#cori please enjoy
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ahollowedoutdoll · 1 year ago
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heather and her magic baby daddy
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 5 months ago
Hey so like many of you, I saw that article about how people are going into college having read no classic books. And believe it or not, I've been pissed about this for years. Like the article revealed, a good chunk of American Schools don't require students to actually read books, rather they just give them an excerpt and tell them how to feel about it. Which is bullshit.
So like. As a positivity post, let's use this time to recommend actually good classic books that you've actually enjoyed reading! I know that Dracula Daily and Epic the Musical have wonderfully tricked y'all into reading Dracula and The Odyssey, and I've seen a resurgence of Picture of Dorian Gray readership out of spite for N-tflix, so let's keep the ball rolling!
My absolute favorite books of all time are The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. Classic psychological horror books about unhinged women.
I adore The Bad Seed by William March. It's widely considered to be the first "creepy child" book in American literature, so reading it now you're like "wow that's kinda cliche- oh my god this is what started it. This was ground zero."
I remember the feelings of validation I got when people realized Dracula wasn't actually a love story. For further feelings of validation, please read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. There's a lot the more popular adaptations missed out on.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is an absolute gem of a book. It's a slow-build psychological study so it may not be for everyone, but damn do the plot twists hit. It's a really good book to go into blind, but I will say that its handling of abuse victims is actually insanely good for the time period it was written in.
Moving on from horror, you know people who say "I loved this book so much I couldn't put it down"? That was me as a kid reading A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Picked it up while bored at the library and was glued to it until I finished it.
Peter Pan and Wendy by JM Barrie was also a childhood favorite of mine. Next time someone bitches about Woke Casting, tell them that the original 1911 Peter Pan novel had canon nonbinary fairies.
Watership Down by Richard Adams is my sister Cori's favorite book period. If you were a Warrior Cats, Guardians of Ga'Hoole or Wings of Fire kid, you owe a metric fuckton to Watership Down and its "little animals on a big adventure" setup.
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry was a play and not a book first, but damn if it isn't a good fucking read. It was also named after a Langston Hughes poem, who's also an absolutely incredible author.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a book I absolutely adore and will defend until the day I die. It's so friggin good, y'all, I love it more than anything. You like people breaking out of fascist brainwashing? You like reading and value knowledge? You wanna see a guy basically predict the future of television back in 1953? Read Fahrenheit.
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee are considered required reading for a reason: they're both really good books about young white children unlearning the racial biases of their time. Huck Finn specifically has the main character being told that he will go to hell if he frees a slave, and deciding eternal damnation would be worth it.
As a sidenote, another Mark Twain book I was obsessed with as a kid was A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Exactly what it says on the tin, incredibly insane read.
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin is a heartbreaking but powerful book and a look at the racism of the time while still centering the love the two black protagonists feel for each other. Giovanni's Room by the same author is one that focuses on a MLM man struggling with his sexuality, and it's really important to see from the perspective of a queer man living in the 50s– as well as Baldwin's autobiographical novel, Go Tell it on the Mountain.
Agatha Christie mysteries are all still absolutely iconic, but Murder on the Orient Express is such a good read whether or not you know the end twist.
Maybe-controversial-maybe-not take: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is a good book if you have reading comprehension. No, you're not supposed to like the main character. He pretty much spells that out for you at the end ffs.
Animal Farm by George Orwell was another favorite of mine; it was written as an obvious metaphor for the rise of fascism in Russia at the time and boy does it hit even now.
And finally, please read Shakespeare plays. As soon as you get used to their way of talking, they're not as hard to understand as people will lead you to believe. My absolute favorite is Twelfth Night- crossdressing, bisexual love triangles, yellow stockings... it's all a joy.
and those are just the ones i thought of off the top of my head! What're your guys' favorite classic books? Let's make everyone a reading list!
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waterlilyspad · 2 months ago
Runes and Ruin fanart 😳
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story by @corysmiles
Link to the fic chapter one:
And check out Cory smile's page for the chapters
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This fan fic series healed my crops brought water to my faminned lands 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
Cory cooked what can I say they cooked
More zoomed in details:
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I hope you enjoy this and have a happy new Yuri Corysmiles 🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖
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somereaderinblue · 1 month ago
In your Odysseus of Troy au what's the relationship between Telemachus and Paris.
Does Telemachus like him or he hates him for making his dad sad?
And does Paris really want Telemachus to be his son or does he just see him as a tool to make Troy stronger?
Unserious answer:
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Paris: Your atta will love me, right? He was literally given to me to love me.
Telemachus, booping his nose: Bah!
Paris: I'll take that as a yes.
Serious answer:
Paris' first son was Corythus. How old was he when Paris left him & Oenone? As old as Telemachus was when taken from Ithaca and his mother's arms? Was he big enough to take his first steps but small enough for Paris to carry on his back while he herded sheep?
One thing's for sure: Corythus is more likely to know Paris' back than his face. And that's arguably more painful than a child not knowing what their father looks like, period.
Paris insists that Telemachus is his son. He is besotted with the babe, fawns and dotes on him, spoils him with the luxuries and riches Paris himself never got to enjoy in his childhood.
But at his core, Paris views Telemachus as a second chance; a do-over at best & a replacement at worst. If he can be a good father to this boy, who is not his blood, surely it means something, it means he's not a horrible person, not a complete failure, it means he can atone somewhat-
Still, anyone can sire a child, but it takes a man to be a father. And Paris, as many were wont to remind him, was no man.
Telemachus Pasipheros wasn't living up to his name as his wailing continued. He's been fussy for days and fitful for nights, irritable when not clingy and the fact that Paris was the one who reacted fast enough to grab the boy before Odysseus could spoke volumes of the Ithacan's exhaustion.
The prince struggled to keep a squirming Pasipheros on his lap as the boy howled and howled like a little wolf into his ears so loudly, Paris wouldn't be surprised if his earrings were caked in blood after this. Offered toys were smacked or tossed aside, words of comfort drowned under the child's woes and more and more stares were drawn towards the eye of the storm Paris was suffocating in.
"Hush, hush....." Paris murmured, awkwardly bouncing the fussy toddler.
"NO! NOOOOOOO!" Pasipheros roared with the raw ferocity of a wronged child. "NO! NO! NO!"
"Don't shout." it was almost as horrible as the eyes picking him apart with vulture-like precision. "Don't-"
Pasipheros' hand smacks him in the eye as his tantrum reaches a volume loud enough to make Hector visibly cringe.
"CORY, PLEASE!" Paris snapped.
Silence, at last.
But it was far from a reprieve.
Paris opened his misty eyes (when had they closed?) and the sight of Hector's furrowed brows and pinched lip, Andromache's tense shoulders and Odysseus' penetrating gaze, that damn eye the silver of arrowheads rather than coins, almost made him wish Pasipheros' hand had simply gouged both his eyeballs out to spare him this.
Pasipheros' lips quivered, fat tears spilling past chubby cheeks as he cried, softer than his previous sounds, and all the more damning for it.
"It's his nap time." Odysseus said and his son is in Charis' arms before he even finishes talking. "If you'll excuse us."
"Of course." Andromache waved them away while Hector continued to look at Paris with eyes too pitiful to be a glare but too tense to be anything resembling comfort.
Paris also leaves, but does not follow Odysseus. That night, he finds another wooden sheep on his pillow. He adds the figurine to his growing flock.
Odysseus and Pasipheros spend the next day in the nursery. Paris doesn't visit them. He sits in the courtyard alone, and the silence is still no less damning than before.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year ago
Running On Sunshine (hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 3 || masterlist || previous part || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: You haven't spoken to Aemond. Tensions rise between the two of you and come to a head at the arrival of a disruptive patient.
word count: 6.1k
warnings: NSFW mdni medical terminology, use of needles, discussion around addiction (specifically alcohol, rehab, recovery), fighting, blood, punching, explicit sex (p in v) fingering, oral (fem receiving), creampie, praise, dirty talk, spanking, language
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dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
note: here it is! long-awaited, thank you for being so patient as my brain jumps around 😂 hope you enjoy it!!
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
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It’s been a few days since your ultimatum with Aemond. 
No texts. 
No calls. 
You pass each other in the halls and avoid eye contact, brushing past him close enough that if you extended your little finger you’d be sure to brush against the back of his hand.
You weren’t going to chase him. 
You’d told him what you wanted. Told him you’d wanted him. And he had stayed silent. If that was the end of you and him, so be it.
But that didn’t mean it wasn’t killing you inside. Watching him day in and day out walking through the halls of Citadel General in those stupid blue scrubs that he somehow wore like he was strutting down a runway not the hallway of a hospital. 
It didn’t help that observations often included surgeries he was a part of. Aemond was a model resident, often asked to assist the attendants. And he was hard to miss, always wearing his signature scrub cap with little dragons peppered all over it, mid-flight. You’d catch him glancing up at the viewing gallery, peering up over his mask every now and then. You never caught his eye, he was much too quick for that. 
“Switch with me,” you’d begged that afternoon after Baratheon had informed you of the plan to observe Dr. Cole’s surgery. There was no way Aemond wouldn't be there, Dr. Cole had chosen him as an obvious favorite. 
You’d been catching up on notes with Cory for the past ten minutes, the pair of you both trying to shove food in your mouths before your pagers inevitably went off. 
Labs. Observation. Notes. Scut work.
The never-ending revolving schedule of your internship. 
Cory reaches into her bag of salt and vinegar chips, clicking her mouse furiously, her brows pinched together in concentration. 
“I can’t,” she says through a mouthful, “Besides, you’ve already done this lab. If I don’t get these hours by the end of the week I’m about to take Jace’s place as Baratheon’s least favorite.”
You groan in frustration, letting your head rest against the keyboard of your computer. Nettles pops her head into the room, frowning at you both, “What’s wrong with her?”
Cory shrugs and you turn your head to face Nettles. 
Beep beep!
Cory groans, checking her pager, “Shit, I gotta go,” she says, crushing her chip bag and logging out of the computer before heading out of the room, “Sorry again, Y/N!”
You mumble something along the lines of don’t worry about it just as she disappears from sight. Nettles raises her eyebrows.
“McDreamy?” she asks, and you continue to pout, “Damn. Dick is so good we should change his name to McDick.”
“You suck,” you tell her, but you can’t stop your smile, “Definitely not your best work.”
“McOrgasm? I’m still thinking of one that truly encompasses the distress he’s causing you. Dr. Cum?” she makes a face, “Okay ew. Definitely not Dr. Cum.”
You groan, putting your face in your hands, “What am I going to do?”
Nettles walks towards you, slapping the back of your head. You lift your head, mouth open in shock, palming the place she slapped.
“Hey! I was recently concussed!”
“And apparently it scrambled your brains more than we thought!” she snaps, “See what you’re not going to do is spend your days moping over Dr. Sexy. I don’t care how good his dick was. You are a doctor. You are an insanely smart woman and you are in your internship.”
Nettles lowers herself to your height, taking your hands in hers. 
“He is very dreamy,” she says, her brown eyes empathetic, “But this is your time to shine. Not his. He’s not this important.”
It hurts---gods does it hurt---but she’s right. And you know it. You’ve been through situations like this before. You’ve gotten through things like this, and worse. Smiling at Nettles you squeeze her hands.
“Thank you.”
“Mhmm,” she says, smiling, “Always here for a reality check. You’re the sun, babe.”
You smile back at her, “I’m the sun.”
“Damn right,” she says, chuckling, “How’s Cece doing?”
“She was discharged this morning,” you tell her, beaming with pride, “Just finished her last round of antibiotics and her labs are clear. I’m working on her note now.”
Nettles plops down in Cory’s seat, reaching into the chip bag she left behind. Her hand comes out empty and she frowns. 
Jace opens the door, looking rather sweaty and discombobulated. He’s been running around the most, trying to get on Barartheon’s good side. 
“Hey,” he says, out of breath, “Can you guys help me in the pit?”
“No can do,” Nettles says, “We’ve got observation soon.”
You nod agreeing, but become curious noticing Jace’s panicked expression.
“Why what’s wrong?” you ask.
“Just…five minutes,” Jace says, “Please, I need someone. And I can’t find Sara and Cory--I just need someone, please.”
You turn to Nettles.
“The pit?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at you, “Really?”
“Tell Baratheon I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you tell her, “Besides, maybe it’s a good case.”
“Girl,” Nettles says, sighing and shaking her head.
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“I just really need your help,” Jace says, leading you through the emergency room, weaving between nurses and patients, “It’s just that…I mean I didn’t know the other day but now…”
“Didn’t know what?” you ask as he stops outside a curtain.
“-- he’s back again and family members--,” Jace says, brown eyes wide, “We’re not supposed to work on family members.”
Your eyebrows concave together in confusion when suddenly the curtain pulls back. A man is lying in the hospital bed, a halo of platinum hair cascading onto the pillow he lays on. His eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot, a lazy grin appearing on his face as he gives you a once-over.
“Nephew,” he sing-songs, giggling, “You brought me a present!”
Jace sighs, pulling the curtain from his grasp. Wait a minute. Nephew? Your eyes scan the giggling man as Jace snaps something at him. The silvery hair, the violet eyes. Seven hells.
How many Targaryens are there?
“Excuse me?”
“He’s kidding,” Jace says, forcing a smile and turning to his uncle, “You’re kidding.”
His uncle shakes his head, lower lip jutting out in a pout, “I’ve never told a joke in my life. She’s pretty Jacey, well done.”
Your cheeks burn at the compliment, at the way his eyes cascade down your body. You’ve never felt more exposed in simple scrubs. 
“Stop calling me that,” Jace snaps, cheeks reddening.
“I didn’t know you had it in you, Jacey boy,” he croons, “Thought Baela had taken your balls when she dumped your ass--”
“Funnier every time I see you, Aegon,” Jace interrupts, closing the curtain once more. 
Aegon’s mouth drops open in surprise before he’s hidden from sight. You raise an eyebrow at Jace, folding your arms across your chest. 
“He’s harmless,” Jace assures you, “Please, please just help get him out of here as soon as possible.”
“Well, that’s sort of difficult when we don’t know what’s wrong--”
“I know what’s wrong.”
You frown, raising an eyebrow at him, “You know?”
“Yeah, he’s fucking drunk. He’s always drunk. Just give him a banana bag, let him sober up, and get him out of here,” Jace instructs.
“How do you know he’s drunk?”
“Considering the fact he hasn’t been sober since I was eight years old, it’s not hard to guess,” Jace tells you, “He’s been to more rehab programs than I can count. Trust me on this.”
“I’m still going to have to do some labs,” you tell him, not willing to go against protocol.
“That’s fine, do what you have to do just…keep him out of the way,” Jace pleads, eyes widening as though he’d just remembered something very important, “And don’t let Aemond know he’s here.”
