⋆.ೃ࿔* Mirkomos ⋆.ೃ࿔*
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mirkomos · 2 months ago
Coming home ~
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vigilante deku x A!fab reader
tags⋆𐙚₊˚ a bit angst, fluff, strained relationship, comfort, hurt, vigilante!deku x fem reader, wc:1.1k
story summary⋆𐙚₊˚ your vigilante hero that has been gone for month suddenly knocks on your window on a stormy night, hoping to mend your strained relationship.
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Its been months since he left and you still cant wrap your head around it, sometimes you go into his room expecting to see im sitting at his desk—writing in his notebook as usual. But all that theres been is a chilly breeze that meets you when you open the door to his cold room and the letters he left for you.
Foolishly waiting for him to come back..
Its the weekend you’d gone home just to be met with the same cold breeze, same thing as always, parents out on business. Doing your same routine as usual, taking a shower, eating dinner, and turing on the news to see the green flashes of lighting across the city of a certain vigilante. Texts, calls go unanswered— hopelessly expecting an answer every time it shows hes in your area but to no avail. 
Its late—you turn off the tv and decide to start on homework till you hear thuds on your back porch 'probably just someone doing some construction’ you thought going back to your work.
Three knocks on the window..
They took you by surprise—you slowly walk up to the back window, it was to dark to see anything but hints of red.
“Hello...hello who is it?” nothing but a knock on the window again, slowly creeping up to the window to see the shiny reflection of metal and hints on green…it cant be?
You open the window—and there he was, you just paused to process this ‘no way this cant be real’ you reach your hand to bring him inside. Soaked in rain, dirt, blood and his eyes covered by his hood. 
“Hi y/n”
His voice had gotten deeper—almost as if you would hear the hurt he had gone through, “h-hi izuku” your voice was almost shaken ” may i?” you point to his hood, he noods. His hood which was once a green color had now turned dark, with cuts and stains all over it. Gently lifting his hood only to reveal new scars that had taken you aback—your thumb grazing one below his eye.
“Ive missed you…so much”
“I missed you too”
Your eyes getting teary
His arms snaking around you for a hug—he's gotten so much strong in such a short time.
His hero suit covered in thing thats you didn't even know and a certain..odor coming from it “ um do you mind if i..yk” looking at his soiled hero costume. “Yea just..be careful.” so piece by piece you took them off till you got to suit. He groaned as you unzip the suit you see the reason why he told you to be careful—his back was scattered with wounds and scars old and new. Your hand lightly grazing them.
“ what happened?” you ask with a concerning tone 
He laugh in response “ some villains got me pretty good right.”
You furrow your eyebrows in response, he always been one to wipe things off with laughter
“ Let me show you the bathroom” you take his hand and guide him upstairs to the bathroom and turn on the shower “ let me get you some clothes, call me if you need anything.” as you walk out the door 
“ wait ”
You turn back to see his cheeks a blush red color and raise an eyebrow
“ well um…yk im kinda sore and i was wonding if you could help me?”
You can feel you face turn red, did he really just say that? Like get in the shower with him. Sure you guys have been close before like making out, but you've never taken off your clothes in front of each other…you nod in response and slowly creep up to him. Both of you are so tense—your hands slightly shake as you go to help him take off his shirt and pants—you do the same, helping him in the show.
He starts on the things that he can do on his own like his front side, the on trickling off him, a mix of the blood and dirt color running off his body. Groaning every time he reached to his side brushing against his sensitive wounds. “Here let me get that for you.” you stop him and take over yourself.
Washing his greasy hair, soothing his tense muscles and down to his sides
“ why did you come back to me?”
“What” he spoke in a soft tone as he turned around to you 
“After all this time, after dozens of unanswered calls and messages…izu why now?” you sniffled, looking up to his with tears in your eyes. Why are you getting so emotional—was it just the presence of him after all this time of not seeing him
He hangs his head down in defeat—bringing his hands up, rubbing his forehead.
“ i-i couldn't be away from you anymore, ive been fighting myself day and day not to go back to UA just to keep you safe. I watch over everyday i see how you are—you go in my room sit o my bed and reread the letter over and over and i wanna just..go in and hold you so tight but i cant…and then today i was passing by the neighborhood and then i saw you…i just couldn't take it anymore so i—” you cut his off with a swift kiss on the lips pulling him by the back of his neck.
He waste no time by pulling you by your back into him, you've been yearning for this for so long that the kiss felt like a lifetime before you pull away—catching your breath 
You look up to him to see his eyes—an iridescent green color, his pupils so dilated.
“ we should get out of here before we get pruney fingers.” you giggle
He nods in response—you get out and wrap in your towel and hand him his, he picks you up and sets you down on the bathroom counter and nuzzles his head in your neck “ ive missed you so much.” he mumbles into your neck—leaving a kiss on your neck. “We should get changed before i freeze to death.” you both change into the pjs you brang and then head downstairs. 
He brings you bridal style to the couch—forcing you into a cuddle, taking in your scent enjoying these few moments that he had with you
“Ive missed this…i've missed you.” he places a soft kiss on your lips.
“Me too, im happy your finally home.”
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mirkomos · 2 months ago
Been like this ~
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Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹long distance put a strain on the two of your relationship, cw: a bit long distance, fluff, 0.5k wc
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“You've been acting different.”
“What are you even talking about?” says gojo chasing you down the halls as you pack your things from his apartment 
Its been like this for months—him going on mission for days on end, forgetting to respond back to you. Paying less attention to you and most of all….putting things before you. You put up with this for month talking to him again and again about your strained relationship. Your tears wasted on something that was bound to fail. 
You've been warned from the beginning about getting into a relationship with gojo—how self centered he was now, think how stupid you were to not listened now. Of Course it wasn’t like this in the beginning, he was the stereotypical dream boyfriend, sweet, attentive, caring everything under the sun. Your long running 3 year relationship had suddenly coming to a halt.
The clothes which you have been packing in your suitcase were being simultaneously being taken out by gojo “you don't know what im talking about!?” you yell as you throw you shirt at him which took him aback. “ Im talking you you disregarding me like some one of your chores, Im your girlfriend for crying out loud and you cant even answer back one of my text!” yelling at him that you had completely zoned out only to see gojos' saddened expression but no answer.
