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maximoffcarter · 5 years ago
Okay so like, it’s been so long since I’ve written on my own, I’ve been doing rp all these months that I forgot about my own writing. So, everyone who followed me for my stories (or that loves AHS and raulson ships) pleeeeease send me requests! I’d write anything you ask me for if I get the idea! I need new ideas because I feel like I’m writing the same thing. It can be any ship; Foxxay, Hotgomery, Shaudrey, Bananun...I also can write any character with y/n!
You can message me or just comment here! I need help so please help😉😂
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stayevildarling · 4 years ago
Sarah Paulson Characters Headcanon: Them flirting with you plus having a crush on you✨
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Cordelia Foxx (Pre-Supreme)
shy, subtle, coy
-She is very shy and holds back on expressing her feelings and emotions
-Delia would notice her heart fluttering a little, whenever you passed her in the hallways or whenever she would notice you watching her silently in the greenhouse
-You would have to make the first steps, otherwise she would be way too shy and insecure, thinking this is all in her head
-After she notices that she isn't reading the whole thing wrong however, she will often give you her dopey, adorable smile
-Her whole face will light up whenever she sees you pass her, her nose scrunching slightly and even her eyes reflecting the happiness she feels when seeing you
-Would compliment your outfits or praise your improved magic but be an absolute blushing adorable mess
-''Well done Y/N'' she will tell you and bite her lips in that adorable shy way
-Red cheeks, trembling hands and heart beating out of her chest whenever she attempts flirting with you but she makes it very obvious by being so adorable
-When you walk up to her eventually, feeling confident you whisper ''Why won't you just admit you have been trying to flirt with me Miss Cordelia?'' and she would be an even more blushing mess and avoid avoid avoid the situation
-After that her concern, insecurities and doubts leave her and she feels confident, will openly flirt with you, just not around the girls because she is too shy for that
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Cordelia Goode (the fucking supreme)
direct and obvious but thoughtful
-confident, boss Delia is a completely different story than Cordelia Foxx, shy adorable headmistress
-She would openly flirt with you and not really caring who is there to witness
-Cordelia isn't like too forward or bold or anything but she does for sure flirt in her own way
-She would always flirt through her eyes, either giving you the most loving expression, showing how much her heart desires you
-But she definitely also gives you bedroom eyes, from across the dinner table, undressing you right there simply with her eyes, before undressing you later on with her hands
-Would praise you a lot in front of the other girls and it's quite obvious by then how much she likes you
-Cordelia has a massive soft spot for you, not scolding you for things she would usually scold Madison for like leaving the greenhouse a mess or breaking a few of her other rules like coming home later and stuff
-She is a very touchy flirter. I feel like one of her hands would always be lingering on your body somewhere. Rubbing your shoulders in a comforting manner, putting her hand on your thigh while having dinner with the rest of the girls, in a possessive manner
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Ally Mayfair-Richards
direct and obvious
-Ally will have a hard time hiding the fact she likes you, like a whole lot
-She is a bit careful at first, wanting to get to know every aspect about you because of all the crazy things that had happened in her life
-But in the process of getting to know you better, she completely falls head over heels for you and it's that obvious that her ten year old son manages to figure and point it out
-''Mom do you like Y/N?'' he will ask, after also meeting you a bunch of times and you often playing with him
-That's when Ally noticed and she stopped trying to hide her feelings or affection towards you
-She is a direct and obvious flirter, not trying to hide anything
-Will shower you in compliments, your hair falling perfectly, your outfit looking stunning and sexy or her loving your wine taste
-Ally asks you on a date to her restaurant eventually and she can't stop flirting with you, making you blush several times that night
-A lot of openly flirting and winking ''Yes I am trying to flirt with you sweetheart''
-''I really want to kiss you right now'' she will tell you after having dinner, while she walks you home that night
-Indeed the senator is the one making you blush like a mess and quite literally melt in her touch
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Wilhemina Venable:
hard to get
-Mina will play hard to get with you
-Of course she will notice the way your eyes would scan her features, every time she walks past you
-The way you would be all nervous around her, fidgety and stumbling over your words
-There is nothing Wilhemina hates more than fidgeting or anyone unable to speak properly in her presence but secretly she thinks it's adorable how nervous and speechless you get around her and how intimidated you clearly are
-Wilhemina will enjoy playing with you and teasing you, making this whole thing a game
-She would cause you to squirm whenever she would give you that glance, looking up and down your entire body or whenever she would call you by your full name
-A lot of cane banging and her scolding you for random stuff just to make you even more nervous and it definitely gives her a tingle
-She also flirts by doing stuff that isn't like her, like her eventually calling you by your first name
-She takes it a little too far, to the point where you have no idea whether she likes or hates you and so it's up to Mina to clarify her feelings and fix this
-Mina will fix it by asking you out ''So would you accompany me for some lunch?'' she will ask randomly one day, lunch break at Kineros Robotics approaching ''As in like a date?'' you asked dumfounded
-''Of course not... unless you would like it to be'' she will reply, her little insecure side showing even if it's just for a split second
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Audrey Tindall
direct and obvious plus hilarious
-She will not hesitate showing her affection towards you
-Gives you bedroom eyes from the first moment she ever sees you
-Openly, happily and directly flirts with you
-Very cheesy flirting though and silly pickup lines like ''Are you wifi? because we have a great connection?''
-''Are you a fruit? because you are a fineapple''
-Audrey is very proud that she is finally able to show off all her jokes and flirting
-She will for sure, tickle you or make you smile and burst out laughing because she loves the sound of that
-Will be so soft with her british accent and act all proper around you to impress you
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Billie Dean Howard
very direct and obvious, master at flirting
-Hear me out: from the first moment she sees you, she is determined to be the medium of your heart
-She will never hold back, no matter if someone else is speaking to you, even a possibility of someone else dating you, Billie doesn't care
-Billie is a master at flirting, she knows everything, all the tricks and things she has to say or do to make you blush or wet
-She technically wouldn't even need to do much because the silk blouses, acrylic nails that would sometimes tap on the counter making you all nervous, or scratching against your shoulder gently would make you so nervous
-Let's not talk about the way her smoking and how she inhales and lights a cigarette makes you feel
-Petnames, petnames, petnames: Babydoll, pumpkin, sugar, kitten
-She loves exploring different sides of you, the shy and nervous side, the playing hard to get side or the side where you would flirt back
-Billie is full of herself and knows she can have you if she wants you and she does want that more than anything
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Sally McKenna
direct and obvious + shy
-Sally is a mix of every type of flirting to be honest
-I feel like at first, she will not hold back and openly flirt with you, showing you how attracted she is to you and that she likes you
-She will act very confident and full of herself around you even though on the inside she's a soft insecure bean
-Will wink at you or keep eye contact while lighting a cigarette
-Would happily and confidently walk up to you sitting at the bar and say ''What are you drinking sugar?''
-A lot of old fashioned pickup lines and flirting
-Eventually, once she notices that you also seem to like her a little and attempt to flirt back, she would get a bit insecure, unable to believe someone likes her back
-She would definitely give you bedroom eyes all of the time and undress you with her eyes
-Sally will at some point have a ''fuck it'' attitude and if you would allow her to, just take you straight to her bedroom
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Lana Winters
waiting for first move
-Even though past asylum Lana is confident and a tough cookie, she would wait for you to make the first move
-She isn't oblivious though and quickly notices your affection towards her and she will secretly love the way you make her feel
-Definitely feels a boost of confidence through your flirting
-Once Lana is ready and starts flirting back, she won't hold back but she will be subtle, not too direct or extreme
-Will shower you in compliments
-Often blushes around you but she will make you blush in return
-With Lana it will be one of those adorable but also powerful kind of falling in loves, holding hands in public, kissing each other's cheeks, whispering secret love confessions and kinky stuff
-However Lana is a tough cookie and if she wants you, she will have you and won't hesitate to do anything it takes
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Bette and Dot Tattler:
Bette: shy, subtle coy, Dot: thoughtful
-Bette will be an adorable, shy, blushing mess around you
-It will be so obvious to anyone around, including yourself that she has developed a crush on you
-Will say dopey stuff and have that one very special smile, she only shows around you
-Whenever she talks to you she will embarrass herself by saying stuff that makes zero sense because her brain stops working around you
-Dot will be very annoyed by her sisters behavior and often tell her she needs to stop ''For gods sake Bette will you stop this''
-She hates whenever her sister has a fantasy or sex dream about you because she will see it too, but she secretly likes it because she secretly likes you too
-Dot will be very thoughtful and think things through before talking to you or flirting with you
-She will play hard to get with you and so you would be the one making the first move
-The feeling in her chest and stomach, whenever you walk past them, smile at them or do anything, scares her to death
-They often try to distract themselves when you are around and so they wouldn't embarrass themselves or make it even more obvious than it already is. Bette will think of a soft field of flowers to distract herself and Dot will think of destruction of the earth to take her mind away from you
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Mildred Ratched
thoughtful flirt
-Even though Mildred is a badass, she is very careful when it comes to flirting with you and showing her affection
-Multiple reasons, one being her worried you don't feel the same way back and her also being a bit oblivious sometimes plus her not really understanding her own feelings that much
-Once she realizes that you like her and that she likes you in return, she wouldn't be so subtle and thoughtful anymore
-She will give you compliments, telling you she likes your outfit choice that day, the color of your hair or how pretty your eyes are and how she could get lost in them
-Mildred can be very romantic and sweet
-Her dominant and possessive side can very easily show too though
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marvelfansince08love · 4 years ago
Hey Neighbour! - Part 8
Word Count: 3k
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: uhh some implications of sex 
A/N: Hi, a big big sorry to you all on the late updates to this. I have no self control and have far too many WIP rn and keep forgetting to update this one as I’ve almost finished it! Happy reading! Apologise for any grammar/spelling mistakes x
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @creepingwolfberry @coconutlipss @saucy-sapphic @minavenable @pearplate @r0an0ke @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @venablemayfairgoode @chewbacca0805 @pluied-ete @supremeinlilac @nyx-aira @witchxaf @black--widxw @fireflyglass @cordeliafoxxe @d14n4ol @bluevelvetbitxh @amethyst-bitch @lezzzbehonesthere @msvenablezcane @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @mooreashes @violentwavesofem0tion @cordeliass  @women-am-i-right @paulsonpills @goodeday2u @sm0ke-and-m1rr0rs @daisybri7
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Hey Neighbour! - Part 8 
You had avoided the Mayfair-Richards home for the past five days unable to face the woman you had fallen in love with. Old wounds and insecurities had opened up causing you to retreat from your neighbours, Amelia had also picked up on your change of mood which caused the guilt to amplify. The two young children still saw each other at school leading Amelia to mention how Oz had told her how sad his mother looked whenever she did the dishes at night, to anyone else they would have been bewildered by the statement but for you it was like a stab to the heart. Ally had tried to call and text you to ask if you were okay, your short texts back and actively declining calls must have given her the hint that you didn’t want to be contacted because after the first three days she stopped trying. You hated yourself for doing this to her but you couldn’t help but fall back into the familiar withdrawal habit whenever you felt this way, no matter who you hurt in the process. 
“Mama, I’m finished!” Amelia announces, smiling proudly at her empty plate. You’re startled out of your thoughts as you look towards her matching her wide smile with a forced one. Your brother sits next to her as his eyes stay fixated on your form, concern evident within his gaze. 
“Well done, Amelia-cakes! Why don’t you go wash your hands and brush your teeth for bed,” you instruct softly, watching as she nods and dashes out of the room. You quickly make eye contact with him as you lean forward keeping your voice low so to not alert Amelia of the intense situation..
“I wish you would stop looking at me like that,” you whisper harshly, he only shakes his head mutely before responding. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re making yourself and her miserable, you clearly like each other a lot. Don’t ruin this just because you’re allowing your negative thoughts to take over,” his voice soft and gentle causing you to falter, expecting a harsher response. Sighing you relax back before taking a sip from the wine glass. 
“Will you please help Amelia upstairs while I clean up here?” you ask instead, attempting to avoid the current topic of conversation. He sighs in defeat before dutifully leaving the room to find his niece. 
You stand from your chair and collect the empty plates before moving towards the sink, as you begin to clean the dishes you notice a slightly dimmed light across the way causing you to tense, slowly you look up from your task and towards the light. Ally stands at her kitchen counter, even from here you can see how tired she looks causing that familiar guilt to creep up into your chest once more. She looks down for a few moments before placing a large piece of paper into the window, words written in black ink for you to read. 
‘I think we need to talk’ The words cause you to gulp as you nod back before searching for some spare paper to write back on. 
‘Garden in ten?’ you try to smile hoping to ease the situation but falter when she doesn’t return it and only nods back in acknowledgment. 
Wiping your hands on a dry towel you hurriedly move upstairs to inform your brother of your plan, he reassures you that he’ll be fine with Amelia while you go to talk to Ally giving you an encouraging smile before shoving you back towards the staircase. Grabbing your thick jacket and shoes you make your way towards the front of Ally’s home, waiting patiently for her to let you in. Your breath catches in your throat as you take her in, the urge to reach out and hold her becoming stronger with each passing second, brown tired eyes scan your face before silently standing to the side allowing you to move in. You head straight for the kitchen and into the garden area sitting down in your usual spot, you wait for her to join you. A hot cocoa mug appears in front of your view causing you to smile sadly as you take it from her hands muttering a quick ‘thank you’. It’s quiet and dark out except for the porch light that glows above you, both sitting quietly as you take a sip of the hot drink.
“Ally I-” 
“Why weren’t you honest with me? If there was something wrong you should have told me instead of practically falling off the face of the earth,” her statement catches you off guard, causing you to falter as you stare at the mug in your hand. 
“After she left me and Amelia I was struggling for a while, I couldn’t cope with working and looking after a baby full time but I had this beautiful girl to look out for so she became my top priority over everything, my job, my friends. It took me years before I could trust others outside of my family to take care of her. I’m not good at having these healthy relationships that are good for me and I am so sorry that I’ve treated you this way, you deserve better than this,” you mutter, tears gathering within your blurred vision.
“I understand how hard it can be to trust people, I mean you know about Ivy and how she betrayed me, betrayed Oz. I get why you got scared when things were looking serious, I’ve had my moments with that too but Y/N I’m not like her and you aren’t like Ivy.” She pauses, collecting her thoughts before continuing. 
“We are good people and I don’t think it was a coincidence that it was you who so happened to move in next door… that night after the fair apart from Oz I’ve never been so certain about anything in my life, I want to be with you and I want this to go somewhere but I need you to speak to me and be honest with me,” Ally tilts her head as if seeking your gaze before reaching across and grabbing your hand. 
“I’m so so sorry, Ally. I should have spoken to you about my worries, I’m not used to someone caring. I just looked at how comfortable we all were in your kitchen that morning, how domestic it all was and my god I couldn’t have fallen further for you but my mind was screaming at me that if I allowed Amelia to become closer to you and you decided to leave… I can’t have another person walk out on her.. On me,” you stutter over your words as you feel your throat tighten, holding back a sob. Ally moves from her seat and crouches in front of you placing your mug onto the table she takes both your hands into her own, squeezing them with reassurance. 
“I love you y/n. This week has been tortuous the amount of times I thought about walking over and forcing you to speak to me, but I knew you needed time to collect your thoughts. I may not have been obvious with it but I could tell something had spooked you that morning but please come and talk to me whenever you feel trapped into a corner, okay?” her dark brows arch, as she waits for your response. As you nod Ally reaches upwards and captures your salty lips with her own, her warm comforting hands cupping your face in place. 
Tears continue to fall between you both as Ally presses gentle kisses along your jaw and cheeks seeking out that comforting touch, you realise that you were wrong. Ally isn’t like the rest of them, she’s kind and caring but most of all she understands you in a way that no one else can relate to. You quickly capture her lips, a heated kiss needing to feel her close. 
“Is Oz upstairs?” 
“No, he’s staying at a friends house,” she mumbles, against your lips. Pulling back you look into her slightly glazed eyes and demand the thing you need most. 
“Take me to bed, Ally.” 
With that, Ally grabs your hand and leads you back inside the house. The moonlight glows throughout the room giving you a clear view of Ally’s face as you allow her to look after you, whispering soft reassurances against your exposed skin leaving trails of wet kisses along your body, closing your eyes you surrender yourself to this woman finally allowing yourself to be loved without restrictions. 
Bright light beams through into the bedroom causing you to stir and groan at the invasive light cuddling into the softness of Ally’s chest enjoying her warmth and secure form wrapped around you. Lips graze against your hair as the brunette whispers a ‘Good Morning’ causing you to smile as you watch her fingers brush over your forearm that has stayed wrapped around her waist all night. 
“Good Morning, Honey. Did you sleep well?” your fake-innocence doesn’t pass Ally as she chuckles deeply, her hand moving to tilt your chin upwards causing your lips to brush against her swollen ones. 
