#corey haim dream a little dream
gothamslostboy · 2 years
How Corey Haim dresses in Dream A Little Dream is how I imagine he’d eventually dress if Max’s plan had been successful
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hrts-4-haim · 2 years
brb protesting against the lack of corey haim fics on here🥲
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whatsyourdamage-15 · 2 years
Today would’ve been Corey Haim’s 51st Birthday. Happy birthday Corey ♥️
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luvrlou · 2 years
What are my Flaws
Pairing: Dinger Holfield x Fem!Reader
Warning: Swearing, Underage Drinking, Use of Weed
Summary: After being invited to a party some truths come out after a silly drunken conversation.
A/N: Not posted in absolutely ages sorry about that!
Word Count: 2.8k
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Lainie Diamond, the school's popular sweetheart, most people feel a streak of jealousy when they see her walk through the halls with a herd of teenage boys, sometimes even girls, i'm not one to judge, trailing behind her. Although I should hate her, I mean she pretty much stole my ex from me, it's not her fault though, she's honestly breathtaking. I love her more than anything, we've had this bond like no other since she moved here about 4 years ago and ever since we've been attached at the hip.
Of course always being with the school's, hell maybe even the state's, wow girl can have it's downsides, like bringing her with me to meet a boy and me totally falling for him, or having to third wheel almost all the time!
Even though there are a few downsides I would never change her for the world, she has the most golden heart and intriguing personality, what is there not to like?
"Hey Y/N!" Lainie shouted across the classroom as I walked into maths, earning a hush from the balding teacher at the chalkboard, she rolled her eyes.
"Is that Lainie Diamond? In the flesh?" I laughed as I walked towards my desk.
"Yes it is, now be shocked," she teased back, causing me to faux gasp.
When I sat in my seat I immediately felt the presence of a certain redhead sitting behind me, I rolled my eyes, as much as I love my friends. Dinger and Joel always seemed to get me riled up, more so Dinger, he just always knew how to push my buttons.
"Good morning, Y/L/N" Dinger whispered from behind me.
"Dinger," I nodded, while trying to copy down what's on the blackboard.
"Not even a good morning, wow, fuck you too then." He gasped and muttered, making me huff in frustration.
"Calm down it's nine in the morning jesus." I groaned, I could hear him snicker to himself, he definitely knew that he got a rise of me. I just know there's going to be a long day ahead.
By the time lunch had rolled around I was on my last nerve with Dinger, I guess I'm feeling really irritable today, usually, I can keep my anger in until last period before he truly pisses me off.
I don't get how one person can have that many annoying characteristics, he's not even that bad a person to others, but he just has something out for me, I'm telling you. For example, when Bobby first introduced us, he was nothing but nice to me, mind that was about five or six years ago.
Ever since we were 15 he just seemed to have it out to annoy me, which influenced Joel to tag along and piss me off, it's two years later and they're still doing it, you'd think they would mature a bit, but no, only seems that me and Lainie have.
I mean even Bobby is more level-headed than him and trust me Bobby is a nutter and a half.
"If you glare any harder holes might actually burn in his back," Bobby chuckled, snapping me out of my hateful thoughts.
"How come I'm the only one truly irritated by his mere existence?" I question, facing the black-haired boy next to me.
"Maybe you like him!" He teased, nudging my shoulder.
"Yeah, no," I deadpan, now I'll admit he is a decent-looking boy but his personality is definitely off-putting. Bobby then gives me a knowing look, "as if, have you seen how he acts, I'd rather drown in scolding hot lava than date him for more than five seconds."
"Woah, that was a bit harsh princess," Dinger hummed. Great just great, why does he have to be near me whenever I don't want him there whatsoever.
"Don't be such a smart ass then Holfield and maybe my opinion on you will change," I scan his face for a moment, seeing a trace of a smirk, I continue, "which is extremely unliking since the thought of being with you is simply revolting."
I smiled to myself watching him give up and turn away to go talk to Joel, finally I had gotten a rise out of him.
Before I knew it lunch was over and I had to go back to class, I trudged through to halls toward my Physics room, dreading the next hour of my life. Luckily I sat next to a sweet girl, Evie.
"You don't look too happy," she commented when I practically flung myself in my seat.
"How could you tell?" I replied flatly.
"Well what's pissed you off, or who?" She questioned, slight humour in her voice.
