30 posts
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 30
2/21/20 - Collection of Hot Cocoa
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Ending this blog off with the collection of hot cocoa and everything I used with it. Hot cocoa holds a special place in my consumption since I’ve been drinking it since childhood. Being it on a 100+ F day or a -20F, I am always up for a nice cup of hot cocoa. But my tongue doesn’t do well with hot liquids so I sip a cup over a long period. Hot cocoa is my usual pick me up like how coffee or tea are for other people. It’s surprising how little people remember this beverage. There was a recent public research poll to see the demographics of beverage drinkers and there was no choice with Hot cocoa. This is saying that there was a liquor and kombucha option on it? I could only remedy my survey in the comments explaining I’m an avid hot chocolate drinker. I wonder I was an outlier in their research. 
Moving on from that, a fun fact of the day, hot cocoa contains more antioxidants than wine and tea, just drink in moderation since it still contains a lot of sugars and fats. In the old days of Europe, like the 17th century, hot cocoa was actually seen as a sort of medicine to help travelers with fevers and fatigue. It also appeared in several parts of Africa like Nigeria, yet it was first recorded to appear in the Aztec culture. Their drink is typically served with a mixture of spices for a deeper flavor. Also, it was thanks to the Dutch that hot cocoa spread to the Americas and I also think it was a Dutch citizen that invented the powder. This, in turn, spread the popularity and reduced the high price of the drink. Now it has become the classic winter drink. Yay!
Today’s consumption started a hot cup of cocoa. I used a disposable cup and a wooden stirrer that was provided at my workplace. I used the campus connector and my phone while listening to the DADO music app. I rediscovered Dandelion Playlist on YouTube and been listening to their playlists. I put on a bit of makeup with sunscreen, Colourpop blush stix 25/8 and super shock highlighter lunch money, Anatasia brow powder, Korres pomegranate lip butter, and Flesh lip Tremble. At noon, I transferred $30 into my student account from my debit account. For lunch, I ate at BDH with a meal swipe for two sausage pizza, a glass of cranberry-lemonade, and a mystery yellow cake with pink filling. I started to watch the tv show 9-1-1 and I’m enjoying it quite a bit. Though I have to skip all the sex scenes since I’m not interested in it. For dinner, I had chicken laab that was made with Cub’s rotisserie chicken.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 29
2/20/20 - Collection of lip butter
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The collection of the day is the lip butter from Korres. This is another item I’ve received from my mother. She originally received this as a gift but she rarely wore makeup so she gave it to me for the dry season. I was actually given two more of these lip butter, quince, and jasmine for different color pigments. I particularly carry around pomegranate since I love the smell and the color pay-off on my lips. Quince is more for outings and jasmine is for bedtime. Affected by the consumption blog, I’ve started to attempt to finish these lip products. Consumption of makeup in today’s society has grown and is still growing. Nowadays more makeup is thrown away than completely used because of the expiration placed on makeup for health safety. As well as, the influencer trend of showing support by buying products with their name attached. It’s akin to the fascination with collecting something like shoes or stamps. Makeup consumerism is pricey and takes a large percentage of people's income. In fact, any beauty or self-care products takes a large chunk out of anyone’s income.
I went to bed at 2 am and woke up at 6:45 am. Breakfast was at BDH for a plate of fruit and one bacon. For lunch was a packed classic white sandwich with lettuce, bacon, and salami. Dinner at BDH with one meal swipe for a hamburger, french fries, ketchup, hot sauce, two bbq meatballs and a glass of cranberry-lemonade. I think I’m getting real tired of sandwiches or anything between to pieces of gluten-based food. I wished I made it in time before the Swedish meatballs and noodles ran out. For make up I used, Korres lip butter, colourpop supershock highlight brunch date, colourpop blush stix 25/8, Anatasia brow mini shadow, flesh lip tremble, and mysterious sunscreen of a different language. It’s water-based and no skin reactions so its pretty good.
