#continuing from ask reply
whispers-in-daydreams · 9 months
@dcviated continuing from here
Hazel eyes watched in amusement as the flamboyant man maneuvered his way into her flat. Normalcy.....was not in his DNA. She'd never say it, but Scarlett didn't mind losing some sleep if it meant interacting with Wylan. He was right. She was missing the spice he brought to her life. But again, never to admit that out loud. His ego was big enough.
She didn't bother getting out of bed. Pulling her knees up under the blankets, she rested her arms on them as she watched him. "So are you spicy or are you a vigilante?" A smile tipped the corner of her lips as she tried to keep a straight face. "Or are you a spicy vigilante?"
She watched as he nosily poked about, not in the slightest worried of him finding anything she was trying to hide. She glanced over at Sin, her cat who was the best guardian as he lay on the pillow next to hers. He'd lifted his head, yawned, and gone back to sleep. Some protector he was.
At his most prominent question, she turned and looked back at him. "I felt like exploring some ruins in South America." More like hunting down a cursed object, but that was neither here nor there. "How about you? I see they're still letting you walk freely on the streets. Or did you escape the mental Asylum ....again?" Laughter twinkled in her eyes as her lips twitched, failing in hiding her amusement in this conversation.
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reineydraws · 26 days
Is the renkaza a crackship?
nope! on ao3, they're the third biggest kny ship and the biggest kyojuro ship, actually--not that popularity automatically means a ship can't be crack? hm.
the definition of crackship is debateable lol but to me they're not cracky 'cuz the things akaza was saying during their mugen train fight and akaza's human backstory provide a lot of give in terms of connection points to kyojuro.
they're a ship for all the people who love enemies/rivals-to-lovers plots, and ships that involve a lot of physical fighting and/or searching for humanity, which are some of my fave things to look for haha. they can also just be deeply convoluted and toxic when romantically involved, which is its own brand of fun! (tho i personally tend to look for stuff that ends more wholesomely. angst with a happy ending my beloved. 💞)
i will say that while they're not a crackship, the au's where akaza just fucks off completely (like my au comic haha) or where kyo goes all-in on being a demon right away can come off cracky, but i think that's less "crackship" and more "crack taken seriously".
i hope this makes sense!
#rei replies#renkaza#akaren#kny#if there are two people fighting and one of them says 'I WANT TO FIGHT YOU FOREVER' i am one HUNDRED percent shipping them#the minute something like that is said they are already making out in my mind#ur so perfect kyojuro! u have to live forever so we can fight all the time kyojuro!#let me turn you into a demon so we can get married and cut off each others' arms forever kyojuro!#akaza was soooooo down bad#on the other side of it there's kyo forcing himself to be a pillar at all times. everyone looks up to him. he is always strong.#'SET YOUR HEART ABLAZE' he exclaims to his tsuguko and the slayers that all look to him for inspiration and guidance.#'my heart must be ablaze' he tells himself after the hundredth reprimand from the father who failed him#clutching onto his burning passionate heart so that his little brother will never see the way he crumbles on the inside.#no one should see him as anything less than the hashira he must be in his father's stead.#no one can see him weak--but for the demon that's already cut him to the quick and yet continues to insist that his strength is perfection.#and deeply empathetic kyojuro can do nothing but hope when he sees how akaza picks over his food and dogs at his heels asking for a fight.#idk there's a lot there. i feel like kyo can be ugly with akaza because he doesn't have to be perfect in front of a demon.#and like i mentioned earlier: akaza is nothing if not completely down bad for the flame hashira.#i digress
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mcflymemes · 1 year
use ask meme replies as starters. if starter calls stress you out, encourage your followers to send memes instead! that way you can pick and choose which meme suits you best, searching for the little sentence prompt in your inbox that most inspires you in the moment. at the same time, not every ask meme reply needs to be continued. sometimes they make better one-shots and drabbles, and that's okay! as long as you and your writing partners are having fun creating and telling stories together, that's all that matters!
