#corey cunningham drabble
toxicanonymity · 1 year
late night company
800 words, Corey Cunningham x f!Reader
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WARNINGS: I8+ mdni. unsafe p in v sex, creampie, CNC (consensual non-con), somnophilia, consent pre-established to have his way with you and contraceptive pre-established. See also: Corey CNC, Scrapyard, master list
Lately, Corey is being careful because Joan is losing it.  He keeps having to go home early after work, and you barely get any alone time. You have to come to the scrapyard to see him. He thinks this will just be temporary, but it’s driving him crazy. He might try not to show it, but it is. The last straw is when he doesn't get to see you on your birthday because when you go by the scrapyard he’s out on a tow job. He gets to spend such little time with you that for weeks there hasn’t been an opportunity to take you forcefully the way you want. 
Well tonight, he’s gonna give it to you, come what may from Joan if he gets caught.  He waits until the middle of the night, hours after Joan has gone to sleep.  He puts on jeans and a white t-shirt and sneaks out the back door. He walks over an hour to your apartment, and by the time he gets there, he’s sweaty. He catches his breath for a moment outside your door. He’s going to give you something really special. 
For the first time, he uses the key you gave him to your apartment.  He takes his shoes off before coming inside. Then he creeps into the bedroom where you’re sleeping like an angel on your stomach with just a light sheet covering you. You’re so patient with him. He doesn’t know why you put up with the way things are with him. In his mid twenties and his mom still has such a grip on him.  
It’s a warm night and the ceiling fan is on a high enough speed that it’s fluffing his curls.  He takes off his jeans and kneels by the side of your bed.  He slowly pulls down the sheet and you don’t wake up.  You’re wearing a silk nightgown with no underwear.  It’s ridden up, and your leg is hiked up, so he can see a peek of his warm, juicy prize
He gets hard watching you sleep. He takes off his briefs, realizing he should’ve brought lube. He gathers saliva in his mouth, lets it drop onto his fingers, then smears it on the tip of his fat dick and slowly strokes himself. He does this a couple more times, heart racing. Then he gets on the bed, slow and careful, straddling one of your legs.  He spits on his fingers and reaches down to find your clit.  You moan in your sleep, making his cock twitch.  He nudges your thighs apart and moves from straddling one leg to being in between them, his chest nearly resting against your back, bracing himself with one forearm.  He notches the fat head of his cock at your entrance and you begin to stir. 
You wake up when a massive hand covers your mouth.  You whimper in confusion, and he whispers, “Shhhh.”  Then his deep, gruff voice chides darkly, “Think I’d forget?” As you wake up, you recognize the smell of Corey’s cologne and sweat and feel the fullness of the tip of his cock nudging your entrance. His chest is against your back.  
“Corey,” his hand muffles your whimper. 
“Shhhh,” he repeats, then takes his hand away. Then he shoves his cock into you with a groan. 
You gasp, and he stays inside while you adjust, your body rapidly lubricating you. “Yeah,” he says all deep and gravelly as he retreats, then he slams into you and bottoms out with a moan. 
It’s been so long, you nearly forgot what it felt like having him take you. He feels so snug inside you. His hips settle into a moderate pace.  He breathes loudly and grunts as he buries himself inside you.  “Thought about—ugh–thought about this all day,” he rumbles.  You begin to push up to get in all fours and he forces you back down with his hand on your back. “Nah,” he says. “I got this.”  His thrusts become more powerful and you whimper, feeling tension swell deep inside you.  “Nnng,” he grunts and begins to rails into you at a punishing pace. You can only imagine how hot he looks, big thighs flexing, hair bouncing, probably biting his lip. 
“Fuck, ohh, fuck,” he sighs. “Ugghh, take it.” 
You moan on the cusp of your climax and he lowers his head. His plush lips brush the shell of your ear as he warns in a gravelly murmur, “You betta come right fuckin’ now baby.” 
His voice is enough to put you over the edge.  “Corey,” you  moan as the pleasure seizes you.  You moan unrestrained as wave after wave grips you.  You sigh “ohhh, Corey,” unrestrained. 
“Ah, fuck,” he sighs, then slams to the hilt and erupts with a groan. He slowly thrusts once more, “Mmmm,” as his release fills you, extending your waning orgasm. He moans as he finishes. 
Then collapses onto you.  He kisses your neck and whispers, “happy birthday, baby.” 
He settles in with you and kisses you, falling asleep with you.
Thank you for reading! 
Corey tag list: @wolvesandvampires @ethanhoewke, @slutforstabbings @rebelliousstories
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bbwithaknife · 2 years
Omg thanks bestie. Chose Corey because brainrot.
34: You're covered in blood, need to tell me something?
Corey hadn't planned to sneak into your bedroom at the ungodly witching hour, but here he was, watching your chest rise and fall. You were infamous for being a light sleeper and but did tonight ever make Corey doubt it.  Sure it wasn't the first time he watched you sleep, but the peace you were in and the beauty you radiated had him in awe, despite his current situation. 
Corey's encounter with the Boogeyman of Haddonfield, Michael Myers, had changed him. Or rather, maybe awakened something that was inside of him all along. The new and improved Corey Cunningham was wide awake after completing his prowl on the town. Despite being covered in the blood of a not-so-innocent victim all Corey really wanted to do was crawl into bed with you, knowing his Mom would be freaking out about his whereabouts if she truly knew them. 
As he maneuvers around your cluttered bedroom, the worst happens; he trips over your intricately detailed glass bong and it shatters into a million tiny pieces, causing a ruckus that would surely wake you up. After all, it was expensive and you had a sixth sense for this kind of thing, as it'd happened before. This was bong number two. 
Corey mumbles a curse under his breath when your sleepy voice breaks his rhythm of picking up the pieces. 
The lamp light clicks on. 
"You're covered in blood." You yawn casually. "Need to tell me something?"
You knew of his antics. Was it morally wrong? Absolutely. 
"You won't need to worry about Stacy anymore." He smiles in the warm glow lovingly.
You cuddle up into your pillow and giggle. "Thank god. Now wash up and cuddle please. I'll get the rest of the glass in a minute. Turn the light on?"
He smiles again. Anything for you. Anything. 
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ beautiful (darling) ❞
slashers dating drabble | transmasc!reader | comfort/fluff | graphic description of violence | mentions/implied transphobia (minor) | minor mention of SH in Amanda Y.'s section
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Amanda Young | Brahms Heelshire | Corey Cunningham | OG!Michael Myers | RZ!Michael Myers | poly!Ghostface (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis) | Sinclair brothers
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Amanda Young (Saw) —
She would do anything to ensure that you are happy and healthy.
Even if it means she has to stare you down with her arms crossed and her brow arched as you meekly confess that you'd forgotten to fulfil your daily needs.
Your girlfriend knows how damaging it is to be looked at with disgust by close-minded individuals - as an ex-addict and ex-convict she knows how dark your mind can become when the world seemingly turns its back on you. She may not understand the struggle you face as a trans person but she is SO proud of you for having made it this far.
If you deny these words of admiration, she will cup your face and repeat them.
Resist more and she will whisper praises on your skin as she trails kisses anywhere she can. She loves you, she will not give you room to degrade the person she loves.
Oh! Amanda adores wearing matching pieces with you. She's not interested in full-on "couple outfits" (if you beg, maybe she'll relent...maybe) but matching earrings, necklaces, rings? She loves it. It soothes her possessive side.
Speaking of her possessiveness, she's not a jealous person...at least that is what she tells herself.
Amanda won't ever turn her anger on you when someone shows interest in you, she knows it isn't your fault that someone doesn't understand what "taken" means.
However, this does little to stop her from placing her chin on your shoulder, wrapping her arms around your waist and nuzzling your neck as she regards the "threat" with an unimpressed look.
"Whose this, baby?" "Oh, this is-" she gasps and you look as she points out something in the distance. "Look at that! Come on, looks fun!"
Please reassure her though, she acts tough but she is just a person underneath all that bloodshed.
Your girlfriend loves to embrace you, Little Spoon or Big Spoon matters not.
All-in-all, she is unapologetically touching you any chance she gets.
If someone is an asshole to you, you frankly start worrying about what dirt Amanda is going to find out about them and use against them in their game. You don't need to worry about her sketching new torture devices, disappearing in the middle of the night, or that suspicious duffel bag she comes back with that makes a loud CLANK! sound when she places it on the floor. No, really, don't worry.
When you see the asshole's face and name appear on the news because of their gruesome death, you simply continue to channel surf while Amanda chews on her lower lip, tucked under your arm and looking so smug.
