#consumerism yum yum
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dragonz-r-kewl · 3 months ago
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i love my oc
this took four hours and crashed my laptop twice
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maddiemuu · 1 month ago
i may be aromantic but idk i have fun w/ valentine's day lol. i think it's mostly because i just do my own thing... and like. ignore all the social pressure about romance. can't be annoyed by something if you refuse to acknowledge it 👍instead i put out a bowl of heart shaped lollipops for the other people in my building and got myself some treats <333
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teapartyprincess4two · 1 year ago
Shopaholic- C. Sturniolo
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pairing: Shopaholic!reader x boyfriend!Chris
classification: fluff
warnings: use of y/n, established relationship, high maintenance reader, some suggestive content, sexual comments but no smut, small argument, slight cursing, shopping addiction, consumerism, hoarder tendencies, Chris can drive in this (bc I feel bad for him)
summary: No matter how hard you try, you just can’t stop swiping your card.
Your shopping addiction began innocently, just you and your friends occasionally going out in search of a new outfit for a party or special event. Slowly it became a hobby and you were spending multiple weekends at the mall trying to find something new. After a while it became your job and you were posting fashion videos on Instagram for other girls to follow and selling clothes on Depop for people who wanted to dress like you. Then it became an addiction, all you wanted to do was swipe your card and you couldn’t stop.
You’re currently on one of your many shopping sprees with your boyfriend Chris who you’ve dragged along against his will. He loves spending time with you, but he really, really hates shopping. In his opinion you do it too often and spend too much money, but he’s not the type to yuck anyone’s yum. Shopping is also socially draining for him, every time he joins you he finds himself dreading every second of it.
He stumbles behind you as you enter the 10th store of the day, his hands struggling to hold all the bags you dumped on him. “Y/n, let’s go home!” He groans, adjusting the bags further up his arm. You ignore him, going straight towards the back of the store where the clearance is. Just cause you love to shop and spend money doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate a good deal.
Chris groans and trudges behind you, accidentally knocking over some of the displays as the bags swing back and forth. He remembers a time when you weren’t such a shopaholic, a time when spending time with you meant going to the movies or out to lunch. Now, ever since gaining this new hobby, all you two seem to do is shop.
“Look at this, Chris! It’s so cute!” You exclaim, holding a red top against your chest so he can imagine you in it. He can’t help but roll his eyes, “you have that exact top already.” You huff, looking at the top again. “Oh you’re right,” you put the shirt back on the rack and continue looking for the next item you’ll add to your closet.
Chris watches as you struggle to find something new, probably because you have everything already. “You have all of this stuff already, babe. You don’t need anything else,” he says, attempting to lead you out of the store, but you’re strong willed and extremely determined to find at least one thing.
“I haven’t checked over here though,” you respond, walking in a completely opposite direction from the exit. He groans in annoyance as you disappear to the back of the story again. He gives up, there’s obviously no getting through to you. So, he sits on a bench outside the store as he waits for you to finish.
Chris occupies himself on his phone, completely surrounded by shopping bags full of clothes that you were sure to only wear once or twice and then resell on your Depop. After 30 minutes you walk out of the store with another 5 bags in hand, a huge smile on your face as you walk over to Chris. He wants to facepalm at the sight of you because he still doesn’t understand your obsession with spending so much money.
“Okay I’m ready to go home now,” you say with a smile, standing in front of Chris as he grabs all your previous bags. Once he gets up, he gives you a quick peck on the lips and immediately leads you out of the mall and to the car. If he takes a second longer you might second guess it and enter another store. He absolutely couldn’t bear the thought of another hour shopping.
Once you’re finally at the car you both load your bags into the trunk, it’s so overfilled that you struggle to close it. You get frustrated and get in the car, allowing Chris to deal with the problem. He’s a little annoyed, but he’s mostly glad to be going home. He works his magic, moving some bags into the middle seat so he can properly close the trunk before hopping into the drivers seat.
“I’m hungry. Are you hungry?” He asks, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the busy streets. “Yeah, I can eat,” you reply, messing with the radio as you connect your phone to the car’s bluetooth. You were grateful that your boyfriend was so willing to spend time shopping with you despite it being his least favorite thing to do. So, you play his playlist for him in hopes that he won’t be too annoyed with you. One of his favorite songs blares loudly through the speakers immediately causing him to bop his head as he merges through traffic.
Chris turns the radio up, belting the lyrics to every song by heart. He is singing at the top of his lungs, looking towards you as he dedicates the lyrics of the love songs that play. You laugh, singing along with him when you know the words. Finally, he pulls up to his favorite restaurant, kissing you sweetly once the car is in park.
“We ate here last week,” you comment, grabbing all your things and shoving them into your purse. He sends you a warning look, a look that says ‘don’t start with me.’ A look that says, ‘I just spent hours carrying around your bags, let me have this ONE thing.’
You get the hint and put your arms up in defense, “You’re right sorry, babe.”
After eating, the two of you head back to your apartment. You work together to carry in the multitude of bags you accumulated throughout your shopping trip. Considering how late it is, most people would just dump everything near the front door and leave it for another day. Not you though, you’re too excited to try everything on.
Once you’re in your room, you immediately take everything out of the bags excitedly. Chris watches you attentively from your bed. You look like a kid on Christmas morning. He looks around your room, fully taking in the amount of things you’ve collected ever since acquiring this new hobby. He wouldn’t categorize you as a hoarder, but he can definitely tell that you have a shopping problem.
You sprawl all the clothes out onto the floor, crumpling bags and receipts in the process. Chris decides this is the perfect time for an intervention, “Y/n, you have too much stuff.” You look up from the piles of clothes in front of you, sending him an ugly look, “Chris, there is no such thing as too much stuff.” He rolls his eyes at your sassy attitude, getting up from the bed and walking over to your closet.
Chris opens the closet door dramatically, the slam of the door ringing through your room. Your closet is filled to the brim with clothes, shoes, purses, and you even have boxes labeled with seasonal clothes. “There is such a thing,” he retorts, not even looking into your closet because he knows his point has been made. You knew you had a problem, but you just couldn’t stop yourself from spending money when you found something cute.
“Babe you haven’t even worn half of this stuff,” Chris comments again with a laugh as he begins flipping through your closet. To be fair, you were extremely organized to the point that it felt like he was in a department store, but that still didn’t justify the amount of things you had. “That’s not true! Plus I’m selling some of it… eventually,” you mutter the last part, mostly because you don’t want to get rid of anything yet. “When was the last time you wore this?” He asks as he takes a random shirt off the rack, holding it out for you to see.
You get up from the floor, yanking the shirt from him dramatically. “I wore this on our first date,” you lie, trying to act offended. He rolls his eyes again at your attempt to pull at his heart strings, he knows you’re lying. “Y/n that shirt literally still has the tag on it,” he tugs at the tag, wagging it in your face. You could fool anyone, but not Chris. He knew you well enough to realize that you had a problem.
“Whatever, but I’m still going to wear it soon. I just haven’t found the right time. Plus I kept the tag on in case I want to sell it on Depop,” your words come out a mile a minute as you try to justify this addiction that’s gotten out of hand. He knows there’s no winning with you, especially not when shopping is involved, so he just sighs dramatically and goes back to his spot on your bed.
