#congratulations ten on the solo album!!!! now please let me know
chevvrotain · 8 months
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pride & prejudice (2005) dir. joe wright ten - lie with you track video (2024)
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booksanimeandtea · 1 year
ok, lemme talk what happened today and why I think this won't end soon and rather the other part of the ship is perfectly ok with all this. feel free to always comment and engage, I like to hear your thoughts, even if I might not agree...
ok, V comes live, talks about music he will release in possibly ten years, that he does nothing all day and that he basically writes and rewrites lines, and also reads lines of a new one which makes no sense at all...and of course in the span of what 10, 20 minutes? he namedrops jk a lot of times..."lemme pic a candle like jk uwu" "this song has been suggested to me by jk" "jk told me this" jk this and jk that. no mention of jimin, of face, of like crazy...If you still thought vmin are still soulmates, lemme tell you the answer is no. of course I know what you'll say "he might have congratulated in private" and? but he is able to tell us what he does with jk, and not spare two words about jimin? ok. and about jimin? that man knows about tk ship and the hate jm gets, and what does? exactly fuels the ship. again and again. he's predictable and frankly boring, with no ideas whatsoever about what to talk about in an album. JK is the only thing that keeps his crazy fans still interested in what he does. Jm is useless to his purpose, see my point?
I don't think V will really release that song in 10 years (or never) but one thing I'm very very sure about is...that the excuse many used for the short Face promo of "they have to go to the military that's why they are putting album after album" is a fucking LIE. no way jk nor v will release stuff after yg' s tour ends. no way. also, I think they will be left alone while the others go to ms..how romantic. you must be blind if you have not noticed how Hybe has pushed and pushed ships and duos since 2021...sinc the first bb in january 2021 the duos were: 2seoks (and they are leaving now, the firsts to start their solo career), then moniminimini (aka joon, yg, jm and what we got? indigo, face and d-day) and then tk and what are we going to get? possibly? tk releasing albums at a short distance, trust me on this. also yoonmin have been in lots of content together, challenges, suchwita, and now even this show I forgot the name...together when Yg even said to jm "your promo has already ended/cut short" and so shut up, it's my time now...how nice of him "sarcasm" so I can easily see a future where we will get tk doing tiktok challenges (already did with Run BTS), going to shows, maybe even going to US shows, and hyping e/o releases...tell me if I'm wrong...don't think so...then of course enlisting together with a teary video of them saying bye to e/o...
let's go back to what I say at the beginning...jk doesn't care that v namedrops him, he doesn't care about the hate jm gets, he does nothing to stop v because he is ok with it, and he likes v...and don't give me AGAIN, that they are friends bullshit please, I have had enough, yes they are friends bla bla, technically all of bts are, but we don't get the others going out a lot, going to their homes, mentioning e/o and certainly they don't tell us and don't have crazy af delulu idiots as fans...I think it's time that we all accept this, yes he watched jm videos and went to his rehearsal ok and then what? he didn't know when jm would have ended music shows,jm did not answer when jk invited people home and you can believe in what you want, but there is no way jm was sleeping with people there in another room, at 5 am...jm has a home and is there...also why tf you invite people over knowing your bf is sleeping? makes no sense...so basically what I'm trying to say is that we have no idea if they are actually spending time together, well now for sure no jk is in the us...but you understand right? hell, we don't even know if they even talk to e/o...jm has stopped mentioning jk due to all the hate he gets, but another one is completely fine in dropping hints at how much he is the priveleged one in jk's heart...ok...jk does very little to nothing to stop v and their shippers, rather entertains them too...tbh if one of my friends, who I know people think I'm dating, starts a live at my home, unprovoked, I would not even speak to him again...and I'l fight against the company who has sabotaged my supposed bf...but we also can see how that is certainly not happening...ok...
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joheunsaram · 3 years
In Plain Sight (knj)
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Summary- After weeks of preparation and stress, you believed you were ready for the opening night of your restaurant. However, nothing could have prepared you for the sight of your ex waiting for you.
word count- 2k
pairing- idol!Namjoon x chef!Reader (feat. bff!Seokjin, brother!Jungkook)
rating- PG
genre- angst, exes to (maybe) lovers
warnings- none to note, Namjoon eats mincho
a.n- Happy birthday to my bae, Beezy @hobeemin​! I hope you had the best day and that this isn’t too late haha. I know you requested this for my March drabbles but I got carried away. Here’s some angst to heal your soul!
A huge shout out to @casuallyimagining​ and @missgarnet​ for beta reading! 💕
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
You sighed in relief as the first customers of the night started pouring in. This was it. This was what you had been working towards for the past ten years. After years of culinary school, slaving away as a sous chef and begging investors, tonight was the night that you unveiled your new restaurant.
You ran your clammy hands over your pants as you greeted your guests, the most radiant smile on your face, before checking in with the kitchen. Even before the grand opening, the fact that one of your investors was the beloved chef Baek Jong-won, had people excited about your restaurant. It had put a lot of pressure on you, but watching your head chef prepare the kitchen for the dinner rush calmed your nerves. It was comforting being in the back, the clatter of pans and shouts of commands made you feel at home.
“Checking up on me already, boss?” Seokjin asked, chuckling as he draped a towel over his shoulder. In addition to being your head chef, Seokjin was also your best friend, supporting you over the years to make your dream come true.
“Can never be too sure, what with your habit of getting distracted by your reflection,” you joked, earning a scowl and a whack from Seokjin’s towel. Pushing him back, you laughed as he yelled at you for almost killing him, his dramatics at an all time high, probably the same nerves churning through him as you.
Where the kitchen was chaotic, the front of the house was almost serene, a low rumble of conversation offset by a soft jazz playlist you had spent hours curating. Your nerves dissipated as the first orders arrived, the customers smiling and nodding at the first taste. 
Moving behind the bar, you checked on Jungkook, your younger brother and bartender. No one would have ever thought the two of you would end up working together, given the fights you had all through your childhood, the scar of one of them permanently etched on his cheekbone. 
“Did you invite him?” He asked as he shook a drink, the ice rattling obnoxiously in the metal container. 
“Who?” You asked, your nose scrunching at the aggressive way he made the drink. You swore if he broke another glass you were going to take it out of his paycheck, shared gene pool or not. 
“Namjoon,” he whispered theatrically, using his eyes to point towards the corner of the room. The sound of his name set you on edge, your heart in your throat. 
You hadn’t thought of your ex for over two years, since the night he walked out on you and you vowed to never let anyone take control of your happiness and leave you broken on a whim. However, that didn’t stop you from following your brother’s eyeline to the more secluded tables of your restaurant. 
He looked different. So different that it cracked the carefully constructed armour around you, a frown etching onto your features as you took him in. Dressed head to toe in black, you wouldn’t have noticed him if it weren’t for Jungkook.
He looked out of place, anxious, as he drummed his fingers on the menu, staring at it intently. The hood of his oversized jacket was atop his head concealing his dyed blonde hair, and his black mask was pulled low on his chin, leaving his bare face on display as if his new album wasn’t currently at number one. 
He was biting his lip, his brows scrunched together and it sent you back to two years ago, the memories flooding your brain as the ache you’d worked endlessly to ignore reared its ugly head once again. 
“We should break up,” Namjoon said, his lower lip between his teeth, as he stood in the doorway. He was still dressed in his outfit from the shoot he had returned from; a shiny silver bomber jacket adorned atop a plain black outfit, his makeup still on perfectly. It gave him an ethereal look, all flaws hidden from view as he looked at you in your striped blue pyjamas, hair up in a messy bun, face puffy from sleep. 
His words felt like you had been hit with ice water, like you were skating on a frozen river and it gave way from under you plunging you into a panicked cold that felt akin to a burn. You didn’t know how long he watched you, your face neutral after you demanded an explanation. 
“It’s not fair to you, Berry,” he said, voice soft and broken as he finally made his way to the bed. He sat as far away from you as he could and the distance seemed to stretch on for miles. You were confused by his sudden change. Just yesterday he had arrived home with smiles and cuddled into you immediately, just as he had done for the past three years, but today you were hard pressed to find that warmth, his gaze never meeting yours. 
“You don’t get to decide what’s fair to me,” you stated. “We are not breaking up.” Decision made, you slipped the cover over yourself as you reclined back into your supine position. 
“I can’t do this anymore,” he muttered, almost silently but the quiet of the room gave him away, his distraught weaving itself in your skull. 
“Juniper, let’s talk about this,” you pleaded, a hand reaching to grab onto his that he shrugged off. 
“No. If we talk about this you will convince me to stay and I just can’t do this anymore.”
“What did I do?” Your voice was soft, as if you spoke any louder it would startle the seemingly broken man in front of you. 
“It’s not you, it’s me,” he spoke the cliche, his dimples making an appearance in the sad smile he gave in your direction. You didn’t understand what was happening. Namjoon was a man of many words, slinging together poetry out of thin air in seconds, inspired by the mundane. He continued, talking over your thoughts, as he explained the reasons he was hurting you, the reasons he was a bad partner. All reasons that you have never even conceived - a product of his overthinking, anxious mind. Every time you would argue, he would counter with his own failings, like how he couldn’t make it to your culinary school graduation and how his fame made him unavailable to go to whenever you needed him. 
Namjoon cried, inconsolable even when you tried to assure him that his failings were in his imagination, that you were happy, content. But he had a notoriously one-track mind, and the only conclusion he could come to was that he couldn’t bear to be with you any more. 
“Seeing you always waiting for me breaks my heart,” he whispered as he held you, your face in his hands as he smiled for your benefit. You didn’t know how to convince him otherwise, but the way he kissed you, tasting of salt and regret, you knew it would be the last time he would do so. 
When he left that night, you finally cried, mourning a relationship that he snatched away from you, before the tears turned to rage, heartbreak manifested into indignation. 
“Are you going to talk to him?” Jungkook broke you out of your reverie just before you could further relive the sorrow. 
“No. Absolutely not. He can enjoy his solo dinner,” you replied, turning on your heels to go into your office, your excitement for the night overshadowed by Namjoon’s sudden reappearance. It wasn’t bad enough that you had to see him in your restaurant but as you turned on a random playlist fate decided that you would hear him too as he talked about your break up on his new single. His sultry vocals rapped about his self loathing and need to please only to realize that he left the only person who loved him for himself. You were bitter that he had this epiphany, bitter that he was monetizing on something that was as much your heartbreak as his. 
But what Namjoon wants, Namjoon gets, and as the dinner rush ended and the crowd dwindled with last call, he was still sitting in the corner table, sequestered away from eyes as he played with his dessert. He must have known that the chocolate bon bons were inspired by him, dubbed Juniper like you had called him all those years, and extra mint added just to spite him. The same way he had named his new song Back to Berry, an homage to no one else but you. 
When he refused to leave even after Jungkook asked, you had no choice but to act civil and make your way towards him. He gasped as you unceremoniously settled in the chair in front of him, eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. As if he had not been waiting three hours for this exact moment
“What are you doing, Namjoon?” You asked, arms folded across your chest as you glared at the face you once thought you couldn’t live without. 
“I’m eating dessert,” he answered, averting your hardened gaze to poke his fork at the food. 
“We’re closing,” you said, your hand waving to your wait staff that had started clearing tables and sweeping the floors. “And you hate mint chocolate,” you added as he took a bite. 
“It was calling my name,” he chuckled humourlessly, before he sighed pushing the plate away. He finally met your eyes then, a soft smile on his face, his dimples poking their way from his cheeks into your heart. “Congratulations. You did it.”
“Yeah. Alone.” You were bitter. He had left you, practically ghosted you for two years and now he thought it was okay to waltz back in?
“I’m sorry,” he said, dropping all pretenses as his hand reached towards you. “I’m so sorry, Berry.”
The use of his old nickname for you broke your heart and your facade as you looked at his hand placed directly in front of you on the table, a finger slowly caressing your forearm, almost out of reach. You couldn’t help the way your eyes glistened at his touch, tender and apprehensive. How could he think it was okay to come here? How could you think you wouldn’t forgive him if he asked?
In that moment all you wanted was to run back into his arms, kiss him, delve back into that chaotically beautiful brain of his, but your pride was stronger than all the apologies in the world. 
“It’s too late,” you said as you stood up, his head dropping as he retracted his hand back into his lap. “We’re closed. Goodbye, Juniper.” You gestured to the door, waiting for him to collect his bag, watching as he dropped much more money than his bill on the table before he made his way to the door. 
Turning around he looked at you, catching you staring at him with tear streaked cheeks. “I’m not going to give up, Berry”
“You never do, do you?”
“Never when it comes to you,” he said, covering his face with his mask and adjusting the hood atop his head before disappearing into the quiet street. 
That night you felt your defences weaken a little when you got a message from an unknown number. 
