#cordelia kin
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Im sending this to a couple different call blogs so this is (canon call)copy/pasted from one draft.Hi I'm Winnifred "Fred" Burkle (later changed my last name) from an Alternate universe of Angel: the series.I'm looking for any other canonmates (any timeline) but my focus right now is my best friend Cordelia and my love SpikeI am 18+ so no minors sorry. Feel free to message me.
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Elizabeth " Lizzie " Ethel Cordelia Midford
💖 🤺 🎀 🎂 🐰 🧸 👡 🎉 🌟
#elizabeth midford#elizabeth ethel cordelia midford#stimboard#stim#gif#gifs#elizabeth midford stimboard#elizabeth midford stimboards#stimboards#elizabeth midford kin#elizabeth midford fictive#fencing#fencing stim#desserts#shoes#lolita fashion#pink#kuroshitsuji#black butler#kuroshitsuji kin#kuroshitsuji fictive#black butler kin#black butler fictive#kuroshitsuji stim#kuroshitsuji stimboards#kuroshitsuji stimboard
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Hi! I'm a Cordelia (falsettos) kin, and I'm looking for Marvin? 15+ required please! Reblog this post and I'll reach out to you in dms- i am also the host of a DID system<3
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Is Cordelia a fan of The Little Mermaid (2023)?
Yeah! I wouldn’t see her not being a fan of it. I do think her favorite Little Mermaid movie would be Return to the Sea, though.
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Ayato hated their mom, hated her long manicured nails, her long shiny purple hair, her expensive jewellery but he hated how his brothers loved her the most. He hated their oh so love, the love that so much turned into hate. He hated it.
Even so he loved how he can show his love towards her and his brothers.
By taking her life himself, leaving nothing left to ones who wants to show their love. Or the ones she desired.
However he couldn’t grasp how this idea was planted in his head. How his older brother knew who she was and hated her from the beginning, warning his baby brothers by his harsh tongue, whispering mean words to their ears; “Don’t, she doesn’t care anyway.” or “She doesn’t love you.”
He knew, he saw everything that needed to be seen, that’s why he wanted his brother himself kill her. Herewith he doesn’t fall into trap of love by giving himself to her also takes the pleasure of being loved by her greatest love. He wanted her to know he didn’t loved her much to kill but her golden son hated her much to do it.
In the end, Cordelia created her kin, the devil who whispers in ears to seduce.

I think we have to kill this guy, steven.
#diabolik lovers#dialovers#diahell#laito sakamaki#sakamaki brothers#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#diaboys#cordelia sakamaki#i am so normal about them
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merfolk id pack!
includes names, 1stpp, 2ndpp, 3rdpp, genders, alterhuman flags, & other terms!
Abyssal, Alkali, Allur, Bay, Brim, Brine, Brooks, Cecaelia, Cloud, Coastal, Coral/Coralie, Cordelia, Delilah, Dooriya, Flood, Gale, Irv, Jubilee, Lake, Mari/Maris/Marina/Marine, Maritime, Mere, Merrick, Misty, Oceana, Pollyanna, Riverine/Riviera, Seashore, Seaside, Seawater, Serena, Shore, Siren/Syren/Syrin, Storm, Summer, Sylph, Thalassa, Themis, Tide, Whirlwind, & Windstorm
1stpp: (xi/xe/xy/xine/xyself)
abyi/abye/aby/abyine/abyself, ba/be/bay/bane or bine/bayself, bri/bre/bry/brim/bryself, bro/brook/bry/bron/bryself, clo/cloud/cly/clone/clyself, coa/coast/coy/coan/coyself, cor/coral/coray/corine/corself, flo/flood/flooy/floine or floodine/flooyself, la/lake/lay/laine/layself, mari/marine/mary/marine/maryself, mer/me/mery/merine/meryself, oc/ocean/oceany/ocine/oceanyself, ri/rive/rivery/rine or riverine/riveryself, sea/se/seay/seaine/seayself, shor/shore/shory/shorine/shoryself, si/siren/sireny/sine/sirenyself, storm/storme/story/stormine/storyself, thalassic/thalassi/thalassy/thalassine/thalassyself, ti/tide/tidy/tine or tidine/tidyself, whi/whirl/whirly/whine or whirline/whiryself, & wi/wind/windy/wine or windine/windyself
2ndpp: (xou/xour/xours/xourself)
abyss/abyr/abyrs/abyrself, bay/bayr/bayrs/bayrself, brim/br/brs/brself, brook/br/brs/brself, cloud/clour/clours/clourself, coast/coar/coars/coarself, coral/cor/cors/coralself, lake/lakr/lakrs/lakrself, marine/mar/mars/marself, maritime/mar/mars/marself, me/mer/mers/merself, ocean/ocear/ocears/ocearself, rive/river/rivers/riverself, sea/sear/sears/searself, sea/seashore/seashores/seashoreself, seaside/seasir/seasirs/seasirself, sea/seawater/seawaters/seawaterself, sho/shore/shores/shoreself, siren/sir/sirs/sirself, sto/storms/storms/stormself, thalassic/thalassir/thalassirs/thalassirself, tide/tider/tiders/tiderself, whirlwind/whirl/whirls/whirlself, whi/whirl/whirls/whirl, wind/wir/wirs/wirself, & wind/windstorm/windstorms/windstormself
3rdpp: (xe/xim)
aby/abyss, bay/bays, brim/brims, brook/brooks, cloud/clouds, coast/coasts, coral/corals, flood/floods, lake/lakes, marine/marines, maritime/maritimes, mari/times, mer/mers, ocean/oceans, river/rivers, sea/seas, seashore/seashores, sea/shores, seaside/seasides, sea/sides, seawater/seawaters, sea/waters, shore/shores, siren/sirens, storm/storms, thalassic/thalassics, tide/tides, whirlwind/whirlwinds, whirl/winds, whirl/whirls, wind/winds, windstorm/windstorms, & wind/storms
genders: (all terms are links)
merfolk, mereic, mermaidcore, sirenish, merlikic, merblood/merfolkblood, sirenblood, mermonster, sirenmonster, autimeric/autimerfolkic, autisirenic, merplayful, merpuplayful, merplaymate, mergender, phosirenial, merive, gendermerpup, & merenvic
alterhuman flags: (all terms are links)
mermaid constelic, siren, merfolk alterproxy, siren alterproxy, mer/merfolk linosus, & mermaid kin
other terms: (all terms are links)
merfolk 4 siren/siren 4 merfolk, queer mer, mer privawor, siren privawor, merforial, mercollector/merhoarder, merspesque, miscemer/miscemerfolk, merchronal, sirenvior, mervior/merfolkvior, merinurvesi, aldermermic, merane attraction, & mermare attraction
banner made by us!