Your gut tightens at the mention of Aemond.
“Why not?”
“Just don’t. It’s better for everyone if no one knows Aegon is here,” Jace finishes, “Thank you, I owe you big time.”
“Yeah you do,” you confirm, and then Jace hurries out of sight, eager to escape the pit.
The curtain opens once more and you turn, meeting the curious gaze of Aegon Targaryen. You try to stop the scowl that threatens to overtake your face as he grins widely, a mischievous look in his eyes. 
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“Will you hold still!”
“You’re killing me!”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“It hurts!”
“It won’t hurt if you stay still, Aegon!”
Aegon throws his opposite arm over his eyes as you attempt to find a vein for the third time. He’s too squirmy, too anxious that as soon as the needle pierces his ivory skin he’s flinching away and howling. 
“I’ve seen children do better than you,” you grumble, and he gasps in feigned shock.
“They let you torture children?”
“Hush!” you insist, and to your relief, he’s able to stay still as you start the IV, “There you go. See? That wasn’t so hard.”
Aegon peaks over his arm, glancing down at the tubes as you assemble them properly, making sure the drip is even. He frowns as you release the tourniquet. 
“I bruise like a peach,” he mumbles.
“Sounds like you need more iron in your diet,” you tell him, walking to the other side of his bed. You need to take his blood pressure and begin wrapping the band around his arm. 
“Can I have something for the pain?” he asks.
“No, you may not.”
“Not even Tylenol?”
“Hells,” he mumbles, “You should know, I enjoy it when women are mean to me, it turns it on.”
“Of course it does.”
“Mhmm. I eat that shit up.”
You’ve been trying not to look at his face for too long. If you look at Aegon, you’ll start thinking about Aemond. 
You’ve been trying very hard not to think about Aemond.
They don’t really look alike, despite the matching hair and eye color. Though he’s sitting down you can tell Aegon has none of Aemond’s height. He’s soft whereas Aemond is sharp. Their mouths may be the most similar thing about them, both awarded beautifully pouty lips made to be kissed. 
“What’s on your mind, doc?” Aegon says, eyes narrowing.
“You’re lying, I’m very perceptive,” Aegon insists, “Come on tell me. What is it? Doctor drama? Boyfriend drama?” Your face must give something away when he asks, because his eyes light up, “Boyfriend drama.”
It’s no use, you can feel your face heating up, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at him, and you remove the blood pressure sleeve. Discarding it in favor of your stethoscope you place the end against his chest.
“Breathe in.”
“D’you have a girlfriend then?” he relentlessly continues.
“A fuck buddy?”
“Hells,” you mumble in frustration, trying to listen to his heartbeat. 
“Please tell me it isn’t my nephew,” Aegon says, making a face.
“What?” you answer, far too quickly, “No! Seven hells, Jace and I are friends! And I do not sleep with colleagues.”
“Everyone sleeps with colleagues,” Aegon argues, “How else do you meet people?”
“That working well for you?”
“Oh I don’t work,” he answers, “That’s boring.”
You choke back a laugh. The man truly is ridiculous.
“Alright then. Well, you’re all set once you’re done with your fluids we’ll check your vitals again and send you on your way,” you tell him, making a note in his chart, “I can have the nurses reach out to some detox programs if you’re interested.”
“I’m not.”
“Look, I understand a bit of your history from what Jace shared. But you should know, recovery isn’t linear, and relapse is completely normal-”
“I haven’t relapsed.”
You blink. 
“Your BAC was 1.06,” you inform him, “That’s more than a little buzzed.”
“I haven’t had a drink since Nyra birthed her last gremlin,” he insists, not elaborating on who Nyra was, “I’m just like this.”
Your eyebrows knit together. He could be lying, you know that. Addiction is one hell of a disease. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he groans.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe me.”
You’re silent for a moment, just staring into his violet eyes. 
“Your blood--”
“Fuck the labs,” he groans, “They always come back like that. I haven’t taken anything. I haven’t drank anything. Believe me, I’d be much more obvious.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, a pretty little thing like you wouldn’t be so far away,” he comments, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin, “I don’t know why this happens. I think my body got so used to being fucked up, it just does it on its own now.”
“You’re being serious,” you comment, and he nods.
It goes against everything you’ve learned in med school, and in residency thus far. Your pager beeps and you glance at it. It’s Nettles. You’re supposed to be joining her soon. 
When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras. 
You chew your bottom lip. Aegon raises a brow, already looking better with the intake of fluids. 
Fuck it. 
You quickly page Nettles, and let her know you’re needed longer in the pit. Hopefully, Baratheon doesn’t kill you for this. 
We’re going with the zebras. 
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“Okay so I’m going to send the sample to the lab and see what comes back,” you inform Aegon, “And if you’re being honest with me, we should have some answers for you.”
Aegon swings his legs over the side of the bed. 
“Why would I lie?”
You want to roll your eyes, but you’re sure if you do in his presence once more they’ll fall out of your skull. He gives you a cheeky grin as he notices your exasperation. 
“People lie all the time,” you tell him.
“To you?” Aegon asks, snatching your hand is his, “Never, princess.”
You hear Nettles suddenly, her voice flowing through the ER and your stomach turns. Surely, it's Dr. Baratheon coming to reprimand you for missing observation to spend time in the pit ‘trolling for surgeries.’ The curtain opens then, and to your horror, it’s Aemond who has discovered you rather than Dr. Baratheon. 
His eyes fall to your face first before he turns to Aegon. His gaze drops to your interlocked hands. Something washes over him, his expression cold and calculating. 
“Out,” he says, voice quiet as death. 
Aegon chuckles, but you can hear the nervousness he’s trying to hide. You can see it in the way he wets his lips, the way he pulls his hand from yours.
“Out, now,” Aemond repeats, “Don’t make me drag you out in front of all these people.”
“Careful now,” Aegon says, standing, “you know how mummy feels about you getting your hands dirty--”
Aemond steps forward, hands fisting Aegon’s shirt and dragging him forward. Your eyes widen in shock and Nettles yelps as Aemond pushes past her, dragging Aegon with him. 
The display has gathered the attention of several nurses and patients as Aemond continues to drag him through the ambulance entrance and out the automatic doors. You and Nettles remain closely on their heels as they exit the hospital.
Aemond releases his hold, sending Aegon stumbling into the road. 
“Seven hells!” Nettles says, a shocked expression on her face. 
Aegon laughs maniacally, bending over with his hands on his knees. He shakes his head several times, like a dog before looking up.
“Go home,” Aemond says, flexing his hand.
“Where’s that?”
“Wherever you’ve been staying I suppose,” Aemond quips.
Aegon is panting, staring at his brother.
“I’d like to see Helaena.”
“That’s not happening.”
“Helaena!” he yells at the sky, “She’s my sister, I know she wants to see me.”
“You’re not shaking her down for any more fucking money,” Aemond says, his voice louder this time, making you flinch, “Go home, Aegon.”
Aegon wets his lips, running a hand through his hair. His eyes meet yours. 
“You’ll call me? With the results?” he asks, and Aemond snorts.
“Another STI screening?” Aemond snarks. 
Aegon’s tongue pokes his cheek, an angry smile on his face. 
“Gotta make sure I’m all clear before saddling up with a fit bird,” he taunts, eyes falling on you as he says it, grabbing his crotch for emphasis. 
Aemond lurches forward his hand connecting with Aegon’s cheek. Nettles and you both scream as Aemond jumps back, Aegon spitting a mix of blood and saliva on the ground. He laughs again, smiling with bloody teeth. 
“Get him cleaned up and get him out of here,” Aemond instructs Nettles, before heading back inside and leaving the three of you standing there.
Aegon’s lip is split, along with a cut on his cheekbone. He spits again, wiping his face and nodding at you.
“No boyfriend eh?” he says, grinning. Your face flushes. 
“I wasn’t lying.”
His grin widens.
“One of us is,” he says, referencing your earlier conversation, “Guess we’ll find out who.”
Nettles approaches him, and he winces. She turns to you.
“You should go see if he’s okay,” she says, nodding to the doors. 
You run back inside leaving Nettles and Aegon, your eyes searching for Aemond. Hurrying to the nurses' station, they inform you which direction he took off in. A nervous sweat breaks out on the back of your neck as you hurry down the hallway. You spot him then, taller than everyone else, watching as he ducks into an on-call room. 
Quickening your pace you follow him inside. It’s quiet as you close the door, besides the sound of a noise machine echoing white noise in the dimly lit space. There are two beds in this room; truly the on-call rooms are in such sorry states. Small twin mattresses with paper-thin sheets and pillows that may as well be pieces of foam. 
Aemond sits on the bed to the left, his head resting in his hands. You close the blinds on the door, flipping the sign that says “Both Beds Occupied” along with flicking the lock. You don’t think he’ll want to be disturbed.
“Aemond,” you say softly. He doesn’t move. The knuckles of his right hand are bloody. 
Taking a step closer, you watch his shoulders rise and fall with the deep breaths he’s taking. Anxiety churns in your stomach, and you take a step back, placing your hand on the handle of the door.
“I’ll just leave you--”
“Don’t,” Aemond speaks quietly for the first time, raising his head. His gaze softens, his eyes somewhat glassy. “Please don’t go.”
Your heart starts to race, but you nod, stepping back toward him. Sitting beside him the bed creaks; you cross your ankles and place your hands on the edge of the bed. Aemond rests his chin on his hands, arms propped on his knees. The pair of you sit in silence for several moments. It begins to rain outside, fat droplets of water beating against the window. 
“You should get that looked at,” you finally say, nodding at his hand. 
Aemond merely hums in response, flexing his fingers. 
“Seriously, you’re a surgeon,” you continue, “What are you thinking, throwing punches like that?”
Aemond glances at his hand, curling and uncurling his fingers, “He brings out the worst in me.”
“Your brother.”
“Mhmm,” he answers, shaking his hand. It’s not as bad as it looks, thankfully. He could have done some serious damage.
“I’m sorry. Jace told me…well I’m just sorry.”
“It’s alright. Someone has to treat him. I’m sorry if he was inappropriate to you.”
“It’s alright,” you assure him, “We don’t get to choose how patients behave.”
“Aegon can be a lot. Take it from someone who knows him rather well.”
You sit in silence some more. The sky outside has begun to turn dark as clouds roll in, the sound of thunder audible in the distance. A storm is looming.
“I’ve missed you,” he says so softly you almost don’t catch it.
Your hands dig into the side of the bed, your heart pounding against your ribs making your chest feel painfully tight.
“Please Aemond,” you cut him off, eyes watery, “Please. Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”
“I do mean it,” he insists, turning his head toward you, “It’s just…Y/N that day I didn’t give you an answer. And you deserve one. I like you. I like you so much. You’re an incredibly intelligent person, funny, adorable, and…” he trails off, shaking his head slightly as he chuckles to himself. 
“And what?”
“And that scares the shit out of me. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I wasn’t expecting you. When I moved here I just planned on keeping my head down and then….then there was you,” he looked away, his eyes lit up in wonder, “I saw you in that bar, and it was like the sun came out.” 
Your lips part, your stomach flutters pleasantly at his words, and goosebumps erupt on your skin. He glances at you shyly, the tips of his ears tinged pink.
“And then I saw you here and you’re an intern, at the beginning of your residency I just….I mess things up. I don’t want to mess things up for you. Or with you.”
You reach for his hand, lacing your fingers through his, “Okay.”
“But…I miss you. I miss talking to you, kissing you,” Aemond continues, the top of his cheeks turning pink, matching his ears, “You asked me if I’m in or out. I didn’t answer, and I should have. I’m all in.”
“If you’ll have me,” he adds, “If you…if you want to give this a try.”
You smile at him softly.
“It’s all I wanted from the start.”
Aemond smiles, leaning toward you and connecting his lips to yours. You sigh against his mouth, as his hand snakes around the back of your neck, keeping you from going anywhere. His tongue runs along the seam of your lips, and you part them eagerly accepting the warm muscle into your mouth. 
Your hands bury themselves in his scrubs as he turns his head, deepening the kiss. His opposite hand reaches for your waist, sliding down to rest on the meat of your thigh. He rubs soothing circles there for a moment, before gripping you hard and pulling you on top of him. 
You straddle his waist as he scoots backward, pressing his back flat against the wall. He breaks the kiss for only a moment, tugging your blue scrub top over your head, before desperately chasing your lips once more. Shivering in the cool air, your nipples harden in your bra. You almost wish you’d worn something a little sexier, the plain black bra making you feel underdressed. 
Aemond eyes your tits like a madman as his skilled hands eagerly unclasp your bra, pulling it from your torso. 
“Should we be doing this--” you gasp, grinding against the hardness between his thighs. 
“Yes, yes we should,” he says, kissing you once more before pausing, his eyebrows knitting together, “Unless you don’t want..”
“No! I mean--fuck, yes, yes we should and I want to,” you whimper as his teeth graze against your neck, “But I mean, here…” Aemond continues his attention to your neck, his perfect mouth nipping and sucking the sensitive skin.
“No one’s coming,” he murmurs, “You locked the door, yes?”
You nod, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs, groaning as you clench your fists, tugging at his hair.
He catches your lips once more and you arch your back, pressing yourself against him trying to get as close as humanly possible. Moaning against his mouth he chuckles softly, the sound reverberating against you. 
“Shh,” he croons, brushing some hair from your face, “You have to be quiet.” He nips your lower lip as he says it, smoothing his tongue along where he bit, “Something you have trouble with, I recall.”
Your cheeks warm at the memory of your first night together, the puddle he’d turned you into with such little effort. Lashes fluttering, you look up at him as he admires you.
“You’ll have to remind me,” you tease, earning a growl from him as he flips you onto your back beginning to pull your scrub pants from your body.
Eager to assist, you kick wildly trying to get the soft material off. Aemond catches your right calf in his large hand, trying to avoid being kicked.
“Careful,” he chuckles, pressing a hot kiss to your calf, helping you out of your scrubs, shoes, and underwear. 
“Sorry,” you manage to say through your giggles as he tosses the ball of clothes toward the opposite bed, “We’re a bit uneven now, wouldn’t you agree?”
Grinning, Aemond pulls his scrub top from his body as thunder crashes outside. The sky has darkened considerably and lightning flashes, illuminating the room. Aemond’s hands travel up your calves, hooking against your knees as he cocks an eyebrow at you. 
Your eyes trace down his exposed front following the planes of his chest, the chiseled outline of his abdominal muscles. You swallow, feeling yourself clench as your gaze rests on the outline of his hard bulge.
Nodding, you take your lower lip between your teeth, dragging your gaze back to his face. Aemond’s breathing is heavy as he sits on his haunches, eyes raking down your naked body.