I forgot to tell you. I still miss you. Even after 708 days.
taglist: @cheesecakes-randomshitz​, @aroseforyoongi​, @awhnamjoon​, @agustdjoon​, @codeinebelle​ 
I hope you enjoyed the angst! For more fics of mine check out my masterlist
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lostinreality014 · 4 years
Initial Thoughts and Reaction to SUPERBLOOM
I just listened to Ashton Irwin’s solo debut album, SUPERBLOOM for the first time all the way through. The only track I heard prior to album release was Skinny Skinny and I’d only listened to it one time. I chose not to listen to the two other tracks he released prior to album launch because I wanted to listen to the album from front to back to get the full story and effect. Without further ado, here are my thoughts/reactions to the album. Fair warning, they’re a rambling mess but they’re my genuine thoughts/reactions.
Getting Pink Floyd vibes hard core with that intro
Reminds of a song I would hear on the Donnie Darko soundtrack
This song is so utterly relatable I can’t even deal with it right now
The message behind this to his family and friends and fans is powerful
It’s been a long time since I’ve related to lyrics like this
I also get a bit of a Queen and David Bowie — I don’t know how to explain it but I do
That intro is FIRE
Feeling U2 vibes without it being U2
The drums and production on this are so fucking good
Who ever is singing those backing vocals… ACE
Another completely relatable track
I love the simplicity of the guitar intro
There is a certain vibe I get from this track but I can’t put my finger on it. I fucking love it though
This song hurts deep
It reminds me of all the body/physical appearance issues I had when I was dancing
His voice on that bridge between the chorus and verses - dear GOD
His voice over all on this song is perfection - the versatility is masterfully showcased
Ooh!!! It reminds me a bit of Harry’s “From the Dining Table” in terms of the guitar sounds. How it sounds empty and hollow.
Yeah… this one hurts deep. Might not be dancing any more, but there are still days I struggle to feel good about myself and feel comfortable in my own skin. But I’m working on it though and that’s what counts
I dig the drums and guitar on this
Those drum fills!!!
I hear strings again!!!! - It sounds like an electric violin or cello. Or both
That bridge between the second verse and the chorus - that HIT DEEP. Tears came fast and furious
I needed a warning before that track. Send help.
This one hurts deep too
Yeah… I needed a warning for this track too
There’s something so hopeful about this track
This is a track that I could listen to when I feel down and just need a reminder that things will start looking up again
I feel like this is a bridge song between the first half of the album and the second half. I don’t know that it is but it feels like it.
“That all of these things that cause us pain inside will come and go…” SEND HELP
The rhythm and cadence of this track is so catchy
There’s the strings again
The versatility in this track is incredible
This is far too relatable
“You’ve been feeding me lies, now it’s all that I know, I’ve been eating you up, how am I supposed to grow?” THAT WAS MY LIFE FOR THE LAST YEAR AT MY LAST JOB. CONSTANTLY LIED TO AND CONSTANTLY BEING GAS LIT. DEAR GOD
The intro of this track is fucking fire
The “calmer” part of this track straight up give me Green Day vibes — I love it
This track would sound fucking INSANE live
Another one that hits deep and is 100% relatable
Anytime you mix heavy electric guitars with strings I’m gonna lose my shit
Part of me gets Evanescence vibes from this track too and I’m not complaining
The close out of this track is such a contrast to how it started and how it built throughout — I’m here for every second of it
Quite the contrast between the intro and the first verse
Oh… then it picks up again with the drums
Anyone gonna talk about Ashton’s insanely versatile voice???
At this point… there’s no reason to keep saying it’s a 100% relatable track because pretty sure this entire album is 100% relatable so….
That chorus vocally is masterful in such a low register
Yeah… there was a moment where I could hear a bit of Taka in his voice before that last verse - I need a Taka/Ashton collab
This song is gonna be on full blast in my car while I drive
The production on this track is ACe
The intro reminded me of “A Nightmare Before Christmas”
Okay… I wasn’t ready for the lyrics in this one
Let’s be real… I wasn’t ready for ANY of the lyrics on this album
Production wise… I love the the arrangement for this
Those drum fills in between are fucking nuts
“Mistakes are the stories that takes us straight to the stage, it’s the heart ache that sells…” — oof. That hurt deep
There’s a flare about this music that I can’t quite place my finger on but I dig it… A LOT
Also… to close out the track from going that big sonically to that small is genius
It’s also a genius way to close the album
Overall, I was NOT emotionally ready for this album. So much of it — okay pretty much all of it — hit’s so close to home on so many levels. There’s not one thing I dislike about this album.
Sonically, this album is a masterclass in diversity while also maintaining cohesiveness throughout to carry the tone and message from start to finish.
Lyrically, this album is brilliant. It’s real, it’s raw, it’s honest, it’s emotional, it’s RELATABLE.
Vocally, I’m fucking blown away. I’ve always loved Ashton’s voice and have always wanted to hear him sing more. He did NOT disappoint on this album. I knew his voice was versatile in terms of sound and his range… but HOLY FUCKING SHIT. 
From track one to track ten, this is a BRILLIANT body of work by Ashton.
Congratulations Ashton on a FUCKING INCREDIBLE solo debut!! Thank you so much for sharing your art and such personal thoughts and experiences with us. There’s so much I want to say. But I’m literally at a loss for words right now and need some time to get my thoughts in order before I even attempt to say more. To say I’m proud would be a massive understatement because I’m beyond proud. I can’t wait to see what else you have to share with us in the future!
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Guys, we’re getting the band together!
Wow! Another fanfic! This time inspired by the lovely @not-so-innocent-bi-sander ‘s CALM band au, which you can find here.
summary: how Roman manages to get them all together in one place and pitch his idea.
word count: 2500 ish
“Mr. Brooks? A messenger dropped this off for you this morning.”
Logan looked up from his phone as he walked into his office and nodded gratefully at his secretary, taking the letter from him.
“Thank you Dominic. If you need me, I’ll be going over the latest mix in my office until my meeting at eleven.”
Logan Brooks: music producer, DJ, remixer, and EDM composer extraordinaire. Logan sat down at his desk, taking a moment to look out over the skyline, before turning his attention to the letter he had been handed.
To: Mr. Logan Brooks was scrawled on the front of the heavy, cream colored envelope. It was sealed with a bright red, wax seal that made Logan quirk his eyebrow. That was a bit extravagant. He grabbed the letter opener he kept in his desk and deftly opened it.
Dear Mr. Logan Brooks,
You are cordially invited to a business dinner at my home this Friday evening at 7. I am a big fan of your work and would love to discuss a collaboration with you if at all possible. Do you have any allergies I should know of? Please let me know in your RSVP.
Highest regards,
Mr. Roman Lyons
Now that was a surprise. Roman Lyons was a well-known actor, having won several awards over the past year alone. What on earth could he want with Logan’s line of work?
But still, the invite was intriguing. He figured there would be no harm in seeing what this collaboration was all about. After all, if worse came to worse he could always decline. Rising from his seat, he returned to the front desk.
“Dominic. Send an RSVP to Mr. Lyons through the same messenger service. Tell him I’ll be there.”
Patton Campbell was probably the most down to earth celebrity anyone had ever met. Granted, he was still up and coming, but he was talented and his fan base was growing fast. Even with the added attention recently, he still loved to go out and mingle with the crowd after a show, signing autographs, taking photos, or just thanking them for coming.
He was enjoying the buzz from the crowd as they slowly trickled out of the lobby and back into the parking lot, ready to go home after the concert. He was still smiling as someone came up and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Patton Campbell, correct?”
He turned to face the newcomer and his jaw nearly dropped.
“Yeah, yeah! That’s me! And you’re-“
The man laughed. “Roman Lyons. That was a sweet concert you just put on my friend.”
“Oh wow, I mean, thank you! I- I really enjoy what I do, so it’s always a pleasure.”
“I’m glad. It’s important to be passionate about one’s career. Say, what are you doing this Friday evening?”
“Oh, I- um, I don’t think I have anything. I’d have to double check of course, but, why?”
“I’m having a dinner at my home with a couple other artists. I have an idea for a collaboration and was wondering if you would be interested in joining us.”
Patton didn’t know what to say. “I- yes! Oh my gosh, I would love to! I’ll be there!”
“Excellent! I look forward to it. I’ll have my agent contact yours with all the information. See you then!”
Patton stood in blissful shock as he watched one of his favorite actors ever walk away after, not only, congratulating him on his show, but giving him a personal dinner invitation.
He needed to sit down.
Virgil was finally happy to have a moment to relax. He had been working non-stop on his latest album and had just sent the final cut to his producer to make sure it was good to go. With a groan, he flopped back onto his bean bag chair that he kept at the studio for that express purpose. Being a solo artist was a lot of work, that was for sure. He had convinced his assistant editor to take the night off and had finished up the album himself. The punk rock guitarist had just needed some time alone.
He was dozing off, enjoying the quiet, considering playing a game on his phone when there was a quiet knock at the door and the click of it opening. Virgil’s eyes snapped open and settled into a glare when he saw who it was.
“I already told you I’m not interested,” he said loudly, relaxing back into the bean bag.
“You haven’t even heard my idea yet!” Roman replied closing the door behind him.
“Well it’s your idea so, the answer is still no.” The actor heaved a deep breath, trying to keep his cool, and Virgil smirked, pleased to get a rise out of the man.
“I know you like to work alone,” Roman finally said, voice a lot softer than expected. “But I can’t help but think that that must get… lonely sometimes. This Friday evening at 7, Patton Campbell and Logan Brooks will be coming to my place for dinner. You’re invited. And if after that you decide you still don’t want a part in it, I won’t bother you further.” He held up a business card and set it on the desk where the sound mixer sat. “I hope you’ll come.” And he left.
Well- heck.
Now he kind of wanted to go.
He and Logan and interacted a bit in the past and he had never met Patton, but the guy seemed nice enough (not that he wasn’t totally convinced it wasn’t just a front). And just the four of them wouldn’t be too awkward.
Or it could be the most awkward thing of his life.
Virgil groaned, pressing his hands into his eyes, fighting against the new emotions. He had tried working with others one time and that had led to him going to ongoing therapy for the last five years and a scandal of considerable size that had taken months to work through. So no, he was not eager to try it again.
But Roman had seemed to cut right to the heart of the issue. If he really admitted it to himself, he was lonely. He didn’t do friends anymore; he couldn’t, not after last time.
He finally stood up and stalked over to the card Roman had left. It was a business card with the actor’s address and (personal?) phone number scribbled on the back. Virgil hated this- this… speck of hope.
He shoved it in his back pocket and grabbed his jacket, flipping the lights off on his way out. Maybe this time could be different.
He doubted it though.
Roman peeked out the door and into the entryway. Everything was set up and ready to go. Two out of the three of his guests had arrived and were making small talk near the door, but he had to admit, he was quite disappointed that their resident punk rocker had failed to show. Ah well. He poised himself, ready to swoosh open the doors and welcome his guests, when his phone buzzed. Odd. Roman pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number.
Running late. Be there in ten. [skull emoji]
Roman smiled. This was going to be an excellent evening.
“Friends! Welcome to my home! Thank you so much for coming.”
Logan and Patton looked up from their conversation, Patton smiling warmly, dressed in a light blue flannel shirt, and Logan, wearing a black button up shirt, merely looking intrigued.
“Glad to be here,” Logan replied, adjusting his glasses. “Are we expecting anyone else this evening?”
“Our third guest will be arriving shortly, he’s running a bit late I’m afraid. While we wait, let’s move to the dining room.”
Roman’s house was indeed quite ostentatious. Dark wood, white marble floors, with red upholstery and gold detailing really made the place seem quite lavish. And of course there was the fact that it was, well, huge.
“Your house is amazing, Mr. Lyons!” Patton exclaimed as they made their way down the hall.
“Please, call me Roman. And thank you, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. “ His phone buzzed. “Excuse me. Please, take a seat. Our third guest just arrived.”
Patton watched Roman go, then turned back to Logan excitedly, taking the seat across from him. “Who do you think it’s going to be?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea. While you and I may be in the music industry, there is no connection between the three of us. I expect we’re in for a surprise.”
No sooner had he spoken than Roman returned toting a leather jacket clad Virgil Grimm in tow.
“Oh. My. Goodness,” Patton breathed. No one could probably tell based off Patton’s look alone, but Virgil Grimm was one of Patton’s favorite artists. His lyrics were absolute masterpieces.
“Sup,” Virgil greeted. Roman gestured for him to take a seat and he chose the spot next to Patton, almost sending the country singer into a heart attack.
“Hi! I’m Patton!” he greeted, unable to contain himself any longer and extended his hand, which Virgil awkwardly shook.
“Big fan of your work. Actually, big fan of all your work. You guys are amazing!” He stopped, realizing he had started to gush, and hoping he wouldn’t be kicked out or anything. Roman smiled.
“I have to agree with Patton. You guys are amazing. But, there’s plenty of time to talk business later. First, food!”
A couple servers came in, each carrying two plates, placing one in front of each artist. They were met with a quiet chorus of thank you’s as they ducked back out.
