#copper deck drain
mahameruputra14 · 4 months
Deck Drain Cast Iron
Deck Drain Cast Iron – Deck Drain Jembatan – Deck Drain Jalan di Indonesia.  Sebagai penulis yang tinggal di Surabaya, kota yang terkenal dengan curah hujan tinggi, saya sering melihat genangan air di jalan dan jembatan. Genangan air ini tidak hanya mengganggu lalu lintas, tetapi juga dapat merusak infrastruktur dan membahayakan keselamatan pengguna jalan. Untungnya, ada solusi untuk mengatasi…
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Spit in my face, my love, it won't faze me
Spider felt a lot of things at the moment. Cold, hot, empty, full. But mostly he felt lonely.
His vision was going blurry, darkening at the edges. He couldn't make out his own hand in front of his face, but he recognized his own blood coating it. If he had to guess, he had wounds on his stomach, arms, legs and back. His whole body was just one big bruise at this point, aching and throbbing like never before. In a sense, he got the blue stripes he'd always wanted. Nevermind the fact that they weren't stripes, just blue spots that were close enough together for him to mistake them as such. 
The thing that definitely hurt the most was the cut around his throat, bleeding sluggishly and coating his body in blood. He had a feeling that it was the source of his trouble with breathing, come to think of it.
Now that he was laying on a cold ship deck and 100% dying, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. It was like all the emotions and trauma he'd been compartmentalising these past few months decided to pull a quick one on him and now he had so many fears and regrets. He regrets going to the shack, being born, trying to be Na'vi, not doing something while they hunted that tulkun, not doing more when the Na'vi were being threatened. And he was afraid, were the others safe? Did Quaritch let Kiri go? Have they fled the ship just yet? Are they safe?
A selfish, horrible, human part of him wishes they stayed. And because he is dying; he decides to indulge himself with those selfish fantasies of his. He imagines Lo'ak being there, telling him about the trouble he'd gotten up to without him, Kiri talking about the plants and the animals. Tuk showing him a cool shell she found, maybe Neteyam venting about his frustrations or something. Anything but the sound of fading screams and crackling flames.
The smell of blood and petrol hung in the air like a thick fog; clouding his senses with the copper scent. The ocean breeze felt like hell against his open wounds. It was freezing out here, and incredibly dark. Really, he should be happy the others got away. Overjoyed, thankful even. But he selfishly wishes to not be alone right now.
The voice echoes in his ears. Oh. Oh, it sounds familiar, oddly so. He felt a strange sort of calm rush over him; something like acceptance. It felt like a warm blanket on his beaten and broken body; one he desperately needed. No one has made him feel safe like this, ever, except for maybe….
He hates how weak and uncertain his voice sounds, carried like some kind of fragile chord over the winds. He feels a set of hands, warm and realer than what he could've imagined by himself, pawing at his injuries. He sees blue skin and yellow eyes, and he has to laugh at the absurdity of it. 
"Jake, you came back…" he says in astonishment, not seeing the hurt look flashing over the man's face. "Are the others okay? Where are they?" He asked, spluttering out a cough and tasting metal in his throat.
"They're okay, Spider, son, they're okay." He says in English, and Spider doesn't think that's weird at all. He nods to the best of his ability, giving him a wide grin. "Did--did we get them? The demons? Did I do good?"
"Yes, son, we got all of them. Everyone is safe. You did so good, you were amazing, I promise." 
He sighs in relief. At least he had that little bit of solace during his last moments. At least he had that. And you know, he had Jake. Jake was here, and now he wasn't alone. He hadn't realised he was scared of being alone until he was. Dying alone, he'd never considered it, but that was his reality until a couple minutes ago. Jake saved him from having to face that, even if he couldn't save him from his wife. In his heart of hearts, he knows he never intended to.
"Jake, I'm tired–, it–, it hurts. I'm just so tired…" he whispers, strength draining from his body like a river flowing to the ocean. He feels a kiss pressed to his temple as Jake pulls him to his chest; the feeling of his vest against his skin all too alien. The man bit back a sob, instead breathing heavily and unevenly.
"It's okay, son, it's okay. You can go to sleep, you've earned it. Me and the others, we'll all be here when you wake up, okay?" He promises and Spider desperately agrees. "You did so well, we're all so proud of you and we love you, you know that, right? Everything that happened before, that doesn't matter. I love you, Spider." He says with the desperation of a prayer.
"Really…? Even Neytiri?" He asks weakly. The other nods, running a hand through his dreads. "Yes, even her." The boy has to smile at that. "It's so cold." He says, and Jake adjusts his grip so they're better pressed together. "Better?" He asks, and Spider offers a weak nod.
"Oel ngati kameie, Jake.." he whispers. It is the last thing he says before he goes, hopefully being accepted by Eywa. "Oel Ngati kameie, son." His voice sounds broken, but certain. It is the last thing he hears before the world goes dark and his body goes limp.
Quaritch looked at his son's dead body and felt cold. He wonders if this is the same chill Spider felt just now. Like a gaping hole in his chest that the wind passes through, carrying its saltwater breeze like poison. Sully and his brood are gone; left him behind without a second thought. The children had this look of shock when Spider crumpled to the floor the first time, victim to their own mother. They might have screamed. They might have cried. Quaritch doesn't remember nor care.
In his final moments, Spider wanted Jake, the man who left him for dead twice now. And Quaritch could've corrected him easily, but it seemed so needlessly cruel. Spider was dying, his son was dying, why deny him the fantasy in his head? The dreams of family and acceptance that he was never afforded, not by the people he desperately needed it from. So yes, he let his son think it was Jake who held him while he died, and that his crazy wife really did care, even though she's responsible for this. It was disrespectful to the highest degree, but Quaritch thinks that his son is allowed to spit in his face, just this once.
It was enough for Spider, who looked peaceful in his arms, eerily still and pale. He wonders if he should leave him here, let the Sullys find him and give him the burial he wanted. He wonders if the fish would get his body first, or the fire. He wonders if they'd return at all, opting to let the ship burn itself down. It certainly sounds like Sully. He sighs.
Mind made up, he approached his ikran. The journey to the Omaticaya would be long, so it's best that he starts moving. At the very least, he'd make sure his son would be put to rest where he called home. He wouldn't take that from him, not in death, at least.
Decided you guys should feel sad, hope you liked it!!!
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lonestarbattleship · 3 months
May 4, 2024 Update from the Battleship Texas Foundation
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A new plank made from the deck of #battleshiptexas will be apart of the ship's store in the near future. You can find all of the items made from the ship's deck here: https://store.battleshiptexas.org/collections/deck-wood
The ship is currently moored at Pier D in Gulf Copper Shipyard where it will continue to undergo repairs and preparations to become a museum ship once again!
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The water sheds, designed to help keep the weather out, have been removed for repair. They will be placed back once those repairs are complete.
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Fasteners used to hold the water sheds in place are being removed. These will be made into keepsakes in the future. The water sheds, designed to help keep the weather out, have been removed for repair. They will be placed back once those repairs are complete.
AFT FIRE CONTROL RESTORATION: The ship's aft fire control tower is looking great! The mullions for the windows are fitted, floater net baskets added, and more. These repairs and additions will help return the ship to its 1945 appearance.
DECK REPAIRS: The decking on the ship's bow is being removed moving aft. Steelworkers will soon follow them to blast the steel and make repairs where needed. A pressure treated pine will be put back on the deck. Yes, some of this wood is being saved to produce items to raise funds.
For more information on the deck visit: link
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A resin used to level the deck in 1990 is being removed. The new planks will be cut to fit the deck instead.
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1990 pine decking removed from the O1 level. These boards will be cut down and shipped off to become Battleship Texas keepsakes.
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Margin pieces from the ship's O1 level have been saved to be used as a pattern.
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The removal of the pine decking on the ship's O1 level is nearing completion. We are now able to see remnants of gun mounts, deck lights, and more!
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This is where a 5".51 cal. Gun was before being removed throughout the ship's service career.
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If you have taken a picture on the ship's bow before, you may recognize that the fans that were placed over this hatch area are now gone! This is more step forward to improving the ship's appearance.
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With the removal of the ship's decking on the bow, the ward room temperature has increased considerably! It was 85 degrees Fahrenheit today.
RADAR TOP MAST: The radar top mast has been removed from the ship's main mast and will receive structural repairs before being placed back on the ship.
MAIN MAST: The deck on the ship's main mast is being repaired and replaced in certain areas. Gun mounts are also being added back.
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Repairs made to the ship's main mast are nearing completion. The radar mast is still being worked on, but once complete, it will be placed back. The foundations for the 20mm Oerlikons will also be put back!
WHAT’S NEXT? - Battleship Texas will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard for until her new home is ready for her. Additional steel work, removal and replacement of the ship’s deck, and superstructure/aft fire control restoration will continue. And painting the topsides!
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The ship's smoke stack is being repaired to help keep it watertight. They will also use the scaffolding to run pipe to the whistle, as well as installing the ship's siren.
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Workers are continuing to repair the ship's drainage system. This will help reduce standing water on the lower decks.
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Drain system repairs being made in the ship's galley, and the condenser room just below it. These were previously blanked off.
TOURING? - The Battleship Texas Foundation is working on new touring opportunities before the ship reopens.
REOPENING? - There is a lot to be done before the ship is ready for touring at its new home in Galveston, Texas. Reopening is projected to happen sometime in the later half of 2025.
MISSING GUNS? - The ship's anti-aircraft guns are currently undergoing restoration. The guns and gun directors will be replaced once their restoration is complete.
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The new oak foundation for one of the ship's 5"/51 cal. Guns in the aircastle awaits its stand and carriage.
Come on Texas!
To donate to the preservation and operation of Battleship Texas, please visit: https://battleshiptexas.org/
Support Battleship Texas by making a purchase through the ship's store: https://store.battleshiptexas.org"
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Facebook page: link
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myelectricaura · 2 years
Flat Roofing Contractor Services
Are you tired of endlessly searching for a reliable contractor to fix your leaky flat roof? Do you want to avoid the hassle and stress that come with poor workmanship and high repair costs? Look no further! Our flat roofing contractor services are here to take the burden off your shoulders. We offer top-notch craftsmanship, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing. So sit back, relax, and let us handle all your roofing needs!
What is a flat roof?
A flat roof is a type of roofing system that has a uniform and level surface. The term “flat” is used in reference to the horizontal plane rather than the sloped or pitched roofs commonly seen on residential and commercial buildings. While most flat roofs are indeed flat, there is usually a slight gradient or pitch to the surface in order for water to drain off.
What are the benefits of a flat roof?
