coerulus · 4 years
When the news first reached Brienne she’d thought it was a fever dream. Septon Meribald had needed to assure her it was real several times over, relaying the information to her as he changed the bandages on her face. On hearing that her lady was alive, she’d wanted to ride for Riverrun immediately, but it was five torturous days before Septon Meribald allowed she might be strong enough to travel. 
If her horse hadn’t needed to rest Brienne would scarcely have stopped on the way, though her wounds pained her throughout the whole journey. She’d expected danger behind every tree and bend in the road, but she’d made it to the castle without further difficulty. The men at the gates had been eventually consented to let her in, but she was made to give up her weapons and given an escort of two armed soldiers. They agreed to take her to Lady Catelyn, at least. That was what she wanted, more than food or rest or a warm fire. 
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Once she was standing outside Lady Catelyn’s bedchamber, though, she wasn’t sure what to do. All through her journey, she’d convinced herself that this was real, that she’d be able to see Lady Catelyn again. At no point had she considered what she would actually say. She hadn’t come all this way to stop here, though. She raised a hand, took a deep breath, and knocked. 
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northreigned · 7 years
i love one (1) husband
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and i luv one (1) wifey 4 lifey
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Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: catelyn is a character I have only recently found myself taking a close interest in, mainly from my reading of the first book and rewatch of series one, but also thanks to the exceptional people who breathe life into her here on tumblr. she has her flaws, but they make her incredibly three dimensional. she cares so very deeply for her family, and will stop at nothing to see them safe. stoneheart, on the other hand, freaks me out in all the best ways, even if I do side-eye her for taking beric away from me.How they play them: oh my god, words can’t describe the awesomeness of this catelyn/stoneheart. I’ve lurked in a few threads of theirs and just been like -heavy breathing- wow, because they know her on a level that’s almost spiritual. she is beautifully written, and freaks me out as only lady stoneheart could.The Mun: we’ve never spoken directly, but they seem awesome ^^
Do I:
RP with them: noWant to RP with them: hella intimidated to approach them, but sure.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: wow. just wow ♥
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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theusurper-a · 7 years
corlapidis replied to your post: corlapidis replied to your post: ...
aren’t u dead & fat ?? shut up
i’m telling ned abt this. 
he gon be mad
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manwithout-a · 7 years
@corlapidis replied to your post: big mood : matt being able to pick up on the type...
u can try
tbh not w/ u !!
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unbeatenwclf-blog · 8 years
corlapidis replied to your post: robb has freckles pass it on
robb looks like the male version of cat pass it on
[ robb voice ] l i e s. i look like my dad
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ladycrcw-blog · 8 years
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“Lady Stark.” A pale hand tucks a strand of free hair, as dark and near-ebony as her father’s, back into its braided knot, and her eyes remain trained downwards as they usually are. She’s beautiful, like an wide expanse of snowy ground, but she knows her face only serves as a reminder to who her father is. She curtsies, a show of respect drilled into her head so long ago, but does not dare look up after she straightens. “Lord Stark has left for an execution. Robb and Theon went with him.”
@corlapidis liked.
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coerulus · 7 years
soleil (sun)
soleil (sun): all time favorite concert you’ve been to?
dfghj I haven’t been to a lot of concerts but there’re ones in the park across the street from me during the summer and those are nice ; v ; 
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mxdam-a · 8 years
scenario: margarethe is the sexually active™ member of the book club catelyn goes to
everyone dreads when it’s margarethe’s turn to pick the book because she’ll “innocently” suggest a “historical fiction” novel that’s basically just porn with a thin veneer of historical drama and then pretend like she had NO IDEA there would be so much smut in it
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theusurper-a · 7 years
corlapidis replied to your post: corlapidis replied to your post: ...
if u like him so much…. why don’t u marry him?
lady, i wanted to.
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crowncdcrow-archive · 7 years
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1300 followers?! All of you can’t be lost, so I must be doing SOMETHING righ t ( ??? ). I am absolutely chuffed that so many of you enjoy my portrayal of Jon, there is no way to properly thank you all. I’ve honestly met some wonderful people and feel so fortunate to call many of them friends. Here’s a little shout out to some of you amazing souls.
