venus111 · 4 months
Astrology observations
👣 virgos get married to Leos they are soulmates
👣 Ophiuchus Sign is a unique sign for whom stoppage, inactivity, conservatism are absolutely contra-indicated
👣 Neptune in the 8th house/pisces 8H natives may meet death by drowning, drugs, poisoning, coma, while asleep, suicide
👣 Pluto in the 6H/scorpio 6H natives like to masturbate regularly
👣 Gemini Mars and Scorpio Mars is the scariest Mars sign to have
👣 cancer in the 3rd house and Neptune in the 9th house don’t like to go to places/areas they don’t know they are afraid of getting lost
👣 cancer and taurus placements study history,business,accounting
👣 Sagittarius/Pisces in the 7H( Gemini rising, Virgo rising) natives are often called unintelligent, people make fun of your education
👣 Aries Venus men are fuck boys they are horny 24/7
👣 people born on 2,11,20 are very good planners but on the other hand they are lazy also. They can easily go in depression as they have a mood swing problem often
👣 Pisces placements have prophetic/intuitive dreams , they normally act and present themselves as mentally gullible and physically weak that’s why people are protective of them Earth is not a nice place for pisceans
👣 Venus dominant native can be chameleon-like in their behaviour they can become whatever the other person wants them to become
👣 mercury conjunction venus person want to have the prettiest and most expensive cars
👣 many astrologers say sun-Pluto native have bad relationship with their father (daddy issues) i don’t resonate I have sun square Pluto my father is my best friend I adore him he’s super chill
👣 Sagittarius in the 4th house love drinking milk
👣 Aries placements have moles/Beauty marks
👣 Libra sun/moon/rising splurge their money on clothes and shoes
👣 Aries Saturn makes a person aware of their deeds and actions
👣 Lilith in Leo/degree/5H don’t want to have children
👣 Pisces rising native look and sound sleepy they have a tired look
👣 Mars-Neptune people get sexual dreams
👣 Pisces and Gemini placements have poor memory they can’t remember things
👣 I have Lilith in Leo 26° people always ask me for money and want me to share everything with them, i find out that people are jealous because of how beautiful we are or all of the things we have, i had friends who hacked my bank account
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harmoonix · 1 year
🔥Femme Fatale Placements🔥
🌟 In Astrology 🌟
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-🔥 Scorpio in big 6/ Aries in Big 6(Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus Mercury, Mars)
-🔥 Sagittarius in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
There is NO femme fatale out there without Sagittarius Energy in it, they carry the way to the top for the misterious elite fatales
-🔥 Libra/Taurus in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury)
Venusian Energy - Blessed - Pretty as fuck - Admired by people, aesthetically beautiful, natural, lovely
-🔥 Leo in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
Of Course there is NO femme fatale without a Leo in it. They are always the star of show 💅🏼
-🔥 Capricorn/Aquarius in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
Saturn Energy - Big influence and impact in world, worldwide appealing, extravagante, iconic, classyyy, royal vibes
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-🔥 Midheaven in Scorpio Degrees: 8°, 20°
The world perceives you as being a very misterious person
-🔥 Midheaven in Leo Degrees: 5°, 17°, 29°
Getting People's attention very fast, could attract a lot of eyes on them very easily
-🔥 Midheaven in Capricorn Degrees: 10°, 22°
Having great authority, being very classic and charming, very good appearance
-🔥 Midheaven in Cancer Degrees: 4°, 16°, 28°
Very angelic Energy, could have a very peaceful aura and people perceive these people as "an real angel"
-🔥 Midheaven in Aquarius Degrees: 11°, 23°
Getting a lot of attention especially on internet, Being unique and different, The world perceives you as a rare diamond
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Lilith Related PLACEMENTS List ⚸
-🔥 Lilith - Ascendant aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
Having a very fatale energy in your Ascendant, indeed very appealing and good looking, could attract jealousy very fast and could make others feel intimidating by your pressence
-🔥 Lilith - Moon aspects (Harsh aspects)
This placement is mostly like others are very jealous of you especially the women/girls around you, they want to be you and they can't... And thats making them to explode
-🔥 Lilith - Sun aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
HIGH rebellious and attractive energy, you don't like people to tell you what you do, you do your own rules. With this aspect people can be very drawn to you or to your energy because they know how powerful you can be, you have an imense magnetism
-🔥 Lilith - Venus aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These people have the power to break hearts, they have a very good appearance and can look very intimidating to others, can attract very hot partners
-🔥 Lilith Mercury aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These people have a very hot way of talking, their voice their words, they can turn you on.. so easily they know how to make pleasure and how to destroy people with their words, they stand up for themselves talking while wearing a gold crown on their head
-🔥 Lilith - Mars aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These aspects are the "Hotter than hell" thing, these people are having a very high fatale energy who can get a lot of eyes and jealousy on them, they can steal your heart
-🔥 Lilith - Saturn aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
The rare diamond shinning through ordinary rocks, here Saturn restricts Lilith energy, so Lilith can feel very destructible and dangerous, very misterious and mesmerizing energy but also with a lot of lesson, is like you need to learn about your shadow side and your power and of course your sexual nature
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Aspects List that can indicate having a very femme fatale energy: (Square, Opposition Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Quintile, Bi-quintile applying + Parallel/Contra-Parallel)
-🔥 Venus - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Mars - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Sun - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Ascendant - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Mars - Venus aspects
-🔥 Sun - Venus aspects
-🔥 Mars - Ascendant aspects
-🔥 Sun - Ascendant aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Ascendant aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Mars/Mercury aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Venus aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Pluto aspects
- 🔥 Saturn - Pluto aspects
- 🔥 Saturn - Venus aspects
- 🔥 Lilith - Neptune Aspects
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🔥Aries/Scorpio/Aquarius Risings = Sirene eyes
🔥Sagittarius Risings = good and mesmerizing appearance
🔥Leo Risings = the most shining star on the Broadway
🔥Virgo Risings = Charming and beautiful face and body
🔥Pisces Risings = Enchanting and mystic aura
🔥 Gemini Risings = Mirific aura, magical voice
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- 🔥 Having These Degrees in your chart can mean you have a very mesmerizing energy🔥🔥
• Having 2°,5°, 7°, 9��, 10° 12°, 14°, 17°, 19°, 22°, 24°. 29° Degrees
- 🔥 Having Theses Degrees in your chart can mean you have a very good appearance and appealing, dreamy like:
• Having 1°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 11°, 13°, 18° Degrees on any inner planets or Important asteroids
- 🔥 Mars/Venus/Mercury/Sun/Pluto/Moon/Neptune in the 1st/5th/8th/10th/11th houses makes your attractive in the public eye
- 🔥Lilith in the 1st/2nd/4th/5th/houses gives a very magnetic aura and vibe
-🔥 Lilith in the 10th/11th/12th houses have a very big influence on others
-🔥Lilith in 6th/7th houses attract people from a lot of places, especially envious people at the workplace and in their relationships
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I loved to make this post so much😍, there are definitely more placements and aspects to look into but the post would be wayyyy longer if i would make all of them, maybe i will make a part 2 if i see people wanting such type of content 🤗 Don't forget to always check your sidereal or vedic chart for more and deep understanding, the Sidereal chart is like your inner world 🌎💗😊
I hope everyone reading my notes has a good day full of light and warm energy 🤍🤍🤍 have a very lovely day!🤍🤍🤍
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A Plains Cree physician who practices family medicine in Alberta says it’s shameful that Conservative Premier Danielle Smith is playing politics with transgender issues.
“It’s really important to know that people don’t do this [gender affirmation] lightly,” said Dr. James Makokis, who identifies as Two-Spirit and works directly with trans patients. “It is something that they’ve known their entire life.
“And clinicians do thorough assessments of ensuring that people when they say they’re trans, they’re trans and we just ensure that there’s not medical contra-indications to doing so and there is a thorough assessment process of that.”
On Wednesday, Smith announced a number of policy changes on social media that will restrict medical access to those seeking gender affirmation therapy – especially transgender youth.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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I felt like sharing my collection of Latin phrases that may make good fanfic or fanart titles or inspiration. Some of the translations may be off, so you might want to double-check them before use. Also, I used capitalization liberally so you might also want to check where capitalization is actually indicated.
Ab Intra (From Within)
Acta Est Fabula (The play has been performed)
Acta Sancti ___ (The Deeds of Saint ___)
Ad Undas (to the waves / to hell)
Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's advocate)
Aegri Somnia (a sick man's dreams / troubled dreams)
Alea Iacta Est (the die has been cast / point of no return)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (defense of one's life)
Caetera Desunt (the rest is missing)
Cedere Nescio (I know not how to yield)
Damnatio Memoriae (damnation of memory / denying someone ever lived)
De Nobis Fabula Narratur (their story is our story)
Decessit Vita Patris (died before their father)
Diem Perdidi (I have lost the day)
Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (a day as dark as night)
Dolor Hic Tibi Proderit Olim (some day this pain will be useful to you)
Dulce Est Desipere In Loco (It is sweet on occasion to play the fool)
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (while we live, let us live)
Dux Bellorum (war leader)
Ex Umbra In Solem (from the shadow into the light)
Festina Lente (hurry slowly)
Fortis Cadere, Cedere Non Potest (the brave may fall, but can not yield)
Fui Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum (I once was what you are, you will be what I am)
Graviora Manent (heavier things remain / the worst is yet to come)
Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (one day, this will be pleasing to remember)
Hic Mortui Vivunt (here the dead speak)
Hinc Illae Lacrimae (hence those tears)
Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi (Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you - of death)
In Ictu Oculi (in the blink of an eye)
In Somnis Veritas (in dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (between hope and fear)
Lapsus Memoriae (slip of memory)
Luctor, Non Mergor (I struggle, but am not overwhelmed)
Lux Ex Tenebris (light from darkness)
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of our lives we die)
Memento Mori (remember that you will die)
Memento Vivere (remember to live)
Morior Invictus (I die unvanquished / death before defeat)
Mundus Senescit (the world grows old)
Nemini Parco (I spare no one - death)
Nitimur In Vetitum (we strive for the forbidden)
Non Ducor, Duco (I am not led; I lead)
Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not all die / part of me will survive beyond death)
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor (now I know what love is)
Oderint Dum Metuant (let them hate, so long as they fear)
Omnia Mutantur (everything changes)
Onus Probandi (burden of proof)
Opera Posthuma (posthumous works)
Ophidia In Herba (a snake in the grass)
Pax Aeterna (eternal peace - a common epitaph)
Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus (we are dust and shadow)
Quis Leget Haec? (who will read this?)
Quod Periit, Periit (what Is gone is gone)
Res, Non Verba (deeds, not words)
Respice Finem (consider the end)
Scientia Et Sapientia (knowledge and wisdom)
Seculo Seculorum (forever and ever)
Sed Terrae Graviora Manent (but on earth, worse things await)
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
Sic Infit (so it begins)
Sic Vita Est (such is life)
Silentium Est Aureum (silence is golden)
Sine Nomine (without a name / author unknown)
Sola Dosis Facit Venemum (the dose makes the poison)
Solvitur Ambulando (it is solved by walking / simple tests find solutions)
Stamus Contra Malum (we stand against evil)
Succisa Virescit (cut down, we grow back stronger)
Sum Quod Eris (I am what you will be - of death)
Summum Bonum (the supreme good)
Summum Malum (the supreme evil)
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum (there are tears for things)
Sunt Omnes Unum (they are all one)
Tabula Rasa (blank slate)
Transire Benefaciendo (to travel along while doing good)
Tu Fui Ego Eris (I was you; you will be me - of death)
Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
Ultima Forsan (perhaps the last / sundial quote "perhaps your last hour")
Usque Ad Finem (until the end / fight to the death)
Vacate Et Scire (Be still and know)
Vi Et Animo (with heart and soul)
Victoria Aut Mors (victory or death)
Vincit Qui Patitur (he conquers who endures)
Vita Ante Acta (a life done before - of reincarnation)
Vivere Militare Est (to live is to fight)
Vox Clamantis In Deserto (the voice of one crying in the wilderness)
There are also some longer ones that may not make good titles because of their length, but are still worth inclusion:
Aut Simul Stabunt Aut Simul Cadent (they will either stand together or fall together)
Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo (if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell)
Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day)
Igitur Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum (therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war)
In Regione Caecorum Rex Est Luscus (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
Minus Malum Toleratur Ut Maius Tollat (choose the lesser evil so a greater evil may be averted)
Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius (whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)
Ubi Sunt, Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? (Where are they, those who have gone before us?)
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit (that which virtue unites, let not death separate)
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louddydisturb · 1 year
Harry e louis eram a definição de amizade cão e gato, pelo menos eram oque todos achavam, Ate uma festa que revelou o real motivo pelas brigas bobas.
Eles viajavam junto com os amigos para o sul da espanha, tudo normal mas harry tinha outros planos para louis que não a tocava ha um tempo consideravel
Tw: H!inter, negação de orgasmo, exibicionismo, sexo anal
Ib: anon
Admito que ela ta bem basica e normal comparado com as ultimas
Boa leitura!!
O sol quente do verão europeu brilhava no ceu azul sem uma nuvem sequer
Louis, luke, calvin, zayn, harry e mais algumas amigas da garota faziam sua viagem anual de verão, o destino do ano sendo marbella no sul da espanhã
O grupo começou no fim do ensino medio quando zayn, melhor amigo de harry, apresentou a garota e seu grupo para os seus amigos e desde dai eles tornaram um grande grupo de adolescentes inconsequentes
Harry e louis nunca deram muito bem sempre em uma briga interna, louis contra argumentando algo que harry falava e harry xingando o garoto
Mas essa briguinha acabou se tornando algo a mais quando em alguma festa os dois acabaram bebendo demais e bem, como dizem, bebados dizem oque não tem coragem de dizer sobrios. Mesmo depois daquela noite - e de mais algumas - harry e louis nunca conseguiram engolir o orgulho então para o grupo de amigos eles seguiam a dupla de cão e gato.
