#converted dr.'s office
itsawhumpsideblog · 6 months
The Safehouse, pt. 18
CW: for institutionalized slavery, mentions of abuse, treatment of people as things, medical setting, surgery, panic attack, flashbacks, broken bones and treatment of same
Advice from the Box Boy Liberation Movement:
Given the percentage of rescuees who enter a safehouse with one or more injuries or illnesses which will require medical attention, it is probable that you will be accompanying rescuees to medical appointments early in their time with you. Obtaining medical care can present unique challenges for rescuees and it is important to exercise complete patience with them in a doctor's office or hospital setting. Be aware that the atmosphere in such facilities may bring up difficult memories or even trauma reactions. Be prepared to help rescuees through anxiety or panic attacks, even flashbacks.
The surgery took longer than Angie had expected, or hoped and as it entered the third hour, she was glad that she had gone to get lunch right after they took Mikey. Finding the cafeteria, eating the sandwich, and getting lost on the way back had taken almost an hour and a half; a call to Tim and a chat with the rest of the household had taken another half hour. Since then, she had been sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chair, watching the clock and fidgeting. Not for the first time, she opened a game on her phone, played for a few minutes, closed it, and then opened it back up.
Angie tried the TV and found that it was showing an infomercial trying to delude senior citizens into converting their savings into gold bars. She fiddled with the remote, couldn't get it to work, and turned the TV back off. Then she played a podcast she couldn't concentrate on.
She was tapping her fingers on the arm of the chair and staring into space when the door finally opened and Wanda came in, holding some paperwork and smiling. Angie jumped up, fighting down a sudden surge of nervous, excited energy.
"It went great," Wanda said, before anything else. "He did just fine and the doctor said she thinks the procedure was a success."
"Oh, fantastic," Angie said. "That's amazing. I'm so glad to hear it!"
"Me, too. Now, let's go over some paperwork while they finish getting him in a cast and then they'll bring him back here to wake up a little bit. We want him awake and... well, usually we would say talking. But let's go with 'alert' this time. Once he's feeling a little more like himself, we can send him home."
"Sounds great!" Angie could have giggled in sheer relief.
"Okay, so there's no discharge paperwork, as such." Wanda flipped through the papers in the folder. "Not for the hospital, anyway. We've got a form here that should go to your Network contacts, detailing what the surgery was, the cost of it- not that Dr. Silva is charging, but just so their accounting folks are aware- and some discharge instructions." She handed the folder to Angie. "We should be done with him in the next half hour."
"Thank you so much!"
"Of course!" Wanda smiled and let herself back out.
Angie sank back down into the uncomfortable chair in relief, grinning to herself. Then she remembered her other responsibility and picked up her phone.
"Tim?" she asked, when he picked up.
"Yup, I'm here and you're on speakerphone."
"Oh, super, thanks. Hi, guys! I just heard from the nurse. She says Mikey did really well and they're going to bring him back in a few minutes. We'll give him some time to wake up and then we should be on our way home in a couple hours. Just wanted to let you know."
"Did they give you the instructions and everything?" Tim asked.
"Yup, all the paperwork we need. I'll hand it off to you when we get back."
"Excellent, thanks. Text when you're on the way and I'll meet you outside, okay?"
"Yup, will do."
"Thanks for calling, we'll see you soon."
"See you soon!" She hung up, took a deep breath, and sat back to wait.
Mikey was unaware that he had woken up, the first time it happened. He had the impression of being somewhere soft, softer than the garden had ever been before, and warm, too. For the first time he could remember- the first time since the drugs had taken his memory away- there was no pain. He felt like he was floating in a warm cloud and his head was light and sleepy. He let the clouds carry him gently away.
Angie watched Mikey as he lay in the hospital bed, waiting for the anesthesia to wear off and for him to start coming around. He was totally still, which he had been for much of the past week, since his fall, but it felt different this time. He wasn't holding himself rigid, nervous and braced against pain. Instead, he just lay quietly, slightly slack-jawed as he slept. Once, his head stirred and a faint smile lifted one corner of his mouth before he sighed in soft contentment and his breathing slowed and evened as he drifted back off to sleep.
He was still sleeping when Dr. Silva came in with post-surgical information for Angie, outlining instructions for monitoring Mikey's recovery, acceptable activity levels, and a basic plan for continuing treatment.
"He did well," she said at last. "I know we really kept you waiting but-" she shook her head. "There was a lot to fix. He's going to be in the casts for a long time and some sort of brace for even longer. I'm not sure I can say exactly how long it'll be, not until we see how his healing is progressing. We're talking months, though, not weeks. The scarring is likely to be extensive, although we did our best. And his joints will probably always ache a little, especially that shoulder." She sighed. "I really wish it was all better news. But there is some good news, which is that when this is all said and done, eventually he'll be able to use his hands and arms. And he won't be in nearly as much pain, which is the important part. The process won't be pretty, but when it's done, everything will be much, much better."
"Thank you," Angie said. "He would thank you, too, if he could." She looked over and smiled at Mikey, still resting peacefully.
The peace did not last.
When the anesthesia wore off, Mikey woke suddenly and completely, the way he had done when he slept every night outdoors and needed to respond instantly to his Master. When his eyes snapped open, he realized that something was very, very wrong.
All he could see were white walls and a white ceiling with bright lights that seemed to shine directly into his eyes. The brightness stung and Mikey squeezed his eyes shut for just a second, as if, when he opened them, he might find himself somewhere more familiar.
But when he gathered his courage for a second look, nothing had changed. He was still in the strange, monochrome room with the blinding lights and he was lying down. Nearby, something was beeping ominously and Mikey felt his heart speed up and adrenaline dump into his system, like it did when he heard those first footsteps cracking a stick somewhere in the dark at the edge of Master's property.
His mind was still hazy from the drugs and not really awake yet, and Mikey had the terrible, foreboding sense that he wasn't supposed to be there- wherever "there" was.
It never occurred to him to be frightened by the fact that he did not remember having come to the strange, white room. Mikey lacked memories of so much that this new gap in his life was barely meaningful. What was very meaningful was that Master was going to wonder where he had gone.
Then, suddenly, Mikey had a flash of memory of another Pet, tall and thin and dark-haired, bringing him fruit wrapped in a towel, and his stomach clenched. If he was here, what had happened to the other Pet? Was he here, too, or had he been sent... Mikey could not even imagine where else the other pet might have been sent. But he knew it would be bad.
All these thoughts crossed Mikey's mind within seconds, a collection of fears and memories and associations that came to him automatically and without larger context. Then he realized, again, that he was lying down on a soft surface and he broke into a cold sweat.
Soft surfaces were not for Pets. He must not be found here. He had to move, whatever it cost him. The cost would be so much higher if they caught him like this.
But when Mikey tried to sit up, he couldn't. Something tugged at his face- a muzzle? It was blowing cold air into his nose. And he couldn't seem to bend his body to begin sitting, or force his aching muscles to lift him. Mikey looked frantically around but without actually taking in his surroundings.
He dropped one leg over the side of whatever the soft surface was and tried again to sit up and found that was impossible. When he swung his right arm up to try to shift his balance and rise, he was horrified to find that it was restrained, tied up in some kind of cloth, and he couldn't even see his fingers properly, only the very ends of them. When he tried to wiggle them, pain shot down his fingers and they didn't even move.
Even worse, his left arm was immobile. He couldn't see it under the blanket, but it was probably tied to something, strapped tightly down to keep him from doing what he knew a good Pet should do. He strained every muscle trying to sit up, kicked his legs to shift his balance, threw his right arm forward in almost grotesque exertion. But he barely moved.
When the door opened, if Mikey had been able to make a sound, he would have screamed. As it was, his eyes widened, his fight-or-flight response in full activation, and he tried one last time in futile terror to right himself.
"Oh my god," Mistress gasped. "Mikey, what- I was only gone for a second- I'm so, so sorry." She hurried over to the bed. "Hey, hey- careful, you- oh geez-" She put a steadying hand on his right shoulder and finally Mikey's eyes landed on her face.
It all came flooding back to him in a rush, like being struck. The terrible beating they had given him the night his old Master died; the time in a cage; the journey to live with Master and Mistress.
Then, even better, he remembered everything that had come since. A comfortable bed he was meant to use and enough food to eat and a television to watch; Nathan's cheerful company and the joy of being re-united with someone who had become a friend; gentle Francis who told him stories when he couldn't sleep and who held his head when he had fallen and was hurting.
