#ooc: ooohhh this hurt
heirscrchd · 5 months
yall ever think about how similar Earth and Fire benders are personality-wise which is also probably why the Dai Li didn't exactly oppose Azula when she took over And why she respects them more as well
Fire is a dangerous and wild element that needs control and rigid training to master Earth is a hard and tough material that needs stubbornness and determination to bend
Both of the elements need a strong will to master them and control their abilities
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ask-thewendybxrd · 4 years
You won't even recognize your brothers, Wendy. They've grown up without you.
As much as it hurts me to say, I know that’s true.  It’s a wound I’m not sure that will ever heal, because our relationships could never be the same.  I’m their older sister- and yet I’m not. 
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pnevmashepherd · 6 years
Y'all when I'm not dying bc if cramps, deadass remind me to talk about the Eeth and Sharad parallels
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melonsmessymusings · 3 years
More S7 ideas...
You may remember eons ago I had a marvellous exchange with @rachaeljurassic discussing potential ways of writing Giles out or putting him to better use in S7. I have another one and like 20 minutes before I have to road trip home after spending all day being yelled at by my parents (storytime when I get home), so buckle up because I’m feeling feral:  
What if the First could use his image even though Giles isn’t dead? Say Giles technically died for a hot second but is now very much alive and kicking. The First would utilise the hell out of that and could you imagine the angsty drama that would emerge?
Giles rocks up with his apocalypse and potentials. He’s all doom and gloom and stress, as he was, but then Buffy has a late night conversation with him when neither can sleep. They just talk. She pours her heart out to him and tells him how much she misses him, how she's doing the best she can but she’s scared it won’t be enough. He’s then a total dickhead to her in return because she has no idea what he sacrificed for her and all she ever did was hurt him and he always managed to deal with it and get the job done without complaint.
The next day, Buffy is weird and feeling really bad but she doesn’t want to talk about it with Giles when he asks. We tick on and it’s like a slow build Jekyll and Hyde deal. One minute Giles is completely ‘normal’ the next he’s a total arsehole. And Giles doesn’t understand why everyone is so weird around him and puts it down to him ruining their lives with the apocalypse. And you think he’s just having a breakdown or something. Maybe his year away turned him into a husk (not that he wasn’t already by this point), who knows?
Xander eventually confronts him like “I heard you talking to Willow last night and you were bang out of order. You don’t get to say things like that.” To which Giles is the Error 404 message like “wtf I didn’t talk to Willow last night, I was in here researching.” Confusion but Xander doesn’t back down and threatens to throw hands.
Anyways, time passes, then one night, Giles is patrolling with Buffy and says something really out of pocket and Buffy’s like “wtf” and goes to reach for him only to have her hand go straight through him. Oh my god, he’s the First! The First capitalises on this and tells Buffy how Giles died in agony all alone thinking he deserved it and she’d be happier without him. She rushed home absolutely distraught. OOOHHH imagine if it made her believe that he killed himself because of her? AAHH
Bursting in the door, everyone is scared and confused and Giles is standing there like “why are you looking at me like that?” And Buffy tells him to get the hell out and stop messing with them. And that he never gets to use that face and it’s all bullshit etc. Meanwhile poor Giles is so confused but everyone else seems to be on Buffy’s side because he’s been so weird with them all for ages. Failing to convince them, Buffy throws something at him, only for it to hit him.
Then it’s the whole “I don’t understand!” moment. Giles explains that he’s very much alive, lots of awkward poking and hugging. Buffy explains everything, as do the others and Giles is really fucking hurt that they all were so ready to believe he was evil. But the cat’s out of the bag now so it’s fine, right?
Wrong! Because the first keeps messing with them as Giles. They develop rules like, before you talk to Giles, you have to poke him or watch him pick something up (which he hates). Doesn’t always work because if Giles is like in the kitchen and you can hear him puttering about for a bit then ten seconds later he’s standing in front of you, the assumption is it’s him. It just works. So the first is messing with them all still and it’s taking a toll on the actual Giles. Because nobody wants him around because whenever they see him, they freak out and panic until he proves he’s real.
Take a second to admire the utter evil genius behind having everyone doubting Giles is real... 
But when did he die? They’re going to bring that up and try and figure it out. And there’s endless possibilities as to when that happened and whether Giles had a clue about it. Also there’s so many ways of having a “when did Giles die?” moment. Like is it from years ago when he was a kid, or maybe he and Ethan partied a little too hard, or the night with Angelus resulted in him coding at the hospital, or what if Willow killed him when she ripped his magic out? There’s endless ways of doing it. Did he even know? If he did, why didn’t he warn them? Was it because he knew that nobody would listen to him?