Era o terceiro dia de viagem, todos estavam na area externa da casa de praia que foi alugada. Harry e hailee tomavam sol em algumas espreguiçadeiras proximo a piscina
Calvin, louis, melanie e luna começavam uma briga de galo na piscina enquanto luke e zayn bebiam em outras espreguiçadeiras
Harry observava louis por trás dos oculos de sol, não conseguindo desviar os olhos principalmente quando viu melanie subir nos ombros de louis puxando os fios castanhos para apoio
Ela viu o garoto rir segurando as coxas da garota, harry sentiu seu corpo esquentar se lembrando de algumas noites antes quando louis passou a noite em seu apartamento mas ao mesmo tempo ela sentiu uma dose de ciume consumir seu corpo vendo aquela cena
"Zayn, passa uma cerveja porfavor" ela grita para o moreno devido as caixas de som que tocavam musica alto e ele joga uma latinha de cerveja no mesmo instante
Harry abriu a latinha vendo louis sair derrotado da piscina, os cabelos pingando e goticulas de agua escorrendo por todo seu torso bronzeado. Ele senta em uma espreguiçadeira ao lado de zayn e pega uma cerveja junto com um cigarro da caixinha que estava na mesa com bebidas
"Não serve nem pra briga de galo, tomlinson?" A cacheada se aproxima do grupo de amigos "tenho pena de quem dormir com o garanhão. Mel pode me ajudar a ver se a marquinha ja ta marcando?" Ela afasta as alcinhas do sutiã do biquini preto pequeno como se checasse, fazendo o mesmo com a calcinha minuscula do biquini
"Pode ter certeza que nisso eu me garanto, styles" ele traga o cigarro observando a garota
"Ja ta bem melhor, hazza. Ja da pra notar" melanie responde alheia aos olhares provocativos entre styles e tomlinson
"Ai otimo acho que esse bronzeador que a hailee indicou realmente bronzea mais rapido" ela sorri antes de voltar para a espreguiçadeira, o olhar de tomlinson acompanhando os passos calmos
Era o quinto dia de viagem, harry continuava nas pequenas provocações com tomlinson mas nunca passando disso, louis sentia que poderia explodir se a garota continuasse com isso, mas ele tambem tinha planos para a cacheada
Era sabado e como sempre todos estavam nas espreguiçadeiras da piscina a maioria de ressaca por causa da noite passada
Harry usava um biquini azul escuro de cordinha minusculo que mal cobria todo seus peitinhos, as cordinhas amarravam a calcinha do biquini em seu corpo mas se prestasse atenção era como se a garota não usasse nada, a bunda bronzeada engolindo toda a parte de tras do biquini e os peitos pareciam que em qualquer momento poderiam escapar da cortininha do biquini
Louis usava um short solto preto e oculos escuros enquanto fumava deitado em uma das espreguiçadeiras
Os olhos azuis acompanharam a cacheada por trás das lentes escuras observando a garota caminhar em passos lentos até uma espreguiçadeira proxima e deitar enquanto conversava com luna
"Louis vai ir na festa de hoje?" Louis murmurou apenas um "uhum" voltando a tragar seu cigarro e sentar de um jeito que não marcasse o volume em suas calças
Harry caminha ate a piscina mergulhando e refrescando todo o corpo quente
"Zayn trouxe os salgados?" Ela se apoia na borda da piscina
"Estão na mesa" ele aponta com a latinha de energetico
A garota sai da piscina indo para a mesa que ficava exatamente na frente de tomlinson ficando de costas para ele
"Zee pode amarrar pra mim de novo, sempre que eu amarro ele solta" harry vai ate zayn que amarra a calcinha do biquini sem falar nada
Louis não era idiota, ele sabia que por mais que zayn fosse melhor amigo de harry por muitos anos, ele tinha alguns sentimentos pela garota e tambem que os dois ja tinha ficado em festas passadas mas isso nunca incomodou tomlinson, até hoje.
"Esses salgados estão otimos, luke. Tia marie sempre faz os melhores" o garoto sorri enquanto bebe a cerveja
"Não quer sentar não harry?" Louis pergunta acendendo outro cigarro e afastando as coxas fazendo o pau duro marcar em seu short
"Se continuar fumando assim vai matar todos seus ultimos neuronios, tomlinson" o moreno sopra a fumaça indo para o rostinho da garota
ele senta na espreguiçadeira aproveitando quando harry se aproxima para a puxar a fazendo sentar em seu colo
"Porra tomlinson!" Ela fala alto tentando sair mas as mãos do outro seguravam firme sua cintura
"Quieta" ele fala contra o ouvido da garota e afasta a calcinha minuscula do biquini e encaixa seu pau na buceta apertada aproveitando que ninguem estava olhando
"Louis" ela chama a atenção do garoto e prende a respiração sentindo o falo duro a preencher "a gente ta no meio de todo mundo"
"E eu sinto a essa buceta ficando ainda mais molhada só em falar isso" louis fala rente a orelha da garota apertando a cinturinha para estocar uma vez devagar "fica quietinha me aquecendo" ele pega uma cerveja no cooler proximo
"Pegou o numero daquela garota da festa de ontem, louis?" Luke pergunta estranhando a cacheada no colo dele mas não comentou sobre
"Peguei, ela me passou mensagem essa manhã" as mãos tatuadas faziam carinho nas coxas de harry que segurava a vontade de rebolar no pau grosso que a preenchia tão bem "ela perguntou se iamos na festa de hoje" ele toma um gole da cerveja sentindo harry contrair em si
Louis fingiu ajeitar a posição que sentava consequentemente estocando contra harry que suspirou segurando um gemido em sua garganta
Ele observava a garota sentadinha em seu colo apertando as própias coxas em busca de auto controle
"Tão boa pro lou mas tão atrevidinha, acha que eu não percebi que está a viagem toda se mostrando pra todos que quiserem ver, parece uma puta, amor. Só que essa puta é só minha né?" ele fala baixo no ouvido da garota que se desconcerta em seu colo, ele beslica a bunda branquinha sentindo a garota se molhar cada vez mais em seu pau, ela afasta louis tentando manter a consciencia ali, vez ou outra ela podia sentir os olhares dos outros garotos em si "que foi, nenem? Não está gostando de ser util pro lou? Achei que gostasse de ser puta ou será que é tão exibicionista que queria que eu te fodesse aqui na frente de todo mundo, aposto que nem ligaria" ela choraminga sentindo o aperto discreto em sua cintura "eu sinto você se molhando toda, não adianta fingir que não gosta" ele aproveita que ninguem estava prestando atenção e beija o pescoço lisinho da cacheada
Louis observa luke, zayn, hailee e melanie entrarem na piscina e luna entrar para dentro da casa aproveitando todos distraidos para estocar algumas vezes contra a garota
"Lou... deixa eu gozar" ela geme baixinho agradecendo pela musica alta que tocava pelas caixas de som
"Não, brinquedinhos não merecem gozar" ele para de esticar e acende um cigarro sentando despojado na cadeira sentindo harry se apertar em si "se gozar eu paro"
"Lou-" o gemido é interrompido quando luna caminha ate harry com dois vestidos perguntando sobre qual ela iria usar
Louis estocou fraco contra a garota que reprimiu um gemido "o r-rosa" a cacheada suspirou aliviada vendo a outra garota se afastar
"Você acha que não vi quando veio tomar sol sem biquini quando sabia que só eu e zayn estavamos na casa, amor? Acha que não vi quando andava só de camisa e calcinha pela casa?" Ele aperta a coxa palida "eu deveria te deixar aqui sem gozar, só servindo de deposito para a minha porra"
harry percebe os olhares de zayn e luke atentos em louis e si, ela afasta as pernas dando a visão do pau de louis entrando devagar em sua buceta, os dois garotos sorrindo de lado com a cena ao que harry goza por todo o pau de louis que sente a garota ter pequenos espamos em seu colo e esmagar seu pau, ela apoiou a cabeça no ombro do mais velho sentindo seu corpo molinho, louis alheio aos olhares dos amigos
"Vadia" ele afasta a garota colocando seu pau de volta no short
"Lou! Volta" ela fala segurando o braço de louis "porfavor... desculpa"
"Louis traz uma cerveja" ele escuta a voz de zayn
"Sai" ele fala pra cacheada que ainda estava mole em seu colo "vai pro 2 quarto do segundo andar depois que as meninas sairem" ele fala rapido antes de levantar e pegar duas latas de cerveja
"Qual é louis essa é a melhor festa do ano! Não acredito que tu vai dar esse bolo na gente" zayn falava terminando de trocar de roupa, ele sabia que era uma desculpa porem louis não fazia a minima ideia
"Foi mal, não to me sentindo tão bem acho que vou gripar" louis se encontrava afundado nos edredons da cama "eu vou ficar em outro quarto pra vocês não griparem tambem" ele levanta caminhando ""abatido"" até o local marcado com harry, zayn soltou uma risada com o fingimento do tomlinson
Ele deita na cama observando o quarto impecavelmente arrumado mas não demorou muito para duas batidinhas na porta serem ouvidas e harry entrar pela porta
"Tranca" diz curto e a garota faz antes de caminhar até a cama, ele observa a garota que usava um shortinho de moletom e um top branco de alcinha sem sutiã fazendo os peitinhos marcarem no tecido fino "tão linda meu nenem" ele puxa a cacheada para perto de si puxando-a para si a fazendo ajoelhar entre suas pernas na cama
"Lou me fode, sim?" A garota puxa o top para baixo fazendo os peitos redondinhos pularem para fora proximo ao rosto de louis
"Você é tão apressadinha, amor. Passa uma semana sem levar pica nessa buceta gostosa que ja fica toda manhosinha" ele lambe uma linha desde da parte de baixo do peito até o biquinho durinho chupando ali e fazendo com que a garota vacilasse em seu colo "mas eu vou te comer bem gostosinho, sim? Te deixar cheinha de porra até vazar por toda suas coxas mas você não vai gozar sequer uma vez" ele mordisca o biquinho sensivel antes de virar deitando harry na cama
"Lou... eu pedi desculpa" Ela puxa louis pela correntinha prateada começando um beijo lento enquanto o seu shortinho era arrancado de seu corpo deixando a xotinha livre qualquer tecido "deixa eu gozar"
"sem calcinha, amor? É realmente mais putinha do que eu imaginava" ele desliza o indicador desde do clitoris até a entradinha ainda larginha por causa de mais cedo
Ele penetra o indicador e o anelar na garota que arqueia as costas gemendo no meio do beijo
Ele deixou mais um beijo nos labios inchadinhos antes de virar a cacheada de costas e penetrar voltando para o aperto da bucetinha que ele tanto gostava
Ele começa as estocadas firmes fazendo-a solavancar embaixo de si gemendo abafado no traveseiro
Ele estapeava e apertava a bunda bronzeada sentindo a garota vazar em seu pau
"Louis? A gente trouxe alguns remedios" louis xinga baixo ouvindo a voz de calvin do outro lado da porta
"Deixa ai depois eu pego" ele fala rapido voltando a foder harry, essa que segurava os gemidos
"Tem certeza que ta bem? Se quiser a gente te leva no hospital" harry deixa escapar um gemido fazendo louis tapar sua boca enquanto a puxava contra si
"Eu to bem, só um mal estar, podem ir pra festa" ele escuta algumas risadinhas e os passos se afastando "filhos da puta" ele fala baixo soltando a boca de harry e estocando com força fazendo a cabeceira da cama bater contra parede e harry gemer alto pouco se importando se ainda tinha gente na casa
"Louis... me deixa gozar" ela apertava o braço de louis que estava em sua cintura
"Não" ele a fode mais algumas vezes antes de gozar suspirando aliviado por todo o tempo que estava segurando
"Lou por favor" ela acaricia o rosto do outro ao que ele deita em seu lado "eu vou ser boa eu prometo" harry senta no colo de louis rebolando em cima do pau semi-duro
"Sai, ta me sujando harry" ele fala serio de olhos fechados
"Louis..." o tom choroso de harry ecoa pelo quarto "eu ja pedi desculpas e fui boa pro lou" ela beija o pescoço do de olhos azuis
"Mas deveria ter pensado isso antes de me desobedecer" a garota funga baixinho escondendo o rosto no pescoço de tomlinson
"Ta doendo lou" ela tenta novamente mas louis apenas começa um carinho nas costas macias "porque você ta sendo mau?"
"Ta doendo amor?" Ele abre os olhos vendo a garota ja com o nariz vermelinho e lagrimas escorrendo pelas bochechinhas vermelhas. Ele sabia o quão sensivel e ao mesmo tempo dramatica harry poderia ser "vamos dormir que passa" ele tira harry de cima de si a deitando em seu lado, harry sente os braços fortes abraçarem sua cintura e a respiração calma em seu pescoço
Ela se mexia inquieta tentando o minimo contato com o pau atras de si, mas quando conseguia louis afastava os quadris fazendo a garota choramingar frustada
"Louis" ela vira de frente para o mais velho que tinha os olhos fechados "não consigo mais" ela passa a perna pela a cintura de louis abraçando ele e conseguindo se roçar no pau duro embaixo de si "eu sei que você não esta dormindo, só ta sendo mau" ela esconde o rosto novamente no pescoço de louis enquanto algumas lagrimas escorriam pela sua bochecha por ser rejeitada pelo mais velho
Louis se segurava para não sorri pelo quão adoravel que ela parecia
Ele penetrou o pau no cuzinho apertado que estava molhado de melzinho e gozo enquanto contraia no nada ao que sentiu harry ficar mais calma em seu colo
Louis fodia a garota devagar ouvindo os pequenos ofegos em seu pescoço
"Para... eu preciso ir no banheiro" harry tenta se afastar empurrando o peito de louis que apenas continuou a fodendo e brincando com o clitoris sensivel e as vezes penetrando a pontinha do indicador
"Pode gozar, amor" ele fala tranquilo sentindo harry começar a tremer em seu colo gemendo alto e esguichando molhando seu baixo ventre
Ele penetra mais algumas vezes antes de gozar no cuzinho da garota que choramingava abraçando seu pescoço se sentindo cheia em todos os buraquinhos
"Obrigada lou" ela beija louis em um beijo calmo "não faz mais isso" ela abraça o mais velho deitando a cabeça em seu peito
"Tudo bem" ele acaricia o cachos cor de chocolate de harry e deixa um beijo na testa da mesma
Louis ainda teria que responder as milhares de perguntas e lidar com os olhares maliciosos dos amigos pelo resto das ferias
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Under the desk
Hello! This is my first time writing something so please don’t be so mean to me. English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Warning: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking.
