#considered doing 'the family brothers' but idk whether that's funnier
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months ago
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steel--fairy · 2 years ago
characters who aren't related in canon but are in my verse:
--green & leaf were raised by blaine after their parents death. very free range but still.
--brock and bruno are cousins
--agatha and bertha are sisters. their family moved around a lot when they were kids and agatha liked kanto more while bertha preferred sinnoh
--winona and anabel could be siblings? they have those similar ponytails which is flawless logic by pokemon standards
--wallace & lisia and wally. and kris. lisia, wally, and kris & daphne are all cousins : )
oh gosh theres also the thing i refer to here as [redacted] which is n is the middle brother between kris and daphne. he doesnt know this and daphne doesnt even know she has a brother bc of how young they were when he was lost so it never comes up even when they meet : (
also also bc i started this whole thing with the joke that all the characters with light green/turquoise hair are related, proton is wallaces cousin while katy is his....first cousin once removed? *looks at chart* yea thats the right one. she's lisias age.
--two very very distant relatives (like, to the point where theyre strangers who have no idea theyre related) stemming from my legends era ocs: morty & caitlin, and steven & cyrus.
also not my ocs but bc laventon/cyllene good, cyrus is also very very distantly related to leon and hop which is hilarious to think about
--fantina and tucker are siblings. they're from kalos and both moved to different regions at different points in time
--silver, mars, and roark are all siblings (listed youngest to oldest). they all have ariana as a mother. she was married to byron, had roark and mars, they divorced and she moved away and had silver with giovanni. and arezu is arianas ancestor.
--on that note, ilima is the descendent of palina and iscan. i think thats the most likely candidate for them
--valerie is the youngest kimono girl and gets to help summon ho oh/lugia with her eevee
--greta is viola and alexis' younger sister. greta moved to hoenn bc it has a better battling culture
--tina from pokemon masters is alders granddaughter. whether shes bengas sister or cousin idk. i think im leaning towards cousin.
--idk how yet, but i do vibe with piers & marnie being related to grimsley. their uncle perhaps? when his familys fortune fell, his much older sibling ditched him for galar (trying to make money from their commercialized gym challenge?) and then had some kids there. neither party knows the other well.
--there is some relation between shelly and nessa but idk what. shelly is her aunt perhaps?
--i love that art i reblogged a while ago of larry and juan being related. the difference in personality makes it SO funny. the art had them as cousins but i think brothers might be even funnier (and funny should always win). im thinking they have a sootopolitan parent and a paldean parent. had juan, roughly 10 yrs later had larry as a way to not get divorced, got divorced anyways, and then each one took a kid. they keep in touch tho
--wikstrom is giacomo's father. i considered larry but i think wikstrom works better.
--hassel is iris's uncle. his younger brother is her father and the girl sent to bring him back to the family is iris' older sister who never left the village
--also if miriam and iono dont end up related im rioting. miriam is iono's older sister.
--when i saw penny talking about her dad i immediately went oh! peony! and i do vibe with that but gotta admit... kinda hard to make them related lmao could just go the adoption route tho, nothing says they have to be blood relations
--......was about to post this and realized i forgot one of my oldest hc's which is archie is hau's dad (and therefore hala's son). it's so ingrained in me I forgot it wasn't actually canon lmao
anyways, i think thats it?
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ceterisparibus116 · 3 years ago
Which Avenger do you think Matt idolizes? Karen idolizes? Foggy idolizes? I personally feel Matt idolizes Captain America (and maybe Foggy does too), while Karen idolizes Wanda Maximoff. (Hey, Karen and Wanda have endured the trauma of losing a brother 😭 and falling in love with someone clad in red 😉)
But what are your thoughts?
Hmm. First off, I don’t think Matt idolizes any Avengers. ;) I think his mentality is very “so you’ll help if there’s an alien invasion, but you don’t care about all the other violence people endure, and you can’t even be bothered to stay behind and clean up the mess or help people figure out how to get new housing after Hulk smashed their apartment???” So I don’t think he looks up to the Avengers that much.
