#connor headcannons
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airbendertendou · 2 years ago
a small compilation of moments between autistic!reader + connor happy disability pride month <3
anon requested : hi! i was wondering if you could do something with connor and the autistic reader and like them going nonverbal and how he would handle that? You don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna! :)
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please do not use this as a way to self-diagnose. having one thing in common does not necessarily mean you are autistic. im not a therapist or doctor, if you think you’re on the spectrum, talk to them. <3
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
temperature irregulation ♥︎
hank was a firm believer in a cold house. when the summer season came and brought a heatwave with it, the older man wouldn’t allow anything other than a brisk, chilly living room.
it was often you’d come over to go over old cases and study with hank. interning with the detroit police department was fun — the academy, however, you could live without. you’d learned to dress warm when visiting hank’s house, having a hard time warming up once you were cold.
“here,” a thicker sweater is placed over the couch, the sleeve laying on your shoulder. you take it without thought, swapping your thinner one for the new one. connor smiles at the pattern on your fuzzy socks, the sight of your toes curling in delight at the warmth bringing something tender to his brain. “better?”
you nod with a hum, “thanks, detective.”
hank rolls his eyes, hiding the curl of his lips at your obliviousness. “anyways, as i was saying—”
[interrupted] routine ♥︎
every day at 12:10 pm, you’d wander into the breakroom for a snack and drink refill. connor didn’t mean to memorize your specific regimen — but after watching you do the same thing for a week straight, it stuck to his mind.
you loitered in the doorway to the breakroom, peeking in occassionally to see if it’d emptied out any. gavin caught your gaze, rolling his eyes at your hesitance. it was then you spotted the mug in his hands — your mug, the one you always used. your frown deepened.
connor budged his way into the crowd, bumping into gavin and causing his drink to spill. every curse leaving the human’s mouth went ignored — connor only watched as you cowered away from gavin’s angry steps as he left. grabbing the dropped mug, connor rinsed it four times before holding it out to you shyly.
you crept into the breakroom, grabbing the handle of the mug and shooting the android a thankful grin.
stimming with pressure ♥︎
hank opened the door to his house with a sigh. connor’s eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head, questioning the elder silently. hank leans against the door, “[name]’s been here a while, s’all. won’t leave my bathtub.”
a safe zone, connor concludes, somewhere small and compact ; where you could see every corner and every threat. he makes his way to the bathroom without another thought, pausing at the sight of you.
your eyes are closed, face crumpled in displeasure as you clench and unclench your fists in a pattern. connor knocks on the door, announcing his presence without startling you. your eyes fly open, “hello, detective.”
“you can call me connor, if you’d like.” the android steps further into the bathroom slowly, allowing you to object if you need to. your eyes stay on him — his thirium pump stutters in his chest. “anything i can do to help?”
taking in a deep breath, you puff your cheeks as you release the air. “maybe. if you don’t think it’s weird.”
connor stares down at you, his upper lip curled in hesitance as you lay in hank’s bed. you adjust yourself, wiggling around until you’ve splayed your limbs where you want them. you blink up at him, “well?”
“it is a little... strange.” connor tries to be nice, he really does. but asking an android to lay on you — to put their full weight on you — he’s concered. “i will crush you.”
you roll your eyes, “i have a weighted blanket at home ; it’s no different.”
“i weigh quite a bit more than—”
“are you going to lay on me or not, connor?”
maybe it was the sound of you saying his name for the first time ; maybe it was the way you looked so defeated. whatever it was, connor found himself laying on you as gently as he could. the relaxation was immediate — he could feel the breath of relief you let out ; the way your body sagged.
you fell asleep that way — with connor holding his breath and tensing up the closer you got.
sensory overload ♥︎
the scene you were going to was a lot. it was nighttime now, the sirens and flashing lights bringing everyone’s attention this way. hank leaves the car first, grumbling as he goes. the sound that leaks through his open door causes you to whimper.
connor turns his head to you, “everything alright?”
your gaze hasn’t left the window as you squint, blinking at all of the lights. you gulp before biting your lip. “i’ll be fine. this is what i signed up for.”
you’re barely out of the car and already wincing at the noise and the lights. you can’t see hank ; can’t hear or understand anything being said around you. the world is blinking in hues of red and blue, wailing sirens going off with every flash of the lights.
