#construtive criticism welcomed
paradoxo8y · 1 year
You enter in the florest hopping to find one of them, for you wish to make a deal. not to long after the tree line the florest itself finds you, a being with to many teeth and not enouh face speaks into your mind.
-What brings you to my florest mortal?
It's voice sonds like a milion of beings and nothing. You know it's to dangerous to look at them the fear will consume your mind.
- I wish for me and my children and their descents to posses riches like the many kings and queens beyond the trees.
You speak surelly, a dangerous game is being played with the creature.
- Is that so? - Their voices amused. - For as long as you pay the price all your family can have the wellness of royalty.
- What's the price? - You ask
The thing laughs at your foolish question. You was dismised as the fae dissapear in the dark.
It's not long into you starts to receive money, all the things can be buyied, your descends have fresh water and more food than all the family ancestors have ever seen.
But the riches come with a price, as the fae have warned, all of you need to work for them, the payment starts to get lower and lower, after your death they still need to make things for the fae.
Breaking the agreement will only curse them further, now yours grandsons work 9 to 5 all weeks to gain the minimun wage, they can't fail or the water will be cut, if they stop paying the faeries there is no food.
Your soul canot rest for you have cursed your bloodline into mindless work in schange of the most basic of necessities.
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thewitcheswitch89 · 3 months
The Witches Image
Papa Emeritus IV- Part 1
Authors Note: its my Fist Ghost fanfic. Please give me construtive criticism.
you can also read it on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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"A warm welcome, sister!". An older woman in her 60s approached me with her arms wide open. I tried to smile, even though I didn't feel like it.
I hadn't actually intended to change convent. However, Abbess Blake had left me no choice. I had been summoned to her office three days ago to tell me that I was in higher vocations and needed more intensive guidance to find my right path. And for that it would be necessary to transfer me. Sister Imperator would be the perfect person for that.
When I asked if it was really necessary and if I could just sign up for more courses, all I got was a blunt "Don't question Lucifer's decisions, my child!". I had barely had time to say goodbye before my bags were packed, the flight booked and I was here. A new member of the unholy church Emeritus. I didn't care what privilege I was given. I would have liked to stay there with my friends, my teachers. But this decision was not given to me.
Nervously, I clenched my fingers in my pocket. Sister Imperator was a slim, good-looking woman. Her blonde hair, streaked with gray, was pinned up in a loose bun. In her black blazer, suit trousers and red pumps, she looked a little intimidating.
"It's great that you're finally here!" she beamed when she reached me. Her voice echoed in the empty crypt. 
"Thank you for letting me be here, sister," I replied. Not convinced of my gratitude. Her eyes briefly scrutinized me from top to bottom with a disparaging look. I immediately became afraid that she had noticed. No matter how hard I tried, you could see everything in my face, like an open book. Her gaze lingered on my Doc Martens, which were long past their prime. I was immediately annoyed that I hadn't worn something more formal. First impressions counted here. Even though I didn't want to be here, I had to accept the idea now. The formal smile that didn't reach her eyes didn't leave her lips as she pierced me with her gaze.
"Abbess Blake didn't promise too much when she recommended you to me," her voice broke the uncomfortable silence. "But let us go to my office, Sister! Surely you don't mind a cup of tea?...Leave your luggage here, one of the ghouls will take care of it!".
She turned on her heel and stomped off down the corridor. As I hurried to keep up with her, I couldn't get her remark out of my head.  ...'Abbess Blake didn't promise too much'...What had she said to her?
She steered purposefully towards a tall double door that led from the entrance hall into a darker and narrower corridor. Fine wood paneling adorned the walls. The floor was covered with dark red carpet. The light refracted through the high stained glass windows, giving the corridor an almost magical feel.
. High wooden doors lined the corridor, golden signs were attached to each one. As I walked past, I caught a glimpse of the names. "Primo", "Secondo", "Terzo", "Papa Emeritus 4" and "Nihil".
"Here we are!" She let me enter first and I was amazed. Her office was huge, a wide fireplace, dark shelves, armchairs upholstered in heavy red velvet, high windows with heavy white curtains draped around them. Paintings of every emeritus on the wall. If it looked so grand here, what did Papa's office look like?
"Have a seat!" She closed the door and went to her desk, which was in the middle of the room. I took a seat opposite her.
"Please bring me tea for two," she said into her phone, hung up and turned to me.
"Welcome again, sister! I hope your journey was pleasant?" She folded her hands on the table with a smile.
"Yes... thank you!" I replied. "Even if everything had to happen pretty quickly!". Sister Imperator nodded sympathetically and furrowed her brow.
"Sometimes there's no other way...you have to act before the child has fallen into the well...Abbess Blake seemed very worried when she contacted me. Concerned for you...and your faith in our unholy church!" She leaned in my direction, sighing. "She told me that she feared that you might leave your path to Lucifer!".
I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. What did that mean? I had done everything that had been asked of me. I had taken part in every mass, every ritual and every festival. Hadn't that been enough? I hadn't refused ... well ... except for one particular thing. But that couldn't be the reason for the transfer...not because I...
At that moment, there was a knock at the door and a sister dressed in the habit of the Order entered, a tray with a teapot and two cups in her hand.
"Your tea, Sister Imperator!" she said and placed the tray on a small table next to the desk.
"Thank you my dear!" Sister Imperator rose to fill the cups with hot tea, while the young woman turned to me, winked with a smile and left the room.
Sister handed me one of the fine porcelain cups and sat down again, sighing. Was she expecting an answer now? I awkwardly put my cup down and cleared my throat to say something, but she beat me to it.
