#convo : mon el
occidentaltourist · 6 months
Inspired by a convo with @disquietiswhatitis. :) Maybe add your second choice in the tags.
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@akasupergirl​ kara x mon-el (marvel verse)
Everything happened so fast. One moment he was in bed with a gorgeous woman and the next he was getting shoved into a Kryptonian ship--his world was on fire; something about Krypton crashing and burning and taking Daxam with it but he didn’t have enough time to rationalize anything before getting off-planet and sucked into a wormhole. 
In what felt like a blink of an eye the ship was heading straight to another planet, going in too fast but somehow not exploding and crash-landed. By the time he unlocked the ship to try and get out he was weak--the air was breathable, that was good--and confused from everything. There was someone next to the ship though but he could barely make sense of anything.
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“Where am I?” he asked with eyes half closed trying and failing to stand up.
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girlofxsteel · 3 years
"I’ll have a glass of white wine,” she muttered softly. Kara shielded her face momentarily to escape the warning glare from the bartender. The last time she had been in Al’s Dive Bar she may have single handedly destroyed the juke box with an overzealous jab of the finger. A few too many special cocktails spelled death for the radio star. Her fingers drummed against the bar top as she watched her their booth to open. Where better to discuss the events that had led to his return properly without interruption. 
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ccfvillains · 4 years
Lex’s footfalls were quiet as he approached his henchman. 
“Non-El? Progress report. How is our little plan coming along?”
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donovanallen · 5 years
→ @ofdaxamprince​
Don looked up slightly startled at the stranger speaking to him. Oh, he thought to himself, this guy obviously has mistaken me for someone who worked here. Don doesn’t know if he should be flattered or downright offended. Biting his lip, he sighed, “look, I’m not an employee, but the chips are right over there,” he said pointing to the junk food aisle. It was his own fault, he shouldn't have worn red of all things in a CVS - he’d only been in this century for a few weeks, and he already knew that.
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marcelinedeleon · 6 years
(( @princexofdaxam ))
Marceline watched the man in front of her. A sparring match is what he asked for. Letting out a sigh she pulled her lips to the side in contemplation. "Alright. I'll spar you." She said. "The D.E.O. training room should be open." She added with a nod of head.
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notsomildmanerred · 6 years
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Mon-El in Supergirl 3x18
(With all that good lighting.)
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brainy-storm · 7 years
Mon-el: So, let me introduce you to Querl Brainiac 5: What do you want for grife's sake? Can't you see I'm - *turns around* Kara: Hi Querl! *time slows, hair blows around slowly* Brainiac 5:...busy. *cliche 80's love song plays in the background*
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bart-allcn · 4 years
@ofdaxamprince​ sent: “they’re totally checking you out right now.“
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“you think so?” bart thought they were checking out the man next to him. maybe he was wrong. he did look pretty cute, dressed in his best shirt and jeans. “do you think i should go over and ask for their number?” his question lacked confidence and his stomach was fluttering with nerves. he needed another drink and a pep talk. where was jaime when he needed him? “maybe they’re checking you out. you have big arms ... “
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constant-eggs · 3 years
It narratively did not make sense to kill William. It was pointless shock value, really.
Meanwhile, Supergirl has this terrible habit of “killing” characters who should die, or are presumed dead, of retconning the deaths, and undoing everything in the process.
Here’s a list of characters who died and were brought back who probably should’ve stayed dead. Oh, and a list of characters who would have made sense to kill in this final season.
1.) Alura and Zor-El. Especially Zor-El. Their deaths fueled Kara’s motivations: being (one of) the last Kryptonians and last daughter of the house of El, reconciling her parents shitty choices (Medusa, PZ etc.). And the fact that Kara could not talk to them was heartbreaking and real. Her scenes speaking to AI Alura still stand up six years later. I don’t even remember her convos with them now that they’re alive. She should have had to finally face these traumas instead of her parents poofing back and then never interacting with her.
2.) Jeremiah. I know he died again but it was weird. I think he should’ve died in season 2 while saving Kara and Alex from Cadmus. Also maybe Alex and Kara could’ve had more than two episodes to grieve.
3.) Fucking Lex. The seven or so episodes he got in season four were great. A few were phenomenal. He was never Kara’s villain, he was Lena’s and he belonged in the ground.
People who should’ve died/or could have for real reasons.
4.) Mon-El. Should’ve died at the end of season 2. Maybe Kara doesn’t find out until season 3. Kara started facing a lot of her alien identity in S3 and what she wanted in her life from it. He didn’t need to live to accomplish that.
5.) Cat Grant. I know. I love her. But killing mentor figures on a Superhero show does serve a purpose. She gave hope speeches that inspired Kara to give hope speeches. She gave Kara her start in journalism. And the actress couldn’t stay so I think a cameo at the end of S4 during the alien hate OR in the series finale would plotwise be fulfilling.
6.) Winn in the finale instead of Brainy. I don’t know how or why, it could be figured out, but here’s what I do know: Winn and Brainy in my mind sort of traded places and lives. Winn will be coming to the present to help with every intention of going back to his family. Winn was the first person Kara shared her secret to. The first person she trusted. He used to be her best friend before they kicked that friendship to the curb. That’s my logic.
