#connor mulgrew
felicitykings · 2 years
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Connor, I pledge to you my heart and my soul. I promise to understand you, support you and adore you for as long as we live. Just... thank you. Thank you for finding me. Imogen, I was lost before but I never knew it so much until I met you. But then I knew what I'd been missing. It was you. You're the other half to me and with you by my side everything finally makes sense. Whenever your heart beats, wherever you are, I can feel it. Nothing, not time or distance, or anything that anyone throws at us can ever change that.
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giffingthingsss · 2 years
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Connor’s reaction to hearing Kate Mulgrew only screwed up her lines a few times in seven years. 
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dominickeating-source · 4 months
SYFY Portal - Keating to try directing? by Michael Hinman (2002)
"It's been a long road" might be the opening line to the "Enterprise" theme, but it also could be applied to actor Dominic Keating. From his television bow as Tony in the British comedy series "Desmond's" in the late 1980s, to an unsuccessful attempt at a guest role for "Star Trek: Voyager," and finally as Lt. Malcolm Reed on the latest Star Trek series airing on UPN, Keating has traveled the road that many actors have tried to traverse.
And now that he is attached to one of the most successful franchises in television history, Keating said that now's the time to really achieve some of his dreams, including some that went unrealized until his arrival on the "Enterprise" set.
"'Desmonds' was a half-hour show on Channel Four, and we enjoyed big success," of a TV star in some capacity, but when I came to America [in 1994], I spent a bit of time out in the cold. About two and a half years ago, a bit of momentum started to show through, doing some guest stars and getting regular work, and I could consider myself a working actor again."
Keating said his first run-in with Star Trek wasn't the kind most actors hope for. Two years ago, he was auditioning for a guest role on "Voyager," an audition that may not have given him a chance to work with Kate Mulgrew in company, but one that had future implications.
"The audition went real well, and I thought I was going to get the part," Keating said. "When I didn't get a call back, I was thinking that I'll never audition for them again. I don't like to put words in [co-creator] Rick Berman's mouth, but after he had seen me audition, I think they sort of earmarked me in some capacity. They brought me in for the first audition [for 'Enterprise'], and they went pretty swimmingly. I was the first one cast."
Through the first 10 episodes, Lt. Reed was more of a background character as Enterprise's weapons officer. But Keating said he has no qualms about the focus on Scott Bakula (Capt. Jonathan Archer), Jolene Blalock (Sub-Cmdr. T'Pol) and Connor Trinneer (Cmdr. Trip Tucker), especially since some of the first season's finer moments are expected to come by way of Reed.
"It's really started in the last few episodes, Malcolm Reed has had the light shone on him," Keating said. "Brannon [Braga] did warn me about it that their initial thrust at the start of the series would be on the captain, Trip and the Vulcan. I just turned up every day and did the best I could with what they gave me to do, and trusted with what they told me was true."
And Braga has stayed true to his word, because Keating said he has heard quite a bit of talk about one episode that will air on UPN Feb. 13.
"There's an episode coming up called 'Shuttlepod One,' and it's one of my most exciting and most memorable acting experiences, whether on stage or on the camera," he said. "What a fantastic piece of work we turned.
"It's between me and Trip, the engineer. We think we're marooned alone in space on Shuttlepod One. You could put this on in an off-Broadway venue and have it staged as a one-act. Rick is very pleased, and he just said some very complimentary things about it yesterday. I know that for the directors that work on the show, if you don't get a phone call from Rick, you've done real well."
Not getting that phone call from Berman is something Keating hopes happen if he ever makes his directorial debut on the show. Like Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Rene Auberjonois and Robert Duncan McNeill -- among others -- Keating said he is hoping to one day have a shot sitting in the big chair for an episode.
"I've already embarked on a directing course at an L.A. film school that Roxann Dawson (Lt. B'Elanna Torres, 'Voyager') had given me the number for," he said. "After I took the course in directing, I've noticed that my interest piqued more than ever in how each shot is being mapped out. I never had taken that much of an interest before as an actor, which usually was to just put me on the mark, tell me which way to turn, and I'll act it.
"But I've noticed that in the episodes that rolled by, my interest is a lot keener, and I can see myself definitely directing one of these episodes, and direct other stuff in the future. Of course, I haven't approached Rick or Brannon about this yet. They hired me as an actor, and I'm putting my two peas [ed: "2 p" (pence)] in at the moment."
The Paramount lot is bustling with Star Trek activity right now with not only a hit UPN series, but the tenth motion picture of the franchise as well. Having the cast of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" hanging around has been exciting for Keating, he said, especially in getting his chance to finally meet Patrick Stewart. And with a lot of talk focusing on "Star Trek: Nemesis," Keating said he hopes that his crew of the starship Enterprise might get their shot on the big screen some day.
"I would love to do [a movie]," he said. "I think they are filming 'Nemesis' around the corner from us. And by all accounts, this is the fourth movie for them, and this really might be it. I don't know, maybe Paramount might feel they have another one in them, so it's just a question on when they get us to do it. Will they wait for 'Voyager' to have a shot, or are they going to pass them by?
"If they did do a movie, would we all want to do that? Scott [Bakula] has a young family, and he's keen about spending as much time as possible with them. But it's probably a few years off yet, and maybe after seven years, if we did a movie once every 18 months or two years, that would be fantastic."
But in the here and now, "Enterprise" is just 10 episodes in with UPN beginning new episodes next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET. Of course, that hasn't stopped some fans from recognizing Keating on the street.
"I was recognized in the post office this morning, and that's the first time a completely random guy has come up to me like that since the show started," he said. "I was posting some fan mail to some guys in Europe, and he came up and was so thrilled to see this guy from 'Enterprise.' I shook the guy's hand and introduced myself, and he introduced himself, I think his name was Jack.
"It was a good experience, but the funny thing was, I was standing in line wearing my scruffy old sweatpants and wasn't looking my best. I thought to myself that there was a pretty girl in front of me, and there will come a time when I wished I would've dolled myself up."
Keating pauses a moment, and laughs a little.
"My girlfriend is going to shout when she reads that. But we all carry a little vanity with us, and the time will eventually come when I can't leave the house a complete mess. But you know, who cares, maybe I can. It's certainly only a TV show, and it's not like we're saving the world . . ."