Unknowingly tears streamed down your cheeks as you look at him—wanting to know so badly where it went wrong between the two of you on both ends.
 “ Listen i know that i've been distant lately and im sorry for that ive been so stressed with all the thing that the higher ups are putting on me, not to mention preparing my students— ive been trying to balance things but i forgot prioritize you, and im not trying to excuse my actions but i promise if you let me try…ill treat you better.” 
His hand reaches out to yours, the other to your face as he catches a glimpse of the tears running down your face—his thumb wiping away at the tear.
"hey, hey please dont cry...look—"
You let out a sigh “ you better not screw me over gojo or i swear—” you cut off by him pulling you for a embrace 
Pulling away from him only to be met with a soft kiss on the lips that felt like forever lightly bitting your lip till you both pulled back 
“I promise i wont.”
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mirkomos · 9 months ago
Between you and Me... ~cp.4
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Armin x reader...
Chapter tw: Afab! reader, alcohol, tension, drug mention and pills, drug use, cursing, fighting, blood, heaving makeout session, mention of butt grabbing, hickey, being drunk.
word count: 4.2k
story context: your newly broken up with jean and he won't leave you alone. You start to "date" Armin to get jean off your back, but during this fake relationship you start to develop feeling for him—your relationship with Armin becomes a bit...confusing. No other then any other relationships yours and armin's has its ups and downs but maybe it will turn into the real thing...
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On your walk back to your dorm your grab your phone to look at the time only to realize your phone had been off the whole time. After armin had turned off you phone you haven't bothered to check it again, turning on your phone to see almost 50+ messages from jeans which you don't bother to give the time of day and 5 miss calls from sasha and 2 from pieck. Immediately you tap sashas contact and return the call in which you were only scolded for having your phone off and not seeing her at all today.
She told you how jean had the audacity to come by the dorm and ask for you. You couldnt believe it when she had said it— he had no right to do so and had the nerve to berate your character in front of her. 
You get to your building and open your door to see sasha tapping her foot at her door.
“Where have you been all day?!”
“With armin…” with a guilty tone
She dramatically throws herself on the couch “ i ve been worried sick all day about you, and you were just snuggling up with armin.” you divert your eyes in different direction but she was spot on with that assumption. But sasha was on to use dramatics but you havent seen her in a whole 24 hours and she is a protective person. You never bothered to even send her a text this whole time to your best friend— but her reaction was less than you anticipated. “Im sorry sasha i was just really caught up and i know i should have texted you i just-” 
“I know i know its ok, to be honest i knew that you were with armin so you were ok.”
was armin was your safe space?…he had always been.
You fall on the couch onto her and entrap her into a hug and shower her with i love you’s. Till now, you realize how you had taken sasha for granted—she had been there for you almost everyday, one of your rocks since middle school-till now and you needed to change. “Hey are you gonna go to the party at the frat tomorrow?” you get up and lay yourself at the hem of the couch “Of Course i'm gonna go, I need something to distract myself, finales are absolutely kicking my ass right now.” she groaned with her head in her hands rocking back and forth. Giggling at her dramatics and she kicks your leg in response.
“Alrighty i'm gonna go to bed night” 
She disappears into her room while your phone rings— a text from armin asking if you got back to your room safely, you answer with a quick yes. Anytime you’d see his name in notifications you couldn't help but feel smiley inside — you and armin had such a beautiful friendship, would you even dare to risk that for a relationship? You had the urge to suppress these feelings for him while another part of you wanted to be his.
It made you think about how during this whole “relationship” with him had only made your feelings for him grow stronger for him. Just wishing that these felling would subside but they wont. A chance that he liked you back would be slim— but sometimes he gives you a look that gives you little hope that he would reciprocate these feelings.
You told him that you were going to bed and exchanged goodnights with him. As you got ready for bed you start thinking, was this relationship still partly to get back at jean or for your own selfish reasons? Thats a thought you decided to sleep on as you slipped under your sheets and slowly faded into sleep.
You woke up that morning and slept in till 10:00, the first thing you checked was your phone to see a text from sasha at 9 saying she left to help set up. You sat up in your bed and just thought for a good two minutes about what you're gonna do today. This happens a lot. You just zone out and think— and you think about your cafe date with armin, reminiscing on the coffee that you got and craving it in this moment.
After a good few minutes you get out of bed and do your usual routine: brush your teeth, make breakfast, all of that kind of stuff. As you're going to your room to eat your bagel in your room — you sit on your bed and open your side drawer when you spot a small bag of pills. You’d forgotten you had these, last semester you used pills to help pull late nighters to study . They helped you focus, but take too much and they put you in a daze, you're alone — what harm would they really do? you pop three of them in your mouth and lay down on you bed and start eating. 
After a few minutes they finally kicked in— you could feel yourself dizzy with your vision getting a bit distorted. You just felt a wave a ecstasy or waves, they came every few minutes when they came it felt like strong. You became hypersensitive to everything around you, aware of all of your surroundings. Barley being able to sit up — you reach for your phone and press to call one of your latest contacts.
“Hey there connie…how are you?”
You say with a slurred tone of voice “Are you ok? You sound weird.” after he said that you got up from your bed and stumbled around your room “why wouldn't i be ok” you laugh through the sentence. Connie has seen you in this state before and can recognize the way you speak. Another wave had just hit you and felt nothing — as if you weren't there anymore, in a different state of mind. 
“Yo are you high right now…”
You gave a bit of time to answer his question — trying to find a way to change your tone “no.” 
“Thats bullshit.” 
You lose balance and fall to the ground, the loud thump probably made connie nervous because you hear the murmurs of him yelling but only being able to make out a few words like coming until you hear him hang up. You fall back onto he floor and lay down and stare up at the ceiling, just thinking about if he was coming to get you. You didnt want connie to come — you wanted armin to come, the pill made you think really hard and you thought really hard about him which was a big downside, he had such a weird effect on you — like a trance. If you thought about him, you thought about him for what it felt like 30 minutes.
