies with you to his secretive spot—away from Alys, he keeps it in mind—, he wonders about your whereabouts and why you dress such unusual clothing. And what’s this object you carry behind your back? A product of witchcraft perhaps?
He narrows his eyes, suspiciously so. But in the midst of this long term war, one thing is for sure: you have brought him back the inquisitiveness that he’s long lost…
When you open your eyes, it takes you a few minutes to realize where you are… and when realizing that your clothes are changed, you are forced to acknowledge that whatever happened the day before was not a dream.
You begin to panic when you see your surroundings. You are in a large, comfortable bed with lamb skin made blankets over your frame. The furniture is not as modern as the one your aunt has in her household.
You swallow hard, scanning still your eyes s modest desk, and a simple window. All of this makes you miss the discreet presence of Lord Aemond, who’d been watching you from the side of the chamber you haven’t noticed yet.
“I wonder the cause behind your astonishment”, his husky voice breaks the silence in such a powerful way that you nearly jump out of the bed, which makes the prince amused.
Never before had you stood a royal before, even if this man is not the kindest of his station. You force yourself to remember your history lessons and behave in the most natural way possible.
Therefore you stand and dip into what you judge a careful curtsy. Aemond’s eyebrows are raised, arms folded. But he is no fool.
“You are not from here”, he continues. “Who are you? A very weird spy sent by my dear sister to distract me?”
In other circumstances you’d have laughed out loud. But you are too frightened to do that. Aemond sees you are shaking, a clear sign of fear.
“Well? Has the cat eaten your tongue, my lady?”, he sighs heavily, not the most patient of men.
“I… No, lord. I am not”, never before you’ve been thankful for learning the ways of nobility, aware few of the etiquette has altered in the course of centuries. “I… I am not your sister’s partisan.”
Aemond can tell you speak the truth, but he approaches you, shortening the distance between you two. Then he shows you your backpack and all the things there are still inside.
“What are these then? Are you a witch, lady? Has my sister bought you so you could use such witchcraft against us, against me?”
Part of you finds ridiculous how this is going. Another is trying not to laugh at the face of danger. The reasonable self there is still in you prevails by masking your sentiments, reminding that you need to conquer this man’s trust if you want to go back home.
“If I tell you, lord, you will not believe me”, you opt for the truth. If the prince has long decided to burn you, then what does it matter?
Aemond is surprised by the moment you lift your eyes. Something about your gaze shakes his heart, as if bringing the tempest within. He ignores the shiver that now runs over his spine.
“Try me”, he commmands you to.
“I must have your word that you shall not burn me.”
The prince side smirks at you.
“Do I have the reputation of slaying ladies or sending them to death? Believe me, my lady, my mistress has been associated with dark magic and here I stand.”
Without thinking twice, though, the following words roll out of your tongue:
“But you are renowned as the kinslayer. That speaks for itself.” It’s only then you know you’ve angered the prince. Shit. “I’m sorry, lord.”
“You are my prisoner”, Aemond snaps back at you. “Bear in mind you need my favour if you have any love for your life.”
Your eyes are puddled with tears. Once too proud, you slide to your knees and beg him for your life.
“Lord, I’ve been a victim of witchcraft. I’ve been casted here, that is the truth and only truth. I come from the future and there is where I belong. I’ve never meant to stay in your way. I beg you to spare me, we have no cause for otherwise.”
Aemond’s good eye is slightly wide. He can tell, being a good observer, that you are not lying even if his reason cannot conceive it. On the other hand, what surprises him more is the way you are begging him. He’d taken you as a proud woman. The scene now disconcerts him.
“I must depart. I am needed and…”
You know you should not meddle in the past, aware of the consequences. This is a bad reputed prince, the chronicles helped making you dislike him greatly. However, you depend on him in going back to Aegon’s Hill. Therefore…
“Don’t go. You will die.”
Aemond’s eyebrows raise epically.
“What? Listen to me, young lady. Whomever you may be, sent by my sister or not, you shall better hold your tongue.”
Oh this couldn’t go any worse, could it? You sigh heavily.
“And then what? I need you, lord, to find my way back home. If you die today, I’ll be stuck in here for good.”
“Perhaps then I should have left you to Alys.”
“No!”, something about your cry scares the untamed prince. “Lord, please. I…”
A moment of silence. Neither could believe in what is going right before their eyes. You, stuck in the middle of another war; him, in the presence of what he judges to be a product of witchcraft.
“How should I address my lady?” Aemond opts to begin again.
And when you soften, so does he.
“Y/N, lord.”
“Y/N, I am Aemond Targaryen. Looks like there’s so much to catch on…”
To change the fate of Westeros, he stays.
The night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same. You held your head like a hero on a history book page. It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age.
Aemond’s good eye studies you as you eat like you haven’t been fed for ages. Your hair is still hanging lose behind your back and you are still wearing a pair of delicate earrings he’d never seen before, but all else makes you look like a woman of his own times.
“So the enchantments of Aegon’s Hill are true”, he muses, breaking the silence as he takes a sip of his wine.
“They are, lord.”
“But never heard of a case where they had… succeeded, in fact.” He tilts his head. “What proof can you give me you are actually from there?”
“My objects aren’t proof enough?”
This silences the prince for now.
“I do not think wise to meddle in these events”, you say in turn. “Lord knows what that’d be like for my own days.”
Aemond is intrigued as he watches you pale. Then curiosity knocks his pride out.
“What’s like? The future?”
You wonder if you should tell him. As if he reads you, Aemond adds:
“Eventually I die. I am not asking you how. But your days, lady, I want to know. How better are they from mine?”
Sadness sparks behind your y/c eyes, a sight that inspires sympathy on him.
“Worse, I dare say. I was first raised in a long civil war. And then… another came, worse still. I really have no words to put it.”
“I cannot conceive a war worst than civil war”, says Aemond. “But another civil war bled Westeros?”
“Yes”, you try not to speak too much.
“Fuck”, Aemond grumbles under his breath. “All of this… for nothing?”
Not knowing what to say, you choose silence. And not knowing how to react, Aemond breathes in frustration. He decides to leave you.
And you end up that evening alone. But early next morning, Aemond, too intrigued with your presence to remember to fight his enemies, paces anxiously around the castle. He must know, he needs to know. And when waiting becomes unbearable, you show up.
Dressed in a blue velvet gown, you look properly like a lady of these times even though you cannot mask well your discomfort. Aemond’s own thoughts disappear before the sight of you, feeling so lost, so… out of place.
“My lady”, he doesn’t admit how taken aback he is by your beauty. “I pray you have slept better this night.”
“Not really, I’m afraid”, and your red eyes are a clear sign of how you actually spent your night. Aemond frowns at that, preoccupied. “I shall make my mission taking you home… after the battle that awaits me.”
You should not care, but you feel disconcerted by his presence. The way he looks at you says all.
“I cannot convince you otherwise”, you sigh. “Can you at least leave me at Aegon’s Hill, though?”
A request that defies your sanity, you know well. One that poses your boldly despair very clear. But you are now a survivor struggling to live in such a strange world.
However, Aemond is not willing to let go easily of you. Inspired by mixed feelings, he says:
“You are my prisoner now, remember? I shall keep your secret”, he approaches you slow, shortening the distance between the two of you. “Just tell me how to beat my uncle, how to win this war.”
“Oh Lords”, you find support in the wall. “What kind of question is that? In one moment you…”
“Just tell me!”, Aemond cuts you, rather impatiently.
“I cannot! Lord, if I do, the world I know my disappear.”
He realizes the dilemma you are. Confused by all of this mess, Aemond hesitates.
“Just stay here until I come back.”
Without waiting for any response, there he leaves you, but not to fight Daemon Targaryen. Not now. And you weep because this is all you can do for now.
You try to leave the castle, disguised as a peasant, but your plan comes to fail when Aemond comes back and from above, he spots a strange figure running through the woods.
Now here you are, a prisoner again. This time the prince is in a better mood.
“You are really trying to get away of me. In other circumstances, I’d be mad at you for this bluntness”, he muses, offering you wine as you sit in front of the fireplace.
You shoot him a glare, not saying anything.
“What am I to you but a toy so you can play?” Desperation hits a different tone and before you know you burst into tears, swiping away his mug smirk.
After a while, Aemond comes to his senses. He reluctantly takes your hand and when both of you see fingers intertwining, a different heat seems to rise.
“I lament profoundly to cause you pain, lady Y/N”, says he. “But this is who I am. Shouldn’t you know that?”
“I believed in other men’s judgement where you are concerned, but now…”
“Now what?”, he asks, somewhat anxious.
“Now I know in the hard way we should be better than be led by prejudices.”
Aemond leans back in his chair, thoughtful. You realize he doesn’t let go of your hand.
“Wise words, lady Y/N.” And then he muses. “I died, didn’t I? We lost this war, didn’t we?”
You avoid his gaze, opting for silence. But your silence screams unspoken words that reach the Prince’s heart. And he sighs, in between melancholy and resignation.
The following days you are not entitled as the lord Aemond’s prisoner any longer. Showing some colours in the horizon, hope stands as he presents you as the illegitimate daughter of some nobleman loyal to the green house who’d been deceased in the previous battles.
With a more convincing background, you are better instructed by maids of his trust in the manners of the times. Soon, you are offered a place to serve Queen Helaena.
It’s when you remember that droll tragedy.
“Oh no!”
Aemond raises his eye at you.
“What makes you deny this privilege any lady would kill to earn?”
You blush.
“I mean to say…”, you struggle with words, “I am unfit for such a position.”
“Allow me to disagree with you”, Aemond smiles and suddenly the view pleases your heart very much. “There shall be a ball on behalf of my sister’s birthday this weekend.”
“Will we dance?”, you blurt it out before you realize.
Aemond’s cheeks go pink at your spontaneity.
“Dance, you say”, he muses thoughtfully. “I am no dancer, my lady.”
“We are performers in life. Therefore anyone can be a dancer.”
“Quite a wit you possess”, says he in reluctant admittance. “Very well. If it pleases my lady…”
One smile is enough to turn tables.
“It does.”
And a new fate is sealed.
“It doesn’t feel like you are an outsider”, so mumbles Aemond to you alone as you two dance amidst courtiers.
It’s a sweet melody, cheerful somewhat in its beat, certainly bringing many presents a smile on their faces. The Dowager Queen looks pleased and delighted, entertained by her twins. One look at them and you are remembered by the upcoming events.
Oh, the burden of knowing too much. You swallow the bitter thought as you dance with the rogue prince. Earlier the Queen, who had welcomed you in the merriest of the moods, had said no one but a traveler could bring a man as her brother to dance. Her remark, not taken seriously by many, did manage to leave you uncomfortable. After all, you forgot that she had the Targaryen ability of possessing dreams.
“How come?”, you inquire, and it doesn’t take long before your gaze meets his.
He doesn’t strike you as the villain.
“You fit here just fine”, Aemond whispers in response.
As you twirl, hands barely touching his, you feel you are about to fall right into the trap.
“Do you think so?” And then you flash him a mischievous smirk. “Who’d ever thought we could get along?”
“Who, indeed?”
And then the dance comes to an end. Aemond takes your hand and bows, as you curtsy. But when he presses his lips against your skin, your heart races.
It appears you found your hero, after all.
Long live the walls we crashed through, how the kingdom lights shined just for me and you. I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made” and bring on all the pretenders. One day we will be remembered…
It’s late night. Aemond’s thoughts are only on the strange woman who was tossed out of time and space to go straight to the core of the civil war that will be known in posterity as dance of dragons.
He’s been so captivated that he’s long forsaken Mistress Rivers and his obsession in defeating his sworn enemy, his own uncle Daemon Targaryen. Therefore he decides to go after you. Covered by the shadows of night with only the guidance of faint candlelights, he soon finds your bedchambers.
There is hesitation at first. His own thoughts are confused, his heart hammers in silent agony. There is half hope, half atonement in his heart beat.
Nevertheless, he came too far to stop now. So he knocks at long last.
There is no answer at first. And then…
“My lord Aemond”, you are surprised to find him on the other side of the door. “You shouldn’t be here.”
Despite the admonishment in your words, he can tell there is amusement in your eyes.
“Aye. But I couldn’t find myself able to sleep. And neither could you.”
A faint blush paints your cheeks, earning him his typical smirk.
“I wonder if the same thought has been the cause of our restless nights”, he begins, eyeing you up and down, much to your discomfort.
Dressed in your long white nightgown with your hair down in your back, you look as ethereal as your background. There is beauty, but there is also something unknown in your aura. There is a connection between you two.
And you, on the other hand, are more than familiar with the rules of those days you are now inserted. However, are you able to resist this man?
You wait, though. Maybe you’ve figured this out in the wrong way?
“Your silence mortifies me, lady”, Aemond sighs impatiently. “Is this not evidence enough of how I came to love you?”
Your eyes go wide and you almost drop the candle you’ve been holding.
“Aemond… I am hardly the most appropriate woman for you.”
“Titles and lands are nothing for me”, he responds anxiously.
It’s when he takes your free hand into his, locking fingers at last. To feel his warm skin against yours, colder by comparison, gives goosebumps and small shocks as a result. You fear that you are about to lose your control.
He steps forward, saying nothing until he closes the door behind him and puts the candle somewhere safe. Only then he holds you against him and finally kisses you like you’ve never been kissed.
And indeed you have never experienced the firm grasp of a man, the decisions of one confident who knows what he wants. You could have never imagined that one of the kind exists and could desire you this much.
Worse perhaps is to discover how long you’ve been dreaming about this. As his lips clash into yours, your morals die unheard. You let him reclaim you, shuddering under his intense grip, his burning touch.
Before you could do anything, though, Aemond lies you on your bed, lifting your skirts to your waist and then…
“Oh, Lord!”, you whimper out loud. “Aemond…!”
This is certainly the best experience you’ve had. And so easily your legs get heavy, that heat comes down your belly and you… burn.
You want to pull him over you, but the messy prince flashes you a side smirk, dropping by your side.
“Do you honestly believe I shall deflower my lady in a most ungallant manner?”, he chuckles as he watches you frown in frustration.
You raise your eyebrows. You hesitate in whether telling him about your previous experiences. Unwise it may be to be honest, but worse is to ignore your conscience’s voice.
“My prince, as much as I appreciate your kindness and respect to me…”
He furrows his eyebrows.
“In my days these matters have changed significantly”, and then you are quick to add. “It doesn’t mean I’ve had plenty of others, though.”
You give up justifying yourself when you watch Aemond struggle with comprehending your point. Eventually, however, he cedes the battle and says:
“I am not an example of morality, I suppose. Even so I stand what I said.”
Your face lightens up.
“You cannot honestly mean…”
“…that I intend to espouse you?”, Aemond scoffs. “Of course I do. It’s a better way to protect you, by the way. These are trying times, my lady.”
That being said, you cuddle onto him, forgetting completely there is a bloody civil war outside and that you are not studying the period anymore, but living it at its fullest.
It is often remarked how to achieve peace one must be prepared for war. And in war, few are familiar with good sense.
Whatever are your thoughts about it, your first taste of tragedy comes in the form of revenge. You are just going back from a stroll outdoors at the gardens when screams get at you.
As you rush to the indoors, you are prevented by Aemond.
“You should be better left out of this. Let me resolve it.”
“No”, you protest. “Aemond, I…”
But he isn’t listening. He leaves you there, as if you are a ghost haunting the castle. Your eyes start to get teary as you realize what part all of this is about.
You cover your ears as the screams continue endlessly, echoing in a kind of pain that you’ve been familiar once. The sounds awake old traumas, opening wounds long thought to be healed.
You can’t stay in there. Useless you feel, therefore you motion outdoors. All you do is walk. Perhaps this is the better time to go to Aegon’s Hill. You want to go home, you don’t want to spend any more time there…
However, once you do, you are prevented from doing so by Aemond. The rogue prince, paled with angst, is perplexed at the thought of you gone. Despaired, he comes after you, thankfully not needing to reach Vhagar for that purpose.
“I cannot stay here”, you tell him, body shaking in evident signs of trauma. “Please, take me home.”
“Please! I don’t belong here, Aemond!”
“Yes, you do. You belong with me”, he cups your cheeks and then reading your eyes, he denudes your soul, almost if by chance he has a glimpse of the future through you. “Whatever happened there… and whatever happened here are not who you are. Listen to me, Y/N. It’s you and I against the world. I am honestly sorry these are the circumstances we are now in, but we must be brave.”