“Fuck you’re beautiful,” he breathes appreciatively, “Gods…” He lets one hand move up your body, fingers dancing against the skin of your waist, up the side of your ribs to your breast. He explores higher and higher until with a desperate whine you reach up pulling him toward you.
You could kiss him forever.
You want to kiss him forever. 
The hand that rests on your leg curls inward, stroking the soft flesh of your inner thigh before inching higher. Your breathing has started to turn to pants as Aemond lets one of his long fingers part through your silky folds, spreading your arousal. 
“Seven hells,” he groans, swirling his finger against your clit, “All this for me?”
“Mhmm,” you tell him, biting your lip and trembling against him already.
Aemond only smirks, that familiar look of confidence in his eye, “Use your words, baby.”
“Yes,” you tell him, as the tip of his finger sinks inside of you, “Fuck-- just for you.”
“That’s my good girl,” he praises, pushing further inside of you, stretching you out on his forefinger. A second finger soon joins and he scissors the digits against your fluttering walls.
You’re trying to be quiet---really you are trying--- but it feels too good. He’s too precise with his movements, too insistent on bullying that sensitive rough patch that causes your eyes to roll back in your head. “Aemond…I can’t--”
“Shhh baby, I know, it feels too good to be quiet, huh?” he says, voice full of mock sympathy, “Don’t worry, I’ll make you cum really quick, let me take care of you, yeah?”
You nod furiously, a choked moan escaping you as Aemond presses a tender kiss to your forehead. Moving away from you, he keeps up his relentless pace with his fingers as he slides onto his stomach on the bed. Your eyes widen as Aemond glances up at you from between your legs, a cheeky smile on his handsome face. 
“Aem----oh fuck!” your concern is short-lived as Aemond presses his mouth against you.
His tongue traces lazy circles over your clit, groaning, “Hells, I missed this sweet little pussy,” he mumbles, taking the sensitive button between his lips and suctioning around it. 
Throwing your head back against the pillows, your back arches, and your mouth opens in a silent scream. The rain continues to pour outside, the drumming against the window matching that of your racing heart. 
“Oh yeah, I know that’s so good, huh?” Aemond mumbles between licks of your clit, his free hand snaking upwards to grope at your breasts, “Fuck you look so pretty…all whiny and desperate.”
He curls his fingers as he says it, massaging the tender spot inside of you causing your pussy to spasm against his fingers. His tongue traces nonsensical patterns around your clit, his lips sucking and releasing causing lewd wet noises to echo through the room.
“Next time,” he murmurs a quiet promise, “Next time, when I’ve got lots of time…we’ll see how long I can keep you like this.” His fingers pinch your right nipple, tweaking it harshly.
Your belly tenses, muscles constricting against his fingers as he returns his sweet torture on your clit, and you finish with a muffled sob as you turn your head, pressing your mouth against your shoulder. Aemond murmurs soft praises, talking you through your orgasm as your legs shake around him. 
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck,” you hiss through your teeth as he slowly pulls his fingers from your fluttering pussy, bringing them to his mouth. 
You watch, wide-eyed as he sucks the lengthy digits, moaning at the taste of you.
“Turn around baby,” he says, sitting up, “Put your face in the pillow.”
Shakily, you turn on your hands and knees, before letting yourself fall to your forearms. Aemond slides his hand down your back, admiring the curve of your spine, spreading your cheeks wide. 
“Goddamn,” he murmurs, slapping your cheeks, causing you to yelp, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
“You’re an ass man?” you tease, looking back over your shoulder.
“I’m a ‘you’ man,” he argues, grabbing his length and sliding it against your folds, “Now be a good girl, and let me take care of you.” The fat head of his cock pokes at your entrance.
“Please,” you breathe as he starts to slide in. Aemond pauses, groaning slightly.
“Fuck baby, you can’t say that all sweet right now,” he growls, “We don’t have time.”
“Please, put it in,” you whimper, cheek pressed against the pillow, drool forming a wet patch under your cheek.
Aemond’s hand cracks down on your ass once more, “Be a good girl you little brat.”
You whimper, your begging ceasing as he slides fully inside your tight, wet heat. The stretch of his fingers was nothing compared to his thick cock. Your walls tense around him, pulsating around his thick length as he bottoms out. Rocking backward, he slides nearly all the way out before thrusting back in. 
Electricity bursts through your veins, pleasure crackling through your limbs like the lightning outside of the window. The force of his thrusts sends your face deep into the pillow, muffling the sharp cries of pleasure you emit. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to, it feels too fucking good, the head of his cock rubbing ceaselessly against your g-spot as he ruts against you; he’s grunting softly, muttering praises all the while, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Fuck,” he gasps as your knees slide down, legs shaking so bad you’re unable to keep them upright, “It’s okay baby, just relax I got you.”
Your legs bend against the mattress, thighs splayed, hip flexors burning with the deep stretch it awards you. Aemond never relents, just continues to slap his hips against the softness of your ass, his cock sliding effortlessly in and out, in and out.
“Aemond,” you moan, “Fuck it feels--”
“Yeah?” he groans, “How’s it feel baby?”
“S-s’good, Aem, fuck, it’s so good,” you whimper, hands fisting the sheets, the bed shaking with every harsh thrust. 
The bed grinds against your sensitive nipples and clit sending sparks of pleasure burning through you.
“Gonna make this pussy feel so good,” he says, leaning some of his weight on top of you, his face next to yours, “Gonna take you home after our shifts, you’d like that, yeah?” His arms hold him up, propped on either side of your head. 
“Yes, fuck please,” you agree, turning your face, and feeling him press a kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Gonna have you ride my face,” he promises, dragging his nose between your shoulder blades, “Wanna make that pussy feel so good, till you can’t fucking take it anymore.”
“Fuck Aemond,” you shiver with delight at his filthy words, at the promise of a repeat of the first night you’d been together. A promise of more. 
“Missed you too much,” he murmurs against your shoulder, sending warmth pooling in your belly, “Need you close to me.”
“I missed you,” you whimper, “Fuck, need you so bad.”
“I’m all yours,” he says, nearly whimpering himself, “Fuck baby, you’re so tight, feel so good clenching around my cock.”
“Yeah?” you ask, lifting your head slightly, and glancing back through hooded eyes.
Aemond maneuvers himself, leaning to capture your lips in a sloppy, heated kiss as he continues to pound into you. 
“Fuck….c’mon baby, one more time,” Aemond encourages as heat winds a tight coil of pleasure in your belly, “Can’t have my baby only cumming once, now can I? Come on, that’s a good girl.”
The pitch of your cries increases and you slam your face against the pillow to muffle your strangled cry as your whole body tense, pussy constricting like a vice around his cock as you come. It’s intense, it burns with a brutal passion that paints stars behind your eyelids. 
Aemond’s thrusts become sloppier and with a few more slaps of his hips, you feel his cock pulsate inside of you and the warmth release of his cum filling you up. You turn your cheek from the pillow, your body tingling with the remnants of your orgasm as you suck in a breath. Gently, Aemond pulls out of you, peppering kisses down the length of your spine as he does so. 
You hum happily as he slides out, placing his hands under your thighs and maneuvering you out of the frog-like position you were previously in. Your hip flexors ache, but it’s a good pain--well worth being fucked into the mattress. Aemond turns you on your back, brushing some hair from your sweaty forehead. 
“Hey there,” he says softly. The room is quiet, the rain has stopped. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever walk right again,” you tell him with a content sigh, “but that aside, I’d say I’m more than alright.”
Aemond chuckles, thumb smoothing your cheekbone, making you lean into his gentle touch. 
“Hold on,” he murmurs, standing up, walking to the adjacent bathroom, and flicking on the light. 
You watch him walk away, admiring his ass. He’s got a rather nice one. You hear him turn the water on and a moment later he returns with a washcloth. Not trusting yourself to stand, you simply spread your legs and let him clean up the remains of your combined releases. Your hips jerk as he carefully brushes against your swollen clit causing him to release a breathy laugh.
Beep beep!
The noise snaps you both out of your post-coital bliss bubble and you hurry to find your clothes. Aemond reaches for his pager, desperate to get his scrubs on. 
Beep beep!
It’s your pager this time. Shit, Baratheon must be pissed. 
Both of you scramble, switching scrub tops as Aemond accidentally tries to put on yours, causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter that is only stopped when he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a heated kiss. 
“Stop, stop,” you beg, pushing against his hard chest, “Shit we have to go.”
“One more--”
“You’re insatiable--”
“Oh I’ll show you insatiable,” he says, lips tugging upwards in a smirk, “You just wait until tonight.”
Your cheeks burn as you yank on your bottoms, fixing your hair. Sex hair is not an option, not when Baratheon will be up in arms about your disappearance. Glancing at your pager, you read what it says before clipping it to your waist. 
“Okay, I gotta go,” you tell him, shoving your feet into your sneakers.
“Meet me in the lobby? When you’re done?” he asks, unable to hide his smile as you walk to the door on trembling legs.
“Okay,” you tell him, leaning forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “And we could get dinner?” 
“Anything you want,” he says, cupping your cheeks and kissing you again, “Anything” another kiss, “At” and another one, “all.”
You hum happily, placing your hand over his, your entire body warming with his affection.
“I’ll see you then,” you tell him, unwillingly pulling away and unlocking the door.
You leave first, Aemond leaving a few moments later. Watching as he fixes the collar of his scrubs, you find yourself beaming. Aemond turns, catching your eye before turning down the hall, a small smile playing on his lips.
Gods, this is going to be a long shift.
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note: hope you liked it!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
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coryothesub · 1 year ago
Too Much
nsfw / mdni / sub!coryo / dom!reader
“This is too much, I can't…” Coryo exclaimed in a shaky, desperate voice. Tears running down his face, hair a complete mess, his shaky hand wrapped around his cock just before cumming hard and shooting his load all over your snow-white bedsheets.
His whole body was trembling through his orgasm as he sank down on the sheets, completely spent, broken and powerless.
You were watching him, sitting on the bed, resting your back against the pillows, your hand between your thighs lazily playing with your clit.
The sight of him falling apart for the second time in a row was incredibly arousing, and you were already moist, but not completely satisfied. You needed your release so badly therefore you had no choice but torture him some more.
“Coryo, c’mere!” you instructed.
Coryo raised his head and looked back at you, eyes glossy, you noticed that his lower lip was trembling.
“Mommy please, I can't do this anymore,” he whined.
“So you want to leave me wanting and dry?” you raised your eyebrow realizing it was time to switch on the manipulation mode. “Good boys never do that.”
“No, no, I just… It's too sensitive,” he got on his knees and crawled to the other side of the bed, settling himself between your legs. So sweet and vulnerable.
You brushed a sweaty curl off his glistening forehead, and gave him a soft kiss.
“It's okay baby, I will help you.”
You wrapped your hand around his flaccid cock and brushed your thumb over the bright pink tip. Coryo let out a sharp whimper and you noticed another tear breaking free from the corner of his eye. You leaned forward and kissed it away, salty liquid teasing your lips.
“Was it too much?” you asked, peppering Coryo’s cheeks with soft kisses. 
Coryo nodded.
“Mommy's pussy will feel so warm and good around you, we just need to get you ready, okay?” 
“I know you have another one in you. You're always such a good boy for me,” you hummed, pumping his cock slowly.
Coryo's icy blue eyes took in your facial expression as you looked at him with softness and affection. You felt his member growing big and hard in your hand.
“You're so good for me, angel, such a good boy, holding on so well.”
You kissed his neck harshly causing a whimper to escape his lips. You could see a pink blotch on the soft pale skin, knowing it would leave a purple mark later. You smirked to yourself. Everyone will see that he’s yours.
Coryo's head fell on your shoulder. You caressed his cheek gently and guided him further down. He peppered kisses along your collarbone, then wrapped his lips around your nipple and started sucking hungrily.
You settled yourself above his now hard cock and inserted the tip in your wet warmth, gasping sharply at the sensation. 
Coryo sucked your titties humming blissfully, he looked so happy and calm. You caressed his messy hair, establishing an easy pace sliding up and down his overstimulated dick.
You threw your head back and moaned into the air as your warm, wet pussy embraced his impressive length.
Coryo's breath sped up, you could feel it warm and impetuous against your nipples, hard and sensitive from his saliva mixed with the cool air.
He looked up at your face adoringly.
“Mommy, this feels so good. Your pussy feels so good around me.”
“You're doing great, angel. Look at you, barely holding on, but still letting me fuck my cunt on your gorgeous cock. Such a good babyboy.”
You showered him with praise and put your titty back in his mouth.
He was rocking his hips up softly, mindless and happy, enjoying your warm cunt clenching around him while sucking on your titties happily. It felt so good, the euphoric feeling of arousal took over his body again although a few moments ago he thought it to be impossible.
You were so tight around him, moaning and panting, finally nearing your own release. You wrapped your arms tightly around his fragile frame, sinking your face into his hair and breathing in his sweet rosy scent as you came hard around his cock.
“Oh, Coryo!” you moaned, eyes closed in pleasure.
“Oh god, I’m gonna cum! Again…” Coryo whispered against your skin as he finally came inside you, filling you with long awaited warmth.
Still hugging him tightly you let him collapse on you, panting softly, his now soft dick still inside you. He was too exhausted to even pull it out.
He looked at you, eyes were full of tears, but his lips adorned a radiant smile.
“I did it, mommy!”
“You did good, babyboy. So good. Only you can make me feel like this.”
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auntie-venom · 9 months ago
Fan Fiction Recommendations
I figured I’d take the time to put down some of my favorite fan fictions for anyone who wants them. I am only putting up completed series, with a few exceptions. And I’ll add more as I think about it. Make sure to give the authors lots of love! They deserve it!
Also, let me know if any links do not work.
Star Wars
✶ Alpha-17 ✶
➤ Alpha-17/Female Reader
By @wanderinginksplot
Rating: Teen and Mature Reader was assigned to Kamino to do some administrative work for the senate, and when her presence draws some of the clones to try their inexperienced flirting with her Alpha volunteers to scare them away. This story single-handedly turned my attention towards Alpha works. It is a slow burn filled with great banter and I really enjoy Alpha’s characterization here.
➤ Alpha-17/Female Reader
Alpha & “Doc”
By @wings-and-beskar
Rating: Explicit Reader attempts to have a peaceful shower but has to deal with Alpha-17’s presence and persistence to be around her. Absolutely sexy series that I hope gets more fics added to it! Just Alpha’s begging alone in the second story had me faint.
✶ Rex ✶
➤ Rex/Female Reader
Hierarchy of Needs
By @zinzinina
Rating: Explicit Reader is a Jedi on a mission with Rex when a toxin affects them both causing them both to seek relief. Fuck-or-die? YES, PLEASE! I love this trope, ESPECIALLY when it is written as well as this. It is sexy, passionate, filled with yearning, and we end on a sweet note, which I love. 
