rossorubinotv · 2 years
Il Gusto Toscano, a Firenz il 3 e 4 Dicembre
La manifestazione, che promuove, valorizzare e diffondere la conoscenza delle eccellenze enogastronomiche del territorio, si svolgerà Sabato 3 e Domenica 4 dicembre presso il Conventino a Firenze.
Lo storico luogo di artisti e artigiani fiorentini, il Conventino in zona Porta Romana a Firenze, si anima nuovamente spalanca le porte al mese di Dicembre , ospitando un evento gratuito ed aperto al pubblico: Gusto Toscano.  L’appuntamento organizzato da Artex in collaborazione con Promowine e il Conventino Caffè Letterario, con il sostegno di Regione Toscana, Cna Toscana e Confartigianato…
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ilfildiarianna · 4 months
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Il Conventino Caffè letterario Firenze.
Ho fatto una foto 🖤
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Guest Announcement: Michael Kogge
Michael's Star Wars Legends work includes the popular "Despotica" short story that was written for Hyperspace, and MANY articles in magazines such as Star Wars Insider and Star Wars Gamer. He also wrote for West End Games (Galladinium's Fantastic Technology) and Fantasy Flight (Star Wars: Edge of the Empire). Michael will be participating in panels and signings throughout the weekend at Legends Con!
Join us for a celebration of all things Expanded Universe at the Marriott Conventino Center in Burbank, CA on September 9th & 10th.
Buy your tickets by Tuesday, 8/29 at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/legends-consortium-2023-tickets-541786186067
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worldcomics51 · 3 months
Scoop: James Robinson e Tony Harris rilanciano Starman
Una importante anticipazione sulle future iniziative della DC Comics è arrivata tramite il sito di Bleeding Cool in vista della conventino di San Diego. James Robinson e il disegnatore Tony Harris lanceranno una nuova miniserie di Starman per la linea Black Label.
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Pesaro, apre la mostra di Giò Ross ‘NBArt-un viaggio tra Arte e Sport’.
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Pesaro, apre la mostra di Giò Ross ‘NBArt-un viaggio tra Arte e Sport'. Nuova proposta alla Galleria Rossini di via Rossini 38, spazio della cultura inaugurato lo scorso agosto per ampliare l’offerta cittadina e offrire spunti di partenza per eventi, scambi e progetti di creatività. Sabato 16 dicembre apre la mostra di Giò Ross ‘NBArt-un viaggio tra Arte e Sport’, promossa dall’artista e da Flavio Sirotti con il patrocinio di: Comune di Pesaro, CUUM - Club per l'UNESCO Urbino Montefeltro, Associazione Culturale Enzo Gualazzi di Urbino, Pesaro Musei, nell’ambito del percorso di Pesaro Capitale italiana della cultura 2024. Il momento inaugurale sarà alle 18.30 nella sala Rossa del Comune alla presenza dei promotori dell’evento. Interverranno: Walter Magnifico ex grande cestista e brand ambassador della Vuelle, Michele Spagnuolo ideatore di Overtime Festival, l'avvocato Federico Cangini, Flavio Tonetto esperto di IA per la tecnologia e Massimiliano Londei esperto di IA per l’impatto sociale, il professore Giuseppe Puntarello esperto d'arte appassionato di basket. Al termine ci si sposterà alla Galleria Rossini. Visitabile fino al 29 dicembre, l’esposizione offre diverse proposte: dai quadri - frutto del connubio tra i grandi capolavori dell'arte di tutti i tempi e le icone storiche dell'NBA, - alla novità assoluta della stanza immersiva multimediale realizzata dallo studio Quadro Quantico che mescola le opere NBArt all'Universo IA dell'intelligenza artificiale. La mostra rappresenta anche l’occasione per iniziare ad individuare i luoghi dove realizzare due murales ispirati a due soggetti esposti alla Galleria Rossini. Il progetto si pone un duplice obiettivo: da un lato, valorizzare il patrimonio artistico e culturale di Pesaro e Urbino, creando un legame tra passato e presente, tra arte antica e contemporanea, tra cultura locale e cultura globale; dall’altro, promuovere il basket, sport di grande popolarità in città dove gioca la storica squadra della Victoria Libertas Pesaro, fondata nel 1946. Ma l'intento è anche quello di creare un’attrazione turistica unica e originale che possa attirare gli appassionati di basket e di arte da tutto il mondo. Una sorpresa per il pubblico: Giò Ross dedicherà alcune sue opere alla figura di Gioachino Rossini in una versione originale ed inedita, un omaggio