Jumping into character for just a moment: "Oh wait, captain. We are!"
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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manusass · 2 years
I was tagged by @weirdothinking thanks sweetie 🥰🫶🏻
rules: post photos of 8 ppl you have a crush on/are attracted to (other ppl might notice patterns in ur attraction you don't)
1: Manuel Neuer
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2: Connor Trinneer (Trip Tucker)
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3: Robbie Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris)
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4: Roxann Dawson (B‘Elanna Torres)
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5: Kate Mulgrew (Kathryn Janeway)
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6: Joshua Kimmich
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7: Fran Drescher (Fran Fine)
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8: Charles Shaughnessy (Maxwell Sheffield)
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So what’s my type hm? 😂❤️
I tag @lukabby @whoretzka @manu-save-us @janewaystolemyheart and @flowercrown-waltz ❤️
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damnredthing · 2 years
Destination Star Trek Germany – My recap (long post warning)
I attended the DST Germany last weekend (23rd – 25th of September 2022). It was my second convention ever (my first one was the Expo Con in Hannover in 2000). So I am really not an expert in attending conventions.
What was my motivation to go to this specific convention? 2022 has been and continues to be a horrific year for my family and myself; the horror started in October last year. In all honesty, I wanted to go to a place that surrounds me with things I enjoy in the hopes it would shake me out of my numbness. I wanted to see people, even if not to interact with them, but just to watch people and to see life. I hoped for some of that life to rub off on me again. I considered going to Fedcon, but that was too soon for me to accomplish after the horror climaxed in January 2022. I booked the tickets for DST Germany in May, thinking that September would be far enough in the future to handle it. Little did I know that just a week after I booked my tickets in May, the second wave of horror would wash over my family. I was very close to cancel DST, but eventually I went through with it anyways.
I am glad I did, although I am not sure it really helped me. Time will tell I guess. But as I went to the con, I can give my personal recap now. Sorry that I didn’t make many photos.
Facts first
The convention took place in the Westfalenhallen, hall 8 in Dortmund, Germany. The Westfalenhallen is a complex of multiple exhibition halls. They are right next to the Signal Iduna Park, which is the home stadium of the famous 1. Bundesliga football club BVB (Borussia Dortmund).
The Westfalenhallen are located perfectly for visitors. There were hundreds of parking lots all around the area. For those who come by train, there is a subway station right next to the Westfalenhallen with direct connection to Dortmund central station.
The exhibition area of hall 8 is 5,000 sqm small (which equals 70% of a football pitch or roughly 90% of an American football pitch).
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The floor plan looked like this (plan):
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Sorry, I only have this in German. But:
Vorstellungszone = Screening room (where episodes were shown on a small flat-screen TV)
Voyager Bühne = Voyager Stage (free for all stage)
Autogramme = Autographs (I guess you figured that out by yourself 😋 )
Info Karten = Info Tickets
Enterprise Bühne = Enterprise stage (main stage that required for the most part paid tickets)
The big purple area in the middle had a couple of vendors (which I’ll comment on later).
Floor plan (how it really was):
The southern fan zone and autograph zone in truth were switched.
Next to the voyager bridge photo zone was Café Acht, which was a seating area on floor level 2 (open only for Admiral ticket holders). Café Acht is part of the exhibition hall equipment. However, some benches were placed on ground level for everyone else by the con organizers. There was just one crèpes (sp?) booth in the corner, which resulted in very long queues because the booth was serviced by one staff member only. I am not sure who the booth belonged to, the con organizers or the exhibition hall owners.
Between the screening room and the autograph section in the north there was an exit to get to an outside area. There was one food truck (again, no clue who that belonged to) and a couple benches. Prices were astronomic:
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“Fritten” are French fries. 0.5l soft drink bottles went for €5 on both booths. Again, I don’t know whether these prices were set by the con organizers or the exhibition hall owners (I heard it’s the latter but don’t nail me on this).
The time table kept changing during the event. With Ethan Philips canceled his attendance, his free for all talk on Sunday was replaced by Marine Sirtis’ one (which I missed). Connor Trinneer joined Anthony Montgomery’s free for all talk on Sunday (which I also missed).
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All talks took place on the main stage, the secondary stage was for fan made talks like podcasts, auction, cosplay contest, audiobook presentation, quizzes etc.
There was one Voyager bridge setup which you could have your picture taken on (only you) or at specific times with the Voyager cast (which sadly only consisted of Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo and Finton McKeown).
And there was a photo op booth with a green screen setup.
Several hotels are located near the Westfalenhallen. I picked the Dorint Hotel (4 HRS stars) which is the closest and in view of hall 8. The hotel was very good, which is to be expected for the prices you had to pay there.
The hotel is a conference hotel. I arrived on Friday, which is when a conference took place in the hotel. It was funny to watch business people mix with Star Trek fans. I absolutely admire every fan who ran around in cosplay in the hotel and also on the exhibition compound. I lack the courage to cosplay. Whoever says that Star Trek fans are nerds and losers have no idea how courageous they are to show their love all in public, knowing that they might be ridiculed by idiots. Luckily I did not see any idiot in the hotel. But I did see some on the exhibition compound. A huge car components exhibition took place on the same weekend and some of those visitors obviously had to prove their masculinity by laughing at fans and calling them big childs or losers. IMO a loser is who has to ridicule another person in the hopes to appear strong themselves.
Anywho, to get from Dorint to the convention there was a huge obstacle to overcome:
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This is the so called BVB-Bridge, which on Bundesliga game days is used by fans to get to the Signal Iduna Park. As you can see the slope is insane (I learnt while talking to locals that the bridge is going to be replaced because it is not considered barrier-free). Even for me the bridge was a challenge even though I am not disabled. Walking up the bridge wasn’t so much a problem, but if you suffer from arthrosis in your ancles and knees, walking down this bridge is like torture. I have no idea how people in wheelchairs (and there were a couple at the convention) managed to get over this bridge.
The con organization
Look, I know there has been a lot of discussions about the organization of this event and a lot of disappointment and anger. But I do not want to join into the bashing.
I had the misfortune of paying €1k for another convention 3 or 4 years ago (not Star Trek related) that got cancelled and for which I was never refunded. THAT is what I call a scam.
