#sally mc kenna
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queerdetectiveblue · 4 years ago
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So I finally give artbreeder a try and now I’m a little obsessed 😳 I made the beautiful ladies from @mindblindbard and two of my buttons ;)
Top (left to right): Sally, my buttons Franky (she/they) and Emma (she)
Bottom: Kenna, Rosy and Glitch 
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
So,,, what kind of pet names do the RO’s like if at all?😳 I just gotta hear some relationship fluff about these babes
Sally: Very into making up nonsensical nicknames: Snugglebits, Cuffin-Muffin, Booberry, etc. Which, while possibly endearing to her partner, can be cringe-inducing to onlookers. Despite her own flare for creative endearments, Sally melts at simply being called “my heart.”
Grayson: Enjoys the married-for-five-decades type of pet names (dear, love, honey). Would call Button “dear” in a very offhanded, casual manner, only to find his heart still races when they say it back, no matter how long the two have been together. (He and Button may also teasingly call each other “Cookie”.)
Kent/Kenna: Doesn’t have a preference, but if Button came up with a unique endearment for them, they would be become almost aggressively possessive about it. (To Glitch: “Don’t call me that. Only MC gets to call me that.” Or, potentially, to Button: “No, you can’t call our child that. It’s my name.”)
Glitch: Glitch is a bit of an odd case. Intimacy for them is being called by their first name (or rather, the shortened version of it: Talia or Ferro), rather than by their self-given callsign (or, dare I say, self-protective front?). 
Rosy: Tolerates being called Rosy, if Button insists. Otherwise would prefer to be called Ambrose/Ambrosia in public and by their Korean birth name in private. Only uses Button’s first name, with one noticeable exception: Rosy transforms into kind of a dork for the first few months if they get married, and takes an absurd amount of pleasure from addressing Button as “Wife/Husband/Spouse” in public.
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stayevildarling · 4 years ago
I love this so much 🥺 especially ✨THE Bean, Billie Bean Howard✨
thank you for doing this you incredible talented person!! 💞
Full credit to the lovely @stayeviildarling I loved making this with you honey.
GIF credits to: @ungifable @ahsgifs @witch @mildredratchds @thatsmypeach @regina-king @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @rosalie-starfall
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stayevildarling · 4 years ago
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credit to owners
Sally McKenna Moodboard
„Say it... say you love me.... say I love you, Sally“
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
Okay, so since this happens to me from time to time, I gotta know-- RO's + Nick's reaction to accidentally hitting MC in the face? Like maybe they're gesturing with their hands or turning around and *boom* MC gets backhanded.
Ah, my fellow klutz. I understand the hardship.
Sally: Tries to apologize, but the sincerity of her words is compromised by her laughter. (Sally is another person to whom this happens with semi-regularity.)
Grayson: Freaks out. Because proximity. And thoughts. Not that he heard much of anything, but he’s still appalled that he could be so careless as to not only touch, but hurt, Button. If the two are in a relationship, Gray still feels sorry but gives Button a hug rather than leaping six feet backwards as if avoiding a rattlesnake.
Kent/Kenna: Immediately fetches Button an ice pack, because they are well aware of their own strength and that black eye needs to be cared for asap.
Glitch: Apologizes profusely, and offers to let Button hit them as payback. Desperately backtracks if Button actually takes them up on the offer, because Glitch is a baby. (One of those “I’m-not-sick-I’m-dying” people.)
Rosy: Even if Button claims to be unharmed, Rosy treats them with kid gloves for the next couple days, because they feel terrible. Like, irrationally so. Rosy is not used to making mistakes, let alone a mistake that hurts someone they care about. Eventually Button has to demand that Rosy knock it off, because Rosy acting so uncharacteristically gentle is starting to kinda creep them out.
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
What would the RO's reactions be to an MC who finds some sort of baby creature (puppy/kitten) and names it after the RO, their reasoning being "I decided to named him/her after my favourite person!"
Aw, that’s adorable!
Sally: Doesn’t know which to cuddle first, the kitten or Button. “They’re so cute! You’re so cute!”
Grayson: “. . . Your favorite person?” Hesitates, then takes a step closer. “Do you mean that?”
Kent/Kenna: Insists the dog/cat deserves their own name. Later that night, while doing something completely unrelated, tells Button: “You’re my favorite person too.”
Glitch: Calls the dog/cat by Button’s first name. While Glitch’s intentions are to show that they return Button’s sentiment, the poor dog/cat ends up being very confused whenever the Glitch and Button have a conversation.
Rosy: Sneezes if a kitten, because allergies. If a puppy, bonds with it reluctantly (especially if Button named it “Rosy” vs Ambrose/Ambrosia). Claims not to like the creature, but also tells people to lower their voice while Rosy Junior sleeps on their lap.
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maburito · 4 years ago
HMMMMM depends on which game you talking about zefpazorgker.