A flat roof has a number of benefits that make it an attractive option for many homeowners and businesses. For one, flat roofs are much easier to maintain than pitched roofs. They don't require as much regular upkeep and can last for decades with proper care. Flat roofs also provide a great deal of usable space on top of the building that can be utilized for storage, solar panels, or even outdoor entertaining areas. Additionally, flat roofs tend to be more energy-efficient than pitched roofs since they reflect heat better in the summer and retain heat in the winter.
What are the different types of flat roofs?
There are four main types of flat roofs: built-up roofing, single-ply membrane roofing, spray foam roofing, and metal roofing. Built-Up Roofing: Built-up roofing is one of the most common types of flat roofs. It is made up of multiple layers of tar and gravel that are applied over a base layer of felt or fabric. This type of roofing is very durable and can last for 20 years or more with proper maintenance. Single-Ply Membrane Roofing: Single-ply membrane roofing is a newer type of flat roof that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It consists of a single layer of synthetic material (usually PVC or TPO) that is applied directly to the deck. This type of roofing is very easy to install and repair, and it can last for 20 years or more with proper maintenance. Spray Foam Roofing: Spray foam roofing is another newer type of flat roof that has gained popularity in recent years. It consists of spraying a layer of polyurethane foam directly onto the deck. This type of roofing provides excellent insulation and can last for 20 years or more with proper maintenance. Metal Roofing: Metal roofing is another option for flat roofs. Metal roofs are made from steel, aluminum, or copper and can last for 50 years or more with proper maintenance.
How to choose a flat roofing contractor
When it comes to choosing a flat roofing contractor, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind. First, you'll want to make sure that the contractor is licensed and insured. This will protect you in case of any damages that may occur during the roofing process. Secondly, you'll want to ask for references from previous clients. This will give you an idea of the quality of work that the contractor is capable of. Finally, you'll want to get a written estimate from the contractor before starting any work. This will help ensure that there are no hidden costs or surprises down the line. By following these simple tips, you can be sure that you'll find a qualified and reputable flat roofing contractor to take care of your roofing needs.
How to care for your flat roof
Assuming you have a flat roof on your home, here are some tips on how to take care of it: -check the roof regularly for any debris or leaves that may have accumulated -if there is any standing water on the roof, be sure to clean it up as soon as possible as this can lead to mold or mildew growth -keep an eye out for any cracks or holes in the roof and repair them as soon as possible -have a professional roofing contractor inspect and clean your roof at least once a year
Flat roofs are a great choice for homeowners looking to save money on their roofing costs. With the right flat roofing contractor services, you can get quality workmanship that will last for years and keep your property looking its best. If you're in need of an experienced roofer to install or repair your flat roof, make sure to do some research and find a reputable professional who can provide reliable services at an affordable price.
Toronto Flat Roofing Services | The Roof Technician
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Game 34 In The View-Master Thurs, Sept 5 10:00pm EDT Washington @ Phoenix
Starting: WASH: Atkins, Dolson, Edwards, Sykes, Vanloo (Austin ankle injury) PHX: Cloud, Copper, Cunningham, Griner, Taurasi (Allen knee)
1st Quarter We're in Phoenix and they are playing a 4-guard lineup as has been a hallmark of their season. Frankly, I think this will suit the Mystics just fine. Taurasi with the 3 to open the scoring. Now Slim takes it to the rack over DT. JVL and Aaliyah work a beautiful two-person game on the left side for 2. It's a corner 3 for JVL now. Aaliyah snags the rebound after a Stef trey misses and tussles a little with Cunningham but ultimately puts it back. Strong work from the rook. Phoenix is running just about everything through BG. They look like they are in a bad mood. DC offense looks very good. There's none of the frenetic energy from last game. Earl jumps in 2 points. We work 23 seconds off the clock on D and the Tash puts up a gorgeous floater. Ok Tash, you can have that one. Ooh Karlie did not look like she expected the ball a few paces behind the arc, but when she caught it she immediately drained the 3. Footprint Center is siiiiileeeeent. Kah gets too casual and Aaliyah pokes the ball way from behind. The Mercury can't get their heads in the game. Shatori calls her own 3 and makes it falling over style. Karlie gets an off-balance buzzer shot after being harangued by Cloud. Celeste Taylor shoots a 3 then fouls Karlie on her attempt to answer. Jado learns what we can only call a valuable lesson going against BG and Mo Billings, but the ball lands with Engstler who puts it up for 3. Kah flails into Jade now and gets the call. Justice is served as she misses 2 of 3. 24-15.
2nd Quarter Again we go into the 2nd quarter with a strong lead and outplaying the other team—can we sustain it better tonight? Stef with an easy jumper to start us off. Sug comes in and gets a steal but Earl's 3 rims out. Earl cooks and Coach Tibbetts needs time already. Mo spoils a good defensive stand with perfect positioning for a rebound. Koné is not afraid to put it up for which I am grateful. Somehow Sug beats out BG for a rebound. A few consecutive DC misses have let the Mercury off the hook. Now a great passing sequence finds Earl for 3. Another easy possession as Sug finds Stef. Karlie gets an elbow to the face on a jump ball and very fortunately it missed her eye because she immediately has a huge goose egg right above the eyebrow. I've never seen that intense of a goose egg that fast wow. She gets back on the court and drills a 3. With that we pull ahead 36-20. Tash hits a 3 after a timeout—she's still a shooter, people. Aaliyah with some nice moves under the hoop. Karlie draws an offensive foul and hits the deck. It's a physical game for her as has been the case all season. When Karlie catches the ball in her shot pocket, she immediately starts her shooting motion, then pulls out if she needs to pass. It's rote, automatic. She drops it off for Engstler now for an easy bunny. Engstler blocks Cunningham and JVL gives a little step back action to shoot it over BG. We find JVL unmarked now in the corner for 3. Engstler tries to get too fancy with it and trips but gets the call. This one is perhaps controversial because Engstler tripped by trying to dribble between her legs at full speed and stepped on the back of Sophie's shoe, but I understand why the call was made anyway—Sophie was in her path technically. The fans aren't happy, fair enough. Engstler redeems herself with a spin move inside. And Sophie gets hers with a 3 over her. Karlie answers in the final seconds. 50-32!
3rd Quarter 56% shooting in the first half. Let's goooo. Slim is ready to get herself some points. Karlie goes again from 3. She's 4 for 4. Slim goes at Kah for a second time this quarter and puts up a pretty bucket again. BG fader is the bread and butter of the Mercury and it's really all they're eating tonight. Aaliyah with a nice move but no finish. JVL is marked by BG and blows by her for a layup. Tash takes it on her back with a quick 3. Karlie steals and Slim takes care of it. It's 61-37. Still, I wouldn't put it past us to lose this one. BG blocks Stef. Slim beats the buzzer by a millisecond. Now Engstler gets a block on Kah, but the possession ends in a buzzer 3 from Cunningham. Nice pass inside to Slim and she is racking it up this quarter. The Mercury are looking completely ineffective on both ends. Shatori steals and runs it out. She does it at least once a game. Taylor 3 followed by a wild sequence on both ends where no one can hold on the basketball ends with bodies on the floor. Now Tash takes on Koné but Tori is there for the block. Engstler gets a steal and JVL slows it down wisely. She takes and makes another 3 over BG. Engstler hits from deep, then turns around and gets a steal. It's been pretty lights out. 75-53.
4th Quarter Do the Mercury have the most blowouts this season? Mo Billings has been effective on both ends, but she can't win this game alone. I still can't believe she didn't have a contract. After a tough couple of possessions for Koné she makes a 3. Love that. Kah answers. Ariel has not played this half. The Mercury allow a ridiculously easy play execution for Washington. Hopefully intentionally, we are making plays in the waning shot clock seconds this quarter. That's something you love to get some practice with and so far it's been remarkably successful. Sika with a block now. Slim takes it all the way in. Karlie again quick release 3 for 19 points off 100% shooting from the floor. 5 of 5 from distance. Kiki Herbert Harrigan just checked in for Phoenix and I don't know what the wait was for. Sika hits another 3! Go off. Kiki answers though. Quality slipped a bit in the 4th but the result was never in doubt, for maybe only the second time this season. Karlie had an outstanding game, a career game. 90-77 final.
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robertnelson2-blog · 4 months
The most common cause of frustration during the construction process is not knowing what to expect.  We hope the information provided will help you understand the steps necessary to build an in ground swimming pool.
After the final design has been approved by the client, a 2 dimensional scaled plan is created for engineering and made available to use for submittal to homeowners associations.  Building permits are obtained from the engineered plan. Custom Pools Las Vegas
Working from the scaled plan, the finished grade is established and the outline of the pool and location of the steps and benches are marked and spray painted on the ground.  The superintendent will check the layout for accuracy.  The homeowner will see the placement of the pool on the property and minor adjustments can be made without too much difficulty.
Laguna utilizes specialized crews for each phase of the construction process, the first being the excavators.
The equipment is brought in, the pool and trenches for plumbing are dug, mounds are formed in the location of steps and the excess dirt is hauled off by dump trucks.  Occasionally problem soil is encountered, such as solid rock or caliche, which requires special equipment to remove.  This is referred to as a “hard dig” and additional charges may result.  The homeowner is notified if a hard dig is necessary.
PVC pipe and conduit are installed and connected to the new pool equipment which is placed on a concrete pad by the plumbing crew.  The entire system is pressurized and checked for leaks and repairs are made if necessary.
Reinforced steel or “rebar” is placed in a grid like pattern with tie wires according to the detailed structural calculations throughout the pool and on top of the steps by the steel crew.
Electricians will install niches and electrical conduit for the underwater lighting.  They are also responsible for bonding all metal within 5’ of the water’s edge by connecting a copper wire.  This is similar to grounding.
At this point, pre-gunite inspections are scheduled and upon approval, the pool is ready for the shotcrete crew to be scheduled.
Gunite or shotcrete is pneumatically sprayed filling all of the voids to form the shell of the pool, then troweled to a smooth finish.  This process is completed in a single day.  The following day, the homeowner must spray the shotcrete thoroughly with water 2-3 times per day for 1 week.  This ensures the concrete will cure properly and reach full strength integrity.  It is normal for water to collect at the bottom of the pool while curing.
The tile crew begins by applying tile to the waterline and possibly steps, seats or raised walls depending on the plan.  Then they install the coping around the rim of the pool providing a finished edge that prevents water from getting behind the pool shell.
The area surrounding the pool is cleaned and prepared by the deck crew.  Forms are placed around the edges according to the plan.  Concrete is poured and troweled to drain water away from the pool coping and into deck drains.  The wet cement must not be walked on for at least 24 hours and children and pets should be kept clear of the area for at least 36 hours.  The concrete is allowed to cure for approximately 1 week before the spray deck material is applied.  Clean up around the pool and yard are completed.