Even though a lot of guest stars cancelled their attendance for DST Germany and the whole convention setup appeared very low budget, I am still grateful that the convention took place after all and I was able to meet amazing guests.
I didn’t run into any staff member who wasn’t super friendly.
I heard on Twitter that the organizers even apologized on stage at the closing ceremony (I left the con around 1pm after Kate’s panel on Sunday) for how the event was not how they wanted it to be. To my understanding it was the last Destination Star Trek under official umbrella. There might be conventions in other form in the future, but not with official ties to Paramount/CBS anymore.
Tickets came either in packages or day or weekend tickets. I had the commander ticket which had 5 talks and 5 autographs included, plus a green screen and bridge photo (without guest star). Additional tickets could be purchased on the venue, but often the queue was way too long to service everyone in time.
On Friday I had the impression this is going to be a small and cozy convention with not too many visitors. When I came into hall 8 on Saturday morning though, it was jam-packed with people. I figured out later that the Lieutenant package only included entrance for Saturday and Sunday, so when they all showed up the numbers exploded.
My Corona warning app already blew up like a Christmas tree, so far my tests have been negative. Fingers crossed. But home office is in order this week. Better safe than sorry for my colleagues at work. 🥴
The guest stars
Every single one of them.
The guests stars saved the whole convention IMO. Even though each panel was only 30 minutes long (which I didn’t understand, because if so many guests cancelled, they could easily have doubled the length of each panel, especially as the guest stars themselves seemed disappointed when they ended so soon), the stars managed to get the audience excited in no time. The atmosphere was energetic and a lot of questions were asked.
I’ll try to stress my memory a bit with just some excerpts that stuck in my head.
* Kate Mulgrew
She is fantastic on stage. Funny, witty, self-confident and not shy to state her opinions.
She repeatedly (because she was repeatedly asked) stated that she doesn’t think it’s impossible anymore to see Janeway again in a live action project and that talks about this have increased. But she does not want to play second fiddle. It has to be THE Janeway show. She also reflected this when she answered a question about whether she would join The Orville season 4 as a guest star (if asked); she said let the 4th season of something be for other people, she would only do the Janeway show.
Kate also got very private and talked about her mom who had Alzheimer’s disease. She comforted the audience members who also have relatives with this horrible disease. Her advice is to stay with them, love them, never give up on them. But she also didn’t mince words when she said that this disease will not go easy, it will get worse and worse and end horribly.
In Kate’s opinion, Star Trek fans are the best fans of all franchises. They are the smartest, the most loyal ones and one more thing which I forgot (sorry, my memory is also ageing).
Kate hates her photo being taken. To assure us that this is a very human feeling, she asked the entire audience who likes to have their photo taken. By far the most hands stayed down, proving her point.
She also talked about why she opposed having a love relationship with anyone, especially Chakotay. She wanted Janeway to be a person of integrity. She can have friendships, even close friendships, but no relationships and especially no sex. She joked that it would give the ready room a whole new meaning “Chakotay, to the ready room!”.
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*Robert Picardo
He is also fantastic and super funny on stage. He has the witty humor which I like so much.
I also had the impression that he remembers every take and every episode of Voyager. He often started with “Do you remember that scene when… “ or “Do you remember that episode where…”.
Bob often talked in German to us (which left all the non-German speaking folks in the audience a bit helpless, but moderator Benjamin Stöwe translated some of that, at least at the opening ceremony. Benjamin was an awesome moderator btw!). He joked how every time he speaks in German, people automatically assume that he also understands German (because his pronunciation is really good). To which he usually replies with “Ich kann Deutsch sprechen, aber ich kann es nicht verstehen.“ (I can speak German, but I don’t understand it).
He joked that he was on Star Trek and on Stargate. If he gets a role in Star Wars, then he has the trifecta completed.
He told the story how he suggested that the doctor should be a passionate opera fan and that he should listen to operas in sickbay. Months later he got a script in which he was supposed to sing an opera. He freaked out and protested, but he was told to just try it. If it works, it works, if not, they’d voice over the part with a professional singer. It turned out that he wasn’t too shabby at all. Of course he demonstrated some of his singing on stage, and the man still got it.
Bob shared with us that the episode “Life Line”, in which he met his “creator” Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, was his pitch, and he was very proud to share that it was the first time ever an actor’s pitch went all the way to a full episode and that he was credited for the story.
It was also his idea to teach 7 of 9 human social behavior after Kes was his mentor before. He said he thought it was a funny idea that of all people on board the Voyager, it was the only non-human entity to teach 7 of 9 human behavior. At a time when more and more people had their first personal computer in RL, it was a computer program that would teach human behavior on a TV show.
It is no secret that many Star Trek actors aren’t Trump fans and many are vocal about it. Bob is no exception but he had a very funny and charismatic way to formulate it. He said that the last time he was in Germany for a convention was 2018. At that time Trump was president. The next time Bob will be in Germany again, Trump will be in jail…. or he’ll be president again; that’s how crazy things are today.
*Marina Sirtis
She did one hell of a job to make this convention successful. She had by far the most panels. She had by far the most photo ops. And when she wasn’t at photo ops or on stage, she was constantly available to give autographs. She even prolonged her stay to Sunday, which wasn’t the original plan.
Marina is also not a Trump fan (to put it mildly) and she explained a bit why that is so (not gonna repeat it all, this is not meant to be a political post).
I honestly don’t remember much from all the Q&As because they came in like rapid fire. Some questions I remember are who is the better kisser, Worf or Riker (Marina complained about Worf’s teeth 😂). Marina also talked about how Troi’s relationship with Worf came out of nowhere and made no sense to her, and how she was glad to get back to her Riker. Worf later hooked up with Jadzia so he should be happy (“but oh yeah, we killed her off”).
I remember her funny statement that she is Greek, and no way she can be vegan. A Greek being vegan is an oxymoron.
Sorry I don’t remember more, I don’t know why. Marina’s was the first panel I attended on Friday, maybe that’s why I don’t remember most of it anymore.
*Chrissy Chong
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I don’t think there was ever a moment when she didn’t look cheerful and smiley. She did an amazing job representing SNW all on her own and it was such a pleasure to see her being in the focus. It was also her second convention ever which IMO you’d never guess.