Best of all, he remembered that Master smiled and laughed and spoke softly, and that Mistress talked to him like she enjoyed his company and she had kind hands and Master and Mistress looked after them and never, never hurt them.
Mikey remembered all these things in a flash of knowledge, the same sudden wash of memory that only moments before had caused him such terror, and then he realized that Mistress was standing over him with her hand on his shoulder. If it had been any of his old Masters, Mikey would have been frightened but he found that even now, standing like that, Mistress didn't frighten him at all. She didn't look angry, only dismayed and- maybe even worried.
He looked up at her as if he was searching for answers to many questions and she smiled comfortingly at him. "Do you remember where you are?"
Mikey wasn't sure and didn't know whether to nod or shake his head, so he simply waited and watched her.
"You're in the hospital," she reminded him and now he did nod, a little uncertainly. That might be true- he might remember the morning, if that wasn't a dream.
"You had surgery, to fix your shoulder and your hands and everything. You won't remember that, because you were asleep for it, but it's over now." He nodded again. "The doctor says you're going to be fine- your hands and arms will be a lot better when you're done healing."
He gave her another nod, since she probably expected it, but he wondered if she would explain why they had tied his left arm down. Mikey felt that there must be a reason for it, but something was making his head feel fuzzy and it was hard to think. Hoping she would understand, he raised his bound right hand and looked questioningly down at it.
"Yeah," she said, as if she was continuing a conversation. "I know that probably feels weird. And it's going to be hard, not having your right hand to use, even a little bit-"
Wait. What did she mean, he wasn't going to have his hand anymore? Forgetting the strange stiffness holding his left arm and the way he was restrained from sitting up, Mikey tried to raise himself and looked frantically from his hand to Mistress. His hand was still there, wasn't it? He could see his fingertips, a little bit, under the heavy bandages and surely it wouldn't hurt so badly when he tried to move it if he didn't have a hand-
Mistress made a face that Mikey didn't realize was guilt. "You don't remember what happened at all, do you?" she asked. He shook his head, a little frantically now, starting to feel his heart speed up and beginning to sweat.
"Oh geez. I'm sorry," she said, and he was surprised to find that she actually seemed to mean it. "I'll start from the beginning. So, during the surgery, they basically put all your bones back where they're supposed to be, right? So they can heal and they won't hurt all the time." Now Mikey nodded again as the memory slipped through the fog in his head, of Master explaining this at home last week.
"And now that it's done, they have to hold all those bones and joints and whatever still, so they can heal. So everything will stay where it's supposed to be. Right?" A nod. "And to do that, they put on some casts. The one on your right hand is like what Nathan had on his leg when he first came home. Remember that?" Mikey found that he did.
"They need your whole hand not to move for- I don't know, a long time. Like a couple months, at least. And they did the same thing to your left arm and your shoulder, but that was a lot worse and it's kind of an awkward spot, so they put the cast over your whole arm and then they attached it around your body to hold your shoulder still."
Mikey just stared. So he wasn't actually tied to the bed? But he couldn't move his arm at all. Well- he hadn't really been able to before, either. Maybe in some ways, this wouldn't be so different.
"Do you want to see it?" Mistress asked. She almost sounded nervous and Mikey wondered if he should be nervous, too. Very gently, Mistress drew back the blanket that covered Mikey from his shoulders down, except where he had thrown it off trying to get up.
When he could see it, he stared at his left arm. The cast was blue and covered his shoulder and then went all the way down over his fingers, just like the one on the right. His arm was bent at the elbow so that his forearm was parallel to the floor and angled across the front of his body. There was a band of the same material around his chest, holding his arm still.
"Does it feel really weird?" Mistress asked, and he didn't even bother to nod. Somehow, he felt that she would know his answer.
"Don't worry," Mistress told him, but it sounded more like an offer than an order. "We'll take care of you. You're going to be just fine."
Mikey nodded, but he thought that getting used to this was not going to be easy.
Next Time: Mikey comes home from the hospital, to his housemates' great relief.
Master List
Notes: These keep being longer than I expected, so I'm adjusting the previously listed summary to account for that. A good problem to have!
Tag list: @pigeonwhumps, @cepheusgalaxy, @i-eat-worlds, @honeycollectswhump @taterswhump, @starfields08000 @whumpsday, @fruitypinapple00, @currentlyinthesprial
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deathsmallcaps · 1 year
Maybe it’s just because there’s only so many ways to draw a type of thing, but I have seven thoughts about Elemental (2023) after watching it again lol.
1. It showcases a lovely balanced relationship between artists. Ember, of course, has an eye and hand for glass making, and Wade sees the potential and ability she has; how her light shines through to the world and him, figuratively and literally. Meanwhile, Wade’s way with words is more subtle, but really reaches in deep and converts visual art into emotion; it takes a good writer and speaker to convey feeling into accessible ideas. And Ember recognizes his talent, and lets it touch her.
They bring light into each other’s lives; without each other, they were fine and functioning and almost happy, but when they have the other, that’s just the icing on the cake.
2. The art style looks worse without motion. Both characters are constantly unconsciously moving in every shot; Ember flickers and Wade drips. Plus, the way light works with them and around them doesn’t translate well to a still image (especially with Ember; it’s hard to draw without outline, and I think it helped with visibility and stability on the screen, but in stills it looks awkward.).
A lot of fan art I’m seeing seems to struggle with this outline/still problem, again more with Ember than with Wade, but a lot of artists have added their own spin and style and made it work. I think the problem is directly related to how it’s difficult to capture water, fire and light ‘sources’ like the moon via photo. So if the art style for that particular aspect is turning you off, and you’ve only seen stills, I’d suggest you watch a bit of video or a good gif set (there’s already quite a few) before deciding whether it’s worth watching or not.
3. Speaking of art, this movie really reminded me of Studio Ghibli movies. Maybe there’s only so many ways to draw something, or maybe it’s just the Howl’s Moving Castle (both book and film) and Ponyo fan in me, but Ember for sure took a lot of visual inspiration from Calcifer, it’s the red outline and such, and Wade the waves from Ponyo. It was fun to see! Also tbh I saw some Dr. Seuss CGI movie shapes in their bodies.
4. Ember and Burnie breaking the cycle. When Burnie left Fire Land for Element City, he was following his dreams (and he even started enough of a trend that his whole neighborhood because a new fire town). But his Sad disagreed with him. As a last attempt at connection, Burnie bowed a Bok Sa (sp?), a very deep bow, to his father, to show respect and love. His Dad did not return the gesture, spurning his son and his dreams, and turned away.
When Ember leaves for the glassblowing internship, she performed a Bok Sa for her Dad (and it’s so intimate guys. Like it’s almost embarrassing to look at because it’s raw and passionate and I really admire the creators for Not restraining it). Burnie sees a chance to show his daughter that he loves her, and that he respects her dreams (despite his and Cinder’s sacrifice of emigration from Fire Land, which is a big theme in this movie), and so he holds back the hurt his father laid upon him, so many years ago. He does a Bok S- back. It’s wonderful. I’m not sure he would’ve done that at the beginning of the movie, but his love for his daughter won out in the end.
(I just wish that the mother-daughter relationship received a little more canon consideration as well, but I appreciate the movie for the relations it did focus on.)
5. The city fucks up in a big way, and of course it’s up to the people affected to solve it, at least in the short term. Despite water being a huge hazard and supposedly already gotten rid of in fire town, there’s still a water train that passes regularly and always displaces enough water to kill a fire person. And in terms of the dam, there’s so much bureaucracy that Gale (the city safety officer?) found it easier to (nearly) shut down a business than to get a health hazard (the broken dam) fixed.
And when Ember covers up the hole, she leaves it! Her tempered glass doesn’t get support, and it eventually cracks and floods Fire Town, nearly killing lots of residents and leading to Wade’s evaporation.
6. Feel free to add on but I’m surprised that no globe has really talked about the disability angle yet. I i afraid I don’t have enough experience being physically disabled to talk about it in a nuanced enough way but oh well. It’s there. The way the fire people needed different transportation (also there was a fire person in a wheelchair. How things that are safe for others could kill them (Cinder nearly died while carrying ember because a guy dripped on her, which is a thing that others would find mildly inconvenient). How Wade’s nephew casually mentioned that Ember could die if she stepped off her mobility aid (the floatie) and proceeded to mess with it. And of course the shame, embarrassment and fear of being excluded & discriminated against.