But if I had to pick a “favorite” Avenger for Matt, I’d pick Natasha. I think he’d be incredibly impressed with her fighting skills/style (and impressed by her ability to actually tell a convincing lie), and I think the more he learns about her, the more in-awe he’d be. She was abducted as a child and forced to become a child soldier. Basically, she was what happened to Matt via Stick times, like, infinity. And yet despite everything she went through, she still chooses to fight for good, still tries to help people, still tries to atone for her mistake.
Also, let’s be honest, I just ship them really hard.
I think Matt would also admire Clint if he knew about Clint's disability…but MCU!Hawkeye doesn’t have a ton of personality, imo, and idk what he and Matt would really talk about or what Matt would admire about Clint other than the fact that he's an Avenger with a disability. Maybe Matt would admire that Clint has a family? But I don't think that would really be admiration so much as jealousy, tbh.
Unexpectedly (bc I'm not personally a big Bruce fan), I realized I think Matt would admire Bruce. Bruce and Matt actually have a lot in common. Both have this sometimes-uncontrollable thing in them that they personally feel is ugly, dangerous, wrong, etc. Yet both of them “use” that uncontrollable thing to try to help other people. Also, both of them try to navigate professional careers despite having this big other part of their life. (I wish we’d seen more of that. Does Bruce struggle to feel respected in the scientific community because he’s primarily known as the guy with the Hulk problem?)
Honestly, I don’t really know what Matt and Steve have in common. They both like punching things…but Matt’s fighting style is WAY more advanced than Steve's , so it’s not like Matt would “idolize” Steve's fighting abilities. I think maybe Steve is also Catholic (in the comics, at least? And arguably some form of “Christian” in the MCU based off his “there’s only one God” quip), but that’s clearly not a central or motivating part of his character, so it’s not like he and Matt would really bond there. Steve fights for the little guy, but…so do Nat and Hawkeye and Bruce. Other than that, Matt would absolutely be Team Cap in Civil War because the Accords are horrifically unconstitutional, but it’s not like Steve has an articulate legal argument for disagreeing with the Accords; for him, it's mostly personal (Bucky) and a "but liberty!" argument that lacks any real nuance. (Legally, in the US, personal liberty isn't the sole deciding factor on whether something is Constitutional.) So I think Matt might agree with Steve generally, but I don’t actually think there’s anything about Steve that Matt would consider impressive.
Foggy, though. I imagine Foggy loves all the Avengers (except maybe Bruce – I could see Foggy feeling a little unnerved by Bruce because of the similarities to Matt). I think if Foggy were to meet Tony, it would be super interesting. I imagine Tony would launch some barbed quip at Foggy, and Foggy would actually run with the quip in a self-deprecating way that turns out to be ten times funnier/wittier than Tony’s comment. So if anything, I think Tony would idolize Foggy!
And Karen. Firstly, I headcanon that she has a crush on Thor. Idk, I just think Karen likes to go for guys who are kinda unavailable. She likes a challenge! And who’s more unavailable than a literal god?
I personally do not think Karen would be a fan of Wanda. Yes, Karen and Wanda have some things in common factually, but I don’t really think they have anything in common philosophically. Karen fundamentally wants to help people, expose corruption, and help more people. If Karen found out how reluctant Wanda was to “sacrifice” Vision (though Wanda was willing to let hundreds of Wakandans risk their lives), I think Karen would honestly be incredibly judgmental of Wanda. I would hope Karen would try to understand Wanda’s motivation, and ideally Karen would use her own experiences with tragedy to shape her understanding of Wanda…except even then, Karen might struggle because her tragedy never led her to cling to saving one person at the expense of others. Instead, Karen consistently endangered herself for the purpose of saving others. So…even if Karen could empathize with Wanda, I don’t think Karen would be impressed by her—certainly not to the degree of idolizing her.
