#cora cobb
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#quigley down under#tom selleck#laura san giacomo#matthew quigley#cora cobb#crazy cora#my ovaries may have just exploded at the sight of tom selleck feeding a kangaroo joey like a baby
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I'm bored so imma share my ethnicity headcanons for the batfam. If you want the tldr version just read the bolded text lol
Bruce - WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) American, Irish, and Dutch Jewish
The Wayne family has been in Gotham for centuries and has stayed mostly WASP, the few exceptions before Martha were French, German, or Dutch typically. Martha comes from Gotham's Kane family and it is an Irish Jewish family that was established over a century ago. Her mother was from a wealthy Jewish Dutch family that fled in the early stages of WWII.
Dick - mostly French Sinti (Manouche) and Mexican Calé Romani, but also has Hungarian Boyash and British Romanichal Romani ancestry, English, WASP American, Hungarian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Indigenous Mexican, West African, and North African. Looks like a lot listed out like that but it really just comes from being from a nomadic culture and from the Americas. He just considers himself Romani, Sinti/Calé if pressed. You won't get the whole "I'm 1/8 Italian" thing from him.
Dick's mother (Mary) was from France and had a lot of French/other Western European ancestry as well as her Sinti ancestry. Her family was culturally and ethnically Sinti Romani and had been in France primarily for centuries. Her mother was a dirty blonde with more Eurocentric features and her father looked more Mediterranean and had more Romani features.
Dick's father (John) was culturally Mexican Calé Romani because of his Mexican mother (Maria Perfecta). Her family has been in Mexico for a long time, having immigrated primarily in the 17th and 18th centuries. As such, she also had some Indigenous Mexican (primarily from Central Mexico, so Otomí, Purepecha, Nahua, Cora (among others but those were the first examples that came to mind)), West African, and Iberian ancestry, as well, primarily. Her family mostly stuck to Central Mexico, some distant lineages went either North or South.
John's father (William Grayson) also had Romani ancestry because his father, William Cobb, was Boyash and Romanichal. Cobb's mother was the daughter of Hungarian Boyash immigrants and his father immigrated from London. Grayson was disconnected from his Romani heritage, however, and was raised collectively by Haly's Circus as a multicultural orphan. Grayson's mother was Amelia Crowne, who came from a wealthy WASP American family. Due to the disconnect from his father's side, most of John's Romani cultural practices come from his mother.
Bonus: just for funsies I had Dick be born in Brazil, he's not Brazilian ethnically nor culturally, but he does speak Brazilian Portuguese and has Brazilian citizenship. Haly's also picked up a Brazilian performer around the time Dick was born. They were the honorary uncle/nephew duo of Dick's early childhood and he made sure Dick grew up speaking Portuguese correctly (John was born in Portugal and spoke conversational European Portuguese). Thus, Dick has Brazilian, American, Mexican, and French citizenship.
*I corrected some spelling errors in this section (Caló (language) to Calé (people), Senti (1 typo) to Sinti) and corrected some details that I missed in my late night writing this post (I added "more" before "Eurocentric features" bc I feel like I was implying that Mary's mom looked like a more typical white woman, which isn't the case. I also added "and had more Romani features" after Mary's father's Mediterranean description bc I feel that I implied he didn't look Romani at all, just Mediterranean, which also isn't the case. Yes both had more mixed features but both were still solidly Romani in appearance)
Jason - Irish, Italian, Greek, WASP American, French Canadian, and Anglo-Australian
Jason's father (Willis) was born to a single teen mother in Gotham. She was the granddaughter of Greek immigrants, descendant of Irish immigrants a little further back, and has general WASP-y American ancestry as well from having been in the Northeastern US for centuries. She likely also has Dutch, German, French, and Indigenous American ancestry as well, but those are generations removed and irrelevant. Willis's father was never in his life, but he had French Canadian grandparents on his mother's side and WASP American on his father's.
Jason's mother (Sheila) was the granddaughter of a WWII vet and an Australian war bride on her mother's side. Her grandfather was the son of Southern Italian immigrants and her grandmother was an Anglo-Australian primarily, with 1 Irish immigrant grandfather. Sheila's father was basically just WASP American with a somewhat recent German immigrant grandmother.
Despite being the whitest mfer, he was a polyglot from an early age because he was always out interacting with his community. So he is very conversational/fluent in Puerto Rican Spanish (has been mistaken as Puerto Rican as a result, too, and this was him when he was told he wasn't actually Puerto Rican lol), knows quite a bit of Yiddish, Cantonese, Tagalog, and other languages. He picks up languages quickly.
Tim - German, WASP American, White Cuban (mostly Spanish, French, and Chinese)
Tim's father (Jack) is mostly WASP American and German, as his mother's parents were German immigrants. The Drake family is a more recent addition to Gotham's elite, but the ancestors had been in the Northeast (New York and north New Jersey specifically) for generations.
Tim's mother (Janet) is the daughter of Cuban immigrants, both parents having left Cuba as children. Janet's mother (Emilia) was mostly of Spanish and French ancestry, her family were Cuban elites that were able to recover their wealth in NYC. Janet's father (Alfonso) was biracial, his father was Spanish and his mother was mostly Chinese. His family was also very wealthy, but lost most of it in the exile. They had to rebuild their business in Miami.
Tim speaks Spanish, but not nearly as fluently as Jason. Janet mostly spoke English to him. Tim grew up mostly monolingual, the languages he speaks later are learned through study primarily. His Spanish, thus, is a mix of Cuban, Mexican (Dick), Textbook, and Puerto Rican slang and profanity (Jason).
Cass - Han Chinese (mainland China (South) and Malaysia), Malay, Irish, and WASP American
Cass's mother (Lady Shiva) was born in Malaysia to a Malaysian Chinese mother and a Chinese immigrant father. They moved to Guangzhou when she was very young. Her Malaysian Chinese mother had some Malay ancestry as well, but she was primarily Chinese.
Cass's father (David Cain) is the son of a Northern Irish immigrant and WASP Americans. That's about all I got, I don't give a shit about him lol
Damian - Arab (specifically Jordanian circa like half a millennium ago; Palestinian and Yemeni), Han Chinese, Miao Chinese, plus Bruce's ethnicities above
Damian's mother (Talia) was half Arab and half Chinese from both parents. Her father (Ra's) was born in what is now Jordan to parents from the region, one of which (his mother) was Han Chinese originally from Western China. His father was ethnically Southern Levant, Palestinian/Jordanian. Talia's mother (Melisande) was the daughter of an American mother with a Palestinian father and a Yemeni mother. Melisande's father was the American son of parents from Yunnan, he was Miao.
See Bruce above.
Duke - African American, Gullah, (maybe Mandika, it depends)
I don't fully understand what's going on with his bio dad (Gnomon), so Imma just ignore him and just do his mother. If he's an immortal metahuman, he's Mandinka from Senegal. If he's a non-human immortal being, then he's that ig.
Duke's mother (Elaine) is Gullah. She was born and raised in Georgia and later moved to Gotham, but she was very connected to her community and culture. She raised Duke in the Gullah culture at home, as well. She also taught Duke the Gullah language, it's his first language. As Duke grew up, the home became more bi-cultural (Doug is a Gotham native, so not Gullah and thus had different traditions and culture to share).
Steph - Scottish, Polish, Lithuanian, and Black
Steph's father (Arthur) is originally from Chicago, his father was the son of Scottish immigrants and his mother was the daughter of Polish immigrants.
Steph's mother (Crystal) is a native Gothamite, her father was unknown to her (he was mostly WASP American, but he did have a black grandmother) and her mother was the daughter of Lithuanian immigrants.
That's about it, I didn't include Alfred bc I just see him as ethnically English, maybe some Celtic ancestry (Welsh/Cymry and/or Cornish) and from the South of England.
Anyway, those are my headcanons! Let me know what you think if you want.
#batfam headcanons#dick grayson#bruce wayne#jason todd#tim drake#cassandra cain#damian wayne#duke thomas#stephanie brown#ethnicity headcanons#just some bonus info bc i've said before that the batfam member i related to the most is jason#part of the reason i don't particularly like the mexican jason hc is bc im mexican american myself and i dont need that man#to be even more like me than necessary lol sorry jason#no shade to mexican jason truthers btw its purely a me thing! keep doing you!#imma keep the boy white but have him be like the best most natural spanish speaker in the family bc i think its funny#mexican grayson grandmother is 1000% just bc of the dia de muertos variant cover btw and bc he's my fave#yes there's a difference between fave and most relatable that causes me to have more joy in one mexican hc over the other#i don't try to make sense of it im not my therapist#also half-cuban tim! i don't think i've seen it before (could be wrong) but i think it's fun and makes some sense#these characters are american there is going to be immigration all over these headcanons it comes free with the brainrot
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John Edward Bush (November 14, 1856 - December 11, 1916) chairman of the Republican Party in Arkansas, rose from poverty to national prominence when he co-founded the Mosaic Templars of America. Living most of his early life in Little Rock, was acknowledged as one of the wealthiest African American men in Arkansas and a progenitor of the economic development and progress of African American entrepreneurs.
He was born enslaved in Moscow, Tennessee. In 1862, he and his mother and sister were brought to Arkansas by their owner. His mother was Mary E. Cobb, and his sister was Mollie Bush Henderson, mother of Arkansas’s first African American jeweler, J. E. Henderson. The family was free at the end of the Civil War. He had to sleep under bridges or in stables or deserted houses.
He worked during the summers in a brickyard as a brick molder. He worked as a postal clerk for the Railway Mail Service and became the first African American to be recommended for the chief clerkship of the division. He graduated with honors from the Capital Hill City School and served as its principal for two years following graduation.
He married Cora Winfrey (1879) daughter of prominent African American businessman-contractor Solomon Winfrey. Out of seven births, only four children survived.
He served as an executive committee member of the National Negro Business League. He was nominated by the Greenback Party for the office of county clerk of Pulaski County but declined the nomination. President William McKinley appointed him as the receiver of the US Land Office at Little Rock. He was reappointed for four terms by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft.
