#cora's priorities
cheekynoz · 1 month
Part 1
Law and Cora escaping Minion Island on a shitty boat that could overturn at any moment on the waves, with two devil fruit users onboard.
Law: trying desperately to keep Cora alive after multiple gunshots, and a brutal beating. Stressing about the fact that they've made an enemy of a psycho (Doffy) and they have absolutely no plan on what to do next.
Cora: "Aww! My cigarettes are all wet!"
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Hiyori is the most effective person to complete their kill so far
#kid is having flashbacks over struggled breathing and silence its so over.... omg that was so good.....#nvm kid has TWO women on his crew... he is on par with luffy now... law... 👁👁#omg her arm is broken..... THE BONES???? jesus#good technique but what is law cutting..... now thats something else big mom..... damn... cant law shambles kid out of there.... poor man#oh that was a good one law.... but kid is OUT also WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SWORD GOING????? he is getting haki punched all over the body...#and what does that do law.... what the hell.... oh i was thinking that..... goodbye big mom.... funny how all of the big guns have been yee#ed of the island.... also wdym to be continued.... goddamn. well next episode then#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1066#i have been saying kid should have repelled her out of the island 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ can't help it if my brain is so big..... well nvm...#big mom saying they like her.... jusg like kaido said to luffy akdhsk#oh jeez soul pocus.... oh nvm CORA INSPIRED ATTACK????#yamato be careful omg.... fuck it kanjuros fire thing is dying hell yes.... BIG MOM OUT!!! HELL YES!!!!! 67 children orphaned just like tha#also who was the brave soul that asked roger about hia treasure..... absolute legend.....#wdym you can find the one piece in wano... what the hell is big mom spewing....ohhh i get it i get it.. she found it...#it really is the friends she made along the way.... but she can't see it..... too focused on the lava pit she is falling into...#omg and no one notices because of the silento..... that was such a slay.....#PAUSE. zunisha was a joyboy friend who commited a crime??? how does momo know about joyboy.... the diary?? oden knew??? i forgor#episode 1067#franky got zoro.... no izo noooo....... why..... PRIORITIES!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYY!!!!!! IZO WHYYYYYYYY!!!#marco saying he is tried of helping people and will just chill there.... IZO IS DEAD!!!! MARCO????!!!!! if big mom is dead how is zeus stil#drake you better kill that man take izo and run.... why are you playing in a moment like this akdhaksj... girl she is going to kill you#YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! SHE GOT HIM!!!!! SHE GOT HIM!!!! FUCK YES!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! FUCK THAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!#FUCK YEAHHH HIYORI!!!!!! THE SONG!!!!!#episode 1068#YEAAAH DRAKE GET HIM!!!!! oh shit in the neck....#luffy got eaten again..... oh jesus....#NOT EVEN KAIDO LIKES THE CP0 BUT HE GOT LUFFY!!!! KAIDI REGRETS IT EVEN!!!! EXACTLY!!! izo died trying to get them to stop#episode 1069
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general-cyno · 8 months
ehh it's just me musing but. I do find it a little curious that (depending on who likes whom I guess) cora is usually either seen as some saintly flawless goofy figure or a brainwashed cop who got killed because he refused to try and save his brother. I do think his character is not exactly easy to pinpoint, considering he appears for a very short time and in a flashback nonetheless, plus the fact that he's dead means no further fleshing out of his character - broadly speaking - outside of the people who knew him and are willing to provide insight on what he was like, though that'd still be kinda biased.
however I believe there's actually a bunch of things that were straight up shown and some that can be pieced together from what little panel/screen time he had: ie how he's seemingly more bad tempered, impulsive and violent than he's portrayed as in fanon at times, albeit motivated by his own priorities at the moment (trying to kick the shit out of law to stop him from exposing cora to doflamingo) + his sense of what's right and wrong and to whom it applies (punching medical staff and setting hospitals on fire for mistreating law, whom he'd been trying to help).
specifically about the navy and doflamingo part... it irks me a little, tbh. partly because it removes what little agency cora had during the flashbacks and sort of waters down his motivation to stop his brother. it's not just whatever crimes doflamingo was committing or planning to back then and the navy wanting to put a stop to that - the thing is that cora was influenced, at least to an extent, to oppose doflamingo based on their childhood experiences with (ofc) the more negative ones, which include doffy murdering their father right in front of him, overshadowing anything else. as he tells law, cora can't fathom how their kind parents could've borne someone as evil as his brother. and yet. that's the other thing. cora was very much a child, and younger than doflamingo at that, when the elder DQs chose to leave marijoa and all that it entailed after. between all the traumatic events he lived through and later being raised by a marine (sengoku of all people), I'll be the first to say his perception of those events, of their parents and doffy himself is not really the most unbiased or reliable. we don't see him questioning the existence of celestial dragons (beyond warning law he's in danger when cora finds out about the D) nor the nature of the WG/the marines and the antagonistic role they play in OP's universe. we didn't have him long enough for those things to be put to question deeply anyway, especially not wrt to doflamingo, so imo it makes sense that his focus wasn't on "saving" but stopping him.
that said... he does witness the worst of it, kind of. through law. law is the very reason why I don't agree with the idea of cora being simply a brainwashed cop. this guy watched how people (those who should care) mistreated, dehumanized and demonized a sick child over prejudices caused by the lies the nobles and WG itself relied on to sweep their own corruption under the rug. he saw first hand how all those doctors ran to call the WG to kill the child and how they answered to do that. and what did he do? he lied and betrayed the organization he'd been part of (presumably for more than the years he spent undercover) and the man who'd raised him like a son just to save the kid that everyone, even the so called justice, had turned his back on and would've gotten rid of if given the chance. heck, when he first brought up the topic of law with sengoku, the man basically told him not to favor him too much for it could jeopardize his mission.
but perhaps the biggest proof is that he lied to law about being a marine when the latter directly asked if cora was one. as he later admits, cora lied to him about this because he didn't want law to hate him - and knowing all law lived through (flevance), seeing some of it himself (their hospital shenanigans) and what law told him as well, cora knew he had plenty of understandable and justified reasons to hate anyone ever slightly associated with the marines or the WG, including cora. to me, someone who's completely blinded by the navy/WG propaganda and follows their every order to the letter without thought wouldn't have denied his own affiliation nor been so determined to ditch being a marine and make an enemy out of those institutions (even if that also meant betraying his father figure) just to save, protect and do right by a child who'd been clearly failed by them. at no point did cora ever try to argue that Not All Marines, much less express any other sentiments of that sort to law.
on a similar vein, despite insisting doflamingo was evil and an agent of destruction - law is also the proof cora was somewhat aware that his brother (and people like doflamingo) normally don't pop out of nowhere and do Terrible Things just because. that maybe in other (better) circumstances, doffy might've become someone different and/or made different choices. after all, cora is the one who points out the similarities between doflamingo and law, and eventually does his best to turn law's life around so that he won't follow the same path. should he have tried to save doflamingo as well? when? how? would it have worked? who knows. and if you ask me, regardless of their similarities at that moment in time, doffy was already a grown ass man compared to law and cora himself was just an even younger kid when shit hit the fan in their childhood. I'm not sure doflamingo (as an adult) would've been particularly receptive of "help" either, considering his disdain for the kindness in cora and their father that he saw as a weakness. not to mention waaay too many other factors that come into play also (trebol and co's grooming and influence for example). still, one of them did pull the literal trigger in the end and it wasn't cora, so there's that.
all in all, for a character with such a short lived amount of time in the story - cora is quite the complex one and so very compelling. characterizing him as just strictly one thing or the other can be a little reductive but the fact that his character can be explored beyond that in the first place (once more, despite his lil bit of alive and onscreen moments) is what's fun and says a lot about the writing itself.
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xxchaosjojoxx · 4 months
Law x reader where they both survive Flevence together and Law cures the reader after gaining his powers? Something where they are getting into trouble with Shachi Penguin and Bepo as teens or comforting each other about their residual vitiligo left behind from white lead disease?