7.) Otherwise fine, Brainy. It would hurt a lot but the Superfriends remaining untouched isn’t the most realistic of things. He’s self-sacrificing, he’s close enough to Kara and the characters who matter to devastate, and he’s had tremendous character growth. And it’s hard to really see them killing another current Superfriend (also keeping in mind that every SF aside from Kara and Lena is a POC or is canon LGBT or both.) So I’m talking plot and more specifically, Kara. Killing Alex or Lena would destroy Kara (not to mention ruin their individual hard fought happy endings), killing J’onn, one of the last two green martians would be fucked up. Kelly just got to be Guardian. Nia’s future is wide open, and she hasn’t gotten enough character development, and she has a descendent, and killing her would just be…no. So yeah, Brainy’s death would make sense, but I would prefer it to be Winn if anyone.
William’s death did NOT make sense. It was distasteful. And sad in all of the real life ways and none of the plot ways. He was just tossed in the trash. Ugh.
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tricksyjester · 3 years
ok, another supergirl watch update. i was super disappointed in the musical episode, like everyone who sang was great (grant was pretty mediocre though. i thought he was a better singer than that) but you'd think there would have been more singing by melissa and grant considering the episode was pretty focused on them. i don't know of candace can sing but chris definitely can and should have. i don't know.. it was a weird episode.
james and lena flirting? shit, yes! i didn't have any clue they became a thing so that's been a nice surprise, i like them together. i'm kinda tired of episodes centered around alex and winn, they're kind of the worst when they're being upset/cranky. i also hate the whole season plot being all religousy, it makes me want to vomit.
my baby mon-el coming back and how awkward and painful it is.. my heart hurts. imra is super cute though and i'm glad they didn't make her unlikeable. brainy's makeup is AWFUL lol but he's been cute so far. i also love j'onn having his dad around but i feel horrible he has dementia. why you gotta do that to us, writers?
so one thing that really irritated me is this talk mon-el and kara have after she's been affected by the telepathic negativity shit from j'onn's father. kara talks about their former relationship like it was toxic and that's straight up bs because mon-el was fine once they actually got together. everything she complained about was from before then. i've noticed a few times now the writers have had some continuation issues with things that happened in previous episodes and it's probably something a lot of people who watched normally wouldn't have noticed, but since i'm binge watching i notice and it's irritating. anyway, besides the mon-el/kara convo that pissed me off, i like future mon-el. he's much more mature and comes off really smart and like a good leader. last episode i saw was lena trying to help sam by keeping her locked up at l-corp and all that junk. i can't say her character is interesting me at all, like they are failing at making me feel bad and wanting her to be ok. honestly, the writers obviously have failed at a lot lol.
one more thing: why does clark never show up when kara actually could use his help? like he should be there for this reign shit going on. there's also random angsty shit that goes on sometimes and i'm sitting here like "why isn't so n so there? there's no way they wouldn't be there right now." bah, anyway. i'll probably go back to watching more later.
p.s. i kinda love sassy cat grant now that she's not the insufferable boss.
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@xnothero​ liked for a starter from mon-el
(i used this prompt from your wishlist: “we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au and tweaked it a bit)
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       Mon El had been going to forums for a while now, finding it was easier to be himself under the keyboard than at the pub or with the people around him. It was a struggle living here now but he was managing, and people online seemed to be far nicer than he had expected them to be, specially them. They had decided to meet in real life after realizing they didn’t live too far off (and against Winn’s advise of not giving personal information online) but they sounded pretty cool and Mon-El knew how to defend himself if push comes to shove. 
       He was taking a sip of a coffee when he saw them walk in and smiled at them. “Hey!” he said getting up. “You made it.”
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girlofxsteel · 3 years
Kara’s cape warped around her flailing limbs with fury to the familiar laughter that taunted her. There was no worst feeling than falling. Air rushed through the slots of her fingers as the horizon fell out of view and the twinkling lights of Central City blurred. She tensed for the impending crash but, to her surprise, her ruby red boots connected softly with the ground. Instead of a star studded view, she was met with the bright shimmering lights of her home. 
Argo City.
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The market place was teeming with patrons going about their normal routines. A sea of muted colors accompanied with bright smiles. Kara’s confusion faded for a moment as she soaked up their joy. A few agape gazes awakened her self awareness; her gaze dropped down to her deeply saturated suit. Oh rao.. the tiny twinge of self conciseness beckoned to her but was quickly shooed away at the shrills chorus of surprise that echoed off a slow forming crowd. Kara navigated through it clumsily before stumbling into the root of the ruckus.
Her mouth fell agape at the vivacious behind she could spot in a crowd. Kara grabbed at two loose pieces of fabric and rushed to drape it around his shoulders. “How did you get here? And do you know that you’re naked..” unless is this another salacious fever dream?
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svpcrqirl-blog · 6 years
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tag drop !!
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aeon-wolf · 7 years
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me and my best friend find out about the finale. 
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marcelinedeleon · 6 years
Legion's Newest
(( @princexofdaxam ))
Marceline was walking to her office at the D.E.O. not really paying attention as she walked. There was a lot still on her mind, her conversation with Lena, her daughter, her Vigilantism. Bumping into someone she was snapped back to reality.
Looking at the man before her, she had seen him around the D.E.O. but never really talked to him. "Mon-El right?" She asked. "I'd ask if you were alright, but you didn't seem to budge when I bumped into you." She said.
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