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Seal ID Pack
[PT: Seal ID Pack /End PT]

[ID 1: An image of a seal in water. Only its head is visible, and its eyes are closed. It looks at peace. ID End]
[ID 2: A thin line drawing of blue waves. ID End]
Names: Blue, Bobby, Brigid/Bridgette, Brooke, Calypso, Carrie, Celeste, Cordelia, Damien, Dana, Darius, Dylan, Ella, Finn, Harper, Irving, Kai, Leo, Levi, Lotus, Luca, Luna, Marina, Nessie, Nymph, Oakley, Penny, Proteus, Rain, Ripley, Robert, Ross, Sage, Sam, Seamus, Seeley, Selena, Selkie, Siren, Stella, Storm, Wade, Wendell, Celine
[PT: Names /PT End]
Pronouns: dive/dives, drift/drifts, fish/fishs, float/floats, flood/floods, flow/flows, fur/furs, hunt/hunts, lion/lions, lure/lures, ocean/oceans, oort/oorts, pup/pups, rain/rains, ring/rings, sea/foam, seal/seals, selk/selkies, splish/splash, spots/spots, star/stars, tide/tides, tusk/tusks, 🦦/🦦s, 🦈/🦈's, 🐬/🐬's, 🦭/🦭's, 🐳/🐳's, 🐋/🐋's, 🐟/🐟's, 🐠/🐠's, 🐡/🐡's, 🦐/🦐's, 🦑/🦑's, 🐙/🐙's, 🦞/🦞's, 🦀/🦀's, 🐚/🐚's, 🪸/🪸's, 🪼/🪼s, 🌊/🌊's
[PT: Pronouns /PT End]
Titles: The [x] that barks, The barking seal, The hunting seal, The ocean's protector, The pup with tusks, The Selkie, The swimming [x], The [x] who swims
[PT: Titles /PT End]
Labels: arissoselkie, baikalseabomination, intuselkie, lorarchic, oculopinni, sea lion kin, seal, seal ambitherian, sealboy, sealgelic, sealgender, sealgender(2), sealhubris, sealpearl, sealthing, seaplillowic, selkiekin, selkie alterhuman, selkiean, selkifem, selkiegender, selkiendelic, selkievior, sylkicute, sylkigender, sealgirl
[PT: Labels /PT End]
Requested by: @equine-equius
[ID 2: A thin line drawing of blue waves. ID End]
divider credit(link)
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[collab with @vahalia-cress]
The meeting called by her sister had been the perfect catalyst to rekindle their communication. Through and through, Cordelia’s inexperience with maintaining meaningful relationships seemed to follow her even regarding the sister she had truly come to hold dear. Some time had past since their last face-to-face interaction and much had transpired since Tural. There had been the occasional correspondence from one or the other but despite her attempts to be present and engaged in growing closer to her familial ties, her innermost instinct at what might have brought most to become more connected had caused Cordelia to stray in her ability to provide any sort of comfort and therefore seemed to pull back. Valeria’s death had been a shock to all those around her and while Cordelia found herself tending to matters regarding the integrity of her own household, she had ached to do more for Vahalia in the time following her twin’s passing.
Cecily was being seen to, thoroughly, allowing Cordelia some time to disconnect from the matter to attempt at reconciliation in her decision of unity with her last remaining family. She was pleased for Vahalia to have accepted her invitation, having the tearoom prepared with what she recalled of her sister’s preference of tea and some assorted snacks. Tilly had been instructed of the Cress woman’s arrival time and to have her guided there while Cordelia tended to the fire.
It was Tilly’s knock and voice at the door that ushered her presence forward with the Lady Cress in tow. Despite all that she had gone through in the stretch of several months, Vahalia looked much like herself save for the rounded midsection that barely gave itself away even to the most discerning set of eyes. There was grief and a mother’s glow upon her face, a battle from day to day – to be sure.
“Cordelia.” Vahalia spoke as she stalked the floor towards her half-sister, leaning inward and reaching for her hand. She placed a well-presented and meaningful kiss on the space by cheek and temple, “It’s good to see you again. I feel as if this has been long overdue, certainly in part due to my own busy schedule. I did receive your letter after the funeral but I had things that kept me from a proper reply. I had not wished to injure our chances of finding the people who were responsible for her death as I surmised I might have been watched closely, possibly missives being scoured through. Now…it’s easy to discuss as the threat has been contained.”
Cordelia leaned into the kiss, giving Vahalia’s hands a gentle squeeze. “Oh, I place no blame on you. Truly, much of your world has been through life altering changes and while I certainly would have been invested in aiding in securing your revenge, I also understand the importance of timing and such.” Smiling softly to her kin, she pulled away to settle in comfortably while Vahalia pulled to the seat across from Cordelia and found a nook to nestle and lounge herself into elegantly, “I suspect I’ve missed much, you have my apologies for such.”
The raven haired woman went about pouring their tea into cups, setting one in front of her company and taking the other into her lap. “I would say we have both missed quite a bit between us. Another congratulations, of course. I look forward to meeting my new niece or nephew and I most certainly need to see the twins soon. Admittedly, I never thought I would say I missed a child but now there are two.”
Graciously Vahalia accepted the tea and hovered it below her nose, taking in the aroma, “You and I both. It wounds me that Valeria will not be able to meet them, but I am pleased that I have yet another such as yourself that will be present.” she looked to the tea and stole a gingered sip from the rim.
“They tend to grow on you quite quickly. Perhaps it as they say, when they are of no relation to you, children aren’t typically enjoyable but when they’re your own – well…” Vahalia’s words clipped and she tipped her head slightly.
