#context absolutely matters
foulfirerebel · 1 year
This might be a bit of a controversial topic so I understand if you don’t want to answer but who do you think was in the right between ghira and sienna? Specifically in the Adam trailer.
In the interest of fairness, I will be considering both perspectives here and the overall situation.
There are, roughly speaking, 9 racists shooting at The White Fang convoy passing through. With Sienna's blessing, Adam breaks cover and deals with six of them before the seventh guy frantically charges while firing and then Adam slashes him with Moonslice and kills him.
Putting the rest under a readmore, I go on for a while.
In Ghira's perspective, he only scolds Adam over the killing part. He got hit in the hand and his aura flared but didn't flicker or die. The rest of the Fang with them are likewise armed and could've shot back at any time/could've probably disarmed the racist when he got closer as he's running and firing blind. This does include Sienna likewise, and Illia who's there with them.
As he's lecturing and scolding Adam over how this is the very reason people THINK they can treat Faunus unfairly, Sienna interrupts. From HER perspective, Adam saved Ghira's life and is a hero for killing a racist. Nobody else, from Sienna's perspective, jumped to shoot back or otherwise to return fire when their enemy began firing on them.
In my humble opinion, they're both correct. In the short term, Sienna has the right of way: everyone else is armed, Adam was quick to action, and the racist was shooting at them and running toward them. To declare Adam a hero for saving Ghira's life is also a nice little ego boost for Adam himself, but that's another point.
In the long term, however, Ghira's correct. The violent actions of Adam's, including the assassinations and trying to blow up the train in the black trailer, and the fall of beacon and the MANY human lives he's taken and otherwise brushed off as accidents (including the DC comic where he even gloats to Blake about how he was crying when they first met over not getting to kill MORE humans, not over the Faunus dead) does end up damaging Faunus' perception with the overall public and the White Fang as a whole.
But what about Adam himself?
Rewatching the trailer, Adam deals with a total of SIX people (if my count is correct) without any form of lethal force. He comes close, but always knocks them out or otherwise sends them packing. He even snarls at the two calling them all "freaks" and seemed like he was going to go after them next, if Ghira hadn't interrupted.
If he's really THAT fast, there's no way he couldn't have just tackled the running guy down and disarmed him. The guy was running and firing blind, the rest of the White Fang is behind the truck, Ghira's aura didn't break cause of one gun shot, etc.
The trailer further demonstrates that "accidents" like that aren't uncommon with Adam in the field, and he gaslights and emotionally manipulates Blake when she calls him out on it. Sienna even has to call him off from executing an SDC security officer.
Of course, in the heat of the moment, there's usually no time to think about what's going on and what the best thing to do is. All that's left at the end of the day is the consequences of what is done. It doesn't seem like Adam himself lost any sleep over the racist being dead, and I wouldn't either.
But what's crucial to me is that nobody other than Ghira, Blake, Sienna (in V5), or Illia, questioned his actions...until he utterly fails in V5 with the Haven raid.
In that moment, he could've learned something about the proper application of force and why spilling blood isn't the way to do things unless it's absolutely necessary. Ghira never objected to kicking the racist's asses, just the killing part.
And we all see what feeding Adam's ego does to him. So, basically, I find Ghira's point to be valid had he had been allowed to deliver the whole lecture about how it'll be used to spread more fear and hatred. Because that's exactly what Blake's view, and the view of the White Fang and Faunus, end up being in places like Mistral and Atlas (and judging by idiots like Cardin and the casual racism spewed by Torchwick, Vale isn't immune).
Though, again, I agree with Sienna's call to send Adam in to deal with the situation since he was seemingly the fastest among their number.
Short term, Sienna. long term, Ghira. I swing toward Ghira given that Adam would repeatedly get into arguments with Blake about his number of "accidents". He needed a good scolding or a lecture at that point. If praise was to be given, it should've been for helping them out of that jam and worded as such. Not calling him a "hero" and inflating his ego.
