#copper water bottle 1 litre
copperproduct · 11 months
How to Clean and Maintain Your Copper Bottle for Safe Drinking
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In a world increasingly attuned to holistic well-being, the humble copper bottle has emerged as a wellness accessory with both tradition and science on its side. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, a copper bottle is believed to offer numerous health benefits, from aiding digestion to promoting a robust immune system. However, to fully harness these advantages, proper care and maintenance are paramount. This guide is your go-to resource for ensuring that your copper bottle remains a reliable companion on your wellness journey, providing not just refreshment but also the assurance of safe and clean hydration.
From the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda to modern-day scientific studies, copper has been praised for its antimicrobial properties and ability to purify water. As we delve into the intricacies of maintaining your copper bottle, we’ll uncover the delicate balance between tradition and practicality. Whether you’re a seasoned wellness enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of copper hydration, these tips will empower you to keep your bottle pristine, ensuring each sip is not only refreshing but also safe for your well-being.
Cleaning Your Copper Bottle:
Use a Gentle Cleanser:
Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water or use lemon juice and salt to create a paste.
Apply the mixture to the inside and outside of the copper bottle.
Scrub with a Soft Brush or Cloth:
Use a soft brush or cloth to scrub the interior and exterior of the bottle.
Pay extra attention to the areas with tarnish or stains.
Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the bottle thoroughly with plain water to remove any residue from the cleaning solution.
Dry Completely: Ensure the bottle is completely dry before storing or using it again.
Regular Maintenance:
Avoid Dishwashers: Hand wash your copper bottle as dishwasher detergents can be harsh and may affect the copper’s patina.
Use Mild Soap Sparingly: If you prefer to use soap, use a mild, natural soap sparingly. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads as they can scratch and damage the copper surface.
Lemon and Salt Cleaning: Periodically, clean the bottle with a mixture of lemon juice and salt. Apply the mixture, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub and rinse.
Check for Tarnish: Monitor your copper bottle for tarnish. Tarnish is a natural process, but if you prefer a shiny appearance, use a mixture of lemon and salt to polish the copper.
Store Properly: Store your copper water bottle in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for prolonged periods.
Tips for Safe Drinking:
Check for Leaks: Regularly check for leaks, especially if your copper bottle has a joint or seam.
Replace Gaskets: If your pure copper bottle has rubber or plastic gaskets, replace them periodically to ensure a tight seal.
Don’t Use with Acidic or Carbonated Beverages: Avoid using your copper bottle with acidic or carbonated beverages, as these can accelerate tarnishing and potentially react with the copper.
Regularly Inspect Interior: Periodically inspect the interior of the bottle for any signs of corrosion or discoloration.
By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can keep your copper bottle in good condition, ensuring safe and enjoyable use for years to come.
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ashtok1 · 2 years
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At Ashtok, you can buy a pure copper water bottle with a hammered design online at a wholesale price. The copper bottles have several advantages, like boosting the immune system and promoting haemoglobin production. get your order at:- https://ashtok.com/collections/copper-bottle
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attollogame · 2 years
Can you talk about Mr Sylvester's perfume making process? He's a fucked up lil guy doing fucked up lil guy things and I'm curious about that
I gotchu. Tw bodies, medical, some violence?? Blood talk.
Let’s start with the most important note: Sylvester does not put the entire body INTO the perfume, but he sure as hell tries to leave no leftovers.
For one, some parts just really can’t work (bones & teeth, bro), so what he does is he works with the fluids of the body.
Now there are 2 major ‘fluid’ systems of the human body that Sylvester works with: blood and lymph. 5 litres of blood of a 154 lb person constitutes 7% of weight, is 52-62% liquid plasma, and 38-48% cells. The plasma is mostly water but tends to be a tad heavier than water, with a density of 1.057 v. waters simple 1. This means that the blood will simply be a thicker substance when removed, and will have to be diluted before being added in the perfume process. To do that, it's p much a baby autopsy (or embalming ig??).
Sylvester often moves quickly when it comes to these things and deals with the body before all other ingredients, but on the rare occasion he’s called for a clean up, he gets a rigor mortis case. These means the major muscles have tensed up and you’re pretty much a mannequin. To get the body drained, he has to break the rigor mortis so he can insert this pipe that basically drains the blood out (like... reverse embalming machine). So, the rigor mortis is broken by massaging the major muscles to force them to relax (which, by the way, is a SUPER uncomfortable experience when you gotta do it ☠️), which then allows Sylvester to proceed by inserting the pipe into the carotid.  When the pipe is inserted after the counter and the embalming machine [reverse vs. inserting] is switched on the blood is pulled out of the body. Now you got 5 litres of blood in a blender. So what's next?
Lymph, the second fluid, is clear, transparent, colourless, and flows all around our organs. That, coupled with fluids within our organs, poses an issue. Sylvester initially drained the fluids by hand through suctioning, but that proved to be risky – probably because that equipment gets pinged when you buy in bulk in Attollo. So instead he went a step further and began to design his own Still.