He there and thanks so much for this request. I had trouble thinking how i should approach it. So i hope you like it <3
First Times- Law x reader
The first time I met y/n was back at home. She was friends with my sister Lami and I have no clue why. Y/N was younger than me but a troublemaker with a soft spot for my sister.  The moment Lami fell sick she was there for her. Bringing her flowers or self made cookies. Reading her books or telling her stories. She didn’t care if she would get infected as well at this moment. Lami was her number one priority and I respected her for this. She never had any friends except for my sister and even tho she was bullying others and decided to prank me from time to time, she loved my sister dearly.
The first time we held hands were after I managed to escape the quarantine. I was hiding under dead bodies and then I heard a soft whimper beside me. Without moving too much I saw y/n laying there. Under corpses as well. She was trembling, whimpering, trying to be silent so she could live. Without realizing what I was doing I reached out to her, held her hand and drew smoothing circles on her hands. She shrieked. panic and fear was in her eyes but as soon she realized it was me, she calmed down. We escaped together, hand in hand. We will be in it together. “We’ll escape together. No matter what.” I whispered. 
We approached the Donquixote Pirates, our wish to destroy as much of the world we could, seeking revenge was our will to live. Whenever Baby 5 and Buffalo would insult us or punch me, y/n was there to protect me. She was glaring at them, threatening them. She bullied them whenever she could. She learned to fight and she was pretty good at it. A fast learner. She disrespected me as well, but I had her back. Y/N covered me when I stabbed Corazon from behind. Threatening to kill Buffalo if he would tell the others. This was the first time I knew that I could trust her. Time passed and she joined Cora and me. Saving me from the white lead disease. “You saved my life back there. The least I can do is stay by your side. Lami would’ve wanted it as well.” I groaned after hearing those words but I was still glad that I wasn’t alone.
The white lead disease spread across her body as well after a few months, but she hadn’t any pain or anything else. As soon as I lost consciousness, y/n hugged me tight while we were sailing to the next island. We knew where the OP-OP-Fruit was. We just had to get our hands on it. After I ate it, I tried my best to save Cora but I had no idea how to use this power nor how to activate it. Later on, as Cora trapped us in a chest and silenced us, I knew that she was lying earlier as soon as she collapsed with heavy breathing. She was on the edge of death, but she tried to be strong for me. In this moment I hugged her tightly, activating my power and healed her.
Soon after we left and we could hear each other cries, we turned towards each other. We knew we lost him for good. We cried while hugging us tight. Later on we met two boys bullying a..polar bear? I wanted to use my power to help him, but y/n was faster. “Gimme the bat. You idiots can’t even hold it properly.” I was smirking. She was still a troublemaker.  Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, y/n and I were a little family thanks to Wolf. Y/n encouraged Penguin and Shachi doing pranks and it was kinda annoying. You three had a special bond and it made me a little jealous. Especially whenever they comfort you, when you feel unsure about the vitiligo left behind from white lead disease. Penguin and Shachi tell her that the white spots on her skin makes her even prettier. They were right though.  We both felt insecure about it, but our friends helped us, comforted us. Hearing your voice, words of comfort from you, I felt even happier.
One day, after we fought off the pirates I acknowledged my feelings for her. She was wounded after our fights, trying to protect me. I was healing her. My hands were shaking. “Stay awake, you hear me. I can’t lose you too. I like you too much for it.” Y/N just grinned at me. “Huh, so you fell for me, right?” She was precious to me. I tried my best to kept her alive and I did.
We entered the Polar Tang as a crew for the first time and I was looking at this beautiful scenery before my eyes, until I heard footsteps. You were standing beside me, smiling lightly. We weren’t kids anymore, we were adults now. You turned towards me, with a bigger smile. “So I guess we could agree that I’ll be your first mate. Isn’t it right, Captain?” She asked as she grinned at me. I couldn’t help but smirk as well. “Absolutely not. You are crazy.” We were laughing and I looked into her eyes. “But you could be my first kiss tho.” I whispered but she smiled at me. She was the most beautiful person to me at that very moment. “Anything for you, captain.” She said leaning in. We shared so many first times together and I was grateful that I found someone who will be on my side forever. 
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herzzgeist · 1 year
hi, could you write about law where his gf is just a clumsy mess. And she just hit her head on a open drawer, pretty hard. And know she is embaressed to go to him and ask for a ice pack. So she try to steal it unnoticed from his room. But of course she got caught.
And now she just try to played down, but it hurts like hell. He just care for her lil wound and something fluffy down the road. Maybe she remind him of cora. Ahhhh sorry for the spam
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Pairing: Law x Clumsy fem!reader | Word count: 1.4k | Warnings: none
Synopsis: Oh look, another bruise. Didn't notice this one, silly me! Law can't stand the way you hold yourself - without care. Everytime he hears a faint 'Shit' or 'Ow' in the distance, he immediately considers it to be you, hurting yourself unintentioally again. What a drag. And yet another day, he finds you in attempt to smuggle something from the infirmary, observing you how you disfigure the drug storage. He actually has to speak up, until you finally realise you're not alone. "Law, it's nothing." - "Nothing can't turn red and blue and starts to swell like that (Y/n)-ya! Now hold still!"
A/N: Anon, I LOVE spam! The more details the better :3 - Here we have a fluffy OneShot! Thank you for your request, I must say I adore the clumsy reader trope ఌ (erm, since I walk on two left feet myself)
Dividers by cafekitsune ~
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What a night, you think to yourself, as you stretch and writhe underneath your warm and comfy sheets. The cold hits you like you're being thrown into a pool of ice water, as you lift the shield of comfort, goosebumps prickling along your skin. Yawning in a still jaded state, you crumble off the mattress and of course hit your toe on the cabinet's leg. As you do every morning.
In pain you yowl a distressed little curse, hopping in place. It's straining you beyond belief, praying for some sort of miracle to rid you of those cursed two left feet. If not for the better, you should wear bubble wrapper clothes, this way you won't hurt yourself non stop at least. However, it is, dare say, not the most attractive fashion option.
In addition, you are practically obliged to see the doctor, who you happen to be in a relationship with, verily frequent. Naturally, whenever you arrive at the kitchen or common room within the Polar Tang, it is of your highest priority to avoid Trafalgar's death gaze, before he opts to drag you to the infirmary with those, as you may call them 'little' aches and pains you always put on yourself. Until now, they were ever so often not to be taken lightly and Law patched you up in no time. Shame fills you, embarassed that you're, simply explained, a klutz.
You enjoy it no less, the attention your aloof lover gives you and the petty and sarcastic comments he throws at you. Him being close to you. His warm hands cleaning any cuts and bruises and his voice stern yet reassuring calms you, no doubt. With that in mind, you can't help but notice your heart beating faster to the pictures replaying in your mind. Squeezing your eyes shut, you shake your head wildly, in hopes to quickly forget what's caught up in your day dreams about a certain white hatted man.
Today is your turn in kitchen duty and you decide to prepare breakfast earlier than usual, for you have something special in mind to serve this fine morning. Looking through the storage, no drawer or door is left unopened and you search for the needed ingredients.
As you lean down to seek out the lower cupboards, your skill to dodge the edge of an open drawer abandons you. Close to your temple, you feel how heat shoots up that area, making you dizzy. Fingertips trace along your head, where the imprint has been knocked into. Everything threatens to grow black before you.
„Oh, please no. Not again.", you murmur in desperation, legs beginning to weaken and nausea builds up from your core. That was quite the hit. Sitting down on the cold tile floor, you hide your face in your shaky palms. In panic, you come to the conclusion, that you must reach the infirmary, fast. All without getting caught by your overly attentive boyfriend, seems close to impossible to you. "Ice pack . .", is what you groan and you are set on your destination.
On wobbly legs, you close the door behind you and follow the corridor, down to the infirmary. Paranoia creeps over your spine, eyes scanning every dark and shallow corner. Before you enter the room, you peek over your shoulder to make sure you aren't followed: „Good, coast is clear.", the metal creaks and you step over the doorframe.
