#convict 13
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busterkeatonsociety · 6 months ago
This Day in Buster…September 18, 1920 
Buster Keaton rocks! His golf/jailhouse short “Convict 13" is released.  Not sure if there’s been a film before or since that covered both those genres ;)
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friendlessghoul · 6 months ago
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Buster Keaton and Sybil Seely Convict 13 - 1920
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years ago
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convict 13, buster keaton |1920|
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justbusterkeaton · 2 years ago
The Scarecrow (1920)
Convict 13 (1920)
Hard Luck (1921)
Three Ages (1923)
Music: Time To Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli
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1001framesofmind · 1 year ago
Watch out for the Captain
Convict 13 (1920) tells the story of a young man, played by Buster Keaton, who accidentally knocks himself unconscious, and meanwhile an escaped prisoner switches his clothes with him. As a result, he is mistaken for the dangerous criminal sentenced to death by hanging.
In this scene, while disguised as a prison guard, Buster is trying to gain mastery over a dangerous bull, who is known as "The captain of the calaboose"!
🎞film: Convict 13 (1920) 🎬director: Buster Keaton 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣
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all-pacas · 2 months ago
thinking suddenly of how chase was forced to be a caregiver and parent and take care of his mother and sister and resented them for it, hated them for it, how 20 years later he clearly is not over it at all, how he tries to deal with his problems alone, shutting people out (cursed. the mistake. the tyrant. chase.) because he doesn't believe people will want to help him, or at least that care and love are finite resources, that he will run out and be left alone.
(thinking also about how cameron views care as something of a necessary burden, how her husband's death made her miserable, how the death of her patient in one day one room left her miserable, how her lung cancer patient in acceptance left her miserable. how she frames it as important, necessary, that people should not die forgotten or alone, but she never takes any pride or joy in this: for all that she might be glad her husband didn't die alone, the grief warped and affected her for years; she never walks away unaffected or proud of her work but miserable, burnt out, terrified. how the only real difference between chase's burnout and cameron's is that she keeps choosing it, as some kind of penance or atonement or something: cameron is a martyr but never a happy one, and yet she, i think, wouldn't understand chase's misery over the same thing. it was always her choice. it was always important.)
and thinking also of thirteen and chase talking in s6. about how when thirteen's mother was dying, her father had an affair. chase commiserates: how heartless of him. thirteen counters: she's glad he wasn't alone. she knows she is dying, too. she knows someone will someday be helping her at that moment, how she hopes whoever is burdened with her care isn't alone. has someone else. isn't in a position like chase had to be. how she doesn't romanticize it, but how when it was her brother, she was alone, she tried to deal with it alone, how it almost broke her and then… she told chase. how it wasn't just about i did a murder, me too, but about that burden. that pain. how even if it was out of love, even if it was something she decided (like cameron decided), it tore thirteen apart. no one should be alone for that, she tells chase, and then a year later is alone for that.
i don't have any real conclusions here but - something about how much chase and thirteen's friendship means to me, i guess. how their lives are on such parallel tracks, how they do things and hate themselves for it and take on familial trauma and hate themselves for it and how they mask with drinking and partying and casual sex (and hate themselves for it). no one should deal with that alone, she says, and eventually they aren't, because they can offer it to one another.
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lucksea · 1 month ago
for some reason my brain has switched into pokemon mode again lately (i say for some reason. this happens every spring) and im looking at my destinations au stuff.... hm....
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busterkeatonsociety · 7 months ago
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This Day in Buster…August 27, 1920
The Akron Evening Times reports that Buster Keaton’s parents come to stay with him in Coronada, California, after he takes a break from filming “Convict 13.” (Pic from a visit a year later)
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friendlessghoul · 7 months ago
Buster Keaton Convict 13 - 1920
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years ago
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joe roberts, convict 13 |1920|
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justbusterkeaton · 2 years ago
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Convict 13 (1920)
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busterkeatonsociety · 1 year ago
Buster Keaton, rocks.
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tears-that-heal · 10 months ago
“For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬
I’ve sincerely been humbled. This past week has arose much conflict and released a ton of emotions. *sigh* I pray I’m walking toward a time of rest and peace. At the moment, I wish to recognize the Lord convicting me of both my pride and fear. I was beginning to fall into the trap of self-righteousness. It was my mother-in-law that lovingly, snapped me out of that one. Then not long after while I was taking a nap, I had a nightmare of one of my worst fears become reality. A fear that can ruin my marriage and family, but then Holy Spirit spoke Truth to me. If I continue to try to fix my problems and problems my loved ones under my own will and strength, this fear will most likely become my reality. BUT……if I choose to continue lay my cares and worries at God’s feet, and keep choosing to place my trust in Him; All my fears will disappear and will never come to pass. I ask God to help me never become complacent or comfortable in my selfishness in any form. While my soul dwells in this human body, it’s great limited and flawed ever seeking to follow it’s own will and not God. That’s the sinful nature of being human, but with Holy Spirit now dwelling inside me too I ‘m able to strive and overcome my rebellious desires that go against God. God is Love, he encompasses every single facet of the meaning of the word. And God loves you and me! That’s the gospel truth!!!!! 🥰
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(artist unknown)
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THE COMMANDER OF THE MORNING PRAYER: Father God, in the name of Jesus, I rise early to declare your Lordship! I get under the covering and anointing of the early riser. I come in agreement with the Heavens to declare Your Glory! O God, let my prayers meet You this morning. I command the morning to open its ears to me and hear my cry. Let conception take place that prayer will rain and be…
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kdmiller55 · 3 months ago
Rebuilding the Spiritual Walls
1 On that day they read from the Book of Moses in the hearing of the people. And in it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever enter the assembly of God, 2 for they did not meet the people of Israel with bread and water, but hired Balaam against them to curse them—yet our God turned the curse into a blessing. 3 As soon as the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all…
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busterkeatonsociety · 7 months ago
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#WIPWednesday Buster Keaton rocks! And he’s considering whether Big Joe Roberts’ head also counts as a rock ;) A promo pic for “Convict 13,” 1920.
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