➤ Rex/Original Female Character
By @aggy72
Rating: Explicit Cori is a documentarian and follows the adventures of the 501st where the Captain unexpectedly falls for her. Filled with great relationships, banter, and found family, this is a truly beautiful saga of love and perseverance
✶ Wolffe ✶
➤ Wolffe/Female Reader
A New Tomorrow
By @enigmaticexplorer
Rating: Mature and Explicit Reader does a favor for Plo Koon where she ends up as Commander Wolffe’s assistant and they do not like each other. This is a slow-burn, tension-filled, antagonists-to-lovers series that had me in a chokehold for a week while I read it. I laughed, I cried, I stared out a window and thought for hours about it. Alli writes Wolffe so well and I can’t recommend her enough.
➤ Wolffe/Female Reader (Original Female Character)
No Strings Attached
By @cyarbika
Rating: Explicit Reader/Cherise is the owner of 79’s and Wolffe is a cocky asshole that just pisses her off. This series has made me cry and text my IRL friends to rant and rave. Phenomenal Wolffe characterization and beautiful writing. Has antagonists-to-lovers where he falls first she falls harder. Please read it so we can talk about it.
➤ Wolffe/Original Female Character
I Need You
By @ulchabhangorm
Rating: Explicit Sadhbh struggles to keep her growing feelings with Wolffe hidden after they originally agreed to be just friends with benefits. This fic is filled with yearning and passion and completely hooked me! The whole series of one shots have me eagerly waiting for the full Sadhbh/Wolffe story that Maia is writing and I cannot get enough!
✶ Wolffe and Fox ✶ (No Clonecest)
➤ Fox/Female Reader, Wolffe/Female Reader (No Clonecest)
I trust him, and he trusts me
By @enigmaticexplorer
Rating: Explicit Reader is in a relationship with Fox when Wolffe interrupts an intimate moment and it sets in motion a new dynamic. This sexy oneshot explores the way trust translates into intimacy and I related to it on a molecular level. Hot and sweet, just how I like it.
✶ Fox ✶
➤ Fox/Female Reader
Shadow Play
By @wizardofrozz
Rating: Explicit Reader is a senator and is in a secret relationship with Fox, and they have a pretty public fuck. This is just such a hot oneshot.
➤ Fox/Original Female Character
After a Fashion
By @aggy72
Rating: Explicit Sylvi is the designer who makes all of Senator Amidala’s wonderful gowns, and she keeps running into the very stern Commander Fox. This story, as with most of Aggy’s fics, has a chokehold on me. The fic is beautiful story of love filled with banter and phenomenal characterizations.
✶ Gregor ✶
➤ Gregor/Original Female Character
The Deal
By @aggy72
Rating: Explicit Ashla is the chosen medical carer for Skirata’s commandos and is lovingly set up with Gregor by her new chosen family. this story is filled with love, angst, and family that warm my soul! Aggy really has a way to my heart with her stories.
✶ Kix ✶
➤ Kix/Original Female Character
Martyrs and Kings 
By @dystopicjumpsuit
Rating: Explicit Dr. Maree Finnall helps Kix find answers to what happened to his long-lost brothers after he wakes fifty years into the future. While it is a love story, Kix is rightfully filled with angst. Seeing him work through his grief of losing his brothers while being the last clone standing is heart wrenching. 
✶ Fives ✶
➤ Fives/Female Reader
by @ariadnes-red-thread
Rating: Explicit Reader and Fives are trapped with death coming for them and they take to opportunity to die without regrets. The passion and tension of this oneshot is delicious!
✶ Tech ✶
➤ Tech/Female Reader
Scientific Purposes
By @doublesunsets
Rating: Explicit Reader discovers Tech accidentally recorded a private moment of hers and when confronted she challenges his claim that it was for scientific purposes. Author plays into Tech’s curious nature and uses reader’s body for discoveries. It is hot and has great back and forth between Tech and Reader.
➤ Tech/Female Reader
the beast against the wall
By buryustogether
Rating: Explicit Tech is exposed to a toxin when he protects Reader that makes him lose his inhibitions. Phenomenal sex pollen story that leads to a feral Tech, and I am OBSESSED.
➤ Tech/Female Reader
The Quarry
By Littlelady1121
Rating: Mature Reader is a target to bring in to Cid, but there is more to her than it seems. Minor slowburn with a wonderful found family story with great characterizations. 
➤ Tech/Female Reader
Nighttime Variations
By @bring-backup-99
Rating: Explicit Reader meets Tech when he stays at her inn, and they hit it off. This is a great balance of sexy and sweet! She does a great characterization of Tech and if you like her work and want to get kinkier I’d recommend her Bad Choices series as well. 
➤ Tech/Female Reader
Quick And Dirty
By @eyecandyeoz
Rating: Explicit Reader helps Tech do repairs, and clean up afterward. Sexy one shot with some fun back and forth between our favorite info dumper! Candy has a bunch of hot one shots and gorgeous artwork as well!
✶ Howzer ✶
➤ Howzer/Female Reader
Doctor’s Orders
By @grampsoninspace
Rating: Explicit Captain Howzer is a cocky flirt to the Reader Medic, and it goes his way. This was fun to see a lee burdened more flirtatious Howzer and had some great tension building with some hot smut!
✶ Cassian Andor ✶
➤ Cassian Andor/Original Female Character
By @joeybelle
Rating: Explicit While on a mission Cassian gets strong-armed into helping a medic escape the Empire, and it doesn't go to her plans at all. Slow burn and tension galore, along with angst. The sequel is unfinished but I hope upon hope one day she will continue it!
✶ Din Djarin ✶
➤ Din Djarin/Female Reader
Rough Day
By @no-droids
Rating: Explicit Reader signed up to be Grogu’s babysitter and got involved in a fuckfest with the kid’s father. The tiktok famous porn with plot, Mando fic everyone talks about. It truly is a well-written story amongst the smut!
➤ Din Djarin/Female Reader
Be-all and Endor
By: @djarins-cyare
Rating: Explicit Reader is a technician on Endor when the Mandalorian crosses her path and she decides to help him Insanely well-written saga that explores culture and the universe of Star Wars.
✶ Poe Dameron ✶
➤ Poe Dameron/Female Reader
By @foxilayde
Rating: Explicit Sexy oneshot of a boiling point moment between friends Poe and Reader and then it's just smut central. Love the banter and the idiots-in-love so much.
➤ Poe Dameron/Female Reader
The Bet
By @no-droids 
Rating: Explicit Poe and Reader make a bet on who can stay abstinent the longest, when they try to get the other to fold the tension begins to snap. One of the hottest smut fics I’ve ever read. I use this as a way to convince my IRL friends to start reading fanfiction.
➤ Poe Dameron/Female Reader
By @zinzinina
Rating: Explicit Reader admits shes never climaxed with a partner before and Poe is determined to change that. This is a beautifully written friends to lovers smut oneshot that I just love to bits.
Moon Knight
✶ Steven Grant and Marc Spector ✶
➤ Steven Grant/Female Reader, Marc Spector/Female Reader
Red Flags
By @astroboots and @thirstworldproblemss
Rating: Explicit Fantastically written story about dating Steven while not knowing about Marc (and Jake) and all the red flags with dating someone hiding a part of themselves. Full stop my favorite Moon Knight fic to date, and I even make my non-fanfiction reader friends read it.
➤ Steven Grant/Female Reader, Marc Spector/Female Reader
fallen from heaven, grown on earth
By davosmymaster
Rating: Mature Marc asks his long-time friend to watch over Steven as he lets him be the primary front. Reader falls in love with Steven after pining over Marc their entire relationship and it causes some ANGST. Lots of yearning and a happy ending.
➤ Steven Grant/Female Reader, Marc Spector/Female Reader
By @zinzinina
Rating: Explicit Reader stops by Steven’s place to bring him his lost badge when Marc answers the door and seduces her. Just a sexy little two-shot that I like to reread a lot.
✶ Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and Jake Lockley ✶
➤ Steven Grant/Female Reader, Marc Spector/Female Reader, Jake Lockley/Female Reader
Gift of Min
By @astroboots and @thirstworldproblemss
Rating: Explicit An ancient aphrodisiac spirit is released and reader has to help Steven through it. Another fantastic piece of work form these two, and it is in one of my top five tropes! Absolutely so hot and passionate.
Triple Frontier
✶ Francisco "Catfish" Morales ✶
➤ Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Female Reader 
Something New
By @prolix-yuy
Rating: Explicit Reader hires a sex worker after a period of loneliness brought on by divorce. This whole series is absolutely soft and wholesome while being so sexy.
✶ Jack “Whiskey” Daniels ✶
➤ Jack “Whiskey” Daniels/Female Reader
Whiskey & Westworld
By @prolix-yuy
Rating: Explicit A universe where the Kingsman characters are robots in the Westworld Theme Park when Reader comes to visit. This story is so well written and the tension build-up is delicious.
➤ Jack “Whiskey” Daniels/Female Reader
Harder to Hold
By @brandyllyn
Rating: Explicit Reader becomes the seduction target of Jack Daniels and she doesn’t understand why. The sexiness and espionage in this fic is so fun!
✶ Egon Spengler ✶
➤ Egon Spengler/Female Reader
Masters of Sex (The Mood Slime Experiments)
By @psychokinetic-ectoplasm
Rating: Explicit Reader helps out Egon with the mood slime experiments. Just gloriously filthy smut that develops into feelings.  
Dragon Age
✶ The Iron Bull ✶
➤ Iron Bull/Original Female Character
Gina and the Iron Bull
By Lexi Banner (jinbaittai)
Rating: Explicit After an accident in another universe, a woman ends up in Thedas during the time of the Inquisition. I am a SUCKER for someone falling into another universe, and this is a long hot romance.
✶ Cullen Rutherford ✶
➤ Cullen Rutherford/Female Commander Shepard 
The Two Commanders
By Katieee
Rating: Explicit When Commander Shepard destroys the reapers, she wakes up to find herself in Thedas where her biotics are mistaken for magic. Again, I love fish-out-of-water stories where someone from a different universe ends up in another, and I also love to see Shepard be a badass. Takes place over a series of years and is just a fun read.
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cjlouwho · 4 months ago
please can i get a little of your tommy fic?? please please please!
Okay! Here's something for you:
“Tommy, I gotta be honest with you,” Cory took off his glasses, resting them on his knee. “I don't think I've seen you this unsure of yourself, maybe ever. Not even during our first session, when you couldn't say the words “I am gay” in the same sentence. You're holding back. Why?”
“Because I've hurt people!” Tommy exclaimed, feeling like his head was about to burst. “It's all I've ever done. I'm not enough, Cory. I have never been enough, and I push people away and I hurt them and he looked at me like I was some sort of hero, he looked at me like I had every answer in damn world and I don't. I don't have all the answers. I don't know what I'm doing. I wake up every fucking morning and I fake it. And he bought it. And I was taking it day by day, enjoying being with him while knowing it wasn't meant to last and somehow six months went by. So when he asked me to move in with him, I knew I couldn't. I couldn't do that. We barely knew each other! Six months and we barely knew each other.”
As always, Cory remained unshaken by the outburst. “That's a lot to hold onto, Tommy.”
Tommy rubbed the palms of his hands into his eyes, trying to make the burning go away. “He saw a future. He saw us living under the same roof. Saw marriage. Saw a whole life.”
“What'd you see?”
Tommy sucked in a shaky breath. “Nothing.”
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wallcreeper-and-oro · 1 month ago
terminal.find(WASP-132d) terminal established connection.find(omni_net) connection established omni.id.vericode(Y/N) (Y) {vericode entered} connection verified - lancer 910372
⋆𖦹 Hello!
Uh hi there! I'm new to all this omni-net thing but Kanmi says i've gotta introduce myself so hello omni-net!
My name is Coryander (or Cory but Thebe's the only one who calls me that)! she/her only please and thank you! oh ya my callsign is Ouroboros (or Oro for short) and I currently pilot a swallowtail chassis named Wallcreeper (like Tichodroma muraria)!! uuh i'm pretty new to this whole piloting thing too, well like piloting a big mech i've "piloted" my old ship a bit.. but anyways Wallcreeper's been a nice experience so far!
Kanmi says to tell you all who we are (whoops) uh i'm a part of a little lancer squad unofficially called Dido's Divers (after our leader, the Dido), it'll mostly be me on this but i might talk about my other crew-members too!
um okay let’s seee we got
myself Coryander! (callsign: Ouroboros) -
I get to pilot Wallcreeper! and now with ATHENA Ambulia!
Thebe! my best friend! (callsign: Neutron) -
Thebe pilots her Togukawa (Hemera), it seems pretty scary to me but she likes the heat of the battle!
Kanmi (who’s here helping me do this, thanks kanmi) (callsign: Rosy)-
Kanmi's our resident Drake pilot, and the talker of the group!
Liza, my mentor (callsign: Sour Patch) -
Liza's a Tortuga pilot, and she's our pilot pilot! she's pretty badass!
Dido, the leader of our little crew (that’s her callsign, i haven’t asked her name and she hasn’t given it soooo Dido it is) -
Dido pilots a rather scary Blackbeard!
uuh Kanmi says i gotta say that both mine and Thebe’s mechs were salvaged legally, they were? i’m not sure why he put that in bold? oh also we’re not affiliated with any manufacturer or any other independent company and we follow the pillars and all that good stuff
uuum i’m not sure what i’m gonna do on here but hi i guess! this is Ouroboros signing out!
OOC: hiiii so um im trying out this whole thing, we’ll see how it goes but ya! meet Coryander (spelled the phoenician way)!! she’s pretty cool i think! a bit green but i think she’s neat! she’s got her nice little crew right now and her best friend and all will be well!!
this is the sideblog of @moons-among-distant-stars, so i’ll follow anyone from there!!
uh if you’ve somehow found me not from that account then hi i’m very new to lancer and even newer to lancer rp (or any online rp for that matter) but i think lancer’s very cool and i really like the story y’all’re telling on here!!
so please enjoy the story of my little transfem pilot and her silly crew!!