“Deliciously actually,” her hoarse voice, makes you shiver before you capture her lips once more enjoying the sounds that escape her throat. 
The sound of the front door opening downstairs and quick footsteps making their way upstairs causes you to part suddenly, blindly reaching for your scattered clothes recognizing those footsteps from anywhere. 
“Mom!!” Oz’s voice shouts from the hallway, causing you to quickly cover up and head for the en-suite bathroom needing to freshen up before the poor boy sees you. Ally’s eyes follow after your retreating form in light amusement as she tucks on the woolly jumper and ties the string around her joggers. 
“Mom I’m home! We had such a cool night! Jeremy bought over his new racing car you know the one with the remote it was awesome!” Oz’s excited voice trails into the room as he runs straight for Ally’s legs hugging her tightly, she places her hands on top of his crazy blonde curls and smiles.
“Well it certainly sounds like you had fun! So where is Sam’s mom? You didn’t just run from her car without saying thank you did you?” Ally’s tone makes you smile as you peak through the gap of the bathroom door always infatuated with her motherly side. Oz tries to hide his expression but with one raised eyebrow from Ally the boy slumps and sighs before nodding. 
“It’s okay Ally! He was just excited to see you! Oz I’ve left your bag by the door okay,” Sam’s mom shouts from the staircase before the sound of the front door closing reaches your ears. Taking this as your cue you leave the bathroom just as the sound of screeching reaches your ears, a small body colliding with your own making you stumble. 
“Woah! Hey Buddy!” you greet with a groan, laughing as you place you cup your hand around his jaw cradling him close. A sense of guilt lingering within your chest, the realisation what your actions could have done to the poor boy being the same fear you have for Amelia. 
“I’ve missed you,” he mumbles into your stomach, you crouch to be eye level with him and give him the biggest smile you could muster. 
“I’m sorry for not being around much, silly adults and silly work has been keeping me busy. I promise to make it up to you,” you murmur, watching as he nods accepting your apology before turning to leave to grab his backpack from downstairs. You stand from your position and fold your arms across your chest, that unsettling feeling still present, Ally steps towards you and places her hands onto your cheeks before kissing your lips. 
“Stop, I can practically hear the gears turning in that beautiful head of yours. Now let’s go downstairs. I want to see my girl.” Her words cause you to raise a question eyebrow as your lips twitch into a half grin. 
Ally grins wickedly, before stepping towards the door. “I meant Amelia silly.”
With that she winks and takes her leave leaving you agape. 
“Well I know my place then,” you grumble playfully before running after the mischievous Senator. 
As if on cue the sound of the front door stops you both in your tracks midway down the stairs, Ally moves to answer the door and beams when she sees Amelia stood with her Uncle who has a very dirty grin on his face as his eyes move from Ally to you wiggling his brows as Ally crouches down and fronds over Amelia who seems to be enjoying the attention from her favourite person. 
“Uncle Rupert said you guys had a sleepover without me, Ms. Ally!” she exclaims, a small pout forming onto her lips and you bite your own to stop your laughter. From the shakes coming from Ally’s shoulder the woman seems to be doing the same. 
“Oh sweetheart I’m so sorry, I promise we can have soon okay? Just me and your mom needed to have a grown-up sleepover to talk.” 
“Yeah I bet you did,” Rupert mumbles, amusement evident within his tone. You glare at him from your position as Oz comes running from the living room area, he instantly goes to hug his friend as he drags her further into the house telling her all about his sleepover. Rupert waits by the door as Ally gives him a shy hello before following the two leaving you to talk privately to the smug man.
“Not a word,” you demand, making sure to punctuate every word, it only seems to make him grin further. He shrugs putting his hands up in surrender as he steps through the door meeting you at the bottom of the staircase. 
“So are we back on then? Oh and no need to thank me for looking after the devil's spawn last night, I swear she just knows what to do to make me crumble. I didn’t even know you still owned a Nintendo Wii,” he rants, as you both walk towards the kitchen where Ally sits with the two children all drinking from their respective mugs. Rupert goes to sit next to Amelia as he steals her mug to take a sip as she glares at him. You shake your head at the two before clashing eyes with Ally who winks over her mug gesturing you over which you gladly do. Stood behind her you wrap your arms around her shoulders and listen as they all converse amongst themselves enjoying these rare moments that you will hold dearly, smiling you kiss Ally’s temple before relaxing joining in on the conversation. 
Now relaxed you allow the past to stay at the back of your mind as you look forward to the future, a secret plan up your sleeve you allow the details to rail off within your head excited to show Ally just how much she means to you and how do you do that?
By going official, of course.
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Unexpected Guest
Cordelia x Reader
Warnings: None, just a little something since I haven’t uploaded in a while.
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Summary: So this was a request..  Could you pls think of writing a fic where Cordelia and Reader are in a secret relationship, but Cordelia gets jealous and exposes their relationship publicly?
I hope you like it, I forgot it was sitting in my folder just waiting to be posted. Feedback is appreciated, and request are always accepted!!
Taglist: @scarlspookyszn @cordeliafoxxe @cordeliasprincess
It was a rather ordinary day, for a Monday. Classes had gone by smoothly, and the girls were all in the dining room waiting for dinner to be served. You volunteered to go upstairs and get Cordelia, your Supreme and super secret girlfriend. The two of you had officially been together for almost four months, and, given her status as Headmistress, she didn't want the other girls knowing until things got more serious. As you reached her bedroom, you noticed the door was cracked and you heard her voice coming from behind it, "So, she's on the way here?" You pushed the door open, and leaned against the door frame as you watched Cordelia pace back and forth. "One week, and one week only." Cordelia spat out as she hung up the phone and brought her hands up to rub at her temples.
"What's wrong, Ms. Supreme?" You asked as you made your way into the bedroom, causing the older woman to jump in front of you. "Oh, Y/N. You scared me." Cordelia said as she placed a hand over her heart and took a deep breath. "So who's on the way?" You questioned as you stopped in front of your Supreme, grabbing her around the neck and pulling her in for a kiss. She smiled against your lips as she playfully pushed away from you, "What are you doing? Anyone could see." Cordelia spoke, eyes focused on the door. "The girls are all waiting for us to go downstairs for dinner." You said softly, pulling her down to kiss her again.
Cordelia wrapped her arms around your waist and kissed you back, but you pulled back, remembering her previous conversation. "Don't distract me, who's on the way?" Cordelia just rolled her eyes, as she let go of you and headed toward the door, turning around to look at you as she spoke, "Oh, just a huge pain in my ass." You raised your eyebrows and pressed her further. "Madison Montgomery." The name rolling cold off of Cordelia's lips.
Your eyes widened as your heard that name. Before the incident, the two of you were basically inseperable, and, after she left, your world was turned upside down. It was certainly going to be weird to see her again, but it had been a weird year. You noticed that Cordelia had walked out of the room, so you followed in suite as thoughts from that night flashed in your mind.
Dinner was going by rather slow; the girls all involved themselves in mindless chatter as Cordelia sat silent at the end of the table. The ring of the doorbell and a knock at the door silenced everyone as Spalding ran to get the door. You noticed Cordelia shift uncomfortably in her seat as a familiar set of fast paced, high heeled footsteps approach the dining room. "Sup, bitches. Miss me?" A smirking Madison said as she came into view.
Cordelia cleared her throat before speaking, "Girls, Madison is shooting a movie nearby and needed somewhere to stay. She will be our guest for the next week." A few of the newer girls cheered and giggled, excited that a witchy movie star was staying with them. A few of them even offering up their rooms, but Madison just laughed and said, "I think I'll bunk with, Y/N." You turned around to see the smirk she was wearing, before looking at Cordelia, who was glaring daggers at Madison.
All of the girls were making themselves busy in the living room listening to Madison tell stories of her acting adventures, but you and Cordelia were still sitting in the dining room. It was almost silent, the sound of chatter and occasional laughter echoing through the house, but Cordelia eventually broke the silence, "You are not sleeping with her." Her voice cold and words sharp. "Well, I wasn’t planning on it, Cordelia? Do you really think she's gonna take the couch, though?" The Supreme just shook her head and softly repeated, "You are NOT sleeping with her." The brown in her eyes fading the black, causing a lump in your throat to form. As scared as you were, you couldn't help but notice how hot she was when she was jealous. "Yes ma’am", you thought to yourself as you slowly got up from the table and Cordelia started towards her office, so you headed to your room to gather a few of your things.
"How are you, dear?" You heard from your doorway, not surprised to see it was Madison. "I'm fine, and I really don't want to talk to you." You said sharply as she made her way further into your bedroom. "Now is that any way to treat your guest, Y/N? Come on, just let me explain myself." Madison said as she sat down on your bed, looking at you with pleading eyes. "No, Madison. You cheated on me, no need to explain." You looked at her, expecting her to try and make an excuse for herself, but she stood up and made her way closer to you, grabbing your hand as she spoke. "Look, I know I fucked up, but let me make it up to you." Before you could protest, the sound of someone clearing their throat caught both of your attention. "She will do nothing of the sort, you will be on your best behavior for the next week or I will throw you out. You are perfectly fine staying in here, Madison, but Y/N will be staying in my room." Cordelia spoke from the doorway.
You stood there in shock, as Madison looked up at Cordelia. "Cordelia, huh? Cute." Madison said as she backed away from you and crossed her arms over her chest. Cordelia just winked and said, "I'll see you later, Y/N." as she made her way to her bedroom. You looked over at Madison and chuckled, "Well, goodnight Madison." She just rolled her eyes as you grabbed a change of clothes and walked out to the hallway, noticing the other girls peering out from their bedrooms.
As you made your way into Cordelia's bedroom, you saw her laying on her bed and reading. "You realize you just outed us to the whole Academy right?" You said while closing the door behind you and making your way next to her on the bed. "And?" She asked, not looking up from her book. "I was just making sure you knew." She grabbed her bookmark from the nightstand and placed it between the pages before closing her book and setting it aside. "Would you rather be sleeping on the couch." She asked as she lifted her arm so you could cuddle into her side. "No, I think I'm good." You said softly as she started playing with your hair, lightly chuckling at your answer. "Now let's just get through this week as easy as possible." Cordelia spoke as you yawned and nestled closer into her side and the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep.
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maximoffcarter · 6 years ago
15. I can’t believe we’re having this conversation again
Fandom: AHS
Pairing: Supreme!CordeliaxFem!Reader.
Notes: So, after writing Sarah/Reader I decided to never do it again and I decided to start writing Reader with Sarah’s characters. Thank you @taciales for requesting Cordelia! Hope you guys like it. You can request whatever you want my loves and I’ll try my best.
You were waiting for Cordelia on her office. It’s been 2 hrs since she told you she was finishing her meeting and even if you knew she was lying, you still believed her and you still got mad when she didn’t show up.
You heard footsteps from the outside of the office and you left the book you had in your hands back on the bookshelf, sitting again on the chair and staring at the door. Cordelia opened the door and stared at you, she smiled and closed the door behind her.
“Hey, my love. I’m so sorry I took so long. We-“
“Don’t worry. I knew you would take more time.” You could feel your face hot, you didn’t mean to be mad at her but you couldn’t help it.
Cordelia stared at you and sighed. “Y/n…you know I don’t control the meetings, we just-“
“Cordelia, you’re the Supreme. You can end it whenever you want to.” It sounded more harshly than you meant to but at this point, you couldn’t control your words or your mind.
Cordelia was taken aback for your comment. “Are you mad?”
“Thank you for noticing until now.” You smiled sarcastically.
“Y/n, you said yourself, I’m the Supreme and I need to attend to these meetings, I need to keep order, I need to check the things we are doing, I need to-“
“You also need to take time, you never do. God Cordelia, I know the Coven has been your life since you came here, but you also need to take time for yourself. There are more things than this Coven.” You stood up.
Cordelia chuckled. “Don’t you think I know that? But it’s my duty. I’m in charge here and I want to do things right.”
“You know why you’re doing this? Yes, because you care. But that’s not the only reason. You feel the pressure of being a good Supreme, cause you don’t want to be like your mother. You want to show that you are not like her and that you can do better, so you let all of this consume your entire self.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe we’re having this conversation again.” Cordelia closed her eyes and placed her hands on her head.
You nodded. “Yes, we are. We are going to have this conversation over and over again until you understand.”
“Understand what?!”Cordelia yelled, looking at you again.
“That you are good at this! That you don’t have to consume yourself here! That you are the best fucking Supreme the Coven has ever had! You still think you are like your mother but you are not! You are protecting these girls, you take care of them as if they were your own, you love them and they love you and all of them look up to you!” You sighed as you felt tears on your eyes when you saw her face, covered in sadness. “Cordelia…” You walked closer to her, placing your hands on her waist. “You are amazing. You have to star believing this. You don’t even rest, you don’t sleep.”
“I just-“ She looked down and sobbed. “I really want to be good at this.”
“Baby and you are.” You placed one of your hands on her face and brought her eyes back to yours. “Like I said, you’re the best fucking Supreme and honestly, you don’t have to prove yourself. We can all see that.”
Cordelia sighed. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “No…I am sorry. I shouldn’t be this harsh with you. I don’t even have a right to be mad at you. There’s really no justification for my actions and my words.”
“You’re only trying to help me.” Cordelia smiled softly.
You smiled softly and you shook your head. “But I shouldn’t treat you like that.”
“I’ve done that too, remember? And honestly…I treated you worse.” You both chuckled. She sighed and pecked your lips. “Thank you, for always reminding me these things.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled. “Plus…I miss you, Cordelia. And I know we sleep on the same bed but…I want to spend time with you, I want to take you on dates, to take you for a walk.”
“I get it and I’m sorry. I promise I’ll take more time to rest and spend time with you.”
You smiled. “Perfect.”
“I’m free for now, so, we can do something together.”
“What do you suggest?”
Cordelia smirked and bit her lip. “I was thinking that maybe…we could go to our room and…I don’t know…play Supreme?” She looked at you, her eyes filled with lust.
You gulped but smiled. “I’m not opposed to the idea, actually. You can do whatever you want with me, Supreme.” You bit your lip.
“Great.” She said as she leaned down and kissed your lips.