After a while Chris becomes occupied by his phone, not interested in the previous topic anymore. Since he’s not pestering you anymore, you try on all the clothes you purchased today. Occasionally you’ll ask him for his opinion on something, but he just gives you half-ass replies. Even if he thinks you look great in everything you try on he doesn’t say it because he can’t encourage this behavior or you’ll never stop.
“I’m tired,” he yawns, kicking his shoes off and turning his phone off, placing it on your bedside table. He has to balance it on top of all the other trinkets on your table. Chris was hoping you two would do other things tonight, but you were too distracted by all tour new stuff to care about him. “Sleep baby, I’ll be done in a bit,” you reply as you organize all the clothes into your closet.
Chris groans in annoyance, grabbing some of his spare clothes from one of your drawers. Even his drawer was filled with your stuff. Granted this wasn’t his house, but it was the singular drawer he had for himself here. He quickly changes, throwing his dirty clothes in a random corner of your room before going to the restroom to brush his teeth.
When he returns he finds you dressed and ready for bed. “You finally done being a princess?” He asks playfully, wrapping his arms around your waist slowly so he can pull you into him. You roll your eyes as you drape your arms around his neck, “a princess’s job is never done.” Chris chuckles at this, leaning in for a kiss.
“The movie starts in an hour,” Chris says as he walks into your room, taking a seat on your bed. You’re currently doing your makeup, adding all the finishing touches. “I’m almost done, I just have to do my hair,” you reply, popping your lips as you apply a thick layer of lip gloss. You’ve been getting ready for hours, how is your hair still not done? “It looks good like that, babe. C’mon we’re gonna be late,” he replies in a whiny tone as he attempts to convince you that the movie was more important than your hair. In his opinion it actually looked good, but he knows you won’t be easily swayed.
You give him a blank stare through the mirror, “Chris I CANNOT go like this.” You pick a few strands of hair up, shaking them in the air. He laughs at this, deciding to just let you have your way. “Fine, but be quick please.” He gets up for your bed, walking over you and kissing your cheek quickly before heading back to the living room.
After another 30 minutes you’re finally done, tugging your shoes on quickly and grabbing your purse as you rush out of your room. Chris was waiting for you patiently in the living room, the amount of patience that man has for you is astonishing. He takes a quick look at you and before you can ask if you look okay he says, “you look sexy, let’s go.” Of course he means it, but he can’t gush over your appearance for too long or you’ll miss the movie. You roll your eyes, following behind him as he rushes to the car.
You arrive at the movie theater 5 minutes before the movie starts, grabbing a bucket of popcorn and a large drink to share as quick as possible before rushing to find your seats. Despite the lack of time management on your part, Chris is still excited to be doing something that doesn’t involve walking around the mall for hours on end.
“You good?” Chris whispers to you during the middle of the movie, popping a couple of pieces of popcorn in his mouth. You hum in response, leaning in for a quick kiss. He tastes like salt and butter. When you break from the kiss he smiles at you before turning back to the movie.
In reality you were really bored. Chris chose the movie and has been excited to watch it for a long time. You wanted to protest and suggest a different movie, but he’s always putting up with your nonsense so you decided to let him have this one thing. You watch as the characters on screen engage in dialogue and you have no idea what the context behind it is. You look back at Chris, hoping to catch his attention, but he’s too immersed in the plot to notice.
You huff in annoyance, turning back to the screen and attempting to enjoy the remainder of the movie. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to find the movie interesting. Before you know it your hands begin to wander onto Chris’s thigh, lingering there for a while before slowly inching up towards his crotch. He sends you a warning look, squeezing your hand and placing it further back up his thigh. You repeat your actions, but are met with the same response from Chris.
Another huff of annoyance leaves your mouth. You’ll just have to watch the rest of the movie and pretend you know what’s going on.
The movie ends and Chris looks like he’s just watched the best thing on Earth. “That was such a crazy ending,” he comments, standing from his seat with the popcorn bucket still in hand. You grab the drink and do the same, holding his hand as he leads you out of the theater. “Who was that big guy? The guy at the end,” you ask, tossing the soda away.
Chris halts in his steps, turning towards you in shock. “The main character?! Y/n were you even watching?!” He exclaims in disbelief, the whole movie was about that specific character. “Oh right,” you reply, pretending to remember the entire plot of the movie. Chris gives you a dumbfounded look, tossing the popcorn bucket away. You smile at him, he definitely knows you weren’t paying attention throughout the entire movie.
He holds your hand as he leads you towards the car, both of you getting in and deciding on your next destination. The night is still young and you’re really hoping that Chris will take you to a new store you heard about. "Baby, there's this new store I heard about on TikTok. Do you think you can take me?" you ask sweetly, batting your eyelashes and everything.
It doesn't work, "Y/n, no."
"Pleaseeeee. I promise I'm just going to look around, I won't buy anything, I promise," you plead as he pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving home. He doesn't budge so you decide to pull out the big guns, “I’ll suck your dick.” This seems to do it because he changes direction before replying with a quick, “fine.”
You’re now in the store, your eyes lighting up at the racks of clothes in front of you. Now that you’re in here you regret promising not to buy anything, it’s not like he expected you to keep that promise anyway. “I’m gonna go this way,” you say excitedly, dragging Chris along with you as you head towards the back of the store.
As you look through the racks of clothing, Chris is talking nonstop about the movie. Occasionally you’ll reply, but you don’t remember enough details about the movie to say anything worthwhile. You’re obviously not paying attention and after a while he becomes annoyed, “Y/n, are you even listening?”
You hum in response, adjusting the stack of clothes that was resting against your arm. “I am, baby. Keep talking,” you reply haphazardly, adding yet another shirt to your growing pile. Chris glares at you, but decides to continue sharing his thoughts on the movie.
You’re still not paying attention. He’s asked you at least 5 questions and has received nothing in response, not even a hum. “I’m going to wait in the car,” he says annoyed. You look up at him briefly with a small smile, “okay, babe. I’m almost done.” Chris rolls his eyes as he walks out of the store and to the car.
After an hour you’re finally done, walking out of the store with 3 bags full of clothes. Did you need any of it? No. Did you want all of it? Yes. You tap on the car window and signal for Chris to open the trunk. He complies with a straight face. You dump all your bags into the trunk before hopping into the passenger seat.
“Thank you for waiting,” you say, going in for a quick kiss. “Mmhmm,” he replies as he dodges you causing your kiss to land on his cheek.
“What’s wrong?” you ask innocently.
He doesn’t hold back, he doesn’t have to with you. “You know what’s funny? How I always do what you want to do and the one time we do what I want to do, the ONE time, you can’t even be bothered to pretend to care.” You two don’t make a habit of arguing, but your recent behavior has gotten out of hand. He feels like you’ve been so selfish lately and he has to get everything he’s feeling off his chest.
You’re about to reply, but he’s not done, “For once it would be nice if my girlfriend treated me like her boyfriend, not like a fucking butler. You only want me around to carry your damn bags and swipe my damn card.” That last part wasn’t true, you never asked him to buy you things, but the thought of him as your butler was slightly amusing.