After his death, his son Chester succeeded him as the national grand secretary, and his son Aldridge served as secretary and treasurer of the monument department of MTA. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Katzenrasse Nebelung

Die Katzenrasse Nebelung ist ein wahrer Schatz für jeden, der sich auf der Suche nach einem treuen Begleiter mit besonderem Charme befindet. Diese Rasse ist bekannt für ihre erstaunlich schönen, blauen Augen und ihr unglaubliches, weiches Fell, das so sanft wie eine Wolke ist. Doch die Schönheit dieser Katze geht weit über ihr äußeres Erscheinungsbild hinaus. Die Nebelung ist eine intelligente und gutmütige Rasse, die jedem Zuhause Freude bereiten kann. In diesem Artikel geben wir Ihnen einen Einblick in das Wesen und die Eigenschaften der Katzenrasse Nebelung und zeigen, warum diese Rasse so viele Menschen begeistert. Denn wer könnte einer solchen Schönheit und Anmut widerstehen? 1. Eine atemberaubende Rasse: Der Nebelung-Katze Eine der atemberaubendsten Katzenrassen der Welt ist zweifellos die Nebelung-Katze. Diese Rasse ist bekannt für ihr markantes Aussehen und ihre liebevolle Persönlichkeit. Die Nebelung-Katze hat eine einzigartige Silhouette, die von ihrer langen, schlanken Figur und ihrem dichten, blauen Fell geprägt ist. Wenn Sie eine dieser faszinierenden Katzen besitzen, sind Sie sicherlich stolz darauf, ein Mitglied dieser exquisiten Rasse zu sein. Die Nebelung-Katze wurde erstmals in den frühen 1980er Jahren von einer amerikanischen Züchterin namens Cora Cobb entdeckt. Ihre Katzen hatten ein außergewöhnlich dickes und seidiges Fell, das eine tiefblaue Farbe hatte. Durch gezielte Zucht und Kreuzungen mit anderen Rassen gelang es Cobb schließlich, die Rasse zu perfektionieren, die heute als Nebelung-Katze bekannt ist. Nebelung-Katzen sind sehr sanfte und liebevolle Tiere. Sie sind bekannt für ihre Fähigkeit, enge Bindungen zu ihren Besitzern aufzubauen und können oft als echte "Schatten" bezeichnet werden. Sie neigen auch dazu, sich gut mit anderen Haustieren sowie mit Kindern zu vertragen. Wenn Sie also auf der Suche nach einer Katze sind, die freundlich, liebevoll und treu ist, dann ist die Nebelung-Katze eine ausgezeichnete Wahl. Insgesamt ist die Nebelung-Katze eine der atemberaubendsten Rassen der Welt. Ihr einzigartiges Aussehen und ihre liebevolle Persönlichkeit machen sie zu einem beliebten Haustier für viele Menschen. Wenn Sie jemals die Gelegenheit hatten, eine Nebelung-Katze zu treffen oder sogar eine zu besitzen, dann wissen Sie, dass sie wirklich etwas Besonderes sind. 2. Die sanfte Schönheit mit dem Nebelhauch-Fell Unter den Fellarten der Katzen gibt es eine, die so schön und sanft aussieht, dass sie oft als die beste Freundin des Menschen bezeichnet wird. Diese Schönheit ist die Nebelhauch-Katze. Ihr Fell fühlt sich wie Samt an und ihre Augen haben eine hypnotisierende Wirkung. Die Nebelhauch-Katze ist bekannt für ihre friedliche Natur und sie ist eine der beliebtesten Katzen in der Welt. Das besondere Merkmal der Nebelhauch-Katze ist ihr Fell. Es ist weich, dicht und hat eine leicht verschwommene Struktur, die den Eindruck von Nebel vermittelt. Es ist in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich, von grau bis blau und von silber bis creme. Das Fell ist so zart, dass es regelmäßig gepflegt werden muss, um es in perfektem Zustand zu halten. Neben ihrem wunderschönen Fell ist auch ihr Charakter bemerkenswert. Die Nebelhauch-Katzen sind eine liebevolle und anhängliche Rasse. Sie sind sehr gesellig und neigen dazu, immer in der Nähe ihrer Besitzer zu sein. Diese Katzen sind auch sehr intelligent und haben eine starke Persönlichkeit. Sie sind sehr anpassungsfähig und können in fast jedem Umfeld leben. Eine weitere bemerkenswerte Eigenschaft der Nebelhauch-Katzen ist ihre Langlebigkeit. Sie sind bekannt dafür, ein langes und gesundes Leben zu führen. Die richtige Pflege und Ernährung können ihr Leben um Jahre verlängern. Diese Katzen sind wirklich ein Schatz und ein wichtiger Bestandteil in vielen Familien. Wenn Sie eine sanfte Schönheit mit einem Nebelhauch-Fell suchen, dann ist die Nebelhauch-Katze die Katze für Sie. Sie wird Ihrem Leben Freude und Liebe bringen und Sie werden sich schnell in sie verlieben. Diese Katzen haben eine besondere Aura, die jeden um sie herum glücklich macht. Sie sind wirklich ein Segen und ein Geschenk an die Menschheit. 3. Warum die Nebelung-Katze das perfekte Haustier ist Die Nebelung-Katze ist eine wundervolle Katzenrasse, die sich hervorragend als Haustier eignet. Hier sind einige Gründe, . 1. Sie sind äußerst liebevoll und loyal Die Nebelung-Katze ist bekannt für ihre Zuneigung zu ihren Besitzern. Sie sind äußerst liebevoll und loyal und haben eine enge Beziehung zu ihrem menschlichen Begleiter. 2. Sie sind sehr intelligent Die Nebelung-Katze ist eine intelligente Katzenrasse, die schnell lernt und leicht trainiert werden kann. Sie sind auch bekannt für ihre Fähigkeit, Probleme zu lösen, und können leicht lernen, wie sie ihre Schlafplatz, Toilette und Spielzeug benutzen können. 3. Sie haben ein beeindruckendes Aussehen Die Nebelung-Katze hat ein beeindruckendes Aussehen mit ihrem langen, seidigen Fell und ihrer auffallenden blauen Augen. Sie sind auch sehr anmutig und elegant, was sie zu einem wunderschönen Haustier macht. 4. Sie sind gut für Allergiker geeignet Da die Nebelung-Katze wenig Fell verliert, ist sie gut für Menschen geeignet, die allergisch auf Katzenhaare reagieren. Diese Eigenschaft macht sie zu einer idealen Wahl für Familien mit allergischen Mitgliedern. Wenn Sie nach einem liebevollen, intelligenten und atemberaubenden Haustier suchen, dann ist die Nebelung-Katze die perfekte Wahl. 4. Eine Liebe fürs Leben: Was Sie über die Haltung einer Nebelung-Katze wissen sollten Eine Nebelung-Katze ist eine einzigartige Rasse, die bekannt ist für ihre Schönheit und ihre sanfte Persönlichkeit. Doch bevor Sie sich für eine Nebelung-Katze entscheiden, sollten Sie einige Dinge über ihre Haltung wissen. Hier sind einige wichtige Informationen, die Ihnen helfen werden, Ihre Nebelung-Katze ein Leben lang zu lieben. Ernährung: Es ist wichtig, dass Sie Ihrer Nebelung-Katze eine ausgewogene und gesunde Ernährung bieten. Sie braucht eine ausreichende Menge an Protein und Fett sowie Kohlenhydraten und Ballaststoffen. Sie sollten ihr hochwertiges und leicht verdauliches Futter zur Verfügung stellen und dafür sorgen, dass sie genügend Wasser trinkt. Pflege: Obwohl eine Nebelung-Katze eine kurzhaarige Rasse ist, sollte sie regelmäßig gebürstet werden. Dies hält ihr Fell glänzend und verhindert Klumpen und Verwicklungen. Sie sollten auch sicherstellen, dass ihre Krallen regelmäßig geschnitten werden und ihre Ohren und Zähne sauber gehalten werden. Persönlichkeit: Eine Nebelung-Katze ist eine sanfte und liebevolle Rasse. Sie braucht viel Liebe und Zuneigung von ihren Besitzern und kann oft sensibel auf Kritik reagieren. Sie sollten darauf achten, dass sie genügend Zeit mit ihrer Katze verbringen und sich um ihre Bedürfnisse kümmern. Gesundheit: Es ist wichtig, dass Sie regelmäßige Tierarztbesuche für Ihre Nebelung-Katze durchführen und sicherstellen, dass sie alle erforderlichen Impfungen erhält. Sie sollten auch darauf achten, dass sie genug Bewegung bekommt und nicht zu viel Gewicht zulegt. Insgesamt ist eine Nebelung-Katze eine wunderbare Rasse und eine hervorragende Wahl für Katzenliebhaber, die eine sanfte und liebevolle Begleiterin suchen. Wenn Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie ihre Bedürfnisse verstehen und dafür sorgen, dass sie genug Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit bekommt, werden Sie eine lebenslange Liebe und Freundschaft mit Ihrer Nebelung-Katze aufbauen. Insgesamt ist die Rasse Nebelung eine wunderbare Wahl für alle Katzenliebhaber, die auf der Suche nach einem liebevollen, treuen und sanften Begleiter sind. Mit ihrem eleganten Aussehen, ihrer beeindruckenden Intelligenz und ihrem charmanten Charakter wird die Nebelung Ihnen schnell ans Herz wachsen. Egal, ob Sie nach einer zärtlichen Kuschelkatze oder einer energischen Spielgefährtin suchen, diese Katzenrasse wird Sie nicht enttäuschen. Wir hoffen, dass wir mit diesem Artikel die Liebe zur Nebelung-Rasse fördern konnten und freuen uns darauf, dass immer mehr Menschen diese wunderbaren Katzen in ihr Leben aufnehmen. Titel-Bild: By Aislingblack - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=129609436 Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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#no i'm not done making these yet#try guys#ned fulmer#inception#sobb#caito#saito x cobb#cobb x saito#dom cobb#dominick cobb#cobb#saito#consensual workplace relationship#cora-posts-things#cora-writes-things#corapoststhings#corawritesthings#my post#mine
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Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a thief with the rare ability to enter people's dreams and steal their secrets from their subconscious. His skill has made him a hot commodity in the world of corporate espionage but has also cost him everything he loves. Cobb gets a chance at redemption when he is offered a seemingly impossible task: Plant an idea in someone's mind. If he succeeds, it will be the perfect crime, but a dangerous enemy anticipates Cobb's every move.
It was Julian's first big production. It felt like a test given to him by Samson to show that he was worth every penny, every A-Lister, every favor he had called upon to allow Luis to get a part in it. The latter was the priciest, and to this day Julian is still paying for it.
Before Inception, Luis was known strictly as a comedy actor. He loved the genre. It fit his personality to a tee, at least in these early days at Prometheus. Julian and Luis had signed on together, known each other as friends all before it, and it had been just four short years into their tenure when the film was released. Julian wanted him in the project to expand his horizons, give him a better chance at survival. Eames was the perfect role for him to cut his teeth on. The objective of the forger still held some comedic elements, but there were enough of the dramatic touches that could open more doors.
Tahlia, as Dom's haunting wife, didn't have many scenes with Luis, who spent most of his with the character Arthur. Many viewers inferred a romantic connection underlying between Eames and Arthur, but behind the scenes? It was Luis who was taken by their producer: Edmund Astor. He was a curse sent by Cora, but only his truest colors were shown years later when he blackballed Luis when he wanted to acknowledge their trysts as something deeper, something his wife certainly shouldn't know about.
Today, Julian finds Inception to be his biggest failure, in spite of the financial and critical success. He was never overly religious, never a believer in Prometheus, but his faith in everything had been hit by hüzün, leaving him bitter and with a fire kindling inside.
#really just tacked on that special word at the end because i forgot my own fucking task#cancelled.task#headcanon#luisdesoto#filmography#edited because names were not accurate
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Nebelung: Weight, Lifespan, Personality, Care Special Info
The Nebelung is a new and relatively rare breed that developed in the United States during the 1980s. Their name comes from the German word “Nebel”, meaning mist or fog.
These gorgeous cats have medium-length fur that is blue-gray with a silver sheen and large green eyes. They are sometimes referred to as the long-haired Russian Blue, but although the two cat breeds are related and similar in appearance, they are not identical.
Nebelung cats can be shy in new situations or with new people and prefer a home without too much noise or fuss. However, once they warm to their humans, they are affectionate, intelligent, and affectionate pets that bond with a family member or two.
Origin: United States
Height: 9–13 inches
Weight: 7–15 pounds
Lifespan: 11–18 years
Colors: Solid grey-blue
Breed Characteristics
Nebelung cats are characterized by a long, graceful neck and body, long legs, a long or medium coat, and a long tail. The slightly oval eyes are a vivid green color, or sometimes yellow-green.
Large, pointed ears sit atop a modified wedge-shaped head that is more pointed than rounded. The overall appearance is that of a tall, strong, well-muscled cat. A soft double coat feels fine and silky; It is gray in color and tipped with silver.
Males and to a lesser extent females have rough throats. The fur on the tail is longer than on the body. Tufts of fur are found behind the ears and between the toes, and pantaloons are found on the hind legs.
The Nebelungs are a very new race. In the early 1980s, my earliest ancestors were born in the United States. The first, born in 1984, was a male kitten named Siegfried.
Siegfried’s mother, Elsa, was a black domestic shorthair owned by a human named Cora Cobb, and his father was a long-haired cat that resembled a Russian blue. Siegfried was the only long-haired blue kitten from the litter.
In 1985, Elsa had another litter and produced another long-haired blue kitten, named Cora Cobb Brunnhilde. Cobb fell in love with the unique appearance of these two particular kittens, with a silvery blue color of Russian Blue and a domestic silky medium-length coat. Siegfried and Brünnhilde produced a litter in 1986 and the Nebelung breed was born!
Cobb wanted to start a breeding program and officially recognize Nebelungs as a separate breed, not as Russian longhair cats.
In 1987, Dr. With the help of a geneticist named Solveig Pfluger applied for new breed status with the International Cat Association. She worked hard on her breeding program over the next ten years and our strict breed standard was based on the long-haired blue cat type imported to Europe from Russia in the early 19th century.