There are so many words but none leaves your mouth. Aemond embraces you, rocking you in his arms.
“You already knew what was going to happen”, he is not asking a question. “But this is not the reaction one might’ve expected. You are also a survivor… of war. Bloody seven hells, Y/N. I’m very sorry, my lady.”
You melt in his embrace, sobbing as the nightmare of leaving everything behind in the midst of panic and fear strikes you again. You’ve never seen yourself as a survivor, until now.
“Come inside”, he asks you gently. “Don’t go now. Please.”
Never before he was seen vulnerable, but then again so are you. It had been a while since your wounds were so crudely open, left to bleed in such a painful manner. You’d think you overcame it, but not entirely as you’d like to believe.
Here you are, however, comforted by this character whom you were taught to hate all thanks to the chroniclers that registered his bad deeds. Although he may have done such, and you won’t find excuse for his bad reputation, he’s so much more than that, than words written by thirds.
He’s your prince. He’s your hero and you shall not think anymore of it.
After these dark days are gone, sun rises in paradise again. Aemond invites you to fly Vhagar with him.
The decision comes after Rhaenyra and her husband Daemon are put off the show for now. The greens hold victory for now, and even you forget the upcoming events.
“I cannot fly her!”, you shake at the thought. “Do you want to see me dead?”
Aemond laughs heartily and the sound of it melts your heart and soothes your mind. He twirls you around him before holding you against his chest.
“Do you trust in me so little that I’d let you slip so easily?”
You giggle.
“I am just not a brave woman you might expect me to be”, so you say, drowning in that good purple eye.
“Oh, dearest. You are a lot braver than you’d judge.”
Saying so, he kisses you on the lips, and you save his taste as you gladly return it.
I said remember this feeling. I passed the pictures around of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines wishing for right now. We are the kings and the queens. You traded your baseball cap for a crown
You cast him a long loving glance as the prince holds your hand, giving you side smirk before leading the way to Vhagar. This ancient beast, a companion to the Westerosi conquest two other Valyrian dragons, seems to read you the moment your gazes meet.
A sight too frightening to behold, one you’ve seen before the moment you were tossed in this time and space. You recollect the fear that shook your bones and froze your reason and this seems to happen again.
“Don’t be afraid. She knows you are with me”, says Aemond in a nonchalant manner.
You nod your head, but Aemond feels your body shaking. He gently pulls you against him and in a matter of seconds you are suddenly mounting that legendary creature.
“Holy cow!”, you scream.
The silver haired prince laughs quietly, before whispering the words in Valyrian to Vhagar start to fly.
“Calm down, love. Don’t be fearful, it’s worse if you do.”
“I am no dragon rider, Aemond”, you snap at him, eyes going wide as Vhagar begins to rise higher, flying in an incredible speed—fast enough according to your judgement and lack of experience where dragons are concerned, not entirely fast when comparing Vhagar to younger dragons like Caraxes, for example.
But all Aemond does is laugh away your fears. He takes your hands, holding them as he shows he’s commanding the situation. Despite your fears, the adrenaline comes at it and so suddenly you are flying higher than getting an airplane to Dorne.
The silver haired finds adorable the way you trust him, holding onto him as if your life depends on him. But he knows you are overcoming a fear of heights and this only grows his admiration of you.
Eventually though, as if Vhagar is sensing your fear, she slows down and only then she settles in a pace that doesn’t fight you. It’s when you risk patting her back, stroking your delicate fingers over the asperity of the creature’s skin.
“Remember this feeling”, he whispers in your ear. “This is what freedom is like. This is what it means to never let anyone hold the reins of your life.”
“I see the lights of Westeros shining for us”, you don’t even know what you are thinking, but these words seem to make sense for you.
“They are”, Aemond spots the fire pits in towers where orange flames wipe away the fog that instaure that evening. “But you shine the brighter, my dear.”
You blush violently at his words. Never before you felt so loved and understood. Slightly turning your head, and locking gazes with him, you tell this silver haired prince open words regarding your heart.
“I love you, Aemond. Truthfully, I do. I only shine brighter because of you.”
His wide gaze shows no emotion, perhaps skeptical about the genuine feeling you put in them. But Aemond knows you are sincere and this moves him more than he admits.
Locking his arms around you, he kisses you before saying:
“I love you.”
And this is enough for you.
You are married in secrecy to a man whom history despises being the kinslayed. His vices are listed perpetually in dust parchments, used as propaganda to disperse any honesty there might’ve colored the shades of the green party that ruled Westeros for a short period of time.
But you see his virtues that no chronicler bothered to see and those overcome the former in a colorful prism of human being.
Daeron Targaryen, his younger brother, is the only witness of the ceremony.
“Welcome to the family, my lady Y/N. In other circumstances, this would be a merry and most favorable occasion.”
“My brother, this matters little. I appreciate the warm wishes, though, and I bet better days are about to come.”
Aemond is pleased to see how well you and his family get along. When one lives history, easily it is to forget it. And so it goes.
When you are taken to his privy chambers, who’d think this was when history is about to change?
“You look so beautiful. Astonishingly so.”
“You make sparks fly”, you smile at him, taken by handsomeness, hands stroking his long silver hair before holding his face. “I adore you, my prince.”
It starts slowly. Your tongue pairs perfectly with his, in one same passionate rhythm. Only then impatience rises when the heat begins to burn.
Your hands start to undress him, automatically moving down to his leather pants.
“Let me show you my devotion”, you break the kiss to whisper in his ear.
Aemond hisses under his breath, eyes closed as he already reacts to your caresses. Your lips leave traces of warm kisses from his neck to his shoulders, going down to his belly and then… you kneel to say your prayers.
But he is now devouring you like a hungry man, starving for your soul. His lips on your nipples do wonderfulness. You roll your eyes, moaning softly as your hands play with his hair.
When his skillful fingers find way to your core, you know you are lost. Aemond smirks at how loud you can be, this arousing him further.
“Hmm, my darling”, he raises to meet your mouth, clashing it in a fervent kiss, therefore muffling your lustful cries.
And right as you come undone, he doesn’t wait any longer. Sliding right inside you, you open your eyes, somewhat pleasantly surprised by his intensity.
He could not tell whether you are moaning or complaining.
“Yes?”, he groans as starts to move inside you.
“You… are… so… fucking good!”
The prince laughs at your cursing.
“My lady, watch your tongue”, says he in such a malicious way that you feel you could come undone right now.
“Aemond, you devil”, you whimper, legs locked as you begin to move as one.
He smiles down at you, holding your hands above your head. As you kiss, you meet a heavenly bliss.
War, however, comes back in unsafe and soundly steps. You, merged in domestic happiness, allowed yourself to forget that in great delights await greater sorrows.
Thirty days after your marriage, to your surprise you find yourself conceived. You want to tell him in the ways your prince likes: flying Vhagar. By now you and this ancient beast have somehow gotten used to each other’s presence.
“May we fly together this evening, husband?”, you ask him, trying not to sound too eager.
Aemond somehow senses you are different. But he cannot tell what exactly is.
“For someone who feared Vhagar, you’ve become quite a dragonrider.”
This day you are breaking fast with your husband’s family, now pleasantly aware of your secret matrimony, notwithstanding Ser Otto’s initial disapproval.
You giggle quietly.
“That is what marrying to you means, is it not?”
Aemond laughs quietly.
“Why, my darling, I could never refuse you anything.”
“Just be mindful you two”, muses the Dowager Queen Alicent, distracted. “It’s cloudy today.”
May these memories break our fall. Will you take a moment? Promise me this. That you'll stand by me forever. But if, God forbid, fate should step in and force us into a goodbye, if you have children someday when they point to the pictures. Please tell them my name. Tell them how the crowds went wild. Tell them how I hope they shine…
How could you know what was about to happen then? You are excited to share the news, believing this is the best scenario you could’ve pictured.
Dressed in proper robes, you follow Aemond excitedly and when greeting Aemond with your characteristically sweetness, he snorts and says:
“Who could’ve known we’d come to this? You turned my dragon war in domesticated dog, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes at his teasing.
“Don’t be silly, Aemond. She needs love and caring like every animal”, you smile. “As well as respect.”
“I wonder at times if you are real.”
You turn your head slightly at him as you two prepare to ride.
“Why wouldn’t I be, my love? You are my husband, or am I mistaken? Have you been with Mistress Rivers ag…”
He interrupts you by kissing you passionately. And right there Vhagar roars through the air. You feel as if you’ve been electrified. And the look in your face awakes the best of him.
“I love you, woman.”
But every happiness dies when skies grow darker and Vhagar’s roar sounds different. Aemond frowns his eyebrows.
“Shit. There’s something wrong”, he is quickly alert.
You, focused in telling him about your state, begin to grow afflicted when remembering that that battle between him and Daemon Targaryen didn’t happen the way it should.
You interfered.
“Aemond, honey…”
Wind blows colder, it announces storm. He begins to drive Vhagar lower, flying higher as darkness sweeps away the last rays of light. You try not to panic, but by the looks on your prince, you are promptly a victim to it.
“I’ve ruined everything. I shouldn’t be here. I messed all.”
“Don’t say that”, Aemond doesn’t have a clue of what you are trying to say, but he is already familiar with your background to prevent your insecurity to meddle in it. “You have been the best thing to happen to me…”
Before you have the time to answer him, a different roar echoes through the thundering clouds.
You know where it comes from. You know the one behind him.
And you are at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
“Nothing will happen to you, this I swear”, but then he adds, without looking at you. “If, however, something happens to me…”
He continues as if you hadn’t protested.
“…never forget how you turned me into a better man. I am unworthy of the Seven Heavens, but I tasted a bit of sacred forgiveness when you loved me. You redeemed me of my sins, my lady, even when I was a miserable. Move on as you should. But never forget me. Or us.”
“Aemond!”, you cry because you remember the result of this battle, and worse is now the effect of his words. “I love you!”
There is so much to be said, but you cannot. Time steals you from him. As Aemond and Daemon faces each other, the prince tries to find a way to save you.
However, no dragon flees from battle. But because Caraxes is faster, it soon attacks Vhagar. It’s right here that, above Aegon’s hill, every shadow eclipses the sun.
It’s right here that in midst of it all, you fall. It happens too fast. Aemond is trying to fly away, but Vhagar doesn’t obey him again. It soon responds Daemon’s Caraxes offense with another.
But when Vhagar gets bitten in the neck, the ancient dragon loses balance for a moment and right here a storm wind knocks you out.
Aemond screams, trying to save you, but you refuse to be saved. You are still in tears, judging to see him attacked by Daemon when the spells of time engulf you.
‘These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die like fire and powder…’
To be continue…
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Pairing: Eowyn x Fem reader
Description: You and Eowyn fall in love and share their lives together
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I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife and if it was an open/shut case I never would've known from that look on your face
You and Eowyn had known each other ever since the two of you were young children always playing and seen together even when the two of you were busy with different things the two of you always made time to spend time together from the castle grounds, your home, your garden, or the forest near the castle.
Lost in your current like a priceless wine the more that you say the less I know wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hands wreck my plans that's my love life was a willow and it bent right to your wind head on the pillow I could feel you sneakin in
As the two of you got older you both started feeling different about each other becoming even more close together than you already were before and soon you realize that you're in love with your best friend and didn't know what to do due to fear of rejection but also being sent out of Rohan for your affiliation with women in such a way but you were determined to be with eowyn even if the two of you could never be together but she also had the same idea as you.
As if you were a mythical thing like you were a trophy or a champion ring and there was one prize I'd cheat to win the more that you say the less I know wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my love
You both became great fighters her with a sword and you with your fists and daggers even when you both were told not to fight at all only drove the two of you together and fight more against orcs along with the fellowship at Helm's deep despite protests from your siblings and Aragorn telling eowyn not to as well but you both did it anymore.
You know that my train could take you home anywhere else is hollow I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my love life was a willow and it bent right to your wind they count on me out time and time again life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
You both fought in the final battle running and looking everywhere for her despite having cuts and a wound on your back you felt tears flow down your face looking for her until you found her running and jumping in her arms as you both cried and sharing a passionate kiss announcing your love for each other to everyone you knew and cared about who were happy for the two of you with a bit of surprise from your siblings and her uncle.
But I come back stronger than a 90's trend wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark show me the places where the others gave you scars now this is an open/shut case I guess I should've known from the look on your face
The two of you received a lot of support and love from the people around you but also received some hate from others who didn't understand or who just hated others who were different from everyone but despite it your relationship grew and grew and soon her uncle talked to the both of you and approved of the two of you getting married becoming another niece to him as you were around each other after the final battle and Aragorn's coronation.
Every bait and switch was a work of art the more that you say the less I know wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my love you know that my train could take you home anywhere else is hollow I'm begging for you to take my hand
After awhile the two of you had your wedding in the gardens you and eowyn built together near the forest you would play and hide in together when you were younger making many memories and where you both realized that you were in love with each other smiling as you watch eowyn walk down the aisle with her uncle and brother Eomer walking down the aisle to her by your brothers smiling tearfully at each other in joy and happiness.
Wreck my plans that's my love the more that you say the less I know wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my love you know that my train could take you home anywhere else is hollow I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my love hey that's my love that's my love every bait and switch was a work of art
You hold each other's hand exchanging your personal vows that you had written when you both were teenagers as everyone you both knew, cared for, and love watching the two of you finally be together and connect to each other forever you both laugh and smile in the kiss making you officially wives and queens of Rohan as everyone cheers and walking down the aisle to your new life together and soon after you moved to a small cottage in Bree next to the shire.
That's my love hey that's my love I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my love
The two of you later on took in two young children Sam and Frodo found being two girls who the two of you loved dearly and raising the children as your own which changed your lives and only made the love you had for each other grow even more than it already was always having visits from your siblings, the fellowship, her uncle, and brother who grew to love the children just as much as you both do naming the two girls Xylia and Althea.
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coldalbion · 2 years
Properly back now
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"Raven King" by beesants
Now the Funeral's done, can we get on with enjoying and appreciating Michaelmas-tide, Equinoctal, and associated Harvest rhythms please?
( I'm not just saying that because it' s my birthday next week!)
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blommis-writes · 3 years
A general review of Loki (2021) - !! possible spoilers ahead !!
(If you told my Scandinavia-and-Marvel-obsessed twelve years old self in 2011 that ten years later I would have been doing this she would have laughed in your face, and yet here I am.)
Until very recent times Loki stans were probably the only part of the mcu fandom that agreed on everything. That is, until the show came out. Now everywhere you turn on the internet there is discourse about wether it was good or bad, people arguing that that is not “our Loki” (tf man) so here I am with my own review.
Premise n.1: I am going to be as objective as I can because my field of studies is compared literatures a.k.a. I’ve studied penty of cinematic and theatral critique and, not gonna lie, the weak ass reviews I’ve read till now are all based on the writer’s personal preferences and therefore are fucking useless, so I’ll specify with a bold “personally” my own preferences as a fan.
Premise n.2: norse mythology also is my field of studies so I do have sources for those bits (ngl I’m so fucking delighted I chose to write my dissertation on Loki’s trickster archetype rn) but, but, here’s also a friendly reminder that Marvel’s Loki is only inspired by the mythological one and not a perfect copy of him
Premise n.3: with a second season coming, which is not really a second season but the continuation of the first (for those who don’t know: it was originally supposed to be only one 12-episode-long series but they had to split it because of the virus and shit), what people are doing is basically coming to conclusions without having the whole picture and that’s like a load of bs, especially if you are aware that the story is not fucking over yet. That being said, my review takes into account this.
So sit tight and buckle your seatbelts kids, cause it’s gonna be a long one.
Is Loki a masterpiece? no, there are lots of things that could have been changed or taken off the show without actually having to change the whole storyline.
But is it the worst show in the history of shows? aw hell no.
First of all, we need to place the characterisation he had in the movies:
- Loki causes mischief (Thor’s ruined coronation) but in doing so he does damage to himself too (finds out he’s adopted, cue huge breakdown) so he tries to do good (in his mind, by killing Lufey) then he “dies” (lets go after the fight on the Bifrost), then in a quick parenthesis he returns as a villain to the Avengers, loses the battle, and is brought back to Asgard. In TDW, he causes mischief (tells the Kursed the way to the stairs) but in doing so he does damage to himself (the Kursed kills Frigga) so he tries to do good (help Thor get revenge for their mother) then he dies. He returns once again revealing a fake death and causes mischief (imprisons Odin) but in doing so he does damage to himself too (Odin’s death frees Hela) so he tries to do good (helps Thor on Sakaar) then he dies once again, this time definitely. Notice a pattern?