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stayevildarling · 4 years ago
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What I imagine it would be like to be in a relationship with Cordelia Goode:
-Cordelia adores you so much. She obviously fell for you at the academy after she noticed you are different than the others. Always offering your help, being a good and nice student and helping her around the coven, totally not to get in her pants
-The supreme had a hard time at first admitting to herself and eventually you that she likes you more than she should. She is also very careful after what happened with Hank and to open up to you and trust you. The others notice of course and Madison won‘t stop making remarks „Just stop eyefucking her already“ she will tell you all the time until once Cordelia hears it
-She confesses her feelings after finding you sitting in the living room by the fireplace one evening and she just can‘t hold back anymore. She is the sweetest and confesses her feelings in the most adorable way possible, making you cry in the process
-Soon after she will offer you to move in her master bedroom with her and you obviously agree. She will often be quite busy, working all day and until the middle of the night but she will always take time for you no matter what
-Cordelia shows her love through little acts, she would look at you with so much love and adoration and her eyes could never stop following you whereever you go. She will linger in the halls or by the greenhouse and just watch you study, in your classes or even while dinner she can‘t take her eyes off you
-Touching - honestly she can‘t keep her hands away from you, she likes knowing you are right there beside her so she will often hold your hand, put her hand on your thigh when it‘s dinner or she will put her arm around your shoulder randomly, pulling you into hugs , kisses and she LOVES cuddling you
-Petnames - just like the touching she can‘t stop and she will call you several petnames with each and every single sentence. „Can you pass me the salt, sweetheart?“ or „Have a good day sweetie“. It will never get old though and will feel special every single time
-Routines -she loves the little things, running you a bath after a stressful day even if she had the same if not even more amount of stress. She loves taking care of you, making you meals or washing your hair, drying or even styling it for you. She will pick an outfit each morning and place it neatly on a chair for you to get ready. Loves teaching you things and helping you out with your magic. She‘s so proud whenever you learn something new or your magic will get stronger
-She worries so much (like the giant mom she is) . Cordelia will often worry about you, whether you are okay, especially if you are being too quiet for her liking. She will always remind you in the winters to wear scarfs so you won‘t get cold, to take an umbrella when it‘s raining bc she can‘t stand seeing you in any kind of pain or discomfort. Also whenever you don‘t feel well she is the greatest at making you feel better
-You could always talk to her about anything, no matter if you failed in a class that day, madison getting on your nerves or you feeling sad or insecure about something. Will often sit on the bed with you, have you resting your head in her lap. She will stroke your hair gently and listen intently to every single one of your words and only sometimes make a remark „I understand sweetheart“ , „No you aren‘t overreacting“ she will soothe
Would never ever let you go and be so uterrly in love with you, she‘s quite literally the dream
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stayevildarling · 4 years ago
Headcanons ✨
How the different Sarah characters react to the reader being sick 🤧:
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Cordelia Goode: 💛
-The supreme would hate the fact you feel unwell
-Cordelia would be so worried and concerned
-She would stay by your side the entire time and drop all supreme and headmistress duties
-Checks your temperature and sits by your side the entire time
-Would make you soup, bring you tea and would make some healing potions in the greenhouse for you
-Cordelia would make you a bath to cool your temperature down
-Would comfort you and say soothing words all the time ''You'll be okay sweetheart, I am right here''
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Ally Mayfair-Richards: ❤️
-Her being a mom she would totally know what to do
-She checks your temperature, makes you soup, gives you tea and goes out to buy vitamins and medicine
-Ally stays with you the entire time and takes time off work
-Might overreact slightly and be super worried if your temperature would be too high
-She would regularly change the sheets and help you into a clean set of pajamas so you are comfortable
-Gives extra special poorly cuddles and kisses
-She is the best at helping you feel better
-Would drag you to the doctors even after you are better just to make sure
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Wilhemina Venable: 💜
-Would have no idea what to do at first
-She is furious at first when you still try to go into work and make you stay home with her
-Wilhemina googles a ''How to take care of your sick girlfriend'' tutorial and follows it
-Cooks you a homemade meal to make you feel better
-Gives you some medication to get better
-She isn't too great at showing her being worried or her love and affection
-When you feel worse she actually starts to worry a lot so she makes you take a cold bath and she helps you inside despite the fact her back hurts
-Helps you into clean clothes and stays in bed with you the whole night to make sure you are okay, she would read a book but glance at you from time to time, she would put her hand on your head to check for temperatures and make sure your breathing is okay
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Audrey Tindall: 💚
-Stopped filming when she heard you aren't feeling well
-Rushed to the apartment but stopped at the pharmacy to get a few vitamins and medication
-Forces you to take it and gives you warm food to get you warm
-Holds you the entire time you shiver and wraps you in a blanket
-She doesn't care if she also gets poorly she cares about you feeling better
-Would joke the entire time to make you laugh and smile
-Audrey stays with you until you feel better despite your efforts to make her go to work again
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Billie Dean-Howard: 🖤
-She is mad at you when she has to pick you up from work because you are sick, it's not that she has to pick you up it's the fact you went somewhere feeling unwell
-The entire car ride home she lectures you until she realizes you actually don't feel well so she let's you be
-Helps you inside bed, changes your pajamas for you and makes sure you are warm
-Makes you a hot chocolate because it's your favorite
-Billie gives you medication and stays with you the entire time
-Stays up the entire night in case you do need anything despite you being asleep and her being awfully tired
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Sally McKenna: 💙
-She never had to deal with anything like this before, totally overwhelmed
-Totally has no idea what to do and wish she could avoid this whole situation
-Sally is too scared to lose you or anything happening to you
-Asks Liz or Iris for help and they give her some medication and bring some tea for you
-She stays with you the entire time and makes sure no guests or spirits anyone is annoying you
-Helps you change into clean clothes after you sweat through them and helps you inside the shower
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Lana Winters: 🧡
-Would be an absolute bae and drop everything for you, no matter if it's a book signing or interview
-She makes sure you see a doctor just to make sure it's nothing bad
-Gets medication for you and makes you food and drinks
-Stays with you the entire time
-Strokes your hair and checks your temperature in the process
-Rubs your back and coos a lot
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marvelfansince08love · 4 years ago
Hey Neighbour! - Part 7
Word Count: 3K 
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: Smut at the beginning! 18+ NSFW (you’ve been warned), a little angsty towards the end x
A/N: Well it’s been a hot minute! I hope you enjoy my loves! ♥
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @creepingwolfberry @coconutlipss @saucy-sapphic @minavenable @pearplate @r0an0ke @mssallymckenna​ @grilledcheeseandguavajelly​ @venablemayfairgoode​ @veteranwerewolf95 @chewbacca0805​ @pluied-ete​ @supremeinlilac​ @nyx-aira​ @witchxaf​ @black--widxw @fireflyglass​ @cordeliafoxxe​ @d14n4ol​ @bluevelvetbitxh @amethyst-bitch​ @lezzzbehonesthere​ @msvenablezcane​ @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @mooreashes​ @violentwavesofem0tion​ @cordeliass
Not my gif credit to the lovely owner! (Ew Ivy)
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Hey Neighbour! - Part 7
Soft hands skimmed over warm skin, gentle whimpers echoed through the dimly lit room as your lips made contact with her neck sucking lightly at the delicate skin beneath feeling her hands grasp tightly at your shoulders. Gently trailing your lips down from her neck towards her chest as your hands find the end of her nightgown pushing the material up towards her hips exposing her bare smooth legs feeling her lift at the hips to help you remove her clothing revealing her red lacy panties and toned stomach, sitting up onto your heels you help her remove the gown completely your eyes trailing over her exposed breasts as she lies back gracefully against the soft pillows the soft light from the night sky basking over her giving her a beautiful glow. 
“God you're beautiful,” you whisper in the air, eyes lifting to lock with brown. Her lips curl into a mischievous grin as she crooked a finger at you beckoning you closer like a siren calling you closer. Brushing your lips against her plump ones you feel her warm breath against your skin. 
“We’ll have to keep quiet,” she reminds you, her voice laced with teasing arousal, almost challenging you to try. Your eyes search vigorously around the room squint in the low light before grinning at your find, lay loosely across her dressing table chair is one of the many ties that Ally has been using for her election talks. Glancing briefly at her you watch as her eyes take in the same thing, both eyes glinting with want. 
“I think that can be arranged,” you promise breathlessly, watching with arousal as she shivers in anticipation biting her top lip to stop herself from giggling as sweet moans fill the dark room and into the morning light. 
The feeling of arousal and warmth pools low within your stomach as you begin to fidget, moaning at the welcoming feeling as you start to wake. Your hands instantly reach down to touch the soft brown hair that lays spread in between your legs, a soft tried grin appearing on your face. 
“Well Good Morning to you too,” you groan out, whimpering as Ally’s tongue flicks over your sweet spot before taking the nub into her mouth drawing out a low moan from you in the process. Her eyes flicker up to meet yours as you watch her tongue swirl around your clit enjoying the sweet moans from you as you begin to thrust meeting her upwards stroke, a deep chuckle from her vibrates against your wet spot. 
“Morning, Honey.” she whispers, making her way up your body leaving a wet trail of kisses along your naked body. With her front pressed against your own, you quickly wrap your arms around her waist keeping her close as she lays her hands flat against your chest propping her chin on top of them as she leaves sweet kisses along your jaw before you capture her skilful mouth with your own. 
“Thank you for last night,” Ally murmurs, stroking her index finger across your cheekbone. You frown as your lip twitches tilting your head to the side slightly. 
“Your welcome I guess?” Ally rolls her eyes playfully at your teasing demeanour hitting your shoulder lightly. 
“Idiot, I meant for comforting me at the fair and well being here for me,” she explains, you sombre at her words watching how difficult it is for her to open up about her vulnerability. Leaning forward you kiss the tip of her nose sweetly before rolling her over onto her side making her squeal with laughter at the sudden change of position. Lying on your side facing each other you lace your fingers with hers in comfort. 
“Of course, I really care about you Ally. It’s the least you deserve after everything you’ve been through,” her eyes cast down at your words, making you reach forward to pinch her chin lightly forcing her to lock eyes. 
“I mean it  Ally,” you murmur, a smile graces upon her lips at your adoring expression. Your moment of bliss is rudely interrupted by the sound of feet stomping on the floorboards just outside of Ally’s room making you spring apart reaching blindly for the scattered pieces of clothing on the floor. 
“Mom! Mommy!” The sound of both children’s voices makes you scramble even quick to cover up your decency. 
“Just a minute, sweetie!” Ally shouts, giving you both enough time to dress as quickly as possible .
Trying to hide your giggles you take in Ally’s messy hair, her baggy sweatpants and long T-shirt. The sound of you giggle makes her look over at you, glaring at your giggling state. 
“I’m sorry it’s just you look so cute and I’ve never seen you wear sweatpants before it’s just… endearing,” you tease her, before squealing at the attack by her pillow. 
“For that you can explain to the kids why the door is locked and cook them breakfast while I shower,” she punishes, smiling sweetly at you. Still smirking you head over towards her and kiss her lips briefly. 
“Sure thing, Sweetie.” you mock, winking at her before scurrying for the door as another pillow makes it’s way over towards you, missing you by an inch. 
Quickly leaving the room, you frown when you notice the empty hallway expecting to be jumped the instant you made yourself known to the two. 
“Guys!” you shout, quickly checking both Oz’s room and the guest room finding them empty. Giggling echoes through from downstairs making you smile before heading towards the sound. 
Hiding yourself round the corner you watch the two amusingly as Oz helps Amelia pour the sugary cereal into a bowl both standing on their foot stools. Ally had bought one for Amelia the last time she stayed over for the day to help Ally bake some cookies for her Senator meeting. The thought brings a soft smile to your face, loving the close bond the two have created after only a short period. 
“Ozzy if my mommy loves your mommy does that mean we can be brother and sister?” Amelia asks him, watching as he carefully pours the milk into the bowls, spilling the contents slightly onto the countertop making Amelia reach across for the paper towels wiping the mess. Her question makes you falter slightly from your content state, sure you and Ally were growing closer with each passing day and you were falling hard for the brunette but the doubt of the pace of your relationship gives you pause. Amelia has been growing closer and closer to the Mayfair-Richards family to the point where it could be damaging for her if you and Ally weren’t to work out, especially after your ex had left the both of you alone and without warning. Deciding to make your presence known you enter into the kitchen forcing a big smile. 
“Good morning to the mischievous duo! Oh I didn’t realise you guys were making breakfast!” you exclaim with unusual enthusiasm. 
“Not for you guys silly! We made our own because you were being lazy heads!” Amelia exclaims, as Oz giggles next to her. Raising a joking brow to her you slowly make your way round the counter and capture her in your arms tickling her side as she squeals. 
“No Mommy- stuu- stop!!” she begs through her innocent giggles, deciding she’s suffered enough you let her go, placing her on one of the many breakfast stools to eat her cereal before brushing your hands through Oz’s blonde locks in greeting. 
Pouring yourself a fresh brew, you lean against the countertop watching the pair quietly as they talk about school. Your thoughts still swirling around your head; the doubt, the insecurity. It all overwhelms you and makes you fidgety as you glance towards the hallway at the sound of Ally’s light footsteps as she comes into view dressed in a pair of high waisted jeans and wooly jumper, her brown hair still damp from her shower. The brunette moves instantly towards the young pair as they continue to eat their breakfast kissing both their heads on her way past like it’s the most natural thing to do, not favouring one over the other treating Amelia as if she was her own. The sight only makes your stomach flip as anxiety creeps up into your chest. Ally finally looks over towards you with a smile that falters when she takes in your far away expression, rubbing soothing circles on your back as she sides up next to you. 
“Hey, are you okay?” she asks, worry evident in her voice. You nod a couple of times before clearing your throat. 
“Yeah sorry, I just got caught up with some stuff that I gotta get done today for the gallery,” you reassure her, but her eyes tell you that she doesn’t quite believe you but drops it for now. 
“Okay well I’m free from my Senator duties today if you need any help at the gallery?” she offers, taking hold of your mug and taking a sip. The simple domestic action causes your heart to tighten, conflicted with your current feelings. 
“It’s okay, it’s pretty mundane mainly admin stuff plus my dad is coming to take Amelia out for their usual Grandfather Granddaughter day,” 
“Yes!! I can’t wait, we’re going for some ice cream and he’s teaching how to use my new bike!” Amelia pipes up, excited about her day ahead with her grandfather. 
Ally tries to hide her disappointment with a small smile as she turns her attention onto Amelia who fills Ally in on her typical days out with her grandfather leaving you to awkwardly wash your now finished brew. Turning back to sit at the table the awkward conversation seems to have been brushed aside and forgotten about as Ally asks you about the Gallery and it’s new section full of newly acclaimed artists from around the city. However Ally’s gaze unsettles you as if she can read your thoughts and doubts about your relationship. Deciding you needed to leave to gather your thoughts and process them without her adoring doe-eyes staring at you, you help Amelia change for the day in the guest room and bid your goodbyes. As you step outside onto the porch Amelia gasps forgetting her trusted beanie and racing back inside to grab it from the room leaving you alone with Ally as Oz runs after her. The brunette reaches subtly for your hand, her eyes shifting back and forth as she observes you quietly. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” her words hurt you more than you can describe, filling your chest with guilt hating that this is how you react when you feel cornered and overwhelmed. Pulling her in close you press a short but meaningful kiss to her lips holding her dearly. 
“I’m more than okay… I just- I’m stressed with the gallery is all,” your lie already eating away at you as you watch her relax, that familiar smile from this morning appearing on her lips. 
“Okay good because I thought- actually it doesn’t matter. We’re okay.” she reassures herself, stepping back as small footsteps make their way over towards you both. 
“I found it Mom!” Amelia announces to the group with Oz trailing behind her. Smile down at her as you watch with a heavy heart as Amelia reaches her arms out for Ally almost instantly to say goodbye as Oz does the same with you. Crouching you take the blonde boy into your arms and squeeze him tightly making him giggle. 
“Be good for your mom, yeah?” Oz nods at your request before stepping back leaning against his mother’s side as Amelia does the same with you. Ally blows you a kiss before winking at you playfully making you smile almost painfully before quickly making your way down the steps and towards your own home. 
Once Amelia had been picked up by your dad, you finally let out the tensed breath you had been holding leaning heavily against the front door and for the first time since you moved out here you cried at the potential lost love caused by your own vulnerability.
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marvelfansince08love · 4 years ago
Hey Neighbour! - Part 4
Word count: 4.5k 
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: Some sexual tension, mention of past break-ups. Fluff!!
A/N: I’ve finally finished this part lmao! Enjoy my loves <3 Your feedback means the world to me and I’m so happy so many of you are enjoying this series x
Part 1, 2, 3
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @creepingwolfberry @coconutlipss @saucy-sapphic @minavenable @pearplate @r0an0ke @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @venablemayfairgoode @veteranwerewolf95 @chewbacca0805 @pluied-ete @supremeinlilac @nyx-aira @witchxaf @black--widxw @fireflyglass @cordeliafoxxe @d14n4ol @bluevelvetbitxh
Gif credit to @thatsmypeach 💖
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Part 4 
Days passed with only small glimpses of your endearing neighbour, with the upcoming re-election Ally had been busy most of the week campaigning in and around the city. Oz had come over with Ally’s permission after school to hang out with Amelia yesterday informing you of his mothers absence lately, you wanted to sigh in relief at his words growing anxious that your date planned with his mother might not go ahead. You were understanding of her job and debated rescheduling the date for when Ally wasn’t so stressed with work but the message left in the window late last night after you dropped Oz off with his babysitter settled your debate with yourself.
‘Sorry I’ve been so MIA this week. Can’t wait for Friday! X’
You had blushed ridiculously at her message, the warmth felt within your stomach growing as you thought about her thoughtful nature. Now it was the night before the supposed date and that warm feeling had changed to nervous butterflies as you eyed the two outfits chewing lightly on your bottom lip as you pondered on what to wear. 
“That’s a pretty dress, Mommy.” Amelia’s voice startles you out of your thoughts. Turning you grin at her fluffy pyjamas and princess crown that lays crooked on top of her hair as she holds tightly to her fairy wand, you gesture for her to enter the room where she hovers by the doorway. 
“What do you think, Munchkin?” you ask, pulling her in close to your side as her eyes glance between the outfits. She points her wand  confidently to the more formal attire nodding her head once to confirm her decision. 
“I’m trusting your judgment on this one, kid.” you murmur, bending slightly to kiss her tousled hair. “Come on you, let’s get you ready for bed.” you instruct, shaking your head at her put together attire for the evening narrowly avoiding a bop on the nose by her silver wand as she flaunts out of the room leaving trails of glitter from her magic wand.
Once Amelia is well tucked in and free from her fairy princess duties, you sit comfortably by her tucked in legs laughing as she pulls funny faces at you. 
“Alright your majesty, you’re going to close your eyes now and go to sleep.” she squints her eyes shut mockingly as you bop her nose making her giggle between yawns. Relaxing into her pillow she eyes you for a moment. 
“Do you like Ozzy’s Mommy?” her question makes you freeze in place as you try to find the right words. 
“I-uh yes I do, she’s lovely and has been very kind to us since we moved here,” 
“And she makes the best hot cocoa!” Amelia exclaims, before smacking her hands to her mouth shushing herself as you quiet giggle at her enthusiasm. 
‘Grandpa has some competition it seems’ you think amusingly before tucking her in further watching as her eyes fight to stay open. 
