txdkxrd · 4 years
When: Continued from Here Where: Star City - Ted’s Lab With: Michael @aurification
The thought of not telling Booster he could live with him didn’t even cross his mind. Booster was his best friend since they’d both been younger, dumber and far too reckless. They’d been through way to much to not have each other’s backs when they needed them. And Booster turning up with a teenaged daughter in tow (still... what the hell was with that!?) and his time tech out of whack was enough to have him stepping in to help. “Course I wouldn’t mind. I know it’s been a while but Kord Industries is doing pretty well for once.” he laughed slightly, “So I can afford to put you both up with me. My apartment’s got enough spare rooms for the both of you. But uhh, you may have to put up with a puppy, I was given him as a gift and well, I can’t turn the little guy out now.” he shrugged. “Wait, lead can hurt her like the green stuff does Sups?” he asked, gaze flicking over to Rani, “Well, I’m no biologist but It’s something to get started with huh?” He wasn’t gonna let the kid wonder around when there was a chance she could get that sick. Not if she was that important to Booster. He’d see what he could do. Teddy laughed his usual guffaw, “Yea, butterfingers. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it up.”
He looked back over to Rani when the young girl joined them again and chuckled, “Sure kiddo. You and your... Booster.” ‘Father’ still sounded damn odd, “Can have some and I’ll be sticking to a healthier option.” he tapped his chest lightly, “The old ticker’s not too great so I have to watch what I eat.” he explained, not bothering to tell her how stringent he was with his need to be healthy these days.
He gave Skeets a thumbs up, “Bet she’s missed you ya old charmer. You were the whirlwind romance of the robotic community.” He really wished he knew what they talked about though.  
It was only after he’d finished chatting with the other pair he caught sight of Booster wiping his eyes, “Hey, you okay?” he asked, stepping in front of him and stretching up on his toes to get a better look at his eyes. Time travel could do weird things to the body and he always worried a little that Booster could hurt himself if something went wrong. Still, he looked alright though, his eyes were a little red, but they were still nice eyes. He’d always noticed Booster’s eyes, they stood out when he took his visor off.
He nodded, not taking a step back, “No worries, Boos. We’ll fix it and get you and Rani back to where ever you need to be. In the meantime you can catch me up on what you’ve been doing, well... what you’re allowed to tell me anyway.” he laughed again. “First things first though, c’mon.” he spread his arms, “Where’s my hug? You’ve usually picked me up and spun me around by now?” Which he’d always complain about but actually enjoyed deep down, and he’d not had a Booster Gold welcome back hug in years.  
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ask-thewendybxrd · 4 years
You won't even recognize your brothers, Wendy. They've grown up without you.
As much as it hurts me to say, I know that’s true.  It’s a wound I’m not sure that will ever heal, because our relationships could never be the same.  I’m their older sister- and yet I’m not. 
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
@rainbowmuses​ (michael)
kate sat on the steps of the lincoln memorial eating a bag of popcorn and tapping her feet. she was getting worried that cassie wasn’t answering her text but the chance that her blonde bombshell of a best friend was just napping was very high. still something seemed incredibly off, she had passed someone on her walk over hunched against a tree and when she tried to go over to check if they were okay they hissed at her and scampered off. but she shook it off and continue on her nightly ‘definitely not a patrol’ walk. she was on vacation after all, and people don’t work or patrol while on vacation. she was a bit lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice the other person approaching. “you’re not going to hiss at me for sitting here are you?” she asked, thinking they were security. “also I promise these are legal” she pulled her bag with her bow and arrows on to her lap. “totally non lethal” she lied.
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leaderofthepossi · 3 years
When: Present Day Where: Genosha - Weapon’s Lab With: Michael @bstrgld​
Teddy had been working on the Bug, who’d decided she was going to be very stubborn when it came to him repairing a little damage to her undercarriage during a patrol some Para-Demons had decided to crash. Luckily it wasn’t anything too extensive, but enough that six hours in he was only just welding the replacement panel on. He was lying on a creeper under the Bug, only his shins, ankles and feet peeking out and the occasion spark from the welding tool could be heard. 
