#considering that it focuses on making the world a HAPPIER place
lilacthebooklover · 7 months
guys i think twilight sparkle founded crk dessert magic
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octavinelle’s “happy endings”
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***SPOILER WARNING: This post will go into detail about the dreams Azul, Jade, and Floyd experience in the book 7 part 10 update.***
OKAY, so there’s a debate in the TWST fandom about whether or not Azul and the twins consider each other “real” friends or just business partners. I’ve shared my own thoughts on this topic in the past (which you can read here!). After the most recent main story update, it’s now more clear to me than ever that they do treasure each other even if they don’t express that in traditional ways.
Let’s discuss them in order that they appear in book 7 part 10!! I know there’s some vagueness surrounding how much of the dream is Malleus actively controlling the scenarios (hence the limited and shallow scope of them) and how much the dreams actively pull from the innate desires of the dreamer, but for the sake of the argument let’s assume the latter is more influential in shaping and structure of the dreams.
First up, Floyd!
So Floyd is known as the “I do what I want when I feel like it” guy. He hates two main things: 1) being told what to do/having his freedom restrained and 2) being bored. To ensure that Floyd is happy, the dream consistently shifts to locations so he vanishes explore and experience new things.
What you might notice is that Azul and Jade aren’t around in Floyd’s dream. This doesn’t mean they don’t exist or that Floyd doesn’t know who they are though. When asked, Floyd replies that Azul is simply doing his own thing (focusing on his business ventures/schemes) and Jade is there supporting him, thus leaving Floyd to his own devices. The fact that Jade and Azul are still present in Floyd’s dream, just not in an immediate capacity, makes complete sense.
In the waking world, Floyd loves to stir up trouble with his brother and Azul. The thing is, Floyd also dislikes it when they tell him off, order him to do something he’s not in the mood for, or punish him for acting out. Yes, Jade for the most part enables Floyd to misbehave, and yes, Azul has largely learned by now that it’s best to sit back and let Floyd fuck off/finish throwing a tantrum rather than intervene. However, there are still times when they order Floyd around or get upset with him. For example, Azul scolds Floyd for damaging the vault where they keep the contracts in book 3 and for not selling the drinks he’s supposed to in book 5. We see numerous examples across vignettes as well: Jade forces Floyd to stand in line at a famous patisserie for Trey as penance for eating special fruits meant for a VIP client (Trey Labwear vignettes), Azul and Jade wring Floyd for his eel slime (Azul Ceremonial Robes vignettes), Azul orders Floyd to secure the rights to Sam’s Mystery Drink even though Floyd shows a clear disinterest in the task (Floyd Dorm Uniform vignettes), etc.
In spite of these grievances, Floyd doesn’t entirely despise Jade and Azul, nor would he be happier without them. They’re an important part of his life, hence why they still linger in the dream, just in the periphery where they can’t butt in with whatever Floyd wants to do. Jade and Azul aren’t present and compliant since that, too, would quickly bore Floyd. He loves those two goobers in part because they’re chaotic and unpredictable, not because they’re yes men to his every action. The dream might not be able to keep up with that demand; it only seems to operate in extremes rather than conjure enough nuance to keep Floyd stimulated and content. This is why all the places Floyd already visited bored him; he got showered with too many conveniences and eventually got fed up with it all.
If you need even more damning evidence, all previous dreams would manifest someone closely tied to the dreamer in an attempt to keep them in the dreamscape. Who does Floyd’s dream summon? AZUL AND JADE. If Floyd genuinely found them annoying or didn’t want them near, the surely the dream would spawn other people. BUT NO, it specifically spawned THOSE TWO in an effort to convince Floyd. It can be argued that they could very well be a source of hatred since Kalim and Neige showed up for Jamil and Vil respectively, but I genuinely think Floyd doesn’t feel that degree of negativity toward Jade and Azul; the kind of hatred that Jamil and Vil have for their respective counterparts has never been expressed by Floyd toward Jade or Azul.
Floyd reacts to dream!Jade and Azul in a manner that’s very different from the dreamers that came before him… with anger. And a LOT of anger too. He immediately clocks them as phonies and, he, fully waking, demands to know who the fakes are, because they certainly aren’t Jade and Azul. Floyd points out their faces and voices may resemble theirs, but they’re acting in a way that they never would (suggesting a “boring” way of living). That pisses him off to the point where he cuts the fakes down all by himself. Brutal violence aside, this tells us a lot about Floyd... as well as Malleus.
We see that Floyd has become lethargic and bored despite the dream's attempts to sate him, which just demonstrates that Malleus, whose magic has a hand in crafting these realities, has a shallow understanding of what makes people happy. (Edit: to be clear, Malleus having a “shallow understanding” of happiness is not a personal take; this is a direct statement made by Idia in-game and this is where I am pulling my phrasing from.) He thinks that removing all obstacles and challenge to what you want is what leads to a happy ending when, in truth, it clearly isn't the case for Floyd, who craves stimulation and change. While Malleus is motivated outright controlling the details of Floyd’s dream down to the wire, his autonomous magic has decided to get rid of any challenges Floyd may face in his pursuit of happiness. (I would continue about the Malleus portion, but since this post is about the Octatrio, I will instead direct you to this post, which shares many of my own thoughts ^^) I think that's why Floyd truly "woke" when he was faced with dream!Azul and Jade; a part of him recognizes how wrong it is for the two people he chose to spend his time with because they're so fun are now turning around and preaching complacency. It tells us just how well Floyd knows those two and values their... unique perspectives, shall we say?
Next, just Jade!
What's immediately fascinating about Jade's dream is that it's also underwater, despite Floyd and co. suspecting it would be on land/in the mountains. Floyd even changes from his merform to his human form prior to hopping to Jade's dream because he was under the impression that it would be on land. This ends up not being the case, although Malleus's magic does manifest the underwater equivalent of "mountains", which are volcanic vents at the bottom of the sea.
We see Jade happily exploring alongside a dream!Azul and dream!Floyd, who are both very different than the real ones. Dream!Azul has big, watery eyes and is much more of a coward and crybaby than the real Azul is. He also seems to be very dependent on Jade, who derives great joy from watching dream!Azul flail about while trying to attain his goals (in this case, access to a gold vein). This is in-character with what we already know about Jade; he amuses himself by watching others struggle--especially Azul, whom Jade frequently teases, such as tricking him to dance as a mummy in the first Halloween event and comparing Azul's greedy attitude to the positive traits of other dorm leaders. Jade also prefers to have control over the circumstances, so he likes it when people defer to his word or advice. So what better to hand him than an Azul that listens to his every word and also provides entertainment value in his tears?
As for dream!Floyd, he presents with a very goofy face and seems to lack his usual aggression and flippancy. Instead, he has a fixation on eating other sea life around him (crabs, shrimp, etc.) and happily goes along with Jade's mountain exploration. Like dream!Azul, dream!Floyd acts dependent on Jade to guide him and even acts cowardly in a fight. Now we can sort of get a glimpse of how Jade feels about Floyd too. Dream!Floyd's pliant and agreeable nature may come in part from the dream seeking to provide Jade with more free entertainment, but it could also be that Jade wants Floyd to share in his interests. But here Floyd is not gung-ho about mountains; instead, he acts very innocently, almost like a kid going along with whatever his parents decide to do for the day. It gives me the impression that Jade doesn't see Floyd as threatening but as someone cute and child-like. This idea is reinforced when, in an attempt to keep Jade dreaming, dream!Azul tells him that Floyd is cute and not some thug (like the real Floyd is). AND JADE 100% BUYS IT. He 100% believes that dresm!Floyd is the "true" one, that his Floyd and Azul would be useless without his support.
Idia makes an important comment at this point in book 7. He explains that Jade is having a hard time waking up because he believes in himself too strongly. That also means that Jade is distrustful of others; he is the only person he counts on. This reflected in how dream!Azul and dream!Floyd present. Both are heavily reliant on Jade to tell them what to do. In real life, too, Jade uses his competency to get into others' good graces (including the notoriously hard to please Vil; see his Dorm Uniform vignettes) so then he can reap the benefits that relationship offers. Jade is just that confident that he can succeed. Indeed, he often is the one coming close to tasting success when all others have failed. If we look back at Ghost Marriage, Jade was about to win over Eliza's heart before Floyd rudely interrupted and pointed out the flowers Jade was gifting were poisonous. Back to Idia's comment; because this is dream's Jade world, he's perhaps too invested in the dream that he has made, thus Jade is choosing to believe the dream that he conjured over the reality staring him in the face. It takes fistfighting with Floyd AND a jolt from Sebek's UM to properly shock some sense into Jade. He is otherwise too stuck in his own head to consider a truth that isn't one he has constructed for himself.
Still, I find it revealing that even though Jade is essentially stuck in his own headspace, dream!Floyd and dream!Azul are the only other people around. Floyd and Azul’s dreams feature way more NPCs, but Jade’s dream is pretty lonely. He could theoretically have several influential people to whisper in the ears of, but instead Jade’s desire is grounded… just being able to explore nature with his twin and Azul. They’re the ones he chooses to spend his time with. No one else. And Jade actively, fiercely defends this simple thing despite usually not being one to resort to violence right off the bat. The only major time in the main story where Jade does this is in book 2, when be noticed that he’s being tailed and does not appreciate the violations of his privacy. That’s exactly what this dream sequence is. It’s another violation of his privacy, and he detests that. You shouldn’t be here interrupting his happy, chill time with his friends business associates. It’s best for you to clear out.
I think it's also worthwhile to note that Floyd and Jade's waking sequences mirror one another. To quote myself from another post:
Something I find interesting is that the twins’ moments of waking mirror each other’s usual approaches to a task. Floyd usually foregoes a plan and prefers to use his fists to get the job done. However, he is slowly roused by reminiscing about his memories at NRC and the promise of being presented with a challenge. The final blow that shocks him awake is the presentation of a dream!Azul and dream!Jade who attempt to lure him deeper into the dream. Floyd doesn’t fall for it; in fact, he gets mad instead, and that fury, so biting and clear, snaps him awake. The opposite is true for Jade. He is someone who meticulously plans before acting, and would rather control the circumstances and use other roundabout methods before resorting to violence. But ironically, the master manipulator Jade is the one who falls for his own dream’s manipulations—all because he trusts himself above all else. He only wakes up because of a very strong physical force (ie Sebek’s UM) striking him. Prior to this, Jade was putting up a very good fight and the blows be was taking were not sufficient to wake fully him. So… Floyd, the brother who prefers brawns, woke up after reflecting and experiencing strong cognitive dissonance between his fake reality and bis true reality. Jade, the brother who prefers brains, woke up after being smacked the right amount. They woke up after experiencing an intense shock related to what is essentially the opposite of their preferred problem solving strategies.
And last but not least, Azul!
We’ve arrived at what I think is the juiciest part to dissect on the subject of the Octatrio’s friendship. To start off with, everyone suspects that Azul’s dream will be one in which he is a highly successful businessman with Mostro Lounge as a chain with even more locations stretching as far as the Coral Sea’s depths. That isn’t the case though! They quickly come to learn that Azul is the leader of Golden Trident, a reigning Coral Rush team. In this dream’s reality Azul was always popular and well-liked. Because he was never bullied, he never started up his shady business in middle school and thus never attracted the interest of the twins. Notably, Jade and Floyd still exist in the dream (as Azul remembers the Leeches from elementary school), but they never got close.
Before we get into the Octatrio’s dynamics, I want to say that the setup of this dream already tells us that a lot of Azul’s desire to become a successful business owner really stems from the longing to be accepted as he is. He uses his businesses and accumulation of contracts to reinforce and inform his self worth. Azul has formed a false belief and identity entering around the concept of success and likability equating to talent and material goods. This explains why he’s so fixated in his public image and being perceived as smart, confident, reliable, and trustworthy, and why he loses it so quickly when he’s denied his collection of golden contracts. Azul is insecure as heck about his shortcomings (athleticism being one of them) and the dream may be latching onto that, as well as his desire to be liked by his peers, to overcompensate.
A little thing I'd like to call attention to is that Jade refuses to divulge the private details of Azul's past in which he was bullied. This is significant because most other instances of the twins bringing up Azul's past usually results in them making fun of him for it and continuing to rag on him to the point where Azul becomes annoyed and tells them to quit it/reminds them that they swore to not talk about it. In those other instances though, the twins never tread that far; they'll at most comment about how different Azul looked or acted back then. They never went so far as to point out how badly he was bullied and here we see Jade respecting Azul's privacy by vocalizing that he refuses to release that information. And this JADE we're talking about, the one who has zero qualms with scoping out prospective new students for their personal info so Azul can later hold it against them (Jade Ceremonial Robes vignettes). Jade even blackmails older students to attain what he wants (Ortho Athletic Gear vignette). It says a lot that, when given the option to openly blab about what Azul experienced and have a laugh about it, Jade clams up.
sdjbaslidbasib OKAY I GOT SIDETRACKED, BACK TO AZUL'S DREAM. So he remembers the Leeches from elementary school, meaning that their existence was not entirely purged from his dream world. It's just a different timeline of events since he wasn't bullied in this reality. Azul is quite friendly to the twins and invites them to join his Coral Rush team at his mother's restaurant for a celebratory dinner. When we arrive at the restaurant, Azul and his team mates start to make fun of the land creatures for very similar things that he actually got bullied for in the waking world. (For example, being clumsy and uncoordinated in their swimming.) He's no longer the bullied, he is a bully. In a twisted way, Azul is getting validation of his own identity by looking down on others; this mirrors his behavior pre-OB in book 3, as he also mistreated his anemone'd peers back then. Tellingly, the only people he doesn't bully are... that's right, Jade and Floyd. Azul instead asks them to play Coral Rush with him. Again, this parallels what we saw in book 3: Azul is asking the twins to essentially "join" him in the midst of him abusing his power and lording over others. He still cares deeply about Jade and Floyd's approval specifically. Nowhere is this demonstrated so clearly as the method by which the twins finally get Azul to start questioning the construct of the dream. They start smashing up the restaurant but then grow bored and make as though they're going to casually leave. That triggers a memory from book 3 in which Azul is angrily shouting about how he'll always be alone. Alone. That's what Azul fears, being that lonely little octopus crying in his pot. That's why he's surrounded by adoring team members and fans in his dream. That's why he breaks down emotionally and OBs after the twins refuse to hand over their UMs to him in book 3. That's why he becomes distraught enough to shake the dream at the suggestion that Jade and Floyd, his two closest friends, are threatening to leave him. In book 4, Azul tries to be cool and play off this fear as the inevitable, that he's fully aware that the Leeches will discard him if he stops being entertaining to them, and that he's prepared for that when it happens. But... is that really the truth, given how Azul reacts in book 7? Everything leading up to this moment seems to imply Azul was just lying to himself, perhaps in an attempt to quell his own anxieties about the possibility. And given how Azul is shown to be calculated in cultivating a put-together public persona, I would not be shocked to learn that. It wouldn't make him seem strong or confident if he displayed weakness or fear over losing his right-hand men. I don't even know that he's purposefully telling a lie. It could very well be something Azul tells himself and believes in, but deep down he cannot truly know how emotional he would get if it ever happened.