“She does make great hot chocolate,” you agree, before sitting in silence for a moment basking in your daughter's presence. 
“Do you like Miss. Ally like you liked my Mama?” you gape at her innocent tone, struggling to find the right way to answer her as truthfully as possible. 
 “Well, me and Ally are just friends and we enjoy hanging out with each other. I don’t love her like I did your Mama but how do you feel if I were to see Ally more often?” you tentatively ask, concerned that she might not like you seeing her new friends mom, especially if there were more potential dates in the future. 
Her lips twist in concentration as she ponders over your question before nodding grabbing hold of Mr. Bunny next to her cuddling him close. 
“I like Miss. Ally, Mommy. Are you going to take her out on a date? Uncle Rupie didn’t see me but he told Grandpa about a girl he took out on a date and she kissed him Mommy, yuck!” she confesses, her face scrunching in disgust as you match her horror. 
“Well Mommy needs to have a word with him about watching out for prying little ears huh?” you say out loud to yourself. Amelia nods in agreement not fully understanding the dynamic of adult conversations, especially where her uncle is involved. Kissing her nose you whisper good night and wish her the sweetest of dreams before making your way to your own room across the hall. 
Lying in your bed you watch the moon shine bright in the night sky, a soft smile appearing upon your lips. 
‘I’m going on a date with Ally Mayfair-Richards’ 
“Would you like more tea, Sir. Rupert?” Amelia politely asks her uncle who sits across from her, wearing his customised paper crown made by the princess herself. Matt holds out his tea cup accepting the tea offered by his only niece.
“Why thank you, Princess Amelia.” He thanks before taking a sip from his empty plastic cup. You lean against the doorframe wearing your outfit for the evening, grinning at the site before you. Amelia senses another presence in the room as her eyes clash with your own, her gasp alerting her uncle of your presence. 
“You look beautiful Mommy!” she gushes, moving to wrap her arms around your legs. Placing your hand against her back you thank her for the lovely compliment before raising an eyebrow at your brother. 
“Sir. Rupert huh?” you grin as he glares over towards you. 
“You tell anyone about this, I'll give your daughter up to the dragon,” he threatens playfully as you and Amelia gasp in horror. 
“I better come back here with my house still intact, you got it.” you warn, mainly to your brother as you raise a challenging eyebrow in his direction. Amelia looks up at you from her cuddling position. 
“I’ll look after him Mommy,” you crouch to cup her cheek, kissing her nose. 
“Thank you baby, I’ll come say good night later okay?” you inform as she nods acknowledging your words. Your brother scoffs from his seat at Amelia’s pink table. 
“Or good morning depending on how she reacts to that outfit,” he teases, wiggling his eyebrows at you as you shake your head disapprovingly. Amelia frowns at her uncle's confusing words wondering why you wouldn’t come home and say good night to her.
“You're silly Uncle Rupie,” 
“Yeah ‘Uncle Rupie,” you mock, sticking your tongue out at your annoying brother come babysitter. Hugging Amelia once more you bid your goodbyes and make your way downstairs just as the doorbell rings through the house. Hurrying over towards the door, you stop for a moment to steady yourself  before slowly opening the door. You breath hitches as you take in the powerful brunette dressing in black pants with a turtleneck tucked in them, her signature long coat in place as she shivers against the slight breeze, her brown eyes take in your attire with a slight glint. 
“You look beautiful,” she whispers, a subtle smirk appearing onto her pink lips. You fluster for a moment not used to such compliments as you appreciate her outfit once more. 
“So do you,” you murmur, feeling suddenly shy under her intense gaze. She holds out her hand for you to take which you accept willingly, her thumb brushing reassuringly across your skin soothing your nervousness almost instantly. 
“I haven’t done this in a while myself, I guess we’re both a little nervous.” she admits, a soft smile appearing onto her lips. You meet her gaze for a moment appreciating her honesty and understanding of the situation, your moment is ruined as the small quiet sounds of giggling from inside the house interrupts your private bubble. Ally reluctantly lets go of your hand and grins as her eyes surpass your form and towards the staircase where small and big feet stand as the mischievous pair try to subtly watch on. 
“Hi Amelia,” Ally calls out, amusement evident within her brown eyes as she glances briefly at you. You grin fondly as you hear the small voice of your daughter as she sheepishly waves from between the wooden posts at the top of the staircase banister. 
“Goodbye you two,” you call out, making your way out of the home shutting the door behind you in the process. 
“I’m sorry about that, my brother is worse than any child,” you laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed as you shuffle in place. Ally chuckles as she waves it off, tucking her hand into her coat pocket indicating for you to wrap your hand around her crooked elbow which you accept happily. 
“So Senator, where are we going? I don’t know if you know this but I’m new to town,” you tease, still curious at her lack of information about your date for this evening. She laughs at your joke enjoying that natural flow between you both when it’s just the two of you. Guiding you over to her car you raise your eyebrow at her silence. 
“Don’t worry I’m not kidnapping you,” she reassures, as she makes her way round to the driver’s side. Once sat in the car and buckled up Ally looked over to you, her fingers touching your forearm briefly. 
“Do you trust me?” Her words are so simple but with such meaning behind them the only response you can commit to is a nod. That seems to give her all the confirmation she needs as she sets off down your street heading for the town centre. 
Pulling up next to the curb you frown as you take in the dark building next to you.
“Is the restaurant closed?” you ask, your only reply is a wicked grin and a wink before she gets out of the car and towards your door offering her hand as she helps you out of her car. 
“The restaurant is never closed if you're the owner of it,” she murmurs, close to your ear as she places a hand against your lower back. You gulp at her closeness feeling her warm breath against your skin, your eyes widen as you register the new piece of information. 
“You own this place? How did this not come up in conversation before?” you question, still shocked at the new piece of information feeling slightly impressed at her juggling skills of being a mom, senator and a restaurant owner. She shrugs looking slightly sheepish as she escorts you over to the front door, digging for her keys before opening the door. 
“I hope it isn’t too full of myself, bringing you here. I just thought if you were going to have the best meal of your life it may as well be cooked by yours truly,” she confesses, her end statement making you laugh at her confidence. 
“So sure of yourself, Richards. I have high expectations for this meal,” you inform, going along with her teasing and carefree nature. Ally switches on the light revealing beautifully lit fairy lights that cover the ceiling of the restaurant, candles unlit on the only dressed table for the evening.  She bites her lip as she contemplates her next words.
“Well, I’ve made us a delicious meal but I thought I’d add a twist to our evening.” she reveals, you frown at her dramatic build up wondering what else she has in store. “Since I cooked us the starter and the main, I thought we could have a little competition on the dessert part because those cookies you made were actually pretty good,” Ally laughs, at your gaped expression. 
“Hey! You say that like you are surprised!” you exclaim, joining in on her laughter watching as her eyes light up when she smiles wide, grinning softly at the observation. 
“You admitted it yourself sweetheart, remember? Thankful that the kitchen was still in one piece was it?” she mocks, as she escorts you over to the table waiting for you to sit comfortably on the chair before moving to grab hold of a lighter from the counter, lighting the two candles that sit in between you both. She gestures for you to wait a moment as she makes her way into the back and appears a few moments later holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. 
“I hope you like Red, it’s one of my favourites,” she offers you some, which you happily accept watching her fill the glass with ease before proceeding to fill her own taking a seat across from you. Grabbing hold of the glass you hold it up towards her as she does the same clinking her glass against yours before taking a sip, her eyes never leaving your own. 
The evening filled with great food and easy conversation as you both start to open up about your past hardships, realising how similar your heartaches were. Ally revealed that before her wife passed things were starting to get worse between them, talks of divorce circled around before that terrible incident. Apparently Ivy had been a part of the famous Cult that was led by Kai Anderson before being an unfortunate victim to his murderous plans, you had heard about the young man on the news a few years ago but at the time you were mostly back in your hometown raising Amelia not having much time for the news. 
“So Amelia mentioned she had another Mother once? What happened there if you don’t mind me asking?” Ally asks, following your mentions of struggling in the first few years of Amelia’s life. You take a sip of your wine before opening up to her about that particular sensitive topic but her eyes are so full of kindness and understanding the words just start to spill like a river flow. 
“She was the first girl that I had ever kissed, we were in school together all the way up to college. I think I had always been in love with her so when we graduated and she asked me to marry her of course I said yes in an instant,” you scoff quietly, pausing for a moment. Your eyes casting down to the white cloth that covers the table. “It was her who came to me about the idea of having children and how she couldn’t wait to start a family, I was so happy that she wanted to share that with me and a year later I ended up pregnant with Amelia. She was happy at first and hovered around me like a mother hen… then once Amelia was here it was like she felt she couldn’t connect to her and started to snap at me for it. Told me I was being selfish and that I wasn’t giving her enough attention.” you feel the tears build in your eyes as you subtly wipe the stray tear. “Then I woke up one morning to find all of her things gone and just a note, a fucking note can you believe. We built this life together for her to just up and leave without having the guts to say it to my face,” you grumble, before shaking your head smiling painfully over at Ally who sits quietly allowing you to continue within your own time.
“I’m sorry for rambling like that, I haven’t opened up about all of this to well anyone really,” you murmur, wiping your face once more, chuckling to yourself sheepishly. Ally leans forward and reaches for your hand across the table laying the palm of her hand on top of your own tracing a soothing pattern against your skin. 
“Don’t apologise, thank you for opening up to me. You and Amelia both deserve better than that,” she reassures, smiling softly at your tear-stained face. Pulling back she grabs hold of her wine and toasts, clinking against your own glass. 
“To shitty ex-wives and new beginnings,” she declares, grinning as you laugh repeating her words back to her. 
The conversation became lighter after that, telling silly stories about the children and your brother's secret love for tea parties and crowns. Ally laughs out loud at that, only picturing princess Amelia bossing around her whipped buff uncle at tea parties before sobering up clearing her throat. 
“Okay, as much as I would love to know more about these famous tea parties. We have a competition to start,” she instructs, standing from her chair and offering you her hand. 
You lace your fingers through hers squeezing the hand excitedly as she guides you into the kitchen. You look around in astonishment at the well sized kitchen taking in the new edition appliances, as she moves you over to the prepping station. You wait patiently as Ally grabs the ingredients and places them in front of you, passing you an apron on her way past. 
“I got to admit, I’ve never been on a date where I have to wear an apron before,” 
“It’s more fun wearing one the morning after,” she teases back, winking suggestively making you blush hard at her words, the thoughts of a naked Ally cooking breakfast in nothing but an apron for you in the mornings stirred something within you that you hadn’t experienced in a long time; arousal. You hide your dirty thoughts by clearing your throat and putting the apron on, deciding you aren’t going to let her affect you like this without a little bit of pay back. 
“Is that a promise, Senator?” you husk, eyeing her hungrily as you tie the strings of the apron tight against your body tugging hard for extra effect. Ally gulps visibly at you as she shakily places the flour onto the counter, her eyes glaring playfully over to you as you smile innocently. 
“Tease,” she spats, with no real bite behind her words as her brown eyes sparkle with glee. She moves towards you, pressing her front to your back as she leans close to your ear as her arms snake around you grabbing hold of the mixing bowl. 
“We’re going to make cookies but you can add your own special ingredients to spice it up a little bit,” she informs, her lips close to your ear you can feel them faintly brush the skin. You suppress a shiver knowing her game. 
“You got it, chef.” you whisper back, tilting your head to the side so your lips are an inch away from her own. You can hear her breath hitch at your sudden closeness, her eyes trail from your lips to eyes a dark look passes across her brown gaze before she steps away and prepares her own bowl grinning devilishly. 
You both continue to work on your desserts moving around the kitchen as you steal heated glances from one another. Your front pressing close to her back as you move to grab more ingredients, feeling her tense as your fingertips brush across her arm as you reach across her. Once the cookies are ready for the oven, you help Ally in cleaning the station up which takes you a lot longer as you both flick more flour onto each other than into the trash bag. You laugh at Ally’s horrifying face as you leave a white smudge across her cheek and chin. 
Her eyes darken as does her grin, making you pause your laughing fit. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. No need to retaliate, you’re a much better person than me Ally.” you bargain, as you watch her stalk slowly over to you her hands still covered in flour. You take a step back cautiously as you frantically look around the room, searching for the exit. Before you can finish up the route in your head Ally leaps forward missing you by an inch as she tries to enclose her arms around you making you yelp and giggle. 
“Ally! Please!,” 
“I like when you beg,” she flirts, grinning wickedly as she continues her attack. You stutter over your words for a moment thrown by her comment as you feel a slow burn aching in your stomach at her words, the brief moment of weakness on your part gives her an opening as she leaps forward and wraps her arms around you, making you laugh as she smears the flour onto your right cheek and nose. 
“Gotcha,” she whispers, close to your lips. Your face grows serious as your eyes find hers, basking in the comfort of being in her arms. You gaze at her lips as you lick your own watching as her gaze does the same as you move close to her, the beeping sound of the oven timer startles you apart as Ally quickly moves over to the oven to check on the cookies. You fluster at the stolen moment making your way over, Ally turns and smiles sheepishly. 
“If you like why don’t you hop on up the table. Let me refill your glass,” she murmurs, squeezing your hand on her way past as you nod shyly. 
Sitting on top of the prep table, you watch Ally move back towards you with a filled up glass of red noticing her carrying a bottle of water in the other. 
“I drove us here, darling.” she lightly reminds you, grinning softly as she comes to stand in between your legs placing your glass of wine by your hip.
“Of course! One of us has to be responsible,” you tease, wanting the easy natural atmosphere back before your almost kiss. Ally grins knowingly and continues to make polite conversation with you as she continues to stand in between your legs as if it’s the most natural place to be. You show Ally pictures of Amelia during last Halloween in her pumpkin outfit as she shows you pictures of her and Oz sledging during Christmas time, the intimacy shared between you both makes your heart flutter as you allow yourself a moment to have hope that this might actually turn into something more serious. Although the idea scares you, you’ve never been more excited at the prospect. 
The final ping of the oven springs to life indicating to remove the freshly baked goods from the oven, you hum as you take in the heavenly smell of freshly cooked dough. Ally moves over to take the cookies out allowing them time to cool down before placing two cookies from each tray onto a plate, she places the plate next to your hip and offers you a bite of her own cookie as she explains her secret ingredients. You moan as the flavour melts into your mouth closing your eyes as you bask in its yummy goodness. 
“That’s amazing!” you mumble through bites. As she smiles smugly at you, complimenting you makes you roll your eyes fondly. 
“Okay, now that we’ve gotten your mediocre cookie out of the way are you ready for mine?” you ask, grinning. Ally wiggles her eyebrows at the hidden euphemism making you shake your head jokingly at her immaturity mouthing a ‘behave’. She makes great effort to eye the cookie cautiously as you bring it up towards her mouth, you watch as she takes a tentative bite as she slowly chews on the cookie, her eyes sparkling with glee as she grins while continuing to chew on the yummy goodness, making you grin smugly. 
“See! I told you, give me baking over cooking any day.” you say, feeling proud of your creation. She nods approvingly of your baked good. 
“You know, I would love to have these in the restaurant if you ever felt up to making them again?” she asks, a genuine smile gracing her lips. You smile sheepishly at her offer shaking your head at the compliment. 
“Oh I don’t think they’re that good,” you mumble, suddenly feeling shy as you look down towards the floor. Soft fingers pinch lightly at your chin forcing your gaze upwards and towards the softest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“Well I think they’re amazing, just like the person who made them.” she mutters close, her face moving closer to your own as she maintains eye contact. You chew on your bottom lip as her gaze watches the action grinning, her lips an inch away from your own. 
“I would really like to kiss you,” she states, her voice no more than a whisper in the small space between you. You finally find the confidence to speak as your eyes take in her close proximity. 
“Kiss me,” 
Her lips are on you in a second leaving no room for protest or second thoughts. Soft lips press delicately against your own at first as if to become familiar with them, it’s softness, it’s taste. Her hands rest gentle against your cheeks keeping you in place as your lips begin to explore her own, your tongue tracing gently against her bottom lip instantly granting you access as you brush against her tongue. Your stomach tightens as you hear her sweet moan, enjoying the effect you have on her, your arms wrapped around her waist keeping her close as you continue to explore each other's mouths. The screeching sound of Ally’s phone startles you apart as you both fight to catch your breaths, her head leaning against your own as her eyes remain close. 
“I should get that, it might be Oz.” she whispers, too afraid to speak louder and ruin your moment further. You gulp trying to catch up with your senses, nodding as you urge her to answer her phone. 
You watch from the countertop as she paces back and forth, frantically trying to calm the poor boy on the other end of the phone. Her eyes find you as she throws an apologetic look which you smile reassuringly to understand the difficulties of motherhood yourself. Ally ends the phone call with a sigh as she moves to stand close to you again, unable to fully be apart from you after having you so close to her. 