7. More Men Should Cry!!! It literally saved Wade’s life lmao.
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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1958 Porsche 356 A Coupe
The Porsche 356A (T2) Speedster September 1957 to August 1958 (Carrerra Speedsters continued into 1959)
The last of the 356A Speedsters are probably the most attractive and the most desirable. The 356A (T2) Speedster was introduced in September 1957 and continued until the basic Speedster was replaced by the Convertible D in August 1958 although a number of Carrera, GS and GT Speedsters were produced in 1959.
Ferdinand Porsche and the foundation of the Porsche Company
Ferdinand Porsche was born on September 3rd 1875, in the Bohemian village of Maffersdor. After attending grammar school and Staatsgewerbeschule (State Vocational School) in Reichenberg, he entered his father's metalworking business. The young and imaginative Ferdinand pursued a fascination with electricity working on the design of an electric car and in 1900 The Lohner-Porsche electric car is presented at the World Fair in Paris. Porsche's wheel hub engines brought the young engineer international attention. In the same year, he developed an all-wheel-drive racecar, as well as a hybrid petrol/electric vehicle.
In 1906 Ferdinand Porsche became Technical Director at Austro-Daimler in Wiener Neustadt. At the age of only 31, he became responsible for the model range of one of Europe's largest automotive concerns.
In September1909 Ferdinand's first son, Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche, later known as 'Ferry', was born. In 1910 The Austro-Daimler touring car designed by Ferdinand Porsche scores a triple victory in the Prince Henry Trials.
In 1923 as Technical Director and Board Member of the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Stuttgart, Ferdinand Porsche was responsible for the design of the legendary Mercedes Compressor Sports Car and in the following year, he led the development of the 2-litre racecar won the Targa Florio. The Mercedes-Benz S-Type models dominate international motorsport from 1927.
Professor Ferdinand Porsche 1875-1951
In 1931 Ferdinand Porsche founded the company that bears his name "Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche GmbH" to provide 'engineering and consultation on engine and vehicle design'. Based in Stuttgart the company carried out projects for manufacturers such as as Wanderer, Zündapp and NSU. In 1933 Porsche developed a Grand Prix mid-engined 16-cylinder racecar for Auto Union. He also developed a rear engined compact vehicle concept for NSU.
One year later the Porsche company received an official order for the design and construction of a German 'Peoples Car' or Volkswagen. The prototype was developed and assembled in the garage of the Porsche villa in Stuttgart and was road tested within 12 months At the same time production facilities were being set up for the Volkswagen which was officially called the 'KdF-Wagen'.
In December 1935 Ferdinand Alexander Porsche the first son of Ferry Porsche (and later known as 'Butzi') was born in Stuttgart.
During 1939 Porsche developed 3 racing coupés for long-distance endurance competition. These 'Berlin­Rome-Wagens' could be considered the forerunners of later Porsche sports cars.
He also designed the Mercedes T-80 in1939 to conquer the world land speed record. It was reputed to have a 3000 hp aircraft engine.
Because of the outbreak of the second world war Volkswagen production was diverted towards the military version of the Beetle, the Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen. Only 1207 Volkswagen KdFs were built between 1941 and 1944
Porsche also designed several heavy tanks but did not get the production contract. Towards the end of the war the Porsche Engineering office moved to the relative safety of Gmünd in the Austrian province of Carinthia.
After the war the Volkswagen factory at Wolfsburg was taken over by the British and Ferdinand Porsche was arrested and imprisoned in France for 20 months.
In 1946 under the direction of Ferdinand Porsche's son Ferry, the Porsche Engineering office became involved in the design of an all-wheeldrive Grand Prix racecar for an Italian industrialist, Piero Dusio.
Ferry Porsche saw a market for a small, light two seater roadster and was unable to find a car in the market that matched his preference. He decided to build a car which became the first 356 and the first sportscar to bear the Porsche name.
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gothseparatist · 1 year
Conditions of the Ninth House
Ok I was just joking around that "It's a good thing the Ninth are the bone necros because they probably all have rickets being on Pluto" but then I wondered, would they?? how weak is their daylight?
Bunch of back of the envelope calculations and ruminations under the cut but the tl;dr is that brightest day Harrow would've experienced prior to Canaan House was darker than that of a typical grocery store interior
They aren't under a planetary atmosphere and I'm no physicist but I think light is light in a vacuum, some UV would reach that far just as some visible light does and due to them being partially a space station basically they are going to be under radiation we aren't.
Measurements for Solar radiation (W/m^2) on Earth are 1,413 at max and 1,321 at min. For Pluto due to its highly eccentric orbit it is much more extreme at 1.55 and 0.57. Compare this with Neptune which is 1.54 max and 1.47 min. Using the above and the value of 98,000 lux (a unit for brightness) for noon on Earth, I did some quick calculations that put noon on Pluto to vary between 114 lux to 42 lux (again due to its substantial orbital eccentricity). Putting that in comparable terms: average living room in Australia in 1998 was apparently 50 lux. Sunrise and sunset on Earth is ~400 lux. The dark limit of civil twilight (most can still read) is 3.4 lux. Night of fullmoon is 0.05-0.3 lux. Recommended office lighting is 320-500 lux.
With the above in mind, natural light reaching Drearburh at its brightest is comparable to a typical living room. And Pluto's rotation is 6.4 Earth days so the changes in natural lighting would be much more gradual than what Harrow would've experienced in Canaan house. It must have been quite the sensory overload + chaos for her!
Now for UV!
As far as UV goes, only Pluto readings I can find are in Rayleighs and I am too lazy to convert them [also yes I believe this is reflected off Pluto but it does not matter for our purposes as that is some of the light they'd be getting hit with] not many crafts have been to Pluto lol
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So I'm just gonna go off a common value based on distance that Pluto receives roughly 1/1600 of the light we do. Thus, its UV will be 1/1600 of the UV on the ISS (Drearburh is under artificial atmosphere but it is unclear what filtering it does in terms of UV so I'm mostly ignoring that). Earth 's atmosphere filters out basically all UV-C (germicidal really intense one) and about 90% or more of UV-B (the sunburn one).
Unfiltered sunlight composition is about 10% UV so 10% of those earlier solar radiation measurements of 1.55 and 0.57 W/m^2 is UV. This gives us the convenient calculation to 0.155 and 0.057 W/m^2 in the UV spectrum.
For some reason it was impossible for me to find simple measurements of UV in W/m^2 lol (everything was already adjusted to different units). BUT I was able to pull up a few studies that had those as raw data for entirely different thing and most helpful was one in Kuwait where UVB was 0.25 W/m^2 or this map where it is in mW/m^2 (so 200 = 0.2).
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In terms of UV, this would put the Ninth House within the range of Southern England during its perihelion and to Scandinavia during its aphelion so yes it is in fact Rickets City.
perihelion = closest to sun; aphelion= furthest
It is likely the house makes use of UV-producing lamps for its population especially given the major malnutrition issues and that the founding population included at the very least some people of Maori descent, potentially other ethnic groups with often brown skin, and people with darker skin can be more susceptible to low Vit D in low UV environments since their melanin is blocking what precious little UV they are getting. John made many oversights e.g. he's able-bodied so the houses lack automated doors, but given his background I'd imagine he'd catch onto this at least. I believe there are mentions of arc lamps in the text and these can let off some UV so there's some textual support to this idea. However, I do imagine they still rely heavily on necromancy to heal rickets just as they do other conditions. [Also normally, I'd say "realistically" after 10k years they'd likely have lost a lot of their melanin responsivity as that has happened quite quickly in humans (Cheddar Man vs modern white brits or Ashkenazi Jews vs Mizrahi ones) but the Ninth House is a much more stable environment than European history LOL, like people are provided their food and there's no war at home, etc so the "use it or lose it" selection pressure isn't as relevant as it would be for cave animals. But also "realistically" doesn't matter anyways for a bunch of reasons and the Houses clearly engage in some genetic meddling anyway (Ianthe and Coronabeth's Alexandria's Genesis asses have violet eyes).]