As soon as Azul starts to wake, the mermobs of his Coral Rush team are the ones who come in and pull him deeper into the dream. Interesting to have just mobs doing this rather than a dream!Jade or dream!Floyd, given how important they seem to be to Azul. Maybe that's just how the surface level of the dream works? Like, it prioritizes lavishing Azul with general attention rather than the attention of two specific people since, in this dream's reality, Azul never bonded with Jade and Floyd (so those two wouldn't be as convincing?).
When Azul is being dragged into the darkness, Jade and Floyd don't go after him. Instead, they kinda just sit back and claim it's Azul's choice to dream more deeply so who are they to interfere? It takes some convincing from Ortho to convince the twins to pursue Azul into the next layer of the dream--but after the twins depart, Ortho wonders if Jade and Floyd being this cold is actually their way of showing trust. This sort of behavior is why I stress so often that we cannot take what the Octatrio do and say at face value all of the time. They have completely different ways of expressing that they care, and they don't always mean what they insist they mean. (KEEP THIS IN MIND BECAUSE IT COMES BACK INTO PLAY SOON.) In the second layer of Azul's dream, we revisit the events of book 3 had he been successful. He's setting that final class trip picture on fire and relishing in his total conquest of Night Raven College. Azul has ~500 golden contracts, the UMs of the other dorm leaders, and even has Crowley under his thumb--and this time, there's a dream!Jade and dream!Floyd to enjoy that victory with him. The rescue squad has to trick Azul into accidentally sanding his own contracts again, and it's that loss that finally breaks him. Again, we see how much of his own self-worth and value Azul places in that which he collects. It all ties back to that fear of not having anything of worth--not even allies to call his own--if he loses what he believes makes him desirable. At this point, Azul begins to sink into that final layer of his dream (the part where he confronts his OB self). This time, the twins lunge after him, calling out Azul's name and instructing him to grab onto them (+ Jade tells Floyd to help him pull). UM, HELLO????? The "take my hand" imagery, that symbol of trust and connection, from all the way at the start of the game is rearing its head here 😭 AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S EVEN CRAZIER???? The twins just... let go after that??? But not because they don't give a crap about Azul--no, it's because they care and believe that he can fend for himself, that he's no longer a weak person who cries and needs their support to stand on his own. Jade sends him off with a "good luck" and Floyd asks of Azul to not go to hell. Azul casually says the same right back to them before descending. And, just as the twins suspected, Azul is able to win against his inner demons and return to them, safe and sound. They were right about Azul, and Ortho was right about the Leeches. For as cold as Jade and Floyd seem to act, it's actually a front for how much they care.
In the segment where Azul faces his Phantom, he cites that the weight of everything he has taken from others has made it difficult to move. Taken literally, it of course could refer to the tentacles of his merform making it hard for him to swim. Metaphorically though? It can easily mean that he can't achieve personal growth if he's burdened by the weight of his sins (stolen talents, items, etc.). These things he stole may glitter, but they are not gold and he now realizes they aren't things he actually finds valuable. Azul wants to go out there and find things of "real value". I interpret this to mean intangible things that can't really have a price put to them, things that cannot be bought in stores... like friendship, the very thing he has with the twins but failed to call it that this entire time.
Everything in these dreams, and more specifically Azul's dream, demonstrates the Octatrio's mutual respect and trust in one another. Jade and Floyd acknowledge Azul as a strong individual, and Azul's subconscious reveals that he deeply values the twins and seeks their approval even when they've been removed from the picture.
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misspygmypie · 18 days
Playtime with Maebry - or not
Part of the "Meet & Greet... and more?" Universe Pairing: Lando Norris x Baby Maebry Words: 800 Request: lando trying to play with mae but she is too interested in other things around the house to pay him much attention. maybe lando getting upset? Masterlist
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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Lando had meticulously planned this playtime to be a big success. With his heart set on making Maebry’s day as joyful as possible he had prepared several entertaining activities. He envisioned a day filled with laughter and delight, imagining each moment as a small victory in the effort to bring smiles to his baby girl’s face.
Every detail was meticulously considered, from the toys to the activities, all chosen to engage and amuse his precious daughter. Nothing made him happier than seeing Maebry’s giggles and smiles and he was determined to deliver just that while Y/N and Noah were out having a mommy/son date.
The day began with his signature “Peekaboo.” Lando crouched behind the couch, peeking over the top with exaggerated wide eyes. “Peekaboo,” he called out, his voice as cheerful as he could manage. Maebry, dressed in a cute blue onesie and tiny socks, sitting on the plush carpet in their living room, briefly looked up, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. Lando's heart skipped a beat and he got excited but as quickly as she had looked she turned her attention back to the crumb on the floor she was currently inspecting. Lando's enthusiasm wavered but he shook it off and tried again, moving to another spot for a fresh attempt.
Next up was his colorful musical toy. He shook it vigorously, producing cheerful sounds and flashing lights. “Look, Maebry! It’s a rainbow spinning thingy,” he said, shaking the toy with exaggerated motions. Maebry, however, barely glanced at it before focusing her attention on a forgotten piece of paper stuck to the floor. Lando’s jaw tightened, his confidence shaking but he wasn’t ready to give up. He took a deep breath and prepared for the next activity.
Desperate to capture her interest, Lando reached for the “Living Puppet” - a bright orange hand puppet creation with big eyes. He put it on and began an animated puppet show. “Hello, Maebry! I’m Gigi and I��m here to entertain you,” he said in a high-pitched, silly voice, making the puppet dance and sing. Maebry looked at the monster with a hint of curiosity, her little brow furrowing slightly but her fascination soon shifted to a stray sock she’d found. She placed it on her head with the seriousness of a fashionista, completely ignoring the puppet’s antics. Lando’s face flushed with frustration. His carefully orchestrated plans seemed to be falling flat.
Determined not to let the day go to waste Lando decided to pull out all the stops. He stood up and started dancing - really dancing. “Look at me, Maebry! I’m dancing just for you,” he said, trying to be as energetic and silly as possible. Maebry glanced over briefly, her attention momentarily captured but then she turned her focus to the dining chair’s legs. She began tapping them with a small, satisfied grin.
Lando’s shoulders slumped. He felt exhaustion and frustration bubbling up inside him. His elaborate plans for playtime were being completely overshadowed by his daughter’s fascination with ordinary household items. He sat down heavily on the floor, feeling a bit defeated. He watched as Maebry continued to tap the chair legs, seemingly oblivious to his efforts. Her small hands made a gentle rhythm, her eyes sparkling without a care in the world.
Taking a deep breath, Lando tried to redirect his frustration. He decided to join Maebry in her exploration. He picked up a few crumbs and began to examine them with exaggerated curiosity. “Wow, look at this one, it’s got a very interesting texture,” he said, trying to sound enthusiastic, his voice filled with mock amazement. Maebry glanced at him, her eyes widening slightly before she giggled, reaching for another crumb with delight. Hearing that precious giggle, Lando felt a wave of relief wash over him. The sound he’d been striving for all morning was finally there.
As he continued to mimic her actions, Maebry’s giggles filled the room and Lando couldn’t help but smile despite himself. He watched as she crawled through the apartment, her little hands scattering the crumbs from what looked like one of Noah’s treat bars around while laughing happily. Her joy was contagious and Lando found himself laughing along, his earlier frustrations melting away.
In that moment, Lando realized that his carefully crafted plans didn’t need to be perfect. What mattered most was being present with Maebry, sharing in her simple, unfiltered joy.
“Today wasn’t exactly what I planned,” Lando said with a chuckle, rubbing her back lovingly, “but it turned out pretty great, didn’t it?”
Maebry looked up at him with a radiant smile, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Her little face was flushed and her laughter was like music to Lando’s ears. All he could do was smile back at his little, happy girl, his heart swelling with love.
AN: Sorry it's kinda of short but Anon I hope you like it and if not let me know and I can rewrite 😊🫶
Taglist: @eloriis @pacifierbby @landossainz @littlegrapejuice @barcelonaloverf1life @poppyflower-22 @itsjustfranzi @vickykazuya @sltwins
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latanyalove · 11 months
Happy Birthday Zoro
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Roronoa Zoro is known to be a dedicated and focused swordsman. His commitment to training is unwavering, and as a result, he has never celebrated his birthday before. In fact, he has always been too occupied with his rigorous training regimen to even consider such festivities.
However, this year was different. It marked Zoro's first year with the crew, and his fellow Straw Hat Pirates were determined to make it a memorable one.
The crew recognized Zoro's dedication and admired his strength. They understood that he rarely took time off from his training, and they wanted to show him how much they valued his presence. So, they secretly planned a surprise birthday party for him on the ship.
It took a great deal of effort to keep the preparations hidden from Zoro. Luffy, the captain of the crew, and Chopper made sure to distract Zoro with various training exercises and missions. Meanwhile, Usopp and Franky worked tirelessly to decorate the ship with colorful streamers and balloons.
Nami and Robin gathered ingredients to bake a special birthday cake, while Sanji took charge of preparing a delicious feast.
As the day of Zoro's birthday approached, the entire crew grew more excited. They couldn't wait to see the look of surprise on Zoro's face when he discovered what they had planned.
Finally, the day arrived, and the crew gathered on the ship, eagerly awaiting Zoro's return from his endless 'walk'.
When Zoro stepped onto the ship, he was greeted with shouts of "Happy Birthday!" and a chorus of laughter. He was taken aback, not expecting such a grand gesture from his crewmates. Zoro's eyes widened as he took in the decorations and the smiling faces of his friends. It was a moment of pure joy and warmth.
As the festivities continued, Zoro couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and care shown by his crew. He realized how lucky he was to have found such a supportive and close-knit group of friends. They had taken the time and effort to celebrate his birthday, something he had never experienced before.
Towards the end of the celebration, Luffy approached Zoro with a mischievous grin. "Zoro," he said, "we have one last surprise for you." Zoro looked puzzled as Luffy gestured towards a large box that had been placed at the center of the deck.
With a curious expression, Zoro approached the box and hesitantly opened it.
Inside the box was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His girlfriend was standing there wearing a long, flowing dress, her hair tied in a bow. She smiled at him and his heart raced.
It had been two months since Zoro had seen his girlfriend. She had been forced to stay in her hometown and protect it from danger, leaving Zoro feeling helpless and heartbroken. He had resigned himself to the fact that he wouldn't be able to see her for a long time, if ever.
He was filled with an immense wave of happiness that he had never felt before.
"Hello Zoro," You said with a hint of a seductive tone, "I'm hoping that I'm worthy of being the world's future greatest swordsman's present."
"A swordsman like me always deserves nothing but the best," Zoro smirked and replied, "You are worthy of me."
"Stop! Get a room!" Nami and Usopp said together, laughing.
With a smirk, Zoro swept her up into his arms and bridal carried her away, much to the amusement of the rest of the crew. "We'll do just that," Zoro remarked as he carried her away, a lighthearted smile on his face.
As they made their way to Zoro's room, the crew erupted in cheers and applause, wishing them both a happy birthday once again.
Zoro looked into her eyes and said, "You are the most beautiful present I could have ever asked for." She blushed and replied, "I'm glad that I'm able to make you happy." He leaned in closer and said, "You make me happier than I could ever imagine."
"Well, that's a relief," she said playfully, "If I'm the present, then that means you have to keep me forever."
Zoro smiled and said, "Forever sounds like a great idea to me."
She leaned in and their lips met, sending a spark of electricity through his body. His heart raced as he felt the warmth of her kiss and the softness of her lips. He held her close, wanting the moment to last forever. She ran her hands through his hair, deepening the kiss and sending a wave of desire through his body.
Oh how much he missed her.
He felt like he was soaring, floating in the air. He felt a love that he had never felt before, a love that was so strong that it could never be broken. They broke apart, both breathless and full of love.
He looked into her eyes and saw a reflection of the passion that he felt. They smiled at each other and he knew that he never wanted to let her go.
"Does that mean you'll be coming back?" He asked with hesitation.
She smiled softly and said, "I'll be wherever you are, for as long as you want me."
"You don't have to worry about that," Zoro replied with a smirk, "I want you with me always."
"Still as cocky as always Roanoro?" She asked with a smirk.
"Let me show you," Zoro replied with a mischievous glint in his eye.
The next morning, Zoro awoke to find that his beloved was unable to move from the bed, too exhausted from the night's activities to even stand. He smiled as he looked down on her, knowing that she was his forever.
He leaned in and said in a low, husky voice, "You know, it's dangerous to be this beautiful. I'm not sure I can keep myself away from you."
She smiled and replied, "I'm not sure I want you to."
He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and said, "I'm glad I can make you happy." She tilted her head and looked into his eyes, her own eyes full of love and longing.
She whispered, "You make me more than happy. You make me feel alive. I love you, Roronoa."
Zoro looked at her with a twinkle in his eye and said, "I love you too, my love. Now that you're officially mine, I'm never letting you go."
He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, making her cheeks flush with pleasure.
He then said with a smirk, "But I don't mind if you want to stay here a little longer."
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
The Scene is Posted now!