Instead, I think Karen (like Matt) would idolize Nat. She would be empathetic to Nat’s background of abuse and exploitation, but she would be so impressed by the way Nat continued to be selfless even though she had every excuse in the world to be selfish. I also think Karen would relate to the fact that Nat held the Avengers together as best she could, essentially leading the Avengers by herself – not dissimilar (thought admittedly on a hugely different scale) to Karen trying to hold Nelson & Murdock together. Finally, I think Karen would appreciate Nat’s ability to get people’s secrets. And I think Karen would admire Nat’s approach. Karen gets people’s secrets not (usually) by manipulating them, but rather by basically wearing them down with the intensity of her passion. Karen isn’t very good at pretending to be anything other than what she is. I’m not sure Karen could handle playing the emotionally-distressed-break-down-in-tears damsel the way Nat did with Loki. But I think Karen would admire having that ability in her toolset.
So yeah, those are my thoughts. Thank you for the ask! And I welcome everyone else to chime in. Just keep it civil. ;)
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years ago
now that I think about it new order actually being in the series would've been interesting atleast if it wasn't that overpowered or that clumsily introduced bcuz we've atleast three dudes with double names (shigaraki, dabi, hawks) and AFO whose name we don't know apart from the shigaraki half of it. it'd be interesting to see which name dabi too ends up identifying with or a funnier thing: imagine dabi having new order considering he keeps calling out and knowing everyone's real names. He certainly has a greater affinity of being correct than Cassie lol. Now I wonder if shigaraki does get new order whether his next quest is to find AFO's name for which he probably has to enter vestiges to meet yoichi...
Lot of points here.
First: I'm like, 100% sure Dabi will go by Touya at the end. His arc is centered around his family, the Todorokis. Touya Todoroki is who he is, so I'm seriously putting all my eggs in the basket of him ending as Touya. If I'm wrong, oh well. But I'm fully convinced he'll go by Touya at the end, especially since he's already being referred to as such, both by his family and by AFO
Second: AFO's real name--that's actually interesting. We know his brother's name, but not his, save for his last name. Tbh with New Order coming into play, I think Yoichi may give us his brother's name. With the whole prediction that Shigaraki will use New Order to break himself free (which I didn't see how could happen at first but NOW I do--after Deku saves him he can break himself free) I think AFO's name may come into play. But, I'm skeptical of that because his name was never really shown to be important? Like it didn't really matter. His own brother just refers to him as "his brother", and the vestiges call him AFO. So, yeah idk if it'll be a plot point but it is definitely possible. I wouldn't want it to be too important though, we have other shit to focus on in the story.
Third: New Order is so obviously just a plot device. It's not really something that fits into BNHA's world, the plot before this point, or any of the characters' arcs--until this point. This is entirely an opinion, but I don't think it would have worked at any other point in the manga tbh. I'm not a huge fan of the last-minute plot device intro because it feels like fan service for the majority of the chapter, with a little bit of "hey there's actually like...something extremely important going on inside Shig's head!" (the Mon-chan thing) but it's grazed over while we get she-hulk in the sky going all balls to the wall American on Japan. It's just, fantastic lemme tell ya. But with that being said, no I'm not a fan, but there had to be some sort of kick-start to the final battle and I feel very very strongly that this is it. AFO getting this god-tier quirk, the heroes (pros and kids alike) being forced to jump into action like, here and now. Jump starting the four kids setting out and eventually encountering/facing/fighting and then saving their villains. That's what I'm hoping at least. I really don't care about diving into the details of this lady or her quirk. Two chapters dedicated to building up her character was more than plenty, and it's time to pull a Lady Nagant and get her off screen. At least Nagant's character made sense story-wise, this one really doesn't and doesn't really belong in BNHA. But oh well, we're getting good Shig content alongside her so I'll deal with it.
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aizenat · 6 years ago
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot who would you say are your fave Furuba characters and ships (canon) and why? Least fave Furuba characters and canon ships and why?
Oh hi nonny! This is fun! I meant to reply earlier, but I know this is going to get in depth so I wanted to be on my computer when I replied. Also, this is going to have major Furuba spoilers (duh). 
I’ll start with the least favorites to get the negatives out of the way. My least fave characters are hard because I tend to love more than hate characters in this series. However...
