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dianapopescu · 17 days ago
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16 februarie: Sfântul Ierarh Flavian, Arhiepiscopul Constantinopolului
Prăznuit pe 16 februarie, Sfântul Flavin Mărturisitorul, patriarhul Constantinopolului, a ocupat scaunul arhiepiscopal sub domnia împăratului Teodosie cel Tânăr (408-450) și a sorei sale, Sfânta împărăteasa Pulheria (10 septembrie).
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laivinduroriginal · 5 months ago
Imperiul Bizantin: De la ascensiunea Constantinopolului până la căderea sa în 1453 - Moștenire, cultură și semnificație istorică
Imperiul Bizantin, adesea umbrit de omologul său occidental, este o civilizație fascinantă și complexă care a jucat un rol crucial în modelarea lumii medievale. Cunoscut sub numele de Imperiul Roman de Răsărit, Bizanțul a fost un far al continuității între lumea romană antică și era creștină medievală, servind ca o punte între Est și Vest timp de peste o mie de ani. Reziliența imperiului în fața…
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wordsmithic · 2 years ago
If you think the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, I'm here to tell you: No, it didn't!
The Metropolitan Museum of Art summarizes the history of the Roman Empire! This explains why Greeks called themselves Romans till the 19th century!
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transcript: In 330 A.D., the first Christian ruler of the Roman empire, Constantine the Great (r. 306–337) (26.229), transferred the ancient imperial capital from Rome to the city of Byzantion located on the easternmost territory of the European continent, at a major intersection of east-west trade. The emperor renamed this ancient port city Constantinople (“the city of Constantine”) in his own honor (detail, 17.190.1673–1712); it was also called the “New Rome,” owing to the city’s new status as political capital of the Roman empire. The Christian, ultimately Greek-speaking state ruled from that city would come to be called Byzantium by modern historians, although the empire’s medieval citizens described themselves as “Rhomaioi,” Romans, and considered themselves the inheritors of the ancient Roman empire.
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geocursedtraveler · 4 months ago
 Echoes of Brâncoveanu: The Story of Lady Bălașa
  Join me on a captivating journey through history as we explore the life of one remarkable woman—Bălașa, the sixth daughter of the illustrious Constantin Brâncoveanu. Born in 1693, Bălașa grew up amidst the splendor of the court alongside her brothers and sisters. At just 16, she married Manolache Lambrino, a member of a prosperous family, but her life would soon take a dark turn. On the…
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christchristoph-ohmy · 1 year ago
Towards the Galata Tower, Istanbul, Turkey
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nataliaswarz · 2 years ago
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Beautiful house on Bosphorus shores, Istanbul, Turkey
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diviani · 2 years ago
Beautiful house on Bosphorus shores, Istanbul, Turkey
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kittencafe · 2 years ago
Towards the Galata Tower, Istanbul, Turkey
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fire-in-the-dingo · 2 years ago
Beautiful house on Bosphorus shores, Istanbul, Turkey
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katerinaaqu · 18 days ago
All the homeric AUs here are cool and great but forget about Cowboy AU for one second and let us do Trojan War 1900s Modern Greek edition!
Give me the Trojans be the people of places like Smyrna or Constantinopole known for their distinct culture that mixes Turkish and Greek customs
Give me the Greeks coming far away from home like soldiers or fishermen or sailors that are out there years at a time
Give me the Atreides being those dudes wearing suits and hats that rule over the army have that distinct "capital of Greece" look
Give me Odysseus dancing hasaposerviko in the lively rhythm of "Kites" by Mikis Theodorakis with his Cephallinians
Give me Achilles and Patroclus being afraid their relationship will leak out in that strict Christian orthodox world (give me Antilochus being also the third wheel being conflicted and sad about it!)
Give me Teucrer/Teukros being worried his half-turkish inheritance might be a problem for him
Give me Diomedes being determined to be as great negotiator and fighter as his father
Give me the war prizes women be women from red light district that cause the rouse among the Greeks without being at fault simply because their rough life led them to this job
Give me rebetes and city people together in the army people from villages and from islands! Give me them share cigarettes or tobacco sneaking between each other traditional sweets and treats shipping wine tsipouro and ouzo and talk about their wives and homelands! Being a Babel of different dialects and idioms from all over Greece!
Making fun of each other for their accents and idioms, agreeing or arguing about politics war and economy!
What do you guys think? Huh @margaretkart ?