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fist-of-vengeance · 1 month
I think Ben would love if someone was protective over him
oh absolutely!!! i think at first he wouldn't even know how to process it, since he's not used to anyone caring enough to look out for him. he would probably freak out a bit and then latch onto the person who showed the slightest bit of protectiveness like his life depended on it. i don't think ben knows how to be normal about liking someone, he'd immediately devolve into obsessive infatuation (probably to an unhealthy degree but hey i get it)
this man would follow you around just to stare at you with his sad wet eyes
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hear me out. Ambrose (derogatory) could have been such a good character if he was *actually old* (no that party city beard ain't fooling me).
Like from the beginning it could have been "I'll show him- threatening a new student before orientation, no less- ACK, oof, my back!"
And YW would have been like "Nah don't worry about it old man, I'll fight that Mall staircase or whoever for you. But first let's get you to bed, you haven't taken your meds today."
Like it could've been such a great dynamic between a guy who's knowledgeable and truly wants to help but is way past his prime, and the young apprentice who has no idea what's going on at any given time but is "yeah this dude will 100% keel over from trying to take on the weight of the spiral if I leave him alone for two seconds so I'll knock some heads for him. I like knocking heads anyway >:D"
First off I absolutely love "Ambrose (derogatory)" I'm gonna get that tattooed on my body /j
AND SO LIKE IM KINDA LIKE 🤔 AT THIS SCENARIO (not you anon your idea is absolutely lovely, just thinkin hard about this) BECAUSE LIKE. OKAY HERE'S MY THOUGHT PROCESS
I guess it would be cool to have a YW who instead seems eager and willing to fulfill the role of the Savior instead of dreading it (and it would give a bit of a different face to their relationship mentor/mentee with Ambrose) buuuuuut like in the case that Ambrose is really too old to deal with things himself, instead of whatever reason he doesn't do things in canon, he could always just like find a capable and prepared adult to deal with the nationwide threat of Malistaire INSTEAD of the new kid who's eager to fight
AND THIS ISNT ME DISSING ON YOU ANON I LOVED YOUR IDEA. Like instead of seeing the YW unhappy and resentful and trudging along doing dangerous stuff it's interesting and cool to see where in an alternate universe the YW immediately takes to being a hero and loves the action and does it FOR Ambrose, not just because he told them to. I think that would be very cute if it like, removed the actual issue that Ambrose is still relying on an ill-prepared child to do his work. Whether in canon where the YW is urged to follow Ambrose after Malistaire, or if Ambrose falters and then the YW rushes in to beat his minions up instead, it's still on the Young Wizard to clean up this very adult mess. If this scenario continues on just like canon, the Wizard still ends up being Bartleby's Scion with a tainted Shadow Soul and heaps and heaps of trauma. It just started out a little differently
I HOPE IM NOT SCARING YOU ANON IM NOT SCOLDING YOU IM JUST ANALYZING THIS (please don't be sad I love you anon ty for sending this). Please feel free to send me more of this if you like because it's really interesting tbh. I really.hope I didn't scare you off with this HASKDNDRLSJSJ this was a great ask
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yeonban · 11 months
*Permanent interactions call.
I've been thinking about it for a while now, but like or comment on this post if you're alright with me sending you asks either unprompted or from prompts you've reblogged ages ago whenever I feel like it & if you're alright with receiving random starters if I ever have the ideas for them! You're never going to be obligated to reply to them though, so they'll just be possibilities for interactions in case you ever have the inspo for them!
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piningpercussionist · 2 months
*gets on one knee*
Kim Pine, will you the honor of..
*pulls something out of pocket*
..eating this onion ring?
Did you just... No. Absolutely not. How long has that been in there?
I'm not eating your pocket onion ring- I can see the lint on it, dude.
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mattodore · 11 months
can you describe matthias and theo night routines? and their sleep schedule
<3 ly
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Theo doesn’t get a lot of sleep since he’s either out partying into the long stretches of the night or up studying until the words begin to blur on the page. I’d say he normally falls asleep around 3AM-4AM and doesn’t wake back up until 7AM. Four-ish hours is pretty average for how much sleep he gets a night… maybe less at times if he’s more stressed than usual. I should add that he does sleep more when he’s staying over at Matthias’s or vice versa, but generally he tries his best not to let Matthias distract him from studying before bed… which only ever works out about a quarter of the time. Matthias can be... very persuasive.