Because if he's a hero for killing one auraless guy...then what else can he be called a "hero" for? What next, in other words? What else can he get away with, heedless of the consequences?
This isn't to say I'm not against lethal self-defense and niether is the show: Blake and Yang killed Adam after he refused to back off despite warnings, Ruby tries going for kill shots on Tyrian and slices his tail off, Jaune attempted to stab Cinder in the face, etc.
Unless you have the ability to otherwise disarm and make absolutely certain the lethal force coming at you is neutralized nonlethally, yes I do think lethal force can be used when met with lethal force.
Like I said earlier, however, the problem is optics. Who's using the lethal force against whom? Will this be seen as necessary or twisted? Is it survival or just revenge?
The court of public opinion unfortunately is real, and people defending themselves get thrown in jail a lot. People have also used Stand Your Ground and other laws to chase people down and kill them and then TRY to claim self-defense. Whether it works or not is up to the court and/or jury.
But it can be especially damning when one is part of a group demanding equality, as bigots will pounce on that and try to discredit a group of people (even going so far as to make things up). It's worse when they have power and the people fighting them don't, because the media can easily twist things to make them seem the villain (Queer rights, the Civil Rights movement, Occupy Wall Street, etc.)
In this case, however, we're dealing with people with superhuman speed up against relatively normal people. It's like Superman being threatened by a punk with a gun and killing them instead of the numerous ways he can disarm him...which, ironically, led to Justice Lord Superman in the old JLA animated series but that's a whole other story. Plus, the White Fang has more been compared to the IRA then the Black Panthers and that comparison makes more sense given the very real violence the IRA committed.
That's just me. I don't lose sleep over a racist being dead myself, just the optics and long-term damage caused by Adam afterward especially when he gained a position of power himself. It obviously wouldn't start there, but it's a neat way to show how things shifted toward where they are now.
TL:DR: I agree with both of them, though lean more towards Ghira given the events of the series and Adam's worsening violent antics. Nothing wrong with the lethal approach when confronted with lethal force, but there has to be a consideration of how much force is applied before one goes too far.
Even Ghira, IIRC, did say he learned a few things and fought against the White Fang when they were trying to assassinate him and his family and later at Haven. Sienna herself even spoke out against Adam's actions at Beacon too as being beyond the pale since he attacked a school. They’re both correct and should’ve worked together more in my honest opinion.
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laurapetrie · 1 year
I always live in a dream world.
Jackie Kennedy in conversation with Richard Nixon, 1971
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carehounds · 1 year
Its not that the batteries are meant to represent yellows intelligence In any way to be honest i think its more akin to constant fatigue and having a disability that hinders how well your thoughts and words come out more than anything. Hes always been a smart boy. having trouble with words or expressing his thoughts doesn't make him any less smarter than he is!!!
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xylophone888 · 6 months
headcanon: rincewind has a pretty great sense of humor actually but literally no one can understand when hes joking and when hes serious (except for (usually) him) because he pronounces it all with the same exact cadence plus with the amount of stuff hes been through you can never tell if he's joking or serious about having gotten an autopsy a couple months ago
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astranauticus · 10 months
stultifera navis rerun AKA thinking about Iberia hours again because a lot of the Iberians have such fascinating relationships with the concept of home but specifically Thorns and Lumen are eating at my brain. like where do you call home when the place that is your home Just Fucking Hates You? Elysium's rewinding breeze specifically makes a point to hammers home how differently Iberia treats its Liberi and its Aegir
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(which is especially interesting since this comes right after a conversation where Purestream commented on how despite Leizi being a high ranking government official, there are still some experiences that are universal for all Yanese people - because the experience of what Iberia itself is like isnt universal for all Iberians)
But all that being said, Thorns also straight up states that Aegir is not his home, and yeah, how could it be? How could a place you've never been to, never truly known, ever be your home? How could it ever feel like a home?
