#danielle smith
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allthecanadianpolitics · 5 months ago
Alberta's premier shared new details Tuesday about her government's proposed gender legislation. Danielle Smith will introduce it when the Alberta legislature's fall session starts near the end of October. In a six-minute video posted to social media, Smith went over the points of her policy, much of which has already been released. One new detail involves 16- and 17-year-olds choosing to use a different name or pronoun at school. "In those extremely rare circumstances where a teacher feels that a child might be at risk should the parents be notified of a desired name or pronoun change, Alberta Education will provide a protocol to ensure the protection of that child throughout the parental notification process," Smith said in the video.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli
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godbirdart · 4 months ago
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Bill 29: The Fairness and Safety in Sport Act
Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party are being creepy weird about children again and since this also directly targets people like me [trans people] I have opted to skip the niceties cut scene and get right down to choosing violence.
Seriously, I cannot be the only person weirded out over how creepily obsessed Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party are over trans people. They talk more about trans people than anything else. Just in October they pushed out three anti-trans bills - the above included. For what? There's MAYBE 2000 trans kids out of the 800,000 students in the whole province. It's pretty damn insane they're trying to legalize gender checks on children at all.
Ofc, some people are waving it off saying "No! It's just for the trans kids!! >:C". Nah mate. If your kid is a slight bit too effeminate or masculine or just plainly doesn't fit the Gender Roles, you bet their ass is getting reported by faculty members acting in bad faith. Hope you aren't aiming for sport scholarships in college / university👍
Some people are also whining about trans people having "athletic advantages" again so lemme say here: I have cis friends who played girl's rugby in high school. They were VERY capable of decimating the boys. If your cis kid can't measure up against a trans kid, that's just a straight up skill issue. get good maybe? lmao
This ain't the time to take the moral high road. If Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party want to throw the tiny 0.3% of Albertans under the bus in the name of snatching authority over kids' bodily autonomy, then yeah I Will stoop to their level and be a dick about it because that shit is unhinged freak behavior. They keep saying trans people are out to get their kids but girl... the call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE
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actually-alberta · 3 months ago
News on the anti trans legislation
Unfortunately (and i hate to say this, unsurprisingly) it’s more likely that it will pass than not
I haven’t seen too much mention of it out of the province but yes, Danielle Smith and the UCP party are trying to put some very transphobic and likely dangerous laws in place such as
-for a student under the age of 16 to change their name or pronouns at school, they will need parental consent
-for any students 16-17, they won’t need consent but their parents will be told
-any material about sexual education, gender identity and sexuality have to be approved by the government and parents have to opt in for their kids (its already available for parents to opt out)
-Trans women and girls will be banned from competing any women’s sports (both professional and not)
-doctors will be unable to give HRT or puberty blockers to those under the age of 16
-Performing any sort of top or bottom surgery on anyone under the age of 18 will be illegal
I honestly have no idea how to describe how upset and scared this has made me or even explain how bad and harmful this bill will be
If I missed anything or was unclear anywhere, please let me know
if you can, please sign one of the several petitions, such as this one here
If you’re albertan, support your trans friends and family as much as possible
If you’re trans just please, please stay safe
Reblogs are extremely encouraged
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terriwriting · 1 month ago
UCP introduces plan to allow them to kick disabled people off of AISH
Nixon said there will be a single application process for benefits. The government will decide what program to put an applicant in depending on their disability.  If an applicant becomes eligible for ADAP, they can reapply for AISH if their condition changes in a way to impede their ability to work. 
People currently on AISH will be evaluated to determine if they qualify for ADAP.
Marie Renaud, the NDP opposition critic for community and social services, said the government is creating a second program to move more people off AISH using criteria that hasn't been disclosed to the public.  "What they've done is given themselves the ability to go through this list and say "you go there, you go there, you go there, you go there," when we know this process is not transparent," she said. "People are waiting for months to even get a decision.The appeal process is not even accessible." Renaud said Alberta doesn't have legislation to ensure workplaces are accessible. She said people with disabilities have higher rates of unemployment and the government doesn't appear to have made the investments to change that.
Reminder that Jeremy Nixon and his family control the Mustard Seed, an organization that gets more funding as homelessness and addiction in Alberta increase.
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donaldtrumphats · 2 months ago
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smokeweedeattherich · 2 years ago
I saw this going around on reddit but not tumblr so I figured I'd share it here.
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The image was posted by Danielle herself and can be seen here. This symbol is associated with Liberty Fund, a far right American think tank that credits themselves as partially responsible for Ronald Reagans presidential campaign.
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Danielle has claimed that it's not related and is the cuneiform symbols for "freedom" and "liberty", but ask yourself, do you really trust her to tell the truth? She's revised her campaign promises multiple times, continues to condone private healthcare despite signing a measure to protect public healthcare. I'm just saying it wouldn't be a stretch to guess she might be funded by them, afterall she has some pretty damn uncanadian ideas that parallel those across the border.
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genzmilf · 1 year ago
I live in Alberta, Canada, which you may have heard is the latest province to introduce their version of "parental rights" legislation.