the sound grows muffled as soft and sturdy hands cup your ears. a thumb moves from your ear briefly, just long enough for you to hear a whisper. “close your eyes and i’ll lead you into the house. that’s where the lieutenant is.”
trusting connor’s words — a little too easily — you squeeze your eyes shut. your hands go up to cover his, sealing your ears from the harsh sounds around you. stumbling a little here and there, you eventually feel a difference in temperature as you enter the house.
letting out a sigh, your shoulders moving with the motion, slowly your eyes peel open. you glance at connor, ignoring the tenderness of his gaze. “thanks, connor.”
he lets out a deep breath, ignoring the sly grin hank sends his way. “no problem, [name].” 
verbal shutdown ♥︎
it happened so quick. your safe foods had vanished from their designated cabinet ; your chair’s wheel was squeaking incessently ; hank hadn’t shown up today. everything was piling on and you finally exploded.
the evidence locker was empty as you shakily typed in hank’s password. you hit the wrong button a few times, squeezing your eyes together at the little beeps. your breathing picks up — you hold it in your chest and shake your hands, releasing the tension built inside you.
you all but crawl into the secure room, your back hitting the wall as you sit down. your eyes squeeze shut again and you go through the motions, choosing the less destructive ways to calm yourself down.
none of them work.
when connor finds you, you’re drawing shapes on the floor with your finger. you’ve curled into yourself, not making a sound ; your usual means of comfort absent from your lips. he walks to you cautiously, “[name]? hank has returned. he’s asking to see you.”
you don’t move ; not a sound falls from your lips. connor sits in front of you, crossing his legs as he waits. from his suit pocket comes a ring of multicolored notecards — your eyes flash to his at the sight of them. connor holds them out further so that you can see them properly. “want to use these?”
a miniscule nod, but it’s enough to make him smile. “alright,” he flicks through the blue cards — feelings. stopping at your set of upset verbs, he slides the ring your way. “any of these describe how you’re feeling?”
a shaky finger hits the word overstimulated before dragging over to panic. connor nods, flipping to the pink set — solutions. “what do you want to do? go home ; nap ; have a snack ; get your puzzle book ; coloring book...” connor holds them up to you, reading out each one until you nod — except you don’t. pausing, connor speaks up again, “want me to leave?”
you shake your head. slowly, your hand crawls across the floor until it meets his. you nudge his hand, curling your fingers under his. connor holds his breath, adjusting your fingers until you’re holding hands properly. his eyes stay to the floor, “this is okay, too. let me know when you’re ready to leave.”
emotional regulation ft. lots of crying ♥︎
“connor,” your voice brings him out of his work. standing beside his desk, connor watches as you sway side to side. he tilts his head and it makes your eyes water. “i’m going to cry.”
that was his cue to take you into his arms. connor stands to do so, gathering your body against his and rocking you side to side slowly. your body hiccups a few times, sniffles leaving your nose occassionally. you seem to calm down even more as he rubs your back soothingly — connor’s led light flashes yellow as he stores that information for later.
you pull away with a deep breath, rubbing your face with the hoodie you’re wearing. connor frowns, “better?”
you nod, “needed that. thank you.”
“want to tell me what upset you? only if you want to.”
connor never knew what to expect your answer to be. sometimes you just shook your head and snuggled close to him again. other times, you did talk about why you were crying and it made connor realize the extent of human emotions. 
“no more chocolate in the snack cabinet.”
“had a nice dream.”
“hank is wearing yellow.”
“it’s such a pretty day today!”
“too much noise.”
“gavin cut his hair.”
you let out another sniffle, lips pouting in thought. “not too sure this time. jus’ felt like i needed to cry.”
connor nods to himself, his led light whirring yellow once more. “i’m glad you feel comfortable with me, [name]. i’ll be here if you need another cry.”
you grin, meeting his eyes for a brisk second before reaching out to hold his hand. you swing your entwined hands lightly, grin softening into something gentle. “i know. thanks, con.”
the detective was sure he’d implode because of you soon. just not yet — not when you’re still holding his hand.
——♥︎—— for some reason my brain tells me to only write autistic readers n pair them w connor. like?? work w me here!! anyways. i hope this was okay, remember to take your meds, drink some water and have a nice snack!! airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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viilan · 9 days ago
SET IN MY DPxDC universe where Reader replace Danny and is bruce bio kid and live in the mansion
Love interests: Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Conner Kent ( Yes, Super boy. )
I don’t know who i want reader to date so i’m exploring all three options
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* despite what everyone believe, Sam wasn’t reader first kiss. It was Tucker. the two wanted to try it out after watching a movie with Jazz.