He’d just finished and laid the torch aside when he heard the door open and squinted from behind the welding shield. Odd, people didn’t usually come in here. Well, not unless they’d broken something and it needed fixing. Not that Teddy minded the work, it kept him occupied instead of thinking about his best friend who hadn’t sent a message back in over a damn month. 
The thought along was enough to tighten his grip on the creeper till his gloved-knuckles went white. Don’t think about it Teddy, you’ll only spiral... again. “I’m under here,” he called, pushing a little more of himself out from under The Bug, “If you’ve got something I gotta look at just put it on the workbench, I’m about done with my baby now.” 
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slowmotiongavino · 10 years
michaelssemiautomatic replied to your post:michaelssemiautomatic replied to your post:I’m in...
I’m sorry, dude. you on aim?
I'll get on ~
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xmustbebunniesx · 10 years
—Pero no es de tu incumbencia —replicó a la defensiva, bajando levemente la mirada—. Lo siento, pero es así. No tengo nada, no pasa nada y todo está absolutamente perfecto. Por favor, no pienses cualquier cosa.
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Michael sonrió con ironía, no podía creer que le dijera una cosa así —Disculpa, pero si te involucra a ti, entonces es de mi incumbencia —replicó —Si tú no tienes un poco de cariño por ti misma, entonces tengo que intervenir yo —
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thedarlingmadame · 10 years
Group Text || Darlings
Mary: Where are you?
Mary: Answer now.
Mary: I swear to god, John Napoleon Darling.
Mary: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.
Mary: Michael Nicholas Darling.
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toby-whitmore-blog · 11 years
michaelrose replied to your post: You bribing me to join the band?
You are screwed, you can do this, and yes it’s working.
No, I can't Michael. I can barely deal with you getting into my head now I have to worry about everyone else?
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I'm glad it's working though.
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txdkxrd · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Edge of Star City (Where The Bug is Parked)  With: Michael @bstrgld​
So, he’d got an apartment in a matter of hours but hadn’t thought about food... at all... And it had taken his stomach yelling at him to break him away from trying to analyse what was going on in the city to go and eat. With nothing in his apartment he’d walked around till he saw an open late-night takeaway and figured he’d head to the Bug and see if he could drum up anything better there. 
It didn’t take him long to order a ridiculous amount of food (he was hungry and it was all there just waiting to be ordered) and he carried it a little unevenly as he half-jogged to the Bug just outside the city, his apartment was on the city edge too luckily. 
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Just as he was trying to get the keys for the Bug a figure stepped into view and yelled. Ted, without thinking, promptly yelled in surprise and threw the food at his would-be attacker, arms raised to defend himself when he recognised that voice... “Michael?” 
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slowmotiongavino · 10 years
michaelssemiautomatic replied to your post:I’m in a weird mood.  Welp.
:( what’s up bud
I was looking at old pictures of myself and Meg and I didn't have the best time going over to hers to pick up Smee today.
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slowmotiongavino · 10 years
michaelssemiautomatic replied to your post:GAVIIIIIIINNNN
I missed you too, you knob.
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toby-whitmore-blog · 11 years
No, but I kind of guessed. I mean for me one of my older brothers picked on me and I had enough and they punched me and I just, changed. Yeah you are, I already am.
What?! Michael! Are you thinking about me being naked!?
Oh god! Oh god!
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toby-whitmore-blog · 11 years
Well thank you for that, no I'm taking into consideration if I want to be in the band.
You are welcome. You owe me, so in return you should join!
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toby-whitmore-blog · 11 years
Ahh never mind now I know why it happened, it's okay like I said you'll be fine. Stick with me and you will, and don't think too much, unless you want everyone knowing everything.
So you know Jake pushed me then? Oh god! I didn’t think about that. Everyone is going to know what’s going through my mind. I am going to be totally screwed.
What if I think about myself naked!?
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toby-whitmore-blog · 11 years
Pshh, took you long enough to remember I'm a kickass rock star.
Hey, at least I remembered and also I gave you the kick ass status!
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toby-whitmore-blog · 11 years
I'm sorry miss I didn't turn with puberty, I turned with adulthood. I'm just confused. You'll be fine.
You’re confused. Imagine how I feel. I didn’t think this was going to happen. I didn’t even think this was supposed to happen. All I know is that Jake made me really mad and it did.
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