"I offered Abbess Blake to put you back on the right path... The way she raved about your talents, I think you will find your way with us very quickly!". She sipped her tea and continued: "I understand you were active in book illumination and translations of holy scriptures?". Sipping my tea, I looked at her with wide eyes. Should I answer now?
"Yes!" I replied, burning my tongue.
"That's excellent, sister! We've been looking for someone to write down our unholy father's masses for posterity for a long time!" She took an almost exuberant sip of tea. "That will be your task now, my dear!".
"It's a...great honor, Sister Imperator," I grinned. To be honest, I felt a little overwhelmed. After all, it was a big job and a lot could go wrong.
Another knock made me flinch briefly.
"Come in!" she called, still grinning. I took another sip of tea and tried to get used to the idea of my new task.
"Sorry to disturb you, sister! But you wanted to see me?" a male voice with a heavy Italian accent said hesitantly.
"Come in, my dear!" She stood up. I hesitantly put my cup down and stood up.
"I would like to introduce you to our new member... Sister Lia!".
My gaze met his exactly. One green and one white eye. Black make-up adorned his eyes and his upper lip.
"Papa!" I said. The corners of his mouth twisted into a grin. While I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. Minutes seemed to pass, even if it was only a few seconds. I couldn't tear myself away from his gaze. It almost seemed as if his white eyes were shining. The corner of his mouth pulled upwards. He was a head taller than me. His hair was combed back and his hands were in black leather gloves. His black suit was tightly tailored. I blinked and immediately felt ashamed of my stare.
"Benvenuta sorella Lia!" he said, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of my hand. I felt a tingling sensation where his lips had touched my skin. He didn't take his eyes off me during the kiss. The warmth rose in my cheeks.
Fortunately, Sister Imperator interrupted the tension between me and him with her voice. I had a moment to catch my breath as he turned his attention away from me. Sister took a seat behind her desk, grinning broadly, let her eyes dart briefly to me and nodded to Copia, who took a seat next to me.
"Sister Lia... will take care of the transcripts of your masses in future! It's important to record them for posterity so that faith in our unholy church is deepened even more!".
"Meraviglioso!" laughed Copia in Italian. "What an enrichment!". He gave me a look, which I answered with an embarrassed smile. My cheeks were burning. Lucifer ... I had to pull myself together.
"I've long been of the opinion that you need an...assistant! Sister Lia will certainly be able to do some of the work for you. Isn't that right, sister?"
Without stopping it, my features slipped and all I did was stare at her with wide eyes. She was expecting an answer, but I was so caught off guard that I only managed a hesitant "Yes?". Copia next to me cleared his throat, which drew Sister's attention to him.
"Eh...maybe we should give Sister Lia time to arrive first!" he patted my hand and winked at me.
"Yes, of course you're right!" she sighed, before turning back to me. Her gaze was almost empathetic. " Take your time today and we will talk tomorrow about the admission ritual. Then we'll discuss more concrete things!". More concrete? What else was coming?
Sister Imperator pressed a button and a short time later there was a knock at the door and the sister who had brought us tea earlier entered. I had been staring at my hands the whole time, not only because I didn't know what was happening to me, but also to avoid Copia's worried look that he was giving me. I felt bad, I didn't want him to think it was directed at him.
This day seemed to have one surprise after another in store for me.
"Sister Magret, accompany Sister Lia to her room!".
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whatiwillsay · 2 years
and this anon isn’t rude? leave me the fuck alone you don’t know me, you don’t own me, and you’re not my friend.
And still, you could be nicer sometimes cam✌🏻
and if you have genuine good faith constructive criticism on specific things i have done that have hurt your feelings you are WELCOME to share it like a fucking adult and rather than calling me rude or telling me i'm a bitch. i am HAPPY to respectfully respond to genuine good faith construtive criticism and ALWAYS have.
insult me all you like if that gets you off but i will never respond to insults kindly. it is INSANE that y'all think you can just call me a bitch or rude and swear at me and i'm just supposed to lie down and take it? no way. fuck off.
i will never stand for that and y'all have no idea what it's like to have a platform where people can hurl insults at you anonymously. if you're so thin-skinned that a short/brief answer that isn't filled to the brim with adulation or cutesie fluffy language and emojis or a request for people to not use me as google comes off as rude then fuck. off. i do not want to talk to you.
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soma-gestalt · 4 years
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Base coat of the saw blade done. Working on painting next.
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moonkain · 4 years
Welcome to my blog! I've made this acc to express myself a little more and talk about the things i love, like games (Final Fantasy mainly), since theories, opinions 'til fanfictions and drawings i do, and a little about myself.
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⚠️ HOLD IT ⚠️
Like i said before, i'll talk about a lot of things so be aware here'll have a lot of spoilers! Pay attention at the warnings
I won't tolerate any racist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic comments or any type of hate on my posts, that said, if this happens you'll be blocked. Construtive criticism is more than welcome here!
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Feel free to explore my acc, i hope you like it! 🦋
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jainwolfe · 5 years
Sooooo not much to say ive been messing around with blender and this is wip of somethin i made a while ago and ive decided to post it its the cane sly cooper uses. Not sure what else to say lol any tips or construtive criticisms are welcome hope y'all have a great day
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soma-gestalt · 4 years
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More work done on the large sword I started. I am curious to know what you all think. It has some obvious inspirations from bloodborne. I have been trying to make a bunch of props to help pay for Christmas this year.
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soma-gestalt · 4 years
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This is how I start a piece. This was a scrap of oak that I had. I take it to my upright belt sander and look for the shape it wants to be. If that sounds silly, trust me I agree. I dont plan things out often, I just let them develop as I work on them.
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soma-gestalt · 4 years
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Second dagger in set.
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