Lastly, the height of no-one-else-gives-a-shit-Avery, but the low light also has major implications for their crop production. "Low light" houseplants [University of Melbourne] have lux within "270 to 807". The Ninth likely has to be using either additional lights for their snowleeks and/or they are channeling a lot of light into a mirror/reflector and beaming it over the growing area. The latter makes the most sense to me.. though given how dark it is they probably should've just GMO'd some lower water column algae
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.12
240 – Shapur I becomes co-emperor of the Sasanian Empire with his father Ardashir I. 467 – Anthemius is elevated to Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. 627 – King Edwin of Northumbria is converted to Christianity by Paulinus, bishop of York. 1012 – Duke Oldřich of Bohemia deposes and blinds his brother Jaromír, who flees to Poland. 1204 – The Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade breach the walls of Constantinople and enter the city, which they completely occupy the following day. 1606 – The Union Flag is adopted as the flag of English and Scottish ships. 1776 – American Revolution: With the Halifax Resolves, the North Carolina Provincial Congress authorizes its Congressional delegation to vote for independence from Britain. 1807 – The Froberg mutiny on Malta ends when the remaining mutineers blow up the magazine of Fort Ricasoli. 1820 – Alexander Ypsilantis is declared leader of Filiki Eteria, a secret organization to overthrow Ottoman rule over Greece. 1831 – Soldiers marching on the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, England, cause it to collapse. 1861 – American Civil War: Battle of Fort Sumter. The war begins with Confederate forces firing on Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. 1862 – American Civil War: The Andrews Raid (the Great Locomotive Chase) occurs, starting from Big Shanty, Georgia (now Kennesaw). 1864 – American Civil War: The Battle of Fort Pillow: Confederate forces kill most of the African American soldiers that surrendered at Fort Pillow, Tennessee. 1865 – American Civil War: Mobile, Alabama, falls to the Union Army. 1877 – The United Kingdom annexes the Transvaal. 1900 – One day after its enactment by the Congress, President William McKinley signs the Foraker Act into law, giving Puerto Rico limited self-rule. 1910 – SMS Zrínyi, one of the last pre-dreadnought battleships built by the Austro-Hungarian Navy, is launched. 1917 – World War I: Canadian forces successfully complete the taking of Vimy Ridge from the Germans. 1927 – Shanghai massacre of 1927: Chiang Kai-shek orders the Chinese Communist Party members executed in Shanghai, ending the First United Front. 1927 – Rocksprings, Texas is hit by an F5 tornado that destroys 235 of the 247 buildings in the town, kills 72 townspeople and injures 205; third deadliest tornado in Texas history. 1928 – The Bremen, a German Junkers W 33 type aircraft, takes off for the first successful transatlantic aeroplane flight from east to west. 1934 – The strongest surface wind gust in the world at the time of 231 mph, is measured on the summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. It has since been surpassed. 1934 – The U.S. Auto-Lite strike begins, culminating in a five-day melee between Ohio National Guard troops and 6,000 strikers and picketers. 1937 – Sir Frank Whittle ground-tests the first jet engine designed to power an aircraft, at Rugby, England. 1945 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office; Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes President upon Roosevelt's death. 1945 – World War II: The U.S. Ninth Army under General William H. Simpson crosses the Elbe River astride Magdeburg, and reaches Tangermünde—only 50 miles from Berlin. 1955 – The polio vaccine, developed by Dr. Jonas Salk, is declared safe and effective. 1961 – Space Race: The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to travel into outer space and perform the first crewed orbital flight, Vostok 1. 1963 – The Soviet nuclear-powered submarine K-33 collides with the Finnish merchant vessel M/S Finnclipper in the Danish straits. 1970 – Soviet submarine K-8, carrying four nuclear torpedoes, sinks in the Bay of Biscay four days after a fire on board. 1980 – The Americo-Liberian government of Liberia is violently deposed. 1980 – Transbrasil Flight 303, a Boeing 727, crashes on approach to Hercílio Luz International Airport, in Florianópolis, Brazil. Fifty-five out of the 58 people on board are killed. 1980 – Canadian runner and athlete, Terry Fox begins his Marathon of Hope Run in St. John's, NF. 1981 – The first launch of a Space Shuttle (Columbia) takes place: The STS-1 mission. 1983 – Harold Washington is elected as the first black mayor of Chicago. 1990 – Jim Gary's "Twentieth Century Dinosaurs" exhibition opens at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. He is the only sculptor ever invited to present a solo exhibition there. 1992 – The Euro Disney Resort officially opens with its theme park Euro Disneyland; the resort and its park's name are subsequently changed to Disneyland Paris. 1999 – United States President Bill Clinton is cited for contempt of court for giving "intentionally false statements" in a civil lawsuit; he is later fined and disbarred. 2002 – A suicide bomber blows herself up at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda Market, killing seven people and wounding 104. 2007 – A suicide bomber penetrates the Green Zone and detonates in a cafeteria within a parliament building, killing Iraqi MP Mohammed Awad and wounding more than twenty other people. 2009 – Zimbabwe officially abandons the Zimbabwean dollar as its official currency. 2010 – Merano derailment: A rail accident in South Tyrol kills nine people and injures a further 28. 2013 – Two suicide bombers kill three Chadian soldiers and injure dozens of civilians at a market in Kidal, Mali. 2014 – The Great Fire of Valparaíso ravages the Chilean city of Valparaíso, killing 16 people, displacing nearly 10,000, and destroying over 2,000 homes.
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Curious as to why you would love to live in the converted drs office if u dont mind sharing
hello! i don't mind sharing at all. (the converted dr.'s office in question, for those who haven't seen it)
firstly, i am just tickled by the novelty of living privately in a building that is so obviously designed "for the public".
but specifically, "public use" buildings like this one have features that genuinely appeal to me, because they're designed as working spaces. in my current bedroom (and the rest of my house), i often feel like i don't really have a great work space --a lot of my art supplies and things like that have to be stored in a way that makes them somewhat inaccessible or invisible, and i don't have a nice big table, workbench, or countertop to sprawl over. the converted doctor's office building has that lovely office space with an enormous desk and cabinets (that could easily have their doors removed to make their contents visible). this 'house' would be great for someone like me who hopes to build a career that primarily involves work-from-home. built-in cabinetry and counters in most rooms, including bedrooms, appeals to me for other storage and functionality as well. the reception window in the waiting room provides a compromise between the breeziness of an open floor plan and the guidance of a wall, which i think contributes to good furniture placement and a really cool vibe as a social space. the checkered linoleum and low/no-pile carpet are intended to be durable and easy to clean, even under lots of foot traffic, and the drop ceilings, as well, are designed for ease of maintenance.
certain features of the building are not for the employees, but for the customers: the hydraulic self-closing door, the lit exit sign, the bathroom handrails. those features wouldn't be bad to have in a private home, either! the building also has its own parking lot. as someone who loves hosting guests for parties, this would be really convenient for me and my friends.
i will acknowledge the obvious lack in the bathrooms and kitchen. however, i don't think it would be too unreasonable to have a shower or two installed to make (at least one of) the restrooms into full bathrooms, and the kitchen is even easier to rig up with appliances that you can just plug in and use, like a portable cooktop (or multiple) and a toaster oven (or multiple) --and, of course, a refrigerator, which you often have to provide when you buy a regular house anyway. the sinks in the breakroom, exam rooms, and lab area are not huge, but they're definitely big enough to wash dishes in --possibly even laundry, although i would probably just take my clothes to the laundromat if it were impossible to hook up a washer and dryer in the building.
so those are my thoughts on the clinic-turned-house! thank you for asking. i was really excited to give a thorough answer!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Speedwell Turned Over To Province as Prison,” Border Cities Star. January 26, 1921. Page 7. ==== Guelph Institution Will Be Opened Without Delay; C. F. Neelands, Former Head of Burwash Farm, Is Superintendent ---- Guelph, Jan. 26 - The institution which has been known throughout the war as Speedwell Hospital has been formally turned over to the Ontario Government by officials of the D. S. C. R., and will at once be converted into a prison. C. F. Neelands, who for the past 6 years has been connected with the Burwash prison. has been appointed superintendent of the new institution, and is in the city making arrangements for the opening of the prison.
Mr. Neelands is very well known in Guelph, having graduated from the O. A. C. in 1914. Since that time he has been connected with the Burwash prison. Prior to the closing of the Ontario reformatory present.. here during the war, Mr. Neelands succeeded Dr. Gilmour as warden. but when the institution was converted into a hospital, he returned to Burwash, where he had the office of superintendent. N. J. Agnew, who for the past few years has been in charge of the industrial department at Speedwell, has been appointed assistant superintendent of the new institution.