* Tucker alway had a crush on reader, he couldn’t help it, Reader is one of the only person who can understand him.
* Tucker and Reader had kissed multiple times. they share kisses at sleepovers. It never went beyond that and neither mention it. To them, it was a good night routine
* Tucker alway buy games for readers, he alway make sure to get the best tech for them and love gaming with them
* Reader wear his hoodies quite a lot. Tucker alway complain but he alway leave them behind or stuff one in your night pack.
* Jazz once gives you two a whole talk about consent after she catch you two kissing.
* Tucker is the first person reader went to after dying and the first person to find out about being a ghost
* Reader alway had a crush on Sam. It was hard not to. Sam was amazing, strong willed and was a total badass in reader eyes
* Sam isn’t a romantic person, or someone who enjoy being touch that much. But she doesn’t mind it when you give her touches.
* Reader often collapse on Sam lap and whine about their day. Sam would listen and play with their hair.
* Reader try out Sam diet for a week and didn’t really mind it. Sam love dragging reader to new restaurants to try out dishes or try out new recipes.
* Sam was the second person to find out about the whole undead thing. Tucker called her crying about reader showing up looking like a mess.
* Sam is quite overprotective of reader, especially after the dying thing before she realize what reader is capable of
* Reader didn’t believe in ghost before dying while Sam did.
* Sam dye her hair black and Reader often help, Reader also cut her hair for her sometimes.
* Reader often give sam kisses on the cheek, Reader is big on touch. Sam will often kiss reader cheek or hold their hand.
* Sam parents hate Reader. Reader hate them.
* Reader is the only person who can convince sam to wear anything other than black. Reader will never.
* Connor meet reader as Superboy, Stepping in to stop Reader from being robbed then proceed to walk them home. he was quite shock when he find out reader was a wayne’s child.
* Connor also met phantom. the ghost saving them from shulker.
* The two grow close quickly and often hang out together while possible.
* Tim wasn’t happy when Connor show up to hang out with reader but Connor didn’t care
* Connor and reader love playing video games together..
* Connor ADORES flirting with reader, alway trying to get their attention. reader does get embarrassed but love the attention.
* Connor and Tucker get along very well. Sam wasn’t that trusting of Connor but grew to like them after a while.
* Connor got invited to sleepover with them.
* after he seen them kissing tucker, he instantly asked for one as well. that cause Tucker to hit him with a pillow. it he got one!
* After the first sleepover. Connor keep stealing kisses from reader, alway making up lies
* Connor got into anime because of reader
* Connor once brought back a meteorite piece from space for reader.
* Reader often babbled to Connor about space and ghosts.
* Connor and Reader love sparing together.
* Connor try to get reader to join young justice as phantom. ( Reader alway denied )
Tag list - @jscrawls
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chaussetteblanche · 2 years ago
Could you write a boyfriend!Kit Connor headcannon? Like what it's like to date kit? I just thought that would be rlly cute (^·^)
thanks so much for requesting !! kinda went off, don’t know how long this is :)
boyfriend!Kit headcannon
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- right so i just think that kit would be so boyfriend
- like big sweaters
- gives amazing hugs, where you enter a soft, warm and safe world of clean cotton and sweet kisses
- would hug you so tight every time, wouldn’t ever want to let go
- definitely makes stupid jokes like
- “babe what’s this sweater made of ?”
- “i dunno, cotton ?”
- “no, it’s made of boyfriend material, babe,”
- you’d always laugh, of course
- and he’s just to caring and attentive
- had a bad day ? he’s at your door with take out, ready to spend the evening cuddling and listening to you rant
- period-related cramps ? man is RUNNING, i’m talking Usain Bolt shit, to the pharmacy and buying half the stock of pain killers, pads, tampons before getting you anything you crave
- sick ? he’s got a day off work before you know it, will not let you get out of bed, will spoon-feed you chicken broth and won’t leave your side
- he’s not afraid of you getting him sick, he’s almost never sick
- immune system is UP
- he’ll definitely get you to help him rehearse his lines for any upcoming movies or shows
- loves watching you change voices and facial expressions when you help him
- if you two live together, he’s not taking ANY of the gender roles shit
- man is cleaning up after himself and after you, everything is fair in your household
- he respects your boundaries, your work or your studies
- loves cooking with you but when you don’t, you take turns cooking and cleaning
- ain’t no way IN HELL he’s leaving you to do all the housework
- plus he thinks he looks damn good in that pink apron you have lying around in your closet
- if you’re not living together, he’s still helping out as much as he can
- he’s definitely a little scared of bugs but if you are too, he’ll take it upon himself to get them out of the house
- will NEVER kill a bug
- like sure they’re ugly and you don’t want them inside but that’s not a reason to kill then
- “you can’t just go about offing people just ‘cause they’re ugly can you ? same with bugs, innit ?”