As you were lost in thought, you heard the door open “y/n?'' You peered the the door frame and you saw armin with a worried expression on his face. It's like a genie had answered your wish as he walked towards you and scoped you off the floor bridal style and sits you on the bed “armin” he gets up from the bed “just wait here il be back in a second.” he rushes towards the kitchen and pours you a drink of water, grabs tylenol and then comes back to the room.
He positions the cup towards your mouth so that you can drink, you finish the water and he places it down on his side “do you feel better?” You nod your head in response. You slip your arms between armins arms and go to lay down on his chest while he falls back “arminnn” you whine, he wraps one arm around you “i got too high” pouting while looking up at him — he laughs at your delirious state. 
“Yea i can tell” he says while still laughing, you reached up and caressed his face with your thumb for a seconds then reached up into his hair and ran your fingers through “so soft”. Armin didnt seem to mind — you were coming down from high and starting to become more stable, armin grabbed his phone for a second “oh we gotta get ready” he sat up and went to grab his phone. 
The party
You’d been completely out of it you forgot about all about the party, you just barley got up from your bed and got one of your short silk baby blue dress out of your closet that you have been saving for a special moment. You slip the dress on and it fit you like a glove, you grab you favorite gold earrings and put them on. You tried your hardest to quickly do your makeup without it looking bad and meticulously picked a pair of sliver strap heels and walk out of the room.
“So…how do i look?”
Armin who had been on his phone look at you in awe.
“ you look so…beautiful.” he gets up from the couch with his eyes fixated on you — with a smile on your face. He extends his arm towards your face only for him to grab a jacket behind you and place it on your shoulders “ so you don't get cold.” He extends his arm toward you and you grab onto his arm. “Thank you.” 
As you two left the building — both of you could spot the people on the porch and hear the loud music echoing throughout campus. As you both approach the porch seeing people drinking and dancing, the flashing lights filled the room as you walk into the room with armin you were able to spot mikasa, eren, sasha and jean — standing there with them. Quickly armins hand grabs your hip as you two walk towards them, the atmosphere turns awkward. The plan that's you had come up with last night had come to mind.
You greet the whole group but not jean, when it came to it you just stared for a second and looked away. He had anger and hurt in his eyes when he looked at you—it made you upset but when he looked at armin all he had was anger in his eyes. You can feel the hostility between them which you caused. “um im gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?” armin whispers in your ear which sends a tingle down your spine. You shake your head no and then he leaves, initially you planned to keep distance from Jean as you didnt want to cause a scene—but you had no choice in a big group of friends.
You can see people start to pull bottles out of the coolers and cabinets and get shot cups “ Damn there starting the game without me” he laughs and walks over the island and grabs jean along with him “what game?” you question “its just a stupid game to see who can drink the most and not get drunk.” the voice came from behind you which made you jump and mikasa and sasha turn around only to see it was ymir and historia, u guess you were so busy talking to sasha and mikasa you didn't notice them come in. “ i didn't know you guys were coming tonight.” mikasa's states “ we thought it would be fun to come tonight.” historia gives a warm smile.
Ymir wraps her arm around your neck and leans down “ are you ok, yk with the jean thing and everything.”  
“ ‘m yea it's just he was being a dick and all no big deal.” 
She nods as squeezes you a bit, then armin comes back with the drinks—he had been gone for quite a long time but you didn't really realize because you had been talking to the girls for a long time. He hands you your drink, when you take a sip you can taste lemonade with a slightly bitter taste. This was a party after all so you didn't doubt the idea that they mixed them together “ hey what took so long? ” you lean close “ oh sorry i was talking to reiner and bertholdt in the kitchen i guess i got caught up.” his tone was low and you could barely make it out over the loud music that was playing.
“ Hey will you come to the kitchen to get something with me?” mikasa comes up to you and whispers — you nod and both move through the crowd of people dancing and made your way to then kitchen. Apparently the drinking game had just finished as the kitchen became less crowded and you could see jean and eren leaving the kitchen and a guy slumped over on the counter “ he's gonna feel that in the morning.” you both giggle at the state of a random guy.
As you and mikasa were about to leave the kitchen you hear yelling, you didnt pay much mind to it until you recognized the voices — jean and armin — they were arguing with each other. They accumulated a crowd around them, you walk towards them and there muffled yells become more clear.
Coming to the front of the crowd with mikasa following suit, once you came into view of jean you saw his expression change. All of his focus had shifted from armin to you. “ And you, leaving me for this piece of shit?!” shouting across the room which leads people to stare at you. This is the hallway all over again. “Dont fucking start with me jean,don’t act all innocent when you know what you did!” you’d become angry, angry that's this was happening again— as if he was the one who got hurt in this situation and he was going to paint you as the villain.
“Oh stop playing around, your telling me that you didn’t cheat on me with armin?! Cause the timeline is pretty damn close.”
Seriously, he wants to do that?
“ Do you wanna talk about the text messages with that girl I found on your phone during our relationship, cause they were pretty fucked up if you ask me ?!” 
That sentence clearly caught him by surprise, he was embarrassed for a second— you could hear the murmurs of the crowd and your friends expressions change. So focused on trying to suppress your tears and the people around. Jean took a step forward — about to walk towards you until armin grabbed his shoulders to stop him. In a blink of an eye, jean had swung at armin. Right in the jaw, it made armin stumble back but he had sung back, you could see the camera flash and yelling of the crowd.
the two of them had gotten into a full blown altercation — leaned over onto a table dripping with blood swinging at on-top of eachother while all you could do was watch while Sasha and Connie stood by your side comforting you. Eren, reiner and one of your other classmates, Floch, tried two separate the two of them.
Tears had welled in your eyes as you watched jean being dragged away and armin leaned over the table with Eren hovering over him. This was all your fault, your not only crying because you hurt about the fight—your hurt because this whole thing was your doing. If you had never gotten ‘involved’ with armin this wouldn't happen. 
From the beginning you had a feeling to pivot away from these feelings but you ignored these warnings and followed your heart. This was the consequences of your actions “ come on lets go outside.” sasha took your hand and led you away from the crowd that's was staring at you as you leave.
Holding back your tears as you get outside but once you got there, it was like this wave of sadness and guilt had just come over you. Tears spilled out of your eyes and onto sashas shoulder while she rubbed your back and whispered words of comfort.