If your cologne starts running out faster you look to your girlfriend - she quite literally smells like the evidence but she will deny, deny, deny.
Self-defense lessons. No questions asked, no rebuttal or refute. She will be more at peace knowing you can protect yourself.
If you decide to help her by "participating" in a game with other people, her eyes will be glued to the camera feed. She is pacing as thousands of "what if's" run through her mind. They dissipate as you turn your head to a hidden camera and smile at her before you continue your performance of distress and anxiety. She falls deeper in love with you (expect the most passionate kiss of your life - no, she won't care if you're covered in blood).
[CHEST BINDING] Amanda reminds you to take a break, and stretch your back and even offers to massage you. She will splurge on a better-quality binder when yours starts looking worse for wear.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES, ADDICTION implied] She won't be present while you administer the shot, she will prepare band-aids, praises and kisses once you're done.
[SELF-HARM mentioned] If you struggle with self-harm, she won't start asking "how's" or "why's". Unlike her mentor, she knows how tough this can be, she won't punish or mock you for it. She will help you through it, every step of the way.
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Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) —
This boy is more perceptive than most give him credit for.
"(Y/N), feeling more darling today?" "...Yeah, wait, how'd you-"
He categorizes sliding around the gender spectrum as "pretty" (fem), "darling" (gn), and "handsome" (masc). You usually don't even have to tell him about how you're presenting/feeling today, he gets it right.
Your boyfriend is a brat but he isn't a useless brat. Contrary to popular belief, he can cook (snacks) and take care of himself just fine. He just leans on you more because...he's a brat.
This is hyper-specific, but Brahms knows how frustrating it feels to look into a mirror and see someone that isn't...you.
So he makes you a mask. It's how he copes and he figured it could help you too. If you like them he'd be more than happy to make you more.
Arts and craft master! Did you see his room? He probably kept himself busy with all sorts of hobbies, so he definitely enjoys handmaking your gifts.
Oh, how he loves to be held by you. He enjoys being enveloped completely, it makes him feel so small and safe.
Loves everything about you. Your voice makes the thoughts in his head quiet to a whisper - the power you have on this man.
So he does not understand why some people are abhorrent when they talk to you.
Yes, the two of you are more or less left alone in the Heelshire Manor/estate. Malcolm occasionally drops by with groceries only to scurry off after some mild-mannered conversation because he doesn't want the ghost of a child to chase him off. But, there's only so much you can do to maintain such a grand building and its surrounding land.
So, you have to call some help once in a while to uphold the maintenance. Most of the time, the local hire are sweet, they enjoy helping you since they're usually served cold drinks and snacks after. The handful of assholes, however, are...assholes.
Brahms seethes as he grits his teeth so hard his jaw aches, you glance at the wall he hides behind as you faintly hear his breathing but just got the interaction over and done with.
Unlike the other slashers in this list, he is at the most disadvantage when it comes to enacting justice but by god, he will try. For you? He'd do anything.
You let out a noise of confusion when Brahms murmurs about you going to the local art supply shop to get him something. "You want me to go to town?" he nods, his curls tickling your neck and shoulder. As you attempt to turn to face him, Brahms lets out a whine - high and pouty. "I've been good!" you sigh, patting his arm that was around your waist. "Alright, Brahmsy, alright".
Unbeknownst to you, Brahms had messaged the transphobic asshole whilst pretending to be you and told them something had happened to whatever it was they worked on while they were here. He'd given you an alibi, people saw you in town after all so he was prepared to have a "talk" with the repairman.
He also does not worry much about you going to the art supply shop as the woman who owns it is a kind old lady whom he sometimes makes you send his crafts - under the guise that you made them, of course.
You returned home with new art supplies in your hand, at ease and humming from the pleasant walk from the gates to the manor.
Brahms stands over a dead body on the back patio, his mask covered in blood splatters as he held an antique ashtray in his hand.
"(Y/N)!" he cheers, walking over the man's barely-there skull before he embraces you.
He'd kill for you but the mess is yours to clean. Your boyfriend isn't perfect.
He'll make you something sweet to drink while you hose down the gore, does that help? Okay, okay, fine, he'll bury the body too.
[CHEST BINDING] He knows when your body has had enough. No, he does not know the appropriate time frame you are supposed to have whilst wearing a binder - he just knows your body so well he knows when it's done for the day. He'll run you a hot bath to help your muscles relax.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES, BURN SCARS] His arts and crafts hobbies practically made him have surgeon's hands. So if you need him to, he'll administer the shot and it won't hurt, just a pinch he promises. As someone who had to go through a few medical procedures due to his burns, he stays by your side when you have to go through anything remotely medical. By the way, despite how hard it is to get testosterone when you live in the middle of nowhere, don't worry, the Heelshire funds will last Brahms and you ten lifetimes. Enjoy it, it's all for you.
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Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends) —
Corey "Babe, wear my jacket you'll look so handsome" Cunningham.
Oh, how this man dotes over you.
If you open his Notes app, you'll find an entire folder dedicated to you. Inside, your boyfriend has written down every date idea you confessed to wanting (even the TikTok links you'd sent regarding the topic), your favourite and least favourite food (your allergies are bolded and if you're on medication, that is also listed) and other things you weren't even aware he remembered much less keep note off.
It's okay if he doesn't wear a helmet but please wear yours.
Loves, loves, loves going on motorcycle rides with you. Your weight pressed against his, your laughter ringing in his ears, the wind in his hair, your arms wrapped around him, the scenery blurring past - he feels like the two of you are young gods. Eternal and immortal, just like his love for you.
Star-gazing dates! Climbing on rooftops of abandoned buildings to have private moments where you both feel like the only people in the world!
He would have been considered a "Golden Retriever" boyfriend but after his character development, he has turned into a "German Shepherd" boyfriend.
Honestly, he'd love to see anyone try to disrespect you. Their words fizzle out on their tongues when he stands behind you with his eyes so dark they resembled mirrors - just dark pools that only reflect the sorry cunt's expression back at them. They didn't know it just yet but they had just signed their death warrants.
Speaking of his eyes - please remind him to keep eye lubricant on him all the time. He stares at people like an owl, they dry out. Doesn't help that he rides his motorcycle without a helmet. Oh! And pretty please remind him to actually keep track of when he needs to buy new contact lenses, he somehow always disregards his eye health. You're basically the only thing keeping them alive - his optician thanks you.
If you tell him you like the way his jacket looks, how the rings on his fingers give you "gender envy", how good his cologne smells, how his jeans cutting makes him look more masculine - baby, just take it.
Referring to the first point - but yeah, dude, just wear his things if you want, he loves it. If you're not his size, then you best be ready to have him buy and alter things for you.
"You'd look cute wearing my work uniform" You pause from whatever it is you're doing and look at your boyfriend as he works on his motorcycle in your garage, "o...kay...?"
Maybe he just has a thing for you wearing his things...
His bloodlust fluctuates, sometimes he's feeling particularly bloodthirsty and sometimes not so much. What is constant though is the gifts he brings back. Does it count as trophies? Robbery? No idea! But the way your eyes light up when he gives you something makes his heart race.
[CHEST BINDING] This man did his research. He keeps an eye on your breathing when you're wearing a binder, gently reminding you to make sure you did so safely.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He holds you and will even offer to administer it. He talks while he does so - just to keep your mind off the needle and he places a kiss over your band-aid every time.
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Michael Myers (Halloween (1978 - 1982)) —
As predicted, he stares. Sorry, not sorry. That's just how he communicates, through vibes.
In all seriousness though, Michael does "speak" but it's limited to how his eyes narrow, surprisingly sassy eye-rolls, infamous head tilts, sighs, grunts, growls and occasionally...a huff of laughter.
If you attempt to teach him how to sign, he will pick and choose when to use it but your boyfriend keeps himself easy to read for your sake.
Stalking is his love language. Do not attempt to spot him when he doesn't want to be spotted because you won't. He secretly enjoys seeing you pout when you try though, you look so determined.
Your boyfriend won't negotiate on moving so you're going to have to renovate and fix up his childhood home to make it livable- this will be hard as Michael will be hiding in the basement but thankfully, whoever he did kill he managed to make it look like an accident. It made the whole process take longer than it was supposed to though, you sulked by sleeping at a motel and vehemently locking the windows and doors.
He appreciates you, just shows it quietly. The Shape makes sure your windows are locked, doors too, don't want any sickos breaking in. That's his job.
He'll hunt for you too. You coaxed him to stop killing rats to eat them and kudos to you he doesn't eat them anymore. Rats are just as scared of him as most of Haddonfield. If you don't know how to skin and prepare an animal carcass...well, you better start learning.