Enjoy! 😘
You could only hear the dull pounding of your racing heart in your ears, you were on your knees with your neck slightly bent in the dim darkness under the desk waiting patiently for Larissa.
Your train of thought is interrupted when you hear the faint voices of the students, indicating that classes have started.
Entonces escuchas la puerta de la oficina abrirse y cerrarse.
El sonido de sus caros tacones resuena por todo el lugar.
Ves como la silla de cuero se quita del escritorio, lo que te da una vista de la mitad inferior de su cuerpo. Te aprietas contra el soporte del escritorio para no delatar tu presencia.
The desk was big enough that her shapely legs weren't touching you.
She texts you, thinking you were at work. You innocently text him back.
She suddenly crosses her legs exposing the soft skin of her thighs, which were wrapped in a pair of cream-colored stockings that trailed up her legs and ended at the middle of her thick thighs.
You reach out tentatively and touch her ankle with your fingertips.
Larissa gives a small jump in surprise, rolling her chair back.
She tilts her head to look under the desk, fixing her gaze on yours.
Her blond eyebrows rose in surprise to find you under the writing, you gave her a mischievous smile and your hands resumed their place caressing her ankles, dissipating Larissa's tension.
She pulled her chair closer to receive more of your caresses.
Your hands slowly run up her calves, kneading and squeezing her thick legs.
Her legs open slowly giving you more access, your hands moving higher under the hem of her elegant dress and over the top of her stockings, making contact with the softness of her bare skin.
She rolls her chair closer to the desk as she feels the touch of your cool hand on her warm skin, your firm grip on her milky thighs, lifting her dress over her hips to reveal the tops of her stockings and panties.
There was enough light to see her burgundy lace panties covering her beautiful pussy, which was stained dark from her arousal.
Your hands rest on the outside of her thighs pulling her closer to you.
You started by spreading little feather kisses on her knees, slowly moving up her legs.
She can feel your warm breath on the inside of her thighs.
The smell of her sex is driving you crazy, your pussy was soaked and your clit was throbbing, but that didn’t matter, you just wanted to worship your goddess.
Your mouth slowly approaches the target. Her body jerks as she feels your warm breath come in contact with the sodden fabric of her underwear.
You cover her pussy with your mouth, press your wet tongue over her lips, savoring her salty sweetness.
Her hand slid under the desk, tangling her long, slender fingers in your hair, pushing her needy cunt into your mouth.
You tilt your head back a little to admire your work of art, the sodden fabric of her panties clinging to her swollen pussy lips, her erect clit pressing proudly against the wet fabric of her panties.
She removes her hand from your head and pulls the underwear aside exposing her pussy, her lips wet and sticky from her arousal and your saliva.
You crane your neck and your wet tongue slides carefully between her folds, lapping up the hot moisture before finding her swollen clit.
She leans back in her leather chair arching her back and forcing her pussy against your face.
You slowly slide your tongue down the hole of her pussy, inserting your tongue as far as it will go, deliberately rubbing your nose over her clit.
You move your head up and down, savoring the delicious taste of her pussy.
Your tongue alternates between its entrance to her clit, over and over again, eagerly drinking the juices of her dripping pussy.
You feel her legs contract, her hand returns to your head yanking roughly at your hair, you gasp for air as you are stimulated by the sensation of the other woman’s fingers tangling in your hair.
Her thighs tighten around your head, bucking her hips desperately painting your face with her luscious fluids. Your lips close around her clit, licking her eagerly.
You slide your middle and ring fingers deep into the wet velvet of Larissa’s pussy. Using your thumb to rub circles around her clit accompanying the thrusts of your fingers.
Her hips rocked up and down uncontrollably, riding your fingers, you increased the speed of your thrusts by adding a third finger driving her wild with desire.
Larissa was so wet you could hear the wet sound of your fingers working between her thighs.
Her juices gush onto your hand as she reaches her orgasm, feeling the delicious contractions of her pussy crush your fingers.
Your fingers slowly slid out of her soaking cunt, leaving Larissa squirming, moaning and shaking.
You slid your glistening fingers into your mouth, not wasting a drop of her delicious fluids.
You slowly slide your tongue back into her sensitive cunt, wiping away the remains of her glorious orgasm.
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samueldays · 7 months
Contra Yishan: Google's Gemini issue is about racial obsession, not a Yudkowsky AI problem.
@yishan wrote a thoughtful thread:
Google’s Gemini issue is not really about woke/DEI, and everyone who is obsessing over it has failed to notice the much, MUCH bigger problem that it represents. [...] If you have a woke/anti-woke axe to grind, kindly set it aside now for a few minutes so that you can hear the rest of what I’m about to say, because it’s going to hit you from out of left field. [...] The important thing is how one of the largest and most capable AI organizations in the world tried to instruct its LLM to do something, and got a totally bonkers result they couldn’t anticipate. What this means is that @ESYudkowsky has a very very strong point. It represents a very strong existence proof for the “instrumental convergence” argument and the “paperclip maximizer” argument in practice.
See full thread at link.
Gemini's code is private and Google's PR flacks tell lies in public, so it's hard to prove anything. Still I think Yishan is wrong and the Gemini issue is about the boring old thing, not the new interesting thing, regardless of how tiresome and cliched it is, and I will try to explain why.
I think Google deliberately set out to blackwash their image generator, and did anticipate the image-generation result, but didn't anticipate the degree of hostile reaction from people who objected to the blackwashing.
Steven Moffat was a summary example of a blackwashing mindset when he remarked:
"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that. "We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
Moffat was the subject of some controversy when he produced a Doctor Who episode (Thin Ice) featuring a visit to 1814 Britain that looked far less white than the historical record indicates that 1814 Britain was, and he had the Doctor claim in-character that history has been whitewashed.
This is an example that serious, professional, powerful people believe that blackwashing is a moral thing to do. When someone like Moffat says that a blackwashed history is better, and Google Gemini draws a blackwashed history, I think the obvious inference is that Google Gemini is staffed by Moffat-like people who anticipated this result, wanted this result, and deliberately worked to create this result.
The result is only "bonkers" to outsiders who did not want this result.
Yishan says:
It demonstrates quite conclusively that with all our current alignment work, that even at the level of our current LLMs, we are absolutely terrible at predicting how it’s going to execute an intended set of instructions.
No. It is not at all conclusive. "Gemini is staffed by Moffats who like blackwashing" is a simple alternate hypothesis that predicts the observed results. Random AI dysfunction or disalignment does not predict the specific forms that happened at Gemini.
One tester found that when he asked Gemini for "African Kings" it consistently returned all dark-skinned-black royalty despite the existence of lightskinned Mediterranean Africans such as Copts, but when he asked Gemini for "European Kings" it mixed up with some black people, yellow and redskins in regalia.
Gemini is not randomly off-target, nor accurate in one case and wrong in the other, it is specifically thumb-on-scale weighted away from whites and towards blacks.
If there's an alignment problem here, it's the alignment of the Gemini staff. "Woke" and "DEI" and "CRT" are some of the names for this problem, but the names attract flames and disputes over definition. Rather than argue names, I hear that Jack K. at Gemini is the sort of person who asserts "America, where racism is the #1 value our populace seeks to uphold above all".
He is delusional, and I think a good step to fixing Gemini would be to fire him and everyone who agrees with him. America is one of the least racist countries in the world, with so much screaming about racism partly because of widespread agreement that racism is a bad thing, which is what makes the accusation threatening. As Moldbug put it:
The logic of the witch hunter is simple. It has hardly changed since Matthew Hopkins’ day. The first requirement is to invert the reality of power. Power at its most basic level is the power to harm or destroy other human beings. The obvious reality is that witch hunters gang up and destroy witches. Whereas witches are never, ever seen to gang up and destroy witch hunters. In a country where anyone who speaks out against the witches is soon found dangling by his heels from an oak at midnight with his head shrunk to the size of a baseball, we won’t see a lot of witch-hunting and we know there’s a serious witch problem. In a country where witch-hunting is a stable and lucrative career, and also an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend, we know there are no real witches worth a damn.
But part of Jack's delusion, in turn, is a deliberate linguistic subversion by the left. Here I apologize for retreading culture war territory, but as far as I can determine it is true and relevant, and it being cliche does not make it less true.
US conservatives, generally, think "racism" is when you discriminate on race, and this is bad, and this should stop. This is the well established meaning of the word, and the meaning that progressives implicitly appeal to for moral weight.
US progressives have some of the same, but have also widespread slogans like "all white people are racist" (with academic motte-and-bailey switch to some excuse like "all complicit in and benefiting from a system of racism" when challenged) and "only white people are racist" (again with motte-and-bailey to "racism is when institutional-structural privilege and power favors you" with a side of America-centrism, et cetera) which combine to "racist" means "white" among progressives.
So for many US progressives, ending racism takes the form of eliminating whiteness and disfavoring whites and erasing white history and generally behaving the way Jack and friends made Gemini behave. (Supposedly. They've shut it down now and I'm late to the party, I can't verify these secondhand screenshots.)
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Bringing in Yudkowsky's AI theories adds no predictive or explanatory power that I can see. Occam's Razor says to rule out AI alignment as a problem here. Gemini's behavior is sufficiently explained by common old-fashioned race-hate and bias, which there is evidence for on the Gemini team.
Poor Yudkowsky. I imagine he's having a really bad time now. Imagine working on "AI Safety" in the sense of not killing people, and then the Google "AI Safety" department turns out to be a race-hate department that pisses away your cause's goodwill.
I do not have a Twitter account. I do not intend to get a Twitter account, it seems like a trap best stayed out of. I am yelling into the void on my comment section. Any readers are free to send Yishan a link, a full copy of this, or remix and edit it to tweet at him in your own words.
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations 🍒
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Happy New Year Everyone! Please note my chart readings are still open, click the link in my bio if you are interested 🤍
Individuals with Lilith in the 8th, may find that other people tend to act very inappropriately around them. Lilith in the 8th is a very sexualized placement. Thus, you may encounter people who assume you’re more sexually experienced than you are, or you will find that people have the tendency to ask you inappropriate questions whilst trying to pry into your sex life. Another manifestation of this placement is someone who is deeply interested in psychology, death, taxes/shared resources or sex. One thing I’ve noticed with this placement is that the native is quite susceptible to developing obsessions. This is especially true of the native is Plutonian.
Sun opposite Saturn can show a person who has to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve certain things. As in, they often tend to achieve ‘significant milestones’ later than most people. Getting their license at an older age, graduating college later, having kids or marrying later in life etc… obviously the most common manifestation of this placement is the “father wound”, but I have really seen this placement create certain delays in an individuals life. However, every single person I know with this placement is extremely resilient.
A year in which you have your solar return sun in your solar return 12th house can feel really isolating and lonely. However, the aspects do matter. If your solar return Sun is receiving trines and sextiles from the other planets, this will likely be the year in which you become really interested in spirituality and the esoteric.
People who have the ruler of their 7th house, placed in the 5th house, are often attracted to romantic partners who are creative or artistic in some way. These people often find themselves drawn to those who have musical or creative gifts. It could be that the partners they typically attract are also well known, as Leo is the sign that naturally resides over the 5th house.
Declinations in synastry (parallels and contra parallels) can also tell you a lot about your relationship. Although they are not as strong as the conjunction or opposition. I’ve found that they account for attractions that are not visible in the synastry between two people. For example, I read a chart between two people who were very attracted to each other, but they didn’t have any of your ‘typical’ attraction indicators. However, the woman’s Mars was parallel the man’s Venus. Furthermore, the man’s Venus was parallel the woman’s Pluto! The parallel is similiar to the conjunction but it’s weaker, whereas the contra parallel is similiar to the opposition but it is also weaker. Thus, I believe that declinations can be useful in synastry, especially when you are struggling to understand why you are drawn to a person vise versa.
So many people who have Aries on their midheaven work in professional sports, the military, or in a profession that is highly competitive. Obviously you want to look where Mars is placed in your chart to determine what type of career you will likely gravitate towards. However, the sign on the midheaven can tell you a lot about the type of environment you will work in, and how your work will be perceived by others. The sign on the 6th house is actually really good to look at when you want to determine what kind of work environment you are best suited to.
Saturn on an angle in a Solar Return chart often indicates a very important development that year! Saturn in the 4th almost always points to a move/change in homes! (The moon conjunct solar return IC can also suggest this!) Saturn conjunct the descendent can manifest as a marriage/development of a serious committed relationship. Alternatively, it can indicate a break up or the end of a significant relationship! The aspects to Saturn in the solar return and your current transits of the outer planets will tell you how this is likely to manifest!
Progressed synastry can tell you a lot about where your relationship is currently. Please note that it can never negate or replace the original synastry chart. However, it is useful if you want to see how your relationship has evolved (progressed composite chart) or how you two are influencing/perceiving each other in the present moment.
When the South Node transits your 11th house, you may find yourself losing friends. This isn’t an inherently bad thing, as the south node is about “letting go”. Thus, wherever the south node is transiting in your chart, you will be asked to let go of what no longer serves you in that area of life.