In all nervosity you begin to mumble and rummage through the drug storage: "Where is this god damn thing. I remember him putting it-" - "A little to the left, sweetheart." Jumpscared by the deep rumble behind you, you turn in a quick spin and stand in your Captain's shadow. With all your might, you gift him your most hearty and lovable smile, greeting him: "Law?! Why hello my love I-"
Instantly closing the locker doors behind your back, you giggle exaggeratedly, trying to play it cool, avoiding the icy steel glare, coming from the doctor. He orders: „Show me." Almost too quick you retort his command with an overacted pout of your lips, questioning his indication. Closer and closer the heavy steps come your way, stopping before you. Law reaches for your head and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, revealing the unmistaken bump.
An exasperated groan reverbs from his chest and he points at the examination table. "Now.", he commands and without a squeak, you obey. There you are again, seated on the cold metal plate. „Tell me what happend.", he utters, while washing his hands and putting on rubber gloves. There is no way you can escape his room anymore, unironically speaking.
Thus you twirl your thumbs in abashment, explaining: „I hit my head on a drawer in the kitchen about five minutes ago. I swear it's nothing, just a little bruis-" - „(Y/n)-ya, a little bruise doesn't turn red and blue and begins to swell at such an alarming rate. Now hold still." Ever so slowly, he approaches you, his grey orbs fixated on the injury. Inked and slender digits glide through your hair to get a better concept. Involuntarily, a hiss shoots through your teeth, as he palpates your scalp around the bump. Pins and needles trickling over your skin wherever he touches.
„Any dizziness, nausea or general weakness?" - „All three yes . . and think I was on the verge of passing out too.", by hearing your statement, which you formulate such a situation so nonchalanty is beyond Law's comprehesion. Oh how infuriated he is. Not hesitating once, he grabs the cleaning tools, anticeptics and cooling salves to get to work, patching you up again. It's become an everyday life chore for your dear Captain. Though he detests how imprudent and careless you are, he cannot deny how utterly adorable you appear at times, puppy eyes attempting to white wash every scratch on your body, not wanting to disturb him by all means. It is something he learned to love about you.
Yet somehow you remind him of someone. Somebody he used to care about alot when he was just a boy. Could it be? Why of course, Corazon. Well, at least you didn't burst into flames, like he did. Fortunately, you're not prone to smoke, to Law's approval. However, all the other stunts you deliver, are rather similar to Rosinante's, one could think you are related to one another. A smile tugs on the Captain's lips, as he finishes the treatment.
„What are you so happy about, darling?", you hum sweetly, earning a disgruntled click of his tongue, telling you it's nothing. You show your gratitude with a kiss to his cheek. It managed to elict a skip of his heart and he furrows his brows subsequently, hiding the red tint on his face under the brim of his hat.
Seeing him tidy up the infirmary, you make it your task to help him clean up after that little ‚operation'. „You should get some rest. Drink lots of water and take pain killers if needed. And for the love of god, please tell me, if any symptomps get worse, understood?", he growls through a tensed up jaw. You playfully nudge his side and chuckle softly: „I think I learned my lesson today. I'm grateful. Really appreciate your kindness and patience with me."
Kindness? Who on earth would call a powerhouse, a man as known as ‚the Surgeon of Death', kind? Only shaking his head and scoffing to your heartstring pulling remark, he huffs: „You're a curious one, (Y/n)" Side by side, you stand next to eachother, cleaning up the tool station. Through the corner of your eye, you notice his fleeting gaze upon you. Hence you return it, facing him with a querying expression.
An unexpected pinch on your cheek takes you aback, a small ‚Ouch' escaping you: „Oi, what was that for?" Law's thumb and index finger linger on the round of your face, not moving away, muttering lowly: „This is for being a fool, the clumsy mess that you are" removing his fingers from you, he gently places his palm back on the spot where he pinched you a moment ago „and this is for your troubles, my clumsy mess that you are."
Slowly he leans down to your level and lets his lips enlighten yours with the love he harbors for you, his blundering woman.
And as if nothing happend, the throbbing pain in your head disperses into thin air.
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goingmerryfics · 5 months
Law x mute S/O?
(Also love your fics <3)
Mute/Selectively Mute S/O w/ Law
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Content: Gender neutral reader & SFW, Corazon mentions so spoilers for Law's backstory
Notes* I started writing for this, thought I was done, then came back to add more things because I remembered that Law used to know someone who was selectively mute…
The minute he met you, he would want to know if your condition was something medical related. Whether selectively mute or not, he'd immediately be interested in finding out if there was a medical or psychological reason for you to be unable to speak
He may come off as insensitive because of this, but he doesn't mean to, and he would quickly apologize if you indicated that he'd insulted you
Speaking of insensitive, Shachi and Penguin try endlessly to ‘trick’ you into speaking
Even if you try to explain that you physically can't speak, they think it's a challenge
Bepo wouldn't mind, he'll chat away and appreciate that you're a good listener
Either way, Law knows sign language and he communicates with you that way if you are able to understand it. Being a doctor, he tries to have all his bases covered if there's ever an emergency with someone that can't talk
Otherwise he always keeps a notepad and pen on him if you need to talk to him
He may be a grump, but he's patient and understanding. He finds ways for you to communicate that work the best for you, especially for missions where he can't keep an eye on you
Best believe that if there was a way to cure you, he'd make that a top priority. If it was medical, he's got that down
But if it's related to anxiety or PTSD or stress, he'd take care to be more cautious around you to try and help you open up a little easier. He's not on you all the time in full therapy mode, it's actually the opposite. He gives you the space you need to choose to speak when you're ready.
He's at peace with knowing that he will/may never hear you talk, but in his opinion, your voice doesn't matter as much as the rest of you does
If you do have the ability to speak though, you would eventually find him working away in his office as usual
You smooth your hands over his shoulders and lean down to kiss his cheek, and he sighs out his tension and smiles a bit
“Are you trying to convince me to take a break?” He shifts so he can get a good look at you and kiss your cheek
You whisper that you miss him and even though his eyes widen, he doesn't want to spook you by making it a big deal that you spoke.
It's easier to pull him out of his chair that day and drag him to bed so he can rest his eyes
Spoilers below
Even though you'd spoken once, that doesn't mean you'll do it again and he understands that- but as time goes on, creeping memories begin to surface and haunt him
You weren't that similar to Cora, but the muteness was starting to remind him of the man he'd lost long ago, and slowly he starts to feel like maybe this was a sign that he was cursed and might lose you, too
All of the sudden, his plans against Doflamingo don't involve you anymore
He's stuffed himself in his office more, researching your condition and trying to come up with some sort of cure or treatment
He's so worried about losing you that he doesn't realize he's losing time with you
He's started to avoid you, finding it hard to stay around you when he's this anxious about your fate
Eventually you get him to open up about it and he does so teary eyed, but after a long conversation he agrees to relax a little and you assure him that you're not going anywhere
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melodymay-k1tty · 1 year
What would dating Rosinante be like?
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A/N: I noticed that you guys loved Law's bf headcanon (and thank you sooo much for the +70 notes in just one day, I'm immensely happy💗). So I hope you like Corazon's now *kisses 4u* 💕🤌
♠️ Cora-san! Corazon would only be with a woman he truly loves. So if you are the lucky one chosen by him, know that you would be the person he loves most in world, since he only has you.
🦢 Cora-san! As he loves you very much, he always thinks of you before making any decision, since you interfere in all his life choices. Therefore, his priority is that you are happy, safe and of course, that you are with him.
♠️ Cora-san! There is a high possibility that he wants your relationship to be kept a secret. But why? Well, Corazon is a somewhat reserved man, he doesn't like people to know about his personal things. Besides, the most important reason would be your brother. Taking on a romantic relationship with you would be a shot in the foot, as Doflamingo could use you as a hostage (since he would obviously know about the love Corazon has for you) and take the most precious thing in Corazon's life, you.