Everything is now in readiness for the opening of the prison, and 50 prisoners from Burwash are expected to arrive within the next few days. They will form a foundation staff, and more short term prisoners from the various county Jails throughout the province will be brought to the city shortly. A section of the institution is also being fitted up for criminal insane, but this department will not be used at present.
Other appointments have not been announced, but it is expected that these will be known before the end of the week.
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oldmke · 1 year
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Now the home of the Aero Services Milwaukee, this much-remodeled building served as Milwaukee's airport terminal from 1940 to 1955. The first Milwaukee County Airport was established in 1919, on the site of today's Currie Park near Highway 100 and W. Capitol Dr. In 1926 the county purchased the present airport site at S. Howell and E. Layton Aves. and began operations there the next year. A converted farmhouse served as the office. Several hangars were built near it. The new terminal building, pictured here, opened in July 1940. On March 17, 1941, the County Airport was renamed Gen. Mitchell Field. By 1950, the growth of air travel began to overwhelm existing facilities and planning began for yet another terminal. The new structure was completed in 1955 and served almost 30 years before the present rebuilding and expansion project, which started in 1984. Photograph and information from the Milwaukee Public Library local history collection.
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voiceofbangus · 2 years
Shakir bhat
Pulwama 23 Feb 2023: Krishi Vigyan Kendra/Extension Training Centre Pulwama in collaboration with All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Forage Crop and Utilization (IGFRI-Jhansi) going on at DARS-Budgam organized an input distribution programme at its KVK Campus. Worthy Director Extension, Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi was the chief guest of this event which was attended by twenty tribal farmers from Sangerwani-Rajpora area. On this occasion, seed of fodder maize, seed bins and other farm implements were distributed among the tribal farmers.
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Director Extension, Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi while addressing the farming community stressed upon them to leave their crude and traditional farming practices which adversely affect the environment and human health. He advised them to adapt scientific practices which are environment friendly and have the potential to augment their income. He also advised them to go for Natural Farming by which they can convert their animal and farm wastes to high quality organic manures. Deliberating upon the importance and health of livestock in livelihood security of the farming community, Professor Makhdoomi also spoke on the practice of silage making as good silage ensures good health and productivity of the livestock in winter.
Dr. Javeed Ahmad Mugloo, Professor & Head, KVK/ETC Malangpora, emphasized upon the trainees to further disseminate the learning from such programmes to their fellow farmers. Prof. N. S. Khuroo, Officer Incharge of the project gave a brief introduction of the project and its importance in upliftment of tribal community. Dr. Zahida Rashid, (Agronomist) gave a detailed lecture on cultivation practices of fodder maize. The farmers were highly satisfied and appreciated this joint initiative of the KVK/ETC Malangpora and Dryland Agricultural Research Station, Budgam.
Earlier, Prof. Makhdoomi also inspected various demonstration units of KVK Pulwama and different protected structures in which different kind of vegetables and other planting material was being raised. Prof. Makhdoomi expressed satisfaction and appreciated the efforts of KVK Pulwama. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. Syed Shujat , Scientist Soil Science.
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currentmediasstuff · 2 years
SNS College Of Technology Starts Industry Institute Partnership Cell To Provide Excellent Placements To Engineering Graduates
SNS College of Technology and SNS College of Engineering share a twin campus which is built on 23 acres of land. Dr. S N Subbramanian MTech., Ph.D., MBA., M.Phil., Ph.D., is the honorary Chairman of SNS Group of Institutions. Dr. S Rajalakshmi, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., D.G.O. is the Managing trustee and correspondent of the colleges and Dr. S Nalin Vimal Kumar, B.E, M.S, Ph.D., is the MD of SNS College of Technology and their other institutions.
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Dr. S N Subbramanian, the chairman of SNS Colleges is the true architect of all the activities undertaken by SNS Group of Institutions. A visionary who has defeated insurmountable challenges to rise up in life as a leading educationalist, Industrialist and philanthropist. Today, he is leading SNS College as one of the fastest growing and most promising educational institutions in Coimbatore. Under the guidance of the chairman and MD, SNS College continues to provide an outstanding educational experience rooted in strong disciplines and enhanced by a broad range of experiences. SNS College aims to establish an inter-disciplinary teaching to facilitate multi- and inter- disciplinary opportunities for the students. MD, DR. Nalin paves the ways for the smooth transition of the modern technologies sin SNS College.
SNS College of Technology and SNS College of Engineering share the student activity centre which provides a range of facilities such as a swimming pool, music theatre and separate well equipped gyms for boys and girls. An entertainment complex has been setup where students can play bowling and billiards. The institutions also share a playground where students can play a variety of games. However, each department in both the institutions has access to their own research labs which helps the faculty members and students advance their interests in the field. The cloud lab, mobile apps lab, power systems labs are a few examples of the labs.
An Industry Institute Partnership Cell has been started by the institute in order to increase the quality of engineers graduating from the institute and cover the gap between the institutions and industries. With more than 85 MoUs signed with these industry experts and their companies, the institute utilizes the opportunities to take the students on industry visits. The industry experts also guide the students through the implant training and guide them with their projects. Many students who do their projects with the companies get converted into employees.
Address: SNS Kalvi Nagar,
Sathy Main Road (Opp. CRI Pumps),
Kurumbapalayam (Po),
S.S.Kulam (via),
Coimbatore – 641 107.
Landline Number: 75503 16708 & 75503 16709
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sidewalkstamps · 2 years
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S. JON KREEDMAN & CO. (Photo taken by me in Beverly Hills on December 28, 2022).
Kreedman was born in 1921. He was “a carpenter from Detroit who had become a major developer in Southern California. [He] had learned construction as a teenager from his father and settled in Los Angeles” in 1941 (Pawel, Miriam. The Browns of California: The Family Dynasty that Transformed a State and Shaped a Nation, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2018). Before serving in the military during World War II, he built homes for a year and after worked his way up in the trade, starting S. Jon Kreedman & Co. in 1948 and registering their articles of incorporation on April 1, 1948, the corporation being inactive currently. Their address was 9601 Wilshire Blvd., Rm. #340, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Kreedman was the President and James P Garity was the ‘Agent’ (bizstanding.com).
According to J. Marx Ayres’s autobiography, Kreedman “started with small office buildings and grew into developing large buildings along Wilshire Blvd.” Ayres worked with Kreedman as a mechanical engineer “on six high-rise office buildings including the 30-story ‘One Wilshire’ building at Grand Ave.” (Ayres, J. Marx. Red Diaper Baby Mid-Life Transitions: An Autobiography of J. Marx Ayres, 1946-2011, Trafford Publishing, 2012). He often purchased land for his projects and leased the units before he even began construction (Oliver, Myrna. ”S. Jon Kreedman; Real Estate Developer.” Los Angeles Times, November 8, 1999).
In 1956, he built a 171-unit complex, which were the first skyscraper apartments in Beverly Hills (LA Times).
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In 1958, they were listed in a Directory of Arizona Contractors (Arizona Registrar of Contractors), though with their Beverly Hills, CA address of 9350 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 412, Beverly Hills, CA (17215). The above photo is of a drawing for a “six-story office building for Canon Drive and Clifton Way, Beverly Hills -- Two parking levels to be included in $750,000 concrete structure” from the Examiner, dated March 23, 1959 (USCLibraries).
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The following year, Fortune magazine named him one of the 100 largest builders in the country. He built 9171 Wilshire Blvd. in that same year, as listed in the City of Beverly Hills Planning Division Cultural Heritage Commission Report from 2019. He also worked on Redondo Beach, California’s Plush Horse Inn and Encino Medical Sqaure (no longer exists). The Plush Horse Inn has an interesting history which you can read about at the South Bay History blog. The building has been significantly remodeled as is now a branch of Bristol Farms since 2000.
Around the same time he worked on the Central Lanai & Carribean (sic) apartment complexes in Phoenix, Arizona. Undated records have him being involved with a six-unit apartment building at 442 S. Oakhurst Dr. in Beverly Hills, a 13-unit apartment building at 234 S. Hamilton Dr. in Beverly Hills, a 30-unit apartment building at 120 S. Crescent Dr. in Beverly Hills (by this is probably where I took the above photo), and a 16-unit apartment building at 5210 Romaine St. in Los Angeles. (Online Archive of California Finding Aid for the Samuel Reisbord papers, 1923-circa 1976.)