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1dpreferencesbr · 10 months
Imagine com Harry Styles
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Oh, doctor.
Aviso: Conteúdo sexual explícito, linguagem de baixo calão, +18
Contagem de palavras: 1,514
— Senhorita? — A recepcionista chamou minha atenção, fazendo com que parasse de observar os vários quadros com explicações médicas pendurados pelas paredes brancas. — A Dra Vein teve um imprevisto hoje e infelizmente não poderá atendê-la. — As bochechas sobressalentes da garota tomaram um tom avermelhado, provavelmente envergonhada por me fazer esperar mais de quarenta minutos antes de me dispensar. — Ela tem um horário vago na semana que vem, gostaria de marcar?
— Claro. — Sorri. 
— Pode me dar seu documento para fazer o cadastro? — Perguntou de forma cortês. Abri a bolsa pendurada em meu ombro, procurando pelo documento por ali.
— Ela não precisa de cadastro. — A voz rouca soou alta atrás de mim, fazendo meu corpo inteiro se arrepiar. 
A recepcionista que me atendia e a colega que estava ao seu lado imediatamente se colocaram de pé, passando os dedos pelos cabelos em uma tentativa de deixá-los alinhados.
— Dr Styles, já voltou do seu horário de almoço? — A morena perguntou. Não me atrevi em virar, ouvindo os poucos passos necessários para que o homem parasse ao meu lado.
— Ainda não, Lisa. Mas vou realizar a consulta. — Com as mãos nas costas, fazendo com que o jaleco branco ficasse levemente apertado contra o peito, Harry sorriu, quase derretendo a garota. 
— Não precisa. — Falei baixinho, recebendo apenas uma olhada de lado. Droga.
— Esta senhorita veio consultar com a Dra Vein, mas infelizmente…
— Acredito que não há problema em consultar comigo, certo? — Interrompeu a garota, direcionando os olhos verdes para mim. Neguei com a cabeça rapidamente. — Ótimo.
— Doutor, ainda precisamos fazer o cadastro. — A recepcionista disse baixo, ainda sob o efeito dele.
— Ela já tem. — Suspirou. Enfiando a mão na minha bolsa, ele jogou o documento de identidade no balcão.  A garota o observou por alguns segundos antes de arregalar os olhos.
— Senhorita Styles?
— Senhora. — Harry corrigiu. — Esta é a minha esposa. 
Sem esperar por uma resposta, deixando-as completamente abismadas, Harry posicionou uma mão em minha cintura, me arrastando para a sala de consultas e fechando a porta atrás de si.
— Pode sentar. — Indicou para uma cadeira em frente a sua mesa e eu o fiz.
Com o maxilar travado, Harry se sentou em seu lugar, digitando rápido no teclado antes de dirigir a atenção a mim.
— Qual o motivo da consulta?
— Um exame de rotina. — Murmurei. Harry soltou o ar pelo nariz e cruzou os braços sobre o peito.
— Exame de rotina, hum? — Coçou o queixo. — Se algo estivesse errado, eu teria notado, não acha? — Disse de forma sarcástica. 
— Então acho que vou indo. — Falei levantando.
— Tira a calça e deita na maca. — Falou autoritário.
— Acho que não tem necessidade, você disse…
— Não me faça repetir. — Mandou. Me levantei para ir até o pequeno banheiro e colocar o avental médico, mas um pigarrear chamou a minha atenção. — Precisa de tanta descrição assim com o seu marido, querida? — A ironia em sua voz era o suficiente para me deixar ainda mais arrepiada.
Engoli em seco mais uma vez, abrindo o botão do jeans e deixando que ele escorresse pelas minhas pernas. Prendendo a caneta entre os dentes e com as íris verdes totalmente focadas em mim, ele sorria, como um predador prestes a atacar sua presa. 
Coloquei os polegares nos dois lados da calcinha, empurrando a peça para baixo. Dobrei a calça e a coloquei sobre a cadeira antes de subir o degrau que dava acesso à maca de exame. 
Harry levantou-se, sem dizer uma palavra. Ele caminhou em passos lentos, puxando uma cadeira para sentar em minha frente, com o queixo, indicou que deveria colocar os pés nos apoios. 
Obedeci, encarando o teto branco, me sentindo mais do que exposta. 
Não deveria ser um sentimento estranho… ter o seu marido olhando para a sua intimidade.
Talvez fosse o fato de estarmos em um consultório médico, ou a certeza de que ele não estava nada feliz em saber que eu iria consultar com outra pessoa. 
— Têm sentido algum desconforto para ir ao banheiro, senhora Styles? — Perguntou, usando o seu melhor tom profissional. 
— Não. 
— Não, doutor. — Corrigiu, me fazendo quase engasgar. 
— Não, doutor. 
— Tem uma vida sexual ativa? — Eu podia imaginar o sorriso diabólico que se formava em seus lábios. 
— É sério? — Dei um grito quando um tapa estalado foi deixado em minha intimidade, me surpreendendo.
— Responda a pergunta, senhora Styles. 
— Sim, tenho uma vida sexual ativa… doutor. — Respondi entre dentes. 
— Com que frequência? 
— Isso é mesmo necessário? — Bufei. 
— Está duvidando da minha capacidade profissional? 
— Eu não sei a frequência… é bem ativa. — Harry soltou uma risadinha. 
— Olhe para mim, S\N. — Ordenou, mas eu o ignorei. Suspirei alto ao senti-lo soprar muito perto do meu ponto mais sensível. Ergui a cabeça, encarando-o incrédula, entendendo ao ver o brilho cinzento em seus olhos o joguinho que ele queria jogar. 
— Harry, estamos no consultório! — Sussurrei desesperada, fazendo-o passar a língua entre os lábios. 
— E você está tendo uma consulta. — Deu de ombros. — Agora, vou examinar você. — Piscou um olho. 
Harry desceu o olhar novamente, usando os dedos para separar a carne molhada da minha intimidade, me fazendo suspirar. Era inevitável, por mais que estivesse preocupada com as pessoas lá fora, ter Harry, com todo o seu ar arrogante de médico, o jaleco abraçando seu corpo perfeito… A imagem do pecado. 
— Não vai usar luvas? — Perguntei em um fio de voz.
— Eu preciso de luvas para tocar a boceta da minha mulher? — Antes mesmo de terminar a frase, Harry entrou com um dos dedos longos, me fazendo jogar a cabeça para trás com a sensação. — Ia mesmo deixar outra pessoa ver a sua boceta? — A introdução de outro dedo me pegou desprevenida, me fazendo engasgar. — Responda.
— Era uma médica, Harry. — Resmunguei
— Eu sou médico. — Rosnou. — Você não precisa de outra pessoa cuidando dessa boceta. — A voz rouca ajudou ainda mais com a perda do meu autocontrole. — Se fazendo de rogada… mas está aqui, molhada pra mim. 
— Harry… — Murmurei, sentindo a fricção de seus dedos dentro de mim. Engoli a saliva que se formava em minha boca, apoiando a cabeça no travesseiro baixo da maca, sem forças para conseguir sustentar meu próprio peso. 
— Eu deveria deixar você ir embora assim… melada, precisando gozar, não acha? — Neguei com a cabeça ao mesmo tempo que ergui as costas quando seus dedos se curvaram dentro de mim. — Responda, S\N. Você quer gozar? 
— Sim. — Choraminguei. 
Para a minha decepção, Harry tirou os dedos de mim. Ergui a cabeça para encará-lo, observando com ansiedade quando ele desafivelou o cinto, deixando que a calça social caísse em seus pés, libertando a ereção monstruosa que havia se formado. 
— Eu vou te fazer gozar… mas só porque eu sou um bom marido. — Sorriu, esfregando a glande em minha entrada. — Se não quiser que todos saibam que você está sendo fodida aqui dentro, fique quieta. — Avisou em tom mandão, entrando de uma vez, me fazendo quase ver estrelas. 
Apoiando as mãos na maca, ele embalou o corpo, entrando e saindo com facilidade. Seu pau me maltratava, me fazendo querer gritar. 
Prendi o lábio inferior com tanta força que podia sentir o gosto metálico do sangue em minha língua, mas a adrenalina era tanta que eu não conseguia sentir qualquer tipo de dor. 
— Porra. — Ele gemeu baixo. — Você vai sair daqui com a minha porra escorrendo pelas suas pernas. — Avisou. —  E nunca mais vai cogitar deixar outra pessoa ver esse boceta, me entendeu? 
— Sim. — Sussurrei. 
Minhas pernas começaram a arder com a posição desconfortável, e Harry pareceu notar, pois tirou meus pés do apoio, me puxando ainda mais para a borda da maca. Ele curvou o corpo sobre o meu, tomando meus lábios em um beijo pela primeira vez, me derretendo ainda mais. 
Harry me beijava com a mesma intensidade que me fodia. Sua língua tomava espaço, me dominando completamente. 
Seu ritmo era intenso, fazendo cada mínima parte do meu corpo sofrer com espasmos. O orgasmo se formava em ondas avassaladoras. Segurei em seus ombros, sem me importar se iria amarrotar o jaleco perfeitamente passado. 
Meus gemidos iam direto para a sua boca, que os calava. Harry segurava minha bunda com força, com certeza deixando a marca dos seus dedos em minha pele. 
— Amor, eu vou… — Sequer consegui terminar a frase, o clímax me atingiu de uma vez, me destruindo. 
Me derreti ao redor dele, que metia sem dó atrás do próprio prazer. Harry tombou a cabeça para o lado, ficando próximo ao meu pescoço, despejando seus gemidos baixos em meu ouvido. 
Me senti ser preenchida pelo líquido quente e apertei ainda mais o tecido da sua roupa. A respiração quente do moreno batia contra a minha pele, completamente descontrolada.
Abrindo um sorriso satisfeito, ele deixou um selinho longo em meus lábios antes de se retirar de mim, admirando por alguns segundos seu prazer que escorria de dentro de mim, sujando o lençol da maca. 
— Como eu vou sair daqui nesse estado? — Resmunguei, finalmente caindo na real do que havíamos acabado de fazer.
— Como alguém que foi muito bem comida. — Ele disse sorrindo.
— Harry! 
— Espero que se lembre disso caso pense em consultar com outro médico. — Piscou um olho, me fazendo revirar os olhos.
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jeannereames · 9 months
Your top 5 Alexander the Great moments?
Top Five Alexander Moments
One issue with answering this is to figure out what events actually happened, especially when it comes to anecdotes! Here are four I find either significant to understanding his charisma and/or which explain how he functioned and why he was successful, plus one I like just because I’m a horse girl.
1) To my mind, the event that best illustrates why his men followed him to the edge of their known world occurred in the Gedrosian Desert. While I’m a bit dubious that this trek was as bad as it’s made out to be (reasons exist for exaggerating), it was still baaaad. One story relates that some of his men found some brackish water in a sad little excuse for a spring, gathered it in a helm, and brought it to him. Given his poor physical condition after the Malian siege wound, he no doubt needed it badly. He thanked them (most sincerely), then carried it out where all (or at least a lot) of his men could see, raised it overhead, and announced that until all of them could drink, he wouldn’t. Then he poured it onto the rocky ground.
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That gesture exemplified his charisma. And it absolutely is not something the likes of a Donald tRump could even imagine doing—nor most dictators, tbh. They’d be blaming everybody else and calling for heads while drinking Diet Coke, not suffering alongside their people.
This wasn’t an isolated event of that type. While he almost certainly didn’t have time to engage along with his soldiers in every project, we’re told he would drop in from time-to-time, to inspire them and to offer a little friendly competition.
He also dressed like his men for everyday activities, especially early in the campaign. As time went on, some sources say he inserted more distance—probably necessary as his duties exploded—but he still seems to have found time to “just hang out” with his Macedonians on occasion. The claims that he was too high and mighty to do so appears to have been exaggeration (as such accusations often are) in order to forward a narrative that he was “going Asian.” Troop resentment over court changes was very genuine—I don’t want to underplay it (especially as I’ve written about it in a few chapters in this), but it tended to boil up during certain periods/events, then die back again. Alexander was trying to walk a very fine line of incorporating the conquered while not ticking off his own people.
2) Reportedly, he once threw a man out of line because he hadn’t bothered to secure the chin strap on his helm. I pick this one because it tells me a whole lot about how he saw himself as a commander, and what he expected of his men (and why he tended to consistently win).
On the surface, his reaction seems almost petty. It’s precisely the sort of mistake students whine about when professors ding them for it. It’s just a chin strap! I’d have tightened it before I went into battle! (It’s just a few typos; you knew what I meant! Or, Why does everything in the bibliography have to be exactly matching in style? Who cares? What a stupid thing to obsess about!) These objections are all of a piece. First, they’re lazy, and second, they indicate a disconcern with details. In battle, such disconcern can get a person killed. And on a larger scale, for a general, such disconcern loses battles.
One of the striking aspects of Alexander’s military operations was just how well his logistics worked. Consistently. We hear little about them precisely because they rarely fail. Food and water was there when they needed it, as were arrow replacements, wood to repair the spears, wool and leather for clothes and shoes, canvas for tents, etc., etc. All those little niggling (boring) details. If these are missing, soldiers become upset (and don’t fight well). Starting with Philip, the Macedonian military was a well-oiled machine. That’s WHY Gedrosia was such a shock: the logistics collapsed. Contra some historians, he did not do it to “punish” his men, nor to best Cyrus.* He had a sound reason—to scout a trade route.
Alexander understood that details matter. It starts with a loose chinstrap. (Or an unplanned-for storm and rebellion in his rear.) Everything else can unravel from that.