"That stupid fuck, Dinger Holfield, god knows why I keep him in my life he's so incredibly frustrating!" I huffed, crossing my arms.
"I mean at least he talks to you, I would die if a boy with his looks even spared me a glance." She reasoned, a day-dreamy look in her eyes.
Her comment made me feel a bit distasteful, I don't really understand why but I pay it no mind and reply. "Sure he's ok looking but his personality is his main downfall."
Before Evie could reply the whole room was silenced by our teacher, she finally seemed annoyed by the class's constant chatter. After a treacherous class, the bell finally rang signalling it was the last period.
"What class are you off to?" I ask Evie as we gather our stuff.
"English," she groaned, "you?"
"Art," I answered happily, I honestly quite enjoyed art, well it's better than maths or english.
She quickly smiled at me when we parted ways to go to our separate classes.
Sadly my peace had been interrupted by none other than Dinger Holfield, who was slinging an arm over my shoulder.
"Dinger, what are you up to?" I inquired, my eyes flicking between his face and the arm over my shoulders while my cheeks flushed red.
"You looked quite lonely there, like a small puppy, so I'm here to walk you to class!" He cheered as if he was the kindest person in the world.
"Well I'm Mr Mackal's room, so we're nearly there," I told him, hoping to get away from the encounter as soon as possible.
He took his arm off my shoulder and started to fiddle with the zip of his army green jacket, "Me, Joel and Bobby are going to a party tonight, come with us will you?" He spluttered out. I just nodded in response, face still flushed, "and- uh- bring Lainie!" He finished his sentence, while trying to redeem himself.
I nodded again and chuckled as he practically sped-walked away, I didn't realise I was that scary. I shook off the slightly odd behaviour and entered my class.
Before I knew it the time of the party, Dinger had invited me and Lainie to, had rolled in. The boys were going to pick us up at seven so we had just over an hour to get ready.
"What are you wearing?" Lainie asked you slightly panicked at the time.
"Just a mini dress, or maybe a nice top and a skirt." I answer, rummaging through my closet, "you can wear one of my outfits, yeah?"
"Yes, please! You are honestly a lifesaver!" She smiled widely. I picked her out a black fitted skirt and a silver sparkling cropped vest to match, it was more my style than hers but it didn't matter, she suited everything.
While she changed into her outfit I started deciding between a dress to wear, I was thinking a black one with mesh arms, and perhaps some silver heels to match so that me and Lainey would be somewhat corresponding.
I changed into my outfit and we started to jokingly model about my room, "You have the best clothes, Y/N, I swear," Lainie praises, her comment made me beam, I was infatuated by her mere presence never mind her sweet words.
Lainie reached over my bed to glance at my alarm clock, "we have fifteen minutes, give or take, before the boys come." she commented, I hummed in response.
Lainie sat on my bed fawning over the photos of Ralph Maccio and River Pheonix in my newest edition of BOP, while she was engrossed in my magazine I took the last of my curlers out, I adored doing this to my hair it always added just the right amount of volume.
"Thats the boys!" I cheer as I watch Joel's red mustang pull up infront of my house, I quickly fix my hair and then the straps on Lainie's top before we leave my front door. "Bye Dad!" I shout up the stairs.
We swiftly exit my house and walk towards the car. Lainie obviously sat shotgun next to Joel, meaning I had to be stuck between Bobby and Dinger. "Hello honey," the redhead boy laughed, leaning close into my side.
The car journey was about twenty minutes, I didn't talk much although Bobby, Lainie and Joel seemed to keep themselves occupied and Dinger was trying to understand how to work Joel's new lighter.
"Come on man, I just want a smoke!" He groaned still flicking the side of the light.
I hummed, "hand it over," he obliged and I flicked on the flame and signalled for him to put the cigarette in his mouth. He watched me with open eyes and his cheeks a shade of rose. I quickly lit his cig and moved back, registering how close to him I was. When I sat back Bobby sent me a knowing look, making me mouth 'shut up' to him.
When we arrived at the party Bobby offered me his hand and pulled me out of the car, I walked to Lainie's door and helped her out, "Dinger didn't seem too happy about Bobby helping you out the car," she whispered with a teasing smile across her lips.
"Oh shut up Lainie," I mumbled as she laughed and linked arms with me.
We walked towards the front door of the house, I didn't really know whose party this was, apparently, it was one of Bobby's friends from the neighbouring school.