In the case of Matthias, well… he’s a chronic insomniac whose insomnia is exacerbated by hallucinations and nightmares. Unsurprisingly, his sleep schedule is terribly inconsistent, but if he does sleep then I think he normally manages it sometime around noon and will stay asleep for about an hour or two. It’s actually very rare that he falls asleep during the night—especially after Theo begins to sleep over, as Matthias prefers to read and watch over him at that time instead. Theo has fits in his sleep (from nightmares that he never remembers…) and Matthias gently calms him so he doesn’t wake up.
The only time they fall asleep at around the same time is when they’ve been at it for a while and both need a break. Matthias doesn’t stay asleep for long, though… maybe an hour at most. He does sleep easier around Theo, but that’s mostly just when Theo is awake. I think Matthias finds a lot of comfort in knowing Theo is there watching over him. He went through a lot at the reformation school and there were many times within those years where sleep would be abruptly interrupted and then he’d be back on the killing floor, so to speak, so having someone there to watch over him… I think it really helps. Then, on the other hand, Theo sleeps pretty deeply after they’ve been having sex. There’s never a time he feels more cared for and adored than when Matthias is making love to him, so it's... a relaxing experience. It puts Theo's mind at ease and I think it’s probably when Theo feels the safest. So he'll sleep for a long while after, feeling cradled in Matthias's presence, his anxiety finally snuffed out.
As for their actual night routines… hm. They’re very different, especially before and after the start of Echthroi. 
Theo’s night routine stays pretty much the same throughout the story. He’s not one for self-care, like, at all. Because of that, he doesn’t necessarily have a routine… Theo’s honestly only really meticulous in his studies and everything else suffers for it. However, Theo physically cannot fall asleep unless he’s checked the locks on the windows and doors and closed all of the blinds and curtains. That’s the one routine of his he’s always sure to follow through on, even when he’s intoxicated or sleep deprived.
Otherwise, what else he does as part of his “routine” is up in the air. Sometimes he showers before bed, other times he showers after waking up. Sometimes he combs through his hair all nicely and other times he just impatiently rips his fingers through his hair and shrugs. Sometimes he forgets to brush his teeth, other times he forgets that he’s already brushed his teeth and ends up doing it again. He’s a bit of a mess. If he’s actually aware/awake enough to put himself to bed, then he’ll messily wipe any makeup off his face post-clubbing and/or he’ll shower post-hook up (if it’s the pre-Matthias part of Echthroi). If he’s tired from studying he’ll put all of his materials away and then flop down on his bed. If he has to see his parents in the morning then he’ll wind up in the bathroom for too long, brushing his teeth until his gums bleed. If we’re talking about Theo in the post-meeting Matthias part of the story then he might take a cold shower to try and get Matthias out of his head for a little bit, or he’ll find himself laying in bed staring warily at his phone. Hm… and in general Theo will hum lullabies to himself so he can fall asleep easier… it’s a childhood habit.
By nature of Matthias’s insomnia, Matthias doesn’t exactly find himself preparing for bed during the night like most people. He does, however, still run through his personal care routine at around 8pm. He showers, brushes, flosses, cleanses and hydrates, primps and preens, and then he’ll usually find himself entertaining guests or a partner for the night.
For Matthias pre-meeting Theo, he’s often not alone after dark as he has a string of men with whom he takes to his bed or a list of faceless people to call on whenever he wants to be surrounded by bodies and chatter. There are still quiet nights where he’s by himself or just with Imani, but they’re relatively few and far between. For Matthias post-meeting Theo… woof. He did sleep around here and there still, but I think he gave it up pretty early on… his mind was always swimming with thoughts of Theo and he couldn’t focus on nor did he find himself interested in the men he’d have under him. So after meeting Theo his usual night circuit changes and he often finds himself staying home and reading with some wine and the occasional glance at his phone, waiting for a response. Matthias does a lot of waiting when it comes to Theo.
If they're together at night (when they’re dating), then Matthias will usually make dinner for Theo. He likes feeding him (by hand, even, though Theo often protests). Normally Theo will have a few textbooks with him that he can study from while he waits for dinner and he always winds up going "give me a minute" when the food is finally done. They'll enjoy each other's company just fine at home or they'll go out for a drive or a walk. Theo often winds up getting roped into following along with Matthias's night routine and will poke fun at how fussy Matthias can be as Matthias does skincare beside him in the bathroom. Theo tries to get away with studying again later in the night, but Matthias likes to distract him as he’s personally offended whenever Theo whips out his textbooks past, like, 11PM. In general, they'll wind up having sex at some point, or multiple points, and then they'll shower together. After they towel off and Matthias dries Theo's hair, Matthias will most likely end up reading to Theo until Theo falls asleep. If Theo wakes up during the night, Matthias simply kisses him back to sleep.