“Is he okay? Let me go grab our coats and we can head over?” you offer, giving her hand a squeeze before leaping off the countertop ready to head for the front entrance. Ally’s hand stops you for a moment as you look back in confusion. 
“I’m sorry our date had to end so abruptly, especially after-” she pauses, blushing slightly as she struggles to meet your gaze. Stepping close to her you press a sweet kiss to her warm cheek and whisper into her ear. 
“I’m happy to finish this off another time, if you are?” you husk close to her cheek, pulling back slightly as you watch her eyes flutter for a moment grinning at the effect you’ve just caused before moving to grab the coats from the front of the restaurant, Ally’s stuttering voice following you from behind. 
“I- yes I would like that very much,” 
Once Ally had locked up the restaurant, your prized cookies wrapped up on a plate to take home. You settle into the passenger seat and look over at a distraught Ally. 
“He hasn’t had a nightmare in over three months. I thought we were over the worst of it,” Ally reveals, her eyes glossing over as she looks out into the road. You reach across and place your hand on top of hers that rest tightly around the steering wheel, soothing her worries. 
“Let’s go and see your son, I’m sure seeing his new best friend will help.” you offer, knowing how much Oz enjoys hanging out with Amelia. You are more than willing for the two to hang out especially as there is no school tomorrow and Oz could do with his best friend. Ally nods before starting the engine and speedily heading home. Your eyes stray from the outside view to take in Ally’s side profile, taking in her shape of her nose and her full lips the glow of the streetlights making her brown eyes shine, her skin smooth and soft begging to be touched. 
Yes, definitely worth the wait.
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marvelfansince08love · 4 years ago
Hey Neighbour! - Part 5
Word count: 2.5k
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: Flirting with a huge side order of fluff 
A/N: Enjoy loves! I don’t know how well this chapter is but I hope you like it x
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @creepingwolfberry @coconutlipss @saucy-sapphic @minavenable @pearplate @r0an0ke @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @venablemayfairgoode @veteranwerewolf95 @chewbacca0805 @pluied-ete @supremeinlilac @nyx-aira @witchxaf @black--widxw @fireflyglass @cordeliafoxxe @d14n4ol @bluevelvetbitxh @amethyst-bitch 
 Not my gif! 
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Part 5 
Pulling up outside of Ally’s driveway you try to keep up with Ally’s rapid steps as she frantically opens her front door making a beeline to an upset Oz and a distraught Lily who seems to have tried her hardest to console the boy. You frown sympathetically knowing that at the end of it all only his mothers comfort will soothe his nightmares. 
“Oz! Are you okay baby?” Ally asks frantically, moving to crouch next to the boy cupping his full cheeks as she attempts to wipe away his tears. His low mumbles are too quiet from your position in the doorway but from the knowing look that passes through those mature brown eyes, you know this is a recurring nightmare. Ally quietly dismisses Lily thanking her for her efforts with a small squeeze to her shoulder as she rubs Oz’s back as one more attempt to comfort him but his attention is solely glued to his mother as he cuddles in close to her, his face tucked securely between her shoulder and neck. Leaving the two alone you move to walk Lily back to her car, allowing the mother and son a private moment. 
“I’m so sorry I ruined your date this evening with Ally,” Lily murmurs, guilt evident within her voice. You shake your head dismissing her apology with a wave of your head. 
“You didn’t ruin anything, Lily. Oz is the main priority here I would expect the same if Amelia had a nightmare and I wasn’t there.” you reassure, feeling grateful that when Amelia has nightmares it’s few and far between. Lily remains quiet for a moment as you go to open her car door for her. Her eyes find yours for a moment as she calculates her next words.
“It’s nice to see her so comfortable around someone again,” she pauses for a moment as she tries to find the right words. “You all seem to fit well together, you're good for each other. I hope you guys get another chance to go out again and I promise not to cut it short this time,” she murmurs sheepishly, a gentle smile appearing on her lips. You fluster over her words, your lips fighting the urge to smile wide at her observation. For someone so young she definitely doesn’t miss a trick. 
“Does that mean you’re offering to look after Amelia as well? Because I gotta admit her current babysitter's a bit of a dismal,” you joke, looking around as if your brother could hear you. Lily laughs no longer feeling awful about the situation. 
“I’ve seen them two together, I think I’d need double the pay and counselling after that ordeal” she jokes back, before her eyes widen as she realises her words. “Not that Amelia is a bad kid I-” you stop her from her ramblings as you laugh patting her shoulder in reassurance. 
“I know Lily, you get yourself home now and drive safe okay. Text Ally once you’re home I know she worries,” you insist. Lily nods her cheeks blushing red as she hurries inside her vehicle, waving sheepishly at you as she sets off. 
You make your way back into the house amused at the shy babysitter before suddenly feeling awkward as you watch Ally rock Oz in her lap whispering soothing words to the boy who smiles and laughs at his mothers attempts to make him smile. You can’t help the small smile that graces onto your lips watching the private moment, you suddenly realise that you may be trespassing on the intimate moment which makes your shuffle on the spot debating on letting your presence be known by the two or allow them a few more moments. Your decision is made as Oz’s eyes find yours from across the room, he grins sheepishly at you from his mothers shoulder. 
“Hi Y/N,” he mumbles tiredly. His greeting makes his mother turn to face you as well, identical brown eyes taking in your form you can see the apologetic gaze from your position by the doorway. You smile widely at the young boy before winking subtly at his mother a silent reassurance passes between you both at the gesture as Ally seems to relax. You move to crouch in front of the boy by the sofa holding your fist out for him to bump which he does happily. 
“Hey, bud. You had a nightmare huh? That must have been scary,” you sympathise with him, watching him nod in agreement at your words shivering slightly as he recalls his terrors.
“Super scary,” you nod, understanding the small boy’s fears. After everything he went through a few years ago with his other mother and the cult that terrorised his family, the poor boy is bound to be imbedded with nightmares. 
“You know what I tell Amelia when she has a nightmare,” he nods silently waiting for you to continue. “I tell her to imagine me next to her holding her hand because as long as I’m there with her no one will ever hurt her,” you pause as your gaze meets Ally’s. “Just like with your mommy, she would never let anything harm you because you’re her baby and she loves you very much and love is the most powerful thing, it can conquer any nasty monsters in our dreams,” you explain watching his innocent eyes sparkle at your words. 
“Mommy always looks out for me!” he exclaims, the remaining essence of his nightmare no longer in his mind. Ally cups the side of his head and holds him close, her glossy eyes stare right back into your own. A look of gratefulness passes across her beautiful brown eyes as she mouths her thanks. You nod once, smiling at the brunette as you go to stand brushing your fingers through his thick blonde locks in comfort before subtly moving your hand to tuck Ally’s brown strands behind her ear, her eyes flutter briefly at your light touch feeling her press slightly against the palm of your hand briefly. 
“I’ll see myself out, thank you for a wonderful evening,” you whisper, your eyes meeting Ally’s as she debates with herself. 
“Let me walk you across at least,” she fights, looking down briefly at the half sleeping boy in her arms. Squeezing her shoulder gently you reassure her that you can make it across your lawn without any trouble and to get her tired boy to bed. Ally stubbornly stands adjusting a now sleeping Oz in her arms as she stands close to you, her side that is not holding Oz leans close to your side as her lips graze softly against your warm cheek. 
“Good night, Y/N. Rain check?” her voice hopefully, as her raspy voice becomes deeper the night's events finally catching up with her. Your lips hover close by her ear.
“Oh most definitely, Senator.” you husk, watching her gape at your braveness with Oz so close. You can see the mischievous glint in her eyes but she remains silent, her lips quirking in anticipation. Stepping from within her space you move for the front door, smiling widely at your neighbour taking in her form and her son who rests close against her chest and shoulder. 
“Sweet dreams you two,” you mutter, winking once before heading out into the dark outside leaving the small family to rest for the night. Excitement bubbles through you as you count down the minutes to see her again. 
You woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes and burnt bacon, startling awake as you come around from your dreamy haze. Racing down the stairs you sigh in relief as you take in your brother and daughter plating up breakfast, you had thought your brother left not long ago assuming how much work had picked up for him in the last few months. 
“I thought you were out early today?” you ask, rubbing the sleep from your eye as you move to greet your daughter who sits nicely at the kitchen counter waiting patiently for the sugary goodness. 
“Hey baby.” you mutter into her hair, as you take a seat next to her. Rupert places a freshly brewed coffee in front of you making you smile gratefully for his thoughtfulness. Your smile turns into a scowl as you watch him grin mischievously. 
“What and miss out on the details of your evening?” he teases, quickly diverting from your hand that swings for his bicep. He chuckles as he brings over the plates handing Amelia her orange juice. You fluster at his pinning gaze, knowing that with Amelia here you have to be careful on what you reveal. 
“It was nice actually, really nice.” you murmur before taking a sip of your morning coffee. He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively above Amelia’s head making you scowl at his immaturity. 
“I bet,” 
“Not like that you idiot, we made cookies at her restaurant,” you elaborate, as Amelia’s gaze shoots towards you, a pout in place. 
“I wanna make cookies at Ally’s shop!” she whines, sulking slightly as she munches on her pancakes. 
“Well maybe you and Oz can come next time and we can all make cookies,” you suggest, knowing how much she enjoys being in the Mayfair-Richards company. Her eyes sparkle at the idea as she grins rambling on about the different types of cookies you could make. Your brother grins from beside her before whipping his hand forward in a ‘whipped’ motion, the movement startles Amelia next to him who tries to copy him by making the whipping sound. 
“That’s right Amelia-cakes, your mom is whipped.” he jokes further as your daughter laughs nodding in agreement with his words without fully understanding them. A knocking sound from the front door startles you all from your moment, as you frown in confusion, certainly not expecting anyone this early. 
Standing you make your way to the front door, glancing through the peephole to see blurry blonde hair. Smiling you open the door and come face to face with the young boy from next door who you have grown fond of. Oz stands wrapped up warm in his coat and beanie hat that looks similar to Amelia’s, as he grins softly and waves. 
“Good morning Oz, does your mom know you’re here?” you ask, leaning against the doorframe as you glance over towards their driveway searching for the familiar brunette. You finally spot her by her car carrying two brown bags up the driveway, she must sense eyes on her as she turns slightly meeting your gaze. Her lips twitch into a small smile as she attempts to wave, she holds out a finger gesturing for you to wait a moment while she settles the bags down by the doorstep before making her way over. Your eyes widen briefly as you remember your attire, folding your arms across your slightly exposed chest, brown eyes trail up your form taking in the thin piece of material noticing the small dip by your chest. You clear your throat startling her intense gazing. 
“Good morning Ally,” you voice lower than you expected as you shuffle in place. Her lips twitch as her brown eyes sparkle.
“Good morning indeed,” she murmurs, biting her bottom lip briefly. Your eyes lock with hers for a moment as that familiar tension between you manifests, like metal to magnets you’re drawn to each other's space and presence. 
“Ozzy!!” Amelia’s voice screeches from behind you, making you cringe at the loud volume. Ally laughs in understanding as her gaze finally leaves your own and zones in on a running Amelia. Oz beams at her as she rushes forward hugging her best friend, she pulls back and pats his head inspecting the new piece of clothing. 
“Your hat is like mine!” she exclaims, as Oz grins sheepishly his pale cheeks blushing. 
“Your beanie is really cool, so I asked my mommy if I could have one as cool as yours,” he explains, as Ally smiles fondly down at the two. At the mention of the brunette, Amelia turns her gaze to your neighbour and launches forward wrapping her arms around her legs as Ally chuckles in surprise before bending down to greet her properly. 
“Well what a lovely way to be greeted in the morning,” she comments, brushing the few stray pieces of hair out of Amelia’s face. 
“Can we bake cookies at your shop!” Amelia asks, her eyes growing big and round as she pouts at the poor woman who seems to be struggling under her endearing expression. That face has been known to get away with anything. 
“Of course you can sweetheart! How about next weekend?” Ally suggests, her eyes seeking out yours for permission. You happily nod along, excited at the idea of spending more time with the brunette. Amelia cheers holding onto Oz’s hand as she pulls him deeper into the house to go and tell her uncle and to introduce her new friend to him. Ally goes to protest but the two disappear out of sight before she can breathe a word, leaving you alone together at the front door. Her dark eyes admire your form slowly, taking in every curve and exposed skin. 
“I’ve never met someone who looks this good after just waking up,” she murmurs, her eyes never drifting from your body. You fluster at her words, biting your bottom lip feeling shy by her gushing compliment and intense gaze. You decide now isn’t the best time to continue with this back and forth flirting in case prying ears were nearby and you don’t just mean the children. 
“Would you like to come in? I was just thinking about taking Amelia to the park if you wanted to join us?” you offer, hoping she would say yes but the small frown that appears onto her dark brows vanquishes any hope you had for spending more time with the brunette today. 
“That sounds wonderful but I have a campaign meeting in about an hour and with the election in less than two weeks-”
“Oh god yeah, honestly don’t worry about it maybe next time?” you suggest hopefully, Ally nods and promises next weekend you can do something together and with the kids. You continue to talk briefly at the door realising the meeting is being held at Ally’s house, you offer to look after Oz for the day while she attends to her campaign meetings. Ally shakes her head insisting that Oz would be okay and can entertain himself while she works but you insist that since Amelia doesn’t seem to be letting go of her new friend anytime soon, you were sure they’d appreciate the run around at the park. 
“Are you sure? Honestly, I’m fine with keeping Oz at home with me. I don’t want to disrupt your day with Amelia,” you lace your fingers through hers to stop her from her ramblings.
“Ally, it’s okay I would love to take Oz out with us. Besides it takes a bit of stress off your shoulders for a few hours,” you reassure, squeezing her hand. Her bright smile makes you melt on the spot feeling your chest flutter at the sight. 
“You’re too good to me,” she whispers, brushing your cheek with the tip of her finger, her eyes full of gratitude and fondness. You shrug feeling sheepish at her physical gesture of thanks muttering a ‘no problem’. 
“Would you like to come in for a moment? I think they’re in the backyard,” you assume, sharing a small smile with Ally as you refer to the two best friends. She nods brushing herself past you, making sure her chest brushes briefly against your own, your eyes flutter for a moment enjoying the way your body reacts to hers. That exciting spark that radiates throughout your body whenever you’re near her it both excites and terrifies you. 
You follow close behind her as you enter your kitchen area, you relax when you notice the empty area catching glimpses of your brother outside with Amelia and Oz keeping them entertained. 
“You have a beautiful home, Y/N.” Ally comments, her eyes taking in the newly installed kitchen counter and sink. You smile as you thank her, feeling proud of your new home, Ally moves towards the backdoors watching the two run around after your brother. Ally smiles fondly as she takes in Amelia’s pyjamas under her coat and wellingtons enjoying how carefree the two are whenever they’re around one another. You stand next to her for a moment enjoying the same view in front of you. 
“I should call them back in, Amelia’s gonna end up with muddy pyjamas and she’ll only be upset for ruining her favourite set.” you explain, muttering to yourself. Ally chuckles quietly next to you. 
“Probably for the best,” she says, laughing as they both managed to finally tackle your brother to the ground. You can faintly hear him call for help, as his eyes find you both by the backdoor. 
“Please come and get your children, they are both menaces,” he complains, grunting as Amelia accidently knees him in his stomach trying to get back onto her feet. You shake your head at their antics before stepping forward and begrudgingly helping your brother. 
“Come on you two, leave him alone. You guys are far too strong for him,” you tease, reaching a hand out for Amelia to take. Oz runs to your side, laughing at your brother's offended expression. 
Ally places her hands on top of Oz’s shoulders as he enters back through the house, you following not far behind. 
“Oz, how do you feel about spending the day with Amelia and Y/N?” she asks him. His eyes widen in excitement as he nods. 
“Yes! What are we doing Y/N?” he wonders, Amelia steps up next to him and explains your plans of playing at the park and picking some ice cream on the way back. 
“Aw man, I’m missing out on Ice cream?!” Rupert exclaims, pouting at his niece and her new friend. She pats his back in some form of comfort. 
“It’s okay Uncle Rupie, I’ll save you some for next time!” she promises, before coming distracted with talks of favourite slides and swings with Oz. Your brother eyes Ally who stands close to you as she watches the two move towards the living room. 
“So you must be Ally, I’m Matt this one’s handsome brother,” he charms, grinning from ear to ear. Ally smiles amused at his charming ways, but her eyes fall onto you.
“He’s a real charmer huh?” her question directing towards you, as you grin playing along with her teasing mannerisms.
“Oh yeah a real stud, also your name isn’t Matt jackass,” you joke back, as his eyes glare at your smug form. 
“Your name isn’t Matt silly! It’s Uncle Rupie!” Amelia exclaims, entering back into the kitchen with Oz in toe. Your grin widens further as your brother flusters. 
