#hw: event10
fragilemxnds · 4 years
@jedimusings​ ( fred weasley)
kate wiped her forehead with the back of her hand before leaning over to catch her breath. she was on her, definitely not a patrol, walk when things started to get freaky. first it was this weird thing that hissed at her when she tried to help them. and then now she just got attacked, if that was even the right word for it, by who knows what. she ended up just running away and whatever it was stopped following her after about a mile. she clutched her bow in one hand and looked around in confusion, she could hear weird sounds and distant...screams?
“what the fuck is happening” she said out loud, a bit frustrated. if some sort of attack was underway she picked the worst possible place. the national mall? what is she going to do, go full spiderman and scale her way up the washington monument? as she scoured the surrounding area for the best high ground she could take she nearly missed the footsteps approaching behind her. her body moved swiftly and soundless as she grabbed her bow, cocked an arrow and had it aiming towards the on-comer in record timing. “one step closer and this goes through your knee cap buddy” she said, her voice suddenly sounding a lot stronger than it did before.
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a-madman-withabox · 4 years
Event Starter - Open to Any in ZONE THREE (3)
He’d spent the last week since he’d finally regained all of himself inside the TARDIS. Partially to apologize for his conduct, and partially to try and sort out a number of problems that were coming at him. The Doctor had realized that, though he was stuck here, there was plenty that he could to do help the others who were also trapped here - after all, he wasn’t alone in this predicament. The mystery of lost memories, Wade’s condition - any number of things! River Song was here as well - something that should not have been possible, which made him wonder if this wasn’t another digital projection made by a computer where they were all plugged in somehow against their will.  Regardless, he had been busy, and Time Lords needed almost no sleep at all - little cat naps at most.  It was quite alarming when, at midnight last Friday, he had turned away from the console of the TARDIS, right in the middle of a conversation with her, and found himself standing in the middle of a street across the city from where his flat was.  He’d spent the past 36 hours trying to sort it all out - and he had realized, after a scan of the environment with his sonic screwdriver, that... Well, the water was bad. Really bad.  Normally, he was quite resistant to human viruses, but this one had been apparently engineered quite aptly. It hadn’t taken long for the first errant, unpleasant thoughts to trickle into his brains. His willpower was considerable, even more now that he had a grasp on himself! But even so - the idle thoughts of dispatching these irritating, whining, stupid humans were not normal, and not at all like him. Aziraphale had texted him and he had urged him to not come to this side of the city, or at least, not to drink the water. Amnesia wind was alarming enough, but...The Doctor took a breath and rubbed a hand over his face to clear his mind as he continued his investigation.  “Oh, this is bad, this is very...not good, at all.”
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heavens-top-brass · 4 years
Zone Two/Nightmares - Closed Starter for Aziraphale @evitcrnity
He had initially thought that this place was akin to Hell, after his first few weeks being trapped here. But a chance encounter with a surprisingly calm and unthreatening Aziraphale had brought the reality of it all into stark relief. It was irritating, being trapped in this place through unknown means, but it hadn’t been utterly painful. Humans were, well, humans, but at least he had been coming around to the idea that he wasn’t being directly punished. When he found himself in downtown DC, in the middle of the night, outside of his own ability and volition, however, Gabriel realized that this city was closer to Hell than he had realized.  That had been several days ago - how many, the archangel had long lost count.  Fear was not something he really felt at all - it had been an emotion beneath him, something humans had to deal with more than he had. He’d divorced himself from it and most other emotions that were unpleasant long ago, before time had even begun.  That had been before he’d turned a corner and seen his long lost brother standing there. Impossibly beautiful, even as the Fall contorted his elegant features; dressed in the finery befitting the Morningstar, the wounds Michael had given him when she had cast him out - and behind him, the legions of those two thirds of the fallen stars rising. The smell of ozone, burning flesh and brimstone filled the air - and Gabriel reached for a sword that had long since been set aside for the bureaucracy of Heaven.  Hello, brother. Nice of you to join us. You...will be joining us, won’t you? After that terrible mix up, letting those two end the War...And you know what happened the last time an Archangel wanted a war and failed, don’t you? Not a very...divine thing to want, Gabriel. Sweat beaded his brow, and his eyes glanced sharply to the side. They stood there at his side as well, dark hair and soft features marred with the burns of hellfire. They went by a different name now - this was impossible. He’d only just seen Beelzebub not a year prior when this had all went down; how could they be - He was deeply ashamed to admit that he had fled, that night. Madness reigned the streets, and he was one lone angel against the unholy horde. Unarmed, surrounded by feeble and witless humans, there was no way to avoid a catastrophe in the street unless he had ran and found a place to sort out a strategy. 
