#cookie run kingdom help
eclipsewarrior101 · 8 months
Does anyone have any ideas on how to beat
Cookie Run Kingdom chapter 18-30
I have tried so many combos but I just can’t get it.
Here are my cookies and levels I have.
Any suggestions would help.
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qkrovv · 2 months
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goldenlol · 3 months
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She looks so polite and I love her so bad guys
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arts-of-berdengguhit · 3 months
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"Come home..."
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cosmicwhoreo · 8 months
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He get's this question a lot, to the point it kinda annoys him... He has fun with it tho!
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sogthewoz · 4 months
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I had a vision come to me in a dream
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dreamyzxn · 7 months
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⋆⁺⋆ ⁺₊⋆ ☁︎Self-aware!CRK x Reader
they waited and waited for so long, where have you been now?
Time flew by, days turned weeks and weeks turned into months and that app you downloaded remained untouched. You almost forgot about it, but then a thought crept into your mind... why not give it a go and open the app for a little while? Who knows what kind of adventure awaits you in there!
soon then as you opened the app, a silly sugar gnome appeared in your screen as they greeted you, attempting to rouse you from your slumber. How adorable! However, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for neglecting the game for several months.
upon tapping the bubble chat to continue, you were woken up by the sugar gnome. Shortly then, a cookie by the name of Gingerbrave appeared on your screen, extending a warm welcome back greeting and surprising you with various missions and new mails.
The experience of being pleasantly surprised by the cookie's missions and warm welcome evokes a sense of happiness within you. This feeling has reignited your interest in playing the game, reminiscent of the initial excitement you felt upon downloading it. then a,
"Whoah, welcome back!"
exclaimed Gingerbrave with a huge grin on his face. He was positively beaming as he directed his attention towards the exciting quest called 'We Missed You!' story, as you completed the quest, you then let out a small chuckle and just when you thought it couldn't get any better, a surprise gift appeared, accompanied by a warm welcome from Wizard Cookie aswell.
As you delved deeper into the game, a sudden light giggles escaped your lips again, instantly lifting your spirits. It was as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, playing this game more often could be the key to unlocking your happiness again....
as you continued playing the gameplay, it appears that you have failed to take notice or acknowledge the fact that your cookies are watching you with great delight, sporting broad smiles on their faces. They are astounded by your return after all these days and find it to be a most delightful occurrence. The cookies are now eager to capture your attention and bask in your presence.
mainly, Pure Vanilla Cookie is thrilled to see you again! With a huge smile on his face, he knows that you, a human outside of their own world, have returned. Despite being just a silly pixelated character, he is determined to make a difference and show you his worth. He won't give up until he proves himself to be a valuable part of your experience and same aswell for other cookies.
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"I-I can't believe it! is it really Baker?!"
"they're back! oh thank earthbread!"
"Our Baker has returned! they have returned!!"
the air was electric with the sound of many voices, all talking with an excitement that was palpable. The crowd had gathered to welcome back their dearest baker, and they were positively bursting with joy. It was clear that they would do anything to spend their lives with this beloved baker, who had captured their hearts.
"Please remain calm, everyone." Pure Vanilla exclaimed, urging everyone to hush up and lend an ear. he patiently waited for their undivided attention, ready to address the situation at hand. Finally, the cookies heeded the king's call and directed their focus towards him. with unwavering obedience, they followed his commands and maintained a hushed silence.
"Now that our dear baker has finally returned, we must celebrate and welcome them!" with a cheerful and enthusiastic tone, he conveyed his message to the audience, announcing the return of their baker and urging them to make preparations to warmly welcome them back.
the roar of the crowd echoed through the stadium as they erupted in a thunderous cheer, their voices rising in unison to create a symphony of excitement and energy. It was a moment of pure joy, as the crowd continued to cheer, it was clear that this was a moment that made the cookies feel so much alive more than before!
The cookies are eagerly planning to celebrate their beloved baker's return, spending quality time with them, and most importantly, doing everything in their power to bring you back into their world.
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You were completely immersed in the game for a solid hour, but as fatigue started to set in, you knew it was time to take a break. With a sigh of satisfaction, you exited the app and gently placed your phone on the table. as you stood up, you stretched your limbs and made your way towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.
now that you've just returned from a quick snack break, plopped down on your comfy couch, and grabbed your phone. But as you excitedly opened the gameplay, something strange began to happen. glitches started popping up on your screen, causing you to freak out a bit, you managed to keep your cool and reassure yourself that it was just a pesky bug... right?