“Oh yeah I forgot, Matt is your name when you’re trying to hit on the ladies,” you joke further, as Ally’s eyes sparkle with amusement. He puffs out his chest in defence before deflating.
“Rupert doesn’t work well with the ladies okay? Matt does. Rupert is an old man’s name,” he explains, as you all laugh at his sad expression. You move forward and pat his cheek mockingly. 
“I don’t think either works well with them, brother.” You smile innocently, as you move to make Amelia and Oz a drink. Ally’s lip twitches in amusement as she watches you move around the kitchen but startles out of her daydreaming remembering what she needs to do before the meeting starts.
“I better get going then!” she announces, turning her attention onto Oz as she crouches down to hug him goodbye. “Be good okay, I’ll see later on.” she promises, kissing his forehead and standing. Ally smiles at your brother and holds out her hand for him to shake which he takes happily. 
“It was nice meeting you… Matt,” his cheeks flush at her teasing tone as you laugh at his embarrassment. Rupert glares at you before turning his attention onto his niece leaving you with a free moment to walk Ally over to the front door. She turns to face you by the door and lightly kisses your cheek. 
“Thank you for doing this,” her voice full of warmth and gratitude. Your lips twitch fighting back a wide smile. 
“Of course, I’ll see you later on.” you whisper back, her lips an inch from your own. The silent urge to kiss her lips again burns strong within you but you resist knowing a rude interruption is possible. A knowing look passes between you both as Ally steps back and smiles once more before rushing back across to her porch to collect her grocery bags by the doorstep and with a final wave in her direction you head back inside to change for the day. 
She’s going to be the death of me. 
The day passed by fast with both children slowly starting to tire out after a fun filled day in the fresh air, stomachs full with hot delicious food and yummy cold treats. Now back at your house as the bright day slowly fades into night, you look around the new makeshift living room taking in the twinkling fairy lights that dangle around the made up Teepee giving the room a bright orange glow, pillows stacked all around with thick duvet covers spread out inside the Teepee. You stand holding the bowl of popcorn by the living room doorway watching as the two lie on their stomachs chattering away, laughing at the silly yellow creatures on the TV. 
“I got popcorn!” you announce to the room, both heads turn quick in your direction at the mention of popcorn wide smiles spreading across their youthful cheeks. Moving forward you flop in between the two placing the bowl in front of you allowing them both to grab a handful. The movie continues with the three girls finally finding their home with their new father and his yellow minions, you watch as Amelia’s eyes flutter as her chin resting heavily in the palm of her hand, Oz following close behind. 
“Alright you two, I think it might be best if we walk Oz back home now,” you mutter, looking over to the clock on the far wall you frown as you take in the time, realising that it’s getting late and still no word from Ally. 
‘She must be really busy with this campaign’ you wonder to yourself, moving to get rid of all the empty bowls of sugary goodness hearing the collective groans and moans from two very tired children. You shake your head at their protest continuing into the kitchen, you look across through your window in hopes to catch a glimpse of her in her own kitchen and frown when you notice the lights off and the house in darkness. A loud knock startles you from your curiosity as you head quickly over to the door and open it wide. Ally stands slightly out of breath, her eyes apologetic as they meet yours. 
“I am so sorry, everything got really hectic so fast and we were missing a few locations from the campaign tour and i-” you hands on her shoulders makes her pause as you smile at her chuckling softly. 
“Ally it’s okay, we’ve had a great day today!” you reassure, watching a small pout play on her lips.
“I wish I had a fun day with you,” she grumbles slightly, making you laugh fondly at her. Your hands move from her shoulder to cup her cheeks briefly rubbing your thumb along her cheekbones. 
“Next time, Senator.” you vow, before ushering her into the house. Her brown eyes widen as she takes in your neat little set up in the living room. 
“Wow you guys have been busy today,” she says impressed by your hard creative work, a hint of sadness evident in her voice. You lean against the doorframe watching as she crouches down to see into the teepee as the small whispers of young voices escape the tent. 
“Mommy!!” Oz exclaims, launching forward into his mothers arm who manages to hold his weight against her even in those heels. She laughs as she rubs his back pulling back to move his shaggy hair from his face. 
“I love the little set up you guys have here,” she compliments, as your daughter's head pops out of the teepee. 
“Come join us Miss. Ally, I have a star nightlight and fairy lights!” Amelia informs her with enthusiasm. Ally smiles fondly at her and cups her cheek briefly. 
“Sounds wonderful, sweetheart.” she mutters, warmth evident in her tired voice. The two entice the brunette into the tent as she tries to protest. Her gaze searching yours for help, you laugh and merely shrug your shoulders. 
“If I had to get in there, it’s only fair that you do too.” you chuckle at her glaring expression but you can see the bright glint in her eyes. She removes her heels as crawls into the teepee giving you a nice view of her behind for a moment before she disappears completely into the makeshift tent. Amelia’s head pops out again as she looks at you with a confused expression, tilting her head slightly.
“And you mommy, come on come on,” she rushes, waving you over. You sigh and begrudgingly crouch and crawl inside the teepee. The extra body doesn’t leave much room for you all to sit around which forces you to lie down onto your back next to Ally, Oz on her other side with Amelia on your other. You and Ally remain silent for a moment as the other two tell Ally about their day in hushed voices, you both grin at their words and storytelling while watching the twinkling lights above. You tense for a moment when you feel a hand brush against your fingers that rest at your side, brown eyes rest upon your face with a small smile in place making you match her expression. 
“Mommy’s good at making days special,” Amelia informs Ally from your other side, as she snuggles into you. Ally raises an eyebrow and answers your daughter, her gaze still locked with your own. 
“Yeah, she’s amazing Amelia-cakes,” her voice no more than a whisper, your head turns towards hers at her words making you flush. A moment of silence settles across you all, but Ally’s eyes say plenty of words that are left unspoken making your heart flutter and burst as you both come to the realisation. 
‘I’m falling for this woman’ 
Ally lays her head against your shoulder, as you all bask in the quietness of the room watching the twinkling lights scatter across the inside of the teepee. Your eyelids begin to flutter as you fight to stay awake and bask a little more in this close embrace but sleep starts to win as you succumb to the darkness. 
The different weights that lie against your chest startles you awake from your peaceful slumber as your blurry eyes take in the different coloured hair on either side of your chest, a small foot sticks up across Ally’s hip as you blink a few times regaining senses. The small shift stirs Ally awake as she moves her head from your chest, your hand still resting a top of hers that lays against your stomach. 
“Good Morning’,” you whisper, feeling a small smile play against your lips. Her eyes lift to meet your gaze as she greets your good morning with a breath-taking smile. 
“Yes, definitely a good morning,” she whispers back, reluctantly removing herself from your chest to help settle Oz next to her who seems to have slept in an eagle position, his knee digging into her side. You focus your attention onto your daughter who seems to still be in a deep sleep brushing the hair from her face. You settle her onto the pillow allowing her to sleep further as the sun starts to stream into the room. 
You both crawl out of the teepee without disturbing the two, tip toeing your way out of the room and into the kitchen. You laugh quietly as you take in Ally’s attire, still dressed in her formal senator wear that’s now crinkled from sleeping in it. 
“Nice outfit,” you tease, grabbing the coffee mugs from the cupboard to make you both a fresh cup. She glares playfully at you as she makes her way over to you, with your back now turned as you concentrate on making the fresh beverage the weight of her front against your back startles you slightly as her warm breath hits against your neck. 
“It would look better on your kitchen floor,” her sultry voice vibrates against your skin as her teeth nip briefly at your earlobe making you suppress a moan. 
“Ally I-” 
“Mom!” The distant sound of Oz’s voice startles you both from your heated moment as you both sigh in disappointment. Ally looks at you for a moment before squeezing your hand. 
“Maybe next time yeah?” her teasing voice, leaving a low heat in your navel as you nod mutely. Ally saunters away making sure your gaze is on the sway of her hips as she leaves to see to her son in the other room. 
Well fuck. 
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marvelfansince08love · 4 years ago
Hey Neighbour! - Part 3
Word Count: 2.5k 
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: just a bit fluffy x
A/N: Here’s part 3 - I hope you enjoy, loves x
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @pearplate @r0an0ke @minavenable @coconutlipss @creepingwolfberry @saucy-sapphic @venablemayfairgoode @veteranwerewolf95 @chewbacca0805 @pluied-ete @nyx-aira @witchxaf @supremeinlilac @black--widxw​ @fireflyglass​ @cordeliafoxxe​ @d14n4ol
Part One, Part Two 
Not my gif! 
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Hey Neighbour! - Part 3 
The school gate is full of parents and guardians anticipating the ear-screeching sound of the school bell. You stand fidgeting slightly as the slight breeze picks up crossing your arms against your chest, actively wrapping the long coat around your body for warmth. A handful of children burst through the double doors of the building heading straight over into your general direction. Your eyes scan frantically for your sweet girl, relaxing a little once you eye her signature beanie. Her innocent eyes clash with your own, a bright smile appearing on her lips as she races towards you. 
“Mommy!” she screeches without a care in the world, her arms stretch out wide as she collides into your stomach making you grunt at the impact. Wrapping your arms tightly around her small frame you allow your nose to rest on top of her covered hair, basking in her presence for a moment. 
“I’ve missed you today, sweet pea. How was it? Did you make any new friends?” you ask excitedly, bursting at the seams. Amelia matches your enthusiasm as she lists her new classmates and her wonderful teacher, she gasps suddenly as if remembering the most important piece of information. 
“And the best part of it all is that Oz is in my new class!” she exclaims, stopping in her tracks to allow you to remove her backpack so you can carry it for her. You gasp excitedly at her words genuinely happy that her already new found friend is in her class putting some of your worries a side. You’re still rather apprehensive about the new move from within the city but you know deep down this a good fresh start for you both. Before you can continue to walk back to the car, a loud voice calls out Amelia’s name making you both turn at the sound. Oz rushes forward making his way over to you both, a woman you don’t recognize racing after him to catch up. 
‘This must be the babysitter,’ You think, remembering your conversation with Ally over the weekend when she invited you into her home. Ally had a big senate dinner in the city and couldn’t get out of it, you debated offering to babysit Oz while she was stuck at work but realised you were still a complete stranger to her despite only living next door and seeing how well set up her home is regarding security you knew Ally was hesitant when it came to trusting people. 
Oz stands next to Amelia as he tries to catch his breath, he waves tiredly at you before adjusting his glasses, his babysitter not far behind.
“Hi, Miss.Y/N.” He greets, still slightly breathless. You grin fondly at the sweet blonde boy, holding your hand out for him to high-five which he reciprocates happily. 
“Hey Oz! How was your first day back at school?” you ask, knowing that Ally had her worries about him despite her attempts to hide it. He smiles shyly and shrugs indifferently.
“It was okay, I guess. Still the same kids and teacher except for Amelia, we’re in the same class this year!” he informs you, making you chuckle at their excitement to be able to spend more time together. You’re secretly grateful that they have become such fast friends. 
“That’s amazing buddy!” you comment, just as his babysitter places a hand on his shoulder. Her flustered state did not go unnoticed. 
“Oz! You gotta wait for me okay? You can’t be scaring me like that.” she scolds softly, fear evident in her tone. Oz nods guiltily before whispering to Amelia who giggles nodding at whatever he told her. You narrow your eyes at the mischievous pair before glancing at the woman who puts her hand out for you to shake.
“I’m so sorry about that, I’m Lily. I babysit Oz when Ally can’t get away from work,” she explains, grinning sheepishly. You take her hand and shake once before awkwardly letting go.
“Hi, I’m Y/N and this is Amelia. We’re Ally and Oz’s new next door neighbours,” you inform her, watching as something clicks within her eyes. 
“Of course! Ally mentioned new neighbours, well it was lovely to meet you both but we gotta run and get home,” she murmurs, as Oz groans in protest. 
“Can’t I hang out with Amelia, Lily please?!” Oz begs, jittering his bottom lip, his big brown eyes wide as you watch her struggle under his adorable gaze. You crouch down to be eye-level with him as his attention draws to you.
“Oz, Lily here probably wants to prepare dinner for you and get you sorted before your mom comes home, yeah?” you justify, watching as he frowns at your words. Knowing you’ll have a battle on your hand you try a different tactic. Leaning forward you take a big whiff in scrunching your nose for extra effect and sniff near him again, he giggles at your silliness. 
“Y/n why are you sniffing me?!” he asks through giggles as Amelia begins to sniff him as well laughing in the process. 
“I think we have one stinky boy on our hands, what do you think Amelia, Lily?” you address the two females watching as Lily picks up on your efforts, nodding along with you. 
“We don’t like stinky boys, mommy,” Amelia comments, scrunching her nose. Oz gasps and protests through more giggles as your fingers meet his ribcage. 
“Noooo, stoo- stop! I promise I’ll bathe!” he says through giggles. You lax from your tickle attack and stand winking subtly at Lily who looks at you gratefully. 
“How about you go home with Lily and then once I’ve spoken to your mom, you can come over to our house during the week for dinner?” you compromise, watching on in amusement as the clogs turn inside his youthful mind. He looks you in the eyes and nods, putting his hand out for you to shake to seal the deal. 
You pretend to spit into your hand before going to take his small one, watching as he pulls a face full of disgust at your gesture but you can see the amusement in his eyes. 
“Deal,” he says, finalising your little exchange. You nod and grab hold of Amelia’s hand who smiles brightly, her cheeks red from the laughter. 
“Bye bye Ozzy, see you tomorrow at school!” she waves her free hand at him. You say your goodbyes to the blonde boy and his poor babysitter, already discovering that behind that shy exterior there is one adorably cheeky little boy.
“Come on you, let’s get you home.” you murmur to your daughter, feeling your arm swing at your side as she skips happily next to you. 
The house is quiet with only the low muffled sounds of the news presenter that echoes from your TV screen in the living room, you sip from your favourite alcoholic beverage as you lazily watch the bright screen while dressed down in a pair of sweatpants and an old big Fleetwood Mac shirt. You were almost ready to call it a night when the sound of keys jingling in the keyhole from outside startles you from your daydreaming, the sudden sound causes you to spill reminisce of the drink onto your pants making you groan before you tense realising that the only other people with a key is your brother and father; who are both back in the city. Wearily walking over to the door you grab hold of the big umbrella by the front door, peeking through the peephole. A faint blurred figure stands next to the door on the other side, the familiar brown short hair and stature makes you relax almost instantly as you place the umbrella down and unlock the door. Ally sways slightly on her feet at the sudden sound and movements of the door opening, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she eyes you dressed in a black pantsuit which shows off her curves beautifully. 
“Not that I’m mad about this but why are you in my house?” she asks, her voice slurring slightly in her drunken state making you bite your lip to hold back a smile. Her big brown glossy eyes take in your attire before scanning the hallway past your shoulder, you step closer to her noticing her off balance to help guide her into the warmth of your home. As soon as your hand touches her arm she leans in closer to you, shivering from the night's cold air. 
“I believe you, it is you who is trespassing onto my property, Senator.” you tease, a soft grin appearing onto your lips as you gently guide her into the living room sitting her onto the sofa and taking a seat next to her. Her eyes squint as she takes in the bare living room trying to piece the room together in her head, her red lips forming a perfect ‘o’ as her eyes land onto your amusing form. 
“Oh,” she whispers, before you nod to her silent conclusion. You laugh at her apologetic face which makes her giggle too. “Oh god, I am so sorry. I may have had a little more wine than I originally thought,” she tries to explain through slurred words as she sinks heavily into the sofa, closing her eyes briefly as she places a hand over her them. You pat her knee in comfort still rather amused that someone who is usually so well put together can be such a sloppy drunk.
“Would you like a drink of water, Ally?” you whisper, hoping that the disruption downstairs hasn’t disturbed a sleeping Amelia. She spreads her fingers apart and peeks through the gap nodding, a small pout forming onto her full lips making you linger on the enticing soft red a moment longer before quickly diverting your eyes away and standing muttering “I’ll be just a minute”. 
You let out the breath you're holding and fill the glass up with cold water, taking a few minutes to gather your thoughts. You’ve noticed the small sparks between you both ever since you laid eyes on her through her kitchen window, her eyes always lingering on your lips that little bit longer whenever you spoke when you went to introduce yourself. Rubbing at your temple gently you argue with yourself knowing that the whole reason you moved here was to have a fresh start, just you and Amelia. After your ex-fiance left right after giving birth to Amelia you decided right there and then that you don’t need anyone and even if you did try you would only be blindsided and hurt again. Ally is like a bright burning flame and the more you see her the more that light intrigues you to step forward and become close to it.
‘But at some point that bright light goes off and you are left to feel nothing’ you conclude, shaking your head at your conflicting thoughts before stepping away from the sink and heading back to the living room. You stop in your tracks by the staircase, your eyes widen at the familiar young voice from behind you.