She was also very thoughtful and clever not to spoil critical parts of episodes as she was aware that the show hasn’t debuted in Germany yet. What she talked about was very interesting nonetheless. She talked about working with the AR wall and how it was a pain to wear the EV suits. They cost USD 100k each, which is why they were borrowed from the Discovery set (and thus didn’t fit perfectly). They were very heavy and hurt so much that they got painkillers (!).
She talked about having Runa on set and how that specific episode was so much fun to do because everyone had such a blast to goof off. She said especially for Babs it was difficult because he was the only one who was “normal” in the episode. He often had to laugh at the silliness of everyone else, which then resulted in laugh fits for all.
She told us that she lived in Germany, Essen for 2 years in the past when she was part of a theatre ensemble. She forgot most of her German skills though, but still had some bits for us.
*Armin Shimerman
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What a funny and classy guy. He began his panel with a serious topic though when he remembered Louise Fletcher (who sadly just had passed away on the day the convention started). He and Louise were long time friends. He told us that when she auditioned for the role of Kai Winn, she asked him how much make up would she have to endure. She only wanted to accept the role if she didn’t have to sit too long in the make up chair. Armin told her not to worry as she’d only get a very small nose silicone piece. So she accepted the role. On set she then stormed to Armin and was complaining how he was right about the nose, but the damn wig and hood took 2 hours.
Armin also remembered Rene, who he considered his closest friend on set, and Aron Eisenberg and he thanked the audience for sharing this moment with him.
After this he turned into entertainer mode and took questions.
He told us how he involuntarily influenced the Ferengi to become more of a comedic species. He played the first Ferengi on the TNG episode “The Last Outpost” in a comedic way. He high pitched his voice and played his Ferengi like an idiot. The other actors followed his lead, which kinda cemented the species as a comedic one. The Ferengi were supposed to be as scary as the Klingons though. When Armin accepted the role of Quark, he wanted to correct this error.
During auditioning for Quark, he and Max Grodénchik were the only ones left to be considered for the role. While Max played Quark in a comedic way in his audition, Armin played him in a dramatic way and explained why he did that. The producers decided to go with Armin’s way and gave him less comedic situations than Rom. IMO it worked out perfectly for both roles.
*Connor Trinneer and Anthony Montgomery
Sadly I missed their panels. Connor’s panel on Saturday was not included in my package. I tried to get a ticket for it, but the queue for the ticket counter was INSANE (many folks tried to get tickets for Kate’s panel at the same time). I ran out of time.
I missed Connor’s and Anthony’s Sunday panel because I left the con around 1pm (I was too exhausted, mentally and physically, to stay one minute longer).
Photo sessions
I cannot tell you much about the photo sessions as I didn’t book any of those with the stars. Just like Kate, I also hate having my photo taken. It doesn’t help if I stand next to an awesome looking guest star. And I also honestly didn’t get the time table for the photo ops. One slot was sometimes just 10 or 15 minutes short. When I compared that time slot with the queue that built up for that slot, my mathematic brain couldn’t bring both together. I sincerely hope that folks who paid for an op and ended up in a long ass queue weren’t shooed away once the time slot ended before they got their chance.
The only two photos of me are me on the bridge alone and me in front of a green screen scene alone. I managed to sneak into both photo sessions Sunday morning, when the hall wasn’t busy and only very few peeps could have witnessed me with my mask off.
The queues for Kate and Marina were at times very long. But with the right timing, you could catch them with a reasonable small queue. I tried to go to all guest stars when their queues were relatively small, so I could chat a little bit with each of them.
Again, I produce this all from my swiss cheese memory, so apologies in advance. I thanked everyone for attending and wished them all a great weekend, so I’ll not repeat that in all recaps.
*Kate Mulgrew
Before it was my turn I watched Kate talking to the two fans before me, who I think were a mom with her teen daughter. I didn’t overhear the conversation, but I noticed that after Kate signed their photo, the mom asked Kate to sign a red Starfleet uniform as well. The staff member next to Kate immediately kicked in and demanded them to pay extra for the additional autograph, but Kate signed the uniform for free and when the fans left the table, she told the staff member something along the line of I know you are just doing your job, but I don’t have the heart to say no.
When it was my turn I told her that I am very looking forward to Prodigy as it hasn’t been shown in Germany yet. Kate was surprised by that (despite the entire hall having billboards of the Nov 4th premiere date for Prodigy, but they were all in German so she maybe didn’t make the connection that the billboards were for the premiere).
She said she hopes that I’ll enjoy the show, to which I replied I am sure I will.
The queue was still very long, so I didn’t want to take too much time from all the other peeps waiting.
*Robert Picardo
Told him with me attending this convention, it’s coming full circle for me. The first con I attended was the Expo Con in Hannover in 2000, and that’s where I had seen Robert Picard for the first time. And now I see him again, 22 years later.
He said woooow! You look all the same, but I look older.
I replied that he looks the same, but I got older.
I forgot what he said next, sorry. ☹️ He seemed very jet laggy.
*Armin Shimerman
I said I am surprised that I didn’t have to pay (for the autograph) in latinum.
Armin laughed (I bet he heard this 'joke' a billion times already) and said well, the banks don’t accept latinum.
I replied well not here anyways!
Armin signed my picture with “Alles Gute”, so he noticed by my dialect that I am German. Very thoughtful guy!
*Connor Trinneer and Anthony Montgomery
They both sat at the same table with a staff member in between. So I could get both autographs at the same time.
I first talked with Connor and told him I love Enterprise (that’s the truth!) except for one thing. In my headcanon Trip never died.
To my surprise Connor didn’t know the word. Or he made fun of me cuz with my German accent I probably pronounced it as “headcannon”. I am not sure. But he looked over to Anthony and asked him whether he knows the word headcanon. Anthony said no. I didn’t even get to explain it cuz Connor got it, he said it’s like canon but like what’s canon in your head. Anthony’s face lit up and he said oh that’s awesome!
I then went over to Anthony and asked him whether he’ll one day be in SNW as guest star in some time travel episode or some such (Anthony looked amazing btw, he could jump into his role right away and would look all the same).
He said I don’t know, but I wouldn’t mind. If we fans want it, we should let the studio know.
I said it would be cool to see you in a helmsmen match with Ortegas.
He said I haven’t seen the show yet, is it good?