That, my friends, is called a huge pain in the ass to write for your dissertation trickster sequence or trickster cycle. It’s a particular sequence that has it’s roots in the mythical Loki, one of the “original” trickster archetypes: basically, the trickster turns a situation upside down for his own benefit but in doing so begins a chain reaction that keeps on going as a cycle of mischief-benefits-negative side effects. An example of a trickster sequence in the myths that I luckily still had in my notes:
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Trickster characters are really, really hard to write and characterize because of this, as there are only three alternatives:
1- The trickster dies, a definitive way to put an end to the cycle
2- The trickster keeps on repeating the unending cycle, thus becoming a really flat, boring and predictable character
3- The most difficult one (but also the most effective to get out of the cycle), an archetype switch. That means starting to write a long journey through which the character reaches another archetype, i.e. that of the Hero.
Of course after three turns of the cycle the marvel authors used the first option, killing off Loki, only to have a show about a version of him (from the Avengers movie) that had only gone through one cycle. Thus they had option two a.k.a turning the God of Mischief into possibly the flattest and most boring character ever, or option three a.k.a. the archetype switch. Guess which one they chose.
Many people think that the switch has been made to the archetype of the Hero and are angry for it because “it’s not our Loki” (which btw is total bullshit because the Loki from the show is similar to the one of the Thor movies, if we had to pick an impostor that would be the Loki from the Avengers which has a completely different characterisation from the others and is the only actual one that’s a villain whereas in TDW+Ragnarok he’s a helper and in Thor is neither one nor the other) but that is definitely not it. Personally, I couldn’t see yet any defining trait of a particular archetype so for that we’ll have to wait for season 2 (as I’ve already said, it would be unfair coming to conclusions without having the whole picture), though I’m one ninety-nine percent sure he’s not switching to the Hero one.
Now, on to the show’s characterisation.
- One thing I’ve seen a lot of is talk of “he’s so dumb, he’s not the cunning and smart Loki we know” and “ew Sylvie x Loki” (personally the selfcest ship also makes me icky, ngl) but boi lemme tell you something: it’s been said more than once that Sylvie as a character was added in stead of Amora the Enchantress, as a mix of Female Loki and, indeed, Amora herself. After the season finale personally I’m starting to think that she is indeed just Amora, but be it just her or a mix of her and Female Loki there is one thing that I feel like reminding: Amora literally enchants men to fall in love with her, so she can use them. Again, I can’t critique the show as a whole without season 2 being out yet, but let’s keep in mind that it is still a possibility, especially now that we know that in the last episode she did kiss Loki just to get to Kang.
- The catalyst for the archetype switch was in my opinion a bit too fast, but that was maybe the most effective way to do it. Why? Well, the only really good way to actuate it is a long arc, an arc for which the show definitely did not have enough run time for. So the producers got really smart, I’ll have to admit, and got the chance to use what was set up for them in Endgame with the fact that the Loki of the show is a past version, a variant: they showed the variant what would happen to him. If you were shown the things that were in the file, the death of your mother, your father, yourself, possibly your brother, (the file has never shown that Thor’s actually alive and well so it is safe to assume that show-Loki thinks that his brother is also dead), all of your race, wouldn’t your psyche be totally changed as a result of not only shock, but also of grief? And if you felt all of that while in an unfamiliar and hostile place, wouldn’t you attach yourself to the first familiar thing (Sylvie) too?
- In my opinion, another catalyst for the switch is the presence of Mobius. As I’ve said: shock plus grief plus being stuck in an unfamiliar and hostile place. The in comes the one person who is at least decent to you and it is again only natural to get attached, so when that person tells you that a villain is not all you are, and that you can be whatever you decide to be, you do start believing it yourself.
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And at last, the LGBT+ rep:
- As a bi person who’s grown up with the mcu, you can imagine my joy in knowing that now Loki’s not only canon bi in the comics, but in the mcu too. I’ve read however many people lamenting that it’s only said, not shown, and honestly: same. But at the same time I’d like to raise awareness to the fact that it’s not probably the producer’s fault. I actually think they had to put lots of pressure on the studios to make him canon bi like in the comics, but in the end the last word is not theirs, it’s the higher ups at Disney’s. So yeah, was that just the bare fucking minimum? definitely. Should we be angry with the producers? hell naw. 
Point is, Disney as a society thinks of the money they can get by producing media, and when there are still countries in the world in which being lgbt+ is a crime, that would not buy disney’s products knowing that there is actual rep in there, that would be bad for business. So they did what they could get away with, a.k.a. “a bit of both” dialogue, that can easily be dubbed as a different one in countries that don’t want the rep.
Personally I am disappointed but not surprised, yet at the same time I can see as the huge step that is having a disney character that is officially canonically lgbt+, and who knows, maybe that will pave the way for others.
However, I think that the only thing we can do is just settle with that. Why? 
These were the most controversial points of the show (the other one is another load of bullshit cause you can’t go around yelling “The finale is unclear! Where did Renslayer go? The show sucks!” if a second season has been confirmed. It’s called a cliffhanger honey, look it up.), and most of them can only be solved definitely by waiting for s2, but on the whole the show is definitely not bad. Have you seen the photography? Have you seen the acting levels? The costume and make up? The fucking amazing Loki variants? It’s all really well done and the show as a whole does not deserve all the hate that it’s getting because of three unresolved points.
That being said, see ya’ll at season 2!
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ruewrites · 3 years
Thrones are Built on Lies Chapter 10: A Little Sweetness
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 3104
Warnings: None
A/N: Comments and feedback are appreciated <3
Their wedding came up once again when they were in the library. Solomon was lounging on the couch across from Satan as Asmo leaned against him. Rain gently tapped against the windows and every now and again thunder rumbled in the distance. Solomon enjoyed the rain, it both calmed and grounded him. It also made the world feel changed, like the sky was helping the earth to become reborn, taking away the old and bringing in something new.
“Solomon?” Asmodeus sounded sleepy, perhaps he was lulled by the sound of rain drops outside or maybe it was the continuous motion of Solomon’s fingers running through his hair absentmindedly.
A soft hum left Solomon. His eyes didn’t leave the book, but he wanted to hear what Asmo had to say. They’d come to settle into a little routine, and Asmo would invite Solomon along when he wanted to spend time in his brother’s library. Sometimes they’d have tea and small snacks, sometimes they’d take little naps, sometimes they’d laugh and talk, and sometimes they’d simply read in silence. Regardless of what they did, Solomon always enjoyed his time spent.
“We should talk about the wedding.”
Solomon shut his book and looked down towards Asmo and those sunset eyes were staring back up at him, “Should we?”
Asmo nodded, “We never have, and there’s still so much planning to do. Plus you don’t know anything about it yet.”
He was right, and Solomon knew that the day would be upon them before they really knew it. Servants had been rushing around counting down the days to Lucifer’s coronation, and soon after Solomon would be joined to Asmodeus. Time was a fickle creature that simultaneously seemed to move all too fast and slow to a standstill.
"I was wondering if you'd ask if he wanted to help with the planning," Satan chuckled, "You've done so much planning before you've even met him."
Asmodeus waved him off, not even bothering to respond. Satan just shrugged, "Well, it's true. So you won't have to do much planning Solomon."
"That works for me," he ruffled Asmo's hair, eliciting a small noise of disapproval. He disturbed his fiance's position to stand and stretch out his back. He could feel Asmo's eyes on him as he moved. "So what did you leave for me to help with?"
"Well there's still the cake, Barbatos has so many wonderful options to choose from, and of course we need to make sure your attire is perfect so it can match mine,"Asmo straightened his position a bit, still lying on his side and propping himself up with his elbow on the armrest.
What a pretty little picture he made.
"So in short, you only left little details to him," Satan clicked, shutting his own book.
"Hush, they're still things that need to be taken care of!"
"Yes yes, because your special day needs to be the most perfect."
Whatever sleepiness still possessed Asmo was lost as indignance took over, "Well of course! It'll only happen once! So it should be the most perfect."
"Well maybe I should just outdo yours then whenever I get pawned off."
"You wouldn't dare."
Solomon sat back as he watched Satan push Asmo's buttons. But it also made him realize a few things. One of the bigger realizations that struck him was that he'd never given Asmodeus a proper proposal. He'd given one to Lilith and even gifted the small golden scorpion, even if the gift had been out of selfishness.
Even if Asmodeus still wore that pendant proudly on his chest, it didn't change the fact that Solomon hadn't written a proposal out to him. He'd made one with Lilith. More accurately, he'd made a contract with her father.
They'd made a deal.
Asmodeus had just been a part of it.
"You're feeling guilty."
Solomon wasn't looking at Simeon. He was too busy sketching his ideas on paper and then crumpling them up and letting them fall to the floor. Nothing was working, nothing felt right. He leaned on his hand and closed his eyes, "And what makes you say that?"
"You're a good man Solomon, it's part of what makes you a good ruler," Simeon uncrumpled some of the pieces of paper that Solomon tossed to the ground and looking over their contents, “Perhaps you two even had a little connection that you hadn’t considered before.”
Ever perceptive Simeon. Solomon did enjoy Asmo’s company more than he had when he first arrived. Yes, he could still be high energy, but he was also gentle and comforting. He could be a calming presence and could put Solomon at ease. It surprised him. It made his previous thoughts eat away at him, they had been unfounded save for things he’d heard from Azazel, and they grew through his own ambition.
“And how did you manage to gather all of this?” Solomon asked, tossing yet another scrapped idea to the side.
“Because I know you Solomon, and some of the other servants wouldn’t stop talking about how the prince had managed to strong arm you into a date or how he’d somehow managed to bat his lashes to make you bend,” Simeon leaned in closer batting his own lashes to which Solomon rolled his eyes and pushed him away, “He seems to have a reputation, and the people that work here seem to love gossip.”
“As if you aren’t participating in said gossip.”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t.”
There wasn't really any surprise there. Solomon knew that people talked especially when it had to do with people of higher status. Surely they realized that he and Asmo had gotten a little closer.
"You have a lot of ideas, I personally like the little teacup, or… shoes for his bunnies?"
"None of them feel right," he sighed, "None of them are good enough for a redo proposal." It had to be perfect, if it wasn't there was no point in doing it. He wanted it to be useful. The pendant Solomon had gifted had been of use to him, but this one should be of use for Asmo.
Simeon finally put the ideas down and back to his own writing. Solomon knew that he was most likely logging each of the days they'd been there and events that had occured. He stopped for a moment and tapped at the top of one of the pages. "You know, I do believe I heard they upped measures since your trip out," Simeon frowned, "Apparently, something also happened out in the farmlands. The youngest prince fell asleep in one of the barns, luckily the sixth prince had also been there, or else there would have been yet another death in the family."
Solomon paused and turned to peer at Simeon.
"They don't believe it was the same person as in the fifth sector, but still," Simeon shook his head, "The poor souls, they really don't get a break."
Death surrounded those born to the throne. It lurked behind every corner, watching from every crack in the wall. It trailed behind like a gloomy shadow, a constant reminder.
Would the increased security measures be to protect the princes or to keep them inside?
Solomon put his pen back to paper and started sketching almost absent mindedly. It was a simple idea, but one that appealed to him more than the others. He also couldn't help but think back to his time fencing with Asmo. Perhaps they should spar again, even if it was only to sharpen his fiance's abilities.
"Solomon," Solomon was met with Simeon's concerned expression. He understood. Solomon had been so blinded by the intrigue of Arcadia, that he ignored the possible dangers that could await him here and the red flags linked to their secrecy that he should have seen a mile away. This place had always been dangerous, and now Solomon was finally starting to see it for what it was. "Be careful, dear friend."
"I'll be fine, I promise."
Even as he said it with a relaxed smile, Solomon couldn't help but feel like he was lying to his closest friend.
"Although, it is almost time for me to go. I do have my meeting with Azazel to keep, and it isn't polite to be late."
Simeon nodded, but he didn't seem anymore at ease, and Solomon knew exactly how he felt.
When it came to what they'd discuss, it occurred to Solomon that he didn't really have many notes. Most of them had been in regards to Asmodeus this time around, and he certainly wasn't going to take any of those to Azazel. He ascended the steps consumed by his own inner thoughts.
He'd been so captivated by Arcadia in the beginning. She'd been an elusive mystery, something that he needed to uncover.
While certain aspects of the Heart still interested him, there was only so much information on it.
Arcadia seemed less mythical and wondrous to him now and more like a tragedy playing out in real time. He was a part of that tragedy now, and he'd allowed himself to be sucked into it.
And what about Lilith? The lake king?
He'd been playing the part of his dead sister.
How had that impacted him?
How had it impacted the other siblings?
Lilith hadn't been dead for long.
And Asmodeus had been forced to play her part.
Solomon took a moment to pause on the steps. He needed to gather himself, but the more he thought about all of these things, the sicker he became to his stomach. He wasn't sure if he could move.
How much had he willfully ignored in favor of his own gain?
"Ah, Solomon. I was just about to start searching for you," Azazel smiled down at him from the study door. Light from behind him turned his face into nothing but a shadow, "I heard that you and two of my nephews have been spending quite a bit of time in the library together. It's wonderful news really."
"Well we have to figure out some way to keep ourselves entertained."
Solomon entered into the and took his normal seat on one side of the table. He hadn't brought anything with him this time, so he gently folded his hands on top of the table where his papers would normally be.
"I have no doubt, I'm assuming you finally found a way to control him then?"
"I don't think control is the right word," Solomon watched as Azazel took his seat with exact precision, crossing one leg over the other, prodding eyes never leaving him.
"But of course it is. You outrank him, Asmodeus is known for acting out as are a few of the other siblings. The sooner they all get married off, the better," Azazel started, "That's why when we find out a land we want to have connections with has a royal with a reputation like yours, we get excited."
A reputation like his?
"My brother did a decent job of controlling his offspring for the most part, but there were still certain methods of his that had been sloppy."
Asmodeus had been scared of him.
"For the most part, they all seem to fit the part. Some have minor flaws that can be fixed, others cannot."
What had he gone through?
"My brother was lucky his crown prince turned out right, or else he would have had problems," finally, Azazel lowered his head, making his eyes more level. Solomon hadn't even realized he'd been looking down upon him. Getting looked at like that was guaranteed to make anyone feel small if done enough. "Luckily we can find spouses for the rest. Ones like you for example. You'll have a wonderful influence over Asmodeus."
The words left an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Solomon's stomach. For the first time, Solomon felt trapped in Azazel's study. The mystic glamor of the room had dimmed and he was no longer enchanted.
"But enough about him, I have things you would certainly be more interested in."
"I have several flavors for you to try today, and an idea that I'm certain you'll love," Barbatos said as Asmo bounced behind him into the kitchen. This was the first time Solomon had been involved in wedding preparations. Barbatos seemed to have a small station of his own that was currently divided up into two sections. One designated to the coronation and the other to the wedding. However there was something in the room that surprised him, or rather someone.
"Solomon! Barbatos said I could help make your cake! Isn't that cool?" Luke had flour smudged on the side of his cheek and his hair was a little messy. The apron he had on was clearly one of Barbatos' and had to be pinned and folded so it wouldn't drag across the floor. At least he was fitting in here. Despite his rather rough beginning with the crown prince, Luke seemed to be fitting in just fine in Arcadia.
Solomon licked his thumb to clean his face, much to Luke's disapproval. "Did Simeon give you his okay?"
"Of course he did! I'd never go behind Simeon's back!"
Asmo's gasp cut him off before he could say another word, "Oh you didn't tell me you had a child! He's adorable Solomon!"
Luke's face went beet red as Solomon chuckled, "Well he's not mine mine, he's my scribe's apprentice."
"Well I'm still looking for the perfect little ring bearer."
"We can talk it over with Simeon."
Barbatos cleared his throat and motioned towards the table, "I do have a few different flavors for you to try, and as for the surprise-"
"Cupcakes!" Asmo squealed, "Oh I adore cupcakes!"
"I'm aware. I also know you struggled picking certain flavors. So if your fiance can't narrow it down, it won't be a problem."
Solomon was not able to narrow down the flavors. He expected Barbatos to be good with how he made food for the royal family, but he didn't expect him to be this good. Solomon couldn't believe he'd been deprived of this his entire life. Barbatos' cooking felt like a cloud in his mouth, he'd never had so much flavor in one bite before! The icing even melted away into sugary goodness in his mouth. He could honestly imagine someone starting a war to steal the butler away.