The first thing we did when we entered the house was find the stock of drinks, "what are you thinking Y/N?" Lainie asked, eyes roaming the display of vodka, beer, tequila, whiskey and even some rum.
"I'm thinking of a vodka coke," I pondered, grabbing a red solo cup. Lainie nodded in agreement grabbing the vodka and a cup of her own, she poured some vodka into the two cups while I grabbed the coke and added it to the vodka in both cups until it was mainly full.
'Okay I'm away to mingle, you want to come?" She asked me, I took a swig of my drink and shook my head.
"I'll catch you up later, yeah?" I smiled.
I am honestly so confused with Dinger, sure he's annoying but we have these moments, it's as if the world stops spinning and it's just me and him. Before I knew it my drink was finished, I poured myself a new one, this time with a more generous amount of vodka.
"I really need to go talk to more people," I mumble to myself, I really had to get this prick out of my head. I walked into the crowd and started talking to some girls.
"Hey! I love your dress, where did you get it?" A girl I've seen around school asks.
"Thank you, I got it from Tommy Hilfiger! Only $70 can you believe that?" I grin before taking a gulp of my drink.
"Hey Y/N!" A girl shouts, a big group walks up to me, Evie standing at the front.
"Evie! You should have told me you were coming!" I grinned, "oh my god, are those Guess jeans! I need them!"
"Yes, the fit of them is honestly amazing!" She fawned. "Want to come and get a drink with me, there's this one whiskey that tastes just like the apple juice in the mall!"
"Hell yeah!" I beamed, the other girls followed as we made our way to the kitchen, I poured the whiskey that Evie handed me into my cup and took a drink. "Evie how much percent is this?" I asked.
"It says twenty-seven, tastes like there's none though!" She laughed, gulping down the last half of her cup.
"So introduce me to your friends," I coax, eyes scanning the group of about seven girls behind her.
She turns around and points to the first girl, "This is Chanel, her mum really likes handbags," she whispered the last bit before pointing to the next girl. "This is Tracy," she makes her way down the line saying the name of each girl. They all looked nice enough but I was really wanting to mingle with more people, my mind wasn't exactly deterred from the thought of Dinger's face.
"I'm going to head, I'll talk to you all soon!" I smiled softly, added some more whiskey to my cup and walked into the crowd, hearing a chorus of 'byes' and 'see you laters' from the girls.
"Hey beautiful, where are you going?" An unfamiliar boy said, looking into my eyes.
"Oh no where," I giggle, I don't know if he's honestly attractive or if it's just the alcohol.
"Maybe we can talk a bit," he suggested motioning me to sit on the couch. "I'm James."
"Y/N, I haven't seen you around here before," I smiled, situating myself on the couch.
"Well I would remember seeing such a pretty face so I'm assuming you don't go to ACU?" He replied.
"Yeah I don't go there, I go to the school for the dumber part of town. I joked, downing the last of the liquid in my cup, feeling it slide down my throat. "I'm going to get a new drink, I'll be back in a second."
"Wait, give me your number just in case I miss you," he offered me a pen off the nearby table, I wrote my number onto the palm of his hand and walked to the kitchen.
While I was on my way towards it a pair of hands grabbed my waist, I whipped my head around to see Dinger with a clenched jaw. "Dinger, what the fuck!" I mutter sternly. He stayed silent while he guided me into the room.
While he walked me I felt over whelmed by his redolent scent. "What do you thing think your doing," he whispered through clenched teeth.
"Getting dragged by you to the kitchen, duh!" I drunkenly laughed.
"Don't even think about fucking with me Y/N" He threatened.
I grabbed more whiskey and filled my cup to the brim, " I'm not doing anything you're the one grabbing me and dragging me away!"
"That guy! Why are you talking to him?" He questioned getting close to me, I could smell the strong stench of beer and weed in his breath.
"Cause I'm a single girl who can talk to whoever she pleases!" I babble, looking at him with the most menacing eyes my drunken state can muster.
"God you're so stupid! I like you Y/N!" He practically yelled.
"No you don't" I whisper, looking at his pleading eyes.
He backed away from me and sat on a chair at the drinks table. "What's my flaw?"
I laugh, until I realise he's deadly serious. "Well you're irritating, you have a bit of a jealous streak, clearly, and you always push my buttons." I giggle.