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joelsmochi · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Be The Boss - Javier Peña
loosely (actually extremely) inspired by the song you can be the boss by lana del rey ♡ i woke up with this idea and immediately got to writing, i love you smut sluts <3 hope you enjoy :3 this is also all lowercase ! i'm thinking of making a part 2... >:)
plot: ofc genie stumbles across javier in more places than one, and they... can't get enough of each other.
warnings: SIMP!javi, language, soulmates trope, mention of drug use, reader is a bit of a javi apologist (i meannnnn), creampie, fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), some angst, mentions of death, choking, office sex, public sex, chance of getting caught, sex with other people nearby (not involved), i may have flexed the timeline of the story a bit + steve is there during the cali cartel job (just for storytelling purposes), prob typos + grammatical errors (english & spanish). lmk if i missed anything pls!!!
wc: 9.1k
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ✮ ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
those blue jeans and that white button-up shirt had genie fanning herself since she walked into the supermarket, but what kept making it worse was that the universe seemed to be forcing the two adults into the same aisle. she’d purposefully skip an aisle she needed to go down and circle back later only to find he still spawned wherever she went.
not like she was too awfully mad though. she knew it was just a mere coincidence, or maybe he found her attractive too. maybe she was the one following him, and not the other way around. maybe she was just reading into it too much — this happens often. you know when you go grocery shopping and can’t seem to get away from another customer? maybe that’s all this was. maybe.
later that night she decided to take her friend's boyfriend’s offer up to get out and go to a bar with them, and since she was feeling a little sad that the man from the market never approached her even though she was too bashful to do it herself, she needed a pick me up. third-wheeling with her friend and her boyfriend may just be the motivation she needed to stop feeling sorry for herself.
a couple hours into the night genie was having more fun than she expected. her friend, aimee, was much more considerate than previous ones; she made sure genie felt included in the conversations and even spoiled some inside jokes just so that genie could laugh too.
playing pool, turning down pushy men for dances and drinks, and watching strangers basically have sex in the middle of the bar was more entertaining than she expected. that could just be the alcohol talking though.
she knew the universe was laughing at her, however, when the man from the market walked in with two rubios trailing behind him. genie’s eyes widened a bit, having narrowed from her tipsy state, and as if she couldn’t get more tense at that moment he made eye contact with her. she pretended to be confident about it and gave him a sweet smile while waving. he frowned for a second trying to remember where he’d seen her before.
the pretty girl in the pretty sundress from the market.
he gave genie a half smile and waved back before glancing as his shoes briefly and walking back to his friends.
“go talk to him!” aimee smacked genie’s arm over enthusiastically. “if you don’t i’m dragging him to the table.”
genie laughed knowing she is 100% serious. “i will, just let him settle in for a few minutes. can’t seem like a groupie,” genie bargained.
“who is that?” aimee’s boyfriend, cory asked while eyeing the trio from across the room.
“no idea,” she admitted, “we just kept bumping into each other at the market earlier. i think he was eyeing me, but i didn’t wanna just stare so i don’t know. seems like he recognized me though.”
“well, duh, you’re fucking hot,” aimee exaggeratedly compliments. “especially when you wear those sundresses, your ass looks so big and juicy in those i’m literally jealous.”
“please, you’re literally built like jane fonda, and everyone knows that jane fonda has the perfect ass. i’m jealous of you.”
“can we not talk about how you two basically want to fuck each other when i’m right here?” cory grimaces, but genie could see the smile creeping on his face indicating he was joking.
“awe, if i wanted her i’d have her already,” genie teased.
“she’s right,” aimee confirmed. the two best friends began laughing loudly at cory’s expense when they heard a voice from beside the table.
“perdóname.” [excuse me].
genie turned her head and met eyes with the moreno, grinning widely at his seemingly timid presence. “¿cómo puedo ayudarte?” [how can i help you]
“no tengo mucho tiempo, pero, lo quería darte esto.” he extended a cigarette out to the brunette; she admired how his harsh features softened at the sight of her for a moment, ultimately taking it from his slender fingers with a confidence that she forced yet seemed natural to everyone surrounding. [i don't have much time, but i wanted to give you this]
“gracias. acabas de llegar, ¿no?” [thank you. you just got here, no]
“claro, pero el trabajo llama.” [of course, but work calls]
genie nodded once clearly not believing him as a sly smirk tugged the corners of her lips while she fiddled with the cigarette. she turned it over quickly finding his phone number sloppily written on it. “¿trabajo, sí?” [work, huh]
“what’s he saying?” cory asked; aimee shushes him and genie ignored him, finding herself aiming to maintain the eye contact she held with the handsome stranger.
“¿llámame? salvo que no quieras.” [call me? unless you don’t want to]
“¿cómo debería llamarme?” she was poking at his boundaries which was something she found herself doing often. she loved to laugh and joke, so it was important to her to test those waters. [what should i call you]
he squints, unsure of what exactly she was asking until it dawned on him. “javier. javi.”
“javi,” she tutted after saying his name a way to tease him making him just bashfully smile. “bien. te daré una llamada, javi.” they exchange goodbyes and she turned back to her friends. [good. i’ll give you a call]
“i got javier,” the boy says, “that’s about it.”
“he just wanted me to have his number, that’s all,” genie said.
“are you about to have your first summer fling, genie?!” aimee nearly shouted in attempt to make her blush (which worked every time). “i want every juicy detail when you taint him.”
“you’re lucky i love you.”
genie waited a few days to give this javi a phone call. she didn’t want to seem too eager or desperate as she typically enjoyed waiting until men begged for attention.
but when she did decide to call it was like he had been posted by the phone for the last seventy-two hours because he picked up on the second ring.
“¿bueno?” [hello]
“¿javier?” she asked much more softly than she intended. unbeknownst to her the delicacy in her voice made him weak in the knees.
“sí, ¿eres la mujer del bar?” [yeah, are you the woman from the bar]
“mhm, soy yo,” she answered. she grabbed the phone from the console table and brought it around the corner to sit in her chair by her big kitchen window; the weather was perfect for her: sunny with some big clouds here and small clouds there, not too humid or dry. she just watched the leaves dancing between the wind and focused on how peaceful the world seemed from inside her temporary home. [it’s me]
“nunca supe tu nombre,” he replied while inhaling sharply as he took a hit of his cigarette, “¿cómo se llama, dulzura?” [you never told me your name / what’s your name sweetheart]
she couldn’t fight the laugh that surfaced from the base of her throat as the nickname surprised her. “¿dulzura? mmm, no me hagas colgar, javi.” [sweetheart? don’t make me hang up]
“¿qué?” he laughed along with her, “tenía que llamarte algo, ¿no?” [what? i had to call you something]
“¿me llamaste así a tus amigos?” [you called me that to your friends]
“¿no te gusta? okay, okay, veo.” [you don’t like it? i see]
“no, no es que me no guste. es simplemente… sorprendente, eso.” [no, it’s not that i don’t like it. it’s simply surprising, that’s all]
neither of them could swallow their smiles behind their receivers. they talked for hours, and she still managed to keep her name a secret for the time being. he quickly got in the habit of calling her dulzura and it grew on her just as fast. the way spanish flowed off of his tongue made her cave deeper and deeper into her chair, having to “readjust” her legs a few times to resist her urges to tell him how sexy his was.
his throat was straining from all the talking and laughing they were doing but he ignored it by inhaling cigarette after cigarette. “¿sí, mama?” he cooed quietly.
the way the new little nickname from his lips gave her goose skin and a flushed face, and she was thankful he wasn’t in front of her in that moment because she just might have giving up on her wait and see rule.
“tengo que ir, tengo que ayudar a mi amiga mañana. pero… fue encantador hablar contigo.” [i have to go, i have to help my friend in tomorrow. but it was lovely talking with you]
“yo veo. voy a despertarme temprano mañana también. una cosas más.” [i see. i gotta get up early tomorrow as well. one more thing]
she giggled, somehow already knowing what he was going to ask about. “me llama genie.” [my name is genie]
“genie… ya has hecho realidad mi deseo, dulzura,” he flirted. [you’ve already made my wish come true, sweetheart]
“obtienes dos más, cariño,” she teased. it wasn’t the first time someone used her name as punchline in attempt to flirt with her, and it sounded just as corny coming from javi. the only difference was that she liked it coming from him because he wasn’t trying to hide how bad the joke was, whereas most men try to make it sound original as if they’re fucking poetic legends. javi knew he made stupid jokes and didn’t shy away from it. he didn’t try to put on some stupid façade (at least not with her). [you have two more, love]
“¿dos deseos más? debe ser mi día de suerte.” [two more wishes? it must be my lucky day]
genie gave him a sweet giggle, whispering, “hasta luego, javi.” [later]
“buenas noches, genie.” [good night]
it was like night and day, her first impression of javier was that he was just some man trying to find his way in life, in colombia. she got a real glimpse of him tonight: they got to the bar about an hour ago, and to the other men nearby it was like javier wasn’t even there. they’d stroll up to the table and flirt, hard.
she was trying to be polite and avoid a scene by saying thank you, but i’m not interested or i’m here on a date with this gentleman, but there are other pretty girls around who i’m sure are single.
after the fourth guy, though, javi became noticeably irritable, and well… lost his temper at the fifth guy. genie told herself that they were lucky to not get kicked out after javi’s already bruised fist knocked the other man flat on his skinny ass, but it shook her a bit. a man so sweet and so kind to her yet so violent with others. as fucked up as it was she found it a bit of a turn on, but couldn’t help but wonder if maybe one day he’d lose his temper with her.
all her worries swam away when he sat back down and apologized, a look of pure embarrassment pooling his eyes.
“sorry, i don’t know what took over me,” he whispered, “if you want to go home that’s perfectly fine—“
“javi,” she cooed, “you’re fine.” and she meant it. she not only saw his resentfulness, she felt it radiating off of him. she didn’t want the night to be spoiled by some fuckers who lacked respect. “honestly if every girl was coming up here asking you for a buck and a blowjob i’d probably punch one of them too. no, i would do it.”
“you’re not mad?”
she scrunched her face up and grabbed her drink, raising it to her lips and sipping before she said, “fuck no. well, not at you. it’s not like this is our first real date, anyways. the real one will come soon, i hope.” she gave him a tight smile that showed off parts of her teeth showing javi that she was hopeful and willing to try again. “ugh, i hate saying that.”
“what?” he took a swig of his whiskey.
“‘it’s not our real first date.’ god, that just sounds like i’m crapping on this.”
“no it doesn’t. that’s what we said this was, right? not a first date? just two new friends hanging out?”
she snickered at him. “uh-huh, do two friends just hanging out get jealous and possessive over each other?”
he rolled his eyes wonderingly and bit back a smile. “you know what i mean.”
“sureee i do… then you won’t mind if i go out there and dance, hmm?” she pointed behind herself with her thumb. she wanted to toy with him a little to see what kind of man he was so that she knew how to navigate him.
she only received a squinting glare in response as he asked her to elaborate with his eyes, so she ever so slightly rose up from her chair to lean over the table. his face relaxed at her close proximity, maintaining eye contact with the vixen before him.
“for other guys? since we’re just friends right now, that won’t bug you, right?” she gave him no time to respond as she gave him a kiss so endearing that it swept his mind clear of any thoughts that didn’t include her. she almost moaned at the lingering taste of whiskey and cigarettes on his lips, craving him even more now. the kiss felt like an escape from all of her troubles. she only needed this moment of control and then he could have the rest of her — something she’d never give to anyone else. the kiss was over before it even began, and he found himself simpering for her. “can i go dance for other guys, javier?”
he could only nod like a coward.
javi watched how her thighs glowed underneath the yellow lights as she danced shamelessly in the bar they first met in. he couldn’t take his eyes off of her in the white sundress with her blow dried hair flowing around her shoulders and cheekbones. she wasn’t drunk, no, not even tipsy so he knew that she was just a free spirit with the way she was acting, she spoke her mind and let her body express itself uncaring of the other people in the bar that stared.
he liked the fact that other men were staring at her because even though she was dancing where everyone could watch, she was only dancing for javi to see. he also enjoyed it when a man would approach her and she would just dance her body away from them as it confirmed her growing loyalty to him.
sure she’d forgiven his lack of self control earlier, but now he knows that he doesn’t need to act out to get her attention because he already has it. he didn’t quite understand what was so intriguing about genie, but he wanted to explore her depths (and not just in a sexual way).
he stood up to strut over to her after drinking the rest of his whiskey; he clasped his arms around her waist from behind and took in a deep breathe of her sweet perfume which contrasted the woodsy perfume he noticed her wearing when he gave her his number. he planted a needy but light kiss on the curve where her neck met her shoulder, pressing his hips into her butt firmly before swaying and bouncing with her to the upbeat song.
“people are staring at you, dulzura,” he whispered huskily onto her ear lobe. “these men think you’re single. can’t have that.”
she couldn’t help the cocky grin that spread across her face. “i saw the way you were looking around the room, smiling like you own the place…” she turned around in his tight grasp staring into his territorial eyes with an innocent, but knowing look. “like you own me.”
“i don’t own you, darlin’,” he says monotonously, not even the slightest hint of humor behind his tone, “but i do control you. at least for the night.”
“you can be the boss, daddy.”
she watched the surprise waiver his once stern expression and rather than playing her usual confident self she couldn’t ignore what he said.
i do control you.
she wanted to let him take the reigns on this one and see what javier peña was all about. after all, wait and see was far out of the window at this point.
she just pouts with her eyes and brows and folds her lips between her teeth like she had no idea the effect she had on him. she felt his warm hand slide down to the small of her back, gripping into the clothed skin desperately while he hissed at her facial expression and her dumb eyelashes batting up at him.
she filled him with what felt like so much destitution it was beginning to irritate him. the wanting to take it slow. the giggles and smiles. the dresses—god, he just craved fucking her in that little white sundress. how so much woman fit into one person was beyond him, but he looked at her like she was god created just for him.
yeah… waiting wasn’t happening.
the two of them ran out to his car like a pair of schoolchildren, and javi almost hit other cars or pedestrians at least twice on the way back to his apartment. she just laughed and told him to slow down, the few shots of dark liquor she had getting to her carefulness a bit.
next thing they knew they were naked on the couch, just kissing. that’s all they needed to do. just feel each other’s impure warmth. their lips were far beyond numb but they still went at it. she clung to him like wet on water, and he held her close with his sturdy forearms atop his lap while she rocked her hips occasionally. she poured every moan into his salivating mouth and he swallowed them with pride.
they were in no rush to have sex, they just wanted to need each other for a little bit. their craving for each other exceeded physical intimacy and stretched into every curve of their being as they wept onto each other. she giggled every time she felt more of her juiced pool onto his erection that was nestled between her legs and curved up to her ass. he loved her moans and her giggles and her smiles so much that he found himself smiling with her more than he had with his recent partners.