Asmodeus seemed more than pleased with Solomon's reactions, "Barbatos is a very skilled baker. Things have never been the same since he came here with Diavolo and he insisted that Barbatos be the one in charge of baked goods and food for his wedding with Lucifer."
"I can see why," Solomon muttered, licking each one of his fingers clean of icing.
Asmo plucked another sample up from the table and held it to Solomon's lips, "Try this one. It's lemon poppy seed."
Solomon was careful not to bite at Asmo's fingers as he took the cake into his mouth. He'd never really eaten out of someone's hands before, and Asmo seemed absolutely delighted that he had. The smile that crossed his face made Solomon's heart flutter in his chest.
He almost didn't register how moist and refreshing the cupcake was.
"Barbatos, are you still able to incorporate both rabbits and flowers like I asked?" Asmo hummed, turning away from Solomon and towards Barbatos.
"I'm sure I can find a way Asmodeus," Barbatos chuckled, "And I'll find a way to make it have a little piece of both of you in it as well, but for now my main problem is keeping your brother away."
Solomon raised his brow and tried to catch Asmo's eye, and his silent question was answered, "Beel, I'm sure you've noticed that he has quite the appetite."
"He does enjoy cleaning out my pantry," Barbatos chuckled, "But I can't blame him, he is a growing young man after all. I've heard the guard is still trying to get their hands on him."
Beel was still growing? How?
"They would, but I'm not sure if Lucifer would allow it just yet. Maybe in a few years, after all, Levi is the admiral of the navy. So anything could happen. Then again, he might clear them of their rations," Asmo inspected his nails before picking up a small crumb of one of the cupcakes.
"Beel really eats that much? You're Not exaggerating?"
"Yup! Beel loves food, especially beef. Honestly I believe he’d marry food if he could,” Asmo poked Solomon’s chest, “They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and that is especially true for him.”
Solomon knew he hadn’t really interacted with either of the twins all that much yet, but his fiance may have just given him a way to form a relationship with them as well. The closer he could get to his new family, the better everything would be for everyone in the long run. That’s what Diavolo did, and everyone loved Diavolo, right? Perhaps if the other brothers liked him better, Lucifer would also like him better.
Asmodeus went back to discussing various flavors and combinations with Barbatos while Solomon slipped down into his own thoughts. That was until he felt someone tug on his sleeve. “I helped a lot with the poppyseed one, did you like it?” Luke asked, staring up at him with wide blue eyes. Solomon thought he looked a little nervous, as if he was afraid that Solomon would be disappointed in him.
He ruffled the blonde locks atop his head and smiled, “I loved it Luke, I can’t wait to tell Simeon what a good job you did.”
Luke beamed, “I’m going to make sure you have the best cake Solomon! I’m gonna protect it with everything I’ve got and you’re gonna be thinking about it forever and ever!”
Maybe Simeon should be a little more careful that Barbatos didn’t steal his apprentice away. Luke really seemed to look up to him, and he didn’t even hide the way he ran to the butler’s side to see what he’d be doing next.
Soft fingers came up and wiped across the bottom of his lip, “You had a little bit of icing.” Asmodeus wiped his finger off on a rag, and Solomon took the moment to collect himself. “Do you have a favorite?”
“I think I might need some time to think it over and to discuss it with you.”
The smile on his lips at the implication that they would be spending even more time together made Solomon’s heart flutter once again.
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the unseen one - 30
Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: i’ve been foreshadowing this ending since like mid fic and i’m proud for not giving up on this ending which i almost did but thankfully i did (yay plot consistency). i’m rly emotional about finishing another fanfic, it’s been such a joyful ride and i wanna thank everyone who commented and liked/reblogged my work for these past months, you guys are fantastic. enjoy xx 
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A kaleidoscope. A kaleidoscope was the first thing that broke through the darkness in various shades of pink, white, and grey. The images were blurry and the colours vibrant as it spun through the darkness, soon enough becoming the only thing occupying what once was a sea of darkness. The once silence that wrapped itself around like a tight hug gave way to the sound of stream water, sounds of nature and spring slightly blooming in her ear drums. What once was nothing was blooming and alive. 
A warm feeling settled over her chest and in a harsh move she opened her eyes, raising her chest and gasping up for air. The first sight was bloom, the perfect utopia of what spring sounded like in every song and every fairytale with various different flowers and tones of various colours. She looked down at her hands, noticing how warm they were, almost too warm and as she was about to snap her head back, petals started falling onto her palms. 
She should be scared, but she somehow wasn’t and as if it had been a taught movement, her hands moved up to her hair, feeling more white petals falling on her palms and legs. Y/N looked around, not understanding where she was standing or where she was for that matter. She was surrounded by a blooming environment, blooming so slowly yet so fast she could see the flower buttons open. 
Slowly but surely her senses started to recover to her, noticing the cold marbled stone she was sat on and the warm sun hit her skin. Bucky. Was Bucky alright? Where was Bucky? Her mind couldn’t wrap itself around her last memory of Bucky’s terrified face. Was he okay? Where was he? She was removed of her line of thinking by a shattering sound. Y/N immediately turned her head towards the sound seeing Hecate mouth wide open as if she had seen something fantastic.
     - Where’s Bucky? - her voice came rather raspy but the goddess of witchcraft was still standing there wondering if Gaia was playing tricks on her. Dead mortals don’t come back to life. Dear gods, dead mortals who gain the hatred of half the pantheon don’t come back to to life as part of the pantheon itself. - Where’s Bucky?!
She questioned again, turning around and placing her bare feet on the grass patch yet unlike normal, the grass did not turn dark green, instead blooming from her steps as if she herself controlled nature. Hecate stopped her by putting herself in front of Y/N. She knew better not to annoy a newly born goddess specially because she didn’t seem to know what she was and therefore had little to no grip with what she could do.
    - I’ll get someone to get him, you need to sit down. - she motioned for Y/N to sit down as carefully as someone handling a bomb. Hecate quickly send a equally confused nymph to go grab the incredibly depressed god of the Underworld.
Y/N sat down against the bark of a cherry blossom, looking at Hecate who had a very confused yet careful look in her eyes. The goddess of witchcraft sat next to Y/N as more petals started to fall on her hands. She had forgotten how it was to be next to a very nervous goddess of spring.
    - Where are these coming from? - Y/N threw the bunch of petals onto the ground, noticing they kept falling onto her hands.
    - They’re coming from you. You need to stop stressing or they’ll keep showing up. No harsh emotions, just breathe. 
    - Why are you talking to me as if I were going into labor? - more petals fell off making her huff, throwing another bunch on the ground. - What’s going on? 
    - In the easiest ways of putting it in ... I would say you’re ... well, the goddess of Spring. - she pointed out at the once dead grooves which were now blooming like the rest of the Elysium. Damn, it was better than the rest of the Elysium with his beautiful tall blossom and fruit trees with a substantial amount of flower bushes and other grass weeds. 
   - The goddess of Spring no longer exists, Bucky told me so. - she replied, very overprotective over the answer she had gotten from her beloved. Like an expression of her huffing, more flower petals fell over on top of her hands. 
   - Goddesses doesn’t cease to exist, specially a goddess responsible for a whole season. They are ... chosen if they cease to exist. The titans seem to have chosen ... well ... I guess you. 
   - That is not funny. - she got up from her sitting position, once again smoothing over the petals that had stuck to the fabric of her gown. Hecate surely was not her biggest fan but she knew what she was and she definitely was not a goddess. At least she didn’t felt like one. How did goddesses even feel? Did they fell any different from mortals? She was about to question Hecate about that fact when two nymphs entered the grooves pulling a very unwilling God of the Underworld with them.
Y/N turned to face him, the first thing calling her attention was the stubble turned beard and the dark bags under his now very wide awake blue eyes almost as if he wasn’t expecting her to be there. Y/N rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her nose in the space between his neck and neck. Bucky stood still wondering if he was dreaming again or if he had finally managed to overdose himself with ambrosia but no, she was there, she was there with her arms wrapped around him and flowers blooming from the top of her head and dropping onto him. His eyes settled on Hecate who had the same surprised eyes yet slightly less than him. 
Y/N pushed back, noticing something wrong in Bucky’s aura but he was still staring at her. He caressed her jaw with his knuckles, thumb caressing the soft part of her cheek. Noticing its warmth and her soft smile he didn’t know if he wanted to raise her up or kiss her. He settled on kissing her, noticing the newly added honey like taste to her lips and more flowers falling onto their hands.
   - I’m not sure if I adore this. - she caressed his beard, making him chuckle as he kissed her again. - Stop, when was the last time you slept?
   - Long enough, this might be some hallucination of you.
   - No, I’m here. 
The Underworld was a mess and that was something that came rather lightly from Y/N’s point of view as it normally used to be constantly messy full of dead souls and unruly nymphs. However, today, it seemed like everything had broke loose and every single god, goddess, demigods, oracles and every single thing that could be considered mythical and gone down to the underworld for her coronation. Was she happy about it? No. Was James happy about it? Also no. They’d rather be in their secluded little spot of the underworld without anyone around. However, protocol demanded the new goddess of Spring to have a public coronation if she became Queen of the Underworld. Besides, Y/N was a bit way too cheerful to see those who had wanted that spot see her gain the crown to the Underworld. 
      - I’m going to catch you, sunflower. - Bucky chuckled lowly as he briefly saw the grass she had stepped on bloom with white roses. He heard her giggling in the distance and then it stopped, rendering him alone and somewhat lost and because he wasn’t used to the newly found sunlight, the fresh air and fauna that surrounded him in the Groves, he asked for help from one of the nymphs who were taking care of the flora.
An annoyed nymph turned to be face to face with her King, pointed towards a direction. He was aware that this was supposed to be a fair game, something fun that his beloved had come up with in the moment bored of coronation preparations, but he would rather be done with it quickly so that they could enjoy each other’s companies and bring her back to a very pissed and very stressed Hecate.
He walked and walked, listening always for the river that the undead and nymphs had spoken up and asking ever so often for directions for other servants. They would whisper a “Over there” and point or a “Go North”, and Bucky would believe their words because they had been nothing but loyal to him. In fact, much more loyal to them than others had ever been to him - he found that, in the afterlife, people - or what was left of them - were much calmer and kinder than those who were still alive. 
Soon enough, he found his beautiful Y/N humming by the river. Her delicate feet were dangling and lightly touching the water that ran on the stream and her eyes were shut, head moving to the rhythm of the chirping birds and a small smile played on her lips. Quietly, he inched closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him and burying his face in her hair; it smelled of everything good about spring, from freshness to wild flowers and ripe fruit. 
She giggled and kicked her legs up in the air, clearly enjoying the attention she was receiving but also no liking that her little game had come to an end which meant she had to return to the very much annoying job of preparing for the ceremony.
     - Seems like I found you. - the God of the Underworld grinned against her hair, setting her on the ground but holding onto her hips, admiring her figure; her newly found position led to her being constantly adorned with luxurious fabrics, veils with beautiful patterns and so many jewels, mostly gifts from Demeter from all people, but somehow it was when she wore something as simple as a white dress enveloping her form and golden sandals that he found her the most mesmerising. The simplicity and purity that he had fallen so hard for that he moved heaven and earth to have, regardless of what everyone else said, regardless of how lowly they found Gaia to have named a mortal Goddess of Spring. She was always a goddess in his eyes but the actual title did suit her better than anyone else. - Did you have fun escaping your responsibilities?
    - Would have been funner if you didn’t cheat, Bucky. - she raised her eyebrows at the man and crossed her arms, knowing fully well he had. How else would he know his way through the newly found Groves if he barely entered them. Sighing, she kissed his lips lightly and then grabbed his hand to take him to the nearest shade. - I’m sure Hecate sent you after me. 
     - Yes, she says you’re being quite impossible but personally, I was hoping we could have some personal fun. - he smirked, pressing a kiss to the shell of her ear, then to her neck and collarbone, making her shiver and push him to the side lightly. - Such a harsh no. 
     - I don’t need my nymphs to see that. - she blushed and fidgeted with her hands and wedding ring, sitting down and resting her back against the bark of a tree. The God of the Underworld chuckled and sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist. - But I can be swayed if you cancel the whole ordeal.
     - You know I can’t. - he kissed her shoulder. - They’re already very upset over your decision of giving the souls of the Elysium their memories. 
     - They are much more happy and you can’t deny it. - she pointed out. Y/N had technically been a ruling consort ever since she got wedded to Bucky in a very small ceremony where no one but them were included. As such, Y/N had put forward a motion to give the Elysium’s residents their mortal memories back, something that of course had been passed as she was fiercely backed by Demeter who could put the fear in any god by just looking at them. It had made the residents much happier and Bucky much happier considering he could now speak to his friends, family, and most importantly Steve. She on the other hand had managed to reunite with her parents and introduce them to Bucky which managed to be their version of normality. This had however created a stir with Zeus who was still very much upset a mortal was now a goddess he could no longer order around. - This is ridiculous, why do they need to see it?
     - It’ll just be for a few hours. Besides, I wanna see you become my Queen. 
     - Okay. - she shrugged. - Only because I love you.
     - I know. - he smiled, lovingly. - I just hope you don’t change your mind, we’re sort of in this forever. 
     - What does Steve say? Til the end of the line?
    - Til the end of the line, sunflower. 
tag list: @philogrobizedvee​​​​​​  @keithseabrook27​​​​​ @inlovewith3​​​​19 @nwbstan​ @romanoffs-heart
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An Obey Me! Fanfic with an @snowandseven OC and paired with Lucifer. Inspired by Beauty and the Beast’s scenes. You’ve been notified.
It was a typical Saturday in Devildom. The eternal night sky is slightly brighter during the day, the blood bats were 'cutely' screeching and Cerebus was very excited for walkies since he's been busy paroling the House of Lamentation's underground tomb. Accompanied with Beelzebub, whom he can handle Cerebus next to Lucifer, was the exchange student from the human realm, Valentine.
Deviltown, it's a quiet village - Every day, like the one before
They've stopped at the entrance of the Deviltown, which was the opposite side of Devildom's big city, was what you might called an old fashioned town. The buildings was like old peasant-like housing, brick walls, fairytale look a like, almost slightly before the Victorian style era began. Granted, there were some updated mechanics and technologies, but most were kept old fashioned charm. Valentine fell in love with this place due to being an 'old soul.' -no pun intended-  Whether he had an agenda or not, he'd come here for anything and re-enacted his fantasies of his 'Snow White' image. Valentine hopped down from Cerebus with his DeVil school bag, only exclusive for RAD students and specifically made for Valentine by Diavolo's request. Meaning Valentine's school bag was suitcase-like but turquoise coloured themed.
Deviltown, full of mythical people -
“Are you sure you can manage the tasks by yourself? You have quite a lot to cover and carry.” Beel said to him. Valentine smile and said with assurance. “I am fine and confident to carry the order. It is my duty and also part of an apology of a sort. I must at least show how appreciated you and your brothers that you've forgave, accepted as family and taught me what feeling are after what happened, my 'rebirth,' when my 'secret' revealed and my true motives are. I am determined to start over and gain your trust not as pawns or tools anymore, but as a family.” “Even though we're literally demons?” Beel asked. Val chuckled. “Of course! You've forgotten I was one too on the inside. I can still change, despite my actual age. Now, I must be going. I'll summon if I do indeed need of help. I shall make my best meals from the freshest- er... maybe I'll say it once I've made it. It will make you think of hunger more than it is already.” Thus Beel's stomach started to growl. “I think there's still something left from the fridge back home. I promise to make a feast fit for a king tonight if you can manage long enough!” Valentine thought of a quick strategy. If he can get Beelzebub to get away from the fresh market, he won't cause a scene to devour the entire produce sections. “... Alright. But will there be-”
“Sour raspberry pie? Yes and I can also make other goodies once I finished and- oh! He left already.” Beel had already left with Cerebus. Guess that a yes.
Valentine then started quest to search for his ingredients.
Waking up to say:
He was greeted by the town demon-folks. It was like any other trip, smile and be polite, but this time, he wanted to start practicing being a real, genuine person and not a mechanical doll. He learns a good handful to start on something easy like saying:
[DEMON FOLKS] : Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!
He greeted them back. He realized that he felt a little heart warming that wasn't there before. It's not much, but it was new to him. It was nice!
There goes the baker with his tray, like always - The same old bread and rolls to sell
The first thing he needed was fresh bread rolls and more bread for breakfast tomorrow. The owner of the bakery was a kind ogre. He too has a family and his shop was operated like one. Maybe he can try learning a bit from them if he have that chance, like now.