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carcarrot · 6 days
some days you just have to appreciate the comedy of life
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hotelbitches · 4 months
i miss my friends tails
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triptychofvoids · 6 months
I feel like the human building project is still missing something. Maybe another arm or 3, Id be willing to donate
youre right!! honestly, now that medic has managed to bring you guys to life (or, the frankenanon i suppose) hes not too sure what to do with it. for the time being though, he has a ton of leftover material to work with (and i do mean a lot!!) so hes going to start sewing on extra limbs. and we've got an extra jaw, another nervous system, extra organs.... it might be fun to try to put two different brains in there!! lets see what happens!! doing fucked up experiments and evil arts and crafts on you guys now, ok?
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randomnameless · 6 months
It still amaze me how so many people are going to scream about how well written 3H is and demands another story like that
Nopes or FE16 anon?
TBH, no FE game is really that "well-written" bar FE5 but the writing of the Fodlan games is really something... special.
You have a huge discrepency between the "shown" stuff and the "told" stuff and nothing that is ever shown is acknowledged, or if it is, it is in a very stupid way which makes everything so artificial, characters are discussing how the sky is purple when you see it being blue, and only in one route someone bothers correcting himself and it's supposed to be a great turning point, but the player was already, at this point, shouting at his screen in frustration.
In that regard, TS is better written and what is said matches what is shown, or characters react to what is shown to the point of changing their POV - dramatically - in the last chapters of the game lol
In a way, Fodlan games thrive on the player picking a fave and embracing their POV, regardless of what the game presents - sometimes it works because the sky is purple when the characters say it is, but sometimes, it's not and you... are not supposed to care, because your fave said the inverse, and never reconsiders.
So I wouldn't say it's well written, it's full of biased narrators but no narrator ever interacts with the plot events you're objectively playing through (especially in WC, remember Baldo'n'Waldi?).
So you're left with a blue sky, and having to pick characters saying the sky is red, yellow, green or sort of purple.
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leatherforhell · 10 months
I am once again apologizing for my absence, I think I have bronchitis (again) and I’m struggling emotionally as well (again) so I’ve been taking an informal break so I don’t put any unnecessary pressure on myself.
hopefully I’ll be around soon, maybe even this weekend, but I’m not willing to push myself before I’m ready just for the sake of keeping my blog active, so I’ll just have to ask you all to be patient with me
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lightfaithed · 1 month
“Still waiting at the pit, you didn’t run did you? Although I do LOVE a good chase”
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"I'll be the one chasing you." Was he very rusty? Yes. Was this a bad idea? Absolutely. But at least he was holding his lightsaber and some of the muscle memory had returned. Enough for Obi-Wan to boast.
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Yaaaaaaas AU babbling, I hope you’re ready for round two of questions this morning :D 1) Are the Eggs recovered from the Federation in this AU, or is their recovery due to intercepting Fed scouting reports or the like? 2) how relevant are the aliens here to the Feds? Or are they everyone’s problem? 3) what are some fun and plot irrelevant but character/world building related facts for your AU? 4) which character(s) have you found fit the setting well unexpectedly vs who gave more trouble?