Cordelia continued to hold her teacup in her lap as she listened to Vahalia, smiling softly across to her though there was a flash of sadness in her eyes briefly. “I am… truly sorry for not having been more supportive in the time after Valeria’s attack. I did have a hand in the events that set this all in motion and whether I had or not, you are precious to me and while she and I had not the opportunity to grow closer, she was still of my kin. You were both owed more.” She nodded, punctuating her thought before she finally brought the tea to her lips, relishing in the warmth of the vapors tickling her nose.
The teacup in Vahalia’s hand settled on the table before her, “There is no need to be sorry, you run your own business and House. That in of itself is enough to keep people wrapped up for long periods of time.”
A low hum escaped her, finger tracing the ornate design along the shell of the teacup, “Things have been well with you I hope? Business, personal life and health?”
Cordelia sighed softly, tipping her teacup in different directions as she watched the tea swirl around the cup. With a smile, she looked back up to Vahalia. “Ah, yes, very well. I have completely healed-“ she commented, a delicate hand raising to graze over her chest briefly where she had met the unsuspecting end of a blade during their time in Tural. “Business is busy as per usual, nothing I can really complain about there.”
Her lips pulled into a faint smile before she continued on, her teacup being lifted to her lips as she spoke over the rim. “And it would seem that I am engaged.”
“Engaged? My, I never expected you of all the people I know aside from myself to settle back into married life. I’m sure it will look good on you regardless. Being able to make your own choices is freeing.” there was a small smirk as she lifted her teacup, expression glinting over the rim briefly as she looked across to her sister.
“Congratulations, have you begun preparations as of yet or do you plan on having a private affair of it?”
A sound resembling a dry laugh came from Cordelia as she leaned forward to rest her cup to the table now, one leg lifting to cross over the other when she finally sat back. “I share in your surprise, if I am being honest. I never planned to remarry nor did I entirely wish to, but I always kept the prospect in mind for the potential future. At the very least, if I am to maintain the control of the Gray line, children are required to do so. While they may not hold the Gray name, they will inherit both Gray and Corvin entirely.”
She took a slow breath in, glancing over to the crackling fireplace and it was released with just as much control. “I would much prefer a small private matter but I imagine there may be some… kickback on that decision that I will have to manage.” Shoulders rose and fell in a gentle shrug. “I do hope this one fairs better than the last. I would hate to have to make myself a widow twice over.”
“Let's hope your second marriage is as fruitful as mine and you don't find yourself settled with regrets or you just might have to become a widower twice over as you said.” Vahalia sipped after her quip.
“A shame you'll be giving the name you worked so hard to rein in as yours to become a Blythe.” Vahalia followed Cordelia’s gaze, “Has Damien fought you on the matter? I'm sure there will be quite the amount of push back considering most are not be keen on seeing their family fortune and legacy go to heirs of a different name, family and line. Gray being the family you married into, especially since kin of the Gray name, directly, still lives.”
The Witch-woman licked her lips and regarded her teacup, “Be careful of whom you keep the company of and choices you make. At every turn there will be those who will look to erase your path forward.”
Cordelia turned her gaze back to her sister with a well-placed smile tinged with darker features. “I have no concerns regarding Ricard or his intentions, it is a known understanding that all Gray holdings will continue to belong to me and they will only be forfeit to my heirs.” A soft tch of her tongue came as she settled back further into her seat comfortably. “Damien has no leg to stand on, though he has sent his little sister to attempt to do his dirty work for him since he’s incapable of it on his own. Nevertheless, you are the first to know of the engagement, there is plenty of time for them to riot in tantrum soon.”
She pursed her lips, tilting her head slightly at an angle with curiosity. “I also was unaware you had remarried… granted with child on the way, it could be an assumption but the technicality of it all is neither here nor there as it would matter not to me. A babe of yours would be welcomed by me despite the circumstances.”
The sable-haired woman angled herself in the seat, elbow finding the armrest and her knuckles gracefully kept her jaw propped, eyes scanning Cordelia’s mien as she spoke. She wasn’t about to dabble in Gray's affairs nor that of Cordelia’s and Ricard’s as there was much of her own to tend to, however, the support would go without saying as she certainly knew Cordelia was aware.
They spoke each other’s language, after all.
“I remarried before leaving Tural. Hakan Belgrave as I’m sure you know him to some degree. He has grown into the idea of wanting a larger family beyond just the twins and I agreed. What better way to spend my days to come than married to the right sort, in both necessity and adoration.” she smirked lightly and tilted her head along her knuckles more, “I’m….happy.” she mused softly.
“I cannot say I’ve felt that feeling in quite a long time. Hakan is certain the child will be a girl. However, as we both know, sons are often favored but I’m no longer within the cage of Ishgardian society to care. Loosely tied and my property exists all the same as needed, when needed. Finally, I have someone who walks with me in all matters, is open-minded, apt, and willing to do what is necessary. By any means necessary, no less. My darkness is his, and his mine.”
Vahalia pulled her hand away from her jaw and she reached for her teacup, “I can only hope the same for you with your union to come. Do give Ricard my congratulations. I’ll be sure to send a gift in due course for you both.”
Cordelia’s expression softened, a reaction not many had ever been exposed to from her. “It warms me to know you have found happiness and a partner that tends to your wants and needs as such and even further that you’re bringing a new little one into the world.” A thoughtful sigh escaped her slightly parted lips as she rested her elbows to either side of the chair comfortably. “And for Ricard and I, I welcome the engagement and am hopeful that the sour blood between you may ease even if just enough to accept him as my other half. As I said before, I never anticipated or cared to remarry and somehow he has changed that which I can only perceive to be a positive thing. I will certainly extend your well wishes to him.”
A low hum escaped Vahalia and she nodded across to Cordelia, “What I think is inconsequential. As long as you are happy, then I am happy for you.” Sure, she could have gone into rhyme and reason, a plethora s to why Cordeila was far too good for the man she was tying herself to. But it had always been her choice to make, regardless. The third time was a charm and Ricard finally happened to bag himself a Cress after shifting through each of them.
Cordelia had a wild heart, one that mirrored Vahalia’s in a sense and deep down, Vahalia suspected that in time, she would grow restless – perhaps bored with the barefoot life staying settled within the confines of Ishgard and estate life. Forever craving more that Vahalia knew Ricard could not provide for her, but there was hope.