I do feel bad for my professor for falling asleep but I haven’t been sleeping much this past week. I put on a bit of makeup to kill time and to help me from falling asleep. I did manage to finish my paper, so I am pretty happy about that! My mother also sent a picture of my brother laying in his crib on his stomach. He’s so cute with how he curls his lips inwards when he is bored. It makes his cheeks puff out and appear even more squishable. Also, I’ve been binging on SoCS during my commute on the connector. I’ve done so many shameless displays of excitement for what’s happening in the text.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 28
2/19/2020 - Collection of perfume
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I believe this is my second addition of perfume related products to this collection. So supposedly this rose oil was made from Bulgaria roses. I don’t remember the exact details since I received this from my mother over a decade ago. Yet surprisingly the scent of rose is still as fresh as the day I got it. The power of oils I say! Just recently I’ve learned to appreciate the handmade tube designed to carry the bottle and I just started using it for a fresher scent. Consumption also happens due to gift-giving culture. The idea of a solid form of appreciation is relevant to anyone. I could dabble into gift-giving culture right now but I’ll keep it short and simple. People like gifts when it is something they like or from someone they like. And people don’t like gifts because they honestly don’t want expectations placed on them, period.
For breakfast, meal swipe at BDH for a buttermilk pancake, three pieces of cantaloupe, one hard-boiled egg and a glass of pineapple banana smoothie. Packed lunch is a simple 12-grain bread with salami. lettuce, and tomato. But I decide to eat the sandwich for dinner and made a cup ramen for lunch instead. I also ate a mini kit-kat bar.
Today I was in and out of sleep since I’ve been staying up late lately. I even took a shower late at night and it dried by the point I went to bed. I’m physically tired but I can keep going since I am emotionally stable. I need to finish my paper and I haven’t really been working. Maybe I’ll dedicate Friday to catch up. So I must resist reading SoCS until I  get my stuff together.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 27
 2/18/20 - Collection of Keyboard
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The keyboard is today’s collection. The history of the keyboard has certainly come from a long way from being made. Then getting its letters rearranged to improve the typing experience, the reason why QWERTY exists. To typewriter, radio, bulky, slim, clicky, butterfly keys, wired, wireless, Bluetooth and screen. The consumption of the keyboard had been crucial since the morse code keyer (even if it was one key) and has prevailed and evolved since then. It’s vital as a part of language and communication within society. In all seriousness, a good keyboard is the make or break for anyone to buy a laptop. I’m looking at you drift and butterfly keys.
I started the day off with music and breakfast at BDH for one chocolate chip pancake, 9 pieces of fruit and a thumb-sized piece of bacon with strawberry-banana smoothie. For lunch, I packed a honey wheat BLT sandwich with tuna salad and salami. I drunk a lot of water after laughing and crying for a good 10 minutes due to being infected by laughter for no apparent reason. For dinner, it was the usual meal swipe at BDH for vegan thai curry with overwatered white rice, two scoops of carrots and one small pork loin. I also had a mug of hot chocolate with a sugar cookie. The cookie oddly had a taste like fish so it was probably too much salt added to it.
I started to transcribe my GDES 2399W readings because it helps me understand what on earth is being rambled on. It’s a scramble to finish my paper because I have so much to say and translating it to simpler words. Also, it is dog training night so I won’t be able to do much aside from working on the paper briefly. Maybe I’ll skip work for tonight.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 26
2/17/20 - Collection of Binder clips
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Another collection for this blog is binder clips. I used them everywhere, at work, at school, at home, at my volunteer, and etc. It is the rising star in my current years of life after the stapler. The paperclip? That’s for lockpicking and that in itself is a rare event. It’s an odd revelation for the importance of binder clips in my life now due to the fact electronic files and documents are growing and overtaking the physical world. Even at my workplace is struggling with the gallons of bags of clips ever since we started the electronic archival move. The brilliant thing about the consumption of binder clips is that they can be reused again and again without much wear and tear, unlike paperclips and staples. In fact, on a side note, I’ve gotten into the news about stapleless staplers that cut and fold the paper in a way to keep documents together. Naturally, I’m still using staples since I have them on hand already. Finishing this, binder clips are quite useful in many other ways like clipping cords together and organized, or stretching canvas.
Today’s consumption consists of one meal swipe at BDH for a packed sandwich, one chocolate chip pancake, four pieces of cantaloupe, and a cup of blackberry banana smoothie. The sandwich for lunch is white bread, lettuce, tomato, tuna salad, and salami. I used my awl to book bind and more 11x17 paper for homework. And obviously used the campus connector to get around. Dinner was at BDH for Thai red curry, white rice and three scoops of garlic broccoli. I used the dorm laundry to wash my clothing and fabrics with my liquid tide and used a Bounce fabric softener. I also used a bit of colourpop supershock highlighter for a quick swipe on the eyes and Fresh’s red lip tint to color my lips.