“javi?” she asked softly after finally pulling away from their hour-long kiss. he hummed and looked at her through his low eyelashes, seemingly drunk off of her kisses. “¿crees que podemos esperar un poco más?” [do you think we can wait a little longer]
he frowned, feeling a tad offended that she seemed a little scared to ask him that. “sí, dulzura. no tienes que preguntar.” he pinched her chin lightly and dragged his fingers around her soft face. [you don’t have to ask]
“no quería asumir.” [i don’t want to assume]
he offered her a loving smile and brought one of her hands up to his lips. “yo puedo esperar, mama.” [i can wait]
she blushed at the compassionate stare he was giving her and rewarded him with a tender kiss on his lips and another one to his forehead. “¿tienes agua?” [do you have water]
“mm-hmm. solo agua de la llave.” [only tap]
she carefully stood up from his thighs and stepped from between his legs to the kitchen. “no soy exigente.” she took it upon herself to grab a couple of glasses from his cabinet and them up up halfway with lukewarm water before she peered her head to her right to find a ring sitting in a small bowl nearby. “javier?” she called, unable to take her eyes off of the jewelry. he hummed and she heard as he stood up from the couch and walked towards her. “are you married?” she asked, finally breaking her stare from the ring and looked at him. [i’m not picky]
he eyebrows knitted together and he gave her a dumbfounded look. “no, why?”
“who’s ring is that then?”
he followed her pointed thumb with his eyes and saw how the ring was perched on top of the junk bowl like a trophy. “shit,” he whispered, glancing at his floor bashfully. “uh, no, genie i am not married. i was engaged, but, i left her… the day of the wedding.”
she couldn’t tell why, but she grew worried. “why?”
shrugging, he couldn’t come up with an answer. “i’m still trying to figure that out myself… i guess i kept the ring hoping it’d give me answer,” he laughed incredulously at his confession. “that was definitely not how i wanted you to find out.”
she nodded and a sense of relief came to calm her down. “i run all the time too,” she replied, waiting a moment before holding out the glass for him to take. he found solace in her words even though he didn’t fully understand it yet. he took a lame sip of his water and set it down on the counter before closing the gap between their still feverish bodies. “we don’t need to talk about it.” her tone was so serious but her smile was playful. “we can just make out for another hour or something.”
they laughed at her suggestion, but just as javi was leaning into kiss her as an acceptance his phone rang. he rolled his eyes and groaned before walking over to answer it. genie didn’t want to eavesdrop so she just strolled over to steal a cigarette from him and walked to his bedroom to blow her smoke out of his screen-less window whilst she looked over the other apartments and the streets. she heard a few gunshots far away and poked her nosy head out to see if she saw something, and when she didn’t she just kept looking around quickly forgetting about it.
it is colombia after all.
she was almost done with her cigarette when javi made an appearance next to her also holding a cigarette.
“everything okay?” she asked, glancing up at him. he nodded and grinned down at her nipples perking up from the cool breeze. “take a picture, perv,” she teased once she realized he was staring, then kicked his calf gently.
“maybe i will, smartass.”
she shook her head and laughed indulgently as he pointed his polaroid up to her naked body that was being illuminated by the orange street lights. he laid the photo on his dresser before hugging her from behind like earlier, and he swayed their nude bodies to music that was heard playing from another house in the distance. she hummed and tossed her cigarette outside before stealing his right off of his pouted lips; he took the liberty of his mouth as opportunity to kiss her shoulders.
she wanted him so badly, but she knew it was just her wound of impatience waiting to be peeled open again. she wasn’t afraid of giving in to him. she was afraid of giving in to herself. javier didn’t make it easy at all, and he saw it, but he just couldn’t help himself.
“mi dulzura…” he breathed onto her hot flesh, trailing his lower lip up to her ear and smacking a kiss on it while his hand found the base of her stomach. she felt herself clench around nothing and moved his hand down to her clit before she could stop herself. he wanted nothing more than to make her feel good and she just gave him permission for that in some aspect. “tu coño todavía está tan mojada… tengo suerte, ¿no?” he rubbed tiny little circles around her clit the same way she would when she’d touch herself. [your pussy is still so wet. i’m lucky, huh]
“alguien podría vernos.” she worried like she wasn’t the one to initiate it. [someone could see us]
he waited a moment to respond. “que nos vean.” [so let them see]
she gave in and let him please her for the whole world to see. the pads of his fingers felt like heaven on her heat as she let go of the fear of getting caught; she leaned her head back onto his shoulder and closed her heavy eyes.
javier wanted to felt her tremble in his arms and hear her call his name. he needed to give her a reason to come back and he knew he could do that with his fingers alone. just like he said: he could wait. and he would wait for her. she was gentle and kind but fearless at the same time. he thought it was sexy the way she never cared what anyone thought of her (anyone she wasn’t familiar with anyways).
“¿te gusta?” [you like that]
she simply nodded rapidly as her chest heaved, her mind straying from reality as she sank deeper into the trap he laid with his fingers. her eyes flew open, however when she heard a group of people walking nearby. “javi,” she panicked, “deberíamos mover—“ [we should move—]
“shut up,” he whispered in her ear through gritted teeth while simultaneously wrapping his free hand around her elongated neck, “tengo esto.” [i got this]
genie moaned louder than she realized and allowed herself to no longer care after javi made his demands. if the people wanted a show then they were going to get it. “claro, después de todo… eres el jefe, papi.” [sure, after all, you’re the boss daddy]
weeks of harmony went by, and even the bad moments weren’t so bad. sometimes javier would meet genie after a shit day at work and wouldn’t be in the mood for company, but he didn’t want to push her away because of it. he still wanted her near and she saw that despite feeling like sometimes she had to walk on eggshells around him on his moody nights. she didn’t mind it too much, it was more of her still trying to learn how to read him which came with some difficulty.
he knew that when they went almost a week without seeing other and constantly missing each other’s phone calls that he was falling hard from how much he missed hearing her voice. genie filled her free time with her friends and gardening but her mind always trailed back to javi.
they’re schedules finally aligned on a tuesday; javi got the day off and wanted genie to meet his partner steve so she took it upon herself to have them over for dinner along with aimee.
“hi, i’m genie,” she introduced excitedly as she shook the man’s hand before inviting them in.
“hey, i’m steve. sorry my wife couldn’t be here tonight,” he said.
genie just waved him off. “oh, don’t worry about it. i’ll make some extra for her if that’s alright?”
“sure, thank you.”
“my friend aimee is here in the other room, feel free to make yourself at home. dinner should be ready in about an hour.” he excused himself and genie turned to javi and immediately gave him a sultry kiss. “mm, i missed you.”
he chuckled and wiped the corner of his mouth before giving her a hug. “i missed you too. how ya doing?”
“better now,” she whispered. “come help me in the kitchen?”
“not sure i can be much help.” he watched her hips bounce back and forth as she led him to her kitchen. “you have a nice home,” he commented; he walked behind her and enveloped her body into a warm hug as she stirred the sauce in her pot.
“thank you.” he gave her neck a few kisses, placed his fingers on her chin to turn her head toward him, and pecked her lips a few times. she blushed and focused on her cooking again, but javi wanted to play with her again as it had been too long since the last time he’d heard her delicious moans. “javier,” she hissed and he just slid his large hands into her tight jeans. “javi,” she laughed, “we are not having a repeat of last time.”
“you’re right, this time we’re not doing it in a window, we’re in your kitchen,” he teased after his fingers found her wetness and dove into it.
she exhaled softly and felt her nipples harden against the fabric of her shirt. “i don’t wanna mess up dinner.”
“focus on dinner then, baby, don’t think about me,” his voiced strained. she nearly laughed again but couldn’t because a moan nearly surfaced. she brought a bowl of diced onions over the pot and let them fall in as an attempt to distract herself. “i’m sure dinner will be lovely, dulzura.” his breath hitched up against her ear when he felt her clench around his fingers. “what are you making?”
“it smells good.”
“thank you—oh.” she accidentally smacked the spoon on the counter and sauce flew specks around the wall and stove. “shit!” she reached for a towel and immediately bent forward to wipe the mess up, but she only applied more pressure between her sex and his digits. he took the liberty to ram his fingers as fast as the angle would allow which had her struggling to stand straight, but she continued cleaning her mess up—well, her javi-induced mess. once she was done she put the lid on the pot and told him that she was close.
“already? seems like you needed this more than me. is that right?”
“yes,” she huffed, gripping the ledges of the countertop. “right there.”
“you’re doing so good keeping quiet.”
“me corro, me corro!” she breathed out. she swallowed every other noise that tried to leave her fragile body while her orgasm took over. it was strong and overpowering almost, unlike most of her orgasms that were slow and drawn out. she felt every bit of her climax in the span of just a few seconds but it was well worth it. [i’m cumming]
javi eased up on her fairly quickly and freed his hand, careful to not get any of her cum on her clothes. she tried to steady her body while she resumed dinner and he washed his hands before helping her trembling hands with the heavy pot. they didn’t say anything but they could not stop giggling.
“are you guys stoned or something?” aimee asked spooking the couple.
“we’re literally dea agents,” steve retorted as he stood next to her.
“eh,” genie edged receiving a warning look from javi. “are you?”
“genie,” javi hissed.
“don’t worry, i won’t tell steve about the time you and i got high before watching star wars.”
“really peña?” steve questioned accusingly.
javi gave genie’s ass a light smack, but he knew steve would ultimately forget about it so he just went back to watching genie cook.
the night went by slow which made genie happy. she got to bond with steve and aimee got to bond with javi. it was like the formation of a new, happier, stronger family for genie and she hoped everyone else felt the same way. aimee and steve teased the other two about how smitten they were being all night and how cute it was to see the love they have for each other growing. they all got a little tipsy from whiskey and wine which caused the formation of a brother-sister relationship with steve and aimee — one that javi and genie found adorable, especially with the way they bullied each other for their music tastes and political views in a chaste way.
when the night was closing in steve and aimee made their exits to their significant others and homes, and aimee naturally made the comment, “don’t be too loud now,” more than once.
as soon as they were alone, genie and javi made their debut to her room for pillow talk and cuddles having gotten their release of sexual tension out earlier.
“do you think they heard me?” genie worriedly asked.
“i think we’d know if aimee heard us,” javi quip, snickering as he did so.
“good point.”
genie admired all of his facial features which made him smile keenly. he was handsome, smart, romantic, and caring, but he was also daunting and reserved for everyone but her. she wouldn’t dare resist love from someone so sweet after she experienced a life in the absence of love. javier gave her all the smiles she needed for one lifetime already, but his desire to keep that smile on her face earned him a special place in her fragmented heart because he was making it whole again.
“do you want to keep seeing me? i’m just checking in, making sure we’re all good.” javi’s insecure tone put a frown on her face.
“i do. i like you.”
he blushed and crawled on top of her. “yeah? you like me?”
“yeah i like you a lot, papito. te quiero mucho, papito.”
he closed the space between their lips and he snaked his arms around her back. he felt closer than before to the woman below him because she forgave his sins faster than he did himself. he didn’t know what he did to get this lucky, but he refused to question one of the only good things in his life.
“te quiero, genie,” he whispered, nuzzling his nose along hers.
“me encanta la forma en que dices mi nombre… y la forma en que me besas… la forma en que me tocas. me gustas mucho, javi, no sé lo que haría sin ti.” [i love the way you say my name… and the way you kiss me… the way you touch me. i like you a lot, javi, i don’t know what i’d do without you]
days later javier ended up getting sent home for playing with the enemy, and it left genie in a state of uncertainty. part of her blamed him for the new distance placed between them but she also knew she didn’t understand everything nor did she want to. in this case ignorance was bliss for her.
they set time aside every couple of weeks to keep up with each other for phone calls and she even began considering moving back to the states to be with him, but her loyalty to beth always pushed those thoughts aside. he worried about genie often because her mental health seemed to decline with how much more she was taking care of the sick woman. he’d never ask her to stop knowing he’d do the same for his own family, but once he got put on the case for the cali cartel he knew him being there would put her in good spirits. at least he hoped so.
it had been nearly a year since they’d last seen each other and he wanted it to be a surprise. from what steve had told him she never really moved on despite javi telling her it was okay and that staying friends was best for them for the time being. it angered her how easy he seemed to want to give up, but this wasn’t a fairytale and she knew that it may have very well been years until she was able to see him again so she understood.
genie became more reclusive, only ever seeing her few friends in the foreign state. she and aimee lacked the mental drive to go out and party like they did in the earlier stages of their arrival so beth, steve, connie, and cory were the only other people they spent time with.
javi knocked on her door and as he stood there waiting for an answer he drummed his fingers over his clad thighs. would she look different? would someone else answer the door? would she not want to see him right now? all these thoughts that ran through his head a million miles per hour vanished when he saw that pretty sundress appear before him.
“javier?” she asked softly as if he were unrecognizable.
“it’s me,“ he whispered hoarsely. her beauty sucked all of the air out of him and his body turned to mush when she collided into his broad frame. “it’s me.” he clung to her and breathed her in like she was a wasting memory.
“¡te extrañé, javi! te extrañé mucho.” [i missed you]
“también te extrañé, dulzura,” he whispered into her hair. “i came to surprise you.” [i missed you too]
“come in,” she urged. she ran upstairs to her bedroom and practically dragged him with her. “i need you,” she told him breathlessly. “can i have you?” he simply pressed his soft lips to hers as permission; they ripped their clothes off of each other and she laid him on her bed. just then everything fell back into place.
all of the midday to midnight conversations they had developed meaning. there was no doubt in her mind that her waiting wasn’t pointless or a waste of time. it meant something to the both of them and they wanted to permeate it.
she reached between their bodies and gave his already hard cock a few slow strokes to build up the anticipation. “are you mine?” she asked, a hint of possession in her eyes.
he felt like his soul mended to the shape of hers, her spirit captivating every corner of his mind. he nodded helplessly. “yes,” he moaned with his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“were you loyal to me?” she teased her entrance with his tip, sliding it in slowly.