Here are some of the things our premier, Danielle Smith, promised to do on Wednesday;
mandate teachers report to parents (and ask permission if the child is younger than 16) if a child wants to use a different name/different pronouns in class
mandate permission forms anytime a teacher wants to mention gender or sexual orientation
ban children under the age of 16 from accessing hormones or puberty blockers
ban top & bottom surgery for anyone under the age of 18 (bottom, surgery is already illegal for anyone under 18 in Canada)
ban transgender women from competing in womens sports
These laws have been called "draconian" and were not drafted with consideration from medical, pediatric, or LGBT organizations. Danielle Smith is pandering to the social conservative wing of her party and putting queer kids in danger because of it.
"Parental Rights" are a sham that ignores the lived reality of queer kids.
I've spent the past few days feeling angry and heartbroken, and I wanted to spread awareness and share with my American followers because I haven't seen many news outlets outside of Canada covering this.
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October 29, 2024
Ms Smith: I’m pleased to rise today to move second reading of Bill 24, the Alberta Bill of Rights Amendment Act, 2024, a piece of legislation that will affirm and reaffirm the values that make Alberta one of the freest jurisdictions on the planet.
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jiminiminycrickerrttt · 4 months ago
The UCP is destroying a beautiful province with beautiful people. Danielle Smith’s rhetoric has been consistently discredited and debunked by experts and educators in almost every field imaginable, saying that her policies will actively cause harm to Albertans, but she does not care.
I hope selling out and tabling all those bills that significantly restrict our rights and freedoms was worth it for that 91.5% approval rating from her party.
But premiers don’t only make policies for their parties. Or even for the people that voted for them. They make decisions for every single person in Alberta, whether they voted, whether they couldn’t vote, literally everybody. Why can’t anyone seem to grasp that?
anyways I’m sad at the direction this province is going in. There are lovely people here, people who don’t spew hateful rhetoric, people just trying to take care of their friends and families. Division is a poison, don’t let politics make you forgo your humanity.
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yegactivist · 22 days ago
Pink Slip for Danielle Smith
Pink Slip for Danielle Smith by Paula Kirman
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allthecanadianpolitics · 4 months ago
Alberta’s government proposed legislative changes Monday to the provincial Bill of Rights aimed at giving residents the right to refuse medical treatments, including vaccines, but is leaving the final word to the courts. If passed, the new bill would protect Albertans from being “coerced” into receiving any kind of medical treatment, so long as an individual has the “capacity” to consent and is not likely to cause “substantial harm to themselves and others.” However, the bill doesn’t specifically define those terms and Justice Minister Mickey Amery told reporters the government would rely on case law and the courts to decide how they’d be interpreted.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland @abpoli
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godbirdart · 4 months ago
I'll apologize to those who followed me for art and pictures of nature. I know y'all didn't come here to watch me metaphorically bite worm-brained politicians.
Unfortunately Danielle Smith (The Alberta Premier) and the United Conservative Party (Alberta's Republicans) are being freaky creeps about transgender people again and now it's everyone's problem in Alberta, Canada.
Danielle couldn't function on a school board and got fired. I don't want her trash bin paws meddling with ANYTHING to do with ANY students, trans or not.
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"trash bin paws" isn't just a throwaway diss btw. girl really was known as Trash Can Dani for a while oof
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terriwriting · 6 months ago
UCP Party Spokeperson: "Yes the premier of Alberta believes that the United States government uses 'chemtrails' to poison and control the population. But she does not believe the US government is spraying chemtrails in Alberta. So that's alright."
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's office says her recent comments about chemtrails don't mean she believes the United States government is spraying them in the province. "The premier was simply sharing what she has heard from some folks over the summer on this issue," Smith's spokesperson Savannah Johannsen said Tuesday in a statement. "She was not saying that she believed the U.S. government was using chemtrails in Alberta." Johannsen added: "The premier has heard concerns from many Albertans about this topic. In response, the provincial government looked into the issue and found no evidence of chemtrails occurring in Alberta."
To be clear, the premier's office just admitted that Danielle Smith used government resources to look into a batshit conspiracy theory.
These people are absolute wackjobs.
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fireladybuckley · 2 years ago
I don’t usually get too political on this blog, but…
If you’re from Alberta, for the love of all that is good in humanity, please go and VOTE.
Danielle Smith wants to privatize healthcare, remove funding from programs that actively help people, blames late stage cancer diagnosis patients for not noticing their condition sooner, among numerous other terrible things. And true to the usual UCP bull, she cares more about money and oil and trades more than the actual people of the province.
She is a huge admirer of Ron DeSantis and thinks he’s doing a great job, which I’m sure anyone from the US and especially Florida can tell you is NOT a good thing!!
Please… if you want a premier that at least cares about people and not just money, vote NDP.
Rachel Notley is far from perfect, but she is a hell of a lot better than the alternative. She at least actually cares about people, and cares about the marginalized in our society. She may not balance the budget, but she will fund education, healthcare and other important things, rather than funnelling everything into a dying economy and ignoring the citizens struggling.
If you don’t want hate and cold disregard to rule our province for the next 4 years, vote NDP. Liberal, Green and any other party don’t stand a chance. This is UCP vs NDP, period.
Vote orange if you care about the people around you.
Thanks for listening. Let’s all cross our fingers that tonight’s vote isn’t the start of rights being taken away. 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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October 29, 2024
Ms Smith: Remember, vaccines will be and will remain an individual choice. You take a vaccine to protect yourself.
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cryptid-called-ash · 11 months ago
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