What I did for the day was going to work with the connector. I listened to music on DADO with my wired earbuds. Used the fax scanner at work and adobe reader to quality check files. One post-it note to leave my coworkers a note about a pickup. An attempted staple binding of my spreads until I realized the spreads were wrong since they didn’t print centered. Tears of anguish for my $2.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 25
2/16/20 - Collection of Baby Cam
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For today’s collection is a vital tool to have when watching a baby, the baby cam. I always used it when baby is asleep and I need to do something in the house like cleaning or doing homework. There is a slight lag from the feed but it’s barely noticeable with the network we are using. It’s also fun that I can play music from the cam when needed but I never had to yet since I’m usually nearby to grab him if he wakes up. It also has motion detection so it’ll ping us if he rolls over or at least about to.
The growing world of monitors for anything has been with society ever since video cameras were a thing. And even before cameras there were radios meant to monitor babies. Is this consumption a luxury? Yes and no. For many it is a oncoming necessary for parents to help keep their children safe while doing other life’s tasks. The help of a machine and a person could and could not be compared as both have their pros and cons. But it is a helpful reliever that there is something always keeping an eye one your child and give warning to you at a moments notice. Also you get to watch your cute baby sleep without disturbing them.
Today’s consumption consisted of leftover kontastu with egg fried rice, light soy sauce, and ponsu sauce. For dinner I had chicken stirfry with tomato, salt, various herbs, and rice. I also used a few sheets of paper for assignments. I also printed spreads at the printing lab and used the scanner to scan my 11x11 pattern for printmaking. As usual I used items and products for babies during the day for my brother and products for dogs at night for my service dogs.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 24
2/15/20 - Collection of Sewing kit and Thread
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Today I had to repair the zipper threading on both my laptop bag and my backpack. I decided to have it added to my collection in this blog. The consumption of tools is a vital representation of today’s society. More than often, people are now prone to let their objects to be worn and torn apart without attempting to repair it. This applies to objects that hold no sentimental value or it has an inexpensive replacement. There is a decreasing amount of people who don’t consume tools because they don’t know how to use them like sewing. We’ve now been introduced to the concept of buy, use, break and buy again. A good example is the phones. Now the younger generation ranging in 10′s and 20′s are very used to replacing their phone when it breaks, when the battery life has degraded or when it can’t send the new stylish slofie to others. It’s an odd conundrum ingrained in our consumerism to always keep up to date and to always have the highest quality.
Anyways, I consumed leftover paneag with fried rice made with one egg. I love my spicy food! I had a quarter of a cup of water. Using my laptop and spent around 6 hours on my phone. For dinner, I got takeout tonkatsu and spicy tuna roll from Sushi Tango. There was also an orange, miso soup, and snow peas that I ate as well. I also finished the leftover seafood laab and crunchy roll from my parents' dinner. I ate a chocolate heart from the box of chocolate I got from my family.
Things I did today was repairing both laptop case and backpack. Watched baby while parents went to dinner. Code HTML for both work and school. Drew on 11x17 for an assignment. Used the scanner to scan my sheets for homework as well as the lightbox to trace. I watched the baby and he got pretty upset by the time he supposes to eat and sleep. However, he did neither and now my family is trying to get him to eat. We only managed to feed him while he was lying down. But babies shouldn’t be fed in that way so we’ll have to be very careful.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 23
2/14/20 - Collection of Mac
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In all honesty, I planned to collect everything that has a name involving “Mac” for this collection like mac and cheese, mac makeup, the apple, etc.. But decided to only do one photo for today’s collection. It’s also St. Valentine’s day so there’s that. I’ll be watching my brother when my parents go on a date. They haven’t been on one for so long so I hope they enjoy it.
The growing need to have a laptop is expanding exponentially in today’s society. It even became to the requirement to have for certain academic institutions; it goes for both faculty and students. This is the same for several other lines of work, personal living, and even volunteer. The connection of the internet; relationships, the format and programs to transfer data, the changing luxury to necessary is growing and it’s not stopping. The world, society cannot, as a whole, be ever and willingly separate this network of information and communication. It probably is said it has now become a necessary consumption to survive in society.