Hello again! I am absolutely ready though also having breakfast lol
*wriggles hand* the /first/ group of eggs are discovered by accident on a different mission. The team of six (Philza, Jaiden, Roier, Missa, Cellbit, and Etoiles) are actually on an assassination run of all things. I say assassination run. That makes it sound sneaky, not they kicked in through the front door, systematically murdered the entire security team, hacked a teleport pad to the target's respawn chamber, and then repeatidly murdered them while also taking chips out of the respawn device until it finally broke, allowing them to perma-kill their enemy. It being Chayanne and Bobby they've actually already broken themselves out, and despite being yk physically about 10 and literally only a few months old the two very much try to help fight, making things worse. The adoptions are basically on sight - Roier and Missa give their respective children knives, while Jaiden and Philza are immediately fussing. Etoiles and Cellbit do /not/ get it until Pomme and Richarlyson show up and are like 'oh I would die for them now'. The eggs are not able to communicate telepathically, but have a level of awareness of each other on a psychic level. Because of this the characters are aware there are more kids in need of rescue, and keep their eyes out. While some of the eggs have a stronger connection to each other than the rest, Dapper has the easiest time messing with it, so once they find him finding the rest becomes a lot easier. It wouldn't have worked for Trump/A1, however. For... Plot reasons. And whomever ends up in Tilin's place, whether it is Tilin or the memories egg, gets a very shaky time. If I'd done more of that sort of mission Tallulah would have had the same sort of problem, but I didn't, so she gets a reprieve. JuannaFlippa frequently breaks out to get herself food. Tallulah however is trying to be a good girl and well we see how well that goes...
Right okay! So in XCOM there's a sub-faction of aliens known as ADVENT. ADVENT are responsible for all human-facing alien interactions post-invasion, from political spokesmen to policing to healthcare workers. The last of these tend to be actual (if brain chipped) humans, while the others... They tell people they're human, at least. I am a strong believe in the QSMP of the Federation just being a branch of a much wider probably multi-island organisation. Ergo, the Federation are just a group under the aliens, ones where the aliens in their number are mostly humanoid and the rest of their staff are human. Workers like Fred and Walter Bob are non-human Federation workers, people like Aypierre and Jaiden are (ex) Federation workers. People like Baghera... Well... Baghera's a very fun case and I am sat here giggling with cruel intent just thinking about it. Needless to say that while the Federation has only legally existed since the invasion, its been on earth just by another name and much more secretly for much, much longer...
Oh man fun but not plot relevant... Hm... Half the crew are convinced Quackity and ElQuackity are the same person, just Quackity gets real bitchy when its nighttime. They're not. They're twins that co-run the on-ship bar, but because they're also the only bartenders and its a 24/7 establishment... ElQuackity isn't exactly like... /good/ or /above board/ here, but there's only so much damage he can do with serving alcohol so they kinda just let him hang out. Fred claims to have defected years ago. He actually only defected a few months ago because he saw a cute boy and didn't understand what it meant so followed him home. Everyone knows, nobody actually calls him out on this. Tubbo is not allowed to go out on missions, but he does control the semi-automated airship defences and I mean it isn't /really/ a plot important to say he absolutely gets to use them at one point. After the invasion, the aliens tried to break up the Brazilians by leaving all the ones they captured in different bits of the Americas. This obviously failed. So when they get their hands on another, they dump him in Australia. This still doesn't work and okay maybe its a bit plot relevant, but I've already written a bit about while Mike was missing and the fact he ended up in Australia so like... Please, please imagine how funny it is that the aliens keep capturing Brazilians and trying to split them up but no matter how far apart they put them /somehow/ they always find each other again. And, yes, they're specifically after the Brazilians, as those 5/6 are kinda the ringleaders of the whole shebang. Whenever they need to do a public announcement, the aliens wheel Cucurucho out. He's a whole lot less charasmatic than XCOM2's speaker, but a whole lot cuter. Contrary to popular belief no Bagi has not has a girlfriend before. Or a boyfriend for that matter. Or any other flavour of partner. Neither has Cellbit. Roier, however, has absolutely fucked an alien for information before. There have been at least three separate incidents of sex in the autopsy lab and, to everyone's surprise, none of them involved Slimescicle (he's a bit scared of tbh) (it's more private than anywhere else with anything that looks like a bed) Felps would like to claim he has had the best time out of all of the Brazilians. The worst thing is this is actually true. Cellbit's psychic abilities are not as self taught as he'd like you to believe, but anyone who can contradict him is long dead so it doesn't really matter. Given the limited resources a number of people had to get okay with communal living and touchy-feely things very quickly. This went better for some than others.