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dianapopescu · 27 days ago
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6 februarie: Sfântul Ierarh Fotie, Patriarhul Constantinopolului
Comemorat pe 6 februarie, împreună cu Sfântul Ierarh Vucol, Sfântul Ierarh Fotie, Patriarhul Constantinopolului, "Aurul strălucind departe al bisericii", a trăit în secolul al IX-lea, și a provenit dintr-o familie de zeloși creștini. Sfântul Fotie a primit o educație excelență și, întrucât familia sa era înrudită cu casa imperială, a ocupat poziția de prim secretar de stat în senat. Contemporanii săi au spus despre el, "S-a distins prin cunoasterea să în aproape toate științele laice, așa că este, pe bună dreptate, să fie luată în seamă gloria vârstei sale și să fie comparat cu anticii".
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laivinduroriginal · 1 year ago
Corăbiile care au spart blocada impusă Constantinopolului de flota turcească
În ziua de 20 aprilie 1453 patru corăbii (trei genoveze și una bizantină) reușesc să spargă blocada impusă Constantinopolului de flota turcească aflată sub conducerea amiralului Suleiman Baltaoglu. Pătrunderea lor în Cornul de Aur, după ridicarea lanțului dintre Galata și Orașul Vechi e rezultatul unei succesiuni de întîmplări senzaționale, între care Dumnezeu cel răspunzător de suflatul în…
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wordsmithic · 2 years ago
As a Greek it's really bittersweet that the towns which belonged to Greeks are no longer theirs. Yet our ancestors left their mark and in Asian Minor there are evidence both from ancient Greece and Byzantium.
However it's sad they don't get the respect they deserve and now they make a comments war over the name of Constantinople.
Istanbul literally comes from the GREEK WORDS "Εις Την Πόλη" (in the city), so even if people debate about the name they should know that Both names have Greek roots. It's just the latter was inspired by the Greek language it's not 100% Turkish related 😅
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onnahu · 5 months ago
Batfam as Cats
Because I actually know things about cats.
Bruce is a Maine Coon - they're really big, really smart, really strong and got that aristocratic looks to them. The Wayne heritage and all that shit. Black furr ofc. Also, they're great hunters. They will catch their pray. And tend to be territorrial. Very Bruce-like.
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Dick is a Bengal - they're really active and agile, I just thought he's an acrobatic boy, and that's an acrobatic cat. Bengals are fast, smart, and really pretty, and needs much stimulation to not be percieved as mean. They need love, alright?
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Alfred is a British Shorthair - and it's not all because it's a british breed, ok? It's just fitting. I honestly couldn't find a cat that would fit Alfred. And they are a fighters if they wanna, and they are nice and fluffy and patience if they wanna. So yes. A British Shorthair. Also they are like, one of the ancient breeds.
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Jason is a Cypriot Cat - I wanted a natural breed for him. And the story about Cypriots is great. It goes like that: on Cyprus was an infestation of venomous snakes, so Helen of Constantinopole sent a boat full of cats to haunt them. When they were done, cats went their way and stayed there until today. Both in wilderness and in cities. I just think it's fitting.
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Tim is a Burmilla - they are typically independent and do their own things, but are also very attached to their owner. Also, the existence of this breed was an accident. Tell me it isn't Tim with Bruce. They're also rare and expensive so there.
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Cass is a Ragdoll - they were developed with a purpose. It's not like Cass exactly, but they were designet to be friendly and limp when picked up. It reminded me of how Cass was created to be a perfect weapon, to serve Cain. To be obidient. And later, when Cass runs away, she is gentle. She deeoly cares for those closest to her. She's loyal to others, but always to herself.
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I'm open to other batfam members. Maybe I'll do the rest some other day.
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Remaining christian icons in Hagia Sophia, an Orthodox church turned to a mosque after Ottomans took Constantinopole, todays Istanbul. If it remained a church today, it would be the biggest Orthodox Christian church in the world.
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womenoftheottomanempire · 2 years ago
~Mara Branković~
Mara Brankovic, daughter of serbian despot Djuradj Brankovic and byzantine nobless Irene Kantakouzenos. She was married to Sultan Murad II. She was one of the chief personality's of the 15th century. She was also related to royal family of Constantinopole (maternal side). She was the link between slavic, greek, western and ottoman world. She was highley respected by her stepson Fatih Sultan Mehmed. He even mentioned her as "my mother" in official documents. Whole story on my YT channel!
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