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I didn’t really like Motoko or any of the Prince Yuki fanclub girls. I had a much better appreciation for her after that graduation scene; I’m glad she didn’t confess to Yuki and instead just thanked him for helping make her high school experience fun. When you think of that, how she had a group of friends who all shared this adoration for him, and how much fun she had, it is sweet. 
BUT the fucking fangirls really helped create a culture in their school where people couldn’t get close to Yuki even if they wanted to! And seeing how much that hurt Yuki, despite their intentions, it irks me. It was only once there were people like Manabe and Kimi who didn’t give a fuck about the fangirls (Kimi’s handling of the fangirls was just so wonderfully delicious for this very reason) that Yuki was finally able to have a fun high school experience and let loose a bit. It’s not all Motoko’s and the fangirls’ fault; Yuki had his own demons to fight through. But you can’t deny that if everyone knows that there is a legit fanclub with strict rules on how anyone, especially girls, are allowed to communicate with him, they’re not going to think they can joke around and goof off with him. 
Interestingly enough, I think her daughter makes up for her. Her daughter’s love of the Sohmas is so much funnier, non-obtrusive, and more respectful than Motoko’s was. 
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This might be unpopular or surprising, but I really dislike Shigure. Aside from him being a disgusting lech (that scene with him going the high school talking about seeing high school girls is sick. And as someone who is 27 going on 28 my own damn self, I would protect high school girls from perverts like him until my dying breath), I just find his motivations and mindset fucked up. Like, he was fucked when he decided Akito was the love of his life, but the things he does just to get a reaction from her is annoying as BALLS. Idk if we ever got a definite number for how old Akito is, but she’s still much younger than Shigure. And doing shit like SLEEPING WITH HER MOTHER out of spite when you know Akito is just one wind blow away from losing her fucking shit is just so gross. He’s too grown to be doing dumb shit like that, and I have zero respect for him. 
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Also, on a side note, I don’t really like Kureno either. Not like he did anything in particular (except get with Arisa, which I don’t like at all), but I find him boring as dirt. The only interesting thing about him is that he’s the first one who’s curse broke. Cool. So why are you here? He’s not much of a character; he’s just there to show that the curse IS breaking, and then to cause tension between Akito and Shigure. All while being dull and annoying. Boy, bye. 
Least favorite “ships” is funny because I actually dislike more couples than I like. But among my least favorite are: 
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I think I lowkey read Arisa as a lesbian as a kid, and it was really annoying that Takaya-sensei decided to force her into a relationship. Especially because I just wasn’t sold on her and Kureno. Kureno is nothing like Tohru for her to be doing that “Oh, he’s like Tohru” thing. He did one thing she would do, boo hoo. I can’t imagine Tohru also doing what he did with Akito (ie, not leaving/not establishing boundaries), so there’s that. Also, the, like, 9 year or whatever age difference is a hard no. Arisa had so much potential and personality and whatnot than to become that fuckboy’s housewife. ALSO, that line when she says she wants to hit like 6 feet or something, and Kyo asks if she wants to be a model or something, I couldn’t help but think “oooh, she should be a model!” Imagine Arisa as a model! That’s what she should have been; not Kureno’s girlfriend. UGH! 
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No matter how many times I read it, I can’t get over Katsuya and Kyoko’s age difference. I mean, at least Arisa is in high school and been through some shit to mature her where you can KINDA be okay with her and Kureno (except me, who hates it 100%). But Kyoko was IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. Like, how you a grown man falling for a MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT. The fuck? The hell? Jesus did not die on the cross for this. Even taking into consideration culture and the time period, it’s 10000000000% NOT okay. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Even when I was the same age as Kyoko myself reading this (like 15ish), I had a HUGE issue when I learned about that age gap. It’s gross. It’s predatory. And when he’s even called out on it by Kyoko, he laughs it off. 
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His personality was cute, but I don’t know why they couldn’t wait. Like, even if they did something where they met when she was in middle school, and then maybe ten years later, while Kyoko was reforming her delinquent ways, she finds Katsuya again and reconnects with him, fine. But really? 