Now Stills are these copper machines that are basically tanks full of alcohol used to break down yeast and all the other exciting ingredients in various things. In Attollo, he works with machines taken from old brewery’s, which are tall old-fashioned Stills that were initially built in 1930’s France FOR perfuming, but were taken to America when pharmaceutical industry began booming. The tunnels under his house prove useful because they can fit the machines. He also uses Mash Tuns and a Cremation Machine. The Fermenter he uses holds the liquid that is produced after the distilling process – aka whoever was unfortunate enough to be... yknow.
So, he has them drained of blood. But the Lymph is still there so what can we do? Well, he puts them on what mimics a hospital bed and he wheels them down the hallway to the next room – this is his distilling chamber. He loads the body into the chamber, which is this giant copper tank mentioned above, closes and secures the door, and then turns the machine on. The machine will do what’s required next by breaking down the components of the body by fermentation, in a way. And when that’s all done, the fluid by now has been suctioned through the copper pipes into the Fermenter, or the machine that holds the liquids, and what remains inside the chamber is this... soapy body, which is not to pleasant. At this point Sylvester will either a) load the body into the cremator and turn it on or b) take a souvenir and then do part a). This is either because of preference or request: some of the particularly foul like to put a lock of hair into the bottle before sending it away as a gift (aka what was in Sysbas office). When the body is loaded into the cremator, the doors are locked and the machine is turned on. After about an hour or 3, depending on the body, what remains is 3-7 pounds of white chalky powder that Sylvester disposes of.
By now he would have begun preparing the rest of his ingredients necessary for the perfume, including diluting and distilling again, and the fluid that was produced from the body in the chamber would have been drained from the Fermenter. Sylvester often takes small portions and puts it into one bottle, mixed with a small portion of the blood that was drained, so what follows next is a lengthy process of disposing a LOT of waste in a way that won’t seem guilty. This means flushing down the toilet is not adequate. Often, he disposes it in the sewers through drainage pipes, digs a hole and dumps it in there (gardening king wow) or even goes as far as selling it to a few weird individuals who are interested in such things.
Finally, he completes the rest of the ingredients, creates the bottle that he wants to put the perfume into, bottles the perfume and either stores it in the stock room or delivers it to his client.
And yeah. LMAO.
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jacoblindberg · 10 months
My bloomprint: rules for life
This google document contains rules for living a healthy life
Below I have copy pasted the items that I believe are correct (which are most ones). I also indicate whether I adhere to this rule via the following notation
[x] I'm doing it
[x] Sleep >7h/day uninterrupted
[x] Sleep in a position that maintains natural curvature of your body
[x] Sleep on a mattress with firmness that supports natural curvature of your body
[x] Sleep at 15.6-20°C
[x] Sleep naked
[x] Wake up naturally without external wake-up aids
[ ] Sleep with head on copper-infused pillow as it Improves facial skin by reducing bacteria, wrinkles etc. It could also help elsewhere but there are few studies for other body parts on healthy patients. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4556990/ and https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1468-2494.2009.00515.x
[x] Consume ~2.7-4 litres water/day
[x] Consume at calorie maintenance/week such that you maintain a healthy body fat percentage
[ ] Consume only water, edible plants, edible fungi, edible microbes and some edible animal food (eggs, fermented dairy, fish & white meat) I DO EAT RED MEAT SOMETIMES
[ ] Consume things only raw, processed only to be made edible, or processed to be at least as healthy as prior to processing NO, I OFTEN FRY
[x] Do not consume >400mg caffeine/day & stop >=6h before sleep
[x] 16 hour intermittent water fast >=1x/week
[ ] 24-48 hour water fast ~2x-12x/year
[ ] Consume slowly and chew ~>=32 times per small bite and ~>=5 times per small sip
[x] Split daily calorie intake into 2-3 meals
[x] Do not consume anything <1h before sleep and avoid heavy meals <4h before sleep
[x] Women: Do not take the pill
[x] Consume >30 different types of plants/week
[x] Consume fruits and vegetables fresh or frozen
[x] Do not consume food from animals raw ALMOST ALWAYS COOKED EXCEPT FOR 1X PER YEAR
[x] Consume small and short-lived fish ~2-3x/week. Good: Cod, Salmon, Sardine, Shrimp, Squid, Light/Skipjack Tuna etc. Bad: Albacore/Bigeye Tuna, Carp, Halibut, Shark, Swordfish etc. For a 2,000 calorie diet, consume ~227–340g/weeK
[ ] Consume probiotic foods regularly E.g. Kimchi, Kombucha, Natto, Sauerkraut, Tempeh, Tofu, Yoghurt TODO EAT MORE PROBIOTIC FOODS AND UNTIL I DO TAKE SUPPLEMENTS