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commsroom · 2 years
to me, the question of whether hera would want a body is first and foremost a question of autonomy and ability. she has an internal self-image, i think it's meaningful that the most pivotal moments in her character arc take place in spaces where she can be perceived the way she perceives herself and interact with others in a (relatively) equal and physical capacity, and that's worth considering. but i don't think it's about how she looks, or even who she is - and i think she's the same person either way; she's equally human without a body, and having a body wouldn't make her lived experience as an AI magically disappear - so much as it's about how she would want to live.
like most things with hera, i'm looking at this through a dual lens of disability and transness, both perspectives from which the body - and particularly disconnect from the body - is a concern. the body as the mechanism by which she's able to interact with the world; understanding her physical isolation as a product of her disability, the body as a disability aid. the body as it relates to disability, in constant negotiation. the body as an expression of medical transition, of self-determination, of choice. as a statement of how she wants to be seen, how she wants to navigate the world, and at the same time reckoning with the inevitable gap between an idealized self-image and a lived reality, especially after a long time spent believing that self-image could never be visible to anyone else.
it's critical to me that it should never imply hera's disability is 'fixed' by having a body, only that it enables her to interact with the world in ways she otherwise couldn't. her fears about returning to earth are about safety and ability; the form she exists in dictates the life she's allowed to lead and has allowed people to invade her privacy and make choices for her. dysphoria and disability both contribute to disembodiment - in an increasingly digitized world, the type of alienation that feels like your life can only exist in a virtual space... maybe there's something about the concept of AI embodiment, in particular as it relates to hera, that appeals to me because of what it challenges about what makes a 'real woman.' when it's about perception, about how others see her and how she might observe / be impacted by how she's treated differently, even subconsciously. it's about feeling more present in her life and interfacing with the world. but it's not in itself a becoming; it doesn't change how she's been shaped by her history or who she is as a person.
i think it comes back to the 'big picture' as a central antagonistic force in wolf 359, and how - in that context, in this story - it adds a weight to this hypothetical choice. hera is everywhere, and she's never really anywhere. she's got access to more knowledge than most people could imagine, but it's all theoretical or highly situational; she doesn't have the same life experiences as her peers. she has the capacity to understand that 'big picture' better than most people, but whatever greater portion of the universe she understands is nothing next to infinity and meaningless without connection and context. it's interesting to me that hera is one of the most self-focused and introspective people on the show. her loyalties and decisions are absolute, personal, emotionally driven. she's lonely; she always feels physically away from the others. she misremembers herself sitting at the table with the rest of the crew. she imagines what the ocean is like. there's nothing to say that hera having a body is the only solution for that, but i like what it represents, and i honestly believe it'd make her happier than the alternatives. if there's something to a symbolically narrowed focus that allows for a more solid sense of self... that maybe the way to make something of such a big, big universe is to find a tiny portion of it that's yours and hold onto it tight.
#wolf 359#w359#hera wolf 359#idk. processing something. as always i have more to say but it's impossible to communicate all at once#it's a meaningful idea to me and i think there's a LOT more that can be done with it thematically than just. the assumption of normalcy#so much of hera's existence is about feeling trapped and that's only going to get worse on earth and within these two contexts#that's something i really feel for. especially with. mmm.#i don't like the idea that who hera is is tied to the way she exists because it seems to weirdly reinforce her own misconception#that there can never be another life for her.#and all of these things are specific to hera and to the themes of wolf 359 and NOT about AI characters in general#in other stories there are other considerations.#the best argument i can make against it is that she says getting visuals from one place is weird and she doesn't like it. but that's#a totally different situation where it's a further limitation of her ability without a trade off. it's a different consideration i think#when it allows her more freedom. to go somewhere and be completely alone by herself. to feel like she has more control and more privacy#to be able to hug her friends. or feel the rain. it would be one thing if she felt content existing 'differently'#but she... doesn't. canonically she doesn't. and i think that has to be taken into account.#i think you can tell a meaningful and positive story about disability without giving her physical form on earth too#but i think it has to be considered that those are limitations for her and that the way she exists feels isolating to her.#idk. a lot of the suggestions people come up with feel like they're coming from a place of compromise that i don't think is necessary#there are plenty of ways that having a body would be difficult for hera and i guess it's hopeful to me to think#maybe she'd still find it worth it.
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tippedarrows · 2 days
Hi it’s the Gabriel lover again and I can’t help but ship Fred and Gabriel more so here’s another Drabble, now focusing on Xara and Fred’s people, I hope you enjoy:
Xara had met Gabriel before, when Fred brought him over. He was polite, but very smitten with Fred. The way those two were all lovey dovey with each other made Xara barf yet she held a fondness towards the two lovebirds. Their love for each other is clear and Xara respects Gabriel for making Fred happier than she had ever seen him be. They bonded over fighting, shared stories about the places they’ve been to, the people they met. Xara could have even considered Gabriel a friend.
Then… Romeo changed everything.
It started when he wanted to conquer other worlds, he started toying with people and messing things he shouldn’t have. It got to a point where Fred began visiting Gabriel less and less, keeping him above and safe as things grew more dangerous. It hurt to see how much it pained Fred and it only made Xara angrier at Romeo for forcing him to do such a thing. She had no idea why Fred still thought that Romeo could be redeemed- she couldn’t even understand it but she knows it’s because Fred cares, he cares for them and he’s truly the best out of the three. But now… He’s gone. He’s gone and Gabriel is still up there, alone. Who knows what Romeo planned to do with him in his sick twisted game. Xara supposed that it’s a miracle that he didn’t now but the chance still remains, even with Romeo stripped of his powers.
“You can’t seriously be thinking that Romeo can be redeemed! Look at what he has done!”
“I know Xara and I understand your frustration and fury. But Romeo is still our friend and I want to give him a chance.”
“You gave him enough chances Fred, and Romeo’s still set on conquering worlds. You’ve seen what he’ll do, do you want that to happen to other places?! To other people?! To Gabriel!?”
“!! I—“
“Fred, Romeo isn’t the same person you once knew… He’s become sadistic, cruel, selfish. And he’s not going to stop. You’re a good friend Fred, a friend whose better than both me and Romeo but we can’t keep giving anymore chances. I’m tired of him tramping over everything we made and… I don’t want to even think about what will happen if Romeo starts to toy with Gabriel’s life…”
“… You’re right, Xara. I don’t want Romeo to hurt Gabriel or anyone else and yet… I still can’t bring myself to strike him down just like that. Please, let me talk to him one last time, and if he refuses to do it, we’ll take him down, together. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, sounds like a plan.”
“Thank you Xara, and I’m sorry for making such a selfish request.”
“It’s who you are Fred, you see the good in everyone and after everything that’s happened, I’m glad that at least hasn’t changed.”
That last conversation echoed in her head, a horrible omen, the final warning before that faithful fight. It shattered Xara, yet despite it all, she survived through to the end. Romeo has been dealt with, Fred has been avenged and now, there’s one more promise to keep; to find Gabriel and tell him what had happened. He deserved to know, and while she couldn’t save Fred… At least she could help protect his lover.
The people of Fred’s keep never met Gabriel but they have heard of him. They remembered listening to Fred talk about his lover, the adventures he went on, the little things they did together. It was always so sweet, so touching and they were ecstatic when they heard that their anniversary was coming soon and they wanted to help Fred get ready for it. It was the least they could do for their friend.
Fred never came to his anniversary.
The people of Fred’s keep mourned that day, they mourned for Fred and they mourned for Gabriel, the man they never met but heard tales about. They would have gone to find him were it not for the bedrock keeping them trapped. So, they did what they could, keeping Fred’s items and letters safe, his pet chicken Waffles and his memory alive, maybe one day they can return to the above, to find Gabriel and tell him everything, to show him that Fred still lives on in their hearts.
And then, they came to above the bedrock. The admin Romeo got defeated and as they rebuild and adapt to their new expanded world, they heard of a wandering warrior who travels the world helping others. A warrior in an armour the people of Fred’s keep recognise because it’s the armour he made for his beloved diamond.
Gabriel was here.
Fred’s keep may be his last request but there was another, something Fred himself had asked for.
“If by any chance, I don’t return and you happened to meet Gabriel, please tell him that I’m sorry, I love him and give him this. This is a map to the place I wanted to show him, it’s a cliff side near a flower field overlooking the ocean. I made a tree house for us both there and it would be great if he gets to see it, even if I’m not around...”
Now that they’re here, they’re out of danger and they know that Gabriel is around, they made a vow to fulfil Fred’s last wish, and when the warrior grieves, they’ll grieve with him so that he won’t have to cry alone. For they may not know each other but they all care for Fred and none of them would ever let Fred’s lover be alone to suffer his lapis’s death.
dude what the flip this is like some Lukas type writing 😭😭 if you had an ao3 account you know I would read this right
like you know you're breaking my heart right/pos
you're killing me, Gunshow (their ship name 2 me) anon.
wh... what eyrth fuc.k.. picasso....... oh my fos... dont stop hurting me in this way!!!!! I love this!!!!!
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theresnoturningback · 23 days
Year 1 - Summer - Breakfast
A/N: So I wanted to explore Marnie being a protective tutor, she has a special place in my heart and she deserves so much better than Lewis oh god.
Anyways, as always I hope you enjoy reading, and if you do please please please consider reblogging.
This is not proof read by anyone else besides me, because I really wanted it out today.
Little warning: contains lots of angst, depression struggles, some violence and alcoholism derived issues.
Mornings at the Ranch are usually calm. Everyday Marnie gets up and helps Jas get ready. She wakes Shane up, oftentimes with some difficulty.
She understands the current state of his world is practically ruins. He hasn't been able to recover from the accident that left Jas orphaned years ago. Despite being evident, it's hard for him to admit that some days he needs a little push, so Marnie does her best to make his nephew understand he's not alone.
One day, trying to think of ways to help him get a healthy daily routine, she decided that at least once a week, she's going to wake up extra early to cook something special for her family.
Jas was especially happy about it when her aunt made her plum pudding or served her a slice of pink cake. Cake for breakfast was her idea of a perfect morning. Other days, she wasn't so stoked about the food on the table, particularly if it was scrambled eggs with a touch of spring onion or fruit salad, but those days she focused on enjoying the company of her family. Seeing his uncle Shane smile at her still half asleep made her entire morning.
Shane, on the other hand, could see Marnie's intentions behind those weekly morning feasts.
Every Saturday morning, he'd wake up to Marnie's knock on his bedroom door. Most of the time it'd take him a couple of minutes to open his eyes, sit on his bed and stretch. He'd put on some clothes and walk to the kitchen. There, he'd find the little family he still had left.
"Morning uncle Shane" Jas would usually greet him in a cheery voice "do you want some eggs? You can have them all if you want"
"Thanks, kiddo" he'd answer offering her a smile to let her know she was one of the few things that have kept him alive so far.
"How did you sleep last night?" Marnie would ask, already knowing his usual uninterested
"Same old, same old" He'd answer
They'd continue to eat their breakfast, enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence.
There were darker days, though. One particularly difficult morning was a specially hot Saturday. The summer sun woke Shane up with its rays shining from his window and directly into his face. He tossed and turned on his bed, trying to find an angle comfortable enough to keep sleeping but he ended sitting up, groaning in frustration.
If that wasn't enough, three knocks on his door startled him.
"Shane! Breakfast!"
He scratched his face, looking around his room; one big mess he tried to fix countless times. Eventually, he deemed this task pointless because sooner than later chaos always found him.
He reached down to a half empty can of beer and took a swig to ease the dryness in his mouth. He remembered Harvey telling him that his problem was just a consequence of heavy alcohol consumption during his annual check up. He chuckled bitterly at the irony before taking another sip. It didn't bother him it had gone completely flat overnight. A disappointing drink to celebrate a disappointing life, he thought.
Three more knocks on his door made him roll his eyes, fall on his back and push a pillow against his face.
"Shane" Marnie insisted "Jas is already eating and your coffee is getting cold"
"That's OK, I'm not hungry" he answered
Marnie sighed
"Please, you need to eat"
"I'll eat later, Marnie, go away"
Marnie looked at Jas, worried she might have heard it. Her niece looked back at her, smiling.
"Jas, darling, Miss Penny will be waiting for you. Go. Don't forget your pencils this time"
"Yes, aunt Marnie" the little girl ran to her room to get her supplies and left the ranch waving goodbye.
Once Jas left, Marnie tried a completely different approach.
"Shane, open this door. We need to talk" she said in that stern voice she hardly ever used "Now"
Seconds later, the door opened and the heavy air hit her in the face.
"I swear... Would it kill you to open a widow?" She asked looking around the cluttered space.
"I would have tried that long ago" he mumbled, turning his head away.
"I heard that, young man"
"I'm almost thirty, Marnie, I'm not a young man"
"Then why do you insist in behaving like a dumb teen?" She opened the windows to let the fresh air in.
Shane huffed and sat on his armchair with his beer can on his hand. She started taking out the bed sheets and putting them away along with a small pile of Shane's dirty clothes.
"Marnie, no-what are you doing? I was going to-" he hurriedly tried to stop her, afraid she might find something embarrassing.
"Then do it, I have a whole ranch to manage and I'm wasting time doing things that are entirely your responsibility"
Her words stopped him in his tracks. Did she really just say that?
"Nobody asked you to waste your time on me! Why are you always like this?" he yelled.
"Because I worry about you, Shane!" she answered, matching the volume of his voice. She took away the beer from his hands and held it to his face "THIS. This makes me worried" Shane was too ashamed too even look at her but she still searched for his eyes "you didn't think I haven't noticed all these around your room, or well hidden in the trashcan? How long do you think before Jas finds out?"
The sole mention of her goddaughter made him lash out.
She interrupted his yelling with a slap across the face so hard, it made him lose balance. She stiffened up while Shane pursed his lips, trying his best not to cry.
"If that is the language you want to speak to me, that's fine. Let me put it into words you can understand: If you don't get your shit together soon, you will hurt Jas and I will not allow you to do that. She's already lost her parents and I will not just stand here seeing how she loses her godfather, too" She made him look at her and spoke in a softer voice "I might not be your mother but she gave me the responsibility of taking care of you and you have the same responsibility to Jas. I love you like you're my own son. You both are so young and gone through so much that I can't stand the idea of seeing any of you in pain, so please-" she sighed to hide the little break in her voice" please, promise me you'll get better.
Shane fell silent since she hit him. All her words made sense, of course, but he was too ashamed to say anything in return.
He nodded and finally looked at her, with tears in his eyes "I'm trying..." he whispered before she held him to help him cry "I'm really trying, but it's so hard, I can't...I can't" he sobbed onto her shoulder
"Oh, little one... of course you can. You're capable of so much"
She walked him to the kitchen. Shane sat down in his usual place and Marnie poured some fresh black coffee in his cup as he started eating his scrambled eggs
"I know you came to this town unwillingly at first, but during all this time you have met so many people that care about you. I've seen you with Emily and Sam. They're kind and fun and you seem happier when they're around , but you never really hang out much with them. Even Lewis asks about you sometimes... Imagine how much they can help if you'd let them in"
"What did you put in the eggs?"