You decide to stay silent, wanting to see how he really feels. “Like, can you at least try to pretend to care about what I have to say? You weren’t even listening to me in there! I get it if you’re bored, Y/n. I really do,” he takes a deep breath before continuing. “But don’t you think I get bored following you around the stupid mall all the time? That’s all we fucking do!”
You open your mouth to speak, but he still isn’t done, “It’s not like you need any more stuff anyways. You literally have a problem, Y/n!”
The car goes silent for a while as you wait just in case another rant was coming. It would be easy to get offended at Chris’s little outburst, but you understood where he was coming from. He was such a great boyfriend who always worked towards keeping you happy and you were ignoring him in the store.
“Are you done?” you ask with a small chuckle.
“Are you done?” he mocks. “Am I done? Yes im fucking done.”
The whole situation seemed ridiculous, especially considering that you two never argue. If this is the biggest problem in your relationship, it’s an easy fix. “I’m sorry for making you feel like I don’t care,” you start, pausing in case he feels the sudden urge to interrupt. He looks at you expectantly, he knows he deserves an apology and if he deems it good enough then maybe he’ll apologize for being so harsh with you.
“Next time you don’t have to come shopping with me if you don’t want to and if it makes you feel better, I’ll stop,” you say, feeling a slight pain in your heart at the thought of never shopping again. “It would actually,” he mumbles with his arms crossed over his chest. He would never actually make you stop shopping, you were spending your own money and he had no right to tell you what to do with it. You chuckle at his sassiness before continuing, “and you’re right, I don’t need any more stuff.”
“Yeah, I am right.”
“Alright you’re pushing it, buddy,” you chuckle. He looks at you as he tries to hold in his laughter. “I was a little dramatic, sorry,” he admits, offering you an apologetic smile. “A little? You called yourself my butler.” He laughs again at this, but he goes back to his serious tone from before as he says, “Y/n, you actually have a problem though.”
“I know,” you reply in defeat. “Here just take it,” you hand him your wallet, looking away dramatically.
“I’ll hold onto this for safe keeping,” he jokes, putting it in his pocket. You were sure to go through his things later and find it anyways. He knows this won’t last and that’s okay, your shopping addiction isn’t actually harming anyone.
“As you should, my butler. Now take me home,” you command with a clap of your hands. He laughs, putting the car in drive. “You’re going to call me that from now on, aren’t you?”
This was sitting in the drafts for a while.
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
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jamieroxxartist · 3 months ago
Offset Consumerism and Support Small Businesses!
From: Pop Roxx Radio www.PopRoxxRadio.com / Ep #1434
Jamie Roxx & Dani | Dec 2024 | Don't Yuck Anyone's Yum!
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx ( www.JamieRoxx.us ) welcomes Danielle Glunt (Dani, Jamie's Wife) to the Show!
Watch the full Video Here:
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okay i have been thinking about this new fic constantly and making like. no progress even when i work on it bc i just. feel like the outline i have is ooc. they just. wouldn't do the thing i want them to do.
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anoldfashionedlife · 5 years ago
COVID-19: Sunday, April 12
I read an article from the February issue of 1843 about headphone use in public spaces: "Headphones have destroyed our sense of common purpose,” the author writes. "A bedlam of babble in a handful of headphones.” Now, I read everything in the context of a global emergency: if we can’t be together together, how can we be alone together.
I run to Times Square. I leave my house and run my normal route to and across the Manhattan Bridge. I run a few blocks down Canal to Broadway, where I turn right and head north. Broadway will take me all the way to Times Square where it meets 7th Avenue and a whole mess of other things. It's an arterial avenue that cuts through the city from bottom to top.
I run through SoHo, which is empty. SoHo hasn’t been a “cool” neighborhood for a long time, but it’s still popular with tourists. It’s also the closest neighborhood when I need something from a big brand like CB2 or Uniqlo and don’t want to pay for shipping or wait a few days for it to arrive.
I pause at Houston because I’ve always paused at Houston. There’s little traffic so I could cross, but it seems safer to wait for the signal. “Look both ways before crossing, even when crossing a one-way street.” Advice given to incoming freshman at NYU—patronizing and comical, but useful because bikes and assholes don’t always follow the traffic rules.
I get the signal to cross, and I cross to the median where I pause once more. Out of habit I wait for any cars turning onto Houston, not paying attention to pedestrians, but there aren’t any. Everybody has different criteria for “when you become a New Yorker.” For me it was the first time I didn’t hesitate to yell at a driver turning into me as I crossed the street: “Fuck you! I’m crossing here!"
I didn’t live in New York on September 11th—I was a sophomore in high school in suburban Indiana—but I’d read accounts of New Yorkers in the days after who came out into the streets for no other reason than to be with other people, to commiserate and to mourn. Union Square was one place where they'd congregate, not only because it was a public space but because it was the largest and closest public space to the World Trade Center not cordoned off by the NYPD.
When I approach Union Square I slow down to keep my distance from others, mostly people coming out of the Whole Foods. I cross 14th Street into the park and most of the people there are homeless men, sitting on park benches with no place to go.
On the north side of Union Square I run past a bucket drummer, a nuisance in normal times but now a sort-of beacon in a sea of silence. I can hear him all the way past 19th Street three blocks away, and if there wasn’t a light breeze I could probably hear him for another few blocks.
Between 22nd and 23rd the sidewalk widens. There is plenty of space, but I run into the street to keep as much distance from others as I can. As I pass between two parked cars I lock eyes with an Asian woman who, behind a mask, looks at me as though she’s caught her pre-teen son out with friends instead of staying home to study for the PSAT: disappointment mixed with anger.
Continuing up Broadway I skirt between the Flatiron Building and Madison Square Park. Broadway between Flatiron and the ACE Hotel is an interesting mix of Yuppie District—sweetgreen, Milk Bar, Opening Ceremony—and the 28th Street Flower and Bargain Districts, but everything is closed. I run past a homeless man huddled next to an access ramp and think about white flight. In the 50s and 60s we fled to the suburbs. Today we've fled to our apartments.
I run through Herald Square and notice that the garbage cans outside Macy’s are empty. Garbage cans in Manhattan are never empty; they’re almost always overflowing with the detritus of petty consumerism: plastic Starbucks iced coffee cups, Chick-fil-A sauce, Hop-On Hop-Off bus maps.
I think about one of my favorite bars in the city, it’s nearby: Keens is one of New York’s oldest steakhouses, but if you’re not eating there—which I’ve only done twice—you can still order a drink at the bar, and they mix a good Manhattan.
I continue up Broadway and run past security personnel guarding empty office buildings and police officers patrolling empty public spaces. I make it to Times Square, and I think to myself: there are too many people here. There aren’t many people, but it still seems like too many.