Oh, by the way, nobody messes with you. Not even the most insufferable, limp-dicked, conservative in Haddonfield and he annoys everyone! But nah, he's tight-lipped when it comes to you.
Everyone who had ever been rude to you...well...they pop up a few weeks later in various states of fucked up.
Your boyfriend does not understand gender conformity, at all. You will catch him wearing a sleeping kaftan around the house, completely at ease with himself. If you paint his nails, he doesn't fuss about the colour. If you decide to dress more feminine one day he'll just look at you and hum in approval - the same reaction if you dress more masculine.
The guy is called The Shape of Haddonfield, truly a frightening but surprisingly gender-neutral title.
So, do not fret, if anybody dares say anything they will rue the day they were born.
[CHEST BINDING] Ah, he makes it known when you've had enough. Michael will simply stand in front of you and point to his chest, a prompt for you to tell him what time you wore it. Then, he'll just stand and stare until you make a move to take it off. Yes, he has scared the shit out of you by popping out of nowhere whilst you were doing chores outside the house - no, he denies ever huffing a breath of amusement (a laugh in Michael's vocabulary) when you blurb out random exclamations and drop whatever it is you were holding.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He won't administer it. Michael doesn't even like to imagine stabbing you so why would he? So what if it's a needle, he simply refuses to do so. He will instead offer support by placing a hand on your shoulder or knee and if he somehow lost track of time while he was out, he'll return with your favourite snacks (he steals them obviously).
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Michael Myers (2007 - 2009) —
Staring but with more...feeling.
Mainly non-verbal but makes communicating easier by signing to you and occasionally whispering.
He is an open book to you in general though so you honestly have no idea why people find him so scary.
Yeah, you have a biased view but how could you not be when your boyfriend showers you with love any chance he gets.
Another arts and crafts lover, his face warms up when you gift him art supplies despite being "expressionless".
He isn't much of a fan of being touched anywhere near his neck or wrists so be wary of that. When he's about to touch you he makes it known by hovering his hand over you. You will need to reassure him he doesn't need to ask for permission every time but he does it anyways.
Aware of his size and strength, finds himself pleased with it despite how hard it is to stalk because he can keep you safe.
Oh, anyone with a shrimp-sized brain is going to have a rough night if they decide to be a dick to you. He will snap their spine over his knee and watch them try to crawl away like the pathetic worm they are.
Your boyfriend is willing to move away from his home once his vengeance is fulfilled.
Roadtrip? Roadtrip!
He is a homebody, if you believe it or not. Michael decorates your home with his artwork and has a good eye for aesthetics.
He wants to dress his beautiful lover (you) if you give him the chance.
Like OG!Michael, he doesn't completely understand why people take gender roles so seriously. Seriously, he can't wrap his mind around it. He honestly finds it all toxic - considering his parents and his sister's shitty boyfriends...why wouldn't he?
He wants you to play with his hair, please play with his hair. He will pass out the minute you do. Big on cuddles, being a Little Spoon is a state of mind not size so please Big Spoon him.
Another stalker, let's just conclude that any variation of Michael Myers just do it because they can. He likes keeping tabs on you is all. When you're working, he tries to keep busy but he just misses you...so don't mind him if you notice him in your peripheral vision whilst working.
[CHEST BINDING] He is good at counting down the minutes in his head. It happens when you're stuck in a mental institution and spend it in partial isolation. So, when he spots you putting on a binder for the day, he starts counting down. Yes, it is accurate and yes, he would prefer if you did take it off once he finishes his countdown - you could seriously hurt your body!
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Curls up behind you, stroking the upper parts of your thighs as he watches you set everything up. He begins humming as you prepare the needle which makes you smile every time.
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Billy Looomis & Stu Macher (Scream (1996)) —
Oh boy, it's never a dull day with these two as your boyfriends.
"Black Cat" boyfriend, Billy Loomis and "Doberman" boyfriend, Stu Macher.
Will not elaborate...defeats the purpose of this entire thing if I don't though so fine -
Billy is calm, not calmer than Stu because that's actually quite an easy category to best him in. Billy is calm. He keeps the balance of your relationship. But he is a menace himself.
He stalks and slithers into your room when he pleases, holds you against him when he feels like it - which, by the way, does not mean he'll be mean if you lean against him or touch him, he just won't reciprocate but it is still welcomed. He also has a habit of pushing against your palm when you run your fingers through his hair or stroke his face. See? Black Cat boyfriend.
If you catch him in a bad mood, he can be snarky but Stu came up with the idea of ending every "bitch fight" with an "I love you". It helped a lot.
Your Doberman boyfriend holds you any chance he gets. It's one of the only ways he keeps still. Billy and you have to pin him down between the two of you to have a peaceful cuddle.
Stu is also much more protective/possessive than the two of you combine. His lovers are his alone. He will smile all teeth and gums and make people feel at ease but Stu is one scary man when he notices someone taking an interest in either of you. Billy and you have felt shivers of fear and anticipation down his spine when you see the gears in Stu's brain switch from "Stu" to "Ghostface".
Oh, oh, how sharp their smiles would be if a transphobe fucked around because they will make them find out. Not because they want you to get verbally abused or harassed! God, no!
They want you to watch them murder them. They will ask you to choose how to end them, how to play with them and what pieces should be found last.
Pieces of clothing are always shared, with how often everyone sleeps over it was inevitable. Accessories as well, hell, Stu managed to lose his body wash twice and he's been to both of your houses - it wasn't there either! Stu just buys things in bulk at this point.
Billy is really good at cutting and styling hair. If you ask, he will help you with yours - regardless of what style you want. If your hair texture is different from his own he will research about it to the best of his abilities.
Kisses with them are so messy. They always want to share and always at the same damn time - you get dizzy just trying to keep up in the mess of lips, teeth and tongue.
Stu throws parties, loves showing you off and Billy is there to whisk you upstairs if you get overwhelmed.
Both Ghostfaces have called you before. They tease you with lines like, "You got a boyfriend, handsome?" or "Damn, beautiful, your boyfriends get you all to themselves? Lucky boys"
[CHEST BINDING] "(Y/N)! How long have you been wearing your binder?" Stu calls from his kitchen, returning with a bowl of popcorn once you answered while you lay across Billy's front on the couch. "Been a while, right?" Billy said, a hand coming to rest on your back "Need a break?" Stu makes a noise of agreement as he lifts your legs and places them on his lap. "Want me to help, baby?" Stu asks.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Billy helps you with administering the shot while Stu holds you, sometimes switching around. Stu has accidentally stabbed himself with the needle - he apologized profusely as Billy tells him he's contaminated the entire thing (you roll your eyes fondly at your boyfriends, Ghostface looks anything but scary when the two of them are squabbling on the bathroom floor).
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Beauregard "Bo" Sinclair (House of Wax) —
I need to get this off my chest, Bo thinks hats are a staple of masculinity...close second are suits and ties, and cars come in third.
He gifts you hats. His favourite was the cowboy hat a victim no longer needed. While placing it on your head he made an obligatory sex joke, it was right there you can't possibly expect him not to.
Bo prefers for you not to make yourself known to victims, he knows you can handle yourself, he just worries.
That and he gets pissed when someone flirts with you. He gets even more pissed when they outright disrespect your identity and labels you as "weird".
He won't even pretend to feel sorry when Vincent questions where their bodies are while Lester grimaces when he sees their state.
If you're someone with long hair please be aware that Bo's eyes will shift to your wrists every so often if there are hairbands around them once he spots it. Anything that is too "snug" around your wrist will make Bo feel uneasy, he will ask you to take it off in an uncharacteristically soft tone that soon turns snappy if you attempt to prod.
When you see the marks on your boyfriend's wrists and/or find his baby seat you'll understand why.
Though he's a hardass to his brothers, he feels so much relief in knowing they love and trusts you just as much as he does.
Touchy - PDA hardly bothers him so why should he hold himself back when you're his darling lover.
Likes to tuck his hand in the back pocket of your pants (he pinches when he's feeling playful).
He rambles about cars. One night, as he was working on repairing a car, he rambles and slows to a stop when he feels as though he was talking too much but when you reassure him that you're listening and interested...his cheeks turn red.
Bo cooks. Not frequently, certainly not his usual task either, but if everyone else is busy/tired he rolls his sleeves and makes a classic and feel-good Southern meal.