Shane's question caught her off guard.
"Uh, just the usual, eggs, salt, a little bit of butter, oh! And some chili peppers to give it a little more flavor"
"I didn't know we had chili peppers..." he managed to say with his mouth full
"That new girl Dahlia from the old farm brought them. She's been around the valley giving samples of her first harvest"
"I've never seen her" he shrugged, washing down his meal with coffee "she's got good produce, though"
"She came here yesterday, right after I closed. You were at the Saloon, thats why you didn't see her, but I think you'd be good friends, she came here to ask about our chickens, but she's afraid she won't be able to take care of them. Maybe you could teach her?" she elbowed him with a giggle before she began to clear the table.
"Marnie, please" he sighed half amused, half annoyed.
"That's aunt Marnie for you" she kissed the top of his head while she passed behind him "don't you forget again"
"I won't" he mumbled into his cup, smiling to himself.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Beskar Doll - Ch. 46: Naboo
You and Din seek help from your oldest friends. A continuation of Beskar Doll Ch. 1-45 found on Tumblr here.
Tumblr media
Pairing: the Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Female Reader
Warnings: None really this time besides like... angst but that's a given. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 3.1k
You’d never been happier that Tatooine was so close to Naboo. The trip only took a few hours and you spent the time trying to connect with Grogu again, but it wasn’t working. You gave up after a bit, resorting to pacing to pass the time instead. Naboo was close enough that rerouting power wouldn’t really buy you any time so at least you could pace the hold this time. 
“Doll,” Din was leaning against a nearby wall. “You should rest.” 
“You think I can rest right now?” You asked, brows raised. 
“You should try.” 
“I should change,” you said, sighing deeply. You were in clothes from Naboo, things that might make you recognizable there. You couldn’t risk it. 
You found something more nondescript and let your hair down, so you wouldn’t look like you were from Naboo, and found Din again. He was cleaning a blaster in the galley, focused on it intently. You came and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on top of his helmet. His hand came up to hold your arm, giving you a squeeze. 
“I hate this,” you said quietly. 
“I know.” 
He reassembled the blaster and set it on the table before he reached for you, tugging you gently onto his lap. Once you were settled, he removed his helmet and closed his eyes, putting his forehead to your own, a hand on your hip. 
“Cyare,” he said gently, opening his eyes and looking into your own. “You should consider staying on Naboo…” 
“No,” you said sharply. “Absolutely not.” 
“If you are carrying…” he began, but you cut him off. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you shook your head. “If I don’t have you and him it doesn’t matter. I’m going.” 
He reached up and threaded his fingers through your hair, cradling your head in his large hand, pulling your face to his, kissing you softly. 
The Crest chimed and you pulled back, frowning. 
“We’re coming up on Naboo,” he said, setting you on your feet and putting the helmet back on before heading for the cockpit. You followed at his heels, buckling into the copilot’s seat and holding your breath as you heard the hyperdrive slow. 
When you’d jumped here just days before, on your way to surrender to Gideon to try to keep something like this from ever happening, you’d barely even looked at the view outside your ship. Now, you took it in, the tense chill of dread thrumming through your entire body. You unbuckled yourself from your seat and got up, walking to the front of the cockpit, as close to the viewer as you could possibly be. 
It wasn’t what you thought returning to your home world would be. You’d hoped you’d be able to return one day - probably when you were much older and there was no risk of anyone recognizing you. You wanted to come back and be able to experience this world again, not be desperate for help - desperate enough to put your friends at risk. 
“Where should I land?” Din asked. 
“Theed Spaceport,” you said. 
“We’ll be on records…” he began but you cut him off. 
“Good,” you said, looking back at him. “Let Gideon come to us. Let him try to get to me here, in my home, on my world. If he finds us now, that just puts us closer to what we want. If he’s stupid enough to try to fight me on my terms, I might just give him a quick death.” 
Din looked at you for a moment before giving you a single nod, bringing the ship into the port. 
You took limited weapons off the ship and started off, leading Din through the city toward the palace. 
It was strange being back. The last time you saw Theed, it was all but rubble. Cinder had decimated it, destroying so much of the place you’d called home your entire life. Now, it looked almost how it did before except all the buildings had the shine of newness to them. Replicas of what had stood before, things that had been there for centuries before the Empire tried to reduce your people to ash. 
“Where are we going?” Din asked, keeping a hand on your back as you moved through the city. 
“Back side of the palace,” you said, looking up at him. “Sosha and I had a plan, just in case I was ever in a spot like this one, where I desperately needed help… I just need to get there.” 
It was strange, moving through the center of the city as a normal person. Even with people giving Din a relatively wide berth, you’d gotten used to moving as part of the queen’s entourage - and sometimes as the queen herself, when Sosha needed a stand in. It wasn’t like you needed to wind your way through crowds on market day. But your husband kept a hand on you the whole time, making sure nothing came between you, and you made it to the edge of the palace grounds quickly. 
“This is where it’s going to get a little tricky,” you said cautiously, looking around the side of the structure. You saw the backs of guards and you waited for them to turn. “Move, we have to be quick.” 
You grabbed Din’s hand and ran down the side of the palace to an area that was walled off. 
“We need to go up and over,” you said. “I can climb it but…” 
He wordlessly lifted you into his arms and ignited the jetpack, setting you down inside the wall. You grabbed his hand and yanked him into bushes lining the inside of the wall, peering through a gap in the branches as guards on patrol came through. You’d gotten somewhat lucky. The patrol schedule hadn’t changed since you were a handmaid, you knew when to expect an interruption. The guards made their perimeter walk quickly and were out of sight again. You took Din’s hand and pulled him back out of the bushes, running full tilt toward a river that ran through the city, below the palace walls in a spot that was reinforced by forcefield, and down to a waterfall and the edge of a cliff. 
“We’re going for the falls,” you said quickly. “Can your jetpack get us through the water or do we need to climb it?” 
“Water won’t hurt it,” he said and you pulled him into another bush just seconds before another patrol came through. The guards swept quickly and moved on. As soon as they were gone, you took his hand and ran again, making it to the cliff’s edge this time. 
“We need to go about 30 feet down, through the falls. You have to stay as close as you can to the rock face,” you said as he lifted you into his arms as yours went around his neck. “It’s forcefield protected a few feet out from the cliffs so you can’t access it from outside.”
He nodded once, dropping over the edge of the cliffs, staying close enough to the rock that it snagged on your hair. He dropped down the 30 feet and brought you through the falls, the heavy blanket of cold water soaking you to the bone almost instantly. But through the falls was what you were looking for - an intricate tunnel system leading off one man-made cavern. Din landed and set you down, adjusting something on his helmet. 
“What is this place?” He asked, looking around. 
“Emergency access tunnels,” you said. “They go to a few places, all through the city. The palace, of course, the major government buildings… the thing we’re interested in, though, are the residences of former monarchs and current senators.” 
You went to the third tunnel in from the left and pressed the code you’d memorized years ago into the panel there. The shimmering forcefield covering the tunnel dissipated. 
“Let’s go,” you said, starting down the tunnel and a run. 
About a click in, you found the tunnel that led to Sosha’s and you entered a different code. The forcefield dropped and you took the stairs two at a time until you came to another panel, entering the last code. It exposed a large door - one you needed to actually push on to open - and you cautiously went into Sosha’s home. 
The tunnel had dumped you into what looked to be her sitting room, the door you’d come through a section of wall that completely blended in when it was closed. You tried to stick to the marble and off the rugs as you dripped onto her floors, looking for some kind of panel to see if she was home. 
You found one relatively quickly, pulling up Sosha’s data for the day. 
“Sosha’s out at the moment,” you said, looking through things. “But she should be back soon, judging from what’s here…” 
You looked around the room for a moment, trying to breathe. It was surreal, being back on Naboo, surreal to be surrounded by luxurious and beautiful things. Everything here was plush or shining. The floors and table tops glistened, the ceilings soared at least 20 feet over your head. The seats looked like they’d feel like a cloud if you were to actually sit on them. 
A table by the window that overlooked the water caught your eye and you approached it slowly. There were a dozen pictures displayed on holocubes. You picked one up slowly, reverently. 
It was of you and Sosha when you were girls, just starting at school together. You were hugging each other. You were both 11 and you were missing one of your teeth. You remembered losing it just two days before you were set to leave for school and worrying to your mother that it would make you seem like a little kid, showing up without one of your teeth. 
“I’m sure there will be other children there who have lost a tooth,” she said, brushing your hair back. “As soon as you start speaking, no one is going to think you’re a little kid.” 
Looking at the photo now, you recognized that you were a little kid. Your teeth were still a bit too big for your face when they first taught you how to kill someone to defend your queen.
Din came and stood at your shoulder, looking down at the image in your hands. 
“That’s me,” you pointed to the smaller version of yourself on the left. “That’s Sosha.” 
He put his hand at your waist and tugged you against his side and you put the photo down. You picked up another one, a formal portrait of Sosha with all her handmaids. You were seated immediately to her right, your body tilted toward hers, you just one more than half a dozen others, all identical, faces the same mask of cool detachment. You remembered being so nervous that it made your stomach turn but the image didn’t show it. 
“This is from her first coronation,” you said, looking up at Din. 
“You look young,” he said. 
“I was young,” you laughed a little. 
“I know,” he said gently. “I just… didn’t expect you to look that young.” 
You nodded slowly. You understood that. You set the photo down and Din picked up another one. It was toward the back of the table, one of the few set out that wasn’t posed. Another handmaid had probably taken it when you were all in the royal residence, no one else really around so you didn’t need to be on guard. You were there with Sosha, laughing next to her. You were both in handmaid gowns - someone else had been standing in for her that day, apparently - and Dagres was standing next to you, looking at you with a charmed smile on his face. You swallowed past the lump in your throat. 
“That’s Dagres,” you said, looking up at Din. It was strange, seeing them both like this - not that Dagres was really there to see. You’d loved him so much then. Part of you still did, but it was a different kind of love now. Something soft and quiet and friendly. It had seemed so vital and consuming then but it paled in comparison to what you felt for Din. 
“He protected you,” he asked without asking. 
“Yeah,” you said quietly. He just nodded, looking at the image for a moment longer. 
“I feel like I owe him a debt,” he said. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed. 
“Me too.” 
You’d been so absorbed by the images of your past you didn’t hear people arrive until it was all but too late. 
“Well if we can reschedule with the ambassador…” 
You recognized Sosha’s voice immediately and were about to drop into a curtsy when she came into the room. Her security was faster. 
“Highness!” The uniformed man yelled, jumping in front of Sosha and pulling his blaster, firing. Din threw you behind him, the blaster bolt pinging off his beskar as he ripped his own blaster free from its holster.
“Din!” You yelled, leaping around him, putting yourself between his gun and Sosha - the place you’d trained to be for half of your life. 
“Captain Pell!” Sosha threw her arm in front of him, forcing his blaster down before stepping forward. “I can assure you, this is the last person you need to protect me from. My dearest sister could never mean me harm.” 
Din kept his blaster out, not ready to trust anyone here enough to not hurt you.  
“Your Highness,” you dropped into a curtsy. Din kept his eyes on the guard. 
“You have never needed to curtsy to me,” the woman - Sosha - smiled before running forward and pulling you against her. You flung your arms around her neck, clutching onto her. 
“Seemed like the right thing to do,” your voice was wet. Sosha laughed. 
“It’s so good to see you again,” she said quietly. “I didn’t know if I ever would…” 
“I know,” you said. “I know….” 
The two of you separated and looked at each other for a moment. Din could easily see how you’d been tapped to be her body double. The two of you were the same height, similar build and coloring, even your facial structures looked similar. He was certain that - in the ceremonial makeup - the two of you would be nearly identical. 
But, like you knew him without the helmet, he was certain he’d know you then. He’d know. 
Another woman who looked almost shockingly like you came into the room, datapad in hand. 
“I think I’ve found…” she began but then she looked up, her eyes going wide. 
“Hi Donné,” you said softly. 
She didn’t say anything, just launched herself across the room to throw her arms around you, crying as she did. 
“We didn’t know if you were even still alive,” she choked. “We hoped but…” 
“I know,” you said, giving her a squeeze before she pulled away from you. “I’m sorry I got you both all wet…” 
Neither woman seemed to care about the fact that you’d inadvertently soaked their fine dresses. 
It was so strange, seeing you in this environment. You moved so seamlessly through his world - through dealings with criminals and other bounty hunters - it was easy for him to forget that you weren’t like him. You came from a place like this, raised amidst the trappings of high society. 
“It would appear that I owe you an apology, My Lady,” the guard said, holstering his weapon but still keeping an eye on Din. He bowed his head to you before nodding toward Din. He frowned behind his helmet. You were titled - you’d never told him that. He knew about your history with the monarchy on Naboo, of course, but he didn’t know that you were nobility yourself. There was an odd twinge in him, a sense that he was in a place he didn’t belong. You were made for this place, not him. The sickening feeling that you didn’t belong with him, not really. “You found a Mandalorian for security?” 
“Not quite,” you looked up at Din, stepping back toward him and slipping your hand into his. “This is my husband…”
“You’re married?” Sosha smiled, her hands going to her heart. You nodded. “Oh Solmé, I’m so happy for you… And to a Mandalorian, no less. Of course you would marry a warrior…” 
“I’m afraid we’re here for less than happy reasons,” you said, your grip on his hand getting tighter as Sosha’s face fell. “I’m here because I need your help. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t risk coming here if it wasn’t important…” 
“I owe you so much,” Sosha reached for your shoulder, pulling your forehead to her own. “I will do anything you ask of me.” 
You took a deep and shaky breath as she stepped back from you again. 
“An Imperial remnant has taken our son,” you said, your voice cracking. “And I need help to get him back. I need access to information about Imperial bases so I can try to find him and if there is anyone you can spare…” 
“You have a son?” Sosha asked, covering her mouth for a moment.
You nodded. 
“He’s a foundling,” you said. “His name is Grogu and the Empire wants him for research. Please, Sosha, we have to get him back. I’ll do anything…” 
“Is the Empire still afraid of you?” She asked. “Of what you did to them?” 