For six days, Gabriel had been fighting them off. No matter where he moved to, they seemed to happen upon him. Without a weapon, with strict orders to not make himself known to the humans around him, he had shockingly taken to actually protecting a small group of humans inside a building. You couldn’t protect the lower choirs before from this legion of the damned. But these humans don’t have anything to do with that war. They were meant to be caught up in the second war, not this one! 
None of them knew the truth - for the moment. Without a sword, he was made to use what angelic power he dared in the presence of these mortals - all of them appeared to be hiding from their own fears. Lucifer and the demons would be on them in an instant if they found them here in this office building.  Office buildings. At least it was somewhat of a familiar setup. Unfortunately, he was not the strategist, Michael was - and she was nowhere to be seen. He was clever, of course, but this was madness - and apparently, he came to understand, humans needed actual food and water to sustain their lives. The three children holed up with a couple of adults had began to whine about it after a few days. And so, today, on the sixth day, the Archangel Gabriel was out in the streets near dusk, running an actual errand for these irritating humans that he absolutely had not any concern for whatsoever. Armed with what they had called a “baseball bat” - which he may or may not have blessed just in case he had to face down literally Satan - he went around to these shops that offered food - which he still had an extreme distaste for, but at least the children would stop whining about it. 
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
@mcrcki ( marlene)
poppy hadn’t the faintest idea what was going on, and to be completely honest she didn’t exactly care. the sudden change of weather fit her mood, as she furiously strutted her way to the bar. she needed a drink, or ten, and merlin knows if she went anywhere else she wouldn’t hear the end of it. so she pushed her way through the doors and smiled at the blonde behind the bar. “don’t say anything” the unnatural brunette held her hand up as sat her large purse down in the seat next to her. “i don’t know what in merlin’s name is going on outside, but i need a dirty martini with extra olives asap.” poppy took a deep breath and looked at her sister, after a pause and an extra dramatic eye roll she finally relented. “please.”
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
text message: kate bishop to cassie lang ( @tragcdysewn)
kate→ cassie : casssss, are you gucci??
kate→ cassie: helllooo?? you know you need to answer my texts within 5 seconds or i automatically assume you shrunk and someone ate you up thinking you were a cute little jelly bean!!!
kate→ cassie: i’d like to think you’d be strawberry flavor...
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
@drvcxrys​ ( narcissa)
the wind blew quickly around her but poppy was determined to get back to the common room and more importantly back to her bed. how she even got out to, merlin knows where, she didn’t know. but if she wasn’t swaddled in her emerald blanket within the hour, poppy would make every person she passed pay. “too high maintenance?” she scoffed, going over the conversation she had with that stupid, tall, gorgeous, smart, talented....she shook her head. now was not the time to think about that. so she clutched her wand and continued on her way bumping into someone as she did. “move much?” she snapped, pushing past them with a side glance. “oh narcisssa, what a lovely surprise.”
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a-madman-withabox · 4 years
Closed Event Thread for Wade Wilson @fallenangelsxxx
As requested, The Doctor waited at the Washington Monument, stolen bicycle leaning against a fence beside him.
