#Fanny Fern
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This week's classic.
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"To her, the name of father was another name for love."
Fanny Fern
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Character Name Ideas that Start With the Letter F
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.



Gender Neutral:
#character names#character name ideas#name ideas#name suggestions#name list#character name analysis#oc names#ocs#oc name ideas#writeblr#original character#creative writing
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augustine hamato and her papa donatello
web weave for the ADORABLE augustine hamato, created by @star-sparkler :DDD best multiverse president ever
fanny fern || @/star-sparkler || dear theodosia, hamilton || @/star-sparkler || glory, jay-z || @/wolfythewitch || oh the places you'll go, i fight dragons || @/star-sparkler || do you sell dignity here?, megan fernandes || second child, restless child, the oh hellos || the ghost birds, karen russell || @/star-sparkler || answering her question, alice white || @/star-sparkler || answering her question, alice white || @/star-sparkler || answering her question, alice white || @/star-sparkler || witch burning, sylvia plath || @/star-sparkler || refusal to mourn, andrea cohen || @/star-sparkler || clap when you land, elizabeth acevedo || @/kathaynesart || the unabridged journals of sylvia plath, sylvia plath || papa, my father, leo buscaglia || my father's house, bruce springsteen || @/star-sparkler || @/petrichara || @/star-sparkler
EDIT: 24th piece (art of Augustine sitting under Donnie's ghost) is @/kathaynesart, not @/star-sparkler
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CrashSeries - Part Two: Crash Down
Tagging: @kmc1989 @burningpeachpuppy @acesgunner95 @caffeinatedwoman @unknown6669991 @irishavengersassemble @midnightstarqueen @sportslovers-world @wildcard566 @fanny-123456 @alexlynn16 @district447 @firecountryqueen666 @yousigned-upforthis@coldmidnightlights @totalstitchlover19 @chlo-lo14 @doggirlforever @toheavenwmydrms @missyhoneybee @thatanimalmom @wabi-sabi1090
Part One: Test Flight

Manny’s reading through the after action reports in his office when the shit hits the fan. He has the radio resting on the edge of his desk, tuned to the SAR frequency and he’s smiling because you, you’re having a great time out there putting that new chopper through it’s paces. He can hear the joy in your voice, the excitement and it sends a deviant little thrill coursing through his body because he knows you’re going to come home a little wild tonight.
It's thirty minutes in the excursion that you start to have trouble, Manny’s detects your change in tone, there’s a calmness that only comes when you’re in the midst of a crisis.
“I���m passing over lake.” You report. “The engine’s starting to stutter and the console is getting hot. I’m going to try and set her down on the shore, have a mechanic standing by because I don’t think we’re going…”
The radio cuts out then and something wrenches in Manny’s chest because he knows the stats. If you go down in the lake, your chances of survival reduce significantly.
Helicopters roll when they hit the water, the pressure jams the doors as the vehicle starts to sink. There’s very narrow window for escape and that’s usually thwarted by the seatbelt jamming, precious seconds are usually lost trying to fight with the mechanism as the cold water crashes into you.
When he makes it onto the scene with Three Rock, his heart is in his throat. He’s tried to compartmentalise on the way over here, tried to pretend it isn’t you, that it’s just a routine call but when he sees that helicopter upside down in the lake sinking, the anguish hits him like a freight train. It’s like he can’t fucking breathe.
Vince is already taking control of the situation, he has divers in the water, the rest of his crew searching the reeds in the slim chance you did make it out of the chopper. Three Rock join them, spreading out into the woods.
Manny doesn’t stray too far, he’s waiting for Jake to come out of the water, to give him the bad news. When he sees him break the surface, Manny feels the blood rush out of his body, he can’t think, he can’t feel, he can only watch as Jake shakes his head.
You’re not in there.
“The windows broken and the seat belt’s been sliced through.” He tells Manny and Vince once he gets back onto land.
“She’s a strong swimmer, depending on her injuries there’s a chance she could have made it to the shore.” Vince says, his hand squeezing Manny’s shoulder.
It’s Bode that picks up your trail, there’s an embankment on the opposite of the lake that leads back into the dense forest. It appears you’d managed to drag yourself up onto it before vanishing into the trees.