Okay kinda referenced her above, but while she's one of my later recruited units and came underlevelled and in a class I'm not as fond of so doesn't get much screentime (au is a type up of a playthrough, else she'd have got a lot more and Missa would have been demoted to house husband once Chayanne showed up ^^;), but Baghera. Oh, Baghera, she goes so neatly into all of this, poor girl. Aypierre was another unexpectedly nice surprise on how neatly he fits in, given the whole current lore with him and stuff. UNfortunately I have no clue how to write him and along with Tubbo and Forever, another pair that give me trouble, is writing half of the plot relevant documents as the fucking head of research *facepalm*. For unexpectedly hard... Wilbur Fucking Soot. You would think that with a near future style setting 'touring musician' would be easy but oh my fucking god he's a pain in the ass to work into this. Especially as I really love the idea of the Federation owning his record label. If it wasn't for Tallulah I'd have thrown him out the damn window already. A good number of them I haven't fully hammered out, but frankly literal demons are easier to work in than touring musicians, so I don't think it'll be so bad.
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littledreamling · 2 years
(fic idea, angst, hurt/no comfort, major character death) When Dream gets imprisoned, when Hob gets stood up, when the White Horse gets torn down, something breaks in Hob, something empty and cold, something like a black void, something like his heart. Life is hard for immortals; he has to move, had to change his name, has to reinvent himself every other decade or so. Technology makes staying under the radar just that much harder; moving his money around has gotten almost impossible; finding a legitimate job is out of the question (he was born before National Insurance Numbers, he’s had to lie about his entire existence to even get housing, much less a way to pay for said housing). It’s exhausting and the prospect of every new move is daunting. It overpowers any joy that life still has for him. So he lets the White Horse get torn down and he doesn’t build a replacement. He holes himself up in his flat for too long, drinks too much, and when his mind gets too loud, when he slowly comes to the realization that there is nothing left for him, not without significant danger to himself, he bites the bullet and calls for Death. And Death, an Endless, bound to her duty, offers her hand and a gentle smile and takes his soul, a soul that is long overdue for her comfort
When Dream escapes, his focus is on his tools, on the retrieval of his power and his wayward creations, on restoring his realm. Only once that is complete does his sister seek him out, to break his moody reverie. Their conversation follows much the same lines, except instead of mentioning how much Dream’s pet project would love to see him, she grows uncharacteristically somber at the mere mention of immortals. She seems to be mourning someone, though Dream can’t guess who. Surely, Mad Hettie hasn’t finally succumbed to his sister’s sweet embrace? When pressed, Death seems shocked that he doesn’t know; she slowly and softly tells him that Hob had asked for her gift.
The world grinds to a halt.
Dream can’t believe it. He refuses to. Hob, his ever-faithful, ever-hopeful, ever-joyful Hob? Asking for Death’s gift? It seems impossible. Yet Death is not one for cruel jokes, and she is deathly serious. There is a grief in her eyes that assures him of the truth; Hob is gone from the mortal realm.
At first, he is angry. How could she grant him that which she had withheld for so long? How could she rob the world of his soul? How could she? How could she? How could she? He collapses with it, right there on the sidewalk, tears made of stars and space dust welling in his eyes and she holds him, holds him together as he falls apart. She tells him that she had no choice; she is bound to her function, just as all of the Endless are. Hob had asked, she had to give.
Then, he is desperate. His Ravens, they had been mortals once, too. Surely, Hob had chosen to stay in the Dreaming. Surely, Hob had not abandoned this universe forever to face the unknown beyond. Surely, Hob would choose to stay, as he had chosen to stay so many times over during the course of his long life. But even as he looks into his sister’s eyes, hopeful beyond hope, pleading for reassurance, he knows it is not true. He is the Dreaming and the Dreaming is him. With Dream gone, there had been no Dreaming for Hob to stay in. He had had no choice; his soul passed on. He was gone, well and truly gone. Hob Gadling had breathed his last.
When it came time for Dream to destroy the vortex, even after discovering his familial connection, even after discovering the ruination that would result from her death, he did not hesitate. The spilling of family blood would be the end of his physical body, but his spirit had died with Hob. There was a numbness in the empty cavity where his heart would be if her were mortal; the Dreaming grew dull and grey; a fog hung low over the landscape, broken only by intense storms that flooded the entire realm for months at a time. And when the Kindly Ones came to claim their revenge for the blood on his hands, he surrendered willingly. This universe held nothing for him anymore. And when he gazed into his sister’s understanding eyes, at the end of it all, he hoped with a hope beyond belief, that Hob Gadling would be waiting for him on the other side
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