He was builder and owner of the 10-story United California Bank building at Camden Dr. and Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills, CA in the early 1960s. There was a cave-in at the construction site, which Kreedman attributed to a broken water main (not sure how to cite a description of a photo but it’s from the description of order number 00103219 in TESSA Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library).
In 1961, California’s Governor Pat Brown appointed him to the Advisory Commission on Housing Problems (Wikipedia).
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By 1962, “he controlled US $50 million of real estate” (Wikipedia) and “Kreedman Realty & Construction Corp., 9350 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hilla, Calif., filed a regislration statement (File 2-20263) with the SEC seeking registration of $5,000,000 of convertible subordinated debentures due 1982 and 200,000 shares of common stock, to be offered for public sale in units consisting of $25 of debentures and one common share. A major portion of the net proceeds from this financing will be used to repay current indebtedness incurred or to be incurred in connection with the company's construction of the United California Bank Building, Beverly Hills, and the Crenshaw Medical Arts Centre, Los Angeles” (SEC News Digest, 04-20-1962).
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He placed ads in the Directory of Members, Los Angeles County medical Association, 1961 and the California Yearbook, Volume 2, Issue 1, Democratic State Central Committee of California, 1963. Unfortunately, also in 1963, his wife, Thelma, filed for divorce claiming “extreme cruelty” (Independent, pg. 2, Long Beach, California, July 26, 1963).
From 1963-1983, Kreedman also served as chairman of the American City Bank, which he had also founded. It was the LA area’s largest independent bank at one time, with seven branches in Southern California (Wikipedia), but ended with Kreedman losing his initial investment when it was shut down by the State Banking Department for exhausting “its resources due to substantial loan and operating losses” and was acquired by United Overseas Bank (UPI Archives, February 25, 1983).
“In 1967, the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration invited [him] to lecture on his entrepreneur role in helping to finance and build modern Southern California” (LA Times). According to Wikipedia, he had also been invited to give a lecture about the construction industry at UCLA in 1960.
In 1970, he refurbished the Alexandria Hotel (1905), which he had purchased in 1961, in downtown Los Angeles.
In 1973, his conversion of Century Towers to condominiums was one of the first in the city of Los Angeles and it’s largest luxury condominium property. Karen Carpenter purchased two of the condos and combined them into a duplex for herself in 1976 (The Century Towers - Wikipedia).
In 1979, Governor Jerry Brown appointed Kreedman to the board of directors of the state Public Employees Retirement System. By then, he was already known as a philanthropist “and supporter of Democratic political causes, having campaigned for the 1969 re-election of Mayor Sam Yorty in Los Angeles and serving as co-chairman of Brown’s 1973 campaign for CA governor. Kreedman’s charities included the Variety Club of Southern California and its work with handicapped and underprivileged children, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the City of Hope cancer research and treatment center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Israel Bonds Organization. He was also a board member of the Los Angeles city employees retirement system” (LA Times) and collected vintage cars (Wikipedia).
He died at age 78 after a long illness on November 5, 1999 in Los Angeles. He was survived by his wife, Marlene; daughter, Barbara; and a son, Dale (LA Times).
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His wife was featured in the Beverly Hills Courier’s April 12, 2012 issue.
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Top Bars to visit Near Scottsdale
Scottsdale is a desert city in Arizona east of state capital Phoenix. It's known for its spa resorts and golf courses, including TPC Scottsdale. Farther north, trails wind through McDowell Sonoran Preserve, a desertscape of hills, rock formations and cacti. Nearby is Taliesin West, architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s former home and studio. Downtown's Old Town Scottsdale has 1920s buildings and 19th-century olive trees.
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The Whining Pig Mcdowell Mountain
The Whining Pig was established in 2013 and is your neighborhoodbeer & wine bar. Offering a friendly environment for all, we specialize in craft beers, great wines and wonderful service. Our stock is constantly rotating and continues to surprise even our most loyal patrons. We are locally owned and operated with knowledgable bartenders; serving the locals and any other friends that would like to join us. We offer a variety of unique grilled cheese sandwiches and a meat and cheese plate that changes based on seasonal availability. Come in for a drink! There are plenty of HOPTIONS!!!
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Rusty Spur Saloon
Live country music 7 days and 7 nights a week. Cold beer. Fun bar stools. Authentic cowboy decor and Old West hospitality. Step through the swinging doors and take a seat at this 71 year old legendary bar!
Established in 1951 as the first bar in Scottsdale, Arizona, the Rusty Spur is an authentic country western saloon, serving up cold beer and live country music with Old West hospitality to locals and visitors from all over the world including Dierks Bentley, Blake Shelton, Toby Keith, John Rich, Jake Owen, and Post Malone. Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston have even been spotted at this Scottsdale destination. A walk through our swinging doors takes you back to simpler times where you'll find young and young-at-heart, rodeo cowboys and city slickers, Arizona natives and visitors from across the pond, all mingle together over great music and drinks in a fun atmosphere. 
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But before you take a seat at our legendary bar, you should know that you're experiencing a piece of Arizona history. We're an official registered historical landmark, ya'll! Our building was constructed in 1921 and housed the Farmer’s State Bank of Scottsdale from 1921 until 1933 when it closed on March 2nd for a ‘bank holiday’ called by Governor B. B. Moeur. The bank never reopened. Prior to 1951 the building housed the first office of the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce and then a real-estate office. In 1951 it was renovated to become what is known today as Rusty Spur Saloon. The bank vault remains in place and has been converted to a refrigerated unit to store "the valuables"- beer and liquor! 
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Pioneering Autism Education Excellence Step into a world of unparalleled autism education at Thriving Minds Academy, where we have redefined what it means to provide the best for individuals on the autism spectrum. With a dedicated team of experienced educators, aba therapy near me, and specialists, we have created a holistic learning environment that fosters growth, independence, and success. From personalized curriculum plans to innovative therapeutic approaches, our commitment to excellence ensures that each student's unique abilities are celebrated and nurtured every step of the way.
Thriving Minds Academy 850 S Ironwood Dr Ste #110, Apache Junction, AZ 85120, United States +1 480-806-8000 https://thrivingmindsaz.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9988130058033023683
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“Converted” Dr.’s office for sale in Berlin Heights, Ohio for $315K. You get ample parking, plus a handicap space. I don’t know if someone did a bad conversion, or if they tried to stage it to look like a home, but it’s listed as a single family residence, not an office. Look at this:
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The first thing we see is a glass foyer, hydraulic self-closing doors, lighted exit sign, drop ceiling w/neon lights throughout and an indoor/outdoor carpet. 
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The waiting room, complete w/a large reception window, is staged as a combination living/dining room. Notice the brochures fanned out on the coffee table, Dr.’s office style.
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The property lists 5 bds. This is the main bd., looking completely idiotic. 
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Each bd. is equipped with cabinets, a sink, subtly checkered linoleum and a writing table. 
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The office, of course, would make a roomy home office or home schooling space. 
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Next to the office is a workroom/lab with 2 sinks. Maybe this could be a craft space.
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This is staged as the kitchen, but there is no damned kitchen. It was the staff break room. All you have in here is a sink. 
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It lists 2 baths, but there are no bathing facilities, just 2 restrooms. Ooh, look- a folding diaper changing table. 
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The realty has included one of these handy confusing 3D layouts of the “home.”
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This one’s a little clearer- you can see the bds. 2 bathrooms, etc. It would take a lot of reno to turn this into a house.
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The only redeeming quality is that it has a geo-thermal heating system- these are great and cost between $18,000 - $30,000 to install in a single family home. (Is that a weather balloon floating above?)
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Hello :)
You are teleported into the DGS/TGAA universe a year after the second game concluded.
- Where do you go first?
- What's the first thing you do?
- Who do you visit first?
- What's the first thing you eat/drink?
- What's the thing you are most looking forward to?
- What's most intriguing to you?
- What is the one thing you want to take with you (memento, souvenir)?
(Feel free to add anything else that may come to mind. Oh, and you know you're from the future.)
I would love to hear YOUR opinion and thoughts.
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Warmest regards,
Greetings, Lord van Zieks! I am honored by these questions, and have given them serious thought.
I want to preface this by stating that I want to go everywhere and visit everyone and find out everything! (That goes without saying, really.)
But you asked about priorities, so you shall receive.
1. Where do you go first?
Baker Street 221b, of course! I feel like Mr. Herlock Sholmes and Dr. Iris Wilson would be most welcoming to a time-traveler who also happens to be from another universe where their adventures are considered to be fictional. I'm prepared to answer any number of questions and ask just as many in return!