I skipped breakfast to sleep in for another 20 minutes. I also took the dogs out like usual in the morning. One of them did a sprint trip because she was excited to see her handler actually awake this early in the morning. I was figuratively dragged across the building like a kite about to take flight. I did eat lunch at BDH for a plate of fruit, pallea, and kung pao chicken, with three scoops of zucchini. I used the printing service for $7.74 and much to my dislike had a mechanical printing error around an eighth of an inch so I hope my professor accepts it. I also think I lost my beats at the printing center so I hope I can find them when they open on Monday. For dinner, I had takeout tofu panaeg with rice and some five-spice tofu. It was so yummy that I went straight to bed right away at 9.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 22
2/13/20 - Collection of Post-its
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This is a post-it note of the school of public health. Post-it notes my boss has been trying to get rid of by using them. Trust when I say there’s a crate (really a storage bucket full) full of them. I’ve recently started using them for school use after cutting off the logo to try to help with the cause or just using them as-is for work reasons. Thus I decided to add this to my collection for the idea of ‘needing to consume because it is there and needs to go in a not wasteful way’. Normally consumption has their wasteful tendency but there is also consumption meant so that there is no waste in the end. Like including the last of the sack of onions for the next two days of meals before they go bad. Simply put, people like to get their money’s worth and maybe more of the worth.
I’m finding new ways to use the post-it notes every day. Doodling, page extender, bookmark, origami, etc. Today I started using them as tape for my pattern design sheet. It doesn’t tear my paper, easy to restick for adjustment and moving pieces around. The non-sticky parts that were cut off were used as scratch paper to test concepts and ink testing... I’m still tired despite getting 6 hours of sleep last night to the point I’m dreaming of False Hydras... I can do it!
Today’s consumption involves a breakfast meal swipe at BDH for 5 pieces of cantaloupe, three pieces? of bacon, and a packed sandwich for lunch. Whole wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, salami, a bit of tuna salad, and a slice of bacon. Delicious. Sadly, I couldn’t finish my blueberry-banana smoothie before I had to go since it was too cold to chug. I used the connector as usual and work with google suite for the day. I snacked on trail mix in class and a cup of earl grey earlier at work. I ended the day with dinner at BDH with a meal swipe for sausage paella, a scoop of carrots and a mug of black tea with two packets of sugar. I also got a chance to check out the vacuum and clean the common area in the dorm; tossed out the trash and compost too.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 21
2/12/20 - Collection of Connector
A collection this time is the connector! A vital source of transportation for any student that has courses between the two campuses. The bus schedule is always iffy and never handy unless it’s the morning since traffic is more smoother and there are passengers to get. I lament at the scarcity and slowness the campus buses can be in the evening hours. Thankfully the bus app remains accurate and faithful to tracking the buses so I know where to wait for it. The reason I decided to collect this was for transportation consumption. Transportation consumption is incredibly big anywhere you could go in the world. This involves the land, sea and skies, electric, gas, reusable, and man-powered. It gets people places faster, easier, or more people somewhere more efficient. It’s not an easy consumption to replace in everyone’s daily life. People have places they need to go to live.
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Consumption of the day: 
Breakfast and dinner for two meal swipes at BDH. Ate one pancake with maple syrup, a hard boiled egg, some fruit and a glass of lemonade. Dinner was a chicken sandwich fries and a bite off chocolate cake. Lunch I actually bought some sushi due to having heart burn. My heart burn gets worse if I eat products with gluten in it so I couldn’t get a sandwich. I used my flex fine to pay for the sushi, spicy salmon rolls, $6.99.
Throughout the entire day, I suffered from heart burn due to the lack of sleep (~2-3 hours in the past 24 hrs) gave me. I also wasted a lot of 11x17 paper in the office since my files wouldn’t print correctly. I remembered to recycled them before I went to bed. I also just trashed my sushi box since you can’t recycle anything that had direct contact with food. I’ve also been indulging in some ‘star-crossed lover’ theme books to keep my focus up.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 20
2/11/20 - Collection of Sandwich
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Ah the sandwich, tasty morsel, has appeared for today’s collection. The consumption of a packed lunch versus takeout has many wonderful things to talk about. Money versus time, diligence versus laziness. To each their own. It comes to a vague discussion of time vs money and short vs long term. There are some who do think about the waste that comes from consumption but the usual train of thought is, ‘will I have food to eat?’. That is what people prioritize then they will think about waste. Small gestures like compostable utensils, no plates, ‘free-range’ products, veganism, etc are the second train of thought. Annnnnnnd to others, the taste, the TASTE is what matters. That’s consumerism, preferences to control what we buy.
Nowadays and for a very long time, consumerism has always been based on the preference of the consumer. Like for me, I suffer eating sandwiches because I dislike spending money on choices I also dislike eating every day. It’s a troubling battle of a picky person between feeding my mental fatigue and my physical hunger.