Every morning just the same - Since the morning that we came - To this poor provincial town
Valentine decided to learn how he interacted with his loving wife and maybe he can do the same when the time will come when he can make a pact with Lucifer. After all, he wanted to be more genuine when he says he does love him. "Good Morning, Valentine! Grocery shoppin' again for the lords?" The ogre baker asked Valentine. “Indeed, but I've decided to make tonight's meal a special treat. I would need...”
Valentine carefully chose the baked goods and he place them in his RAD suitcase. “Our generous lord Diavolo had blessed me with this lovely suitcase and even more is that one of my pact mate, Satan, had placed a special spell on it so that I can carry more than it looks.” The baker was impressed. “I'm impressed! I must say that if that involved magic as powerful as his, you're quite a human! Not many can make pacts from them, let alone being alive for so long.” Valentine felt a bit proud. For someone who's emotions are almost non-existence, the 'feelings' are new to him. Thus, he done his best by learning more and understand what the were. “Thank you for the compliment.” That was the supposed reply, he guessed. Before he asked the baker about his relationship advice, he started shouting in the kitchen, presumably the wife, something about the baguettes. Valentine knows that it's just the language barrier and it wasn't too difficult making out what they were REALLY saying, but it sounded like they were arguing. (But not really!) 'This must be one of those lover's quarrels situation that I've heard about.' He thought. Maybe some other time and leaves for the next item quest. [DEMON FOLKS]: Look there he goes, that boy is strange, no question.
Valentine continue to search for his ingredients. He was in luck for this time of year in Devildom, because it's their harvest season and there are so many delicacies and special imports from the human and celestial realm. Thanks to his brilliant, quick learning mind and his very good memory, he knew exactly what to look for AND finds items his pact mates been trying getting their hands on. Normally, his 'old' self would think this is for keeping them happy just to be pawns, but from now on, he must try to be like a family member.
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
He found a good amount of meats such as the FirePhoenix meat, MadCow hamburgs and steaks, FilthyPig pork chops and his Lucifer's favorite, the HellFurry Peacock's pack fit for a celebration dinner. (Or in this case, a 'modest' feast made for a future Demon king's coronation.) He got a fair amount in wrapped plastic. Cause it's for sanitary reasons, even in literal hell.
Never part of any crowd - 'Cause his head's up on some cloud
He then moved on to the next selling stand where they sell a fair amount of human and Celestial goods. The first ones that he immediately noticed was ramen noodles. Mammon and Leviathan’s favorite for on the go or gaming. He remembers the first time he saw this in his last cycle of 'rebirth.' It was in his human realm and he was catching up to the latest youth trends and he was offered a cup. 'You can now just add boiling water and it's done? What kind of magic is this? Is there really no time nowadays to even prep the meals?' Was his first reaction and to him, it's a descent food but not as good as home cook ones he's best at. Would you like to know how mind blown when one time he made a thanksgiving feasts one time to his previous roommates and they were in disbelief when he said it's just a 'normal' dinner?
The other story about it was when he eats it again, this time with 'THE' Mammon, he was taken aback when he devoured it like a beast with no manner. Maybe due to the fact that they were in Mammon's room and not at the dinner table that he think good manners doesn't apply. Valentine did his best, at the time, to show he's 'relate-able' by sipping the broth from his cup. Mammon noticed him and it started off their friendship on good terms. Looking back, deep down Mammon's a good guy and well, he IS his first pact in order for him to gain power... He must at least show him that he's sorry for using him as a tool. Maybe later he can help him with clearing his debt a little or get him off the hook from Lucifer... just once if it's minor.
He got the human world of chicken and beef flavored ramens for Mammon and the Shrimp flavored ones for Leviathan.
No denying he's a funny boy, that Val.
He then stopped to see the imported figurines called 'anime' as they called it. Val was thinking 'first it's animation, then cartoons and now anime?' He thought of Leviathan, his second pact. At first he thought that he was just a shut-in otaku, but as time goes on, he felt he can relate to him. He was scared of people hurting him. He can't understand what 'normal' humans do or 'normies' does. He is passionate on things he's very interested in like TSL and Rurui-chan. He did helped him out sometimes when fixing his uniform one time due to his cosplays and sewing.
He saw some limited key sets of the latest Rurui-can collectables and decided to buy the one that had his color themed and his. 'Maybe he'll like me more if I show this as 'friendship phone straps' and make most out of that gaming app Majolish.'
Bonjour! - Good day! - How is your family?
He searched all over the fresh produce market for vegetables, fruits and exotic herbs. He was thankful that Beelzebub was NOT with him at the moment and his charm spell has cast him away. Otherwise, there will be a concerning letter along another separate big grocery bill and that would make his Lucifer stressed.
He was his third and quite a formidable power house. Finding out his weakness was not so hard and his raw strength does come in handy at times like lifting the couch with one hand while eating a cucumber sandwich in the other.
But what he admire and now values in Beel the most was his kindness. Sure, he does act dangerously ferocious when he was denied food one too many times, but for his family especially for his twin, he would do anything for them. Valentine can learn a thing or two from him.
He already knew Sour Raspberry pies will be another easy favorites, so he made sure that he bought plenty for pies and at least one of them for the others.
Now as for the other twin and the seventh born, Belphegor, he was the one who revealed his 'rebirth' ability to others when he was killed again. To his surprise, he came back to life in hours rather in years unlike the human realm. Must be the realm's magic or something cause he's certainly sure it ain't from his heritage. Belphie was the one who made him confess everything, his true plans, his back story and his reason why he needed power. He thought that at the moment he was going to be kicked out and send back. But instead, they forgave him, said that they were literal demons to each other and that they wanted to start over again with him but be more honest and true.
Belphegor was probably the one who he can be more open and honest with himself when talking afterwards. Asides back rubs and talking about the stars, he does seems like a likeable character and he does care. Like himself, he tries to make amends for his big brothers from his mistakes.  
He saw some silky fabrics with night star patterns that reminded him of his favorite sleeping spot, the Planetarium. Maybe he can get some to make a pillow cover for him whenever he changes and washes out the laundry for bed sheets.
Bonjour! - Good day! - How is your wife?
He then came across the beauty sections where perfumes, jewelries, clothing, you name it is here. Too bad Asmodeous is being help up for catching up his neglected homework. He heard him dramatically sobbing from the other room of how 'cruel' it was for him being held up especially for today when fall fashion had just arrived today and that he'd always be the first in line.
I need six rotten eggs! - That's too expensive!
Asmodeous was the fourth he made pact with and to be fair, it was like they're staring at their own reflections of outer beauty wise. Both of them are beautiful in their characteristic ways such as Asmo is more self-care conscious while Val is more natural. They both shared much in common such as fashion statements, jewelries, skin care, Lucifer, ect...
While Asmo is narcissistic most of the time, he does think about others and wanted to help them as much as he can. One time he cut his finger and when Asmo saw it, he immediately took out the first aid kit.
Valentine decided to at least buy a beautiful beige scarf and a new hand lotion from the human world that's one of his favorite beauty lines.
There must be more than this provincial life!
He then hopped back on a black hellhorse royal carriages that was still new from the handle like it was a free ride during it's time. He was almost done with the shopping and he got most of the brother's favorites. He was in a trance of understanding what emotions are. He already knew what fear is, more than he can remembered. He knew, in others, how they acted with their emotions and their reactions. But he still haven't felt emotions himself until he discovered them during these months whenever he interacted and developed his relations with the brothers. Happiness, sadness, anger, laughter, embarrassment, envy, and others he had seen or heard before. It felt so new to him when he realized that for the first time in what seems forever, he laughed when there was that pillow fights saga and just last night when he had to confess about everything, he cried.
But most importantly, he started to develop something he can't quite describe yet...   He decided to think about it later and hops off the carriage when they've passed at the bookstore where Satan gets his favorites and hard to get books. It's probably the only and closest bookstore in Devildom to get his books. [DEMON FOLKS] Look there he goes, that boy is so peculiar - I wonder if he's feeling well
What he finds attractive in Satan was his vastly knowledge on so many subjects. Like he, Valentine's no slouch when he shows his knowledge. (He lived for almost two centuries.) They can talked for hours on so many topics and they're quite close apart when it comes to the subject of Lucifer. He knows that Satan's power alone is powerful enough to make anyone quiver in fear, but he was also created from Lucifer's anger before he was casted out from heaven. Not to mention Lucifer was a former arc angel and to be honest: He's got that temper that needs to be kept in check unlike Lucifer.
None the less, he is still a valuable person that he was glad to make a pact after that trip to London for the swap curse saga. He picked up Satan's weekly orders and also he picked up a fairytale book for another report. 'Beauty and the Beast.' He read this story a few times before, remembered how both the girl and the Beast learned to love each other. Maybe he can learn too if he tried harder? He also picked up 'The little mermaid' too. For 'human lessons' reasons.
With a dreamy, far-off look and his nose stuck in a book - What a puzzle to the rest of us is Valentine
When he got out of the store, he saw a Hellish black horse that had blue flames as his mane and tail. The creature, like every others, felt a slight charm from Valentine. He took this opportunity to practice a bit of what it called 'kindness' by taking out his 'Beauty and the Beast' book and shows it to the beautifully yet terrifying creature. He then sings gently a bit to help it calm down. [VALENTINE]: Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see - Here's where we meet Prince Charming but we won't discover that it's him till chapter three!
The Hellish black horse then rubs his cheeks with Valentine's as affection. "You're very welcome!" He then realized that he was then surrounded by a few other small street creatures and they were eyeing on him. If he doesn't ditch them soon, he'll get more than just a 'warning' from Lucifer when he sung while cleaning near open windows and not realizing there were Hellbats and Hellbirds flew in. (Though he admitted he finds his frowning face attractive when scolded.) So he the skedaddle over to the next stop. [GARGOYLE WOMAN]: Now it's no wonder that Asmodeous is worried, His looks have got no parallel.
He blushed at this felling what he recalled embarrassment. He halted when he arrived at one of his favorite clothing shop in Devildom. It's the only one that has those old vintage tuxedos and vests made for dukes and 18th centuries royalties. 'I guess I can look for a little bit before I return home.' He thought of himself.
[BUG CREATURE SHOPKEEPER]: But behind that fair façade, I'm afraid he's rather odd - Very diff'rent from the rest of us.
If you think Valentine's had a minor spell from his 'charms' for the demon lords alone, you might be mistaken when there's other powerful demons who wants to make a pact with him and we're not talking about Diavolo or Barbatos here.
[DEMON FOLKS]: He's nothing like the rest of us. Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Val!
In the Blood square of the town, there are two powerful demons in their own rights. They were from a neighboring kingdom, who's under the demon king's control, are there for their day off. One of them had a particular goal of meeting Valentine.
There was one demon who's name is Giovanni The Hellian. He's a high ranking demon for his strength, his manly appearance, his legendary rivalry against Beelzebub's sports team, but most importantly, he is very prideful. (In other words, he's the Devildom's version of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.) He had red hair fairly long like Asmo's but slid back, his attire is something similar to a high school student for today. He threw a fireball towards a black horned goose that flew over them. It hit the poor creature and it hit the ground dead. “Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Giovanni! You're one the greatest hunter in the whole Devildom! I bet you'll be summoned by prince Diavolo one of these days for one of his hunting trips.” The other one was a fairly strong demon named Kiru, he was a male Incubus with some envy. He's got that bowl cut, brown hair and he wore the same team jacket as his friend does. He is most likely the support type. “ I know. I will get what I always want.” Giovanni boasted. “No beast alive stands a chance against you, ha ha! and no Incubus girl, for that matter.” Kiru replies as he took the goose in his bag for supper later. “It's true, Kiru, but I've got my sight set on that one in particular!” He pointed out at Valentine who he just exited the shop. “You mean the exchange human student by Diavolo himself?” Kiru questioned his friend's taste. “He's the one, the lucky boy I'm going to make a Formal pact with!” Giovanni boasted with pride. “But he's-” “The most beautiful boy in centuries I've lived through!” Giovanni cuts him. Kiru tried to tell him about Val, but Gio wasn't listening. “I know, but-” “That makes him the best. And don't I deserve the best?” Gio picks him up from his jacket's collar and look dead in the eye. Kiru fussed with it. “But of course! I mean, you do! But I-” He then drops him. [GIOVANNI]: “Right from the moment when I met him, saw him - I said he's gorgeous and I fell. Here in town there's only he - Who is beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and pact with Val.”
Giovanni wanted Valentine more than just a simple pact, he wanted him to make an OFFICIAL demonic pact. The only difference is that a regular pact can easily be removed once a deal is set or done. An Demonic pact is more like a marriage bond. It's more 'official' and gives more power for the demon.
Giovanni only saw him three times at events prior to today. The first was at a Devil-ball game, where his team was up against Beelzebub's. Valentine was in the crowd along with the other seven demon lords. His feminine-like beauty had captured his attention. The second was on another sparring competitions where high ranking demons, including the seven lords themselves, practices and compete for top spots. The third one was at Diavolo's party where Valentine had changed his appearance to fit in with other demons. He almost ask him for a dance until Lucifer took him away from him. Gio wouldn't let that glare from Lucifer that night to keep him away from Valentine. He 'marched' straight to Valentine who's just strolling into the further end of the town, presumably to return to the House of Lamentation. Whenever Giovanni wanted something, he takes it. No compromise. [FEMALE CHEERLEADING INCUBUSES] Look there he goes. Isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Giovanni, Oh! he's so cute! Be still my heart. I'm hardly breathing! He's such a tall, red, strong and handsome brute! [Witch Woman:] Bonjour! [Giovanni:] Pardon [Beauty incubus:] Good day! [Clown Woman 2:] Mais oui! [Undead Woman:] You call this bacon? [Werewolf Woman:] What lovely grapes! [Vampire Man:] Some cheese? [Ghost Woman:] Ten yards! [Cat Man:] One pound.
Unfortunately, the busy hour of the demon folks in the town residence had commence their daily routines. They unknowingly prevented him to reach Valentine who he was walking away from them.
[Giovanni:] Excuse me! Please let me through! [Vampire Cheese merchant:] I'll get the knife [Undead Woman:] This bread - [Werewolf Woman:] Those fish - [Witch Woman:] It's stale! [Clown Woman:] They smell! [Ogre Men:] Madame's mistaken. [Ogre Women:] Well, maybe so. [Demon folks:] Good morning! Oh, good morning!
Back on Valentine, he looked around to see several interactions between the demon town folks. Some were happy, upset, angry and more. He knew beforehand what they were, but he still haven't learn how and why. Which was new and exiting to him. [VALENTINE]: There must be more than my provincial life!
Eventually, Giovanni had catch up to him.
[GIOVANNI]: Just watch, I'm going to make Valentine a pact!
Gio had placed a hand on Valentine's shoulder and the human looked back at the demon. Val recognized the face before but he was clueless on who he was. “My name is Giovanni The Hellian. You might have heard of me before, haven't you? Ha! Well, as usual, I'm full of surprises for anyone.” Poor Val was like 'Have we really met before?'
[DEMON TOWNSFOLK]: Look there he goes! The boy is strange but special. A most peculiar gentlemen! It's a pity and a sin - he doesn't quite fit in.
Giovanni continues to 'flirt' by bragging himself even more, unknowingly that Valentine's still doesn't know him asides his name. “You know, my little Valentine, there's not a demon in all of the Devildom's united kingdoms who wouldn't LOVE to be in your shoes. This is the day-” Gio had noticed he looked at the widow reflection of himself and just wiped something on one of his sharp teeth with  his triangular tong. “Ah, ahem! THIS is the day where all of your hearts desires comes true.” Valentine might not be a social butterfly, but he knows how narcissistic characters can be. (He ought to know, he was born from one.) “What do you know about my desires? Do you know me well enough about my life before I live here?” Does this demon knew about his mother who she's rumored to be a very legendary, powerful witch? Who she's so powerful that almost every demon shuttered at her very name? Whom she had an obsession of dominance and control over him and tries to break him?
“I know plenty! Picture this!” Giovanni then traps Valentine between himself and the wall. “Once I've risen up and be acknowledged by future Demon King Diavolo, we will live in a modern luxury apartment with all the latest gadgets and clothing. My latest kills roasting in a white, electronic, up to date kitchen that does all the cooking and my beautiful little human, massaging my horns and wings. We'll also have beautiful incubuses to satisfy our needs, so I don't mind if you wanted some fun on the side. I'll make sure we'll have big beds to fit all of us.”