I read the displays. Disney says: “Thank you to all the healthcare workers and first responders around the world / We are grateful for you.” T-Mobile says: “Please practice social distancing.” American Eagle says: “We are in this together. We are stronger together.” Clear Media says: “Not all superheroes wear capes.” Sephora says: “To all the healthcare, emergency, and social workers: \ You have our immense gratitude \ Thank you. \ We belong to something beautiful.” Green Giant says: “To all on the frontlines, you are the true giants.” Below the ball-drop is an impressive four-piece vertical public service display: “PL \ EA \ SE \ Practice \ social \ distancing \ & help \ save \ lives. \ cdc.gov/covid19 \ Prevent the spread of germs \ Please \ Stay \ Home \ When \ You \ Are \ Sick \ Prevent the spread of germs \ cdc.gov/covid19.” Amazon advertises a new album from The Strokes called The New Normal. #nystrong
What isn’t missing from Times Square is the guy who walks around carrying an “end is near” sign: “Because of sin Noah’s ark was built. No one believed him. Flood came—they perished. End is near. Judgement day is coming. Repent today. Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Only way to heaven.” That he isn't at whatever off-brand church he belongs to on Easter makes his message a bit less convincing.
I think about another one of my favorite bars in the city: Jimmy’s Corner, an old-school bar with boxing memorabilia covering the walls. You’d think in a place like Times Square it was actually owned by Yum! Brands or something, but you can find Jimmy there most nights.
I leave Times Square and run east on 42nd Street. Bryant Park is utterly empty. No homeless men, no vagabonds. Nobody except me and a park employee tending to the garbage cans, replacing one empty bag with another.
The emptiness isn’t surprising, but I should explain why. Since its inception the Bryant Park Corporation has been particularly aggressive in keeping out undesirables. First by removing park benches and adding metal tables and chairs. William H. Whyte, an urbanist in the 1970s, championed them as giving park users a semblance of agency in public space without actually providing it.
More importantly, removing park benches eliminated a surface on which homeless people could sleep. Over time, more and more features were added: upscale food for sale, movie nights on the lawn in the summer, a skating rink in the winter, Fashion Week. Sharon Zukin describes it as “pacification by cappuccino.”
Urban thinkers and advocates have been asking this question for years: Who’s city is this anyway?
I run a few blocks east to Grand Central. Once inside I don’t break pace as I run down the ramp towards the main concourse. For some reason this doesn’t strike me as unusual until I reach the main concourse. Shocked, I stop and take in the sight of an empty, cavernous space normally brimming with activity: commuters catching a train upstate if they don’t live in the city, the subway if they do; tourists careening their necks up to the ceiling painted with the constellations; me grabbing a drink at The Oyster Bar or Campbell’s Apartment, just because.
I’m lucky that my friends and family haven’t been infected by coronavirus; the hardest thing so far has been weeks of quarantine. I haven’t cried during this pandemic—I’m no “boys don’t cry” kind of boy, but doing so seems like an admission that things won’t resemble “normal” for quite some time. But standing here, taking in the sight of my city hollowing out like this, I tear up.
I turn around and run back home. I run down Madison Avenue to Madison Square Park. I turn left onto 23rd Street and then right onto Park Avenue South. Left onto 18th Street, right onto 3rd Avenue, left onto 12th Street, right onto 2nd Avenue. I cross Houston and take Forsyth to the Manhattan Bridge back to Brooklyn.
Back home I put a bottle of sparkling wine in the freezer, but it doesn’t fit because it’s full of frozen food, so I put it in my oversized ice bucket that once graced the tables and suites at the Waldorf Astoria. I bought it salvage a while back and don’t use it as often as I’d like: it fits two bottles comfortably, but one bottle looks silly, like a kid wearing his dad’s tuxedo jacket. I was hoping it’d be a fixture of backyard barbecues this summer, but that seems unlikely.
For dinner I make Ethiopian food. The doro wat turns out quite well, but the injera that’s been fermenting for a few days is an utter failure. I eat the stew with rice.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 5
Jan. 27th, 2020 - Collection of chargers
As usual, I started breakfast off at the BDH with a half glass of water, 2 pancakes, a hard-boiled egg, two pieces of honeydew, and a slice of a pear. I also took the time to make a tuna sandwich with 2 lettuce slices, 3 tomato slices, and Sara Lee Texas bread. I haven’t had this type of bread but it did well in withstanding the tuna salad when I ate it for lunch. Half soaked just like pudding, yum. For dinner, I used another meal swipe and ate a hotdog with curly fries, and a glass of lemonade. Just like that, I’ve avoided spending any money.
From the moment I woke up, I started listening to random music with my Bluetooth earbuds since I needed to wake up without waking up my roommate. It was piano instrumentals at first before involving foreign language speeches, then went to various Japanese artists. An odd experience that I welcomed as I read manga on the campus connector. I read manga and listen to music all day long.
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This photo is a collection of some of the chargers I own. I learned the importance and vitalness to keeping the proper charger around today. The high anxiety that my laptop will die before I finish my classes today. The consumption of electricity and the tether dependence on it makes me think about how people would be able to do much of anything today without it. It is such an important thing that I believe people are willing to buy another charger if they couldn’t last a day without it. Consumerism in America has truly involved around convenience and created the illusion of the priority needed to get it. And they most certainly got it around the idea of trying to personalize the chargers instead of universally making it the same to make more profit, and for more ” convenience”. 
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myfamilyonpurpose · 5 years ago
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We skipped presents this year & put a holiday bag under the tree instead.
We decided that for this year, instead of buying each other gifts, we would create a bag or box filled with family adventures & fun instead. Trying to avoid the consumerism culture, we decided to intentionally spend our resources on what we really value, which is time together as a family. We started filling the box 3 months before Christmas, which is easier on the December budget. Here is what we included in our bag:
Jason & I each pre booked, and paid for:
1. A surprise get away for 1 or 2 nights
2. A date day/ night with babysitters booked
3. A family outing we've been wanting to do
4. We each sourced a Christmas eve movie with decadent treats (waffles and ice cream.. Yum).
5. A family boardgame (more like couple's boardgames for us, since our son is still a baby).
6. Family summer pj's (yes matchy outfits can be cheesy but bring cheesy together brings a sense of togetherness). Other alternatives are family flip flops, swimming costumes, or whatever is truly needed and won't go to waste. Since part of our goal is to resist the consumerism christmas culture and not buy unnecessary items, I just did a mental check to see what we really needed to ensure it will be used often even after Christmas.
We've just about started our holiday and have been on one of the out of town getaways. So far I've found that the best part of the holiday bag/box  is that it creates a sense of anticipation and excitement, even for the simplest of pleasures such as family outings and much needed summer pyjamas. In a world where Instagram has normalized vacations, it takes our family getaways, and wraps them in gift wrap thereby reminding us (& our kids) of the privileges & gifts that they actually are.  It makes the things we often take for granted magical again.  More than anything it makes us realize that our family is our greatest gift. This is where happyness is found, in the ability to appreciate what we have and to see the fun in it, to see our privileges as the gifts that they are, and of course to do it with the ones we love.
Merry Christmas, and have a blessed holiday with your loved ones!
#christmas #family #love #minimalistic #whatmatters
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allisonswrittenwords · 5 years ago
“Too Cool for School” Month wraps up with the inclusion of the last major staple of our very nostalgic school life!