“Luce is smart.” Manny tells Vince and Bode. “She’ll be trying to make it to higher ground so she can get the lay of the land.”
“It’s going to be dark soon, in those wet clothes she’ll be hypothermic before nightfall.” Vince says as he studies the blood that’s smeared across the vegetation. “She’s clearly injured, we’re going to need the Med Team on standby with blankets and heat pads.”
It takes them over an hour to find you and when they do, Manny thinks you’re dead already. Your skin is pale, your uniform drenched in blood. Your left arm is broken, he can see the bone sticking out of the skin under the sleeve of your fleece.
“Come on baby.” He whispers, his eyes stinging as Eve and Fern go to work on you. “Come on Lucy, you can’t leave me yet.”
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"Women Lovers"
Perhaps you do not know it, but there are women who fall in love with each other. Woe be to the unfortunate she, who does the courting! All the cussedness of ingenuity peculiar to the sex is employed by "the other party" in tormenting her. She will flirt with women by the score who are brighter and handsomer than her victim. She will call on them oftener. She will praise their best bonnets and go into ecstasies over their dresses. She will write them more pink notes, and wear their "tin types," and when despair has culminated, and sore-hearted Araminta takes to her bed in consequence, then only will this conquering "she" step off her pedestal to pick up her dead and wounded. But then, women must keep their hand in. Practice makes perfect. FANNY FERN
Published in The Women's Exponent, 15 April 1873
#queerstake#mormon#lds#mormonism#tumblrstake#the church of jesus christ of latter day saints#the women's exponent#sapphic#wlw
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MASCULINE︰ fabian. falan. falcon. families. faris. farley. faron. farrell. felipe. felix. fenix. fenton. ferdie. ferdinand. ferdy. fernando. finlay. finley. finn. finneas. finnegan. finnian. finnick. finnigan. finnley. fischer. fisher. fitz. fitzgerald. fitzroy. flanagan. fletcher. flick. flint. florence. floyd. flynn. ford. forest. forrest. fortune. foster. fox. fran. francesco. francis. francisco. franco. frank. frankie. franklin. franny. fraser. frazier. fred. freddie. freddy. frederic. frederick. fredrick. fredy. freeman. fulton. fynn.
FEMININE︰ fabiana. fabiola. fae. fahari. faiga. faigy. faith. faithe. faiza. fall. fallon. fallyn. families. fancy. fannie. farah. farrah. fatima. fatimah. fatoumata. fawn. fay. faye. fayla. felecia. felicia. felicity. fenton. fern. fernanda. ferne. fiadh. fina. finlee. finleigh. finley. finnley. fiona. fiora. fiorella. fleur. fleurette. flor. flora. florenca. florence. floretta. florrie. florry. flossie. flower. fortune. fraidy. fran. francene. frances. francesca. francine. francis. francisca. frankie. frannie. franny. freda. frederica. freida. freya. freyja. frida. frieda. frona.
NEUTRAL︰ fable. fabrice. fae. faint. fairy. faith. falcon. fallen. fallon. false. families. fang. fantasia. fantasy. fargo. farley. farren. farris. fate. favor. fawn. fay. faye. fears. feat. fee. felice. felix. felony. felt. fem. fen. fence. fenix. fenyx. fern. fernley. ferocity. ferris. fiction. fig. figure. fin. finally. finch. finder. findley. finish. finite. finlay. finlee. finley. finn. finnick. finnlee. finnley. firefly. firework. firey. fisher. flag. flail. flair. flash. flax. flight. flint. flip. flood. flora. florentin. florentine. floret. florian. floris. florry. flow. flurry. flux. flynn. focus. forest. forever. forfeit. forlorn. forrest. fortune. foster. fox. fran. francais. frances. francis. frankie. fraud. freddie. free. freedom. fresh. frey. friday. friso. fritz. fritzy. frost. fuschia.
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This is a meme I found on google. It is a scene from the office, with a character named Dwight Schrute, who is known as being a crude and blunt character.
In no way does Henry Crawford relate to Dwight, however, this meme accurately describes what we talked about in class. Henry Crawford goes from acting like everyone else in the house toward Fanny, to saying that he will make her fall in love with him. My interpretation of him saying that he wants to make a tiny hole in her heart is that he does not actually care about her affections. It almost seems like he wants to corrupt her simply just because he can. Fanny seems to realize this as well, and takes a stand against him. Jane Austen herself was surprised at this, which is ironic because she obviously wrote the story.