[x] Consume spicy food ~1x-7x/week
[x] Consume food cold or warm, not burning hot
[x] Consume plants with peel and stalk where edible
[x] Wash all plants/fungi prior to consumption/preparation
[x] Wash and rinse rice extensively before & after cooking
[x] Do not wash raw fish/meat
[x] Seperate raw animal food from other food all the time
[ ] Do not consume anything that has been in contact with plastic or that has been canned. I.e. no canned foods, plastic bottles, plastic cutlery etc. If you cannot avoid it make sure to 1. Transfer all foods that were in contact with cans / plastic to something else and wash it pre eating. 2. Especially avoid heating plastic / can packaging Tips: Use stainless steel, glass, porcelain as containers, cook beans yourself
[x] Only consume chia seeds soaked, not dry
[x] Do not consume fish skin, internal organs or fatty tissue
[x] Do not consume bitter zucchini/squash/gourd due to possibility of high cucurbitacins (toxins)
[x] Stop an activity immediately if it leads to pain
[x] Exercise ~>=30min/day (he also writes “but ~<=450min/week” which I ignore due to Attia)
[x] Do aerobic exercise (cardio) >=150min/week
[x] Do anaerobic exercise (strength) of all major muscle groups (chest, back, arms, legs, shoulders, abs) >=2x/week
[x] Mix up the aerobic & anaerobic exercises regularly
[x] Maintain good posture when sitting and standing: Chest forward, shoulders back, head up
[x] Do >=5-10min of dynamic stretches of muscles to be trained before exercise
[x] Do >=5-10min of static stretches of muscles trained after exercise
[x] Do >=5-10min dynamic stretches of full-body every morning
[ ] Do >=5-10min static stretches of full-body every evening IT'S ON MY EVENING ROUTINE LIST BUT I OFTEN SKIP IT
[ ] Limit exercises to non-contact sports with a low risk of injury NO, I PLAY FOOTBALL AND I KITESURF
[x] Wear recommended protective equipment when exercising
[x] Take the stairs
[x] Smile >=1x/day
[x] Do not engage in excessive sport eg marathrons
[x] Be conscious of you're movements and actions, feel your muscles
[x] Men: Do not keep laptop on lap for >28min continously, not even with a lap pad in between
[ ] Interact with electronic devices at eye level without bending forward (e.g. phone) TRYING TO BUT FAILING
[x] Do not share tools that may come in contact with blood e.g. toothbrush & razor blade.
[x] Brush teeth 2min >1hr after last food every evening
[x] Brush teeth 2min before first food every morning
[x] Brush your tongue after teeth
[ ] Use waterpik after flossing and before brushing I.e. Floss -> Waterpik -> Brush teeth -> brush tongue -> Rinse TODO OMNIFOCUS
[x] Floss every morning before brushing or every evening after your last calories but before brushing
[x] Replace toothbrush head every <=4 months or if the bristles are worn out
[ ] Pour hot water over toothbrush head before and after every reuse TODO START SOON
[x] Let toothbrush air dry in upright position after use
[x] Do not let toothbrush touch other toothbrushes
[x] Avoid covering toothbrush or storing it in containers
[x] Use toothpaste with fluoride & do not swallow it
[ ] Rinse mouth with aloe vera or tea tree oil after brushing TODO START SOON
[ ] Use electric toothbrush TODO BUY
[x] Shower after sweating
[x] Shower both cold & warm with a preference for cold
[x] Completely dry yourself after washing
[x] Use a dry towel
[x] Do not apply any cosmetics to your skin
[x] Do not apply excessive friction/pressure to your skin
[x] Avoid skin contact with things that harbor many germs e.g. door knops, public toilets, etc. Wash hands after.
[x] Do not pick your nose
[x] Wash bed sheets 1x/week & other bedding 1x/2weeks
[x] Wash towels every ~5 uses
[x] Wash clothes in close contact with skin daily or after sweating
[ ] Use nail clipper to keep nail edges at ~2mm past the nail plate TODO ADD TO OMNIFOCUS EVENIGN
[ ] Disinfect nail clipper prior to use with 70%-90% alcohol, rinse in hot water and then dry properly
[ ] Do not remove nail cuticles
[ ] Do not chew your nails
[x] Do not use cotton swabs to clean your ears
[x] Socialize >=1x/day face-to-face in person TODO ADD TO HABIT TRACKER?
[x] Have >3 close social contacts you regularly interact with
[x] Only have sex with a partner who has no STIs
[x] Men: Ejaculate ~2-7x/week
[x] If penetrating the anus, always use a condom regardless of STIs
[x] If receiving vaginal/anal sex and switching to anal/vaginal use a new unexpired fresh condom
[ ] Practice kindness >=5x/day I SHOULD IMPROVE HERE
[ ] Get a massage ~>=1x/month TODO BUY IT MORE OFTEN
[ ] Do not greet people with a handshake I DISAGREE BETTER TO GREET THEM JUST WASH OFTEN
[ ] Spend >=30min/week in nature https://www.nature.com/articles/srep28551 and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27493670/
[x] Never look directly into the sun, not even during an eclipse
[x] Avoid eye exposure to blue light <3h before bed
[x] Do not let eyes see light during sleep with >5 lux and 180 lux
[ ] Avoid looking at things with too much glare for long periods of time
[ ] Take a 20-second break to view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes spent using a screen or focusing on a single thing.