I said it is absolutely fantastic, I love the show. I love it as much as I love Enterprise. I told him how sad I was that the series ended after just 4 seasons and that I didn’t understand why after waiting so long for a new Star Trek show, it ended so soon.
I noticed that Connor looked over at that. Both looked sad. Anthony said the cast also didn’t understand it and they were sad about it. But he’s happy that the show lives on in our hearts.
*Marina Sirtis
The queue was a bit smaller than a day before, but still considerably long so I only got a few words in.
I told her I am very curious about Picard season 3 compared to TNG. Marina said it’s going to be totally different.
That honestly surprised me, and I said OH! Now I am even more curious.
She said she hopes I’ll enjoy it and called me sweetheart. 😊
*Chrissy Chong
I was very much looking forward to meet Chrissy. Surprisingly a lot of fans queued up for an autograph with Chrissy (surprisingly because most German fans haven’t watched SNW yet). I noticed that a lot of guys got extremely excited when they talked to Chrissy. *grins*
I must say Chrissy is a fountain of joy. Her positive spirit is infectious. She also allowed fans to take photos with her at the autograph stand (I’ve seen Connor and Anthony do the same).
I had the longest conversation with Chrissy.
The moment I asked her “How is Runa?”, her already smiley face exploded into a supernova. You can tell she truly loves her pupper. She said she misses her so much as she was travelling a lot and bringing her to Germany was too much stress for her. But she hopes and plans to bring Runa to the Wales convention (hint, hint people!).
I told her that unfortunately I cannot go to Wales. I said I was hoping for her to sign my picture and have Runa add a paw print on the photo. Chrissy said she has special ink for that for Runa. So maybe you peeps who can go to Wales con… look out for Runa!
I asked Chrissy whether we gonna see Runa again (sorry, I fell in love with the pup). Chrissy said not in season 2 because the only (crazy) episode where Runa would have fit in had the same director (Amanda Row) as in Elysium Kingdom. The director was fine with having Runa on set for Elysium Kingdom but didn’t want to have the same stress again for the season 2 episode. Having a pet on set is more work apparently.
But Chrissy hopes (and pitches for) to have Runa in an episode in season 3.
I grinned at her and asked “Sooooooo, we do get a season 3?”.
Chrissy answered that nothing has been confirmed yet officially but come on, it would be a surprise if we wouldn’t get renewed, would it?
I said absolutely, and Paramount could expect a lot of fan protest.
Chrissy said if they get renewed they’ll start filming in April and it will take approximately 5 months to shoot the season.
So I said we’ll probably know by February 2023 whether there’s going to be a season 3 and Chrissy said yeah, around that time.
The vendors
There weren’t many vendors. Which is sad because they were one of the reasons why I was looking forward to the con. At such events I’d expect to find the most and rarest stuff.
The largest vendor was from Filmweltshop who had by far the most items, including many rare ones. I got to talk with the shop owner Martin Netter (who has been in the business for decades and organized the first DST event before management changed). I am not going to repeat what we talked about because that is his story to tell (he has a facebook page if you are interested). Just let me say that it seems to become more and more difficult for fans to collaborate with Paramount. Filmwelt also presented some exhibits from their Star Trek Exhibition, including the original Ensign Mayweather uniform (which Anthony spotted ).
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There was also a shop in a trailer that seemed to be officially associated with Paramount (as they handed out Paramount bags) but I wasn’t sure what you could buy there as the presented goods were very limited. There was a book stand where you could buy all the novels and encyclopedias and whatnot. There were two vendors where you could get ship models (Revell and Blue Brixx) and Playmobil had a display with the Enterprise. That’s all there was for vendors.
Other things I’ve learnt
For DST being an official Star Trek convention, there was remarkably few branding and support from Paramount in the exhibition hall. The only advertisements I could see were for the Prodigy premiere on Nov 4th on Toggo (not even a Paramount company) and Timelines billboards.
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There was no advertisement at all for the upcoming Paramount+ launch. There was no advertisement at all for the upcoming SNW premiere. Nada. Considering that Paramount+ is around the corner with a launch in December (though, I only believe it when I see it), this was a fatally missed chance to promote it with hundreds of Star Trek fans on the venue.
I was shocked how most peeps didn’t wear masks. I wore a mask the entire time. I had to at least try to stay healthy because I want to visit my very sick dad in 2 weeks and I don’t want to bring Corona to him. Maybe 5% tops of all peeps wore masks. Even the guest stars didn’t wear masks except for Robert Picardo, Armin Shimerman and his wife Kitty Swink.
Germans aren’t criminals. 😋 To my surprise, during Chrissy’s panel the audience was asked how many had (illegally) watched SNW already. Only very few hands rose (yes, mine too. I admit it). So most peeps in Germany haven’t seen SNW yet and will get the chance (hopefully) from December 2022 on. Wow. That astonishes me. I thought we were more savage fan folks.
I wasn’t by far the only one who is super introvert and visited the convention alone. And I am by far not the only one who has trouble connecting. I saw a hell of a lot of folks who were walking around all on their own and never joined a group of people to chat. This – in a very odd way – made me feel like I belonged.
I noticed a few visitors with bags from car parts manufacturers on the DST con. I guess some guests from the car parts exhibition sneaked into our con to have some real fun. 😂
The cosplay was amazing. I didn’t make any photos because I would never make photos of peeps without consent (except for the panels, because taking photos was allowed beforehand, filming btw wasn’t). But if you check out Twitter with the #DSTGermany hashtag, you’ll find lots of pics showing amazing cosplayers.
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annerbhp · 3 years
I’m rewatching ST: Voyager because I need some tv comfort bingeing and it’s been a while and mostly I’m struck by how casually sexist this show is. Ah, the 90s.
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milftrickster · 4 years
I just remembered i met anthony rapp at destination star trek a while back and have a phot with him somewhere i want to go look at that again
I went a few times so i have a photo with connor trineer, alexander siddig and kate mulgrew respectively too
I miss going to conventions grrrr
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K - Kissing what is it like kissing them?, C - Calm how do they calm the other down? And! M - Memories what is one of their favorite memories together? For you, Kevin and Connor!
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K - Kissing what is it like kissing them?