He pocketed his cellphone on the inside of his overcoat, and paced slightly along the facade of the white spire. His hands were slipped into his pockets, but they were tense, clenching and unclenching as he tried to ignore inhibitions and empathy that were slowly slipping away from him. In the distance, he could see people - everyday humans, wonderful beings, the lot of them - passing by, and the deep affection he felt for them and for this Earth, this second home, faded more and more. Still, he fought it - reminded himself of the truth, of the past, of everything and every choice that he had made to become the person he was now.  He took a breath, and glanced up.  He saw the flash of red and black coming up over the gentle hill, and true to his word, he was waving his arms around like an idiot. It was a perfectly marvelous distraction, and so the Doctor did much the same in greeting - he raised his arm and waved it pleasantly in response. If anything, it masked his very real concern about himself, about Wade, and Crowley, and the others who were affected like this whose abilities could and would likely wreak dreadful havoc in the coming days.  He looked different now than he did the last time he had ambled around the TARDIS with Wade, bereft of his memories and just spending time with pleasant, irreverent company. He looked less a young professor and far more the eccentric nonhuman being that he was in his pinstripes and his overcoat - but the hair was the same, styled up with the groomed sideburns.  “There you are! At the monument, just like I said. Here, let me see how you’re doing...” He pulled out his sonic and did a quick scan, and frowned. The readings were the same as his own - the contaminant had spread. He and Wade both carried it now - but he still was unable to isolate it. Not that it mattered; he would have been unable to synthesize an antidote, or antibiotic, or antiviral without the TARDIS - and she was in another part of the city, far from his grasp.  “Yep...not good. I’m not sure how much time we have before all Hell breaks loose, Wade. I’m not exactly sure what sort of person I’ll be when-If! I lose control. I don’t like it; not a...pleasant experience.”
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a-madman-withabox · 4 years
The Doctor -> Wade: You alright? What part of the city are you in? Don’t drink the water or touch the water. Scanned it. It’s bad. Bad water. No way to neutralize it, just have to fight it. Funny, not usually all that susceptible to human viruses - got my memory back, by the way. Not sure that’s a good thing considering. 
The Doctor -> Wade: Sorry, went off on a ramble. I know you can take care of yourself, just. I’ve seen water turn people into monsters before. 
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
Twilight: Breaking Dog || Daphne Blake || Self Para || Level 2
tw: death mention, death, murder, murder mention, torture, blood, violence, long post
daphne’s hand lingered on the door knob, her fingers visibly shaking as they wrapped around the gold metal. something inside her told her not to open the door, something inside her begged her to turn and run. but she knew she couldn’t, she knew this was the only way out. the door opened and broke the eerie silence that was surrounding her, casting a light into the long hallway. she walks in slowly with baited breath, her heels echoing against the walls. she comes across another door, and the rest of the hallway seemingly fades away. this door opens for her, just enough to know the room it’s hiding is dimly lit, just enough to see the shadows cast against the wall. she can’t control the tears as they fall down her face, she doesn’t know what’s about to happen but she knows it won’t be good.
she pushes the door open further, cursing the creaking noise it makes as it moves. it startles the looming figure that is hunched over a blonde boy. it’s eye’s snap to meet hers, dark veins pulsing underneath them, sharp fangs dripping with blood. she cries out, stumbling backwards into the door frame. the vampire moves quickly revealing two other bodies lying behind it. daphne’s hands find purchase against the old wood and she propels herself back out into the hallway. running with her hands out attempting to search for the door she came in through but it’s all shrouded in darkness. but instead she meets a cold, hard body. those same veiny eyes look down at her now. they’re wild and hungry as they look over her. a predator stalking its prey. with a fearful cry she turns and runs again. over and over again...it’s all the same. she runs, it’s there waiting for her, she runs again, and it’s there waiting for her.
her sobs are taking control of her body, wrecking her over and over again. she’s barely running, just stumbling through the halls but he’s at every turn, so easy... so effortlessly. his little game is finally over, he grabs her and drags her back to the first room. her cries, her resistance, her begging..all in vain. he’s talking to her, whispering things in her ear and it’s like she can’t hear it but her heart can. she’s sobbing and screaming, her eye’s catching those of the lifeless blonde boy slumped in front of her. and soon she joins him there, warm streams of blood coating her neck. she reaches out for the boy, “fred” a name, unfamiliar to her but it just feels right. but then her eyes shut, and her body feels weak.
a distant crashing startles her. she’s awake, she’s standing outside a house in d.c. again. no wounds on her neck. she’s safe...for now.