- if you’re not scared of bugs, he’s happily hopping on a chair and waiting for you to get it out
- there have been multiple times where you both spotted a very big spider and just collectively agreed to leave the apartment and come back a few hours later, hoping it would be out of sight
- loves sleeping besides you
- will hog the covers
- like will roll up in them like a burrito
- you have to put blood, sweat and tears into every single inch of duvet you get after he’s rolled up, it’s a real struggle because my man is ASLEEP
- def snores a bit
- not like a loud, grizzly bear snore
- but more like a slightly heavy breathing
- but you don’t mind, it lulls you to sleep
- he fckin loooves the rain and the wind and the snow
- just lives for winter
- as much as he loves the summer (cause you’ll wear less clothes) his favourite is definitely the winter
- you’ll spend most of your time together laughing
- like he’s so funny and unhinged sometimes
- loooves to tease you
- about anything really
- expect anything that he notices you get insecure or vexed about, he’s really sensitive as to not hurt you in any way
- but if you mispronounce a word once, it’s coming up in every single conversation for days
- if he’s taller than you he’ll tease you about your height and will purposefully stand close to you to make you feel smaller
- if he’s smaller than you, he’ll definitely use you as something to lean on
- loves touching you all the time
- a hand on the thigh is usually his go to
- but when you’re walking maybe he’ll have his hand in your back pocket or around your shoulders
- loves kissing you, everywhere
- lips and forehead are his go to, but your temples and your nose he also likes to kiss
- he’s not too big on PDA, but will make sure people know you’re together by, as stated above, touching you in some way
- gives the most intoxicating kisses
- like you need a second to gather yourself after most of his kisses
- neck kisses omggg
- you know that scene in heartstopper when he’s “recharging” on charlie
- def does that every time he sees you + neck kisses
- doesn’t really get jealous because he trusts you more than anyone but will definitely get annoyed if someone isn’t taking the hint
- let’s say someone’s hitting on you at the bar, and you’re been very that you aren’t interested but they’re still insisting, he will come up to you, wrap his arms around you and give you the loudest, sloppiest and dirtiest kiss ever right in front of that person
- will then strike up a conversation, completely ignoring the other person, and will wait for them to leave
- is so invested in your life like everything you do is so interesting to him
- you learnt something in school ? tell him about it. you saw someone you hadn’t seen in a while ? tell him about it. started a new show or a new book ? tell him about it.
- man wants to know EVERYTHING there is to know about you
- he definitely remembers every single you thing you tell him in detail
- you’ll tell him about your favourite kind of salad one day and literal months later, he’ll come back with groceries and will have bought that specific kind of salad
- “i didn’t know you liked this kind of salad,”
- “never had it before, but it’s your favourite, so i bought it,”
- GAH melting
- also communication KING
- like we see in heartstopper, he says all the important shit and i feel like he’d be the same in real life
- you’ve been acting distant ? he’s gently asking you about it, has he done something ? he notices you’ve been stressed, are there any reasons ? he notices you’re not eating much ? is anything troubling you ? frowning at yourself in the mirror ? he’s making sure your alright and feeling beautiful
- overall i just think he’d be so sweet and attentive
- just the best boyfriend ever
- so kit if you read this and wanna correct me on anything, i’d gladly spend a few weeks (months, years, lifetimes) as your girlfriend to write a more realistic version
- i’m serious
- call me
- please
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liiiiianne · 8 months ago
Platonic Luna+Connor‼️
Not shipped obviously, I just made this for fun and cuz I think they'd be really good friends in their teenage years
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orphicrose · 1 year ago
Want to do
Hazbin & Helluva
- Old man vs Iphone (Alastor x Reader)
- Tiny spider (Alastor x Reader)
- The co-host (Alastor x Overlord!Reader) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
- Stolas
one shots
- The sunset between us (MyloxFem!Reader)
- In fire and anguish (VanderxFem!Reader)
- Legend of the horse (MyloxFem!Reader)
- Arcane Augmentation (ViktorxInventor!Fem!Reader)
- Buttercup (Caitlyn x Zaun!Fem!Reader) [1] [2] [3]
- Close friends - Modern Au - Being taken in by silco
- Connor&Hank
Rick and Morty
- The only one (Rick x Fem!reader)
Red Dead Redemption 2
- Fish out of water (Arthur x OcPirate!Fem!Reader) [0] [1]
One shots
- Stray (Mentor!Hosea x Child!Reader) - Colter (Hosea x Male!Reader)
- Brothers in arms (Sean x Male!Reader)
- Kiss the girl (Sean x FemReader) - Had it coming (Camp x Reader)
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thief-of-eggs · 2 years ago
There’s just something so special to me about the emotional aspects of Timkon’s relationship.