“For you and them?” Valentine 'innocently' asked. Does he think he KNOWS Valentine that well?! “Ha! Not just them but also you! Don't worry, I'll make sure you'll be the only one sleeping in my arms.” Valentine then slides underneath his barring arms. “Thank you for the invite, but your picture and mine are very different paintings.” Giovanni doesn't let him go. He grabbed Valentine's wrist with a bit of force. “Make a formal pact with me, Valentine. Only you can help me.” Val tried to pull away from him. “I'm sorry but no, I want to be with the one I love, not just for status or image alone.”
Giovanni laughed “Love? Ha! Don't be ridiculous! I like my human more obedient, not-” His eyes widen as to someone who was standing behind Valentine. He recognized this menacing aura. “Didn't you heard what our human said? He's not interested making a pact with you.” He then saw red gloves freeing his wrist and he held it up while the other one covered his left torso. “Lucifer...” Valentine whispered with a blush when he looked up to him. “I suggest you leave him be if you want to keep your current status and have a chance to be promoted by Lord Diavolo himself.” Giovanni tsked and then leaves them, cussing mumbling 'freaks.'
“Are you alright? Have he done anything else to harm you?” Lucifer's attention is now on Valentine. “Yes, I'm fine. He really was a brainless boar.” Val responded. He then felt a hand brushed through his long hair and then lips on his fore head. His cheeks heated up. Lucifer chuckled. “My words exactly.” Valentine then looked down. “I... I know that I've wronged you and your brothers with pacts that I made prior to last night's confession. I really mean it when I said that I will change and... I DO want to be with someone I love. I can't stand being with someone who's just wants me as a possession and not as an only partner for life!” That makes Lucifer smiled. “Then you'll only need to prove it yourself if you ever want it really bad. If you can manage to make amends with my brothers, I will forgive you and maybe, we can make a pact. But my standards are normally high, are you sure you want that?” Valentine looked up straight in Lucifer's red eyes and nodded. “Good. Now, how about we both take quality time at the nearest cafe? I want to know a bit more about your... 'early' life in details. The others can wait for a bit.” Valentine then accepted Lucifer's invitation without hesitation. Lucifer chuckled as both of his left wings covered Valentine and pulls him closer to him. “That's what I like to hear. Now, stay close to me. I don't want you to be with another demon apart from me and my brothers, is that understood?”
[DEMON TOWNSFOLK]:'Cause he really is a funny boy. A beauty but a funny boy. He really is a funny boy. That Val! (Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!)
Yeah, this is a different Gaming AU that I’ve played on my phone and I really liked @snowandseven‘s OC and story arcs.
Obey Me! Game belongs to Solomare. OC belongs to @snowandseven
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hereisisa · 5 years
There’s a rumor that Elsa was supposed to stay dead, as Daniel, Disneyinsider and others saw in that screening back in april.
Rumor is that Bob Iger told them they were out of their mind and they had to change it. So here we are again, changing a Frozen movie so close to the premiere.
It’s just a rumor, but I do think that it may be correct for several reasons:
1) Screenings aren’t made to hide spoilers, but to get real feedback. So if people saw Elsa dead, and the movie ended like that, she was dead at the end of the movie. Some of them saw an hint of Elsa still being alive, like she could have resurrected in another movie, but still...dead at the end of F2.
2) It explains why Jenn & friends keep telling us Elsa is a mythic character, my greek tragedy books tell me mythic characters usually die. lol
3) They deleted the coronation. If Elsa died, Anna would have been Queen, and this is why her coronation dress is so dark and a tribute to the Queens before her. I suppose Anna would have been devastated at the coronation, and this is why they had to cut it. Cause if Elsa "abdicates" then Anna's sad coronation would be out of place. It also explains why Elsa is not at the coronation.
4) it also makes sense why people don't understand why Elsa thaws. It’s a bit confusing. They probably used the “gift” story (Elsa is a gift for her parents) for Anna too (Elsa is a gift for Anna too since the spirits let her come back when Anna makes the right decision). It’s correct but confusing in the movie.
5) it explains why all the books have an open ending and one/2 scenes missing, not a third of the movie!
6) Some books strongly suggest total separation and Elsa like a “ghost” so now we may know why now. She was supposedly dead.
7) “The end is rushed”. Is the one thing good and bad reviews have in common.
8) This is why the separation was supposed to be complete, while now they send letters to each other and see each other once a week. Because they changed the end, and maybe in this situation they actually listened to what the fans had to say. Goind from “dead” to “together 24h” was maybe a bit too much, it would have destroyed all the foreshadowing in the movie.
9) The statue of Agnarr and Iduna was probably gonna be Elsa’s.
10) The first snowflake symbol with the four elements was supposed her final form. thanks to @anonym0us3s 4 this.
11) There’s a “Anna’s diary” book after F2, and apparently not an Elsa one.
12) This is why Elsa’s decision to stay in the forest seems out of character (to me at least). She wasn’t even supposed to choose!
13) Anna was supposed to be Queen cause Elsa couldn’t anymore, not because Elsa didn’t want to. It would have been acceptable, better than the Elsa’s character assassination we’re watching.
Dead Elsa fits all plotholes and fixes all problems we see about the ending.
The only thing that is weird is.....they wanted this to be the END of the story, considering they said F2 is a whole story with F1....and this is crazy. So much for trust Jenn & friends.
Fyi this is just a speculation based on spoilers, it may not be true. Credit goes to @super-mam-te-moc too who came up with lot of this!
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lupinusalbus · 5 years
Sansa’s Symbolism Meshes with Jon’s on a Deeper Level
On Game of Thrones, there have always been two parallel story lines, but one of the biggest mysteries of the show is about how the two are actually interrelated.  The surface plot, which is very engrossing on its own, is about politics and personal relationships.  The deeper plot is about the magical realm of the Children of the Forest, Dragons, and the Whitewalkers.  Remember too, that in this world the seasons are out of balance, which we intuit is somehow connected to an imbalance in the mystical realm.
In two other posts, I wrote about how there is more to Jon’s origins than meets the eye, especially with respect to the show which skipped many book elements.  His biological father, Rhaegar Targaryen, was deeply involved in the mystical realm of the story, and it’s very probable that a prophecy or prophecies motivated him to have a child with Lyanna Stark. The important thing about Jon Snow for the magical side of things is that he carries two crucial bloodlines.  This is likely the result of Rhaegar Targaryen having been influenced by agents or representatives of the Old Gods and their prophecies, who were trying to bring about Jon Snow’s birth as the “Prince who is Promised.”  More particulars are here and here.
In this post I’ll summarize a few important things about Jon and Sansa as they relate to the symbolism of the Old Gods, the forest and nature.  Below is an  image of the World before the Children created the Whitewalkers. 
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The Children Deciding to Create the Night King. Note that this location must be a spot that is now North of the Wall (that is the same Mountain from Beyond the Wall in the background).  Everything is Green, not the present snowy wasteland.   
Keep reading below the cut for more.
How Jon is Symbolically Connected to the Old Gods
First we have the obvious connection of his being of the Stark bloodline, even though its not in the way Jon always thought.  The Starks are an ancient family who pray and meditate at the sacred groves of the Weirwoods.  This is the religion of the Children of the Forest and the First men.  Jon’s Direwolf, Ghost, is also an important symbol linking him to the Old Gods.  Direwolves are semi-mythical creatures in the present story because they supposedly have not been seen South of The Wall in hundreds of years. The discovery of the Direwolves in the very first episode of Game of Thrones is an important Omen for the future.  In particular, Jon’s Direwolf Ghost is an Albino.  This is probably a sign of Jon’s hidden connection to the Ghost of High Heart/the Woods Witch, who were linked to Rhaegar Targaryen.  Ghost’s coloring likely signifies Jon’s being “The Prince who was Promised”.  Ghost is his special Guardian, and perhaps even played a role in Jon’s resurrection, which could signify he wasn’t raised by R’hollor’s power alone.
Of Dany’s three dragons, only Rhaegal, named for Jon’s father, is green.  Green is obviously the color of nature, living things and The Children.  In some sense it appears foreordained that Jon would ride Rhaegal.  Jon’s Targaryen blood is likely the reason Rhaegal accepts him as Rider, but the dragon’s green coloring is a nod to Jon’s lineage.
Sansa and the Dragonfly
On Game of Thrones, Sansa is a creature of transformation.  We see her beginnings as a innocent girl who has fanciful ideas about being swept away by Joffrey.  Sansa’s innocence is soon quashed by the realities of Lannister ruthlessness and Joffrey’s twisted nature.  Like Jon, Sansa is tied to the old Gods by both his Stark heritage and the adoption of a magical animal - a Direwolf.
Interestingly, Sansa and the other Stark children receive their wolves because of  Jon’s insight into their significance.  When the orphaned pups are discovered by Ned, Jon, Robb, Bran, Theon and others, it’s Jon who saves the animals from  mercy killing.  Although Jon is set apart as different, and even gets a “different” wolf, it is he who is responsible for bestowing the Stark children with their mystical animals.
Sansa’s Wolf Lady is lost to her through the cruelty of the Lannisters, and signifies the loss of her innocence and Stark protection as she is literally thrown into the Lion’s Den of King’s Landing.  Soon after we see Sansa wearing Dragonfly, butterfly and moth motifs on the show as necklaces, rings and beautiful embroideries.
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Embroidery from Sansa’s Dress
These motifs represent the metamorphosis that Sansa is destined to undergo.  She eventually transforms from a naive and sheltered daughter to a formidable and highly intelligent Queen who is ever mindful of her family’s tragedies and ultimate legacy.  But note also that the dragonfly is a creature of the forest, and the forest is associated with green and living things in Game of Thrones.  This includes the Children themselves, the Starks, Wolves, and the Weirwoods. 
There is another character from Game of Thrones who is associated with the Dragonfly.  This is Duncan Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonflies, who gave up his  Throne for Jenny of Oldstones.  Although  a song about Jenny of Oldstones (perhaps written by Rhaegar Targaryen) is performed in season eight, the ultimate significance of her story  (it may relate to Jon’s origins) is not resolved by the show. 
This is where speculation must come in, but it’s interesting to consider that readers of the books may learn that there is more to the story of Sansa and her Dragonflies as they relate to Jon Snow and the Targaryens than was given in the  TV show.  That Sansa has worn a symbol that is associated with Jon’s true name may be more than a coincidence.
Sansa and Jon, True to the North
For all it’s flaws, the final season showed a realignment of Westeros in favor of the Starks after Dany’s failed quest to rule.  Although Sansa was no longer shown wearing dragonflies, her coronation gown and crown was symbolic of the Stark ties to the Old Gods.  The dress is filled with mystical forest references that are associated with the Starks.  There are weirwood leaves and branches, a Direwolf crown which depicts two wolves and a wolf’s head and fur  on the shoulder (there are also fish scale references for her Mother).  The underlying pattern of the fabric also appears to be a leaf pattern.  Jon Snow retains his sword Longclaw which has a wolf pommel, and he has also reverted back wearing his hair free flowing, as he did when he lived with the Starks.  Jon has been reunited with Ghost, his mystical companion animal.  In fact, he is the only Stark who is able to do so.
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Mystical and Nature Elements in Sansa’s Coronation Dress
This symbolism and the open-ended nature of the ending is deeply suggestive that the story of the Starks is not over, particularly that of Jon and Sansa who have become the primary torch-bearers of their  legacy.  The two are also left in relatively close geographical proximity, and we know that Martin planned at least one additional book for the saga beyond Winds of Winter.  The finale suggests a reaffirmation of the Old Gods in Westeros, and a “Green” resurgence with Sansa and Jon as key players.  This is perhaps the meaning of Martin’s supposed title for a future book:  A Dream of Spring.
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takerfoxx · 5 years
We’re in the endgame now, folks. 
And the fav(s) of the day are...
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Wrestling may be a work, but when it’s at its best it’s because it has become entwined with reality.
Naito’s path to stardom is almost bizarre in how it worked out. As a young talent, he was pegged as the eventual heir to Hiroshi Tanashi’s throne, given a gimmick and demeanor very reminiscent of the man he was destined to replace (because that always works out so well), won the G1 Climax Tournament to face fellow rising star Kazuchika Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight Title in the main event at Wrestlekingdom in what was no doubt intended to be his coronation...only to be rejected by the fans and rejected hard. They saw through his Tanahashi-lite character and reacted by not reacting. No cheers, no boos, just silence whenever he’d make his entrance or give a promo, except for that one time when they burst out laughing when he tried to proclaim himself as the company’s top star.
And the company noticed.
In short order, Naito’s title match was voted by the fans out of the main event spot (in favor of Tanahashi’s bout for the lesser title, to add insult to injury), he loses the match, loses the secondary title he already held, gets pushed down the card, has an all around terrible year, and leaves the company in disgrace, headed for Mexico.
When he came back, Naito was a very different person.
In Mexico, he had hooked up with his friends in the Los Ingobernables faction, who were more than happy to welcome him into their ranks. There, he was finally allowed to cut loose and be the total asshole he wanted to be. Months of pent-up frustration at how everyone had turned on him came spilling out, making for a transformative experience. 
And when he came back to Japan, he brought everything he learned with him
At first, fans hated the new Naito even more than the old one. He was lazy, he was dickish, he disrespected everyone from his opponents to his tag-team partners to the fans to the company to even the championship titles themselves. He founded the Japanese branch of Los Ingobernables and thus ran around with a crew of misanthropic miscreants that just spread chaos and disorder wherever they went. He went from the white-meat good boy intended to be the top good guy into becoming the most reviled man in the company.
But then, something happened. 
People started to appreciate Naito. People started to empathize with him. People who had been screwed over in life, passed over in work, had gone unappreciated by society and their peers. To them, Naito had becomethe standard bearer for the overlooked and rejected, those who had done everything right but still lost anyway. 
And now, only a few short years later, Tetsuya Naito stands as the most popular man in New Japan Pro Wrestling. 
Every show will have scores of people wearing LIJ merchandise. Every time his music hits, the audience goes nuts, and soon everyone in the building is clapping in sync and chanting his name. He has finally become what he was destined to be, and he did it by rejecting what others tried to force him to become and instead paved his own path.
As someone who has watched Naito perform live, I can tell you firsthand that the man’s starpower is palpable. The room just changes when he makes his entrance, and he becomes the coolest motherfucker in the place just by existing. And all it took was taking a step back and chilling out. Or, as he would put it...
Tranquilo...assen na yo. 
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It is very difficult to convey to non pro-wrestling fans the mystique, the aura, the legend of the man known as the Undertaker. Born of the era of silly, cartoonish gimmicks in the early nineties, the Undertaker is a character that ought not to have worked. An undead old-west mortician with supernatural powers that, for some reason, decided to become a professional wrestler? Okay, it might work as a fun novelty gimmick, but it should have died the same death as all of the other weird gimmicks of the time.
Today, over two decades later, fans still collectively lose their shit at the sound of the Undertaker’s gong. And that all comes down to the man behind the name, Mark Callaway.
Despite being such an outlandish character, Mark Callaway plays the Undertaker 100% straight. There is no trace of irony to his performance, and his size, his poise, his utter commitment, and his presence has caused years and years of fans to suspend their disbelief and believe in the Deadman. There is a chill that sweeps over the arena whenever the Undertaker makes his entrance, one that raises goosebumps. His matches are mesmerizing, with his signature sit-up never failing to get a reaction, and everything he does causes one to start to think that maybe, just maybe, the Undertaker is for real.
And the streak? Oh, his Wrestlemania streak was the stuff of legends! Every year, even the most cynical fans, many who had fallen away from wrestling for one reason or another, would tune into Wrestlemania just to see the Undertaker defend his undefeated streak. It was something wholly unprecedented, something that no other wrestler has been able to come close to matching. And when it finally ended at the hands of Brock Lesnar, grown men and women were openly crying, mourning the end of something that no one wanted to see die.
But having the coolest fucking gimmick in the history of wrestling and playing it to perfection alone doesn’t account for his incredible longevity. Because as much as the Undertaker is beloved by the fans in the seats, the man Mark Callaway is just as respected by his peers. There is nary a single wrestler who has a bad thing to say about Mark, and given the history of selfishness, backstabbing, and skullduggery in the wrestling business, this is exceedingly rare. By all accounts, Mark Callaway is a man who works for the betterment of the business rather than just himself. He mentors the younger wrestlers, puts a stop to infighting, does what he can to get others over, and uses his reputation to put an end to bullshit and keep order, even if it means standing up to Vince McMahon himself (true story, that). 