[ ] Avoid any noise >70dB https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html This is surprisingly difficult. It usually means no nightclubs, concerts, sporting events, bars, high-volume headphones & avoiding combustion vehicles (EVs are quieter) etc. Tips: Shield your ears with your hands e.g. when a train is approaching
[x] Avoid any noise during sleep with >30dB. Even if it doesn't wake you up it impacts sleeping stages, e.g. traffic, crying children, adhan etc. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/noise-and-sleep
[ ] Only breathe in through your nose, even during exercise. MOSTLY YES BUT NOT ALWAYS.
Posted 2023-11-14 Updated 2023-11-14
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decampau · 11 months
Website: https://www.decamp.com.au/
Address: Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia
DECAMP, established in 2021, is an Australian brand rooted in a passion for travel, adventure, and camping, with a staunch commitment to sustainability. Originating from a love for a community that shares a vision for a better future and environment, DECAMP provides a range of sustainable products, including a durable, sleek bottle available in various colors and styles, designed to offer an elegant, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottles. The brand, which is deeply invested in combating pollution and its impacts, aims to reduce plastic waste and deliver maximum hydration through its innovative products. DECAMP invites you to join them on their journey towards making the world a better place through affordable, sustainable products that enhance planetary well-being.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/decampaustralia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decamp_official/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/decamp
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thebrewshop · 3 years
The Latest Brewing Technology: Mangrove Jack Cider Making Kits
Blog Post written by: The Brew Shop
Date Written: 20/01/2022
Focus Keywords:  Mangrove Jack Cider Making Kits, Home Brewing Supplies
Focus Page Links: https://www.thebrewshop.com.au/mangrove-jack 
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Mangrove Jack cider making kits offer the latest brewing technology. Mangrove Jack is a leading manufacturer of home brewing supplies, and their cider kit puts the most advanced techniques available to work for you. Mangrove Jack's cider-making kit includes everything you need to make a delicious, fresh batch of hard apple cider from home. This article will tell you all about Mangrove Jack's cider-making kits and how they can help your business succeed!
Who is Mangrove Jack? Mangrove Jack is a leading manufacturer of home brewing supplies, with over 25 years of experience in the industry. Mangrove Jack's cider kit puts the most advanced techniques available to work for you. Mangrove Jack offers a complete line of products and brewing equipment, making it easy to get started brewing your own hard apple cider at home. What Equipment is included in a Mangrove Jack Cider Kit? A complete set of quality brewer's equipment and specialized ingredients to get you brewing today! Everything you need is in the kit (except bottles). The Mangrove Jack kit also comes with thorough instructions to make sure your first brew is a success. The Kit makes 23 L of Craft Series Apple Cider. The Kit includes.
    30 L Barrel, Lid, Tap & Stick-on Digital Thermometer
    Bubbler Airlock & Grommet
    Brewer's Spoon 39 cm
    Copper Tun Cleaner / Detergent
    Copper Tun No Rinse Steriliser
    Brew Bottler
    Sediment Reducer
    1 x Standard Brush
    Mangrove Jack Cider Pouch
How does a Mangrove Jack Cider Kit work? Mangrove Jack's Complete Hard Apple Juice is brewed like beer, but with one major difference: the addition of malt extract. The malt extract gives the cider its characteristic sweet-and-sour taste and cloudy appearance. Brewing with Mangrove Jack's Cider kit is easy - just add sugar, water and yeast! After primary fermentation is complete (about two weeks), you will need to bottle your cider, which Mangrove Jack cider kits make easy with their no-rinse steriliser and bottler. For your first batch of Mangrove Jack apple cider to be a success: Make sure the equipment is clean and all brewing chemicals are rinsed off before use Store Mangrove Jack's Complete Hard Apple Juice in a dark and cool place Mangrove Jack's Complete Hard Apple Juice is packaged one het-litre bag per box. What makes a Mangrove Jack cider kit different? Mangrove  Jack aims to give their customers everything they need, and nothing they don't; The kit comes complete with a recipe booklet that gives over 20 recipes for Mangrove Jack ciders as well as beer. Mangrove Jack brewery kit offers everything you need to start your own apple cider creations. If you want the taste of delicious orchard apples, light and crisp with a juicy apple bite, then this kit is for you. Fore more information please visit our online store or contact us.