🦢 Cora-san! Corazon would be a great boyfriend, I'd say. He wouldn't be the clingy type, but at the same time, he would be very affectionate with you, in a little secretive way. Enough that you don't get sick of it and always miss him and want his touch all over again. It's like magic, he doesn't leave your thoughts.
♠️ Cora-san! He would arrange to meet you in discreet places, and he would certainly use the power of his Devil Fruit Nagi Nagi no Mi for you two to talk. Places like some restaurant or some location on an icy island would be your favourites.
🦢 Cora-san! He would wait for you to go to sleep so he could lie down next to you. He would cover you up right, pull your body close to him and hug you, warming your body with his big, lean and warm body.
♠️ Cora-san! While you sleep, he would observe all your details, admiring you in the purest and most complete silence. And then, he would give you a sweet and soft kiss on the forehead.
🦢 Cora-san! He would proudly introduce you to Sengoku, the man who helped him when he was a kid and had nowhere else to go, who is like his father.
♠️ Cora-san! He would give his life for you. If Doflamingo or anyone else dared lay their filthy hands on you, he would swear by everything in the world that he would hunt they down to hell, and take revenge with his own hands. Rosinante's love for you can be fervent. You are the most precious person in his life, and he wouldn't lose you for nothing in the world. He would kill and die for you.
The end.
A/N: Ok, this was a little bit more of a challenge for me, but since Rosi is one of my loves, I had to do it💗 I hope you enjoyed it! 💕♠️🍓
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cryptidsnackpack · 11 months
Sam Coe Pining HC’s:
First off… this man PINES. NSFW under the cut so 18+ intrepid explorers only. GN Dusty/Captain. I have this Dusty having the Neon City Street Rat background in this one (bc that’s what I have and I love it). I just want to take care of this man like DAMN.
When he first sets eyes on you, he has a to take a half-step back. He’s glad Cora swooped in with the assist, babbling about how excited she was to join them on the Frontier. It took him a half second longer than he would have liked to compose himself. He scolds himself… Now is not the time to get distracted.
But hell are you distracting. Sam can count on his hand the times in his life when he has felt taken care of, but damn do you do it well. “Sam are you running low on ammo? Have you eaten today? How much water have you had? That last planet was brutal”. Sometimes you’ll place a chaste hand to his shoulder to check in on him, and that touch almost sends him into cardiac arrest.
It’s not just the way you take care of him either, it’s Cora too. When you happily slapped credits into the little girl’s palm for her book allowance, and then suggested a trip to Sinclair’s the next time you touch down on Akila? He knew he was done for.
You’re always thinking of them, and something long hidden inside him breaks at finally being seen, finally been someone’s first priority. “Everyone okay back there?!Cora? Sam?”. The dogfight had been a hairy one, they’d need to stop at Neon immediately for repairs. The Captain’s voice shook over the comm. They’d check them both over, double and triple check that they didn’t get hurt. “Cora’s walking okay right? She’s not limping, right?” Anxiety punches the words out of the Captain’s chest, like their coughing them out. “She’s alright Cap” he settles a comforting hand on your arm. He imagines he can feel the heat from your skin in his palm all day.
Neon was hell. Usually he liked the city for what it was, but watching you? Watching everyone ELSE watching you? Hell. You knew your way around, and every few steps it seemed some old friend was pulling you away for conversation. You’d slip your hand into his, or wrap an arm around his waist to pull him along, make sure he wasn’t getting lost in the flow of foot traffic. And every time he tried to get a little closer, hold you just a little longer.
You two were meeting an old contact in The Astral Lounge. He was no stranger to the Lounge, but it felt different this time. He was jumpy, felt predatory. You’d donned some Neon City threads, a tight, darkly colored tunic that dipped past your collarbone and accentuated the muscle definition in your arms. And everyone in the Lounge seemed to be fixated on you. He edged closer to you. Thighs brushing. As if you could sense his tension, you settled a hand on his knee. He rested an arm on the back of the booth to steady himself, but you took it as a cue. You wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leaning into his chest. “This alright cowboy?” Your voice is low and rich, he leans forward to catch it and nods.
The glint in your eye, the way your lips curled mischievously up at his dumbstruck expression. You knew he wanted you. Of course you knew. “You know” He’s never heard anything sweeter, “I still have access to a corporate apartment here in the building… we could. Sorry that was ah, maybe-” You faltered, stuttering over your own words. Were you nervous? Why were YOU nervous? He kisses your forehead. It’s quick, impulsive and incredibly tender. It doesn’t necessarily match the mood, but the warm goofy smile you flash his way makes up for it.
You ride the crowded elevator in silence. Your ass pressed into his crotch. You grind back against him and he grips your shoulder in warning, and as a way to steady himself. “Not gunna lose your cool are you cowboy?” You turn to look at him over your shoulder, eyes cat-like. He’s not a man prone to PDA, but he takes off his hat to shield both of your faces from the surrounding crowd. He grips your jaw tightly, pulling you in for a bruising kiss. You moan into it, caught of guard, and he can hear a few people in the elevator tittering with good natured laughter.
You look startled by the intensity of your own body’s reaction, but quickly pull him from the elevator at your next stop. His hands are everywhere. Grazing your sides under the tunic, plucking at the waistband of your pants. “Is this okay? This is okay right?” He whispers against the shell of your ear. You nod frantically, your fingers flying over the apartments keypad lock.
He was being ravaged. He was coming to the realization, that he Sam Coe, had never been ravaged before. The sheets were slick with sweat underneath him, but all he could focus on was your mouth. Sweetly sucking the flesh of his thighs, licking a path from nipple to ear lobe. “I have been dreaming about this since we first met.” Your voice is shaking, your hands are shaking. But your tongue is steady when you guide his length down your throat. Your eyes glint up at him as the golden brown curls around his base tickle your nose.
He doesn’t mean to cum in your mouth. His moan sounds like a sob and he fists his hands into the sheets until he swears he can hear the fibers squeak. “Shit I’m sorry I meant to- I didn’t mean to… so early and I- it’s been a really, really long time”
You’re by his ear again. Whispering, your voice is low and soothing and fingers are lazily dancing across his skin. “You did so good Sam. That’s exactly what I wanted”. Your nails are scratching his scalp and his eyelids feel uncomfortably heavy. “I’ll be right here when you wake up, and I expect you to fuck the shit out of me Mr. Coe”. His barking laughter rouses him up a bit, enough to kiss you. He tastes himself on your lips. “I think I can arrange that Captain”.
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buckybarnesss · 6 months
Ignoring Peter's decision in Smoke & Mirrors. I always liked how concerned he was for Derek when he was hurt. He genuinely looked scared and I think it's overshadowed by his choices in that episode.
i've talked about about smoke and mirrors a little in regards to peter.
peter hale does have regrets and he's definitely remorseful about leaving derek but he's got places to be, scheme to run and teenagers to kill. he's not expecting derek to, you know, evolve and survive this but he does because derek's resilient and a better person than peter.
like look at this face. ian bohen put his entire ass into giving peter some humanity.
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peter does show concern for derek's well being a few other times. notably in frayed where he spends the episode with cora looking for derek after the mall fight and in de-void when he notices derek isn't healing from the oni sword wound.
peter is complicated. he isn't unfeeling and he's even sentimental but he has his own priorities and he'll do things he feels are necessary even if they are regretful to him.
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cheekynoz · 25 days
Part 8
In Syrup village, on the other side of the island.
Law: "So you mean to tell me, that we just ran five kilometres for nothing?!"
Cora: Laying on the grass on his back, puffing. "Man, recovering from like a hundred gunshots really takes it out of you."
Usopp: "Wouldn't be the cigarettes you smoke?"
Cora: Mid drag from a just lit cigarette. "Huh?"
Law: "Focus on me long nose!"
Usopp: "That's Captain Long Nose"
Cora: "You would actually be best friends with this other kid we just met, he was like five, and the head chef. Snagi or something."