A fond smile was afforded to her sister and Vahalia tilted her head, “You’d make a lovely bride and a lovely mother, I’m sure of it. Should you ever need to get away for a spell, Black Water Bay is always open to you and yours and I will do my best to ensure Ricard is welcomed with open arms.”
Part of Cordelia was surprised with Vahalia’s response, it was welcomed all the same. “I am… happy, that is. Truthfully, it has all been quite the adjustment in feelings, learning how to navigate it all.” She hummed through a soft released breath, adjusting in her seat so that she swapped from one leg over the other. “And I do appreciate your kindness, I imagine whatever Ricard will be much the same. Certainly, depending on your schedule at the time, I hope you will be able to attend? Hakan is welcome, as well, of course.”
Low was the chuckle that left Vahalia followed by that signature hum of hers, “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for anything. It is to be a big day for you and your happiness is a sliver of my own and I wish to see you take the next step forward of your own. It’s a powerful feeling being able to make your own choices without the hands of men interveneting to shift and build your world around you. This is of your own accord and making, there is pride to be had there in that.”
Vahalia gracefully pulled herself from her chair, layers of silken and lace decorated skirts slithered in tow as she made for Cordelia’s side and crouched by the armrest to level with her kin, “This may be bold, but have you ever considered me to be anything but?” her hand found the top of Cordelia’s, “You sound apprehensive, perhaps not as jubilant as a blushing bride could be over a person they love. I know not of what holds your hesitation of pensive tone but know this, no harm will come to you. Ricard may be many things but he certainly isn’t Ambrose. And should he step out of line toward you in any capacity, I will come for him. You are my only remaining sister; even if only by half. I feel it in full. You have my support and protection, reciprocity I know we both share for one another.”
The warm digits that had found Cordelia’s hand gently slipped away to the cooler touch of the hardwood under the Lady Gray’s forearm, “My bond with you will continue to remain infallible.”
Cordelia’s gaze followed the other woman as she stood and moved closer, a concerned curiosity filling her expression until her honeyed words met her ears. She placed her free hand over the one that covered her other, if only briefly to offer reassurance in her own words and appreciation for the regard of Cordelia’s wellbeing. “It is not apprehension in the man, himself, or even truly the decision to marry… “ Her eyes narrowed slightly, stained lips pressing together as she formed her thoughts carefully. “I never thought myself capable of having a reason to feel or express jubilance for such an occasion. However, you are right, Ricard is not Ambrose and I do not foresee there being any sort of transgression against me or any of the work I have put in to get to where I am. He accepts that I may not be the warm, expressive, placating wife that most men of Ishgard expect of their spouses and for that… I have grown to learn how to love another.”
Her hand fell away before Vahalia’s did, chuckling as if she were almost embarrassed. “Listen to me, like a young schoolgirl.” She took a deep breath before maintaining her gaze on the contrasting light eyes of her kin. “And mine, with you. Though, should your Hakan do any ill deeds against you, I trust full well that you would see to him before I even had the chance.”
An impish smirk pinned into the corner of Vahalia’s lips, dimple flashing, “Only in the bedroom, dear one.” she mused though loosed a soft chuckle and stood, “He treats me very well and ensures I make sound decisions. As is the way of spouses, no?”
Sidestepping, Vahalia lowered her hand to adjust the fabric that covered her legs, “I should be heading back else some might come snooping where they ought not to. Fatigue has been catching up to me as of late and I’ve been on strict orders to rest and relax since much of the Whitlock situation has been handled and buried.”
The sable-haired woman lowered once more, though this time to place a tender and affectionate peck to her sister’s cheek, “Shadows guide you, and blessed be, sister. The tea was wonderful, do look forward to my parcel.”
"Be well." Cordelia spoke softly, leaning into the brisk kiss to her cheek as she offered her own.
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an architect member named Cordelia, alien sea slug, it/its, 101 yo. tysm!
emojis: 🪸🌊🐌🐇🌌💫
[Brought to you by: Mods Venn and Capriel!]
✦ Name(s): Cordelia, Nebula, Seafoam ✦ Pronouns: it/its, x/xs/xself, ey/em/eir/eirs/emself, neb/nebs/nebself ✦ Species: alien sea slug ✦ Age: 101 years (equivalent to a 25 year old human) ✦ Role(s): interest holder, socializer, caretaker, comforter, architect ✦ Labels: aroace, xenogenderfluid ✦ Xenos: vastness, coldness, its interests ✦ Interests/likes: space, the ocean, arthropods ✦ Dislikes: being corrected ✦ Music taste: psychedelic rock, dark ambient, noise rock ✦ Aesthetic(s): spacecore, slimepunk, seapunk ✦ Objectum attraction(s): space objects ✦ Kins: rabbits, coral, nebulae ✦ Emoji proxy: 🐌🌌 ✦ Details:
Cordelia is a sea slug from a planet orbiting the star Torcular in Pisces. Its species normally lives underwater, and it prefers to be in a large tank in-space, but they can survive on land as well. Cordelia loves outer space, science fiction, speculative biology, the ocean, and arthropods, and it holds any or all of these as interests for the system. Cordelia is also very friendly, if not always accustomed to human social mores, and is happy to provide support and help to headmates and friends. Cordelia also has the ability to create and destroy locations in headspace. When it wants to create a location, it visualizes the location and, as it does so, its antennae glow green until the light of their ends connects like balls of plasma and it beams out a portal to the location that lasts as long as it takes for system members to go through it to explore the new space. Likewise, when it needs to destroy a space, its antennae glow red and result in an object that lands on the floor in front of Cordelia and can only be described as burnt space trash.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
#templatepost#alter packs#headmate packs#alter templates#headmate templates#build an alter#build a headmate#create an alter#create a headmate#bah pack#baa pack#source: request#adult themes: no#species: non human#age: adult#roles: interest holder#roles: holder#roles: socializer#roles: caretaker#roles: comforter#roles: architect#themes: space#themes: animals#themes: ocean
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reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
divider credit
Name: Aurora , Beatrix , Camille , Ophira , Thora , Aurelia , Selena , Anastasia , Arabella , Cordelia
Age: 28 yo
Pronouns: She/Her , Fae/Faer , Fai/Fairy , Fei/Feir , Ne/Nim , Ny/Nym , Se/Ser , Se/Syr , Tey/Tem , Ae/Aer , Ae/Aem , Ay/Aym , E/Em , Ey/Em , Ce/Cem , Cy/Cyr , 🧚/🧚s , 🌿/🌿s , 🪴/🪴s , 🌱/🌱s , 🖤/🖤s , 🔪/🔪s , 🩸/🩸s
Gender: Naturfairic , Fairypretty , Faevitien , Fairylexic , Vaeprix , Fairycoric , Fairiyn , Abomadorabaen , Incompgelic , Eldrigender
Orientation: Bisexual , Eldritchaffectis , Locrallion , Faellion
Other IDs: Faeperspesque , Assigned Fiary at Birth , Eldritchvesil , Horreldriperspesque
Species: Eldritch Entity Fae
Role(s): Gardentender , Gatekeeper , Music Holder , Performer
Aesthetic(s): Fairycore , Electro-Eclectic , Ethereal
Likes/Interests: Music, Art/Creating art, Nature, Walks, Swimming, The ocean
Dislikes: Extreme temperatures, The quiet, Being alone
Kins: Fairy , Butterfly

#bah#build a headmate#build an alter#alter creation#headmate creation#willogenic#build a system#✦ member#mod lunar#ANTI RQ#ANTI RQ headmate pack
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A/N: For the Mystery of the Blue Rose zine! So many memories brought back writing this, including actually finding out there was a sequel series (come on, gimme an ova!).