a Pesaro 2024. Giò Ross Giovanni Rossi, in arte Giò Ross, nasce a Urbino il 5 aprile 1972. Si forma presso l’Istituto d’Arte di Urbino, dove consegue nel 1991 il Diploma di Maturità d’arte applicata, sezione di arte della grafica e dell’incisione. Nel 1996 si laurea al D.A.M.S. (Indirizzo delle arti) di Bologna. Oggi insegna Storia dell'Arte nelle scuole superiori. Sono numerose e prestigiose le mostre al suo attivo, gran parte delle quali personali. Tra le esperienze più significative, l’esecuzione della scenografia per il balletto “Ignota” al Teatro Sperimentale di Pesaro e la scenografia per il concerto della cantante Antonella Ruggiero al Teatro Regio di Parma. Ad un anno dalla prima personale è invitato a Milano ad esporre alla collettiva “Viaggio al termine del ‘900” con i più grandi maestri del secolo scorso. Tra le più rilevanti, quella intitolata “Nel segno dell’evoluzione” presso le sale del Castellare del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino e la personale al Centro Arti Visive Pescheria. Nel 2013 ha esposto al Museo d’Arte Contemporanea del Conventino di Monteciccardo in un evento promosso dalla Regione Marche. Nel dicembre 2021 ha inaugurato al Collegio Raffaello di Urbino la mostra- evento dedicata all'arte e allo sport in un sorprendente connubio che trova la sua sintesi nella sigla NBArt. NBArt-un viaggio tra Arte e Sport Galleria Rossini, via Rossini 38, 16-29 dicembre 2023. Inaugurazione sabato 16 dicembre ore 18.30, sala Rossa del Comune. Orario: martedì-giovedì 10-13, venerdì-domenica e festivi 10-13, 15.30-18.30, ingresso gratuito, info 0721 387541.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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storiearcheostorie · 1 year
Fiumicino, il Conventino di Sant'Ippolito torna a risplendere
Il complesso monumentale all'Isola Sacra sorge su una basilica paleocristiana del IV secolo. Restaurati la torre campanaria romanica e il dipinto che raffigura il martirio di Sant'Ippolito, patrono della città.
Il complesso monumentale all’Isola Sacra sorge su una basilica paleocristiana del IV secolo. Restaurati la torre campanaria romanica e il dipinto che raffigura il martirio di Sant’Ippolito, patrono della città. La torre campanaria (foto MiC) Sono stati presentati a Fiumicino, al Complesso monumentale di Sant’Ippolito all’Isola Sacra, gli interventi di restauro effettuati al Conventino di…
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grouchydairy · 2 years
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pastasaikou1984 · 5 years
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CONVENTINO SUPER #CONVENTINO #olio #オリーブオイル . . . #イタリアン#イタリアンランチ#イタリアンレストラン#イタリアンコース#イタリアンフェア #イタリアン🇮🇹#イタリアンダイニング#イタリアン好き#イタリアン大好き#イタリアンワイン #イタリアンカフェ#イタリアン料理#イタリアン好きな人と繋がりたい#ランチ#ランチ巡り #ランチタイム#ランチコース#ランチ会#ランチメニュー#ランチデート #ランチビール#ランチな幸せ#昼から#昼からビール#昼からワイン #昼から飲める#ペペロッソ Ristorante regionale italiano a IKENOUE a Tokyo "PEPE ROSSO" . Italian regional restaurant in IKENOUE in Tokyo "PEPE ROSSO". https://www.peperosso.co.jp/ Webマガジン 「SHOP ITALIA ~あなたが知らないイタリアここにあります」にてイタリアについて執筆させていただいております 今回はFONTINAについてのお話しです https://shop-italia.jp/food/imai_aosta_fontina ヒトサラ https://hitosara.com/0006090724/ 食べログ https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1318/A131801/13243643/ (ぺぺロッソ池ノ上) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ozE6SFcD1/?igshid=13swbu86f27s8
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Last Sunday (19th of May) I joined a special event in Senigallia: “Bubbles from Le Marche Region”. A great opportunity to taste many different sparkling wine from this part of Italy. I was there as a sommelier and I met producers, suppliers and old friends. I’m looking forward the next edition in 2020... 🍾🍾🍾🥂🥂🥂 * * * #bollicinemarchigiane #specialevent #winetasting #winelovers #sommelier #senigallia #lemarcheregion #wine #sparklingwine #winevent #culturagroalimentare #nofilter #followmenow #cantinacolliripani #velenosivini #marikasocciwine #vicari #conventino #garofolivini #coccigrifoni and many more... (presso La Rotonda a mare) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxunbtoo7JS/?igshid=pep9x2cqf3qv
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jojostory · 5 years
Artist Alley Tips: Flying to Conventions
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Wanting grow your art business might mean you’re looking into travelling for shows! I did this for the first time at Anime Central in 2017. Read under the cut for my experience!
Choosing an Airline
Make sure to choose an airline that fits your travel needs! For example, Southwest is a favorite of many artists because they have free checked baggage. However, they also have an unusual boarding system (at least, I thought so) where the order in which you board depends on your check-in time and people get to choose whichever seat they want. If you really need an aisle or window seat, you might need a different airline.
Another thing to consider is whether you’re enrolled in an rewards program (say, for your credit card or airline miles) that allows you to get plane tickets more cheaply.
Choosing a Hotel & Roommates
Consider cost v.s. convenience! Hotels further from the convention venue tend to be cheaper (and Airbnbs are often even cheaper than that!). But honestly, I find it super tiring to lug myself between the convention center and a hotel that’s far away every day, even if there’s a shuttle (which can be unpredictable). I prefer to stay in a nearby convention hotel if I can find roommates to stay with!
Keep an eye out for “party hotels” that tend to attract people who like to stay up late and be loud -- and think about whether you want to be in one or not. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a good way to tell whether a hotel is one or not without just asking friends you have that have attended the convention before.
Places to find roommates: the convention’s website forums, Artist Alley Network International, through artist friends
Wherever you find your roommates, make sure to communicate beforehand and set expectations about rough times you’ll be sleeping and awake, noise, partying, etc.
Map out routes from your hotel to the airport beforehand! The hotel might have a free or cheap shuttle from the airport that you’ll definitely want to take advantage of. If not, check if Lyft or Uber is in the area (it tends to be cheaper than a taxi, but slower since you have to wait for your car to come pick you up).
What I Take With Me
(Caveat: I often travel to cons alone, so I limit the luggage I carry with me so I can actually manage by myself!)
Large luggage. For my first out-of-state con, I needed luggage that would be durable enough to survive being checked onto a flight but that was roomy enough to hold everything I needed. I also looked for a bag with an 80-20 split rather than a 50-50 split, making it easier to pack big items (like print boxes) in the suitcase. Finally, I wanted something with a lock, so I could keep merch secured at night after con hours. I ended up going with this Samsonite suitcase (affiliate link) and I love it!
Small luggage. I’m kind of a small person, so I can’t handle multiple huge pieces of luggage at once. I took my regular suitcase and filled about half of it with clothes/toiletries/other travel necessities and the other half with more merch.
Photography stand. This doesn’t fit in a luggage, I have to take this as a carry-on. (Read more about how to use photograph stands in your artist alley setup here!) For a while, I used the bag that the stand came with, but it started falling apart so I eventually bought a skinny golf club case (affiliate link) that has worked really well so far (and I can carry it cross-body so my hands are free to push my suitcases along!)
One backpack. Carry-on item, to hold stuff like laptop, phone charger, 3DS, Switch, and snacks!
One purse. Essentials like airline ticket, ID, wallet, and keys go in a cross body purse so I can get through the airport with as little stress as possible!
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Packing Strategy & Tips
Like I mentioned above, using a 80-20 split luggage makes things so much easier! 
In the 80% half your your suitcase, place heavy, large or tall-ish items first and pack them tightly as your can, tetris-style. Then, fit in more flexible things (like bags of charms) in the spaces in between (but make sure your merch won’t get crushed when your stand your suitcase upright).
In the 20% half of your suitcases, place flatter/softer items (like tablecloths, signage and display prints, art portfolios, etc.
Buy a luggage scale. I have this one (affiliate link), which I really like because it’s USB-rechargeable. For most airlines, the weight of each suitcase you check must be under 50 lbs. or you have to pay an overweight baggage fee! As I pack my suitcase, I take a couple times to check how close to the weight limit I am. If my large suitcase is too heavy, I’ll move a few things to my small suitcase or to my backpack. Make sure to take the luggage scale with you -- so you can check if your suitcase is under the weight limit on your way back, too. I do check both suitcases since I need to take my photography stand as a carry-on.
Estimate how much stock you’ll need and only take that much. If you have 30 copies of a print and you think you’ll only sell about 10, just take 10! This is a good way to reduce weight.
Reduce hard, rigid containers as much as possible. For example, I carry all my charms in large plastic bags, so I can kind of fit them in nooks and crannies in places in my luggage. Of course, rigid containers are definitely necessary to protect more fragile items like prints!
Practice packing a few days before hand! This way you’ll know if there are items that can’t fit or are too heavy -- and will give you time to figure out different containers or other ways to adjust before the day of travel.
On the Day Of Travel
Double-check you’ve packed everything!
Get to the airport early!
Check in your baggage. If you’ve practiced packing beforehand, you hopefully won’t run into overweight baggage issues.
Get to your gate! Get a snack and relax now that you’re not carrying your suitcases anymore :) Keep an ear open to see if the flight is full. If so, you might want to ask the gate attendants if it’s OK to gate-check or tag your photography stand because it might not fit in the overhead bins if they’re full. You’ll only want to do this if you have a carrying case for your photography stand that is hard and will protect your stand!
Settle in on the plane. If you are bringing your photography stand, wait for people to put their suitcases in the overhead bins near you. Then, you can shove your photography stand on top! This is usually not a problem unless you’re on a very small plane with small overhead bins.
Once you’ve landed, you hopefully know how you’re going to get to the hotel you picked out. If you do have to take a taxi, make sure you don’t take a flat-rate taxi (unless the convention center is extremely far away). It’s usually cheaper to take a fare taxi for shorter rides.
Other Considerations 
Simplify your merch! Being able to offer a variety of items is great, but it also takes up a lot of space. In general (but especially for out-of-state conventions), my strategy is to bring lots of copies of items I’m confident are going to be successful. If I want to experiment with new items, I usually do that through my online store or through local cons. 
Don’t buy more suitcases! Rather than buying more suitcases (and attempting to carry them all and pay more for checked baggage) I try to rotate out old merch so that I only bring things that I can fit in the bags I have.
Bring a friend! If you have a friend who is going to the convention too, see if they’re willing to travel with you! With extra hands and eyes, you can help take care of each others’ luggage and figure out how to get to places together. 
Phew, you made it! Now go out and kick butt! I hope this post was helpful, and if you have any tips or thoughts you’d like to see added here, let me know!
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tora-con · 5 years
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It's never too early to get our next event page up. Join in and keep those notifications on to stay up to date with what's to come in 2020!
Registration and Vendor/AA applications will open in the fall. Hope to see you there! bit.ly/T-C2020
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libraryjournal · 7 years
For fans of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, there is now a con for you!
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tindomielthings · 3 years
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Il Conventino, Santa Caterina del Sasso, Italy
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dritanmardodaj-blog · 7 years
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"Stone_egg"; Archeologia Urbana (futura), readymade, 2016. L'opera si troverà nel Conventino, in Piazza Santa Maria a Lodi Vecchio, fino al mese di settembre 2017. #dritanmardodaj #readymade #art #egg #lodivecchio #conventino #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #contemporaryartists
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
ConventiNOTE: la rassegna concertistica di Pesaro si chiude con il suggestivo connubio tra musica elettronica e classica di Jacopo Mariotti e Paolo Tarsi
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ConventiNOTE: la rassegna concertistica di Pesaro si chiude con il suggestivo connubio tra musica elettronica e classica di Jacopo Mariotti e Paolo Tarsi. Sarà il concerto-performance “A perfect cut in the vacuum” a chiudere, giovedì 20 luglio, al Conventino dei Serviti di Maria di Monteciccardo, ConventiNOTE, la rassegna concertistica promossa dal Comune di Pesaro e dal Municipio di Monteciccardo e organizzata dall’associazione S.O.M.S. e dalla Pro Loco di Monteciccardo. L’appuntamento è in programma alle 21:30 e vedrà sul palco del Conventino un consolidato duo di livello internazionale: Jacopo Mariotti (Musicista eclettico di formazione classica; da oltre un decennio membro dell’Orchestra Sinfonica Rossini col quale ha un’intensa attività concertista in Italia ed all’estero) & Paolo Tarsi (specializzato in composizione con il premio Oscar® Luis Bacalov, collabora con figure di primo piano della scena elettronica, jazz e rock). Saliranno sul palco del Conventino per “A perfect cut in the vacuum”, suggestivo connubio tra elettronica e classica in cui si intrecciano atmosfere oniriche. Ingresso gratuito, posti limitati.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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francesco109 · 7 years
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#engaged #engagment #destinationwedding #realwedding #wedding #weddingplanner #weddingphotographer #destinationweddingphotographer #weddingphoto #weddingideas #weddinginspiration #realwedding #weddingemiliaromagna #weddingeurope #fashionbride #brideandgroom #brideandgroomtobe #weddingstyle #weddingday #bridalinspo #weddinginspo #sposi #sposirimini #matriomoniorimini @lucio.censi.photographer #fotoamedeo.com #anfm #anfmshare #bridebook #instawedding #isaiyes #conventino #conventinogradara #matrimonio #matrimoniofotoamedeo (presso Conventino Gradara)
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