I respect it only because they made Tohru and she’s a gem, and he died long before the story began, so it is what it is. But ew, hell no. 
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The last couple I don’t really like, and this is really unpopular, is Haru and Rin. I know most people who read this love them, but I always found their relationship to be too codependent and unhealthy. Rin isn’t my favorite character, but considering her history, I can’t be too mad at her. Not to mention she reacts the way you would expect a high school girl going through what she did to behave. I was friends with angry girls like her in high school; I get it. I also saw those same girls get into unhealthy codependent relationships with guys and are still struggling today. I like Haru a lot, and I’m sure he and Rin could be sweet. I love how protective he is of her. But Haru just wasn’t right for Rin when they were going through the breakup and then getting back together thing. The things they said to each other were just off putting to me. Once things calmed down, they were fine, but I found it hard to root for them because of what a weird introduction we got to them as a couple. 
Now on to the positives. My favorite characters. This is going to be conventional, buuuuuut...
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Tohru, obviously. Only losers who fell off Fruits Basket don’t love Tohru. She’s very awe inspiring honestly with her attitude. You read her reactions and think how you want to be that sort of person. You want the be the person someone looks at and thinks of as home. You want to be the sort of person who is encouraging and positive and happy. You want to be someone full of light. 
I do have critiques of her being a “perfect mother” character, and how she finds herself mothering a bunch of guys (like, literally taking care of three males cooking and cleaning for them. Gross). There is something to be said about whether Tohru would work as a character if she had real goals other than “get a job and support myself.” If she had goals like wanting to go away to college and get a career. Like, imagine Tohru as a therapist. She’d be able to help so many people. But no, her humble Japanese heart wouldn’t allow her to go for some sort of passion that grandiose. Like, we live in a modern day where it’s GOOD for girls to have passions, so it’s kinda off putting that her only passion is homemaking and nurturing those around her. 
BUT, she’s still so sweet and kind and makes you want to be a better person! lol. 
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What’s funny about Flying Pot-kun is that when he was introduced, I remember thinking “he reminds me of someone.” And I was racking my brain of people I knew irl, wondering who he reminded me of. Then Yuki starts going “he reminds me of someone,” and I was like “What? Yuki too?” And when Yuki thought of his brother, I started DYING laughing! It’s ironic that Yuki’s best friend ends up being a younger version of his brother who irritates him. 
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Manabe is really fun, but I really love his relationship with Yuki. I like when they fight, when they talk. But what really impressed me is the scene with Komaki, where she tells him off about what he said to Tohru at her mother’s wake. And how instead of getting defensive (”what? I was only looking out for you!”), he realized that he fucked up. I wish he would have apologized to Tohru earlier, even if she didn’t remember him until a while later, but he’s a guy so I don’t expect much from them (whoops, my misandry was showing). 
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Still, Manabe reminds me of my guy friends from hs, and how fun and stupid and silly they were. I could see him hanging out with them, getting in trouble with them, so I like him lol. 
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My #1 favorite character has to be Yuki. What’s hilarious is that when I first read Fruits Basket through (so, as a teen, reading all the volumes as they came out during the Tokyopop run), I HATED Yuki. I thought he was a dick to Kyo unnecessarily. There’s that one moment right after the “True Form Reveal” I believe where Kyo is visibly trying to not snap at Yuki the way he normally does. But then Yuki provokes him and causes Kyo to yell at him. As the oppressed older sister of a favored younger brother, I know first hand how it feels to be provoked to anger by someone who knows how to push your buttons. And so I likened Yuki to my brother and hated him for that. It felt like to me that every time Kyo wanted to move on, Yuki was there to put him down. 
Then I reread Fruits Basket when I was 19 and realized “Holy shit, Yuki is a male version of me.” Not 100% obviously, but his self loathing and the way he isolated himself even after no longer being under the direct control of his family was something I could relate to. I realized that I disliked Yuki because I saw in him all the flaws I disliked in myself: hating him was easy because I was hating these parts of myself. 