Albert de Blois knew of greed. No, it would be safe to say greed knew of him. It owned him, possessed him, like a curse that only grew bigger with time. Nothing was ever enough, neither the silken suits he donned nor the trophy wife on his arms nor the gold in his vault.
There was always more to be had, more to take. His greed knew no bounds and he coveted what others owned, taking what he desired by hook or by crook. His estate grew bigger, his coppers plush, and still it wasn’t enough. Food tasted like ash, his sleep was fitful, his every waking thought consumed by more.
He did not merely want an estate or two. Even having the king’s ear and controlling policy couldn’t slake his thirst. No, Albert lusted for power, for control, for the world.
And finally, the key for his success was here, in a dim dungeon in the middle of the forest. In an isolated castle that protected his precious cargo from those who would try to take it from him. Albert stood at the door, looking through the bars at the golden-haired girl sitting blankly on the floor. To anyone else, she might have seemed like a normal ten-year-old, if a bit quiet and withdrawn. With her threadbare clothes and dirt-stained face, she looked like a ragamuffin urchin from the streets.
Others would be fools, not seeing the treasure before them.
“My grey wolf,” he whispered. Even the moniker felt like it held power, making the world shudder once it hit the air. Albert smirked as the girl glanced at him, her eyes as empty as her heart.
She would be smarter, wiser, stronger than her kin. Most importantly, she would be obedient, a mere dog instead of a wild wolf.
It had been foretold that he would rule the world if he could get a wolf in his hands. There was one now. The path ahead was set, his years of planning and preparation almost done. It wouldn’t be long before she could walk down it and take him to its destination.
“Soon,” he promised, turning around.
His destiny was so close he could taste it. Maybe then, he’d finally know rest.
Cordelia Gallo knew of hate. It filled her every waking moment, a dark, black desire that sank into her bones, reminding her of its existence with every step. Her chest constricted with the memories of a cold, blond man, of his leering smile, of his fingers pressing into her skin hard enough to brand. Even now, she was certain she’d find his mark on her, connecting her to him.
But then again, she already had a connection with Albert de Blois that could never be severed: her daughter.
Cordelia shivered. The fire blazed in front of her, flickering merrily as it tried to stave off the chill. It was an uphill battle, considering she was sitting on a log in the middle of the woods. Yet, she was certain it wasn’t the cold breeze nor the dropping temperature that left her freezing to her core.
“You’ll catch a cold like that,” Brian Roscoe murmured as he draped his coat over her shoulders. It was still warm from his body and she pulled the edges closer until it engulfed her.
Not that it was too hard to do; unlike any of her kin, he was tall and broad-shouldered. She felt like a child in his clothes. Cordelia looked up and smiled. “Thanks.”
His twin brother sat down on her left, spreading his coat on her lap. It looked like a blanket on her legs. Quietly, he asked, his voice terse, “You were thinking about her again, weren’t you?”
She didn’t bother to deny it. They always saw through her. After travelling together as long as they had, she would have been surprised if they couldn’t. “Won’t you get cold?”
“Not if we’re like this.” The first Brian sat down on her other side and held his hands to the fire. He smiled softly as he rubbed them. “We should stay in an inn tomorrow. The weather’s only getting colder.”
“We should go somewhere south,” the second Brian countered, annoyance creeping into his voice. He had never liked her plans. “If it weren’t for her—”
Brian snapped, interrupting him. “Brian! Don’t.”
Brian scowled, glaring back at him. “It’s not like I’m wrong.”
It was like hearing her hate battling her love. Maybe she shouldn’t be surprised—the Brians had been with her since they were pups. At some point, they had picked up on her feelings, adopting them as their own. Brian’s bitterness was her bitterness. Brian’s optimism was her optimism.
Her doubt, her rage, her fears, all of them played out in the argument in front of her. Cordelia watched, her hands curling into her sides as anger and faith warred on another. For all the pieces of herself she could find in them, she still couldn’t pick up on their genuine emotions. If they still had any that were untouched by her.
Despite all of their time together, Cordelia knew so little about her two companions. Why did they insist on sharing the same name? The same fate? What were their goals? Did they ever dream of the future?
Did they ever want more than this tepid relationship?
It was unfair, what she did to them. Her eyes were always on the horizon, searching for her daughter, but the Brians only looked at her. Maybe she should have pushed them away before their dependency grew too big.
It was too late now. She could never give them the love they wanted. She wasn’t even sure she could give her daughter everything she deserved. Some days, Cordelia was certain her hate for Albert outweighed her love for Victorique.
Today, she wanted love to win for a change. It was cold, the brothers were warm, and Cordelia wanted to do better. For them. For herself. For all that she had lost and gained over the years. Cordelia reached up and gently tousled their hair, ending their argument. “Come closer,” she said, tugging their shirts. “It’s too cold to argue.”
