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yorufudido · 1 year ago
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kentuckybats · 1 year ago
How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan
How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan   The requirements for Kentucky FHA loans are set by HUD. Borrowers must have a steady employment history of the last two years within the same industry or line of work. Recent college graduates can use their transcripts to supplant the 2-year work history rule as long as it makes sense. Self-Employed will need a 2-year history of tax returns…
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highonfilms · 2 years ago
50 Best Films of 2020
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l-i-b-e-r-o71 · 5 years ago
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La legge fondamentale del capitalismo è
“tu o io”,
“tu e io”.
Karl Liebknecht
(Il capitalismo ai tempi del Coronavirus)
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allshewhispers · 4 years ago
I think what I miss most is traveling and sitting inside coffee shops.
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joni-lane · 5 years ago
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“Worker spraying the streets to prevent Covid 19. This is the most cyberpunk picture I've ever seen.”
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/fjbyok/worker_spraying_the_streets_to_prevent_covid_19/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
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missymwac · 5 years ago
Things I’ve Learned Thanks to the Coronavirus
1. We’ve all been undervaluing pants with elastic waist bands.
2. I’ll never look at toilet paper the same way again.
3. I suspect this whole Coronavirus thing was masterminded by the “Dog Community” as a way to keep owners at home as much as possible and get 4 walks a day
4. I will never look at toilet paper the same way again. Yes, I know I’ve said this twice.
5. Cake IS a breakfast food. And because of this, refer back to #1.
6. Some people spell “quarantine:” as Corn Teen. I’m actually okay with this and might start spelling it that way, myself.
7. My “emergency food” supply looks WAY better than what’s normally in my pantry.
8. There were actually people who didn’t realize before this just how important it is to wash your hands.
9. When you sneeze or cough in the grocery store due to bad allergies, people 6ft away from you will immediately jump back an additional 10ft.
10. Liquor stores are deemed “essential” businesses. I don’t know who made this call, but I’m pretty sure we would be friends.
11. My new bedtime routine while working from home: changing from my “day pajamas,” into my “night pajamas.”
12. Remember that time when we were worried about getting salmonella from eating raw cookie dough and E.coli from our salads? I miss that time.
13. As each day of this ordeal passes, I’ve found myself playing the “Is it too early for a cocktail?” game. I said firmly today, “No. No it is not.” It was 7am.
Yes, I’ve learned a lot of things I never knew before…
and yet, in spite of everything, my heart is warmed by those things I’ve always known: life goes on. Babies are still being born, birds are still singing, flowers are still blooming, birthdays are still happening, people are still laughing and falling in love and holding tight to the love and assurance of family and friends.
Stay safe, my friends. Stay well. You mean the world to me.
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loverofbooksblog · 5 years ago
DNFING my most anticipating read of the year
Hey y’all, welcome back to my page. I hope everyone is staying sane indoors. If your a reader, it’s not that bad of a life. It’s just only bad if your in the middle of your worst reading year to date like me, myself and I.  I just checked my Goodreads challenge to update it and I’m currently 11 books behind schedule. However, I’m not panicking… not on the outside anyways. Just maybe, a little bit…
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sol-diesi-minore · 5 years ago
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pac3 · 5 years ago
I feel I should really be writing down the stuff Senku says, it’s gonna come in handy in times like this.
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the16livesofadam · 5 years ago
have you actually met or interacted with ANYONE who has had the COVID-19 infection? do you know of anyone who has died? not someone who knows someone on facebook whose mom died or whose sister overcame it or tom hanks....i mean have you physically met ANYONE who has been tested for this, tested positive, and then has either passed away and been given the official cause of death as this virus, or who has completely recovered? i mean, someone you KNOW, or YOU, and i am dead serious.
the reason i ask is based on a few specfic aspects of this unprecedented pandemic:
1. i have never know the republicans to pass any type of free financial windfall without any concern for how we will ever pay back that money because we cannot ...with the democrats and the republicans fasttracking this free money windfall after shutting down everything else and keeping us hostage in our homes out of hyped up media generated fears that stripped us of the few remaining civil rights left after the whole 9/11. they do not believe in giving us free money. wtf.
2. this has caused 22 million people to be unemployed and while this is beyond a recession= i worrry by far more about the fact that the stock market has virtually been stalled and destroyed by a fucking FLU- and while it is obvious that there are deaths that are occuring- it is strange that there are no new cases of pnemonia and in many regions every death has been accounted for as a virus related death regardless of underlying conditions such as heart failure and strokes and advancing age. it has made normal, american citizens who would at least question such insane measures hoard tp and hand sanitizer and invent social distancing and self-quarentines that finally see everyone has having the potential to spread deadly germs- yet we will continue to see new transmissions of the deadly HIV virus that will happen from people not using protection - strange. but we will make masks fashionable this season- which will do nothing to save us from GETTING COVID_19. only from GIVING it away if we already have it!
3. there are TONS of people who have been getting the impression that this crisis was invented or aggravated to create the smokescreen for a much larger, impactful problem that we will face that is being hidden from view due to the potential unrest that may arise were it made known that, say, a potential end of the world scenario is about to occur- which we can aliviate only with a few orders to stay at home with family in these last days and use the money they give us as a parting gift on our way out- because really- how does this make sense to rational people? i understand that it is hard to avoid the 99% of the media is being inundated with every single type of theory, news articles, opionion, stats, etc that make it impossible to avoid this nonsense. i have friends who work in the medical field and pals that are sensative to ANY type of human issues that call for a libral, empathic voice to stick up for the little people who might fall victim to this wretched virus- and who are impacted heavily from the heart strings news stories they have running past them at a million miles an hour on facebook and other time killing social media sites. they will not have many good things to say about the idea that it is not very real and killing many people at a rate faster than in any other type of disease since the spanish flu or other major plauges that wipe out folks every hundred years or so. of course we were due some population control, and this was bound to happen since we were warned in the bible of such things, but to make it keep us from living the rest of our lives in any way that provides us any joy, or friendship, or makes us isolate and hide indoors and live in fear?
fuck that means i would be dead already, right?
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ashleyisking · 5 years ago
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Apocalyptic 💪🏽
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lilmanlet · 5 years ago
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a-shakespearean-in-paris · 5 years ago
this crazy damn week seemed like the longest week ever. Now, with spring break extended another week for me, all I can say is that it’s a good thing I have a lot of yarn and a lot of WIP ideas. My anxiety is pretty okay, but it’s not so great for others around me. the only thing I’m concerned about is faltering with classes being that it’s moved online until at least the middle of April. Being without a paycheck sucks though.
anyway, if anyone wants to talk, my DMs/box is always open. I would like to think we’re all here for each other in these trying times.
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2ctheocean · 5 years ago
My dumbass roommates are having people over and ignoring the stay at home order. They've purposefully kept the numbers bellow 10, (we've been up to nine, now we are down to 7) but this is just irresponsible. We have a shelter in place/stay at home order implemented for a goddamn reason.
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emnenews · 5 years ago
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