#cool artist man
steiiaoctangula · 21 days
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happy birthday slender fella
like the idea that he has no sinister intentions hes just a guy who lost his art in the woods and is also like 9ft tall with no face in a 3 piece. to each their own, though.
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redgitanako · 4 months
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Where'd all the bugs go?
A little comic thing based on someone's idea on discord 🤭🤭
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daily-spooky · 4 months
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tj3star · 1 month
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mbohjeezart · 3 days
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[ WIP ]
Bring a goat to a courthouse...
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heatherchasesyou · 22 days
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pbnmj · 1 year
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assorted sketches (personally very obsessed w petermj rn and the fact that the 2020 run of noir colored his hair/eyes as black/grey. peter parker the man that you are....)
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blackbackedjackal · 3 months
Talking shit about clichés like there isn't an abundance of unicorn art from the 80s that fucking slaps.
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moonhibs · 9 months
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kroovv · 2 months
Just a periodical reminder that i do not allow people to use my OCs as their own character/ as their character face claims. Even in your private games, please don’t :’) thanks
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viriv · 3 months
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Ren wanted to be in a sci fi film, guess none mentioned to him that sci fi horror was also a genre.
kudos once again to @kingtheghast cause now I have the perfect space sit to put ren in for these scenes XD
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dadailybocch · 19 days
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🎵Two Bryos holding hands, two Bryos holding hands,
The passion, the passion, is more than I can withstand 😫
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greenlaut · 3 months
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death of the divine ✸
as your flatter talk shivers down my spine i hear the Holy One exposing all the lies (Lord, forgive me, i know my flesh needs to die) x
baal / lucifer / michael from angels before man and angels & man by @nicosraf
close-ups + work progress under the cut
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og sketches
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cleaned up sketch (i can't perceive my own messy sketch's coherency ok)
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1st version. didn't like how thick the lineart and the colour palette isn't clicking with me. is so i scrapped it. decided i want to do frame/illuminated manuscript thingy so i added frame and re-centered michael.
i kind of winged it for the final version, so i don't have progress of me picking colour palette or compositions. idk how i did it, i just did it, it was hard. i had a bad day so i blanked out the entire day to just lose myself in this illustration. and then uh. tada.
now some close-ups:
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and some notes:
i know i want lucifer's skin to come across as "gold", so i keep picking his colour in the orange spectrum. bcs yanno--the sun (morningstar). naturally baal is more red leaning, which i think also suits his lion associated imagery well (because lion -> strength card (in tarot deck) -> red. idk, it's how my brain is)
originally michael doesn't wear an armour. i decided last minute to put him in one because fuck it; (1) armour cool and (2) i am a masochist ig
both baal and lucifer wear lipgloss. this is entirely dedicated to rafael's (the author. not the angel.) suffering. they share lipgloss by kissing, you fools.
michael has "jellyfish" hairstyle because. the front bob kinda reminds me how catholic friars/monks in certain schoolings cut their hair in that bob hair? yknow the one?? ya?? anyway it's for that imagery.
both baal and lucifer's legs are caging michael. bcs they're what ground him (vices/temptations) ahahahahaa
i actually asked rafael (author not the angel) and he said he imagined baal is a brunette, which is the same like i had in mind. except that baal asked that he got depicted as a wizened old man/wizard. so now he gets a beard and his hair is white. (he also insisted i gave him a stylish beard)
if u look closely at the jewelries the demons wore; one of lucifer's rings and baal's visible earring have gemstones the colour of michael's eyes
in return, michael's sash is the colour of the demons
baal has a ring with heliodor (yellow) for lucifer, and lucifer has a(nother) ring with red ruby for baal
baal's other gemstones are topaz and lucifer's are yellow jasper
both demons have pearl necklaces. they're supposed to represent michael('s wings ahahahahahaahaha)
my headcanon is that michael's wings are brown like sparrow's actually. BUT during the war, god gave him more power and authority and my understanding is that he got tempered into a perfect sword; so his wings turned white. when book 3 came out and they finally bang (I FUCKING HOPE THEY DO. RAFAEL. THIS IS FOR YOU RAFAEL.) his wings will turn brown againehehhehe
lucifer's coat has wing-like cut at the ends to represent his no longer existing wingsbye
michael is blue because one time i shared this imagery with rafael; michael wearing blue because of the same reason virgin mary is depicted in blue. god's favourites are in blue; fated to suffer and be left behind.
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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happy bi day
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rudeguacamole · 2 months
B r e a k ! 💙🍺
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Break away from everybody!
Break away from everything!
If you can't stand the way this place is,
Take yourself to higher places!
Close up!! ↴
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 6 months
does half of the people that interacted with this post know this is from a running comic
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