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When I understood that, I related to his story more, and he’s always my favorite character now. I especially love once he becomes student body president. All of the scenes with him and the rest of his student council members are gold. Kimi and her stupid flirting, Manabe going off track, Chibi-suke’s play at maturity while everyone else goofs off, and Machi’s quiet and awkward energy leads to some amazing moments. Seeing Yuki interact with them in a way he never lets himself behave with his family is great; and we get to see a side of him you know his classmates rarely see too. You watch his confidence grow and it just makes my heart glow. I’m smiling while I’m typing this lol. 
Favorite couples? Tbqh, there’s only two I really love and respect, and they’re the obvious two. All others can fall apart tomorrow and I’d feel NOTHING. But these two were endgame and perfect. 
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Tohru and Kyo. God, the first time I read this series, when I realized that it was setting those two up, I wanted to DIE from happiness. Kyo was my BOY first time around, and he could do no wrong. So to know he “won” over Yuki and got the girl made me so happy. Rereading it, I always find Tohru and Kyo so adorably compatible. Tohru is very good at reading his love language, and seeing his deeper meaning. I remember someone mentioned that Yuki, in the beginning, still kept a lid on his feelings, making it hard for Tohru to 100% connect to him. And that Kyo was always so explosive with his feelings; even if it’s awkward and not 100% how he feels, Kyo still expresses how he feels as he’s feeling them. 
I think that’s why when she confesses to him, she takes his rejection as REAL rejection. Because Kyo is always the honest one, the one she rarely has to question how he feels. Kyo is always honest. I thought that was a good assessment, and a good reason why they work. 
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Not only is Tohru’s love for Kyo healing for him, but her love for Kyo is healing for Tohru. Being able to move forward and create a future with him allows her to move on from her past. Through loving Kyo, and working on breaking the curse so she can free him and be with him, can she move past her mother’s death. Imagine if she just graduated, got a job, and lived on her own after high school. She’d be alone. And left with remembering her mother all the time. It would have broken her. Loving Kyo meant she had to be willing to let her mother go a bit. Move on and live despite her mother not being around. And after Kyo stopped being a dumbass, that’s what his love was for her. It freed her. Not as a distraction, but as a way for her to heal from it. 
They were really made for each other. 
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Despite my love for Tohru and Kyo, Yuki and Machi are just my absolutely FAVORITE. Their dynamic together is so interesting. Yuki is so used to people putting him on a pedestal that he’s intrigued by someone who’s like “he’s not a prince; he’s just an average guy.” And when he starts giving her attention, Machi, who is used to being ignored and overlooked, is flabbergasted. Not only that, but he UNDERSTANDS her without her having to say anything. And what’s funny is that that is how Yuki is. He doesn’t express his feelings the way Kyo does; he holds a lot in. His feelings might manifest in small ways, but it’s hard for others to read it.
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Because it’s how he is, Yuki is able to read deeper into Machi’s actions. He hears a story from Manabe about her walking in the snow, just making footprints, and then sees that she destroys clean and organized rooms and spaces. He puts two and two together: she hates when things are “perfect” and orderly. So she has to “ruin” them. And just like that, he gets it. Like, imagine what they’re house has to be like with Yuki being bad at cleaning and Machi just HATING a messy home! And considering how their son almost brags about his messy habits in Fruits Basket: Another, jfc, it’s gotta be bad! 
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I think that’s why Yuki and Machi are so cute to me: they also compliment each other. They can observe each other and see deeper than what others see. Machi didn’t just see his perfect persona at school: she saw beneath that. She remarks that he seems lonely, and he is. He sees her actions and realizes the truth. They think of each other and then do things based on that. Yuki sees her clutching a Mogeta when she meets his brother and realizes she must like him. Then sees another Mogeta while out and buys it for her just like that. Machi asks Yuki what he wants and when he says fertilizer like a dumbass not realizing her intent, she goes out to get it for him (carrying fertilizer by herself couldn’t have been easy). 
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They see each other. And that’s what’s so beautiful. In a world where they both, for one reason or another, are so easily forgotten and overlooked, they see each other. They found each other. They get each other. FUCKING CHRIST IT’S TOO BEAUTIFUL TO THINK ABOUT. 