Codes have been enacted to prevent children unsupervised access to the pool area.  These safety barriers are required which is the homeowner’s responsibility, although Laguna can assist in bringing the residence to compliance.  Current barrier codes can be viewed by following this link (insert link or PDF).  Once safety barriers are in place, the pre-plaster inspection is scheduled.  Someone must be available for the inspector to check the safety barriers inside the home.  Upon approval, the interior finish (plaster, quartz or pebble) is scheduled. Pool Builder Las Vegas
The plaster crew applies a 1/2 “ thick layer of finish material that adheres to the shotcrete surface and trowels it smooth.  Immediately following plaster, water begins filling the pool.  The pool can take 24-48 hours to fill and the water is not to be turned off (or moved to the spa) until it reaches halfway up the waterline tile.  Once the pool is full, a superintendent will start up the equipment.
A final inspection (if required) is scheduled and the homeowner must contact Southwest Gas to connect to the meter.  This does not cost extra but only the homeowner can make the request.
A walk through of the property and an orientation of the equipment are performed with the homeowner and a superintendent and then you’re ready to start enjoying your new Laguna pool!!
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michaelbugg66 · 6 months
Mastering Florida Roofing: A Guide to Repairing Common Issues
Understanding Florida Roofing:
Florida roofing encompasses a variety of roofing materials and styles designed to withstand the state's unique climate conditions. Common roofing materials used in Florida include asphalt shingles, metal roofing, tile roofing, and flat roofing systems. Each roofing material has its own set of advantages and challenges, and proper maintenance and repairs are essential to ensure the longevity and performance of the roof.
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Common Roofing Issues in Florida:
Leaks and Water Intrusion: Florida's frequent rainstorms and heavy rainfall can lead to water intrusion and leaks in the roof. Leaks can occur due to damaged or missing shingles, deteriorated flashing, cracked sealants, or improper installation. Water intrusion can lead to structural damage, mold growth, and interior water damage if not addressed promptly.
Wind Damage: Florida is prone to hurricanes and strong windstorms, which can cause significant damage to roofing systems. Wind damage may include missing or lifted shingles, torn or damaged flashing, and even structural damage to the roof deck. Proper installation and reinforcement techniques are essential to mitigate wind damage and protect the integrity of the roof.
Sun Damage and UV Exposure: Florida's intense sunlight and UV radiation can cause premature deterioration and aging of roofing materials. Over time, prolonged sun exposure can cause asphalt shingles to curl, crack, and lose their protective granules. Metal roofing may experience fading, corrosion, and thermal expansion and contraction. Regular inspections and maintenance are crucial to identify and address sun damage before it escalates.
Mold and Algae Growth: Florida's warm and humid climate creates ideal conditions for mold, algae, and moss growth on roofing surfaces. These organic growths not only detract from the appearance of the roof but can also compromise its structural integrity over time. Proper ventilation, gutter maintenance, and periodic cleaning are essential to prevent mold and algae growth and preserve the integrity of the roof.
Poor Drainage and Ponding Water: Flat and low-slope roofing systems are susceptible to poor drainage and ponding water, especially during heavy rainstorms. Ponding water can accelerate roof deterioration, cause leaks, and compromise the structural integrity of the roof. Proper installation of drainage systems, periodic maintenance, and repairs are essential to ensure effective water management and prevent ponding water issues.
Repairing Common Roofing Issues:
Leak Detection and Repair: Identify and repair leaks promptly to prevent further water damage and mold growth. Inspect the roof for damaged or missing shingles, deteriorated flashing, and cracked sealants. Replace damaged materials and seal any gaps or openings to prevent water intrusion.
Wind Damage Repair: After a severe windstorm or hurricane, inspect the roof for signs of wind damage such as lifted or missing shingles, torn flashing, and damaged roof decking. Replace damaged materials and secure loose components to restore the integrity of the roof.
Sun Damage Mitigation: Install reflective roofing materials or coatings to reduce heat absorption and UV exposure. Replace damaged or worn-out roofing materials with UV-resistant options to prolong the lifespan of the roof.
Mold and Algae Remova: Clean roofing surfaces regularly to remove mold, algae, and moss growth. Use a mixture of water and mild detergent or a commercial roof cleaner to scrub away organic growths. Install zinc or copper strips along the roof ridge to inhibit future algae and moss growth.
Improving Drainage: Ensure proper installation of gutters, downspouts, and roof drains to facilitate effective water drainage. Clear debris from gutters and downspouts regularly to prevent clogs and blockages. Consider installing tapered insulation or adding roof drains to improve water flow on flat and low-slope roofing systems.
Maintaining a resilient and durable roofing system is essential for Florida homeowners to protect their homes from the state's challenging climate conditions. By understanding common roofing issues and implementing proactive maintenance and repair strategies, homeowners can prolong the lifespan of their roofs and ensure long-term structural integrity and protection. Whether you're dealing with leaks, wind damage, sun damage, mold growth, or drainage issues, addressing these issues promptly and effectively is key to preserving the beauty and value of your home. With the insights provided in this comprehensive guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of Florida roofing and keep your home safe and secure for years to come.
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idigitizellp21 · 10 months
10 Tips for Preventing Pests in Your Home
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Have you ever gotten bugs, rodents, or other pests in your home? Instead of waiting to take defensive action against pests once they have entered your home, go on offence to prevent pest problems before they occur. There are several ways to eliminate conditions both inside and outside your home that appeal to pests, which should reduce the chance of them ever bothering you.
Here Are 10 Tips To Keep Pests Out Of The House.
Minimize Plants Trim back any tree branches or shrubbery that touch your home. This helps to eliminate “bridges” that pests can use to easily reach your house and find their way in. Likewise, mulch in garden beds can provide ideal shelter for pests. So instead of using mulch in areas that touch your foundation, place less pest-attractive ground cover, such as rocks.
Doors and Windows Pests can wiggle through tiny cracks and gaps, so you should regularly inspect and repair any warped or broken doors and windows, as well as those that simply don’t fit well. Also, promptly repair any rips or tears in screens. Use screen mesh sizes with at least 200 holes per square inch; these are commonly available at home and hardware stores.
Check for Cracks and Gaps Doors and windows aren’t the only places that can have tiny openings. Routinely inspect the entire exterior of your home for other cracks, crevices, and gaps through which pests could enter. Check for foundation cracks, loose siding, missing roof shingles, and gaps around utility lines, including pipes, electric wiring, and cable wiring. Seal any openings with copper mesh, coarse steel wool, sheet metal, or mortar. Expanding caulk is not ideal to use because many pests can chew through it.
Properly Dispose of Trash and Litter Most people know that household garbage can attract pests, such as ants, roaches, and rodents. But yard waste also can draw in pests that might see it either as a nest or a food source. Make sure that all of your trash cans have tight-fitting lids, and clean the cans and area where they sit regularly to remove debris and spills on which pests can feed. Additionally, keep yards, patios, decks, and garages free of leaf litter, plant clippings, and standing water, all of which can provide ideal environments for pests to create a home.
Rinse Recyclables Just like with trash, it is preferable to store recyclables in a bin that has a tight-fitting lid. However, some municipalities provide open bins to their residents. If this is the case for you, thoroughly rinse all the food from your recyclables before putting them in the bin. Taking a little extra time to do this should keep your bin pest-free. Furthermore, store the bin outside rather than in your garage or home.
Use the Right Light Bulbs To reduce flying insects around doors and windows, replace standard mercury vapor lights with high-pressure sodium vapor or halogen lights. Bulbs with pink, yellow, or orange tints will be least attractive to the insects. You also might want to change the location of your light if possible. While it is common to place lights on exterior walls near doors, it is better to position the light farther away from your house on a pole. This will keep most of the insects by the pole and not your house. Just make sure the light still reaches the door to keep it illuminated for safety purposes.
Look for Interior Gaps Many pest-preventative measures take place outside the home. But some cracks and gaps will be visible only from the inside. Regularly check inside, under, and behind kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, and stoves for signs of pests. Also look for gaps in trim, as well as around pipes, vents, and cables. Seal any gaps you find, especially those of a quarter-inch or greater. A good indicator that these gaps lead directly outside is if you can feel airflow coming from them.
Clean Drains Sink and floor drains often accumulate gunk and debris. This can attract pests and provide an ideal breeding site, especially for small flies. So, make sure to regularly inspect and clean all the drains in your home, including those in the laundry room and basement. Baking soda and vinegar make an excellent homemade drain cleaner, providing a foaming action that flushes out clogs.
Store Food in Sealed Containers Some pests, such as rodents, have an excellent sense of smell. And if there’s an open food container somewhere in your home, odds are they will zero in on it. Always store pantry foods, such as cereal and crackers, in reusable containers or resealable bags if the original packaging can’t be fully sealed. Aim to clean out your pantry on a regular basis to get rid of spoiled food or other items you don’t plan to eat. This will help to minimize the attraction of any “pantry pests.”
Regularly Clean Your Home The cleaner your home is, the less attraction it will have for pests. When you keep up with your vacuuming, mopping, and other household chores, you will regularly disturb any areas where a pest might be considering making a home. Plus, you’ll pick up crumbs and other debris that might have been a potential food source for pests. And when you regularly make the cleaning rounds, you’re likely to spot any potential entrances for pests before they become a problem.
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How to build a shower
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Mark the location of the shower
Using a tape measure and pencil, mark the area on the floor where you want to install the shower enclosure.
Add sill plates
To build a shower stall in a corner, you will need to build an additional wall to create a niche. Cut a piece of square lumber to the width of the niche wall and attach it to the floor with deck screws.
Extend the studs to the ceiling
Attach two studs to the sill plate and extend them up to the ceiling. Attach them to the ceiling with another square timber the length of the sill plate. Add two more studs between the side studs.
Install the drain pipe and branch pipe
Use a jigsaw to cut an access hole in the floor at the location of the drain. Have a plumber install the drain pipe and branch line underneath the shower floor. Cut the ABS or PVC pipe flush with the floor using a hacksaw.
Add supports for the utility lines
Install two square timbers between the wall supports, one high and one low, to hold the faucet control and shower head.
Attach the end piece to the shower tray
Turn the shower pan upside down and attach the drain spigot piece supplied with the shower pan. Use a wrench to tighten the end piece. Be careful not to break off the end piece.
Adjusting the shower tray
Cover the drain with a rag. This will help stabilize the shower pan. Place the shower pan in the wet mortar or thinset. Use a level to bring the shower pan to the proper height.
Fastening the shower tray to the cladding
Screw the nailing ribs of the upper part of the shower tray against the wall supports.
Lay the water supply pipes to the regulator area
Run the hot and cold water pipes up from the floor. Use either PEX or copper piping. Stop at the bottom support.
Attach the shower regulator to the pipes
Attach the shower regulator to the support. Connect the water supply pipes to the shower regulator.
Continue the piping to the shower head area
Run a single PEX or copper line from the shower regulator up to the top bracket. Attach it to a 90-degree elbow. Secure the elbow to the support with screws.