“This is all my fault.” you say between sobs 
“No its not, dont let him get you down  you cant blame yourself for wh-”
You cut her off mid sentence 
“No sasha this is my fault! If i had never been selfish and got with armin this would have never happened.” balling your eyes off on her shoulder, she had nothing to say at your comment because you were right, you'd triggered this whole ordeal.
Both of you were outside for at least ten minutes, sasha had managed to calm you down when connie had come out.
“Hey are you ok?” he gave you a side hug and could see sasha give connie a face and him rolling his eyes in return. You wipe your eyes and nod. “..armin was asking for you inside..i uh-i can take you to him.” the silence after that comment was loud that you were able to hear the crickets chirping. Debating if you even wanted to walk to walk back into there. Mustering up the courage to answer, you nod your head and he leads you inside—to no surprise people were staring at you. At the moment you didnt care anymore, your focus now was armin. You were led to a room to see armin with a busted lip and a few scratches on his face. Mikasa was tending to his wounds when she sees you “ill give you two a moment.” as shes walking out with connie that's when he looks up to see you. 
His eyes go wide as he gets up from the bed, you walk towards him and collapse into his arms. “min i-im so sorry.” you were barely able to get those words out. His arm were tightly wrapped around you, stroking your lower back—silently comforting you and wiping your tears. “It's ok, I don't want you to feel bad.” you lift your head from his shoulders to look up at him “ no armin, You would have never gotten hurt if i–”  your words were cut short with a swift kiss on the lips. It was a light kiss but enough to shut you up. He pulled back from the kiss only to stare at you lips “sorry i got blood on you.” he wipes your lips with his thumb, you didn't waste any time and kissed him again.
When you kiss him it was like quenching an insatiable taste that you had for so long. He leaned in to deepen the kiss pulling you closer—it made you lose balance and walk backwards into a wall. Both of you were going at a methodical pace when you decided bite his lip to slip your tongue into his mouth. The kiss had become messy — armin hand snaked down and squeezed your butt. Causing you to let out a moan in his mouth — his lips move down your face and onto your neck “you don't know how long i've been waiting for this.” he pants before he starts sucking on your neck.
‘This feeling is was better then the drugs’  you think in your head, this is what you have been waiting so long for  
The breathy moans from the both of you filled the room. Your hands traveled from his neck to his hair, running your fingers though his hair while ever so slightly grabbing it. You knew that this shouldn't have been happening, both of you knew that but it didnt stop you.
His curious hand had found its way under your dress and gripped you ass again which had cause to let out another moan. You pulled him closer and felt the bulge in his pants, the way he grinded onto you only made you crave him more. his lips had been exploring your neck—you had been kissing his and his jawline, you wanted him as close to you as he could be. The panties that you put on were already getting drenched— “min i-i need you.” he lifts his head back up from your neck which he had been sure to leave a few marks on.
His lips had found their way back to yours where he left a wet sloppy kiss with a trailing string of saliva after it “ y/n…i need to tell you something i-”
Knock knock
“Are you guys ok in there.”
It had taken you both by surprise—your disheveled appearance along with armins messy hair and plump pink lips weren't a good look for the two of you right now. “ uh..” you had looked to armin, to see him wiping his mouth and catching his breath “ give us a sec.” Armin had turned around towards the bad to calm himself down. You turned towards a mirror to fix your dress which had been bunched up at you hips, leaving your panties exposed. Noticing the multiple hickeys that armin left on your neck—they were so prominent that you doubted you would be able to cover them up.
Luckily you had thick curly hair so you were just barley able to cover them.
Another knock met the door, you made your way to the out with armin following suit.
Once you opened the door annie was standing right besides it, she gave you two a look—a look as if she knew what you two had done.
Many people had left the party—you didn't realize how late it had been until you saw the clock—2:39.
Adrenaline pumping in your body had given you enough energy to stay up for that long. You walked through the messy common space where Connie, Reiner, Floch and Eren and a few otehr students had been cleaning that was filled with solo cups, empty bottles and the messed up table that Jean and armin had fought on. Turning to look to armin who was staring into space, you reach and grab his hand which made him snap out of it.
“Huh” his tone as if he was completely unaware.
“Oh sorry are we leaving now?” 
Before you could even answer him, he rushed to grab the jacket had had given you to wear. Wrapping the jacket around you and quickly guided you towards the outside, him rushing had taken you by surprise. 
“Wait armin”
He had avoided eye contact with you ever since you left the room up until now
“im really sorry about tonight, i understand if you want to stop the dating thing after tonight.
There was a moment of hesitation from him.
“Why would i want to stop?”
Thats not at all what you expected to come out his mouth and he could tell.
“If anything i want to make this serious.”
Really? After all the shit you put him thought this past week. Does he even know what hes signing up for, never being able to probably mend his relationship with jean again. You didnt want this for him — as much as it would make you happy.
“Armin…are you sure, i mean after tonight yk the fight you’d go through this every week.
He looked at you with plea in his eyes.
“y/n…i love you —  i have for so long now but ive been pivoting away for so long now. But after tonight im sure what i feel, i mean i understand if you dont reciprocate these feelings. I think about you every night before bed, your whats running through my mind, i love you with all my heart i really do.”
You didnt waste a moment before he started rambling again to shut him up before he started again.
Your lips met his, it was a slow sensual kiss—he tilted his head more into yours making the kiss deeper until you broke it off.
A smirk spread across your face while his was flushed a blush pink while his eyes look down to his feet. You reach for his chin and lift his head to your eye level—how can someone who gave you a whole declaration of love, not be able to look you in the eye? “Im sorry i just get nervous around you sometimes.” he looks up and quietly looks at you and you raise an eyebrow. Hes too cute
A warm smile spreads across his face, you look, grab his hand and intertwine your fingers with his and swing his arm around. By the chilling wind of a fully luminescent moon you could tell it was time that you went back to your room. They way armin's face was luminated under the moon light made him look unreal, his hair had turned a platinum blond and the blue in his eyes turned very prominent. You just wanted to bask in each others presence for a few minutes, finally able to be his and for him to be yours.
“Well looks like it's time for me to go.” you break contact and look up at the moon
In return he slightly pouts his lips trying to give you puppy dog face but your not buying it but it does make you laugh.