Today’s consumption: Meal swipe at BDH for 2 banana pancakes, some fruit, 2 slices of bacon and a packed sandwich for lunch. Lunch was a sandwich of tuna, lettuce, salami, and a slice of tomato. Some water from water fountains and the connector. Used the programs AI and InD for various stuff. I’m so tired, I don’t remember what else I consumed. But I did take an hour nap, a good shower, and a saddening dinner at BDH for a hotdog, fries, ketchup, hot lemon tea, a bowl of Rice Krispie cereal with marshmallows.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 19
2/10/20 - Collection of Tablet
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The collection of the day is my old friend, the Wacom tablet. It’s my trusty companion for doing assignments and projects. I use it with my MacBook and the usual application is Clip Studio that I got on sale for $25. A consumption that may come from using this tablet is my pen nib that slowly erodes away with each use. It’s a necessary consumption less I want to replace the tablet instead of the nib. Is there such a thing call consumption for investment? Cause investing to get a tablet is vital for any digital artist, less their skill with a mouse, to do work that’ll pay the bills.
Today’s consumption consists of one meal swipe at BDH for 3 pieces of each cantaloupe and honeydew, half a glass of lemonade, two pieces of bacon and half of a hashbrown. Too much oil so I couldn’t finish the hashbrown which I’m sad at. Used the public school bus connector and worked for the usual three hours, which I made two pots of coffee with a total of three packets during that time. For lunch was the packed spring rolls and for dinner was a meal swipe at BDG for a bowl of cereal (Cheerios and skim milk). I’ve been having really bad heartburn throughout the day, I think it started after I ate that donut at work, so I’ve been having trouble eating anything.
I’ve been having heartburn from the lack of sleep and constant fried food served at the dining hall. Oh, what I would give to have a chicken broth that’s lightly salted with boiled tofu and Chinese broccoli. Even lettuce or cabbage will work! I miss cooking and I miss having the time and my fridge and a close grocery store. It’s alright to say I keep losing weight despite how unhealthy I eat. I have to make sure I find something to laugh so my NK cells are staying healthy despite losing a lot of them from sleeping less than 6 hours!
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 18
2/9/20 - Collection of baby
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This is my baby brother. I decided to collect this for the consumption that doesn’t involve monetary value. Consumption from relationships is something that happens to everyone. For various reasons, we give our time to others like a business, family, or a complex mixture of relations shared by a pair of people. It’s a rather intriguing analysis to peel like an onion to see how much does the standing of the people in a relationship gain versus losing. There is always a reason why people take others’ time and it’s never a ‘just because’. Every action a person does is a method of consumption and production, but to judge it is now in the matter of the values used to measure it.
It’s always nice to see my baby brother whenever I return home. Especially to watch the new stuff he can do. Just today I saw him dashing around in his walker despite being half a year old. I hope he always has something good to smile about for a long, long time.
Consumption of the day is various videos on Youtube and w3school for study. For lunch, I ate the leftover Firebox ribs and sticky rice. It was the same for dinner. I also snacked on some sliced meatballs from the spring rolls I packed for lunch tomorrow. I used a few sheets of 11x17 for homework and clipstudio.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 17
2/8/20 - Collection of Perfume Bottle
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Collection of the day is an indulgent purchase I made today, a glass perfume bottle. It was on sale for 50% so I got it for $4.28 after tax. I’ve been eyeing this bottle for over two years whenever I entered hobby lobby but refrained since I didn’t wear perfume. But today when I went in with my cousin she told me I should get it since I rarely spend on myself. I’m actually quite happy with the purchase since I got it on sale and I started to wear light fragrances since my baby brother came. Then later on in the day I went to the dollar store and paid $4.30 for three 4pc 12.5 oz food storage containers and a roll of masking tape for class. I will like to talk about the consumption of wants and needs. It’s been a running trend in my blogs to talk about saving as much money (and time) as possible. I believe anyone will most definitely find a cheaper means to get something when they can if they are consciously aware of the value of money itself. Now some willingly buy their wants before needs because they can. It’s a mysterious trap that consumption place on those and many others with marketing making its believed that the items of want are indeed necessary for livelihood. A good example of a grey area is having a suit for an interview. It is a necessity to wear a suit for a good impression, but should one buy the expensive/brand suit to be more attractive/not seem cheap, or should one put faith in the cheaper suit. Which of the former or latter a decision for want or for a need? That is falling trap today’s buying consumption has placed on many, especially on the younger generation.
