#content performance
ennobletechnologies · 8 months
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When you create marketing materials, it’s important to consider what will make them influential. After all, the goal of marketing is to influence the behavior of your target audience. But what exactly is influential marketing?
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/creating-influential-marketing-that-converts-top-10-tips/
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evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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gsinfotechvispvtltd · 17 days
Why Your Content Marketing Strategy Isn’t Working (And How to Fix It)
Introduction Content marketing can be a game-changer, but if you're not seeing results, it's time to rethink your strategy. Instead of sounding like an expert or AI text generator, let's talk like we're just two friends discussing this over coffee.
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Goals: Are You Even Trying to Win? First things first, you need clear goals. Without them, your content's just floating around aimlessly. Think about what you want to achieve, like boosting web traffic or getting more leads. Once you know that, you can focus your efforts and measure your success.
Who's Your Audience, Anyway? If your content doesn't resonate with your target audience, they're not gonna stick around. Take some time to really get to know who they are, what they care about, and what problems they're trying to solve. When you create content that speaks directly to them, they'll be much more likely to engage with it.
Are You Being Reliable? People like consistency, especially when it comes to the content they follow. Create a content calendar to plan out when you'll post, and try to stick to it. That way, your audience knows when to expect new stuff from you and they'll be more likely to keep coming back for more.
Quality Over Quantity, Always It's not about how much content you create, it's about how good it is. Invest in creating valuable, engaging, and well-researched content that actually helps your audience. That way, you'll stand out from the crowd and establish yourself as a trustworthy source of information.
Pay Attention to the Data Don't ignore the metrics that show you how your content's doing. Use analytics tools to track key performance indicators and figure out what's working and what isn't. This will help you refine your strategy and make sure you're always moving in the right direction.
Case Study: From Struggling to Slaying It A tech company was having a tough time with their content marketing until they took a step back, reassessed their strategy, and made some changes. They got clear on their goals, made sure their content was tailored to their audience, and upped their game when it came to quality. The result? A 40% increase in website traffic and a significant boost in lead generation within just three months!
So, if you're feeling stuck with your content marketing, don't despair. Take a page from their book and focus on setting clear goals, understanding your audience, being consistent, creating quality content, and paying attention to the data. With these steps in place, you'll be well on your way to a more effective and impactful content marketing strategy.
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isubhamdas · 19 days
Measuring Social Media Marketing Success
Unlock the secrets to measuring social media success. This guide reveals key metrics, expert tips, and real-world examples to track ROI and boost your brand’s online visibility. Continue reading for an in-depth exploration. Social Media Marketing SuccessWhy Measuring Social Media Success Matters?Key Social Media Marketing Metrics to TrackEngagement MetricsReach and Visibility MetricsConversion…
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View On WordPress
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madhukumarc · 4 months
How can businesses use Instagram Analytics to track their performance?
Here's how businesses can use Instagram Analytics to track their performance:
1. Monitor Follower Growth: 
Track the number of new followers gained over time to gauge the effectiveness of content and marketing strategies.
2. Engagement Metrics: Analyze likes, comments, saves, and shares to understand which posts resonate most with the audience and drive engagement.
3. Audience Demographics: 
Use insights on age, gender, location, and active hours to tailor content to the preferences of the target audience.
4. Content Performance: 
Evaluate the performance of individual posts, stories, carousel posts, and reel videos to identify the type of content that generates the most interest.
5. Hashtag Effectiveness: 
Assess the impact of hashtags on post reach and engagement to refine hashtag strategy for future posts.
6. Profile Visits: 
Track the number of visits to the Instagram profile to understand how effectively the content drives interest in the business or brand.
7. Click-Through Rates: 
Measure the effectiveness of call-to-action (CTA) buttons and links in the profile bio in driving traffic to the website or other landing pages.
8. Stories Insights: 
Utilize data on story views and interactions to refine the storytelling strategy and understand what captivates the audience in this format.
Do you know? - “The real magic of Instagram comes alive when brands leverage user-generated content (UGC). This is authentic, relatable, and often more trusted by consumers than brand-produced ads. Encouraging customers to share images of themselves using your product can amplify engagement significantly” – Search Engine Land
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Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Does SEO work on Instagram?