"That's odd. It's probably just a minor glitch," you reassured yourself as you clicked the start button. Suddenly, your phone screen was illuminated with a blinding white light, but you remained calm for a second. This now freaked you out alot as you began to wonder if this is the end of your phone.
just as you were about to let out a scream, you suddenly found yourself sucked into the depths of your phone, and everything around you went pitch black.
As you slowly emerged from your slumber, you attempted to pry open your eyelids, your vision was a bit blurry and couldnt see who was trying to wake you up but all you could think was... a figure of familiar cookie, as you sat up and rubbed your noggin with a slight groan, "what the?..." you couldn't help but wonder if you were still dreaming.
"—ke up... Rise and Shine my dear—!"
The words echoed through your mind, jolting you awake. As you shook off the grogginess, causing a slight disorientation as your sight gradually sharpened. cookie...? wait... Pure Vanilla?!
you can't believe your eyes as you stare at the cookie in front of you. Did it magically appear out of nowhere? Is this some kind of illusion? a prank?! this must be a dream! right?! You blink, hoping to snap out of it. Pure Vanilla extended his hand, ready to help you up. But as you looked at him, your mind was still reeling and you hesitated to take his hand. You tried to figure out what's happening and your heart was racing.
The cookie patiently awaited your gesture to take his hand, as he sought to establish a sense of trust with you. Eventually, you reached out and grasped his hand, allowing him to assist you in rising to your feet.
as you rose to your feet, you couldn't help but take in your surroundings with a sense of bewilderment. everything feels so weird! the sky is normal... you then return your gaze back towards the cookie which appeared to be grinning radiantly.
"a-are you real?" You stammered, your finger trembling as you pointed towards him in disbelief. "t-this has to be some kind of joke... right?" You whispered the final words, feeling as you were about to lose your mind but then Pure Vanilla emitted a slight chuckle and stated, "Oh my dear, don't be silly, this is real indeed and this is no joke. " The cookie spoke in a gentle tone as he patted your head.
what?!... real??... theres no way you're here... could it be possible you're stuck in the game..!? how! just how!?
i literally have this draft saved.💀🏳️
anyways, hope u enjoy ig, bad ahh grammar LMAO
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scarapanna · 5 months
Yippe we did it!!!
I've been brewing for god knows how long, and since I'm finished here's some food for y'all!!
This took me quite a while to finish, and I'd say it paid off pretty well. Plus there's some more lore regarding the AU for everyone!!
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feerdelor · 1 month
Look at the stars, the big black ink. Tell me what you feel and tell me what you think.
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midnightemy35 · 2 years
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crowmise · 2 months
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Since nobody ships these two I've decided to just create my own content lol
I think they're cute(they're angelic heart eyes)
What's more sweeter if not Vanilla with Sugar haha
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eclipsewarrior101 · 8 months
Does anyone have any ideas on how to beat
Cookie Run Kingdom chapter 18-30
I have tried so many combos but I just can’t get it.
Here are my cookies and levels I have.
Any suggestions would help.
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icingred · 3 months
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Hold on lemme post this too
Inspired by that one Kate Bush trend lmao
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dedfly · 3 months
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I think I getting greedy for this cookie
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cloudiibloomie · 18 days
Thank you to the Shadowvanilla shippers/community for welcoming me to the ship which has had me in a chokehold since I discovered it. And I have more artworks for it on the way. ✨️
Anyways, I have a shadowvanilla idea I want to share with you all. (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
(Idk if someone’s already done this idea but) I’ve been watching some Steven universe lately, and began wondering what if Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla fused like Ruby and Sapphire?
The first time they fuse it’s an accident and the fusion looks like a mismatch of the two cookies. But as time goes on, they grow closer and begin to fuse more, giving their fusion its own name, and staying as a fusion for longer periods of time.
Pure Vanilla’s kind heart and wise spirit toning down Shadow Milk’s chaotic and evil personality a bit, while Shadow Milk’s huge ego helps balance out Pure Vanilla’s inferiority complex.
I might write this into a fanfic, we’ll see. :D Let me know what you guys think of this idea!
Here’s some sketches/art for the idea!
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
Can I interest you in some guppy Black Pearl art in these trying timez? (with a hint of Grand Reef Cookie, of course!)
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believe it or not, I had these doodled before the update! Granted, bp was colored slightly different than now, but it's easy to fix that with pixels~! Frankly my ideas on how my shining grandpapa Grand Reef haven't changed much! In fact, I think the conformation that bp has (or had) sisters helps me! All that really changed is that merbabies leave the reef at a certain age to go with their pod of siblings to their kingdom and be a good citizen or whatnot-
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Yes, I know logistically there is no way in HELL these two would have ever met as kids; But that's what AUs are fooooooooor~~~~ SO SHUSHH
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