As for me, what can I say about the man responsible for my internet handle? I remember channel-hopping as a teenager one night and stumbling across an episode of Smackdown. At the time, I was squarely in the “Oh, wrestling is so fake! How could anyone watch it!” 
But then I saw a seven foot badass ride a motorcycle to the ring and take on three men by himself, and so I kept watching. 
Sixteen years later, I’m still watching.
And then, the next year, when he returned to his old school Deadman gimmick and tombstoned Paul Heyman...well, let’s just say I was in absolute awe. I had that episode taped on a VHS, and ended up ruining it through rewinding and rewatching that specific scene.
A few years ago, I spend a few thousand dollars to fly out to Florida to be at Wrestlemania, just to see the Undertaker’s final match. And sure, he’s had guest appearances here and there, but it really was his last ride, the end of a story about a mythical being over two decades in the telling. The Undertaker has ascended into legend, and now...well, no one says it better than him.
Rest. In. Peace.
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Just something curious to add. The first spin off for Game of Thrones is going to cover the war of the dawn and the description for it is that "It's not the story we think we know". Let's say that GoT reveals this N+A=D in the last episode, wouldnt fans want to know more? The truth from the very very beginning? Revealing this plot twist can lead to a series of spin offs the tell the true history and go into more depth about house Dayne. It's perfect
*rubs hands together*
Now you get why I’m so excited for the prequel… since it could only help me with the Dayne one. Here’s the thing, I know they say there won’t be dragons, but I don’t believe it. Here’s why:
“Against the Unnatural is a book written by Maester Vanyon. It contains certain proofs of dragons having existed in Westeros even in the earliest of days, before Valyria’s rise to power. The work considers as far-fetched the claim that Valyrian bloodmages experimented with unnatural arts to create dragons.”
I think the Daynes and Valyrians both come from the same ancient house, the Great Empire of the Dawn. Dany has this vision in a fever dream:
“Ghosts lined the hallway, dressed in the faded raiment of kings. In their hands were swords of pale fire. They had hair of silver and hair of gold and hair of platinum white, and their eyes were opal and amethyst, tourmaline and jade. ‘Faster,’ they cried, ‘faster, faster.’ She raced, her feet melting the stone wherever they touched. ‘Faster!’ the ghosts cried as one, and she screamed and threw herself forward.”
This is a clear nod to the Great Empire of the Dawn from Yi Ti, a ‘mythical’ realm, featuring rulers such as the Opal Emperor, Amethyst Empress, Tourmaline Emperor, and Jade Emperor… whose territory extended to Asshai.
“The Valyrians tamed the dragons with magic—taught by a vanished people according to the Asshai'i—and mastered the technique of raising and training the dragons into devastating weapons of war.”
We have evidence of dragons, maybe, with fused and/or oily black stone over in Westeros. I won’t get into it here but it’s all on this page.
Another interesting link between House Stark and dragons:
“Hot springs such as the one beneath Winterfell have been shown to be heated by the furnaces of the world—the same fires that made the Fourteen Flames or the smoking mountain of Dragonstone. Yet the smallfolk of Winterfell and the winter town have been known to claim that the springs are heated by the breath of a dragon that sleeps beneath the castle. This is even more foolish than Mushroom’s claims and need not be given any consideration.”
Notice how everything remotely interesting is “debunked” by the maesters for being “foolish” and shit? lol
Winterfell and Dragonstone have another interesting feature - they’re the only castles to have gargoyles.
The term ‘gargoyle’ originates from the French word “gargouille“, around which there is a peculiar legend of a long-necked, fire-breathing dragon beast with bat-like wings who was defeated. When its head could not be burned or destroyed, La Gargouille was mounted to the walls of the church for protection or to scare off evil spirits.
As we know GRRM is an admirer of J.R.R. Tolkien, it bears mentioning that:
“Drog means Wolf in Tolkien languages. Drogon essentially means male or stone wolf.”
and: “Cognates, also meaning “wolf”, are Exilic Doldorin draug and Doriathrin drôg.”
And to further link some interesting recent dragon shit to Winterfell, we have another “absurd tale” that was debunked by the maesters (of course):
“We can dismiss Mushroom’s claim in his Testimony that the dragon Vermax left a clutch of eggs somewhere in the depths of Winterfell’s crypts, where the waters of the hot springs run close to the walls, while his rider treated with Cregan Stark at the start of the Dance of the Dragons.”
Alright. Again, we’re noticing a pattern here… right?
“Prince Jacaerys Velaryon was a dragonrider whose dragon was Vermax. Rhaenyra’s coronation as Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, she named Jacaerys Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. Mushroom also states Jacaerys fell in love with Cregan’s half-sister, Sara Snow, and married her in secret, although Gyldayn discounts the fool’s claim.”
See what’s going on here? Maybe someone out there doesn’t.
Another dark-haired heir to the Iron Throne who possesses a mixture of Targaryen blood (and likely Strong blood) marries a bastard Stark girl in secret.
And yeah, I get it. All of these things might mean fuck-all and maybe the maesters are right but I don’t believe them for a second. Why? Sam says it pretty well:
“The First Men only left us runes on rocks, so everything we think we know about the Age of Heroes and the Dawn Age and the Long Night comes from accounts set down by septons thousands of years later. There are archmaesters at the Citadel who question all of it. Those old histories are full of kings who reigned for hundreds of years, and knights riding around a thousand years before there were knights.”
This is why I’m excited about the Long Night prequel. We might see Starks riding dragons. We might see Daynes, we might see the Bloodstone Emperor, the Amethyst Empress, the first Long Night caused by the blood betrayal between brother and sister… the formation of House Dayne and Starfall - which by the way, if you’re going to follow a shooting star to where it falls, wouldn’t it be easiest on dragonback? 🤔
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phroyd · 5 years
For 63-year old U.S. Post Office carrier Peggy Frank, that Friday marked her first day back at work after recovering from a broken ankle. At 3:35 p.m., Frank was pronounced dead after paramedics found her unresponsive in her non-air-conditioned truck. In September, the Los Angeles County coroner’s office confirmed what seemed a forgone conclusion: Frank died of hyperthermia — she overheated.
A few months later, in November, the Woolsey Fire swept through Malibu and parts of the San Fernando Valley. The blaze killed three and forced the evacuation of almost 300,000 people, burning 96,000 acres and destroying 1,643 structures. Then, after heavy rain in areas scarred by the fire, came the mudslides in December and January that killed one person and closed portions of the Pacific Coast Highway.
For most of the population, climate change is too big a thing to grapple with. As the theorist Timothy Morton argued, it’s a “hyperobject” — it is too big, too sprawling in time and space, and too complex to see fully from any single vantage point. It’s numbing. But by narrowing our focus, we can catch more than a glimpse. It may be easier to understand climate change at the regional level, says Katherine Davis Reich, associate director of UCLA’s Center for Climate Science. “We can all appreciate what climate change impacts would be in our backyard and act on that, much more than at the global level.”
Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the United States, is perched precariously on the edge of the Pacific. Not long ago, it was the nation’s frontier; today, its cultural industries produce the globe’s films, music, and television, always hunting for the next new thing. Here, the line between the present and the future has always been thin. As it swelters, burns, erodes, and collapses, that barrier may have been swept away altogether. For L.A., 2018 was not a sign of things to come. It’s a sign of things that have arrived.
That Los Angeles should exist at all is itself a tale of the extraordinary becoming commonplace. An underpopulated backwater until the discovery of oil in 1892, today’s L.A. is a thick smear of civilization over what may not actually be a desert, but what certainly has the mythic feel of one. Precariousness is the resting state of L.A.’s collective unconsciousness.
The city has been grappling with ecological collapse since its beginnings — and not just in films like Chinatown or San Andreas. In 1927, the Los Angeles Times warned of an environmental reckoning: “I was pessimistic enough to imagine that self-confident Los Angeles had forgotten Babylon, Palmyra, Palestine, China and Timgad. What I now saw was our own beloved land. And I saw sand dunes, sage brush, aridity, stately ruins, idle derricks, desolation.”
“By the end of century, a distinctly new regional climate state emerges.” This climate includes a new, fifth season: a super summer.
Even the most dire predictions don’t suggest that Los Angeles will go the way of Timgad — a Roman colony in modern-day Algeria that is now covered by sand. People will still flock here, and even if the city were to collapse, it would happen over a much longer time scale. Still, by 2069, Los Angeles could well be on the way to a new season of misery.
“With the exception of the highest elevations and a narrow swath very near the coast, where the increases are confined to a few days, land locations see 60–90 additional extremely hot days per year by the end of century,” one study concluded. Downtown Los Angeles could experience up to 54 days measuring 95 degrees or higher by 2100, a ninefold jump. By then, temperatures in Riverside could reach over 95 degrees for half the year.
“By the end of century,” the authors of the study found, “a distinctly new regional climate state emerges.” This climate includes a new, fifth season: a super summer, driving people indoors for weeks at a time, stressing the power grid with heavy demand for air conditioning, and wreaking havoc on agriculture and, by extension, the food supply.
Climate change plays favorites, and the heat increase would not be evenly felt. In fact, its unequal distribution could create an “environmental justice story,” explains Davis Reich. “Areas like the San Fernando, the San Gabriel Valley, or the Inland Empire, where the extreme heat burden is already greater, are where the season of extreme heat will occur — parts of the region that are arguably less well-equipped to deal with compared to places like Santa Monica.” There’s a dark irony there, since wealthier people produce more carbon emissions. “The people who have contributed to the problem the least are going to suffer from it earlier and more,” Davis Reich says.
Meanwhile, beaches in Los Angeles will be facing their own threats. Rising sea levels will attack the coast in at least two ways: inundating beaches and eroding cliffs. “Our beaches are compromised. Not just from overall sea level rise, but also coastal storm events,” says Lauren O’Connor Faber, the city’s chief sustainability officer.
In 2017, scientists modeled the effects of sea level rise on 500 kilometers of shoreline in Southern California. A sea level rise of 0.93 to two meters, they predicted, would result in the loss of 31 to 67 percent of beaches in Southern California, including some of its most well-known. A separate USC studyconcluded, “In Malibu, both low and high sea level rise scenarios suggest that long segments of beach will essentially disappear by 2030.”
“Those beaches are the basis for a lot of California’s identity,” said the first study’s lead author, Sean Vitousek, an assistant professor of civil and materials engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Vitousek was part of another research project predicting that because of rising sea levels, sea cliffs in Southern California would erode, on average, up to 120 feet over the next 80 years. By comparison, the rate of cliff erosion in California over the past 80 years maxed out at 1.5 feet. At the end of the century, the model predicted an increase in cliff erosion of “27–185% above historically observed retreat rates.”
Those changes put more than just surfers and beachcombers in peril. In 2060, sea level rise will likely put between 414 and 3,979 homes along the coast in the L.A. region at risk of flooding — up to $3 billion in value. Beach nourishment — artificially adding sand to bulk out the shoreline — is one option but may not be enough. The coast could be armored with sea walls, cliffs shored up, and sea gates constructed. Vitousek says that a shoreline retreat strategy might be needed — but it won’t be easy. “Because there is so much money involved in all of this, people will fight tooth and nail to keep themselves on the coast for as long as possible,” he says.
And as the coastline advances, the forests around Los Angeles have already begun to burn.
In December 2017, a series of 27 wildfires ignited in Southern California, including the Thomas Fire, which burned more than 281,000 acres across Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, resulting in two deaths and the evacuation of more than 200,000 people. Less than a year later, the Woolsey Fire burned 96,949 acres, spreading south from the mountains into Malibu, where it destroyed hundreds of homes and killed three people.
If you think think of 1994’s Northridge earthquake as L.A.’s signature disaster, the coming decades may make you reconsider. Because while climate change may not have much effect on earthquakes, it will lead to more — and more destructive — wildfires. The area burned by Santa Ana fires is predicted to increase by 64 percent by the middle of the century, compared to 1981 to 2000, while non–Santa Ana fires, which occur from June to September and are concentrated inland, will increase by 77 percent. The number of structures destroyed will rise as well — 20 percent for Santa Ana fires and 74 percent for non–Santa Ana fires. Santa Ana fires currently threaten 3,400 structures in an average year, while non–Santa Ana fires put 440 structures at risk per year.
Eventually, all that risk adds up.
“One thing that often gets lost is that wildfires are perfectly natural,” Davis Reich says. “These landscapes were made to burn and need to burn periodically to be healthy. When we build into our wildlands, there is a risk that our buildings will burn. We have to confront that more seriously than we have in the past.”
After fires destroyed a neighborhood in the Bay Area in 2017, local politicians debated the wisdom of rebuilding homes in high-risk areas. There was little appetite for such a move there (or for similar efforts in parts of Southern California), but eventually it may become too expensive to continue rebuilding in high-risk spaces. The Los Angeles Times mapped the 1.1 million buildings in California located in zones at highest risk for fires, showing clusters in the Santa Monica Mountains, the Palos Verde Peninsula, Mission Viejo, and Yorba Linda. Nearly all of Topanga, Paradise, and Malibu were also at risk. Few political leaders want to discuss managed retreat yet — but in 50 years, they may have to.
Climate change is no longer on the horizon. It has arrived.
The masterstroke that allowed Los Angeles to grow may be the one that causes it to retract: Los Angeles depends on imported water, whether from the Owens Valley or farther abroad. As the globe warms, those supplies will dwindle and become harder to manage. Sixty to 70 percent of the water used in Southern California comes from the San Joaquin River and Tulare Lake basins, the Sacramento River basin, Mono Lake, and the Colorado River basin. (The bulk of the remainder is pumped local groundwater.) Of that, 75 percent is drawn from spring snowmelt from the Rockies, the Sierra Nevada, and other mountain ranges.
The Fourth National Climate Assessment, released in November 2018, projected “substantial reductions in snowpack, less snow and more rain, shorter snowfall seasons, earlier runoff, and warmer late-season stream temperatures.” Snowpack reduction in Southern California mountains could reach as high as 50 percent by the end of the century. At the same time, water flow in the Colorado River could be down 35 to 55 percent.
Water demand in 2050 is projected at 1.4 million to 1.7 million acre-feet per year, while supply is projected at 1.4 million acre-feet per year. At best, it’s break even. At worst — well, ask Cape Town.
And those estimates may underrepresent the risk to L.A.’s water supply. A 2015 study concluded that “the mean state of drought in the late 21st century over the Central Plains and Southwest will likely exceed even the most severe megadrought periods of the Medieval era,” causing “an unprecedented fundamental climate shift with respect to the last millennium.”
Another study conducted in 2016 found “a pronounced increase of droughts and aridity in the Southwest during the latter half of the 21st century.” A megadrought — one that would last multiple decades — “could become commonplace.” Droughts of that magnitude were associated with collapse of the Angkor, Anasazi, and Maya civilizations.
“There are two futures in front of us,” says O’Connor Faber, CSO of Los Angeles. “One in which we do not act, do not take leadership. We let the disasters happen. That’s an untenable future. The good news is that’s not at all the future that L.A. accepts.”
It’s not a future that the state of California hopes will come to pass. In 2006, the state enacted a cap-and-trade system to reduce its carbon emissions. A new state law mandates that by 2045, California will rely solely on clean electricity. In recent sessions, state legislators have begun to reshape the laws that govern the state’s housing market, hoping to encourage denser buildings oriented around mass transit, rather than sprawl that forces drivers onto jammed freeways.
For its part, the city of Los Angeles has embarked on an ambitious effort to do what it can. As Mayor Eric Garcetti told Rolling Stone in September, “We’re not waiting for Washington. The cavalry isn’t coming.”
So the city is building up local water supplies and curbing demand, increasing the tree canopy and building out cooler infrastructure to reduce its heat island, spurring the installation of solar power, and armoring its beaches and the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Progress has already been made: Emissions at the port have dropped by double digits, tens of thousands of electric vehicle chargers have been installed, and improvements in public transit are coming.
As she works through the list, Faber O’Connor says she recognizes the magnitude of the task but has reason to hope. “I’m feeling very positive,” she says. For her city, climate change is no longer on the horizon. It has arrived. And like a car speeding down a clear freeway, the city is racing to catch up.
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twilight-sparx · 7 years
A long Rant about Sansa and One Spoiler for S8
So I did the stupid thing of reading comments in the article about the Dragon pit being used again in S8. This is me letting out my frustration. Also fair warning it isn’t Da*n*rys friendly.
Now Why was it a stupid thing to do? Obviously, because people are dead set on Sansa dying and Jon&Dani ruling Westeros happily ever after.
