thebigbadbatswife · 3 months
Hi sorry to bother you or bug you but can you please write a fanfic or maybe a short post about how would the mail Justice League members would react to female superhero reader while she's on her period apparently I'm on the starting stage of having my period cramps are the worst and I need comfort you can make this however you want it's up to you I understand if you don't want to that's fine but if you do want to do this thank you so much you're an awesome person and an amazing writer and also I think you're writing is awesome never stop loving yourself and never stop treating yourself also don't forget to have a self care day 😇
 Hey! You’re not bothering me at all! 
You know what I don’t normally take requests (refer to my pinned post), but screw it. I’m having a shitty time with my own uterus so why not? Nothing makes me feel better than reading and/or writing fluff when I feel bad and hopefully this’ll make you and other people feel better as well 💜
I’ve already done a post similar to this featuring Bruce (you can find that here) so for this I’m just going to be doing Arthur, Clark and Ollie* since I know them better than I do the rest of the League. I hope that’s okay! 
And thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad that you like my writing! I hope that you enjoy 💜
*And a bonus w/ Diana since the idea came to me while I was writing the boys and I could not resist and just had to include her.
Warnings - F!Reader. Established Relationship. Period mentions (Obviously). Comfort. Fluff!
Clark keeps track of your cycle so that he can always make sure you’re stocked up on the things that you need. Chocolates, sweets, sanitary products, pain medicines, his mom’s special homemade cookies. You name it, he’s already stocked the cupboards and fridge with it. 
Definitely a bit of a mother hen. Likes to dote on you and make sure that you’re fed and hydrated, but isn’t overbearing or condescending in any way. He knows that you are more than capable of taking care of yourself. He also knows that there are times where you just want to be taken care of and cuddled in bed until you’re feeling better, he’s more than happy to do so. He’s also a walking furnace so no more waiting for a hot water bottle or heat pad to warm up when you’ve got Clark right there instead.
Arthur is a lot of like Clark. Keeps track of your cycle, makes sure you have everything you could possible need. You don’t even need to lift a finger as he will have the palace staff bring it straight to you. 
Obviously, as king of Atlantis, he has duties he must attend to, but the ones that he can pass off to others he does so that he can be there for you while you need him. When he is with you be ready for lots of kissing and cuddling as he makes it up to you and does his best to make you feel better. 
Oliver can be… a little bit forgetful. He doesn’t keep track of your cycle like Clark and Arthur, at least he doesn’t in the very beginning of your relationship. Definitely makes the wrong joke at the wrong time and the glare that you give him is more than enough for him to realise he’s messed up and badly. He’s quick to start making amends though!
Waits on you hand and foot. Anything that you want he will run and get it for you. To the point that it’s like he’s trying to compete with the Flash for the title of fastest man alive. Still makes jokes, but now they’re so ridiculously corny it’s hard to not laugh at them when you’re still trying your very best to be mad at him. Is more than happy to snuggle with you (once you have forgiven him and will actually let him).
Diana, of course, knows just how much periods can hurt. She sympathises with you greatly when she finds you curled upon the couch and she hates to see you in such pain and discomfort. She makes sure that you have eaten, drunk something and had some pills before she is pulling you to lay on top of her, strong muscular arms wrapping around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. She won’t be leaving your side until you’re feeling better so if there is anything that you need she will order it in for you instead.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 months
Hi sorry to bother you I really am sorry to bug you so can I ask you something what was your reaction to the season finale of TMNT 2012 my reaction was the five stages of grief because it was a good show I understand that every good show has to have a season finale but it's still sad to know that it had to end like that it could have ended in very different ways like in good ways but not bad ways also have I ever told you how an amazing writer you are and if I haven't well I am telling you you're an amazing writer now never give up on your dreams and my reasons why I write is because not only it's my job but because I love it and I love to write fanfics and other stuff too so what are your reasons why you became a writer and what's your inspiration my inspiration would be my family and the cartoon characters I loved since I was a little child that I still watch to this day I even watch bluey yes I know it's for kids but it's also for adults too who have inner Childs in them it's also a coping mechanism for me to help me cope with stress anxiety and my trauma of having daddy issues but I will not tell you that because I know it's TMI sorry to bug you and I don't know if you're asleep or you just woke up I'm sorry have an awesome summer and try to stay cool you know in temperature
The Season 4 finale was the ending of the TMNT 2012 series for me. All the arcs in season 5 are just fun bonus epilogues to me. Except Mutant Apocalypse that is non canon and never happened. And it was a decent way to end the series but it could’ve been handled way better but that’s more Nickelodeon’s fault.
And as for what made me want to become a writer, I’ve always loved storytelling since I was a kid and I was lucky to have so many great influences in my life growing up to inspire/encourage me to become a writer and tell my own stories
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
Hi honeybear Yammy may I ask you a question if it's alright with you of course so my question is what is your favorite comedy movie and be honest mine is Tammy you know the one with Melissa McCarthy in it she's really hilarious so that's my question and I hope you have a blessed day 🤣😇
Of course! I love when people ask me questions like this! That's honestly a hard one because, there are a lot of good comedy movies out there but, honestly for me, anything with Melissa McCarthy I love. I loved Tammy, Life of the Party, Identity Theft, Thunder Force, like anything with her in it I love since she is so funny and she's also one of my favorite actors so. 😂🥰💗
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kinky-candyland · 3 months
Hi sorry to bother you I really am sorry to bother you but I saw that request for open and I don't know if my request will be a good thing or bad thing but my request is can you please make a candyland fanfic x female reader you can do whatever you want to it it could be anything you want it's up to you if you don't like the idea I understand but if you do thank you so much anyway you're an amazing writer and I hope you continue to do what you love doing best by your choice and your standards anyway sorry to bother you I hope you have a wonderful summer have a self-care day don't forget to treat yourself and don't forget to know that you are awesome at being yourself 🥳😇 also Happy Father's Day
Hi coolgirl32, I just a few questions. Are you asking for a me x fem reader fanfic? I mean, I’ll write what you’re asking, no problem, but I just wanna know what exactly you’re asking me. Please respond.🤗
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coolgirl32 · 2 years
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5 posts!
Hey everybody coolgirl32 here asking for some request now it can be anything that is based on a cartoon that I heard of but give me some ideas please I hope all of you have a wonderful day 😇🥰
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 months
Hi sorry to bother you/bug you but can I ask you something how would you feel if I were to tell you that if I made a hc about the 2012 TMNT girls like April, karai, renette, (I think that's her name I don't know if I got it right or wrong let me know if I got it wrong) and Mona Lisa you know about how they would go on a girls night out like fighting crime saving the night/day and being pals and everything also I'm glad I know that there's another TMNT fan cuz I watch the 2012 TMNT show when I was a little girl it's been my comfort show since I was like 8 years old sorry to bother you anyway I hope you know that you're an awesome writer and you should always remember to believe in yourself and love yourself and also have a self-care day cuz all writers deserve a self-care day anyway hope you have a wonderful summer and try not to go to the sunburn 😇🏞️
You don’t need my permission to make headcanons on characters that are not even mine lol Go for it! Share your ideas!
Also thank you for the kind words <3
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