Also, some honorable mentions of couples I actually liked: Komaki and Manabe (I hope she beats his ass every time he calls her his meat angel lol), Ayame and Mine (I wish we saw more from them; then maybe I’d like them enough to wax poetry over them), and Hatori and the Great Mayu-chan-sensei (god, those two!!!!! Wonderful!!!!!). 
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Thanks, nonny, this was fun! 
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clownmoontoon · 7 years ago
As the expert on anything and everything relating to jyushimatsu, how would you describe the relationship between jyushi and choro?
you bring up an interesting point bc at the time you sent this ask (SORRY FOR THE WAIT BTW I WAS DOING RESEARCH I SWEAR) i hadnt really thought about their relationship much bc they dont really hang out together a lot in the show so its not as open/clear as like suuji or sue.
so decided to call upon my buddy @aristotels‘ choro expertise to combine w my obsessively useless and vast jyushimatsu trivia haha
yknow how in groups of friends you have the mom friend? choro is the mom brother in this group of brothers
i mean,
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the only bros he isnt mom over are kara and oso bc theyre older but thats another post, today we talk about WAKABA🔰
JUST LOOK AT THIS OFFICIAL ART OF CHOROMOM AND JYUSHISON(he acts mom over all the youngest imo but ESPECIALLY for jyushi)
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tbh jyushi does much of the same stupid stuff as oso, if not more w craziness level to 1000+ but choro never gets mad or yells at him like he does w oso, IN FACT IN ONE EP CHORO LITERALLY SAYS HE CANT GET MAD AT HIM, EVEN IF HE REALLY WANTS TO.  (an au ep but it makes a lot of sense to the canon story line too)
and we think its bc he thinks oso should know to behave better (since he’s the eldest/leader), while jyushi is just too young and dumb to get it yet, he needs guidance. jyushi needs to be taught. and choro is the one determined to teach him how to behave.
its not always in a condescending way, in fact choro is actually genuinely caring towards jyushi!! in ep 9 he was incredibly supportive of jyushi’s new relationship and even held the biggest flag for him! he never said it doesnt make sense or wont work. he seemed genuinely proud that jyushi made a relationship outside of the family
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when jyushi’s heart was broken the first brother you see isnt ichi, or even totty, the brothers we know are canonically closest to him
we see choro
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and ofc we all know how heart breaking it is that ichi looks away bc he cant stand to see jyushi in pain, but choro tho
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imo kara, ichi and oso never expected it to work (maybe they hoped it would but they werent convinced it was possible), but choro, totty and jyushi thought it absolutely would work out u_u
and even when choro says things that should be considered insults
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bc choro is the kinda person who takes everything at face value. so if you act stupid (even as a joke) choro will think you actuallyare stupid, not even in a mean way, but if you present yourself as that, then thats how he will see you.
and jyushi is just too happy to play along (for the most part) IVE MENTIONED BEFORE HOW JYUSHI OFTEN DOES THIS (acts like a dummy to get a laugh) HE’S EVEN SAID IT ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS
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and he keeps up this “character” pretty consistently except when things happen that cause him to break. im sure we can all think of at least one example COUGHSEP9COUGH but another less heart breaking example would be when the cold puts him in a shit mood
in this moment he drops all the “im trying to make you all happy and comfortable” and straight up asks choro to get the kerosene, knowing that he wont want to, bc nobody wants to, but like IF YOURE GONNA PLAY MOM THEN ACT LIKE IT IM COLD
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choro’s even said on more than one occassion about jyushi “are we sure he’s human” bc he just cant wrap his head around someone like him
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and if choro says to ichi “this is our first time meeting” then it can be implied he’s never really met jyushi, bc of this he just does whatever he can to support him and help him grow as best he can since he has no idea of even what he is haha
while all his intentions are pure, it doesnt mean choro is actually good at this but, just like with imaginary taxes, he doesnt let something like his lack of knowledge on the subject get in the way of being the best brother mom he can be!
and jyushi is perfectly happy to be as supportive as he can be in return 💛
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((unless its funnier to be against him))
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