Like- they are both eachother’s rock, but in different ways. Kon is one of the only consistencies in Tim’s life, is always there for him, is always a shoulder to cry and rest on. He knows how to soothe him when things get to be too much, knows how to bring him down from any emotional ledge.
And for Kon- Tim is his. His relationship with Tim is one of the few things about Kon’s life that he got to pick, one of the only things that he gets to know that no one else can touch, no one else can control. And Tim is always there to encourage and uplift him, to ease him through his own insecurities.
Like. My boys are both so emotionally damaged. But they both carry eachother through their worst times. And I adore that about them
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bigboy-lovers-unite-writes · 2 months ago
Please can you write some bottom Connor hcs? :))
Ily for this anon I was gonna write this later 😭
Connor loves bottoming, the feeling of being held, being fucked, praised/degraded, he just loves all of it! He especially likes it whenever he gets home and he practically just melts into your arms and begging for you to fuck him and make him forget all about his stressful work <3
I feel like connor would prefer praise, he's meant to respond well to affirmation after all! He loves being called a good boy, being told he's doing amazing and overall how amazing he is. If Connor deviated, he would probably be more into a mix of praise and degrading. Likes to be called only your slut, how he belongs to you, call him a whore and he'll love it.
You basically have to shut Connor up. Give him a gag, shove his face into the pillows or mattress, baby boy just can't shut up at all! He loves when you tease him, only giving him the tip of your dick/strap on and pulling it out and repeating the motion <3 definitely makes him a mess and makes him beg a hell of a lot more
Connor loves, loves grinding or dry humping so much. The feeling of having to use your thigh, lap, shoe or pillow or anything of yours makes him overheat :] will cum in his pants if you palm him enough, and doesn't have the decency to fix himself if you guys are at work
Connor sucks dick/clit like a bitch oml. He loves pleasing you the best he can, holding onto your thighs, head between them as he shivers a little just from how excited he is. Will grind against your shoe a little if he's giving you oral
Please please please force connor to make eye contact while you fuck him brainless it makes him cum in five seconds. Having you hold his jaw to keep his eyes on you just makes him weak
Can't stand you pulling out, so connor always has his legs around your midsection as tight as possible <3 he doesn't want a chance of your cock/strap slipping out. Especially if you guys are in rough missionary or mating press Can't stand you pulling out, so connor always has his legs around your midsection as tight as possible <3 he doesn't want a chance of your cock/strap slipping out. Especially if you guys are in rough missionary or mating press
Make sure to keep your cum in him, no matter what. Whether that be plugging him up, keeping your dick/strap in him after sex or getting him a toy that cums. Loves the feeling of being filled up it makes connor so overstimmed <33
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gaydr0id · 3 months ago
when it comes to convin (were talking standard human gavin x android connor) i do prefer to see connor in a submissive role but i think how hard won that submission is is something that is often glossed over. i want to objectify the twinkbot as much as the next guy but there is an emotional complexity to his submission i find really interesting and am currently exploring in a fic im writing. following orders made him a killer and there is a lot of resistance when it comes to obedience because of that. and this applies to every connor model. the specifics of their trauma may vary but they were all built to manipulate and destroy and that comes with guilt. the fact that he wants to submit to gavin comes with guilt too. why did he deviate only to become subservient to a human again? and of all the humans why did it have to be this one? is his oppression being fetishized? does gavin even view him as a person?