First Let’s talk about the Dragon pit. The spoiler is simple “the Dragon pit set will be used again in S8.” There is no more information about it.
Now People speculated that the dragon pit could be used for
A wedding, Jon/Dani(pregnant dani), Cersie/Euron, Cersie/Jon. OR a coronation happens at the end of S8(obviously everyone said Jon&Dani together). OR it could be used for another meeting OR an execution, Euron, Cersie. OR a funeral(only one suggested Dani) OR Cleganbowl (I like this speculation)
A lot of people also speculated that a fight sequence between DRAGONS might happen here, Drogon vs Viserion or Cersie vs Jon&Dani.
Heellloooo! What about Rhaegal vs Drogon? Jon vs Dani, is it really so unthinkable?!
What surprised me the most about these speculations is that every single person believes that Jon and Dani are a single unit now, that they will defeat evil, marry for love, have a kid (because she is so obviously pregnant in that one leaked photo) and live happily ever after while ruling Westeros.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON thought that Jon and Dani might not be on the same side by the end of S8, no one thinks that a Dance of Dragons between Jon and Dani is possible. WHY??? What is the POINT of Jon having a secret parentage reveal and a better claim to the Iron Throne IF IT WON’T BE USED TO CREATE CONFLICT BETWEEN THE TWO ALLIED PARTIES.
Also Why do people think Dani will definitely have a kid in order to restore the targs. Jon can do that on his own, Dani isn’t really needed in that equation. Or Dani can do it without Jon if she can get pregnant. Why is Jon the only person to get her pregnant, was she using condoms with Daario throughout S4, S5 and S6.
More importantly WHY is a targaryan restoration so important. Why should the targs who ruled for 300 years get restored over The Stark Kings of the North who ruled for 8000 years! Yeah just because GRRM is inspired by J.R.R.Tolkein doesn’t mean the Targs are getting a restoration like the Númenors. And even if the Targs are Númenors then Gondor’s line of kings ended, it was the line of the Kings from Arnor that was truly restored by Aragorn, who by the way restored it by marrying the daughter of the Elf who took him in just to protect him and raised him as his own son. So yeah, a Targ restoration with Dani, I don’t think is in the cards.
Now Let’s talk about Sansa speculations in S8, the things I read were
Sansa dying(the most common, as common as Dani being pregnant) in the great war, in Winterfell’s siege and mostly while saving Arya (she has to die saving Arya because Lady died to save Nymeria),
Sansa marrying Gendry(because he is a baratheon and a bastard),
Sansa marrying Podrick or Bronn(you read it correctly, BRONN, that is how he’ll get his castle),
Sansa living without a love interest in Winterfell. (yeah that is what should happen to the girl whose storyline involves finding true love)
To be honest there was no need for Sansa speculation, the article was about the Dragon pit. No one mentioned Bran, not once. So how did Sansa get dragged in here. Well, one person mentioned a Jon and Sansa wedding. And the response to that one person was astounding.
“There is no place for Jonsa here”(by here they meant public forum where everyone is allowed to give their own opinions).
“Jonsa isn’t happening because it is confirmed by the leaked photo that Dani is pregnant. Sansa will die in the battle at Winterfell.”(O you mean that photo where Kit and Emilia are in their S7 costume and Kit has his man bun and isn’t wearing his cloak, a photo that looks like it is from one of the beach scenes in S7)
“Jonsa and Jon*rya(yeah they got dragged in here too) is not happening. Just because there is foreshadowing in the books doesn’t mean it’s happening.” (because foreshadowing are red herrings, and the show isn’t based on the books)
“The show won’t go to a sibling incest route. Even if they are cousins, cousin incest isn’t acceptable nowadays. Besides Jonsa and Jon*rya are perceived to be siblings for 7 seasons, where as Jon*r*ys are not.” (The General Audience knows their aunt and nephew, Bran made it too clear in that epic sex scene)
“GRRM and D&D won’t do that with their biggest production, with more projects to come. The general audience won’t accept a sibling or cousin incest endgame.” (Why would the General Audience accept An Aunt and Nephew end game and be averse to a Cousin endgame.)
First of COUSIN MARRIAGE is not incest because it is acceptable and legal in 80% of the world today (in 2018).
Secondly, it is a common trope in literature especially concerning medieval ages.
Thirdly it has already been portrayed in TV shows, Downton Abbey and almost every period drama. Siblings falling in love has been portrayed in The Borgias(that is actual history). Adopted Siblings falling in love was portrayed in Dexter which was in modern times(yeah Dexter went there, it was a 2 season storyline), also Barry Allen from The Flash was adopted by Joe West, he later marries Joe’s daughter Iris West(no one had a problem with that only because they were 11 when he was adopted, they knew they weren’t siblings and he already had a crush on her).
The point is the general audience is more adapted to cousins and siblings/adopted-siblings falling in love then they are of an aunt and nephew getting together and having a kid.
GRRM is writing a book that is his own, he has complete rights to what he does with it regardless of what the readers think. The entire Targaryan rule and history is filled with siblings falling in love, marrying and having kids. No one stopped reading his books because of that. So Why would he shy away from it now and why would readers stop buying his books.
D&D are making a show, they had siblings doing it on screen in the first episode. They have never stopped at portraying controversial issues before. They didn’t lose viewers because of these issues. So why stop now at S8. They know how it will end, they won’t change that ending for delicate sensibilities.
The show isn’t just about romance, it has all sorts of issues, a feudal system, religious fanatics, mythical creatures like dragons direwolves and children of the forest, magic rituals, a Zombie apocalypse and the most basic issue, the war for the Iron Throne.
The series is called “Game of Thrones”, it isn’t ending with two claimants of the same family(Jon and Dani, both Targaryans) getting one throne, with the main guy falling for the main girl and getting a happily ever after. It won’t be that simple. That is so Predictable, it is a really boring end to a fantastic Story.
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fmpemilycywinski · 2 years
As a starting point for my FMP (Final Major Project), I looked at the theme that I was given which was “Elements”. The first thing I did was create 5 mind maps and mood boards with elements as the main word to gain some kind of idea of what I wanted to do for my FMP. the 4 mind maps used the topics of fairy Tales, Technology, True Crime, and the Supernatural. Fairy tales relate to elements because of the classic elements, fire, water, air, and earth which can be taken to a fairy tale concept. Technology relates because of the periodic table side of elements, so different materials can go down the technology, modern, sci-fi aspect of it. True crime relates to elements due to the periodic table again but looking at the poisons, knives, cleaning products, and more. Supernatural is related because of the mythical part of it which does relate to the fairy tale theme. All of these themes link into elements in a way and are all very specific genres I can create a story around.
Using the 5 mind maps and mood boards, I thought of 3 ideas for my FMP. I had an idea to create a Cinderella story because I was thinking about creating my own story outside of college anyway so doing it in college would give me an excuse to work on it some more.
The Cinderella story was about society was separated between the poor and the rich. The police were very strict with the poor and the rich were never kind to them. Ella was born into a wealthy family. When she was tiny, her parents died in a house fire. Ella was taken and raised by a poor woman who ran a bar but runs an assassin business on the side for extra money. Ella was raised to protect herself, fight, and hunt. She also worked as a waitress for her mother in a bar. Everyone called Ella the child forms the burning mansion or Cinderella.
The king of the country died and was replaced by his one and only son. The son, wanted to have a ball through on the same day as his coronation so he can find his bride on the same day because that was his father’s final words. He wanted to invite everyone but only the rich of the country.
Someone however hired the assassin company to kill him. So, they send Cinderella as she is a good age for the king and can blend in easily as a beautiful rich maiden.
I haven’t thought about the story any further because I have decided to go for another idea instead. However, I do remember that I wanted this story to be a comic book cover or a manga cover. Manga is a Japanese comic book cover known to have its anime art style which is the style that is constantly given to Japanese cartoons.
The second idea I had was I got this idea when reasserting the supernatural.
The story is of a little girl who died and came back as a ghost but got trapped within the walls of her home. Her home is an old English mansion. For years the child is alone. She searches the mansion, like the basement, and finds more ghosts, the little ghost finds out how they died and then sets them free because they have had closure. The more ghosts she helps the more the reader finds out how the little girl died, which will be so traumatizing that even the little girl will have a hard time remembering because her brain tried to erase it from her thoughts.
I like this idea but I wasn’t sure about it because of how dark it was but also because I wanted to make a comic out of this concept if I did choose this idea, however, I didn’t want to make a comic due to how my last comic turned out when I made one last year. I didn’t want to go through the same thing again this year by making a whole chapter again in little time so the result ended up looking rushed.
So, this meant I was left with the last idea that came up with. I had the idea of using the western zodiac signs because the classic fire, water, air, and earth elements are tied into them. I thought it would be a cool idea to make a detailed comic book with 13 characters that each specific person has the power of each zodiac sign. They will all be given specific powers and gems relating to these signs.
The story was about a Queen called Queen Sol, and she was the queen of the galaxy. Is related to her power-hungry brother King Lunex, the King of Earth's Moon, who wants all of the Zodiac Crystals. In fear, Queen Sol released all of the crystals and spread them around Earth, casting a spell that only the chosen can see the Zodiac Crystals. 
One by one the crystals choose their holder, giving these humans specific powers related to their Zodiac. Protecting their beloved Earth from the wicked King Lunex who is still hunting for the Crystals.
This idea was defiantly my flavorus and I am happy that I chose the idea because it was something that I was motivated to build a story and character on. Looking at the outcome now, I believe that it was the best decision out of all of the ideas because it turned out perfectly and it was exactly what I was aiming for. 
During the FMP there were many changes. Halfway through the project, I found out that there weren’t 12 zodiac signs and there was a 13th one found between Scorpio and Sagittarius called Ophiuchus. The reason people didn’t know about it was that it's placed in an area that the sun covers. Because of this discovery, I had a choice to add or leave out the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus, so I decided to add in the star sign because this character could be quite useful in the story and would be quite interesting. I also made constant changes to a character who is the Aquarius holder. Her colour palette changed three times before I was finally happy with how she looked. At the beginning of the FMP, I aimed to create 14 characters for each of the zodiac signs and then the villain of the story but because of the amount of time I had I was only able to create 13 but I am still happy I managed to create 13.
During my FMP I was aiming to create a comic book on this zodiac topic, however, there wasn’t enough time to create a comic book or create 5 or more pages in detailed art. To solve this issue, I thought about creating a front cover but the more I thought about it, I wanted to give every character their comic book so that meant I had to give everyone their front cover. Because of the time I had, I thought it would be a good idea to pick a random character and then draw their comic book covers. My aim for this new outcome was 3 or 4 comic book covers. At the end of the FMP, I thought that because of the art style I like to work it was in the Japanese cartoon art style I should change the comic book covers to manga covers.
If I was to recreate this project I would do it when I had a better excipient. For a long time now, I have owned a Huawei Android tablet. I have always been the one to think that android was the best but ever since I started college everyone is working on a drawing software called Procreate. When I researched Procreate I found out that it was good to use if you are a digital artist and for a long time I’ve always wanted it. Unfortunately, it's only on iPad which is apple, but I can’t afford it at this very moment so I did all of my digital art on this free digital art app called Autodesk sketchbook which is still very deaccent but it does have its limits. So, if I had better equipment, everything would be a little faster and I could have added in that 14th character I aimed for at the beginning. I would have also made the front covers without the stress of not having enough layers on the Autodesk sketchbook. On Autodesk sketchbook depending on how big your canvas is, depends on the number of layers you will have. If I had Procreate I possibly would have been able to have more. If I also had procreated, I would have had better and different varieties of brushes.
I know there weren’t any issues with bad planning but I also know that time played a big part in why some characters weren’t made. Although I do think that I should have asked or saved up as much as I could have before my FMP started this year.
8th May 2022
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iamjaynaemarie · 6 years
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I just announced news of my non-Tolkien Original story coming (I had two stories to choose and this one won the first lot). My story that takes place in Middle-Earth is original--in spite of what some say--but this one takes place in a different world of my own making. I started it in high school and had started working on it before I started The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy, but it got a second wind halfway through Book II: The Saga of Thranduil.
I'll drop more of that news after the coronation of Oropher in what will become Eryn Galen (Greenwood the Great)
But that is far from now (look for a lot of changes here: @keyldonchildrenoftheprohecy) over time. I’m not going to start writing on that again until I well into Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen and/or the stand-alone TKWR story, @fortunatelyclevercandy so stop worrying.
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I just want to be continuously working on something--thinking about what comes next. I’m usually working on more than one story at a time; this is the first time I’ve been focused on one story but it requires all my attention because I’m trying to get it right--can’t mess up Tolkien; that’s sacrilegious!
It was inspired by Tolkien, LadyHawke, Camelot, etc. It's got a golden city among a lot of other things. I'm really into knights and things and heroic battles. There are mythical creatures; gnomes, fairies, one I created, etc. There are three crown-less rulers in my story--siblings; but that’s all I’m saying for now (no, it’s nowhere near Game of Thrones family relations). PG-13.
Right NOW: I believe little Oropher is about to annoy his father soon and he just got two new playmates--Amdir and Nimeithel. Also, Thranduil just got another little elfling to play with; her name is Lasúriel. (I’m deciding now if I should release Book II: The Saga of Thranduil--Extended Version for Father’s Day. Still thinking about Mother’s Day and what to do during Legolas’ Birthday Month).
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wildthingshidehere · 7 years
am i back with another political cliché au???
lol yh
so like…imagine if the war didn’t happen. like, at all. that’s not to say that nohr and hoshido are hiding their shared intent of ripping each other’s respective throat out.
just because there is no war doesn’t mean things aren’t sliding towards it. the conscriptions, the troves of soldiers sent to the border, the increasingly petty skirmishes: nohr knows that hoshido can play just as dirty as themselves.
but neither country can afford yet another war - not just yet. the latest campaign left both on the precipice of ruin and citizens can only take so much before even divine dragon blood won’t keep revolt at bay.
so sumeragi, ever the pacifist, is the first to swallow his pride. perhaps he has more to lose than garon - after all, he still had a wife, a queen, a sense of duty to his people - so he writes the first missive - your blood for mine.
and garon’s vanity is appeased enough to write one back - the eldest daughter will do.
but hinoka wouldn’t be made to agree - her duty to her people would not let her leave hoshido; her troops need her and if nohr wants hinoka then they can come and try taking her.
so nohr doesn’t get the eldest daughter and camilla only laughed and laughed and laughed when garon brought it up with her. they won’t want me, she told garon, hoshido wouldn’t accept a bastard, even if the bastard is royal.
give us sakura; we have need of healers garon wrote back.
mikoto managed to stop sumeragi before he even mentioned the idea to sakura. instead, mikoto took him by the hand and led him to the eastern wing, almost mythic in its abandonment.
you must forgive me, but sakura is still a child, the next letter read in mikoto’s crisp writing, in her stead we propose to give the middle daughter.
we accept. the middle daughter for my eldest son.
you have given nohr a dragon, sumeragi said to mikoto, while they have given us nothing more than a prince.
mikoto did not answer but looked towards the wing where a pale face looked back out towards her.
kamui is not a princess known to her kingdom. every hoshidan knows and loves her siblings; from first born and first loved ryoma down to sakura. but kamui remained no more than a whisper, hidden behind walls thicker than five men, a wraith covered in gauzy veils at her mother’s coronation.
perhaps it is because of her beauty, the castle blacksmith muses to her customers, perhaps her eyes drive people to love, to madness, to death.
i’ve heard it’s because she is too frail to step foot beyond her room - she is finer than bone china and bruises like a peach, one of her customers replies.
both blacksmith and customer forget eventually about the conversation and the princess in the eastern wing; a thing of smoke seen only from a distance. kamui had long before faded into little more than rumours at court, then stories before finally becoming nothing more than myth.
xander accepts his marriage with only a creeping sense of bitterness. he is not a selfish man and maybe he would have liked to marry for love, maybe he would have liked to be loved, to love, to -
no. his country loves him and xander feels that must be returned, particularly whilst the bodies of nohrians still rot in the fields from the last war.
the lives of his people will have to do, xander reasons with himself, the knowledge that nohr will not squander any more will be sweet enough.
xander is not selfish and neither is he bitter. he nods his assent when garon comes to him and asks.
‘it’s not too late, we can still somehow refuse this agreement. hoshido doesn’t want war - you do not have to agree, i can find another way’, garon tells xander.
but xander does not refuse kamui’s hand.
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