"So nothing physically is wrong with me?" He ponders.
"No, you're hot as hell!" I admit, feeling his eyes glued to me as a finish yet another cup of whiskey.
"Yeah, I mean I would be in love with, like head over heels, if you were less annoying." I chuckle grabbing the bottle and pouring the drink right into my mouth instead of a cup.
He groaned and grabbed my face, "you're so fucking confusing," he crashed his lips right into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he trailed his hands down my back to my waist.
He pulled back as we heard a set of footsteps walk into the room. "Thank god! I thought you died Dinger!" The voice belonged to none other than Bobby Keller. "Y/N?"
"Hey Bobby," I replied cautiously.
"Hey girl!" He shouted, well more squealed. Yes he was definitely high. "Want to come smoke with us!"
I hummed before nodding and grabbing Dinger's hand and following Bobby towards the back garden. He handed each of us a joint and we sat on the grass while gazing at the abendrot sky while the drugged smoke filled our lungs.
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felizzlemynizzl · 2 years
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whoa-axel-chill · 1 year
Dream a little dream is quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen, and I loved every second of it. Here are some random points I would like to bring up:
Dinger carried this whole movie, he is the best character, argue with the wall.
I want that duck tie.
Pop tarts apparently cure amnesia??
While we're on the topic, WHY DID NOBODY TAKE HIM TO A HOSPITAL?? ARE YOU DUMB????
Bobby's hair is weird, I don't like it :[
I was holding my breath the whole scene at the bridge, like with the way the movie was playing out, I didn't know how that would end-
How did Bobby recover from what Coleman did the night before?? Lanie's parents obviously think he's insane.
The little scene at the end was cute, but like why are they lip syncing? Why aren't they just dancing??
Why does this movie end the way it does?? Like, did they start writing without a plan for the ending? Why does Bobby have god-like control of the dream world? Why did he lie to Coleman? Just for fun?
Anyway, for our logical rating, this movie gets a 2/10, but in my heart it gets a solid 8/10. Points were docked because my second hand embarrassment makes this movie unbelievably hard to watch.
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livinginthepassed · 2 years
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Source: fb Brat Pack & 80's teen movies
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mattdom · 2 years
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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Now showing on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Dream A Little Dream (1989) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #comedy #teenmovies #dreamalittledream #coreyfeldman #coreyhaim #RIPCoreyHaim #meredithsalenger #JasonRobards #ripjasonrobards #PiperLaurie #harrydeanstanton #alexrocco #victoriajackson #williamMcNamara #MattAdler #mickeythomas #dvd #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas5thannual80sfest
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When you look up 'that bitch' in the dictionary they just show The Two Coreys
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moviegroovies · 2 years
of all the movies i believed might warrant a moviegroovies revival, i think i speak for all of us when i say that this one was... not at the top of the list. nevertheless: unexpected, unwanted, and unsung: dream a little dream (1989).
mmmmm... i liked it. more than i expected to, anyway. to be honest, this was one i probably wouldn’t have picked up on my own, even for the “two coreys” phenomenon and its tangential connection back to the lost boys (my beloved)--as i’ve indicated before, while i’ll do anything for love (of the lost boys), i won’t do that (watch corey feldman movies)--but my dad got some kind of meredith salenger itch this week, and this was the result. all in all, it was pretty solid? kind of dragged for me, but there were no scenes i’d point to in particular and say “cut this.” plus, they did some interesting things with the bodyswap concept... and, if we’re being honest, i found myself pretty impressed by feldman’s performance.
(said nobody ever. i know, i know.)
what i liked: the body swap is a fairly standard stock plot (although, as i type this, i can’t call to mind NEARLY as many examples as i thought i could. i’ve extolled the virtues of vince vaugn in freaky on this blog before, haven’t i?), but dream a little dream had a fairly unique take on it; most of the movie is corey feldman acting as jason robbards’ character coleman, but we never see robbards as bobby. the justification for the plot is given a lot more screentime than the handwavey explanation which typically accompanies such a story (although i’m not necessarily sure that this is a good thing--sometimes the plot does NOT demand explanation; groundhog day & etc.), too--we devote a substantial amount of the exposition to coleman’s obsession with dreams and the idea that, as we don’t really know what dreams “are,” therein lies the path to eternal life, eternal youth...
sometimes it really is better just to say a wizard did it and have done, i think.