[CHEST BINDING] Bo finds himself worrying. The heat and humidity probably don't help your case. He tries to convince you to wear tank tops or simply just your binder during hot days. Sometimes he even gruffs out you don't need to wear it at all as there's no one else around and the people that are there are the Sinclairs who know you. He won't push you but reminds you to keep yourself hydrated and not to push it.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Bo asks if you need help, won't intrude if you say no but he does squeeze in an extra kiss once you're done.
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Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax) —
Vincent Sinclair gives me "White Cat" vibes. So regal looking, so calm and so adamant about not being needy when in fact...he is.
Your boyfriend is an artist. You are his muse. Tale as old as time but why fix what's not broken?
Nonverbal and uses sign language or simple gestures to communicate. He is a bit self-conscious of his laughter but oh how you love hearing it. It makes him squirm every time you stare at him with nothing but love in his eyes.
Refuses to have you interact with the victims. He makes sure you stay in his room, safe and sound.
He was basically the favourite twin - he can be bratty even if he tries to deny it.
If you say "no" to him he genuinely gets wide-eyed and makes a whining noise. What do you mean you didn't want to stay in his basement to accompany him while he worked? So what if it's sweltering hot out and the basement feels like Hell on earth! Spend time with him!
Baby talk always makes him burst into fits of giggles - you could be as unfunny as a heart attack but the minute you start speaking in baby talk he loses it.
He got anxious at the thought of his brothers not liking you. There's no reason why they would dislike you but he just worries. They love you though and he is so relieved that you get along so well.
Feel free to "paint" his wax figures. If his mask is starting to get uncomfortable or he just felt like he wanted to make a new one, you're free to go crazy on his old one.
Your boyfriend complains about wax clumping his hair. You now make it a habit to either tie it up, using a claw clip to hold it back, or braiding his hair before he toils away in the basement.
Genuinely loves spending time with you, even if you're just chilling adjacently from each other. He made a designated (Y/N) space in the basement where you can do pretty much anything in peace with Vincent nearby.
The victim said what about you? There's no way he will immortalize a transphobe in this town. He burns them alive after he paralyses them from the neck down, relishing in their screams as they turn into nothing but ash.
You notice his hearing is unbalanced/muffled on one side of his face and how he seems as though he anticipates touch all the time on that side. You make sure you're always approaching him on his "good" side - he is eternally thankful.
Total cuddle bug when you two are alone, prefers being the Big Spoon as he tucks his head at the crown of your head. He snores sometimes if he's really tired.
[CHEST BINDING] Vincent educated himself on this topic. Honestly, like Bo, he worries if you overexert yourself with the heat and at one point discusses with you if you'd rather have your chest permanently flat/smaller. He'd need proper equipment but he'd do anything to ensure you're safe and content.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Parks himself in front of you and holds his hand out. Stares at you while you blink owlishly at him. His eye squishes into a crescent shape as he smiles once you hand over the needle to him. Let him take care of you, you're his darling muse!
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Lester Sinclair (House of Wax) —
He's the chaotic "Pitbull" boyfriend!
This sweet lad actually has trouble accepting help. It makes him uncomfortable if he thinks about it too deeply. He just found himself in scenarios where his usefulness was always at the forefront of why he was wanted, it's hard to get out of that mindset.
He loves you for helping him though, just have no idea how to articulate it properly. All blushes, stutters and squirms.
Your boyfriend gets excited when new victims come around, eager to loot through their things. Especially when someone has a similar style as you!
He gets self-conscious of how he smells because of the things he works with so he also loots tons of cologne and body sprays - you two basically have a goddamn Baths & Body Works on your bathroom vanity.
You two make a game of it, changing your scents for the day and deciding if it was shit or decent. Jonesy's vote is heavily influential.
Date nights are heavenly. Lester uses his nicer truck for outings. You two grab a bite and try to find new places to experiment since Ambrose is a ghost town and you two need to experience more than just death. Afterwards, he finds a lookout point and you three (yes, Jonesy follows) pile out to the back and curl up with the radio playing some cheesy country love songs.
If Jonesy is dropped off at the twin's place, the PG ratings climb the ladder.
Lester doesn't consider himself a violent man. He doubts he even wants to be if he is completely honest. But when someone flirts with you he feels this unbridled rage rise to his chest and down to his fist.
He spits at their feet as he tugs you away, his dominant arm already springing up in preparation for a punch when he feels them grab at his shoulder.
Grins when you scold him afterwards at home, nursing his bruised cheek.
If he's busy, Jonesy follows you to do chores!
By the way, that dog and your boyfriend always seem to know when some dick-for-brains are near you and steer you away. Will avoid confrontation when necessary.
Not above telling on the victims that shouted insults your way. Baby brother privilege!
His brothers adore you! So they find no trouble in slaughtering someone who dared spoke badly of you and upsetting Lester.
[CHEST BINDING] Lester is pretty observant of your cues. Quietly reminds you of how long you've been wearing your binder and offers to work out all the kinks in your back. He reads about it! Vincent helped him out as well. Lester peppers kisses all over your back once he's done, making sure you're practically melted against the bed once he's done.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He has slight hand tremors, minuscule but it worsens when he focuses on not twitching so he watches you as you do your thing, ruffling your hair and asking if you'd like anything to eat.
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Pick Me Up || Corey Cunningham ||
A/n: This fucking nerd, I love him.Tweaked somethings that involved Corey.. hope you enjoy it @mask-knife-is-morpheus-love
Warnings: Mention of a dead child.
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“My god that party fucking sucked.”
You thought it would be fun, getting drunk, maybe smoke a little weed but you never thought people would be such a wet blanket. Especially when it came concerning your boyfriend. How was it his fault the little twerp died when Corey was the one that got locked in the room thanks to said brat. The kid would probably still be alive if he let Corey out.
Slipping off your heels your turned your attention to face Corey. You hated seeing him like this, looking so down. “Corey.”
Stopping in his tracks, he slipped off his glasses quickly cleaning them off. “I’m sorry for ruining the party Y/n.” He felt like a loser all over again.
“Fuck the party, it sucked anyways. Didn’t even have any good drinks.” Shaking your head you stepped closer cupping his cheeks. “Fuck them, we’ll have our own fun…besides I want to keep you all to myself anyways.”Placing a kiss to his cheek, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle seeing how red his face got.
It was hard not to take your eyes off of him, not when he looked so good in his Ghostbusters outfit. Your fingers running down his chest, the man’s breath hitching.
Corey wasn’t stupid, he knew what you meant. He could see that list burning in your eyes and he certainly was not going to lie. You looked good in your little ghost dress, leaving nothing to the imagination. Swallowing thickly his hands nervously wrapped around your waist. “I-Okay….but I’m not gonna let you walk anymore.” Placing his glasses back on he then knelt to the ground.
A small squeal leaving your lips as you got on his back, your legs wrapping around his waist as your arms wove around his neck. “I have the sweetest boyfriend ever.”
“Really?” Already feeling better, Corey made his way back home.
He couldn’t wait to get you out of that dress.
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writing-good-vibes · 8 months
For the valentines one shot would it be possible to have a combination of meet cute and replacement ?
hey thanks so much for the request !! i did another fic with the replacement prompts which you can read [here] if you like !! but i hope you enjoy this one too !!
WARNING for corey x gn!reader and joan being The Worst™, but there's also a lot of awkward fluff heehee.
💘 very cute divider by @/saradika-graphics 💘
taglist: @slutforstabbings @ethanhoewke @voxmortuus (just let me know if you want to be added or removed !!)
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This wasn't the first time a customer had yelled at you over something beyond your control and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Likely not even the last time today, and with that in mind you simply tried to weather this particular storm.
"Why didn't you mark it clearly? Are you just trying to trick your customers, now? Trick more money out of my pocket?"
"Ma'am," you try again. "I really am sorry for the confusion, but this item just isn't included in the promotion. I can void it from your bill, if you don't want it?"
This suggestion doesn't work, and the woman in front of you reiterates the same spiel of how you, the cashier, were clearly trying to con money directly from her pocket by not clearly indicated which cans were included in the 3-for-the-price-of-2 promotion.
While you waited your turn so you could assure her that, although it wasn't anything to do with you, you'd shoulder the blame and "Please, I can take it off your bill, or you can switch this can for one of the included items?", you notice the young man stood behind your enraged customer.
He's looking down at his shoes, shoulders hunched, but the embarrassed flush is still obvious on his soft cheeks.
He glances up occasionally, eyes darting around at everything in his vicinity; his mom (or who you presume to be his mother), the other customers who are either irritated by the hold up or amused by the scene playing out in front of them, and at you. His eyes stop on you for a moment too long, tracing your features quickly, before they snap back down to his sneakers.