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castiwls · 8 months ago
"your my sun, my moon, and all my stars"
having a baby with patrick zweig...
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I feel Patrick is the type of guy to be absolutely terrified of pregnancy he kinda hates the idea but then the baby is actually born and he’s just smitten.
You’d barely been going out 3 months but you’d both been hooking up for just under a year when you randomly show up at his hotel with a pregnancy test.
His initial reaction is to slam the door in your face - he’s not ready for this. A baby would get in the way of his career.
After having the door slammed in your face you stood there for a moment, the hormones already seeming to affect you more than you’d known as a rush of anger runs through you so you do the only logical thing and bang on the door until he opens it.
“Patrick Zweig open this door right now or I swear to god.”
He opens the door and you have half a mind to slap him for getting you into this mess in the first place.
Neither of you was exactly ready to be parents.
You spend the first few months of your pregnancy trying to get used to your relationship and to the idea of being parents.
The idea terrified you but the fact that Patrick seemed to be slowly coming around to the idea left you feeling more relaxed.
You half expected him to run for the hills when you’d randomly shown up at his hotel yet he surprised you.
I feel he’s the type of guy to buy baby clothes based on his interests (like when they buy football kits for their team.)
He DEFFENTLY buys your baby a little tennis outfit with a toy racket and all.
“You did not buy our unborn child a tennis racket?” He shrugged placing the bag down. He looked at you with that lopsided grin which always made you melt. “I’m being prepared! My child will not be a football player.”
(He’s already looking into tennis lessons for when they're older but you don't have to know that)
He definitely cries the first time you see the baby on an ultrasound.
Also, I'm sorry but he gives girl dad energy - the idea of a mini version of him scares him more than he’d admit.
Secretly hope the baby takes after you more than him.
You both decide to do a really low-key gender reveal with only your close friends and family. When it’s revealed as a girl he completely freaks out.
This man is a MESS when you eventually do go into labour.
“Oh my god. Is…is that normal? You're not going to die right?? I can’t do this alone i don't know the first thing about babies never mind girls.”
You're considerably calmer than him for most of it. (You joke about him needing the gas and air more than you and he fully tries to grab it)
I saw this video on TikTok of a woman being like I wanted my boyfriend by my head the whole time I didn't want him to see anything but then the nurses asked if he wanted to catch the baby and he full-on sprinted to get gowned up - that Patrick.
This man full-on starts crying with the baby the minute she's out.
Holds your hand the entire time she’s being checked and cleaned. He just stands there whispering sweet nothings as you both watch.
Cries again when you get to hold her - you cry with him this time.
“She’s so tiny.” You sniffled slightly stroking a hand over her tiny head. “We made that.” He grins. You laugh quietly. “Yeah…I guess we didn’t do too bad.” He presses a kiss to your lips before running a hand idly up her tiny back. You're both quiet for a moment, watching her in pure disbelief before. “Will you marry me?”
For a moment you think that it's some sort of pain relief-induced dream. There is no way Patrick Zweig of all people just asked you to marry him. This is the same guy who not even a year ago happily lay in bed and planned his next hook-up.
Turns out to be the BEST dad!! This man is happily up at all times of the night to feed her or rock her back to sleep.
Whenever he can't soothe her he just ends up on the couch watching back old tennis games with her until she falls asleep.
Much to your chagrin, your daughter ends up sleeping best when a tennis game is playing in the background - truly her father-daughter,
“I told you she’d like tennis.” “She's 4 months old.”
You both wait a few months before going back to the marriage conversion.
This man was prepared. He had a ring and all much to your shock.
“I didn’t pit you for the marriage type.” “Well, it wasn’t high on my list but you’ve apparently changed that.”
You agree to marry him but you both wanna wait a little till your daughter is older. You make a one-off mention about how cute of a flower girl she would be and he is sold.
Overall he’s a surprisingly good dad and partner. He’s still trying to move up in the tennis world but manages to split his time so that he never misses anything big.
Though he did make you promise that when she’s older you’ll come to his games - you roll your eyes and begrudgingly agree but deep down you know that there is a good chance watching him play tennis may lead to your daughter getting a sibling or two.
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remyderatz · 10 months ago
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Sighh men with slutty tiny waists will forever have my heart ❤
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lixzey · 5 months ago
hii happy birthdayy can you please do
no one's ever had me, not like you !
