#constellaris ; nethalia
xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris ⟭
nethalia's just going to prop her chin upon mammon's chest, a pout on her face. she demands love and attention.
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He was a greedy, needy monster at times — whining for her attention when he wanted it, pouting when he didn't get it, and snagging as much as she could when she did hand it over. Other times, he wanted to see others embody his greed.
"If you want somethin' from me, babe, use your words. Tell me what ya want."
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heroic-blood · 12 days
@constellaris liked for a starter!
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During his time as a Public Security officer, Seth had become used to people he helped showing their appreciation in various ways, and was usually happy to accept. That said, he was always bad at dealing with affection - and a certain someone seemed intent on flustering him.
"M-Miss Nethalia, it was nothing, really... just doing my job." Seth rubbed his neck with a soft red tint on his cheeks, a sheepish smile on his lips.
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solquaesitor · 2 months
cue nethalia flopping herself beside him
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Oh? Nethalia's blessed him with her presence? Well, don't mind as G'raha gently leans into her, flashing a smile. "Hello there."
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solis-scutum · 2 months
@constellaris asked: Please don't mind Nethalia sitting herself upon Erenville's lap, nuzzling her nose against his cheek as her tail wags away behind her~
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"Somebody seems to be in a good mood, I see."
Not that Erenville had any intention to complain about the beautiful Auri woman currently claiming his lap and nuzzling into his cheek, at any rate. Carefully, he would bring his right hand up and remove his glove, carefully running the bared fingers through Nethalia's hair as his left arm carefully looped around her waist and held her closely. From the way her tail was wagging, she seemed to be enjoying herself from her perch on the male's lap.
...Though, Erenville wouldn't deny that he was enjoying seeing how happy she was, too. That brilliant smile of Nethalia's...The way her eyes shone, how her tail wagged excitedly behind her...Carefully, he would pull the other flush against him, saying nothing as he allowed himself to indulge in the contact. His breath was even, relaxed...
But...He had a smile on his face, too. And despite appearances, she still had a way of making his heart race in a way nothing else could possibly hope to imagine. And, truth be told...A part of him didn't want it to end.
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yukitscne · 2 years
She could tell Yuki was trying his best to hide it - the burning need that was running rampant within him. She was no fool by any means. Sure, it had taken Nethalia some time to build herself up to this, but she could hardly leave him on his own.
Her approach was careful, arms sliding around the kitsune from behind only to start pressing a series of gentle kisses over his neck and shoulder, hands slowly making their way down along her beloved's body only to begin massaging and stroking along his manhood through his pants.
" You ... Don't have to sit back and hide it if you need me , you know . " Nethalia reminded softly. " Let me help look after you , Yuki ... ~ "
he tried his best and failed miserably ・゚✧ @constellaris
The cute little act of his was so important to him - anyone who had seen a different side of Yuki could probably tell that much. So important was it that he event attempted to mask his natural urges, his desires, despite how incredibly strong they were. Every year he would try to pretend that mating season was not a thing that existed, and every year he failed miserably. This year would be no different, at least not if Nethalia had anything to say about it. She'd probably noticed over the past week or so how he'd try to avoid contact with her, whereas the kitsune was usually so ecstatic for even a hand on his shoulder accompanied by a kind word, or how he, in his fox form, would instead elect to find somewhere to sleep on the couch rather than cuddling with the demon as he oft would. The fact that her arms around him accompanied with those kisses, not to mention where her hands began to venture next, was proving to be too much for him already was exactly why he'd tried to avoid her. 'Neth...' he managed out in a breathy voice as her hand massaged his arousal. And though he would usually be content in letting her do whatever she pleased with him... ...Yuki turned to face Nethalia, hands finding her hips before shoving her up against the wall. His lips and body pressed up against her - he was in no way to be playing coy now. He pulled away only to say, much gentler than how he'd just kissed her, 'I need you. Now.'
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monochromatic-minds · 2 years
brb neth is just gonna tackle illyria in a big ol hug!!
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{ღ}:  She done went and winded the smaller elf woman with that tackle.
Nethalia is forgiven though because she has fellow Bard friend and party member privilege.
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valorandgold · 2 years
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@constellaris​ said:
She had been away for so long that part of her wondered if he would still remember her.  Waiting until she was certain Ephraim was settled in his chambers for the night it was only then that the demoness made herself known,  seated upon the windowsill with an almost  embarrassed  expression as fingers toyed with long,  dark locks.
" Um ...  I know it's been a while and all ... "  Nethalia began,  unable to bring herself to meet his gaze. " I'd understand if you're mad at me for being gone so long ...  But there wasn't a day you weren't on my mind ,  you know ? "
Ephraim looked up from the bed, eyes widened as he sat up immediately, gazing at her from where he was. At first, he wasn’t even certain if it was truly her. Perhaps just a dream or some figment of his imagination, but it didn’t take him long to realize this was real, especially with how nervous she seemed, not even able to look him in the eyes...and any dreams he’d had about her since the last time he’d seen her were nothing like that.