“yes, i was l—loyal to you.” he couldn’t stop gasping; just the feeling of her slick walls around the first inch of him had him on edge. “i promise.” just then she sunk onto him without further question and felt her wetness pool around him as he stretched her out. they let out sweet moans for each other and began kissing as she bounced on him. “fuck, ya vas a hacer que me corra.” [you’re going to make me cum (already)]
she giggled, lifted herself up, then put her hands on his stomach for better balance. “dame tu leche, papi.” [give me your cum]
he threw his head back while cursing loudly, giving her plump ass a tight squeeze and refusing to let go. “necesito que me des tu leche lindo primero.” [i need you to give me your pretty cum first]
genie groaned and pinched her nipple lightly, feeling the sensitivity spiral down to her pussy. “ven aquí.” he sat up and ran his warm hands over the goosebumps on her back. “lamer mis pezones.” [come here / lick my nipples]
“yeah?” he licked a teasing strip up one of her nipples, giving her puppy dog eyes. “¿quieres que te me lama los pezones?” she hummed at his question and fluttered her eyes shut when he began sucking one and used his thumb to rub circles on the other one, his mustache grazing her skin adding to the pleasure. she continued her rhythm on top of him while he kept her steady. he felt his eyes light up at the sight of her. sweaty, eager, desperate. he knew that he never wanted to feel anyone else do this for him, and no one could make him feel nearly as good. he had to let his mind wander from time to time because of how close he was getting to cumming inside of her. he didn’t want this to end so soon. he wanted this to be the memory she touched herself to whenever he couldn’t be around. he needed the feeling of his thick cock stretching and pleasing her slick cunt to be engraved so deeply into her mind that the thought of it alone would make her cum on her own fingers. “eres tan jodidamente perfecta, mama. so fucking perfect.” [you want me to lick your nipples / you’re so fucking perfect]
she loved the way he cowered his face into her chest as a way to feel more of her and the way he kissed up her sternum until his lips met hers. he cradled her in his arms so that he could switch their positions wanting to see how good he could make her feel. he freed her face of loose hair strands and gave her tiny kisses while he started slowly inside of her, not fully inserting himself in while doing so. genie loved everything about this moment.
javi with messy hair.
how sheen and warm their bodies were from sex and not the humidity.
the cool breeze that often snuck in through the open windows.
javi worshiping her body.
how pretty her body looked under the sun.
how careful and attentive he was with her.
their heavy breathing
and moans
and pants
and whimpers.
javi knew he couldn’t hold back much longer so he pulled out to bury his face between her thighs. she let out an ungodly sound as he opened his mouth as wide as possible and sucked up everything. she clawed at his scalp with her back arching off the bed not able to form any words at the sudden sensation.
he slurped as he closed his mouth and flattened his tongue on her throbbing clit, roughly shaking his head side to side tickling the skin around her clit with his facial hair (and it drove her insane). she tried to squeeze her shaky thighs around his head but his sturdy arms wouldn’t allow that. she cried out his name and let the vibrant and warm and forceful feeling take over he flailing body. her body shook so hard the bed creaked with the headboard smacking the wall a few times. she had no time to recover when he filled her up with his throbbing length and continued her orgasm by rubbing his fingers around her wet clit.
“hazte correrme otra vez,” she pleaded. he rammed into her and held her legs up while she perched on her elbows. [make me cum again]
“¿quieres otra más? hmm,” he grunted. [you want to cum again]
“yes, fuck—fuck. you’re gonna make me cum again!” he rested on top of her, laying her flat down again. he fondled her breast briefly but moved his hand up to her cheek to caress it. “can you cum with me?” she asked; his eyelids battered down and he nodded. she felt his body jerk and she grinned at his flushed face. “¿tú estás corriendo?” [are you cumming]
“mm. mm-hmm,” he moaned, “solamente para ti.” she felt her mouth go dry and his thrusts lose a steady rhythm. his hips dug into her thighs and his cock pulsed when her pussy began convulsing against him. [just for you]
she pouted up at him when he pressed their foreheads together and felt dizzy until that one second of pure stillness carried her body up and back down to reality again. she forced her heavy eyelids open to see him in her most vulnerable state of mind as a way to let him know he had her always and forever. she held onto him tightly, letting out whimpers of overstimulation that turned into exaggerated moans when she couldn’t hold onto the feeling anymore. he got there not too long after, but instead his focus sharpened on her rather than hazed; he thrusted sloppily into her exhausted body and gave her body every last drop of cum he had saved up for her.
their breathing synchronized as they just laid together; he made sure she felt loved when he pressed a few plump kisses over her face, feeling his heart punch against his ribs every time she cooed at his lips on her damp skin.
he carried her to the bathroom so that they could shower together and they didn’t even realize neither of them said anything for the next half hour until they climbed back in bed.
“doing alright?” he asked her as he lit her cigarette up.
she smiled with her eyes and nodded, pressing her back to her headboard. “you?”
“yeah… honestly thought i was gonna have to put up more of a fight to get in bed with you,” he teased. she nudged his foot with hers and laughed. “i came back for you,” he said once the mood shifted.
“i thought about leaving beth and going to you.”
“i know. steve told me,” he admitted. “i wouldn’t want you to do that. sounds like she needs you and aimee more than ever right now.”
“hey.” he held her chin then gave her a kiss. “i’m here now.” he wiped a tear that fell onto her cheek and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “i’m here now.”
“you’re being so fucking loud right now, shut up,” genie scolded. she covered his mouth with her left hand and choked him with the other. he shook his head in protest but gave up when she resumed riding him in the office chair. he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled even harder as he shot his release inside of her. she finished him off and they had a brief make out session before he tapped her hip.
“how much time we got?” he asked before pulling his pants up and fixing his shirt.
“uh… ten minutes."
“i bet i can make you cum in five,” he challenged.
her eyes widened and she pressed a hand to his chest. “that is a dangerous game you’re trying to play.”
“come on, can’t you make me feel like the boss here for a few minutes?”
his smile won her over and he received the biggest ego boost when she lifted the skirt to her dress. “five minutes.”
he got down on his knees and smirked at her paranoid expression. “an orgasm per minute?”
“shut up.” she pushed his face into her slippery heat, mewling at the curl of his wide fingers and flick of his thirsty tongue. “move to the left… right there.” she held his face in position and watched his tongue work miracles along her clit. the squelching of her discharge mixed with his semen around his fingers was louder than she expected, and she worried about people walking by hearing them.
javi knew how to work the divots and curves of her more than she wanted to give him credit for, and knowing how crunched they were on time he focused on the spongy hill that’d get her to her climax fast especially when combined with tongue despite how badly wanted to taste for hours.
she didn’t warn him or let out any noise other than a few deep breaths, but he could tell by the way her hips jerked on his face and the locking of her knees that she was already cumming. seconds later he felt all he had given her pool around the base of his knuckles. after removing his fingers he licked her and his fingers clean before helping fix her dress.
“come on, we’ll make out in the parking lot,” he whispered to her with that everlasting smirk that she pretended to hate.
“i am never doing that again, that was too close,” she told him once they made it to her car.
“you loved it,” he said confidently. “come ‘er.” his face carried the scent of her and it made her feel good knowing that he’d have to walk around like that for the rest of the day. they kiss until another officer makes fun of javi for becoming a one-woman man to which he just waved off. “ignore them,” he chuckled dryly. “admit that you loved it.“
genie rolled her eyes and a smile crept on her face. “you’re wrong,” she said tugging at his shirt and pulling him in, “but you’re so much fun.”
they kissed once more before saying their goodbye’s and parting ways. when javier made it back to his desk steve could tell he seemed much happier than he was an hour ago.
“fuck are you grinning for?” steve interrogated. the brunette gave him a noticeably fake look of surprise. “what? did you have genie come up here and give you a blowie?” steve huffed and leaned forward when javi’s face went pale. “dude! i was joking!” he whispered harshly.
“do not tell anyone else.”
steve muttered something under his breath but then looked back at his partner through his eyebrows. “where’d you do it?”
he smirked, leaning forward on his elbows. “go big or go home, right?”
“oh-ho-ho!” steve laughed proudly. “you dirty son of a bitch.”
“how you holding up?”
genie gave him an endearing look and said, “i’m alright. i miss her a lot already, i’m just glad i got to be with her in her final moments.” he nodded slowly at her answer, watching her pick the strawberries from her garden as they sat together in the grass. “how are you doing? you know with work?”
“i’m managing.”
she rolled her eyes from him back to the garden. “don’t do that.”
“do what?”
“i’m managing,” she mocked in a peculiar tone. “you can talk about it.”
“i don’t want you to feel like i’m ignoring your feelings, though.”
she glared at him and adjusted her posture. “i’m sad, not broken. plus, i asked because i care about you. we’re not just flirting anymore, javi. i thought this was becoming something.”
“this is something.”
“okay so fucking talk to me. don’t tiptoe around me and give me two word responses because i lost beth a couple weeks ago. you don’t have to tell me what’s going on, but you’re not just managing. i wanna know what goes through your head.”
javi sighed and rubbed her back as she got back to work. “you’re right.”
“i know.”
he rolled his eyes but still gave the back of her head a kiss. “i’m thinking of retiring after cali’s done.”
“oh yeah? why’s that?”
she already knew why. the late nights, the constant losses, everyone dying… she saw how he clung to her metaphorically because she was the only stability he got to have every week but he tried hard to not become dependent on her. she appreciated his consideration, but it led to him being unable to vocalize his emotions which made her feel like there was an unnecessary barrier between them.
“can’t do it anymore. i want you to come back to texas with me when it’s done… if that’s something you want.”
she snorted and gave him a raised eyebrow. “you haven’t even told me you love me yet and you want me to move with you?” she was joking, but he noticed how her eyes bored into his as if she was waiting for him to say it.
he thought it over every time he was away from her — was genie just an impulse for him? just another woman? and every time he questioned it his heart screamed no. she could be bratty, lord knows, but she wasn’t complicated. she was sweet and so full of life that she gave some to him and it made him feel warm inside again. she loved all things and all people, she never judged yet she always stood her ground. she could be needy at times when he wasn’t in the mood for attentiveness but she always waited. he didn’t want to keep her waiting any longer.
“i do love you,” he responded nonchalantly, a frown reaching his brows.
she sat her basket down and turned to face him. “you’re just saying that.”
“no i’m not.” her smile faded momentarily, but came back even bigger; he held her face gently and kissed her blushing nose. “genie, mi amor, te amo tanto te esperaría por siempre. i loved you before i even knew who you were.”
“oh,” she pouted, “you break my heart.” she kissed him and sat on top of his lap whilst reaching for his belt buckle to undo it.
"mm, lemme take you inside," he mumbled against her shiny lips.
"right here," she begged quietly; she pulled her sundress over her head which made javi's eyes touch the back of his skull when he noticed she had no panties on. she didn't bother ridding him of his tight jeans. she just pulled out his velvety cock and teased it along her opening, waiting until he was fully hard to sink onto him. she rested her weight on top of him after he opened the rest of the buttons on his shirt, pressing her lips to his. "tell me again," she demanded. she wasted no time to rock her hips at a quick and eager pace as she lusted after the feeling of his cum painting her wet, rubbery walls.
"i love you." he twitched and moaned weakly beneath her, her movements sending shocks and tickles up his spine. he repeated it more than a dozen times like a broken record and boy was the noise music to her ears.
she whimpered against his neck and her hips chased his orgasm more than hers before she whispered, "i love you," back to him. "i love you, i love you, oh, i lo-love you!" she shouted without a care in the world and watched him through weighted eyes. he held her hips in place and fucked her back, ignoring the strain in his thighs from the fabric restricting his range of motion. "i love you, i love the way you fuck me!"
"you take it so good, dulzura." he pinched her cheeks between his palm and fingers causing him to lose his leverage inside of her, however it didn't stop him. he loved seeing how weak he made her: the way she just molded into him no matter how far he'd bent her or throw her around. he loved how red her face got when he squished it in his brawny hands. "that feel good?"
she nodded shyly in his grip. "yes, everything you do f-feels so fucking good."
"good," he boasted, "you're such a good girl for me, hmm... i love you."
"i'll always be a good girl for you," she told him; he felt his steady pace lose its rhythm and his cock twitched so hard and deep inside of her it felt like his skin had meshed with hers. "i'll always be a good girl for you because you're the boss of me."
fuck. he couldn't stop the arrival of his climax at her sinful confession, his cum pouring out of him seconds later with his head digging into the ground beneath him while he silently cursed at himself for cumming so easily. she liked it though and felt comfortable with leaving it off here. she knew he'd make it up to her later in whatever way she wanted. he asked to stay inside of her for just a little longer so that he could savor the moment and she happily obliged. she helped him escape his nerve-racking high by combing her hands through his hair and a firm kiss.
"my god..." his breathing jagged and his arm trembled around her bare waist. "you're gonna be the death of me one day."
"hmm, that's my job." she put her dress back on to sit next to him lazily pulling his jeans up over his slippery length. "you mean it? wanting me to come back with you to texas?"
he laid his head on her thigh after lighting a cigarette and fiddled with her hand. "course i am. i'll buy us a big farmhouse, and you can raise horses, goats, and shit. whatever you want. i'll make you tea every morning and rub your back when you wake up. we can go for walks and watch the sunset... whatever you want. that’s my second wish.”
"you are gonna be setting feminism back a few years if you keep sweet-talking me," she bantered. they shared a few laughs and smoked in silence for a while before he told her it doesn't have to be that. "mi amor... i'll follow you wherever you go. like i always say… you can be the boss."
"you gotta stop saying that. it makes my dick hard every time."
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hsr-texts · 2 years ago
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find your cinderella
꒰‧₊˚✩彡‧꒱ ┊ ━━━━ chapter one
꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♡ɞ ┊ streamer!reader x mystery hsr character ꒱
꒰⸝⸝₊ʚ♡ɞ ┊ otome event ꒱
꒰ ☰ WORD COUNT ┊780 ꒱
꒰ ☰ DESCRIPTION ┊ ━━ When you do an unboxing livestream for your subsribers, you find an invite to an exclusive event called the "Find Your Cinderella" masquerade gala where you are guaranteed to find your supposed true love, as a rather enthusiastic manager told you. ꒱
꒰ ☰ NOTES ┊omg sorry for the long wait!! i was taking care of my college admissions, exercising, and taking care of my aunt all at the same time!! ꒱
previously ┊masterlist
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You read the livechat so far. It seemed that the majority wanted you to go.
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It was understandable why. This all seemed to be so exciting for regular people who don’t get to go to these events. In your career as a streamer, most of your appeal to viewers came from how relatable you were. Of course, there was also your gaming content but most your subscribers seem to just be happy to watch you do fun stuff. And in their eyes, this event would be the most fun thing you’ll ever get to do.
Despite how strange this all seemed, it probably shouldn’t hurt to go, right? Sugo said that something good will come out of it no matter what happens. Plus, if you didn’t go, would you regret it? Would you later lie in bed late at night, thinking of what could’ve been? Would your curiosity ever stop bugging you about it?
Also 500,000 credits sounded real good for just going to a party and tolerating it.
You clasped your hands together. “Alright then! I’ll be attending the Find Your Cinderella Gala and see what it’s about!”
Your chat cheered for the decision.
You then noticed the time. 12 midnight.
“Aw man, sorry guys but it’s getting pretty late so I’ll be logging off now. I’ll see you guys next time!”
With one last farewell wave, you switched off the stream and checked the statistics. Wow, it seemed to be at an all time high. At least Sugo was right about one thing. It’d only be a matter of time until the news of this gala spread like wildfire.
You found a QR code on the back of the ticket so you scanned it with your phone. It led to a website for the FYC Gala.
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You clicked the “attending” button, leaning back on your seat. Seeing the dress code, you checked the package once again and saw that the outfit came with shoes, accessories, and a mask already. Huh, they really prepared everything for you. At least you wouldn’t have to spend extra money. Getting that limited edition LumiPro package already put a slight dent in your finances, after all.
It finished loading and you read the words: “Added to the guest list”
A yawn escaped your lips.
You got off the chair and went over your nightly routine before passing out in your bed.