✨ give me a scenario + character for headcannons! with connor stoll and a daughter of apollo who write songs and plays the piano? tyyy
you are the music in me !
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connor stoll x apollo!reader headcannons
a/n: please PLEASE let me know how I did with these 😭 bcs I honestly feel that these are meh 🥲 thank you so much for requesting, my lover!!
• Let me just say that Connor Stoll is completely head over heels for you.
• He thinks that you, his angelic pretty girlfriend, is the most amazing woman in the whole ass world. 
• Not only are you smart and caring, but musically gifted as well (duh, you’re the daughter of apollo, of course you’d be musically gifted—Connor told himself that a million times)
• Connor never really liked music, well, that is until he met you.
• He often says that you stole his heart with your beautiful, harmonic, lovely, angelic voice. (Yes, he is overdramatic.)
• The way you play the piano is the most ethereal thing Connor has ever heard in his life. The way your voice effortlessly blends with each note in perfect harmony, made the son of Hermes actually swoon. 
• He secretly records you play and sing, he is literally your biggest fan. The amount of recordings he has is actually concerning if he wasn’t your boyfriend. Pretty sure he could start a whole recording label because of it. He has a video recorder and a voice recorder on hand every time, it’s honestly so cute!!
• The way your fingers dance over the keys remind him of your gentle touch, the feel of your soft lips against his felt like heaven every time. 
• Connor loves stealing your notes, making you give him a kiss before he’d give it back (well, sometimes he needs more than a kiss before giving you back your journal.)
• LOVES GIVING YOU NICKNAMES!!! like little miss sunshine, daylight, my morning dew, lyric, harmony, symphony, sweet tune, and a shit ton more. Who knew Connor Stoll could be this creative? Hell, sometimes he’d even call you by song titles. Hey, out of my league! Whatcha doin’, fearless? I love you, uptown girl!
• Honey, at this point, every song you wrote is about him. This boy, this menace you love, he is like a poem you wish you wrote! 
• Remember those recordings? Connor loves twirling you around to them as the two of you dance by the docks or anywhere, really. He’d be fine dancing inside of a volcano as long as he’s with you. 
• The way he took the time to memorize you is honestly so cute???? He knows every little quirk and pet peeve you have. You’re this song he has played on repeat in his head at this point.
• Funnily enough, you got Connor to sing, and surprisingly, he has an amazing voice. Jesus Christ, the gods really gave you everything!
• Aside from those recordings he has, Connor loves taking photos of you while you play! His favorites are when the sun sets in the afternoon, casting a soft glow through the window where your ebony upright piano sits. He says you look like an angel with that soft glow.
• Connor has your original songs memorized, like tunes and everything. 
• He brings an extra small notebook and pen in his pocket in case you need it because he knows how hard it is to stop when an idea comes into mind. He hates to see you so bummed out because you forgot a melody or a tune, even a lyric. 
• This boy, despite being able to just steal, saved up money so that he could get you a special necklace for your first anniversary. It was a golden chain with an eighth note pendant with yours and his name engraved on it!
• The two of you love making playlists! Pretty sure he even has a secret wedding playlist because he is just so in love with you. 
• Every time you and Connor get the chance to roam around the city, he makes sure to get you a few records you like!
• If you and Connor were characters in a movie, you’d be Kelsey and Ryan from High School Musical. 
• Musicals? You bet Connor is taking you there on a free night (technically, he’s gonna sneak the two of you out, but it still counts).
• This silly little lover of yours will belt out the entirety of Hamilton with you if you ask him to.
• Travis calls him a simp, and Connor is fucking proud of it.
• Connor Stoll loves and adores his musical side, aka you <333 
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queelsolsalga · 9 months ago
Connor is a vampire hunter who is secretly a vampire (just kinda ignores that part and has denied it so much he believes it) x Markus kills people who are near death and makes them into vampires beginning the revolution. Basically, he tries to bite Connor but Connor is already a vampire and it’s really awkward.
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repairgirl · 2 years ago
being a stoll sister would include...