“Why is Miss. Ally in our house, mommy?!” Amelia’s tired voice asks, you turn around and hold your hand out for her to take as she descends from the last few steps. You glance briefly over to Ally who sits on the sofa still, leaning her forearms against the top of the sofa she grins at Amelia. 
“How do you know you’re not in my house?” she questions, a teasing glint in her eyes as Amelia’s eyes widen for a second innocently believing any word from an adults mouth. Her gaze turns to me for confirmation making you quickly shake your head, scolding playfully over to Ally who shrugs innocently. 
“I see the wine has flown from your head to your mouth,” you grumble playfully, watching as she scrunches her nose apologetically. Amelia glances at you confused before turning her gaze back to Ally.
“Are you having a sleepover with my mom?” her innocent eyes stare openly at Ally, who’s lips twitch at your daughter's words, her eyes lingering on your form for a moment, making you squirm slightly under her dark gaze. 
“Well wouldn’t that be fun, huh Melia! Unfortunately silly me got confused and thought this was my  house!” she explains to her gently, her words more clearer now that she’s aware of her current state as well as Amelia’s presence and being a mother herself she knows when to switch back into the role despite the alcohol that swarms around in her head. Ally squints in discomfort as she lightly grazes her temple with her fingertips making you move forward quickly handing her the glass of water, she quietly thanks you and takes a delicate sip sighing in relief at the cold texture. Amelia moves forward and sits next to Ally on the sofa, swinging her legs as they hover above the rug. 
“You gotta headache, Miss. Ally? Mom always tells me to drink lots of water when I get a headache,” she informs, smiling pleased to have informed Ally of something so important. Ally places the glass down on the table and cups Amelia’s cheek, stroking her thumb across her full cheek, smiling adoringly at her. You stand still by the doorway, a sense of warmness spreading across your chest as you watch them interact. Usually you would be wary of new friends touching Amelia so freely but Ally has such a natural instinct to comfort and show simple displays of affection, especially to Oz it almost feels safe to have interacted with Amelia in this way. 
“I’m okay, sweet girl. I was a bit silly at dinner tonight and the wine has made me a little loopy,” she explains to her, smiling wide as Amelia giggles into her hands. 
“Wine is yucky! Mommy says it’s only for adults and it tastes funny,” You nod agreeing with before moving forward and crouching down next to her. 
“That’s right munchkin. Now why don’t you quickly grab your coat and boots so we can walk Ally to her door,” you suggest, watching her once sleepy eyes widen in excitement at the prospect of a late night adventure on a school night even if it’s to walk across the yard. 
“Oh Y/N you really don’t-” you stop her protests with a flick of your hand. 
“It’s fine Ally, I’d feel better if I got you home safe,” you insist, standing to grab your shoes to stop any further protests from the brunette. 
Once you are both ready, you open your front door to allow her and Amelia to step outside. Amelia skips ahead a short feet away leaving you side to side with the brunette beauty, her shoulder brushing lightly against your own making you shiver at the innocent brushing. Ally looks over to you in concern. 
“Are you cold? Honestly, you and Amelia go back in I’m about ten steps away from my doorstep,” she chuckles but you can see in her eyes under the bright glow of the streetlights that she’s grateful for the company, still a little unsteady on her feet. As you reach the porch steps you instinctively place a hand onto her back to steady her balance as she ascends, you feel the small tension in her back from the cold slowly relax under your touch, glancing briefly at her face you notice a small smile gracing her lips softly. As you reach the top Amelia is already waiting for you both rocking back and forth on her heels. 
“Is Ozzy awake? Can we play hide and seek?” she asks excitedly, as she yawns straight after. You share an amusing look with your neighbour, knowing all too well the persistence of a tired child. 
“No sweetheart, he’s in bed or he should be. I’m going to check now to make sure before I go to bed myself,” Ally murmurs quietly, bending down to brush some of Amelia’s escaped strands of hair from under her trusted beanie. Amelia pouts and you groan to yourself knowing what's coming. 
“Okay Amelia Cakes, we’ll see Ozzy tomorrow but you gotta go back to bed once we get in ready to hang out with him tomorrow in school,” you justify, raising an eyebrow at her grumpy expression which falters under your stern but kind gaze. Her shoulders slump as she realises her defeat. 
“Okay, Mommy.” she grumbles tiredly moving closer over to you and cuddling into your side. Ally watches on in light amusement staying quiet while you speak to your daughter. Looking up at her you notice the tiredness forming around her eyes too, deciding to call it night you wait until Ally unlocks her door before giving her a shy smile and wave. 
“Night Neighbour,” you murmur, a small glint of amusement in your eyes as she matches your expression. 
“Good night, dancing queens. Thank you for walking me home,” she whispers, leaning against her door frame a soft smile playing on her lips. You nod once before turning your gaze onto Amelia as you feel your coat tuck downwards on your body. With big pleading eyes you sigh fondly knowing exactly what she wants, crouching you turn away from her and grunt as the new found weight lands onto your back, little legs wrapping around your hips and arms circling around your neck. You stand and smile once more at Ally who watches on fondly before nodding towards your house, she nods in understanding and places a hand on Amelia’s back. 
“Sweet dreams Amelia,” 
“Nighty night, Miss. Ally.” her tired grumbles come from your back as she flaps her fingers in some sort of wave making you both laugh. 
Stepping down the steps carefully you steadily make your way over to your drive, turning back slightly as you see Ally peep over and wave one finally before stepping into the house. Keeping Amelia on your back you make your way through the house and into her bedroom, placing her gently onto the bed with the smallest of bounce making her giggle tiredly. Pulling off her boots and coat you wait for her to crawl under the duvet, beanie still in place. Once settled you take the beanie off and leave it by her bedside, brushing her hair from her face watching her eyelashes flutter as she struggles to stay awake. 
‘Hide and seek huh? Maybe next time kid’ you smile to yourself. Placing a gentle kiss to her forehead you turn her lamp off and switch on her starlight's before leaving the door ajar. 
Making your way downstairs, you go to grab Ally’s empty glass and take it through into the kitchen. Standing by the sink you rinse the glass out and place it onto the drying rack, a light from across the way makes you glance over curiously. To your surprise, standing by her own kitchen window drinking a glass of water is, Ally. As if sensing eyes on her, brown eyes find your form through the window making you tentatively raise a hand and wave in greeting. Ally places her index up to you indicating for you to wait there, she disappears from view for a moment before returning again her gaze falling to the floor for a few moments before locking onto you again an amusing grin in place. 
“Are you sure this is my house?” the question written in bold for you to see from across the way. Clicking onto her game you turn to look for one of Amelia’s old notepads, grabbing a black marker from the draw. 
“I can show you the lease if you like?” her mouth opens wide indicating her laughter before looking down again for a few moments.
“I’ll believe you for now…” 
“Phew, I was worried for a second there” she grins at that, biting down onto her bottom lip as if debating her next move.
“So sleepovers huh?” her eyebrows raise in a teasing manner, wiggling the dark brows for extra effect making you chuckle. 
“Sorry only cool kids allowed ;)”  you shrug indifferently but the small grin that appears upon your lips shows you enjoy teasing her back. 
“That’s a shame, I’m rather inclined to the idea of an adult sleepover” her wicked grin shows her victory over this silent flirting game as you flush and gap at her for a second unable to follow up. Not wanting her to have the last word you confidently write out your next sign. 
“I’m more of a wine and dine first kinda gal, I’m afraid” you say but gulp once you realise the opening you’ve given her. 
“Is that you agreeing to a date that I haven’t even asked you out on yet?” her teasing message makes you groan as you feel your cheeks warm at the question. Placing both hands over your eyes, you miss the fond expression that makes its way onto Ally’s face as she waits patiently for you to look at her again. Peeking through you notice she’s placed a new sign upon the window with a wide smile grazing her lips. 
“8 o’clock Friday? x” are the only words written as she waits for your reply. Biting your lip you contemplate her offer, wanting to push down the negative thoughts that begin to surface. The feeling of nervousness spreads low in your stomach as you think about the last time you even went on a date knowing how well that turned out, looking back over to her face you notice the slight falter in her expression as you take your time to reply. Before you can contemplate further, your hand begins to trace the words that seal the deal. 
“Can’t wait x”
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Don’t Know Why
Sally McKenna x Reader
Warnings: Absolutely NONE. Just some Sally fluff.
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Summary: I got a request for Sally and the reader going through old luggage and finding a record player. It’s short, but I think it’s sweet and to the point. Let me know what you think!!
Taglist: @scarlspookyszn @cordeliafoxxe @supremeinlilac​ @rainbow-hedgehog @creepingwolfberry​
It was a dark and gloomy day at the Hotel Cortez. You were sitting at the bar going shot for shot with your girlfriend Sally, because, honestly, what else was there to do? "Let's do something, baby." You said, setting your empty glass down on the bar. "Like what?" Sally asked as she put an unlit cigarette between her lips. You shrugged your shoulders and grabbed the lighter out of your pocket to light her cigarette. "I don't know, what did you do before I came around?" You said as you lit a cigarette for yourself. "Oh honey, nothing I would be interested in doing now." Sally replied with a snicker before getting lost in her thoughts. "Well, there is one thing." She said with a smirk.
In seconds, she grabbed your arm and pulled you toward the elevator. "Where are we going?" you asked as the doors closed tight behind you and your girlfriend let go of your arm. "You'll see." Was all she said with a wide smile plastered across her face. When the elevator stopped and the downs opened, you had little time to prepare before your girlfriend was pulling you down the long hallway. "Sally, slow down." You yelled, causing her to slow her pace before stopping infront of a door labeled '206'. She turned to face you, smiling from ear to ear before speaking, "We're going rummaging."
You let out a stiffled laugh before looking at her with a more serious face, "Wait, you're serious?" "As a heart attack." She replied while unlocking the door and ushering you inside. "You see, when people 'disappear' from the hotel, they leave behind all of their belongings." You walked further in the room, seeing Sally grab a suitcase and toss it onto the bed before looking over at you and continuing. "and if I didn't go through it, Iris would have it thrown out." You made your way next to your girlfriend as she unzipped the suitcase and flipped it open. Her eyes were sparkling with curiosity.
"What is it?" You asked as you pushed aside some cheap button-ups to reveal a large box. "Only one way to find out." Sally said as she smirked and grabbed the box and set it next to the suitcase. With a simple motion, Sally flipped the top of the box open. "Is that a... record player?" You asked as Sally looked over at you with a smirk. "Looks like it." You felt the excitement building up inside of you. The hotel only had a limited selection of music, and it was awful. "Do you think there are records in here to?" You asked while glancing around the room for more bags. "There better be! Check that bag, it looks heavy." Sally replied as she pointed at a bag sitting next to the bed in the corner.
You walked over to the bag, and set it on top of the bed before opening it. "Jackpot." You said as you began pulling out records and setting them on the bed. "Pick something out and I'll get this set up." Sally said, and you nodded with enthusiasm. As you pulled the records out, one in particular stopped you in your tracks. Come Away With Me by Norah Jones. You were so focused on the record in your hard, you didn't notice Sally walk beside you. "Found one yet?" She asked, startling you and causing you to jump a little. "I think so."
Sally grabbed the record out of your hand and pulled it out of the case. "Norah Jones, huh?" Sally said as she placed the record on the player and lowered the needle slowly. You nodded sheepishly as soft sounds began to fill the room. I waited 'til I saw the sun. "I dig it." Sally said as she moved her hips to the music and made her way over to you. "Dance with me, Y/N." Don't know why I didn't come. She said as she placed her hands on your waist and pulled you closer. Don't know why I didn't come. You let out a soft chuckle as you wrapped your arms around her neck. Following her every move, the two of you danced around the hotel room. My heart is drenched in wine. But you'll be on my mind forever.
"This is certainly a side of you I have never seen, Sally." You admitted softly as the sound started to fade. You watched as your girlfriend threw her head back in laughter. "Don't ruin the moment." She replied as she leaned down to kiss you. I would die in ecstasy.  You smiled against her lips and kissed her back, and, for the rest of the night, you found more and more reasons to be head over heels for Sally McKenna. My heart is drenched in wine. But you'll be on my mind forever.
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Babes On Bourbon
Cordelia Good x Reader
Warnings: Drinking, Smut
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Summary: While sitting alone in a bar, a woman approaches you and really sparks your interest, so you end up back at your place.
Taglist: @scarlspookyszn @cordeliafoxxe​
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. I know I am not a professional writer, but I enjoy doing this, not just for me, but for you guys as well. Thank you all so much for the love and support!!
The air was cold and it was raining outside. “A shitty way to end a shitty day” I thought to myself. Your mom had called asking if you had found a job, friends, or a man. I chuckled at that thought. Ever since I came out to her, she had tried to convince me that it was just a phase and I would “grow out of it”. She never would never accept me for who I was, so I left; I packed all my bags and headed a far south as possible, to New Orleans, Louisiana. Now, here I was, sitting at some old bar, drinking myself numb on Bourbon Street. It wasn’t a popular spot, so there weren’t many people hanging around, which left the atmosphere quiet, and I was alone with my thoughts.
“Bartender, another round.” I said while sliding some money on the bar. The girl behind the bar nodded as she began pouring a double whiskey.  Taking the bill off the bar, she slid me the drink and made her way down the bar to attend another patron. Losing count of the number of drinks I had, I decided it would be best to head home soon, so I started on my drink when I heard the door buzz, signaling that someone had walked in.
I turned my attention to the door and was taken back at what I saw. She was wearing a white button up, that worked with her medium length blonde hair to compliment her fair complexion. I let my eyes wonder, taking in every inch of the woman’s body, not even noticing that her dark brown eyes were looking straight at me. Feeling a heat rising on my cheeks, I turned away looking down at the glass sitting in front of me as the woman worked her way deeper into the bar. “Hi.” The mysterious woman spoke as she claimed the empty stool next to me. “Hi.” I stuttered out, causing her to chuckle as she waved down the bartender. “Two shots of tequila please.” As the bartender turned around, the woman spoke again, “My name is Cordelia, and yours?” While downing the remainder of my drink, I looked up confidently, silently thanking the boost of liquid courage.  “Y/N.” “Well, Y/N. I’m glad I ended up in this bar tonight.” She said, grabbing one of the shots off the counter. I watched as she pushed the other shot toward me. “Oh is that so?” I replied, throwing back the shot. Cordelia smiled and nodded, doing the same. “Yes. I was sitting alone in my living room and thought I’d grab a drink, but I didn’t think I’d run into such a beautiful woman like yourself.” Her response took me by surprise. “Are you flirting with me?” I asked as she motioned to the bartender to bring some more shots over. “Yes.” She said with no hesitation, “I was hoping you would be interested in joining me for a few drinks and see where it takes us.” Her words caused a slight smile to appear on my face and I simply replied, “Of course.”
The bartender brought the shots and for the next hour we talked, laughed, and definitely had way too much alcohol. Cordelia pulled out some cash and left it on the bar as she put her hand on my thigh and leaned toward me, putting her lips to my ear. “What do you say we get out of here and go back to your place, hmm?” I could feel the heat where her skin touched mine and couldn’t help the sudden tingle that went between my legs. She had leaned back, still close to my face, but looking into my Y/E/C eyes. “Yeah. I’d like that” I shyly replied as she stood up and pulled me to the front door. “I don’t live far, we can walk if that’s fine with you.” I said as she nodded then grabbed my hand. “Lead the way dear.” She replied.
When I unlocked the door of my apartment, soft hands quickly found there way to my face as Cordelia pulled me in for a kiss. It was rough and hungry and I couldn’t stifle the moans as I pulled the both of us toward my bedroom. Her lips stayed connected to mine as I undid her pants. I was about to pull my pants off, but she pulled away to step out of her pants and throw her blouse over her head, so I quickly did the same. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the stunning woman in front of me, and I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. I hadn’t been intimate with anyone in so long that my nerves took over, and I just stood there trying to decide what to do next. “You are so beautiful, Y/N. Come here.” Cordelia spoke as she reached out to take my hands, as if she could read my thoughts. “If at any point you want to stop, say it and I will stop.” She continued as she guided me to the bed and pushed me back. As her hands worked at the clasp on my bra, her lips found your neck and she began to suck at your exposed flesh. She worked her way to my cleavage leaving a few kisses there as she tossed the bra onto the floor. Bringing a hand to one breast and her lips to the other, Cordelia looked up at me while tracing her tongue slowly around my nipple then taking it in her mouth, sucking harshly and raking her teeth across the sensitive area. I could feel my core dripping with arousal. I wanted her. I needed her.