“Could i atleast walk you back?”
“It’s ok i think i could walk by myself”
Trying to walk away but he wouldn't let go of your hand, until you tilted your head and pleaded for him to let you go.
“Goodnight i love you….”
Those words replayed in your head for a loop, you turned back too look at him and mouthed it back to him while he stared at you walking away, and you knew by tomorrow this would all feel like a fever dream.
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mirkomos · 10 months ago
Between me and You... ~cp.3
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Armin x reader...
Chapter tw: cursing, alcohol, tension, armin x reader.
Word count: 2.5k
Story context: your newly broken up with jean and he won't leave you alone. You start to "date" Armin to get jean off your back, but during this fake relationship you start to develop feeling for him—your relationship with Armin becomes a bit...confusing. No other then any other relationships yours and armin's has its ups and downs but maybe it will turn into the real thing...
You gain consciousness to strong arms around you slowly open your eyes to look up and see armin–right there in-front of you…fast asleep. You were taken aback at first but then you remembered what had happened last night–you crying in his arms and falling asleep. You try to wiggle your way out of his grasp without trying to wake him up.
Maneuvering in every possible way you could think of but your efforts were no use. You heard armin groan–you look u to see his eyes fluttering “um goodmorning” you whisper. It takes him a second to realize the situation you guys are in and you watch his cheeks turn pink.
“Im sorry if this is uncomfortable you just fell asleep and i didnt know what to do so i-” you get up from his chest “armin i know what happened its ok i dont mind it at all…seriously.” Armin sits up and avoids your eyes..you move closer to him but he still looks away. Why can he never look you in the eyes in a serious conversion.
“Um are we gonna get ready for classes today?” he gets up and puts his slippers on–you lay yourself back on his bed “nah i think im just gonna skip today” you let out a yawn. Armin turns around to give you a disappointed face “hey” you whine and armin laughs “stop whining” he walks out of the room to go get ready.
Kicking your feet on his bed just thinking of armin…it made your heart beat, the you woke up this morning and realized that you were sleeping with armin made you feel flustered. Could you really have feelings for him–no– he's doing you a favor by “dating” you to help out with jean. If you expressed your feelings would they even be reciprocated?
“What are you thinking about” your suddenly snapped back to reality with armin standing next to you.
“Armin, can you stay with me today?”
He was taken aback by your words and he blinked profusely “woah um why?” he took a seat next to you– your asking the guy who was one of the top students to stay home and miss his studies just to please you “because i don't wanna be alone today…” you look up at him with pleading eyes. Armin look you in the eyes and fell back on his bed “but-” your suddenly hovering over him “ please armin we can even watch that one marine life show you like” trying to convince armin to stay was going to be hard but one you said marine you swore you could have seen his eyes light up.
“Well i guess i could stay today” you were so happy to hear this news that you went and hugged armin and he hugged back wrapping his muscular arms around you making your heart beat.
He let go— you pushed yourself up and gave him a little smirk, he turned around to grab his laptop to email his professor’s about his absence while you had made your way to the kitchen to grab something to eat 
Admittedly you wanted armin to stay for your own selfish reasons—to find out he thought of you and felt for you. Out of the corner of your eyes you see armin typing on this laptop with his glasses on. You’ve only seen them on him a handful of time before and he looked very attractive with them on.
Making your way back to armins room you lay down next to him “so…what do you want to do today.” 
“Oh theres this really cool cafe we can go to—i've been wanting to go for a while” he pulls up the cafe on his laptop, it fits his aesthetic perfectly—its very chill and there was even a small aquarium in the corner.
“Woah thats so cool armin.” armin had always had a way for finding the most fascinating places.This one time he had taken your whole friend group to a beach at a remote location,that was a really good day.
“Ok i have to go back to my dorm and get ready—ill come back after ok.” you get up and start to gather your stuff “ alright, ill see you later”
You walk out the door and walk to your dorm…on the way back to your dorm your mind was filled with only one thing 
Your moring spent with him, being able to have the whole day with him, he occupied your thoughts.I mean when did all this start—to admit you have always seen armin as an attractive guy—but your just know seeing him in a new light. Is your guys ‘ fake dating’ what triggered these feelings? If you and him actually start dating it would be much easier than faking it every time you saw jean.
Your thoughts were interrupted by texts from Sasha berating you for missing classes and not coming back last night. You get ready in your dorm and put on the cutest and most comfortable outfit you have—you text armin that your finally ready and you hear knocking on your door and you go to open it. “Armin what are you doing here?” 
“Oh—um i was already ready so i just decided to come get you.” you blushed at the comment, how long has he been waiting for you here? He extends his hand out to you…you take his hand interlocking fingers with him. “So have far away is the place from here?” he grabs his phone and pulls up the directions “well it's a little far so we’ll have to drive there.” you had forgotten that armin drives, he mostly takes the bus or walks to places— erens was the one who was driving you around.
“Arent you kinda cold?” you were wearing a thin black long sleeve shirt, he must have seen you rubbing your arms a bit. “Um yea a little-” armin takes off his hoodie that he was wearing and hands it to you —here— he give you his soft smile and a nod assuring you to take it. You put it on and you can smell his vanilla and something wood musk and it…how much you loved his smell.
You get to his car and he opens the door for you—he can be such a gentleman, he gets in the drivers seat and you guys drive off. You watch the way that armin drives, how he pays such close attention to the road, the way he turns the wheel with one hand when making a sharp turn. “Um are you ok?'' Armin asks while he's parking. You had just been staring at him for a good while…just embarrassingly nodding your head and get out of the car and he led you into the cafe.
Staring in awe at the interior design of the cafe “woah armin look at the fish” dragging him towards the fish and you being captivated by them.
You look over to armin only to catch him staring at you and snapping his eyes away 
“Oh um i'm gonna go get a menu ok”
Nodding your head in agreement you take a seat the is close to the aquarium when you get a text on your phone from mikasa saying that she overheard jean talking about you to floch and renier. Why couldn't he just leave you alone? It had been over a month since you guys have broken up—well you haven't really gotten over it yet but you were trying and he should to and he should to
Armin comes back and plops himself down on the chair, he can tell that your a bit perturbed from your face “what happened?” he hands you the menu “ jean can't keep my name out of his mouth.” your rant on and on to him about jean and he just listens…no judging or anything he's interested in what you have to say. 
