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chaotic-orphan · 6 months ago
Intoxicating Fear (XX)redraft*
Revealing the Monster
Read part one here // Masterpost // Continued from here
Here's the tea, I am redrafting PART XX of this series and uploading it here, this is the canon - but I WILL POST THE NEXT PART TOMORROW!
The new part starts about halfway down XD
I am sorry, I wasn't happy with part XX! SO part XXI tomorrow, thank you for your time. :)
Kit was wary about following Ambrose down a very dark, a very concrete set of stairs. “If this is the fucking torture basement I woke up in initially—”
Ambrose waved the accusation away, as if it was daft for Kit to be wary. “It’s to the garage,” he told him, keying a code into the pin-pad beside the metal door.
Ambrose walked through the door and held it open, rolling his eyes when he noticed Kit still lingering at the top of the stairs.
“Come on.”
“I’m not going to willingly follow you into your torture dungeon.”
Ambrose blinked, tilting his head. “The sex dungeon is two floors down, Mallory.”
Ambrose laughed at the face that Kit pulled. “Come on. I can always force you to come if I want, and we’re kind of a time crunch here.”
Kit glared daggers at the man and begrudgingly walked down the stairs. He stopped at the last step, trying to get a peak into the room. Ambrose walked away from the door letting it close before Kit could. Kit lunged forward to catch the heavy metal door, but relaxed immediately when he saw it was in fact a garage.
Kit let out a long low whistle after stepping into the garage. The door shut with a buzzer after him. Ambrose opened a lock box with keys hung up in a numbered order.
He grabbed the keys named ‘01’.
“You’re such a control freak,” Kit snorted. “Do you have OCD or something?”
Ambrose shrugged, taking off through the cars covered by different tarps. The only car that wasn’t covered was the one closest to the garage door. The same car that Ambrose kidnapped Kit in last night.
He hated that Ambrose had a good taste in cars. He hated that Ambrose had this many cars when Kit couldn’t even afford one, nevermind a garage full.
Ambrose grinned at Kit over the roof of the Wraith as he unlocked the door. “If you like, I can give you one of the ones I don’t like.”
Kit rolled his eyes. “I thought I told you to stay out of my head,” he said, opening the door and climbing into the passenger seat. The cream leather was so comfortable under him as he put his seatbelt on.
“Seriously,” Kit went on, anger curling around him the more comfortable he became with all of Ambrose’s luxury. “Don’t you have any thoughts of your own?! It’s fucking creepy, man. Just ask questions if you want to know my thoughts.”
Ambrose laughed as he opened the garage door with a remote and they rolled out of the house and onto the road again.
“I mean, don’t you have any friends?” Kit demanded hotly. In all honesty, he didn’t know why he was getting pissed all of a sudden, it’s not like Ambrose invading his mind was a new thing, but now? It pissed him off. “Don’t you know how to talk to people?!”
“Relax, Mallory. You’re the only person I relay their thoughts to. It might shock you, but generally, people love when you know what they’re thinking. It’s why humans seek connection. To feel understood.”
“Okay, Socrates,” Kit grumbled. “It’s just fucking weird. I don’t like it when you do it.”
“All of a sudden.”
“Yes!” Kit snapped, glaring at the villain beside him as the forest zoomed past them. “All of a sudden!”
What had Ambrose seen? What parts of him did he know? Could he see everything or was it selective?
“After you found out I’m Mentor’s son,” Ambrose said pointedly. Kit scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring out the passenger window. They drove in a terse silence for a while, cause Ambrose was a psychopath and didn’t have the radio on.
“We have to talk about it, Kit.”
“Well, you already know my thoughts on it all, so enjoy having a conversation by yourself.”
“Mallory,” Ambrose said with a tired sigh, flicking on the indicator as they pulled to a stop. “I know it must seem like a weird coincidence to you, but I swear I didn’t know you were Mentor’s s—”
Kit’s hands tightened into fists. Son. He was about to say son.
“Prodigy,” he settled on, taking a right and messing with the gears until they were coasting again. The air seemed tighter. “I didn’t know that he meant anything to you. I swear— I just assumed that when you were scared of me turning you into him, that you had heard the horror stories in the academy, or Superhero told you. Not that you… not that you were personally affected.”
Kit’s eyes burned as he stared out the window, the forest growing sparser the closer they got to the city. “I didn’t know. You have to believe me.”
“And if you did?”
Ambrose hesitated.
Kit turned his head to look at him, studying the villain’s reactions.
“And if you knew that he was like a father to me.” Like a father, not an actual one. “If you knew how much it hurt to see a man who plucked me out of nothing be destroyed. Would it have been any different?! Or would you have laughed and rubbed it in like salt in a wound?”
“Oh, come off it. There’s no one here, Rosey. It’s only me and you,” Kit said, his voice dripping with a horrible hysterical knowing. “You can be your usual sadistic, unfeeling, monstrous self and I can tell nobody about it—”
“Mallory—” Ambrose tried to interject but Kit spoke over him again.
“But you know the funniest part in all this? You already took away the one person who would have given a shit about this! About me, not the Hero. Me. And you made him a monster!” Kit roared, something wet hitting his cheeks and flowing like a stream down his face. “And now, because clearly God hates me, I have to team up with you of all people, to go and stop — the one man who ever treated me like a person — from becoming a monster like you.”
The silence was deafening. In some strange way, it was comforting. No electricity crackles or malfunctioning lights accompanied his breakdown with the power dampeners locked around his wrist.
It was cathartic.
They had just pulled into the main road that brought them to the outskirts of the city, the skyline visible over the horizon when Ambrose spoke.
“He wasn’t a hero to me,” said Ambrose quietly, almost imperceptibly. Kit glanced at him, but his eyes settled on the white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel.
“Don’t fucking tell me you have daddy issues.” When Ambrose didn’t answer Kit let out a strangled laugh. Blinking in bewilderment, Kit raised his brows. “Are you telling me you have daddy issues? Mr Big Bad villain?”
“Oh fuck off, Mallory. At least I had parents.”
The words stung. They cut deeper than Kit would have ever admitted out loud or shown physically, but Kit knew that Ambrose was in his head after the villain winced.
Shifting in his seat, he said: “I’m— I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off snarky. I just—” Ambrose let out a groan. “You just rub me up the wrong way.”
“Well who’s fucking fault is that, dickhead?!”
“Do you want me to explain, or are you just going to argue with me the entire drive to the hospital?” Ambrose snapped. “I can only do one of those things in our limited time, so choose.”
Kit clenched his teeth, glaring forwards at the car in front of them. “Fine. Tell me.”
“Mentor is my father. As you know, he only rose to prominence within our lifetimes, though you may be too young to remember. Before him, heroes and villains weren’t really a thing. There were a couple dotted here and there, but mostly they were vigilantes. The good guys and the bad guys.”
“Yeah. I remember learning about that in the academy.”
“Right. So after my father rose in public opinion and word of mouth, well the government started stepping in and trying to regulate it. Which they did and the rest is history, but he wasn’t the same heroic good man when he came home.”
Kit swallowed, tightening his fingers into fists. He didn’t want to hear this, he realised. He really wanted Ambrose to shut up and not tell him anymore, but he asked for this, didn’t he? To know the side of Mentor that Ambrose knew?
“He wasn’t abusive,” Ambrose said softly and Kit released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Not physically, anyway. When he discovered that I was born with powers he sought to train me, to make me in his image. A family of Superheroes. My Mom, she didn’t want that for me. She saw the toll it took on him to be the city’s saviour everyday, and that’s when they started fighting.”
Kit sat rigid in his seat, staring forward. He couldn’t imagine Mentor fig— well, no. He could, actually. How many times had Kit walked in on Mentor and Mr Silver arguing? Or Superhero trying to tell Mentor that the next step was a bad idea, that it was too risky.
“I trained hard. When he wanted me to push myself, I pushed myself. When he wanted me to commit 100%, I did 200%. It was never enough for him. None of it was. He wanted a son and a wife who adored him, who worshipped the ground he walked on, and instead he had a family. His ego was a problem.”
Kit cringed at that. Even he knew that Mentor wanted people to adore him, no matter who or why. He wanted to be the city’s saviour, the man on everyone’s tongue and in their thoughts.
Kit let out a breath of a laugh, running a hand through his hair.
“I guess… that’s why he adopted me, isn’t it?” Kit asked, his voice hollow. Ambrose didn’t answer, and that was answer enough. God, how could he be so stupid? How could he not have seen that to Mentor, Kit was just some charity project he knew would always support him. Worship the ground he walked on, defend him even when Kit knew he was in the wrong.
Ambrose opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, setting his lips into a thin line.
“No. It’s okay,” Kit replied, letting out a long breath. “It’s fine, go on.”
Ambrose hesitated, fingers lifting from the steering wheel, before curling around them again. They passed the memorial garden in silence, taking the diversion around the square towards the hospital. They weren’t far away now.
“He started the Hero academy when I was twelve. A school for children with powers to develop their abilities to become heroes. I saw it for what it was though, incentive and resentment. He failed to teach me to control my abilities, and found a fault in me that I couldn’t rectify. My ability wasn’t flashy enough, or showy enough for him, for the great Mentor.”
“He wanted a child who would make the world stop and look at them. Someone who was as fast as him, as strong, but not stronger. In his eyes, I may as well have been born with strong charisma because you couldn’t see the effect of what I could do, only experience it.”
Kit looked down at his wrist, at the power dampeners locked around it. Lightning was flashy. Lightning gave Kit strength and strong reflexes, he was fast, he was flashy. He trained hard, to the point of exhaustion everyday in the Hero Academy. Not caring if he had no friends. Not caring if he passed out from pushing himself too hard. He just had to be the best. It was all he had. It was all he could do.
It wasn’t until he was beating people three years above him that Mentor started to pay him any attention. It felt good at the time. It felt like somebody finally recognised him for what he was.
Mentor made him feel seen. He saw that Kit had put his everything into training, because everything in him was all he had to give.
He didn’t have a family to worry about him getting hurt.
He didn’t have friends that would mourn him if he died in action.
All he had was being a hero.
Of course Mentor would latch onto that. Of course he would pick up on the fact that Kit was desperately trying to prove himself. Of course he would take pity on the orphan and bring him home like a trophy. Show him off to the world.
But that… that wasn’t the Mentor that Kit knew.
He brought him home, but it was after Kit denied him so many times. Told him to piss off, and asked if he was a pervert that prayed on boys his age. Kit had grown up on the streets, he knew what happened to skinny kids like him. One day they’re there, and the next, you never see them again.
Mentor was patient, and kind. He didn’t push Kit after Kit said no, told him he had everything he needed in the academy.
“Then my Mother got sick, and well…” Ambrose said, trailing off, pulling Kit from his memory and back into the car. “After she died it was like he… he didn’t even care. All he cared about was building the city up, saving everyone from possible Villains that lurked in the night. He didn’t sit with her in the hospital because he knew he couldn’t rescue her. He wasn’t there when she—”
Kit was quiet beside Ambrose, head tilted down. He knew what loss was like. He knew the absence a parent can leave behind, but losing someone who meant that? Kit didn’t know how to relate to that. When Omen destroyed Mentor’s mind, it wasn’t the same as if he died because Kit could still go and see him. Still talk to him, even if the Mentor he remembered was dead.
“I’m sorry,” Kit said softly. Ambrose cleared his throat, turning his head so Kit couldn’t see his face.
“Yeah,” he agreed, going rigid. “Me too.”
They drove the rest of the way in silence. It wasn’t far. Five minutes in the car, and two minutes to park.
“Are you…?” Kit began, then cut himself off when he met Ambrose’s black eyes. What was he going to say? Are you Okay? Alright with going into see the unfeeling man who wasn’t a good father? The man you cursed for being…
Ambrose shook his head, no. “Of course I’m fine.”
“Okay,” Kit said with an awkward shrug. They got out of the car, closing the door in unison. Kit thought nothing of it.
It was borderline awkward in the lift. Ambrose kind of just, stood there like a totem pole. His hands behind his back, standing straight up like a serial killer.
“Would you relax?” Kit said, rolling his neck. “You’re making me nervous.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.”
“I’m fine,” Ambrose said slowly, voice cold. Kit shrugged and said: “fine.”
He ahead and almost cried in joy when the doors opened to the ground floor. He stopped at the reception desk. Ambrose was walking and stopped when Kit stopped, two steps ahead and glancing back to see what Kit was doing.
He joined him a moment later, standing beside him and glowering at Heather when she turned and beamed at Kit.
“Hi Heather.”
“Hey, Kit. You goin’ up to—” her big blue eyes trailed to Ambrose beside him, who looked as if he was under a storm cloud, or extremely constipated. “Oh. Hi. Is this your brother?”
Kit’s eyes blew wide, but Ambrose didn’t hesitate. “Yes. Older. We’d like to see—”
“I didn’t know you had a brother, Kit. Of course, darlin’s, go ahead. I’ll let them know you’re coming.”