Oh... oh boy 😅😳😳😳
My first thought is just a 'very nice' ajskdkfk
Kissing Connor is... well. He's very gentle, especially with short and sweet kisses, though they can get more intense the longer they go on for 😳😳 he also has a tendency to lean on something above my head (which is pretty easy - he's fuckin tall), or if we're in the kitchen he'll lift me up to sit me on a counter mid-kiss. It's, uh... an experience 😳😳😳
Kissing Kevin is often a little more gentle. He gives very soft kisses 🥰🥰🥰
God I love them both so much 🥺🥺
C - Calm how do they calm the other down?
Kevin and I (or Imogen too) often calm Connor down with physical affection - hugs, soft physical touch, maybe soft gentle kisses, too. It helps him ground himself and calm 🥰
With Kevin, words of logic work best - and sometimes just holding him until he calms down works too.
Kevin and Connor are good at calming me, too - if I'm okay with touch then I'll be wrapped into a hug from both of them, or if not then Kevin has a bunch of calming playlists for me to listen to with headphones, and Connor is always up for making treats 🥰
M - Memories what is one of their favorite memories together?
When we moved in together! Kevin, Dynasty and I moved down to London to move in with Connor and Imogen, and the day we moved was wild and chaotic but so good for the five of us to be together again 🥰
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vinnypanesars · 5 years
waterloo road is split into the Best Show Ever (the rochdale era) and the time when jane beale was the headteacher
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booasaur · 7 years
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Coronation Street - 2017-11-17 preview
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felicitykings · 2 years
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We are here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Connor Mulgrew and Imogen Stewart.
WATERLOO ROAD (2006-2015) series eight, episode twenty
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cheshirelibrary · 5 years
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2020 Audie Awards Winners Announced
[via Audio Publishers Association]
The Audie Awards​®​ recognized the best in audiobook and spoken word entertainment and Stephen King was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Audies’ 25th anniversary celebration on March 2nd. The Audies recognizes outstanding achievement from authors, narrators, publishers, andproducers across a wide array of genres and categories.
Winners included:
AUDIOBOOK OF THE YEAR: The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff, narrated by a full cast with Holter Graham
FICTION: City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert, narrated by Blair Brown
FANTASY: The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow, narrated by January LaVoy
SCIENCE FICTION: Emergency Skin by N.K. Jemisin, narrated by Jason Isaacs
THRILLER/SUSPENSE: The Institute By Stephen King, narrated by Santino Fontana
ROMANCE: Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas, narrated by Mary Jane Wells
SHORT STORIES/COLLECTIONS: Full Throttle by Joe Hill, narrated by Zachary Quinto, Wil Wheaton, Kate Mulgrew, Neil Gaiman,Ashleigh Cummings, Joe Hill, Laysla De Oliveira, Nate Corddry, Connor Jessup,Stephen Lang, and George Guidall
BEST FEMALE NARRATOR: Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson, narrated by Marin Ireland
BEST MALE NARRATOR: Kingdom of the Blind by Louise Penny, narrated by Robert Bathurst
NARRATION BY AUTHOR OR AUTHORS: With the Fire on High, written and narrated by Elizabeth Acevedo
YOUNG ADULT: Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka, narrated by Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Jeanne Birdsall, Richard Ferrone, Jenna Lamia, and a full cast
NON-FICTION: Grace Will Lead Us Home by Jennifer Berry Hawes, narrated by Karen Chilton and Jennifer Berry Hawes
AUTOBIOGRAPHY/MEMOIR: Becoming, written and narrated by Michelle Obama
Click through to see the full list of finalists and winners.
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djfatchip · 6 years
DJ Fat Chip Was Tagged! :D)
I was tagged ages ago by the lovely and wonderful @dracoangel​! ♡ ♡ ♡ Thank you so much for the tag! This is just at the top of my head. 
I Tag: @erubadhriell @arideya @a-driftamongopenstars @guidethisonekalahira @vorchagirl @leysendris @ratchsellsfornax @thatonecurlygurl @samfishers @badwolf626 and anyone else who wants to do this, I tag you! ♡ No pressure to those I tagged! ♡
favorite game from the last 5 years?  ‒ Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect Trilogy
most nostalgic game? ‒ Tales of Symphonia
game that deserves a sequel?  ‒ Saints Row! (Where is my Saints Row 5 Volition?!)
game that deserves a remaster?  ‒ Saints Row 1 
favorite game series?  ‒ Dragon Age
favorite genre?  ‒ Platformers, Tactical RPG’s, 3rd Person RPG’s, Simulations (like Sims).
least favorite genre?  ‒ Is Multiplayer a genre?
favorite song from a game?  ‒ Dragon Age Origins Main Theme and Saints Row: The Third Theme Song and Connor’s Main Theme and By Firelight by Philip Sheppard and Suicide Mission by Jack Wall and Mass Effect (ME1) Main Theme by Jack Wall and Sam Hulick
favorite character from a game?  ‒ Here are my faves:
Fenris and Carver Hawke (DA2)
Solas, Vivienne, Cullen and Cassandra (DAI)
Garrus Vakarian, Jeff “Joker” Moreau, Ashley Williams, Kaidan Alenko, Urdnot Wrex, David Anderson, Miranda Lawson, Jack, Jacob Taylor, Mordin Solus, Karin Chakwas, Samara, Urdnot Grunt and Tali’Zorah (ME)
Charon, Dogmeat and Butch DeLoria (Fallout 3)
Johnny Gat, Tobias, Lin, Pierce Washington, Matt Miller and Shaundi (Saints Row)
Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Lon’Qu, Maribelle, Gaius, Flavia, Lucina, Morgan, Owain and Gerome (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Connor, Markus, Kara, Luther, Alice, Rose, Hank Anderson and Carl Manfred (Detroit: Become Human)
Jakob, Silas, Kaze, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura, Subaki, Reina, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Beruka, Odin, Arthur, Nyx, Kana, Shiro, Kiragi, Asugi, Soleil, Siegbert, Hisame, Ophelia and Percy (Fire Emblem Fates)
Professor Hershel Layton, Luke Triton, Emmy Altava and Inspector Chelmey (Professor Layton Series)
favorite ship from a game?  ‒ Same as above I will do: 
Alistair x Amell (DAO)
Shakarian (ME)
Fenris x Hawke (DA2)
Solas x Lavellan (DAI)  
Chrom x Robin (FE: Awakening)
Silas x Corrin (FE: Fates)
Johnny Gat x Boss (Saints Row) 
Butch DeLoria x Lone Wanderer (Fallout 3) 
favorite voice actor from a game?  ‒ Same as above I will do:
Steve Valentine
Brandon Keener
Jennifer Hale
Mark Meer
Claudia Black
Kate Mulgrew
Gideon Emery
Christopher Robin Miller
Daniel Dae Kim
Keith David
Bryan Dechart
Kevin Conroy
favorite cutscene?  ‒ Same as above I will do:
The ending of DAO where the Warden kills the Archdemon! 