“They still want her,” Din said. Sosha looked up at him and he stepped closer to you, even though he knew you didn’t need protection here. He wanted to be ready. To make sure no one took you from him again. 
“Good,” Sosha said, taking your hands in hers. “We will find all the files on Imperial bases and we will go there, together.” 
“Sosha…” you began, but she cut you off. 
“If the Empire is afraid of what one of you could do to them, imagine how terrified they’ll be of five of you,” she smiled a little before looking over her shoulder at her guard. “Besides, anywhere I go that could be dangerous, Pell and his contingent of men also go. Right?” 
He sighed. 
“Yes, your highness.” 
She smiled and looked back at you. 
“I will get the other handmaids,” she said. “And we will go, together, to get your son.” 
“Thank you,” you all but collapsed against her. She put her arms around you. “Thank you, I can’t…” 
“This is what sisters do,” she said quietly. “We’ll get him back. If it’s the last thing I do, we will bring your son home.”
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magikzeller · 1 month
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⌜ sadie stanley, cis woman, she/her, ⌟  welcome back to hogwarts, ROSE ZELLER ! according to your file, you’re a TWENTY ONE year old PUREBLOOD. as i’m sure you remember, last spring had its challenges, but i’m confident you’ll take your studies more seriously this year. as a THIRD year HUFFLEPUFF, focusing on ANCIENT RUNES AND MAGICAL LINGUISTICS, you’ve got a lot on your plate. our records show that you're FEARLESS and WITTY however, they seem to have left off that you're ALTRUISTIC and STUBBORN. if i’m correct, you’re siding with THE LIGHT, which makes sense considering you’re known around the castle for never wearing the same coloured ribbons in her hair two days in a row, sleeping better during a storm than in the silence, cozy sweaters to fight off the cold. let’s hope you make it through the year in one piece.
name - rose orla zeller
dob - august 17th
hometown - cobh, ireland
zodiac sign - leo
sexuality - bisexual
moral alignment - chaotic neutral
languages spoken: english, gaelic, latin & ancient latin (learning both), sign language
sean zeller ( father, alive )
aoife zeller ( mother, deceased )
tbd zeller ( older brother, alive )
blood status - pureblood
hogwarts house - hufflepuff
quidditch position - chaser
wand - sycamore wood, unicorn hair core, 11 1/2”
patronus - lynx
boggart - her deceased uncle’s reanimated self, after being attacked
amortentia - tba
clubs - astronomy, dueling & chess
It was a stormy night, so the story her mother told always started, the sea was rougher than the likes we’d seen in years, lightning crackling in the sky. That’s what it was like the night Rose Zeller was born. She came into the world with an entrance, and she’s never quite stopped making one either.
It was easy enough to get lost in the rolling hills of Ireland’s picturesque countryside, the young girl bribing her parents to take her to the mountains whenever possible. Any issues she was facing, whether they be school related or at home, seemed to melt away with the fresh air and search for a foothold in the craggy cliffside. Life seemed better, easier, when she could escape to any place without walls.
Her parents, for all the generations of witches and warlocks that came before them, never made magic a huge deal in the family dynamic. It was just, there. Using a spell or potion for menial tasks or ailments was as normal in the Zeller home as it was to breath. They turned to natural remedies before store bought, leading Rosie to gain a knowledge of the flora and fauna growing around her. They'd take her to trips to see the Quidditch tournaments, making a vacation of it, which developed a love for the sport despite the girl growing up among muggles for the most part.
When she got her letter for Hogwarts, her parents were ecstatic. Currently, Rose is enjoying her third year in Hufflepuff house and couldn't be happier. She loves her studies and, for the most part, enjoys the school...if you don't mind the occasional troll rumor or the fact one of the popular students was killed. She keeps herself busy with her school work, and her numerous clubs - astronomy, dueling and wizard's chess. Not to mention being a chaser for quidditch, a fact that her family is fairly proud of.
uses sweetheart condescendingly & idiot affectionately, can and will hike until her legs feel like jelly because her mind isn't yet clear enough for her liking, skipping stones across a glassy lake, bringing a steaming cup of tea up to a tower for some time to herself, the heat in your cheeks when you're at the pub with your friends, cozy sweaters to fight off the cold, the badger tattoo on her shoulder blade only a few know about, keeping her wand in the messy bun, an agate pendant that never seems to leave her neck, nose scrunches whenever she laughs for real, soft perfume lingering behind, sunsets over sunrises, the fire crackling whilst laying on a rug near by
She's always had a laidback spunk about her. More than happy to take a backseat when someone more outgoing takes the lead, but will step up into a reluctant leadership role if no one else will. The 'Flirty Mom Friend' to a fold, if you're doing shots she'll do them with you...but also gently suggest water when she's concerned about you. Also will be your wingwoman immediately, or 'fake date' to stay off any creeps. Bakes & cooks to show she cares, will lend you her oversized sweaters...and happily steal yours too.
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woman-of-balnain · 2 years
Undone in Sorrow Part 3/10 (Alpha Rick x Omega Reader)
Previous Part | Collection Masterlist | AO3 Ver. | Next Part
Pairing: Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader
Summary: After everything you’ve just been through, Rick puts distance between the two of you.
A/N: Okay, I’d like to ask for some feedback regarding the future part of this story. I won’t lie, I had a bit of a panic after posting the 2nd part, where I got worried that there is too much angst and that it will make the story boring or too depressing without enough good moments for anyone reading.
So, I ended up deciding to do the ‘then’/‘now’ thing again here, but with the scenes of the past focusing on the early period between s3 and s4 in the prison. Just showing happier times for the Reader as well as for Rick and Reader’s relationship.
So, I can either continue to do this in the next couple of chapters where things are more angsty, or I can cut the angst down, but that will also mean cutting the story down by one part (making it 7 parts in total rather than 8). Let me know what you’d prefer. Otherwise I’ll just make a decision myself I guess.

These flashbacks involve a more heavily pregnant reader (but as mentioned in part 1, this pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage and stillbirth).

Lastly, the events of the show will be a little more spread out. I’m playing with the timeline a bit to suit my ideas for the story. Not necessarily changing things, but just having them happen less quickly in succession of one another.
Warnings: Rick is kind of a jerk in this chapter, angst, pregnancy, you and Rick are true mates but that is extremely rare and considered a myth, there are consequences to Rick’s behavior that are linked to the true mate bond.
Word Count: 4,061
Dividers by: @cafekitsune​ + @newlips​
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In a life built out of only goodbyes
Is there even room for you to try?
While you were waiting for me not to call
I sent my love... I sent my love
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 “Dad?” You asked Hershel one day as you helped him in the prison infirmary.
 You usually assisted your father with the minor things, wanting to keep yourself busy and contribute in some way.
 “Yes, honey?”
 “Do… do you think we’ll really be okay here? In the long run?”
 Hershel paused, leaving what he’d been doing to properly address you.
 “Why are you asking? Is something wrong?”
 “No, it’s just… after the Governor… he’s still out there somewhere and I… I really want this place to work out. We have all these new people, and it feels like this can really be our home, but I just can’t relax knowing he’s out there.”
 “Are you worried because of the baby?”
 Your hands seemed to automatically fall to your stomach, touching the small bump there.
 “Yes and no,” you replied honestly. “It’s more that I don’t know what to think about the world… about people anymore. There’s always been bad people but… what if that’s the only way to survive the world now?”
 “What do you mean?” Hershel looked at you with concern.
 “What if you have to either become someone like the Governor or you won’t make it because of people like him?”
 “Y/N, wherever he’s gone, he’s left us alone all this time. And Rick will keep us safe, keep you and the baby safe. You know that.”
 “But he’s stopped fighting and he’s not leading us anymore, dad! What if that makes us become weak? Whether it’s the governor or someone else, we’ll run into trouble eventually. It’s just how things are now. What if the only way to survive is to become someone else… someone unrecognizable?”
 “Honey,” your father rested his hands on your shoulders, watching you with a calm, but stern look. “Calm down. You’re thinking of the worst-case scenario. Maybe things will get worse before they get better, but we’ll deal with it then. Worrying about it now won’t help anyone, least of all you.”
 “I just don’t want to see the way the world is now, and everything that’s come with it make us lose who we are,” you admitted softly. “I don’t want it to break us, and I’m scared of a day when we can’t be the good guys anymore. With how cold the Governor was, how Carl shot that person from Woodbury without hesitating, how angry and ruthless Rick gets sometimes… it’s disturbing, but maybe it’s the only way to survive.”
 “Don’t talk like that,” Hershel gently admonished you. “If it upsets you so much, talk to Rick about it. He loves you, so he’ll listen. It’s only natural to doubt, especially in these times, but if things do get worse, he’s going to need you. He will need you to keep him on the right path and to support him through the tough decisions. And you can do that, Y/N, just so long as you don’t forget the difference between what’s right and wrong – no matter how hard it might get to distinguish between the two.”
 Rick was quiet as you both exited Carson’s trailer. He seemed deep in thought, and you tried not to read into it too much, but he also seemed withdrawn, which made you worry.
 “Rick, can we talk for a second?” You asked hesitantly. “About… about the baby?”
 He gave you a brief look before turning his attention over to Sasha, who was trying to pick up one of the now covered up bodies you’d brought with you. The remains of Abraham and Glenn.
 “Not now,” he replied with a sigh. “We should…”
 He trailed off but you understood and gave him a nod before you both headed over to Sasha. You wanted to explain that you hadn’t been trying to keep anything from him about your pregnancy, but he was right. There were more important things to worry about in that moment.
 “Here, let me,” Rick said gently as you reached Sasha.
 Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to hold back her tears, but she nodded and let Rick lift up the body of Abraham.
 “You have a spot picked out?” He asked, referring to where the bodies would be buried.
 “Yeah,” she replied, walking over to a secluded spot near the main house. “Jesus talked Gregory into it, and we decided here would be… would be nice.”
 “Okay,” Rick nodded before carefully setting Abraham’s body down. “I’ll, uh… I’ll go and get Glenn…”
 He walked off and silence fell over you and Sasha. There were some shovels, so you went to pick one up, but she stopped you, reaching out to gently take hold of your wrist.
 “Maggie… is she…?”
 “She’ll be okay,” you assured her. “She hasn’t woken up yet, but Dr. Carson said she’s fine and that she should wake up soon.”
 Sasha nodded, looking away from you again as her eyes focused back on the body of Abraham.
 “Are you okay?” You asked, watching her with concern.
 It was a stupid question, yet you couldn’t help but ask. It just came out automatically.
 “No,” she answered honestly. “And I don’t – I don’t know if I ever will be.”
 “Yeah,” you replied softly, looking away. “I… I understand.”
 If she had a response, you never found out, because then Rick was back and placing Glenn’s body down beside Abraham’s. Neither of you needed to say anything more though, because the shared experience you’d all been through made it clear that not a single one of you was okay.
 You worked in silence, picking up the shovels and slowly digging into the earth. Digging graves for the people you loved, but were now gone. It wasn’t the first time and it likely wouldn’t be the last.
 “God,” Maggie grinned. “I never thought I’d be so happy to taste a tomato.”
 “Hey!” You chided playfully, slapping her hand away from the pile beside you. “They’re for dinner. Get your sticky fingers away!”
 You had been getting through the small pile of tomatoes beside you, chopping them up for a pasta dish you’d planned to make. The crops Rick and Carl had been working on had finally grown to the point where you could put them to use. It had made all of you happy at the prospect of real, fresh food again. So much so, that Maggie apparently couldn’t resist stealing one of the tomatoes and biting into it raw.
 “Want some help?” Beth interrupted, coming up on your other side.
 “Sure,” you nodded. “You can cut the carrots if you want.”
 “What about me?” Maggie asked.
 “As long as you actually cook before eating all the ingredients.”
 “It was one bite, Y/N.”
 “Whatever,” you huffed with a smile. “You can check if Daryl’s finished skinning the deer, I guess.”
 “Sure,” Maggie laughed, heading out to do as you asked. “I know when I’m not wanted.”
 “Judith’s sleeping?” You asked Beth, turning your head slightly to look at her.
 “Yep, out like a light.”
 “Thanks, Bethy,” you told her sincerely. “For always helping out with her.”
 “Of course,” Beth smiled sweetly. “She’s family. And it helps that she’s adorable.”
 You let out a light laugh, agreeing with your youngest sister before you both gave your full attention to prepping dinner again. Carol was undoubtedly the best cook in the group, but you’d wanted to give her a break and offered to take over that day.
 As you chopped away at the vegetables in front of you, your mind started to wander. You almost missed the hand that snuck out from behind you, reaching for the tomato your sister had left behind. The one with a chunk already bitten out of it.
 “You’re just as bad as Maggie!” You quipped, lightly tapping Glenn’s fingers away.
 “Come on, Y/N, I’m starving!” Glenn replied.
 “Fine,” you gave in. “You can have a little bit.”
 You passed him a carrot and Maggie’s tomato. Glenn moved to lean against the counter on your other side before taking his own bite of the red fruit.
 “How long ‘til it’s ready?” He asked.
 “A while,” you answered.
 “Oh, I see how it is,” Maggie said as she came back into the room, noticing her husband eating the food she had just been denied. “You’re lucky she has a soft spot for you, Glenn. I almost got my hand cut off.”
 “How’s Daryl getting on?” You asked her, ignoring her playful complaints.
 “Nearly done,” she replied, leaning in to give Glenn a quick kiss. “But Rick was asking for you. Beth and I will take over here for a bit.”
 You gave her a look, the smile on your lips barely contained as you silently asked if she would actually help and not just help herself to the fresh vegetables that had become a luxury in recent times.
 “Just go,” Maggie laughed softly. “He’s waitin’ outside.”
 You did as she said, exchanging a knowing smile with Glenn regarding Maggie’s bossiness before leaving the room and heading to the outside of the prison. You found Rick near one of the buckets you all kept outside to collect rainwater. He had dipped his hands into it before splashing some of the cool liquid over his face and hair.
 He spent most of his days out in the hot Georgian sun, working the fields, so it was only natural that he wanted to cool off at the end of the day. When he saw you approaching, his lips curled up into an affectionate smile before he shook his head a little, getting rid of the excess water from his hair.
 “Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted you.
 “Hey, Maggie said you were looking for me,” you told him, closing the distance between the two of you. “What’s going on?”