2. What's the first thing you do?
I have a steady suspicion that selection for jury duty is nowhere near random. So, if I manage to find out how to sign up for it (see question 1 for how I would find out), I'm going to do so immediately (as I greatly wish to attend a trial in London. See question 5 for more.)
3. Who do you visit first?
If me visiting the great detective doesn't count, I'd like to pay a visit to you and Mr. Asogi. I don't suppose you'd be down for a deep conversation with a stranger, but nevertheless I wish to tell you how many people in our world admire the two of you for your actions. I feel like you'd appreciate it.
Another motive is the opulence of the Prosecutor's Office, but that feels shallow at this point.
4. What's the first thing you eat/drink?
I'd like to try one of Iris Wilson's teas - I usually drink black tea, but if something was to convert me to loving herbal drinks, it would surely be her blends.
5. What's the thing you are most looking forward to?
Oh, how I would love to experience a trial at the Old Bailey! One where you, Lord van Zieks, or Mr. Asogi perform as the prosecuting attorney, naturally. I would list the precise reasons why, but I'm sure you're well aware of them yourself, haha.
(I wonder if they've fixed the flaming scales of justice? The courtroom really wouldn't be the same without them. Especially if I happened to attend as a juror.)
6. What's most intriguing to you?
I want to find out what Ryuunosuke and Susato have been up to in Japan. They've said they want to open their own law office, but I feel like Yuujin and his colleagues have matters of state in mind for them. Either way, Susato's career is of utmost interest to me. In our world there were no female attorneys in Japan until the year 1940, but I have hope for the Ace Attorney universe.
P. S. Another possibility that intrigues me is the fate of Dr. Sithe. I assume she would receive capital punishment, and I can't help feeling sorry for her. Either way, I want to comfort Maria.
7. What is the one thing you want to take with you (memento, souvenir)?
In a perfect world where people befriend me instantly and decidedly, I'd commission Iris for a pair of her signature tricked-out goggles! But realistically, I'd ask you for a piece from one of your crime scene dioramas. As a craftswoman myself, I would duly appreciate your handiwork.
I loved answering these questions, and it even cleared up my thoughts in some cases! Your reality can be truly wondrous.
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maandarinee · 3 years
what are all the podcasts you listen to?
anon I'm so glad you asked
Since it is a pretty long list including synopses (stolen from the podcast feed or website because I'm Bad at summaries and in some cases it's been a while since I listened) I'm going to put it under a cut.
I've separated the list into "Complete" (either finished or cancelled) and "Ongoing" podcasts. Some have additional comments by me. Current favorites are marked orange. My eternal beloved are Our Fair City and Wolf 359.
ars PARADOXICA: "When an experiment in a time much like our own goes horribly awry, Dr. Sally Grissom finds herself stranded in the past and entrenched in the activities of a clandestine branch of the US government. Grissom and her team quickly learn that there's no safety net when toying with the fundamental logic of the universe."
Blackwood: "Five years ago, Molly Weaver, Bryan Anderson, and Nathan Howell started a podcast focused on the local legend of a monster called The Blackwood Bugman. Quickly, the investigation grew out of their control, as they discovered that, not only are the legends seemingly true, many people in Blackwood have turned up dead or disappeared without a trace." --> [this feels like the Blair With Project, but as a podcast. Didn't get a second season due to no funding, but it works as a standalone]
Dreamboy: "Dane, a spun-out musician spending the winter in Cleveland, Ohio, has two main goals: keeping his job at the Pepper Heights Zoo and trying not to waste all his time on Grindr. What he doesn’t expect is to get swept into a story about dreams, about forevers, about flickering lights, about unexplained deaths, about relentless change, and about the parts of ourselves that we wish other people knew to look for. Oh, and also a murderous zebra." --> [very NSFW; does cool things with music! Didn't get a second season due to no funding, but it works as a standalone]
King Fall AM: "...centers on a lonely little mountain town's late-night AM talk radio show and its paranormal, peculiar happenings and inhabitants." --> [cancelled after 100 episodes, ends on a huge cliffhanger]
Our Fair City: "A campy, post-apocalyptic audio drama." --> [I know the description sounds like nothing but just trust me, I love it so much]
Steal the Stars: "...is a gripping noir science fiction thriller in 14 episodes: Forbidden love, a crashed UFO, an alien body, and an impossible heist unlike any ever attempted."
Stellar Firma: "...a weekly Science Fiction, Comedy podcast following the misadventures of Stellar Firma Ltd.'s highest born but lowest achieving planetary designer Trexel Geistman and his bewildered clone assistant David 7. Join them each episode as they attempt to take listener submissions and craft them into the galaxy's most luxurious, most expensive and most questionably designed bespoke planets. However, with Trexel's corporate shark of a line manager Hartro Piltz breathing down their necks and I.M.O.G.E.N., the station's omnipresent and omniinvasive stationwide A.I. monitoring those necks to within 3 decimal places, they'll be lucky to make it a week before being slurried and recycled into raw human resources." --> [semi-improvised, I thought I'd have a problem with the improv bit because that's not usually my thing, but no, I absolutely devoured this]
TANIS: "...is a serialized docudrama about a fascinating and surprising mystery: the myth of Tanis. Tanis is an exploration of the nature of truth, conspiracy, and information. Tanis is what happens when the lines of science and fiction start to blur." [+ spinoff The Last Movie] --> [I have no clue what the hell is going on here]
The Black Tapes: "...is a serialized docudrama about one journalist's searc for truth, her enigmatic subject's mysterious past, and the literal and figurative ghosts that haunt them both."
The Magnus Archives: "...is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join new head archivist Jonathan Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of supernatural statements up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team. Individually, they are unsettling. Together they begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying because as they look into the depths of the archives, something starts to look back…"
Time:Bombs: "...a new audio drama podcast about the hilarious world of bomb disposal. Ride along with EOD technician Simon Teller on the busiest night of the year for him and his team - when business is, quite literally, booming."
Wolf 359: "Life's not easy for Doug Eiffel, the communications officer for the U.S.S. Hephaestus Research Station, currently on Day 448 of its orbit around red dwarf star Wolf 359. He's stuck on a scientific survey mission of indeterminate length, 7.8 light years from Earth. His only company on board the station are stern mission chief Minkowski, insane science officer Hilbert, and Hephaestus Station's sentient, often malfunctioning operating system Hera. He doesn't have much to do for his job other than monitoring static and intercepting the occasional decades-old radio broadcast from Earth, so he spends most of his time creating extensive audio logs about the ordinary, day-to-day happenings within the station. But the Hephaestus is an odd place, and life in extremely isolated, zero gravity conditions has a way of doing funny things to people's minds. Even the simplest of tasks can turn into a gargantuan struggle, and the most ordinary-seeming things have a way of turning into anything but that." --> [starts funny, turns very intense]
Alba Salix, Roya Physician (+ The Axe & Crown): "A witch, her apprentice, and her fairy herbalist treat the ills of a fairy-tale kingdom." + "Gubbin the troll tavernkeeper deals with his clueless new landlord, his shady niece, and some new competition."
Archive 81: "A found footage horror podcast about ritual, stories, and sound."
Arden: "A (fictional) true crime podcast about cold cases and the reporter and detective who try to solve them."
Brimstone Valley Mall: "The year is 1999. Lurking somewhere between Hot Topic and the food court, five misfit demons from Hell kill time inciting sin in a suburban shopping mall. When the lead singer of their band goes mysteriously missing, the demons only have two weeks to find him before they play the biggest gig of the millennium - or face the wrath of Satan herself."
CARAVAN: "First rule of Wound Canyon: No one who gets in, ever gets out. So when a brilliant, ghostly specter flies through the sky amid the rain and lightning, Samir stumbles off a steep cliff and into a hidden world, one in which demons, vampires, and all other manner of paranormal creatures take sanctuary." --> [also pretty NSFW and horny in general]
Death by Dying: "The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows." --> [I had to stop listening to this in public because it kept making me undignified laugh and snort noises]
Desperado: "Blood magic, Voodoo magic, old gods, new gods: We've got it all! Follow the story of misfits from all over the world, as they try to survive and protect their heritage from modern-day crusaders."
EOS 10: "Doctors in space, a deposed alien prince, a super gay space pirate and a fiery nurse who'll help you win your bar fight."