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ornithorynquerouge · 7 months
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The Artist Riley Reid
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dita-vt · 7 months
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Dita von Teese Burlesque Performance - March 26, 2005 at Future in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
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lynxmisnomer · 5 months
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Days of Fortune
Based on this image
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therukurals · 1 month
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Who cares! Him and his bloody moustache and gold chain.
Aavesham (2024) dir Jithu Madhavan
[ID in ALT]
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herewegobebe · 11 months
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Well ok you two 😏💕 [x]
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ennobletechnologies · 7 months
Creating Influential Marketing That Converts: Top 10 Tips
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When you create marketing materials, it’s important to consider what will make them influential. After all, the goal of marketing is to influence the behavior of your target audience. But what exactly is influential marketing?So, influential marketing is any marketing that has a significant impact on the behavior of its target audience. For example, an ad campaign that convinces people to switch to a new brand of toothpaste is considered influential.So, how can you create influential marketing that will actually convert? Keep reading for 10 tips that will help you create persuasive and influential marketing materials that will yield results!What Makes Influential Marketing Different?What makes influential marketing different from regular marketing is that it not only captures the attention of your audience and generates leads, but also encourages them to take a definitive action. Whether that’s buying your product, signing up for your newsletter, or donating to your cause – influential marketing can be used to drive conversions.To achieve this, it’s important to understand the psychology behind what drives people to take action. You need to understand the audience’s behavior, values, and motivations. You also need to create content that is tailored specifically toward that audience and is both visually appealing and emotionally resonant.Another key element of influential marketing is the way it is delivered. Whether through email, social media, or pay-per-click advertising, you need to use the right channels to reach your audience. Your content should also be creative and dynamic, as this will help grab their attention and encourage them to take action.Why You Should Use Influential Marketing StrategiesIt is important for marketers to use influential marketing strategies for a number of reasons. Firstly, it gives brands the opportunity to engage with their target audience in a way that increases customer loyalty and trust. This is especially important in an era where many people are wary of traditional forms of marketing and advertising.In addition, using influential marketing strategies can help increase conversions and drive sales. By understanding the values and motivations of their target audience, marketers can create content that is both emotionally resonant and visually appealing. This will help engage the audience and inspire them to take action.Finally, influential marketing strategies can be used to build long-term relationships with customers. By using creative and engaging content that people are likely to share, marketers can create viral campaigns that will reach new potential customers and foster loyalty from existing customers.What Are the Benefits of Influential Marketing?Using influential marketing strategies can provide many benefits for marketers, including:Increased Reach – Influential marketing can help brands build relationships and reach new potential customers. By creating content that is eye-catching and emotionally resonant, brands can tap into the power of influencers to spread the message.Boosted Brand Awareness – Influential marketing helps to increase brand awareness, allowing marketers to reach a wider audience and create a lasting impression. Influential content should have a touch of creativity and originality that makes it stand out from other content.
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/creating-influential-marketing-that-converts-top-10-tips/
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kendallsroyco · 1 year
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I am simply obsessed with Charlie's delivery of this monologue. His understated acting at its best
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simplykorra · 1 year
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I’m overwhelmed...with gratitude
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comradekatara · 2 months
what are kannas judgmental opinions on the gaang (+mai and ty lee?)
okay i’ve written before on how kanna feels about the gaang, but you specifically said judgmental which is a whole other question. bc I do think that kanna can be a massive cunt when she wants (or needs) to be :)
katara: she is gonna get their whole village killed, not because she inherently has a target on back, but because she insists on making one anyway. literally one day of quiet and she’d never ask for anything ever again. literally just one day where she sits inside and doesn’t yell and doesn’t run off somewhere and give kanna a heart attack. she’s too fucking old for this….. please katara. just go inside and do your chores, quietly. you are killing your grandmother. is that what you want, katara, huh??? to kill your grandmother? katara catches a cold one day and stays curled up in bed and doesn’t speak because she has a sore throat, and kanna just spends the whole day bringing her soup and katara is so cute and cuddly the whole time it’s literally the best day of her life.