“Fuck Cordelia, please.” I breathed out as she dipped her free hand into my soaked panties. “Wow baby. So wet for me.” Cordelia said before bringing her mouth onto my other nipple, sucking and biting it just as the other, and tracing her finger up and down my dripping cunt. She teased around my bud and traced circles around it with her thumb as she entered one finger inside of me and began to ease it in and out. As she picked up her pace, she entered a second finger inside, causing a low moan to escape my lips. “Fuck. That feels so good.” I said as I felt my orgasm coming near. Cordelia slowed her pace and pulled her attention away from your breast, pulling at your lacy panties “Let’s get these off. I want to taste just how sweet you are.” She spoke, causing me to lift off the bed as she pulled my underwear off. Wasting no time, she pushed my legs apart and went straight to my center. She moved her tongue in circles roughly around my clit and teased at my entrance with her finger. As she slipped her finger in, she began sucking and pulling at my swollen bud. “I’m so close, Cordelia. Please- just like that.” I said shakily as she replaced her tongue with her thumb and entered another finger inside of me. “Come for me baby girl. Let me see you come for me.” With a few more rough strokes, I could feel my walls pulsing and my legs started shaking as I rode out your orgasm. Cordelia waited until my breathing calmed before pulled her fingers out and bringing them to her tongue to suck off the juices.
“You are amazing.” I said as I sat up to wrapped my legs around her, straddling her. I kissed her, tasting myself on her lips, as I removed her bra and threw it near mine on the floor. I brought my hands up to her chest, taking her nipples in between my fingers, getting them nice and hard. I broke the kiss to push her back and then promptly take a nipple in my mouth. The sounds coming out of this woman caused your core to heat up again as you switch your attention to the other nipple. “Please, Y/N. I really need you to fuck me.” Cordelia said as she locked eyes with me. Beginning down her stomach, she lifted up trying to get her underwear off, so I grabbed them and pulled them the rest of the way off. I was surprised to see she was soaked, her pussy dripping just from getting me off. “All this for me?” I ask teasingly as she took her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded. I teased up and down her sit with my tongue before finally taking her sweet bud in your mouth, flicking it and sucking at it. This beautiful woman, this Cordelia Goode, as she called herself, was writhing beneath me, and I was making her lose control. The sounds coming out of her sent a tingle right between my legs as you entered two fingers into her dripping core. Feeling her walls start to contract against me, I sucked harder and faster at her swollen clit knowing she was getting close. “Oh fuck baby girl, I’m gonna come. Don’t stop” She said as she wrapped her fingers in my hair, pulling lightly to hold me in place. She was grinding into my mouth and before long she had her release.
I moved up the bed to lie next to her as Cordelia steadied her breathing. She turned to face you, the black in her eyes returned to their coffee like color and then she turned around and got up, gathering her clothes from around the room. “Thank you, Y/N for a great night.” She said breaking the silence in the room. “Cordelia, please stay.” You pleaded, trying anything to get the woman back in your arms. She let out a sigh and looked at you with a smile. “I really must be going, I have some important business to attend to in the morning at the Academy, but I’ll leave my number. I look forward to hearing from you.” And with that, she was off. The sound of the front door closing let me know that she was gone, but hopefully she really did leave her number. There was something about her that had me wanting more, and I couldn’t wait to see her again. Her name, Cordelia Good, was the last thing on my mind as I pulled the blanket over me, and drifted off to sleep.
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Morning Coffee
Cordelia x Reader
I got an anon request to do this! I hope you like it, dear!! ☺️☺️
Hey there! Could you please do something with Cordelia x reader and prompts 27 “Are you blushing?” And 34 “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you”?
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Taglist: @scarlspookyszn​ @cordeliafoxxe​
Let me know what you think!! Thank you all for the love and support! 💕
It was never cold in New Orleans, but when it was, it was freezing. You had been living at Miss Robichaux’s Academy for almost 6 years now, and it had never been as cold as it was this morning. Normally, you woke up next to your love, Cordelia Goode, the headmistress of the academy, but this morning she had decided to get a head start on the day. The two of you had been officially together for a little over a year now, but secretly about 2. Being the headmistress and Supreme, she wanted to wait to share the news with the other girls until after you became an instructor at the academy. Of course, they were more than on board with it.
Checking the time and seeing it was 6:30, you decided to get up and head downstairs for some coffee. On the way out, you saw Cordelia’s sweater sitting on top of the dresser and picked it up, wrapping it around your shaking body. This particular sweater was one she wore the most and it was your favorite. It’s lingering smell of jasmine and honey filling your nose as you proceed down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Sitting at the counter was a robed Cordelia, reading a book and drinking her coffee. “Good Morning Ms. Supreme.” You said making your way around the island to kiss her on the cheek. You went to walk towards the coffee pot when Cordelia grabbed you by the waist and pulled you onto her lap. “Good Morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?” She said softly, placing a soft intimate kiss on your lips, using one of her hands to brush your hair behind your ear.
“Always better next to you.” You said before pulling yourself off her lap and walking to the coffee pot before continuing, “However waking up freezing isn’t too ideal, are you running the heater?”
“Yes, it shouldn’t take too long to start warming up, it’s not to often we have to run it.” Cordelia replied turning around holding her coffee cup out, furrowing her brows as she looked at you, “Why are you wearing my sweater?” You reached over, filling her cup with coffee before speaking. “Because it smells like you.” A soft smile making its way on her lips while you made your way to sit next to her. “I like the way it looks on you.” Her smile turning to a devilish grin. “I’d like to see you in only that sweater.”
You looked up meeting her brown eyes, a rosy hue appearing on your cheeks while you smiled sheepishly. Your Supreme chuckling at your sudden shyness. “Aww, baby girl. Are you blushing?”
You just took looked down and took a sip of your coffee, not being able to suppress the smile on your face. “The things you do to me, Cordelia Goode.” You said playfully, as she picked up her book and went back to reading. “Mhmm” she muttered, “Think about them while you go get dressed. Classes start at 7:30 dear.”
Sighing, you got up and made your way out of the kitchen. “And leave that sweater on the bed. I wasn’t joking earlier.” You heard Cordelia yell from behind you. Shaking your head, you chuckled as you made your way up the stairs and back to the bedroom. That woman would be the death of you.
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Let’s Have A Baby; Part III
Cordelia x Reader
Warnings: Not many just some office sex, NSFW
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Summary: Pick up from Part II, featuring a quickie in Cordelia’s office and you tell the girls the big news!! Working on the next part now! I have some big plans for this series, and now that I have my head in the game, I can really get to writing.
Taglist: @scarlspookyszn @cordeliafoxxe​ @goodeday2u​ @cordeliasprincess​ @supremeinlilac​
Cordelia all but danced out of the doctor's office, and the air around you seemed to be thinner. The two of you just sat in the unstarted car, in silence, for almost 15 minutes. Your wife continuously repeating, "We're having a baby." A few tears falling from her eyes as she smiled, looking off into the distance. "We were gonna be parents", you thought to yourself as Cordelia leaned over and grabbed each side of your face. She kissed you rough, taking your bottom lip in between her teeth and letting her tongue gain entrance to your mouth.
You let the tears fall from your eyes as your emotions overwhelmed you, and Cordelia inched her face away from yours and brought her thumbs up to wipe your tears. "Have you figured out how we're going to tell the girls?" She said as she fixed herself in her seat and put her seatbelt on while starting the car. "Yeah, I think I have the perfect idea. Stop at the store on the way home." You said as you put your seatbelt on and the car pulled out of the parking lot.
At the grocery, you urged Cordelia to stay in the car as you ran inside to gather a few things. When you were done, you went back out to the car and the two of you headed back to the Academy. Cordelia had some things to finish up before the weekend, so she locked herself in her office for most of the day when you got home. That left you with plenty of time to get everything ready for the reveal. You took the supplies up to your bedroom and headed back down into the kitchen to break into the expensive wine cooler.
Grabbing a bottle, you headed back to the bedroom, but Zoe stopped you in the hallway. "Hey, is everything okay with you and Cordelia? I don't mean to pry I just-" you cut Zoe off and chimed in, "It's no problem, Zoe. Yes, we are fine. We've just been dealing with a few things, but don't worry. After dinner tonight, we will let all of you know what's been going on." With that she nodded and smiled, looking down at the bottle in your hand before walking away. When you finished, you went back downstairs and decided to check on Cordelia and see if she needed anything.
You knocked on her office door and waited a second before walking in. Cordelia was sitting at her desk, glasses on her nose and a pencil in her hand; she was deep in thought. "Just thought I would see if you needed anything." You said softly, not wanting to startle her. Cordelia leaned back in her chair and set her pencil down on the desk. "You know, there is one thing I could go for right now." She said as you made you way closer to her desk "And what would that be?" you asked as she motioned for you to come around and sit on her lap. "You." she said as she wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you down.
"Shouldn't I lock the door?" you asked as your wife traced her fingers along the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head. "No one is going to bother us." Cordelia mumbled softly as she snaked her arms around your back to undo your bra and tossed it to the side. You could feel her breath, hot against your skin, as she kissed the center of your chest and teased around your nipples. "On the desk." She ordered and you obeyed almost immediately.
You undid the button on your pants and shimmied out of them as you hopped on the desk, positioning yourself in front of your lover. Cordelia grabbed your legs and put each one on side of her on the arm rest, and leaned forward in her chair. She raked her fingernails on the outside of your thigh and moved slowly toward your center as a soft moan escaped your lips. The tip of Cordelia's tongue teased at your folds and you leaned back, using your arms to hold yourself up.
You bit your lips to hold back your moans as your wife flicked at your sensitive bud. She knew just the right way to send you over the edge, and she was using it to her advantage. "Does this feel good, baby girl?" She asked as she used a finger to tease at your dripping entrance. "Mhmm." You mumbled as you bit harder at your lip, feeling your arousal growing stronger.
With a gentle glide, Cordelia had pushed her fingers inside you, curling them slightly to hit your sweet spot. Your body jolted beneath you as she continuously poked at your g-spot. She brought her mouth back down to your core and matched the pace of her tongue with her thrust. Choking back your moans, you threw your head back as your orgasm washed over you.
You legs and body shook as Cordelia rested her fingers inside you and let you slowly ride out your wave. You noticed Cordelia looking at you with her bottom lip between her teeth. "I've made quite a mess, baby girl. Clean me up." She said as you slowly hopped off the desk and kneeled down between her legs while she wiggled out of her pants. With her legs spread open and propped on the desk, you could see her arousal dripping between her legs. You gathered some on your tongue before licking up her slit, moaning at the taste of your lover.
"No teasing, baby. I need you now." Cordelia said as she grabbed a handful of your hair and held you in place, so you wasted no time lapping at her clit over and over again. Soft, quiet moans escaped her lips causing the heat to build up inside you again. Within a few minutes, Cordelia released her grip from your hair and grabbed on to the arms of her chair; she started grinding against your tongue, and, before long, her orgasm washed over her. Once her breathing steadied, Cordelia leaned forward and pressed her lips against yours.
A knock on the door pulled you both out of the moment. You looked at Cordelia, who was just as surprised as you, but quickly saved the moment by saying, "I'm a little busy, I'll be out in a minute." Zoe immediately replied from behind the door, "Just letting you know that dinner is ready." You suddenly remembered the bottle of wine in your room and got up to grab your clothes. "Okay thank you, Zoe." Cordelia called out as the two of you got dressed. When Zoe walked off, you used the opportunity to run back to your bedroom and grab the wine before meeting everyone in the dining room.
Dinner went by quick, and the time had come for you to make your announcement. You looked up at Cordelia before getting up and heading to the kitchen to get the bottle, returning to hear Cordelia speaking. "As you all know, we have been really busy lately, and we haven't really had the time to let you know what's going on." She looked over at you, and you took over. "We didn't really know how to tell you, but, hey, can't go wrong with a little wine." you said as you placed the wine on the table with a small card attached to the top.
Coco was the first one to grab the bottle and detach the card. "Read it out loud." Zoe said as she leaned in to try and see what was written. With small tears in her eyes, Coco began reading, "The Supreme doesn't get a glass today, but that's okay. We have us a little witch on the way." A burst of cheers and congratulations rang through the dining room as you and Cordelia were bombarded with hugs. "I am so excited to have a baby around the house." Misty said as she kissed your cheek and made her way to your wife to do the same.
Zoe and Coco had walked back into the room with a bunch of wine glasses, and began pouring glasses for everyone. When everyone had a glass, Coco raised hers in the air before speaking up, "I'd like to make a toast, to the best Supreme this coven has ever had, and the soon to be spoiled little baby on the way."
The wine went fast and the laughs came ever faster as the night eventually came to an end. "That was a great idea, Y/N. I'm so glad the girls are as excited as we are." Cordelia said as you were getting ready for bed. "Me too. I can't wait to meet our little bean." you said crawling into bed. "I can't either, however, I can wait on looking like a beach ball." Cordelia said as she crawled in beside you and cuddled close to you. "Shut up, you'll be the most beautiful beach ball." you said as you kissed her softly on her forehead. "I love you so much, Y/N." "I love you too, Delia."
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Shenanigans; Part III
Cordelia x Reader
Warning: Smut, Mommy Kink (because we all know we would call Cordelia mommy!)
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Summary: Pick up from Shenanigans; Part 2, Cordelia having her way with you after the date, and you accidently calling her mommy. I will probably keep this going, but I might end it here, I’m not sure yet.
Taglist: @scarlspookyszn @cordeliafoxxe​
[If you would like to be added to the taglist, or have any request, please let me know!!]
Cordelia had used her powers to close the door, startling you a bit, but you quickly relaxed as her lips were connected with yours; she kissed you with passion as she guided her hands to your hips, pulling your body closer to hers. She snaked her slender fingers up your back to unzip your dress and let it fall off your body, exposing your lacey bra and panties. You watched as her brown eyes faded to black, taking in your figure.
She brought her hand to your cheek and you could feel your heart beat speed up as she leaned forward to reconnect her lips to yours. Fumbling with your hands, you reached around the unzip her dress. She used her hands to push it off her shoulders as it fell to the floor, lips never leaving yours.
You brought your hands to her hips and let your fingers run softly across her smooth pale skin, while she pulled at your bottom lip with her teeth. "I've wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you." Cordelia said as she pulled back and made her way to the bed. "You followed behind, taking in her exposed figure, and sat next to her as she continued, "Take off your bra and panties and lay in the middle of the bed for me." Your immediate obedience earning you praise. 
"That's my good girl." She said as she removed her undergarments as well. "If I do anything you are not okay with, say something, and I will stop immediately." Cordelia said as she sat next to your naked body on the bed. You nodded as your supreme brought her lips to your neck, kissing every inch of exposed flesh. She slowly worked her way down to your chest, circling her tongue around your nipple, before taking it in her mouth. You let out a soft moan as she nipped and sucked at your sensitive bud then raked her teeth across your skin to the other.
You could feel your center getting wetter as your arousal grew stronger; Cordelia's soft lips not leaving any area of you untouched. "Do you like that baby girl?" She asked softly, looking up at you with dark brown eyes. "Yes, mommy." You replied, cheeks immediately heating up from embarrassment. You didn't mean to say it, but you were so worked up in the moment that you couldn't help it.
Cordelia just smirked at your response as she made her way between your legs, her hands rubbing on your thighs. "Be a good girl for mommy and spread your legs. I want to taste how sweet you are." As you spread your legs, your heart skipped a beat when you felt a finger run slowly down your slit, gathering up your juices. You watched as Cordelia brought her finger to her lips and licked her finger clean. "I knew my baby girl would be the sweetest." She spoke as she began licking at your center.
You bit your lip to try and suppress your moans as she dug her nails into your hips, pulling you more into her mouth. She hummed as she sucked on your clit, and you could feel yourself getting closer to your release. Your back began to arch off the bed and Cordelia slowed her pace, replacing her tongue on your clit with her thumb. "Not yet princess. Let mommy have just a little more fun with you." she said as she sat back on the bed, running her fingers up and down your dripping cunt.
You pouted as you looked up at her, desperate for your release. She gathered up some of your juices on her fingers and plunged two fingers inside you. The sudden stimulation causing a shiver to run up your spine. When she finally found your sweet spot, she used her thumb to rub your clit. Working her fingers in and out, and hitting your g spot, you could feel your orgasm coming close. "I'm gonna cum. Can I cum mommy?" you breathed out between moans, not knowing if you could hold on much longer.
"Yes baby girl, cum for me." Cordelia said as she began sucking at your clit, working her fingers faster inside of you. Your legs started shaking as you felt your orgasm wash over you while Cordelia was between your legs lapping up all your juices.
"That's a good girl." She said as she slowly removed her fingers and made her way next to you.
You turned to face her and leaned forward to kiss her. "You are incredible." was all you could manage to say, causing her to stifle a laugh. "You, Y/N, are the incredible one. Makes me wish I would have joined in on y'alls little shenanigans a long time ago." She replied, smiling as she played with your hair.
"Can I touch you now, mommy?" You said as you looked up at her. She placed a kiss on your forehead before pulling you in to snuggle her closer. "Get some rest baby girl, we have all the time in the world to be together."
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