For A Tale of Crowns I'm starting with Rozerîn because she’s just so cuuuuuuuuute but I’m probably gonna do all four of them
I swear I'm getting addicted to these choices game because of you, first Wayhaven then Minblind and The Speaker and now A Tale of Crowns ITS ALL SOO GOOD ?? I don't even know which route i wanna do first T__T
 ahahahaha looks like everythings going to plan
but for real, once you started one choices game - you end up playing the rest!
the writing and stories are soo good!! 
(who you planning to romance??)
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
RO’s reaction to the MC suddenly forgetting everything about them? This happens in the relationship stage. (Theoretically could this happen if some powerful Ment messed around in MC’s head? Is their mind really that vulnerable🥺?)
Oof. This is gonna hurt to write.
Sally: Brings out all her diaries dating from childhood and begs Button to read them. “You need to remember. We are in love, dammit.” The two have so much history together, that the idea Button forgetting it all is . . . there’s honestly no single adjective capable of describing how much that would destroy Sally.
Grayson: Does whatever the doctor recommends. If the doctor says not to make Button forcibly remember, then Gray pretends to only be Nick’s friend again. Even if he dies a little each time that Button shies away from his touch.
Kent/Kenna: Immediately sets off to kick the ass of whatever Ment caused Button’s amnesia. Taking them out may not cure Button, but no one hurts their person and gets away with it. 
Glitch: Works to create a cure. Hypnosis? Memory prompting by taking Button to the locations of their best dates? Virtual reality recreations of the past? Glitch becomes of a shadow of themself searching for a fix that may not exist.
Rosy: Sets out to make Button fall back in love with them. Amnesia isn’t ideal, but it’s not the end of their relationship. It can’t be the end, because Rosy won’t allow it to be. 
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
What’s Nick’s opinions on the ROs? Doesn’t necessarily have to be about them romancing the MC just like does he already have a general opinionof each of them (does he already somewhat know them all)?
Nick’s Opinions: 
Grayson: A++ choice. Nick wants to cry at how happy he is if Gray and Button get together, because Gray is everything he wants Button to have in a partner. Plus, he gets Gray as a brother. It’s a win-win.
Sally: A+ choice. Loses one + compared to Gray because Nick finds Sally to be lowkey annoying at times. It’s obvious how much Sally cares for Button, though, so Nick approves wholeheartedly.
Glitch: A- choice. Nick thinks that Glitch is fun and the two naturally click as friends, but Nick doesn’t know Glitch well enough to be 100% convinced that they’re mature enough to deserve his baby sibling.
Kent/Kenna: C+. K seems nice, Nick guesses. Their personality is somewhat boring, and they’re not as sweet to Button as Nick would like. The two don’t really connect in terms of humor or hobbies. Once Nick realizes how deeply K actually loves Button, however, his grade is bumped up to an B+.
Rosy: “Why. Are. You. Dating. Your. Teacher.” (Nick is extremely concerned that Rosy might be taking advantage of Button. It’s an older sibling thing. Yes, Button is an adult and Nick respects their autonomy, but he also remembers when they were 16 months old and would toddle a few steps before falling down and bumping their knee and they’d get all teary but not cry because his little sibling was the bravest little soldier ever and LOOK HE STILL NEEDS TO PROTECT THEM, OKAY.)
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
How would the ROs react to an MC who clings to them in their sleep like koala bear?
Sally: Clings back. (Sally is a champion snuggler.)
Grayson: Stays awake, because Button is so dang cute and he just wants to stare at their sleeping face. Sings softly (and badly) in Button's ear if it seems like they're having a nightmare.
Kent/Kenna: Grumbles but allows it. Secretly enjoys it. Resists complaining about how Button's drool made their shoulder all sticky (K doesn't wear pajamas).
Glitch: Buys one of those special pillows with a hole for your arm, so that Button can use Glitch's arm as a head rest without giving them pins and needles.
Rosy: Feels awkward, because Rosy hasn’t experienced a lot of affectionate intimacy throughout their life. It would take a while for Rosy to get used to being koala-cuddled, but they'd eventually hug back once asleep.
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stayevildarling · 4 years ago
part 3 is up💕
it‘s quite sad but I promise it gets better😅
Sally McKenna x Reader x Wilhemina Venable- A little help
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Hi everyone✨
just uploaded the first chapter of a Sally x Reader x Wilhemina Story on my wattpad like requested
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
How would the ro's react to MC walking in one day with a completely new hair color?
Sally: Gets excited and immediately wonders if she should dye her hair as well because then her and Button match. And wouldn’t that be the cutest? She doesn’t go through with it, though, out of fear of ruining her curl structure. 
Grayson: Compliments Button and then quickly adds that it’s not that he thought they looked bad before, the new color is just a refreshing change, not that they needed to change or anything, and . . . dear god, he’s bad at this.