We never see what happened, whichever way it went. He explains that he doesn’t know but then they talk and he thinks about it, comes to the conclusion that it must’ve been one of the reasons above. Then Buffy gets really sad and guilt ridden because she had no idea.
But it wouldn’t matter because the damage is done. The group is splintered and the First’s plan has succeeded. Like they could make adjustments if Giles appeared, someone has to make sure he’s corporeal but eventually everyone would get so sick of it and just ignore him. And he’d just be so defeated by that and frustrated because everyone’s treading on eggshells around him and not discussing anything important because what if the First can tap into his consciousness? Obviously it can’t but they don’t necessarily know that. How can they differentiate the broken Giles from S7 from the First?
I just think it’s such an interesting concept. It would add loads of drama to the group and we could’ve spent more time focusing on that and it’d be really cathartic for the group to work out tensions. Like imagine Buffy discovering that Willow killed Giles, even if only temporarily. And how Willow would feel about that. Then Xander having to choose sides because Buffy is so angry at Willow but he can’t bring himself to be. Giles getting completely frustrated because nobody will just listen to him and he feels completely useless. Ugh the angst would be glorious. 
And you’d never know what was Giles and what was the First because S7 Giles did just lose it at times, he would say something very ‘ooc’ so you couldn’t tell even if he was standing in front of you. And with all the bad things he said/did before they knew, you’d never know!!!!!
It’s just an idea tbh. Like I said, crackhead energy at this point but I had to get this out there.
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
alright please give me the jackie and steckie discourse
OHHH BOY OKAY also tagging @iron-parkr​ for more steckie discourse
Jackie discourse: 
would definitely say that she’s useless in the mcu and think that putting her in the movies is just a waste of time and she doesn’t deserve to be there
consider her a weak character since she only had a few appearances in the first two iron man films so no one really got to see what she was like
pretty negative and underwhelming reactions when it’s announced that she’s going to be at the forefront in the avengers
even more criticism towards jackie when it’s hinted at in the film that her and steve will probably have some kind of romance down the line because steggy and stucky were really gaining steam at this point
the anti-jackie peeps would compare her a lot to addie and saying that she would never be anything like her, that addie was too amazing and too good and why can’t jackie be more like her and blah blah
people would say that her ptsd is unconvincing and that she’s too over dramatic (especially when it comes to her panic attack in the avengers)
claims that she is disrespectful towards peggy for falling in love with steve... we all know this old argument lol
A LOT OF BACKLASH FROM BUCKY STANS ESPECIALLY AFTER CW, people saying that she’s a real bitch and not empathetic towards the fact that bucky was tortured and brainwashed and that she should be more considerate of what he went through. even though he fucking traumatized her after almost killing her (yes I know he was brainwashed but it doesn’t change what happened to her)
people calling her a “horrible mother” because of how she dealt with her pregnancy in the early stages. it’s not pretty at all and it makes her appear as negligent to some people
seen as a massive bitch and horrible person after what she says to both steve and tony at the end of cw
a lot of backlash for her character and marvel when she considers getting an abortion
steckie discourse: (also answered here)
would see jackie as inconsiderate when she “runs away” post-age of ultron and she doesn’t tell anyone where she’s going, leaves her phone behind. people would say she was being horrible to steve for not telling him
the discourse starts to get really heated once it reaches civil war
jackie’s pregnancy, while most were surprised and like excited, others are like wtf why are they making her pregnant??? this is such a useless storyline and feel that it was tying steve down further with her
half of the fandom thinks that steve was absolutely right for choosing bucky for jackie because steve is better off with him and away from jackie. while the other half are like NO he was an asshole for choosing bucky over his pregnant girlfriend
OOOHHH MY GOSH. steve choosing bucky over a pregnant jackie is such a heated topic in the fandom. people would call it out of character and something that steve wouldn’t do, while others really like it because it makes sense because bucky means more to him. I imagine that chris can’t even decide whether it’s ooc or not for steve ajsdkl
steve stans would hate her for hurting him at the end of civil war and refusing to go on the run with him. tony stans would rip her apart for the things she said to tony and for how she treated him. yet both stans completely disregard how steve and tony were oblivious to what she needed and how much stress she was under and would say that she brought it all on herself
pre-iw to iw, the discourse would kind of wane a bit because that’s when jackie and steve kind of hit a new stride as a couple and their journey to healing actually gets some good reactions
but it picks back up during endgame when during the five year time jump, steve kind of starts to “neglect” his family while trying to search for a way to bring everyone back. and people are annoyed that they’re doing this with steve’s character again and people would complain that jackie whined too much and “needed to get off of steve’s back” when she’s trying to make sustain a fucking normal life for her, steve, and their kids. 
also the steggy shippers would think that steve should’ve gone back and stayed with peggy
send me an oc or a ship and i’ll tell you what the fandom wank/discourse would be like if they were canon.
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