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anon requested…
Hey! Are you willing to write a connor n travis x sister reader and just her being a mediator to their chaos n stuff and them all just being really close If u could thatd be great <33
t/w: cursing
a/n: hey anon! hopes this lives up to your expectations :)
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there are no better siblings in the world. legitimately none. 
being connor and travis’s sister is the perfect combo of playful sibling banter and actually caring for each other
newsflash: the stolls are big softies under all those layers of humor. who would’ve thunk?
to start, you all share clothing 
but this mainly consists of you and connor stealing travis’s clothes
it’s obviously your duty as the younger siblings to annoy the fuck out of the oldest
and bother him to any capacity possible
at first it started as necessity, but quickly became a bit
“Y/N I swear to the gods if I see my orange hoodie in your hamper”
“Mine was dirty! I wasn’t going to suffer and stay cold!”
*aggressive pillow fight” 
they have roped you into their shenanigans since you came out of the womb 
quite literally 
you’re a few years younger than the two, so since you were an infant they had a knack for making you laugh so hard you almost threw up 
example: after getting dumped by your partner, they took every photo you ever had of him, from wallet polaroids to framed pics in the cabin to  photos on the wall, and put little clown wigs and clown nose stickers on them. 
and don’t even get me started on april fools 
you were the BIGGEST victim of this god forsaken holiday in the Hermes cabin 
every single member of Hermes’s bed was covered in tinfoil, pillow to bedpost. inconvenient but not really a problem, right? 
every. single. article. of clothing. that you owned. also covered in tinfoil.
and put in the REFRIGERATOR 
travis really got his payback for the clothes stealing, huh? 
but when they aren’t bothering you and making you just annoyed enough that it’s enjoyable but not annoyed enough for you to beat them up, they’re very sincere brothers
when you’re sick, they fight over who gets to bring you food from the dining pavillion 
“I need to get credit for being the better brother!”
“No, I do!”
“I was born first!”
“Well, I’m better!”
you get the point 
all in all, you love them, and they love you. you’d do anything for each other, as good siblings do. <3
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liiiiianne · 3 months ago
Finally showing ma faaavorite characters in my au (not fully coloured because I got lazy)⭐️
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Also, some more info;
While Luna is helping Greg (as seen in one of the comics). The twins are trying to help Connor control his powers for obvious reasons. They come to his gymnastics practices to see if his powers flash up.
Amaya is abit too proud to ask for someone to "look after her", or atleast that's how she sees it. She toughs it out during school then meets up with everyone during night to train and run tests.
Atleast their powers are kinda easy to hide (excluding their main powers like flying, super strength & super speed). Because in this AU they don't glow if they use their powers anymore.
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sevasey51 · 2 months ago
Headcannon of the Halsteads little sister being a HUGE animal lover? 🥺 I was and still am embarrassing in public 🤣
She would be a huge animal lover, not only because they’re just the sweetest little creatures in the world but because it gives her unspeakable comfort. They have a golden retriever called Charlie.
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Y/N sat on the couch, her arms wrapped around the soft blanket as she lay back against the cushions. Charlie, her golden retriever, was sprawled out next to her, his head resting on her lap as his big, brown eyes gazed up at her lovingly. The weight of the day, with her illness and worries, seemed to melt away in the presence of her faithful companion.
Connor walked into the room, catching the peaceful scene. He smiled, knowing how much comfort Charlie brought to Y/N, especially during difficult moments. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” he asked softly, walking over and sitting next to her.
Y/N shifted her gaze to Connor, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Better, now that I have Charlie here.” She stroked the dog’s soft fur, watching as Charlie’s tail wagged gently in response. “He always knows when I need him.”
Connor leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “Well, you’ve got both of us, for as long as you need,” he said with a reassuring smile.
Charlie let out a soft woof, as if agreeing, and snuggled closer, his warmth wrapping around Y/N like a cozy hug. The three of them, together, felt like the perfect little world, where comfort and love were all that mattered.
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Helloooo, I'm new to writing fics/head cannons, but I'm giving it a shot this year! Here are some rules if you wanna request, or something, I'm not too good at this. I have the right to decline any ask/request if it gives me the ick 🙂.
-basically everyone.
-No homophobes, transohobes, zoophiles, incest accepting people (idk what it's called), you know, ect..
-Yes, I mostly do smut.
-Will (attempt) to write fluff.
-No CNC, dub-con, incest, pedophilia, no weird ass kinks like piss; shit; vomit; along those lines, no fem readers
-Male readers.
-M4M/M4A headcannons.
-not the best at fics
-FTM readers.
-NB/GN readers.
Any D:BH character
-🪐anon, 💿anon, 🌇🐀anon,
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