You almost miss your cue to continue your placating attempts because your mind has wandered at the mere sight of this guy. You wonder if he flushes like that, all pink and bashful, about other things. Things more fun than his mother chewing out a minimum wage employee. You feel the heat start to rise beneath your own skin.
After way longer than you hoped, the woman finally concedes and sends the young man, her son, with strict instructions to go and get a new can from the promotion stand. He gets back in record time, giving you a tight smile as he hands you the can of peach slices for you to scan.
His mom complains the whole time.
You watch while the young man packs their grocery bags, broad hands enveloping each item as he organises everything methodically, like he's about to be fired from a job he doesn't have.
Finally the transaction is complete and your Angry Customer snatches the receipt from your hand and leaves with a thunderous rattle of the carts wheels.
Breathing deeply, you try to centre yourself. When you look up you see the young guy still stood at your checkout. Something about him makes you smile.
"Hey," he says quietly, wringing his hands. "I'm really, really sorry about her."
"It's okay," you assure him. "Won't be the first or the last time I deal with a situation like that." A shrug, as you try to maintain an air of nonchalance, while you rearrange some of of the junk -- pens, discarded price tickets, a Canadian quarter you'd found in the cash draw -- around your register.
"No, really, I mean it. You did a great job, she shouldn't have given you a hard time."
You're touched by his concern, even more touched when you look back up at him and his eyes are wet. "I'm okay, honestly. Thank you though, you're sweet. Was that your mom?"
"Yeah, she --," he hesitates, then just sort of gestures.
"Ah," you nod.
For a moment you both say nothing. Corey wrings his hands again restlessly. Under the halogen glow of the grocery store lights, you notice a silver signet ring glinting on his pinky finger.
"Corey? What are you doing? Get back here!" His mom is blocking half the exit door with her shopping cart, looking at him expectantly.
He flinches at his name. "I'm Corey," he - Corey - says, as though it weren't now obvious to everyone in the store. He steps out of the way of the checkout, allowing the next person in line to move forward as you start scanning their groceries.
You give him your name in return and then, "I'll see you here again?"
"Yeah, I mean probably. I uh, I really have to go. Um, bye -- I mean, see you!" he replies over his shoulder as he hurries off back to his mother.
You watch him leave, watch as he holds onto the shopping cart with one hand while his mother pushes it out the door and they cross the parking lot together. His mother is giving him an earful.
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Corey would 100% kill your abusive parents for you ;)
You barely hear him come in the old abandoned house, you were still crying too hard. You'd come to find him and tell him what happened. A dark, indescribable look glossed over his eyes before he quickly wrapped his arms around you and began shushing you and telling you it was ok.
"I've got you." He'd said, pressing his lips to your forehead. "I'll take care of you." He'd taken you to the old house where his tragedy had taken place. Somewhere you both knew you wouldn't be disturbed. And then he'd told you to wait there. You didn't know why but he promised you he wouldn't be gone long.
So when he enters to room and quickly scoops you up into an embrace, you fail to notice the blood stuck to his shirt, still warm and sticky. All you care about is he's here with with you.
If you could only see the remnants of hatred in his eyes being washed away by his love for you. He'll never let them hurt you again. He's made sure of that. You're his, as much as he's your's, and nothing is getting in the way of that
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vanellygal · 2 years
Supermarket Antics
Ship: Local Psychos (Corey Cunningham x Tommy Jarvis)
Corey and Tommy decide to go to the supermarket.
• Tommy talks Corey into pushing him in the cart, and they speed down empty aisles.
• Pool noodle fights? Yes, they will duel.
° There is a possibility they will take carts, use them as horses, and jost with the pool noodles too. They'll charge head on at each other.
• Tommy gets on one of the small tricycles and propels himself using his feet. Corey isn't too on board with it but nonetheless he ends up joining Tommy.
° Now there are two grown ass men on tricycles racing each other down the aisles.
° Tommy's trike falls apart and breaks, so they run and bail.
• Corey definitely uses the intercom and says something stupid or making a weird noise over the speakers. Tommy is cracking up on the side.
• Corey stocks up on some chocolate milk, and a random lady gives him a weird look. He stares back, like, "Do you have a problem?", and she backs off.
• Their journey ends with them being thrown out and banned from the store.
° They laugh it off. "Best day ever! That was worth it.", Tommy puts his fist up. "Damn straight!", Corey fist bumps him.
° Tommy puts his hands in his pockets, and then the realization hits him. "Well shoot, now where are we going to shop?". Corey just shrugs, "I dunno, I guess we'll have to figure it out.".
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phntmeii · 1 year
✰ Phntmeii's Headcanon Masterlist ✰
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✰ You can request general ideas or characters you want to see more of or specific requests. (EX: 'Vinsome Sanji Fluff'. Or request 'Jon Snow x Wildling!Reader at the Wall headcanons'.)
✰ NSFW content will often be AFAB or GN for readers and often have a Dom!Character unless specified otherwise. (AMAB terms are unfamiliar to me so may not me fulfilled). Minors DNI. Will be blocked.
✰ I will only write for characters that I know to not provide too OOC content. Please refer to my current fixation list for fandoms that I'm apart of or the already listed fandoms I've done headcanons for!
✰ Headcanons/Requests may not be fulfilled in order! I will generally bounce around different lists based on my preference so it may take a bit to get around to certain characters!
✰ Regular Headcanon Lists generally range from 25-35 bullet points with sections that include characters' love languages. Compilation Headcanon Lists have a scenario listed with characters listed under a specific reaction.(Can be a simple sentence or two or a drabble for each character.)
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REQUESTS: Working on current submitted requests!
✰ Current Fixations: Across the Spider-Verse, COD:MWII, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Live Action One Piece, Horror Slashers, Mortal Kombat 1
NSFW Headcanons are highlighted in RED. WIP Headcanons are highlighted in PINK. This list will be updated as time goes on with more characters and links directly to the posts. Compilation Headcanons with several characters are highlighted in PURPLE.
Aegon II Targaryen Aemond Targaryen Jaime Lannister [Kingslayer] Jaime Lannister [Redemption] Margaery Tyrell x Snow!Reader Robb Stark Sandor Clegane Sandor Clegane x Snow!Reader (20% Done)
Hobie Brown Miguel O’Hara Miles Morales Miles Morales x SelfHarming!Reader Miles Morales [E42]
One Piece Live Action:
Luffy w/ Breeding Kink OPLA Characters and Physical Touch OPLA Characters Makeout Sessions OPLA Characters “Only One Bed” Trope OPLA Characters "Only One Bed" Trope PT. 2 (Coming Soon) OPLA Characters x disabled!Reader Possessive!OPLA Characters x shy!Reader (Coming Soon)
Random things OPLA Characters would Do Roronoa Zoro w/ Breeding Kink Sanji Cooking w/ Reader (Coming Soon) Sanji w/ Breeding Kink Sanji x Reader w/ ED (Coming Soon) Sanji x shy!Reader (Coming Soon) Jealous!Sanji x Pirate!GN!Reader Straw Hat Crew when You’re Sick Usopp w/ Breeding Kink
Angela Baker Brahms Heelshire Bo Sinclair NSFW Alphabet Corey Cunningham Hannibal Lecter (Coming Soon) RZ!Michael Myers (Coming Soon) RZ!Michael Myers x Russian!SO Sinclair Twins [Artist!Reader + Bimbo!Reader] Slashers and Hanahaki Disease Slashers Thoughts on Having Kids Slashers x depressed!Reader (Coming Soon) Slashers x Fanfic Reading SO Slashers x Naive!Sunshine!SO Slashers x Shy!SO Slashers x StrictLatina!SO Slashers x Petite!Strong!SO Thomas Hewitt
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HOTD Texts:
Aemond's Texts After Season 1 HOTD x SO!Reader: "Are You Cheating on Me?” HOTD x SO!Reader: "Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Team Green Incorrect Quotes
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request?
pairing. corey cunningham x reader , michael myers x reader
genre and warnings. semi-public sex, none gender specific reader, sex with someone else watching, face fucking, blow jobs, oral sex, pain kink, crying kink, dubcon | — short Corey drabble because i'm literally watching the movie but even i finish it expect more slasher fics.
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Corey grunted, his breathing unsteady as his whimpers bounced from the thick concrete walls of the tunnel wall he leaned against.
When he had first led you under the bridge in hopes of killing you in hopes of entertaining Micheal.
He had not expected you to have looked so pretty at the sight of you having fallen to your knees begging for your life in front of Micheal, cutting your sprint off at the end of the sewer tunnel with a punch to your face.