Cut cement board
Using the box cutter, cut cement board to the size of the inside of the enclosure. Cut a line on the front of the cement board, crease it, turn it over, and continue cutting on the back.
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washwashgalaxy · 2 years
ADVENT OF AUTUMN Seasons are cyclical each one typically lyrical: rhetorical or mystical since times pre-Biblical. Amongst seasonal continuum there ushers in Autumn: Nature despises vacuum fills gap with dainty decorum. After drain of rainy refrain one harvests gain from pain: gold, copper, grey are vain to deck the earth in main. Colours carol, shades sing and leaves acquire windy wing: They…
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mi6-cafe · 3 years
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Now, let’s refresh your memory.
For the second week of LDWS, our true l- our writers were asked to write a drabble between 150 and 200 words, based on the word deck from the point of view of an outsider.
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(this is a purely illustrative gif of an outside observer of the goings on at Q’s flat, not a prompt)
Read the drabbles & Pick three favourites!
Vote for them on this form!
Add some feedback for the writers!
That’s it! You have done your civic duty and voted!
Read the drabbles below the line.
Title: Eulogy for the Aston Martin Author: Misha / artsytarts Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (mainly directed at vehicles) Summary: Around 007, life and death go hand in hand.
The moment I leave solid ground and fly, pointed directly at the deck of the ship, I know my life is forfeit.
I realize now why the other machines pitied me after I was assigned to the man they call 007. I see his blue eyes blazing as he concentrates, gripping my steering wheel. They say he’s careless, but judging from the few days I’ve carried him, I know different. He’s not careless. His destruction is calculated. Only once I was obsolete, once he depleted my ammunition, blew my doors off, and pushed my motor to breaking point did he make his decision: To use me as his missile.
I count the milliseconds as the deck rushes towards me. Without a word, 007 pushes the ejector button and I fling him out into the open air, out into safety and freedom.
I am to be his sacrifice.
Before I hit the ship to perish in a blaze, I decide: I have no use for resentment. Like so many machines before me, I have granted him life.
That must count for something.
Title: All In Author: sorion Warnings: none Summary: Bond is handy with cards, and Felix likes to watch.
There are few things as satisfying as watching James Bond clean a table in poker. Felix has learned that pretty much the moment he's met Bond, and the entertainment value hasn't changed in the years that have passed.  
On the contrary: Felix has learned some of Bond's tells. Not the kind of tells that would let him win against the insufferably unbeatable agent, but Felix recognises the spark that lights up in Bond's eyes, only seconds before he wipes the confident smirk off an opponent's face with a winning hand.  
Another thing he can see is whether Bond enjoys the game for its own sake or just really hates one of the other players. He knows it's the latter when the opponent asks for a rematch and offers the deed to a hotel in lieu of liquid funds, and Bond agrees, provided that they use a new, unopened deck of cards.  
The opponent blanches near imperceptibly, and Felix smirks into his drink. Oh, yes. Very satisfying.
Title: Voyeuristic Displeasure Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: seeing everything is not so fun
Bond's hands were big and rough, stronger than they had any right to be.
He had been observing them with varying degrees of interest over the years, stuck behind his computers or out in the field - air straining in his lungs with the knowledge that the other's life depended on how fast and how smart he could be.
He watched Bond strut along the deck, hand poised low on someone's lower back, head tilted down in a way that suggested he was focusing on whatever he was being told, seemingly enraptured in them - Bond played the part well but he knew what signs to look for, to spot the seams of the almost perfect façade: he darted glances around, favoring his right side, trying to keep under the eye of the cameras that he knew to be in friendly hands.
The hand slipped lower, fingers teasingly dipping beneath the edge of the brightly colored bathing suit his companion was wearing - shameless.
Almost teasing.
He stood up with a weary sigh, empty mug held aloft: he was going to need a strongly brewed cup of tea, if he had to watch Bond flirt his way into another bed.
Title: International Man Of Mystery Author: Merc / moon_of_mercury Warnings: none Summary: Some players never make it to places like Casino Royale. Others... acquire nice cars on the way.
She has encountered many interesting characters in her career, some more remarkable than others. Poker tends to attract extraordinary people. It isn’t always easily definable: something about this man arrests her attention the moment he walks up to the table, asking to join the game even though she’s already cutting the deck. 
He flashes a cocky smile at everyone, reads his opponents like a professional, and pleads with her to let the unlucky Mr. Dimitrios bet his car to win his money back. She complies, amused. Such self-sufficient arrogance would be offending if not for his friendly politeness. The way he eyes the man’s wife is not mere casual interest either. Those intense ice-blue eyes have already seen every opportunity. His body language may seem relaxed, but there’s an awareness in his movements that hints at explosive potential underneath the calm surface. 
For an exhilarating moment, she revels in being a part of this man’s story. It’s as clear as day that he’s used to playing for much higher stakes. She wonders what the real prize here is.
Dimitrios has lost again even before this stranger shows his cards. Men like him bend luck to their will. 
Title: Crossroads Author: Hexiva Warnings: None Summary: James Bond visits a fortune teller.
The man’s cold blue eyes look past Serenity as he steps into her fortune-telling tent, and she shivers. His aura is like ice, a vast glacier with life frozen deep down inside it. He reminds her of a mobster from some old movie, wealthy but brutal. 
“What do you want to learn?” she asks.
“The future,” he says, distractedly. She follows his eyes to a bearded man standing at the high striker, speaking in Russian. 
She shuffles her deck. “There are two paths before everyone,” she says. “This choice is yours.” She draws two. “First path - The Lovers, the Star. Companionship and connection bringing hope. Choose the Lovers' path, and you will find a new beginning. A second chance.”
“And the other?” he asks. His tone is flat and apathetic. He doesn't believe in hope.
She draws again.  “The Emperor, the Hermit, both reversed. Rigidity and repression bringing isolation and misery. Choose the Emperor's path and you will end up alone.”
But the man is looking past her at the Russian, and he stands. “Thanks." A wry little smile. "But I think I already know what path I’m on.”
She watches him go. In his shadow, she sees the Emperor.
Title: Observation Deck Author: Anyawen Warnings: none Summary: Mallory and Tanner contemplate employee relations.
Mallory surveyed the scene before him, sipping his scotch and trying, fruitlessly, to tune out the horrid rendition of 'Deck the Halls' playing overhead.
"We should do something about that," Tanner said, coming to stand beside him.
"About what?"
"That," Tanner replied, gesturing in the direction of Bond and Q. "Them."
The Quartermaster, decked out in a horrible Christmas jumper, looked exasperated. Bond, naturally, looked smug. They appeared to have entirely forgotten the holiday party happening around them as they argued. Flirted. Whatever.
"Trying to stop that from happening would be an exercise in rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic," Mallory said with a bemused smile. "Utterly futile."
"I don't want to discourage them," Tanner protested as Q cracked an unwilling smile at something Bond said.
"What, then?"
"A little push? Mistletoe? Lock them in a closet?" Tanner suggested hopefully.
"That might be construed as stacking the deck in your favor," Mallory observed mildly.
"You know about the bet?" Tanner spluttered as Q stole Bond's champagne glass and drained it to Bond's mock outrage.
"Spy," Mallory explained succinctly.
Tanner nodded wry acknowledgement.
They continued their silent observations a few minutes more, then Tanner asked, "What day did you pick?"
"April first."
Title: Nighttime Invasion Author: SouffleGirl91 Warnings: vague references to blood, swearing Summary: Q’s cat is not impressed by 3am visitors
A crumpled heap hit the floor. She hissed, tail bushy, ready to pounce on the intruder.
Gunpowder Man was invading her space.
“Q?” Gunpowder Man whisper-shouted. He sounded different. “Are you awake?”
Something dark dripped from his nose.
She sniffed cautiously. He stank of copper and salt. Still, it was better than the strong, sour reek of last time.
A light came on in Father’s bedroom.
Gunpowder Man lifted himself up and wobbled to the sofa. Walking on two legs seemed harder for him than usual.
“Bond?” Father came traipsing up behind him, making the room light up. “What the fuck? It’s 3 in the bloody morning. You couldn’t wait?”
“What, you’re not happy to see me?” Gunpowder Man used the false-happy tone Father used when he tricked her into The Basket.
Another dark drip.
“Don’t be stupid,” Father tsked, petting Gunpowder Man softly on the shoulder. That should help; Father gave the best pets. “Why don’t I put the - Christ, Bond! What happened to your nose?”
“It’s not broken. She hit me when I told her I was staying.”
“I thought psychologists were meant to keep their cool,” Father sighed. “Come on, let’s clean you up.”
Title: A confession of a deck Author: scarytheory Warnings: none Summary: James Bond would be lost without me.
I'd like to think that James and I are not just colleagues, but friends.
You know, we’ve been through a lot together. Cottages in forgotten lands, first-class casinos, important fights – I’d always been with him and helped him along the way.
But this game is different.
“That’s not fair, James,” the opponent says, watching his stack of cards.
“I’m not cheating, Q.”
The opponent snorts. “You may be the best player the MI6’s ever had, but even you can’t be THAT good, 007. Aces again? That’s not very subtle.”
“You were the one who said poker is just basic math and all about the art of reading people. So stop whinging and take off your shirt.”
Beg your pardon?
There is something disturbing in the air. I don’t think I want to give the good cards to James anymore. “Happy?”
The shirt falls to the floor.
The next round, Q loses his pants. I’m starting to think that this isn’t even about poker!
“I won.”
Finally, it’s over and I can relax again. Even though I’m not sure what this young lad can have that James Bond would be interested in… oh.
Title: Camouflage Author: IrishWitch58 Warnings: None Summary: A certain agent and their partner are in the field. The local perspective.
Grace's eyes were drawn to her first customers on the deck overlooking the harbor. They were as unlike as could be but Grace would have known they were together with just a glance. The subtle leaning in, the eye contact, the briefest brush of a hand. Not honeymooners but the established kind of connection that took time and patience. The younger man was dark and slender and had a tan that was honey gold. The older one was broader and blond and that one sent tingles up her spine. Her brother and his military buddies were like that, poised and watchful. She didn't see a weapon but suspected he was armed. They'd arrived three days ago in a beautifully restored vintage sailboat, walking the less traveled portions of the island.
Passing Grace, Mimi muttered “Spies posing as tourists.”
Gracie scoffed at Mimi's imagination. What were they spying on here, conch recipes? Then a new boat dropped anchor. The blond saw it first and the dark haired one checked the tablet he always seemed to have before nodding and finishing his chowder.
The pretty sailboat pulled up anchor the next dawn and the new boat was found derelict two days later.
Title: Missing Him Author: Nana-chan Warnings: Summary: Austen the cat watches as her human pines for the Blond One
From her perch on the living room sofa, Austen looks disapprovingly at her bespectacled human. He is out on the deck again, smoking and no doubt pining for the Blond One. He is a relatively new addition to the household and has been gone for several days now, as is his habit. Keats—that dummy—misses him, too, as he meows and gazes forlornly at the front door.