In 1997, TICA officially recognized the Nebelung as our own breed. We were also recognized by other major world cat registries including the World Cat Federation and the American Cat Fanciers Association.
Today, we are still an incredibly rare breed and it can be difficult for humans to get their hands on one of us, but those lucky enough to bring a Nebelung into their home soon learn why we are such a rare prize.
The Nebelung is a medium-sized cat with a long, muscular, agile body. It has medium-length, dense fur that is blue-gray in color, usually with silver tips.
These cats have long, plumed tails that balance their long bodies and add to their overall delicate beauty. The cat’s body should not have patches of white or other colors, although the fur behind the cat’s ears may be lighter blue than the rest of the coat. Male Nebelungs sometimes have thick fur around their necks.
Nebelungs’ ears are large in proportion to their heads, and are very distinct, giving the cat a very alert appearance. The eyes are large and wide. Eye color can range from yellow-green to emerald green, but the breed standard states that the greener, the better.
It usually takes about two years for a Nebelung cat to reach full maturity. While these cats shed less than some other breeds, they are not hypoallergenic cats.
more details:https://animalatoz.com/nebelung/
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Nebelung: Weight, Lifespan, Personality, Care Special Info
The Nebelung is a new and relatively rare breed that developed in the United States during the 1980s. Their name comes from the German word “Nebel”, meaning mist or fog.
These gorgeous cats have medium-length fur that is blue-gray with a silver sheen and large green eyes. They are sometimes referred to as the long-haired Russian Blue, but although the two cat breeds are related and similar in appearance, they are not identical.
Nebelung cats can be shy in new situations or with new people and prefer a home without too much noise or fuss. However, once they warm to their humans, they are affectionate, intelligent, and affectionate pets that bond with a family member or two.
Origin: United States
Height: 9–13 inches
Weight: 7–15 pounds
Lifespan: 11–18 years
Colors: Solid grey-blue
Breed Characteristics
Nebelung cats are characterized by a long, graceful neck and body, long legs, a long or medium coat, and a long tail. The slightly oval eyes are a vivid green color, or sometimes yellow-green.
Large, pointed ears sit atop a modified wedge-shaped head that is more pointed than rounded. The overall appearance is that of a tall, strong, well-muscled cat. A soft double coat feels fine and silky; It is gray in color and tipped with silver.
Males and to a lesser extent females have rough throats. The fur on the tail is longer than on the body. Tufts of fur are found behind the ears and between the toes, and pantaloons are found on the hind legs.
The Nebelungs are a very new race. In the early 1980s, my earliest ancestors were born in the United States. The first, born in 1984, was a male kitten named Siegfried.
Siegfried’s mother, Elsa, was a black domestic shorthair owned by a human named Cora Cobb, and his father was a long-haired cat that resembled a Russian blue. Siegfried was the only long-haired blue kitten from the litter.
In 1985, Elsa had another litter and produced another long-haired blue kitten, named Cora Cobb Brunnhilde. Cobb fell in love with the unique appearance of these two particular kittens, with a silvery blue color of Russian Blue and a domestic silky medium-length coat. Siegfried and Brünnhilde produced a litter in 1986 and the Nebelung breed was born!
Cobb wanted to start a breeding program and officially recognize Nebelungs as a separate breed, not as Russian longhair cats.
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Picks and Parlays MLB - The 2020 Season's Top Bet Plays. | Betting Hits
Expert Picks and Parlays MLB - This upcoming 2020 season we have top odds and arbitrage opportunities using key tools and statistics to win you more money.
Surprisingly at DraftKings sportsbook while most money is flowing on the Yankees to win, there has been a lot of money flowing on the Mets as well according to the recently released numbers. Could be that they are based in NJ which is home to the Mets hmm?
“DraftKings Sportsbook has been taking bets on World Series odds over the offseason, and we have an overwhelming betting favorite. 62 percent of the handle and 49 percent of the total bets at DK have been on the New York Yankees. The New York Mets follow them at six percent and four percent, respectively. The defending World Series champion Washington Nationals are next, followed by the runner-up Houston Astros.
The Yankees topping the betting handle is not entirely surprising. They are the betting favorite, and their preseason wins total odds (101.5) are highest as well. The Mets mixed in is not shocking with so much of DraftKings’ gambling business based in New Jersey.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are next in win total behind the Yankees, having been boosted from 97.5 to 100.5 following the Mookie Betts trade. The Dodgers have the second-best World Series odds behind the Yankees, and it would not be surprising to see their handle percentage increase between now and Opening Day thanks to the Betts trade.” via DraftKings
How The Houston Astros Cheating Scandal has affected their winning odds
The biggest story of the offseason was the Houston Astros cheating scandal that ensnared the club who were just coming back from being 2019 world series runner ups and the odds on favorites at the time to win the 2020 world series.
To summarize, After a thorough investigation, MLB determined that during their world series run in 2017 and in 2018, the Astros had used Cameras both at home and away to steal and decipher opposing pitchers signals.
As a result, the Astros were fined $5 million and forfeited their first- and second-round picks in the 2020 and 2021 drafts. General manager Jeff Luhnow and field manager A. J. Hinch were suspended for the entire 2020 season for failing to prevent the rules violations. No players were punished because they had been given immunity by MLB in exchange for their cooperation.
The Astros subsequently fired both Luhnow and Hinch on the day their suspensions were announced. MLB’s investigation also determined that Boston Red Sox manager Alex Cora helped mastermind the Astros’ sign-stealing while serving as Hinch’s bench coach in 2017.
Cora mutually parted ways with Boston the following day. Carlos Beltrán, who had been hired to manage the New York Mets in November 2019 and was the only player from 2017 who was specifically named in the report, also mutually parted ways with the Mets in the same week.
The sanctions were the most severe that MLB has ever issued against a member club and are among the most severe sanctions for in-game misconduct in baseball history. via Wikipedia.
The Fallout
With MLB eyes squarely on them, this upcoming, season and all this turmoil currently dropped them from 1st to 5th in the pecking order for the 2020 world series win which is a significant development for them and the league because the fallout also affected both the Red Sox odds as well as the New York Mets Odds.
2. Money Line
The second most popular MLB betting strategy is to bet the money line. Baseball has the most games played in a season with 162 so there are always some key factors to consider when betting the money line.
Rotations are very important with pitching and hitting. Pitchers will often be rotated with 4-5 day rests, some are on pitch counts. The following are stats to keep an eye on when betting the money line for pitchers.
IP (Innings Pitched)
ERA (Earned Run Average)
WHIP (Walks Plus Hits per Innings Pitched),
WARP (Wins Above Replacement Player).
SO (Strikeouts)
For the offense, you need to consider the following stats for batters.
PA (Plate Appearances)
AB (at-bat appearances)
WOBA (weighted On-Base Average)
OBP (On-Base Percentage)
ISO (Isolated Power)
SLG (Slugging Percentage)
OPS (On-base percentage + Slugging)
3. Run Line betting in MLB
Run line betting is a sophisticated betting strategy but has value and profitability in baseball betting. A bettor will use this strategy to see if there is value in the market by converting the Run Line odds into a percentage chance of winning.
Click here for our free Run Line MLB betting tool where we do all the calculations for you.
Run Line MLB Picks Explainer Video
4. Totals Betting
Totals betting in the MLB Covers wagers on the number of runs, home runs, total points scored and other points related stats and can be a very lucrative bet when teams stats are injected into the equation.
For the most part, MLB games do not go over 15 points so including watching both teams offenses and defenses other factors come into play depending on the lineups and rotations.
5. Over / Unders
Totals betting comes with the wrinkle of over-under which basically wagers on how many points will be scored and if they will surpass those points in the over or not reach those points in the under.
6. Player Props MLB Picks
Player propositions have become very popular in betting circles since they concentrate on just a single players performance, they cover pitchers as well as batters for example how many runs a player will drive in or how many strikeouts a pitcher will have in a game, it is a very enticing bet indeed.
7. MLB Picks today
MLP Picks are very lucrative in MLB betting tips since you can use a smaller investment and win a lot because of their nature. Combining multiple factors to create bigger odds is the nature of parlays and in baseball, it is no different.
With the high number of games played in baseball, a parlay bet can run for several days so can conceivably parlay several games into a single bet that would be a big money winner when hit.
8. Picks and Parlays MLB Playoffs and world series
After 162 games a regular season which runs from April to September, the playoffs start in October and after surviving the grueling season, we come to the playoffs and this is a completely different animal because at this point it is win or go home.
Pitching rotations are shortened and other strategies then come into play more than ever. For a betting expert, this can be quite exciting since by then there is a ton of data to help them make better decisions and win their betting strategies.
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Yes, our tips are completely free, they are accurate and data-driven with experts who understand the game. Since they are free, you can follow with us for a while before deciding to dive in and use them, in fact, we recommend you to do that and you will be impressed.
10. Power rankings MLB Picks
This falls in the category of external factors when it comes to baseball betting. So many media houses track teams and player rankings on a weekly basis, the top one being ESPN and for an MLB betting expert like us.
You have to keep an eye on this when placing bets since it can give one an insight on hot streaks and other factors that are basically secondary factors. Other factors could be the weather for example.
Rain delays could influence how a game is played or if there is a doubleheader. These might not be necessarily key elements but they might help one see the complete picture of a game before placing their bet.
As the oldest of the major three sports, baseball has a vast and unique history that can’t be matched by football and basketball. While baseball isn’t as popular among sports bettors as football or basketball, the sport has been actively wagered on since the early 20th century.
In the first half of the 20th century, football and basketball were both in developmental stages. On the other hand, baseball was establishing itself as America’s national pastime.
With big stars, like Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth, leading the way, the sport took off in the 1920′s. Ironically, the decade began with a betting scandal tied to the biggest event in baseball.
After the 1920 season, the baseball world was shocked by the “Black Sox” scandal. A year after the fact, it was learned that New York gangster Arnold Rothstein had paid off eight Chicago White Sox players to fix the 1919 World Series. In the series, the White Sox were a heavy favorite over the Cincinnati Reds. With the fix in place.
Rothstein was able to win big by betting on the underdog Reds to win the series (Cincinnati won the series five games to three). In the fallout, the eight White Sox players were banned for life from Major League Baseball prior to the 1921 season.
The success of Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees right after this scandal saved baseball from getting swept up in the “Black Sox” controversy. Seven decades later, baseball was hit by another betting scandal that shocked the sport.
After a legendary playing career, all-time hits leader Pete Rose became the full-time manager of the Cincinnati Reds prior to the 1987 season (Rose was a player-manager for the club from 1984-86).
During the Reds spring training camp in 1989, reports began to circulate that Major League Baseball was actively investigating Rose for betting on baseball.
In late August, he was banned for life from Major League Baseball. While it wasn’t officially for betting on baseball, the evidence that Rose did so was overwhelming.
After denying that he bet on baseball when the ban was handed down in 1989, Rose admitted to betting on games (including ones involving the Reds) over a decade later.
While these betting scandals have rocked the baseball establishment, wagering on baseball is enjoyed by many serious and novice sports bettors every spring and summer.
Baseball Betting Basics
Baseball betting is quite different from football and basketball wagering. There are no point spreads in baseball wagering. Because there are only eight or nine runs scored in a typical Major League Baseball game, there isn’t really enough scoring in the sport to justify a point spread. Therefore, the most common baseball wager is a money line or straight bet.
In these type of wagers, the bettor simply wagers on which team will score the most runs in a baseball game without any regards to the margin of victory. Here’s what a typical money line might look like for a Major League Baseball game:
Red Sox (+140) Yankees (-160)
To some novice bettors, these numbers can seem confusing. The easiest way to understand these figures is to use $100 as a base number/amount for each price. In this example, New York is the favorite as the team with the minus figure.
To win $100 on a Yankees wager, the bettor would need to wager $160.
As the underdog, Boston has a plus price. With a plus price, the bettor can simply wager $100 to win $140 on the Red Sox. In these money line bets, there is no vigorish or juice.
However, the bookmaker does establish a kind of fee for the money line odds. The example listed above is known as a 20-cent line.