3) Alexander sends Hephaistion a little dish of small fish (probably smelts). He also helps an officer secure the lady of his dreams. And writes another on assignment (away from the army) that a mutual friend is recovering from an illness. While technically three “moments,” these are all of a piece. Alexander knows his men, and is concerned not only for their physical well-being, but also their mental state: that they’re happy. Granted, these are all elite officers, but it suggests he’s paying attention to people. I’ve always assumed he sent Hephaistion the fish because they were his friend’s favorite, and/or they were a special treat and he wanted to share. That he didn’t punish an officer for going AWOL to chase the mistress he wanted but offered advice, and even assistance, on how to court and secure her suggests the same care.
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I don’t want to take away from what appears to be his serious anger management problems(!), but little details like those above strike me as the likeable side of Alexander—why his men were so devoted to him.
4) Then we have the encounter with Timokleia after the siege of Thebes. While probably a bit too precious to have occurred exactly as related, I think it may still hold a kernel of truth.
Alexander had a reputation of chivalry towards his (highborn) female captives. If some of that was likely either propaganda from his own time or philhellenic whitewashing later by Second Sophistic authors such as Plutarch (and Arrian), poor treatment of women is not something we hear attributed to him.
Ergo, while the meeting was probably doctored for a moral tail, he may well have freed Timokleia as an act of clemency to put a better face on a shocking destruction he knew wouldn’t sit well with the rest of Greece—who he both wanted to cow yet earn support from. (A difficult balancing act.) Also, if Timokleia hadn’t been high-born, she’d probably have been hauled off to one of the prisoner cages with little fanfare.
Nonetheless, I find his actions surprising given the casual misogyny of his era. If we can take the bare bones of the story as true, and it’s not all invented, Timokleia was raped as a matter of course during the sacking of Thebes, then managed to trick her rapist and kill him by pushing him down a well and dropping rocks on him. I assume this happened when his men weren’t there, but they found out soon enough and hauled her in front of Alexander to be punished for killing an officer. To the surprise of all, Alexander decided the man had earned it and freed Timokleia. One might be inclined to call this overly sentimental, but….
There’s a similar story that occurred much later in the Levant, when two of Parmenion’s men seduced/(raped?) the mistresses/wives of some mercenaries. Alexander instructed Parmenion to kill the Macedonians if they were found to be guilty.
In both cases, we have an affront against (respectable) women. In the latter case, Alexander was (no doubt) working to avoid conflict between hired soldiers and his own men, who—in typical Greek fashion—would have looked down on mercenaries as a matter of course. Some sort of conflict between Macedonians and Greek mercenaries up in Thrace had almost got Alexander’s father killed. Alexander saved him. No doubt that was on Alexander’s mind here.
Yet what both events illuminate is a willingness on Alexander’s part to punish his own men for affronts to honor/timē that involved women. Yes, this is clearly about discipline. But it also shows an unusual sensitivity to sex crimes in warfare: actions that would normally fall under the excuse of “boys will be boys” (especially when their blood is up).
I doubt he’d have felt the same about slaves or prostitutes; he was still a product of his time. Yet without overlooking his violence—sometimes extreme (the genocide of the Branchidai, for instance)—I find his reaction in these cases to be evidence of an atypical sympathy for women that I’d like to think isn’t wholly an invention of later Roman authors. And just might show the influence of his mother and sisters.
5) Last… the Boukephalas story…because who doesn’t love a good “a boy and his horse” tale? Obviously the Plutarchian version is tweaked to reflect that author’s later concern to contrast the Macedonian “barbarian” Philip with the properly Hellenized Alexander. Ignore the editorializing remarks, especially the “find a kingdom big enough for you” nonsense.
But the bare bones of the story seem likely: unmanageable horse, cocky kid, bet with dad, gotcha moment. You can imagine this was an anecdote Alexander retold a time or three, or twenty.
* His attempts to copy Cyrus may be imposition by later writers. In his own day, he may have cared more about the first Darius, for reasons Jenn Finn is going to explain in a forthcoming, very good article on the burning of Thebes and Persepolis.
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opencommunion · 9 months
"In the United States, Hizballah is generally associated with the 1983 bombings of the US embassy, the Marine barracks, and the French-led multinational force headquarters in Beirut. The second bombing led directly to the US military’s departure from Lebanon. The movement is also cited by the State Department in connection with the kidnappings of Westerners in Lebanon and the hostage crisis that led to the Iran-Contra affair and the 1985 hijacking of a TWA flight. These associations are the stated reasons for the presence of Hizballah’s name on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. In 2002, then Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage famously described Hizballah as the 'A-Team of terrorists,' possessing a 'global reach,' and suggested that 'maybe al-Qaeda is actually the B-Team.' But Hizballah’s involvement in these attacks remains a matter of contention. Even if their involvement is accepted, for several major reasons, it is both inaccurate and unwise to dismiss Hizballah as 'terrorists.' To characterize the group as a terrorist organization is problematic because of the vagaries of the label itself, which has become a catch-all term used to justify US and allied rhetoric and violence. Since it is only applied to non-state actors, this general usage of the word leaves the terror committed by Israeli (or US) military forces legitimate. Hizballah’s military activity has generally been committed to the goal of ending the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon. ... Also, Hizballah is an organization that has changed and grown significantly since its inception in the mid-1980s from a militia dedicated to resisting the Israeli invasions and occupation of Lebanon to a multifaceted organization that is both a legitimate Lebanese political party and an umbrella organization for myriad social welfare institutions. ... In its politics, there is no doubt that Hizballah is a nationalist party. Its view of nationalism differs from that of many Lebanese, especially from the nationalism based on the Phoenician origins myth espoused by Lebanon’s Christian right, and from the neoliberal US-backed nationalism of Hariri’s party. Hizballah offers instead a nationalism that views Lebanon as an Arab state that cannot distance itself from Arab causes like that of Palestine. Its political ideology maintains an Islamic outlook, and the 1985 open letter that is often read as the party’s 'manifesto' does note the desire to establish an Islamic state, but only through the will of the people, stating 'We don’t want Islam to reign in Lebanon by force.' The party’s decision to participate in elections in 1992 not only underscored its commitment to working through the existing (sectarian) structure of the Lebanese state, but it also indicated a shift in the party’s focus toward internal Lebanese issues. Furthermore, since 1992, Hizballah leaders have frequently acknowledged the contingencies of Lebanon’s multiconfessional society and the importance of sectarian coexistence and pluralism within the country. It should also be noted that many of Hizballah’s constituents do not want to live in an Islamic state; rather, they want the party to represent their interests within a pluralist Lebanon."
Lara Deeb, "Hizballah and Its Civilian Constituencies in Lebanon," in The War on Lebanon: A Reader, eds. Nubar Hovsepian and Rashid Khalidi (2007)
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arktoib · 1 month
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ও⠀⠀⠀TASK #03⠀⠀⠀:⠀⠀⠀defeito fatal⠀⠀⠀!
⠀⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀⠀and i can go anywhere i want. anywhere i want, just not home.
é como estar à deriva, o tempo todo, buscando por um oásis nunca encontrado. o fatídico destino de vagar sem um lugar que verdadeiramente lhe pertença para poder voltar.
não que seus fossem sonos fossem tranquilos, já que morfeu se encarregava prazerosamente daquela maldição, mas nas poucas vezes que tinha sorte em não sonhar, antonia tinha um bom sono. mas não naquela noite.
o som da sirene rompeu contra a calmaria da noite, fazendo a filha de atena pôr-se de pé e ir em busca dos irmãos mais novos, que estavam assustados em suas camas. era uma batalha ir contra seu instinto protetor, mas enquanto finalizava de vestir a armadura, a voz de quiron indicou para onde deveria seguir. os pés logo encontraram a mata da floresta, o terreno macio devido a umidade condicionava seus passos mais firmes.
encontrou sua equipe de patrulha logo em seguida, todos pareciam atentos as ordens e seguiram o caminho indicado. antonia, por instinto, ficou na retaguarda, olhando da onde eles vinham - não correria o azar de ser atacada por trás. mas como podia saber da onde viria o ataque? e se estivesse vindo do chão, da névoa? piscou algumas vezes, sucumbindo a uma dor nunca sentida antes. a sua cabeça recebeu uma pressão tão forte, que a fez cair de joelhos. o ímpeto de gritar subiu sua garganta, ela não conseguiu controlar.
os pássaros voaram assustados. antonia abriu os olhos, com dificuldade. estava claro, mais do que estava acostumada no acampamento. uma brisa suave tocava a pele de seu braço, subindo arrepios. pela intensidade da luz, demorou para que seus olhos se acostumassem, sendo necessário que ela piscasse algumas vezes. em passos trôpegos, sentiu alguns galhos roçarem em seu braço direito, lhe assustando. onde ela estava? não era a floresta, não podia ter apagado por tanto tempo. ao menos, era o que considerava. será que todos tinham caído em meio a floresta? poucos segundos depois, a visão recuperada, pode ver que não se tratava da floresta.
em ambos os lados, paredes enormes de mato cobriam sua visão. ela estava em um labirinto. sua cabeça estava pesando... por que estava em labirinto e como havia ido parar ali?⠀⠀"⠀⠀antonia!⠀⠀"⠀⠀aquela voz... ela reconhecia aquela voz, reconheceria em qualquer lugar. era maeve! ela a chamou mais duas vezes. pelos deuses, como aquilo tinha acontecido? a quarta chamada, agora com a voz chorosa, atravessou os ouvidos da morena como uma explosão.⠀⠀"⠀⠀eu já estou indo, maeve! aguenta firme.⠀⠀"⠀⠀por mais que soubesse que não tinha como, tentou subir pela parede arborizada para ver.
"⠀⠀cariño!⠀⠀"⠀⠀o espanhol carregado pousou em seus ouvidos. não, santiago não podia estar ali também. como os dois puderam parar no mesmo lugar? ele a chamou novamente, mas sua voz era baixinha, quase falha, e ecoava dentro da cabeça de antonia. onde ele estava? por que ele parecia mais perto que maeve? seus pés começaram a se mover rapidamente, sempre ponderando com cautela quando chegava em dois pontos de entrada. os gritos agora não eram apenas duas pessoas, haviam mais, todas suplicando pela filha de atena e por socorro.
colocou as mãos nos ouvidos e seguiu correndo, como se correr fosse a única solução. correr em direção aos amigos, ou na direção oposta, não sabia. correr, ela apenas tinha que correr para conseguir achar uma saída. e quanto mais corria, mais desespero havia na voz daqueles que ela chamava de casa. que a faziam sentir-se em casa, como se a presença deles fosse a única coisa que antonia conhecia como lar. estava tão agoniada em suprimir aquele sentimento que nem sequer percebeu que entrou na câmera central do labirinto.
seus joelhos fraquejaram e ouviu a voz de natalia, agora com clareza. ela estava ali. estavam todos ali. até mesmo maya. sabia o que aquilo significava. não, não poderia ser. como seria, afinal, se ela nunca havia mencionado sequer aquela comparação à nenhum deles? não, era um segredo seu. seu, protegido a sete chaves, imaculado pela certeza de que nunca daria a chance de ser usado contra ela.
como estava sendo feito naquele exato momento.
"⠀⠀escolha somente um, filha de atena! você só pode ter uma casa.⠀⠀"⠀⠀uma voz ao fundo disse. sentiu o conhecido desprezo na fala do desconhecido. não sabia porque ele sentia alguma coisa ruim em relação à ela. havia feito algo de ruim? qual pecado estava sendo posto em jogo, naquele momento, sobre todos os outros? se precisava escolher entre aquelas pessoas, alguma punição estava sendo imposta.
não, ela não escolheria entre eles. precisava apenas analisar com cautela que salvaria a todos, inclusive a si mesma. maya agora quem chamou seu nome, com os olhos marejados e seu coração se apertou. será que estavam sofrendo? será que antonia os teria feito esperar por muito tempo? será que conseguiria salvá-los? sua cabeça era apenas perguntas e mais perguntas sobre aquilo. o seu foco perdia-se com muita facilidade.
"⠀⠀eu... eu quero fazer um acordo. me pergunte qualquer coisa, se eu souber a resposta, você os libera. se eu não souber, você me leva junto.⠀⠀"⠀⠀desafiou. a negação era um sentimento tão ávido que até mesmo se negava de enxergar o óbvio a sua frente. pobre filha da deusa da sabedoria, tão inteligente para algumas coisas e tão estúpida para outras. ouviu-se uma risada ensaiada, quase com um toque teatral. o que antes era apenas uma voz começou a tomar forma, por assim dizer, quando uma sombra pairou no ar, revelando um deus. antonia não o reconhecia, mas reconhecia seu cajado. e suas cobras.
"⠀⠀você é tão astuta, garota. acha mesmo que conhece todas as respostas para me ganhar nesse jogo?⠀⠀"⠀⠀pelo visto, ele esperava uma resposta, pois a ficou encarando. antonia apenas balançou a cabeça, concordando, com seus olhos fixados nos amigos.⠀⠀"⠀⠀pois bem, aqui vai: no cruzamento de dois caminhos, cada escolha leva a um destino. às vezes, a estrada menos percorrida é a que salva, mas a verdade está escondida entre as bifurcações. se a escolha errada pode levar ao fim, como encontrar a estrada correta sem saber onde ela começa?⠀⠀"⠀⠀e sentou-se, em uma cadeira que surgiu do nada. aquilo era uma charada, só podia ser. mas a resposta não seria algo óbvio. o deus das pegadinhas não facilitaria para ela.
ela não fazia ideia da resposta. aquilo era um jogo fadado ao fracasso, havia perdido antes mesmo de começar. se soubesse a resposta, ela ainda podia sair perdendo. não era garantia que sairiam todos vivos dali. sentou-se no chão, abraçando os joelhos e balançando a cabeça. estava focada na pergunta, que a repetia constantemente. como ela sabia que algo era certo quando estava sozinha? seus pensamentos e sinapses foram rápidas o suficiente que não conteve a vontade de gritar a resposta.⠀⠀"⠀⠀é a intuição!⠀⠀"⠀⠀e o deus sorriu. olhou na direção dos amigos e todos agora estavam livres. correu na direção deles para lhes dar um abraço.
e nada. ninguém. nenhum deles mais estava ali, nem mesmo hermes. para onde haviam ido? o que ela tinha respondido de errado? não, não, não! ela tinha respondido certo, somente através da intuição a gente sabe qual é o caminho, se não existe um certo ou errado, é o que escolhermos.⠀⠀"⠀⠀você não pode querer salvar todos. vai acabar sem nenhum.⠀⠀"⠀⠀ecoou no fundo de sua mente.
antes de cair na mata densa da floresta do acampamento. seu peito movia-se rapidamente para recobrar todo o ar que havia fugido. percebeu que os outros também pareciam atônitos. será que todos tinham presenciado as mesmas coisas? outro grito a tirou de seus devaneios, dessa vez vindo do acampamento. juntou a sua arma e saiu em disparada.
enquanto seus pés faziam o trabalho de levá-la de volta, seus olhos percorriam o céu, em busca de qualquer estrela para suplicar, que o que quer que ela tenha visto, não passasse de um pesadelo e não uma profecia.