@akingslayerx && @abloodywoman && @aerlyth && @agirlofwinterfell && @anthca && @ashesri && @awolfmaiden && @badinvcstmcnt && @benjenstcrk && @bird-dove-wolf && @breakercfchains && @bronzedwildling && @corlapidis && @davosshorthand && @dornishdrxgon && @dracaesanguinem && @dragonryse && @everybodyelsedying && @eversoblack && @fadeflame @fifthbornforrester && @flamelaced && @forsakingonevow && @foreignaccent && @fuckthekiing && @girlonadyinghorse && @godsiwasstrong && @griffinshand && @greyenvy && @halvbjorn && @handofhonor && @hiddensteel && @honourofwesterling && @kcrsi && @keepfcith&& @killthebxy && @littlealinabolton && @ljosmodur && @longmayshereign-cersei && @maidofwinter && @maternubila && @meleabra && @mhysaoffire && @mithraiic && @missandeiofnaath && @mxncipium && @needlcd && @neitherknightnorlady && @nihtwulf && @nivallis && @nottobecrossed && @nosouthrnlady && @obuljagon && @ofgoldenwit && @ofironandbeauty && @ofthewhitehands && @onceporcelain && @perzysdaria && @pearlofruins && @predative && @qceenmother && @queenxmargaery && @rcseheir && @rcsethcrn && @reekcd && @reviiled && @rhaegxr && @rosereigned && @roseguided && @sansavis && @saltveined && @sandsuh && @skincfsteel && @sovereignstark && @spookybcar && @spookyhorseface && @starkmatriarch && @tormundbearfucker && @triplebuns && @txrmundgiantsbane && @vallorous && @valyrianflame && @wildwclf && @wildmoored && @worshipsonlydeath && @wolfqueennamedstark && @wolfgiirl && @xreginaignis && @yngwolfrobb 
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nivallis · 7 years
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I feel a little silly doing another bias list so soon after my last, but I think due to recent events, it’s become very clear to me that there are people here who really care about me (both in my writing and my personal wellbeing), and I believe strongly that that’s even more important than how grateful I am for another hundred people’s interest and support. So here we go, I’ll try to keep it short and sweet (but no promises). Thank you and I love you all.
Special Mentions
@anarchywithin​ -- Kate, I am so gay for you. And not just because of that one weird dream I had. In all seriousness, your unfailing patience & kindness & support is just everything & I can’t articulate how much you mean to me.
@alnnys​ -- Moon, you make me prgnenent with love. I feel so lucky that we were able to forge such a supportive and uplifting friendship out of such unlikely circumstances, & I’m so grateful to know you & to have you in my life.
@corlapidis​ -- Diogo, it’s crazy to me that it’s been two years now, that we both left and found our way back to asoiaf rp, and that we found our way back to each other as partners after so long. You’re an absolute treat & I adore you.
@skyshattering​ / @promisestoned​ -- Annie, you’re my best friend. I know sometimes things aren’t perfect, but it’s always worth it because you are such a fantastic person & amazing friend. I love you so much, little beetle.