Girl In Space: "Abandoned on a dying ship in the farthest reaches of known space, a young scientist fights for survival (and patience with the on-board A.I.). Who is she? No one knows. But a lot of dangerous entities really want to find out. Listen as the story unfolds for science, guns, trust, anti-matter, truth, beauty, inner turmoil, and delicious cheeses. It’s all here. In space."
Janus Descending: "...follows the arrival of two xenoarcheologists on a small world orbiting a binary star. But what starts off as an expedition to survey the planet and the remains of a lost alien civilization, turns into a monstrous game of cat and mouse, as the two scientists are left to face the creatures that killed the planet in the first place. Told from two alternating perspectives, Janus Descending is an experience of crossing timelines, as one character describes the nightmare from end to beginning, and the other, from beginning to the end." --> [absolutely harrowing horror]
Love and Luck: "...is a fictional radio play podcast, told via voicemails and set in present day Melbourne, Australia. A slice of life queer romance story with a touch of magic, it follows the relationship between two men, Jason and Kane, as their love grows both for each other and their community." --> [soft and gay, feels like a warm hug]
Potterless: "Join Mike Schubert, a grown man reading the Harry Potter series for the first time, as he sits down with HP fanatics to poke fun at plot holes, make painfully incorrect predictions, and bask in the sassiness of the characters." --> [the only non-fiction podcast on the list]
Primordial Deep: "When a long extinct sea creature washes up on the shores of Coney Island, marine biologist Dr. Marella Morgan is contacted by a secret organization to investigate the origins of the creature’s sudden and unnatural resurgence. Soon, she and a team of experts find themselves living on the research station The Tiamat, traveling along the abyssal plains as they search for answers far below the waves. But there are dangers in these ancient waters. Reawakened, prehistoric monsters are rising from the deep -- jaws wide and waiting, and in the darkness, something is stirring."
Red Valley: "No one at Overhead Industries wants to talk about defunct research station Red Valley, and account man Warren Godby is out of his depth. When he meets Gordon Porlock, a disgruntled archivist with a bag of tapes from the station’s last known occupant, they will begin a journey to the limits of experimental science, confront horror and trauma from the past, present and future, and try to remember the cheat codes from Sonic the Hedgehog 2."
Rusty Quill Gaming: "An actual play podcast following a mixed ability group of comedians, improvisers, gamers, and writers as they play through the extended, tabletop roleplaying campaign Erasing the Line, an original game world of the GM’s crafting." --> [took me a while to get into because I have trouble focusing on non-scripted things, but eventually I got really hooked on the plot and attached to the characters. This podcast is really fucked up at times if you think about it]
SAYER: "A narrative fiction podcast set on Earth’s man-made second moon, Typhon. The eponymous SAYER is a highly advanced, self-aware AI created to help acclimate new residents to their new lives, and their new employment with Ærolith Dynamics." --> [feels like Welcome to Night Vale but narrated by GLaDOS from Portal]
StarTripper!!: "Join Feston Pyxis on a road-trip through the cosmos, as he leaves behind his old life in search of the best and wildest experiences the galaxy has to offer!"
The Amelia Project: "...is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand new identity! A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa."
The Big Loop: "...a biweekly anthology series. Each episode is a self-contained narrative exploring the strange, the wonderful, the terrifying, and the heartbreaking. Stories of finite beings in an infinite universe." --> [I don't like anthologies, except this one]
The Bright Sessions: "Dr. Bright provides therapy for the strange and unusual; their sessions have been recorded for research purposes." --> [think X-Men, but with therapy instead of a school]
The Deca Tapes: "Recordings have surfaced of ten people that are locked into the same space together. We don’t know where they are, or if they'll get out. But the answers must be somewhere on these tapes."
The Silt Verses: "Carpenter and Faulkner, two worshippers of an outlawed god, travel up the length of their deity’s great black river, searching for holy revelations. As their pilgrimage lengthens and the river’s mysteries deepen, the two acolytes find themselves under threat from a police manhunt, but also come into conflict with the weirder gods that have flourished in these forgotten rural territories."
The White Vault: "Follow the collected records of a repair team sent to Outpost Fristed in the vast white wastes of Svalbard and unravel what lies waiting in the ice below."
Tides: "...is the story of Dr. Winifred Eurus, a xenobiologist trapped on an unfamiliar planet with hostile tidal forces. She must use her wits, sarcasm and intellectual curiosity to survive long enough to be rescued. But there might be more to life on this planet than she expected." --> [think The Martian, but on a water planet]
Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery: "Lillian Harper moves to the small town of Mt. Absalom, Ohio, to care for her estranged mother Dorothy after an injury. Living in the town's boarding house which has been run by her family for generations, she discovers conspiracies, ghosts, and a new family in the house's strange assortment of residents."
VAST Horizon: "Nolira is an agronomist tasked with establishing agriculture in a new solar system, but when she wakes up on a now- empty colony ship, the whole of her plan disappears. The ship has been set adrift, with numerous mission-critical problems requiring immediate attendance outside of her area of expertise. Nolira is aided by the ship’s malfunctioning AI, which acts as her confidant and companion during the fight for survival."
Victoriocity: "Even Greater London, 1887. In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions."
We Fix Space Junk: "...follows seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law."
Welcome to Night Vale: "Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide."
Within the Wires: "Stories told through found audio from an alternate universe."
Wooden Overcoats: "Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family's failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor - the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in the business…" --> [one of THE funniest podcasts I have ever listened to]
41 notes · View notes
brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 4.12 (before 1960)
240 – Shapur I becomes co-emperor of the Sasanian Empire with his father Ardashir I. 467 – Anthemius is elevated to Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. 627 – King Edwin of Northumbria is converted to Christianity by Paulinus, bishop of York. 1012 – Duke Oldřich of Bohemia deposes and blinds his brother Jaromír, who flees to Poland. 1204 – The Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade breach the walls of Constantinople and enter the city, which they completely occupy the following day. 1606 – The Union Flag is adopted as the flag of English and Scottish ships. 1776 – American Revolution: With the Halifax Resolves, the North Carolina Provincial Congress authorizes its Congressional delegation to vote for independence from Britain. 1807 – The Froberg mutiny on Malta ends when the remaining mutineers blow up the magazine of Fort Ricasoli. 1820 – Alexander Ypsilantis is declared leader of Filiki Eteria, a secret organization to overthrow Ottoman rule over Greece. 1831 – Soldiers marching on the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, England, cause it to collapse. 1861 – American Civil War: Battle of Fort Sumter. The war begins with Confederate forces firing on Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. 1862 – American Civil War: The Andrews Raid (the Great Locomotive Chase) occurs, starting from Big Shanty, Georgia (now Kennesaw). 1864 – American Civil War: The Battle of Fort Pillow: Confederate forces kill most of the African American soldiers that surrendered at Fort Pillow, Tennessee. 1865 – American Civil War: Mobile, Alabama, falls to the Union Army. 1877 – The United Kingdom annexes the Transvaal. 1900 – One day after its enactment by the Congress, President William McKinley signs the Foraker Act into law, giving Puerto Rico limited self-rule. 1910 – SMS Zrínyi, one of the last pre-dreadnought battleships built by the Austro-Hungarian Navy, is launched. 1917 – World War I: Canadian forces successfully complete the taking of Vimy Ridge from the Germans. 1927 – Shanghai massacre of 1927: Chiang Kai-shek orders the Chinese Communist Party members executed in Shanghai, ending the First United Front. 1927 – Rocksprings, Texas is hit by an F5 tornado that destroys 235 of the 247 buildings in the town, kills 72 townspeople and injures 205; third deadliest tornado in Texas history. 1928 – The Bremen, a German Junkers W 33 type aircraft, takes off for the first successful transatlantic aeroplane flight from east to west. 1934 – The strongest surface wind gust in the world at the time of 231 mph, is measured on the summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. It has since been surpassed. 1934 – The U.S. Auto-Lite strike begins, culminating in a five-day melee between Ohio National Guard troops and 6,000 strikers and picketers. 1937 – Sir Frank Whittle ground-tests the first jet engine designed to power an aircraft, at Rugby, England. 1945 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office; Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes President upon Roosevelt's death. 1945 – World War II: The U.S. Ninth Army under General William H. Simpson crosses the Elbe River astride Magdeburg, and reaches Tangermünde—only 50 miles from Berlin. 1955 – The polio vaccine, developed by Dr. Jonas Salk, is declared safe and effective.
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