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so where do you go when the place that you are from hates your people and the place your people are from is completely unfamiliar and alien to you? Thorns' answer at the end of the conversation with Aya is: my home is where i chose it to be. my home is where there are people I care about and people who care about me
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in the complete opposite direction, Lumen's oprec asks: why do you still stay in a place that wants you gone? because the people of Gran Faro like Jordi well enough but when push comes to shove, they will want the only Aegir in town gone
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and yet, when Rald the messenger offers him a chance to leave Jordi turns him down and when he's forced to escape Gran Faro after the people there literally try to send him to his death (or worse) at the hands of the Inquisitors he keeps trying to go back because like everyone in stultifera navis, Jordi is clinging to his own dreams of a golden age
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but the shape of that dream is unique to every character and for Jordi, his dreams are deeply, inseparably bound to the Eye of Iberia, the legacy his parents left behind
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and it's this dream of becoming someone great, of bringing about that golden age that his parents devoted their lives to help create that ties Jordi to this nothing town because despite everything, despite the mistrust of the townsfolk and the hostility of the Inquisition and the danger from the ocean, he simply cannot leave it behind
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(or, because i personally dislike the official translation,)
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"I just see this place as my home"
so yeah. not sure what overall point i was trying to make here i'm just. deeply in love with these stories about chosing what is and isn't your home, of saying you will not call a place your home because it has given you no reason to or saying you consider a place your home even though it has given you every reason not to. deeply unwell about them <3
#arknights#asto speaks#not much of an essay writer i just keep thinking about them and i need to force other people to think about them too#thorns story fucks me up bc like. this whole almost found family adjacent idea of like#maybe home isnt something decided by your birth but something you can chose based on what truly matters to you#it just gets to me. i guess.#jordi gets to me in a completely different direction there's nothing personal about it i just find his story *fascinating*#just a guy. a completely normal guy. an absolute nobody caught up in these dreams of greatness while also fully aware of his own normalcy#but never letting either of those overshadow the other. never losing that self awareness or that fuckin obsessive determination#god. what a Character#i love jordi so much like genuinely#i joke a lot about him being just a Guy but thats also kinda like the best thing about him#the fact that he is the way that he is and does all the things he does despite being just a Guy#gently holds#for context i was so hyped about new iberia lore when sn was announced i read the whole thing as soon as it dropped on cn server#cuz someone uploaded all the story sections to bilibili right after it came out#and '我只是把这里当作自己的故乡啊' fucking hit me SO HARD#in like the greater context of elysium demanding to know why hes risking his life in like 5 different ways to return to gran faro#because yeah jordi just doesnt want to leave his home but like we the audience knows the full *weight* of what that home means to him#and the weight of the dreams that made him chose to see Gran Faro as his home and to refuse to let go of that#thats why i like the original a lot more than the translation i think like it really emphasises that active *choice*.#this is the place jordi has *decided* to see as his home and he knows what that means and what it means to him#side note the part on thorns might not actually age well depending on whether hg decides to ever release more aulus lore#i mean i'll gladly take the L if it means more aulus and/or thorns lore like#i just wanna know what (if anything) is tying him to iberia yknow#ak#iberiaposting
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dennisboobs · 10 months
some of you should not speak on dennis until you've rewatched sunny in full instead of just the macden-centric eps.