“Geez Roman, you pulled out all the stops, didn’t you?” Virgil asks, admiring his steak, baked potato, and bowl of fresh fruit.
“It does look quite good,” Logan agreed, placing his napkin on his lap before digging in.
Patton and Roman were the ones that kept the conversation going throughout dinner. They jumped from Roman’s most recent projects to how Logan got into the music industry in the first place to asking after the inspiration for the lyrics of Virgil’s various songs. It was a little awkward, but not for long. Virgil hated to say it, but he was enjoying himself.
“How about we take dessert in the lounge?” Roman suggested. The others followed him, Virgil and Logan quietly discussing the pros and cons of various sound editing techniques, and ended up in a comfy lounge. Bookshelves lined the walls, a couple couches were centered around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a TV mounted above it on one side of the room, while a grand piano took up the other half of it. A small display of sweets was set up on the coffee table and they moved to sit on the couches.
“Now-“ Roman began only to be cut off by Virgil.
“So help me, if you say, “now you’re probably wondering why I’ve brought you all here today.””
“Psh, ah, I was not going to say that.” A pause. “But since you brought it up, you’re probably wondering why I’ve brought you all here today.”
“Yes, that would be accurate.”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.”
“Very well then. I told all of you I was interested in a collaboration and that’s true, however what I didn’t tell you was that it would be a collaboration between the four of us.” They looked amongst themselves all thinking the same thing: they were all so different. What could they possibly do together?
“I want to form a band.”
All three seemed to react at once. Patton with a laugh and a surprised smile, Logan with a frank, “Absurd,” and Virgil with a growl as he seemed to sink in on himself.
“Now hear me out-” Roman began.
“Not to be rude,” Logan interrupted. “But the thought is preposterous. We all come from different genres of music and you,” he said, waving his hand, “don’t even have a presence in the music world.
“Come on now Logan,” Patton said. “We have more in common than you think. Music…”
They waited, but he didn’t continue.
“Oh he’s done. As I was saying-”
“I am Moana!” 
They were all left in stunned silence as Roman belted out the random Disney line. It was surprisingly good.
“Have you ever felt like nobody was there?”
“Dear Evan Hansen?” Patton whispered to Virgil.
“I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can tell!” he sung, standing up and moving to the more open part of the room.
“Beauty and the Beast,” Virgil muttered.
“You sound really good Roman,” Patton said.
“Yes,” Logan mused. “He’s not wrong.”
“Oh, ah, thank you,” Roman said, clearing his throat. “Come on, don’t you see! We could make this work! I’ve always wanted to sing, but the right role never came up. So, I thought, why not take matters into my own hands? And you three! You’re all brilliant! With me as vocals, Virgil on guitar, Patton on bass, and Logan on synthesizer, how could we not be huge?”
“So is that what this is about?” Virgil said. “Being huge? In case you haven’t noticed Princey we’re all kind of famous.”
“Which is why…” Roman drawled. “We keep our identities a secret.”
He was met with confused silence, maybe a cricket chirp.
“Think about it. Combined, we have the resources to keep this completely internal. To write, record, and produce our own music without anyone having to know who we are. And then we can see how good we are together. Will people listen to us for our music? Or just for our names.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Patton finally said. “And I think it sounds like a lot of fun. I’ll need to brush up my bass skills though.”
“The idea is intriguing, I admit. Assuming we can work around all of our schedules, I’d be willing to give it a try.”
“Virgil?” The look Roman gave him was pleading, but also respectful; whatever Virgil’s decision was, he would accept it.
“You know I hate working with others,” he finally said. “But, I’ll give it a shot.”
Roman couldn’t help the whoop of excitement with a rather enthusiastic fist pump.
“Thank you guys. Thank you guys so much. I can’t wait to start working with you.”
184 notes · View notes
Overcomplicated l Shawn Mendes Imagine.
(a/n): heyyyy! this is kinda based on the song “Why”. It was supposed to be posted earlier but here was a 6,6 mini earthquake on my country lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
summary: The more famous they became, the hardest it turned for Shawn &(Y/N) to confess their feelings, but the Grammys might the the push they needed.
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The first thing Shawn did to celebrate his Grammy nominations was to dial one of his closest friends, (Y/N), who had also scored three nominations, and they were both nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album with their self-titled albums, and Song of The Year. 
They freaked out over the phone, even if they were across the world. They wanted nothing more than to just hug each other and have a Grey’s Anatomy marathon to celebrate. 
He then called Camila, who teased him saying both of her friends’ being nominated on the same category should be a sign that he should find the guts to ask (Y/N) out.
He laughed at his friend before hanging up and trying to understand what the fuck was going on.
Soon enough his phone couldn’t stop vibrating from people congratulating him. Family, friends, people on the industry. He even scored a call from both James Corden and Ellen DeGeneres. 
Geoff teased his friend saying he should ask (Y/N) out before the ceremony, just in case he won and she didn’t want to see him again. They both laughed knowing she’d never do that, but it seemed like his friends were running out of ideas to make him ask her out on a date, but nothing seemed to work out.
He remembered the chills that ran down his spine when he saw her presenting in the Golden Globes next to Timothée Chalamet. She looked gorgeous. He always found it hard to keep his attention on the stage when she was next to him, and the Grammys wouldn’t be the exception. 
Should he ask Andrew to call the awards production and ask to not be seated next to her? 
No, of course it would find its way to the public and she’d be hurt. Besides, Camila had already texted him saying the three would be sitting pretty close with Taylor Swift. 
Hell, even Taylor Swift had tried to play matchmaker while she was visiting her on tour and he got to perform!
There was a part of him aching to see what her lips would feel against his. How disheveled her hair would look right after waking up in the morning. To be the inspiration behind her songs. To be the reason why her eyes shone so bright and her smile grew bigger just because she saw him.
He knew she already was his inspiration. The impotence of seeing her and not being able to declare his love was driving him crazy, and he knew the only one who could fix that was himself, but there was too much at stake.
Their friendship was precious; they understood each other in a way not many people could, and it wasn't because they both were in the public eye, but because they understood each other on a cellular level. It was like they were the same person and he knew there was a bright future for them.
He just needed to grow some balls and do the right thing. 
Everyone around him said she felt the same way, but Shawn only dismissed them with a sigh smile while shaking his head in denial. They were only doing it so that he could grow the confidence to do what his heart desired so deeply. 
He couldn’t help but torture himself with other possible scenarios. What if he had never dated Hailey and instead he had asked her out? At that point his feelings for (Y/N) were clear, yet he still went out with the model.
What if he had asked her out the moment he saw her for the first time almost six years ago?
Was he overcomplicating things? Probably. 
Nerves were taking over his body as he got out of the limo, only to be bombarded with flashes and screams of his name.
He politely waved before posing and paying attention to a girl with a clipboard giving him instructions. 
He then was walked to the red carpet, patiently waiting for his turn while greeting people. He started making conversation with Niall before the entire room lit up in front of him.
There she was.
Wearing the most gorgeous gown he had ever seen. Was it because she was the one wearing it? Probably. 
He noticed the way her smile grew ten times bigger when she saw him, and even with her uncomfortable dress she made her way towards him and hugged him.
“It’s so good to see you!” She tightened the embrace before letting go of him. 
“You look beautiful,” He said and noticed Niall hiding his smirk from the side. 
“Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself,” She smiled before quickly greeting Niall who was being ushered to the red carpet. 
“So, I heard we are sitting next to each other,” She said excitedly. 
“And next to Camila and Taylor. It’s gonna be awkward when one of us wins” He chuckled and she softly hit his arm.
“Don’t be an idiot. I’m honestly not expecting to win, are you?”
“You gotta have some confidence in yourself, babe,” He said and she felt the color rush to her cheeks.
They knew that even in the small tent where they waiting, people were snapping pictures of both of them. Shawn wanted to add something when a woman in a black dress with a sign with his name interrupted, saying it was time to walk down the carpet.
“Meet me in the carpet?” He asked and she smiled.
“You can count on it, rockstar,”
it was his time to blush at her words before following the woman, and soon enough he was met with tons of flashes and people telling him to give them smiles and posing in different angles. 
He soon moved down the carpet and saw the same woman appear with a sign with her name. 
He felt his attention shift from the photographers to her, as she cautiously stepped on the red carpet and started posing like she was born to do it. 
She noticed him and sent a wink and a smile before she continued with her work. Soon enough people started screaming both their names and she carefully walked to him.
He took a couple of steps to meet her halfway and offer her a hand, making everyone go crazy. She giggled before placing her hand on his shoulder as he put his on her waist. They continued posing for a couple of minutes before they went back to solo pictures. 
The moment they were out of that part of the carpet they laughed and took a breath, now they were being pushed to different interviews and people asking for pictures. The scene was very crowded, but they were approached by an E! News producer who said they both were on the list of interviews and if they minded doing the interview together because time was running out.
They agreed and noticed Giuliana Rancic was waiting for them. Shawn again offered his hand and helped his friend with the steps while being careful to not step in her dress. 
“Well, see who we have here! Two of the biggest names in the music industry right now and multiple nominated artists tonight, Shawn Mendes and (Y/N)!” Giuliana introduced them and some people surrounding cheered while they greeted to the camera. 
“Thanks for having us,” Shawn replied with his charming smile. 
“You two look absolutely incredible. Ladies first, who are you wearing? Because I have to say that seeing you back in the Globes and tonight makes you climb to the top of the list of the best dressed during this awards season!”
“My God, you are so nice! Thank you so much! Well, tonight I'm wearing Christian Dior from head to toe,” She motioned her dress and shoes. 
“Well, you make this dress look ten times more beautiful, don’t you agree?” Giuliana asked Shawn.
“Absolutely, I think I’ve said she looks stunning like ten times since we arrived,” He said trying to play it cool, but his hands were sweating.
“Aren’t you a charmer!” Shawn smiled at the camera before Giuliana asked him which designer was responsible for his looks.
“Tonight I'm wearing Armani,” He subtly showed his watch to the camera, earning a laugh from his friend. 
“Is there any pressure or nervousness since you two are nominated on the same categories?” “I don’t think so,” (Y/N) answered. “We have been friends for a while now, even one of our best friends, Camila, is nominated tonight and I think we are just thrilled to be recognized amongst so many great artists,”
“Yeah, if you think about it we are still young and got many years to come, but the fact that I get to be here with my best friends celebrating our work is just magical,” Shawn completed her answered and smiled to the interviewer. 
“Great, you guys are spectacular! Thank you so much for joining us and good luck! Especially for Shawn since he’s performing tonight!”
They said goodbye and Shawn again helped his longtime crush out of the small stage.
“Is it time to go to our seats?” (Y/N) asked Shawn who shrugged. 
Only fifteen minutes were left when the same woman on the black dress told them it was time to head inside the venue. They waved to the photographers scattered around the red carpet for the last time before entering.
Their seats were on the first row, they could see people filling the seats and the biggest names on the industry greeting each other. 
They were reaching their seats when they spotted Camila and her boyfriend. 
“I was wondering where you guys were!” Camila said excitedly and hugging (Y/N) while Shawn shook hands with Camila’s boyfriend, Matthew. 
“It’s so crowded outside you can barely move,” (Y/N) said adjusting her dress before taking a seat. 
“When are you supposed to go backstage?” Camila asked Shawn.
“Uhm, I think I have to go during the first commercial break,” Shawn said and both Camila and (Y/N) clapped in excitement. “Please don’t embarrass me during the presentation,” Shawn teased them.
“Not a chance! We’re your biggest fans AND your best friends, of course we are going to embarrass you in front of the world!” (Y/N) said and hugged Shawn’s waist, completely ignored the look Camila gave Shawn. 
“You guys are so annoying,” Shawn wrapped his arm around (Y/N) and softly kissed the top of her hair. 
Camila almost squeaked in excitement. Why weren’t they together yet?!
Ariana Grande had beat both Camila and (Y/N) for the award of Best Pop Solo Performance, making them laugh and cheer loudly for the brunette in stage. 
The ceremony was coming to an end when the category where the three friends were nominated, the Best Pop Vocal Album category was up. Camila interlaced her fingers with her boyfriend when the camera was in front of her as her name got announced, closely followed by Shawn and (Y/N) that smiled at each other. 
“And the Grammy goes to,” Bruno Mars opened the envelope, “(Y/N)!” 
Everyone jumped from their seats except from the winner, who covered her mouth and slowly rose from her seat. 
Shawn engulfed her in a hug so tight while whispering congratulations on her ear. He almost let impulses get the best of him and kiss her lips, but he only kissed her cheek before letting her go. 
The entire audience cheered when Shawn helped her to the stage, carefully adjusting the back of her dress on the stairs before cheering for her. 
Her speech was shaky an emotional as she held her award. But the best part for Shawn was when he felt the camera next to his face, but nothing could erase the smile as she thanked him. 