 “Nothing,” he replied, reaching out to pull you against him. “Just wanted to see you, is all.”
 The smile never left his lips, or his eyes and your heart fluttered at the sweetness of it all. His hands settled on your hips and if it weren’t for the slight swell of your stomach, you would have been flush against his chest.
 “You’re all sweaty,” you complained lightheartedly, but made no move to step away.
 Rick’s smile just widened as he looked down at you, like he barely even registered your words. His head dipped slightly, so that his forehead rested against your own and the wet tendrils of his hair pressed against your skin.
 “Rick!” You let out a soft laugh, starting to pull your head back.
 He just kept holding you close and his head moved forward until his lips brushed against your own.
 “Come here,” he murmured, pulling you tighter against him.
 And then he was kissing you, slow and languid as his tongue and lips moved against yours. Melting into him, your arms wrapped around his neck, and you let out a small, quiet moan. His scent enveloped you comfortingly and your body arched into him when his fingers brushed against the side of your stomach.
 His lips teased your own, moving expertly while his tongue elicited memories of its movements on other parts of your body. He left you breathless and aching for more, his hands beginning to explore more of your body, as though you hadn’t seen each other for days. Eventually, you pulled back just slightly, catching your breath.
 “I missed you,” were the words that came softly from your lips as his fingers moved up to stroke your cheek.
 Rick huffed out a light laugh since you’d only just seen each other that morning. But he didn’t say anything because you always felt each other’s absence when you were apart. From what you both understood, it was different and more intense than what other mated alphas and omegas experienced.
 The rare and unique bond you shared meant that you were two halves that had come together to create something whole. Your minds and your bodies (and even sometimes your emotions) were attuned to one another.
 “I missed you too, baby,” he murmured affectionately, pressing another light kiss to your lips.
 It felt wrong, somehow, to bury Glenn without Maggie there. Your heart ached, recalling the memories you shared with him. The times he would subtly hand you your favorite candy bar or some other snack if he found any on a run, making you swear yourself to secrecy so the others wouldn’t find out and hassle him to do the same for them.
 Or the way he’d had happy tears in his eyes when he and Maggie told you of her pregnancy. That sense of bewilderment, but also pride that lingered in his gaze over the news. If this was how you were feeling, how devastated and heartbroken you were over his death, then how was Maggie feeling?
 You had a good idea, obviously, but you couldn’t even begin to really imagine how hard it had been for her to see him die like that. So brutally and being mocked in the process. The only thing you could compare it to, in terms where you could comprehend the depths of her pain, was to think of what it would have been like for you if it had been Rick instead.
 That particular thought was unbearable, and you decided not to linger on it any longer. Because he wasn’t gone, he was right there beside you, as you dug the two graves. Even if he had put up his walls and closed himself off. He was still there. Alive, even after you’d briefly and painfully thought that he might have been Negan’s next target after Glenn.
 If it wasn’t for your shared bond, you likely wouldn’t have picked up on Rick’s inner turmoil. His scent betrayed it to you though, becoming almost unpleasant in its signs of distress and guilt. It was unpleasant because every fiber of your being was telling you to go and comfort him, when you knew that it wasn’t the right time.
 And then his scent shifted slightly, turning to anger. That was natural, you thought, but it set you even more on edge.
 But when your work was done and the three of you took a moment to reflect over the graves that had been covered up again, Rick turned and walked away without a word. You exchanged a look with Sasha, silently asking if she would be fine for now.
 “It’s okay,” she assured you, knowing that you wanted to go after him. “I… I need a minute anyway.”
 You nodded, understanding that she was grieving too. So, you left her there to give her some privacy and went after your alpha.
 “Rick…” you called after him and he stopped.
 “Y/N, just…” he sighed, his scent becoming worse, showing a rising sense of frustration within him. “Just give me some space.”
 “I will, but… we need to talk. Please.”
 “What is there to talk about?” He rounded on you, his anger swelling and you realized it was you he was angry at. “How you’re pregnant and didn’t tell me? How for whatever reason he found out before I did? Or the fact that you knew and still came out with us, putting you and our child at risk?”
 “Rick, I didn’t –”
 “You didn’t think, Y/N. You didn’t listen. I told you to stay in Alexandria.”
 “I didn’t know!” You yelled, trying to force Rick to listen. “I didn’t know what would happen. None of us did.”
 “You knew when you decided to go with Eugene instead of coming with me like I asked you to.”
 “How would that have made a difference at that point, Rick?”
 “I thought you were dead!” He shouted, but his voice cracked, showing the raw agony behind his words. “I – I saw Eugene, but you weren’t there! And then you were, and he… he touched you, he hit you, he put his fucking hands and his scent on you Y/N, and I couldn’t stop it!”
 You stayed silent. The revelations that his words brought came with pain as you realized how it must have all looked from his perspective. His nose twitched, in that way that always hinted at his annoyance over something, but this time it conveyed a lot more than just that.
 “And you told him, Y/N,” Rick continued, lowering his voice a little but still seething. “You told him about… about our baby, before you told me.”
 “I didn’t know,” you argued, trying to explain your side of things. “I wasn’t sure yet, but I thought I might be. I just told him… I told him that to stop him.”
 Rick paused, his expression softening just slightly at your words.
 “Stop him from doing what?”
 “From… he was going to kick me,” you admitted. “He was aiming for my stomach… and after everything with Maggie, I just… I just panicked and blurted it out. And it worked, it stopped him. And I’m glad it did, I’m glad I said it, because now I know that I am pregnant and what he’s done is already bad enough. I couldn’t live with that too. Not again.”
 He nodded, looking away from you and calming down slightly as he knew what you were referring to. But he was still distant, still closed off.
 “Y/N…” Rick said, but he wouldn’t look at you. “I can’t stay here. I have to go back to Alexandria. Back to the others.”
 “Okay,” you replied softly, aware of the fact that he was still on edge. “I’m ready to leave when you are.”
 “No,” he met your gaze again, his expression cold and distant. “You’re staying here.”
 “Rick –”
 “No, Y/N,” he cut you off. “You’re staying here where you’re safe. Just… just for now.”
 You closed the distance between the two of you, reaching out to take hold of his hands, but he pulled away abruptly and that made you freeze. He was looking away again, refusing to meet your gaze and it hurt you deeply.
 “Don’t,” he told you firmly. “Just… don’t.”
 His words and his actions made your body feel like it had been turned to ice. It was a clear rejection from him; because no matter how much you had angered or frustrated him in the past, he had never once pulled away from you like that. Not just with his body, but with his words.
 “Rick…” you tried again, hoping that he would snap out of it.
 “Stay here,” he commanded.
 Your heart sank as he spoke the words in the tone you couldn’t disobey. You realized he was determined to leave you there and with no reassurance that things were okay between the two of you.
 “I’ll come back soon,” was all he said instead, before he walked away and left you there alone.
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It wasn’t long after he left that you realized your scent was still mingled with Negan’s. It hadn’t faded because Rick had been too distant in his grief, still reeling from the trauma of everything to replace it with his own. You tried to tell yourself that another alpha’s scent on you – especially that alpha’s – was probably the reason he had acted so closed off and distant towards you before he left.
 But deep down, you knew that it might have played a part, but it wasn’t the only factor. If Rick was his usual self, he wouldn’t have hesitated to scent you again and get rid of any other man’s scent on you.
 It was more than just that. It was the fact that Negan had pushed him as far as he had to until Rick was left broken and defeated. And it was because Rick felt betrayed by your actions. You could understand, but it didn’t change how rejected you felt by him. And it didn’t change the disgust and shame you felt at having any part of that other man still clinging to you.
 So, you had tried desperately to wash it away, scrubbing at your skin until it was red and irritated. And it was useless, because a faint trace of him remained and you felt a pit in the bottom of your stomach as you wondered why. If you and Rick were True Mates, like you’d both always thought, why wasn’t your body rejecting the scent of another alpha? Why was it still clinging to you?
 Not only that, but the process just left you feeling even colder than before, when Rick left and rejected your touch. Your skin felt icy, and you couldn’t stop shivering, not even after your body was completely dry, and not even after you bundled up as much as you could.
 It all left you feeling uneasy, even despite everything else going on.
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That cold and icy feeling didn’t leave. Instead, it seemed to get worse. But it was always tolerable for the most part, not really getting in the way of anything you tried to do. Mostly, it was just uncomfortable.
 When Maggie woke up, it gave you some relief in the days following that first encounter with Negan. She still wasn’t herself, but she was alive and both her and her baby were fine. Maybe that was all you could have asked for.
 You gave her space for the most part, but one night you found yourself sitting by her side in silence, late into the evening after just about everyone else had gone to bed. She seemed lost in her thoughts. Maybe it was just memories of the past or hopes for the future. You didn’t know, but just having her there, physically by your side was enough. Currently, it felt like she was the only family you had left.
 “You remember the day we got Nelly?” Maggie asked suddenly, her voice soft and quiet.
 “Yeah,” you replied, a hollow laugh escaping your lips at the memory. “N–nervous and flighty from day one.”
 “I remember you trying to ride her,” Maggie smiled just slightly, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Thinkin’ you could settle her just with sheer determination.”
 “Sh–she bucked me right off,” you recalled, your teeth chattering slightly from the cold feeling running through your veins.
 “You were covered in dirt,” your sister gave a light chuckle. “But you were still laughin’ and convinced that she’d come around.”
 “She d–did… in the end,” you reminded her, wrapping your arms a little more tightly around yourself. “But… what made you think of that?”
 “Just thinking,” Maggie replied, becoming serious again. “About those days. On the farm.”
 “It’ll get better again,” you tried to reassure her, reaching out to touch her hand with yours.
 Suddenly, Maggie’s head turned to look at you with concern.
 “Y/N, you’re freezing,” she observed worriedly.
 Maggie moved to place the back of her hand against your forehead, only to quickly snap her hand back after she made contact with your skin.
 “You feel like ice!” She continued. “And you’re shaking like a leaf!”
 “I–I’m fine,” you gave her a smile. “’s just cold tonight.”
 “No,” she frowned. “It’s really not. Not that cold.”
 She started rubbing her hands up and down your arms, trying to bring some warmth to you, but it made no difference.
 “Come on,” she stood up and moved to help you stand as well. “We should get you to bed. Get you warmed up.”
 “It’s okay,” you tried to calm her. “Th–that doesn’t really help.”
 She shot you a look, “how long has this been going on?”
You just shrugged, the icy feeling in your body getting worse, like it was seeping into your bones. As she tried to lead you to bed, you became a little dizzy and swayed on the spot.
 “Y/N,” she was panicking now.
 “I…” you stopped, waiting for your light-headedness to fade like it usually did. “I’m… f–fine…”
 But you weren’t. And instead of the dizziness going away, it just got worse until your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you slumped in Maggie’s arms.
 “Y/N?” She tried to shake you awake but it didn’t work. “Y/N!”
A/N: Just note that the whole thing with Negan’s scent is not an indication that Reader’s body is accepting him or anything. Rick is still her true mate, despite her doubts here. It’ll be explained later (most likely in the next chapter).
Next Part
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homo-rebel · 2 years
Vinny, the (soon to be) number one fan x influencer(bimbo/himbo)reader
Tw: just some cursing, not said towards anyone
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He didn't care for you at first.
He didn't even know you existed tbh
Vincent, he prefers Vinny, was a photographer and nature was his calling, so why spend time on the internet
Likes? Leaves were preferred. Comments? Talk was cheap, the wind weaving through the trees could do talking.
He touched grass any chance he gets, he didn't need losers on the internet telling him to do something that was a daily routine.
(he was kind of a pretentious asshole, he didn't have many friends either)
So when he was at the local park taking photos for an college assignment (somehow doing something you enjoy after being told makes it less enjoyable, even photography wasn't safe) He didn't recognize you at all
You were one with the crowd, a blank face subject for his art in the background
So it was a surprise when you broke the mold and decided to interact with him
"Excuse me!"
His eye twitched. The willow tree he was in front of wouldn't move but being interrupted was still annoying
He turned his head over his shoulder, a scowl on his face
You blinked, ignoring his attitude, and gave him a grin
"Hiii, well I was over there and I noticed that you were, like, taking photos and stuff?"
'And stuff' What was wrong with you?
"So, like, me and my friends were wondering if you would, like, take photos for us?"
By then his whole body had turned and he stared blankly at you.
Seriously, who did you think you were?
He asked and you laughed
it wasn't condescending at all but good natured and joyful
Your laugh being cute didn't excuse your audacity, but he considered it a bonus
"You don't know me? I'm [internet handle] I thought I was, like, pretty popular but I guess not."
You weren't offended at all, in fact you seemed happier than before
He sighed and rolled his eyes
He didn't have time for this, his professor was a hardass and he didn't need more unessessary criticisms for being distracted
"No thanks, I'm pretty sure your iphone 54 or whatever will work just fine."
Another (cute) laugh
"I only have a iPhone 5, silly!"
God you were adorable insufferable
He turned back to the willow, wanting to get back to work
"On no wait! I have, like—"
Rustling was heard but he ignores it even though he was curious
"—$50 and uh, um, strawberry gum!"
Professionals charged much more, but he wasn't exactly professional, was he?
The two packets of beef ramen in his dorm could use company anyway
(strawberries were also his favorite, but you didn't need to know that)
"Fine, whatever."
He let out a startled shout as you dragged him over to your friends
They were... somehow worse than you
You were annoying sure, but at least you were cute and seemed to be genuine
But they were just assholes
He felt like a worm surrounded by a bunch of judgemental butterflies as you explained everything
The $50 (and strawberry gum) would be worth it though
The photos he took of your friend group were....
To say the absolute least
Stock photos, basic, vanilla, corporate, a dime a dozen,
Those descriptors seemed to stick to the photos like glue
He cringed, he stopped his assignment for this
The only thing that stood out was you.
Looking through the photos his scowl lessened as he focused on you in each one
"So do they, like, look nice?"
You peeked over his shoulder, the man hunching over his camera
"You look great." He mumbled out absent mindedly, still looking at the photos
Before you could question him, a girl from your group spoke up
"I hope so, seeing as we're paying for it."
His eyes slid over to your friend in disgust.
Who the fuck was she? She wasn't paying him a cent and had the gall to complain?