“Im sorry..im just babbling on”
“No no its ok i get it….he's just being a dick”
You too sit in silence while just staring at the menu “so um have you decided what you want.” he sets his menu down and you point on the menu to what you want and give him a cheeky smile.
“Alright i'm gonna go order” he returns the smile then goes to order—for the rest of the time that you two could have talked for an eternity. Just being in each other's presence you loved being there with him talking about life and what you want for your futures. “Oh we have to get back '' Armin checks his phone and turns out you guys have been out 5 hours together and you both have barley even noticed it.
“Why do we have to get back?”
“To study.”
You guys had missed so much work today armin had insisted that you guys study when you get back. Armin always helped you study and was you tutor for a whole semester before you had eventually given up — the two of you had finally gotten back to armins room when you get a text from jean on your phone saying he wants to talk as if he wasn't already talking about you today. You respond with ‘fuck you’ and put your phone in your lap,all of a sudden it’s buzzing like crazy with degrading messages.
You start to tear up reading 
“Is it jean again? Here lemme see.” you hand armin the phone and sends a message and powers you phone off 
“Armin i can't do this anymore i need a break” you whine after only studying for 30 minutes, armin closes his book and scoots towards you. Reaching under the table he pulls out some of your favorite snacks, he probably knew beforehand that you would get tired quickly. Your eyes go wide at the site and your mouth starts to water.
“I knew that it would come to this so i'm gonna bribe you.” he slides the treats to the middle of the table and taps his pencil on your book “ alright so if you use this formula then what does it equal?” staring at the book trying to process the problem “13” you answer and armins drops his head down and shakes it. Falling back onto the couch and you whine “ This is too hard” 
Armin who had gotten tired of your whining, pulled you close to him — thighs touching — with a stern and determined look on his face. You feel yourself become tense, You’ve only ever seen him be serious a handful of times “pay attention” he says in a low voice. Maybe he had gotten tired of your stupidity— he slowly explains the problem making sure you're paying attention with each word he says. “So…what do you think the answer is now.” he stares at you with a hopeful look on his face. Turing to look at his face “um…29?”
“You got it right!”
“Really i did!?” you jump to hug him making him fall back onto the floor — grabbing your hips putting a firm grip on them. Armin couldn't help the fact that he wanted to touch you, hes been touched and starved for so long that anytime he got an opportunity, he would sure as hell take advantage of it. “Thank you armin.” you sit up and straddle him while he is on the floor. He gives you a soft smile till he starts turning red.
“Ew get a fucking room” you snap your head to see eren and mikasa standing in the doorway, quickly getting up off his lap an sitting on the couch and armin hiding his flustered face in his knees.” are you guys going to the party tomorrow?” Mikasa sits on the couch and Eren starts to take the bottles of alcohol  out of his bag. You give a confused look to Mikasa and Eren apparently sees and rolls his eyes “Our frat is throwing a party tomorrow.” he says as he’s putting the bottles in the fridge. “Someone has his panties in a bunch today huh?”
“Well because someone didn't come to classes today and I had no one to copy off of.” armin grabbing one of the snacks on the table, just shrugged it off “ It's time you learn on your own and i had a good day today so I don't regret it.” stuffed it in his mouth. You had spent another hour or so there until sasha wouldn't stop texting and calling you “alright, looks like i have to get back now or Sasha is gonna come down here herself.” you get up from the couch and immediately does armin too.
“Oh um i can walk you out.”
“Yea that’d be nice…”
A whistle could be heard from eren across the room as you two get up. You two walk out of the door and armin closes it behind him “ Thanks for hanging out with me today armin...seriously it means a lot.” you look up at him—fidgeting with your fingers. “No no i should be thanking you…its really fun being around you—you make me feel so…safe and comforted.” 
At these words you fall into to hug with armin— snaking his arms around your body, you pull away to look up at him. His eyes were so beautiful…unlike anything you’ve ever seen, they were blue like the ocean and every time you look into them it's like he was drowning you in them every time you looked at him. You just stare…your so infatuated with him, then pulling back.
“So whats this I hear about a party huh? Am i not invited?” teasing him there was almost a party there every-few weeks at the frat. You’d go almost every time just to let loose all of the stress of exams “ are you gonna go..” armin almost never goes to any of the parties— he opps to watch documentaries in his room. People say that armin is antisocial but he's just introverted.
“No i dont think im gonna go” an answer you had heard far to many times.This could be a opportunity for armin to finally reach out and let loose 
You pout and he cracks a smile 
“Yk jeans gonna be there might be a good time to get back at him.”
He stands the there and gives you a disappointed look, he knew full and well how much jean had affect you yesterday,  now you wanted to get your revenge and he knew that he was going to be an intricate part in that revenge.There was no way to get out of it, sure the thought of how you were going to use he made him nervous but there's not a thing that he wouldn't do.
“Do i have a say in this?”
“No you dont.”
With a heavy sigh he let out from his chest he had agreed to go with you. A devious smirk has spread across your face, that you tried to hide from him.
“Bye armin” words that hummed out of your mouth as you walked out of the building and you knew the exact way to use armin to make jean jealous...
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mirkomos · 10 months ago
Between me and You~ cp.2
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Armin x reader...
Chapter tw: Armin x reader, tension, arguing, cursing, falling asleep on him
Word count: 1.8k
story context: your newly broken up with jean and he won't leave you alone. You start to "date" Armin to get jean off your back, but during this fake relationship you start to develop feeling for him—your relationship with Armin becomes a bit...confusing. No other then any other relationships yours and armin's has its ups and downs but maybe it will turn into the real thing...
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You wake up to the loud blaring of your alarm for the second time, you knew by anytime sasha would come bursting into your room–snatching the sheets off of you and forcing you to get out of bed. Your first class is at 9:40 and Sasha ends hers 30 minutes before yours even starts so shes usually the one to wake you up in the morning. Lazily, you get out of bed to go get ready across the hall– in the kitchen there was sasha and connie having their breakfast “ So i hear you and armin have FINALLY gotten together after all this time and you didnt bother to tell me?” For years connies have been bugging you and armin about getting together saying you guys would be such a good couple…but its not like you guys are a real couple so what does it matter.