He wanted to ask if he’d done something wrong, he wanted to ask where the hell she’d been, wanted to ask why, wanted to break down, wanted to hide, wanted to make her promise to never do that again...but what he needed took precedence over what he wanted.
The mostly undressed prince moved out from underneath the bed, striding toward Nethalia and pulling her away from the windowsill, kissing her on the lips for a few blissful moments, his breath ragged when he pulled away and whispered in her ear.
“I need you, Nethalia...please...”
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escalaregalia · 2 years
Even when Ren was distracted, that didn't mean a certain demon wasn't going to try and draw his attention to something far more interesting - at least in her eyes. Pressing herself against his back Nethalia's tail slowly swayed behind her, lips brushing against the shell of his ear as she let out a soft, playful purr.
" Reeeeeen ~ " Nethalia breathed, ensuring he could definitely feel her ample bosom squished against his back. " Come now , you can set that aside , right ? "
There was a pause as Ren felt Nethalia press her chest against him, lips against his ear as she purred so close to him that he could feel her breath. While he was startled at first, the key was to not let them sense your fear... they could smell fear, and that was 100% a fact and not made up. So in an attempt to conceal how flustered she could make him, Ren had only one option... bluff... bluff like his life depended on it.
“Sorry, I’m afraid you’re not forward enough for my liking.” he said, you know, like a liar, trying not to react to the breasts he could feel pressing against his back. “Besides, I’m far too accustomed to something as simple as breasts on my back to be swayed by that. Try harder next time.”
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This was either a brilliant plan... or his absolute demise...
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris ⟭
don't mind as nethalia simply plops herself right on mammon's lap - in one of his shirts no less - and starts showering him with kisses in a bid to earn his attention.
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He didn't mind, not in the least. He craved it, in fact, but her affections were ten times sweeter when they were starved. Ignoring her advances and the way she flaunted herself around in his clothing wasn't an easy task, but it earned him exactly what he wanted — a gorgeous demon in his lap, her lips meeting with every available spot on his face.
"Ya look cute in my shirt, precious, but. . ." Both hands slipped underneath, palms warm against curve of her hips and growing warmer as they inched upward. "I kind'a wanna take it off'a ya."
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris / valentine's day 2023 ⟭
While she wasn't anything special when it came to making candies, Nethalia had gone out of her way to prepare a special gift for her favourite person in the world. In her hands was a nearly wrapped box of home made chocolates, tied shut with a pastel yellow ribbon. Smile almost glued to her features as she rushed over to his side a kiss found Mammon's cheek before the box was pressed into his hands, tail swaying behind her happily as she chimed. " Happy Valentine's Day , Mammon ~ "
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The Avatar of Greed would have gone on to demand another dozen kisses because one was never enough, but the box in his hands distracted him from his desire for affection. Sweet chocolate given to him by an even sweeter woman — he felt spoiled.
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"Happy Valentine's Day, treasure. I had a feelin' I'd end up gettin' chocolate from ya!" He had hoped for as much, at least. "Hey, ya gotta come over t'my place later. I got more chocolate earlier from a couple'a other people, so we can totally binge on 'em while we hang out in my room."
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris ⟭
Nethalia, without warning, just reaches up to gently cup Mammon's cheeks. For a few moments she said nothing, simply watching his expression with pure fondness painted on her features as thumbs traced his cheeks, but soon enough he would find himself brought downward and into a long, tender kiss.
" I love you ... " Those three words were spoken softly, barely a whisper as she inched herself closer. Anything to be near him, especially with how much life had kept them apart as of late. " Mammon ... My Mammon ... ~ "
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No matter how often it happened, no matter the amount of tenderness behind her touch, the suddenness of it would always take him aback. His cheeks would always flush a brilliant red, his predominantly blue eyes would always flash with molten, golden greed and his heart would tumble gleefully inside his chest.
The kiss only proved to double those overwhelming feelings of adoration, his love becoming a painful hammering inside his chest. The gesture, though not overly impassioned and heated, was still returned just as much sincerity as he could muster on such short notice.
And even if that kiss didn't last long, he would make it a point to continue kissing her. Between each peck to her lips, cheeks and the whole of her face, he muttered in a low, loving tone. "I love you too, precious. I love ya so damn much."
Another smattering of kisses found her neck and shoulders.
"My Neth. Mine. Ain't ever gonna share ya with anyone else, ever. I'm serious. No one else is ever gonna get t'tell ya this, or kiss ya like this. S'all mine."
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris​ ⟭
nethalia's just going to cup mammon's cheeks and pull him in for a kiss.  many kisses actually.
" let's move in together ,  what do you think ? "
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“Hey, baby. Wh — mmn!” Between each and every kiss, he drew in a sharp breath and tried to speak. She wasn’t shy about her affections, not since they’d confessed, but this felt more than usual. There was no time to think, no time to breath. Mammon only had enough thought to return the kisses given, and even then that line was cut the moment she laid down her question.