I find this meme especially funny because Fanny is compared to a "well watered fern." This shows exactly how they think of Fanny. It is something that is nice to have around, but it is not noticed at all. Once Henry seemingly gets bored, he looks at Fanny again, and sees her as an attractive young woman instead of a fern. I am very proud of Fanny for recognizing his fake politeness, and it shows the development of Fanny from a scared little girl into a smart young woman.
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What topics did you do term papers on in school that you enjoyed researching?
thank you for sending this, friend!
during grad school, I wrote a paper about Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern for a 19th century American literature class a few years ago. I had fun with this paper because the author was also a newspaper columnist and I searched online through digital archives for her columns and for reviews on the novel she wrote. it was the first time I had ever done anything like that, and I just enjoyed seeing what she had to say and how people reacted to her book when it was first published in 1854.
the actually writing of that paper was An Experience. I did research and read scholarly articles for about a month, and then wrote all of it in the span of about five days I think? I wrote five pages a day to meet the 20 page requirement and turn it in on time. there was actually more I wanted to write about but once I hit 20 pages, I just wrapped it up. my professor ended up emailing me the following semester to ask if he could submit my paper for a department essay contest and I was one of the runner ups!
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Towards the end of the round, Marguerite is able to invite the Clarkes and Peckers over. She adores Violet and Celia Clarke and has been progressing quickly in becoming friends with them. The children and teens have a nice time with Thomas and Gregor, though she is a little bit too friendly to Jenkin and he stands near the ballet bar for over an hour trying to kiss her over and over again no matter how many times I cancel it.
That’s all for this round. Fern aged up into an adult but she looks exactly the same. She did kiss Roland but it was very dark and in the middle of a bunch of trees so I didn’t get a picture. I don’t think it was anything very serious anyway. She’s pretty beneath him these days with the improved prospects/inheritances of the Pecker boys. Poor Fern is a family sim but I don’t know if she’ll ever marry, since she is so repulsed by all the men in her actual social class.
Next, we’ll be back with Milton and Fanny!
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frog themed party
fancy frog
farmer frog
freaky frog
fried frog
faded frog
forgotten frog
fanny frog
foreign frog
finish frog
final form frog (evolution)
forty four frog
free form form
finish frog
filthy frog
fixie frog
fileted frog
fat frog
finesse frog
fern frog
furry frog
fan frog
finance frog
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Fairy o' the bean bloom, Fairy o' the pea, Fairy o' the pink hedgerose, show yourselves to me! Green goblin o' the grass, limber lively lad, Fife up to the wild feet that joy of you drives mad!
Down through the garden, all across the grove, Fairy o' the pine-needles, whither shall I rove ? Neither hare nor deer am I, catamount nor snake; Just a wild-wood-wanderer,— and what's the way to take?
River at the foot of me, restless with his rocks, Tickled by the white birch-tree's long green lady-locks; Cliff at my shoulder; forest at my back; Meadow deep with daisies—what do I lack?
Nothing in the wide world save another face, Save another cloven foot to tempt me to a race. Fairy o' the Satyr-wind, be visible to me! Never man nor woman sees the wilding world I see.
Fairy o' the frail fern, slender fairy girl, Fairy o' the thistle-down, lead me all awhirl! You of the water-fall, you of berry-brake, You of the wet green moss, show the way to take!
What's the world but green and gold? What's love but this - Touching hands with tendriled vines, giving air your kiss? Who desires the ugly flesh, when his soul can run Clean to the world's caress, splendid to the sun?