“People say it’s hard to meet real people on this industry, but I just look here on the first row. Camila Cabello, Taylor Swift, and of course Shawn Mendes. Incredibly talented people who deserve to win just as much as I do. And a big support for me during this process has been this man standing here,” She pointed at Shawn. “Thank you for being my friend and guiding me through this process. I wouldn’t be the same without you and I love you, you are the best friend in the world,”
She continued mentioning her family, but Shawn knew there was something igniting inside of him and it was nothing like he had felt before. 
That something followed him the entire night. 
It was the courage to finally make his dreams come true and be with her. 
Love her. 
That was the reason why he didn’t let go of her during the entire night as they made appearances on the various after parties. 
They were getting drunker as the night passed by. He could feel her leaning on his shoulder, trying to find warmth since she had changed her dress into a short one and chills were covering her body. 
Her face was hidden on his neck during the majority of the night. They had lost their friends now as they stepped inside Post Malone’s after party. Paparazzi were having a field day as they walked inside with linked arms and she hiding her face and Shawn shielding her from their view. 
“Should we dance? I think we’ve had too much to drink,” She giggled and took his hand. 
Shawn smiled as she let another button on his shirt loose, exposing his chest. They were dancing, carefully trying no to bump into other people as they giggled in the dark room. 
He felt her face getting close, she even smiled at him as their noses bumped into each other, but he knew he didn’t want this to be dismissed as a drunken decision, so he delicately separated their faces and offered her a drink.
He missed the devastated look the drunk Grammy winner gave him. 
Two weeks had passed since the Grammy awards and Shawn was isolated in his room watching Just Jared instagram stories. 
People were confused, and to be honest, so was him. 
Multiple pictures of him and (Y/N) had resurfaced after heir drunken night. People were speculating whether or not they were officially dating, if they had started dating just now if if this had been going on for years.
But just two days after this, pictures of his girl and Timothée Chalamet appeared, making everyone, Shawn included, confused. 
He didn’t call her again. He ignored her texts. He didn’t even bother to check her Instagram.
And she noticed the lack of presence of a certain tall boy in her life. 
She was giving up on trying to reach him when he finally texted back.
“Sorry. I've been busy, you wanna talk about something? I’m leaving LA tomorrow.”
Her heart skipped a beat and told him to meet her at her house. He agreed and she started to patiently wait for him to arrive. Later, she saw his car on the camera, she tried to look her best as she opened the door as he parked his car next to hers. 
She smiled shyly, “Hi,” 
“Hey there,” Shawn gave her a quick hug.
They stepped inside and the first thing Shawn noticed was the Grammy standing proudly on top of her piano. 
“It looks nice,” Shawn pointed at the award. 
“Thanks,” She thanked quietly. “How have you been?”
“Good, you?” He asked her. 
“All good, thanks,”
They stared at each other quietly. Shawn was going to ask her what the hell was going on with the actor when she interrupted:
“Are you mad because I won?” She blurted, making Shawn’s eyes widen. 
“What?” He asked in disbelief.
“You’ve been ignoring me. Is it because I won our category?” She asked while fearing the answer. 
“Are you crazy? Of course not!” He replied offended.
“Then why have you been ignoring me? What’s going on with you? We had a moment, things clicked and it felt right, but you just bailed on me!” She told him with her voice full of anger but it was soft. 
Shawn took a deep breath. This was it. The moment he had been waiting for yet fearing the outcome. He didn’t realize when his heart started to pound against his ribcage, but he calmed his breathing and started pouring his heart out. 
“I’m scared,” He confessed. “I really like you, and I have for a while now, ever since I saw you. But I'm scared because we are friends, and you mean a lot to me and I can’t help it. We are constantly in the spotlight, I don’t want them to damage what we already have, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you any less, because...” 
Shawn’s ramble was suddenly interrupted by a pair of soft lips against his own.
He instantly relaxed and everything felt natural. His hands fell on her waist as he drew her closer. Everything felt familiar yet strange, but the most important thing...
It felt right. 
630 notes · View notes
queenmaracasandlove · 5 years
You’re My Best (Sex) Friend - Roger Taylor x F!Reader - Part III (Smut)
Word Count: +3700 (sorry...)
Summary: Roger and Y/N are friends with benefits. This is perfectly fine until love comes around. Can be read as Roger x F!Reader or Ben!Roger x F!Reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex (you know the deal...), alcohol, swearing
A/N: I used to love this chapter and now I’m not too sure ahah... Please tell me what you think about it. Thank you all for the support! 
Part I Part II Part IV Part V
Permanent Taglist: @reedusteinrambles
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It was such a special night, such a special moment. Queen was finally out there, becoming a legend in the British musical landscape. Their newest album A Night at the Opera was already platinum only a few weeks after its release and that was the last night of the European leg of their tour. It was even more special because it was recorded by the BBC and was taking place on Christmas Eve. Nothing in the world could have prevented Y/N from attending this concert.
She had not been able to come to the concerts that Queen had been playing in England’s capital earlier that month because of work but she was here tonight. She was still living in Roger’s flat but when he had came back to London for those few dates she had prefered to stay at the hotel where she was still working. She did not want to just cross paths with him for ten minutes every morning and she still has things to figure out. Y/N was still working in the hotel even though she had finally been casted in a little production but she wanted to earn as much money as she could before the end of the tour. She was extremely grateful but she did not want to ask for more than necessary and wanted to move out before the end of March.
The gig was absolutely amazing. Y/N was overjoyed and full of pride. She could not believe they were killing it so much. They were all owning that stage and the connection with the audience was breathtaking. She felt very special being able to call all those musicians her friends. She was so happy to see them from backstage, smiling every time one of them would look in her direction. She was not alone, she was surrounded by managements, few family members and friends. But now she was between Veronica and Mary and that felt weird. Because she was not one of their girlfriends even less so a wife.
These few weeks in Roger’s flat, away from him had been enough for her to reflect on the situation and to come to terms with fact that she was madly in love with Roger Taylor. She had suspected it for quite a while but never wanted to admit it. Still, as she was surrounded by his stuff, sleeping in his clothes and missing him that much there was no way to deny it. That scared her quite a bit. Because he was first and foremost one her best friend, not many people had supported her the way he did and he knew so much about her and she was terrified by her feelings.
He was so handsome behind his drums, making it look so easy with his falsettos and his blond hair, being the only one not wearing white. The concert was close to an end and Y/N’s heart was racing like mad. She had not talked to him for so long. There had been phone calls but her voice had not betrayed her, yet. Roger calling while he was on tour was unusual, at least that often. They had this little habit to keep each other updated on their lives when they could not talk face to face but it was now once a week. She had also received flowers on the first night of her show and even though the card was signed “Queen” she knew he had been the one planning it. Although she did not want to admit it she wished all those signs meant the feelings were mutual.
She had arrived right on time and had only got the time to say hello while Roger was offstage during Brian’s solo. Thankfully he had to say hi to everybody quickly and hadn’t pay too much attention to her. She had no idea how this night was going to end but she hoped more than anything that her feelings would not interfere with their friendship and behaviour.
Y/N could hear the crowd screaming their names (and Roger’s was shouted more than once) as they bowed one last time. She could not stop herself from clapping her hands or smiling, she was so proud. Roger was completely full of adrenaline because of the show. He went straight towards Y/N and took her in his arms.
“Rog’ it’s disgusting you’re so sweaty” she said, internally enjoying this as much as she could
“That was amazing right?”
“Much more than that” she smiled
And just like that he kissed her. His naked torso against her chest. It was so brief and yet both of their body had been electrified. Roger hadn’t been able to fight against this urge in him. Before they were able to say anything, Freddie’s arm was around Roger’s shoulder as he dragged him somewhere else backstage. They were about to throw a big party, it was Christmas Eve after all and they had to celebrate this incredible night.
Roger glanced at Y/N one last time before he was too far. He was so scared to have ruin everything, he was always so impulsive. He was completely obsessed by Y/N and he had been for so long now. He needed to call her every time he could, hearing her voice and making sure she was doing fine. Roger had had to face the truth too, literally because every time he had slept with a girl during the tour he would always end up picturing Y/N’s face in front of him. So he had stop, because it wasn’t fair for them and because the only thing that could make him get off was imagining Y/N naked in his bedsheets back in London.  He wanted more than her body though, because that he already had in a way, no he wanted her, entirely. Because he loved her.
There were so many people, so much alcohol and other things but all felt so alive. Everybody wanted to congratulate the band for their success and the amazing show they had pulled of so it had been impossible for Y/N and Roger to talk. They looked at each other from time to time, making sure that the other was still there, in the corner of the room.
‘So, how are you?” Mary asked Y/N, stopping her from daydreaming
Mary and Y/N knew each other quite well even though they were not extremely close. They usually spent a lot of time together one the days they both attended the band’s rehearsal or parties. They liked each other’s company because they both had the same admiration and respect for the boys. Mary had been kind enough to give Y/N’s discount on new clothes for her to go to her auditions and they had gone for a cup of tea a few weeks ago.
“I’m great thanks. The play was great and I’ve taken on a new project starting in January”
“That’s amazing ! I’m so happy things are finally going great for you. You deserve it so much”
“Thank you Mary, I really appreciate it. And you? How is it going?”
She wanted to ask her about her relationship with Freddie but she didn’t. She had always felt that deep connection between them but still, she knew that something was not right, especially lately. Nevertheless she was determined to be supportive of her friends’ choices no matter what.
“Oh, it’s alright you know. I’m still working and Freddie’s on tour so I’m pretty much alone all the time. Well I have the cats but...”
Y/N could see real sadness in Mary’s eyes. She had been engaged to Freddie for a few years now and it was already they’re third tour as Queen.
“That must be hard for you” Y/N said
“Oh you know… I guess you don’t really have the choice when you’re in love with a rockstar. And if you’re in love that doesn’t really matter” she replied
Y/N looked at Roger, in the corner of the room, joking with a guy she did not know, his ridiculous wig still on his head. Would she ever be able to do the same? In the event of anything serious happening between her and Roger, would she be able to spend months without him? Was her love for him strong enough for that kind of thing? She suddenly realised how stupid it was to think about things like this and yet there had been that kiss between them.
Mary was not stupid. She could see what was going on right under her nose. She would have never believed that Roger and Y/N could be an item when they had first met a few years ago but now it was obvious. The way they had become close could be seen as unconventional but it did not lessen the genuine relationship that had flourished from it. But Mary was also aware of how hard it was to be the partner of a member of the band…
“It makes it easier to know how happy he is when he’s doing what he loved you know. I think it’s just the beginning and that’s all he’s ever wished for” she carried on “when he calls and he tells me how much fun they’re having. When I see the crowds shouting his name. That’s amazing”
“I… Yes I guess so” was all Y/N was able to reply “Let’s have another drink shall we?”
She was already quite tipsy but her brain was about to explode and she needed to find relief somewhere. All that Mary had just said was true. The blond had no intention to create such questioning in Y/N, on the contrary. But all she could think about was the hypothetical life she could have with Roger, how it was just the beginning of a long life of success and months on the road. What did she have to offer that would make him want to go home to her. She remembered what he had said about being ‘happy at home”, not the kind of life he wanted or at least that was how she interpreted his words.
She was in a middle of possessing her thoughts, finishing her glass and pouring herself another one when she noticed someone in front of her.
“I’m sorry I could not come and talk to you earlier” he said with his raspy voice, “I’m so happy you’re here. At least you’re enjoying the little party” Roger said looking at the drink in her hand
His top was still opened and sober was not the best way to describe him right now. He was looking at Y/N as if she was the most delicious piece of cake in the whole world. Y/N was immediately turned on by his gaze and shivered as he put an arm around her waist.
“I’ve missed you Roger” she said
“I’ve fucking missed you too” he whispered in her ear
He had drunk because he wanted to celebrate but also because he was afraid. Scared of how he would behave with Y/N, one of the reasons he had avoided her for so long, but now that the alcohol was rushing through his veins he could not be away from her any longer. His mouth was still next to Y/N’s head and he gently kissed her neck. He wasn’t doing anything wrong after all. They were friends with benefits and it would not be the first time that he would behave this way with her, at least on the surface.
“I want you babe”
“Then just fuck me Rog”
She was now looking at him right in the eyes, as turned on as he was. Without saying any more he grabbed her hand and led her through the hallway to an empty room. As soon as the door was closed their lips smashed against each other. It was more than sexual desire, it was passion. Their tongue were playful and so were their hands. It didn’t take long for Y/N to unbutton Roger’s pants and put her hand inside it, teasing his shaft over the fabric of his underwear.
“Fuck Y/N. You’re really in a hurry aren’t you?”
“I just want you so bad”
They had both agreed with themselves that tonight was not the night to confess but at least they could express their feelings in a way that would not betray them. Roger had now pressed Y/N against the wall. She let go of his pants so she could take off her dress, she wanted to feel his skin against hers. She needed the touch and she wasn’t disappointed. Roger was now kissing every little inch of her body as if he worshiped it. She wasn’t used to that kind of softness with him and that made her go crazier.