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“H—Hang on, you mean it?” They’d vaguely touched on the subject before, but this was the first time the question had been outright asked. Stunned from the bout of affection and the thought of staring a new chapter in their relationship, Mammon remained utterly silent. He knew he ought to answer her, but a thousand different scenarios played through his mind through the course of the three seconds it took him to finally speak.
“If we do this, precious, ya know ya ain’t gettin’ rid’a me after. I mean it, you’ll be stuck with me. Like — really, really stuck. And what d’ya mean move in? D’ya mean you movin’ in here, or. . . me. . .”
He staggered on the notion of leaving home. It wasn’t that he couldn’t, but he had never once considered leaving the House of Lamentation ( and, in the process, leaving his many brothers. ) Weird, how the thought hurt despite how awful they could be to him at times.
“I think we got some stuff t’figure out, Neth, but that ain’t me sayin’ no. We’re gonna be t’gether one way or another, alright? I swear it.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris​ ⟭
To say she was exhausted really would have been quite the understatement,  yet still she made a point to seek out one particular devil  she adored more than words could express.  With a soft yawn escaping her Nethalia made a point to dramatically flop herself across Mammon's lap  -  her own way of demanding his attention before actually speaking up.
" Are you planning anything for Christmas ? "  She questioned,  tail lifting to run along his cheek. " I was thinking that ,  if you didn't ...  Why don't you come stay with me ?  Though ...  That doesn't have to stop after the holidays ,  if you wanted . "
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“About time ya came around, precious.” He’d let out a heavy grunt when her weight settled over his legs, but the pressure and warmth were welcome so long as they were hers. Even the smooth end of her tail against his cheek put an extra skip in his heartbeat.
Eyes down, eyelids heavy with his own exhaustion, Mammon watched her lips as they moved. Slow, curious and ready for kissing, he was sure. He wanted to lean down and steal a peck or two before she finished, but her words sunk in and settled somewhere low in his gut.
“Ain’t got any plans, but. . .” He swallowed hard, color growing red and hot in his cheeks now that the suggestion ( and the implications that came with it ) registered. “Wait, are ya. . . are ya askin’ me t’like. . . move in with ya? ‘Cause it really sounds like ya want me t’stay for more than a couple’a nights.”
He let silence blanket them, the only sound in his ears his own breathing and the humming of the lights in his room. Then, in a soft and heartbreakingly hopeful tone, he persisted. “Babe, ya gotta tell me. If that ain’t what ya meant, ya gotta let me know, or I’m gonna start thinkin’ ya wanna take that step with me.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris​ ⟭
Excuse Nethalia simply dragging Mammon back into bed only to bury her face into his chest. She refuses to let him go anywhere. Give her love.
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“I got’cha, sweetheart.”
She was the one to grab him, and she was the one that lead him to the bed, but it was his arms that wrapped tightly around her when the two of them finally fell into the mattress. She wanted love, and he would happily give it to her. Sweet kisses into her hair, against her forehead and along her cheek. He nuzzled and nosed at her neck, let his fingertips tracing up and down her spine and up into the little hairs along the back of her neck.
“Ya don’t gotta get outta bed for nothin’. Ya need anythin’, I’ll get it for ya. Let me take care’a ya.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @constellaris​​ ⟭
nethalia is simply going to sit herself on mammon's lap and press a cheeky little kiss to the tip of his nose.  if he wants a proper one it seems he'll have to take it himself~
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Soft and seemingly innocent kisses were a surefire way to fluster the greedy demon, but he knew better than to assume that one was all she wanted. They both craved more. One would never be enough, and he could tell by the way she quickly pulled away that she aimed to tease.
“Ya ain’t gettin’ away with just that.” He took her chin between his fingers, pulled her closer and slated his lips against hers. Mammon knew he didn’t have to hide his sin from her — rather than ask for her to part those pretty lips, he slipped his tongue past and took exactly what he wanted. Her breath, her surprise, any desire that she might have for more.
Then he too pulled away, head turning to the side to prevent her from meeting his lips again.
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“Ya happy now?”
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xamassed · 11 months
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⟬ @constellaris ⟭
don't mind nethalia casually cupping mammon's cheeks, only to pull him in and start showering him with kisses over every inch of his face. " handsome ~ cute ~ adorable ~ sweet ~ " she giggled between kisses. " love of my life ~ "
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He always felt his confidence swell around her, but today was different. Her kisses still made his heart flutter and his cheeks turn rosy, but there was no smile. Both eyes fell shut, and the wrinkle between his brows grew deeper with every kiss placed against his face.
"Ya really believe all'a that?"
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He peered up at her over the top of his sunglasses, eyes a sad and solemn blue. Mammon knew she'd ask, and he knew that there was no point in deflecting when it was so obvious that his mood had taken a nosedive since that morning.
"Heard some morons talkin' about ya earlier. Weren't sayin' nothin' mean, not about you. Said ya could do better than me. Think my brothers feel the same too."
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