“Oh well i guess it must have slipped my mind” you say as you make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Connie continues to yap on and on to you but you pretend that your listening.
Nevertheless, wont stop “you know connie i really think that we should talk about this when im finished getting ready” your right he says and he finally goes back to the kitchen to keep talking to sasha. As your doing you hair you hear a ding on your phone–you look down and it was armin who sent you a good morning text… wow he's really committing to this role huh? Cute… As your texting him you can feel a smile creep across your face as he ask you what you dreamt about…it was him “Y/N HURRY UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE.” 
Shit she was right, it was 9:20 and the building was right across campus–you make your way to the kitchen to find breakfast before class but low and behold there was sasha and connie eating most of it “oops” they both say in unison. It’s like you can't have anything to yourself in this place “i have to go anyways” as your getting your stuff your hear a ding on your phone but cant be bothered because you gonna be late– as you go to open the door your met with a surprise
“Armin what are you doing here?” it was such a shock to see him ‘what a cute jetser’ you think to yourself as you can hear connie and sasha snickering in the background “didn't you see my text this morning? I'm walking you to class.” you heart stops a little and you can feel your face heat up “oh um…yea ok thanks” you knows he can see how nervous you are–as you close the door you can hear sasha “Damn i wish niccolo would do that for me” 
That comment made you giggle a little bit 
“So um…thanks for picking me up.” you kind of whisper, you guys were starting to walking down the halls together “Oh yea i thought that it would be better for people to see us walking to class together” armin has a tendency to not really make eye contact when talking to people but he tries–the awkward silence between the two of you is excruciating painful until you walk out of the dorm building and armin wraps his arm around you. This took you by surprise and you looked at him but he didnt look back–he just kept his head up and kept walking “your shoulders are tense, ease up a bit” he whispers in your ear. 
Hes right…in fact you're the one who came up with the idea that you guys should ‘fake date’ in the first place you needed to act comfortable in the relationship. You relax yourself -and lean into his touch and lean on his shoulders, you get a few stares from people around campus but it felt good to be walking with Armin. You felt comforted.
You and Armin start walking to class–there wasn't much conversation between the two of you on the walk here but it was a comfortable silence.
You walk into class and there he was sitting in the front row…Jean. The look on his face was one of absolute terror and anger. All you can feel is joy as you whip your smug look off your face and  look at his dumbfounded face as you an armin walk bye him to your seats in the back of the class.
“So eren told me last night about how he found you and armin snuggled up on the couch together huh?” mikasa retorts. Eren looks away as mikasa says this–he can't seem to ever keep his mouth shut about anything “oh really he did..” you go to shoot him a dirty look but he isnt paying attention, for once he decides to pay attention and do his work. “you know sooner or later i knew this would happen. “ she says as she goes back to writing her assignment. Is this really what people have been thinking, you and armin?. You look over to him– hes head down reading and doing his assignment. He looks so… peaceful and sweet, maybe you were staring at him for a bit to long because professor levi speaks up “Hey y/n why don't you stop looking at arlet and do your assignment.'' You can hear armins quiet laughter from the side with a smirk on his face.
As you look in front of you– you can see jean fazed out with a constipated look on his face or angry–you cant really tell they always looked the same to you but you go back to getting your assignment because class was gonna be over in half-hour. 
The bell rings and class is over, you wouldn't have another class with him for the rest of the day but you got a break in between so you could still see him if he wasn't in the library. “Alright i'll see you soon” armin says as he’s packing up– “ok bye” he wraps his arm around your shoulders and gives you a kiss on the head. You look up at him and flash him a smile as he walks away, out of he corner of your eye you can see jean looking at you with anger in his eyes. When jean get angry with you he's not reasonable at all, That's one of the main reasons why you broke up with him in the first place–you try to make a run for it to the door but the he is standing right behind you
“Hey I really need to talk to you” you don't want to block the entrance so you just keep walking “ listen jean i don't have time to talk right now.” You sped up your pace and he noticed that because he sped up until he couldn't keep up and he grabbed your wrist and pulled you toward him “Are you serious you moved on this quick? And with Armin on top of it!” he practically yelled and people stopped to stare at the two of you. All eyes on the two of you “I dont wanna talk to you right now jean, and don't try to act all innocent as if you treated me like shit half of the time!” You stand there for a second or two and walk away pushing through the crowd of people as you can feel a tears welling up, Jean tried to get after you but he loses you in the crowd.
Annie and hitch who have been your friends since middle school saw all of this and went after you as you made your way out of the courtyard doors “Are your ok” hitch said as she stopped you “ Yea you don't look too well.” Annie said. She’s not someone that you talk to a lot –mostly when you go to parties you hang out with her “ oh yea…i'm ok i just don't really want to talk about it.” you say as you can feel the warm tear trickle down your cheek. Hitch looks at you with a sorrowful look in her eyes before she gives you a hug and walks aways, annie flashes you a smile, pats you on the back and follows after hitch.
You stand there at the entrance of the courtyard looking stupid–just standing there–holding back tears, you go to take a seat at one of the tables in the courtyard and debate on whether you wanted to go to your next class. You just felt so embarrassed of what happened, you never liked to have too much attention on you but there it was silent…with all the students in that hallway you could hear a pin drop when you and jean weren't arguing.
You felt so small in that moment– the way you felt in your relationship with jean. Nevertheless, you didn’t wanna seem weak so you had to continue with your day.
By the end of the day you ended up not talking that much. You were just–in your own world–most of your friends tried to cheer you up but you barley talked to them. The only person to get you to ever open up and talk about your feelings was armin… he was the only person you wanted to talk to so when your last class was over you went to go look for him. Sure enough there he was in the library.
You go into the library and walk towards where hes sitting–he looked up at you and immediately got up out of the chair and hugged you. You hesitated at first but then…you just fell apart in his arms. All that pent up frustration you had all day just fizzled when your crying in his arms, “Hey, lets go back to my room ok?” you sniffled tearfully with an ok and walked back to his place with your head hung low.
Why were you letting this jean situation get to you this much?