Wood Wandering by Fannie Stearns Davis
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“To her, the name of father was another name for love.” – Fanny Fern
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i would do this
lemme just *goes into my clipboard and steals this*
BFDI/DreamClan/DreamClan Again/nalCmaerD/BattleClan/PowerClan:
Blocky: Blocky ' Gleam
Bubble: Bubble ' Bounce
Coiny: Copper ' Coin
Eraser: Eraser ' Gleam
Firey: Firey ' Glow
Flower: Flower ' Petal
Golf Ball: Golfball ' Asteroid
Ice Cube: Icy ' Whisper
Leafy: Leafy ' Breeze
Match: Match ' Flame
Needle: Needle ' Pounce
Pen: Pen ' Gleam
Pencil: Pencil ' Tail
Pin: Pin ' Tail
Profily: Profile ' Heart
Rocky: Rocky ' Heart/Paw
Snowball: Snowball ' Claw
Spongy: Spongy ' Fur
Teardrop: Teardrop ' Silence
Tennis Ball: Tennisball ' Stripe
Woody: Woody ' Heart
Announcer: Announcer ' Box/Star
Bomby: Bomb ' Talon
Book: Half ' Book
Donut: Donut ' Frost
Fries: Cold ' Fries
Gelatin: Gelatin ' Skip
Nickel: Nickel ' Pounce
Puffball: Puffball ' Rain
Ruby: Ruby ' Dash
Yellow Face: Yellow ' Face
TV: Pixel ' Spirit
8-Ball: Slate ' Claw (unintentionally but conveniently the saw saying EIGHT thing would still work with this name :D)
Balloony: Balloon ' Flight
Barf Bag: Clever ' Heart
Basketball: Basketball ' Heart
Bell: Bell ' Song
Black Hole: Blackhole ' Stare
Bottle: Bottle ' Claw
Bracelety: Bracelet ' Screech
Cake: Cake ' Heart
Clock: Clock ' Foot
Cloudy: Cloudy ' Sky
Eggy: Egg ' Heart
Fanny: Whirlwind ' Snap
Firey Jr.: Flame ' Dash
Gaty: Gate ' Fang
Grassy: Grassy ' Heart/Paw
Lightning: Lightning ' Heart/Paw
Lollipop: Lollipop ' Scribble
Marker: Marker ' Splash
Naily: Nail ' Tail
Pie: Pie ' Foot
Pillow: Pillow ' Claw
Remote: Remote ' Berry
Robot Flower: Robot ' Flower
Roboty: Robot ' Snarl
Saw: Saw ' Blade
Taco: Taco ' Fish
Tree: Tree ' Leaf
Foldy: Folded ' Sky
Liy: Light ' Claw (formerly Lightswitch, a loner)
Loser: Loser ' Wing
Stapy: Staple ' Tooth
Four: Bluejay ' Screech/Star
X: Sunny ' Wing
Purple Face: Purple ' Face
Price Tag/Taggy: Pricetag ' Step
Winner: Winner ' Flight
Two: Forest ' Leap/Star
Five: Moon ' Snap
Six: Sage ' Flick
Seven: Night ' Tooth
Eight: Quiet ' Stone
Nine: Swift ' Pounce/Jinx (random fact: I've seen more people draw Nine as a she/her than a he/Him for some reason- i mean theyre not wrong tho so- [nine goes by all pronouns] but i usually call them a he/him)
Ten: Quick ' Leap
Fourteen: Chaotic ' Fang
Fifteen: Lone ' Snap
Zero: Empty ' Gaze (good name for an oc tbh i like the name Emptygaze)
Apple: Apple ' Haze
Balloon: Balloon ' Heart
Baseball: Baseball ' Blaze
Bomb: Bomb ' Stutter
Bow: Bow ' Hop/Bow
Knife: Knife ' Talon
Lightbulb: Light ' Beam
Marshmallow: Marshmallow ' Skip
Nickel: Nickel ' Strike
Orange Juice: Orange ' Fang
Paintbrush: Paintbrush ' Splash
Paper: Paper ' Leap
Pepper: Pepper ' Flick
Pickle: Pickle ' Tail
Salt: Salt ' Flick
Taco: Taco ' Slip/Hawk
MePhone4: Phone ' Pounce/Star
MePhone4S: Phone ' Claw
Box: Box ' Foot
Cheesy: Cheese ' Throat
Cherries: Cherry ' Tail
Cherry 1: Cherry ' Pelt
Cherry 2: Cherry ' Fur
Dough: Dough ' Fur
Fan: Fan ' Flight
Microphone: Microphone ' Flight
Soap: Soap ' Foot
Suitcase: Suitcase ' Stripe
Test Tube: Ooze ' Shuffle
Tissues: Running ' Nose
Trophy: Trophy ' Breeze
Yin-Yang: Yinyang ' Patch
Yin: Yin ' Fern
Yang: Yang ' Claw
MePad: Galaxy ' Phone
Toilet: Toilet ' Yowl
Blueberry: Blueberry ' Puddle
Bot: Bot ' Spring
Cabby: Cabinet ' Foot
Candle: Candle ' Flame
Clover: Clover ' Spring
Goo: Goo ' Leap