sokka: exact opposite problem, which is that he’s too obedient and it kinda scares her. please fight back just a little. just take one day off. breaks are important! she was a rebellious child, so as much as katara exhausts her, she also understands her very well. she does not understand sokka at all. he literally does everything she would ever ask from him before she even has to ask (to the point that katara thinks he does nothing, because kanna never forces sokka into doing anything). she has no idea who raised him to be this obedient, because it certainly wasn’t her. he used to be funny and curious and full of life as a child, but now his miserable depressed aura saps the vibes out of every room. at least when she’s doing chores with katara they chit chat and make jokes, but with sokka, she doesn’t even want that boy in her house. absolute vibe killer.
aang: he’s a bad influence on katara. or maybe katara is a bad influence on him? either way they should know better than to go into a fire nation ship. say what you will about sokka’s wet miserable aura, but he simply would not do that. but he’s also really cute, so. it’s ok :)
toph: this girl clearly thinks that she is too good to visit the south pole and she has no idea why sokka speaks so highly of that rich snob. and the first time she meets her, toph isn’t even all that polite to her?? this kid is yet another delinquent bad influence on her grandkids. (she grows on her.)
suki: she has absolutely nothing bad to say about suki. next!
zuko: invaded her village + attacked sokka + grabbed her and shoved her rudely + kidnapped aang + stupid hair + pure evil. (once they are introduced properly after the war, though, zuko apologizes and he’s really sweet about it so she forgives him and basically just likes him from that point forward.)
mai: katara hates her but sokka loves her so she doesn’t know what to think. on one hand, katara is her favorite, but on the other hand, sokka exercises better judgment. she barely talks in her presence, so she genuinely has no clue. she kind of gives off scary vibes though. who can say.
ty lee: the most charming girl in the world, second only to suki. kanna has nothing bad to say about ty lee. in fact she once suggests to katara that she could stand to be more like ty lee, and katara throws a hissy fit. which is exactly the kind of behavior kanna was referring to. oh well.
appa: perfect creature. no notes.
momo: his green eyes are staring directly into her soul. for the love of god please get him some brown contacts.
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madhukumarc · 1 year
How do you examine your content's performance?
Examining your content's performance is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. It helps you identify what works and what doesn't, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your content for better results.
Here are the top 5 tips on how to examine your content's performance:
1. Set clear goals: Before examining your content's performance, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Set specific, measurable goals that align with your overall marketing objectives.
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2. Use analytics tools: There are many analytics tools available that can help you track your content's performance. Google Analytics is a popular choice, but there are many other options, such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz.
3. Analyze engagement metrics: Engagement metrics such as page views, bounce rate, time on page, and social shares can give you valuable insights into how your content is performing. 
Look for patterns and trends over time to identify areas where you can improve. Such metrics also depend on the type of marketing campaign you implement.
“When asked for the top three social media metrics, engagement (77%), followers (62%) and website traffic (56%) came up most frequently” - State of Social 2023 Report [EMEA Edition] by Meltwater
4. Monitor conversion rates: Ultimately, the success of your content depends on whether it converts visitors into customers. Monitor conversion rates using tools such as Google Analytics to see which pieces of content are driving the most conversions.
“High levels of customer engagement result in 1.7 times more page views and a 19% increase in conversion rates compared to those with low engagement” – Contentsquare 2023 Digital Experience Benchmark
5. Test and iterate: Once you've identified areas for improvement, test different strategies and tactics to see what works best. Continuously iterate and refine your content based on the data you collect.
“Don't be afraid to get creative. Experiment with new formats and posting times, then analyze content performance to see what works best” – Semrush
In summary, examining your content's performance requires a combination of setting clear goals, using analytics tools, analyzing engagement metrics, monitoring conversion rates, and testing and iterating.
By taking a data-driven approach to content marketing, you can optimize your content for better results and ultimately drive more business success.
Here's related information that might be useful to you – 8 Content Quality Metrics To Improve Your Content’s Impact.
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dita-vt · 9 months
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Dita Von Teese by ©️ChristopheMourthé (2001)
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