There is a numerical difference of 20 in the odds between the Red Sox and Yankees. Novice bettors sometimes are confused by this difference.
Because Boston isn’t at a price of +160, the bookmaker is able to keep a little more of the handle on these types of bets.
The closest thing that baseball has to a point spread wager is a run line bet. In these type of bets, the favored team is listed at -1.5 runs.
So, the favored club in a run line bet must win by two runs or more. The underdog team is installed at +1.5 runs. The non-favorite must win the game or lose by just a single run for the bettor to win his run line wager on the underdog.
A money line figure is also attached to these odds and is determined by using the straight line on the game as a foundation to come up with the appropriate price to be attached to the plus or minus 1.5 figure.
Total or over/under bets in baseball work in the same general format as total wagers in football and basketball.
Another unique aspect of baseball wagering involves the starting pitchers. While a football or basketball squad will field the same basic squad for every game, a baseball team won’t necessarily be at the same general level from game to game.
This is due to the starting pitching that is a part of the game. MLB clubs will go with a rotation of five starting pitchers. These hurlers will pitch about every five days.
The specific starting pitcher on a given day for a given team can have a huge impact on the line. So, the starting pitchers for each team are listed next to each team in the betting odds rundown.
0 notes
Downton Abbey Character List
This is an updated list through Series 6. The original list is here, although I’ve also been updating own list in a Word Doc since 2013, which is what this is based on. Below are the characters listed in alphabetical order by last name (for the most part). Characters not ever appearing on screen are in italics. For real people mentioned, I’ve only included them if the Crawelys et al. knew them personally (references to real historical figures will be included in a separate list). While I’ve included some family members without names who are mentioned, I have left out minor characters with no names and also animals (if you need that info or have any questions on that, message me). This does include information that is only included in the S1-3 script books.
I hope that the Keep Reading works on mobile, because this list is very long!
A Acland, Lady Anne (S6E6) Acland, Lord (d.; Anne's husband who died in WWI) Adams, Mr (formerly of the schoolhouse)
Aldridge, Ephraim Atticus [goes by middle name] Aldridge, Lady Rose (née MacClare) Aldridge, Victoria Rachel Cora (b. 1925; we see photos of her) [Aldridge] Daniel, Lord Sinderby [Aldridge] Rachel, Lady Sinderby Other family members mentioned: Lady Sinderby’s cousin Sir John Gluck (at the S5E8 party but not on-screen), The Melfords (Lady Sinderby's cousins, including one named Anne) For Rose’s relations see the MacClares
[Allsopp] Lord William "Billy", Baron of Aysgarth Allsopp, Lady (d.) Allsopp, The Honourable Madeleine Other family members who appeared on screen: older sister to Lord Aysgarth (S4CS)
Ambrose, Benjamin Baruch (real life bandleader at the Embassy, S4CS) Ames, Captain [no last name given] Alice (S3 maid; no lines) Ansty, Joseph Gerald, the Honourable (winner of Ripon by-election of 1913, probably not a real person based on Fellowes' note in the script book)
Anstruther, Dowager Lady (née Mountevans) Anstruther, Lord, "Jock" (d.)
Astor, John Jacob "JJ" (d. 1912 on the Titanic) Astor, Madeleine (on the Titanic, survived in real life)
[no last name given] Audrey (Edith's S6 secretary) Avebury, Mr (person who helped the second earl, would be d.) Avignon, Arsène (real life chef at Ritz in London) Axford, Sir Patrick (racer, S6E7, blows gaskets)
B Bakewell, Mr Bakewell, Mrs Bailey-George, Lady Elizabeth (S4CS) Margham, the Duchess of (I am assuming this is Elizabeth's mother, she is presenting her) Barrow, Mr Thomas (Acting Sergeant in S2) Other family members mentioned: Father, sister, cousin
Barnard (Downton Abbey gameskeeper, S2CS. Mary references him, and while I'm not sure someone was assigned to play him, he'd be in some of the shooting scenes) Barnes (tenant, S4E1) Bartlett, Mrs Audrey Bassett (gardener at Downton Abbey, S2E1)
Bates, Mrs Anna May (née Smith) Bates, Mr John Bates, [Anna and John's newborn son] (b. 31 Dec 1925) Bates, Mrs (mother of John, d. 1916) Bates, Mrs Vera (d. 1918) Other family members mentioned: Anna’s father (d.), Anna’s mother, Anna’s step-father, Anna’s sister (possibly d.); John’s Scottish grandmother who was a Keith (d.), John’s Irish relatives; Vera’s cousin Mr Harlip.
Baxter, Miss Phyllis Beaumont, Lady (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Beet, Mr Alfred (Carson's old butler when he entered service; only mentioned in Rules for Household Staff book)
Bellasis, Tom (d. 1916) Bellasis, Lady Benton, Mrs Benton, Mr [no last name given] Beth (maid at Crawley House; never seen) [no last name given] Betty (maid at Dower House in S4; appears on screen in S6CS)
Bevan, Rita (S6E1, her fake name is "Ellen Gouse") [no last name given] Billy [also credited as "Race Stopwatch Man" in S6E7] [no last name given] Billy [mentioned by Mrs Hughes in S6E7, a hallboy maybe?] Bird, May (”Mrs” as she’s a cook) Family members mentioned: sister Blake, Mr Charles Blake, Sir Severus (Charles' father's cousin)
Bow, Mrs (lived in a cottage on the estate, the Bateses more than likely live in that same cottage now) Bramley (servant who wants to move the feeding pens and needed a decision, mentioned along with Cripps in scene seven in S1E3) Braithwaite, Miss Edna
Brocket, Mr (gardener at Downton Abbey, S1E4. Also mentioned in cut lines in S2E4) [S6E3 has a "Mr Brock" who cuts the flowers for the wedding. I assume that this is the same character]
Brand, Sergeant (works with Inspector Stanford) The Bransons of Cork (not related to Tom)
Branson, Kieran Branson, Lady Sybil Cora (née Crawley) (d. 1920) Branson, Miss Sybil "Sybbie" (b. 1920) Branson, Mr Tom Other family members also mentioned: Tom’s mother, Tom’s cousin in Boston, Tom's grandfather, other cousins (Bill [d. 1916], Nula, daughter of Nula)
Brennan, Mrs (Brancaster cook) Bricker, Simon Bromidge, Mr Bromidge, Mrs (mother of Mr. Bromidge)
Brook, Mr (The Bateses' tenant of their London house until S5E7) Brooks (Carlisle's valet) The Broughams (friends of Violet's who vacation in Cannes) Bryant, Major Charles Bryant, Mrs Daphne Bryant, Mr Horace Bullock, Sir John [Bunting] Imogen (Sybil's friend; in the final version Sybil doesn't say her last name, but it's in the S2 script book) Bunting, Miss Sarah
Burns, Ivy (d. 1912) Burns, Joe Burns, Peter Burns, Mr (Rosamund's chauffeur in S4E1, no relation to the others) Burton, Major General B. (real commander of Division at Richmond, S1E7) Bute, (”Mrs” as she’s a housekeeper) (Grantham House housekeeper, S4CS. No longer employed by S5E8)
C Callender-Becketts (where Sir Anthony was going when he stopped by to invite Edith to the concert in York) Carlisle, Sir Richard Carlisle, Mr Mark Other family members also mentioned: Sir Richard’s mother (d.)
Carson, Mr Charles Ernest ("Charlie") [middle name from prop] Carson, Mrs Elsie May (née Hughes) (”Mrs” Hughes as housekeeper) [middle name from prop] Other family members also mentioned: Charles' dad (d.) and grandad (d.); Elsie’s sister Becky Carter (partner in law firm Matthew works at in Ripon) Cartwright, Colonel (who had a place for Thomas as a medic in the Great War, S1E7) Cavendish, "Taxi" [While a real family from the time, Fellowes notes in the script book that this person's first name comes from a friend of his father]
Chamberlain, Neville (Minister of Health in 1925, later Prime Minister) Chamberlain, Anne de Vere Cole (real person, Neville's wife. Fictitiously, she is Robert's father's goddaughter) Anne de Vere Cole's father (who served with Robert's father in the Crimea War) Horace de Vere Cole (Anne de Vere Cole's brother)
Charkham, Mr (Reggie Swire's lawyer) Chetworth, Mrs (Sir Anthony's sister) Chirk, Mr (lives in a cottage on the estate, more than likely the Bateses’ neighbor) The Churchills Clark, Daniel Clark, Diana
Clarkson, Dr. Richard Cobb, Mrs (former tenant of the Carsons' cottage) Coates, Sir John (another doctor who examined Matthew after his war injury) Collins, Miss (Violet's S5 lady's maid, until S5E5) The Colthursts (guests invited to Robert's party) Colthurst, Kitty (friend of Rose's in S5E1, probably related to the above)
Coombs (This might be Edith's editor in S5E6 who appears on-screen for five seconds) Connaught, Duchess (Lady Reresby was her lady in waiting) (d.) Corville, Oliver Coulter (tenant farmer on the estate) Cox, Mr (former spice shop owner in Thirsk) Courtney, Lieutenant Edward (d. 1917) Courtney, Jack Coyle, Peter Craig Crane, (”Mrs” as she’s a housekeeper) (Duneagle housekeeper)
[Crawley] Cora, Countess of Grantham (née Levinson) Crawley, Lady Edith [see the Pelhams] Crawley, George (b. 1921) Crawley, Mrs Isobel (née Turnbull) [see the Greys] Crawley, Mr James (d. 1912) Crawley, Lady Mary Josephine [see the Talbots] Crawley, Mr Matthew Reginald (Captain; Esq.) (d. 1921) [what is her official last name??] Marigold (b. 1923; see the Pelhams) Crawley, Mr Patrick (d. 1912) Crawley, Dr Reginald (d.) [Crawley] Robert, Earl of Grantham (Lord Lieutenant, Colonel) [Crawley] Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham Other family members also mentioned: Robert's father/Violet's husband (d.), Robert's grandmother/Violet's mother-in-law (d.), the 2nd Earl and his mother (d.), Violet's mother (d.), Cousin Freddie, Anne Gordon (Robert's great aunt), Roberta who loaded the guns at Lucknow, Mrs Vanneck (cousin of Violet), James's mother (whom of which Violet hated), Matthew's great-great-grandfather (who was the son of the 3rd earl), the 3rd earl built the abbey (d.), the 4th earl put together the library and also collected "horses and women" (d.), an aunt that was good at macramé For Cora’s relations see “Levinson”
Cripps (an employee of the estate mentioned twice in S1) Crowborough, Duke of, Philip Crump, "Old" (smithy in the next village who was working at the old Skelton Estate all week in S1E5) Cruikshank, Henry [father of Amelia] Cruikshank, Mrs [mother of Amelia] Cunard, Lady [And Lady Cunard's daughter] Curley, Mrs (owns a dress shop in Ripon) Curran (Mentioned by Murray S3E1, possibly one of his partners)
D Darnley, Sir John Other family members mentioned: Marian, Tom, Sir John's father (d.)