She herself is unsure of the Blond One, but she doesn’t like it when her human is all sad and distracted, reeking of cigarette smoke and unresponsive to feline overtures of comfort. She feels powerless to help him. How did one man become so essential to her human’s happiness?
Then a key turns, the door opens, and there he is. The Blond One dumps his bag in the foyer and heads straight for the deck, pausing only to give her a brief head scritch. She watches as he folds her human into his arms and starts grooming him in that strange way humans have, with their mouths fused.
She hears her human laugh, gladness and relief evident in his tones, and finally, she makes up her mind about the Blond One.
Title: Origin of a Voyeur Author: stormofsharpthings Warnings: none Summary: There was a legitimate reason to start going through all the Q Branch security footage, dammit!
After the small accidental volcano destroyed lab 7b, no one could recall who’d last checked the fire suppression system. Exasperated, R pulled up the security videos in hopes of spotting someone. The recording of Q and 007 was entirely unrelated, but she just couldn’t look away.
Q had been helping Bond dress for some formal event, tuxedo carefully tailored to conceal the equipment Q was arranging around his body. The scene resembled a squire helping his knight, except...
R bit her lip at the way Q stroked his fingertips down the front of Bond’s suit to check the drape of the fabric, evading Bond’s hungry gaze with a sly little quirk to his mouth. Then Q leaned close, reaching around to run his hands over the back of the jacket, lingering a little over Bond’s well-proportioned backside before he sank to one knee and brushed along the sides of the trousers.
“There, all decked out,” Q murmured.
Bond reached down to cradle Q’s chin in his hand and Q looked up with a provocative lick of his lips, the heat almost visibly simmering between them. Bond took a deep breath, his fingers tightening, and Q ‘s eyes widened and then slid shut as he turned to brush his lips against Bond’s thumb. When Bond made a low rough sound, both Q and Rani swallowed at the same time.
Then the outer office door slammed and she hurriedly shut her computer down, blushing. But she saved a private copy first.
Title: The Bet Author: Venstar Warnings: none Summary: Bets are made, there will be blood.
Oh, yes. It was going to happen. The tension was palpable in the room, yes he said palpable in his interior monologue. Just fucking get closer. Do it already. He was going to win that bet today by fuck. He leaned forward in anticipation, eyes locked on target. Yes. Yes….Keep going...almost….
Fuck, goddammit. Not again! He narrowed his eyes. There was no way another attack by water was happening. Dammit. Fake or not they were going to have to clear the god damned building. He sighed heavily as he turned sad eyes back to where 007 and Q had been quietly eyeing each other. They were gone. “What the fuck?” Where? There! The orange of Q’s cardigan turned a corner.  He was not about to lose the 'THEY FINALLY MADE OUT DAY' be! He ignored the rest of Q’branch’s leads as they ordered the evacuation.
Fuck. It was R.
“And just where are you going? Exit is that way.”
He turned with hunched shoulders to find R smiling at him. Her eyes flitted past him to where Q and 007 had disappeared to. “THAT bet will only be won when it’s officially my day.”
Title: Specs and the Lady Author: solarmorrigan Warnings: None. Summary: Louis has been a bartender for a long time, but occasionally patrons can still surprise him.
The Friday night crowd seethes around the bar in waves, laughing and calling out their orders. Louis has been a bartender a long time, which means he can keep up with the steady roll of vodka-tonic-scotch-and-soda-bottle-bottle-pint and still keep an eye on the floor for trouble.
Trouble like the man in specs and a loud jumper bumping into an over-drunk man in a worn football jersey, spilling both their drinks.
Specs’ mouth forms the word ‘sorry,’ but Jersey isn’t having it. He grabs Specs’ jumper, but before Louis can even call for Paul—their unofficial bouncer-bartender—a lady slides in between them, curly hair and cunning eyes, and pulls Jersey’s hand away.
Jersey shoves the lady, and viper-quick, she decks him. Jersey goes down.
Louis lets out a surprised laugh. The lady looks quite pleased. Specs looks exasperated, though Louis doesn’t know why; if he had someone like that in his corner, all squared shoulders and terrifying heels, he’d be delighted. Then again, from Specs’ half-laughing attempt at chastisement that carries in the surprised lull in noise (“Really, Eve?”), this isn’t the first time it’s happened.
“Just take Jersey out,” Louis bids as Paul moves in, “Specs and the lady are fine.”
Title: Eyes on You Author: oldestcharm Warnings: n/a Summary: The Quartermaster is enjoying his afternoon and Bond is far too concerned about his garden.
She's good at her job. So good, in fact, that she's currently hidden from sight with her scope right on MI6's Quartermaster himself. He's sitting on the deck of his house, enjoying the sunny weather with a girly drink in one hand and a laptop resting on his thighs. He's typing furiously, paying no attention to his surroundings. All she has to do is take one shot.  
Then, the sprinklers turn on.  
She does her best to not make a sound even as her phone buzzes.
4:27 pm:
There are over twenty cameras on the property.
4:28 pm:
I suggest you get out of my hydrangea bush. James worked rather hard on the garden and he won't be pleased to find you there.
A click behind her — probably a gun. "You've ruined my garden."
She turns around and finds herself face to face with the legendary agent. She cringes. "I'm... very sorry?"
Bond does not look amused. "You're fixing this before you leave."
"You're not going to kill me?" she asks, heart pounding.
"Q wants you for his team." Bond sighs, looking more annoyed than anything. "Either you accept or I'll shoot you."
Well, it's not exactly a choice.
Title: Over It Author: MrKsan / starrboned Warnings: Canon-Typical language Summary: Tanner is nervous.
Ferrying through the maze of the Thames tunnels was often a nerve-wracking job. More so when his passengers were nervous. More so when it was the Chief of Staff who was sitting across from him, restless, tap-tap-tapping on his cardboard box.
Tanner gave Jack an awkward smile as they docked, climbing the narrow ladder just as the Quartermaster stormed into view.
“I’m going to skin the twat alive, Bill!“ he hissed, making Tanner stumble to a stop. “Didn’t even try to cover his tracks.”
Jack grinned. Only one man could piss Q off that much.
Tanner sighed, resigned. “I’ll inform M-”
“Already did,” Q huffed.
"Not risking my career for him again, Bill."
Jack dared a peek at the couple; the conversation was taking an unexpected turn.
Tanner blinked, once, twice, before seeming to come to a decision. He shoved the cardboard box at Q.
“Thought we could share breakfast, since our dinner last night was interrupted? Bad timing, of course- ”
"Bill,” Q said, and Jack saw the silver of a smirk. "I would love to."
Pulling a crumpled cigarette from under his heavy coat, Jack couldn't help but grin to himself.
MI6 and their drama.
Go vote!
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charlottemadison42 · 5 years
Crowley has never worn real shoes
Excerpted from ‘Fake Snakesin Boots’
“You can't have always faked your shoes? All of them?" Asked Aziraphale, curling up with his wine by the fire pit.
"Had to fake my feet for the whole sandal era anyway, humans got tetchy about it. Thousands of years of that.” Crowley was in fine form tonight, gesturing wildly. “No bloody point tying your ankles up in cowhide when you have to miracle your toes anyhow, it's sort of two for one, so."
Aziraphale's eyes narrowed. "Crowley. Did you fake it during the Louboutin trials?"
"Augh! Ffffff -- 'specially during the Louboutin -- look here, angel."
Vibrating with indignation, Crowley launched up off the couch to strut around the fire on his newly manifested crimson-soled Pigalles. Aziraphale felt a good rant coming on, so he summoned a blanket against the night air and curled up eagerly as if he were back at the Theatre of Marcellus.
"Nobody in Hell," Crowley expounded as he paced, "has ever appreciated my work in fashion and cosmetics. Which, by the by, launched consumer capitalism as we know it. Downstairs gives me instructions to tempt some bloke to look at porn here, or one kid to shoplift there -- just make 'em do it as if they're sock puppets. Then, then they send me commendations for entire sodding imperialist occupations or, or every superfund site ever, or some rrrrot! Always thinking too big or too small.
"When I was busy on Louboutin, Hell sent me a commendation for inventing online harrassment, which, where have they been, and then they ordered me to go all the way to Twickenham to make a football mum lose her temper at a volunteer coach! I mean I knooooow management always gets detached, but how are they that dense?! I ask you gentlemen!"
Aziraphale grinned. "I had fun doing that one. She embarrassed every child on the pitch so terribly that they all vowed to manage their tempers forever. I wrote it up as a win."
"They just -- they can never think about systems, systems angel! Billions of people to tempt, an' no blessed reason to hurt them or force them if we just work on the right scale." Crowley was getting nicely wound up and punctuating his tirade with little pirouettes and poses; he was a wonder in heels and he knew it.
"Take shoe stores. One-stop sin shop. Envy, avarice, wrath, pride, vanity, lust -- not to mention heaping sides of insecurity, pollution, wage theft, class warfare, gender essentialism, buyer's remorse -- auuugh! It's glorious. A masterpiece. Millions of people tempted and tested daily, yet their free will's preserved. And it looks fucking fabulous."
The angel applauded politely with an arched eyebrow. "Our Side commends you."
"Shut it, peanut gallery. Where was I. Faking it." Crowley posed elegantly on one leg and held out an index finger, one moment, so he could drain his glass and set it down before relaunching. "Now I never claimed to be the brightest of infernal agents --"
"Oh but you absolutely have, my dear."
"-- and I do have some self-awareness about the fact that --"
"Since when?!"
"Oi! So I have been known from time to time to cause mischief that creates a certain degree of blowback for, for, for myself, case in point password reset protocols --"
"You, hoisted by your own petard? Never." Aziraphale wiggled just a bit, glowing.
Crowley pivoted around a planter and stalked right up to the angel, casting him in shadow. "Take that tone with me and you're going to get the whole horrifying demonstration up close," he snarled. "As I was saying, prince charming --" He stabbed his right foot up onto the back of the couch, an inch from Aziraphale's elbow, crimson sole gleaming dangerously. The angel flinched back and held his breath, mesmerized.
With a snap Crowley produced a shoe in hand identical to the pair he was wearing. He held it up for close inspection: it was a five-inch-heeled temptation in black and trademarked red, a sinful work of art. It nearly glowed with lust, greed, and corporate hubris.
"Foolish demon though I be, even I know my limits when it comes to suffering through the torments we use to plague humanity. Even I know that if I imagine this thing into existence, it's a dream. But if I try to put this real shoe onto my physical foot --"
"Oh no," gulped Aziraphale, hands flying to his face as he started to chuckle.