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a-madman-withabox · 4 years
Text to River Song @irresistiibles
The Doctor -> River: You alright? Just checking in with all of this whatever going on. Been trying to sort it out - a friend of mine said there’s amnesia wind where he is, but not where I am. Localized phenomenon. Trying to figure it out. Got my memory back, though!
The Doctor -> River: Don’t drink the water. 
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
@rvkybusincv​ (gideon)
poppy was beyond screwed. but thankfully, it wasn’t the first time she had to sneak back into the syltherin common room while piss drunk. first thing was first, she had to get there. poppy looked around, the wind whipping her hair in front of her face, she attempted to push it away and failed miserably. “can’t this wind just... stop” she complained out loud. she pulled out her wand ready to try to help herself in someway when she saw someone standing in front of her. “what do you want? natalie’s not here” she tried her best to be louder than the wind but wasn’t confident it had worked.
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
@rainbowmuses​ (michael)
kate sat on the steps of the lincoln memorial eating a bag of popcorn and tapping her feet. she was getting worried that cassie wasn’t answering her text but the chance that her blonde bombshell of a best friend was just napping was very high. still something seemed incredibly off, she had passed someone on her walk over hunched against a tree and when she tried to go over to check if they were okay they hissed at her and scampered off. but she shook it off and continue on her nightly ‘definitely not a patrol’ walk. she was on vacation after all, and people don’t work or patrol while on vacation. she was a bit lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice the other person approaching. “you’re not going to hiss at me for sitting here are you?” she asked, thinking they were security. “also I promise these are legal” she pulled her bag with her bow and arrows on to her lap. “totally non lethal” she lied.
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
@rainbowmuses​ ( cornelia )
it took a lot for poppy to take off her heels in public. she once suffered three bleeding toes and many blisters during a launch party and still didn’t take them off till she closed her own door behind her. yet, here she was braving the windstorm of the century with black pumps dangling in her hand. ever since she left the bar, merlin knows how long ago, she felt uneasy. so much so that she was clutching her wand as if her life depended on it. as she blinked through the wind she saw someone also braving the weather. “hey!” she shouted, getting closer. “what street is this?” she asked, her hand up above her head as if that would block the wind. why was she out here again?
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
last minute p-p-p-plot & starter call yo.
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hello my fellow rp’ers. it is i (kat) who has waited till now to not only bring in another character but... do her plotting now. :). kat is so smart. claps for kat.
below is my insanely long list of characters with a little blurp of their whereabouts and vibes. feel it out, lemme know, i probs won’t cap it since i only have 2 cherries. but this is an open plot & starter call. i’m lazy and don’t feel like doing both.
1. Poppy McKinnon. 24. Level 1 || Thread Count (3 /??) || Threads: Marlene McKinnon, Narcissa Black, Cornelia Hale ||
Drunk @ her sister’s bar and then probably walking around aimlessly for starter / plot convenience around the level 1 area. the longer she is walking around the more she is going to start to believe that she is in her 5th year after just being broken up with. ( this is her b*tchiest phase. im sorry.)
2. Kate Bishop. 21. Level 3 || Thread Count (2 /??) || Threads: Evie Grimhilde, Michael Corleone ||
You already know this bean is out and about around the national mall with her bow out y’all. she is ready and eager to fight off anything she needs to. she is in her element and is probably enjoying this way too much. if you would like to fight with or against a rad young avenger who loves the color purple and has a crush on the Winter Solider please lmk.
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