Daunt, Mr (Sinderby's valet) Davis (Matthew's soldier-servant, possibly d.) Davis, Bella (Rose's friend, helps with Russians; is only mentioned in final version of S5, but appeared on-screen in PBS version of S5E5) Dawes, Mr (Headmaster of the school S5-6) Delderfields (the people Cora met along with Evelyn Napier at the Doncaster Races; in a cut scene, they were Tom's former employers, and his father was a tenant there. This was cut I suppose because Tom's family still lives in Ireland instead) Denker, Miss Gladys Dent The Derbys (cut S3E4 lines, pg. 204. Must have been real and just had a baby in 1920) Dominic, Father (priest that baptizes Sybbie)
Dorrit, Mrs "Mrs. Flecter" (guest at Mrs Patmore’s B&B) Dorrit, Mr Drake, John Drake, Mrs Drax, Miss (one of the young girls who is Mary's bridesmaids, name is in cut line S3E1) Drewe, Mr Timothy "Tim" Drewe, Mrs Margie Drewe, Peter Drewe, Billy Other family members who appeared on screen: daughter of Margie and Tim Other family members mentioned: Tim’s father (d. 1922)
Drumgoole, Lord and Lady (Laura Dunsany), and their sons (do not seem to be real) Dudley Ward, Mrs Freda (real person) Duff-Gordon, Lady Lucy Christiana (dress designer of "Lucille"; a survivor of the Titanic) Dufferin, Lady Maureen (socialite, friend of the Crawleys) Durrant, Mr Dupper, Mrs (S2E8 cut lines) Dupper, Mrs Jill (S6E6 dinner guest of Evelyn's; my guess is a reused last name that didn't make it in before) Dupper, Mr (Husband of S6E6's Mrs Dupper; d. in WWI) Dyer, General Reginald
E Edmunds, Miss Laura [no last name given] Ellen (maid at Crawley House) Elcot, Mrs. Elcot, Bob (d.) Elcot, Robbie Ellis, Lord (estate owner in Easingwold in S4) [no last name given] Ena (S5 scullery maid) [no last name given] Elsie (maid at the Stiles') Eltham, Lady (I believe this is a reference to the real Dorothy Isabel Westenra Hastings) Evans, Mr Walter (winner of an award at the flower show) Evans, Mr (man who makes headstones and plaques in S5)
F Fairclough (tenant, S4E2) Fairclough, Mr (on the hunt with Mary, S6E1. Unsure if this is a name reusual or the same character) Field, Mrs (Isobel's cook in S4E1) Finch, Mr (organizer of Fat Stock Show, S6E2) Fitzalan-Howard, Gwendolen, Duchess of Norfolk (real person and friend of Violet's; confirmed in S3 script book to be based on the real person) Frobisher (Mentioned by Murray S3E1, possibly one of his partners) Foyle, Anthony "Tony", Viscount of Gillingham Other family members mentioned: Johnny (Tony’s father), grandmama Fry, Roger (real life painter)
G Gannnon, Mrs (cut S3E1 lines, housekeeper at Easton Grange) Gaunt, Mrs (telephone operator) [no last name given] George (Grantham Arms bartender in S3CS) George, Marsha (friend of Rose's S5E5) George V, King Goldman, Dr T. Gordon, Major Peter ("Patrick") Gordon, Dr (a friend of Isobel's in Manchester, S1E2) [no relation] Graham, Adela (Peter Hexham's cousin and fiancee) Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta (real life Irish revolutionary) Graves, David (Credited as "Ripon Wedding Registrar", but his name is visible on the sign) Green, Mr Alex (d. 1922)
Gregson, Mr Michael (d. 1922) Gregson, Lizzie [no last name given] Gertie [S6 maid] [Grey] Richard "Dicky", Lord Merton [the CC has a 'y' for most episodes but S5E8-CS is 'ie'] [Grey] Ada, Lady Merton [Grey] Isobel, Lady Merton (née Crawley, Mrs. Isobel (née Turnbull)) Grey, Larry Grey, Amelia Mary (née Cruikshank) Grey, Tim Grigg, Mr Charles "Charlie"
H Harding, Mrs Gwen, (née Dawson) Harding, Mr John Other family members mentioned: Gwen and John's children; Gwen’s parents
Harvell (a partner in the firm Matthew works at in Ripon) Haig, General Douglas (real person who later becomes a field marshal) Harriaby, Lord (S4CS first party guest) Harrowby, Lord (guest at first party in S4CS, friend of Madeline's father) Hays, Charles Melville (president of the Grand Trunk Railway that Robert invested in; he was real and d. on the Titanic) Henderson, Mrs.
Henderson, Mr Philip Henderson, Mrs (S6E1; this actress also appeared as an extra in S4CS; I don't believe that is this is earlier Mrs. Henderson) Other family members mentioned: Philip’s uncle
Hepworth, Lord "Jinks" Other family members mentioned: the late father of the current lord (d.) Hewitt, Major Hexham, Lord, Peter (d. 1925) Hexham, Lord ("Old Lord Hexham") (d.)
Holmes, Major The Howards Howard, Lord (of Glossop) (S5E5 cocktail party guest; I assume related) Other family members mentioned: the late father of the current lord (d.)
I Ingleby, Lady (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Ingraham, Lady
J Jackson, Mr (probably the groundskeeper, S5CS) Jackson (Merton's chauffeur, S6CS) Jarvis, Mr Jefferson, Mrs (S4E3 party guest) Jellicoe, Admiral John, 1st Earl Jellicoe (real person in the Royal Navy, Blake and Tony served under him) Jenkins, A. (person who wrote to Gwen about the job in S1E5) Jervas, Lady (she offered Sir Anthony and Edith a bit to eat after the hungry hundreds concert in York) [no last name given] Jimmy (S1 postboy) [no last name given] John, Sir (S3E2 party guest) [no last name given] John (S3 hallboy)
K Kelder, Fraulein Kent (soldier in Matthew's unit, d.) [no relation to Jimmy's family that we know of] Kent, James "Jimmy" Other family members mentioned: mother (d.), father (d.) Kerr, Ralph (officer in the Royal Navy; Mabel mentions a man by this name as a friend) Kuragin, Prince Igor Kuragin, Princess Irina
L Lane Fox, Lord Osweston (d.) Lane Fox, The Honourable Mabel (assuming that she did marry Tony as planned, Mabel would become Viscountess Gillingham) The Lanes (S2E8 cut lines; I am assuming Fellowes reused these names for S4) The Lane-Fox twins (S3E1 cut lines; the real life Lane-Foxes are Fellowes' neighbors. I think he reused their name for Mabel because the mention[s] got cut and still wanted a shout out to them. These would be two of the bridemaids in Mary and Matthew's wedding. There are two others, and one had a cut line in the rehearsal)
Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of York (that's his name historically, Violet calls him "Dr Lang" once) Lang, Mr. Henry [no relation] Lawson, Lady (she was mentioned in another episode outside of S5E5) Lawson, Sir Henry (S5E5 cocktail party guest) (the Lawsons are a local family apparently and get name dropped often)
Levinson, Mr Harold Levinson, Mr Isaiah (d. this could possibly be Isodore's original name, as it's from cut S1E2 dialogue. Or Isodore's father). Levinson, Mr Isodore (d.) Levinson, Mrs Martha Other family members mentioned: Cora's aunt
[no last name given] Lily (the only housemaid to be in all of the first five seasons, barring Anna who was promoted. She does not appear in S6) Lisbon, the Earl and Countess (guests at the dinner of Edith and Bertie's engagement dinner) [no last name given] Louise (guest at Rose's wedding reception) Lynch [no last name given] Lucy (works for Tufton) M MacClare, Lady Agatha [possibly a spinster or a widow] [MacClare] Hugh "Shrimpie", Marquis of Flintshire MacClare, The Honourable James [MacClare] Susan, Marquess of Flintshire Other family members mentioned: Annabel and her husband (Rose’s sister and brother-in-law; I believe her and her husband were cut from the S5E8, as they were cast for S5 per agency sites); Shrimpie’s sister Louisa, Countess of Newtonmore (Shrimpie's grandmother)
MacDonald, Vivian (male friend who is studying for the bar, S1E2)
Mead (Rosamund's butler) Other family members mentioned: sister
[no last name given] Madge (S3-5 housemaid who also dressed Edith and Rose in the later seasons; is noted in S6E1 to be leaving service) Maley (Violet's gardener S4) Mall, Mrs (Ivy's former employer, deleted S3E5 scene) Manville, Lady (S3E2 Party guest, S5E8 reception guest)
Margadale, Terence Margadale, Mrs (Terence's wife) Markievicz, Countess Constance Georgine (real life Irish revolutionary and politician) The Marlboroughs Marsh, Mr (tenant, seen from afar in S4E1) Martin, James Dillon (socialist candidate at the Ripon by-election in 1913, probably not a real person bases on Fellowes' note in the script book) Mary, Queen
Mason, Mr Albert [first name from Celebration book] Mason, Daisy (née Robinson) Mason, Mrs Mason, Private William Other family members mentioned: William's siblings who did not survive infancy
[no last name given] Mavis (no lines, Mrs. Bartlett's neighbor?) [no last name given] Mavis (S3E4 cut lines, another fallen woman) [no last name given] Maud (asked a questions at the hospital meeting in S6CS) McCree, Mr McKee, General McKidd, Ian "Dr Flecter" McNair, Lady Anne McVeigh, Mrs [no last name given] Meg [S3E5 cut lines, Crawley House maid] Melba, Dame Nellie (real life opera singer) [no last name given] Michael [S5-6: this is per one of the extras who plays a hallboy's Twitter, his name is never uttered in the show] Mexborough, Lord (whom the family has their meal with after the Malton show in S6E2) Minterne, Lord (attended James and Patrick's funeral) Moncriffe, Isabella (someone Sir John Bullock mentions in S4E3) Monk (Gregson's butler/servant/person)
Moorsum, Freddie Moorsum, Jane Other family members mentioned: Harry (Jane’s d. husband), Jane's mother [idk Jane's maiden name], Jane's four siblings
Morgan, Trevor Andrew (Liberal Candidate in Ripon By-Election 1913, not a real person) Molesley, Mr Joseph [his name was originally Alfred until S4 when confirmed as Joseph on-screen] Molesley, Mr William "Bill" Other family members mentioned: Joseph’s mother (d.) Molyneux, Edward (real life fashion designer; Cora has a fitting with him in S5E3) Moore, Mr (man at other house were Thomas interviews S6E2) Mountevans, Harry (sibling of Lady Anstruther and Lady Renton) Murray, Mr George
N Napier, The Honourable Evelyn Napier, Viscount of Branksome (father of Evelyn) Other family members mentioned: Viscountess of Branksome (Evelyn’s mother) (d.) Neal, Alice (d.) Other family members mentioned: sister Nield, Mr The Northbrooks (family at who's conservatory Mary flirted with the Duke at) Nugent, Alfred Other family members mentioned: father (d. 1922), mother, sister See also the O’Briens
O O'Brien, Miss Sarah Other family members mentioned: sister (Alfred’s mother), and at least one brother (d.) See also the Nugents
The Olds (tenants, S4E2)
P Painswick, Mr. Marmaduke (d.) Painswick, Lady Rosamund Pamuk, Kemal (d. 1912) Parker, Andrew "Andy" Parks, Charles "Charlie" (probably goes by Charlie Bryant post S3?) Parks, Ethel
Patmore, Beryl (”Mrs” as she is a cook) Other family members who appear on screen: Lucy (Mrs Patmore's niece, her sister's daughter [which sister, we don’t know) Other family members mentioned: nephew Archie Philpots (d. 1916), sister Kate Philpots, another sister (d.), aunt (father’s sister) (d. 1924) and her husband (d.)