Previously, on Allison’s Written Words…
We stocked up on the most important school supplies to prepare for our very nostalgic school life – a Trapper Keeper to store our school and homework in (bonus points if it was from the “designer series”), stocked up on Lisa Frank pens, pencils, stickers, erasers, and jewelry (gotta have it!), and we probably even picked up a locker answering machine or pocket folders with jeans-clad posteriors on them (or perhaps something else from the Class Act school supply line?).  We’re missing one all-important supply: something to store our much needed fuel to keep us going during our very nostalgic school life!
Enter the ultimate container, where what is on it is just as important as what is in it!
“What Character Do You Have?”
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The idea of a character-adorned lunchbox is not a new or novel concept, invented with the time I was growing up, and it certainly didn’t get ushered in with the current generation (though they’d probably like to believe they “invented” it!).  In fact, it came in to the classroom on our parents’ generation.
The first licensed character lunchboxes, a common thing in today’s school supply aisle, was first ushered in during the early 1950s.  A strategic move by Aladdin Industries, who had been making the standard lunch container since 1908, was to put Hopalong Cassidy on a lunchbox, increasing sales of lunchboxes from 50,000 units…to 600,000 units.
Unbelievable, you say.
Well, Aladdin knew what they were doing, striking a chord with consumerism that apparently really liked licensed characters.  During much of the next 30 years, Aladdin continued to dominate, and well, the lunchbox went from being what kids carried their lunch in, to being “what character do you have?”.
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The original licensed character lunchbox, circa 1954 (Image: eBay)
I should note though, it was only after American Thermos introduced full-lithography on all sides of their lunchbox, did Aladdin change their tune.
Adding On a Thermos, And The Change from Metal to Plastic
Aladdin’s acquisition of the Stanley Bottle operation cemented their company’s position in the food and beverage container in a big way, and it only increased from there.  Not only did we get a cool new lunchbox, but a MATCHING THERMOS!!!!!
What wasn’t to love?
The introduction of Superman, Mickey Mouse, and The Jetsons on future lunchboxes after the initial introduction of Hopalong Cassidy only kept the line endearing to image-conscious kids who needed a lunchbox for days school didn’t have lunch they wanted.  Saturday morning cartoons didn’t just have toys, books, bedroom sets, clothing, school supplies, and backpacks, they also had their faces printed on lunchboxes.
By the 1980s, metal lunchboxes turned to molded plastic, which were cheaper to manufacture.  My first lunchbox (for preschool in the mid-1980s) was metal, but the first one I carried to elementary school in 1989 was plastic, as would my second lunchbox (More on those beauties later).  I heard a story some years ago that the metal lunchboxes were banned, and I just assumed this was never true.  I mean, why would metal lunchboxes be banned in school?
It actually is true.  The state of Florida banned metal lunchboxes in 1972, amid “dangerous weapon” concerns.  While other states followed, the molded plastic design was actually cheaper to manufacture, which lead to the ultimate discontinuation of the metal lunchbox by 1985.
What was the last metal lunchbox,you ask?
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For $20, you can own the last metal lunchbox produced. Image: eBay
Metal lunchboxes met their end in a literal (guns) blazing glory in 1985, with Rambo conquering Vietnam…and lunchtime!
Yes, they were banned by some schools as weapons, but in reality, it was the lower cost of molded plastic that ended the metal lunchbox’s reign at lunchtime.
From Plastic, To Insulated, To One Company’s Discontinuation of Lunchboxes
By the mid-late 1980s, plastic lunchbox/thermos kits dominated the lunchrooms once populated by metal lunchboxes.  Nothing changed about them, aside from the plastic lunchboxes only having the sticker of your licensed character adorning the front of the box.  The rest was just brightly colored plastic.  But you didn’t care about that minor detail, as long as it had the character you liked!
By 1998, Aladdin discontinued making the lunchbox altogether, but Thermos, Aladdin’s direct competitor in the “what character do you have?” game kept right on going, converting the cool images on those plastic lunchboxes to their insulated bags.  Thermos still makes them to this day, but for the nostalgic set, these do nothing for us.  For the kids some of us buy them for, perhaps, but not for us.
Although if you handed me an Avengers lunchbox tomorrow, insulated or otherwise, I’d run off happily with it.
Allison’s Lunchboxes
So, as I said earlier, I did own several lunchboxes in my very nostalgic childhood.  My first one was a metal lunchbox/Thermos combination, featuring The Muppet Babies.
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Allison’s first lunchbox, circa 1985. (Image: Everything But the House)
My brother and I both had this.  The Thermos was super cute, featuring my favorite Muppet, Kermit.  I have had a particular affinity for Kermit since my mom bought a Christmas stocking holder when I was about a year old. It’s not like I knew who Kermit was or anything (or maybe my one-year-old brain connected it with Sesame Street, I have no idea), but I liked it and kept a death grip on it.  My mom said I liked it so much, I took it with us when we went out to dinner.
I’m assuming that lunchbox was bought for pre-school use, but after that, it became the holder of Crayola crayons (and a big red Crayola sharpener) for quite a few years.  I have no clue what happened to the thermos, but the lunchbox stuck around for a while.  I spotted it in a thrift store in Ocean City, NJ in the summer of 2002, along with the thermos.  No, it wasn’t mine, I’m pretty sure that lunchbox found a trashcan in the early 1990s.  I was tempted to buy it back then, but decided against it. Even now, I don’t really know what purpose it would serve, and lord knows I wouldn’t want to use a thirty-something-year old thermos that wasn’t originally mine!
The idea of that just…yeah.  Ew.
By the time I was in first grade (we had half-day Kindergarten in my school, so I don’t recall needing a lunchbox), the need for a lunchbox was upon us, so we (naturally), went right for the licensed characters.  It’s like I’ve seen in several lunchbox-related articles, they were like concert t-shirts for teenagers.  This was 1989, and as licensed character stuff went from Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, and Rainbow Brite, to whatever was big among girls in the late 1980s.  Of the popular characters to choose from of that time, I chose something rather timeless, brought up to a 1980s vibe.
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Image: PicClick
I LOVED this lunchbox, especially that Thermos.  Apparently there were several different version of the Mickey and Minnie lunchbox that year, but this all-glammed-up version was the one I took to first grade in 1989.
My final licensed character lunchbox was in second grade (1990-1991).  This one surprises me.  Where the early 1990s a dearth of good licensed character lunchboxes for girls?  My brother had this really cool lunchbox that year…
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Image: Pinterest
And I had this.
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So it has been explained (through research) that the Yum Yums were Hallmark’s version of the Care Bears crossed with Fisher Price’s The Wild Puffalumps, several years after both franchises had quieted down (the former) and faded away (the latter).  The toys smelled like candy, and these colorful characters had their own one-off special from Hanna-Barbera, The Day Things Went Sour.
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(It’s on YouTube.)
I guess I saw it, and liked the characters…or was it because this lunchbox was neon pink and pretty?  Either way, there was only one other kid with a Yum Yums lunchbox in second grade, and we weren’t in the same class.  I’m pretty sure this was a over and done with long before I was over and done with that lunchbox at the end of the school year.  I do love that thermos, it is super cute!
I don’t recall having any other Yum Yum toys.  Nosey Bears, yes, but not Yum Yums.
If I had known this would be the swan song of carrying a plastic character lunchbox to school, I would have chosen more wisely.  I mean, this one was cute, but there had to be something else I was interested in, right?