The intro to the Magi Origin. 
The intro to Dwarf Commoner and Dwarf Noble Origins. 
Alistair’s Romance ;3
Whenever Shepard gives a speech. 
The intro to ME1.
Garrus Romance ;3
The Suicide Mission where Joker says “give them hell girl” and presses the button and he cheers. (I totally cheer every time LOL)
In Saints Row 1 where the Playa points a gun to Luz to correct her about the shoes and that they were “last season.” 
The moment where the Boss claps slowly as they approach Maro to tell them that they just killed their own girlfriend. 
The most painful part to me but it is a really good one and one of my favorites, Carlos’ mercy death... :( 
Aisha’s funeral and Shogo comes and ruins the ceremony so Johnny kicks his ass and the Boss and Johnny bury him alive. 
Saints Row: The Third Intro
When Pierce, Shaudi and The Boss about to go and and deal with Loren and they do that slow motion walk. (SR2 and SR4 count as well). 
favorite boss?  ‒ I would actually say Saren, Benezia and Saints Row 2 Bosses. Also Bowser from Nintendo LOL. 
first console?  ‒ Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Sega Genesis
current console or consoles?  ‒ Play Station 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch
console you want?  ‒ I got all the consoles. 
place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ Thedas. Ferelden and Antiva Mostly. 
place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ Put me in Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing LOL 
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒ Saints Row in Mass Effect. I saw a post about it and oh em gee! It would be great xD 
book that would make a good game?  ‒ Can’t think of one at the moment. 
show/movie that would make a good game?  ‒ Give me a Sailor Moon RPG game after Season 5 of the anime. 
games you want to play?  ‒ For this year? 
Spider Man (September 7th)
Shadow of The Tomb Raider (September 14th)
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (September 21st)
Assassins Creed Odyssey (October 5th)
Super Mario Party (October 5th)
Battlefield 5 (October 16th) 
Red Dead Redemption 2 (October 26th)
Fallout 76 (November 14th)
have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒ Yes I have. Especially in PlayStation as I enjoy collecting the trophies after I beat the game. :) 
have you cried over a game?  ‒ Yes LOL 
what power-up or ability would you want in real life?  ‒ Hm. Good question. Not sure. :P
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reasonandempathy · 8 years
Star Trek’s Importance
Every once in a while I see people shitting on Star Trek for not being a diverse-enough cast, or message, or some other bullshit. This is literally akin shitting on MLK because he wasn’t inclusive to the Muslim community enough.  Both in that it ignores the vast majority of the social and cultural work that’s been done, and in that the accusation really just isn’t true.
This is literally saying you know more, and better, than Martin Luther King Jr.
This is the show with Native American first officer, a female captain, an entire series basically dedicated to the Palestine/Israel conflict, numerous PoC and WoC in positions of command, both literally and allegorically, Asexual main characters and species, Aromantic main characters and species, discussions on humanity and the essence of the soul, and has been the forefront of broadening and changing race relations for the better. While TNG may have been largely lacking LGBT representation, that’s literally because Gene Roddenberry died halfway through the show and the showrunners didn’t want to change up the dynamic of the show for fear of ruining it.
literally count up how many humans there are v. other species in each series and of those how many are men and how many are white
Alright.  Done.  For the main cast:
William Shatner as James T. Kirk
Leonard Nimoy as Spock
DeForest Kelley as Leonard McCoy
James Doohan as Montgomery Scott
George Takei as Hikaru Sulu
Walter Koenig as Pavel Chekov (season 2-3)
Nichelle Nichols as Nyota Uhura
Majel Barrett as Christine Chapel
4 white human males (one of which is Russian, a huge deal at the time),  1 Japanese Asian-American male who himself was in an internment camp, 1 half-alien male asexual/aromantic, 1 black female, 1 white woman.
Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard
Jonathan Frakes as William T. Riker
Brent Spiner as Data
LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge
Michael Dorn as Worf
Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher (season 1, 3-7)
Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi
Denise Crosby as Natasha Yar (season 1)
Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher (season 1-4)
3 white human men, 1 Data (a fitting autism allegory), 1 black man, 1 “black” man, 2 white human women, 1 alien woman
Avery Brooks as Benjamin Sisko
Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys
Rene Auberjonois as Odo
Michael Dorn as Worf (season 4-7)
Terry Farrell as Jadzia Dax (season 1-6)
Alexander Siddig as Julian Bashir
Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien
Nicole de Boer as Ezri Dax (season 7)
Armin Shimerman as Quark
Cirroc Lofton as Jake Sisko
1 white man, 2 black men, 1 “black” man, 1 “Palestinian” woman, 1 middle eastern man, 2 Daxs, 1 “jewish” man (Quark), 1 Odo
Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran as Chakotay
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris
Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
Garrett Wang as Harry Kim
Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine (season 4-7)
Robert Picardo as The Doctor
Ethan Phillips as Neelix
Jennifer Lien as Kes (season 1-3)
1 white man, 1 hologram (Disabled analog), 1 asian man, 2 white women, 1 native american man, 1 black man, 1 “black” or “spanish” woman, one alien man, one alien woman. Enterprise:
Scott Bakula as Jonathan Archer
Jolene Blalock as T'Pol
Connor Trinneer as Charles Tucker III
Dominic Keating as Malcolm Reed
Anthony Montgomery as Travis Mayweather
Linda Park as Hoshi Sato
John Billingsley as Phlox
3 white men, 1 aromantic/asexual alien woman, 1 black man, 1 asian woman, 1 alien man (who also had fleshed out and non-monogamous romantic dynamics).
12 white men on of 43 characters.  A quick count is 10 people who don’t fit the “cis heterosexual” narrative, making them only slightly outnumbered by white men on the show. Let’s not skip over all the amazing and inspirational, humanist messages of the series, shall we?
