skir4y · 3 months
remaking on another account (and relearning how to use tumblr 😵‍💫) msg me for url if any of y’all are still here <3
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skir4y · 3 years
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skir4y · 3 years
diversity win! the most infamous greifer who went inactive in 2011 on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft is a trans woman
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skir4y · 3 years
you got possessed by the ray bans again
ughhhhh they never stop
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skir4y · 3 years
fucking Ray bans again. Sorry y’all
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skir4y · 3 years
rebecca black was right. gotta have my bowl gotta have cereal
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skir4y · 3 years
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skir4y · 3 years
i wouldnt fix him id put him in a small cardboard box and shake it very very hard
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skir4y · 3 years
i love letterboxd because there are so many lists that cater to very specific, yet somehow universal moods. here are my favorites:
120 lesbian films to watch before saying all lesbian cinema is the same
the absolute beauty in everyday’s mundanity
add spice to your romance
autumnal harvest - movies that give you that warm feeling of fall and its surroundings
befriending the lyrical loneliness…
candy cinema
chaos, loneliness, madness, and desapair in the apathetic world of capitalism
crises of childhood
distinctive films that fill the void when you’re lonely or completely destroy you when you’re happy
film recs: female character studies
films that are kind
horror as a vehicle
melancholy as a breathtaking aesthetic emotion
movies where female friendships are the scariest concept on earth
“nothing happens” yeah but the vibes
quiet little female character studies
quietly brilliant
snuggly wuggly flicks for anxiety driven chicks
soft horror
two lost souls find comfort
what we talk about when we talk about love
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skir4y · 3 years
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skir4y · 3 years
hate when you reblog a random cropped aesthetic post and some fool comes in your inbox like “this is from an incest hentai ye wee cunting man and if it isnt deleted by 2 pm yer callout will be strewn about the daily post” like aye how was i supposed tae know, and a better question why do you know this sire
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skir4y · 3 years
-core as a suffix serves the exact same function as -esque and yet they throw tomatoes at me when i say something is kafkacore
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skir4y · 3 years
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happy 4/20
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skir4y · 3 years
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skir4y · 3 years
sleek design sucks nuts technology used to have humanity to it when it was chunky
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skir4y · 3 years
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skir4y · 3 years
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