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pamhooton-blog · 3 years
FILTERING YOUR TAP WATER IS EASYFiltering Your Tap Water Is Easy. Refillable Water Coolers. Just Pour Ordinary Tap Water Into Our "Awesome" Water Filtration. Awesome water Filtration Activated Carbon K.D.F. Is A High Purity Of Both Copper & Zinc. Especially Effective For Removing Traces Of Metal LIKE: Iron, Lead, Nickel, Chromium, Cadmium, Calcium, Aluminium, Mercury, Arsenic & Organic Compounds. BPA FREE REFILLABLE 2.5 liters in the cold tank. 1 liter in the hot pot (Kettle) Setting your required temperature couldn't be easier with our Awesome digital control settings. hot side settings range from 52 deg - 92 deg. cold side settings range from 5 deg - 15 deg. Our taps & child lock options. Optional child lock recommended for children under 5 years of age. STD side lock on all Awesome Water Coolers Standard Safety. Easy Push down taps. 155 mm space fits a pint glass. Awesome Water Filtration. Inside BPA FREE Dome Black & White cloth double layer felt pads. K.D.F (gold layer)​Kinetic Degradation Fluxion Removes Chlorine, Pesticides, Organic Matter, Heavy Metals, Iron, Lead, Nickle, Mercury & Arsenic. CARBON (black layer)ACTIVATED CARBON Removes Chlorine, Organic Sediment & bad taste & smell. MINERAL BALLS (brown layer) Restore natural trace minerals required by the body, such as Iron, Zinc, Lithium, Magnesium, Potassium & iodine. CERAMIC BALL MINERAL (white layer)Insoluble, gradually releases mineral substances. CERAMIC PLATE (last layer)REMOVES Bacteria & Parasites.E.g. Giardia. Activated carbon filters remove/reduce many volatile organic chemicals (VOC), pesticides and herbicides, as well as chlorine, benzene,trihalomethane (THM) compounds,​ radon, solvents and hundreds of otherMAN-MADE CHEMICALS ​FOUND IN TAP WATER. CERAMIC DOME FILTER 0.2 MICRON RATING Our ceramic is a 0.2 micron rating. Filters out more harmful bacteria like e coli, giardia & other impurities in tap or water catchment like rainwater & bore-water etc...This 2 micron dome removes impurities and V.O.C's volatile organic compounds such as pesticides and herbicides. Replace 6 monthly.AWESOME WATER NEW BPA FREE DOME Effectively removes rust, sediment & solid particles and stops propagation of bacteria. THE DOUBLE LAYER CLOTH FILTER REMOVES ORGANIC SEDIMENT PARTICULAR MATERIAL BEFORE ITENTERS THE FILTER RUST, MUD, SAND SLIME ETC.​ BLACK & WHITE FILTRATION PADS RECOMMENDED CHANGE EVERY 6 MONTHS OR EARLIER. depending on your water quality. Older pipes etc..FLUORIDE ELIMINATOR The pore structure of the ceramic allows efficient contact time to improve the taste and odour of the water as well as reducing chlorine, chloramines, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals; such as lead, mercury and arsenic but most importantly fluoride.Removes Fluorides, Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Chemicals & Pesticides. To enjoy to taste of fluoride free water will only cost 4.6 cents per litre (that's Awesome) The Fluoride Eliminator Dome removes virtually all impurities, including chlorine and fluoride. Replace the candle every 6-12 months (or 2,000 liters) For fluoride removal.HOW MUCH MONEY ARE YOU SPENDING ON WATER?. WATER SHOULDN'T COST THE EARTH. A family of 4 people drinking 2 litres per day Awesome SAVE You Money, Time, Space, Heavy Lifting, Your Health. PLUS You Are Helping The Environment Helping "AWESOME"15 Litre Water Bottles Valued @ $13.00 COST Per Week $48.53 1 YEAR = $2,523.73.24 x 600 ml bottled water Valued @ $7.00 Per Pack Cost per week =$27.22 1 YEAR =$1415.168 x 1.5 litre Water Bottles Valued @ $5.50 Cost Per Day = $25.67 1 year = $1,334.6710 litre Water Bottle Valued 2 $4.00 Cost Per Day = $22.40 1 Year = $1,164.80Bench Top BPA FREE Refillable Water Cooler ONLY $495.00 2 X FREE ALKALINE WATER STICKS VALUED AT $25.00 EACH THAT'S A SAVING OF $50.00 THAT'S AWESOME1 filter = 6 months2 filters = 1 yearTotal Cost For The First Year $545.00THEN 2 Filters Per Year Costing ONLY $80.00 HOW AWESOME Is That?.IN THE BOX1 X FLOAT VALVE1 X BOTTOM BOTTLE1 X QUALITY AWESOME WATER FILTERS1 X WHITE PLATE1 X DOME 2 X OPTIONS1 X TOP BOTTLE1 X LIDFloor Standing BPA FREE Refillable Water Cooler ONLY $595.00 2 X FREE ALKALINE WATER STICKS VALUED AT $25.00 EACH THAT'S A SAVING OF $50.00 THAT'S AWESOME1 filter = 6 months2 filters = 1 yearTotal Cost For The First Year $645.00THEN 2 Filters Per Year Costing ONLY $80.00 HOW AWESOME Is That?.IN THE BOX1 X FLOAT VALVE1 X BOTTOM BOTTLE1 X QUALITY AWESOME WATER FILTERS1 X WHITE PLATE1 X DOME 2 X OPTIONS1 X TOP BOTTLE1 X LID2 X FREE ALKALINE WATER STICKS VALUED AT $25.00 EACH THAT'S A SAVING OF $50.00 THAT'S AWESOMEALKALINE WATER STICKThe alkaline stick changes tap water into negative alkaline ionized water. This water helps Alkalize, Hydrate and Detoxify your body. add tap or filtered water, shake vigorously and enjoy oxygenated, ionised water with a pH of 9.0 -9.5. Adds minerals in the water, particularly Magnesium, which is an essential minerals