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Society should be focused on advancement, technological development, and inspirational.
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dineshgilfoyle · 8 years
My 100 Favorite TV Drama Performances Ever
(Note: I decided that different show = different performance, which is why it’s possible for someone to be on here more than once for playing the same character)
1. Vera Farmiga as Norma Bates (Bates Motel)
2. Uzo Aduba as Suzanne Warren (Orange is the New Black)
3. Jewel Staite as Raquel Westbrook (The L.A. Complex)
4. Mackenzie Davis as Cameron Howe (Halt and CAtch Fire)
5. Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
6. Samira Wiley as Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black)
7. Shiri Appleby as Rachel Goldberg (UnREAL)
8. Viola Davis as Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder)
9. Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
10. Emmy Rossum as Fiona Gallagher (Shameless)
11. Bob Odenkirk as Jimmy McGill (Better Call Saul)
12. Constance Zimmer as Quinn King (UnREAL)
13. Rose McIver as Liv Moore (iZombie)
14. Tatiana Maslany as Sarah Manning, etc. (Orphan Black)
15. Emma Caulfield as Anya (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
16. Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven (Stranger Things)
17. Taraji P. Henson as Cookie Lyon (Empire)
18. Marcia Cross as Bree van de Kamp (Desperate Housewives)
19. Taylor Schilling as Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black)
20. Leighton Meester as Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
21. Jamie Clayton as Nomi Marks (Sense8)
22. Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison (Homeland)
23. Danielle Brooks as Taystee Jefferson (Orange is the New Black)
24. Laura Prepon as Alex Vause (Orange is the New Black)
25. Dascha Polanco as Daya Diaz (Orange is the New Black)
26. Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
27. Kate Mulgrew as Red Reznikov (Orange is the New Black)
28. Kelly Bishop as Emily Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
29. Emma Myles as Leanne Taylor (Orange is the New Black)
30. Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
31. Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers (Stranger Things)
32. Yael Stone as Lorna Morello (Orange is the New Black)
33. Michael C. Hall as David Fisher (Six Feet Under)
34. Taryn Manning as Pennsatucky Doggett (Orange is the New Black)
35. Tom Lenk as Andrew Wells (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
36. Grace Gealey as Anika Calhoun (Empire)
37. Natasha Lyonne as Nicky Nichols (Orange is the New Black)
38. Diane Guerrero as Maritza Ramos (Orange is the New Black)
39. Jaime King as Lemon Breeland (Hart of Dixie)
40. Bellamy Young as Mellie Grant (Scandal)
41. Shanola Hampton as Veronica Fisher (Shameless)
42. Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter (Agent Carter)
43. Hugh Laurie as Gregory House (House)
44. Mike Colter as Luke Cage (Luke Cage)
45. Beth Fowler as Jane Ingalls (Orange is the New Black)
46. Martin Starr as Bill Haverchuck (Freaks and Geeks)
47. Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones)
48. Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
49. Katie Holmes as Joey Potter (Dawson’s Creek)
50. Rachael Taylor as Trish Walker (Jessica Jones)
51. Eliza Taylor as Clarke Griffin (The 100)
52. Freddie Highmore as Norman Bates (Bates Motel)
53. JK Simmons as Vern Schillinger (Oz)
54. Grant Gustin as Barry Allen (The Flash)
55. Bryan Cranston as Walter White (Breaking Bad)
56. Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt (Suits)
57. Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross (Suits)
58. Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
59. Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
60. Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon (The Flash)
61. James Marsters as Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
62. Nestor Carbonell as Alex Romero (Bates Motel)
63. Terry O’Quinn as John Locke (Lost)
64. Jeremy Allen White as Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
65. Hal Sparks as Michael Novotny (Queer as Folk)
66. Eric Osborne as Miles Hollingsworth (Degrassi: Next Class)
67. William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher (Shameless)
68. Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh (How to Get Away with Murder)
69. Taylor Blackburn as Caleb Rivers (Pretty Little Liars)
70. Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher (Six Feet Under)
71. Jussie Smollett as Jamal Lyon (Empire)
72. Ana Golja as Zoe Rivas (Degrassi: Next Class)
73. Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple (Luke Cage)
74. Bradley Whitford as Josh Lyman (The West Wing)
75. Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells (The Flash)
76. Cassie Steele as Abby Vargas (The L.A. Complex)
77. Alfre Woodard as Mariah Dillard (Luke Cage)
78. Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple (Daredevil)
79. Lindsey Morgan as Raven Reyes (The 100)
80. Robert Buckley as Major Lilywhite (iZombie)
81. Jay Armstrong Johnson as Will Olsen (Quantico)
82. Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane (Suits)
83. Aja Naomi King as Michaela Pratt (How to Get Away with Murder)
84. Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)
85. Karla Souza as Laurel Castillo (How to Get Away with Murder)
86. Sarah Shahi as Sameen Shaw (Person of Interst)
87. Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy (Game of Thrones)
88. Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope (Scandal)
89. Irwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton (Game of Thrones)
90. Noel Fisher as Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
91. Adelaide Kaine as Mary Stuart (Reign)
92. Natalie Morales as Wendy Watson (The Middleman)
93. Mackenzie Davis as Yorkie (Black Mirror)
94. Ana Ortiz as Marisol Suarez (Devious Maids)
95. Jesse L. Martin as Joe West (The Flashs)
96. Paige Turco as Abby Griffin (The 100)
97. Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things)
98. Joseph R. Gannascoli as Vito Spatafore (The Sopranos)
99. Christopher Larkin as Monty Green (The 100)
100. Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter (Legends of Tomorrow)
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haoneidob · 5 years
If you have been reading the word of the one true God, his beloved son already foretold this! Time to wake the fuck people and crack open the good news. People that have a relationship with Jesus are not even concerned. Cause the flesh is simply temporary. Come on guy's! Wake up already! Read the good news and praise God that this universal body bag is soon to get zipped up! More certain than you being std positive!
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Katie Marie
Katie Michaels
Katie Montana
Katie Morgan
Katie Murphy
Katie Price
Katie Ray
Katie Rose
Katie St Ives
Katie Summers
Katja Kassin
Katja Kean
Katja Love
Katreena Lee
Katrina Drew
Katrina Isis
Katrina Jade
Katrina Kraven
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