Law: Stomping his little feet. "Cora! Focus!"
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commanderquinn · 1 year
a list of canon ways in which lillian hart is The Fucking Worst that cora coe deserves financial and emotional compensation for:
-the basis for the big divorce counseling mission is that cora's worried for her mother's safety. that means, before going on a deep cover operation with smugglers known to kill rangers, marines, or anyone else caught trying to interfere with their business, lillian didnt leave her daughter a heads up much less a lead. once the fuck again, this woman decided that her career was more important than her daughter's mental and emotional health. once the fuck again, this woman decided she could just disappear from cora's life and then come back out of the blue without consequence
-when you go to lillian's office to look for her at cora's request, the guy working the desk knows SAM well enough to know his name and give him shit like they've got a personal history, but he??? isnt sure about????? cora's name???? word for word, he looks at her and says "it's cora, right?" you're telling me that this woman doesn't talk about her kid enough for her fellow INVESTIAGATIVE rangers to be sure about her name??? are you SHITTING ME??????? get the fuck out of here. you cant push "ranger family values" and the close ties they have in one breath then claim she likes to keep a professional distance at work in the other. you wanna have the conversation about what fresh hell it is being a working mother in a position of power, lets go, ill have that conversation all day long. but lillian hart is not a fucking example of a working mother and im gonna be pretty fucking insulted for working mothers everywhere if i catch wind of ppl trying to pull that kind of defense card. the woman's an awful parent and should be held the fuck accountable for it. you wanna know how i know????
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she doesn't say cora's name enough for the ranger watching the door to be confident in it, but he remembers alllll the stories of the captain her ex is cozying up to. and lillian is the one to confirm during the quest that she has been getting the stories from cora, so there's some clear "oh she already likes the stranger more than me." i know im reading into it because its fiction and none of these people are real, but ive also, y'know been in cora's shoes, so i can tell you from real life experience that shit does exist. idk if that was the writers INTENT, but it sure does a great job at reflecting a very sad reality
-sam points out its dumb that lillian wants to speed the ship, with her daughter on it, directly at the sydicate. idk abt y'all, but my ship was pretty dinky at that point bc i was focused on outposts, and we got ambushed by like 6 ship waves once we landed for that fight. again, i get it. game mechanics get a higher priority than realism. but this whole "we have to finish this because theres a chance you were spotted trying to rescue me" shit is so. nauseating. theres no demand to drop off cora somewhere safe, theres no "lets call in the cavalry." its this fucking egomaniac looking you dead in the eye and being like "i know i just traumatized the shit out of my kid but i need you to drive us into an ambush while she's still on board. hope you're a good shot because sam and i cant kill them ourselves." and so what that we did that????? YOURE TELLING ME IT WAS JUST THOSE SHIPS???? the rest of the organization is just going to LET IT GO???? like no fucking wonder sam sees himself as the better option even through all his fucking doubt. at least he knows when to turn the fuck around because shit is above his paygrade
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-she has custody rights. she is a decorated and respected ranger. sam being a smuggler wasnt public knowledge, but point out one person in akila who wouldnt believe her in a heartbeat over it. everyone in town gives him nothing but shit, and they all side with his dad who was definitely no picnic to live with. im guessing big emotional detachment there, lotta interrogation and persecution rather than teaching and understanding. HELL, sam would probably own up to his past if lillian outed him for it, he's that type of idiot. at literally any point she could put in the effort to get legal council involved. if she's SOOOO by the law, whats the hold up there???? i agree the kid shouldnt be on my ship while im in the middle of a space fight. ive talked with sam about it, and im not even the kids parent (as of the personal quest). what the fuck are you doing about it lillian????????? oh thats right. we cant get lillian on the phone. whomp whomp.
-she made cora cry. hyper independent, "big girls dont cry" cora coe. multiple times. worse, she made cora cry because she made cora feel like she wasn't as important as lillian's career. i dont give a fuck what criminals are doing. i do not give a fuck. i give a fuck that that little pixel child got her heart broken and there isnt a dialogue for me to call out her mother for being a huge fucking cunt to her own daughter but theres a thousand and one options for me to tell sam he's parenting wrong. he is, and i have no problem using them when they're appropriate, but where the fuck are they for lillian??? why am i not allowed to tear this woman a new asshole at any point, but there's like 20+ extra dialogue options added to every single npc you have a persuade option with???? todd my head hurts and its your fault
-"im sure sam's told you all about me. go on. ask whatever you want." yet there is no option to ask what the fuck her problem is. so, clearly, i cannot, in fact, ask whatever i want.
-"but the looks i got from my fellow rangers reading alexander dumas... we do strange things for kids." yeah hart??? thats your standard????? THATS your idea of going out of your way for your kid??? literally how did sam fall for this woman oh my god i cant even listen to her speak without wanting to use the power of bitchhood i inherited from a long line of angry irish women to ridicule her to tears. maybe then she'll fucking understand how small she makes her fucking kid feel every time she turns a moment of bonding into a little "woe is me and my comfort zone oh how unfortunate i am to have a brilliant daughter that wants to connect with me through her greatest passion"
-she openly admits that she dumped the cargo sam was smuggling not because she felt any connection or sympathy or just didnt want to destroy someones chance at life in a capitalist society, but because he was a good pilot and she didnt want that talent to "go to waste" so she could recruit him. thats not really a thing against cora i just really fucking hate that and the picture it paints of her priorities as a human being
-"if we're going to be really honest here... back when we were a team... cora would follow you everywhere, like a little adoring dog. i... just fell out of it. long before we separated."
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i literally. do not have words for how fucking disgusted i am by that line of dialogue. oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god. i. i TRULY would not even know where to start. the dog comparison makes me violently angry and if you'd given me a punch interrupt at that moment, i would have broken my keyboard punching the accept option
-go replay or watch a recording of that divorce counseling mission one more time. while you're doing it, imagine the roles reversed. imagine youre romancing a character thats a mother bringing cora into space, and the ranger standing in your cockpit asking to finish the mission is her father who took off to live at work once it was clear his little girl liked mommy better. imagine THAT while you listen to the (imo) out of fucking pocket dialogue where sam constantly praises lillian for being "a good ranger/woman." then you come back and tell me how comfortable you are with the concept of lillian hart as a character.
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autisticaboutstufflol · 3 months
Accidental Adoptions Vinsmoke Headcanons
So Chapter 7 of Accidental Adoptions is out, and I promised Vinsmoke information! This AU for all who don't know, is Cora deciding that getting Law and the brand new baby that just got adopted into the DQ Pirates out of there is priority #1. Shenanigans occur, and now he's somehow ended up with not only Law and Dellinger, but all the Vinsmoke Siblings. Onto the headcanons!!
All Vinsmoke Siblings
They're all autistic
Are very co-dependant on each other
Distrustful of hospital environments
Reiju - 8 years old - She/Her
The second most durable out of the siblings, strong exoskeleton
Has her 'Poison Pink' abilities [Can produce poison, is immune to doses of poison that would otherwise kill regular people]
Has somewhat canon typical 'has to obey Judge's commands' modification built in [If she hears Judge's voice telling her to do something, she has to obey]
Heals the second quickest
Enjoys gardening
Helping Law out with removing the Amber Lead from his system
Ichiji - 6 years old - He/Him
Has implants in his eyes and hands to allow him to channel his red energy blasts easier
Can see further/see more detail + in fun visions [x-ray, night vision, can see shrimp colours ect.] because of these eye implants
Can't cry any more because of said implants
Least emotional due to experimentation, but is still far ahead of his canon version in terms of emotions
Likes navigation, and has essentially declared himself default captain/navigator on the ship
Niji - 6 years old - He/Him
Heals the quickest due to a combination of experimentation and a strong exoskeleton
Has super speed, which connects into the electricity powers [electricity goes fast]
Electricity powers [Can produce electric blasts from his hands, did not need implants like Ichiji because his exoskeleton was stronger]
Speaks really quickly because of his speed, sometimes forgets that not everyone processes the world like he does
Also has insane hearing
Has gotten very good at sewing because he's basically so quick he's a sewing machine. Also enjoys drawing
Sanji - 6 years old - He/Him (for now)
Most emotional out of his siblings
Has a weak exoskeleton- He's still far stronger than any normal child, but doesn't have the same invulnerability his siblings do
Does have some minor invisibility modifications [can only make parts of himself invisible if he strains himself or if he's stressed, will go full invisible if he's terrified ect.]