Ambrose nodded stiffly and stepped back. Kit blinked, shaking his head, and smiled at Heather. “Oh, actually. Was there anything strange with him? Any new visitors or—”
“I’m sorry, hun. I’m just the receptionist for the main desk. You’ll have to ask the nurses up there.”
Kit nodded, standing up. “Thank you, Heather.”
“Anytime. And nice meeting you.”
Ambrose nodded at her. “You too.”
Kit clapped him on the back, a wide grin on his face. “Let’s go, bro.”
Ambrose made a noise and Kit had to stifle a laugh until they were in the stairwell. “What was that!” He barked, laughter bubbling up his throat.
“I— panicked.” [***RE-DRAFT STARTS HERE***]
“I thought you weren’t nervous,” Kit teased. He was turning to walk up the next set of stairs when Ambrose slammed his forearm against Kit’s throat, shoving him back into the corner of the stairwell, pinning him there.
Ambrose’s nostrils flared, his eyes blazing with cold fury down at Kit. “Of course I’m nervous, you fucking child. Tch. Don’t you ever switch off?”
Kit pushed Ambrose’s arm off him, and to his surprise, Ambrose let him, running a hand through his hair and letting out a breath.
The realisation only dawned on Kit, his mouth opening into a small ‘o’.
“You’ve never been to see him.”
Ambrose straightened. The villain returning as he stared down his nose at Kit, a sardonic smile on his lips. “And why should I? He didn’t give my mother that courtesy.”
Kit put his hands up, showing Ambrose he meant nothing by it. “Hey. It’s your decision. Not mine. He’s your dad, not—” the words choked up before he could say them. Ambrose didn’t pry. He knew what Kit was going to say.
Ambrose stared for a moment longer before glancing up the stairs and nodding stiffly.
“Yes. Well.” He cleared his throat and started walking up again. “What floor is it?”
“The fifth,” he replied, starting up the stairs beside Ambrose. “Top floor. They don’t want anyone stumbling amongst the crazies.”
“Probably for the best,” Ambrose muttered. Kit had meant it as a joke, but, he didn’t disagree with Ambrose as they climbed the stairs. Thankful that their footsteps filled the silence he couldn’t in the lift. They knew something had happened when they got to the fifth floor.
Kit stepped in first, Ambrose craning his neck around the door into the hall. Kit breathed a sigh of relief. No police tape, no police, no anything. That meant there was nothing to worry about.
Kit smiled at Ambrose and slapped him on the back, walking towards the door to the locked ward. “See! You were irrational. Overthinking everything. Nothing’s insidious about Mentor. He was here the whole time.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because if he did somehow magically vanish, there would be police and Superheroes and politicians here to interrogate him about what happened.”
“And if they just moved him down to the station to do that?” Ambrose asked, raising his brows. Kit’s smile dimmed a little, but it remained on his face.
“Too much risk. Trust me. Everything will be fine.”
The door buzzed open after Kit waved to the camera and the pair stepped through. Kit walked his usual path to Mentor’s room, and only realised halfway there that Ambrose wasn’t following him anymore. He paused, looking over his shoulder for the villain, before turning after laying eyes on him.
Ambrose stood in the middle of the hall, his eyes blazing and his little finger twitching by his side. A muscle in his jaw clenched and tightened when he met Kit’s questioning eyes.
He swallowed. “This was a mistake.”
“No,” Kit said, coming to stand beside the Villain. “It wasn’t. He’s out of it most of the time anyways, Rosey. He probably won’t even recognise you.”
Black eyes flashed like two burning coals. “He’ll recognise me.”
Kit didn’t tell him that Mentor didn’t recognise Kit for months after his accident. Then again, he didn’t have to. Something smoothed out in Ambrose’s face as Kit remembered his first meeting with a stark raving mad Mentor, who screamed at Kit to get out and leave him be. Kit thought for a minute that Ambrose could see the memory, but quickly remembered that the ward was built of the same power dampening material as the supers-prison and power dampeners.
Ambrose swallowed. “Let’s get this over with,” he said through clenched teeth. This time Kit led the way beside Ambrose, and let Ambrose walk into the room first. Ambrose didn’t falter as he stepped through the door, black eyes settling on his father for the first time since he drove him insane.
Kit followed him in, leaning against the wall beside the door. Mentor was sitting in an armchair, gazing out the window when they arrived. He turned his head and locked eyes with Ambrose and didn’t even glance over at Kit.
The tension was palpable in the air, tied like a three-way noose over their throats as nobody dared breathe in the room.
“Oskar,” Mentor said softly. Kit’s eyes blew wide, glancing at Ambrose who stiffened at the mention of his name. Mentor recognised him? He— remembered Ambrose?
“Hello Father.”
Mentor grunted a huff of a laugh. Almost like a derisive scoff, but Kit had never heard Mentor make a sound like that. A sound so like— well, Ambrose. Kit didn’t dare move, but he had the sneaking suspicion that Mentor didn’t notice, or if he did, didn’t care, that was Kit was in the room too.
“Is that all you can say to me, boy?” Mentor demanded, his voice hard, like gravel grating against gravel.
Ambrose shrugged, but Kit noticed the tightness to his usual casual gesture. “I can say a whole lot more, but word on the street is you have trouble remembering things lately, old man.”
Mentor’s eyes were cutting. “I remember the important stuff.”
The words came like a sharp slap to Kit’s face, almost staggering him out of the room, but Kit didn’t move. He just stared, eyes burning at the man that helped shape him into who he was today. But this man he was staring at may as well have been an alien. This wasn’t Mentor. This was the cold father that Ambrose told Kit about. The man who looked like Mentor, but was a monster beneath skin.
“What are you doing here?” Mentor spat. “Have you come to take more from me, hmm? The breath from my lungs.”
“Well it would be a wasted trip if I didn’t take something from you,” Ambrose replied with the cold smile that Kit was so used to seeing.
What he wasn’t used to seeing was Ambrose flinching. Kit pressed off the wall, eyes wide as a cold, dark chuckle filled the room. An empty laugh that caused shivers to run down his spine and freeze him in place.
“You’re still good at talking, Oskar.” Black eyes met Kit’s across the room, aware that Kit had just seen him flinch at Mentor’s raised hand and it was like the world slowed down around him, his heartbeat rushing in his ears.
Then it was as if a switch flipped of indifference. Ambrose straightened, black eyes smiling as he faced his father again. He slipped one hand into his trouser pocket, shifting his weight to lean on one leg and shot Mentor a cold smile.
“You’re still good at being a piece of shit, only, now you’ve exposed yourself to a witness.”
Mentor’s eyes narrowed and he got to his feet, turning his body to face Ambrose. He had only just turned when his eyes found Kit’s frozen blue ones staring as if he were a deer in headlights.
Mentor’s expression shifted into something softer, something kind. “Kit my boy—”
Kit’s eyes burned, his nostrils flaring. “Don’t.”
“This is-” Mentor began, gesturing between himself and Ambrose. “Family issues. They go back a long while.”
“I don’t care about your explanation,” Kit told him, shaking his head.
Mentor’s hard eyes looked between Kit and Ambrose, scrutinising. “What are you even doing together? Aren’t you a strange pair.”
“Not at all,” Kit said before Ambrose could even open his mouth. Kit stood talk, feeling Ambrose’s black eyes slide over to him as he commanded the space. “He’s helping me on a case. A new Supervillain.”
Mentor scoffed, folding his arms over his toned chest. “Have you considered him?” He asked, nodding his head to Ambrose.
“I have,” Kit ground out through clenched teeth. “But it turns out this new Supervillain has telekinesis. You wouldn’t happen to have an alibi for last night, would you?”
Mentor’s mouth fell open. Even Ambrose raised a brow at the accusation in Kit’s hard voice. He had never seen him so angry. It was very entertaining to watch, especially when it was directed at his father.
“I was here,” Mentor said, spreading his hands in a helpless shrugging gesture. “Obviously.”
“Can anyone corroborate that story?” Kit demanded, spitting venom at his old Hero and Mentor. Mentor glanced between Ambrose and Kit, his expression tightening as some understanding flashed across his face.
He rubbed his temple with the palm of his hand, kneading it into the soft flesh, letting out a disbelieving huff. “I can’t believe this. You’re seriously trusting this man over me, Kit? You're like a son to me.”
“Clearly I wasn’t,” Kit practically yelled, but he didn’t shout. His voice was surprisingly level despite everything. “Or you would have told me you had an actual son.”
Mentor’s gaze was cutting. “Surely you know what he did to me,” Mentor said, his voice a quiet fury. “What he did to our family, to this city! He—”
“Is Omen,” Kit finished, his eyes flashing. Mentor took a step back as if he’d been hit. Kit didn’t stop there though. “Yeah. I know. And I know he’s not a liar. So do you have an alibi or not?”
Ambrose was quite happy to let Kit take lead on this interrogation. It was true, Ambrose wasn’t a liar. If he said he’d torture you, he would. If he told you he liked you, he did. If he said he was Omen, he was. Something Ambrose didn’t think Kit picked up on, but was happy by the turn of events all the same.
Mentor was halfway through stuttering out a reply when a Doctor walked into the room, a clipboard in hand and already speaking. “Mentor, how are we tod—” Doctor, sensing the tension looked up and smiled at his obvious intrusion. He put the clipboard under his arm and stood taller. “Ah. Sorry, Mentor. I didn’t know you had visitors. Ah, hello Kit.”
“Doctor,” Kit replied not taking his eyes off of Mentor. “Can you confirm Mentor was here last night?”
Doctor’s eyes went around the room before bouncing back to Kit. “Uh, yes. I mean, CCTV and the hospital logs can probably. I wasn’t on personally, but as Mentor’s doctor today I can tell you there was no anomalies last night.”
“Great. Thank you,” Kit said, nodding at Ambrose. “That’s all we needed to know, we’re leaving.”
“No, wait—” Mentor protested, but Ambrose was already talking to the Doctor and walking back out the door. Kit turned to do the same when a hand was on his wrist, stopping him from leaving. Kit glanced back over his shoulder to see Mentor clinging to him like a desperate, old man.
“Kit…” he said with shining eyes. “M’boy. Please, let me explain.”
“You lied to me,” Kit hissed, finally letting the hurt shine through his features. “You told me, you— you made me feel special.”
“You are special, Kit, and not just to me.”
“Was I only special to you because I was strong?” Kit asked. Mentor hesitated. Kit pulled his arm from Mentor’s grasp. “You never saw me as a son. You saw me as a tool that you could mould and use to further your great image. Superhero. Saviour. Good charitable man,” Kit spat, tears springing suddenly to his eyes. “He even rescues orphans, the übermensch. Mentor: The great man.”
“You were everything to me,” Kit said, his bottom lip trembling. “My only normal in the world. My family. My father. I worshipped you, and you used me!”
“Kit, please. Let me explain.” Mentor said again, pawing at Kit’s jacket. Kit recoiled, shrugging his hands from his shoulders.
“You have two minutes before I’m walking out that door.”
“In the beginning, yes, I wanted to be close to you because I saw your potential. Nobody else in that academy ever came close to you. You were extraordinary. I wanted a sidekick when I walked through those doors on the day of your exams, and instead I found a second chance.”
Tears streamed continuously from Kit’s red rimmed eyes as he listened, occasionally wiping them on the cuff of his sleeve.
“I found a son in you, and from that day onwards I decided that I wanted to help you. To give you the start in life that you deserved, not the one you were given. I patrolled the Rookery looking for you every night because one of the other kids told me you slept rough on the streets. I wanted to offer you kindness, and you had such hard eyes. It was weeks before I ever saw you smile, and when I did, m’boy, I swear the heavens themselves opened.”
Kit sniffed, his breath catching in his throat, taking in fretful breaths once he saw the glisten in Mentor’s eyes, and the tears welling up behind them.
“I never wanted to use you as some piece of equipment to further my image. I wanted to make sure you had bread, and safe water to drink. I wanted to give you a home.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me you had a son?” Kit asked, barely above a whisper. “Why… why- why didn’t you tell me you had a family? I would’ve understood.”
Mentor shook his head. “I had already left them at that time, Kit, and I was too ashamed to tell you. To tell you that I fucked up my last family. How could I tell you that? A child yourself when I was trying to gain your trust so I could help you, and the way you looked at me…”
The pair of them stared at each other, tears streaming down their faces the longer they spoke. “You saw something in me that I hadn’t seen in years, and it made me feel special, Kit. It made me want to be the better man you thought I was. To change, for the better, for you. For us. I thought it was my second chance when I met you, and I can tell you now for certain, it was.”
Kit looked away, afraid he might collapse if had to listen to any more of this. Mentor touched a hand to his cheek, thumbing away the tears, drawing Kit’s attention back to Mentor.