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mencionados: @magicwithaxes , @aguillar , @ghcstlly , @mayafitzg
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harmoonix · 9 months
Love me like you do
❤️‍🔥(Love astrology observations)❤️‍🔥
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Before reading: 🔞
All aspects applying including parallels and contra-parallsls aswell
All charts system applied; Vedic, Sidereal. Tropical etc..
Some of my observations can be 18+
Enjoy the reading ♥️
❤️‍🔥 - Venus in 7th house/Venus in Libra > So romantic, full of tenderness for their partner. They're so cute when they're in love
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Bacchus [2063] can indicate pleasure and the way you give/recieve pleasure, in conjunct/sextile/trine with Juno (3) is so hot, you basically are a pleasure machine for eachother and you probably seek for someone who can give you pleasure
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Ceres (1) aspecting Juno (especially in harsh aspects) need to nurture their partners or vice versa, they have a high need for intimacy and love and i personally see them hugging eachother in bed 24/7
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Groom (5129) in Aries/the 1st house (for those attracted to men) can indicate getting a spouse who can have the same kinks as you and to be very close to you also this bounding is so deep.. (Very hot Chemistry between you two)
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❤️‍🔥 - Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 8th house = They love being communicative during sex, they may also have very shooting voices
❤️‍🔥 - Eros (433) aspecting Midheaven (MC) = The way you show yourself can be very erotic, and that can attract more people into you + they can really end up working in movies 18+
❤️‍🔥 - Juno Scorpio/Juno in the 8th house = They love Intensity, these natives seek for high intimacy with their partners and offering touches
❤️‍🔥 - Men with Sagittarius Mars/Mars aspecting Jupiter can have an bombastic penis in size, the size can grow unexpected sometimes and you'll wonder...how tf I am riding this now??
❤️‍🔥 - Libra Mars/Mars in the 7th house > They love being undressed during the act, i feel like they can be very ambient in their positions in bed and often switching up a lot
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❤️‍🔥 - Pisces 7th house/Neptune 7th > Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh OBSESSED, they can get literally addicted to their partners + showing that by being clingy
❤️‍🔥 - Venus Parallel Mars or vice versa > They're so hot. So intense, full of energy and those type of people who go for more rounds because they enjoy it so much
❤️‍🔥 - Sun Parallel Venus > They're so cute when they're in love, they can often blush when their specific person is around, and can be lost in their words when they talk
❤️‍🔥 - Mars Parallel Pluto > So hot and magnetic, i feel like they want someone who can dominante them or to just break bed, something in between
❤️‍🔥 - Lilith Parallel Mars/Neptune > They can have many wet dreams, many sexual dreams aswell in away they can day dream about this too
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❤️‍🔥 - Moon in Libra natives know how to put feelings and pleasure together, in aspects to Pluto/Venus they can be really intense and want to seem for more love
❤️‍🔥 - Moon in Leo natives know how to praise their partners so they can feel in a good mood too, they may have partners with praise kinks and worshipping kinks too
❤️‍🔥 - Vertex trine/sextile/conjunct Sun has a big chance of attracting influential people into their lives, especially men
❤️‍🔥 - Scorpio/Pluto in the 10th house have big chances to attract influential people in their lives and often being involved in love scandals (Will you be the next Selena Gomez gurl?)
❤️‍🔥 - Uranus in the 5th/7th house and 2nd house can attract people of the same gender and being attracted into this too, unless is not aspecting Saturn which can turn into a fear to fall for people the same gender as you
❤️‍🔥 - Eros - Mars aspects, go girl give us everything, I know they like it rough&hard like they want to suck the soul out if their partners
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❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Asmodeus [2174] in the 7th house can attract posesive/obsessive partners into their lives but enemies aswell, like girl everyone is obsessed/passive agressive and like the reason is unknown?? (Siri play Obsessed by Mariah Carey)
❤️‍🔥 - If you have Psyche (16) in water signs you may have the need for intimacy aswell, like is something your soul craves
You're the only thing I wanna touch
❤️‍🔥 - Mars - Mercury aspects/Mars parallel Mercury > They have that rough/lil' aggressive voice, omg when they whisper in your ear (eargasm or something 😭👁️👄👁️)
❤️‍🔥 - Venus aspecting Pluto/Venus parallel Pluto > These aspects the most known for being very attractive, their energy/vibe is hot aswell, and they have this magnetic field around that pulls you in
❤️‍🔥- Ascendant aspecting Mars > They're just the type of person to look at because they have a good looking body (men++👄) and yeah, you know their face looks like it needs to be kissed
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❤️‍🔥 - Pisces/Taurus/Cancer in the 2nd/3rd house though, omg they have the softest lips?? Like I am kissing a cloud?👄👄 Is so soft and so calming in here
❤️‍🔥 - Mars in the 6th house > Okay so probably natives who have a high drive and thus placement too will crave for sex/intimacy a lot (6th house also being the house for daily activities)...👁️👄👁️
❤️‍🔥 - No cus' Sun/Venus in the 12th house natives are underatted when it comes to such things, 12th house can also indicate intimacy/sex/pleasure to an extent, and let me just say they will be savouring the moments
❤️‍🔥 - To all the natives who have Juno/Groom in the 2nd house, you'll get a spouse who will spoil you so much like is so romantic too (Juno - 3, Groom 5129) (The spoiling doesn't always have to be in material things if you know what I mean😀)
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Groom (5129) in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25° they really want someone hot in their lives, this is the Aries energy after all so I guess it can aslo indicate you want an dominant spouse in your life too
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❤️‍🔥 - Groom (5129) in Libra Degrees 7°, 19° can have really high chances at attracting an romantic spouse in their lives, someone who can aslo may treat them nicely and cute
❤️‍🔥 - Venus/Mars in the 11th house are not play, they definitely do it either very soft either rough and sometimes can turn into a mix, they give this "we are besties during the day and at night...👁️👄👁️" vibe
❤️‍🔥 - Mars in air houses (3rd, 7th, 11th house) needs talking stimulation, they can be very much attracted by voice/talking may like to talk during the act
Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Lust [4386] in 2nd house/Taurus may like physical contact a lot, everything they are touching is pure to them and they can have a tendency of checking others people body
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Lust [4386] in 12th house/Pisces may be the type of person who can end up day dreaming about that person they like, but the thing is these dreams are usually very sexual and can often get lost in their dreams or thinking about them a lot
❤️‍🔥 - Capricorn Venus women don't always go for older men as a type but they rather go for ones who are more mature and stable/+ if they're looking for something serious aswell
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❤️‍🔥- Moon - Pluto aspects can end up hating hookup/one night stands, like they want you to be theirs forever not just for one night, they may actually detest such things
❤️‍🔥 - Juno/7th house in Leo/Sun in Leo want to find recognition in their partners, they want to be praised by their partners and be appreciated, these placements are cute when they find healthy love
❤️‍🔥 - Mercury in the 7th house/Mercury in Libra > I love these type of natives for the way they care so much about the people these natives love, their communication style and commitment is on point and always putting others feelings above as a sign that matters for them a lot
❤️‍🔥 - Lust [4386] square/opposite/conjunct Mars, well these people can actually be very sexual or at least to have that sexual energy in them 24/7 even though they can hide it
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Guess who's back 😍😍😍!! This biatch is back
I missed Tumblr so I said hmm let me check the app and omg I needed to post something so I had to make a new post 😍 a new theme something a lot of people liked and here we go with this one!!
I hope you all have a really great great great Saturday!!😍 And a very good weekend
H a r m o o n i x
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froghazz · 2 years
Esses dias me mandaram uma ask com um plot do Harry indo substituir a irmã no set de filmagem e ser uma cena de sexo.
Um spoilerzinho de como tá ficando ela:
- Prontos? – Zayn perguntou, vendo nós dois confirmarmos. – Ok, um, dois, três. Agora. – sinalizou.
- Você é uma merdinha. – eu comecei a atuação, uma mão voou pra sua cintura e a outra pro seu pescoço, apertando ela contra a parede.
- Eu odeio você! – ela disse com o semblante possesso de raiva. Ela atua bem, afinal. Eu ri, apertando meu dedão em seu pescoço, vendo ela vacilar. Espero que a câmera tenha pego essa reação, porque ela foi deliciosa. Senti sua mão em minha nuca, as suas unhas apertando minha pele enquanto ela me puxava. Eu a beijei, pedindo passagem com a língua, a ouvindo gemer baixinho em meus lábios. Puxei seu inferior entre os dentes, voltando a beija-la com uma vontade real. Eu me inclinei, pegando ela no colo e me virando, jogando ela na cama. Subi acima de seu corpo, parando com minha boca à centímetros da sua. – Me odeia? – eu ri, deixando que ela jogasse meu corpo pro lado. Ela subiu em cima de mim, uma perna pra cada lado do meu quadril. – Cala a boca. – ela mandou, tirando a blusa com pressa. Seus peitos estavam livres, grandes e com certeza macios, apontando em minha direção.
- Segura! – Zayn falou. – Ok, isso tá perfeito. Louis, começa a tirar a calça dela e Harry, puxa a blusa dele pra cima, não abre os botões. Quero que pareça que vocês estão com pressa.
Eu deslizei minhas mãos por sua cintura, abrindo o botão da calça dela, puxando com força pra baixo. Ela puxou minha blusa e eu subi o corpo, deixando que ela tirasse. Ela plantou as mãos no meu abdômen, passando elas e apertando minha pele.
- Harry, ajuda ele a terminar de tirar sua calça. Tira seus sapatos também. – Zayn indicou, vendo-a fazer de imediato. Seus olhos queimavam minha pele, ela agora só de calcinha encaixada bem em cima do meu pau. Eu preciso permanecer mole, mas puta que pariu, essa garota tá mexendo comigo. Em geral eu sou profissional pra caralho, mas meu deus, que vontade absurda de foder ela de verdade.
- Louis, você já sabe. Harry, tira a cueca dele.
Eu joguei ela na cama, tirando meus sapatos e minha calça também. Harry abriu as pernas pra mim, puxando minha cueca pra baixo. A câmera nos filmava de lado, deixando só nossas peles aparecerem. Eu passei meus dedos pelas laterais de sua calcinha, a puxando, tirando de seu corpo. Agora tudo que nos cobria eram os tapas sexo. Eu me aproximei, a beijando de novo e suas pernas se enrolaram no meu quadril.
- Louis, puxa os lençóis e cobre até seus quadris, leva a mão pra baixo e finge que está penetrando. - Zayn direcionou.
Eu continuo a beijando, puxando os lençóis como mandado. Passo meus dedos por sua barriga macia, fingindo estar caminhando até sua bocetinha. Seguro a parte interna de sua coxa, empurrando meu quadril pra frente. Passo o dedão por sua virilha, sentindo-a úmida e só então eu percebo, ela estava gemendo de verdade. Ela está completamente molhada no tapa sexo, o deixando praticamente solto entre suas pernas. Sinto seu corpo enrijecer por ser descoberta dessa forma, então eu levo minha mão pra cima, apertando sua cintura e fingindo estar a fodendo. Paro de beijar sua boca, passando a sugar a pele de seu pescoço. – Tá toda molhada pra mim, bebê. – eu sussurro tomando cuidado pra câmera não capturar esse momento. – Seus peitinhos são realmente lindos. – eu digo, a ouvindo gemer alto, as unhas se arrastando pela pele de minhas costas.
- Caralho! É isso, gente. Harry, provoca ele, fala que ele não fode bem, algo assim. – Zayn falou empolgado com a cena.
- Você parece um adolescente metendo desse jeito. – ela falou e riu, trocando as posições, sentando acima do meu pau, segurando o lençol entre os dedos. Ela subiu e desceu o quadril, como se tivesse me colocando pra dentro de novo. Ela pressionou as unhas em meu peitoral, rebolando, jogando a cabeça pra trás. – Isso, você fica bem mais prestativo assim. – provocou, se inclinando até meu pescoço, sussurrando em meu ouvido. – Me fode Lou, por favor. Eu tô tão molhadinha. Você tá sentido, não tá? Eu tô vazando pra você.
- Isso! – Zayn gritou. – Conseguimos de primeira. – ele riu. – Foi perfeito gente. Podem parar, quero que deitem de lado, Louis, abraça ela por trás e fica olhando ela “dormir”. – ele fez aspas com os dedos. – Harry, agora é só sua última fala.
Ela parou os movimentos, olhando fixamente em meus olhos, sua respiração desregulada. Meu pau doía dentro daquele plástico idiota. Ela se deitou de costas pra mim, o rosto virado pra câmera. Ela fechou os olhos, respirando fundo. Eu me deitei atrás dela, apoiando em um cotovelo observando a camada fina de suor que cobria seu corpo quente.