Everyone thinks he's got a secret extra genetic modification to talk to animals because he just makes friends with small animals constantly [He has four pet rats, Eloise, Yumi, Polly and Theia]
Loves to cook and make friends with animals
Yonji - 6 years old - He/Him
The most durable of the siblings, his exoskeleton is very strong
Both arms are half mechanical, a commenter (shout out to KitsuneNee_chan) made a remark that it reminded them of Nebula from GOTG, and I totally agree with that.
His physical modifications worked the best out of all the siblings, has had super strength since he was a baby
Has very bad sensory issues, has caused millions of berri in property damage while overstimulated
Isn't too sure what he likes to do, but absolutely loves sweet food and listening to the radio
BONUS!! X Drake Headcanons for this fic
Drake - 16 years old - He/Him
Very jumpy/skittish
An okay cook, is teaching Sanji how to use salt and pepper in moderation while making things
Good at fishing
Thinks that every zoan fruit user also has a personification of their corresponding zoan animal in their head that talks to them and will take full control when they morph into their full animal forms. He is wrong. He is mentally ill [blasts him with the OSDD1b beam]
Is very protective of the kids of the rag-tag orphanage ship that Cora has somehow gathered
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Law's wedding day
Fluffy, fluffy sfw story about Law x fem!reader getting married. In this first part it's the evening before this great event and he thinks about his past.
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Tomorrow was the big day, Law would marry the love of his life and everyone he ever cared about was there. It was absolutely overwhelming to him, he couldn't fathom that this was really happening. There had been enough moments in his life when this seemed like a fever dream. First he thought he wouldn't live that long - than he was driven by revenge. But he found someone that completely changed his priorities and turned his life upside down, for the better.
He sat in his room in the polar tang and dreaded the tradition that he had to be apart from her on the night before their wedding. It was the first time in months that he had to endure a night without her and the loneliness didn't really help his anxiety.
His gaze fell on his suit hanging on the wall, ready for the big day. It suddenly seemed to big to fill for him. Too much meaning entwined within. Would he be a good husband? What did he know of love or family?
Like so often when he felt alone and had no one to turn to, he looked up to the night sky. It made him think of all the people that where gone. And in moments like these, it felt like a conduit to the past.
"Hey Cora-San, how are you?", he began talking to the stars above him. He didn't have a picture or a reminder of him, so he just spoke to the same sky he had once shared with his savior. "You wouldn't believe what happened. I asked her to marry me and she said yes! I will be a husband. I will have a family.", he happily announced, imagining Corazon smoking on his bed. "I'm really proud of you Law!", he would say. "I knew you could do it! You're free!", he would probably add proudly.
He would be so proud, Law thought as the image of his dear friend faded and he was alone again. I wish he could be there when I say my vows. I wish he would slip and fall on the dancefloor the whole evening. The thought made him chuckle. But he won't.
Like many he'd cared about - he won't be there. It has been so long, Law could only guess what his parents might be like on his wedding day. Would his father have made a far too long, awkward speech, spiked with typical dad jokes? He hoped so. Would his mother have cried when he kissed his bride? Maybe. And Lami...? He didn't even know who she would have become. But he was sure she would have been unnerving and wild and absolutely wonderful.
As his thoughts where slipping towards all he had lost, there was a knock on the door. "Law?", Bepo's familiar murmur came from beneath the door. "Law, are you awake?"
"Yes, what is it?", Law answered.
"I can't sleep, I am so nervous", the blushing bear confessed as he opened the door. "Can we...I mean can we just...talk?"
"Sure", Law pointed at his bed and his first men sat down with a groan. "Aren't you nervous?", he asked shyly.
"A little", Law answered, raking his hands through his hair. "It is a big day after all."
"It is", Bepo said.
They sat in silence for a few moments, the huge mink staring at his fumbling paws. "I hope I don't mess up my speech", he said softly.
"And even if, it would be funny", Shachi's voice said from the half open door. "Mind if we join you?", Penguin asked while already pressing past his buddy.
Law knows that he won't be able to stop them and points towards the bed. All three of them where sitting there squeezed on his small bed in the small cabin, Law sitting at his desk. They brought some grog, for the nerves and where in the highest of spirits. "MAN LAW I am so HAPPY", Shachi announces to half the ship. "This will be an awesome wedding! I'm gonna eat and drink so much!", Penguin chimes in. It seemed to inspire Bepo, the bear seemed happier and more relaxed. "Oh, I look forward to my suit. Law and me have similar outfits. It will be so great!", his black eyes gleamed with unfiltered joy.
A chuckle escaped Law's throat, his gloomy thoughts gone. "Now you smile Law, but wait until I tell everyone in my speech what a weird kid you were!", Shachi joked. "What?! At my wedding? In front of my bride?", Law shook his fist. "Like the story when you tried to use your powers to fly and hit your head so hard you almost past out?"
Penguin, Shachi and Bepo exploded in laughter - it was so infectious Law couldn't help but smile, too. "If you do that it's toilet cleaning duty for a month!", Law reprimanded him.
"What's going on here, you guys are so loud I can barely sleep!", Hakugan stood in the door frame with his hands on his hips, his white mask gleaming like a ghost in the shadows.
"Yeah, you look so tired, man!", Penguin teases and they laugh some more.
"Jeez boys, can you tune it down?", Ikakkus locks appeared behind Hakugan. "If you're throwing a party at least tell us?", she complained. Law could already see more figures in the hallway as both of them squeezed into the tiny room, too.
"It's getting really crowded in here", Law said, jumping a little in his chair when Jean Barts giant face appeared in the porthole of Law's room.
"Hey, I want to party, too!", his muffled voice could be heard from outside. "There is no party here", Law screamed at the crowded cabin. "Party? We're in!", Law could hear even more of his crew from outside. This was getting out of hand - everyone pushed into his room.
Unnerved, he summoned a room that engulfed the ship and teleported everyone, including himself, on deck, so he could finally breathe again. When everyone thumbed onto the polar tang, there was a short moment of confusion - until Penguin screamed "PARTY ON DECK", followed by a collective "YEAH!", as everyone started bustling around to get tables, food and drink outside to get the party really going. Law stood there, baffled, as he watched his crew.
They where a great bunch, he would be getting married to a great girl. On the horizon, he could see the lights of the straw hat's boat. They were great friends. Fully realising that he was surrounded by his friends - his found family, Law couldn't be happier. For the first time in so many years, he could hardly wait what the future would bring him. With a laugh, he joined his crew.
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In the next part, Law's wedding will take place. There will be quite a lot of fun. Will Bepo mess up his speech? What will the straw hat crew do? Who will take the microphone and sing karaoke?
Like this one? Check out my masterlist!
Tags: @julia-shephard
It's not part three but maybe you like this one, too!
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calico-heart · 14 days
High Price to Pay
putting down some big long personal rambles about Lyra's Starfield playthrough since I finally reached this quest and I wanna make sure I remember how it went down LOL Pretty major spoilers too, so it's all under the cut
I THOUGHT, because I'd only heard of this quest and not done it myself (and looked it up, not that there was much consensus in the guides you can find about how the at-risk companions are selected) that it would be two at the Lodge, two at the Eye. I thought you'd initially be paired with whichever companion you had the least affinity with, and then later have to roll the dice on which of the two got killed at whichever location you didn't go to reinforce... weighted toward your lower affinity companions being more likely to die.
