#cool? cool.
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crixandtea · 3 months ago
VEE ANGST (srry :3)!!
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desceros · 10 months ago
while i'm here before i pop back to work: i'm not a cop, i have a life, and i'm not gonna narc on your fellow pearl-clutching friends if you follow me in secret or whatever. but if you have something in your pinned post that says nsfw stuff is gross and icky, i hope you saw this in my about before you followed me
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because your blog is your business and your engagement with media is yours to have (and i do in fact have tons of non-nsfw blogs that follow me whom i love and adore); but the instant i get any kind of messages complaining about me posting anything of the sort, i will nuke you from orbit.
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
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Throwing this up here but um..
No one get attached to this ok?
Also ignore the dumdums/aff I was practicing my sketching speed and they were on the dome cuz I still have the brainrot
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twintraps · 8 months ago
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what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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byler-heart · 9 months ago
They can say whatever they want about Byler, but we’ll always have this (Mike’s version):
“Listen, the truth is, the last year has been weird, you know? And I mean, you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin, they’re— they’re great. They’re great. It’s just— It’s Hawkins. It’s not the same without you. And I feel like maybe I was worrying too much about El… and, I don’t know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something. Does that make sense? I have no idea what’s gonna happen next. But, whatever it is, I– I think we should work together. I think it’ll be easier if we’re– we’re a team. Friends. Best friends.”
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 6 months ago
anyway, modern au only child albert that was raised by his grandparents, and they are the most supportive people of all time.
his mamó kim brought him and race to their first pride parade wearing a shirt that said "the communal fairy grandmother" (she happily took pictures with people and gave out free hugs to them)
his grandad joey has never missed a single one of his dance recitals since he was a kid, and it is now tradition that they go out for ice cream afterwards.
albert brought jojo home from school once when they were younger and was like "this is my mamó, and the one watching the football is my grandad." and jojo was absolutely baffled because one set of his grandparents had already passed away, and the others lived miles away and albert just said "we can share!"
due to this, any friend of alberts is now their honorary grandchild, but they truly do not mind. finch has accidentally referred to kim and joey as his own grandparents on numerous occasions, and they have not once corrected him. they're just glad that albert has built up the family he didn't have as a kid, no matter how loud and chaotic they are.
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monstrsball · 2 years ago
Iwaizumi drops a wrapped package unceremoniously into Suga’s lap as he joins him on the bed. He sits cross-legged in front of him, an expectant look on his face. 
“Your birthday present,” He nods towards the present when Suga just stares at him. “Open it.”
“It’s not my birthday yet.” Suga says as if Iwaizumi needs the reminder, glancing between him and the present. 
“I’m aware.” Iwaizumi chuckles. “But since we’re going to be busy tomorrow, I thought it might be better to give it to you early.”
Suga doesn’t really think they’ll be that busy tomorrow. It’s just work and then dinner with his mom and brother. Unless there’s something else planned that he is unaware of, which is starting to seem more likely with how odd Iwaizumi has been acting all day. He’s half-tempted to try to push for more information but his curiosity about the present ultimately wins out. 
He turns the package over a few times to inspect the suspiciously neat wrapping job. It’s wrapped in pretty teal tissue paper, complete with a white ribbon wrapped around it and tied into a bow at the top. The ends of the ribbon are curled and long enough to hang a little over the edges of the box.
It’s pretty, but it’s strange. 
Iwaizumi Hajime is good at many things. He’s an excellent cook, he excels at many different sports, and Suga remembers being really surprised when he learned just how much his boyfriend knew about gardening. However, gift wrapping is not one of his specialties. It is in fact the one thing that he is, without a doubt, awful at. Suga’s helped him enough times with wrapping things before Iwaizumi decided to just start using gift bags to know this. 
So, Iwaizumi has either magically and rapidly improved his gift-wrapping ability or he got help from someone. 
Suga hums, twirling one of the ribbon ends around his finger. He remembers his boyfriend going to his room to have a suspiciously long “talk” with one of his mothers right after they had arrived at their apartment for dinner earlier that evening.
“This is really pretty.” His lips twitch as he glances up to meet his eyes. “Does this have something to do with what you and Sachiko-san were talking about?” He teases, mostly in a feeble attempt to cover up how giddy he is. It’s silly, maybe, to get so worked up over such a minor thing but Suga has always been weak to anything and everything Iwaizumi does. 
Iwaizumi fake-coughs into his shoulder, ears turning a telltale pink. “That was entirely unrelated.” He mutters, barely loud enough for Suga to hear. 
Suga laughs, “Oh?” He says, leaning forward. “Entirely unrelated, huh? So-”
“Koushi,” Iwaizumi interrupts, in a tone that is somehow both affectionate and exasperate, before Suga can needle him any further. “Can you just open it, please?”
Suga clicks his tongue, “You’re no fun.” He says lightly, nevertheless redirecting his attention to the neatly wrapped box in his lap. He swiftly and delicately unties the ribbon wrapped around the box. He considers taking his time with the rest of it but Iwaizumi looks about five seconds away from taking the gift from him to unwrap it himself. 
He makes quick work of the tissue paper, tossing it to the side. The box isn’t taped shut so he’s able to open it immediately, revealing a gray sweatshirt folded with the familiar design on the front facing out so it’s the first thing he sees.