The Pascourts (friend of the Duchess of Yeovil) Pattinson, Mr (S4-5 Downton Abbey Librarian) [no last name given] Peter (S3-5 hallboy) Pegg, Mrs. (appeared in PBS' edit of UK episode of S4E4) Pegg, Greta (appeared in PBS' edit of UK episode of S4E4) Pegg, John
[Pelham, Mr] Bertie, the Marquess of Hexham [Pelham] Edith, Marchioness of Hexham (née Lady Edith Crawley) [middle name is 'Josephine' on a prop but that is also Mary's, which was actually uttered in S2] [Pelham?] Marigold [Edith probably changes her daughter’s name to "Pelham" when she marries Bertie] (b. 1923) Pelham, Mrs (mother of Bertie) Other family members mentioned: Bertie’s father (d.) See also the Hexhams
Portsmouth, Annabel (Mary's friend willing to cover for her with Tony) Potter, Mrs (Violet's S5-6 cook) Pratt
Primrose, Archibald, Earl of Rosebery (British socialite and Prime Minister Violet knew; d. 1895) Primrose, Hannah (née Rothschild), Countess of Rosebery (British socialite Violet knew; d. 1890) Pulbrook, Mr Clive ("Mr Pillbox" "Mr Pumpkin") (d. 1919)
R Rankin (soldier in Matthew's unit) (d.) Raven, Lady (S4E3 party guest) Radclyffe, Jane (S4CS) Derwentwater, the Countess of (I am assuming this is Jane's mother, she is presenting her in S4CS) Raycourt, Mr (Atticus' friend at his stag party) Raymond, Johnnie (someone Robert mentions in S5E1 as a general or colonel; I don't think he is real) Reed, Miss Renton, Lady (née Mountevans) (sister of Lady Anstruther) Reresby, Sir Michael (Dryden Park owner where Thomas looks for work - S6E3) Other family members mentioned: his wife Lady Reresby, two sons who d. in WWI Roberts, Mr (perfume seller in York) Robertson, General (I don't believe he's real) Rogers, Charlie (d. 1925) Rose, Mrs (nursed Sybbie) Ross, Jack Other family members mentioned: mother Rostov, Count Nicolai Rothes, Lucy (on the Titanic, survived in real life) The Russells (owners of Haxby when Carlisle wants to by it) Russell, Billy (d.) Ryder, Dr
S Salter, Mr (owner of the pub Bates went to in S4E8; mentioned in S5CS) Sampson, Terence Savident, Lord (whose valet Thomas wrote to about Pamuk and Mary which is what starts the rumors S1E5) The Scrupts [CC says Scroops] Semphill Girls (one of whom Evelyn Napier was engaged to in S1) Shackleton, Lady Prudence Shackleton, Lord Hubert (Prudence's husband) (d.) Shackleton, Lord Philip (Prudence's son) Shackleton [Philip's wife] See also the Talbots Sheffield, Billy Other family members mentioned: son The Schroders [Swiss family who adopted Edith's daughter at first] Shore, Miss Marigold Shortt, Edward (real life Home Secretary from 1919-1922) Shute, Basil Skinner, Mr (Edith's editor in S6) Skelton, Billy (Appears to be neighbor of the Crawleys, at Skelton Park) Simmons, Miss (Violet's lady’s maid who left her to get married) Simpson (tenant farmer? Mentioned S3E8) Slade, Mr Ethan Smiley, Captain
Smithers (Violet's S3E1 lady's maid) Smithers (Tenant at Oakfield farm in S5E1) The Southesks (attends of Sybil's funeral; could technically be the people leaving the house in the beginning of S3E6; named after Fellowes' friends) Spenlow, Agatha (Cora's friend in Malton)
Spratt, Mr Septimus ("Cassandra Jones") Other family members mentioned: niece of Spratt, niece’s husband; (Spratt's brother or brother-in-law is d.), nephew See also the Sterns
Stark (Chauffeur S3CS-S5CS) Stanford, Inspector Stapley, Mr (a veterinarian it seems) Stapley, Mrs Stephen (A Downton groom in S5E6) Stephens, Sergeant Stern, Mrs (Sister of Spratt) Stern, Wally (nephew of Spratt) Stewart, Mrs (family friend) Stiles, Sir Mark Stiles, Lady Stowell, Mr Strachey, Lytton [mentioned in S6E1 as having attended one of Gregson's parties] Strallan, Sir Anthony Phillip Strallan, Lady Maud (d. 1911) Strutt, General Sir Herbert Stuart, Ivy Stuart, Mrs (family friend who lives in Malton, not related to Ivy) Suter, Eugene (real hair stylist) Swann, Madame (Sybil's seamstress) Sweden, King of (knew Violet's husband)
Swire, Mrs Anne (from the script book) (d.) Swire, Jonathan Swire, Lavinia Catherine (d. 1919) Swire, Mr. Reginald "Reggie" (was at Lavinia's funeral but had no lines; d. 1919) Other family members mentioned: Cousin Binny (S2E8 cut lines) Sykes, Sir Mark (S2E8 cut lines)
T Talbot, Henry Talbot, Lady Mary Josephine (née Crawley) [note that upon marrying Henry, she'd probably change her name to "Lady Mary Talbot" but she is never referred to as such in S6CS] Other family members mentioned: Henry’s mother/Lady Shackleton’s sister, Henry's uncle the bishop See also the Shackletons
Tapsell, Sir Phillip Taylor Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. (a tenant at the S4E1 luncheon, no relation) The Tenbys Thawley, Sam Thompson (soldier in Matthew's unit, possibly dead) Thompson (doctor that performs abortions - at least that's the name on the bell) Tonkins, Mrs (Sir Michael Reresby's housekeeper)
The Townsends Townsend, Miss (the young daughter who is one of Mary's bridesmaids, cut line S3E1)
Travis, Reverend Albert Trent (tenant mentioned in S4E1) Trewin, Mr (schoolteacher who Molesley takes over for) Trader (from S3E1 cut Dublin scene) The Tripps (family that live in a cottage on the estate, neighbors to the Bateses) Truro, Duchess of and her three daughters (doesn't seem to be real) Tucker (tenant farmer? Mentioned S3E8) Tufton, Jos
Turnbull, Dr Edward Turnbull, Sir John (d.) [this is Isobel’s brother and father per the S1 script book] Other family mentioned: Isobel’s cousin Turner, Mr.
V Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Lady Edith, Marchioness of Londonderry [always referred to as Lady Londonderry, real person] Vyner, Inspector (S5 inspector)
W Wakefield (soldier in Matthew's unit, possibly dead) Wales, Prince of (became Edward VIII, was David back then) Ward MP, John (real person) Warrick, Lady (also "The Warricks") Watson, Mr (valet before Bates; name from cut lines S1E1) Watson, Mrs [no relation] Wavell, Mr (seen from a distance) Weaver [Lady A's chauffeur] West, Nanny
Wigan, Mrs (appears in S1 and S4 as "Postmaster's wife"; gained a name in S5) Wigan, Mr (credited in S1E1's one scene as "Postmaster")
Wilhelm, Kaiser (Sir Anthony met him) Willis, Sgt. (S5 & 6 policeman) Wilson, Lady Sarah (née Churchill) (real life female war correspondent) Wimborne, Lady Woolf, Virgina (real life author) Woolton, the Earl and Countess of (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Wren, Lady Wright, Corporal (soldier in Matthew's unit, probably d.) Wurkett, Ted (soldier who first comes to Crawley house, name is from the script book) Y Yardley, Mrs (the cook when Robert was a kid) Yeovil, Duchess of Yeovil, Duke of (d.)
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Between Children - 6/10
Intelligence - 6/10
Mobility - 7/10
Maintenance Need - 7/10
Acting - 5/10
Trainability - 5/10
Nebelung cats, which have a waving fur coat on it, are a fascinating breed with their magnificent appearance.
Nebelung cats , considered the long fur version of the blue Russian cats , take their name from the image of their fur. The appearance of their fur fluttering allows these cats to achieve a very aesthetic and beautiful appearance.
Nebelung cats, produced for the first time in Germany, were discovered by Cora Cobb in the Nebelheim cat house. The Nebelungs, which focus on production in this region, have been under much more detailed examination since 1980. After the name of Eastern Europe was heard, Nebelungs, whose numbers were increased together with Blue Russian cats brought from Russia, soon became popular.
Nebelung race has been included in the watch list since 1987 and was accepted as an original breed by international organizations in 1997.
Weight - Dimensions
Nebelung cats can have very variable weights according to their eating and habits. It is possible to see Nebelung cat from 3 kilograms to 10 kilograms.
Life time
This cat breed lives on average between 11 and 16 years.
Nebelung breed, which has similar characteristics with blue Russian cats, enjoys observing people. Instead of having an intimate relationship with the household directly, Nebelung cats, who observe the movements of the people with whom they will live together, begin to bond as soon as they realize that there will be no harm.
This race, which enjoys being in high places, has the ability to climb on every cabinet in your home. Besides its aesthetic images, Nebelung race, which can jump to very high points thanks to its athletic and muscular structures, generally enjoys watching from above.
One of the most important features of Nebelung cats is that they have a very fragile structure. If he realizes that his owners' interest in him is decreasing, he can feel sad and worried and anxious.
The long hairs of the Nebelung race lead to relatively higher need for combing. It is recommended to comb your cat two or three times a week.




https://petsultan.com/nebelung?feed_id=418&_unique_id=5f13d8d985ea9 #breeds #cat #nebelung
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Anna Cora Mowatt and The Mute Singer
Anna Cora Mowatt and The Mute Singer
At the end of the 1850’s, Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie experienced a creative renaissance of sorts. I qualify my statement with “of sorts” because there was no sustained period in her life where she really ceased to work creatively. Although plagued with ill-health and frequently paralyzed by attacks of what she called “her blue devils” (and we might today term chronic depression), Mowatt spent the…
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#anna cora mowatt#charles dickens#E.D.E.N. Southworth#Empress Eugenie#Fanny Fern#Robert Bonner#Sylvanus Cobb Jr.#The Mute Singer#The New York Ledger#Victorian Actress#Victorian Literature#victorian theatre
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American League East – Wes The Sports Guy
Click here for More Olympics Updates https://www.winterolympian.com/american-league-east-wes-the-sports-guy/
American League East – Wes The Sports Guy
* – indicates new to team
+ – indicates injury
1. New York Yankees
With the addition of Stanton, the Bronx Bombers have become more formidable.
2. Boston Red Sox
There’s a nice mix of young talent and veterans to compete for at least a Wild Card spot.
3. Toronto Blue Jays
This looks to be a transition year for the Jays and a lot depends on the health of their best players.
4. Baltimore Orioles
The last hurrah for the current roster with a power driven lineup, but a suspect rotation.
5. Tampa Bay Rays
They dismantled the roster and are preparing another crop of young players for the big leagues.