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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep—
You pulled your hand away from your alarm and sat up, yawning. Taking a glance at your clock, you saw that it was 9am.
After a round of stretching, you got off your bed and made a beeline for the kitchen.
You decided to eat tocilog for breakfast so you started cooking rice, eggs, and tocino. A pleasant scent wafted through the kitchen as the meal was being cooked. You let out a delighted sigh, enjoying the smell of a good meal in the morning.
After the meal was finished cooking, you sat down at your dining table to eat it. You made a pleased noise as you ate, satisfied with how the meal came out.
You checked your phone and saw that you got a message from your editor, Cori.
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Huh? Your eyebrows furrowed so you sent a quick reply and did as asked, looking at online news.
“Streamer’s Unboxing Stream Gets Hijacked By LumiPro Event Organiser in Publicity Stunt”
You checked LumiTube and clips of your stream have been uploaded on there, rapidly gaining over a million views within 12 hours. Damn.
Taking a sip of your water, you leaned back with a contemplative expression on your face. What should you stream today?
With your current status as a streamer that recently became viral, you could take advantage of that and do a stream where you prepare for the FYC Gala by going to a salon and letting viewers watch you get your nails and hair done, then maybe also booking a makeup artist for before the gala, if needed.
But since there was still about two weeks until the gala, you figured there was no rush.
Besides that, you could do a gaming stream since you still need to complete Freya’s Gate 5.
As if a light bulb flickered above your head, your eyes lit up and you took your phone out, logging onto Trotter.
Tap. Tap. Taptaptap.
A series of typing noises came from your phone and you pressed post.
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This way, you can let your followers choose what you'll be doing today without having to do the heavy work of making a decision, truly a predicament for someone as indecisive as yourself.
And now you just wait for the results.
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pebblesthedrag · 2 months ago
Hello anyone who will read this!
I have never used tumblr before so I am more confused than I should be on how to make a good page and what's happening here...
I thought about trying this out cause I just read solitaire by Alice Oseman and Tori's blogging may have inspired me...
I also just want a form of social media to say or talk about whatever I want without irls seeing it or being addicted to scrolling. Please talk to me or ask me questions or anything like that! I want to talk to people about things!
About me:
I am in high school
Any Pronouns
I really enjoy marching band (trumpet) and indoor drumline (snare) so DCI, WGI, and stuff such as this I would love to talk about and hear about people's experiences!!! I also play drumset and take lessons
I am getting into the Oseman verse currently and would love talking about that!
I love alex G, syd matters, radiohead, foo fighters (not as much anymore) although i'm not really a superfan of any musician
I have a betta fish named Harvey whom I love so so so so much as well as two mystery snails, a nerite snail, some pygmy cories, and red cherry shrimp!
I like video games but honestly just haven't had much time for them because of school and band.
Books I have the same problem with but I'm trying to find time for them and just find ones that interest me. I usually go for dystopian novels or relatable teen novels that are like 350 pages or less
I'd say I like star wars but I'm not really a super nerd about it lol I just really enjoy casually watching the movies especially the prequels and would be interested in becoming more involved with fans. I was also Anakin for halloween!!!!!
I also like the last of us but again am not really a super fan? I don't even own the games actually lol
I have many interests but none I am a super fan of... other than band
if that makes sense
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cosmiles · 2 years ago
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➢ watching coryxkenshin with mha boys
note: yes i did do a whole hc based on this post
characters: midoriya, kirishima, bakugo, todoroki
content: fluff, crack, established gn relationships, coryxkenshin references
words: 0.3k
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Izuku Midoriya introduces you to his channel. As a kid, he first found Cory from his Five Nights At Freddy's game play and has been a samurai ever since. He's literally so excited when you ask to watch with him. He will text you every time he posts, especially after a long break. Your new favorite dates consist of you binge watching Cory while curled up in the covers with him. Please wear the matching merch with him, it'll make his day.
Eijirou Kirishima becomes a fan because of you. He found you watching his puppet combo playlist and heard the switch the colors song. This instantly captivates his attention and he proceeds to watch every video Cory raps in. Eventually, he gets his friends hooked and constantly has one of videos on whenever you come over. He threw a party when Cory hit 10 million and then threw another when he announced he wasn't retiring. He's hooked now and there's nothing you can do about it.
Katsuki Bakugo midly dislikes him for no reason. When asked why, he'll just say, "He's just another extra who's trying too hard." But once you show him Cory's FNAF: Security Breach play through, he begins to like him, secretly. He finds it amusing when he rages or hates on characters like Monty, knowing he would do the same. He ends up finding Berleezy through him and likes him more. He'll still watch Cory with you but tries to convince you to be apart of the Eezygang.
Shoto Todoroki doesn't get the hype at first. Like why do you like this guy who screams, has random memes pop up, and flirts with the camera? It makes no sense. But once you show him Spooky Scary Sunday, he's binge watching everyday. Faithfully wears the SSS hoodie every Sunday, no matter if Cory posts or not. He becomes highly invested in the storyline and will debrief with you his conclusions and findings. And you eat it up and nod each and every time.
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➢ thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed and don't forget that Jesus loves you, to drink water, eat some food, and get some rest :))
➢ taglist: 🫧
@megurulvr @pnkweb @mypimpademia
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 1 year ago
I'd Like to Adopt These Side Characters, Please (And Also Make One Arbitrarily To Appease The Vibes)
So, I've already mentioned my plans to write something for our dear single-minute-of-screentime-boys from the FNAF movie. And, as per usual for me, posting some headcanons will help the ideas flow for that WIP. . .
Jack Samar
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His passengers always are, in fact, "the weirdos." It just seems to happen without fail. College partygoers crashing down from adrenaline (among other things) highs, random drifters that could all probably be in the same cult if you pay attention to detail, that one guy who's all too happy to take advantage of the open secret that the ducks in the park are free. . .Most of the time, it's nothing too serious. But he's still got some very interesting stories here and there.
He's one of the best drivers in town. And that's not just due to his job as a cabbie; he knows how dangerous driving can be, so he takes pride in making sure his skills are sharp. (Seriously, if you've ever driven a car, then you know it's practically a miracle to see someone else on the road who actually knows what they're doing.)
He has a steel-trap memory; he knows every part of town like the back of his hand. Constantly driving on various routes just has that effect on you.
He's a bit of a rescuer. As in, if he happens to see a stray animal while driving, then he'll park, coax said animal into the car, and then drop it off at at the local shelter. If you have him drive you from Point A to Point B, there's a good chance you'll spot a scruffy-looking cat or dog riding shotgun.
If he isn't too tired at the end of his shifts, he'll drive over to Sparky's for a late-night snack before heading home to rest. Both he and Ness are good listeners, so a decent chunk their banter is dedicated to venting about sucky patrons.
He's certainly aware of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria, as well as the rumors surrounding it, but he never really bothered with the place. And he doesn't plan to start bothering with it after seeing Golden Freddy in the back of his taxi.
Although. . .well, that occurrence might have made him start weighing the pros and cons of trying to get more information out of Mason. (He's very much hesitant about it, of course. Yeah, he was the one to help Mason out, but the assumption of Mason's experience with Freddy's is still far from pleasant.)
(Yes, his name is a pun inspired by Cory's samurai joke. What did you expect from me?)
Ness Aeoruhndbt-Ultendera
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"Ness" is only his nickname, but he doesn't plan on revealing his full name anytime soon. Not even to his friends, for whatever reason. There's also a bit of an inside joke about how his surname is too long to actually fit on his nametag. (Yes, that gibberish my personal idea for his surname. I spent way more time working on it than I probably should have because I was determined to make a weird/funny reference, so leave me alone, okay?!)
He's been in the restaurant business ever since he was a kid; he's worked in several different joints before Sparky's. Coming from a family of foodies, he truly enjoys what he does, no matter how small-scale. Sure, some days are worse than others, but that's just life.
Similarly to Jack, it's not that uncommon for him to serve some strange characters. (Hell, sometimes the strange characters in question will wave down Jack's cab right after they've finished their meal at Sparky's.) Nothing usually comes of it, but he's still more than observant enough to pick up on certain oddities.
He makes a genuine effort to be polite and outgoing with customers. But make no mistake, he absolutely can, has, and will verbally curb-stomp someone if they push him or his coworkers too far. (Aunt Jane was lucky that her jab was minor. Plus, Ness just had other customers to focus on.)
It's no surprise that he LOVES conspiracy theories. Now, he knows which crackpot rabbit-holes to avoid, but he's still the type to listen to true crime podcasts almost religiously. In a way, researching and brainstorming is a comfort to him.
He's actually developed legitimate friendships with a specific few of Sparky's regulars. (Jack and Mason are part of this camp.) In fact, if there aren't many other customers that need tending to, he'll sit down and chat with them while they eat.
While he's perky during the day, he's still a night owl. It helps that his regular-friends almost always stop by in the late hours. (This has also paved the way for him to become a bit of a coffee-addict, but not to the point of concern. Speaking of which: he takes great joy in people's reactions to his argument that coffee is actually a type of soup.)
Oh, and that rubber-chicken-head-pencil-topper? Its name is Fabio, and Ness has been carrying it for several years now. He can't remember where/when/how he came into possession of Fabio, but you can pry it from his cold, dead hands.
Mason Kingsley
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I wasn't originally planning to make a technical fanego for the FNAF movie. But after I learned that Mark was intended to make a cameo, I was intrigued. Thus, Mason—aka Trauma Boi—was born. His inclusion here (and in that future story I mentioned) is basically just a "What if?" scenario. As in, A. What if Mark had actually played the role of that first nightguard in the movie, and B. what if he'd actually survived his ordeal at Freddy's. . .?
Please read "survived," as "escaped by the skin of his teeth with grievous injuries and is now sort of dead inside."
Fittingly enough, Jack happened to by passing by when Mason fled the restaurant. It's pretty damn easy to stop for a guy who's covered in blood and cradling a broken arm and screaming for help.
After Jack drove Mason to the hospital, the two of them made an effort to stay in touch. Their respective patronage to Sparky's helps out with that.
Time passed, as it tends to do, and Mason eventually recovered. Keep in mind that the recovery was physical; he's still having night-terrors about animatronic monsters. Just the mention of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria will make him start shaking and murmuring under his breath, pale and tense.
He absolutely refuses to talk about the incident in detail, but it left some very obvious scars on his neck, chest, and arms. He's constantly trying to keep said scars covered.
Silver lining: shortly after recovering, Mason was able to adopt a therapy pet. Enter Checkers, a golden retriever who's just the best emotionally-tuned girl and is always by his side.
He stops by Sparky's for dinner once or twice per week. He wasn't too receptive to Ness' chitchat at first, but by now they have a solid friendship. (It started when Ness "accidentally" brought out a large side of bacon with Mason's order. Checkers most certainly appreciated that, so it's become a small tradition between them.)
(And just to clarify, because I KNOW someone is gonna read this and take it the wrong way: I'm NOT using this to try and whine about Mark's absence in the movie. It's really not too hard to understand that his own Iron Lung project has kept him INCREDIBLY BUSY. It's an amazing accomplishment for him, so of course it should take priority over a cameo in FNAF.)
@sammys-magical-au @that-bat @bee-the-matpat-simp @insane4fandoms
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cory-posting · 1 year ago
I call all believers child, nothing personal.
*gives arson 30000000 pounds of M O S S*
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welcometomyworldbabes · 2 years ago
i'm sorry ~ part III
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background: You’ve been friends with Shawn, as well as Cory, since your best friend Topanga introduced you to them. You immediately hit it off, and the four of you have been friends ever since. But recently, you’ve realized that you might have feelings for Shawn.
pronouns used: she/her
warning: none
author’s note: i know it took me a while but here is part III. this isn’t really edited, i wanted to get this out as soon as possible. unlike the other 2 parts, this part is entirely in your p.o.v. if you haven’t already, please read part one and part two so you’re caught up! there will be a part IV, so stay tuned and enjoy!
“Y/N! Shawn’s at the door for you!”
I didn’t want to see him let alone talk to him. But I also didn’t want to talk to my parents about why I didn’t want to.
“Can you tell him to come up here?”
“You know, I didn’t actually think that you’d want to talk to me,” he laughed.
I looked down as I answered. “I didn’t...”
He sighs as he says, “Look, I’m real sorry Y/N/N–”
He steps closer to me. “I mean it. I-I shouldn’t have left you alone-”
“Is that why you think I’m mad at you?”
“Well, that and…” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and mumbled, “...not looking for you.”
“That’s it? Okay?”
“What do you want me to say?”
He ran his hands through his hair. “C’mon Y/N…”
“No, seriously, how did you expect this to go?” I started. “What you did wasn’t an accident: it was a choice. It was your choice to ask me instead of the girl you actually wanted to be with. It was your choice to leave me without saying anything. And it was your choice to spend the night with the girl you wanted to go with.”
He’s visibly nervous. His hands are deep in his pockets, he’s rocking back and forth, and he’s staring at the ground. I wonder if he can feel my eyes on him. A part of me wanted to feel bad for making him uncomfortable, but that feeling quickly went away when I remembered what Topanga told me on our way home that night.
“It wasn’t the fact that you left me to go hookup with someone that made me mad, I mean that was part of it, but I would have just let that go…Do you want to know what really hurt me?”
Shawn slowly looks up at me, his eyes bearing into mine.
“Cory and Topanga went looking for us because we had “disappeared”. Topanga found you, and when she told you that she couldn’t find me, you said you were “preoccupied” and brushed it off like it was no big deal.”
“Y/N/N I swear, I-I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t mean it.”
“Why would you even say something like that to begin with? Especially about someone that you call your best friend?”
He adverted his eyes, he couldn’t even look at me.
“I could’ve been in that bathroom with Leonardo DiCaprio, and I would still would have left to go find you. Because that’s what you do when you care about someone…Do you even care about me, Shawn?”
I hated the fact that my voice cracked, but I was seriously a few words away from crying, and I didn’t want to look at him anymore.
“Of course I do,” he replied. I could feel his hesitance as he made his way closer to me. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am about the things that I said, the things that I did. I was caught up in a moment and I wasn’t listening. And I-I know that’s not an excuse and I’m not trying to say it is. It was stupid, I was stupid. And wrong, so, so wrong. I shouldn’t have left you without saying anything, and I should have been there for you, I know. No one should feel like they’re not wanted…”
He brought his hand up to my face, turning it to face him.
“…especially you.”
We stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes in silence, until he wrapped his arm around me and joked: “…and I should know, neither of my parents wanted me.”
“Okay, I know, I shouldn’t joke about that, but still. I care about you so much, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you, you gotta believe that. And I’ll do anything, and I mean anything, to make it up to you…”
I just looked at him. I didn’t really know what to say.
“I-I don’t want to be the reason I lose you, Y/N/N.”
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