- Para de me olhar igual um psicopata. – ela disse, os olhos ainda fechados. – Pra um merda você até que serve pra alguma coisa. – ela provocou, um sorriso ladino. – Isso nunca mais vai acontecer. – anunciou.
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kadavernagh · 1 month
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TIMING: Current, right after Dead on Arrival LOCATION: The Party Thrifter PARTIES: Regan and Memphis SUMMARY: The paramedics arrive at the scene and find only Regan there. Everyone is confused, especially Memphis. CONTENT WARNINGS: Glass removal (not especially detailed)
Metzli was wrong. Leila was hurt, and the first responders could have helped her, because things weren’t as strange as Metzli thought they were, and medicine was just as effective as she knew it to be.
There was a bustle of police and firemen sweeping through what remained of The Party Thrifter. Flashlight beams crossed paths, standing wood was checked for stability, and clothing racks were overturned (from being overturned) to ensure there were no additional victims. Victims like Leila. Not Regan. She was not the victim in this. But her head throbbed like something had fallen on it (did it?), she could feel her body swelling with contusions, and everywhere she looked there seemed to be blood. It was red. Leila– Regan knew it was her own. Someone – two people? – had helped her out past the wreckage. They must have, because she was seated on the curb. Forget the couch she and Jade had plans for; right now, there was nowhere more comfortable.
Questions seemed to be lobbed at her from every direction. She wasn’t new to the frenzied flurry of a crime scene, the way everything was a priority and somehow simultaneous, though she wasn’t usually at its center. The responding Officer had introduced himself but Regan – generally above average with names – missed it completely. She squeezed her eyes through the haze of dust and pulverized wood, looking up. His badge said officer Lee. Any longer of a name and she wasn’t sure she could read it from this angle. He was slight in frame but there was nothing slight about his stern expression, chin jutting out; she knew he doubted every word she’d fed him so far.
“When you called, you reported that someone was hurt. Did you mean you?”
“I’m the only one here.”
“Do you own this building?”
“Where is the owner?”
“I’m the only one here.”
“What happened?”
“I screamed and the building collapsed.” Regan had explained this thrice already. Lee was fishing for a better explanation, but all Regan had was honesty. There was something else though. And. Leila. And Leila was hurt. She hurt Leila. But the words refused to come, never even letting themselves form inside her mouth, because every time her brain moved in the direction of speaking about it, it contra coup’d back without reason. She had to tell them, but she also wouldn’t. Why? Because, because, because. 
Lee eventually turned her over to the EMTs, keeping her on the curb. He seemed unsatisfied, but the harsh lines set on his face made Regan think he might always be. Regan flexed her hands, several shards of glass digging themselves deeper. She could feel the pinch of it in her fingers but not her palms. Behind her, first responders called out to each other. Clear over here. Haven’t found anything else. The hell happened?  
The man facing her this time was young and tired. Not that Regan knew how much sleep he was operating under right now, but his eyes were enough of an indication that he probably slept in that ambulance sometimes. Despite that, he had the air of someone who had been tested. He knew what to do. He knew it well. As a Medical Examiner, Regan had seen some of the ugliest parts of this town, and what people – and wildlife – were capable of. First responders were of a similar ilk.
“I’m sorry I called you out here for this,” Regan said, uncharacteristically quiet. She wasn’t able to explain that it wasn’t for her. “Surely there’s someone else you could be helping right now, whose injuries are more grave.” She didn’t think that would work but it was worth a shot. Regan frowned, and then without being prompted cautiously opened her mouth for the EMT – a dangerous weapon by all accounts – before snapping it shut. She tasted blood. “My airway is all clear. I’m breathing. See? I’m fine. I can get the glass later– I’ve removed far more difficult foreign objects from places they don’t belong.” Except for herself; she hadn’t succeeded there.
"What the hell happened here?"
The question lingered between Memphis and the crew. Honestly, Memphis wasn't sure he had even said the words out loud. It had been a particularly long night, and the few minutes of sleep he had finally been afforded had been interrupted far too quickly by the familiar sound of alarm at the station. Another call. Another siren. Those damned things filled his ears at all hours of the day, awake or asleep. He couldn't escape them. On most occasions, they didn't bother him. They were no more or less annoying than his deceased family members begging for his attention at every corner. But his patience was practically nonexistence when his eyes hadn't even completely unblurred from sleep.
The sight had woken him up rather quickly though. He hadn't driven, smart choice on their part, but he couldn't exactly claim that they had pulled up to the address. Half of the address seemed to have spilled out into the street, blocking the road from access. The police had beaten them to the scene, already setting up crime tape and diverting traffic. While another paramedic spoke to an officer, Memphis took in the scene, or what was left of it. He remembered the spot, some sort of thrift store that he had probably been inside of once maybe twice in his entire life. Though any passerby may have been able to draw the same conclusion once they took stock of all the costumes littered around the rubble. He spotted Officer Lee speaking to a woman. He was too far away to be certain, but too familiar with scenes like this to know she was covered in blood. It wasn't Memphis' job to figure out how this happened, but while he stood and stared at the injured woman and absent mindedly listened to his partner talk to the other officer he just kept thinking back to that same first question in the ambulance. The one he still wasn't sure he had ever put into words. What the hell happened here?
"I got her." Memphis volunteered once Officer Lee was done with his questioning. He hopped around the remnants of the building and contemplated whether to put a smile on his face. Some people needed it during times like these. Others didn't. The woman wasted no time, launching immediately into an apology and then further. "This isn't exactly what I would call a phony 911 call" Memphis gestured behind him towards the chaos, "Well luckily if we get another call there's always more paramedics. For now, I'm all yours. The name's Memphis." Memphis clicked on his flashlight and did a once over, the woman's skin responded by sparkling back at him. "You are absolutely covered in glitter, which might actually be more annoying than removing the glass." It wasn't exactly his best work when it came to joking, but he had to try to read the room first before he broke out his best content. "I'm not sure how to respond to that, but it's really no trouble for me to help. I gotta say, for having a building collapse on you, you've managed to keep pretty calm."
Memphis. The name sounded familiar, and it wasn’t because of the city in Tennessee. Someone Regan spoke to online, maybe. Or a next of kin she’d interacted with before… or even in an EMT capacity, on a crime scene together. One she didn’t cause. He had an easy way of conversing, she could tell, a way of setting people at ease even during their worst moments. Most people would like that, Regan figured. Because others (not her) dealt with such things as anxiety (not her) and fear (also not her).
The flashlight clicking on made her blink, debris watering her eyes slightly. He seemed to be giving her a cursory look over, and he had the bonus of seeing that her pupils responded appropriately. Double duty. She could leave more quickly. “I’ll remove the glitter, too. Annoying…” Regan trailed off, biting her lip. Annoying wasn’t how she would prefer to describe it, knowing it had seemed to come from Leila’s body and not some craft supply bin. She hadn’t come around to calling it blood, like Metzli had suggested. Actually, forget Metzli. They weren’t here. Regan was the only one here (and why wasn’t Leila?).
“I wasn’t as calm thirty minutes ago,” Regan admitted (which was different from saying she was anxious or fearful). “And how should you know what to expect? Do you see a lot of buildings collapse on people?” Who survive. “Look, I didn’t call for me. I called because– I don’t need assistance. I’m fine. I’ll handle this. I have before. It isn’t me you need to be assisting. That isn’t why I called.” Hold on, was she talking in circles? Didn’t she mean to tell Memphis that Leila was hurt? But she hadn’t. Why? Because. Regan wanted to tear at her own brain for the answer but only sighed, slouching on the curb at an angle she would have critiqued in anyone else. “I’m tired, and the police have more questions for me. What do you need?”
This person, whoever she was, was clearly not a fan of being taken care of. Or rather, being examined. If Memphis had any skill at picking up on context clues he would have assumed that she was also in the medical field. She had a very matter-of-fact manner to her speech, something about her tone and the confidence in which she spoke made everything sound like it was fact. Final, even. No longer open to interpretation or differing opinions. Memphis couldn't argue with her. Hell, he wouldn't want to. He was too tired, she too traumatized to have a productive conversation. He thought he might be able to help her if he could speak to her just as concisely.
"I'll leave you in charge of the glitter. But if you're heading to the station after this it'll be pretty damn uncomfortable with glass sticking out of you. Let me wipe up some of the blood, bandage the wounds and then I'll send you on your way." He stopped himself from phrasing it as a question, hoping she might respond better to the suggestion instead.
"I can't blame you for that. I think I'd be panicking all night if I had been the one here." Memphis could really only mask his panic on the job, when he was entering a scene that had already occurred. Live on the scene, Memphis wasn't as confident in his abilities to keep a level head. "I've responded to one once or twice. I don't get the chance to talk to many people that were inside the building when it happened."  Memphis' look turned curious when she mentioned not calling for herself. The officer that had talked to Memphis' coworker had said that she was alone in the building. If that was the case, who exactly would she have called for? He raised an eyebrow, but pushed his curiosity aside to focus simply on the patient. "I'm not here to figure out why you called us. The only thing I need to know is if there's another person around here that my partner should be out looking for. If you're the only one here, then my only job is to make sure that wherever this blood came from isn't life threatening, slap some bandages on you and then send you on your way."
He was doing that… that thing again. Acting casual and easy, like this was no big deal, yet not quite allowing Regan to get away with treating it as such. People (inferior, weak-willed ones) must have really let their guard down around him. Regan even found herself considering sharing what her name was and tacking on her title, but she knew enough to know it mattered little in this context. EMTs treated everyone. Doctors – literally – did not get special treatment. (In this case, her idea of special treatment was being allowed to simply walk away.) Given what she had just done, a little anonymity wasn’t a bad thing. A tiny fantasy that Dr. Kavanagh didn’t just hurt someone. They would know her at the station anyway.
Memphis was on the very edge of sounding insistent about the glass. Would someone like him allow themselves to be pushed? Regan was good at pushing… she curled away from the thought, but it still soured in her stomach. She offered no response at all to the matter. There was something more important anyway, wasn’t there? Leila was hurt.
“I see. So you're curious. It wasn’t a very large building, and the frame is still standing. I’m the only one here,” Regan repeated the new refrain through grit teeth, frustrated with the fact she had said it again, when that hadn’t been… what she was just thinking about. “I mean, I’m not… I’m the only one here, but– but the glass, and the building. And I’m trying to tell you something. Who cares about my foighneach injuries when I’m the only one here and I am trying to tell you something.” Why couldn’t she? “Forget it.” Her lungs might just rip open if she couldn’t figure this out. Regan’s frustration boiled inside her, churning around the choice she’d made earlier. She had no regrets about it. She didn’t, so why did she hesitate now? Was it only because Leila was hurt, or was it possible she shared similar concerns to Metzli, and that she knew Memphis wouldn’t have any idea what to do with the seemingly-impossible way she existed, either? Was it possible, maybe, that it wasn’t as simple? That there wasn’t really a choice to begin with, because she was the way she was now, like it or not? That she was acting like an óinseach in trying to be human?
Her eyes ticked back to the remains of the building, which had been more than a building to Leila. The dust continued to irritate her eyes. Disgustingly wet. 
Metzli had allowed her the chance for a do-over (as if Regan ever needed one), trying to show her why it wouldn’t work. Even now she felt that stillness at the tips of her fingers where there should have been a pulse. Metzli was wrong. Leila was hurt, and the first responders could have helped her, because things weren’t as strange as Metzli thought they were, and medicine was just as effective as she knew it to be. She would not make the decision Metzli had, no matter how much her bones ached with what felt like uncertainty. Sheer stubbornness, or maybe needing the impossible, won out.
“Here.” Regan extended an arm in Memphis’s direction. It was the first time she saw it in decent lighting, and glass and glitter practically turned it into a disco ball. She had seen more impressive in her decedents, though, it had to be said. “I’ll allow you to get some of the glass, but not because I need you to. I’m being polite, out of respect. You can praise me for that, and you can keep the shards as a souvenir of your first patient who was in a collapsing building. Do you ever do that? Keep souvenirs?” Regan ran her tongue over her teeth, displeased with how this was going and anyone being near her at all right now, but she had committed. “If you’re cleaning the blood, you might as well get the glitter, too. It’s juvenile.” A beat. “In fact, prioritize it.” A second beat. “My name is Regan.”
See? That casual and easy act had nothing on her; no guard was dropped. She didn’t say doctor.
"Curious is a nice way of putting it. My sister usually calls me nosy." Memphis stated simply, avoiding eye contact with the woman. Maybe, just maybe she was actually opening up to him. Opening up may be the wrong word, the walls and boundaries were still there. This felt more like ringing the intercom of a locked apartment building. He didn't have much time to speak before the tenant would choose to buzz him in. Too much eye contact and he may scare her away. "But this is work. I'm just here to do my job. Nothing more." Of course, part of that job included knowing if there really was another reason that their team was called in. "I care about your injuries, for one. I'm sure you can imagine that you bleeding out on me would look bad for the department." Another attempt at humor? He wasn't sure why he tried it again, when he was pretty sure that it wouldn't work. But the woman's method of communicating, if it could even be called that, kept Memphis on edge. Like he knew that there was something else going on here, but he couldn't figure out what. Or how bad. So as he often did, he deflected with humor. "I get that you're trying to tell me something, but I'm drawing a blank on what exactly that is. Should we be searching this debris for someone else?"
At the very least, the woman was going to let him treat her wounds. Small victories, all around. "Great to meet you, Regan. I assume that given the circumstances you would have loved to never meet me. Completely understand that." He pulled his kit free before taking hold of the arm. He needed to clean some of the residue off first so he could get a better idea of what was glass versus glitter, and how much glass there was. "This will sting, but shouldn't be too bad."