Player to Watch: OF Aaron Judge New York Yankees
Best Acquisition: OF Giancarlo Stanton New York Yankees
New Kid on the Block: SS Willy Adames Tampa Bay Rays
Yankees Lineup
1. LF Brett Gardner
2. RF Aaron Judge
3. DH Giancarlo Stanton*
4. C Gary Sanchez
5. SS Didi Gregorius
6. CF Aaron Hicks
7. 1B Greg Bird+
8. 3B Brandon Drury*
9. 2B Tyler Wade
INF Ronald Torreyes
INF Neil Walker*
OF Jacoby Ellsbury
1. Luis Severino
2. Masahiro Tanaka
3. Sonny Gray
4. CC Sabathia
5. Jordan Montgomery
Dellin Betances
Aroldis Chapman
Aaron Boone*
Red Sox Lineup
1. RF Mookie Betts
2. LF Andrew Benintendi
3. 2B Dustin Pedroia+
4. DH J.D. Martinez*
5. 1B Hanley Ramirez
6. SS Xander Bogaerts
7. 3B Rafael Devers
8. CF Jackie Bradley Jr.
9. C Christian Vazquez
INF/OF Brock Holt
INF Eduardo Nunez
1B/DH Mitch Moreland
1. Chris Sale
2. David Price
3. Rick Porcello
4. Drew Pomeranz
5. Eduardo Rodríguez
Matt Barnes
Craig Kimbrel
Alex Cora*
Blue Jays Lineup
1. LF Curtis Granderson*
2. 2B Devon Travis
3. 3B Josh Donaldson
4. 1B Justin Smoak
5. DH Kendrys Morales
6. SS Troy Tulowitzki+
7. C Russell Martin
8. RF Randal Grichuk*
9. CF Kevin Pillar
INF Aledmys Diaz*
INF Yangervis Solarte*
OF/1B Steve Pearce
1. J.A. Happ
2. Marcus Stroman
3. Aaron Sanchez
4. Marco Estrada
5. Jaime Garcia*
Ryan Tepera
Roberto Osuna
John Gibbons
Orioles Lineup
1. 3B Tim Beckham
2. SS Manny Machado
3. CF Adam Jones
4. 2B Jonathan Schoop
5. 1B Chris Davis
6. LF Trey Mancini
7. DH Mark Trumbo
8. RF Colby Rasmus*
9. C Caleb Joseph
OF Craig Gentry*
INF Engelb Vielma
C Chance Sisco
1. Alex Cobb*
2. Kevin Gausman
3. Dylan Bundy
4. Andrew Cashner*
5. Chris Tillman
Mychal Givens
Brad Brach
Buck Showalter
Rays Lineup
1. LF Denard Span*
2. CF Kevin Kiermaier
3. 3B Matt Duffy
4. RF Carlos Gomez*
5. C Wilson Ramos
6. 1B C.J. Cron*
7. DH Brad Miller
8. SS Adeiny Hechavarria
9. 2B Joey Wendle*
OF Mallex Smith
INF/OF Daniel Robertson
C Jesus Sucre
1. Chris Archer
2. Blake Snell
3. Jake Faria
4. Nathan Eovaldi
5. Matt Andriese
Sergio Romo
Alex Colome
Kevin Cash
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แมวพันธุ์เนบีลัง (Nebelung)
เนบีลังเป็นแมวที่สง่างามและมีลำตัวที่มีขนาดยาว อีกทั้งยังมีดวงตาสีเขียวและมีกล้ามเนื้อที่แข็งแรง แมวพันธุ์นี้มีลักษณะคล้ายคลึงกับแมวพันธุ์รัสเซียนบลู แต่มีความแตกต่างบางประการ สำหรับจุดแตกต่างที่เด่นชัดคือ ความยาวของเส้นขน แมวพันธุ์รัสเซียนบลูมีขนสั้น ในขณะที่แมวพันธุ์เนบีลังมีขนกึ่งยาวที่นุ่มและมีลักษณะเหมือนแพรไหม อีกทั้งยังมีขนชั้นในที่หนาแน่น ขนที่มีสีน้ำเงินสว่างมีปลายขนสีเงินที่ช่วยให้แมวดูแวววาว
เนบีลังเป็นแมวที่มีอารมณ์ไม่รุนแรง มีเสียงที่นุ่มนวล ชอบแสดงความรัก และขี้เล่น แม้ว่าแมวพันธุ์นี้มอบความรักให้คนในครอบครัว แต่มันก็จะไม่ทำตัวน่ารำคาญ อย่างไรก็ตาม เนบีลังอาจเขินอายเมื่ออยู่ใกล้คนแปลกหน้า และอาจซ่อนใต้เตียงนอนเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงการเผชิญหน้า ในภาพรวมนั้นเนบีลังเป็นแมวที่อุทิศตัวเพื่อเจ้าของและเป็นเพื่อนที่จงรักภักดี
เรื่องราวของแมวพันธุ์เนบีลังนั้นเริ่มต้นขึ้นในช่วงต้นคริสต์ทศวรรษ 1980 ซึ่งเป็นช่วงเวลาที่โปรแกรมเมอร์ที่มีชื่อว่า Cora Cobb มอบแมวบ้านขนสั้นสีดำที่ชื่อว่า Elsa ให้ลูกชายเป็นของขวัญ ในเวลาต่อมา Elsa ผสมพันธุ์กับแมวพันธุ์ รัสเซียนบลูจนได้ลูกแมว 5 ตัว ซึ่งมีทั้งสีดำและสีนำเงินและมีขนสั้น แต่มีลูกแมวหนึ่งตัวที่มีขนยาวและมีขนเป็นสีน้ำเงิน Cobb ตั้งชื่อแมวตัวผู้ตัวนี้ว่า Siegfried และเมื่อ Elsa ให้กำเนิดแมวที่มีขนยาวสีน้ำเงินอีกตัวหนึ่งที่มีชื่อว่า Brunhilde เธอก็นำแมวพันธุ์นี้กลับบ้าน แมวเหล่านี้คือแมวพันธุ์เนบีลังตัวแรกๆ นั่นเอง
พบกับเว็บ แทงบอลออนไลน์ ที่ดีที่สุด อันดับ 1 ในเรื่องบริการ
บอลสเต็ปเริ่มต้นที่ 2 คู่ แทงบอล ขั้นต่ำเพียง 10 บาท
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Spring 2019 President’s List
NATCHITOCHES – Five hundred and sixty-four students were named to the Spring 2019 President’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of 4.0. Those named to the President’s List listed by hometown are as follows.
Abbeville -- Kayla Marceaux;
Alexandria -- Lili Bedoya, Leslie Bordelon, Destiny Dotson, Selena Elmore, Claudia Gauthier, Ian Grant, Martha Hopewell, Jordan Johnson, Allison, McCloud, Madalyn Mayer, Madeline Mitchell, LaShanda Moss, Madeline Pharis, Jennifer Prevot, Sailor Reed, Zachary Roberts, Elaina Williams, Samantha Wynn;
Amite – Sidney Polezcek;
Anacoco – Kinsley Blakeway, Karington Hood, Cassandra Osborne, Seth Ponthieux, Kayla Stephens, Casey Williams;
Arlington, Texas – Samantha Bell;
Arnaudville -- Zachary Leboeuf;
Atlanta –Deanna Guidry, Alexis Hanson;
Austin, Texas – Skylar Besch, Anuj Patel;
Baker – Katelyn Kennedy;
Ball – Joseph Reynolds;
Bastrop – Anna Akins, Taylor Gabell, Haleigh Vollmar;
Baton Rouge – Meagan Barbay , Jasmine Davis, Hannah Knoff, Elizabeth Ledet, Bethany Lee, Henrietta Mercer, Madalyn Mullins, Mary Pourciau, Sarah Talbot;
Baytown, Texas – Norma Trejo;
Belcher – Victoria Hebert;
Belle Chasse -- Annie Wright;
Belle Rose – Thomas Daigle;
Benton – Victoria Berry, Bridget Miller, Jessica O’Neal, Finnley Plaster, Megan Rainwater, Ty Whatley;
Bossier City – Christian Baker, Brittant Batchelor, Katie Briggs, Courtney Brooks, DeMontre Evans, Hannah Gates, Candace Guillory, Peyton Harville, Cayin Head, Ashanti Hill, Jodi Hill, Nicholas Hopkins, Brandon Larkin, Chelsea Laverdiere, Arielle Martignetti, Katherine Parson, Taylor Powell, Melissa Raley, Jenna Rambin, Jami Rivers, Jalyn Robertson, Winnifred Robinson, Tori Spraggins, Savannah Stevens, Courtney Wilson, Eric Zheng;
Boyce – Bo Bowers, Katelyn Brister, Dylan Frazier, Jodie Martin;
Branch – Elizabeth Sonnier;
Breaux Bridge – Shayla James;
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma – Madeline Drake;
Brookeland, Texas – Paige West;
Brussels, Belgium – Leyla Fettweis;
Bunkie – Emily Arnaud, Brett Baker;
Burleson, Texas -- Addison Pellegrino;
Calhoun – Grace Cummings, Robert Mccandlish;
Calvin – Erin Price;
Campti – Alisha Bedgood;
Carencro – Jasmin Thibodeaux;
Cartagena, Colombia -- Valeria Correa Meza, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Hassik Vasquez Narvaez;
Carthage, Illinois – Nicole Clark;
Castor – Brittany Sampey;
Center, Texas – Chelsea Henderson;
Church Point – Meghan Bearb;
Clifton – Brittany Shackleford;
Colfax – Alyssa Coleman, Elizabeth Slayter,
Colorado Springs, Colorado – Morgan Linson;
Columbia -- Melissa Robinson;
Converse -- Haleigh Sharrow;
Cottonport – Rayne Canoe, Zachary Gauthier;
Coushatta – Sydney Anderson, Kaylee Antilley, Mary James, Sidney Jones, William Lee, Carmie Williams;
Covington -- Justin Brogdon, Andrea Mier;
Custer, South Dakota – China Whitwer;
Cut Off – Allie Soudelier;
Cypress, Texas – Alexis Warren;
Dallas, Texas – Natalie Robledo;
Denham Springs – Jenson Wall;
De Ridder -- Delia Amadiz, Tabitha Deer, Ashleigh Fedderman, Rebekah Frantz, Shydae Hammond, Nickolas Lane, Briana March, Jessica Mullican, Rebecca Richmond, Shynikia Roberson, Mikalyn Russell, Summer Thomas, Jessica Wheeler, Tracy Wilson;
Des Allemands – Emily Blanchard, Claire Schouest;
Destrehan – Hannah Boquet, Stephanie Webre;
Deville –Allison Deglandon, Alyssa Kline, Aubree Lampert, Maci Mayeux;
Diamondhead, Mississippi – Melissa Boyanton;
Dry Prong -- Jared Boydstun, Ashlee Elliott, Christy Gough;
El Paso – Christopher Barron;
Elizabeth – Amanda Cloud;
Elmer – Halston Rachal, Joseph Rachal;
Endicott, New York – Tonya Rackett;
Fairmount, Georgia – Amanda Stephenson;
Florien --Connor Arthur, Ashley Carter, Shayla Duhon, Noah Parker, Ashley Ross;
Forney, Texas -- Jayden Wheeler;
Fort Myers, Florida – Andrea Smarsh;
Fort Polk -- Amanda Dhondt, Shaunda Gordon, Pierce Matthews, Maria Neumann, Christian Wood;
Fort Sill, Oklahoma -- Iryana Burrus;
Fort Valley, Georgia – Pittard Chapman;
Fort Worth, Texas – Corban James;
Franklin -- Alison Guidroz;
Freeland, Washington – Paul Aune;
Frierson -- Brittany Furrow;
Frisco – Caroline Shepherd, Adam Trupp, Kalee Williams;
Garland, Texas – Sierra Stone;
Geismar -- Kristi Contreary;
Gheens -- Samantha Clark;
Glenmora -- Precious Goins, Tiara Baker;
Gloster -- Emmaleigh Cleary;
Goldonna -- Harley Godwin;
Gonzales – Addison Adams, Kristina Gipson, Ryan Gremillion, Legand Lilly, Rebecca Marchand, Molly Moran, Bailee Ramey, Zoe Tapp;
Grand Prairie, Texas -- Clayton Casner;
Grapevine, Texas – Margaret Black;
Gray – Cassie Becnel, Tevyn Johnson;
Greenwell Springs – Cheramie Kravitz;
Greenwood -- Char'Tarian Wilson;
Gretna – Chloe Johnson;
Hammond – Andrea Hidalgo;
Harvey -- Christiana Johnson;
Haughton – Brittony Cole, Bethanie Couch, Alexis Hoeltje, Victoria Lodrini, Jamie Phillips, Amber Simmons, Logan Turner, Morgan Webb;
Heath – Megan Lohmiller;
Heflin -- Haley Garrison;
Henderson, Texas -- John Floyd;
Hermon, Maine -- Allessa Ingraham-Albert;
Hessmer -- Lacee-Beth Cazelot;
Hineston -- Tylee Stokes;
Hornbeck -- Emma DuBose Rogers, Joshua Hughes;
Houma – Sarah Lajaunie;
Houston, Texas – Oai Lee Huynh;
Iowa – Matthew Phillips, Marvette Williams;
Irving, Texas – Darria Williams;
Jefferson --Jaleia Parker;
Jena – Christian Aymond, Teacy Kendrick;
Jennings – Aimee Boothe, Alyson Brown, Janee Charles, Rachelle Edwards, Wesley Simien, Lydia Williams;
Jonesboro – Jordan Winston;
Jonesville – James White;
Keatchie – Susan Laws;
Keithville – Cora Procell, Janae Richardson;
Kenner – Brooke Petkovich;
Kentwood – Jenna Morris;
Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow;
Killeen, Texas – Arlyn Johnson, Nathalohn Nanai;
Kinder -- Jonathon Villareal;
Lacombe – William Simpson;
Lafayette – Natalye Bradley, Abbey Broussard, Rachael Bryant, Amari Carmouche, Madison Duplechine, Ashley Guidry, John Irion, Joy Newman, Jordan Redd, Brittany Robinson, Andrea Saelios, Dante Saelios, Chynna Theriot;
Lake Arthur – Nicole Andrews;
Lake Charles – Shawn Becton, Derek Fields, Ashtyn Hare, Rebekah Nicholas, Sarah Sargent;
Lake Providence -- Brandy Chapman;
Lantana, Florida -- Christopher Mccormac;
Las Vegas -- April Ficarrotta;
League City, Texas – Kennedi Carter, Emily Ornelas;
Lecompte -- Allison Williams;
Leesville -- Victoria Carbaugh, Carter Coriell, Brittany French, Geoffrey Goins, Kimberly Henley, Leigha Jackson, Kelsea Mckinney, Joseph Orchi, Heather Snell, Alicia Stanford, Jessica Tebbetts, Kristin Whistine;
Lena – Juan Gonzalez;
Little Elm, Texas -- Hunter Gagnon;
Lockport -- Courtney Cedotal;
Longview, Texas -- Samantha Morris;
Loreauville – Tiffany Trahan;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry;
Mabank, Texas – Dustin Huffman,
Madisonville – Alyce Lis;
Mandeville – Shannon Roussell, Sheridan Smith;
Manito, Illinois – Sarah Picken;
Mansfield – Samantha Powell;
Many – Skyler Ezernack, Alison Garcia, Emily Holcomb, Heidi Knight, Jaleah Lee, Shelbie Martinez, Toni Mitcham, Samantha Simmons;