#literally not even a matter of like. different interpretations it's just some of y'all forget literal canon events that disprove shit#i get schooled by people abt den too i have my weaknesses w writing him#but like oh my god#some of y'all would be better off if you looked at him outside of a macden context#he's not evil incarnate#he's fucked up and he does awful shit#but that is a little boy wearing an adult face#to just make him evil for no reason completely removes any interesting bits of him.#one of the keys to sunny's writing is that#rcg always makes sure that motivation is understandable *in that character's eyes*#dennis has a very specific purpose for everything he does#he isn't just cruel for no fucking reason#he's 'brutally honest' because he thinks its his duty to break the news#he's absolutely entitled and arrogant and misogynistic#but he doesn't set out to be Mean just for the sake of it#den thinks he is doing good. he thinks he's in the right. its not him it's everyone else.#he's doing you a favour by saying you're ugly (and propping up his own decimated self esteem)#that being said he's also not innocent pookie either#but i would say its like. in a lot of ways he IS oblivious to the reality of what hes saying/doing#part of that is his privilege as a white man who grew up being supported by and continues to be supported by his parent's wealth#but the gang enables the shit he does just as frank financially enables him#they are so insular it's like impossible to break out of the gang and interact with normal people#because if they don't get it then dennis is going straight back to the gang to feel validated and to hell w everyone else#on some level he knows shit is unacceptable but he's never learned Why and never will because theres no reason to#like when mac is completely fucking shocked by den talking abt the implication dennis CANNOT let that go unchecked#he needs mac to understand him because he's realizing that it's *actually* fucked up. bc even mac thinks so.#and when dee calls what happened with klinsky Rape everything IMMEDIATELY crumbles for him#dennis is introspective but he will justify shit and compartmentalize until his friends challenge it#he looks to media; tv and movies where the protagonist gets away with shit because its schlock fiction#and dennis DOES see himself as a protagonist. it's all justifiable bc he's the good guy.
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danse--macabre · 11 months
I don't care what canon says, the whole party is going to avernus together with karlach for Steal Her Heart Back DLC (which they complete fantastically). After zariel is taken down, wyll retires from adventuring and becomes duke (enough self-sacrifice for one life wyll! go dancing!) and everyone else just lounges around the grand estate in the upper city taking over the space like it's the entire top floor of the elfsong again. gale has a reading nook that then becomes a whole little wizards tower attached to the north-west of the palace. when not doing cleric duties, shadowheart collects scented candles and fusses over the lighting arrangements and spends lots of time at the spa. karlach has friends from the lower city over at least twice a week and hosts an impromptu party. lae'zel visits on her red dragon once a month and lets the tiefling kids pet it. astarion is there.
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licollisa · 2 years
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And this includes artists who made their AUs centered around a sans or papyrus.
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
"And she [Sophie] couldn't help noticing how good he [Keefe] smelled—like wind and salt air and something a little citrusy."
hey guys remember when on page 646 of stellarlune shannon confirmed that keefe is a bit fruity (/hj)
#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#kotlc shitpost#keefe sencen#soph ty for giving us this detail while you were off being a sophie-koala <3#(sophie-koala is now a term used in canon once so far and i am taking it and RUNNING)#sokeefe#because this is from the sokeefe chapter we've all heard about by now (42)#but also. the fact that he smells like wind and salt air and something a lil citrusy?#using that for at LEAST one keefitz fic#actually that's just gonna be a staple detail about keefe for me now. keefitz sokeefitz sokeefe something else i WILL use a similar#description to this no matter what. keefe absolutely WOULD smell like oranges. to me.#just because i love the idea of him going from eating oranges to use the peel for a smiley face the way kids love to do in elementary#to do it for that and because he just likes the fruit#salt air is pretty self explanatory because he likes the ocean but like. wind?#i'm pretty sure the context in this one is that he was off flying w/ silveny but. i love the idea that he ALWAYS smells like wind#like wind in your hair on a roadtrip like wind whipping against your clothes in a summer thunderstorm like wind blowing through lonely#hilltops like wind trying to catch you when you're falling off a cliff knowing damn well it won't save you but trying anyway#wind is never here to stay. keefe's never here to stay. he's wired to always be on the move#keefe being equated w/ wind is just. yes#damn i kinda derailed from keefe being a fruit but. he can be both guys i promise