what really stood out to me, though, was whose movie it really was. don’t let the smokescreen of the two coreys fool you--dream a little dream is coleman’s movie, through and through. coleman, not the delinquent teenagers, is the one with a problem to be solved. it’s coleman, and apparently coleman alone, who has to learn a lesson, and while “this was what being young was like--and it wasn’t easy” is a pretty standard one for this genre, it feels... different, as presented. i searched a while for the big why, until it hit me: dream a little dream is a teen comedy about an old man.
bobby, on his own, has plenty of problems, and the introduction, cutting between title cards and a seinfeldian conversation between coreys feldman and haim, serves as something of a red herring in that respect. we gear up for a movie about teenage ne’er-do-wells coming of age, finding themselves, and presumably getting the girl. the thing is, though--that’s not the movie we get. quickly after we’re presented with our presumed protagonists, we’re introduced to another figure: a grumpy old man searching, to the detriment of his relationship with his friends and wife, even, for more. he has a good life, and he’s still deeply in love with gena, but he’s restless and ill-content. it’s already a departure from the role of older figures in such movies (because if our teenage protagonists represent youth and chaos, then older characters, especially much older characters like coleman and gena, are stability, stagnation--they’ve already figured it all out, and are liable to be trapped in their ways)... and then his obsession pays off, with a little help from fate, and he ends up occupying the body of bobby keller, with gena taking up a more backseat role possessing his female counterpart, lainie diamond.
like i said, the reverse is never true. bobby still exists in a spiritual form during coleman’s escapade, making the occasional cameo in coleman’s dreams (and one has to wonder about the influence of a nightmare on elm street on this movie’s final form; at one point, bobby even quips “you were expecting, maybe... freddy krueger?”, the dreams are shot in a similar, fuzzy way to nancy’s, and in the last act not falling asleep becomes an apparently life-or-death matter for gena), but he’s not walking around in coleman’s body, which i do believe the movie is stronger for. bobby might have a takeaway lesson from all of this, but it’s coleman we follow, navigating his way through high school and first love and the mortifying ordeal of trying to pull his wife’s consciousness up through a teenage girl’s mind. and i like that the delineation between lainie and gena and even bobby and coleman isn’t always clear; they’re sharing the bodies. as coleman points out at one point, “we’re them.” there isn’t quite a point where one stops and the other starts--coleman takes on more of bobby’s mannerisms and speech patterns the longer he plays his part, and lainie, when she’s around coleman, acts more and more in accordance to gena’s personal quirks. it’s surprisingly heartfelt, in a way. the end product is sometimes messy, because it’s juggling the body-swapping a-plot with a romantic triangle subplot involving an angry boy with a gun and a minor gang war between rival delinquent groups at the school (although, i will say that the culmination of THAT, the confrontation where coleman urges joel to shoot HIM, was pretty satisfying), but it’s mature in a way you don’t see in a lot of its contemporaries. ultimately, we’re watching an old man face the consequences of his monomania and realize what really matters to him is love. the rest is set dressing.
and as for the rest, hm. corey haim’s role didn’t pan out nearly as much as i expected it to. he sticks around for most of the movie to make faces at coleman when he does out of character shit in bobby’s body, but doesn’t even make it into the final scene when coleman and bobby (in their respective bodies again) come to a final understanding. it was already a pretty long movie, but i can’t help feeling like more could have been done with their friendship, especially with dinger making it onto the cover of the movie (unlike robbards) and into all of the promotional material. toward the end, coleman-as-bobby genuinely thanks dinger for looking out for him during the ordeal, only for dinger to ask if he’s “going fag” for his trouble. (as an aside: was this a thing people said? i’d never really heard it before i watched the warriors last week, but here it popped up again. whatever.) dinger’s character also continuously brought weird, sexualized racial comments to the table (first referring to apache women, then hawai’ian), which served no purpose but white supremacy’s. this, along with the ease with which lainie’s mother makes the decision to have her second husband drug her teenage daughter with a sleeping pill mixed into a glass of wine, can be explained (but not excused) as products of their time, but, y’know, come on. even in 1989, these scenes were written, greenlit, and parroted by people who should have known better.
hey, killer soundtrack, though. all in all, i could watch it again.