Being pulled by a fist full of your hair perched on your knees, his cock deep in your throat as your eyes prickled with tears, your other hand was too preoccupied with stroking Corey’s dick to pull yourself away from Micheal’s rough thrusts.
You didn't want to admit to the pathetic feeling of your pussy clenching against nothing as the two men roughly had their way with you.
Your tongue traced the veins of his cock, the sound of his deep grunts enticing you to do nothing but please.
 He had already started to enjoy the feeling of your warm mouth. Having been hidden down in the sewers for let alone struggling to keep himself alive in the town of Haddonfield, there wasn't much to keep him entertained over the years. 
He had been lucky to stumble across Corey by pure chance as the stumbling four-eyed freak had grown to be his perfect assistant.
No matter how much you gagged, Michael’s pace was relentless, your nose buried in the salt and peppered bush of his groin.
Your teeth grazed over his sensitive skin. Michael let out a low grunt as you pulled away just enough to catch your breath.
Just with a yank of your hair, the tip of his dick pushed past your lips, resuming his relentless pace.
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creepswrites · 1 year
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‣ The following themes are PROHIBITED: racism, homophobia, transphobia, inc*st, ped*philia, illegal age gaps, extreme/harmful fetishes and kinks, r*pe, self-h*rm, suic*de, & extremely graphic abuse/depictions of abuse.
‣ Topics such as mental illness, violent scenes, and mention/depiction of abuse may pop up on occasion and will be properly tagged. While violent scenes may occur, I try to avoid topics I know to be upsetting to read as well as topics I myself find upsetting.
‣ I will NOT write smut with underage muses of mine, even if the reader is the same age.
‣ I will write for AMAB, AFAB, TRANS, and GN READERS! If you have specific pronouns for your reader request, make sure to state those! I always default to gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified :)
‣ Please do NOT repost my writing anywhere! Ask to translate, do not unless I have given explicit permission for you to do so.
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‣ Common themes I write for include but are not limited to:
fluff / slice of life
angst / darker themes
nsfw / smut
multi-chapter stories
‣ I do write reader x canon OR canon x canon, so long as it does not violate any of my restrictions! I can be picky about what canon x canon pairing I write for though, it has to speak to me.
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‣ I reserve the right to deny any request for any reason.
‣ Do not spam/pressure me to write! I write for what inspires me in the moment. Requests will be completed when I have the time.
‣ Requests sent when they're closed will be discarded!
‣ Headcanons : Five character max, one character min. If the headcanon prompt is specific enough, it can be combined with a small drabble! These vary in length/detail. Unless characters for headcanons are specified, I'll likely write as many/as few as I feel inspired for!
‣ 1-3k Oneshot : These vary in length & detail depending on the material provided. If requesting, please specify, otherwise I default to headcanons. These can take me longer than headcanons so I take requests for them more sparingly.
‣ 4k+ Oneshot : Meant for more specific scenarios with lots of ideas & content involved! I rarely do these unless I'm particularly inspired by the prompt given. Usually, 4k+ is reserved for long-term story chapters.
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‣ Michael Myers : Halloween (1987, RZ, DBD, & 2018/Kills)
‣ Jason Voorhees : Friday the 13th
‣ Bubba Sawyer, Chop Top Sawyer, & Thomas Hewitt : The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
‣ Brahms Heelshire : The Boy (2016)
‣ Billy Lenz : Black Christmas (1974)
‣ Vincent Sinclar, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, & Nick Jonas : House of Wax (2005)
‣ Stu Macher & Billy Loomis : Scream
‣ Leslie Vernon : Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
‣ Pyramid Head : Silent Hill
‣ Carrie White : Carrie
‣ Danny Johnson, Anna, & Amanda Young : Dead by Daylight ‣ You may ask me to try any DBD character though!
‣ Corey Cunningham : Halloween Ends (sparingly)
‣ Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson : Stranger Things (sparingly)
‣ Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom : IT (1990, 2017, & 2019) (sparingly)
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slxsherwriter · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my depraved little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of slasher and horror characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of these characters and potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Masterlist mobile friendly || Non-slasher writings blog: @rewritethisstxry
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Who I write for:
Michael Myers (primarily Rob Zombie based)
Corey Cunningham
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Rusty Nail
Eric Newlon
Jesse Cromeans
Asa Emory
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Ethan Landry
Mickey Altieri
Jedidiah Sawyer
Tex Sawyer
Thomas Brown Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Evan MacMillan
Frank Morrison
Caleb Quinn
John Ryder
Leslie Vernon
Ethan Belfrage
Dr. Richard Sommers
Lawrence O'Neill
Lawrence Gordon
Robert Englund characters
Wayne Jackson (A Good Day for It)
Stuart Lloyd (The Last Showing)
Dr. Peter Andover (Fear Clinic)
Professor William Wexler (Urban Legend)
Doc Halloran (Behind the Mask)
Dr. Anton Rudolph (Python)
Jim Bickerman (Lake Placid)
Mayor Buckman (2001 Maniacs)
Warden Kane (The Funhouse Massacre)
Inkubus (Inkubus)
Sheriff Richard Berger (Heartstopper)
Scratch Monahan (Windfall)
Detective Gassner (Criminal Minds)
Mr. Meredith (Natty Knocks)
Tim Wexler (MacGyver)
Vaughn (Hunter)
Lyle Eckert (Walker Texas Ranger)
Costas Mandylor characters
Mark Hoffman (Saw)
The Warden (Death Count)
John Shepherd (Bloodthirst)
Agent Cole Bennett (Night of the Sicario)
Cylus Atkinson (The Horde)
Raymond Crowe (Saints & Sinners)
Jim (Blackout)
Chase Harper (Primal Doubt)
Stephan Lang characters
Norman Nordstrom (Don’t Breathe)
The Party Crasher (The Hard Way)
Miles Quartich (Avatar)
Fred Parras (VFW)
Holt Ramsey (A Good Marriage)
John Korver(Gridlocked)
Tony Cobb (Monkey Paw)
Nathaniel Taylor (Terra Nova)
Richard Brake characters
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane (3 From Hell)
Doom-head (31)
Dean Portman (Doom)
Otis Clairborne (RIPD 2)
William Colcott (The Gates)
Mr. Big (Bingo Hell)
Dr. Henry Augustus Wolfgang (The Munsters)
Norman Tyrus (A Good Day For It)
Bill Moseley characters
Otis Driftwood
Luigi Largo (Repo)
Darryl (Old 37)
Logan Burnhardt (Dead Air)
Frank (Fair Game)
Doc (Shed of the Dead)
Zach Garrett (Halloween)
Jake Spooler (The Practice)
Abner Honeywell (Natty Knocks)
Gimple (Minutes to Midnight)
Captain Harris (Welcome to Horrorwood series)
Farmer Sam (Hayride to Hell)
Bruce (Boar)
Jacob Sutter (The Horde)
Peter Van Hooten (The House of the Witchdoctor)
Deputy Henry Depford (Dead Souls)
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bosinclairsgff · 1 year
Requests Rules <3
Hey everyone, I want to get back into writing fanfiction and stuff like that! So here are my request rules and other important things to know! (I used to only write on Wattpad so I'm new to using Tumblr pls be nice <3)
Requests: open
Will do
Hurt x comfort
Head cannons
Sometimes mentions of abuse, kidnapping, murder or sh (there will be trigger warnings)
Light angst
Characters hurting the reader (there will be a tw)
Reader with depression or anxiety
Won't do
Pregnant reader
Child reader
Parent reader
x male, ftm, mtf or poly reader (I am not qualified to write about those as I have no experience involving them)
Characters I will write for
Halloween: RZ Micheal Myers, Corey Cunningham
Amusement: The Laugh
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Nubbins Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Vilmer Sawyer
Scream: Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Amber Freeman, Sydney
Friday The 13th: Jason Voorhees
House Of Wax: Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair
Saw: Amanda Young, Mark Hoffman
House Of 1,000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
American Psycho: Patrick Bateman
Child's Play: Tiffany Valentine
The Black Phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
The Collector: Arkin
Silent Hilld/DBD: Pyramid Head
Carrie: Carrie White
Ghost Ship: Jack Ferriman
Thirteen Ghosts: Dennis Rafkin
The Shining: Jack Torrance, Wendy Torrance
The Invitation: Walter Deville
Midnight Mass: Father Paul
The funhouse massacre: Doll face
A nightmare on Elm Street (2010) : Quentin Smith
My Bloody Valentine 3-D: Tom Hanniger
Don’t breathe: Norman Nordstrom
The Purge Anarchy: Leo Barnes
Midsommer: Pelle
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
Leather face (2017) : Jedediah Sawyer
American horror story : Kai Anderson, Kit Walker, Patrick March
Jennifer’s Body : Jennifer Check
Re- animator: Herbert West
Urban Legend: Brenda
Jeepers Creepers: Darry Jenner
Grave Enconters: Lance Preston, Alex Wright
Dead Silence: Jamie
The Dare: Credence, Dominic
31: Doomhead
Final Destination 3: Kevin Fischer
Longlegs: Dale Kobble, Lee Harker
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ Helping hand ❞
Corey Cunningham x gn!reader | drabble | nsfw, smut |
warnings: masturbation, handjobs
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req: could you please do Person A (gn reader) accidentally walking on Person B (Corey) masturbating and Person A and B’s first time together🥰
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Accidentally walking in on him and jerking one out was a shock to both of you.