Lifering: Ring ' Pool
Silver Spoon: Silver ' Snap
Tea Kettle: Kettle ' Cloud
The Floor: Island ' Whisker
Dr. Fizz: Fizz ' Pool
Springy: Rabbit ' Spring
Walkie Talkie: Running ' Jaw
MePhone3GS: Phone ' Stare
MePhone5C: Phone ' Bounce
MePhone5S: Dust ' Phone
MePhone5: Phone ' Whisper
MePhone6+: Metal ' Phone
MePhone6: Phone ' Storm
Steve Cobs: Corn ' Frost/Star/Steve
Nick Le: Nick Le
Sprinkles: Sprinkles
Montgomery: Montgomery/Sprinkles 2
N-Slash-A: N-Slash-A
Utter Filth: Utter Filth
Diamond Crusher: Diamond Crusher
Flamina: Flamina
Nickel Jr.: Nickel Jr.
Quack: Quack
Tootsy Wootsy: Tootsy Wootsy
Edit: holy- jeez that's a lot and these are KIINDA old ;v; (idek why I added the inanimAtes cause all their names are the same)

im normal
[makes warriors au astrobiology hypo kits]
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April Wrap Up
This month has flown by and so much has happened! My boyfriend and I signed a lease on an apartment (we’re moving in at the beginning of June) and we booked a venue for our wedding in spring 2022! Now he just needs to get me a ring. Our new place is gorgeous and has so much natural light from the huge windows, which means maybe my book photos will be a bit better than they have been. One can hope, at least!
Books Read - Goal: 8 Total: 9
It’s been a good reading month, mainly due to school. And I just want to say that Moths and The Heavenly Twins are both 600+ pages so reading both of them in the same month plus other books is really impressive! Those two happen to also be my favorite and least favorite of the month. I need to read more by Ouida now; she’s amazing. The Heavenly Twins wasn’t awful; there were good parts, but it gets bogged down with a lot of unnecessary stuff.
Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern - 4 stars
Olive by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik - 3 stars
Malice by Heather Walter - 4 stars
Why She Wrote: A Graphic History of the Lives, Inspiration, and Influence Behind the Pens of Classic Women Writers by Lauren Burke, Hannah K. Chapman, and Kaley Bales - 4 stars
Fruits Basket Another vol. 1 by Natsuki Takaya - 3.5 stars
Moths by Ouida - 4 stars
Fruits Basket Another vol. 2 by Natsuki Takaya - 3.5 stars
Fruits Basket Another vol. 3 by Natsuki Takaya - 4 stars
The Heavenly Twins by Sarah Grand - 3 stars
On Tumblr:
There is one thing here. Enough said.
Book Quotes: Fruits Basket Another vol. 2 by Natsuki Takaya
On the Blog:
In contrast, we have plenty over here. There probably won’t be as much posted in May because I have seminar papers to write.
Come Book Shopping with Me at The Country Bookseller
3 Classics Review: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, East Lynne, and Ruth
March Wrap Up
Review: Malice by Heather Walter
A Bookish Easter, 2021
Review: Why She Wrote: A Graphic History of the Lives, Inspiration, and Influence Behind the Pens of Classic Women Writers by Lauren Burke, Hannah K. Chapman, and Kaley Bales
What’s On My Never-Ending TBR 2021 Releases Edition
Review: Fruits Basket Another vol. 1 by Natsuki Takaya
#booklr#books#book photography#april wrap up#wrap up#monthly wrap up#ruth hall#fanny fern#the heavenly twins#sarah grand#fruits basket another#natsuki takaya
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and, young as she was, life's pains seemed already more to her than life's pleasures.
Fanny Fern, Ruth Hall: A Domestic Tale of the Present Time
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