Kent/Kenna: Stares at Button for a long time without speaking before finally announcing “I like it.”
Glitch: Admires the color and then asks how on earth Button has enough patience to sit through getting it dyed. Unless Button dyed it themselves, in which case Glitch thinks that’s pretty cool.
Rosy: Tells Button off for having hair color against Aeon regulations if it’s neon blue or something. Otherwise doesn’t really say anything. Rosy would get used to the new look, but they also liked to the way Button looked before. A sudden change that they weren’t expecting would make them feel slightly discombobulated. 
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
What would the ro's act like on their wedding day? Would they cry?
Sally: Won’t stop making funny faces at MC from beneath her veil, trying to make them crack up in the middle of the ceremony. Somehow manages to arrange it so that she pops out of a giant cake during the reception.
Gray: Is a sentient bundle of nerves in the week leading up to his wedding day. Friends and family grow slightly concerned. As soon as vows are exchanged, however, he swoops MC into his arms and strides out of the venue . . . only to return an hour later with MC for the toasts and wedding dinner, now shockingly zen.
Kent/Kenna: Very relaxed about the whole affair, almost indifferent, because vows are just words to them and won’t change how they feel about MC. Only freaks out when Antigone accidentally swallows MC’s ring in her role as doggie ring bearer and needs to be taken to the nearest vet clinic.
Taliaferro: Glitch would insist on the wedding being a grand, expensive affair with a full choir, fireworks, doves . . . the whole shebang. Keeps swearing that they won’t cry, and then breaks down the moment the officiant begins to speak. If MC agreed to get married at Glitch’s childhood church, Glitch begins crying as soon as they step onto the altar because they’d seen a hundred vows exchanged right in this exact spot yet never imagined they’d be lucky enough to do so themselves.
Rosy: Writes the most eloquent vows about how much MC means to them, which stuns all the guests into flabbergasted silence because there’s no way Ambrose/Ambrosia Kim is capable of saying that many nice things about another human being.
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
I wonder, how would The ROs react to giving them a mini plushy version of themselves that the MC themselves knitted?
Sally: Squeals, loudly. “I love it! Did you make this? Have I mentioned how freaking amazing you are?!”
Grayson: Blushes profusely and almost drops the plushy because he’s so flustered. “Thank you.”
Kent/Kenna: Accepts with a simple “Thanks”, but then spends the entire evening training Annie and Cass that the plushy is not a chewtoy. Keeps it on a high shelf just in case.
Glitch: Uses the plushy like a puppet to give Button a tiny hug, then pretends that the plushy won’t let go. “Mini-me has good taste.”
Rosy: “Why are you giving me a child’s plaything?” (The plushy then sits in a position of prominence in their office, and Rosy growls at anyone who touches it.)
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
MC and ROs (in deep relationship) are sleeping together and suddenly MC wakes them up and asks if the ROs "likes" them or "like-likes" them. What are their reactions?
Sally: “You’re an idiot.” (Said fondly but also grumpily. Sally does not like being woken up.)
Grayson: “I love you.” Promptly falls back asleep.
Kent/Kenna: Smacks Button over the head with the pillow. “Go back to sleep.”
Glitch: "My heart is humming a tune . . .” Yawns. “ . . . That I haven’t heard in . . . ” Drifts off before they finish quoting the poem (Flirtation by Rita Dove).
Rosy: Cracks open one eye, glares at Button with it, then goes back to sleep.
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mindblindbard · 5 years ago
Well, speaking of awkward moments... I can't remember where I've seen the ask before(perhaps it was on this Tumblr?) but I'm gonna ask anyway in case it wasn't. What would the RO's reaction be if: MC and RO are sitting down and RO decides to smack MC's back for a job well done on a test(or something), except MC stands up and RO ends up slapping MC's butt instead.
So, these answers assume that Button and the ROs are not yet in a romantic relationship. I also read your ask backwards, with the ROs as the slappees rather than slappers, because it's 1:30am and I'm half asleep. Sorry!
Sally: Swats Button’s butt in revenge as soon as they stand. It would probably become an inside joke between the two, randomly slapping each other’s butts at odd times, much to the confusion of everyone else around.
Grayson: Isn’t sure whether to address the slap or to pretend that it never happened. Flounders internally but settles on the latter option with enough composure that Button may wonder, “Wait, is butt-slapping such a normal thing for him that he didn’t even notice? What the hell is Gray’s personal life like?”
Kenna/Kent: Stares down at Button. There’s a prolonged period of intense silence before K calmly asks if they need a ride home.
Glitch: Wiggles their rear and says, “Ooh, again, sir/ma’am. I’ve been naughty.” (To be fair, Glitch would do this if anyone accidentally smacked their backside. Although they might mean it a bit more seriously if Button is the smacker.)
Rosy: Leaves.
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