He went down on his knees, this time he was facing her clothed core and he immediately saw that she was dripping. A smirk appeared on his face he slowly made the little piece of clothing go down on her legs. Y/N was now completely naked in front of him as he kissed her pussy.
“Open your legs for me love”
She obeyed, moaning in anticipation, letting out a little cry when she felt his tongue lick her slit. At first he just played a little, building up the tension but not providing much pleasure until he frankly pressed his tongue against her clit. Roger made sure he found exactly the right spot before playing with it. The pleasure was to much for Y/N and she felt her knees were about to fail her.
“Rog’, I can’t…”
The drummer looked around him. The room was full of flight cases so he grabbed Y/N’s legs, holding her tight and put her onto the closest one trying not to be brutal in the rush.
“Fuck, you look so hot”
She was there, right in front of him, her legs spread and her look begging for more and it made him feel invincible. He wanted to finish his work and so he did, inserting two fingers inside Y/N before kissing her. He looked at her while moving his fingers, reading on her face the moment he would find the perfect spot and knew he had when she gasped. He started playing with it as she arched her back. Her legs were starting to shake.
“Roger, that’s so fucking good” she cried
“Say my name again love”
Right now he felt so powerful hearing his name coming out of her mouth. It was him who made her feel this way and even if he wanted more it was good enough for now.
“Roger, please” she begged
“Come on, one more time” he asked as her legs began to shake
“ROGER” she screamed as she reached her high
She was out of breath and he felt her juices pouring around his fingers. She looked so beautiful and he wanted to tell her how he felt but he could not. He was afraid to ruin everything. In the madness that was his life right now she was the constant. He needed her and he could not afford to risk everything. And it wasn’t the moment to think about that, he had business to finish. He had dreamt about being inside her for weeks and he could not wait any longer.
“Are you ready for round two?” he asked
She nodded, biting her lips in anticipation while opening her legs for him. He placed himself in front of her going in just with the tip, teasing her. She would not last long so he wanted to take his time. He went inside her and slowly started thrusting. He leaned in to kiss her as she bit his lower lips. She was already close, tightening around his cock. He started rubbing her clit. They were so close, what they were sharing at this moment had nothing to do with all their previous encounters. They were expressing all that was kept inside and it became more intense every second. Y/N’s nails were deep into Roger’s skin as he thrust deeper into her, growling.
“Cum for babe” he said
She indeed came for the second time of the night, letting out a scream. He kept thrusting into her until she was completely done. She had not felt so good for what felt like forever. He knew she would not let him down as she straighten herself up. She wanted his lips, his perfect lips. She knew she would not be able to feel them once this would be over because it would mean something else and it would not have been right. She kissed him passionately, her fingers in his blond hair before going down on his torso and then onto his erected member. She started pumping, their tongue still playing with each other. She could hear some growls escaping from his mouth.
She eventually broke the kiss and went down on her knees. She started to lick the tip of his shaft still pumping with her right hand.
“Fuck Y/N, let me cum in your mouth please”
She complied, she started to suck his length, going faster and faster and taking it deeper and deeper. The hips of the drummer helping her to find the right pace, suddenly stopping as she felt his fluids pouring into her mouth. She swallowed before getting back on her feet. They kissed one last that time, their naked bodies boiling and attracted to one another. And eventually they parted. They had so many things to say but so many reasons why not to say them at this very moment so they did not.
That was it. They silently picked up their clothes, not sure about what to do next. Usually they would go on with whatever they had to do, have a little chat maybe but the tension was palpable even after what happened. Y/N was waiting for Roger to put his pants back on and she noticed what was around his neck.
“Lovely necklace” she said
“Yeah, I bought it on the advice of a person with great taste” knowing that it was her during their afternoon in Camden
“We should probably join the others before they leave the place and we’re stuck here”
Although she secretly wished it would be the case. She would love to spend hours with him, just so they could talk although she knew deep inside that he would become mad and unbearable in less than an hour. He agreed, nodding. He would have like to hold hands but he was sure she would not want to, she had said yes for sex, not for a relationship, at least for now.
They went back to where the party which was in full swing, nobody noticing they were back because nobody had paid attention to the fact that they were gone. They got some drinks and looked at each other before they started talking, as if there was nothing more natural in the world. Everything they had wanted to tell each other, the little anecdotes about life on tour, she told him all about her new job, the little part she had played and she how was to join this new production where she would have a singing role. The phone calls were more regular but they were always very short and they did not have the time to talk about all those things. Roger pointed at some people around the room, most of them wrecked as he explained what their job was on tour. They were so happy for each other, so happy to spend this moment together and sharing.
The night went on with everybody dancing and partying. Freddie was all over the place while Veronica and John left before anyone else. Brian was completely wrecked in a corner and Y/N was laughing out loud because of Roger’s silliness. She started to dance with Freddie, Roger’s wig on her head and feeling happier than ever. At some point she fell next to Roger on one couch, completely exhausted and he took her hand into his. They were so drunk they did not notice and stayed this way for a bit, looking at the mess around them.
But time came for the night to end, he would go back to his family for Christmas day and stay there until he had to leave for North America. They were on their way to go, Roger’s arm around Y/N’s waist as they were waving to say goodbye to everybody.
“Here you are my man. That was amazing!” said one of the roadie
“Thank you” Roger answered
“I bet you’re excited about going back to the U.S right? I hope you kept the numbers of your lovely ladies that kept you busy last time. Not that you can’t find new ones eh” he winked before leaving the room
Y/N was looking at the floor, taking in what she had just heard. There was nothing wrong with it really, nothing she didn’t know and nothing Roger wasn’t entitled to do. But it hurt. Because for a moment she had thought that tonight had been special but it was not. They were just having fun and that was it, she was lucky enough to call him a friend, she could not ask for more.
Roger wanted to say something, to tell Y/N that it was not true and that he did not want to sleep with anyone but her. That he wanted her to wait for him and that as soon as he’d be back he would made her the happiest girl in the world if she agreed to be his girlfriend. But he realised how unfair that was. He could not ask her that, leaving her with just a kiss and a promise, only coming back months later. She was finally fulfilling her dream and he could not be not be an obstacle to that in any way. He would wait, until the end of the tour, and then he would properly asked her on date. He did not want to get ahead of himself and make to many projects. It needed to stay focused on the tour, this could be dealt with later.
“Happy Christmas Roger” she simply said as they were waiting for a taxi
“Happy Christmas Y/N” he replied, hugging her
They went back to the flat together, and slept in each other’s arms without saying anything, without questioning if it was good or wrong, too drunk and too tired, enjoying the warmth of their bodies intertwined.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 years
Trading Cafes for Countries
Fandom: Star Wars (Modern AU)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader (platonic)
As requested by anonymous:  Can you do a fic where Poe is best friends with the reader and she just got her dream job as a journalist and he congratulations her?
A/N: this has so much dialogue and not enough narration. sorry. i couldn’t think of any descriptions or the likes for some reason. 
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You couldn’t believe this was happening to you. All of that waiting has finally led up to this. You were going to be a journalist! You were happy dancing around your apartment when you thanked your new employer for the opportunity. 
When you hung up the phone, you continued to dance around you apartment. But then you realized, “I have to tell Poe!” you picked up your phone again and called him.
“Hello?” his voice was raspy, which meant he just woke up.
“It’s noon wake up.”
He groaned, “Five more minutes?” 
“Nope! Get up! Also, meet me at the cafe in an hour! I have something to tell you!”
“Uuuggghhh! Why can’t you come heeeere?” he whined.
You rolled your eyes, “Nope. Sorry. You need to wake up. At the cafe, I’ll buy you coffee.”
“Mph. Fine,” he mumbled.
“Good. NOW GET UP!” you ended the call and rushed to your room to get ready.
You were at the cafe early. You’d gotten your usual table alongside yours and Poe’s usual drink and food orders. 
Poe plopped himself into the chair across from you ten minutes before 1pm. He grabbed his coffee cup and took a large gulp, “Alright. What do you need to tell me?”
You were giddy in your seat, “I got the job!”
“You got the job?” he asked with a smile.
You nodded, “Yes! You’re now looking at an official journalist!”
“Oh my gosh!” Poe stood up and hugged you, “Y/N, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” you hugged him back and then he sat back down,
“Thanks! I actually have an assignment coming up. I’m going to the Philippines to do a piece on the current War on Drugs dilemma going on there.”
“Oh. When?” 
“Next week. I need to start packing and getting everything ready. I need to talk to my boss and whoever else is coming with me.”
Poe chuckled, “That’s so soon...but I can’t believe this is happening to you. This is so awesome! My best friend doing amazing things!” 
You scoffed, “Please! This isn’t as great as what you’ve been doing, Mister Musician! How’s your album coming along?”
Poe scratched his head, “It’s, uh, gettin’ there. Han is a tough guy to work with, but he’s been in the business so long. But it’s so amazing working with Solo Records! Oh! I’m also in the process of recording our song!”
You threw your head back in laughter, “Oh God! No! I can’t believe that made the cut!”
“Hey, seventeen year old us would be screaming their heads off right now!”
“But we were so angsty back then! We wrote a song about heartbreak and we haven’t even experienced it yet!”
“I think we were great as pulling it all outta our asses!” Poe laughed along with you and it eventually faded. He reached over and grabbed your hand, “I really am proud of us, Y/N. We’re onto bigger, better things.”
You frowned, “It just sucks that we won’t be seeing each other a much.”
“That’s what we get for being adults with awesome careers. Hey! Maybe you can do a piece on me sometime?”
You softly smiled, “I’ll take it up to my boss. And maybe I can see you record sometime?”
“Just let me know and I’ll give you full access.”
You nodded, “We’re a pretty awesome bunch, huh?”
“The most awesome pair of friends ever.”
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deadcactuswalking · 6 years
Just a shorter episode today, hopefully. As long as it’s 1,000 words I’m fine with making a lower-effort episode after a busy week of doing other stuff like BLAST TO THE PAST and promoting my mixtape. This has kind of fell in my priorities since, but I’ll still try and make something of an interesting read with the five new arrivals we have, and all the other antics.
Top 10
Well, we have another new number-one this week, topping the charts at its fourteenth week here! This one’s “Shotgun” by George Ezra, which I believe is Ezra’s first ever number-one, so congratulations, even if the song is much less deserving than, say, “Budapest”.
This means that the song “Solo” by Clean Bandit featuring Demi Lovato has been hit a spot to the runner-up space, number-two, but I have a feeling it will rebound.
“2002” by Anne-Marie won’t freaking go away at number-three. It’s been steady for weeks now, please drop or climb sometime!
Former #1 “I’ll be There” by Jess Glynne has not fulfilled its promise by staying at number-four.
Oh, yeah, and we also gave XXXTENTACION a top-five hit, as “SAD!” crawled up a whopping 26 spaces to get to number-five, after UK chart rules started to include YouTube video streaming, conveniently right at the time the video for X’s track dropped. I think this may mean more new arrivals each week, so prepare for that, but we’ll see.
“If You’re Over Me” by Years & Years is up two spots to number-six, and will go into the top five once the album releases this week.
“Better Now” by Post Malone is now down a position, probably due to “SAD!”, to number-seven.
“I Like It”, however, by Cardi B, Bad Bunny and J Balvin is climbing up higher – it had a one-spot boost this week and is now at number-eight.
“Leave a Light On” by Tom Walker is down two spaces to number-nine, but will rebound because I heard it on another advertisement and that’s how this song gets plays.
Finally, just like last week, we have “One Kiss” by Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa staying at the final spot in the top 10.
Other than “Rise” by Jonas Blue featuring Jack & Jack up five spots to #12, most of our big gainers this week are for cloud or emo-rap artists, including Juice WRLD, whose “Lucid Dreams” got a five-spot gain up to #18 (I called it!), Post Malone, whose feature alongside Preme on Tiesto and Dzeko’s “Jackie Chan” got a big 15-space boost up to #20, as well as the late XXXTENTACION, who got some more post-death streams, landing his two other songs that entered the top 40 last week in higher peaks, the highest being “Moonlight”, up 15 spots to #17, and the other being “changes”, which although latching on nowhere near as well as “Moonlight” and “SAD!”, is still up 11 spots to #22.
We don’t have many, but the ones we do have are massive, and mostly for bigger hits that served a long time in the top 20. We have Ariana Grande’s “No Tears Left to Cry” taking an 18-spot leap down to #23, George Ezra’s “Paradise” being clearly drowned by his self-competition, jumping down 17 spaces to #29, joining “Love Lies” by Khalid and Normani down eleven spots to #33 in the group of bigger tracks that took giant hits. “Bed” by Nicki Minaj featuring Ariana Grande is also down ten spots to #30, and “This is Me” by Keala Settle and The Greatest Showman Ensemble is down five spots, now at #35, and hopefully exiting soon.