It probably wasn’t socially acceptable to take a lunchbox to school with a boy-type licensed character on it.  That’s pretty much what I liked at that time, my brother’s cartoons.
When third grade rolled around the following year, I went to the Intermediate School, which meant big kids…and a big kid lunchbox to go with it.  I remember a new insulated lunch bag that didn’t come with a Thermos, but my mom did use something new in the bag…an ice pack!  By that point, character lunchboxes kinda fell by the wayside, and the big kids carried insulated bags.  It was a nice time, while it lasted.
Further Reading and Watching
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Image: Etsy
The History of the Lunch Box: Smithsonian Magazine has an awesome article from 2012 all about the history of the lunchbox, from its beginnings as kids fashioning their own from cookie or tobacco containers (they wanted to be like their working daddies) all the way to our very nostalgic school life, and beyond!  It’s a great read!
Quality Logo Products: A detailed timeline of the lunchbox, from introduction to the ban on metal boxes, to Thermos introducing the soft-sided lunchbox.
CBS Sunday Morning correspondent Nancy Giles visits the Lunchbox Museum in Columbus, GA, where 1000 lunchboxes are preserved for the sake of our very nostalgic school life!  (From 2017)
Upload via CBS Sunday Morning
And Now, You!
Images: PicClick, Pinterest, eBay, Antiques, Top Masters in Education, and Buzzfeed
Did you have a Thermos or Aladdin character lunchbox as a kid?  What one(s) did you carry to school?  Sound off in the comments below, or be social on social media.  As always, I’d love to hear from you!
“Too Cool for School” month is coming to a close, as the school year rolls on.  Usually by October, we were settled into a routine, the new-ness of a new school year wearing off.  Which means we can settle into a new theme for October!
Come by Allison’s Written Words Facebook page on Monday night, September 30th at 10:00 pm, for the new month’s theme!
Oh, and on Wednesday…a rare Wednesday post!  What could it be?
(Well, I know already because I finished and scheduled it, but you won’t know until then!)
Such suspense, it must be killing you!
Have a great day!
Did You Carry A Little Character On Your Lunchbox? - It was a status symbol of elementary school. What lunch box did you have? "Too Cool for School" Month wraps up with the inclusion of the last major staple of our very nostalgic school life!
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mrssmartmoneyhq · 6 years ago
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Ok, I am so not perfect when it comes to eating. If I had my way it would be pizza and junk food all the way. ; Homemade pizza is so cheap and so yum. And if you are any way creative, it’s super health! 🍕☺️ : Hence, being human there are just some weeks where I don't feel like cooking huge big complete meals and sometimes I just like to be lazy. This was one of those weeks. ; After the cottage pie and spag bol, I just made a pile of pizza dough and served it up several evening in a row. Each evening it was a different topping and different side-salad so I don't feel too bad. ; Any way who doesn't like pizza? And who said that it couldn't be a healthy option. I'm cutting back big time on the cheese with the kids and just loading up with different flavored hummus. ; ; It seems to be doing the trick. ; ; ; have a great day. ;::; ; ;; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; #groceryhaul #groceryshopping #grocery #grocerylist #grocerygetter #thegrocerylist #grocerybag #groceryday #foodinstagram #less #eatbetternotless ##lessplastic #lesswaste #reduce #reducewaste #reducereuse #reduceinflammation #clever #clevergirl #clevermummy #smartshopper #eatsmart #smartlife #smartpeople #smartwomen #smartliving #smartgirls #ireland #consumerism #consumers (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvdozHagbZu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lzm4jyhoolh3
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pamiverson · 8 years ago
Mid-May:  home a month
It’s good to be home.  I feel we are settling in more and more.  However, we have not had all of our stuff in this smaller house.  Before we sold our big house, we started putting things in storage, and never took it all out when we moved into this smaller place.  Then everything else went into the storage unit before we left for the Peace Corps.  So getting it all back, and starting to sort through it has been a big challenge.  The church rummage sale was the weekend after we got home, so we sent over bags and bags of clothes, books, and miscellaneous kitchen things.  It was nice to have that incentive.  It was also strange to realize I don’t need such an elaborate wardrobe -- I am happy just to live in jeans and T-shirts.
And down vests.  It is so much colder than I am used to!!  I expected that, but still... I expected to get warm when I went to California to see my mom, but it wasn’t.  So I was grateful I had brought along my down vest.  It was nice, though, to spend time with my Mom -- together for Mother’s Day -- and to visit my siblings and their families.  My brother thoughtfully asked what kind of food I hadn’t had yet, and then found a delicious Vietnamese restaurant.  Yum!!
The emotional adjustment continues.  How much do I talk about my experiences?  How interested are others in what we have been doing?  I find I also really want to hear what others have been doing -- I’ve had ways to share, but I haven’t gotten to hear all the details of others’ lives.  I was happy to have the opportunity to acknowledge the losses others have experienced (e.g., shared on Facebook), realizing others may have adjusted somewhat to their absences.  There are other changes -- new jobs, new houses, new relationships -- that I knew nothing about.  It’s a reminder of how out of touch I have been.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed.  I went to the market to buy a black Sharpie and scrubber for washing dishes.  It seemed simple, but...  Our market is big (a friend gave me a map -- the store understands that too), but by wandering around I found the Sharpie section.  That was not so overwhelming.  But the variety of markers and their packaging!! I didn’t want a pack of three kinds of tips, a double pack, fancier markers, big colorful packs, etc.  I finally found one that I wanted, but it took awhile.  Then to the cleaning supplies section.  There were several racks of scrubbers, so it again took 10 minutes to find one that wasn’t quite what I wanted, but was close.  There have been other times that I have been overwhelmed by all of the options, the consumerism of our country.  I still feel like I buy a lot, buy where have been times I have re-thought what I buy (or don’t.) For instance, baby carrots.  It’s not that hard to peel a carrot, and the waste of carrots it takes to make baby carrots is something I can’t justify.  I am continuing to enjoy sweet winter carrots.
It’s also interesting to see changes in the community.  Our Sears store is gone, and the closest Safeway too.  We decided to go into Seattle one day (the crowds at Pike Place Market were too much, but that’s another story, and we never did figure out how to pay for parking by phone), looking forward to stocking up at Penzey’s Spices.  But it wasn’t there!  WE looked on-line and discover it has moved to our suburb.  That was a nice change...
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calpicowater · 8 years ago
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Day 361/366: December 26th 2016 | Boxing Day
Went to Richmond Centre for Boxing Day today. There were a lot of people but it was tolerable. Our first stop was F21 and it was the only place that I bought stuff from (I’ve come to a conclusion that I can only shop at F21 and taobao... everything else is too ugly/too expensive LOOOOL)... but I literally came out of there with two full bags........ I bought 3 jackets, 1 cardigan, 2 knee high socks, a hat, and a necklace?!!!?? LOL wtf... In my defence, everything in the store was 21% off, and two of my jackets were 50% off PLUS the 21%... amazing... (I gave into consumerism);;
After F21, my mom and I went into almost every single store but came out with basically nothing (LOL). My mom bought a necklace from a jewelry store and while she was trying it on, she asked me to put it on her but my nails are so long that I COULDN’T OPEN THE NECKLACE LMAO and then the salesperson was like /wtf do you not wear necklaces????/ luls x_x ;; We also went into various shoe stores because I wanted the stan smiths but none of them fit me properly??? I went 2 half sizes down and it was still loose??? SO CONFUSED........ ><
For lunch, we ate KORYO at the food court and it was so yum!! Today was really fun being able to hang out with and talk to my mom! I’m always thankful for boxing day because I get to spend the entire day with her! Yay~ ^_^ 
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jessicakehoe · 5 years ago
31 of the Best Sales to Shop This Black Friday Weekend
Holiday shopping is a season in and of itself. And it begins this week with Black Friday (November 29) and Cyber Monday (December 2) joining forces to create (arguably) the biggest weekend in retail.