The others had their phones out and were in their own digitized world
He scoffed and showed you the photos glaring daggers at the free loader
You seemed satisfied (judging by your squeal of excitement) and placed the money and unopened pack of gum in his hand (unneeded but appreciated)
"Do you, like, need my number and my email or, just like, one?"
He didn't need your number, why would he want to hear you when he didn't need to?
He gave you his notepad and pen and asked for it anyway
"Oh you, like, never gave me your name!"
"Vincent, but uh call me Vinny"
You grinned sweetly at him, and he looked away
His face felt hot, he shouldn't have worn his hoodie
You waved your goodbyes as your group left, being the only one to do so
He didn't count the stank eye the freeloader girl gave him as a good bye
He stared as you all drove away, and the quietness settled back onto the park.
He popped some gum into his mouth headed to his dorm, it was too crowded for pictures now as the nearby elementary school had let out
He wasn't angry, surprisingly. He always hated missed opportunities to get things done sooner when possible
As the flavor left the gum in his mouth and he reached for another he think he knew why.
He opened his dusty old laptop as soon as he got in his dorm, ignoring his hunger to open up Safari
He hoped you weren't the type to spell things weirdly, it'd make it a bitch to find you
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(Request are open!! ❤️)
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centi-pedve · 6 months
we wonder how far the whole "you need to have media literacy" thing will go considering it very much is a trained skill with little to no tangible benefits for most people (emphasis on tangible) + most media literacy education focuses on journalism rather than fiction + encouraging people to take up a trained skill, a typically very boring and exhausting one, by mocking them or getting angry at them is a losing battle + people use "you need media literacy" for both important things (understanding what is and is not racist) and for unimportant things (you misinterpret my blorbo) with the same level of disdain
how we see it "media literate" is adapting more and more into an undefined concept around intelligence with the same sort of weight that being a "good person" is to being an undefined concept around morality. what really sells this to us, is that the way people vouch for media literacy on here is NOTHING like how it's taught in schools, despite people saying it is. it's "you have the wrong perspective" rather than "your reasoning to come to this conclusion is flawed." there's not supposed to be a right answer, people take different things out of the same scenes because multiple interpretations exist but that has entirely died on tumblr. if you can defend your interpretation then it's not a lack of media literacy, you just have a different opinion. lmao. and yes even if it directly contradicts what the author intended, if you can defend it with examples from the material and debate about it, it's correct. this is basic english class stuff.
anyways maybe its not that big of a deal. like as long as you're not chugging bigoted propaganda and going So True it doesn't matter. we enjoy engaging with media but the way some of (most of) the users here go off about it makes it a real turn off and we actively do not want to or even intentionally misunderstand things because the media literacy crowd is so annoying while giving no actionable advice. it's just an insult man, it's just a way to make yourself feel superior, do you want people to be media literate or do you want to kick people who have the Wrong opinions about your Babygirl or, dare we say, be disabled in a way which affects their interpretation of things. like dunno maybe the world would be a happier place if you could leave people alone about their interpretation of dave strider when they weren't even formatting it as an argument or analysis la la la or maybe be able to discuss it in a civil manner at least la la la
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6, 14, 18
thanks for the askkk, sorry for the late response, wasn't online
6. about my best friend:- i'd say, my boyfriend is also my best friend, he's cute, caring, nice, he listens when i ramble, he tolerates my tantrums n the little annoying things i do, likes me despite my flaws, i couldn't have asked for more honestly, there's also a few other friends i have, who i cud consider as really good friends, they listen to me, they're there for me, and i try to be there for them too.
14. something i like about my body:- there's not much tbh, but i think i like my face, my smile and my dimple, i like my neck too, for some reason, lolbut ra
18. a quote i live by:- there's a few actually, but rather than quoting them, i'll give a little gist of em, being a nice person is wayy more important than being successful, do what makes you happy, thinking about others is a complete waste of time and energy, making someone smile, if i can do that, just once a day, i feel like my purpose has been fulfilled, being nice doesn't mean to be a people pleaser, do what makes you happy and be happy, i just believe , that if everyone helped themselves and focused on their own happiness, no one would have to worry about anyone, and the world wud be a happier place :)
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babygirl-garcia · 10 months
As promised, here’s the second, ✨spicy✨ chapter of “You’ll Be The Death of Me”
“You’ll Be The Death of Me” [Garcia x tall AFAB!reader]
It had been a few months since your first date with Penelope, and the pair of you had never been happier; In fact, you’d both respectively voiced that to the other on a few occasions. You’d stayed over at each other’s apartments every chance Penelople’s busy work schedules allowed, but that didn’t stop you from falling harder for her every time you heard that beautiful laugh, met those twinkling hazel eyes with your own, felt her warm embrace wrap around your body as the pair of you snuggled on her sofa watching a cheesy romcom.
She had told you about her work friends: about the smooth and suave Derek Morgan, collected and professional Aaron Hotchner, cool as a cucumber JJ Jereau. But you had never met any of them personally, and that day, you decided that it was important that you did. And it would give you the chance to show off for Penelope, too. So dig through your closet you did, for a dress that showed as much leg as you felt comfortable, and after a moment’s thought and pursing your lips in debate, grabbed the heels from the corner and slipped them on.
After a quick google search (you could be an internet spy just like Penelope if you put your mind to it), you headed for the address listed for the BAU, Penelope’s place of employment. You asked the security guard at the door for directions to Penelope’s office, and he gave you a once-over before handing over a visitor’s pass and pointing you in the right direction. Penelope had been showing your photo off, it seemed. You shook your leg nervously in the elevator on the ride up, and your heart felt like it could leap out of your chest. But all the fear and nerves washed away as the elevator dinged, revealing a large, open room with several doors and a raised platform that led to even more doors.
You had hardly stepped through the main doors when a man who was passing by stopped in his tracks, then took a couple backwards steps, a wide smirk on his face. “Damn, mama, Garcia is one lucky girl.” You recognized this man immediately- Derek Morgan, Penelope’s best and closest friend, and he introduced himself as such. “Y’all goin’ anywhere special?” He asked, gesturing to your choice of dress.
With a soft, shy laugh, you shook your head. “No, sir, just thought I would come and say hi, see how everything was going. I realized I’d never met you guys, and I thought it was time to change that.”
“Well, it’s great to officially meet you, (Y/N), and I’m glad you’re making Garcia the happiest any of us have seen her in a while. Which is sayin’ something, with that perpetually positive attitude she has.” Your cheeks heated, but you beamed brightly at him. He stopped, considering something. “Hey, I’m not busy right now, I could show you around, if you wanted?”
“I’d like that, thank you.” You said with a nod, and with a charming grin, he took your arm and led you off to introduce you to everyone.
“And this is the office of our beloved tech wiz, Miss Penelope Garcia.” The door, though innately professional in nature, had a single, glittery star next to Penelope’s name. You giggled softly at the sight; it was very her. Derek knocked before opening the door, and you were immediately greeted with a colorful office and large array of monitors. Penelope wasn’t kidding when she said she had the whole world’s information at her fingertips. In a rolling chair, her back to the door, Penelope was leaned in, focused intently on one of the monitors before her. Her fingers clacked on a keyboard covered in cute key caps, and she only paused enough to adjust her glasses. Next to you, Derek cleared his throat. “Hey, baby girl, someone’s here to see you.” He said, leaning against the door frame.
“Hi, lovely.” You said, smiling adoringly at her.
At the sound of your voice, she perked up, whirling around to face you. “(Y/N), what are you doing he- ahhh….” She trailed off, mouth falling agape. “You… I- wh-?” She sputtered, face pale as she looked your frame over with darting eyes.
Beside you, Derek let out a soft chuckle. “I think you’re sick, baby girl, I’ll go tell Hotch you’re taking the rest of the day off.” He patted the door with a shit-eating grin before heading out.
“Might miss tomorrow, too!” She called after him, not taking her eyes off of you, the look in her eye causing you to gulp.
“It was assumed!” Came his reply, though he was already down the hall.
“(Y/N)…. shut the door.” Penelope instructed, keeping her voice even, despite the noticeable shake behind it.
Chewing on your lip, you gave her a gentle nod, you turned to shut the door. As you turned back to face her, you didn’t even have time to teasingly question her motives before her lips crashed onto yours, kissing you hotly. A soft yelp escaped you, before it quickly turned into a moan as she reached up to give your breast a firm squeeze. Her free hand snaked around your waist, and pulled your hips flush with her own. Just before you could escalate the moment any, she pulled away, both of you breathing heavily. “I’m sick.” She whispered, hand moving down from your waist to grab your ass before, in one swift motion, she took your hand in hers and suddenly the door was open, and Penelope Garcia drug you out of the BAU and into the elevator.
“You’re so hot, god, who let you be this hot?” She asked out loud, more to herself than to you, as her arms wrapped tightly around your waist. “Oh, the things I’m going to do to you…” She trailed off, and your breath caught in your throat as the elevator opened on the main floor. “We’re taking Esther, going back to mine. That alright?” She wasn’t giving you much of a choice as she pulled you in that direction- not that you minded, in fact, you nodded enthusiastically and hopped in the passenger seat, already squirming in your seat. When Penelope climbed in, her hand immediately made its way to your thigh, pushing the hem of your dress up just a hair. “This dress looks so good on you… it’ll look even better on my bedroom floor.” She purred, and just the thought of it made your panties grow wet, thank god you’d had the foresight to wear a nice pair. Not that you thought the night would come to this, but you had sure hoped it would.
Penelope did a fair amount over the speed limit to get you back to her apartment, and as soon as the pair of you were inside with the door locked, you once again found yourself shoved between it and Penelope as she reached up on her tiptoes to resume kissing you deeply, this time her tongue flicked against your lips, and you accepted it, swirling your own immediately around hers. She moaned softly into your mouth, grabbing your thigh and hiking it up around her waist. She used her grip to grab your ass roughly, and you moaned in kind. She smirked against your lips, pulling away to look up at you devilishly. “So pretty, the sounds you make…” She purred, voice low in her throat. “Do it again.” With her free hand, she tangled her fingers in your hair, getting a good grip at the base before giving it an experimental tug, which pulled another moan out of you, a bit louder now. Penelope exhaled shakily. “God… do you even know the things you do to me?” She pulled away, kissing you swiftly. “Bed’s down the hall. Come with me, pretty girl.” She all but dragged you down the hall to her bedroom, nudging you back onto the bed and wasting no time crawling on top of you.
The deep kisses returned, as did Penelope’s tongue, as she rested her palm lightly on your upper thigh, and you whimpered softly, arching up into her touch more. “Ah, ahh…” She mumbled against your lips. “You have to earn it.” The hand moved to your hip, pinning it to the bed. “Coming into my place of employment, dressed so sexy for everyone to see…” The kisses made their way to your neck, and she nibbled at your collarbone.
“S-sorry…” Your voice came softly, chest tight as you forgot how to breathe. “I thought-” You swallowed hard as Penelope pulled the straps of your dress down, achingly slow. “-thought you would… enjoy it…”
“Oh, I did.” Her hand slipped expertly under the top of the dress, palming at one of your breasts, but you didn’t dare move, in fear that she would take it all away. She peered down at you curiously, and you met her gaze, eyes pleading. After a moment, she smirked and gave the breast a squeeze. “Such a good girl… you listen for me so well.”
Oh, fuck. “Good girl” sent a shiver straight down your spine, and you squirmed a bit as heat coursed through the lower half of you. You were afraid you would put a hole in your lip from how hard you were biting it.
The smirk on Penelope’s face widened extensively, realization hitting her. “Oh, you like that, do you?” She gave your nipple a tweak, and you let out a cry, but otherwise remained still. “My good girl…” She purred, leaning down to replace her fingers with her mouth, tongue wasting no time making itself at home, swirling around the sensitive tip.
“Mmm….” You pressed your lips together to avoid crying out too loudly. “Can…” Your chest heaved as you tried to remember how to breathe properly. “P-Pen… can I tou- touch you? Please?”
Around your breast, Penelope made a soft hum of approval, sending chills all over you. She pulled away with a smack that could’ve sent you over the edge right then and there. “Such a good girl, using your words…” She got up on her knees, tugging her own dress over her head easily, and you gulped at the sight of her: You wanted to pepper every inch of her in kisses, sweet and gentle, hot and open-mouthed, wanted to trace every curve and fold with your finger tips, commit her to memory. A soft giggle pulled you from your daze, and you noticed that Penelope had that intoxicating smirk on her face once more. “Like what you see?” She wiggled slightly, her impressive breasts jiggling in their confinement. She leaned in, tucking her pointer finger under your chin. She was close now, lips mere inches away from your own. “You can touch me.” She whispered, breath hot against your face, and suddenly your lips were crashing onto hers, arms thrown around her as they roamed her warm body. You pulled her as close as you possibly could, but wanted her closer still. You grabbed her ass firmly, and Penelope moaned into your mouth. “Take the rest of it off.” She instructed, and you complied quickly, wasting no time reaching around with one hand to unhook her bra with ease. She met your gaze with heavy lids, her breath ragged. “Fuck, that was hot.” She said, tangling her fingers in your hair as your mouth made quick work of her breasts. You ate up every moan, every hitch in her breathing, noted what got more of a rise out of her. Eventually, she pulled you away, her hair falling into her face. She looked like that of a goddess. “Stop.” Her hands still buried in your hair, she pulled your face back up to hers. “I want you to put that pretty little mouth to work.”
With a swift kiss to her lips, she dropped her grasp on your hair momentarily to let you focus on tugging her underwear off of her. You drank up the sight of her bare form, running a tender hand down the inside of her thigh. Penelope shivered, and she laid back on the bed, breasts bouncing as she did so. The hand returned to your hair, gentle this time, as her legs fell apart, and you realized then just how much the evening had affected her. You reached a hand out, running a finger delicately up her soaked slit, her thighs twitching as your middle finger made contact with her swollen mound. “Hmmm…” Her moan was low in her throat. “You see what you do to me, you beautiful creature?” She mused, before her expression darkened slightly. “Now, I believe I gave you an order. Put that mouth to work, and maybe, maybe, I just might fuck you silly.”