Crowley vanished his right shoe and adopted the only stance it is possible to adopt to put on a high heel standing up. While wearing another high heel. While tipsy. The demon's face contorted absurdly and his free hand flailed as he tottered on one wobbly ankle. It was the unsexiest sight imaginable.
The longer it took, the more Aziraphale's laughter rose in pitch and volume, and before long the angel fell on his back on the settee. "You've -- you've -- you've never put on a real shoe before," Aziraphale howled. "You don't even know how, you great -- flamingo!"
"I do! Iss just not -- actually made for nnnngggf for wearing -- it's made for sending people -- gradually to -- Hell --" he staggered and had to hop about madly to get his balance back.
"Stop, you'll discorporate me again," the angel begged.
"Almost got it --" Crowley grunted.
Half by accident and half because he was enjoying this whole bit, Crowley fell hard on his arse on the decking. Aziraphale was in tears. It was easier to wedge the pump into place on the ground, but he couldn't get up, which set off a fresh round of thrashing.
"Ohohoho, that must be how I looked when I first tried you on," laughed Aziraphale.
"Nonsense, I'm completely in control," deadpanned the demon. He finally got up by gripping the copper bowl of the fire pit. His fingers smoked a little but didn't burn.
He staggered clumsily to loom over the angel, grace and swagger evaporated. "See, now I look like you when you wear me. Not to mention I'm in unspeakable discomfort. That's what real shoes do. As I said, and I rest my case: shoes. are. the. worst. Yes, angel, I was faking it for Louboutin."
"My dear fellow," said Aziraphale soberly when he'd finally recovered his breath, "I know these human things can be difficult for us to get a handle on, as occult and ethereal beings. But if I may -- you might have better luck walking if you had put that left shoe you conjured onto your left foot."
Crowley blinked and looked down.
"Well yeh I ngk -- 's a choice. Thassssssss how I like 'em. Free will."
Read the rest on AO3, it is extremely soft fluff
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lonestarbattleship · 3 months
May 12, 2024 Update from the Battleship Texas Foundation
The ship is currently moored at Pier D in Gulf Copper Shipyard where it will continue to undergo repairs and preparations to become a museum ship once again!
DECK REPAIRS: The decking on the ship's bow and superstructure deck has been removed. Steelworkers have been locating and repairing any pinholes found in the steel deck. A pressure treated pine will be put back on the deck once repairs and a proper coating has been applied. Yes, some of this wood is being saved to produce items to raise funds.
For more information on the deck click here: link
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One of Gulf Coppers workers pressure washing the deck to help prepare it for blasting and painting.
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Battleship Texas Foundation and Valkor working side by side to remove a coaming to make re-decking easier.
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With the coaming removed, what is probably the very last of the 1913 pine deck is exposed.
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A deck drain inside the armored citadel on second deck has been un-blanked and reinstalled.
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The last of the wood has been removed from the superstructure deck.
SMOKE STACK REPAIR: The ship's smoke stack is being repaired so that it becomes watertight. Both the whistle piping and siren will be added when repairs conclude.
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A Gulf Copper welder working on the smokestack.
TURRET WATER SHEDS: The turret water sheds are being removed from the turrets to be repaired. There is a considerable amount of corrosion between the layers of steel that needs to be addressed before the ship is repainted.
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Turret Two has had all of the turret water sheds removed and are currently being worked on.
RADAR TOP MAST: The radar top mast has been removed from the ship's main mast and will receive structural repairs before being placed back on the ship.
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Fire control radar base for the aft fire control tower being fabricated.
MAIN MAST: The deck on the ship's main mast is being repaired and replaced in certain areas. Gun mounts are also being added back.
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Battle gaff for the main mast has been repaired and painted along with other steel to be used for repairs.
WHAT’S NEXT? - Battleship Texas will remain at Gulf Copper Shipyard for until her new home is ready for her. Additional steel work, replacement of the ship’s deck, aft fire control restoration, and painting will be done during this time.
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A non-original vent that was installed when the ship was being prepared to become a museum has been removed and the deck closed.
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One of eight new floater net baskets being fabricated by Gulf Copper.
TOURING? - The Battleship Texas Foundation is working on new touring opportunities before the ship reopens.
REOPENING? - There is a lot to be done before the ship is ready for touring at its new home in Galveston, Texas. Reopening is projected to happen sometime in the later half of 2025.
MISSING GUNS? - The ship's anti-aircraft guns are currently undergoing restoration. The guns and gun directors will be replaced once their restoration is complete.
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All three of the port side 5"/51 guns have had their bases reinstalled.
Come on Texas!
To donate to the preservation and operation of Battleship Texas, please visit: https://battleshiptexas.org/
Support Battleship Texas by making a purchase through the ship's store: https://store.battleshiptexas.org"
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Facebook page: link
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saltlampsasuke · 4 years
Unfortunately, You Are Experiencing Symptoms of Falling in Love: Part 3
Having your long-term boyfriend cheat on you is pretty bad, but you're lucky enough to have a rich, pro-hero best friend who lets you move in with him until you get a new apartment. Except lockdown happens. And you can't look for a new apartment anymore, and you can't go anywhere anymore, and neither can your best friend, and you think you might be falling a little bit in love with him. Or maybe you've been in love with him all along.
The story of how it takes a nationwide lockdown for you and Bakugou Katsuki to finally get together, part 3!
warnings: Coronavirus mentions
wordcount: 2,384
I stayed up til like 3 am to finish this chapter because I wanted the first day to be over so bad :/ so please like it. Also I don’t know why that scene with the old lady happened she just wanted to be written. I kinda want to make her a side character oops
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Katsuki’s apartment never failed to impress you. You didn’t remember much about it, having only visited a few times, and he was reluctant to allow even his closest friends to explore his living space with wild abandon. You had to admit, you were excited to get to see his entire living space up close and personal. Kirishima was going to be so jealous, you thought to yourself, even cracking a slight smile. Even the lobby of the apartment building was sleek and professional, befitting the number two hero. And it was secure as well.
“Alright, sit tight. I have to get your dumb face a security login so that you can get in and out without me having to escort you everywhere like some fucking bodyguard,” said Bakugou. You smiled and plopped down on one of the plush lobby chairs, enjoying sinking into the luxurious cushions while Katsuki talked to the lady at the front counter. “I need to add her to my room permissions. Can you make her a card?”
The woman at the counter desk seemed sweet, a fact that was confirmed when you heard Katsuki speak to her without a single harsh word. He had always had a soft spot for grandma type. Her wrinkled face lit up as she glanced down to see you.
“Oh Katsuki, you’ve finally brought over a girlfriend! I’m so happy to see it, I knew you had it in you!” the woman exclaimed. Your eyes widened in surprise, and Katsuki choked in surprise loudly for a few seconds before regaining his voice.
“What? No. No. This is my friend. She’s had some apartment trouble, and she needs a place to stay,” Katsuki explained with the patience he typically reserved for rescue missions. The woman’s smile got even wider.
“Oh, I bet she had some apartment trouble all right. Very well, and how long will she be staying?” You couldn’t see Katsuki’s face, but you could feel him rolling his eyes.
“Indefinitely.” The woman at the counter raised her eyebrows sky-high.
“So you mean to say that you are having this gorgeous young lady move in with you for an indefinite period of time, and she’s not your girlfriend?” You giggled to yourself once more. Clearly, this old woman was the type to give Katsuki a run for his money. Back in high school, he already would have been yelling his head off, and while you knew he was still holding it in, he was mature enough to remain calm. Well, as calm as he could be. Watching him try to hold himself back was highly entertaining.
“Old woman, I am telling you she’s not my girlfriend. End of discussion. Now give her a card.” Katsuki folded his arms across his chest. He meant business, and the woman at the counter seemed to realize that he wasn’t in the mood. While part of you wanted to relax in the comfy chair and watch your friend get teased by an old lady while he tried not to blow up at her, the other part just wanted to lie down and go to bed. It wasn’t quite night yet, just around the time you would want to be eating the dinner you had planned to make for Takumi, but the events of the past few hours had you drained. The woman nodded, still smiling brightly.
“Alright, alright, I believe you. I’ll just need some form of identification to put her into our system and the card will be in your mailbox by tomorrow morning. Sound good?” Katsuki nodded, while you handed him your driver’s license. She quickly scanned it into the system and handed it back to you, and you stood up, following Katsuki to the elevator. The doors to the elevator closed, and you saw Katsuki swipe his access card and push the button for the top floor. Odd. You could have sworn he lived somewhere in the middle of the building.
“Sorry about the old woman. She means well,” Katsuki said gruffly. “She’s just too nosy for her own damn good, and she’s always trying to set me up with her friend’s granddaughters. Telling me I need to settle down. Fucking ridiculous.” You had to laugh as well. Katsuki had never been the type for long-term relationships, you had always been the one of your duo to peruse that. Takumi had been your third long-term relationship, and there had been many dates and flirting phases with others beforehand, but you could count on one hand the number of women Katsuki had ever mentioned to you. You knew he had hookups sometimes; never taking the women back to his place. And there had been one girl you had actually met, though she hadn’t lasted either. He hadn’t been too sad, though, claiming she had tried to get with him for his hero status. If there was one thing Katsuki wasn’t, it was superficial. He was honest to a fault, and he didn’t respect anyone who didn’t act the same.
“I think she’s nice,” you replied happily.
“Of course you do. Probably going to end up going over to her apartment for tea every fucking week,” grumbled Katsuki. Your face lit up.
“She’ll invite me for tea?”
“Shut up. I’ll make you tea if you want it so goddamn bad, what do you need her for?” The elevator dinged, signaling your arrival at the top floor. Confused, you turned to Katsuki.
“I didn’t think you lived on the top floor?” Katsuki turned to you, raising an eyebrow.
“Ah yeah, it’s a bit of a recent thing. I moved in about a month ago. The old owner moved out, and I decided to upgrade. Got the whole floor to myself. I was gonna let you take a peek at the new setup, but you’ve been pretty busy.” You frowned, curling slightly inward on yourself. You had been neglecting your relationships for your work lately, and you had been neglecting Katsuki for Takumi as well.
“I’m sorry,” you said with a small voice.
“Doesn’t fucking matter, don’t care. Just follow me.” Katsuki lead you down a short hallway to another locked door, which he swiped to let you in, holding the door open for you. The first door lead to a small room with a coat and shoe rack, where you carefully placed you’re your shoes. Katsuki handed you a pair of house slippers, which fit surprisingly well. You wondered to yourself why he had them when his feet were so much bigger than your, but you were distracted by the opening of the second door that revealed Katsuki’s new penthouse apartment.