For the first time, Shopify has compiled a report unveiling shopping predictions for the Black Friday weekend. Offering insight on Canadian consumer spending behaviour during this time, Shopify reports that online shopping will garner the most sales, with 58 per cent of Canadians planning to shop exclusively online. Canadian consumers favouring online shopping indicate the reasons for doing so are related to exclusive sales, competitive prices, free shipping and time saving. Shopify also reports that consumers plan to spend an average of $458 this season. There’s a good chance they’re spending that on electronics and apparel, which are predicted to be the top selling products this year.
Shopify also noted that 65 per cent of Canadians do a lot of product research before buying so to help, we’ve compiled a list of 31 of the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for you to plan for.
Happy shopping!
1. Aldo
On Black Friday enjoy 50 per cent off the original price of sale styles and 20 per cent off regular-priced styles. On Cyber Monday, receive 25 per cent off when you buy two styles. All offers are available both in-store and online.
Shop it here.
2. All Birds
On Black Friday, three new limited-edition patterned runners will launch at All Birds. But the party doesn’t end here. On Cyber Monday, another three limited-edition pairs of running shoes will drop, this time in dessert-inspired colours (yum).
Shop it here.
3. BonLook
At BonLook, sale prices on specs will range from $45 to $105 this weekend. And get this: On November 26 and 27 receive 30 per cent off, from November 28 to December 1 receive 50 per cent off, and on December 2 and 3 receive 70 per cent off your purchase.
Shop it here.
4. Call it Spring
Enjoy a little preview on November 25 and take an extra 50 per cent off sale items. On November 29 take an extra 50 per cent off sale items and 30 per cent off regular priced items. On December 2, save an extra 50 per cent off sale items and 30 per cent off regular-priced items, plus keep your eyes open for an exclusive online promo.
Shop it here.
5. Club Monaco
On Black Friday, Club Monaco is offering 30 per cent off everything in-store and online with promo code BLACKFRIDAY. Plus, you can enjoy free shipping with a minimum spend of $150. On Cyber Monday, take 30 per cent off everything, and an extra 40 per cent off sale styles using the promo code CYBERMONDAY.
Shop it here.
6. Fleur du Mal
From November 22 to November 28, take 30 per cent off everything (excluding the Essential Collection and new arrivals). From November 29 to December 2, take an additional 30 per cent off sale prices with promo code TAKEITOFF30.
Shop it here.
7. Frank And Oak
At Frank and Oak, take 30 per cent off in-store and online from November 27 to December 1. This year, the brand has also partnered with One Tree Planted — for every purchase made, Frank And Oak will plant a tree in the Peruvian Amazon to help support global reforestation.
Shop it here.
8. Glossier
This Black Friday will mark the first that Glossier has ever participated in the weekend. From Friday until Monday, the brand is offering 20 per cent off its entire product offering and will also launch 15 limited edition gift sets to save you even more money.
Shop it here.
9. Hunter
What better time to stock-up on rain and snow boots? From November 25 to December 2, take 20 per cent off everything at the Yorkdale Shopping Centre flagship store. Take 25 per cent off select collections online, and an extra 10 per cent off sale items. Plus, exclusive daily deals will be offered on an assortment of classic Hunter boots.
Shop it here.
10. Kerastase
We all know the holidays call for good hair days. We also know how rare a good hair day is. From November 22 to December 1, use code BF19 / VF19 when you spend $100 on products and tools and get a complimentary travel-size product with a pouch, or spend $150 and get two travel sizes with a pouch.
Shop it here.
11. Knix
From November 25 to December 2, Knix is offering 20 to 50 per cent off site-wide. Plus, mystery bags containing a bundle of either leakproof or essential underwear (you pick your size and preferred silhouette, and Knix picks your colours) are offered at a discount. On Black Friday itself, receive a free Longevity Bra with any purchase above $150. On Cyber Monday, receive a free pair of Thigh Savers with any purchase above $150.
Shop it here.
12. Kotn
Rather than promoting excessive consumerism, Kotn is giving people the power and platform to help create change. For the third year in a row, 100 per cent of Kotn’s proceeds from Black Friday through Cyber Monday (plus 1 per cent of regular sales) will go toward building two schools in Egypt’s Nile Delta and Faiyum — which is where all the cotton used by Kotn is grown. Consumer’s purchases are directly benefiting the farmers and their families, “giving back to the community who helps the brand create their collection, in true holiday spirit.”
Shop it here.
13. Kristin Ess
From November 28 to December 1, get 30 per cent off all Kristin Ess hair tools (available at Target.com). Plus, check out three special offers: The One Signature Fragrance for $20, Style Assist Medium Detangling Brush + Do it All Sectioning Clips Set for $15 and Frizz Reducing Satin Pillowcase + French Pin Set for $15.
Shop it here.
14. Le Chateau
Enjoy 50 per cent off dresses, suiting separates, shoes, boots and more.
Shop it here.
15. Mejuri
The hot direct-to-consumer jewellery brand is having a site-wide sale from November 27 to December 2. With mostly every product included, take 10 per cent off one item, 15 per cent off two items and 20 per cent off three or more items.
Shop it here.
16. Nobis
In an exclusive online launch, a limited-edition capsule collection of winter puffer coats, straight from Seoul, South Korea, will be available for purchase beginning on Black Friday at 9 am.
Shop it here.
17. Nordstrom
From November 27 to December 2, Nordstrom Canada will have over 1000 items at up to 50 per cent off. On top of finding those great bargains, they are offering e-gift cards with specific purchases: Spend $125, get $25. Spend $250, get $50. Spend $400, get $100.
Shop it here.
18. Nordstrom Rack Canada
Nordstrom Rack Canada is offering on-trend pieces from many of the top brands at Nordstrom at an additional 30 per cent off on red-tag clearance items from November 29 to December 2.
Shop it here.
19. NYX
In-store from November 27 to December 2, everything (excluding Holiday) is 30 per cent off, plus an additional 50 per cent off will be offered on “last chance items.” Online from November 28 to 30, NYX is offering 30 per cent off everything (excluding Holiday), plus an additional 50 per cent off “last chance items.” On Cyber Monday, take 30 per cent off everything (excluding Holiday).
Shop it here.
20. Pandora
In-store purchases across Canada are 35 per cent off on November 28 and 29.
Shop it here.
21. Poppy & Peonies
Stock up on cute handbags and accessories for everyone on your gift list this year with 40 per cent off select styles.