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hella1975 · 1 year
ive got an essay due at 3pm tomorrow and ive not even looked at it i am so so unserious about my degree and by the grace of some higher being i somehow keep managing to crawl through it's actually getting a bit funny
#me and an old friend of mine used to have a running joke during a-levels that im just one of those people where shit Works Out#and it started bc we shared two a-levels (english and economics) and in BOTH classes i regularly didn't do the homework#or the reading etc and yet it would ALWAYS work out for me#like we'd walk into a class neither of us having done the homework and they'd get yelled at while i went under the radar somehow#or that one english essay i got the highest score in the class when i literally hadn't even read the fucking book it was on#and when we pointed the theory out it started just becoming really prevalent#like no matter how late i am for things i'll arrive and by some miracle the thing im late for is also late (e.g a train or teacher)#like im just one of those people that has very very mundane luck#and low and behold i am fighting this degree with bloody fists putting the absolute bare minimum in for my own sanity's sake#and i SOMEHOW keep pulling through. literally failed two modules last year and STILL got a 2:1 average#and the last essay i wrote was the worst essay id ever done in my life and i get my standards are higher bc ik im good at essays#but the point still stands and you know what? i got a FIRST#literally was pure waffle i have never blagged it so hard and i got a FIRST#and all this shit just makes me cockier and cockier and go even more by the skin of my teeth and it ALWAYS WORKS OUT#it's soooo silly but im not complaining. anyway ill keep u posted about this essay <3 it's econ history so is actually interesting#but the most ive done for it is ask the sc ai lmao and for context degree-level essays usually require a good few days of graft#live love laziness#hella goes to uni
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skydigiblogs · 5 months
ykw i just realized i haven't actually posted about the shit i liked about ghost game and i was thinking about like.
gammamon and gulusgammamon's relationship today???
the resolution of that whole thing really made me and my system happy, because one of us was literally in the middle of writing an essay about how no one ever does the "superpowered evil side" trope right, yeah?
ghost game is literally the only time i think they've ever done it alright from a system's perspective
mostly because while yeah, that whole conflict comes to a head at the climax of the series, it also doesn't end in some annoying shit where either gammamon Learns To Control His Evil Side (functionally destroying gulus) or Finds A Better Higher Power (technically he does as siriusmon but), he just goes DUDE YOU NEED TO CHILL and gulus grumpily obliges after getting the shit kicked out of him.
i'm pretty sure i've seen a few systems right more in-depth posts about this here on tumblr but like... yeah...
gammamon system my beloved
#sky talks#digimon#digimon ghost game#i was tempted to fold a shitpost into this but decided to separate it out into its own post because i do want to seriously like#bring this up#also yes if you're wondering i was thinking about this because of the gray matter fancomic#which is fleshing this out in a way that i am SOOO excited for#was literally laying in bed last night kicking my feet thinking about how excited i am to see how they handle kaus and wezen#girlies (gender neutral) will literally fantasize about positive plural representation instead of going to sleep#it's me i'm girlies (gender neutral)#i'm going to continue my gray matter fancomic propaganda for a while probably and i'm not sorry#it's a good fancomic#but yeah when we first finished GG we were fucking screaming about siriusmon vs regulusmon#BY THE WAY#THE STAR WE CALL SIRIUS?#IS ACTUALLY TWO STARS ORBITING ONE ANOTHER#SIRIUS A AND SIRIUS B#i'm absolutely feral about that note in the context of gammamon's system by the way#like from the first time we saw gulus our system was freakingg out and desperately praying that it wouldn't end in some stupid shit#(stupid shit defined here as Singlet Weirdness)#AND THEN BANDAI ACTUALLY KIND OF STUCK THE LANDING#LIKE YEAH WE GET THE FIGHT BETWEEN THE TWO BUT GHOST GAME'S DEDICATION TO THE THEME OF “NOT EVERYTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS”#EVEN EXTENDED TO FUCKING SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG'S DRAGONSONA#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#you know that one image of the person on their hands and knees biting something and tearing it apart like a dog?#that's me with gamma and gulus#god
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
For disability pride month, start amplifying disabled voices (you should be doing that anyway but especially this month)! There are a lot of people who try to be allies but end up speaking over us in quite harmful ways.