And they did, bodies pressed flush to one another, the Brians watching her with a mixture of hope and concern.
“Is that better?” Brian asked.
The other Brian glanced at the fire. “Should we toss in another log?”
“It’s fine.” She smiled, opening her coat and wrapping her arms around their waists. She pulled them closer, trying to share what little she could of their coats. “I haven’t sung for you in a while. What would you like to hear?”
Grévil de Blois knew of envy. He faced it every time he looked at his drill-like hairstyle. It was a constant reminder that Jacqueline wasn’t his, would never be his, and the only favour she showed him was that of a fond companion. If he were truly honest, Jacqueline had never looked at him that way, her eyes always flitting somewhere else whenever he awkwardly showed interest.
Still, he didn’t mind envy. It was just another facet of love and for all of its aches, he had never regretted loving Jacqueline. Nor had he regretted his sister’s ridiculous conditions, even if no one could look him in the eye anymore because of his ridiculous hairstyle.
What he did mind, however, was his sister.
Whether she was locked up in his father’s dungeons or cooped up in the school’s library, Victorique only looked at him with blank eyes, her heart empty and devoid of any emotion. Even now, as impatience and irritation laced her voice, her eyes flicking between him and the textbook on her lap, her face was expressionless.
“What have you come for today?” she drawled, flipping a page. As usual, she was surrounded by books, as though she could find the missing parts of her soul in them.
Grévil crossed his arms, more out of habit than anything else. “What else? Another case.”
“I hope you brought me a fun one this time.” Victorique closed her book, finally giving him her undivided attention. Seeing his hairstyle again, she smirked. “I wonder how long you should keep that up?”
“Don’t taunt me,” he snapped, glaring.
He could never figure out just where Victorique had gotten her sharp tongue and even sharper wit. Her expression was sly as she replied, “I’m not taunting. I’m just wondering aloud. Maybe I should leave you with that drill forever.”
“You…” Grévil fisted his hand and took a deep, calming breath. It wouldn’t do to lose his temper over such a silly thing. “That doesn’t matter.”
She shrugged and raised her pipe. “At least your hair is sharp and to the point. Though, even if you got rid of the hair, she still won’t look at you.”
It was like a knife twisting in his gust. “Victorique!”
He had heard those words enough in his head without hearing them from her. There was a callous cruelty in his sister, and perhaps it was better that she didn’t understand just how sharp her words cut, just what sort of feelings they inspired. That he could write off her manipulation to ignorance rather than malice.
She looked away, barely listening. “Hmm?”
“It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t look at me. That’s not the point. You have no idea what lov—” Before Grévil could finish his sentence, the elevator dinged open.
Out walked an exhausted Kujo, his arms wrapped around a cardboard box overfilled with books. His sweaty black hair stuck to his skin as he almost collapsed. “Got…it…”
“About time,” Victorique replied tartly, getting up. “You’re slow.”
“We’re not done,” Grévil growled, turning back to her. “You—”
He cut himself off. The girl in front of him little resembled the Victorique he knew. Her eyes were focused, her lips curved into a small smile, and there was a strange tenderness that radiated from her as she approached Kujo.
If Grévil had been anyone else, he would have mistaken her for a lovestruck maiden.
It was impossible. Not her, not this grey wolf that couldn’t so much as comprehend emotion, much less feel them. Yet, as he watched her talk to Kujo, watched her ears redden as her hand brushed his, there really was no other word for it.
Victorique was learning to love.
A bitter part of him wondered, with how tight her prison was, how long it would take that love to turn into envy.
Victorique knew of love. She hadn’t for the longest time. She had only known of four cell walls, cold bricks, moonlight. She had known of a man with a cruel heart and crueler words. She had known of a ‘brother’ who never looked at her for more than a few minutes, as though he would see his own guilt in her.
And then came Kujo, bumbling, kind Kujo. More boy than man when he stumbled through her doors, all gangly limbs and tongue-tied as he tried to keep up with her. He had no wits, was barely able to find his way out of a paper bag let alone a case, and was driven entirely by his heart.
And yet, for some reason, she hadn’t been able to look away when he talked of ideals and fantasies.
And yet, for some reason, she looked forward to his tired steps as he climbed up the long staircase to her abode.
Grévil had once told her that a monster like her couldn’t feel love. To his credit, he had been right for the first time in his life. Victorique couldn’t. Not love, not sorrow, not even hate—for years, not a single emotion touched her heart.
Now, they overwhelmed her. Her mother’s death. Her father’s destructive urges. Her classmates fawning over Kujo. Her separation from him.
Loss. Hate. Envy.
And above it all: love.
It threatened to drown her, yet for some reason she didn’t feel suffocated.
It was strange. She didn’t know enough to explain it. Victorique rubbed her wrist as she turned the emotion over in her mind, trying to process it like she had any other case. All of the evidence was there, all of the clues assembled, but she didn’t have the knowledge to link it all together.
“What are you thinking?” Grévil asked, breaking through her thoughts. She had almost forgotten he was there, standing beside her as he watched a ship pull into the harbour.
For once, she didn’t scowl at his voice. “Nothing.”
He scoffed. “Impossible.” His hair looked like it would pierce the sun when he turned. Green eyes identical to hers studied her. “You’re always thinking.”
“It’s private. Something you—” wouldn’t understand. But his hair told her he would. No, he would understand better than her. Victorique stared at it before looking away. She held out her ticket, a one-way trip to Japan. “Why are you doing this?”
Her brother was obedient to their father to a fault. It hadn’t been that long ago he had dragged her away from Kujo and into Albert’s mechanisms. A change of heart felt out of place.
“I…” He bit his lip, averting his gaze as well. Seagulls cried as the wind blew, bringing with it the salty, musty scent of the sea and its inhabitants. “It’s the right thing to do.”
Victorique couldn’t stop her disbelieving laugh. “When have you ever let that dictate what you do?”
“You—!” Grévil pivoted toward her before deflating. His shoulders sank as he sighed. “No, that’s…not entirely unfair.”
“Not entirely?” Victorique raised a brow. It was strange to see him so humbled.
“Do you have to be this insufferable?” His words lacked their usual bite. Grévil stuffed his hands in his pockets. “It’s…complicated. I…I want to start now. Changing. Amending. Being better. Either way, consider this me repaying my debt. They won’t find you there.”