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16 July 1971
            Corey Feldman is an American actor who transitioned from a child actor to an adult actor during the 1980s and early 1990s. He has appeared in The Lost Boys (1987), The Burbs (1989), Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984), Gremlins (1984), The Goonies (1985), Stand By Me (1986), and Dream a Little Dream (1989). He has appeared in music videos, Liberian Girl Michael Jackson (1989), We Are All Made of Stars Moby (2002), and Last Friday Night Katy Perry (2011).
            Feldman was born in Reseda, California, US and was raised Jewish. Feldman started acting from a young age. He divorced his parents after he alleged that his parents had exploited him for his earning potential and his mother had abused him. Feldman grew up in the toxic side to Hollywood, the creepy men that took advantage of himself and his friend Corey Haim as well as ending up a drug user and a drinker from an early age.
            Feldman is well-known for his friendship with his co-star Corey Haim; the two appeared in numerous films together. They first met at the age of 14 during The Lost Boys. The two appeared in a reality television program called The Two Corey’s (2007-2008), it wasn’t a bad program and you can watch it on YouTube. In the program, Feldman has improved his life by getting off drugs and living a healthier lifestyle. Haim is extremely likeable to watch on screen, however, he was going through a lot of shit including addictions as well as suffering from the demons from his past. There’s a lot of friction between the two friends and Haim sadly passed away at the age of 38 in 2010.
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#coreyfeldman #thegoonies
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maryversusthemovies · 6 months
We welcome back Alana Phelan to the show to talk about a Corey Feldman-Corey Haim fantasy with weirdo philosopher Jason Robards inhabiting Feldman’s body as he tries to romance Meredith Salinger. It’s a very weird movie loved by this weeks’ guest.
Starring Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Meredith Salinger, Jason Robards, Piper Laurie, and Harry Dean Stanton. Written by Marc Rocco, Daniel Jay Franklin, and D.E. Eisenberg. Directed by Marc Rocco.
Episode 140 - Dream a Little Dream
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
Corey Feldman Room:
You decide that after what happened a few weeks ago between you and your former friend of yours that you really need to find someone who can understand you and won't end up blaming you and treating you like you're the villain so you decide to head over to the door with Corey Feldman's name on it and you open it up, once you head inside that room you see what appears to be a room decked out like a goth rock concert with a vampire motif, there are posters for Goonies, Dream A Little Dream, Stand by Me, The Lost Boys, The Burbs and Bordello Of Blood. All of which are movies you recognize as being Corey Feldman movies, well okay one of them has Tom Hanks i.e The Burbs but you know Feldman was in it. You look around, making your way past the dancers and head over to what appears to be an altar of some sort, that's where you see something emerging from it...smoke, smoke that once it clears reveals a shadow, the shadow then takes you to where Corey Feldman is. 'Hi ya Nathan.' 'Aren't you?' 'Yes...i'm Corey Feldman. Nice to meet ya.' 'Uhhh....likewise, I guess.' You and Feldman have never been on good terms but you do like him even though he did transform you into him quite a few times already and did bite you that one time, but of course you didn't know that he intended on doing that because he is a vampire after all. And you've always liked vampires and have fancied the idea of becoming one which of course sounds awesome to you. You approach Corey. 'It's nice to see you by the way. How may I help you?' 'Well Corey, I had a bad breakup with an ex-friend of mine a few weeks ago.' 'You lost your bestie too, huh?' 'How do you know that?' 'It happened to me too.' 'Ah yeah, the Haim thing.' 'I was never really able to get over that.' Corey sobs, you can tell he has been through a lot just like you have and you can't help but feel that you want to help him. 'Is it okay if I become your bestie?' you ask shly, unsure of what he might think or what he might say about it. 'Sure...you can be my besite. After all, I feel that we are very similiar. We both like monsters and lost a best friend and I definitely feel that you could use someone like me to make things less depressing.' You reach and give him a hug as you bond over monsters and the adventures you've been on, you look at various articles and you also can't help but feel impressed by him, even though the two of you never did get on nicely you seem to be getting along now and now you're best buddies.
"Corey, this is going to be the beginning of a lovely friendship."