The apartment screamed “bachelor pad” dominated by black and grey tones, with the occasional pop of orange. Katsuki’s colors. It had a very modern, open feel to it, with lots of steel fixtures and open space. The living room was wide, with a large couch placed center in front of an even larger tv. Behind it, visible due to the mostly open-floor plan of the apartment, was the kitchen, decked out with the finest culinary tools. You almost drooled when you saw the solid copper pots. Then again, Katsuki had always been a talented and devoted cook, so it didn’t surprise you to see that he had invested heavily in his kitchen. There was even a loft above the kitchen that looked like another, smaller, lounge area. The full-length windows let in the soft light of the sunset. There were a few doors on the sides that likely lead to the rest of the apartment, and you followed Katsuki as he moved to show them to you.
“There’s a private pool on the second floor, nothing too big, I thought it might be nice for a get-together or something. Been thinking about maybe having more people over to the new place, thought it might be nice. There’s also a workout room, I don’t use it too much because the agency’s got more machines and shit, but it’s nice to have one on hand. There’s two bathrooms, but only one with a bath and everything, so we’ll be sharing. Don’t put your crap everywhere. Your room is on the left, mine is on the right.”
Your room was smaller than Katsuki’s, as he had the master with bathroom attached. Sure it wouldn’t be ideal to have to use a shower that you had to walk through his room to get to, but it wouldn’t be an issue. You were both adults, and hopefully you would be moving out to your own place soon enough. Still, you knew you would be comfortable here.
“Is it ok if I go to sleep soon?” you asked Katsuki. His eyes bugged out.
“Are you stupid? You want to go to bed without eating dinner? If you live in my house, you follow my rules, and one of my rules is making sure you fucking eat,” Katsuki barked. You smiled carefully, sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I guess it kind of slipped my mind, but I’m not really that hungry,” you replied. Which was true. Now that you had finally started to settle down again, all of the pain of the day was starting to rush back. You had distracted yourself with the move earlier, but now that you had arrived, you didn’t have anything to focus on. True, you should probably eat. But you weren’t really in the mood to move at all right now. You flopped down on the bed, sprawling across it.
“You have to eat. I don’t care what you want. I’ll make something simple, just eggs on rice. You like that boring shit, don’t you? I’ll do you a favor and make it all gross and tasteless just how you like it,” Katsuki declared.
“You’re the one who makes food that Satan himself would be afraid to eat for fear of burning his mouth off. I’m not the weirdo here, Katsuki.” He laughed brightly.
“No, you’re the coward here. Go jump in the shower, princess, get cleaned up. I’ll get dinner ready. Now you were the one choking in surprise, flustered that he had actually taken your flippant comment in the car at face value.
“Princess? Where did that come from?” you asked with confusion.
“Are you seriously going to tell me you want another new nickname? You said it was fine in the car,” Katsuki said, half teasingly, half seriously. You sputtered, trying to come up with words to defend yourself.
“Well, I didn’t think you were serious. Clearly I wasn’t!” you replied, as Katsuki moved out of your new room towards the kitchen.
“Too fucking bad, picky princess. Now seriously, you need a shower. You’re tracking that bastard’s germs all over my house.” What he said wasn’t scientifically true, but you knew you would feel better after having washed any traces of Takumi off of you, metaphorically and physically scrubbing him out of your life.
You padded behind Katsuki as he grabbed a towel out of a small closet and tossed it at you. It was big and soft, and smelled like his detergent. You couldn’t help but wrap it around you a little. Katsuki’s room was predictably clean, like the neat freak he was, and you were saddened to note the absence of anything to poke fun at him for. The master bathroom was large and fancy like the rest of the house, and Katsuki had to show you how to work the shower before he could leave to start dinner. You were about to have him head out so you could clean up when you realized something.
“Katsuki, what am I going to wear after the shower?” You saw his face fall slightly.
“Shit. Let me grab something.” You heard him rustle around in his drawers, and he pulled out a soft shirt, hoodie, shorts, and boxers, handing them to you. Part of you felt a bit weird about borrowing your friend’s underwear, but it couldn’t be helped. If you had packed, you wouldn’t be in this situation, so you really had nothing to complain about. “You can use these. I’ll wash your stuff so you can wear it when we pack up tomorrow. And you can grab whatever hair and body stuff you need as well, just open something new if you need it. I’ll get dinner. Don’t take a fucking century.” With that, he closed the door and left for the kitchen.
Katsuki’s shower was fantastic. Sure, Takumi had convinced you to splurge on a fancier apartment than you were used to, but this was next level. And all of Katsuki’s products were high-quality as well. You almost wanted to steal them for yourself, though that put you at the risk of permanently smelling like him. You almost thought it would be worth it, you thought to yourself as you slathered on moisturizer.
You pulled on Katsuki’s clothes, which were a bit too big, but manageable. Thank goodness for drawstring pants. He had times dinner perfectly, sliding the fried eggs over the rice right as you stepped into the kitchen. Smelling the food, you realized you were hungrier than you thought you had been. You inhaled the food, thanking him profusely. He shook his head, knowing he had been right. After you finished eating, it was closer to nighttime, and you felt the day beginning to crash over you again, this time inspiring the urge to sleep. Katsuki noticed quickly.
“You aren’t going to be any use at all if you’re tired. Get some sleep, princess. We have a big day tomorrow.” You nodded sleepily in agreement, and walked over to what was now “your” room. Katsuki stood in the doorway as you snuggled into the covers, and reached to turn out the light. You spoke quietly.
“Seriously, Katsuki. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for this. It’s too much.” The room went dark, and you heard the door start to swing closed.
“Don’t be stupid. You don’t have to pay my back. Don’t even fucking think about it. I won’t let you. And don’t thank me either,” he said quietly, a slight edge to his voice. “I’m doing this because I want to. So shut up and go to bed. You need to be ready for tomorrow.”
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author-morgan · 4 years
Kryptic ↟ Deimos
twenty-one - reunions and hushed whispers
But the great leveler, Death: not even the gods can defend a man, not even one they love, that day when fate takes hold and lays him out at last.
Death submits to no one, not even Dread and Destruction.
They are both weapons of flesh and bone, of warm blood and beating hearts, and they cannot be controlled.
A BIREME FLANKS the Adrestia slowing the escape from a three-masted pirate war galley quickly approaching. Confrontation is inevitable and the crew is already exhausted. It had been seven days since they parted Korinth and still another two days lay ahead before reaching Keos. The seas had not been kind. “We can’t shake them, Kassandra!” Barnabas shouts, adding his weight to help Reza push against the rudder in an attempt to veer off to the left.
The Eagle Bearer grips onto the railing at the helm, swaying with the unsteady seas and collisions with the accosting bireme —she is the commander of the vessel but does not feel it now. This is only her second true naval battle. Lesya scales the rigging. “Keleustes!” She calls with the rage of Ares. “Oars out and heave left!” Tens of oars extend out and down into the water, pushing them forward and to the left with Barnabas and Reza at the rudder. The fast, rhythmic beat of the auletes’ drum resonates in her chest, echoing the beat of her heart. Slowly, then with a great burst, the Adrestia pulls away from the bireme —granting an opening to strike.
“Bow!” She shouts, jumping from the rigging and plucking several arrows from a barrel next to the brazier trough. Philoetios throws an olive bow to her at the same time she catches it, Lesya turns to the side —a lucky spear throw cutting through the air in front of her and splashing into the water. The cloth-wrapped arrow catches flames once she touches the oil-soaked rag to the lit brazier. Drawing back the nocked arrow, she shoots for the dark sail. Fire catches and spreads out in all directions, quickly engulfing the flax sail. Lighting another arrow, she eyes a stack of clay jars at the stern —filled with oil— and takes aim though it appears she is firing into the sun.
A moment passes where everyone aboard holds their breath, losing track of the flaming arrow against the sky. A torrent of flame and screams erupts —the arrow had found its mark. Cries of victory erupt across the deck, but the fight is not over, and the drums of the war galley make that clear. The three-masted ship bears black sails neither Lesya nor Kassandra have seen before, but Barnabas recognizes the rearing, red ram with a serpent tongue as the colors of Pirate Island. A ship under the command of Xenia —the pirate Kassandra seeks an audience with.
Both triremes are on a path of collision. Impact is unavoidable. “Brace!” Barnabas cries. Deckhands lower into a crouch, gripping onto the rope running the length of the deck. The Adrestia rocks to the side —splinters of wood exploding into the air. Before the ship steadies itself, Lesya is charging —shouting, she throws herself into the air, over the churning abyss, and onto the war galley, duel blades drawn.
Rising, she thrusts one blade up through a man’s jaw as he approaches —blood sluices down the fuller, over her hand— and throws the other though her focus is on the captain. It finds an opening in the eye-sight of a bronze helmet and the wearer tumbles back. Lesya moves in a fury of copper hair and blood. Wrenching a spear free from the belly of a corpse with a trail of entrails, she singles out the lone deckhand standing near the captain and hurls it toward the man. The spear hammers into his chest —blood and bile gurgling from his mouth before collapsing. Behind her, she can hear Kassandra fighting too.
The captain levels his kopis, not giving her the opportunity to strike first. She blocks the blow from the captain and kicks him in the gut, sending him reeling back into the steps leading to the kybernetes’ chair. He looks up as she approaches and the color drains from his face —the pirate had only known one person in all of Hellas to have copper hair and laurel eyes. Lesya kicks the sword from his hand and pins the captain in place with her foot, the point of her blade pressing into his throat. He swallows hard and weighs what could be his last words carefully. “Lesya?” The captain asks, his voice hardly a whisper.
Lesya retracts her blade and staggers back as though she's taken a severe blow to the stomach. “Tundareos,” she breathes, placing the bright blue eyes and sandy brown hair from the boy she had once known to the man standing before her. Tundareos’ smile grows. He left Athens as a boy of eleven —a stowaway on a merchant vessel— intent on finding his sister. After years of searching, the gods saw fit to bring them together alas.
He lifts his hand to her cheek, laughing. “You–“ Tundareos skims over her freckled face, still in disbelief “–you’re alive.” She nods. The gods had taught her to survive, though it had come at a cost. Her brother engulfs her in his arms, holding her tight and exultant to know his own hardships had not been in vain. Lesya loosely clutches the back of his poor-fitting linothorax armor.
Stepping back, Tundareos takes in the destruction and blood, letting out a deep sigh that dampens his spirits —he had fought alongside many of the fallen for years. “Xenia won’t be happy to hear she’s lost more men.” The seas had become more treacherous since the war began between Sparta and Athens, even for pirates.
Kassandra overhears the mention of the pirate commander and approaches. “You know Xenia?” The misthios asks, returning the broken spear of Leonidas to the sheath on her quiver. “Kassandra seeks an audience with her,” Lesya adds, “she’s in the market for information.”
Tundareos looks over the Eagle Bearer then back to his sister. “I can vouch for you,” he decides, “this can just be a misunderstanding.” After all, neither party had known the other before the collision. Lesya’s lips kink into a smile and Kass lets out a slow breath of relief.