Victorique eyed him, but for once it seemed her brother was entirely honest. Was it Jacqueline’s influence? Or something else entirely? It surely couldn’t have been out of sibling love; she doubted either of them saw each other as family.
Still, she could understand the urge to change. To grow. Her past year had been full of it. Victorique looked down at her ticket. Once she reached Japan, she had no intention of returning.
They would never meet again.
Perhaps it was time she also put aside her pride and allowed the past to settle. “Your hair.”
Grévil raised his head. “Even now, you’re—”
“Do whatever you want with it.” Victorique watched as the gangplank to her ship was secured. “I doubt it’ll look any better.”
His lips parted, a soft, “You…” escaping before he laughed. Grévil reached up, messing up his hair, releasing his strands from the prison she’d kept them in for years. As his locks fell over his shoulders, he held out his hand. “Goodbye, Victorique.”
She glanced at his palm before shaking. “Goodbye, Grévil.”
And then she left, disappearing into the crowds as she boarded her ship. Ahead of her, Japan. And beyond that, Kujo. Even with the war, he’d return home alive. He had uncanny luck like that. And when he did, he’d find her there, waiting for him.
Victorique had never been a patient woman, but perhaps that was something love could change too. She looked forward to finding out.
#gosick#victorique de blois#grevil de blois#kujou kazuya#victorique/kujo#Cordelia gallo#brian roscoe#albert de blois#it was fun digging into this series again#i mainly joined because I have a friend cosplaying from it and I wanted to surprise her#especially since this fandom is pretty dead now#so it was nice to see there are others who remember and love the series#i can't believe there's a sequel series and it sounds so cute#ova#i want it#gimme
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Issues with the Dragon Clan, huh? Why were they giving you such a hard time over having kin with Ghetsis anyways? Why should they even concern that at all?
Probably a good time to mention that there's a microphone attached to this phone, if you think we can't hear your mumbling you're dead wrong. Can't fix it unfortunately, Ghetsis had already tried.
Oh. You heard that part, huh? Alright. It's not.. really something I like talking about, but it wouldn't hurt to explain a bit. Let's just keep this information on here though, okay? Tabloids would probably run wild with this one, haha.
I used to be a part of the Dragon Clan. In a sense, I still technically am. They never officially disavowed me, even if they may as well have, and Lance is still very actively affiliated with them. I really don't know what the issue is that they have with Ghetsis specifically, I just know that when it came out that he was Ryuki's other father, it was pretty bad; Ryuki and I were basically shamed out of the community.
Maybe Ghetsis crossed paths with them at some point and did something they didn't very well appreciate. He did spend a lot of time traveling between regions. Or, it could be something to do with Cordelia and her father, and Ghetsis just got flack for the association. I don't really know. They won't tell me, and honestly, I don't exactly want to seek them out and demand an explanation. The way they treated us really hurt Ryuki to his core.
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Hey so I'm not gonna make many original posts but uh...here we go.
About me:
I'm a kin of Fred from an alternate timeline where Spike and I fell in love and He turned me instead of me dying to the coffin (in fact I am deeply sensitive to talks of that thing and do not associate with it as much as I can) . I refer to what happens on screen as either "on-screen canon" or "Joss's Canon". Due to be sired by and that bond being used to bring my soul back I am very territorial over Spike and so am very picky with other ships with him.
Read the rest of my (SMUT HEAVY) memories here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47293282/chapters/119168248
A guide to my hashtags (that aren't me just commenting on things or kin/pairing related):
#me- gifs of me
#my love- gifs of Spike
#art/edits of us- self explanatory again, credit is always given
#hmsftm - Angel (the character) it's an anagram
#old- old posts from before the rebrand that are still relevant
other character tags:
Wesley - #best friend Wesley
Cordelia - #bestie Cordy
Gunn - #the man Gunn
Willow - #Willow the Savior
Faith - #Faith the Badass
and while I don't think I'll have too many of these
#the gays - referring to both faith/buffy and willow/kennedy stuff
my other accounts:
@fredprattaesthetics - aesthetics and pretty posts, some nsft themes
@xxxkittenwritesxxx - writing, discourse, other f/os and irl stuff
@theangelinvestigationpolycule - an AU I made that I absolutely love, mostly re-framing gifs
Please be respectful when interacting with this blog!
ADDENDUM: I am aware that fictionkin is not roleplay, however I pretend like my timeline is cannon in the tags of most posts and post as Fred in most cases because it gives me euphoria. Also may roleplay for the same reasons.
Oh also I am not picky about who I req edits and stuff from so don't come after me for edit accounts you see on this blog. I'm here for content only.

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So, here's a short ficlet from a year or two ago:
Egypt was a land of antiquity, treasured for its gift of the Nile that coursed through it and delivered water to its heart like a vein heavy with lifeblood or sands that seemed to hold time itself. But tonight, the focus was detracted from the clustered streets of Cairo and even the famed pyramids that stood watch for a millenia took note of a phenomena predating them to when they were mere pebbles.
Meteor showers.
Flickers of light jetted across the heavens, sparkled with neighboring stars that spectated as much as her; their kin burning as they kissed Earth’s atmosphere square across its clouds, warm exhales of ozone, and at the cool crown of its head at its ice caps. It was like witnessing a fleeting, yet loving embrace between two lovers split by lightyears. Time could be the only thing to hold them apart as they danced.
An astronomer could dream, be as imaginative as any artist with their palette. But this– this was their claim to fame. A voice of reason for their activity; silver toys that trained along in a flash to an amateur observer.
“It’s hard to believe these were the same stars you saw a hundred years ago in London,” Cordelia reminisced, body braced against the guardrail of her personal balcony.
A low, distant hum met with her words in response. Burning eyes torching a hole in her back as he watched the comets flicker and fade. It always struck her as ironic for him to have the glow of two fiery suns in his eyes, but never being able to feel its rays. Perhaps it made her feel pity, sunlight warming your skin was really what made humans feel alive. But as he’s said in confidence, a god does not weep for mortal things, they only watch.