Memphis listened while he worked, even cracking a small smile as she talked about praise and souvenirs. He risked a glance at her face. Just a second. A fraction of a second even, but too long. She wasn't smiling. He didn't think she was joking at all. "I think keeping a patient's bloody glass must be some sort of violation. I think I'll just dispose of it." Her skin was ice cold, a sharp contrast to the warm summer heat. Against his better judgment, he froze against her wrist and searched for her pulse. Present, but just barely. Not the first time he had clocked these symptoms before. Alarms went off in his head, the medical student in him protesting the news. Brain not able to compute. But the Wicked's Rest part, that was always stronger. His mother's words echoed in his skull. Ghosts are our burden. Anything else is none of our business. He swallowed roughly and moved on. Glitter and glass removal, that was his only duty right now.
Should we be searching this debris for someone else?
“No,” Regan said, her tone sinking lower and lower with each defeat, “I’m the only one here.”
She let him talk, because it wasn’t silence, and she didn’t have to struggle as she tried to explain Leila was hurt. It didn’t mean she was warming to him. “I was attempting to be more social, so perhaps under other circumstances. I’ve met lesser. EMTs, and humans.” If he judged that to be a compliment, no it wasn’t. And that socialization plan was out the broken window now. The store could have been full of people. It could have been–
Regan paled, but Memphis brought her attention back. “It won’t sting.” She countered the assertion hoarsely, coughing at the dust. And true to her word, she didn’t flinch as a wipe was brushed over fresh incised wounds from the glass. A dicing injury, she would have called it in a report – the kind she no longer wrote. It did sting.
Memphis was by the book, then. She liked that. His demeanor (and smile) did not make him a poor paramedic. His hand was hot over her arm now, instead of the wipe, and Regan didn’t react to that, either, even as Memphis’s hand jolted for a second. Surprise. Regan kept her fist in a ball as he did what any proper first responder ought to do – at least, when a patient might be dead. Her eyes went as cold as her skin as they snapped to him, but she didn’t knock him away. Regan had chosen medicine. She was not going to let anyone make her question the decision right now. Or ever again, maybe. He could try to challenge her, could try to make this an emergency, could try to insist on paddles. But her look only sharpened as he seemed to deliberate something. Finally: “It isn’t shock. There is no sense in concerning yourself with asymptomatic bradycardia. If anything, it’s a problem for another professional, not you.” 
He could check her pulse, but she would not let him see her palms, no matter how stuck with glass they might have been. That was not like her skin or heartbeat; it was something else. She inhaled a deep breath through her nose, feeling it bound all the way into her lungs, which were behaving for the time being. 
“I like your forceps.” There was one of the bigger shards, sliding out. Would Leila have someone skilled removing the glass from her skin, cleaning her blood that she surely had? Guilt hurt more than any of these splinters. Regan found herself able to say something, even if it wasn’t precisely what she wanted. Or maybe in some way, it still was. “I have done this to others before. Accidents. I’m accustomed to it; they are not. You can’t think highly of those who harm others. I don’t. It goes against everything I…” Regan backed away from mentioning the oath they would have both taken. “So finish this arm, and I will do the rest later. A compromise. If I can do anything good tonight, let it be freeing up your time in case there’s someone who might be helped.” Someone who deserved it. “By you, I mean. Not other EMTs who might attempt to demand something of me… and especially not the sort who wouldn’t heed forensic evidence.”
She was the only one here. That was what Regan kept insisting. So why had she told Memphis that she was trying to tell him something? More importantly, why wasn't she just telling him? He shook the thought away. He would focus on her right now. Once she was cleared, they would do another sweep. Just to be safe. Just to be sure.
"I feel like we've been plenty social so far. So you can check that box, at the very least." Not exactly the conversation either of them wanted to be having, he was sure, but it counted. He almost thanked the woman, but realized that she had simply been stating facts again. It had not been intended to be taken as anything other than that.
Regan never flinched at all. Not while he cleaned the area around the wounds, or when he started pulling glass. She either had nerves of steel or was completely in shock. It only cemented Memphis' theory that she worked in the medical field. It was weird, treating someone who didn't mention it. That was usually the first thing any person in the medical field did when a paramedic showed up on the scene. Doctors, nurses, even people in medical sales. Always gave a heads up for some reason or another. He chose not to mention his theory to Regan. Not yet, at least. The two had settled into some sort of understanding, as fragile as it may be. One wrong step and he'd shatter it.
One theory broken, by Regan herself. Though it wouldn't be the first time someone in shock claimed they weren't in shock. "That must mean someone's mentioned your heart rate to you before then? Must be a common problem." Nothing else. Even though he should. He should be noting this. Telling her she needed to get it checked out. But she already knew, and fighting her on it would only rock that boat. Rattle that glass. Open some metaphorical box that Memphis himself knew couldn't be closed afterwards. Ghosts. The rest isn't my business. "I'll just focus on glass and glitter."
Despite everything, he actually cracked a full smile. A smile that finally untightened his own chest. He wasn't used to walking on eggshells this much, even on calls. He didn't like it. "No one has ever complimented my forceps before. Or any of my medical equipment." the smile didn't leave his face, even though he knew once again that Regan hadn't meant it as a joke. He knew nothing about this woman except that she had never said anything that she wasn't serious about tonight. "You've been in collapsing buildings before? That's unlucky." He finished bandaging a now glass free spot on her arm and turned it over, doing a final inspection to make sure that he had gotten everything, ignoring the clenched palms that had never loosened. He thought of the Arthur meme, but the joke would be lost on her. "If you really don't want me to, I won't. But I do need verbal confirmation that you're denying medical assistance."
Memphis, Regan decided as he minded his own business, was acceptable. That was a little better than not simply being lesser. She regarded him with a sideways look, checking to see if he seemed panic-stricken about her pulse or really was taking this well. She had one. That was what mattered. Jade would agree. “I would be a fool if I didn’t notice it, regardless of others. Not common. I am familiar with my pathology, though.” Another sideways look. “Yes, focus on that.”
The smile that spread across Memphis’s face made her stomach squeeze in discomfort. She’d had– er, witnessed– enough displays of emotions for one day. One year. “Then your other patients are either unconscious or should learn to appreciate brand new forceps or hemostats. It shines.” Impressive since it was growing dark out. “This is the first collapsing building I’ve been in. At least… that I know of. It’s possible I’ve set foot in buildings that collapsed later, without my knowledge. I have been in some pretty unstable locations. I mean that I’ve done this to others. The glass.” People didn’t always die in the most convenient places. “Luck has nothing to do with it.” She considered speaking more derisively about luck but… she was tired. And the mention of denying medical assistance shook every last waking nerve from her body. She couldn’t. That was– if she was going to deny medical assistance, then what was the point of insisting Leila received it? And the point of her agreeing to Memphis’s help in the first place? Walking away was one thing. A verbal contract denying medical assistance was another. She saw it as bigger than her, and bigger than this moment.
She would not deny medicine. So stay the course. Was that what she had decided? (You should always finish the course. Stopping early could make things worse.)
“I’m not signing an AMA,” Regan declared after a long silence (one she especially didn’t like), “and I will not verbally agree to that.” If Memphis was expecting her to argue, to push for letting her go anyway now, he would be wrong. She had too much respect for protocol and too much respect for him. And now that the phrase ‘denying medical assistance’ had been spoken into their shared airspace, leaving at all was as good as saying medical assistance did not matter. Regan offered her other arm, making sharp eye contact once again. “Your hands are steady enough. They will do.”
Memphis wasn't sure he would consider Regan and his introduction to be a rocky start, but it certainly hadn't been smooth sailing. Despite that, the two had found some sort of rhythm. If Regan had completely abhorred Memphis' ability to practice medicine, he certainly would have heard about it. Which must mean she wasn't entirely unimpressed with him. And though Memphis wasn't sure how he felt about her lack of humor, he had to admit that he found the honesty refreshing. Memphis could be sarcastic, but for the most part he attempted to stay as honest as possible as well. An open book, that was what he always referred to himself as. Despite the obvious differences, the two at least had that in common. "I think most people unfamiliar with their pathology don't notice their heart rate. They probably don't even really think about it."
He couldn't help himself. Even though she was as stoic as could be, Memphis found her words funny. He coughed to hide a laugh but did little to hide the grin on his face. All he could do was the same thing he had done since Regan agreed to let him work on her arm, avoid eye contact. "I think it's both. Unconscious and unappreciative. Overall, a disappointing group." He couldn't quite figure out what she meant by the glass. That she had done it before. Had she broken the glass before the building collapsed? The officer had mentioned something about her statement, though Memphis had only been half paying attention. She said she screamed and the glass broke. Not entirely sure what that was supposed to mean. "It's right to assume that at least one building that we've entered in has then in the future collapsed in our lifetimes. Statistically that just makes sense." He was just talking to talk now, a distracting method used to keep the medical aspect of this job off of the minds of his patients. Memphis knew it was unnecessary for Regan, but it was mostly second nature at this point. The guard that existed so rigid at the beginning was starting to collapse. Maybe not on both sides, but at least on Memphis'.
Admittedly, Memphis was hoping she may refuse to deny the service. He had no proof she would, but in his eyes he was fully convinced she practiced medicine too. May hate the idea as much as Memphis did. It was going to be a long night for Regan. Between the police station and whatever part of this night that she wasn't telling Memphis about, the last thing she needed was glass sticking out of her arm simultaneously. "My steady hands and I will make quick work of this, and you'll be on your way soon enough." He readjusted his flashlight and moved to the next arm, already knowing that she wouldn't flinch as he treated the wounds.
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longliveblackness · 4 months
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Sarraounia Mangou, the Nigerien African queen and sorceress
In the late 1800s, the French Voulet- Chanoine Mission or Central African-Chad Mission, led by the captains Paul Voulet and Julien Chanoine, were dispatched to Africa by the French government to conquer the territories between the Niger River and Lake Chad and unify all French territories in West Africa.
History says that after leaving French Sudan in January 1899, they became very callous and subjected the native people to all kinds of inhumane treatment.
They were just unstoppable until they met Sarraounia Mangou.
Sarraounia (a title indicating a female chief or a lineage of female rulers) was the Queen of the Azna, a subgroup of the Hausa, who ruled in the Niger Republic, during the late 19th century.
She was born with yellow eyes, like those of a panther and so the panther became the symbol of the Azna.
She became queen at the age of 20, after her father’s death.
Said to possess sorcerous powers, Sarraounia had, before the French invasion, fought wars on behalf of her people.
She first drove off the Tuareg, who often attempted to raid her village, then the Fulani, who wanted to convert the Azna to Islam.
Since she had often won peace with both tribes, she sought their help to fight a common enemy the French but they refused.
She subsequently mobilized her people and resources to confront the French forces of the Voulet–Chanoine Mission, which launched a fierce attack on her fortress capital of Lougou.
Known as the Battle of Lougou in 1899, the Voulet-Chanoine Mission met the strongest force and lost several men to the fighting.
What Sarraounia and her people also did was to raid the French on a nightly basis, appearing from what historians called the almost impenetrable bush where the Azna defended themselves when facing a superior enemy.
They disappeared quickly into the bush after the raid.
As many began talking about the magical prowess of the Queen, many of the army on the French side deserted the camp. Most of them were Africans who were forced into service.
The attacks eventually came to an end and within three months, the expedition commanders Voulet and Chanoine were assassinated by their own soldiers over their refusal to obey orders from France and other atrocities.
But many still attributed their deaths to the magical prowess of Sarraounia.
Sarraounia Mangou, la reina y hechicera africana de Niger
A finales del siglo XIX, la Misión Francesa Voulet-Chanoine o Misión Centroafricana-Chad, dirigida por los capitanes Paul Voulet y Julien Chanoine, fue enviada a África por el gobierno francés para conquistar los territorios entre el río Níger y el lago Chad y así unificar todos los territorios franceses que estaban ubicados en África Occidental.
La historia dice que después de abandonar el Sudán francés en enero de 1899, se volvieron muy insensibles y sometieron a los nativos a todo tipo de tratos inhumanos.
Eran imparables hasta que conocieron a Sarraounia Mangou.
Sarraounia (un título que significa jefa o un linaje de mujeres gobernantes) fue la reina de Azna, un subgrupo de los hausa, que gobernó en la República de Níger a finales del siglo XIX.
Nació con ojos amarillos, como los de una pantera y así la pantera se convirtió en el símbolo de los Azna.
Se convirtió en reina a la edad de 20 años, tras la muerte de su padre.
Se decía que Sarraounia poseía poderes mágicos y, antes de la invasión francesa, había librado guerras en nombre de su pueblo.
Primero expulsó a los tuareg, quienes a menudo intentaban atacar su aldea, y luego a los fulani, quienes querían convertir a los Azna al Islam.
Debido a que a menudo había logrado la paz con ambas tribus, buscó su ayuda para luchar contra un enemigo común, los franceses, pero ellos se negaron.
Luego de esto, ella movilizó a su gente y recursos para enfrentarse a las fuerzas francesas de la Misión Voulet-Chanoine, que lanzó un feroz ataque contra su fortaleza principal, Lougou.
Conocida como la Batalla de Lougou en 1899, la Misión Voulet-Chanoine se enfrentó a la fuerza más poderosa y perdió varios hombres en los combates.
Lo que también hicieron Sarraounia y su pueblo fue atacar a los franceses todas las noches, se aparecían de un arbusto casi impenetrable, como le llamaron los historiadores. Los Azna se metían en estos para defenderse cuando se enfrentaban a un enemigo superior y desaparecían rápidamente entre los arbustos después de atacar.
Cuando muchos empezaron a hablar de las habilidades mágicas de la Reina, muchos miembros del ejército del lado francés abandonaron el campamento. La mayoría de ellos eran africanos que fueron obligados a servir.
Los ataques finalmente llegaron a su fin y luego de tres meses, los comandantes de la expedición Voulet y Chanoine fueron asesinados por sus propios soldados por negarse a obedecer órdenes de Francia y otras atrocidades.
Pero muchos todavía atribuían sus muertes a las habilidades mágicas de Sarraounia.
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