for good health. Made from food grade stainless steel, the Alkaline stick contains natural volcanic minerals including zeolite, Maifanshi, Tourmaline and Calcium ion stone to alkalise and oxygenate.R U ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY?. We Are. Only need to purchase OUR BPA FREE Refillable Bottle Sets Once. FITS Most Water Coolers SAVE"S THE PLANET AND SO MUCH MORE...You Will Save Money, Time, Health, Energy, Power, Space.SUPERMARKET Water Never Ending Purchasing Water Bottles. ENDS UP IN OUR LAND FILLS & WATERWAYS. Save Our Planet. STOP BUYING BOTTLED WATER.R U ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY?. We Are.Awesome Water Refillable BPA FREE _ NO Bishenol A. Optional 2 OR 5 Micron Filtration OR Fluoride FREEOut Filters Removes hydrogen Sulfate, Lead, Nickle, Giardia, Pesticides, Herbicides, Chlorine, Cadmium, Aluminium, Mercury, ArsenicSUPERMARKET Water..Is The Plastic BPA FREE?. NOT Environment Friendly. NEVER Ending Shopping Spending Money Stacking The Fridge Fridge Door OPENING & ClosingVerses Awesome ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY..ADDED TRACE ELEMENTSREQUIRED BY THE BODYINCLUDING CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, LITHIUM, ZINC, IODINE, POTASSIUM & IRONLARGE RANGE OF WATER COOLERSHOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR A WATER COOLERRefillable OR Auto Fill Bench Tops ONLY $495.00.DON"T GET STUCK IN THE RENTAL TRAP BUY OUTRIGHT INSTEADBPA FREE Refillable Bottle SetsMeasurements 22 cm Diameter - 40 cm HighLARGE RANGE OF WATER COOLERSHOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR A WATER COOLERRefillable OR Auto Fill FLOOR STANDING ONLY $%95.00.DON"T GET STUCK IN THE RENTAL TRAP BUY OUTRIGHT INSTEADBPA FREE Refillable Bottle SetsMeasurements 22 cm Diameter - 40 cm HighLARGE RANGE OF WATER COOLERSHOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR A WATER COOLERRefillable OR Auto Fill Bench Tops ONLY $495.00.DON"T GET STUCK IN THE RENTAL TRAP BUY OUTRIGHT INSTEAD OUR PLUMBED IN WATER COOLER COME WITH A DOUBLE SWING WATER FILTRATIONSO NOT JUST 1 WATER FILTRATION BUT 2...​THAT'S "AWESOME"LARGE RANGE OF WATER COOLERSHOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR A WATER COOLERRefillable OR Auto Fill FLOOR STANDING ONLY $595.00.DON"T GET STUCK IN THE RENTAL TRAP BUY OUTRIGHT INSTEAD OUR PLUMBED IN WATER COOLER COME WITH A DOUBLE SWING WATER FILTRATIONSO NOT JUST 1 WATER FILTRATION BUT 2...​THAT'S "AWESOME"AWESOME WATER REFILLABLE WATER COOLER Buy Outright And Save PLUS Receive 2 x FREE ALKALINE WATER STICKS VALUED AT $25.00 EACHAWESOME WILL SAVE YOUMONEY - Stop wasting money on expensive Bottled waterTIME - NO more waiting for water to be delivered.SPACE - Not storing Water Bottles.AWESOME WATER REFILLABLE WATER COOLER Buy Outright And Save PLUS Receive 2 x FREE ALKALINE WATER STICKS VALUED AT $25.00 EACHAWESOME WILL SAVE YOUHEALTH- NO More Lifting Of Heavy Bottled WaterTIME _ NO More Running To The Shops For WaterSPACE _ Bottled Water Using Up Fridge Space.www.watercoolerswa.com
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explorerindex · 3 years
10 Best Copper Bottle
10 Best Copper Bottle
Top Keywords copper bottle copper water bottle copper bottle price milton copper bottle copper bottle benefits how to clean copper bottle best copper water bottle best copper bottle pure copper water bottle pure copper bottle copper water bottle benefits copper bottle price 1 litre copper bottle water how to wash copper bottle hot water in copper bottle benefits of drinking water in copper…
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ruman123blog · 3 years
AzeeSo Crafts® Pure Copper Bottle 1 Litre for Drinking Water, Fridge, Baby, Kids, Yoga | Copper Bottle Printed & Design for Gift Set and Health Benefits | Set of 1, 1000ML Copper Brown
AzeeSo Crafts® Pure Copper Bottle 1 Litre for Drinking Water, Fridge, Baby, Kids, Yoga | Copper Bottle Printed & Design for Gift Set and Health Benefits | Set of 1, 1000ML Copper Brown
Price: (as of – Details) NECESSITY OF COPPER: Copper is a necessary mineral for our survival. Copper generates RED Blood Cells when it works with Iron. It keeps blood vessels, nerves, immune systems, and bones healthy. The maximum quantity of copper is found in the liver, brain, heart, kidneys, and in skeletal muscle. It’s a nutrient that your body must have to function properly. It is an…
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sakshi100plus · 4 years
Copper Water Bottle with High Quality and >98% pure copper Seamless, Jointless, Heavy weight, Premium Long lasting Finish. Best product for Diwali, Dhanteras, Corporate, office, marriage, wedding gifting ocassions
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100plusmall-blog · 4 years
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Copper Water Bottle with High-Quality Copper Seamless, Jointless, Heavy weight, Premium Long lasting Finish. Best product for Diwali, Dhanteras, Corporate, office, marriage, wedding gifting occasions.