Like one of the things I've seen much of in the last couple days has been a lot of push for person-first language, that being language that centers the individual instead of the disability (ex: person who uses a wheelchair instead of wheelchair-bound). And I'm all for person-first language but keep in mind, that's an individual preference! Disability-focused language is actually preferable to a lot of people, myself included. The problem allies have with it is that it emphasizes the "problem" over the person, therefore it is "dehumanizing". However, for some, it is the opposite. Our disabilities are a big part of our lives, even to the point of practically controlling them. The focus on it helps push against the "it's not disabilities, it's different abilities!" mentality that is super harmful.
All in all, it's personal preference. If you want to use "person who uses a wheelchair" or "accessibility parking" instead of "handicap parking", that's up to you. Just be respectful of someone else's preferences, and if a disabled peer wants you to use certain language around them, do that. And remember to spread minority voices!
Oh and if I catch any of you spreading "it's not disabilities, it's different abilities!" I will tie you to a chair and force you to watch a sideshow until you learn the difference.
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thequiver · 1 year
Meltzer retcon people are so weird like…… how it is a gotcha that Ollie, fresh from the island and deeply traumatized after his only friend tried to MURDER HIM, is like “yeah I can’t be a dad right now- I’m gonna offer Moonday literally anything she needs to make sure Connor is provided for and I care about him and love him so I want to hold him and carry his picture with me, but I can’t be the father he deserves.”
Like why do you WANT baby Connor to have a dad that hasn’t processed any of that trauma? Why do you WANT baby Connor to be in a position where his dad is unwell and not in a place to be a present father? Why do you WANT that?
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hellkitepriest · 8 months
"i should make jonathan higgs birthday gifs" ok but what about your MOTHER's birthday gifs
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longagoitwastuesday · 10 days
ngl it sort of pisses me off the way adults regard Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen at times. Which could be a very interesting and poignant point in a good way if well written, but as it is it becomes mainly just frustrating and sad in a negative way.
Nanami saying Gojo never cared about anything or anyone other than himself crashes interestingly with Kusakabe saying the whole situation was just all his fault because he refused to kill Itadori. The students are very aware of those aspects of Gojo's personality, but overall they seem to regard him with way more kindness and fondness even when at their rudest, not truly coinciding with either Nanami's or Kusakabe's views.
#Kusakabe's words are harsh and negative but there's some true and some logic to them#but in beholding the entire story and the whole context‚ especially with the flashbacks in mind‚ in getting to know the sweet kid Yuuji is‚#the reader is made to find Kusakabe's words a bit outrageous and cruel and Gojo's position becomes the obvious one like Nanami's was#Like Kusakabe's is too in a way since he too says no matter what it's always the adults' fault whatever the cause was#And following the story we see Gojo cared a lot about those kids and them keeping their youthful cheerfulness if in his very flippant way#That's basically his main constant thread. We see it at the very beginning in what he did for Yuta and how Yuta is so fond of him#We see him at the very end in a way too with the letters he left#And his entire motivation was changing the very messed up society to avoid the kids going through what he and his friends went through#and to prevent them from being lonely the way he felt he was. Ontologically alienated. Entirely othered#And of course it's in part him keeping people away like Shoko. Or even Yuta (though here again it's at the core of his action his attempt#at protecting the kids and trying to prevent them from growing too fast)#And of course this is motivated by his own experiences and in that sense not entirely a selfless act#But those things still don't negate that his goal was for the future kids to be... in a better situation than what he and his friends lived#So Nanami's words are very cruel and... blind. Of course it's possible that Gojo's way of approaching the problem is still something#Nanami would regard as selfish (but it could be argued that so is Nanami's)‚ or that Gojo's perception of Nanami's way of thinking#about him would be this negative. But what we see through the story absolutely contradict Nanami's words in that airport#And though both Nanami's words and Kusakabe's are negative in regards to Gojo‚ they in a way contradict each other#The kids' words and way of seeing Gojo is most of the time more... accurate? If also diverse among them#They see him like an idiot. They trust him. They think he's childish and annoying. They love him#They find him flippant. They know he cares about them. In a way they see both what Kusakabe and Nanami say about him#The negative. And the ultimate positive aspect at the core of it all. That Gojo did care and that Gojo did take care#and that Gojo risked and sacrificed a lot for them and that Gojo was doing this in great part because of his own past#Yuta perhaps is the one who sees it best but it's so interesting too the dynamic Maki‚ Yuuji and Megumi have with Gojo‚ his acts and antics#And this whole thing‚ this frivolous and even... cruel way most adults seem to regard Gojo and how it clashes with the kids' deep feelings#about him (beyond the initial 'he's an untrustworthy idiot' though those as well!') is super interesting and super sad and super juicy#OR IT COULD BE bc in the end all that happens is that Nanami says that and Gojo pouts comically or that Kusakabe makes that offhand comment#as if it held no weight‚ as if Yuji weren't present and had never agonised over it‚ as if Gojo hadn't lost his life trying to save the kid#And yes he risked more than his life but he was trying to save a kid bc another kid (bc Megumi!) asked. But maybe it didn't matter if no one#asked. He saved Yuta too. Of course he would have risked it all. In his mix of selfishness and selflessness. Everything is so juicy#yet the writing feels so dry and lame. There's no pondering. There's talk of guilt and grief without any true sense of grieving or loss
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 8 months
i feel like i should start making more of an effort, when i talk about something in a piece of media being Upsetting to me, to distinguish between 'cathartic' upsetting and 'gave me psychic damage' upsetting. sometimes i mean OUGH OW MY FEELINGS THIS FUCKS ME UP IN A MEANINGFUL AND RESONANT WAY, MY LIFE IS ENRICHED FOR BECOMING AWARE OF IT and sometimes i mean that it is genuinely distressing and i want to shake the creators and ask what the fuck they were thinking
#whosebaby talks#blog policy#this goes double when it comes to pieces of media to which i have both reactions lmao#i worry sometimes that not being clear about it makes it come across as if i'm saying 'something containing upsetting subject matter is Bad#when in fact a lot of upsetting subject matter is critical to depict; diversely so and often#and i am fiercely protective of the rep that resonates with me#which a lot of people are extremely quick to label as A Disrespectful Depiction absolutely no matter how it's done bc they want it erased#and use 'well it's only valid if it's done *respectfully*' as the Shirley Exception; with no intention of ever letting one be Allowed#but in spite of that there *are* absolutely fucking horrible and incredibly disrespectful ways for Upsetting Subject Matter to be depicted#and that deserves well-informed discussion and criticism; starting from an understanding of the actual purposes of fiction#and what infrastructure and language and framing and technique is used to achieve those purposes#and sometimes the purposes of a particular use are fucking awful! and executed in ways designed to cause real damage + get away with it!#so when i'm talking about something being Upsetting in the psychic damage sense; i'm referring to that#and the fact that not only is it infuriating and upsetting to witness that process in action#it amplifies the already deeply emotionally loaded subject matter; which may already require selfcare to engage with even when cathartic#and then yanks away the catharsis and just leaves you blasted in the face by uncushioned unvarnished Oh Right This Horrible Thing Exists#Thanks for Shoving My Face Straight into Boiling Acid Asshole#anyway complicated feelings about it but yeah i feel like i should try to be clearer lmao#(this isn't just about depictions of SA; and abuse in the sense most people think of first when they hear the word)#(although it comes up in that context often)#(see: Big Screan at pretty much everything with the talking animals in sd/mi but especially the fucking asylum lmao)
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