Dropouts & Returning Entries
We have quite a few new arrivals, so naturally there were some drop-outs to let the entries come in, including Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and John Williams’ “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman, dropping out from #37, “This is America” by Childish Gambino featuring Young Thug dropping out from #39, “Lullaby” by Sigala featuring Paloma Faith collapsing and dropping out from #21, alongside “Bad Vibe” by M.O., Lotto Boyzz and Mr. Eazi out from #29. “In My Blood” by Shawn Mendes has also ended its decidedly decent run, as it has dropped out from #38.
In terms of returning entries, we don’t have any, but we do have sudden gains for a lot of songs that have been bubbling under the top 40 for a while, so let’s start talking about the new arrivals.
#40 – “Ring Ring” – Jax Jones featuring Mabel and Rich the Kid
Okay, I’m sick of this Jax Jones dude and his bland production, pointless producer tag and stupid sweet-wrapper album covers. Everything he does, including this, just feels so cookie-cutter and aggravatingly bland somewhat-danceable pop music. This, however, is a bit more interesting, as it combines dancehall girl Mabel with trap-rapper Rich the Kid – which has surprisingly happened before on a remix of Rich’s “Plug Walk” – however, it somehow makes the interestingly-distorted vocals from Mabel, which are delivered oddly sensually for a song that’s otherwise really annoying, with its vocal sample in the drop and skittering trap hi-hats that do little but make Rich feel more fitting (it doesn’t work), boring as all hell. This is dancehall, EDM and trap-rap combined without any of the soul, energy or passion that people like Sean Paul at least had when they combined hip-hop with reggae and dance. With Rich the Kid’s tacked-on, phoned-in (quite literally, it starts with him talking about someone calling him) non-presence of a verse, this just feels like a cluttered monstrosity of different minimalist genres that mesh together to create nothing but rubbish chart fodder. I’d say I expected better from everyone involved, but then I’d be kidding myself, and I don’t exactly believe Rich and Jax are even close to how talented Mabel is.
#39 – “Nevermind” – Dennis Lloyd
Wow, you guys just want to give me the bland, inoffensive schlock today, huh? This is Dennis Lloyd, guy with a moustache and a dream – except the moustache is the only thing he deserves to succeed. This dude has the least presence and charisma out of any singer I’ve covered here who doesn’t consider themselves a rapper, and the unnecessarily heavy bass, repetitive and boring hook melody, basically non-existent guitar strumming, weak and fake finger-snaps, the dreamy synths that add nothing at all to the song other than just making it more of a waste of time. This song is only two minutes and 36 seconds, and it’s 80% that simplistic, monotonous hook. I’d say it’s much of a muchness, but it’s not much of anything at all except that damned hook, which is repeated ad infinitum, like an earworm that develops into a full-on mantra that will haunt your nightmares. I mean, it’s not that bad, it’s just so lazily and sleep-inducingly awful that I have nothing to say about it other than the fact it’s snooze-worthy.
#36 – “APES**T” – The Carters (Beyoncé and JAY-Z) featuring Migos
Offset and Quavo don’t have verses. They just provide ad-libs. Biggest musical mistake of the year, probably! Offset would have killed this beat, and Takeoff isn’t even there at all. What’s the deal with that? They’d do better than Beyoncé, of all people, who is sloppily trying to stay on beat (why are we autotuning Queen Bey and letting her make trap-rap ad-libs again?). There’s also this really annoying synth in the beginning that Quavo just repeats “yeah” over, that’s kinda pointless. The pre-chorus from Bey is decent, but her verse just feels kind of boring, as does the hook, right before JAY-Z comes in to kill it like he nearly always does. It’s not incredible bar-wise, but it’s damn tight mainstream brag-rapping – sadly, he has barely any time on the track compared to his wife, as he desperately tries to get more words in edgeways during Beyoncé’s second verse, where he’s resorting to ad-libs behind Bey’s faster flow. Also, it’s kind of awesome that JAY-Z just disses anyone he can right now, because he can definitely get away with it. I don’t know, it’s just kind of cool how there’s no holds barred for him anymore.
It’s not a bad song by any means, but disappointing from three of my favourite urban and hip-hop artists right now – JAY-Z, Beyoncé and Migos. Speaking of Migos, actually, our next song is a much better example of a trap banger.
#34 – “Taste” – Tyga featuring Offset
I rated this a six out of 10 in a rate a few days ago and, well, I didn’t really want to give a paedophile and a homophobe any more credit, hence why I didn’t give it a seven, or even eight, but now, it’s grown on me so much that I can just say I kind of love this.
I love that vocal sample, with the vocalising sounding pretty great behind the subtle bass and piano loop, especially when the vocalist goes into his falsetto. Yeah, I don’t really believe what Tyga says about all his gang activity, because he’s not threatening at all, but when the beat cuts out, he has nice enough lines to make it not seem pointless and anti-climactic. Oh, yeah, and this hook? Catchy as hell. The whispering of “taste” is sensual and kind of creepy, but I frankly don’t care, especially when Offset comes in and kills it, once again – seriously, this dude’s great, and his flow and delivery is always so slick, and it’s proved here. Also, Tyga just sings a bunch of nonsense at some point and he somehow gets away with it because it leads into the chorus well and is apparently a reference to rapper A.E.’s catchphrase (thanks, Genius)? Yeah, while there are some questionable moments, this is a relaxed yet still exciting banger from the dude who made his album art a naked furry tiger lady monstrosity this same year and (Offset!), who apparently has access to pterodactyls, spaceships and Ric Flair (who he actually does have access to; he got him in a video more than once). Maybe that’s why I love Offset – for his goofy personality but how he confines it into such sweet, chill verses, kind of like MF DOOM. Sorry, I’m going off on a tangent, next song!
#32 – “Only You” – Cheat Codes and Little Mix
I was dreading the day I’d have to talk about both of these groups, because I really hate everything they’ve made. Little Mix are either infuriating, confusing or boring with fantastic singers, while Cheat Codes are bland but usually okay production-wise with an awful lead singer, so I guess it’s like the Chainsmokers collaborating with the Chainsmokers when they’ve got a featured singer.
Oh, yeah, this song? It sucks. It’s boring. It has some guitar strumming and simple synth bleeps but they mean nothing. All of the Mix singers are great, as always, but they feel wasted (once again, as always) here, because they don’t really get to burst too soon, which is what I like about their voices – when they belt, they can belt damn well, and I feel it’s just very underwhelming when instead, we get an ugly drop and harmonising from the Cheat Codes singer (in a falsetto at times) in the second verse, which just kind of hilariously proves the landslide in quality between people like Perrie Edwards and people like Trevor Dahl. It’s just kind of short and uninteresting, but what did I expect from Cheat Codes and Little Mix? Not much. Not much at all.
Best of the Week goes to Tyga and Offset for “Taste”, with Honourable Mention not being served, rather a double Dishonourable Mention: “Ring Ring” by Jax Jones, Mabel and Rich the Kid, tied with “Only You” by Cheat Codes and Little Mix. Worst of the Week easily goes to Dennis Lloyd for “Nevermind”. Knowing my luck, that’s going to be a hit. Delightful. See you next week.
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for24k · 7 years
MOIM Interview with Soo
Hello, Soo! Congratulations on the release of your first solo album on December 22nd!! I want to use this interview to with Soo, who’s taken his first steps as a solo artist, and to have him answer various questions and an album introduction for Naver Music
Q1: Could you tell us about the title song “Sweet Lie” which is also the album title and self-composed!
A1: Sweet Lie is a really heartbreaking farewell song. It tells the story of someone who once really loved but had to say goodbye. I wrote this song about a man who still loves a woman, in the lyrics, there are lyrics that say “Stay with me/Even if you’re lying”, it shows the heart of a man who wants to hold on to the woman who left. 
Q2: The main title song, “Sweet Lie”, was a mournful ballad, but what about the sub-title song “To The Stars”?
A2: “To The Stars” is a really warm and sweet song unlike “Sweet Lie”. It is a story between a couple who secretly love each other, the man is a shy person who gains the courage to confesses to a woman and go see the stars. The guitar sound is very impressive, the sound of the guitar represent the way the stars twinkle~ This song is recommended for people who like a song with simple and powerful emotion!
Q3: This is your first solo album and you were involved in all of the songs, what do you usually get inspiration from for your lyrics and compositions? 
A3: When writing/composing it usually comes from my own experience.  It’s like writing/composing a song based on things I had experienced myself or stories I had heard from friends around me. On this album, I wrote a song called “Goodnight” from the things I saw and felt in my dreams. Haha…
Q4: Although you may have love for all the songs from participating in the writing/composition, which song do you like the most among them?
A4: As you said, they were all from my first solo album and I care about all of them, they are all precious songs. But if I have to pick one of them I think I am most attached to the 4th track “The Two of Us”. It’s the first song I’ve written and composed, I wrote it while thinking about my mom who is precious to me. “The Two of Us” can also mean “You and I, a Lifetime Together”. *My mother's name is "Lee Doori", which is also in the title that includes mother itself "My Mother, the Two of Us”. I'm very attached to the song because it has many meanings.
*(t/n: Lee Doori (이둘이) and the two of us (우리 둘이)
Q5: If you have any anecdotes from your album preparation, please let us know.
A5: I remember when I was shooting the "Sweet Lie" music video, it was a really cold day. The temperature dropped down to five or ten degrees, all the staff and I had a hard time being in the cold. During the video shoot, the most memorable scene for me was brushing my teeth. When I heard "You're going to have a scene where you brush your teeth", I thought I could easily get through it. But there was a lot of NGs, I think I brushed my teeth around 20 times. I remember having a lot of pain in my mouth afterwards.
Q6: Every Wednesday, official SNS is receiving a lot of attention because of “Wednesday Song” where videos are uploaded of you covering songs of other artists, what are your future plans for “Wednesday Song”?
A6: I've been so busy preparing the album lately, I feel sorry that I haven't been able to show you well. I plan to continue "Wednesday Song" and share them with a lot of people. To be honest, the videos have meaning, I think they show my growth. I want to show myself, my supporters, my friends, people who just know me, I would like to show them that I have grown with this process and these challenges. I plan to go as long as I have the time and opportunity to do so. Please give me support and cheer a lot!
Q7: Lastly, please say goodbye to Naver Music and tell us your future plans and activities.
A7: I’m truly grateful to Naver Music and everyone who supports me. This is only the beginning. My voice may be well liked by some and not by others but I will work hard to be a good singer with heartfelt songs. Please keep an eye out for Soo and show your support.
One more thing! The celebration for my first solo album release will be held on Friday, January 5, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at Red Big Space in Hongdae. To give a good show, I am preparing not only the songs of my first album but various other songs and events, I want it to be a warm and meaningful performance ~ Until now this has been Soo. Please show “Sweet Lie” a lot of love ~~ !!
interview ©    translated by for24k take out with full credits *may contain inaccuracies! 
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tatsie-kun · 7 years
Purple Sky: Versailles Interview
Versailles: Of Metal and Roses By Sarah Dworken Translated by Koichi Makiuchi From Purple Sky, Winter ‘08 Transcription by Tatsie-kun
Though it's easy to get stuck on their eighteenth century French aristocrat image, don't let the ruffles, flaxen locks, and love for roses fool you. Versailles is a band that cares deeply about their music. 
Behind their elegant, gothic exterior, the band is dedicated towards standing out sonically and combining their multi-faceted talents with years of experience in music with other bands. The result is a promising new band with high hopes for the future both in and outside Japan. Even though they debuted as a band this year in June, the individual members are no novices. With two strong leaders, Kamijo (ex-Lareine) on vocals and Hizaki (HIZAKI Grace Project) on guitar, Versailles commands a strong presence. The group is rounded out with the ever-friendly Teru on guitar, the elegant Jasmine You on bass, and the silently mysterious Yuki on drums. In addition, the band has the knowledge and skills to promote what they consider the ideal form of musical expression; Versailles pop. We got a chance to sit down with Versailles for a very candid, insightful interview, not just about the band and it's future overseas, but also about the Visual-Kei industry, human emotion, and even a little amateur magic.
Purple Sky (pS): First of all, thank you so much for coming here and meeting with us. I know you have very busy schedules and I really appreciate it.
Everyone: It's our pleasure.
pS: Congratulations on the release of your new album, Lyrical Sympathy.
Everyone: Thank you.
pS: Could you say a few words about how you feel about your new album?
Kamijo (Ka): Even though it's our first album, we put so much spirit and work into it.
pS: I can really tell you put your heart and soul into it. Is there anything else you can say about it?
Everyone: (laughs)
Hizaki (Hi): It's a really good start even though it's our first album. We worked so hard for it.
Jasmine You (Jy): We started by releasing a DVD and then put it all together with a compilation album. Now we're releasing a new album.
pS: Is that the typical process to release it in that order?
Ka: We started with a DVD album because people use their eyes and other senses, right? Releasing it that way is something unique we came up with.
pS: You're all veterans in Visual-Kei. For example, Kamijo, you were in the very famous Lareine. How have you brought these previous experiences in other bands together to become Versailles?