Source:-  https://www.100plusmall.com/
Buy Now !
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kilipeak · 5 years
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We have very unique tribes that your clients will pay a visit to. Hadzabe is one of the very unique tribes we have in the area, the last hunter-gatherer's tribe left in Tanzania. The cost is $550 per person, price per person varies depending on group sizes HADZABE In the morning clients will join the Hadzabe and interact with them, and learn so many stuff like how to make fire by using two dry sticks, the way which has been used for thousands of years. The Bushmen will teach them how to use their bow and arrows, collecting some tubers, roots, and fruits with the women or join the men on hunting. Hunting is done in the morning; clients will follow the hunters behind and see how the hunting is done. The honey gathering is part of it, but depending on the season as the honey gathering is done in the rainy season. Join on Hadzabe tribal dance. Here the tour may take 3 to 4 hours DATOGA Once they are done with the Hadzabe Bushmen, they will join the other tribe called Datoga, who resemble the Maasai in culture. These people are also a blacksmith, as they make weapons such as arrowheads and knives which they trade with the Bushmen. Tourists can see how they make all those stuff (arrowheads, spears, knives, bracelets, etc), also how they grind maize with stones, how they melt bras, copper or aluminum. Here the tour will last for almost 1 hour.
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DAY 1: ARRIVE IN ARUSHA, TANZANIA. Arrive at Kilimanjaro International airport, met and greeted by our driver guide and assisted through customs and immigration formalities. Thereafter, drive to Arusha town. Dinner and overnight at Planet lodge: Half board. DAY 2: ARUSHA – LAKE EYASI SAFARI Breakfast in the lodge, depart for Lake Eyasi safari to meet up the elusive Hadzabe tribe, whom you learn more about their fascinating culture. Picnic lunch then we go for Datoga village tour then back in the evening for the overnight. Dinner and overnight at Tindiga Tented camp: Full board. DAY 3: FULL DAY HADZABE IN LAKE EYASI. Start off early with your bushman guide to meet a group of resident Hadzabe people. Enjoy the Hadzabe Tour walking into the bush with the only hunter-gatherers remaining in the East African region. The Hadzabe speak a click-based language and move their encampments with the seasonal movements of the wildlife. Your guide is a member of the group and teaches you more about how they hunt, track wildlife, make fire and even take honey from bee’s nests before introducing you to his people and explaining a little more about the customs and the way of life. In the afternoon we travel to the Maasai market where you will have the opportunity to get the spectacular photos you want. Hundred of Maasai gather each Thursday afternoon at the bustling Maasai market, where visitors have the chance to see their crafts and taste their food, including the famous Maasai BBQ. A larger, village-wide market occurs on the 22nd of each month. In the late afternoon, we drive back to Arusha for the overnight. Dinner and overnight at Planet lodge: Half board. PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Transportation in a Safari vehicle with Pop up roof for game viewing & photography • Guaranteed window seats for every participant • English speaking driver Guide (French, Spanish & German on request) • Local airport transfers • Bed, Dinner and Breakfast accommodation in Arusha Town • Full Board accommodation while on Safari • Picnic lunch boxes • Visit the Hadzabe and Datoga Village • Park entrance fees • Medical Emergency Evacuation Services • 1-litre Bottled Water • All government taxes applicable PACKAGE EXCLUDES: • Extras at the lodges i.e. tips, room services, drinks, telephone services, internet services, laundry or any other personal expenses • Optional visit to the Olduvai Gorge archaeological site • International flight into/out of Tanzania • Entry Visa to Tanzania • All items not mentioned above. Read the full article
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urbantrensy-blog · 5 years
link in the bio
PAGE:-Urban Trensy
#digitalmarketing #marketing #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #seo #business #branding #onlinemarketing #marketingdigital #contentmarketing #entrepreneur #webdesign #advertising #digital #smallbusiness #marketingtips #marketingstrategy #graphicdesign #digitalmarketingagency #instagram #b #startup #website #marketingagency #entrepreneurship #design #digitalagency #google #smm #bhfyp
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eatraja · 5 years