The war galley is called the Ippalkimon and is one of the finest ships under Xenia’s command. Now there are not enough men to bring the trireme back to port. Lesya and Tundareos secure several long ropes together, tying them to the stern of the Adrestia and bow of the Ippalkimon. They will see Tundareos and what remains of his crew back to Keos safely, though towing the pirate trireme will slow their journey by several days.
ONE OF THE Cultists throws down an iron poker—cold and bent. His face set in a grim line behind the painted ivory mask. Deimos had delivered word of the brute’s failure in Korinth. His sister and Lesya had done their damage and fled before he arrived. “The Monger failed,” he tells the gathering, a wave of grumbling displeasure spreads through them. None realize Deimos listens in the labyrinth of tunnels above the great bronze serpent.
All others in the dark chamber stare at the iron rod, most are in a state of incredulity. “He was the strongest of us,” one dares speak. “The strongest of arm, perhaps,” another muses, “but not of mind.” The Monger was not a skilled tactician or orator, relying on brute strength and fear to keep Korinthia under his yoke for so long. With his death, the Cult had lost sway over the land and people that would not be easily reclaimed.
“Do you forget we have another,” a third figure says with a soft, feminine voice, “fiercer than the Monger, with sharp wits?” She speaks of Deimos —Chrysis’ beloved champion and their greatest weapon. It had been far too long since they put him to use.
The first to speak answers in a low, grating voice. “Deimos is not truly one of us though, is he?” The grandson of Leonidas would never be a true member of their ranks for the blood flowing through his veins. There is a reason he could use the artifact and harness the full power of the Damoklean sword —they raised him to believe himself a demigod, a lie planted from a seed of truth. “He is unpredictable,” the Cultist spits, “like a rabid dog as Kleon said before.”
“Exactly,” says the soft-spoken Cultist, “this is our opportunity to use him to the greatest effect. Or replace him with another.” There was always the sister —if she were to be captured, they could persuade her to see the light of Kosmos and embrace order. “Rumors say she will head to Athens to seek the wisdom of Perikles and Aspasia. Though there’s also whispers she sails for Keos.” Nyx casts a wide shadow across Hellas, few things slip past the Sage of Komos’ eyes.
“Athens?” says another, uncertain as the rest fall silent —the last time Deimos was in Athens they lost Leandros. It had taken weeks to regain what they had lost with his demise.
Nyx nods. “Send him to Athens,” she commends. There were rumors of sickness spreading in the city too. It was likely they would not find another opportunity like this. “Perikles has been a thorn in our foot for too long. Kassandra cannot defeat him.” The others rumbled their agreements in unison. “Nobody can.” But Nyx has forgotten about Deimos’ only weakness, one that is just as ferocious as him in battle.
A twisted Cultist with a hunchback takes a step forward. “What about her?” the airy voice queries. He had not forgotten about Enyo. “She is the only one who can best him and she sails with the sister.”
Grumbles pass through the gathering. Kleon steps forward —his twisted smile hidden behind the grinning, weeping mask. “He will not fight her, though.” He knows Deimos and Enyo will do whatever it takes to protect one another, even now. “The orders will be delivered. Our champion will sail for Athens.” None dare object.
Four of the Cultists leave the chamber and remaining masked figures circle the golden artifact and speak quietly amongst one another. The lone lamp in the center casting their shadows on the chamber walls —titanic, crooked, inhuman. “Deimos failed again in Korinth,” one speaks —so low that Deimos can hardly hear them from his position above. “He’s served his purpose. He is strong, yes, but he thrashes like a bull now that she is gone.” There is a pause as all but one of the figures nods. “You think he will stay in Athens?” He will seek her out again, as he did in Korinth but that is not spoken aloud.
“He is still valuable to us,” another snaps. “He will return to our heel when we call him and gods willing, he will bring Enyo and his sister to us.” With Enyo back at Deimos’ side and the sister under their control too, no one would stand in their way. Footsteps echo through the cave. The Cultists look up. Their masks are already locked in unsettling grins, but behind them, each of the Cultists mimics the expression of their masks as the old messenger comes in and slides to one knee —panting.
@jaegers-and-kaijus @wallsarecrumbling @novastale [if you want to be tagged just let me know!]
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tamalesnsuch · 4 years
Cleaning out my desktop. Here’s another snippet from another WIP that turned out ok, I think.
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
POV: Varric Tethras
Varric: Baseless Accusation
Scratches from a quill and smoke from his pipe wafted into the air in a thick miasma of frustration. Bits of parchment and letters spilled from the bookshelves like scattered thoughts and in the middle was a great stone table littered with half-finished scraps of his latest novel. Seated at the head was the Dwarven Merchant’s Guild Prince, hacking away at his writer’s block with nothing but a quill and his stubbornness. A thump on the balcony distracted him from his thoughts. It sounded like a sack of potatoes being tossed in a heap. Or, Varric mused, it could be a person. Though, not Cole. He was always silent. This had to be her. He looked up at an owlish pair of eyes that stared straight into him. Bless the elves, really, but their eyes were something unsavory; especially in the dark. Varric felt a wry smile quirk his lip, and he crossed his arms and waited.
He heard scuffling and a few grunts of effort followed by a sweet, “Hello, Varric.” He dug around in a drawer for his extra pipe and a bit of tobacco. His smile spread as he saw her copper tuft of curls in disarray.
“Eggs. Lovely to see you, as always. So, what can I do for… “ his voice halted as he took in her blood-soaked shirt. Her left eye was slightly bruised and swollen, but she still wore an amiable smile and sauntered into his room like she owned it. Well, she did, but she didn’t care about things like that. Still, Varric was very fond of his little home-invading Herald.
He let out a low whistle and handed her the pipe. He got up, shuffled around his armoire in the corner and pulled out a fresh tunic and grabbed two sets of glasses of a nearby table. She plucked a dusty bottle from the top shelf and slumped into a chair.
She amused Varric. She was just like Hawke. They both reminded him of a stray cat adopted by the neighborhood. They belonged to no one, and everyone at once. She had that “Hero” quality about her. Though, just like the Champion, there was something feral and dark lurking under a veneer of humor and softness. Enemies saw that side well, and they carefully hid it in public. Varric set the glasses down and tossed the fresh tunic at her. She caught it mid-air and flashed a grateful smile at him before she poured for them both.
“I know.” She cleared her throat and pitched it as low and gravelly as she could, “don’t bleed on my good chair, Eggs.” She beamed at him, and he had to admit that her impression of him was improving. She let out a small huff and pouted at him. “But it’s so comfortable, Varric.” She gave him her puppy eyes, even though she knew that shit doesn’t work on him. A chuckle rumbled in his chest before he answered her.
“Yeah, tell that to Ruffles the next time I put a request in.” He rolled his eyes at her and turned around with a flourish. He heard a shuffling and a little grunt of effort before a defeated “alright, I’m presentable,” came from her side of the table.
“So, that was not your blood, I take it?” He hedged and took a sip of brandy. He peered over the glass at her. She always said more in her face than with her words.
She shrugged and mumbled something about a wyvern being a gusher. Varric was not convinced. She was too cavalier about the damn thing. He handed her a light for her pipe and waited. She’d crack eventually.
Dhea nodded to the pile of paper leaning dangerously on the table. “Is that the one about Vivienne?” Her eyes lit up, forcing harrumph from Varric.
“Yeah, such as it is. At this rate it’ll be kindling –“
“Or privy paper.” She tacked on. They both chuckled, raised their glass and drained it. She poured another for them. Varric grabbed his deck of cards from under a pile of unopened letters.
There was a thud outside his door, followed by Sparkler’s baritone bravado.
“Darling Dhea, my sweet little crumpet of destruction, I know you’re in there. You can’t hide from me!”
She smiled sheepishly at Varric and shrunk in her chair. He sighed and went to grab another glass.
“I brought the cask! You got the door opened yet?” Tiny’s voice boomed from the stairwell. Varric huffed out a laugh and grabbed his largest tankard. Lavellan went to open the door.
She flashed a crooked smile at Dorian and welcomed him inside with a dramatic flourish. He flicked a little spark at her and entered. Bull rushed through the door and threw her into the air. He kissed her on the cheek and placed her back on wobbly feet. “Hey boss!” He boomed, and went over to slap Dorian’s ass. Dorian just sighed dramatically and collapsed into a chair next to Lavellan. Varric smiled at the little invasion. He wasn’t getting any writing done, anyway. And getting Eggs to crack was quite enjoyable. She couldn’t resist all three interrogations, surely.
Dorian clicked his tongue at her and grabbed the drink out of her hand. “You’re not the first person to escape through a window at my behest, you know. But you are the cutest.” Dorian smiled wryly at her before taking a sip. “I do think Solas would agree.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, laughing as she turned crimson.
“I’ve no idea what you are on about. And we all had to flee. Cabot’s aim with that hatchet is too good, and it’s not the first time we stole a cask from the cellar.” She grabbed her drink back and winked at Dorian.
“Ah! It’s dulled. It won’t even break the skin!” Bull roared as he tapped the cask. “Well, I can’t speak for Tevinter over there.” Bull poured a glass for Varric and set it on the table. Varric sighed as he noticed the gore crusted onto Bull’s trousers. Ah, well. It’ll add some personality to his furniture.
“You can, and you do. Quite often, I might add.” Dorian tucked a curl behind Dhea’s ear and resumed waggling his eyebrows.
“Stop that before they fall off. And again, I don’t know why you have this idea that Solas and I are anything more than friends, but we aren’t and you can ask him. He’ll tell you the same.” Lavellan leveled a glare at him. Varric shook his head and chuckled. It was the same face she used in wicked grace, and she was terrible at it.
“Oh, kaffas, he isn’t nearly as fun. And he’d give me that look. Maker knows I only suffer through that after my hand slips while returning a book to him.” Dorian sipped Lavellan’s drink sheepishly. She bellowed out a laugh.
“You throw them at him, and everyone knows it.” She said.
“I won’t comment on that egregious claim. Now hold still.” He hovered an index finger over her bruised eye. It flashed a blue light as the healing magic knitted the skin together. She blinked at him and pecked him on the cheek in thanks.
“You and Chuckles, huh? Can’t say I didn’t see that one coming.” Varric sat down in his chair and resumed smoking. Lavellan picked up her pipe and did her best nonchalant impression. Bull peered at her with his one eye that saw too much. He grinned salaciously.
“No, but you want a bit of that Elven Glory.” Bull guffawed at her reaction and grabbed the cards from Varric’s pile. He started dealing.
“Don’t get all flustered, Boss. We’re only looking out for you.” Bull winked at her and ruffled her hair.
She let out a plume of smoke and shrunk in her chair like some disgruntled baby dragon of denial. She grabbed her cards. “Baseless accusation.” She said and hid behind her hand. Laughter erupted at the table and they started their game.
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