Moving on, here’s my consumption of the day. I ate leftover spaghetti for lunch by heating it with a wok, then by microwave with a wet paper towel. I had three glasses of water in a total of the day. Since I was invited to go wedding shopping with my cousin, I took most of the day wandering store aisles and deciding on acrylic paint for her decoration. We traveled by car so that’s some consumption I think? For dinner, I ate two ribs and one slice of brisket with a small scoop of sticky rice. Throughout the day I snack a little on Doritos and popcorn caramel and cheese mix.
Music I listened for the day is Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy ~ Calm Mix on Youtube while I took a three-hour nap. As well as when I was watching the baby while my parents went shopping. He was so adorable when we were playing on the actual piano together. Also, he is starting to sleep like an adult (on his side), I hope he doesn’t rollover.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 16
2/7/20 - Collection of Parking Ticket
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For today’s collection is my parking ticket from the ERB parking ramp at the U. I drove to work at 6:30 in my car due to having an interview in the afternoon. As you can see I managed to get to the parking lot before 7 am for the early bird deal of only needing to pay $7 if I exceed 3 hours. The consumption this shows is a parking ticket, a spot in the parking ramp, my car and gas, and my time for coming to work extra early. Here in MN, there’s a large abundance of car owners despite the new modes of transportation like buses or light rail. It’s easy to see the lengths people would go to save even a little more money since it adds up in the future. There’s also always a competition to getting parking spots and facing the dreaded traffic as well.
Personal consumption of the day is one mini Twix bar in the morning. Random music on DADO with plentiful ads to see. Various websites on tips for interviews. Spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner. Also a family bowling at night.
Bowling was very fun. I think I alone finished two bowls of french fries with three squirts of ketchup. I also bowled with a 9 lb ball and borrowed size 5 bowling shoes. I rarely used my phone and kept up with a conversation between everyone. I returned home around midnight after half an hour's drive.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 15
2/6/20 - Collection of Catering
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This is one of the catering samples my office received from Simpls (Alumni-owned). My boss gave me one to try since she’s already tried their menu items before. It was a Cilantro-Lime sauce chicken with sweet potatoes and pan-fried cauliflower. It also came with Himalayan sea salt bean chips, a chocolate chip cookie, a compostable spoon and fork, one napkin, and the box with the container itself. A complimentary item that came with it was a bowl of creamy wild rice. In simple words, it was good and it was yummy.
Receiving this meal, made me think about the consumption of catering for various companies and events. Some companies cater because they want to treat their staff or for schedule events for discussions and inclusion among the coworkers. The promise of food works splendidly well to draw people together. This goes for various events like graduation celebrations, birthdays, and etc. In American society, catering has grown bigger, especially individual catering where schedule meals are sent to someone for the taste of balanced home-cooked food. This could be a result of laziness, or having no time to do so, or having poor culinary skills. But catering is also the result of the efficient allocation of resources like a large scale manufacturing workplace that one person doing one task. But that manufacturing workplace is society itself.
By the by, I had breakfast at BDH for one vegan pancake, a bacon, and three pieces of cantaloupe with a pineapple-banana smoothie. I packed an uneaten bl and salami sandwich with a zip-lock bag. Lots of water with my trusty plastic water bottle and trusty water fountains. And a mini twix bar with two women multi-vitamins. For dinner, I had boiled pork and tofu with half a plate of rice and pepper flakes with fish oil. Today was a good day, I managed to eat all three meals that actually sat in my stomach. Now I’m preparing my interview with three nice resume paper.
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xion1791 · 5 years ago
Day 14
2/5/20 - Collection of Levi
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Another workday for Levi. He’s getting better with the park command and his cuddle Settle still exists. He’s so sleepy after 3 hrs of boring class. My consumption of using this service dog is part of his training. As I mentioned before I help train service dogs before the graduate to become official service dogs. I know an odd grey area. He was a great partner as usual and very mindful of where he was to not bump into my bad leg that I recently injured. He was also good moral support and kept me from falling asleep during lectures.
Today I had a fast breakfast at BDH since I was running late. One pancake, two sausage links and a small cup of mystery smoothie. I had two Dunkin regular donuts from work and saved one in the fridge for my coworker coming in the next shift. I drank some water from my trusty water bottle. For lunch and dinner, I split a footlong subway (~$6). It was Italian bread, spicy Italian, pepper jack, spinach, tomato, and a layer of creamy sriracha. I also took a bag to prevent leaking before dinner.
I also used various applications and printers today. I used Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign,  ClipStudio, Word, Webstorm, DreamWeaver, Google drive(and associated), and GitHub to get today’s work done. Reading through w3school website most definitely refreshed my knowledge of tags and nesting.
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