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*Don't miss last day Saturday 14th Sep - BBMP Alternatives to plastic mela at Freedom park, 9am-8pm. Worth visiting!* 1. Huge range of products that can push the shift away from plastics and one step better, even to reusables! Both residents and vendors/restaurants /hotels etc will benefit to see the range of products all in one place, buy or place orders as preferred. 2. Products range from all kinds of reusable cloth & jute bags including upcycled bags from old sarees, packaging options for restaurants, packaging alternative to bubble wrap from cardboard waste, paper tape, banana fibre products including reusable sanitary napkins with a pouch for easy storage, baby bamboo straws, castor oil straws, paper straws, reusable/washable food wrap made of bees wax, ethical paper invitations, boxes, clay bottles, copper bottles, containers of bamboo, bagasse, arecanut etc etc etc etc 3. Zero-waste water service - free purified water available in plenty with reusable glasses - please remember to Carry your own bottles and refill. Full marks to BBMP for this, water served in elegant steel pots filled from 20 litre mineral water cans. 4. Some food stalls and also food on sale made by bbmp link workers. Only eco-friendly items being used for service (nil banned items) 5. Plenty of good posters with a strong message pushing the shift away from plastic with alternatives. BBMP also has a stall with strong messages through posters, facts about plastic pollution and a display of banned and permitted items 5. Good segregated bins with waste handled well by Hasiru dala. (at Freedom Park Gandhi Nagar Bangalore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2YK8lkFCz7/?igshid=1wdsw6e4myql7
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loiswolf · 5 years
Day 41 July 12 Dunmore East - Killeagh 102kms
Day 41 July 12 Dunmore East - Killeagh 102kms
Today was all about the scenery. No one else was awake when I left the house this morning. There were a few clouds about but as soon as I left there was something to look at.
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Google maps had not suggested the coast road for either cycling or car. I don’t know why. It’s part of the eurovelo 1 cycling route. Eoin had told me the coast road was flat. Haha, I’m not silly enough to believe a coast road is going to be flat and it certainly wasn’t. There were lots of short steep climbs, descents and some undulating in between.
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The short steep climbs are nowhere near as bad as what I was doing in England. Those climbs went on for one to three kilometres. You would spend half an hour climbing, descend in 3 minutes, then have to start all over again.
The hills didn’t slow me down as much at the fact that I kept stopping to take photos. It really was a pretty road and I’m glad I went that way. It’s called the copper coast.
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After working hard for 30kms I thought I’d stop for a break at Annestown. Nope, nothing there, I kept going another 6kms to Bunmahon. On the approach I could see signs for a cafe at the visitors centre. Perfect! Not so perfect. When I arrived in the village the sign pointed up a steep hill going up to a castle. There was no way I was going to do an extra unnecessary hill and then find the place was probably shut anyway.
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Bunmahon turned out the be another nothing place. There were a couple of workmen renovating a building ( it’s going to be a pub and a cafe but it’s not quite there yet ). I asked if there was anywhere I could get a coffee and they told me there wasn’t. I did what they were doing and sat on the rocks behind the beach. All I had was water to drink and my last toffee twist.
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Only 23kms from there to Dungarvan. I knew there was something there, I’d checked. Yes, a Lidl and a McDonald’s right next to each other. Food here is very expensive so I just had the ‘wrap of the day ‘ and that much needed coffee. I took my time using the wifi then wandered over to Lidl to get some breakfast supplies, bread, and of course, 4 more toffee twists. They even had a 1 litre bottle of sparkling water so I could carry some without incident today. It took a bit of rearranging to fit everything on Shirley then I finally cycled off for my last 40kms.
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Now Eoin had told me the hill from there was a tough one. Considering he thought the coast road was flat I was very afraid. It wasn’t bad at all. I had stripped down to a singlet in anticipation of lots of sweating but it was just a nice moderate incline which was quite easy to work my way up. There were some nice views along the way,
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Some down hill, flat, a bit more climbing then I was running down towards another bridge. 
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The road was only one lane each way with a very wide shoulder. There was a tall tractor thing with several rake type apparatus attached to the back. I had fun overtaking and racing it then  later the driver got me back when I was slowed by a headwind.
One more moderate climb and I was almost at my destination. My host had sent me instructions on how to find the place but since he didn’t know which direction I was coming from it meant I had to try each way before finding the place. Eventually I found it on the 3rd try. There is no one here. I have a whole house to myself. I would be enjoying it more if I could get some volume on the TV but it’s got me stumped. I’ve tried everything. There is also no microwave in the kitchen but luckily I found one in the laundry when I went outside to hang up my clothes. I guess I’ll have to eat that lamb dinner tonight which has spent all day in my front bag.
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