Your clit throbbed at the thought of Penelope fucking you, and you wanted so desperately for her to see that you were a good girl, so you braced your hands on either of her thighs, pulling her a bit further apart before diving into her soaking pussy. Penelope gasped harshly, and she yanked on your hair. “Oooh, fuck, (Y/N)…” You explored her with your tongue, being certain not to leave an inch unturned. Penelope’s thighs trembled around you, and as you flicked your tongue inside her entrance, they wrapped lazily around your head. You hoisted her legs over your shoulders, then your hand trailed up her ass and around to her front, and you toyed with her clit lazily. Another tug at your hair as her legs around your head tightened, pulling you closer and deeper into her. Penelope’s back arched off the bed, and she massaged her breasts desperately. “Shit, baby, you’re so good, don’t you dare stop… such a g- good girl….” She was gasping for air now, and you knew she was close, so you switched gears; the hand at her clit fell to her entrance as you slipped two fingers inside of her, tongue taking over where your finger left off. Penelope screamed, rocking against your face, walls clenching around your fingers as you curled them inside of her, hitting her sweet spot. “F-fuck- fuck-!” She released, gasping for air as you hummed, letting her ride it out before removing your fingers and licking them clean. You then did the same to her pussy, and she twitched at the feeling. She yanked you back up to kiss you deeply, tongue swirling around hers. “Good… such a good girl…” Penelope caught her breath, giving you a once-over. “You are wearing entirely too much right now, darling.” She snapped her fingers, and pointed at you. “Off. Now. I’ll be right back.”
She kissed your cheek before stepping into her closet, shuffling about in it. You hurriedly stripped your dress off- you hadn’t bothered with a bra, and the panties you’d worn were now soaked with your own slick. You squirmed as you waited for her, on your knees and sitting on your feet. You wanted to touch yourself, wanted to aid the burning in your core, but you knew that if you did, Penelope wouldn’t think you a good girl, and she would punish you. Punishment… a part of you craved it, maybe she would fuck you harder. But another part of you resisted, heart racing as Penelope emerged from the closet with a strap-on. She stepped in front of you, having pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She took a moment to admire your body, licking her lips hungrily. She pointed down at the cock strapped to herself. “Suck.” She commanded, and you hurriedly crawled over to her, wrapping your mouth around the strap and working on getting it slick with saliva as much as possible. Without warning, Penelope grabbed your head and gave a gentle thrust into your mouth. You gagged a little, but didn’t pull back; only looked up at her through your lashes. “My good girl… do you want me to fuck your face?” You nodded quickly, and she thrusted forward once more. You relaxed as the cock hit the back of your throat again and again, and you reached around to grab her ass to give yourself more leverage. When she was satisfied, she pulled away, gripping your face in her hand. “You’re such a filthy little slut, aren’t you?” You nodded quickly, but she squeezed your cheeks tighter. “Say it.”
“I’m a filthy slut!” You cried, licking your lips as your eyes flitted to the strap.
“That’s right, you are. You want me to fuck you? You want me to fuck the slut right out of you?”
You groaned loudly, a bit of slick dripping onto the sheets in anticipation. “P- please, Penny! Fuck the slut out of me, I deserve it!”
She smirked, pleased. “Turn around.” You obliged, making sure to stick your ass out all pretty for her. You heard a low growl escape her as she looked you over. “A pretty pussy for a pretty girl…” She cooed, touching you lightly, causing you to twitch. “What do we say, pretty girl?” A finger toyed at your entrance, and you peered over your shoulder at her.
“P- please, Pen… please fuck me…” You whimpered, clenching your walls in anticipation.
“Hmm… good girl.” Penelope purred, and a finger found its way inside of you. You gripped the sheets, moaning softly as she pumped it in and out of you, curling it ever so slightly. “Is that good, baby? You want more?”
You nodded quickly, lip quivering. “Y-yes! I need more!”
A second finger joined the first, moving in tandem. “You’re behaving so well for me, (Y/N)…” Penelope hummed, her thumb slipping down to your clit. Your top half stretched forward, ass raising higher into the air.
“Fuuuck-“ You moaned, walls clenching slightly.
After a while, Penelope decided she was satisfied, and you couldn’t help but let out a whimper as she pulled her fingers free. “You’ve been so good for me… you think you deserve my cock?”
“P- please!” You cried, whole body shaking. You peered back at her once more with hooded lids, watching as she pulled a small bottle of peach-flavored lube from her dresser. You could’ve came right then and there, watching her work the lube along the strap. Instead, your grip on the sheets tightened. “Pen?” You managed to say.
She looked over at you, a brow quirked. “Yes, my love?”
You chewed your lip in hesitation. “You… don’t be gentle with me. Please.”
A devilish look washed over her, and she grinned at you. “Oh, darling. I don’t plan on it. If that’s what my best girl wants.” She pumped her cock once more, getting lube on her hand, before raising it and swatting your ass hard. You cried out, nearly doubling over in pleasure. “You like that, hmm?”
“L- love it…” You groaned, bending your elbows so that you could rest your upper body weight on your forearms.
This time, she smacked your pussy, and before you had time to react, the strap was suddenly slammed into you. Penelope gripped your hips tightly, setting a rough and unforgiving pace. Your body trembled, and you worried that your arms would give out from under you. “My beautiful girl…” Penelope grunted with her thrusts, then moved to run her nails down your back. You cried out, and your arms did give out then. This new position, with your face in the mattress, it allowed her to fuck you deeper.
“A- ahh!” You cried. “C- close!!”
With her right hand, Penelope tugged you upright before it found its position around your throat as her left hand wrapped around your front to rub quick and hard circles at your clit. Her thrusts grew deeper and less rhythmic as you found yourself gasping for air.
“C-can-“ You mumbled, not even sure if you could formulate a coherent sentence. “Can I-?”
“Yes, baby. Come for me, my good girl.” With a final thrust, you tumbled over the edge, leaning back against Penelope, who showered your neck with gentle, sweet kisses as you came down from your high. Penelope pulled the strap from you, and you shuddered hard. You let out a soft whimper as she moved to lick you clean, and she hummed happily. She kissed a trail up to your shoulder, then wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. “You did so good, baby…” Her voice was soft as she placed a gentle kiss behind your ear.
“Hmm… Penny?”
“Yes, angel?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“Wouldn’t blame you.” She teased, kissing your jaw.
You rolled to face her, snuggling between her chin and shoulder. “Mm… mean it. Love you.”
She brushed your hair from your face, then kissed your forehead. “I know, baby. I love you, too. A hell of a lot.” You snuggled closer to her, eyes fluttering closed. “Get some sleep, baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Mkay… night…”
“Goodnight, angel.”
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baubeautyandthegeek · 9 months
Shall I stay?//Would it be a sin//If I can't help//Falling in love with you? – Valak/Lorraine Warren
A/N: Tagging @fat-fem-and-asian. So this goes WILDLY AU right after Ed grabs Janet to save her...
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“Give me the girl…” Lorraine’s voice is hoarse from screaming and Valak considers making her drop the child, choosing to allow her one small win before ripping Ed away from her, golden eyes focused on Lorraine’s face even as she hears the man’s body hit the sharp wood, Lorraine’s screams breaking the silence. “Ed!” “Enough.” Valak’s voice breaks through her thoughts she falls silent despite hating herself for obeying. Tears are tracking down her cheeks even as the girl in her arms chokes out air, finally breathing. Lorraine’s eyes flick from child to nun and back again before she leaves the room, sensing Valak watching even as she hands the child off, gathering her coat tighter around her as she looks back at her husband, her eyes drawn back to the window before she shudders and turns away. Later, weeks later, Judy comes home to find Lorraine is gone, her grandparents are waiting. She has a choice. Live with her mother, find her place in the new, confusing, world Lorraine enhabits, become godless, or go with her grandparents. She chooses her grandparents, visiting her mother only once, her eyes stinging at the sight of her mother clearly alone, happier for it. Then she senses it. Her mother’s demon has won. She flees that night, goes back to her grandparents and leaves Lorraine to her world. “Why did you… buy the house?” Valak’s question is light, surprisingly gentle and Lorraine half-shrugs, her eyes closing even as she leans into Valak’s touch through her hair. She’s grown used to this weird comfort, grown comfortable with Valak, with the heat of her touch. “The family needed a fresh start… and I… I needed you.” “I am… Sorry…” “For?” “Ed.” A pause. “He could have been… of use…” “At least you came back.” Lorraine mutters, her sigh softly sad. “I would have…” “I know. I sensed you.” Silence falls then, quieter still, Valak speaks again. “You were… were not the only one to… fall.” “Why me?” “You… are the only one not to… flee.” “Oh.” Silence. Silence and gentle peace, then… “You really did just want… company.” “I wanted you. From the moment I saw you.” Valak pulls away a little, unused to such openness and Lorraine sits up beside her, leaning to press soft lips to sharp cheekbone. “You have me…”
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mieux-de-se-taire · 1 year
Danger Days - Part 2
Save Yourself - one of my favorites from Danger Days, definitely my favorite Danger Days intro, that simple opening melody is just so perfect, and then the lyrics, god the lyrics, every single line fucks so hard, and they’re arguably some of the best Gerard ever wrote, this song is just everything distilled: the anger and resentment while still being catchy and fun, the raw cynicism paired with the will and determination to live and care for others, the martyr complex in full force with contemplations on legacy and immortality, the song is just screaming “I’ll die for you! I’ll die for you!”, as a fuck you to the media and those who commodified their suffering and the suffering of their fans, and as a promise to their fans, I’ll protect you, I’ll die for you, I’ll die for you, and isn’t that the message underlying all of Danger Days and Conventional Weapons, christ, and then how legacy is tied into it: “We’re never leaving this place alive / But if we sing these words we’ll never die”, “We can live forever if you’ve got the time”,  “This ain’t about all the friends you’ve made / but the graffiti they write on your grave”, when making and joining a band saved your life but then spiraled out of control and fame threatened to tear you apart again but the very thing that’s killing you is also your legacy and the reason you will never die because you will always be remembered and hated and loved, and what kills you keeps you alive, the poison is the cure, oh my god, I don’t know if any of this is coherent, I love this song so fucking much 
Scarecrow - on the surface one of the happier songs MCR ever wrote, but stupidly devastating when you really listen to the lyrics and learn about the context and deeper meaning, still such a bright, summery, comforting song, one of the most important Danger Days songs I would argue, especially the lyric “Love won’t stop this bomb” (3:07), which is one of the central themes on this record, and as a follow up to save yourself, the repetition of the idea that the end is inevitable and they’re going to die, but instead of anger, scarecrow is more about comfort, it feels like a love letter to their fans, the band still acting as martyrs but focusing more on the listener: “He burns my skin / Never mind about the shape I’m in / I’ll keep you safe tonight”, and knowing that love won’t change anything, but caring anyway, man, maybe Geoff Rickly is right
Summertime - a great transition from Scarecrow by keeping the cheerier sound but actually making it joyful through some truly tender and sweet lyrics, it’s so sappy, almost excessively so, but there’s something so pure and genuine about it, which I think is one of Gerard’s greatest strengths as a writer and a singer, to be able to write very simple lines that would otherwise sound cheesy and phony (think Famous Last Words “I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone”) but delivering them in way that feels so honest and resolute and making you believe everything they say, it’s also interesting how unabashedly positive it is considering the darkness and anger or bittersweet melancholy that seems to accompany joy everywhere else on this album, Summertime becomes a breath of fresh air
Destroya - completely unironically my favorite Danger Days song, actually the first I heard other than Na Na Na, it fucks so hard, I always have to sing along with the chorus, it’s just so infectious, and the drums, man, it’s one of the most aggressive and powerful sounding songs on the album, and there’s something hypnotically and subversively menacing about it, especially how it was performed live in 2022 with Gerard growling and screaming with demonic vocal distortion, it sounds like a kind of battle cry, which is part of why the extended moaning sections are such a bold and unique choice, but it works in a weird way, at least once you know to expect it (and it’s not live and Frank isn’t genuinely whimpered and groaning on stage sir this is an all ages show), it’s just so angry and weird and fucked up and incredible, and it has some of my all time favorite Danger Days lyrics like “If what you are / is just what you own / What have you become / when they take from you / almost everything?”, which is a brilliant line that ties into the themes of criticizing commodification and consumerism found on Conventional Weapons and Danger Days, also “You don’t believe in God / I don’t believe in luck / They don’t believe in us / But I believe we’re the enemy” is such a raw line, god it’s such a great song, fuck anyone who just reduces it to just the “horny” song 
Kids from Yesterday - probably of one the best songs on the album, especially how they performed it live in 2022 and 2023 with the extended outro (Ray Toro what the fuck is wrong with you this is devastating), it’s so bittersweet and nostalgic and just brimming with love, they always describe it as a song for themselves and you can really hear and see the joy and love among them when they perform it, while other songs feel like promises to the audience, Kids feels like a promise to each other, “I love you. I love you. I will always love you”, it’s so fucked up, “I’ll find you when the sun goes black”, unforgiveable, and it’s also interesting how they revisit legacy as a theme (”You only live forever in the lights you make” is one of my favorite lines in the entire album) and discuss many of the same struggles of fame as other songs, but do so in a far less angry way, it puts less focus on the band as a single entity to be exploited, revered, and hated and more focus on the individuals and how their legacy relates to them as people and their connections with one another, god, it’s just such a stunning song, wish I could listen to it more but I literally can’t handle it
Goodnite, Dr. Death - I really like the radio transmission at the beginning, but I usually skip this one because I don’t feel the need to listen to the American national anthem on the regular, especially not with the very painful (cool sounding, but painful) jumpscare at the end, that being said, it might be favorite of Dr. Death Defying’s interludes, because it’s much calmer and more muted, almost soothing, but disturbing at the same time with how casually death is warned against in an address to children, really adds to the world building, and “Even if you’re dusted, you may be gone, but out here in the desert, your shadow lives on without you” is such a cool line
Vampire Money - so fucking funny, I don’t even know what to say, the iconic roll call intro and countdown followed immediately by the deeply poetic line “We came to fuck”, the fact that it was changed to “We came to suck” in the clean version, the fact that Frank says “Oh I’m there baby” sounding like he’s talking about sex rather than playing music, which he has never once (at least to my knowledge) properly said live and even refuses to acknowledge, the way the whole song is making fun of how people latched onto and then commodified their vampire symbolism and aesthetic early on, and specifically being asked to write a song for the twilight movies, god, I love how they’re so aware of and continuously willing to poke fun at how they’ve been portrayed and perceived over the years, and I also love how malleable this song is live, changing lyrics in little ways every time they perform it, another great example of Danger Days songs being best live
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