He opens the door to his dorm and you sit down on his couch while Armin puts his stuff away and you dont realize that a tear was traveling down your cheek. But Armin did…he sat next to you on the couch and wiped the tear off your check.
 You tell him all about what had happened that morning after class–in the hallways and the rest of the day. He already knew because word got around and eren told him, you could see the hurt and anger in his expressions as you told him what had happened–sniffling through the day. Laying down in his arms, letting him comfort you again about jean. You couldnt deny the fact that you felt safe in his arms– you felt so comforted and whole when you were with armin. 
As you thought about your feelings with armin, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep onto armin and he could feel that too because he held you tighter. You heard him whisper something but you were to delirious to make out what had happened ,inhaling the scent of vanilla on his hoodie and then after a few seconds you fell asleep in armins arms...
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mirkomos · 11 months ago
Between me and You ~ ch.1
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Armin x reader...
Chapter tw: Armin x reader, pining kinda, tension, cursing
Word count: 1.2k
story context: your newly broken up with jean and he won't leave you alone. You start to "date" Armin to get jean off your back, but during this fake relationship you start to develop feeling for him—your relationship with Armin becomes a bit...confusing. No other then any other relationships yours and armin's has its ups and downs but maybe it will turn into the real thing...
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You knock on the the door into armins apartment, you twist the knob realizing its unlocked you open the door. You could almost see the life leave his body as you took him by surprise “ Oh y/n what are you doing here?” he lifts his head up from the book that he was reading “i need you to date me” you say sternly. To give context, you were dating Jean but you broke up with him a week before that but he hasn't left you alone. In fact he's been talking to you even more since you broke up with him and he's been getting on your nerves and all you want now is for him to leave you alone.
 Anytime you see him in the halls he comes dashing towards you, and all you need is someone to help you get jean to leave you alone… and Armin is the perfect person to do that, he's been one of your closest friends since childhood and was always there to help you.
Armins face immediately turns red “wait wait wait.. are you serious '' blinking he gets up from the couch  and walks towards you-his face is still red and his breath heavy. “oops sorry i meant like fake dating” you take you shoes off and walk towards the fridges while he followed right behind – you skim through what he has and take a brisk “well yk how i broke up with jean right, well he won't leave me alone– like at all and i really need him to get off my back so i thought hey why don't i just fake date someone…and your the first person that came to mind.” you crack open the drink and take a seat on his couch. Armin leans over the counter and takes a deep breath, you look up at him but his head is facing down towards the counter with the awkward silence filling the room.
“Why didn't you just ask eren i'm sure he wouldn't mind?” he looks up at you
“Me and you both know that eren and Mikasa have a thing going on.” not to lie you did consider eren as a second option but you're sure that he will say no.
He walks his way over to the couch and takes a seat next to you– he takes a second to process what's going on but that's when you realize you would be his first girlfriend… But how i mean Armin was a good looking guy– I mean really good looking. You’d think that a lot of girls would flock around him– he had a nice physique, hair, eyes but armin was a bit too much of an introvert for that. “Are you sure that you want me to your…boyfriend yk i've never really had much experience except for like making out with a few girls” you set you drink down on the table and grab one of his hands “armin look at me” he turns his head toward you–his expression a bit confused and doubtful “ i'm sure you're one of the best people i have in my life…please armin” you look at him
You realize what a compromising situation you’ve put him in but you really need this. Plus its a win-win situation, jean and finally leave you alone and armin...finally gets a girlfriend” With a deep sigh he finally says fine- you leap onto him with a hug “Thanks armin!” he wraps one of his arms around you and props up one of his arms to give some support. After a second you get back up from such an awkward situation between the two of you.
“So is this going to be like a secret relationship or exclusive?” he questions. You main goal was to get jean to leave you alone “exclusive i need jean to know that I'm taken '' Jean and Armin are kinda friends but it's definitely going to be a punch in the stomach that his friend took his ex-girlfriend aways from him. “When do we start '' you can't help but think how good of a person Armin is–he’s was always there when you needed him like the first time that you and Jean broke up. You were there–in his arms crying your eyes out while he was comforting you.
You guys sat in silence with you two inches away from each other, you looked up at him “we can start tomorrow” fortunately for you- you, armin and jean all had the same first period class..professor levi. 
The door burst open with eren walking into their shared dorm taking a second to look at the situation...fuck “well well well what do we have here–y/n and armin snuggled on the couch together.” he mutters and smiles teasing like he's always done.
You quickly get up from the couch and grab your drink. “Um, it's getting late, I should get back to my dorm before Sasha starts calling me.” you quickly put on your shoes and grab your keys “i'll text you later, bye armin” 
Quickly you walk out the door and close it shut behind you-rushing back to your dorm across campus with your heart beating as if it's gonna burst out of your chest. You can't believe it, you and armin, even though it wasn't real your heart was palpated so fast that whole conversion with armin.
I mean it's fake, it's not real, none of this is real, Armin is one of the best people you could ever ask for–helping you out with such a confusing situation. You were overthinking so much that you almost missed your dorm door. You turn the key and open the door and there sasha was eating on the couch, waiting for you. 
“There she is, little miss y/n where have you been?!” she jumps up from the couch almost dropping her sandwich and makes her way towards you “oh um i've been at armins dorm” you avoid eye contact with her and make your way to your room.
“Woah what! What were you doing there?” sasha has a tendency to pry… a lot to the point where you can't keep anything a secret from her so there's no point in keeping it from her “me and armin are um..dating” the room went silent “are you serious rn don't joke around” you slowly turn around and nod your head.
One thing about Sasha is she doesn't play around when it comes to relationships especially yours “Oh my gosh when did this start!” she jumps on your bed and starts to make herself comfortable “um today yk we both said we had mutual feelings for each other and now we're…dating” you yawn. Trying to find an excuse to get Sasha to leave. You tell her that your pretty tired but she just doesn't seem to budge.
“Sasha” you yawn “ I'm just so exhausted from today I really think I need to get some sleep” that's not a lie though–you honestly were worn out from today's little “thing” with armin. "Alrighty but in the morning you're telling me everything that happened” she hummed as she walked out of your room. You throw yourself onto your bed and close your eyes, at least most of your problems will go away tomorrow with only one person on your mind when you close your eyes…armin.
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