Lords & Ladies of Winterfell
@abrazan​ ▪ @agirlingrey​ ▪ @cfnorth​ ▪ @crowncdcrow​ ▪ @flamedwarrior​ ▪ @hangtherules​ ▪ @herocsandvillains​ ▪ @honorended​ ▪ @keepfcith​ ▪ @kiingsnow​ ▪ @killthebxy​ ▪ @lcrdcrow​ ▪ @lionswrath​ ▪ @lordparamountofthenorth​ ▪ @maidofwinter​ ▪ @needlcd​ ▪ @nxrthernblood​ / maternubila ▪ @nxrthqueen​ ▪ @onceporcelain​ ▪ @peredhellen​ / @mindsmade​ ▪ @rhaegxr​ / @vaedar​ ▪ @sansavis​ ▪ @starfallslady​ ▪ @theeldestsun​ / @bloodthirstyviper​ ▪ @thelostwildwolf​ ▪ @thewhxtewclf​ ▪ @valyrianflame​ ▪ @viiribus​ ▪ @wildwclf​ ▪ @worshipsonlydeath​
Bannermen of the North
@boywarg ▪ @diedking ▪ @foughthonorably ▪ irondecay ▪ @lwbrn ▪ @ofgoldenwit ▪ @oftarth ▪ @piraticblood ▪ @russetwolf ▪ @sapphireoath ▪ @showmaxter ▪ @skutilsveininn ▪ @snarkofstark​  ▪ @spookyhorseface ▪ @starkmatriarch ▪ @trickstercaptain ▪ @withanarmy 
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pazavor-a · 7 years
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i don’t understand why the hellerino ya’ll came ? OR EVEN STAYED ? but it makes me more then over joyed , i love writing guys it’s one of the reasons i wake up in the morning. So i wanna say thank you to some special ppls .  i don’t deserve any of ya’ll but thank you anyway  @perzysdaria actual sunshine ???  moon of my life ? your so sweet and passionate about dany , you are the reason i joined this fandom and i owe you so much for even talking to me still.
@ironrevive  ur a squid :l  NO but really i love your dedication to Theon and you are such a wonderful person i admire you so much your so talented the heckie.  @diedking ur gem gen you’ve been super nice to me ??? and i don’t deserve it  @snowrust thank you so much for just talking to me and making me such a wonderful theme and being who you are ? your great 
@kingdomworth /// @crowncdcrow /// @anthca /// @taintedblccd /// @crowedeye /// @akingreborn /// @corlapidis /// @wintercrowned /// @needlcd /// @killthebxy /// @motherofwolvcs /// @dwiirok /// @valyrianstccl /// @sadisticwiitch
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unbeatenwclf-blog · 8 years
corlapidis replied to your post: Whether it be melodies that give you inspiration...
> the rains of castamere
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theatrickill-blog · 7 years
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the howl of wolves. moonless nights. dirt under fingernails. stained silk. chattering teeth, voices hoarse and cracked. rotting fruit. echoing drums. dry heaving. hanging cobwebs. stifling humidity. bloodshot eyes. the roughness of rusted steel. wild rosebushes. muscle cramps. the sound of splintering wood.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
crackling fire. ivy crawling on stone. the faint music of running water. petrichor. dirty, bare feet. tattered clothing. thistledown. wilted wildflower crowns. late evening birdsong. curling leaves. a symphony of croaking frogs. drifting feathers. the eerie sound of windchimes at night. humming bees. beds of clover.
Romeo and Juliet:
warm golden lamplight. worn shoes. crumbling brick walls. whispered poetry. embroidered satin. cool, hazy mornings. tousled hair. rosewater. flushed cheeks. distant orchestras. unfinished marble statues. cobblestone streets. loose threads. ink smudged on parchment. tapping fingers. dust illuminated by sunlight. poison vials.
shattered glass. a cluster of fraying ribbons. unanswered knocks on doors. lingering dampness. white noise. inexplicable drafts. migraines. bleeding ears. the taste of metal. reflected mirrors. dry, cracked lips. the sound of tearing paper. fogged windows. memories of dreams. tarnished silver. protruding veins.
TAGGED BY :   @interprcted  &&  @deathreflected
TAGGING :   @stylishkill, @corlapidis, @dokkstjarna, @baugenius, @mutinouscaptain, @ofvaliancy, @prinsessemelodi and anyone else who would like to do it !
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coerulus · 4 years
you go into death's arms
you do not wake up anywhere. you meet death with eyes open, and death smiles at you, wordless, knowing. you take its hand, and are drawn under the sweep of a vast dark cloak. death takes you home with it. you are cradled in the embrace of a vast and incomprehensible lover. you are safe. you are loved. you are known, and you are tended to like a flower in a garden, like a beloved child, like an exquisite rarity. you doze in the curl of death's cloak and you help to soothe its melancholy, and for that you are rewarded endlessly.
tagged by: @graunblida
tagging: @armoredcourtesy, @longmayshereignxcersei, @corlapidis, @rhaelluna, and @intothewildsea
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