To Corey more than you — he had an overbearing mother who insisted on him not locking his doors throughout his childhood and then his awkward teenage years.
He was used to straining his ears to listen to every creak of the floorboards despite wearing headphones over his ears. The door being ajar did little to stop his hormonal self, so he is pretty confident in his ability to jerk off without anyone catching him.
That and the fact that he terrorizes Haddonfield like a bloodthirsty shadow. Most, if not all, of his victims, don't know he's there until it's too late. Even you don't stir from sleep when he sneaks into your home to gaze at you while you sleep.
You'd think with his impressive resume he would be the last person to be caught with his cock in his hands and a picture of his lover in the other.
There'd be this atmosphere of surprise blanketing the both of you. Corey's eyes are so wide you swear you see the mortification in them. His fingers twitch and pull away from his dick, mouth shaping to form words but none are uttered.
Your eyes dart to the Polaroid he has in his hand. It's a cute photograph of you in the kitchen in nothing but a pair of boxers and nursing a mug of your favourite morning drink.
Corey would tell you it's the way your eyes are still hazy — barely edged off sleep clearly written all over your face.
He'd say that your loose grip on the mug made his perverted head think of your fingers wrapped around the base of his penis.
If he was feeling brave he might even mention the way your lips look as soft as clouds and the pose you're in have them pushed against the porcelain rim of the mug — just about to take a sip. It makes him wish you had your mouth on the tip of his dick instead, he wanted to wet it with pre-cum and watch as they part around him.
But Corey says nothing. His brain clicks as you drop your hand from the door handle.
"Fuck! Fuck! I - I can explain!" he's raising from the chair, hastily throwing your picture to the side while he grabs at his sweatpants that were bunched around his knees.
"Oh god — I'm sorry!" you spur to life at his embarrassed display, not missing the sight of your picture that flutters towards your direction thanks to Corey's panic to cover up.
"I'll be in the kitchen!" "Wuh - Wait!"
The door slams close. Corey curses as he places a palm on the wood, cheeks as red as Sebastian's shell. On the other side of the door, your back is flushed on the wood, a hand covering your mouth as your heart beats out of your chest.
When both of you recover, he makes his way to the kitchen.
Fuck, why are you holding the same mug?
"Corey," your voice has his skin reddening all over again. He reaches for you and he's relieved you don't pull away.
"You washed your hand, right?"
With a groan, he hides his face in the crook of your neck as he nods.
"You're not mad...right?" Now it is your turn to blush. You shake your head, comfortingly squeezing his shoulders.
The night ended well, the takeout you'd brought over to eat with Corey was a little lukewarm but still edible, and you laugh about it before you drifted off to sleep.
But what makes Corey go wide-eyed was when you sleepily mumble to him;
"We should do it. I wanna do it, with you".
"Do, what?"
The smile you attempt to hide as you nuzzle your face into his chest makes his heart double in speed.
"Goodnight, Corey," was the last thing you said before you were off to dreamland.
Your first time together was something Corey could never forget.
He thinks your sleepy mumbles were just that — sleepy mumbles. You never bring it up again and he is far too embarrassed to even open his mouth relating to such a topic when it goes hand-in-hand with the fact he got caught with his pants down.
Besides, your routine didn't deviate at all and it was nice. The domesticity of the suburbs really has that effect on people, huh?
All this to say, when your first time with Corey happens, it surprises him.
"Hey" you plant a kiss on his cheek, the grin you wear infectious. "Ready to go?" he hands you a helmet and you nod as he places your things in the storage compartment and then saddles his bike.
He brings you to your favourite dating spot. It was a bummer that after murdering the radio host show, dates on the roof had to be postponed for a couple of weeks but now the yellow tape was gone.
The climb is filled with giggles. Setting down the picnic blanket, pillows and duvet — the weather is chilly but nothing a few leftover candles couldn't help along with a Bluetooth speaker.
After downing a few fries and beers, you're seated on his lap lip-syncing the song playing when you're suddenly kissing him. He's reciprocating, of course, but you're slowing down. Then, your tongues are tangling together and why are your hips moving like that?
Corey's not new to the sex scene. He knows what sex is and how to do it but everything that involves you has his very existence melt in awe. He was religious in his worship of you; to see you this way? With the night sky behind you and the moon just over your shoulder?
His hands slide up your shirt. Effectively leaving goose flesh in his trail as his mouth works on mottling your neck with his teeth and tongue.
He's whispering praises. You're shuddering as he works you open with his fingers and he doesn't even notice the tent in his pants as he feels your velvety walls clench around him.
"Come on, baby"
"Corey — Oh fuck, Corey, oh fuck oh fuck —"
"Thaaat's it, just like that. Oh, you feel so good, baby"
He has you on your back after licking his fingers clean. The blanket protects you from the flooring and Corey hides you from the heavens.
He's careful as he makes you his.
The building is remote from the rest of the population of Haddonfield — but you're trying to be polite.
That won't do.
Corey groans out your name as he breaches into you. He's braced on his elbows, the tip of his nose against yours and his bruised lips is connected to yours with a string of saliva.
He's gentle as he rocks his hips. Never looking away from your face. At one point, the very air you're breathing in is just Corey's and he relishes in every second of having you like this.
Corey didn't stop once the both of you had orgasmed. He wants to taste you on his tongue and despite what weak protests you make he chides you and makes you throw your head back as his tongue makes your thighs shudder.
By the time he's had his fill and you've come so many times you're sure even the stars are applauding you.
He gathers you into his arms. You hear his heartbeat and feel somewhat comforted that it's just as fast as yours.
"...Was that better?" You purr while Corey peeks at you, still attempting to catch his breath as he tilts his head.
"Was that better?" Your chin is on your arm, chewing on your lower lip to stop yourself from laughing. Corey strokes your arm patiently.
"Better than...?"
"Your hand —"
"Fuck off," Corey rolls his eyes and playfully ruffles your hair. Your giggles sound just as beautiful as your moans, he shuts you up by pecking your lips until you roll onto your back instead.
"It was better," you say in a sing-song tune that makes Corey groan as he covers his eyes with his arm.
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Flannel Shirts || Corey Cunningham ||
A/n: I love him!!
Prompt used:
"are you wearing my flannel?"
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You loved the fall, it was one of your favorite seasons. It wasn’t too hot but it wasn’t to cold either, the colors were beautiful, not to mention everything you got to do during this season.
But the best part of this season was stealing your boyfriend’s shirt. Corey looked good in his flannel’s, so good that you had to wear them yourself. They were soft, big and it smelt like him. You felt safe whenever you wore them.
Corey liked it too, he was never used to this. To having someone wear his things, to have someone actually care about him. Not to mention how good you tended to lol whenever you wore one of his shirts or sweaters but the flannel, that seemed to have awoken something inside of him. Whenever you wore his flannel’s he wanted them off.
“Y/n?” Biting his lip he watched you, you were scrolling on your phone not paying attention. The only thing you were wearing was one of his flannel shirts, the hem stopping at your thigh, he was having trouble pulling his gaze away from your exposed skin.
“Are you wearing my flannel?”
Placing your phone down you gave Corey a smile as he shifted his weights from one foot to another. “Yup, I can take it off if you want.” You teased as you went to unbutton the shirt.
“No! I mean.” Biting his lip he moved to sit next to you on the couch, his arms weaving around your hips so you wear laying into him. “M-maybe layer, I just want to hold you for a moment.”
Grinning, you fixed his glasses that were a bit lopsided on his face. “You’re so sweet Corey.” Leaning up you placed a kiss to his cheek then snuggled into his chest as his fingers ran down your thigh for a moment.
“I’m so lucky to have you.” He muttered.
“Nah, I’m the lucky one.”