Suga furrows his brows, tilting his head a little in confusion. It just looks like one of Iwaizumi’s UCI sweatshirts. Not that he doesn’t enjoy wearing them, of course, but he doesn’t really understand why Iwaizumi would have gone to the trouble of wrapping it if it was just- 
Suga looks over the words printed on the sweatshirt again.
UC Urvine.
He can’t help the silly grin that slowly overtakes his face. He can’t believe he almost forgot about it. He has trouble remembering how he had learned about the existence of the misprints but he does remember calling Iwaizumi almost immediately to beg him to buy one for him. 
And he distinctly remembers the disappointment he felt when Iwaizumi told him that they were already sold out. 
“You told me they were sold out.” Suga pouts, snapping his head up and pointing a finger at him accusingly. “And to think, I thought you were a honest man.” He sniffs dramatically.
The corner of Iwaizumi mouth turns up into a small smirk. “They were sold out, I bought one a few days before they sold out. Technically not a lie.” He looks a little too pleased with himself, smug in a way that he usually isn’t. It’s more attractive than it probably should be. 
Then, his smile softens into something gentler, more tender. “I saw it and thought of you. I wanted to surprise you.”
Suga is once again hit with the reminder that he is flustered by the most ridiculous things sometimes. His boyfriend wanting to surprise him with a silly, limited misprint of a sweatshirt shouldn’t be something that makes him feel all warm and mushy inside. He ducks his head down to hide the way his face heats up, running his fingers along the writing on the sweatshirt. 
“It was going to be one of my Christmas gifts to you,” Iwaizumi explains further, as Suga pulls it out of the box to pull it on over his sleep shirt. It’s a little baggy on him and the sleeves fall a little past his wrists, just the way Suga likes his sweatshirts. 
“But then you heard about it and called to ask for one so I thought it might be too soon to properly surprise you. So, I decided to hold onto it until your birthday.”
It’s a little ridiculous that he waited nine months because he thought that the sweatshirt still would have been on Suga’s mind three months later, but he admires the dedication. 
“So,” Iwaizumi says, sounding more unsure than he did just a few moments ago. “Do you like it?” 
He doesn’t say, but Suga suspects that what he really means is Was it worth it? 
Suga pushes the box out of the way so he can move closer and wrap his arms around Iwaizumi’s shoulders. Iwaizumi relaxes at the contact, placing his hands on Suga’s waist to guide him into a less awkward position on his lap before he wraps his arms fully around his waist to tug him a little closer. 
“I love it,” Suga says quietly, tucking his face into the crook of Iwaizumi’s neck. “It’s the best present I have ever gotten in my entire life.”
Iwaizumi snorts at that but says nothing about it, just hums and kisses the top of his head.  
“I’m glad, I was starting to have doubts.” He admits with a half-chuckle. “My mother looked like she was wondering where she went wrong raising me when she was helping me wrap it. I think she thought it was just a regular UCI sweatshirt.”
Suga’s shoulders shake as he starts to snicker, “I thought you said your conversation was entirely unrelated.” He teases, tightening his arms around his neck when Iwaizumi groans and tries to move away.
“Noooo,” Suga laughs even harder. “It’s my birthday, you have to put up with me making fun of you-”
Iwaizumi flips them around so Suga laying on his back on the bed, the motion knocking the empty box off of the bed. He props himself up on his elbows, his arms bracketing Suga’s shoulders. He’s scowling but there’s a slight upturn to the corner of his mouth, giving away his true feelings.
“It’s not your birthday, actually.” 
“You gave me a birthday present so that makes it my birthday. Legally.” Suga says, matter-of-factly. 
“I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“It totally is. It’s like an unspoken agreement. I can’t believe you don’t know this, Hajime.”
Suga expects him to argue with him more but instead, he just laughs and dips his head down to kiss him, short and sweet. 
“Fine, whatever you say.” Iwaizumi says with a small grin when he pulls away, still hovering a few inches above his face.
 “Happy birthday, Koushi.”
note 1: the uc urvine misprint sweatshirt is real. this was entirely inspired by a conversation i had in discord with ash (who told me about it) about how suga would want one. i had to come up with a reason for why iwa was giving it to him nine months later though fjsdlfkjds. because i really wanted it to be for suga's birthday.
note 2: there is indeed a surprise dinner of sorts planned for suga's birthday but it's not really why iwa gave him his present early. he was just starting to worry suga wouldn't actually like it and wanted him to open it somewhere he would be comfortable enough to be honest about it.
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helixobesity · 9 months ago
Ok I know I haven’t made any encouragement posts recently holiday weekend beat me up blease hold
However I must say…
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That’s all
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tonymarias · 6 months ago
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crixandtea · 5 months ago
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Twisted Sprout and Cosmo :)))
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year ago
I'm just gonna cry all day okay?
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midnightfruitloops · 1 year ago
Yes, it would be cool to know more about you, if you feel comfortable of course:) 📸
i will rn just for you, you're so sweet <3
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years ago
I think the closest I've been to actually being feral was five minutes ago when my mom came back with fried chicken, and my brother and I, who are tired from unloading stuff from the moving truck with barely anything in our stomachs, proceeded to pick at a really big piece together. Like fucking animals picking at some carcass.
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victusinveritas · 2 months ago
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By the way, It Could Happen Here and Behind the Bastards are great podcasts by Robert Evans and friends.
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yupokaysuremhm · 2 months ago
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op turned off reblogs but I want this forever
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