Shop it here.
22. Reformation
Shop sustainably and find your perfect holiday dress this weekend. Starting November 29 through December 2, everything on the Reformation site will be 30 per cent off.
Shop it here.
23. Roots
From November 27 to December 2, take 30 per cent off in-store and online. Plus, there will be six daily offers at 40 per cent off on the following items: sleepwear, outerwear and accessories, Salt & Pepper collection, Cabin collection, Laurel collection sweats and Park Plaid collection.
Shop it here.
24. Rudsak
In anticipation of another bitterly cold winter, grab some Rudsak coats at 50 per cent off the original price, beginning Friday.
Shop it here.
25. Sheertex
The makers of the world’s only unbreakable pantyhose is launching “All That Glitters” on November 27, in partnership with Roxy Earle. The five shimmery tights in this exclusive collection are buy one, get one free through December 3, while the other products are 25 per cent off site-wide.
Shop it here.
26. Shu Uemura
The Japanese makeup brand is offering 25 per cent off site-wide, and a gift-with-purchase on orders of $50 or more.
Shop it here.
27. Taikan
Want the aesthetic of tomorrow? Get 30 per cent off these quality, Canadian lifestyle bags.
Shop it here.
28. Ten Thousand Villages
On Black Friday through December 1, get 25 per cent off your entire purchase. Beginning November 30 until December 1, watch out for Cyber Monday flash sales of up to 70 per cent off select products. Plus, on Cyber Monday, receive 30 per cent off online.
Shop it here.
29. The Body Shop
From November 21 to December 2, take 40 per cent off storewide and 25 per cent off pre-packaged gifts. Plus, grab the Filled Seasonal Tote (worth $101) for just $45. From November 28 to 29, enjoy half-priced gift cubes at just $5.
Shop it here.
30. Thursday Plantation
All of the naturally- and oil-derived restorative skin products from Thursday Plantation are 20 per cent off until December 2.
Shop it here.
31. Tissot
From November 29 to December 2, take 40 to 50 per cent off. The watch brand will also be discounting 50 pieces.
Shop it here.
The post 31 of the Best Sales to Shop This Black Friday Weekend appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
31 of the Best Sales to Shop This Black Friday Weekend published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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cutsliceddiced · 7 years ago
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New GIF tagged game, music, reaction, music video, food, reactions, mrw, rap, twitch, eating, rpg, swag, 2018, singing, mv, song, nerd, geek, comics, bunny, dnd, musical, comic, hyper rpg, sing, nerds, nerdy, d&d, yummy, yum, geeky, geeks, hyperrpg, delicious, hyper, comic con, emma, bag, roleplaying, hyper_rpg, role playing, nom, michelle, abby, sdcc, steal, con, convention, feed, swagger, chubby, foods, san diego comic con, emma fyffe, merch, theft, emmafyffe, stolen, fed, merchandise, nguyen, fyffe, consumerism, iamchubbybunny, michelle nguyen, sdcc 2018, trott, sdcc2018, hypercon2018, hypercon, appetizing, michelle chubby bunny, in my bag, in the bag, swaginmybag, abby trott, abbytrott via Giphy https://ift.tt/2Lhe9JR via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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myfamilyonpurpose · 5 years ago
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We skipped presents this year & put a holiday bag under the tree instead.
We decided that for this year, instead of buying each other gifts, we would create a bag or box filled with family adventures & fun instead. Trying to avoid the consumerism culture, we decided to intentionally spend our resources on what we really value, which is time together as a family. We started filling the box 3 months before Christmas, which is easier on the December budget. Here is what we included in our bag:
Jason & I each pre booked, and paid for:
1. A surprise get away for 1 or 2 nights
2. A date day/ night with babysitters booked
3. A family outing we've been wanting to do
4. We each sourced a Christmas eve movie with decadent treats (waffles and ice cream.. Yum).
5. A family boardgame (more like couple's boardgames for us, since our son is still a baby).
6. Family summer pj's (yes matchy outfits can be cheesy but bring cheesy together brings a sense of togetherness). Other alternatives are family flip flops, swimming costumes, or whatever is truly needed and won't go to waste. Since part of our goal is to resist the consumerism christmas culture and not buy unnecessary items, I just did a mental check to see what we really needed to ensure it will be used often even after Christmas.
We've just about started our holiday and have been on one of the out of town getaways. So far I've found that the best part of the holiday bag/box  is that it creates a sense of anticipation and excitement, even for the simplest of pleasures such as family outings and much needed summer pyjamas. In a world where Instagram has normalized vacations, it takes our family getaways, and wraps them in gift wrap thereby reminding us (& our kids) of the privileges & gifts that they actually are.  It makes the things we often take for granted magical again.  More than anything it makes us realize that our family is our greatest gift. This is where happyness is found, in the ability to appreciate what we have and to see the fun in it, to see our privileges as the gifts that they are, and of course to do it with the ones we love.
Merry Christmas, and have a blessed holiday with your loved ones! #christmas #minimalistic #family
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marketinginsidr-blog · 7 years ago
For An Udemy Pinterest Marketing Manager Or Those That Want To Be
udemy pinterest marketing managerPhoto source:johnthan / Pixabay I came across this short article today, and I could not agree with it more as it associates with udemy pinterest marketing manager. The short article is about bridging the gap between self identity and consumerism, however when it comes to udemy pinterest marketing manager it becomes much more appropriate. Read it and tell me if you concur ...
Udemy Pinterest Marketing Manager
It’s 9:26pm. I’m sitting on my couch, tea in hand. I open my browser and as if without thinking my mouse finds its way to a deeply joyful place. Within a moment I’m instantly transported to a wonderful world of patterns and colors, of amazing smells and ingenious ideas that go on for miles into the ether. A dress. A home. A quote.
Perhaps you know this place too. Yes, we’ve entered the world of Pinterest.
Pinterest reflects our self-identity
I’ve been a little obsessed with Pinterest for a while now and I don’t think I’m the only one. Pinterest is my happy place. It’s inspirational, aspirational and practical all at the same time. With every board and every pin, we share a different facet of ourselves. It is the only form of social media that allows us to share deeply about ourselves without the fear of oversharing — because we are rarely the original content creators.
It is an incredibly simple concept that draws on our desire to collect, to save and to treasure these little gems we find. Ariel the mermaid would have loved Pinterest.
I see Pinterest as an act of self discovery and self understanding. Ooh! A kale salad — we are healthy. Yum! A chocolate croissant — but we indulge sometimes. Wow! Fjords in Norway — we are explorers. Dawww! A cat — and yeah, we also like cats. We are the athlete and health addict who is also a mom. We are the crafter and maker with a love of Hello Kitty.
We are not a single persona but 2,854 pins worth of subtlety that remind us of who we are and who we want to be.
We are individuals. With each pin and repin, we collect a piece of our current selves, our aspirational selves, or our imagined selves. Whether fantasy or reality, each reflects something we identify with — either a grounded reality of who we are or an inspired aspiration of who we might become.
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So, you've read it, do you agree that when it comes to udemy pinterest marketing manager it becomes even more appropriate? I say it does because _____! Exactly what are your ideas? Please leave a comment listed below
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