She was lucky, if there was such a thing. Vampires rarely left potential blood bags unscathed in their presence. But for whatever reason, Lord DIO took a shine to this mortal and spared her of his fangs and an untimely demise. A small loss though, young women were his favorite drink, better than any cup of sweet red wine or an entire box of chocolate morsels.
Yet here she stood, the exception. If mortals weren’t meals, they were either tools or subjects and their shelf life tended to be short at his hands. She stood somewhere in the middle with her tact and a power the two shared with harboring a Stand in a way he couldn’t quite describe.
“Hardly,” he mused, cutting through the doorway as smooth as smoke to stand beside her. “The fog was too thick most days.”
“That bad, huh?”
“London choked itself in smog, there were many days where the occupants had to shutter their windows or close their shops to keep an iota of air,” Dio recalled, thinking of the shortage of food from his pantry as a child and the drunken chatter of his father about it just being ‘a cough of dirt’ in the way of his next drink. “But never out at the Joestar’s mansion, their prestige bought their quality of life with their fresh air and boundless countryside. Never once did they suffer, over food, over drinks, the only thing they suffered from was what any noble family does: stale recreation.”
Cordelia sunk her face into her palm and planted her elbow onto the cold metal of the rail, scoping towards the herculean man at her side. “Rich people nowadays are either boring or chocked full of hereditary drama.”
“So I’ve been told.” He smiled hushly, revealing a row of canines that threatened to puncture his bottom lips. “But that didn’t stop them, or them from continuing their lineage.”
He gestured his head to the pyramids that sat in the horizon, candles to the handle of the Big Dipper that stretched across the evening sky. Who knew what Egyptian pharaohs and their nobility lives were like? Aside from a few hieroglyphs and tombs filled with their earthly belongings, their history was written--- but the peasants, the backbone of this inhabitable desert, their lives were rarely painted on the temple walls.
“If that’s the case, don’t you think they’ll die out?” she questioned her lord, “All stars have to die out eventually.”
His back blistered at that sentiment, namely towards the back of his shoulder. The Joestar birthmark, a written reminder of the temple he occupied and the descendants that wanted it back. He pressed his manicured hand at it, squeezing at his flesh.
“No, not these.” His tone was curt, a harsh blow to the astronomer’s question. “These expand, eat more stars, and grow. They are more of a singularity rather than a simple star you see twinkling in the distance.”
“And I’ll never underestimate them again.”
The night ticked through as any other, giving way to day again as it inevitably would.
But her Lord, in a blink, retreated. And she was left alone, comforted by only the warmth of the morning sun.
Too bad it was just another star that her lord could never conquer.
She reminded herself of this moment after many years, when her Lord’s star set beneath the horizon to sink forever. And like a child, she dreamed of the stars granting her a wish that someday, a new star would bloom in the sky.
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What if you became invested in my ocs... 🥺
Introducing four of the most influentual characters of Something Glowing-
Glowstick Leona (she/they)- Popular party girl and gogo dancer for the Animal-person club Rockefeller Street. Known for being really easy to talk to and her unignorable presence. Can also be quite impulsive, which gets her into a lot of trouble. Loves to be the life of the room and will go wayyy too far to protect her friends.
Cordelia Truong (she/her)- Ultra-introverted and ultra-melancholy. Would prefer to stay in and listen to Siouxsie and the Banshees. Has had her life turned upside down when her girlfriend of 4 years, Valorie Moore, suddenly locked her out of the apartment and all her stuff thrown onto the lawn. Now she can't seem to get ahold of her.
Valorie Moore (she/her)- Started smoking cigarettes to look cool and will accuse you of not being a real fan of Nirvana. Kins Jesse Pinkman and thinks she could make meth if she tried. Overcompensates. Cordelia's ex girlfriend who mysteriously kicked her out and ghosted her.
Melanie Pilkins (she/her)- Pathetic failgirl, lean drinking drama addict. Highschool friend of Cordelia until Melanie stole her at-the-time boyfriend, Braden Cliff. Since then, Melanie claims to have reformed and has come out as a lesbian. To prove her willingness to make it up to Cordelia, she gives her a place to stay.
#something glowing#oc#oc universe#world building#fantasy world#catgirl#cat ears#cat girl#neko girl#neko#doggirl#dog girl#original character#character building#character art#oc art#oc artwork#oc dump#artists on tumblr#my ocs#ocs#digital art#my art#drawing
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Just some kin positivity for my ats/btvs kin buds (it's a long one)
Other Freds out there- we are strong we are fighters and we did not disserve the ends on screen gave us.
Gunn- Sweet sweet Gunn, what happened to me was not your fault. You didn't know what you were signing and that's ok. I do not blame you.
Wesley- I may not have loved you in my timeline but I still hold great affection for you and you disserve to be happy. Know that you were happy in my timeline and once the fire died down you and Cordelia had a lovely domestic life.
Cordelia- My bestie, you also disserve so much more than what the on-screen cannon gave you. It is not your fault our creator was so horrible to your actress. If it helps any in my timeline you continued to be a badass and kicked much demon butt in that final(ish) battle.
Angel- my boss, my friend, you try so hard and I see that. While I can never apologies for the way Spike and I were in my timeline, know that the PDA wasn't out of disrespect to you. I still think you are a champion for what it's worth.
Lorne- Lovely lovely Lorne, though you don't enter my memories very often I see you as a bright spot. You always did the best you can as well and that's more powerful than you know.
Harmony- You are such a sweetheart, I don't blame you or hate you. Even thought I went all "grr" that one time in my timeline it was mostly sire feelings. I thank you for being the exception to the no-soul = "bad" rule they tried to paint.
Spike- My love, you disserve so much better than how you were treated. No matter what timeline. Weather that be a better Buffy, a Better Dru, Angel ,or my own Spike (I miss you so much). I do not blame you for the end of s6 of btvs either.
Buffy- I may be hard on you in my mind sometimes but it's just left over from my sire feelings, you are a lovely person and I admire your strong morals.
Willow- I cannot thank you enough for how many times you saved both Spike and I. You are so, so sweet but strong at the same time.
Xander- I don't blame you for being his self-insert at all. You are a sweetheart.
Anya- I wish I had known you, you did so much and seemed like such fun to be with.
anyone else I missed know that you are valid and do not disserve to be hated on because of our creator.
With much love- AU!Vampire!Fred (Angel: the series)
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