Sarah and Sam were up at the Eye when the mission started, so I assumed Sarah was the one on the chopping block since Sam is romanced and thus, super high affinity.
Well, I get back from my trip with Barrett (who is definitely NOT a low affinity companion, he's one of Lyra's highest) and no other companions are at the Lodge. All three of the other vulnerable companions are up at the Eye.
We get a transmission. The Eye has been attacked by Starborn! One single alien wiped the floor with them! The Hunter says he's coming for us. Vlad says we need to get the Artifacts and run.
Lyra's only been dubiously on board with the whole, collecting weird artifacts that call out to you but we know nothing about and taunting invisible space people who keep threatening to kill us MO.
She was enjoying being part of Constellation for the novelty, the free food, the access to Walter's pocketbook, and hey, Barrett's great! Sam's great! The sex has been great!! She's even grown fond of the kid, Cora. But the risk now outweighs those benefits so if Lyra's really only in it for herself, now's the time to cut ties.
Except she asks Vlad over the coms if anyone is hurt.
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And she's presented with a choice - rush to the Eye to try to help the wounded, or barricade in the Lodge to defend the Artifacts before the Hunter reaches them. (Or, you know, just say fuck this and ditch them all!)
I realize the choice of who to save is between Sam and Barrett. This is unfortunate. I was dreaming of a polyship.
Lyra doesn't think they can win against the Starborn - it's already savaged half their team in a blink. She doesn't want the Artifacts, and though she hasn't realized it yet, Constellation has become important to her because the people in it have become important to her. This is her crew. This is a family.
So she suggests what seems to her the obvious choice. Abandon the Artifacts. Let the Starborn have them. That's not what's matters.
Barrett shuts it down hard.
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Well, it's a compelling argument. Giving them up might not work! I sense Lyra's resolve wavering.
But Sam is hurt. And Cora's up there. She pushes back, urging them to go to the Eye. Barrett won't stop her, but he won't come with her, either. She cares about Barrett, and she's not under any illusion that everyone staying behind is liable to die. She asks if he thinks she's making a mistake.
And I think there are words he could have said to keep her there. To ground her, and make Lyra resolved to stay and defend the fort. But those aren't the words he chooses.
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I think a little something inside Lyra dies, then. There's no time to dwell on it - but to her, she takes this to mean his priority is, and always will be, the Artifacts. Not surviving. Not their family. Not her.
She doesn't want him to die. But if he's determined to be a fool, she's not going to stick around and die with him for this cause. She's going to the Eye. She's gonna save Sam.
He's a fucking mess when she gets there. But Cora's by his side, and the relief pouring off of her the minute she sees Lyra slides right through years of defenses and latches onto something vulnerable and protective in her.
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Everyone is relieved to see her. Andreja's showing a heretofore unseen esteem. Sarah's always been hard to read, and one of the most skeptical of Lyra joining Constellation. But Sarah's overtly glad to see Lyra is ok, had feared for her safety, and even places trust in her.
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Finding out just how badly outgunned they were further reinforces Lyra's confidence in her decision not to fight. When everyone's stable and safe... it's time to go back to the Lodge. Instinct still tells her to cut and run. In her days as a Spacer, it would be madness. The Lodge wasn't going to hold up to the Starborn attack, it's been marked, targeted, and everyone in there will either be dead or escaped by now.
But she doesn't even have to ask the others to know what their decision will be. They have to go back. There might be someone left to save. Lyra will have to face the consequences of leaving everyone in the Lodge behind. Not that she thinks it was much of a choice. Fighting would have been suicide.
It becomes clear, pretty quick.
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Barrett's dead.
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Barrett's a martyr.
Lyra really wishes everyone else wasn't so fucking determined to spit in the Starborn's eye. She's grieving, and she's bitter, and she's angry. But there isn't time for that, now.
There are more injured, here, and here she can feel the weight of their blame. She won't shoulder it. They didn't have to stay. But she knows she's an easy target to point fingers at.
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At least Vasco isn't angry at her.
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From the survivors she learns Noel escaped into the Well with the Artifacts. The Hunter chased her. No one knows what's happened to them. And since Lyra is the only person left fighting fit... it falls on her to go save Noel, too.
No one has managed to stand up to this Starborn Hunter. It's a death sentence. But whether saving her friends solidified her resolve, or shock and rage numbed her to the fear, maybe both - Lyra goes off in pursuit.
Up till now, she's resisted using the powers the Artifacts have given her. Here, they'll be her edge. She hopes.
Lyra is a hunter, too, of a different breed. So she sneaks through the sewers in the Well carefully... and isn't surprised when she finds Noel left out as bait.
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The Starborn's insufferable arrogance and petty taunting, though? That's unexpected. The fact he has personal beef with her? Unfortunate. Any attempts at diplomacy or appeasement are rejected out of hand. He seems to like toying with her.
Lyra's always fancied herself a shark, but this guy's got bigger teeth.
Barrett was right, it's not just about the Artifacts. She knows things she shouldn't. She's a mark.
When the Starborn opens fire, she fights back. Noel makes a break for it. But Lyra can't kill him - even her powers pale in comparison to his (maybe you should have practiced with them more, Lyra.) He'll go down and reappear elsewhere a moment later.
Well. Fuck that.
Lyra runs, too.
Through the Well, through UCs topside, past screaming civilians and panicked guards as the invisible immortal super-powered teleporting murder alien chases her through the streets causing massive swells of collateral damage.
She reaches her ship at port and takes off faster than she's ever taken off in her life, pre-flight check be damned. Hope ya'll were strapped in because those were not safe levels of Gs.
And he's waiting for her in orbit. Her resistance surprised him. Maybe even impressed him.
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Or maybe he's toying with her.
When the Hunter lets them go, Lyra's too souped up on adrenaline to feel much of anything. It can't be over like that... can it?
The very last thing she wants is to keep looking for the Artifacts. But she realizes somewhere along the way, here, her feet have been locked to the path. For better or worse, there's no turning back. If she wants to be free, she'll have to face it head-on.
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How would the op hotties react to someone making their s/o cry?
Kizaru ✨: he comforts his S/O before he does anything else.
Akainu🌋: he wants to understand what was the situation before acting.
Ryokugyu 🌱: he’s ready to throw hands, just give him a name.
Fujitora 🐅: he would comfort his S/O and make sure they’re okay.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: he listens to his S/O before acting any further.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *throws the feather coat over S/O and cracks knuckles*
Benn Beckman 🔫: he holds his S/O and comforts them before understanding what had happened.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: he’s mad af but his priority is comforting his S/O.
Killer🔪: he cuddles S/O and gives them kisses before asking who did this.
Kaido🐉: he’s ready to throw hands.
King 👑: he comforts his S/O and soothes them before sending his subordinates to bring the person to him.
Queen👑: he’s ready to kick ass and take names.
Izou🔫🔫: he would make sure his S/O is feeling better before he asks questions regarding who was responsible.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: he is angry that his S/O is upset but he wants to comfort them first.
Oven Charlotte 🍞:
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Buggy🤡: he gives his S/O kisses and talks to them in a gentle voice.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: he listens carefully and tries to understand what happens.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: he needs a name and he’s gonna kill that person.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: he cuddles his S/O and gives them several kisses before asking what happened.
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Top 10 18 Most Hated NonDD Roles
Aka the ‘Fuck You, _____!’ list lol these aren't in order other than alphabetical by movie/show this time since that's a lotta hate, but oh boy almost changed my mind a couple times. Now, everyone knows I love DD characters, especially now that I've finished my love list, but what about everyone else around him? Sometimes I like them, sometimes I'm indifferent, sometimes they gotta kill him and I understand that cause he's a hot villain, but sometimes they just straight up treat him bad in ways I don't like or are so awful that I genuinely hate them, so let's take a look at some pure negativity today lmao
Just to state first that even though I'm very salty in this it's still all for fun, even if I have Some Opinions on all the people below 😖
James and José - 12 Monkeys
This is a tiny fuck you cause I get it, but the man was very unwell, like very very very unwell, this is mostly just me excusing murder because hot man but he was doing it to save time itself or something, doesn't that count for anything? Get him some help and then stop the bad guys and fix time, they should be your actual priority, guys.