Ka: Last year Hizaki and I started thinking about this band and we gathered our final members. Now that we've gotten together I think we have a better band than before. I think these are the best members of any band any of us have had.
pS: Why did you choose to call the band Versailles?
Everyone: (looks at Hizaki)
Hi: The name Versailles was there at the beginning. We started calling ourselves that and, as the music process continued, we just got used to it. It's really the only name we could think of. It just fit.
pS: That's really poetic.
Hi: (laughs)
pS: Let's talk about the new album a little bit. Lyrical Sympathy has a lot of string ensembles, piano and even brass. I was wondering if any of you were classically trained.
Ka: We are really interested in classical music. Hizaki and I are the core classical lovers. My grand mother and mother used to play the keyboards, so I already had influences from there. That's the reason why I have an interest in classical music.
pS: Anyone else?
Yuki (Yu): I'm really a hardcore rock lover.
Jy: I'm actually a magician.
pS: Can you show us a trick?
Jy: Well I haven't prepared anything but... (Jasmine You performs a little trick involving flicking an elastic band from one finger to the other)
pS: Oh! Very nice!
Jy: Thank you.
pS: Anyway, Lyrical Sympathy is a really emotional album. What sort of feelings were you thinking of throughout the album?
Ka: I was really thinking a lot about the lyrics. The emotions came from there. While I was writing the words I was thinking about what emotions I wanted to express and what the story would be. It's about love, the love that humans cannot feel, something way beyond human comprehension. And, of course, the loneliness that accompanies it. All those natural feelings, I contemplate on these things very deeply.
pS: Without getting too specific did these emotions come from certain experiences?
Ka: What we feel is real. We're not making it up. We only create what we see.
pS: So they're very genuine lyrics. A lot of people can relate to them.
Ka: Basically, we want people to understand, but we don't want to ask more than that. I don't want people to think that I'm selfish. Yes, it's better for people to understand the lyrics.
pS: I'd like to ask you about your musical influences. We already talked about your classical influences, but what about from the rock world?
Ka: I was really inspired by movie soundtracks. Like Paul Mauriet and John Williams.
Yu: I really like Dream Theater.
Teru (Te): As for me, I really love melodic metal.
pS: I can hear that very much in your music.
Te: Oh? Thanks. Also, I really like symphonic metal.
pS: How do you incorporate all these influences into your songs? Do you feel that your experiences from listening to music help you to create music?
Ka: Well, I've been listening to John Williams for my whole life. My music is actually based on that too. When we incorporate all these different styles, this is what comes out.
Yu: I've worked with many different bands and those experiences have been my influence. My music is built on them.
Hi: While we're making music, I concentrate on the techniques I've learned over the years. I like to say I've gained experience through them. I've been basically following that method.
Ka: But I won't be influenced by any artist who might be my rival. On the contrary, I would like to influence them.
pS: Hizaki, you're still releasing solo material correct? How do you balance the two projects, the band and solo career?
Hi: Yes, I'm still doing solo work. Well, first of all, I do it because I'm trying to build up my skills. I'll concentrate on Versailles even though I'll be releasing a mini-album at the end of February.
pS: I'd like to talk a little bit about the power metal scene in Japan. Teru, you mentioned that you're a fan of melodic and symphonic metal, which is very closely related to power metal. But it seems that power metal is not as popular in Japan as it is in, say, Europe. Because of that, do you think you would consider playing in Europe?
Ka: It's more like we're always looking out towards the world. I think that our songs will be well received all over the world. It's not so much "power metal" as it is "Versailles metal" (laughs).
Hi: We're already considering playing live around the world.
pS: So does that mean there are plans to perform overseas?
Ka: Well, we're hoping to go to foreign countries. Japan has four seasons, right? Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. We're looking at Spring.
pS: I hear Texas is very lovely in Spring.
Ka: Yes, so is Japan (laughs). We're performing in Texas in May.
pS: The American fans will be very pleased.
Ka: We're planning on eating a lot while wearing those hats. The huge ones.
pS: The ten-gallon hats? Other than the Texan image, how would you describe the look of your PVs and the way you look?
Ka: I want the audience to decide what the image is. I want the audience to try to know what we're showing.
pS: People who are familiar with your style would say that it's a Visual-Kei take on the look of a French aristocrat. Do you think this type of image is just ingrained in the genre? What does the image mean to you?
Ka: Everybody in the band came up with the same image at the same time. We individually designed our costumes.
pS: So you do you music and design?
Jy: Yes we do.
pS: That's very impressive. Now if I can, I'd like to compare your type of music and the way it fits in with the image of the genre. If you look at the metal genre in Europe, it's really popular to have this hyper-masculine fantasy image: whips, leather, metal spikes. In Japan, it seems to be more about elegance. Is that the type of difference you want to make?
Ka: The main difference is definitely the vocals.
Yu: It's better not to think of the word "metal". There are all different genres.
Ka: Yeah, we can't really look at the genre. I like to think of our music as "Versailles pop" there's more to it than just the metal, in terms of music.
Jy: Everything in Visual-Kei, compared to the European metal, has to be beautiful. That's the main difference.
Te: That is the popular image, in terms of metal and Visual-Kei.
Ka: Japanese artists don't need to rely on the design of the CD jacket. Those others like to show off their costumes. But we need to show what's on the inside rather than the outside.
pS: Do you think the "pretty" or beautiful image is an advantage over the European bands. Does it make you stand out?
Ka: We hope that people will pay more attention to the music than our image.
pS: So it's music quality over visual quantity?
Ka: Not exactly. The most important thing is Versailles.
Everyone: (laughs)
pS: I think so too. Speaking of overseas, do you think you are gaining popularity with European and American fans of power metal? How do you feel about that?
Ka: Well, hm. We're happy that they can look past that image of European metal.
pS: How do you think the American audience will receive you? Visual-Kei is gaining popularity thanks to other bands that have toured in the United States. Your music seems to be slightly different from theirs, so how do you think that will affect the American fans?
Ka: We just want all the fans to be inspired by us. We don't ask for much more than that.
pS: Since other Japanese bands have performed in the United States, what sort of expectations do you have for going there?
Te: We want some sort of red carpet when we arrive at the concert hall.
pS: Well, I'll see what I can do.
Ka: And roses scattered on the carpet.
pS: Aside from that, how did you decide to perform in the United States?
Ka: I actually went to America once before, alone, for a convention. But now that I've been invited with a great band, I'm really happy to be able to go there.
pS: Can you tell me about your experience in the US?
Ka: It was a very interesting experience. In the audience there was someone with panties on their head. It's the kind of thing I don't really want. (laughs)
pS: I'm sorry. We Americans are weird.
Everyone: (laughs)
pS: What are you plans for the New Year?
Ka: Live only. We're going to do a live in the kabuki district.
pS: Do you have any advice for those who want to start their own bands?
Ka: Advice?
pS: Anything at all.
Yu: Work, work, and practice.
Te: Rest.
pS: That's boring. Say something more exciting.
Te: What? Ok. Party!
pS: What do you want for Christmas?
Jy: A new Cadillac.
pS: You're a big car fan? Do you have a Cadillac now? What type?
Jy: Yeah, but it's a secret.
Yu: I want lots of alcohol and plenty of time to drink that alcohol.
pS: Please try American alcohol when you go there.
Hi: Something for everybody.
Te: Sleep.
pS: After such a big release, you should sleep. Just please don't sleep during the lives.
Ka: America.
pS: That could be arranged.
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kreenieweenie · 7 years
Pinoy Akapela in 2017
Vocal group performance has persisted to be a style for the Filipino mainstream audiences to listen to, to watch, and eventually to imitate. It really has been more accessible for aspiring a cappella solo singers and groups to join in the loop, find their own tricks and knacks, and to truly just have fun and share what they have worked on -- may it be by simply arranging covers, sharing them online, or going as far as getting into tireless months of training and rehearsing to compete in local and international competitions. And what has probably generated such a bustling and astounding contemporary a cappella atmosphere in 2017 would be the independent labors of the unceasing up-and-coming groups to further accelerate in honing their craft; and their renown. Filipino morale in contemporary a cappella has just gotten ever lustrous this year. 
Here is an overview of some of the milestones achieved by these who have made this 2017 a remarkable one (based on my Manila-based radar, hehe), casting the affirming imprint that contemporary a cappella is also a Filipino thing:
Acapellago’s international and local stardom. The group has gone a long and exciting way, highlighting this 2017 with their First Prize and Audience awards at the Vokal Total 2017 International Festival in Graz, Austria. Beating other groups from Europe, their powerful repertoire includes their own arrangements of Ain’t No Other Man (Christina Aguilera, arr. by Happy), Conga (Gloria Estefan feat. Miami Soundmachine, arr. by Acapellago), Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift, arr. by Josh), and Queen of the Night (Whitney Houston/Lani Misalucha, arr. by Happy)
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(photo from Facebook)
The streak continued on with the group producing and launching singles under Viva Records Corporation. Their first single is Peroplano, joined a few months later by some Christmas songs which are now available on Spotify. Performances here and outside the country continued to grow in number, as well as their fans. Always trending with their video posts, Acapellago knows how to keep their music-making active and their audiences entertained, not forgotten. They have given pop and novelty a new (and challenging) style to be enjoyed, giving viewers their fun takes of Titibo-tibo by Moira dela Torre and Pasok mg Suki. The group closes the year with more recognition under their belt given by one of OPM’s sought after award-giving bodies, The Awit Awards: Best Vocal Arrangement for Stars are Aligned with Jimmy Marquez, The People’s Choice Award for Best Group Recording Artist, and the International Citation Award for their accomplishments at the Vokal Total A Cappella Competition in Graz. Awe-inspiring, Acapellago! More power to you, Mitch, Almond, Josh, Bogart, and Happy! 
Competitions not only help in finding the finest in the a cappella community, and giving the opportunity for groups to develop their skills. They also, on the surface, give contemporary a cappella an identity to be raved about. COMBI A CAPPELLA BATTLE NATION made this hype big this year, creating this riff-off type of battle ground for the finalists at the Trinoma Mall in Quezon City last October 21. Finalists include previous competition winners like Astrafellas (2016 Akapela Open Champion), ConChords (2016 Akapela Open 1st runner up), GVBS (2016 Akapela Open Finalist), Musikality, Music Beats, and The Playlist, whose some members have joined Akapela Open as well. The brand’s ambassadors Acapellago performed, including 2016′s winner, Phisix (Akapela Open Finalist). Confident and promising when it comes to musicianship and musicality, Jowin, Coleen, Nica, Jec and Val of ConChords, all students from the UP College of Music, took home the badge. They performed their arrangements of You Give Love a Bad Name (Bon Jovi), Greedy (Ariana Grande, arr. by Lancelle Nantes), and a Moana Medley. GVBS came in 2nd, and Astrafellas came in 3rd. 
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(photo from Combi-Nation)
Another competition that featured the current performance practice of popular a cappella singing sans the use of individual microphones would be the MBC National Choral Competition. Aside from their performance of a folk piece and the contest piece (by The CompanY's Moy Ortiz), part of each finalist’s repertoire must contain a “novelty performance” -- that is, having each choir’s own arrangement of a popular song or a medley of songs, complete with choreography, without a conductor in the middle. 
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(photos from MBC National Choral Competition Facebook page)
The winners for the open category are Coro Obcento (Grand Champion) followed by the Oratory Boys Chorus, Tarlac Chamber Choir, and South Cotabato Chorale. Original tunes such as from the likes of Ricky Martin, Little Mix, Gwen Stefani, and Bon Jovi were heard in the competition, complete with exhilarating dance moves and even acrobatics. Flexibility and gusto in performing various styles of singing are really thrilling to know about our continuously evolving choral community! Mabuhay ang korong Pilipino! 
As I mentioned earlier, persistence is such a crucial key when it comes to making a difference, or pursuing another opportunity to having a breakthrough. Pinopela, the Baguio-based group who has been together since the beginning of the Akapela Open Competition in 2013, has continued to make the rounds in performing especially for corporate events. This year has been quite busier for the group, despite some changes in their membership, as they performed for local and foreign delegates in the various events of the ASEAN Summit. Capping off the year is their prestigious win at the Hongkong International A Cappella Contest, leading other performances from Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, and Mainland China. They bagged 2 awards - Best Presentation and the recognition as the Champion. Their repertoire includes Salute (Little Mix) and a Power Hits Medley which includes, Say You’ll Never Let Me Go, Uptown Funk, Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing, Hey Momma, Salute and Can’t Hold Us. These were arranged by the group’s resident arranger, Ryan Vincent Lamaroza. Congratulations and thank you for your will and courage, Pinopela!