“Just please,” he blubbered. “Please say you don’t hate me. I will fall to my knees and beg for your forgiveness, Kit. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Please.”
Kit didn’t say anything. He just stepped in and hugged his old man, wrapping his arms tight around him and holding him up when Mentor sobbed harder into Kit’s jumper.
“I’m sorry,” Mentor cried into Kit’s jumper, muffling the sound. “I’m so sorry. I love you, I’m so sorry.”
Kit held him tighter, trying to compose himself but there was nothing to be done except wait it out. Ambrose stood outside the door, leaning against the wall to his father’s room, downcast eyes staring unseeing at the clinically clean floor in front of him.
Kit stepped out after a few minutes, his tears dried but the red rimmed eyes gave him away. Ambrose stood, face impassive as he took a deep breath. “You good to go?” He asked.
Kit nodded dumbly. They walked to the exit of the ward, but Doctor shouted from down the hall and the pair turned. “Oh good, I caught you before you left. Here. I’ll walk you out.”
Doctor quickly caught up to them, half-jogging towards them with a self-deprecating smile. “Sorry. Shall we talk outside?”
Kit glanced at Ambrose before nodding. Doctor fell into step with them, flashing his keycard on the control panel and the doors to the locked ward opened with a beep. He pushed through them and held it open for Kit and Ambrose to walk out. They stood just outside the ward, Kit tilting his head at Doctor.
Doctor smiled at the pair, a handsome smile. He was a little older than Ambrose, his eyes crinkled at the edges when his smiled. His tan skin contrasted against Ambrose’s paleness to a stark degree that Kit would’ve laughed if he didn’t feel so drained.
Kind green eyes found Kit’s. “I double-checked the log’s after you asked about Mentor’s whereabouts last night,” he said. “He was here all night, I can confirm with 100% certainty.”
“Okay, thank you Doctor.” Kit said nodding.
A copycat? Ambrose said in Kit’s mind. Kit glanced at him, but Ambrose was still looking at Doctor.
Maybe. Or maybe another telekinetic… Kit thought, pushing it towards Ambrose.
“Well,” Doctor said, clapping his hands together. “I hope that is everything you need?”
“Yes, Doctor, thank you for confirming the alibi,” Kit said. Kit reached his hand out which Doctor took and shook it. Doctor turned to Ambrose as well, offering his hand which Doctor took with a smile.
“Nice meeting you.”
“Thank you Doctor,” Ambrose said coolly before withdrawing his hand and stepping away. The pair walked down the stairs, hearing the buzzer of the ward door open and close again.
“What now?” Ambrose asked. Kit ran his hands through his hair, letting out a sigh.
“I don’t know. I need to get my phone from my apartment, just to see if anyone’s been trying to call.”
“Right. Of course.” Ambrose said as they walked to the car. Sensing the stiffness in Ambrose’s body language, Kit kept quiet, not wanting to poke the bear, but feeling too bad to just remain silent and not say anything.
They got into the Wraith in silence. It was only when Ambrose turned the key in the ignition that he broke the silence. “It’s not your fault, Kit.”
“I’m still sorry.”
Ambrose turned his head to look Kit head on. The expression on his face would’ve floored Kit had he been standing up.
Ambrose’s eyes were like two rainbows, his eyebrows drawn low over them, his lips were curled up on his face, exposing his smile lines that usually looked so annoyed.
Was Ambrose smiling?
When Kit wasn’t even covered in blood or bruises or struggling to breathe?
“Really, Kit. It’s okay. I don’t have any ill will towards you. Just think of it like, we both had one good parent and leave it there. Okay?”
Kit nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. Ambrose’s face went back to neutral and Kit felt like he could breathe.
Then his eyes narrowed as they pulled out of the parking lot. “What?”
“I just—”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I don’t think you should smile, Rosey. It doesn’t suit you.”
Ambrose almost hit the roof. “What?! My smile is charming.”
“I feared for my life. It is mortally terrifying. Do you smile at babies like that?”
“Babies love me,” Ambrose hissed.
Kit laughed, running a hand through his hair. “Actually can you drop me off at a therapist before we go back to my—”
“Oh yeah yeah,” Ambrose grumbled, turning the indicator on and taking off onto the main road. “Laugh it up.”
Kit did, and he felt good after it. The laugh smoothed everything out in his chest, unwinding the tension that weighed heavy on it and for a little, fleeting moment, he felt lighter than he had in a while. Ambrose turned the radio on.
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @beatenbruisedandbloody @404lunar1216 @whumpyworld @nameless-beanie e @andithewhumper @annablogsposts @whumpasaurus101 @0eggdealer r @rejectedbytheempty @sleepy-pearl @n3rv0usn0v4 @whumpatize-me-captain @sunshiline-writes @burningkittypoet @honeyed-euphrates @sacredwrath @theonewithallthefixations @m3rakii @xxgalgurlxx @princess-bubble-blossom @blood-enthusiast @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @andtheysaidspeaknoww @dutifullykrispyland @mononeigbour @tippytappytyping @shinokoro @bedtimescenarios @whatwhump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @ehobep @acer-whumpstuff @fa1rie
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d-adpool · 6 months ago
@crowned-phantom-official is letting me try to bake cookies again in his apartment.
anybody wanna help me out? advice from people outside the apartment is also welcome
(no edging this time, blind al isn't here to yell at me for midnight baking)
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commander-gloryforge · 8 months ago
new ambrose lore!
he is now officially a wanted criminal, yippie! he has fled divinitys reach and is now on the run from the krytan government. congratulations, ambrose!
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vintagedreamsofsennett · 9 months ago
Charles K. Harris, After the Ball Verse.3
x Ambrose's Sour Grapes (1915) starring Harry Gribbon
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0 notes
loveandmurders · 7 months ago
If you're accepting requests i may have a fun idea. I've had this scenario in my head for a while but dont have the writing skills for it.
So basically billy, stu and reader (all three were ghostface) escaped from the police and while on the run (let's ignore geography for this) they come across a kind (but a bit strange) man who carries roadkill on the back of his truck and he kindly gives them a ride to the nearest town - Ambrose. Slasher shenanigans ensue
The reader can be gn, the gender doesnt really matter. You can choose if you want to write a blurb, headcannon and stuff
Im sorry if this too much to ask and you can tottaly ignore this
Hello, love sorry it took me so long to get to your request, but here you are! Hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of sexual activities, of blood and violence
-You hadn’t thought things would go so out of hand. But now the more you thought about it, the more obvious it was that your plan wasn’t a flawless one… you actually forgot the essential (like in most horror movies): a good ending - especially for the killers.
-You killed everyone - no final girl for once.
-And your two lovers would have enjoyed playing with you in the blood of their victims and glory of the victory, but you quickly realised you had to leave before the cops could find you.
-So here you were, with your two lovers - Billy and Stu - running away as far as possible and as quick as possible from Woodsboro.
-Billy was a little bit annoyed he was forced to leave the city. He hadn’t really thought of the consequences of all of this, and maybe it was also why he was feeling so upset. He was supposed to be a mastermind.
-Stu was laughing, he was so proud of what happened and adrenaline was still pumping into his veins. His hands were happily roaming your body as Billy was driving.
-As long as your boys were safe, you were happy too. You kissed Stu with fierce passion until you heard Billy groan.
-You sent him a little look, quite curious about why he was so grumpy now. “Don’t distract me” Billy finally said and both Stu and yourself started to laugh and to tease him.
-Your life was a dangerous one and you didn’t even know what you were going to do with yourself now, but as long as you were all together, you didn’t really care.
-The three of you drove for days and weeks; you were starting to get bored actually, and there was no plan on when to stop or even where. Until you saw some advertisements for a “House of Wax”.
-Billy didn’t want to stop for this but you whined so much - and Stu supported you - so he finally gave in. He rolled his eyes and reminded the two of you you were children.
-It was then you met a truck on the other side of the road. The driver stopped at your level and lowered down his window “All good?” he asked you in a very heavy southern accent. You peered into the truck and could see roadkills, but the man looked sweet.
-You knew you all looked innocent as well though; so you knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
-Billy explained to the man that you were on holiday and you wanted to visit the House of Wax since you saw the advertisements. He also asked if there was a motel nearby. 
-The man - Lester - said there was no motel near the House of Wax, that you would need to go into another town for that. However, the museum was a really interesting place. It appeared that his late mother and brother were taking care of it.
-You all politely thanked Lester and agreed to follow behind his truck to not get lost on the roads. The man was nice but you all felt something was… amiss.
-When you arrived in Ambrose, you all exchanged a look.
-“If that’s not a killer on the run dream…” Billy muttered as he looked around “No one could find us here” he continued.
-“But there is no motel around either.” you hummed “And it really looks… deserted. I didn’t even see Ambrose on the plans when we looked at the last gas station.” you added “How could people still live here?”
-“Well you'll quickly know it, because we’ll try to stay here, at least for a little while. No one can find us.” Billy replied and you pouted.
-“We’ll get bored here” you whined but the boys gave you a look full of promise; how could you get bored when they were around?
-You all got out of the car and thanked Lester again. He also introduced you to his big brother, Bo.
-Bo instantly watched you all with great interest. You were young, you were hot and he was certain you would all look amazing in the House of Wax.
-No need to say that the twins were very surprised about how good you were when they tried to kill you, and that you were now the ones trying to kill them. With Lester, you were clearly on equal strength.
-You had discovered that the town was empty apart from the Sinclairs and the wax statues and you started to understand that it was like a massive deadly trap. But you were good with your knives and you actually were crazy enough to enjoy it. It was like a workout for the three of you.
-At some point, you managed to jump on Vincent and to put a knife under his chin. Bo aimed at you, Billy aimed at Bo with a gun he found and Stu blocked Lester from coming closer.
-“Alright, alright, how ‘bout we talk ‘bout this?” Bo finally offered. He noticed that Vincent didn’t try to get away from you, so it meant his twin could tell you would slice his throat open if he tried anything.
-“You’re the ones who attacked us” Billy argued back.
-“Is it like a playground for killers?” you hummed and Stu smirked.
-“Who the fuck are ya?” Lester frowned.
-“Who we are doesn’t matter, what matters is that we are killers. Just like you. But right now, Y/N is the best of us and they are going to kill your brother if you don’t let us go” Billy replied and you looked up at Bo with a dark smile, drawing a little bit of blood from Vincent.
-Bo instantly lowered his gun, put it on the ground and Lester moved away a little as well. They both put their hands up. You exchanged a look with Billy and Stu before moving from Vincent. You were all facing each other now, wondering what to do next.
-The Sinclairs had never met people like them, especially not people so brutal, so smart and so dangerous than you all. They felt curiosity, even more when Billy wrapped an arm around your waist and you moved your head on Stu’s shoulder. You looked like the lovers of Death. So young and so good looking, and yet so deadly.
-“Ya’re on the run” Bo hummed “And ya were lookin’ for somewhere to stay” he guessed. Vincent signed something to his brothers. Lester didn’t seem too happy about it and Bo thought his twin was losing it.
-“What did he say?” you asked with an arched eyebrow. No one answered you and it annoyed the boys “They asked you a question” Billy growled.
-“Vincent’s invitin’ ya over… he’s really interested in ya’ll” Bo finally replied.
-You were always the one enjoying playing with fire the more so you quickly moved closer and shook hands with Vincent.
-“I’d like that. I’m Y/N, nice to meet you, I guess” you smirked.
-Vincent and you got along pretty instantly, even though you didn’t know ASL. He wrote to you so you could communicate. Your shared love for knives helped a lot as a discussion starter. And then, your love to sneak around and kill people. And then, your love for every kind of art. You wanted to hide in Ambrose now and Vincent was more than eager to welcome you here. It would be nice to have people around who were understanding his way of life. And there were so many houses that could be your new home, at least for as long as you needed to hide away.
-Bo and Billy weren’t too happy about it, because it wasn’t part of the plan, because they couldn’t trust anyone, because they would need to be even more careful than usual so their favourite people wouldn’t get hurt.
-Stu was happy if you were happy, even if he was a little bit jealous of the attention you were giving to Vincent, at first. So he joined the two of you in your conversation, and he actually started to have fun as well. Lester noticed how Vincent seemed to be relaxed and it warmed his heart. It never happened before that his brother was so at ease around strangers.
-You all ate together in Sinclair's house. Bo stayed quite silent, observing you all, just like Billy. At some point, he asked: “So what, ya ain’t surprised my brother’s wearin’ a mask?” he asked. He just wanted for you to say something that would upset Vincent so they would kill you all in your sleep.
-But the three of you just shrugged “You’re kidding, masks are super cool. We’ll show you ours tomorrow” you smiled and the boys nodded “What’s a killer without a mask anyway?” Billy agreed “It’s classic horror” he added “Yeah so lame of you, Bo, to not wear any mask, by the way. You could have been the masked twins, ugh such a missed opportunity” Stu continued.
-Lester started to laugh and he thought he quite liked you all. You were some fresh air in Ambrose, fun and crazy. He knew it was the beginning of a new era for his family.
-Bo was bewildered but he guessed you weren’t so bad then. You had been polite with Lester and you weren’t judging his twin, so you could stay. Maybe he would even learn to love you.
-Vincent was eager to keep you all in Ambrose, forever. Maybe you could even help the Sinclairs build the future. You were going to be part of the family, he could feel it because you were different from usual people.
-You were monsters, too.
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n3kk1tty · 10 months ago
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"Imagine being the adopted Daughter of the Sinclair brothers showing up in Travis county one day after buying a piece of land and a home to start a new life for you and your fathers. "
Thomas Hewitt x Reader
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Ambrose burned down that night and you were lucky to escape with what you did. Your twin father's clinging to life as tears streamed down your face tearing out of there before the cops could show ripping your family from you. You made sure you wouldn't be followed. No one would find your family and take them from you. You had grabbed what you could in the hours before departure after pulling your father's to safety and killing one of the survivors. You and Lester filled two cars with what you could before setting the whole town ablaze in a finale good bye. Your family home and town in mass flames as nothing would survive. Too many bodies to determine if you all had died in the fire or not.
You were a smart girl and had dreams of one day leaving the nest you just didn't think this is how it would turn out. When your fathers Vincent and Bo came to you were already across Louisiana state lines into Texas with your father Lester following in his truck. In the aftermath your family had found another ghost town to set up in. You were happy your years of prep for a life on the road had paid off as you had a lot of money to spare to help start this new chapter. You were practically tossed the keys to the house and land for cheap as everyone was abandoning this town, happy to sell for nothing. Bo took long to adjust to the change, getting into fits at having nonstop maintenance to do on the house and new garage. While Vincent lamented at the tragedy of what happened and how all his art was gone.
You had managed to snag only a small box of your fathers tools and art journals in the fire but had made sure on a trip to pick him up new art mediums when you went towns over for supplies one day. You remember how hard the quiet man hugged you when you awkwardly showed up in his basement room with a box of different art mediums. Signing to your father while you spoke. " I know it doesn't replace what we lost that night. But maybe it's time to try new mediums just like our new beginning. I love you dad." After that day Vincent would dive into new mediums every time you brought him some. He quickly took up wood carving and mask making to replace his wax prosthetic while using his oil pastels to draw the texas sunsets.
You and your father Lester were the most positive of the family about the move. You did your best to make the house a home and to keep the family together while Lester got work a ways out picking up road kill just like he used to. The only piece of mind with him having such a long commute was the fact Jonesy was always with him and he was just a call away. Your family lived in the quiet town for a few months blissfully unaware of your cannibal neighbors lurking in the ghost town as well. That was until you started frequenting the corner store for goods. Things like nails, cigarettes, and beer became a regular on a trip for you to do as Bo was always asking you to pick up things while he stayed home mumbling to himself.
It wasn't till your third trip did Luda Mae start questioning you. You brought the beer to the counter pointing to the cigarette brand your father liked. " A husband at home who likes to drink and smoke missy?" You let out a small laugh in response to the older woman. " No, no. Sadly not Married nor dating Ma'am these are just for my father. He's been working on our house and having me go fetch him things. " The woman perks up behind the counter. " Working on a house you say. That wouldn't be in this town would it. Ain't hardly anyone left let alone new comers. " You lean across the counter the sweetest smile you could muster in your face.
" We actually like the quietness of the town. Haven't had time to meet our neighbors though after moving in a couple of months ago. We've been too busy trying to get the house in order. I think I have already lost count of the days with how much I've been in my garden or kitchen all day. " The older woman pulls in a seat motioning for you to sit with her at the counter as she interrogates you. " So you like keeping yourself busy? Is it just you and your father and mother in the house, I know I'll be losing track of days myself keeping up with the three boys in my house. "
You laugh as you shyly scratch your head. " No ma'am. Never had a mother before. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it but I'm adopted by three brothers. They kinda found me abandoned when I was younger in this roadkill dumping ground and when they brought me home none of them could decide who the father would be so they are all just kind of my dad's. Now I know that must be a little strange and off putting to most but I sware that's my life. Though I guess legally my Pa Bo is my father as he took me to appointments when I was little. "
The woman could feel her maternal instincts fluttering in her chest as she schemed a way to make you her daughter. Luda Mae was determined to be the mother you never had, or even mother in law. " Oh that sounds like something silly three men would do. Must have been tough growing up with no mother. " You sigh to yourself as you think back to the home you can never return to a sadness hurting your heart. " I mean my father's certainly struggled teaching me to be lady-like. If it wasn't for my dad Vincent I'd probably still be running around in a baseball cap and boy clothes being a wild child. He used to fuss for hours learning how to style my hair like all the other little girls and make me dresses to wear since sometimes money got tight. "
" Oh you poor thing. What brings y'all to Travis? Planning on staying long or are you gonna set out on your own eventually. " Your smile drops as you half heartedly try and smile again at the woman but she can tell that question hurt you. " No, I think I'll stay here with my dad's. Our last home was burned down thanks to burglars and we barely made it out alive. I'm just doing my best to hold my family together. They are all I've ever known and I wanna keep them safe. I should probably be heading back before the beer gets warm."
Luda Mae walks you back to your car patting your back as you finish your chatting. " Well you know men. If you don't tell them to take a break they will work themselves ragged. My old man Bo is probably fiddling in his garage or in the house again. I'd love to come by for a visit, Miss Luda and give a proper introduction since we're neighbors. Maybe I should bring some dessert for your boys. " The woman smiled as you started the car up. " Oh (Y/n) I think my Tommy would fancy meeting you. " A blush and a nervous laughter arises as you remember back to the last time you attempted romance and how Bo and Vincent nearly made him a wax figure in Ambrose.
" I'd be charmed to meet him. I'll be seeing you around ma'am don't work yourself to hard. " After that day Luda Mae became determined to hook Tommy up with you. You were the perfect candidate for her son. The list of womanly house chores you could do was phenomenal and you were a sweet family oriented girl who was pretty to boot. The next visits to the shop you brang the old woman all sorts of things while you two spend the time chatting away. Like homegrown veggies, or fruit you snagged outta town, you even brought her some embroidery you did while learning with Vincent. All things Luda Mae appreciated and shown how you were the perfect daughter in law for her. She brought the things home showing them to Tommy talking his ear off about how she found him a bride finally and the man was excited just to get a look at you.
Hoyt caught wind of the newcomers in town and decided since he was the sheriff he might as well introduce his authority. Luda Mae almost took his family jewels though stating that you were Tommy's and Tommy's alone so to keep his hands off her future daughter in law as the man got ready to drive over. It took the whole Hewitt family to stop Tommy from hopping in the back of the car to catch a peek. Luda Mae had to assure him that you'd meet in due time but she was buttering you up for your new position.
At your house you had snagged bees to add to your new little farms addition so you were attending to your helpers. There wasn't much food out here and you and Lester were the only ones bringing in money so you figured homesteading was good enough to keep your family fed and happy. Trips out to town were long and tedious like Ambrose but you made do with selling things at the farmers market to help bring home ends meat. Your little farm had rabbits, chickens, and bees for wax now. You beamed in pride up at the window as Vincent signed to you. " Bees ? For wax ? Bee- careful not to get stung. "
You laughed at your fathers joke as you smiled as you signed back to him. " Very funny Dad. " Suddenly a cop car came rushing down the pebble road to your home. You freeze in fear as Vincent takes notice of your face rushing to grab Bo and his tools as your brain rushed with the thought that your family had been found. You were panicking. How did they find you. There was no way anything survived that fire or the victims could pin point you. Your eyes darkened as you grabbed the knife in your apron pocket. No one would take your family from you without paying with their life first. The sheriff hopped out the car standing in the driveway to your porch as you stood in your gardeners outfit and sunhat before him. " Well hello sheriff what brings you all the way out here?"
" Well I sheriff Hoyt would be surprised that we have newcomers in town who haven't even met their local police officers yet. Luda Mae has been chatting up a storm about you missy and I figured since I'm the sheriff of our small town it only makes sense to get to know who I'm protecting. " Your grip loosens from the knife in your apron as you let out a relieved sigh. " Well my goodness sheriff what an honor it is you drove all the way here to meet us. I'm sorry I would have been dressed a lot nicer if I knew someone so important was coming. Why don't you get outta the heat sir. That uniform must be blazing in this heat I'll go grab my father and some lemonade to cool you off. " The man's ego felt extremely boosted by your demeanor as he took a seat in the rocking chair on the porch.
You rushed inside in time to stop your twin father's from rushing out the door to mangle the sheriff. You push your hands on their chest signing out with your hands what's happening just so you know no one can hear. " It's just one of Luda Mae's boys. The lady from the store said her son was the sheriff. He isn't here for us, just to introduce. " Bo stares down grumbling as he wipes his hands clean of car grease. " Guess we should make peace with our neighbors. Stay outta it if things go south though. Understand. " You smile at him as you go to the kitchen Vincent following behind as you shout to the man. " I will Pa. You want beer or lemonade?" You laugh as Bo replies back lemonade is fine as he doesn't wanna share his booze with the sheriff just yet.
The front door swings open as Bo towers over the man on the porch. His face switches to a smile as he walks over to the sheriff sticking his somewhat cleaned hands out. " Well hello there sir. How kind of you to stop by. I'm Bo Sinclair the man of the house. Sorry about the car grease, was working on my truck. " The sheriff shakes his hand as he looks the man up and down. At least they weren't bikers or hippies he thought as the pair sit down making small talk as you bring drinks out. The two spend hours shooting the shit almost bonding over there disdain of the bikers in town. They talk about the town and its history while Bo eventually offers to fix up the sheriff's car as it looks like it could use a look under the hood.
By the time the old men are done chatting and taking a look at the car discussing Bo fixing up cars for the sheriff and splitting profits off of car scraps Lester and Jonesey are making it up the drive way for dinner. Hoyt ended up meeting the whole strange Sinclair family that night as he stayed for dinner. Fresh veggies and beautifully seasoned food with dessert and beer. The man almost didn't want to leave and agreed with Luda Mae your family's would be best together through you and Tommy's future wedding. Though Hoyt wouldn't tell your fathers as the twins were built out of brick and Lester was proud to show off his roadkill job so winning the Sinclair's favor was the Hewitts plan.
That night Hoyt went home with a full stomach and plenty of leftovers as your rabbits were well multiplying like rabbits. The sheriff tossed the leftovers plate to Tommy as he patted the boy on the back saying he was lucky. " We found you a good one boy. Gonna have to marry that one so me and my future business partner can keep bringing good meals like this home. " Tommy nearly licked the plate clean as the cucumber salad and roasted rabbit were heavenly on his tongue and when he got to the Mississippi mud pie on the plate he almost wanted to run over there now and officiate the wedding. Tommy was even more excited as Hoyt told him not to worry about his face as your father Vincent had a birth defect to his face as well. Talking about how if Tommy asked he would probably make him one of those fancy prosthetics to boot.
The first time you met the giant guard dog of the Hewitts was on the faithful day you invited them all over for dinner. The Summer heats had been rough but you Sinclair's had made your new home finally to your liking and it only took half a year. Hoyt and Bo were thick as thieves in their car business. Your garden was flourishing as you did wonderfully at the farmers markets selling off eggs, rabbits, and flowers. On rare occasions you'd sell art that Vincent made. All the Sinclair's had pulled together and were now financially stable again and adjusted to their new lives. The past may have burned down but the new peace you had you wouldn't trade for the world.
Maybe Ambrose going up in smoke was the blessing you all needed as it took with it the past bad memories as well as the good. Along with the Sinclair's doing good that meant the Hewitts got to thrive off of your generosity as well. Luda Mae spent hours making Tommy scrub off blood and dirty from his body to be presentable for your first meeting. You had brought the woman many fancy soaps from your trips to town and she was currently doing her best to make the man smell like roses. She even went out of her way to trim back his hair and freshen his clothes. With the last spray of stolen cologne the Hewitts were piling into the new fixed up car they had fixed up by Bo.
When they arrived the porch was lit up with fairy lights and the old Texas farmhouse was now as beautiful as it ever was. New paint and many maintenance later with your adding of decorations and dried herbs on the porch the Sinclair's property was the prettiest in Travis county. How either family never broached the topic of murder was a mystery as it wasn't like Bo wasn't making people disappear for car parts and cash when they wandered into your property. Can't have his new sheriff friend being crossed with him but the Sinclair's weren't going to let anyone take their new home from them. While the Hewitts kept with keeping their freezer stocked.
Both families stood in front of each other smiling while their dark secrets made them even more similar than they thought. Tommy nervously handing you a bouquet of wild flowers he picked while you tried talking to the behemoth. The Hewitts made themselves comfortable in your living room while they talked your fathers up. The same fathers who kept glaring down the Hewitt boy any time they thought he was stepping out of line with their beloved daughter. You two were watched like a hawk as Tommy nervously fiddled with his dress shirt while you softly talked to him trying to get him to look at you. Gentle hands felt his forearms as he tried to communicate back but couldn't as he was unable.
The Sinclair brothers watched like guard dogs around their daughter as you sat with Tommy on the couch teaching how to use sign language to communicate with you. Jonesey sat by you getting pets as you taught him how to sign dog. You liked the sweet man you did. He was shy and big but he was a gentleman to you as electric shot through your heart every time you touched. The Hewitts plan was working and you and Tommy were just in the beginning stages of your love story they thought. The two family's after that night became thick as theives. You and Tommy were paired together most days then not afterwards as the boy would get so excited he would happily do the long walk to your property just to see you.
Even if his help wasn't needed he would be there for an hour so you could teach him sign while Vincent worked away on a better prosthetics for your boyfriend to be. Every time this boy lumbered up the porch he'd bring you a gift and be as clean as possible while happily making noises at you. You even started sneaking off to the Hewitts under the guise of helping Luda Mae in her own garden and home just to see Tommy. Under the Texas heat love bloomed in the air and the families grew closer and closer together. You were so close it was becoming harder to hide each other's secrets.
It all came out in the open one day though when one of the victims came out of the basement when Bo and you were over to help. They came running out covered in blood begging you for help in the kitchen with you and Luda Mae in the middle of pickling. They yanked you away while swinging the knife at the old woman shouting for everyone to hear that the Hewitts were monsters and you should leave. The old woman panicked begging for you not to leave coming up with excuses as the victim lunges at her. With a swift wack of a cast iron they were slumped in the floor as you made work to cutting the vocals cords and Achilles tendon in the poor thing.
Luda Mae stood in shock as her sweet gentle future daughter in law was blankly using a knife to finish the girl off making sure she wasn't gonna be causing a fuss anymore. You stood above her as you looked at the old woman, blood smearing your face as you laughed. " Guess our families are a lot more alike than I thought Luda Mae. " Bo and Hoyt came sprinting into the room noticing the blood and girl on the floor as Hoyt was prepared for the worst of having to fight his friend before the mechanic gave an approving chuckle. " That's my girl. Quick and effective. Well come on Hoyt the ladies can't keep pickling with this bitch on the floor so let's get it cleaned up. I'm hungry for some lunch too. Would y'all ladies mind making us men something. "
After that the families solidified a friendship between the two Travis County quickly became a place for people to disappear and die. The Sinclairs did not partake in the cannibalism like their friends but they would gladly help lure victims or finish people off. The families were always at each other's places to help and soon we're even helping fix up the corner store and the Hewitt home. Life was peaceful and eventually Tommy got the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. Through the little sign language he did know under a southern live oak tree Thomas Hewitt asked for you to be his girlfriend.
You gleefully said yes as you tackled the man down to the ground placing a loving kiss to his face. You two hid under your tree from your prying families as you spent the evening in each other's arms giggling away as you exchanged kisses and bated breath. Your life in Ambrose may have been destroyed in that fire that night but you wouldn't trade your new beginning for the world. A fire could destroy the past but it also could warm your heart to the new future to come.
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This was an idea in my head after I rewatched both movies. If y'all want more of Thomas Hewitt X Sinclair daughter make sure to let me know or if you want more Sinclair Daughter posts in the future.
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year ago
Kinktober day 7- uniform kink
Bo Sinclair x cop reader
Warnings: uniform kink, sex on the hood of a car, vaginal sex, dirty talk, degradation, small bit of yandere, handcuff use, dub-con vibes
Content: Bo tries to distract you from the truth, by any means possible
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It was meant to be routine check of Ambrose to make sure that no kids had vandalised the town or turned it into a crack den.
So they sent you, a small town rookie cop with big dreams, to the lost town. But they failed to mention the Sinclair brothers, specifically the perverted twin who seemed to have a thing for girls in uniforms.
Your police station was ran by an old perverted misogynistic sherif who enforced that female officers must wear a shorts version of your usual police uniform. Making you wear what you would consider quite a slutty uniform.
By the time you reached Ambrose after getting the wrong directions twice, it was dark and you pulled up your cop car on the side of the road.
You didn’t expect to meet the charming devil Bo Sinclair, nor did you expect to be bent over your cop car with him standing behind you with his hips thrusting against yours.
“Such a fuckin’ slut” bo groans out as he bullies his thick cock into your eagerly wet entrance “prancin’ round in this fucking uniform, looking at me like that”
You whine as your cheek rubs against the cold car bonnet. Your hands were bonded together with your handcuffs so no matter how much you pulled, you were at his mercy.
“You look fuckin’ good though baby” bo says through a dark chuckle as his hands grip your hips, forcing you to take his Cock deeper to the point it kissed your cervix pleasurably “like my personal wet dream”
“Fuck, Bo” you moan out as you move your hips against his, desperate for some friction on your neglected clit “please, fuck me harder”
“Got the fuckin’ cops drooling over my cock” he says with a cruel laugh as his hand snakes it’s way around your waste to furiously rub on your throbbing clit with his eager digits
You cry out as your hips thrust back and drool goes down you chin. The feeling of his Cock hitting that special spot inside you that no man had ever reached before was addicting, this man could ask you to be his personal cum dump and you wouldn’t even protest you’d just get to your knees and open your mouth.
“Gonna cum slut?” Bo asks curiously, slightly out of breath as the pleasurable feeling of you wrapped around him almost becomes too much “I can feel your clit twitchin’ like a fuckin’ rabbits nose”
You tighten around him at his words as arousal courses through your entire body. He lets out a growl at your body’s reaction and his hip thrusting increases to what feels like an inhuman pace.
Just as your about to cum, the thrusting knocks the car and knocks the siren to the floor and causing the siren to go off. The lights blinded you and the siren drowned out your pleasurable screams.
Bo took a look at where the two of you connected and saw a milky ring around the base of his Cock. He threw back his head as he moaned before he released inside you. His hot seed filled your womb deliciously before he pulled out and it dripped down your thighs.
“Think I might have to keep you” Bo said with a laugh as he holds your body closer to his.
You fail to hear him over the loud siren, so you just stand there wondering why he hadn’t undone the handcuffs yet.
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^bo took this seriously
I know I’m a day behind I’m sorry 😭
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thewolffairytaler · 2 months ago
Farewell, my innocent Minnie - oneshot | Sinclair brothers x daughter reader
Summary: During the aftermath of the House of Wax being burned down, the police came to investigate the area. They find and try to communicate with a little girl who stands in the middle of the outside investigation area. So when the officers can not get information out of her or even get her to speak, Carley decides to tell them what she knows.
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The metallic tang of blood and the stink of burned wax permeated Ambrose's air, clinging to everything, even the cool fall air, like a horrible perfume. The eerie stillness that had descended on the town following the chaotic finale of the previous night had been broken by the entrance of the police, a small force of county cops, and a few state troopers. The skeleton ruins of the House of Wax, a memorial to the atrocities that had taken place there, were blocked off by yellow tape. Sitting on the back of an ambulance were Carley and Nick, who were still suffering from the psychological and physical effects of their ordeal. Although paramedics carefully cleansed and bandaged their injuries, the deeper wounds—the ones that are not visible to the human eye were going to take considerably longer to heal.
As the officers attempted to piece together the disjointed puzzle that was Ambrose, the investigation was a chaotic process. The town itself was in ruins, a holdover from a bygone era. Only burnt fragments remained of the petrol station, which until lately had been the only indication of life. Many areas were covered in a coating of filthy muck, and the roads were hardly usable. The forensics team was also permitted to enter the church, which was the scene of the so-called "funeral" and the source of so many corpses as well, specifically, Trudy Sinclair.
Amidst the commotion, a lone figure stood out – a small girl, no older than six. She was clutching a white faded, plush dog backpack to her chest as if it was the only thing anchoring her to reality. Her wide, innocent eyes were filled with a vacant, haunted stare, a mirror reflecting the unspeakable terrors she had likely witnessed. One officer, a young man with a kind face and an abundance of patience, knelt before her, his voice soft and gentle. He offered her a bottle of water, a small gesture of comfort, but the girl remained unresponsive. He tried to coax her into speaking, asking her her name, if she knew her family, a series of simple questions that should have elicited some response. But she remained silent, her fingers gripping the fluffy fabric of her backpack plush as if her life depended on it. He eventually backed away, a look of frustrated concern on his face. It was clear to him that this little girl was in shock, a profound, debilitating state that had robbed her of her voice and her ability to comprehend the world around her.
With her eyes still coloured with blankness and that reality hadn't hit her yet, Carley added, "She's not going to tell you anything, not now anyway," her voice scratchy from the smoke. The girl's stillness cut through the confusion of the investigation as she and Nick watched from the back of the ambulance. "I saw her with Bo," she added, looking across at the charred remains of the wax museum. "In the church, during that… that funeral." The reminder of that hideous scene of wax figures and Bo's perverse eulogy for the deceased that he and Vincent had so brutally transformed into mannequins still sent a chill down her spine.
"He said she was his daughter," Carley spoke once more, her face furrowed in perplexity. "He referred to her as such, but I'm not sure whether it's true or not. Since I couldn't understand why he would have one, it's too crazy to be honest." Carley was doubtful herself, but she was unable to articulate why. The likeness, the way she handled her dog plush, or the fact that she was one of the few people who weren't wax may be the cause.
Nick, listening on the conversation, also turned to look at the little girl, his heart aching with a mixture of pity and anger. The entire town was a nightmare, an exercise in evil and human depravity, but to think this little girl has been subjected to that was making him sick. ”What's gonna happen to her?" he asked the sheriff, who was standing nearby, his face grim and wearied. "If she's Bo's kid... I don't want her ending up with the wrong people."
The sheriff sighed, his features etched with a combination of exhaustion and concern. "We'll try to get some kind of information out of her eventually. Once the shock wears off, she might be able to communicate, but if we can't find a relative... she'll end up in the system," he stated, his voice heavy. "An orphanage, probably. A foster home if we're lucky. But until then we just gotta wait, do what we can." The grim practicality of his words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the harsh realities that awaited children like her.
A different officer, a young woman with a gentle demeanour, approached the little girl. She crouched down, offering her a kind smile, and extended her hand. The girl looked at her hesitantly, but eventually, she took the officer's hand and allowed herself to be led towards a police car. As the little girl sat inside, cradling her dog backpack, she looked out of the window. Her eyes widened slightly as she spotted a familiar figure in the distance. Lester, who had parked on the side of the road, was standing by the edge of the police cordon, the family dog, Jonesy, at his side. He didn't look sad, but he didn't look angry either. Almost... indifferent, was that the right observation? She wasn't sure. He gave Nick and Carly a small wave when he made eye contact with the ambulance car, which one officer did see but ignored it as they didn't think much of it.
In the desolate terrain of her trauma, the young girl experienced a flash of recognition and a warmth that spread through her chest. In Ambrose, Lester was one of the few pleasant persons she had encountered. Despite his outward appearance, her uncle had street smarts, and she knew that he and Jonesy would be okay. It will be all right for him. She lifted her little hand and waved a quiet goodbye before anyone could see. A delicate bond amid great grief and uncertainty, a moment of bittersweetness.
Lester waved back, his hand shaking with passion, his heart hurting at the sight of her. Perceiving her owner's grief, Jonesy gently whimpered and nudged his palm with her nose. Minnie was Jonesy's little pal, the young child who would smuggle food into her mouth while Lester and the twins weren't there. Her face was so innocent and pure that Lester couldn't stop staring at it. All he could think was that she didn't deserve this. He watched as the six-year-old was taken into an unknown future by the automobile. He silently vowed to the gods, whoever they may be, that he would eventually see her again after swallowing the lump in his throat.
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Author's note: Minnie is not the little girl's name, nor is she supposed to be an OC, but she has the potential to be one. Basically, Minnie is her nickname, I will write her with (Y/n) affiliations, but she'll have a personality as if she was one. So, it's pretty much like any (Y/n)'s out there. Sometimes, I feel as if (Y/n) is just something author's write to make readers want the experience of being in the story. Only to write the characters in a way where they are just the author's OC. Because I don't ever read a Y/n fanfic where I can relate, not once have I ever seen it.
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writegoblin · 2 years ago
I have been severely craving my boy. No no, not Michael. Boseph uwu
Look at him. Unf.
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Bo Sinclair Headcanons!
- You ended up in Ambrose because your car alignment decided it had enough of these off road shenanigans.
- Your reasons for being out that way, for story purposes, are running from your old life. All your old family and friends are shitty so you an conveniently disappear bc smthn smthn deus ex machina
- HOW you find out about your car alignment is another story. Let's just say, tumbling in a car is much more painful than it looks. What's worse is landing in a roadkill pit. Yeah boy. You know what time it is B)
- Lester almost shit himself when you came from over the highway. He thought you were dead and was going to call Vincent when you punched out the front seat. That's hot. Alright stranger, you're coming with me!
- He tries to clean you up and get your name. Takes you back to his place because he doesn't want to catch the twins off guard. But the day you spend there is lovely.
- You get the Ambrose and immediately shits off. Long story short, you become something of a live in maid. They can't kill you because it would be a lot of hassle on their end (another deus ex. You're related to a cop or something idk), and they COULD turn this situation around. Get use out of you.
- Bo likes how witty you are. You don't like to be bossed around which is clearly why you ran away from home (what are you, 10?)
- At first he's very callous to you and makes no effort to understand you. As far as he's concerned, you're another spoiled out of towner, just impeding on he and his brother's strange get rich scheme (more on that later. I'll explain in end notes.)
- What's worse is you're argumentative. Whenever he asks you to do something (read: yells at you), you always gotta talk back. You say funny stuff sometimes but it's annoying mostly. Vincent enjoys it much more than he does.
- You make nice with Vinny first. When you aren't forced to do chores, he lets you help him with the wax. Bo sees this and eventually realizes that while you are certainly mouthy, you are human with like hobbies and shit.
- He's a chef he's a gourmand
- He cooks for he and Vincent because Vincent, due to some brain damage, has a weird palette. So anything he makes either has way too much seasoning, or it tastes like cardboard. Bo on the other hand, grew up running around the streets of Baton Rogue with his friends after school. He KNOWS how to cook good.
- He's also good at first aid. The actual surgery and medical stuff is Vincent's wheelhouse but once you broke your arm trying to fix some shutters he told you to fix. He felt bad so he very gingerly fixed your arm. It healed really nicely but you'll never forget the way those blue eyes of his were so warm when he looked at you, touching the bend in your forearm and his voice, gentle as the day you first met went, "does it hurt?"
- Yeah but you looking at me like that bout to get me pregnant hurts worse sir
- As a boyfriend he's only jealous/protective around tourists. But as a dude in a town with a population of technically 3.5 if you count Lester's visits, he gets it. He does not mind his twin ogling you. He does not mind sharing EVENTUALLY. At first, he's very apprehensive.
- Bo's love language is physical touch. Even nonsexual touch is nice. He likes laying his head in your lap while yall watch TV and you rake your nails through his scalp gently.
- When he gets night terrors he likes to hold onto you in the dark like hope. He puts his face in your chest and he's almost like a little kid for a second. You have no choice but to coddle aw noooo aw man can't believe I have this hot sexy guy in my lap crying ohbhughghh
- If you're pear shaped? He loves your hips. Man, woman, ethereal creature, it don't matter. He was born an ass man he'll die an ass man.
- If you like star gazing, he'll listen to you rattle off about constellations. He likes listening to people ramble about unique special interests because it gives him a little taste of variety in his quiet life.
- big. Thick. Cut.
- leftward pitch and he loves doing mating presses.
- much more inclined to rough sex (obviously)
- I do know he likely and unfortunately assaulted those ladies on the wall but in my HCs I like to think it was CNC instead. What stops him from doing the same here is you're too loud and mouthy, so the attraction is initially not there.
- As you soften up because of Vin though, and start opening up and smiling and being cute, he can't help but let his mind roam sometimes.
- Loves fantasizing you in different little costumes to dress up in. A visitor once visited and she was a cam girl! In your size! So lucky!
- please were garter belts this man will not be normal
- Loves intercurral. To punish you if he catches you masturbating, he'll fuck your thighs until he cuts, leaving you all hot and bothered.
- The basement does not come into equation until after the first time. And the first time is more of a gentle, romantic moment of vulnerability.
- Your first time was during a thunderstorm and you were telling him about your past and how so many people hurt you. Abused you. He felt so connected to you. You always held back your anger and he let you express it by throwing stuff and by the end of it you were a sobbing and screaming and laughing mess and he was standing in the debris and he saw himself and he reached out and kissed you in an attempt to ammend himself.
- When he made love to you that night, he decided your ass is never moving out sorry lol
- Exhibitionist. Likes to take you to Baton Rogue for little dates and fucks you in alleys and parks. The most exciting was a drive in theater he took you to where you gave him head. He fucked you in the wooded area outside after.
- Hahaha okay but what if you confessed and he fucked u in the confessional would that be crazy or what
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have a few HOW headcanons actually!
- the boys do the whole house of Wax thing in an attempt to get rich. Bo decided "oh I guess I could be mayor but hm no money here" and he rubbed two cells together and was like "WHAT IF WE MADE AN ATTRACTION THAT WAS THE BESTEST."
- tricked Vin into it cause "they're carrying Mom's legacy :(((( she'd love this trust me we're gonna expand the house into a town it'll be great."
- Lester's there cause he loves his brother's and is also admittedly a bit crazy himself. He's definitely tied a few people up and intimidated people, but that's not his usual job. He's too baby.
- Canonically, where Ambrose is located, it would be a roughly 30 min drive (or 2 hours I forgor lol) to Baton Rogue! So fun fact. They're Baton boys uwu
- I think even though Bo is a good cook, gumbo is Lester's wheelhouse cause he's just got that swagger to him. Like if I met Lester and he was like "do u want me to make you gumbo" I'd say yes, no hesitation.
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small-sinclair · 2 years ago
Hey! I saw you posted the A/B/O prompt list, so I bring you
“I got into some trouble today. I sort of punched an Alpha in the face when he touched me. Long story short, there’s a couple of officers at the door who would like to talk to you about getting control of your Omega.”
With Bo Sinclair, he obviously is all like “I’ll teach them a lesson!” To the officers but as soon as that door shuts it’s praise and kisses to the reader (reader can be gn)
Thank you for being my first ask! :D Never wrote for an a/b/o prompt, but I think this turned out well!
Alpha!Bo x gn!y/n
Tw: hints of sexual assault, strong words, mentions of past abuser
Tarts and Swears
"Let me talk to him? Please--"
"Those Sinclair boys should keep you on a leash."
As much as you wanted to snap at the officer, you knew that you were in more trouble than you wanted. It's not your fault that you're in this mess! Clearly, the other Alpha knew you were claimed by the ungodly amount of marks on your neck and shoulders. Shit, everyone could see them when you were in town to get fresh fruits for that fruit tart you promised to make for Bo and Vincent! You always bragged about it, and, because he's such a star, you were able to go to town to get the items for the tart. You made sure to were a cute shoulder flare shirt with strawberries on it (Bo's favorite fruit), and a list with everything you need. Yes, you never leave Ambrose without Lester, but you promised Bo you'll be careful! You promised...
Now, you're coming home in the back of a cop car with your bike tied to the roof, knee scrapped, and your favorite shoulder shirt dirtied and ripped. It'll take more than Dawn soap and a good wash to get the mud stains out. But the worst part? You didn't even get the chance to buy anything for the tarts!
"Just let me talk to him," you said in a sigh. "I think it'll be best if he hears it from me." You felt so defeated as you stepped out of the back of the squad car, the bruised Alpha stepping out of his truck. Gods, what a sleaze ball. He was the one that cornered you and tried to--
Swallowing hard, you raised a hand to the door and opened to go inside, officers following in along with the Alpha.
"Bo?" You called, noticing the T.V. on in the den and the smell of something spicy in the kitchen. Vincent must be cooking chili tonight. "Honeycomb?"
From above, boots patter on the wood and a shadow cast down the steps, getting closer and closer, until your Alpha stopped halfway on the landing. Though you've seen him many time ins his work uniform, seeing the sleeves tied at his hips and white, greased stain shirt underneath made his sweaty curls glow like a halo made from mud and oil. Confused eyes glossed over the two officers then the blue eyes lit in flames when he saw the unknown Alpha in his living room. You thought you heard a low growl coming from him, but it might be the wooden steps as he stomped down, fists falling tightly until his knuckles turned white. You could feel the other Alpha smirk at this, his ego growing bigger by the minute.
You left your spot and stood between the officers and Bo, your hands slipping onto his chest. You could smell the anger boiling over as his eyes snapped down at you then at the officers. Over his shoulder, you saw Vincent stick his head around the corner. He leaned against the doorway to watch the show (or step in if things get out of control).
You cleared your throat and said nervously, “I got into some trouble today."
Bo scuffed. He might've as well punched you. "I can fuckin' see 'at."
"I sort of punched an Alpha in the face when he touched me." You breathed out, touching his arm. You felt his energy shift as when he noticed your hurt knee and torn shirt. Before he could get a word in, you said, "Long story short, there’s a couple of officers at the door who would like to talk to you about getting control of your Omega.”
Vincent stiffened as soon as he smelt the scent of the other Alpha on you, and he could see where his hands were. He clinched his jaw tightly as his lone eyes glared at the man, who was being guarded by the two officers. Bo caught on as if he could read Vincent's thoughts, and, oh, how he hated the smell.
Icy blue eyes look up from you to the officers. "'S true, Andrew?"
"Unfortunately, yes," Andrew (the one on the right, the smaller one with no wedding ring) answered. "Dustin says he got hurt by 'em. Gotta control 'em, Sinclair."
Bo bit his lower lip and looked at his brother, who was gripping his sweatshirt a little too tight. "Yer tellin' me 'at my little darlin'," he pushed you to the side as gently as he could, but he was firm, "hurt him? Are we talkin' 'bout the same Omega, right?" He then gestures to you in disbelief. "I mean, look at 'em! Pool noodles for arms and damn chicken legs. Wha' happened? They barked at ya wrong?" Bo didn't mean to laugh, but it was just so damn funny to him! How could a little thing like you do any harm? He could tell there was a lie somewhere, but this is an Alpha's world, and an Omega's word means nothing.
"Just want an apology, Sinclair," the Alpha--Dustin--said. "'At's all I want."
"Ya ain't getting it," Bo answered, crossing his arms. "I only smell you on 'em." Then he took a deep breath, narrowing your scent in the air. It traveled around the officers to Dustin's bruised cheek. You did a beautiful right hook, but he didn't show his pride for you. "Not the other way around."
Andrew shifted his weight, uncomfortable with all of this. This was wrong, all of it! He's known Bo since kindergarten, and they shared snacks and math test answers throughout high school! Yeah, he and his twin are a bit out there, but who wasn't it? He promised to be lawful and right for all, and here he was. This was eating him from the inside out, and you almost felt sorry for him.
But if he wants to stay in the den, stay in the little pack who took him in no matter the methods, he has to follow the rules like a good dog. A good boy... just like his mother told him when he learned about this world. "You can say it an' not mean it?"
"Arron, we're 'n someone else's home askin' fer an apology fer something that-- the Omega had every right to hit 'im! An' ya know 'at!" Look at that... Andrew found his voice for the first time.
You look between him and the others, Bo stepping in front of you as if there was going to be blood shed. You closed your eyes as you gripped the back of Bo's shirt, letting out a low whine just for him to hear. You wanted this to be over and done with. Yo knew you'll be locked forever and never be left free. You'll be chained to the floor as punishment like by the Alpha before. The things your Alpha before did to you was enough to make Bo's stomach flip.
Bo's shoulder straightened. "Andrew," he said firmly. "Don't worry. I'll teach 'em a lesson on manners." Your heart shattered. But... but you were so good. He saw what happened! Shit, he could smell it from two miles away! "As fer you," he nodded at Dustin, "git off my lan' an' never look back."
Dustin rolled his eyes. "Then keep that thing on a leash."
Bo bit down hard on his teeth as he watched the officers leave. "Vincent," Bo said, his voice making you jump. "Go get y/n's bike off the car."
As Vincent past him, he stopped and looked between you and Bo, who gave a silent nod on not letting Dustin leave this town. He wanted him alive. Breathing. Just so he could take all of that away.
Andrew was the last to leave, his green eyes cast down at the wooden floors. "'M sorry, Bo."
"It'll be fine," Bo answered. He stayed firm but... "I hope ya fin' yer path, Andy."
Andrew swallowed the lump in his throat. "Thank you, Alpha." he closed the door behind him, leaving you and Bo alone.
The house never felt so silent until now, and you wait for him to start yelling, to call you careless and a disappointment, asking you if you knew better or not. You wait for the sting of a hand to cross your face like the Alpha before him did, and you flinched when he turned to face you. His shadow towered over you like raves over the dead, and you might as well be dead. You had a good run at being alive in this town. You've been running on barrow time in a town known for time limits. As you felt a hand lift your head, you didn't realize you were crying as you looked at your Alpha.
"Y/n?" It was just you and Bo... why do you feel like eyes are watching your next moves. "Sweetie-belle, did he push ya? Hurt ya?"
You found yourself nodding. "I-I was so scared, Bo," you didn't mean to sound so pathetic, cringing at your own voice. "I-I said no but he didn't--" You finally broke as you feel into his chest. His arms wrapped around you protectively, tight and warm. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Bo--!"
"Shh, shh, darlin'," he whispered, rubbing your back in gentle circles. "Ya did good. You stood yer' ground an' fought back jus' how Vince and I taught ya." He kissed the crown of your head. "You did so well."
"But-but the tarts--"
"Those can wait another day, yeah?" He finished. He had you look up at him, a hand brushing the tears away. "Ya did so well with standing your ground." You never seen how warm a smile could be until you met Bo Sinclair. How safe and protected you were when he and Vincent are around. "'M so proud of you, y/n." He lowered his head and stole a gentle kiss from your lips, tasting faint cigarette and mint.
He searched your eyes, his ocean blue eyes mixing with a bright hazel nut and gold. He kissed you again, deepening it this time, holding you as if you were going to fade from his arms like dust if he ever let go. He should've been more careful with you, more protective and went with you. Seeing you hurt, knees scrapped and perfect skin damaged was enough to drive him, but to hear you apologize through tears as if it was your fault? Ambrose has seen blood shed before, but it'll see Hell cracking underneath the church floors after he's done with Dustin. Putting you on a leash? Where does this prick get off?
And I bet he ever ruined your favorite shirt, y/n, he thought bitterly to himself.
He pulls away from your lips and let you nuzzle into his neck. "I swear, darlin', you'll never see him again." His grip tights around you. "I swear to you."
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singing-melliot-headcanons · 3 months ago
dumb triple crossover modern au im sending both here and the aus blog because i’m the yapperrrrrr
for ghost story:
józef and hao used to go to the same high school and had a summer job together as teenagers, and then began dating, but hao ran away from home after a bad fight with his parents and an argument with józef (he was raised in an abusive home). his parents called the police on him, and because of a mix of survival instincts, fight response and undiagnosed intermittent explosive disorder, he ends up getting into a physical fight with the cops and getting jailed. he was roughly twenty-five by this point.
while hao is away, józef marries and has joey (robin using józef and joey being father/son format; fork found in kitchen) and his wife is a stay-at-home mom. he works at some nature reserve park place he and hao used to go to while they were younger (they carved their names into a tree there) for a while, before it shut down. he then began to work at the local coffee shop that again, he and hao used to always go to (he never liked the coffee there, or the tea, it was too sweet for his liking, but hao always liked it.) hao finds him there and józef comes out to his wife as gay, she comes out as aroace, but they don’t have the profits for a divorce so they’re technically married, but józef finally works up the courage to talk to hao again, and then hao becomes step father of the year or something to joey. (he doesn’t like joey at first because he both didn’t meet him until it was christmas and he came down to celebrate and he was disrespectful to józef in his eyes.)
joey and anthony have the same lives as they do in canon, with those little tweaks. joey is an ex-hamilfan and he defended thomas jefferson miku binder when it came out. his old tumblr posts still haunt him.
(very similar premise to the soulmate au, i know)
for adamandi:
due to past controversy with the phaethon after someone who narrowly survived percely queensley’s murders spoke out, ardess stopped doing the phaethon to maintain their reputation. the entire incident was covered up.
vincent is a visual arts minor as well as a bio major (i don’t know why i included this i just think about this a lot)
portia doesn’t like vincent but she doesn’t do anything but be unsettled by him — she can’t really do anything because they’re her girlfriend’s friend and friend’s boyfriend. he always thought he was weird and ‘seemed like he would kill someone’ as well as thinking he was creepy because of his body language and such, and upon confessing these concerns to beatrix (she wanted to tell quincy, but she didn’t want to upset them), beatrix told her plainly that vincent is autistic but he probably would kill somebody. (in a half-joking manner of course.) she also thinks vincent is weird for the fact he’s a stoner, but cant say anything because beatrix is also a stoner, and she knows it’s her stereotyping him — she’s quite aware of this stuff, but sometimes she catches the undertones of what she says a bit too late. she knows her not liking him isn’t really justified, but he gives her the creeps. it makes her feel quite guilty.
portia hung around cliques (like. think of chavs, or whatever y’all have in america, but in some dreary new england college) to try and fit in, but she would by no means take part in any of the bullying and stuff. after she was outed she was kicked out of her social circle.
transfem portia, that’s all i’ll say.
they/them quincy.
ambrose and portia went to the same high school and they vaguely know each other.
for taopp:
american-ised them, oh no. /j
instead of being the king’s children, rowan and maya are instead the children of a politician. jason is a security guard instead of a knight, rowan got disowned, louis is a secretary instead of a baronet and maddox is just a regular person. they met maya via rowan.
maddox is an ex-convict. they were arrested for helping rowan with one of his “plans” to run away from his dad and shit, as rowan was a minor at the time (seventeen) and they were twenty-one.
magic still exists, YAY.
jason is a trans guy, louis is the token cis guy, rowan is agender, maya is transmasc and demibigender, and obviously maddox is nonbinary.
louis struggles with eating disorders (as a replacement for the famine in canon). with rowan this behaviour was encouraged, with jason he was helped to recover.
rowan’s mom committed suicide after finding out his dad cheated on her with maya’s mom and had been since before maya was born. rowan (rightfully) blames his dad for this.
how they all connect:
rowan and maya’s father is a senator and friends with ambrose’s father. maya tried to be respectful to ambrose before he transitioned, but they never had common interest. after he transitioned, she realised she was genderqueer herself, but she never came out. she was nicer to ambrose because of it. he never liked her. rowan never liked ambrose in general.
maddox and beatrix went to the same high school and dated for a bit. they ended on good terms and are still friends.
vincent and joey are tumblr mutuals. they end up meeting after the Group (beatrix, portia, quincy, vincent) go to watch isttvg in the cinema and he recognises joey while exiting the cinema.
portia knows maya via beatrix, she thinks that she’s nice.
portia and anthony follow each other on instagram. she wants to talk to him, but she’s not the best at talking to people online, so she just likes and comments on all his posts and hopes he gets the message “hi i think you’re cool”.
jason, louis and quincy are regulars at the coffee shop hao is also a regular at and józef works at. louis has attempted to talk to hao before, seeing him as a lonely old man, and was promptly told to fuck off. józef is the equivalent of a kind barista who always gives the regulars he knows extra stuff and talks to them a lot.
WOAHHHH. btw not my fault if i get hcs for your au
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initiumseries · 2 years ago
who are your favourite black characters - animated and not animated
Oh fun question. We capitalize Black in this house, and this is absolutely going to show my age but you asked, and I wouldn't say favourite for most, because I don't know that I have a strong attachment to every show but did like them, and you'll probably notice, most of the time they just have to be Black and on a show for me to like them so here we go:
As usual, in no particular order -
Numbuh 5 - Kids Next Door
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I thought she was funny, and she was Black and that's really all it took for me, lol. I based one of my characters off her actually.
Miles Morales
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I feel like this goes without saying.
Goliath - Gargoyles
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LOL this is so funny to me because the VA is BLACK. And Goliath always read to me as Black, and Elisa Maza...anyway lol. It always struck me as deranged that whenever the gargoyles in general, but ESPECIALLY Goliath AND Demona turned human, all of them were always white. Just didn't make any sense even as a kid, and I blame racism. This is probably the only time I'll go up for non-human characters coded as Black and no I won't be arguing about this.
Out of the Box
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This dude held me down after school every day and the song still SLAPS.
Mr. Trick - BTVS
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He is SO unsung but I loved almost every scene he was in.
Lieutenant Van Buren - Law & Order
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The only cop I like. she sued the cops for racism.
Detective Green
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Before he was on that stupid DC show, he was a cop on a better show lmao. See above.
Storm - X-Men & Xmen Evolution
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She's Storm.
Virgil Hawkins - Static Shock
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One day we'll talk about what the fuck is up with all the Black people having electric powers, but today we'll put some respect on Virgil's name.
John Stewart/Green Lantern - Justice League/Unlimited
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The only green lantern I recognize.
Vixen - JLU
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John fumbled her BIG TIME.
Abbie - Sleepy Hollow
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This show fumbled her BIG TIME. Lord release us from the shackles of Black people being cops in shows.
Papa Pope
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He rocked my ENTIRE world off axis when he showed up and read Olivia for filth and then fucked up her white side piece.
Annalise Keating
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She was SO messy, but she should've killed them kids too.
Michaela Pratt
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I had issues with her SL but she was a real one.
Greenleaf patriarch & matriarch - Greenleaf
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tbh with you it doesn't really matter what these two people are in, I'm going to watch the fuck out of it.
Lafayette - True Blood
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I feel like this goes without saying. RIP.
Romeo Carter - Student Bodies
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for OBVIOUS reasons.
Jett Jackson - Jett Jackson
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Again, obvious reasons. RIP.
Ashley Banks - Fresh Prince
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I liked her because she was around my age when I was watching the show.
This whole family - Family Matters
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I don't have a favourite. This whole family was Black in a time where there were few Black people on tv much less whole families.
Hobie Brown - Across the Spiderverse
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Obvious reasons.
Chloe - Sabrina the Animated Series
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I feel like I've dug significantly into the archives of my brain. I'm sure there are characters I've missed, but this is what I could remember. Fun! - oh wait no!
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She stole the damn show. I watched for her and Ambrose *only*
Tak & Quellchrist Falconer - Altered Carbon
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This sleeve of Tak specifically.
Michael Burnham - Star Trek Discover
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She acts her ass off in any role so honestly it doesn't matter.
T'Challa - Black Panther
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No I will not expand. Sigh. RIP.
All of them - Black Panther
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Ok I think I'm done. I've reached into the archives of my childhood, and I'm sure there are more I've forgotten, but yeah, here's top of my head. :)
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wyntereyez · 1 month ago
Wynter's Werewolf Watch-A-Thon: Late Phases
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Late Phases
Tubi's description: Following the vicious attacks of a beast, a jaded veteran investigates what an isolated retirement community knows about the killings.
There will be spoilers in my description. Also, I'm going to warn you ahead of time: the dog very much does die. Many do, in fact. You may not want to read further based on this.
Ambrose is a blind Vietnam veteran who is moving into an isolated retirement community next to the woods. His son, Will, drops him off, and we see they have a difficult relationship. Ambrose is bitter, and sometimes even hostile, which immediately puts off the neighborhood welcoming committee. (Who were, admittedly, using that false friendliness that would put anyone's hackles up.) Upon entering the house, Ambrose finds barely-concealed scratches in the wall, and something that looks like a large claw or tooth.
That night, he hears something happening in his neighbor's place as she's violently attacked by the werewolf. It then comes into his home, but Shadow, his guide dog, defends him and drives it off. Shadow is fatally wounded, and Ambrose puts him out of his misery.
The police write it off as an animal attack, something that happens 'all the time' since they're so close to the woods. There'd also been a second attack down the road.
When his daughter-in-law mentions the moon had been full, Ambrose deduces the animal was a werewolf, and begins to investigate. His only clue is that the werewolf had a wheeze to its breathing.
Over the next month, Ambrose further antagonizes neighbors as he investigates, making them uncomfortable because he uses a shovel for a cane because he refuses to replace his dog. He begins attending church, where he catches the attention of the priest. The priest has a wheeze from smoking, making him a possible suspect, so Ambrose allows him to get close while he tries to solve the mystery. The rest of the time, he spends preparing for the next confrontation. And burying his dog. Which takes the hole month, for some reason.
While purchasing silver ammo, he finally figures out who the werewolf is when he learns James, one of the church deacons, had purchased silver ammunition the year before.
When James sees the ammunition bag in Ambrose's hand, he panics and bites several neighbors for back-up.
Before shifting, the priest visits James. He knows that James has been killing the neighborhood dogs, but he thinks James only believes himself to be a monster - until James tells him he'd gone into the woods to kill the werewolf, and had become one himself in the process. He shifts in front of the priest, and he's killed.
Ambrose takes down the new werewolves, then James himself. He then staggers off and dies, having overdosed on medication beforehand to ensure he didn't live to become a werewolf.
All in all, it's a rather slow movie. After the initial attack, there's not much that happens beyond arguments with his son, his neighbors being distrustful and calling the cops on him, and burying his dog. Which takes an entire month. If I were neighbors with a guy who kept a rotting corpse for a month, I'd probably call the cops, too. It's not something that did any favors for his character. And his son and daughter-in-law comment that's it's not a healthy thing to do, but don't do anything about it. Okay.
And Ambrose was a hard character to like. He was very much the bitter veteran stereotype, which I get, I just don't relate to.
The werewolf design was interesting.
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The transformation was cool, with James tearing his skin away to reveal the wolf beneath. They were full-body suits, and the actors moved pretty well in them. Though something about them made me think 'fantasy goblin' rather than werewolf. That's probably just me, though.
Final verdict: It's not the worst werewolf movie I've seen, but it was very slow. And it was difficult to believe that everyone would be so blase about so many 'animal attacks'; you'd think they'd want to move or get someone to take care of it, surely? I mean, two people died in that first attack. Dogs keep going missing (getting killed by James). There've obviously been a lot of other attacks, including one that left scratch marks in Ambrose's new house. And I'm sorry, I just don't get why they dragged out the dog burial, except as a way to antagonize the neighbors? I dunno. I probably wouldn't watch it again.
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vintagedreamsofsennett · 11 months ago
Charles K. Harris, After the Ball
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Big Topic : Harry Gribbon x The McKinnon twins
Gifs : Main - Ambrose's Sour Grapes (1915)
Others - Tango Tangles (1914)
Mabel, Fatty and the Law (1915)
The Raven (1915)
The Feathered Nest (1916)
Should a Woman Tell? (1919)
Down on the Farm (1920)
Straight from Paris (1921)
Mushrooms (1934)
Corn on the Cop (1934)
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loveandmurders · 9 months ago
The Sun of Ambrose V (lost Sinclair!daughter reader AU)
Hi everyone, this is the final part of my Sinclair!daughter AU in which the reader is Bo's daughter and she has been taken away and adopted by a new family.
You can find part I here.
Hope you'll enjoy! <3
Warnings: no proof reading, killer!reader, mentions of guilt, violence, murders, blood, some sort of dark angst/comfort
You quite enjoyed your summer break in Ambrose. You loved to sculpt with Vincent, you loved to watch your dad work on a car and to have him show you things, you loved to wander around with Lester. You loved to play with Jonesy as well. Everything felt good. You never slept so well in years, because you were finally feeling safe enough to fully relax.
You hadn’t asked about the tourists anymore because you didn’t have enough strength for more drama for the moment. And whenever people were coming around, the brothers made sure you were busy somewhere else in the town or with Lester. You pretended you didn’t notice anything. You just wanted to be happy. 
And for the moment, your own desire to kill has quieted down. You were still feeling sick from the murder of your mother.
The brothers didn’t notice anything amiss; apart from the fact they still hadn’t heard the sound of your voice, you were once again their ray of sunshine. You were making them so full of joy. The twins were talking, late in the night, about the legacy once again. They hadn’t thought they could resume their plans on this matter. They were so relieved.
However they were a little bit concerned about your adoptive father. They were certain that even if the man wasn’t doing too well for the moment, at some point he would want to get “his daughter” back. The twins had no idea how to cut him out of your life without killing him. Bo would love to murder him - out of jealousy - but he knew that you would know it one day, and he didn’t want to upset you that way. Both your mothers already died after all…
You were having a snack in Bo’s garage while he was taking care of a new car. You were sucking on the chocolate that dripped on your fingers, as you were listening to the music your father put on. You were both enjoying each other's presence even if you weren’t interacting directly. Bo was always a lot more at ease when you were in the same room than him or at least in his line of vision. He was still traumatised; he lost you once, and he promised himself it would never happen again.
You slightly jumped when you felt your phone buzzing next to you. You grabbed it and frowned when you saw it was your adoptive father. Bo noticed the look on your face.
“What’s up, baby?” he asked you as he came closer to you. You put your phone on your lap so you could sign
“He is wondering where I am.” you replied, knowing Bo would understand who was the “he”. You father rolled his eyes and groaned
“Oh so he remembered he's supposed to look after ya?” he ironized and your crossed your arms on your chest “Don’t pout” he hummed and kissed the top of your head
“I’ll have to tell him I’m here. I can’t lie to him about that. Just be nice to him, okay? Things are difficult and… And he won’t be happy about the situation because…” you trailed off
“Because what?”
“Well before mom got sick, she discovered I was chatting with you and Vince and Les, and she was worried about me. She wanted to call the cops on you” you explained. Bo didn’t show any emotion but you read in his eyes that he was quite concerned about such news
“Luckily she got sick then” he commented out loud before realising it “Sorry, love, I didn’t mean it like that” he quickly added as you looked away. Luck had really nothing to do with it, you thought.
“Anyway, I will tell him I’m here. And he’ll probably come get me. I’m just gonna make sure he doesn’t call the police or anyone” you promised as you got up and left the garage
You needed to be alone to write to your adoptive father: “Hey dad, are you feeling better? I didn’t really have anywhere to go so I went back to Ambrose. Everyone is very nice to me and Bo is inviting you over (so please don’t call the police, they really didn’t do anything wrong!). Will you bring me back home?”
The answer was almost instantaneous: “Yes, I will. I won’t call the police because I shouldn’t have asked you to go away in the first place. Love you, I’m sorry for everything”
You were relieved, knowing he wouldn’t be lying to you, not after what happened, not when he had failed his mission of taking care of you.
You came back home and settled at the kitchen table, thinking about what to do next. You didn’t want to leave Ambrose but you wouldn’t be allowed to stay here. You tried to busy yourself on some silly games on your phone but soon enough you grew bored. You were feeling quite upset as well. For the first time in weeks, you wanted to kill someone. You needed to express yourself in another way than sculpting or drawing. You needed to take out your frustration on someone, but there was no one to kill here.
Vincent opened the basement door, in need of some water when he saw you. He quickly saw you weren’t your usual happy self. He put an hand on your shoulder for you to look up at him before signing:
“What’s wrong?”
“My adoptive father will come get me. I think he should be here tonight” you replied
“Do you want to go?” Vincent tilted his head to the head, you quickly shook your head
“No, but I can’t really do anything about it”
You could tell that Vincent wanted to say something but didn’t dare and he simply sadly nodded his head at you.
“How about we make something together? Would it cheer you up?” he offered, which made you smile
“I’d love to”
As you focused on the art you were making with Vincent, you forgot about your adoptive father and you forgot about the time. Your need to kill quietened down, but was still there, waiting for you to be on your own to eat you up alive once again.
You were about to finish a sculpture of Jonesy you intended to offer to Lester, when you heard two vehicles coming into Ambrose. You looked at the window, but didn’t recognise your adoptive father’s car. There were lost “tourists” who were following behind Lester’s truck. Vincent tensed and looked at the clock before asking you:
“When do you think your adoptive father will come here?”
“I’m not sure, soon I guess” you shrugged but you saw the panic rising into Vincent’s eye
“Alright. I let you finish the sculpture without me. We have work to do. Stay here, please.” Vincent replied
“What work?” you frowned
“Promise me you will stay here” Vincent asked, firmly signing each work. You understood he was pretty serious about it
“Of course, I promise you, uncle” you finally replied as you sat back down and watched Vincent leave the room and go back into the basement.
You were about to go back to your sculpture when you heard people violently arguing. The “tourists” didn’t seem to be too happy with Bo. Lester was quick to intervene as well. You watched the scene of a man pushing Lester to the ground, and Bo hitting the said man. Your eyes widened at such a display of violence. You nibbled on your bottom lip. Were your family killers, or was it just bad people disrupting the peace of Ambrose?
You saw that things were getting pretty rough between the three tourists and your father and uncle. You wondered where Vincent was, and almost got into the basement to look for him… Until you saw your adoptive father’s car coming into view. He really couldn’t have arrived at the worst moment. He stopped in front of the garage and tried to put himself between Bo and the man, and to appease the situation. Bo asked him to go away, you guessed, according to his gestures. And your adoptive father refused.
You were too far away to see everything, and even more when they seemed to come more into Bo’s garage. You just knew that at some point someone screamed. Two tourists ran away, Lester ran after them with what seemed like a knife, and Bo was covered in blood. You had to stop yourself from leaving the house. You wanted to help, and you wanted to be the one covered in blood. However, you never broke a promise you made to your family before, so you had to be better, you had to stay inside. You didn’t know where your adoptive father was anymore and you grew worried. How could things go so badly after such happy weeks in Ambrose?
Bo grabbed a rifle and was about to go after the tourists when he received a massive hit on the head from behind and fell on the ground. You saw your adoptive father with some mechanic tool in his hands.
You couldn’t stop yourself this time. You took the gun Bo was hiding under his armchair and ran to the garage. You had to stop them, you had to do something about it. You couldn’t scream or you would have. Your legs brought you in front of the two men with such speed, as the adrenaline was pumping into your veins. Before you knew it, you aimed at them.
Your adoptive father who was ready to hit Bo stopped his movement as he noticed you and he brought his hands in front of him. Bo was still on the ground, pretty disoriented by the hit he received on the head. He looked up and saw you. You had never looked so much like a Sinclair before. He knew you were his daughter then; he wouldn’t even be disappointed if you decided to kill him.
You were perfect.
“What are you doing? Shoot him, shoot him! He killed the guy, and he wants to kill us all. Your mother was right, they are murderers!” you adoptive father yelled as you eyes moved between him and Bo
“I won’t hurt ya, baby” Bo whispered to you “Everythin’s alright” he continued, trying to sooth you. And one thing was certain, you wouldn’t stand to never hear him talking to you like that anymore.
You looked back at your adoptive father, tears in your eyes. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were about what you were going to do, about what you did to his wife, but with the gun in your hands, you couldn’t.
You shooted and closed your eyes. His body loudly fell to the ground and you shivered. You looked down at Bo and helped him to get up.
He quickly hugged you before gently rocking you, so you could calm down. You didn’t cry in his embrace, you felt at peace. You felt like everything was as it always should have been.
“Ya alright?” Bo whispered to you as he cupped your face into his bloody hands. You nodded and sniffed.
Screams resonated from the House of Wax and you moved from Bo. You were ready to help, you were ready to kill some more but Bo grabbed your wrist. He softly took the gun from you and kissed the palm of your hand.
“Don’t worry, baby. Les and Vince are taking care of the two others. Ya can rest now. Ya did amazin’. Ya saved me, ya saved the family” he hummed, pride shining into his eyes. “Told ya everythin’ was gonna be alright,” he added as he brought you back against him once again.
You couldn’t fully relax, not knowing if your uncles were doing alright. You kept your face towards the House of Wax, waiting for them. Soon enough, you saw them pulling two bodies out of the museum and you felt the adrenaline leaving you.
“I need to sit down” you signed to your dad who quickly nodded. He opened Lester’s truck and sat you down at the passenger seat, as it was the most comfy place he could offer for the moment. He didn’t want you to see the body of your adoptive father either.
“Stay here, I’ll be back soon” he murmured. He needed to let his brothers know about what happened. 
Soon enough, they were all around you. You quickly scanned them, to make sure they were unharmed. They didn’t really know what to tell you. They were happy, of course, but they weren’t too sure how you were feeling. You killed the man who raised you for years, after all.
Truth to be told, you used to feel guilty because of the death of his wife that was driving him crazy, but now they were back together. You felt free. You felt ready to kill again, to kill for the family business.
“Bo told us ya did the right thin’” Lester told you and you gave him a soft smile “Feelin’ all good?” he asked and you nodded.
“You don’t have to feel bad for having… killed him, you know. You protected your real father, you protected us. You did what you had to do” Vincent signed to you, even if Bo and Lester weren’t too sure that reminding you you killed him was a good idea. To their surprise, you relaxed into the seat and nodded again.
“I am a Sinclair” you said in a rough voice you hadn’t used in years.
Taglist : @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21 ; @12gaugefalls ; @kriston1210 ; @slushi-chan
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milk-crafting · 8 months ago
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𖤓 Pinned Post 𖤓
𖤓 Milk // 28 // cis woman she/her
𖤓 Eastern Orthodox Christian, married, anti-cop, pro-Palestine, western-wear enthusiast, fiber artist in my free time, still desperately trying to learn Russian at least
𖤓 Fandoms: Interview with the Vampire, Vampire the Masquerade/World Of Darkness, my bestie's OCs, Pathfinder, DnD, BG3, and probably plenty others that I'm too dumb to remember right now
𖤓 My art tag // my ocs tag // my commissions // my ko-fi 𖤓
𖤓 Dividers can be found here 𖤓
𖤓 Commission Status: closed𖤓
𖤓 Messy doodles: closed𖤓
OC list below the cut (non-exhaustive for my own sanity, I have a lot). Some of them cross-over into a original fic setting my friend and I share, and I'll mark those with a 𖤓 ~ It takes me forever to get to asks about them but I swear I love talking about my OCs ok
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World of Darkness:
𖤓 Lazarus/Nadia -- Vampire the Masquerade, Tzimisce 𖤓 Rosin -- Vampire the Masquerade, Hecata (Lamia)
Endres -- Dark Ages Vampire, ventrue antitribu, knight under the black cross
Razeen -- Vampire the Masquerade, el hijazi
Radu -- Vampire the Masquerade, tzimisce
Arkadiy (Kadia) -- Vampire the Masquerade, tzimisce
𖤓 Martel -- Vampire the Masquerade, toreador antitribu
𖤓 Lucius -- Vampire the Masquerade, thinblood
𖤓 Ambrose -- Vampire the Masquerade, toreador
𖤓 Melusine -- Changeling the Dreaming, sidhe
Briar -- Changeling the Dreaming, sluagh
Finn -- Changeling the Dreaming, troll
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