Everyone who was ever mean to Simon - Almost Human
I'm just a broken record at this point, everyone knows how I feel about Simon, I'm scooping him up and punching all of them in the face and then we're gunna get fries and watch TV together.
Everyone in AVGN: The Movie
I've seen YouTuber movies before, there's usually something that makes me laugh even if it's still that special type of cringe. This movie just sucks. It's bad. It's sososososo bad. The only part that made me laugh was DD's quick bit because he sells every role he's in and I love him. I'm so glad I never have to see this one again, this one's a fuck you to them for just… not making an entertaining movie :/
Cass' family and Dwayne - Cass
Yeah yeah I know they're kids and that they're lonely and dealing with it in bad ways, but my God. She has zero self-preservation (he had such good points about her following him like????) and it's frustrating, and when she went to take that selfie I became so anxious over what her giving it to him would bring that it made me actually sick. Her brother is straight awful, I felt bad at first cause clearly he only has the two friends, but he wasn't just allowing things to happen he was right there being a genuine shit to that homeless couple that it made me mad. The dad I can't fault because he's just looking out for his daughter, so he gets a pass, but fuck Dwayne in particular for stealing his paintings, pissing on everything else, and then nearly getting Joshua to basically kill himself. Old man yells at clouds but it's me yelling at these kids, fuck them I'm taking care of Joshua now. 
Literally everyone else in Cora
The Vampire is the only redeeming quality of this short and even then he still falls prey ;w; Cora herself is okay, her dad is good, but her mom sucks and those teens at the camp really suck, the cringe dialogue really gets me yeesh. I feel like their entire scene could've been shortened or at least written in a way that didn't make my entire body shrivel up when the guys spoke. Fuck all of them for making me cringe when I'm trying to enjoy those double fangs, I’m so petty I’m glad all of them got got.
Jerome - Gotham
His energy is great. I'm still not sure if he actually is the Joker or if I'm insane and it was a red herring cause I saw comments? But he nailed the Dark Knight energy of the Joker even if he's not, don't spoil, I will watch someday I swear. Anyway fuck him though for killing Dwight in the most Joker way possible, yeah he took his face but he also brought him back to life so c’mon man just forgive him already and banish him, I've got room for him in my bed it all works out.
Olga and Svea - Last Seen Wearing
I don't really hate them, but I really like David Porter and the fact that he brought flowers and they still ate him after all he went through to find them. I'm gunna find him at the club and take him to a different party, in fact I'll become a model and help him write a better story and they can eat some other people instead, this tired party boy is mine now.
The Grove - Light Night With the Devil
Yes, fuck the entire Grove. If he didn't get tangled up with them then everything would be fine. He might never be #1 on the charts but he'll always be #1 in our hearts, and Minnie would still be there for him too, so yeah fuck the whole Grove, I want my Night Owl to be happy.
Amber - MacGyver 2016
This one is quick and obvious but like fuck her for using him to start, but using his son as well? What a bitch, I'm not gunna be Cassian’s stepmom I'm gunna be his mom who stepped up.
The Woman - Making Love
This is totally me projecting here, but fuck her. Anyone who's okay with cheating and jerking around the both of them is genuinely hated in my book, both as someone who's been jerked around and someone who's watched someone very dear to me be jerked around while she was in so much pain. This is a real hate, there's nothing jokey about it this time, he deserves better no matter how beautiful she is. No one deserves to go through what he's going through, even though he's not blameless for pursuing her. I wasn’t, and neither was my friend. This one gets me personally, so fuck her.
Detective Loki - Prisoners
I think this guy might be The Most Hated NonDD Role ever. The amount of people I know who hate this guy for what he did to Bob is astounding and I was really hoping he'd find the real guy and save the girls until he did what he did. This guy sucks, he hurt my most precious boy, I'm glad he saved the one girl but he needs a swift kick to the nuts as my dad would say, fuck you Loki, I’ll be taking your badge now, no retirement, no pension.
The entirety of Ray Donovan
I've been putting away DVDs of this show at work for years but I've never seen anything from it until I watched DD's ep. It was so bad I quit the rest of the video after his scene. This one was actual torture to sit through up until that point, I had to see old man sex that I did not want, the camera was on Donovan most of the time while DD spoke, this one is another personal fuck you for giving me a bad time, that show and everyone else in it sucks. (No offense to anyone who may be following me who likes it but it wasn't for me)
The Bullies - Teacher
I hate bullies. I can't stand them. The only exception is Cam and that's only because he's hot and I want him to bully me. In highschool I was always too invisible to be bullied, but those few times where I was seen? Where my seat on the bus was being kicked because it was hot and I opened the window? Where someone came after me cause I was protecting my friend from her bitchiness? Where I was given a fake love confession by a friend of my crush, only to hear him whisper to my crush that I wasn't reading it so I knew it was his idea? I fucking hate bullies. Fuck Tim and his friends for everything they did to Preston and Daniela. Fuck his dad for what he said and did to James as well as his own son even though I’m mad at him. Fuck everyone who wasn't on his side while everything actively got worse and made him spiral. But especially, fuck Arabella for looking at him that way. Like I said in my other list, she would cringe directly to his face whenever he said something she didn't like, which is so fucking rude??? Even when she accepted his dates and she was supposed to be on his side she was still cringing at him; if I was on a date with someone and said something dumb and I looked up and saw that I'd cry and never talk to them again. If she wasn't interested she could’ve just turned him down, he's a nice guy, he would've understood even if it made him sadder, it would've been better than her treating him that way and then storming out on him after he was humiliated in front of her. I hate the bullies, but she was the worst because she wasn't even supposed to be a bully, she just treated him cruelly while trying to be kind.
Dany Wilkins - The Belko Experiment
Okay for this one I'm just petty. He was freaking out and she made it worse, I may just be spouting nonsense here cause I'm clouded by the Power of Love, but if that were me I would've tried to actually calm him, cause her running did not help. It'd be scary as hell, but if I worked there he'd already know me so I wouldn't leave his side. I maybe kinda cheered when she finally died after surviving for so long, this one makes me petty.
The Boogeyman
Great monster design, hated every second he was around, but also fuck this guy for making such a sweet dad so miserable before getting him. I am once again swearing I will save him and make him happy.
Everyone else in The Employer
I just genuinely hate those guys. Their characters sucked and watching them was insufferable. James was the only redeeming quality and I mean that, way to write everyone as the most unlikable people on the planet, which I guess was the point, but they can be unlikeable and still be enjoyable, y’know, that is a possible combination that makes for a better movie.
Fuerza - The Flash
I just straight up hate this thing for killing him in one swipe. It was cheap, it was bad writing, it left me so annoyed after all the great buildup with his family and him working those eyes and stealing my heart. What the actual hell, why couldn't that have been saved for the next episode, why couldn't he have least been injured but ultimately okay, this one just frustrates me. I’m going to the future to warn him and we’re gunna start a family together, that’s another Ray Guarantee and this one’s all for me.
Dracula - The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Yes, I'm giving a fuck you to Dracula himself. This guy made everyone excited for some good bonus pay fun times, then ate half of them, made him shoot his crewmate, made him cry which is instantly illegal, made him fall like 40 feet where he bumped his head and broke his leg, made him try and sink the ship he called him, and then killed him. By the time he fell I was ready to get up and jump into the movie right there in the theater. The only way Dracula can redeem himself is if Hollywood lets DD play him, otherwise fuck Dracula,  friendship ended with him, now Dr Fearless is my best friend.
Honorable mentions
A super special fuck you to James Gunn and Hulu specifically for giving me the greatest loves of my life and then taking them away from me. I'm going to buy their licensing rights from you and bring them back, I miss Abner and Johnson every single day, life is unfair, this sucks, what the hell.
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