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crimsonv1 · 2 years
"Chocolate Milk Gifts"
Corey cunningham x reader
Smut / Drabble
Top!reader x Sub!Corey , Riding, Mommy kink,
I am not in charge of who interacts and I am not liable for any overdose of media :)
Ever since you saw him on the ground, wincing at the glass shards in his hand you recognized the Corey Cunningham.
Sometimes you would see him here and there, and other times you would follow him places.
You knew he was shy and you wondered if you would take advantage of that to get his attention, but you thought that would be mean.
So you followed him before his shift at the mechanics, into the gas station. You waited patiently at the chocolate milk isle.
You looked away until he went to grab one, and you conveniently reached up- not to the lines of chocolate milk cartons below you or at your level- but to the one you couldn't reach. You stood on your tippy toes as if you couldn't even touch it-
He soon took notice and grabbed a second one, giving it to you. You smiled and thanked him- and rushed to pull out your wallet , sighing loud.
"Hey …do you have any extra money? You don't have to- I just love chocolate milk and don't have any cash on me…" you awkwardly asked.
He stood there for a minute, eyes wide and then calmed down.
,"U-uh yeah, sure- I'll buy it for you no problem."
You smiled, "thank you!"
You both walked up to the cash register, you searched for candies below and pulled come cents out of your wallet, you payed for your candy and Corey handed you the carton of chocolate milk
You both walked out of the store together and then you brought up the words,
"Hey, you're Corey cunningham right?"
He looked away for a minute, ashamed and said "y-yeah."
"Oh no worries, nice glasses by the way." You smiled
"Thank you- uh"
"Do you have any plans tonight?"
You asked, if he said no to a date you had no lashback because you barely knew him so there was barely any anxiety worked up in you. Plus, he was shy.
"Uh, no..I guess not-"
You thought up an idea, quickly and asked him as soon as you thought it.
"Would you be okay to go to that restraunt down the road of here, and then come and watch a movie at my place? I just uh-"
You knew the last part sounded Wierd, and lustful.
"- have no one to do it with, I haven't in a few..y-" you cut yourself off at the last part saving your embarrassment from the obvious lie.
"Sure! Can you text me- when to come? I can pick you up.." he sounded almost so joyful, you smiled and put out you hand, for a minute he was quizzed but soon put his phone in your hand. You exchanged numbers and addresses,
Later that night, you got in a [outfit] and put light makeup on, brushing your hair out neatly until you heard a knock at your door.
You saw Corey in his same jacket, trying to look clean but you thought the dirty messed up look did great for him. He had one rose in his hand picked from presumably a garden by his hand, you took it and set it in your home. "Thank you for the rose!" You smiled
"Thank you for uh…meeting up with me," he laughed, and you both rode on his motorcycle to the restraunt,
After people - grown men, picking on him persistently, you shot then a glare and called them crude in appropriate names and laughed like a middle school boy. They just were left with a look of disgust and left. Once you both were done, Corey insisted on paying and once you both left he stopped his motorcycle at your place. You got inside, at the freshly set up good smelling place. You wiped your makeup off and changed into some short shorts and a t shirt.
You sat on the couch as Corey took his jacket off and went through the DVDs
Knowing his past, or incident you asked innocently, "are you okay with gory horror movies or uh- no?"
"Uh…yeah I'm fine with them." He sighed.
You put in a movie and laid back as you watched it. It was an og, so you enjoyed it. You saw how Corey barely winced at them, so you probably shouldn't make assumptions about him.
You remembered a gift you had got and tapped Corey,
"Hey corey- uh can you come to my room? I got a gift!" You smiled. You soon pulled out a nice hoodie you bought in his size and gave it to him, he looked so happy.
"Thank you!" He smiled as he looked around at things in your room,
He tugged on a droo
r but it wouldn't open, so he tugged a bit harder and found ehm….
You heard the door and whipped your head, "uh! I-" you stuttered
"Sorry!" His face flushed,
You giggled, at his state right now. His face was red and he wasn't looking straight at you. Rather at his hands adjusting his glasses.
"So- you got a girlfriend right? What's the name again-" you lied,
"Uh- no..I don't"
"Oh- wrong person…must've confused you" you backed up your lie.
You scooted closer to him,
"You- have something right here…" you stood on your toes, and .
Kissed him, he couldn't speak for a moment neither could you
"Sorry..!" You said
Before you could say anything else, he kissed back, his hands went to your sides.
Your hands went up to his covered chest.
"Could we..?" You implied, not being your first time , (or was ? Idk🤨) Corey stood dumbfounded for a moment,
"I uh! Its- well I've never really…" he gasped.
"You don't have to, I'll help you " you said, smiling.
He nodded frantically and went to sit on the bed. You sat on top of him and started undressing, Corey sat with a bit of drool spilling.
You giggled, he caught himself and his face. He tugged at his own shirt and removed it, throwing it to the unknown pile.
You took off your shorts, and he did the same with his pants, quickly removing them. He scooted back on the bed and you slowly took off your underwear, doing the same with his boxers.
Your hands flew to his shoulders, and you adjusted yourself above him, you looked at him for reassurance and he nodded
"I need words Corey,"
"I'm on the pill, (or preference you had those type removed from ur body Idc😊)
You reached you hand down and slowly jerked him off, teasing him
"F- fuck" he moaned.
While his eyes were closed you sat down on his cock. "Oh, fuck y/n, fuck" his head slammed back
You sat there for a minute as he regained from what just happened
"K-keep going, please, please" he moaned breathless.
"What do you want? Use your words good boy" He became flushed again at that,
"I- I need you, to move please…mommy"
You felt something as he said that, you just felt so amazing.
You went up, and slammed down again, going at a faster pace each time.
He was a moaning mess and he soon came , you kept going- overstimulating him until you came on him.
"Ple-please no more please, fuck" he moaned. You lifted off of him and got a towel to clean him off,
You put on new underwear and wore the same night outfit , Corey stayed the way he was. You giggled at him forgetting to take off his glasses. You snuggled in bed beside him and laid hugging him
"I love you Corey.." you said, drifting off to sleep
"I, love you too." He hugged you tighter. You took off his glasses and put it on your bedside table
You both fell asleep at that, snuggled by eachother.
You both woke up the morning after, you got up first and yawned, realizing your dream wasn't a dream after all. He got up after, and was speechless and flushed as hell. You put your hand in his hair and played with it until he was calm, laying on your thighs
"Won't people..judge you- for ….being with me?" Corey said
"No one judges ME, plus, I love you either way Corey. You're just too cute , and you always were " you kissed his head.
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writing-good-vibes · 1 year
bo sinclair x f!reader x corey cunningham: morning sex drabble
absolutely inspired by @sketchy-rosewitch's headcanons. i didn't know how much i needed this grouping until they posted. these are just thoughts i needed to get out into a drabble but didn't have the brain power to write a full fic for (it might happen one day though).
WARNING for smut, poly relationship, voyeurism adjacent, mentions of sex tapes and porn and mild implications of dom/sub dynamics.
it's a sunday morning and you have nothing to do today. bo gets out of bed first, leaving you and corey to snooze (as you'd had a very late night *wink wink*).
without bo in the middle, you and corey cuddle up to one another. you can feel his morning wood pressed against you and you don't know if you had a wet dream or what but you're already dripping.
you get so tangled up in cuddling and grinding even though neither of you are properly awake, and your mouth is on his, messy and sloppy, and then corey's cock slips into you, and --
bo comes back in with a cup of coffee. he raises a brow when he sees the two of you wrapped up together. he's only been gone five minutes, he thinks, his babies are insatiable.
through sleep-bleary eyes and the haze of sex, you and corey realise bo is back.
"don't stop on my account," bo insists, sitting in the chair closest to the bed.
and you don't. you keep going, moaning every time corey's hips roll and his pubis rubs against your clit.
bo palms himself through his boxers, just taking in the scene before him. sometimes he gives directions; "slower", "touch her like that, like i do", "pull his hair, y'know he loves it", "this way, i wanna see you both".
you catch corey's attention drifting to bo now and then, eyes heavy-lidded as he makes sure bo's attention is on him. that's not to say you don't send bo enough looks of your own, the way his eyes follow yours and corey's movements makes you drip even more.
it feels like you're doing a porno, with bo as the sleazy director behind the camera. if you ever mention that thought out loud, bo won't hesitate to go fetch the camcorder. and with two very, very willing volunteers, maybe he's found his calling.
corey finally comes, groaning against your neck, and your hips buck desperately as you tip over the edge.
don't think it's over though. you really think after all that, bo isn't going to want a go too? you have all day, after all.
as you and corey are coming down, bo makes his way to the bed, shedding his t-shirt and boxers as he goes.
"who want's to go first?"
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