It seems that you and Corey are bonding and truly meant for each-other, you don't mind it when he disagrees with you because you know he's looking out for your best interests and he genuinely cares for you, it seems he wants to seal the deal. 'And now the real fun is about to start.' 'What do you mean?' 'Well..I notice you like vampires.' 'Yes.' 'How would you like to join me and become one yourself?' 'I'd like that a lot.' You're rather nervous about this but if it means you officially become his bestie, you decide to go along with it....he smiles as his canines lengthen and sharpen, resembling fangs as he asks you to lean back, you do so as he reaches into the nape of your neck...he gently bites it and laps up some of the blood, which doesn't feel too bad and you've always wanted to try out being a vampire yourself...so you let him do it and as you do, his vampiric essence is transferred into you, possessing you in the process...making you feel like you are being taken over by him.
"Mmmmm....this feels pretty nice."
Your skin complexion seems to clear itself up before roughening up as your chest and torso alter a little bit, your arms lengthen as your hands alter, while this is going on your fingernails are lenghtening a little. You don't mind this though as you feel relaxed and allow the process to happen. Your outfit slowly changing to an outfit resembling the one worn by the character David from The Lost Boys as your legs alter and your feet follow suit in a size change, your shoulders and back contort a little as you grow a little to 5'8. You start thinking about how good it was when you got turned by him the previous time, and how you've always wanted to become a vampire yourself...now it is coming true and you're already thinking about how good blood tastes, especially from those of your enemies, even more so once you turn them over to your side, you're unsure about the proccess but he assures you it's alright, becoming one of the undead will be fun after-all and once you're fully vamped up, you'll be ready to get payback on your enemies. He whispers to you to relax and let his influence help you as your aura darkens and your desire to be loyal to him in return is increasing, your neckline lengthens while your hair lengthens, becoming messier and turning jet black as a strand in the middle of it develops, your eyebrows thicken a little and arch, your brow altering as your eyes widen and narrow a bit, darkening and glowing a bit...giving off a supernatural vibe as your cheekbones sharpen and your features slowly morph into a perfect copy of Corey's features, you cough a little as your voice deepens, contorting itself and gruffening until it sounds just like his as you develop his mannerisms.
"You're damn right it feels nice...now, listen closely."
"Yes, I'm listening."
"You're gonna be needing a lot of blood from now, now that you're my bestie, you now have my vampire powers too."
"I've always wanted to be a vampire."
Your teeth sharpen as your canines extend to became akin to fangs, you lick your lips thinking of the delicious blood you'll be able to obtain. Your personality and mind warp and contort, making you forget all your troubles and allow you to embrace your new self...and that self is that of Corey himself, you have his appearance and you have his voice and now you're a vampire just like him. The transformation completes itself as Corey looks over at you and gives you a pat on the back. 'So, so ready to paint the town blood red?' 'You bet I am.' He can tell that you're eager to hunt for blood and for people to convert into fellow vampires so he gives you a helping hand and assists you with learning how to use your new powers. And like any good teacher and bestie, he's going to deliver on his promise to teach all you need to know.
"Follow me. I know lots of people who would make excellent vamps."
"Right behind you."
The two of you turn into mist/shadow-like forms and slink off into the night and from now on...you two will remain as vampiric best friends and also as twins, since after all you're both Corey Feldman. You learn how to use your vampire powers from him and learn to embrace the nocturnal lifestyle, which is a lifestyle you've always wanted, all your troubles are over now that your bestie is with you and now that you can get back at your enemies by swaying them over to your side which is sure to coem in useful. It's like you're forever in Neverland and to be honest, you don't mind that...because now yourself are indeed a Lost Boy, a lost boy who has been found and trained to be a creature of the night. And what more could a vampire want than a bestie who can teach him how to turn others and share the glory of being eternal? Absolutely nothing, but we know that's the way it is.
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mumbojumbo84317 · 2 years
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Remembering actor, Corey Haim, on his Birthday in Heaven. He starred in a number of 1980s films, such as Lucas, Silver Bullet, Murphy's Romance, License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream. His role alongside Corey Feldman in The Lost Boys made him a household name. Known as The Two Coreys, the duo became 1980s icons and appeared together in seven films, later starring in the A&E American reality show The Two Coreys.
Photo Credits:
1. Ann Summa/Getty Images
2. NBC Television/Courtesy of Getty Images
3. Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images
4. Darlene Hammond/Getty Images
5. Ann Summa/Getty Images
6. Ann Summa/Getty Images
7. Mark Weiss/Wireimage
8. Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images
9. Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images
10. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
#birthdayinheaven🎂🙏 #coreyhaim #celebritybirthdays #birthdayinheaven😇 #birthdayinheaven #birthdayinheaven👼
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