Marble Falls, Texas -- Sarah Lewis;
Marksville – Zachary Moreau, Madeleine Morrow;
Marthaville – Dillon Hagan, Frank Lester, Emeri Manasco, Hanna Pardee,
Maurice – Adam Courville, Jenna-Clair Courville, Adele Vincent, Elise Vincent,
Merryville – Courtney Jennings;
Metairie -- Sadye Treadway;
Minden -- Aubry Dennis, Abigail Reynolds, Kirsten Sibley, Heather White;
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada -- Kayla Bomben;
Mobile, Alabama -- Sarah Dempsey;
Monroe -- Caleb Horton, Aaron Hunt, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Jameelah Sanaany;
Monroe -- Kristin Hutchins;
Morgan City -- Jeremy Orgeron;
Morrow -- Kiante Mouton;
Morse -- Kierra Linden;
Murphy, Texas – Bronte Rhoden;
Natchez – Patricia Wise;
Navarre, Florida -- Alexandria Morales;
Napoleonville -- Elizabeth Coleman;
Natchitoches -- Sarah Aviles, Brock Barrios, Dylan Bennett, Gracie Bennett, Keaton Booker, Keyana Brown, Deasia Burrell, Savannah Bynog, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Gilda Chan, Leanna Coy, Whitney Crooks, Haley Dahlhoff, Jacob Dahlhoff, Elliot Davis, Jordan Durio, Abbie Gandy, Kara Gandy, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Hannah Haigh, Dylan Hale, Kaitlin Hatten, Aura Hernandez Canedo, Ashlyn Hogan, Anthony Jones, Kelsey Jordan, Mary Keran, Lyndon Knueppel, Clayton Larimer, Lindsay Lee, LiZhang Matuschka, Jordan Mitchell, Jorgia Nevers, Brooklyn Noe, Kevin Nutt, Anthony Pastorello, Abigail Poe, Kevin Price, Melissa Remo, Maria Rushing, Madison Shade, Madeline Taylor, David Thibodaux, Shayna Tilley, Kaleb Usleton, Madysen Watts, Sarah Kay Whitehead;
New Iberia -- Tara Bonvillain, Madison Castille, Emily Neuville, Madison Romero;
New Llano -- Reaz Khan, Collar Wilson;
New Orleans – Faith Burke;
Oakdale – Adrian Brown, Alyssa Cole, Katelyn Johnson, James Obrien;
Olla – Brianna Corley, Cierra Evans, Kaycie Posey, Kristen Smith;
Opelousas – Lauren Hebert, Keshayla Jackson, Alexia Rubin, Jaylen St. Romain;
Pelican – Mary Myers;
Pflugerville, Texas -- Zoe Richardson
Pineville – Malak Abdelhadi, Raegan Brocato, Amber Edmisson, Katlin Ernst, Sarah Flue, Brooke Gongre, Connor Littleton, Cade Mitchell, Johnna Odom, Cinnamon Player, Wendi Powell, Peyton Spurgeon, Wesley Williams;
Pitkin – Mattie Stewart, Grace White-Rainger;
Pollock – Tanner Brazil, Hannah Gaubert, Jadynn Giles, Megan Gypin, Samantha Wilber;
Port Allen – Makayla Lacy;
Port Arthur, Texas -- Eryn Sandwell;
Port Barre – Skylar Guidroz;
Prairieville. – Roy Cobb, Chloe Lambert, Sarah Makin;
Princeton – Micah Larkins;
Provencal – Rachel Head, Bailey Scarbrough;
Quitman – Cassie Tucker;
Raceland -- Megan Parks, Paige Parks, DQuincy McGuire;
Ragley -- Elizabeth Jaycox, Cole Spooner;
Reeves – Kayla Rider;
Reno, Nevada – Olivia Marazzo
Roanoke, Virginia – Tessa Burse;
Robeline – Jessica Clark, Hunter Dubois, Cody Hamous, Alyssa Maley, Lillian Rachal, Caleb Wester;
Rowlett, Texas -- Daniel Miner.
St. Amant -- Kylie Nix;
St. Francisville – Jordan Bringedahl, Ryan Reed;
St. Martinville -- Alli Douet;
St. Rose -- Alexis Mancuso;
Salado, Texas -- Reagan Rogers;
Saline – Madelyn Cheatwood;
San Antonio, Texas – Hayden Brown;
Scott -- Sydni Larriviere, Kristie Leger, Kristen Prejean;
Seattle, Washington – Zeynab Inaimi;
Shreveport – Maria Awwad, Erin Batts, Maddison Benge, Hallie Bloxom, Jessica Bourne, Erin Brown, Rakeisha Brown, Kaysie Burgess, Kaylan Campbell, Kathryn Carroll, Kristen Ciconte, Abigail Davis, Jackson Driggers, Caleb Elkins, Jenna Fielder, David Fitzwater, Peyton Gamble, JaSae Gatlin, Leah Gould, Elaina Guerrero, Madyson Istre, Carly Johnson, Damion Johnson, Brett Kessel, Elysia Lanier, Alaina McMillian, Katherine Mckay, Maxey McSwain, Alexis Mason, Mary Murray, Kelly Moody, Aaron Navarre, Hannah Nicholls, Annabelle Parker, Michael Phelps, Taylor Poleman, Christopher Schimberg, Mary Sibley, Shelby Sowers, DeAndre Stevenson, Tim Whatley, Cara Wineinger;
Sibley -- Julianna Schober;
Simpson – David Marquis, Christina Snider;
Slidell -- Jacqueline Coleman, Shakera Dixon, Ayrianna Edwards, Parker Gwaltney, Kha Nguyen, Theresa Sharp, Olivia Warren;
Spring, Texas – Rebekah Wilson;
Springhill – Raegan Ferland;
Stinnett, Texas – Dalin Williams;
Stonewall -- Brooke Meade;
Sulphur – Tiffany Lyons, Bryttani MacNamara, Elisabeth Perez;
Sunset -- Lindsay Thibodeaux;
Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill;
The Woodlands, Texas -- Tyler Rapp;
Thibodaux – Sheridan Duet;
Tickfaw -- Colten Addison;
Trout – Zachary Long, Deanna Poole, Devon Smith;
Ventress – Racheal Gaude;
Vidalia – Charles Johnson;
Ville Platte – Alex Gautreaux;
Vinton – Kelsie Rayon, Madison Zaunbrecher;
Vivian -- Hannah Campbell, Steven McRae;
Winnsboro – Samantha Browning;
Walker – Johnny Brister, David Kolb, Brittany Marten;
Washington -- Madelyn Dupont;
West Monroe – Julianne Roan, Candyce Steele;
Westport, Kentucky -- Sara MinkTaylor;
White Castle – Cassidy Blanchard;
Whitehouse, Texas -- Jackson Allen;
Winnfield -- Tamierrea Alexander, Jermesia Anderson, John Collins, Simona Curry, Joshua Goins, Kayla Jones, Maggie Womack;
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Tyra Duma;
Winter Springs, Florida -- Justin Garretson;
Woodworth -- Christian Jeansonne;
Wylie, Texas -- Alexis Perry;
Youngsville -- Brandon Granger;
Zakopane, Poland -- Patrycja Polanska;
Zachary – Lydia Johnson;
Zwolle – Holly Laroux, Courtney McDaniel, Chyna Sepulvado.
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The Nebelung: Not Your Typical Bluehair Cat
The post The Nebelung: Not Your Typical Bluehair Cat by Kim Campbell Thornton appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
With a long, silky, shimmering coat, the Nebelung is an epic cat in more ways than one. The rare breed’s romantic name comes from a legendary poem of love, hate and vengeance — the Nibelungenlied — that dates to medieval Germany. The 19th-century composer Richard Wagner turned the tale into a four-part opera known as The Ring cycle.
What’s it like to live with a Nebelung?
What’s it like to live with a Nebelung? Photography ©Casey Christopher.
But never fear: The Nebelung won’t wreak havoc in your life. The cats with beautiful blue coats are devoted and affectionate to family members, whom they prefer over all others. The sensitive cats are most likely to approve a quiet home with empty nesters or people who have a tranquil lifestyle. Families with young or exuberant children should wait to get one of these cats.
Nebelungs enjoy sitting in a lap or following their people to supervise whatever they’re doing. They can become friendly with other cats or dogs in the household. Nebelungs are playful and smart, but their mild-mannered nature makes them easy to live with. Nonetheless, the Nebelung will communicate clearly about any flaws in the care you provide, such as not serving meals on time or letting the litter box get to an unpleasant state.
A Nebelung’s unusual features
The Nebelung has what’s known as a “foreign” body: long and slender with a wedge-shaped head, wide-set eyes of brilliant green, large ears and a plumed tail. Beyond the association with the Nibelungenlied, the name Nebelung arises from the German word nebel, meaning mist or fog. It’s an apt description of the cats, who look like mystical creatures from a fairy tale.
The cats were meant to resemble the long-haired cats imported to England in the early 19th century. Those cats may have come from Russia, so it’s no surprise that the Russian Blue played an important role in the breed’s development.
The Nebelung’s short history
Nebelung full length. Photography ©Tierfotoagentur | Alamy Stock Photo.
If you have a cat with a medium-length silvery gray coat, you may wonder if your special companion is secretly a Nebelung, but breed experts say that’s unlikely. Nebelungs are relatively new to the world of pedigreed cats, and the number of breeders throughout the world is 50, give or take a few. Only one of those lives in North America.
The cats were created by a breeder named Cora Cobb in Denver, Colorado. Starting with a black domestic shorthair and a black domestic longhair, she produced two kittens that stood out from the others in their litters. One was a long-haired blue male named Siegfried, born in 1984. The other, from a second litter in 1985, was a longhaired blue female named Brunhilde. Cobb bred them in 1986 and the following year asked The International Cat Association to grant the cats status as a new breed. The cats were allowed to outcross to Russian Blues, some of which carried the gene for long hair. This helped to ensure the Nebelung’s genetic diversity. By 1997, TICA granted the Nebelung full recognition as a breed. Other registries that recognize the breed include the American Cat Fanciers Association and the World Cat Federation.
Nebelung facts
Nebelungs love their own people, but they can be reserved and even shy with people they don’t know. Don’t force attention on them, or allow children to, and they may come to be your friend — in time. More likely, though, this feline introvert will head to her safe space when guests visit the home, even if she has met them previously.
It can take up to two years for the dense, medium-length coat to achieve its full glory. The blue hairs are tipped with silver, giving the fur a shimmery appearance. With that beauty comes plenty of maintenance. Nebelungs shed and require daily combing and brushing to prevent mats.
A medium-sized cat, the Nebelung is sturdy and well-muscled, weighing from 5 to 16 pounds.
The breed has no known genetic health problems and typically has a long life span of 15 years or more.
Thumbnail: Photography ©Tierfotoagentur | Alamy Stock Photo.
About the author
Kim Campbell Thornton has been writing about cats and dogs for more than 30 years. She is the award-winning author of more than two dozen books and hundreds of articles on pet care, health and behavior.
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in Catster magazine. Have you seen the new Catster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting area of your vet’s office? Click here to subscribe to Catster and get the bimonthly magazine delivered to your home.
Read more about cat breeds on Catster.com:
Let’s Meet 7 of the Friendliest Cat Breeds
12 Facts About the Stunning Serengeti Cat
The Kurilian Bobtail — 9 Things to Know
The post The Nebelung: Not Your Typical Bluehair Cat by Kim Campbell Thornton appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
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