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(photo from Facebook)
All male group Ten Thousand also went out of the country to compete at the 2017 Incheon Airport International Competition. Thank you for continuously representing the country and spreading our enthusiasm and presence in this field of performance! Just like being promoters of the Ricola brand through this jingle:
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PhiSix, another all-male group which was last year’s winner at the Combi Nation Vocal Battle, bagged the first prize at the 2017 ACaChamps in Singapore held in July. The group was followed in 2nd place by Ten Thousand, who also won Best in Vocal Percussion. Pinoys certainly have begun warming up overseas. Congratulations, guys!
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A lot of schools, universities and companies seem to have involved more intensified a cappella singing competitions in their events especially this past Christmas season. 
I might have missed out on other events where contemporary a cappella has been highlighted, so please let me know! :D
Here is a wishlist for the coming 2018 from our artists:
all original a cappella album/s
more all a cappella concerts
a local festival and a ‘camp’ of workshops for a cappella groups, arrangers, and composers for educational purposes
a solid organization or society for the community
and more surprises
Thank you to all the groups and individuals for pushing to share your passion for contemporary a cappella music making!
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Chapter ONE: We are just friends
Scene 1:
In front of P.L.Entertaiment Building,a lot of fans waiting for Mark Wang …
Mark’s car stops by theme. He steps out the car “oh, hey everyone! how was the party last night, did you have fun? “Mark asks his fans. (Fans screaming ) “ I think so “ waves to them “who will come to my fan meeting ?!” “me!!” Fans screamed “I remember you, I will see, okay have a good day and stay healthy!” . Next him Director Kim -his manager – “let’s go, we will be late “said to Mark,” okay, okay, I’m coming “ he enters by the door …
(Suddenly …)
“MARK…WANG…SHI…”Sunny stands in the hallway and she looks angry .
“I’m leaving “ he turns back .
“Did you did something wrong again ?!!” Dir.Kim asks
“bae! Just run! Save your life …”Carla to Mark
“Mark !” runs behind him to the second floor tries  to catch him .
“Just stop I can explain , look everyone watch !” Mark to sunny
“How dare you ?” Sunny grabs him from his hair
“someone help him !she would kill him ,Mark ~~ ,I’m coming “tries to protect him but she had kicked too .
“Yah ! Stupid girl , stop kicking my girl “ Mark screams on her face .
“I will kill you today ! A**h***!”
“STOP THAT NOW !” Mr park the CEO
Scene 2:
In the CEO office , everyone quite and waiting for his words , Sunny and Mark are sitting in front of his desk looking at the ground without saying anything . Next the door ,Dir Kim stands up and feels so scary ..
Then …he hits the desk with his both hands with an angry face” when …when you two will grow up ?all this roar and noise in my company was for a Pudding ! a fu**ing pudding!” Mr park said
“it wasn’t any Pudding , it’s a special Italian pudding ,it’s very expensive “ Sunny said a stupid comment
“and it’s delicious, specially when you add almond ,emm.. you can die for eat “ Mark added
“it’s my favorite ,b***h,I will kill you !!”
Starts fighting again …
“yah! I’m here ! Are you serious ?” Mr park sits on his chair “Do you wanna kill me guys ?, if I wasn’t know you for ten years , I might think that one of my enemies sends you to destroy me or are you ?!” he takes off his jacket .
“Are you okay sir ?”Dir Kim .
“can you leave and let us alone for a moment ?”Mr park asks
“Ah?  ..yeah yeah of course sir” he left
(the silent backs again…)
Mark looks at him “Mr park …did you sleep?!!”
He stands up , Mark feels scary “Mr Mark …” he puts both hands on Mark’s shoulders and looking at his neck …
“Mr park …what you are thinking about …? Mr park ? You are scared me …Sunny do something ! “Mark screams
“Mr park !there is a lot of times that I think of killing him but I realized that he really, really doesn’t deserve it “ Sunny tries to help …
“yeah ,I don’t deserve it sir … Please forgive me …Sunny -ya!” he wants to cry “
“Mr park ! Please !” she tries to take off his hands …
“Mr Mark , can I ask you for something ? Please stop taking sunny stuff , I guess you earn enough to survive …” he turns head toward Sunny “Miss Sunny .. can you stop screaming around here and hitting people ,I guess this is an Idol company not a tornado’s field ,okay ?!���
“yes Sir ,I understand ,but… can you let him go ,he starts to turn blue “(talks about Mark )
He lets him go “yeah, you can leave now …”
They run to the door , by the time they leaving , they meet Miss Nana
“oh , why you are running stupid ? Why they did again ? Dir.Kim asks me to help them ..”
“Ah!! They will kill me !” Mr Park
“haha I remember the old day ,when they are on the stage the look like a real idols once they  meet each other they become kids again …(smile ) they never change )
They walk together in the hallway ,Sunny looks after him
“Are you okay ? Look at your neck “ Sunny said
“I still can’t breath correctly ,I think he was a killer before ? I saw ‏that in his eyes  “Mark
She hits him on his forehead “ what bullshit you talking about ?!”
“yah! Mark “Carla screams , Sunny puts her hands away from him .
“ I guess an other person here to kill you “sunny teases him
“Am I a wanted  or what ? Oh ! Carla what’s that on your face ? Who did that to you “ grabs her face and yelling .
“She did that “ pointed on Sunny , but she despaired “wh …? “
“this fool where she gone? “Mark
Sunny runs away then she stops ,smiles “ for people ,I’ m Sunny the POP SINGER, THE IDOL ,and NATION STAR …and he is Mark Wang the Rock solo singer , the BIRDS band main vocal … that’s how people look at us , but … for us , we are just Mark and Sunny , Just two stupid troublemakers trainees that grew up with each other for ten years …In life you may meet those great friends that would pay the fain for you to get out the jail , Or you will meet a lot of those good friends who would feel bad for you… but only one friend who will spend the night with you in the police office and tell you ‘ how fun is this’ and that is who we call it Best friend and for me Mark is my best friend and happy to have it “
(suddenly, someone grabs her from back )
“ I catch you b***h ! You still slowly Panda !” Mark said , she bite his hand “ahhh!”
“ let me go Brownie !” Sunny runs away
“ he runs after her for what she did to me but… why I feel jealous right now ,yah!! Stop calling each other with nicknames, he is not Brownie ,his my Mark !!”Carla said with an angry voice “I need to see my doctor “
Scene 4:
Sunny goes into the changing room with two bottles of juice “eh..Carla-shi”(talks formally ) gives her the bottle .
“Carla-shi ?!! Okay let me believe it , yes Sunny shi !” Carla
“ What that on your face ?I mean are you okay ?” Sunny asked with a smile on her face
“Do I look like ?Carla pointed on her face
“ yah, Carla shi ,we are friends , don’t be like that (she still looks angry ) I’m sorry ,very sorry, can you forgive me ?! please please please “ acts cute .
“okay okay ,because of you Mark asked me for a date ,so … I forgive you “ Carla said
“really ! I’m so happy for you two (looks at her phone ) oh ! We will be late , go prepare the car and let me change my clothes , Sandra , where is it? My dress? Carla !! What you are waiting for ! Go! Go !”Sunny
“Carla ! Here we go again …”
Scene 5
“Unfortunately, our show comes to its end , I was very happy to be my guest again in this show “The Mc kitty said
“It’s my pleasure to be with my friend and meet my fans “ Sunny said
“before you leave us I want to ask for a last song from your new album “
(after the song …)
“ cut !you did a great job everyone !”the director
“good job everyone “Mc kitty said to the staff members , she notices that Sunny are leaving ,she follows her …”Miss Sunny ! “ Sunny stops “ Sorry if I was a little bit hard with you , you know that is my job “Mc Kitty tries to tease her
“ oh don’t worry you are not the unlovely person in my life “ Sunny smirked “ excuse me?!!” the MC “ your program will be the more researching in the website, so Congratulations for you ,but it was a rude action even from a person like you “ Sunny puts her Sunglasses and left …
“ What …a person like me …this Bi***” The MC phones rings “Hello, Tiffany …”
In the company Hallway….
“I’m sorry I swear ,I check all the questions ,they must change it after I read it  “ Carla tries to explain herself
Tiffany sets down from the steers and goes toward Sunny …
“I guess I know who changed the questions “ Sunny said “ah? who did that? “ Carla asks
“ oh Miss Sunny ..a long time right no see “ Tiffany smirks
“Miss Tiffany! Nice to see you !” Sunny teases her
“ I don’t see those days I guess your schedule too busy right ?!”
“ I think you know my schedule more than me you even change the questions to suite me , you really look after me very good “ Sunny with a smile on her face
“ I really don’t know what you are talking about but nice to see you again “ Tiffany said then left
“ how much I hate this girl !” Carla said
“ more than me ?! “ Sunny said when she was walking toward her changing room.. “ ah ? Where are you going ? “ Carla follows her
“ I wanna be alone  “ smiled then locked on herself in the room “ Ahh! “ she broke the mirror
“ oh my god !Sunny what’s going on ? Open the door ! Are you okay ? Sunny “ Carla worries about her
“ Carla what’s going on ? “ One of the manager asks
“ she was fine until she locked the door and started breaking the stuff around her , we should open the door and someone call the ambulance she sight be hurts herself “ Carla
“ I told you leave me alone I’m fine Carla !!!”Sunny
Girl from the staff talks to others “ she is upset after what the MC told her today in that program “
Girl2 “ so that’s must be right ! That’s why she never visit her family “
Girl3” I don’t know what you are talking about ?”
Girl1” today in Kitty’s Show I heard that she escaped from her hometown with some boy !”
Girl 3 “boy ? Who’s that boy ?”
Girl 2 “ I don’t know but also she is the reason behind her father death by someway “
Girl3” oh my!!”
Carla listened to all their conversation and felt really angry , she knocked the door “ Sunny ,please open the door and explain yourself don’t let stupid people said bullshit about you ,you make her look like a winner ,Sunny !open the f**** door !”
“ Just let me alone ,I beg you “ Sunny replies
“the only one who can make her go out is Mark , he used to be next her every time she needed him but now …” one of the girls said
They are looking at Carla …
She heard them but she stays looking at the door , she opens her phone trying to call Mark but she stops for a moment …. Then locks the phone …knocks again on the door “Sunny , please open the door “
“ thank you for coming with me to have a drink “Sunny said
“It’s okay , I just wonder why you ask me to come with you…I mean you have friends ?!”Carla
“ I have friends ?!! Hahaha (laughs) you are so fun …may be … it’s good that I brought you with me ..”Sunny
“ I don’t understand you ?!”Carla
“oh it’s my bad sorry (can’t stop laughing) sorry but you made me laugh  so that’s why Mark dating you “ Sunny too drunk can’t control herself
“ I guess you should go to your home “ Carla feels angry
Sunny don’t listen to Carla and keeps talking “ maybe I had some friends … but … like everything in my life I lost them …(laugh and tears on her eyes ) the funny thing my friend kick my ass today …and my hater (pointed at Carla ) drink with me …how funny this life”
“ I think you are too drunk I will take you to your dorm tomorrow move to your house “ Carla stands up
“ Do you think I’m a bad daughter like the MC said “ Sunny asks
“ I don’t know anything about that but people said bad staff about others so we will not  notice how bad they really are ...you may look so cold to people and I couldn’t love even when I try to but that doesn’t mean you are a bad girl “Carla said
Sunny smiles , walks to Carla ….then she falls between her arms
“Sunny ! Ah? Sunny ! Wake up wake up , what I have to do ? “Carla shocked “ What I have to do ? Should I take her to her hospital  ?”
“ Just take me… home …please “Sunny half awake
“ but I don’t know where is it ?!!” Carla feels lost ,she thinks a little bit, she calls for someone “Hello?”
End of Chapter
please give me your opinion ^^ and if you like it share it with your friends 
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deadcactuswalking · 5 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 6th October 2019
Now it may not seem like a busy week to cover today since we have barely three new arrivals this week, but it is a pretty important one as I think we’ve finally reached the Winter season in terms of our UK Top 40 chart, with new hits that debuted during the Autumn season becoming smash hits and potential success are just now starting to gain traction. This should be most evident in our top 10.
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Top 10
We finally have a new #1 this week and it’s exactly the song I predicted would reach this spot last week, Tones and I’s first #1 hit on the UK Singles Chart, “Dance Monkey”, up six spots from last week to reach this spot. In my opinion, the song’s relatively underwhelming and is just okay, but congratulations to Tones and I for her first #1 hit regardless, although without another hit bubbling under this song or even on the rise, I do have doubts about her future longevity on the singles chart... but we’ll see.
Another potential #1 hit from a new and unexpected artist is “Ride It” by DJ Regard, up three spaces to number-two, featuring a heavily-remixed vocal sample of Jay Sean. I really hope this hits the top but “Dance Monkey” is incredibly dominant right now so time will tell.
When I said change is most evident in the top ten, maybe I should have said top two as the highest songs in the chart are still pretty stagnant right now, although most of it has increased in its chart performance thanks to the collapse of last week’s #1. “Ladbroke Grove” by AJ Tracey is up a spot to number-three.
At number-four, we have “Taste (Make it Shake)” by Aitch down two spots from last week. