francepittoresque · 4 months
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HISTOIRE/ACTUALITÉ | Fiscalité : vive l’Ancien Régime ! ➽ https://bit.ly/Impot-Hier-Aujourdhui La monarchie avait inventé une multitude d’impôts, mais c’était une plaisanterie à côté de l’arsenal fiscal actuel. Sous l’Ancien Régime, diabolisé par les programmes scolaires, un paysan consacrait annuellement entre vingt et trente jours de travail au paiement de l’impôt. De nos jours, le citoyen-contribuable pourra enfin travailler pour son propre compte après avoir rempli durant six mois ses obligations fiscales et sociales
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La folle spirale dépensière du Président Macron
Macron dépensent n’importe comment l’argent des contribuables et cela commence à se voir avec un déficit très alarmant ! Par Marc Baudriller Continue reading Untitled
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secondary-colorentimy · 8 months
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hi everypony
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vamptits · 7 months
this feels like an actual slur. i love you
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maluron · 3 months
c'est quand même de la grosse arnaque que la veille du 14 juillet tu puisses pas trouver un timbre-poste à l'effigie d'un fromage, non, tout ce qu'il y a à la poste en ce moment c'est des trucs moches qui ont l'air d'avoir été dessinés il y a un siècle, et bien sûr les clites olympiques
parlant de clites olympiques, y'a aussi des pièces d'argent de 50€... vendues plusieurs euro plus cher que leur valeur faciale parce qu'il y a les clites collector dessus, avec ou sans couleur - ça a pas l'air très légal mais puisque c'est une instance officielle qui le commet ça doit l'être quand même et ça a l'air d'une grosse arnaque ? mais bref j'étais pas là pour ça
et sinon vu le climat politique actuel pour donner le coup d'envoi des jeux olympiques je propose qu'on jette Macron dans la Seine parce que
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spacepatrolhana · 1 year
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drawings of tuesday
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smashhole · 5 months
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Save Melee is a website created by SmashBob where you can download/upload Uncle Punch savestates, making practice tools even more accessible.
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jloisse · 6 months
SCANDALE : Voici comment les associations sionistes qui soutiennent l'armée criminelle Israélienne, se font financer, illégalement, par l'argent du contribuable français, sans que le ministre des finances ne daigne enfin intervenir...
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swooperfly · 12 days
please come home. where did you go
buying milk
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probsnothawkeye · 6 months
Episode 7 was incredible and we're gonna talk about it let's go there will be spoilers below because that's just who I am as a person sorry this is late tot
I love Jenny. I love her so much. She just shows up at her neighbor's house and spills all of her marital problems because she think Tessa is in a relationship. I'm obsessed with her for real.
But this episode does something interesting with the concept of love and relationships which I really enjoyed. Jenny and Liam show up knowing their married but not remembering each other- is that enough of a reason to stay married? At what level of relationship do you just cut your losses? Nate didn't remember Dean was his brother- how long did it take him to remember? What would've happened if he hadn't? What if Dean remembered and Nate didn't? A marriage you don't remember is easy enough to say "well maybe we start fresh" but with your family? What happens then?
Liam coming to find Jenny and them agreeing to try to work things out was very sweet. And the fact that Dean had been listening in for who knows how long? 10/10. I love Dean so much and if Tot hurts him I'm gonna cry a lot. Like so much. Do you want my tears, Tot? Do you really?
I've been saying that Tessa has two hands since Anisha was introduced and knowing that she and Nate used to date before Tessa showed up and now they've both shown interest in Tessa and Tessa has shown interest in them. Its everything. It means so much to me
And then, of course, we have The Horrors. I don't know what The Horrors are just yet, but they're fucking with Nate's walkie and I'm. So scared. For Nate specifically. Because despite what tot says, I do need to worry about Nate.
This has been my late spamming about Soul Operator
Hopefully next time I'm not this late
But seriously yall. Listen to Soul Operator. It's so good. And Tot deserves the world. Listen to it you know you want to
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observatoiredumensonge · 10 months
L'État c'est Nous !
Par Alexandre Goldfarb Nouvelle rubrique : Actualités Ce n’est pas à l’État qu’il a coûté ce prix exorbitant mais à tous les contribuables parce que l’État ce sont les contribuables : il faut une fois pour toutes le dire et ne plus l’oublier ! Restez informés, abonnez-vous à Semaine du MENSONGE au tarif préférentiel exceptionnel de : 1,50 € par mois pendant un an,Paiement sécurisé. Abonnement…
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aturnoftheearth · 1 year
KLSJDOFBSKHFKFJRLA ben bringing up how much it means to him that fans expound on the creativity and create their own things and how it’s so cool. he doesn’t even know about my amvs
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silenthill2ps2 · 1 year
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this is literally making my head hurt does no one fucking understand ada...... i hope we all die
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featheredcritter · 2 years
One of the most stupid outdoor cats owners takes has to be "it's ok if our cats go outside and kill wildlife because our wildlife is completely fucked already anyway 🥰" like hello??
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biarritzzz · 8 months
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Le Monde se surpasse en termes d’euphémisme. J’imagine la conférence de rédaction:
« Bon les gars, y’a encore un musulman qui a fait une attaque à l’acide à Londres du coup comment est-ce qu’on va minimiser tout ça. Faut pas faire le jeu de l’extrême-droite, hein.
Quelqu’un a une idée ?
Et si au lieu d'écrire ‘attaque à l’acide’ on écrivait ‘substance corrosive’? Ça permet de ne pas faire immédiatement le lien avec la communauté musulmane pakistanaise.
C’est bon ça, coco! Allez, au boulot! »
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Un brave Geordie, anglais depuis des générations, on vous dit! Un type de Newcastle!
Abdul Ezedi, c’est tout à fait natif comme nom. Et si vous en doutez, vous êtes raciste.
Le Monde n'ose quand même pas le couplet sur: la crème de la crème, les métiers en tension, l'immigration est une richesse, les futurs ingénieurs, médecins et infirmières, la colonisation, le racisme systémique. Même les journaleux du Monde ont des petits coups de mou de temps en temps.
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I NEED to hear abt biracial Izaya!!!
but I also need to know wtf an Almond Mom is
OKAY SO i actually did a thread over on the dead bird webbedsite on biracial izaya BUT FIRST TO ANSWER YER QUESTION: an almond mom is a mom that's super into weight loss and diet culture, to the point of rarely (if ever) buying anything "sugary" or "processed" for her kids, and encouraging restrictive eating habits in them. its derived from the phrase "a handful of almonds is a snack!!!" which is what a lot of these moms say. my mom was an almond mom and for instance i was VERY punished when i drank sunny d once. and i didnt get any like, standard Kid Cereals for a verrryyyyy long time. and she encouraged me to start counting calories.....while i was literally like. just starting to recover from anorexia. so yeah fuck almond moms
so this is the original thread i did on biracial izaya; turns out the info abt dual citizenship exceptions is a Fucking Lie because i mustve misinterpreted something while looking it up at ass o clock in the morninge
so the general idea is, izaya's biracial and darkskinned, but just.... doesnt mention it? at all? he likes to believe that people think he just tans well, but he's..... too dark for it to be a tan, especially a natural tan. and god knows the man does NOT spend enough time in the sun to get a tan
he still wears silver jewelry even though he looks way better in gold, as a way to distance himself from his heritage. he could know everything he wanted or even go to the damn country himself, but he doesn't because What's The Point, he never really knew much about it because his parents were too absentee to teach him, so he thinks what's the point! but a part of him does wonder if it'll make him feel more "at home" somewhere.... but he pushes the idea out of his mind lmfao!!!!!!!
as a kid he was really mad that he was biracial and yet hasn't ever actually been to iran, his parents were too busy being moonies with their business trips to bother actually taking him there ever. izaya knows he has a lot of family members there but he doesnt know shit or dicks about them- again he could easily look this stuff up and find out, but he thinks "what's the point"
though i think its because of his own closed-offness wrt his own emotions, plus he doesn't want to realize that the rest of his family is as shitty as his parents- he'd rather not touch it and wonder every so often, than spend valuable time and emotional vulnerability trying and it blowing up in his face!!!
also fwiw: his dad's japanese his mom's iranian, in this hc. (or maybe shes also biracial?) if shes biracial it means izaya's a quarter iranian, which he could go "its just a quarter who cares lol" and it could contribute to him feeling like he'd be an impostor if he did get more into the culture, since he's """"barely iranian"""
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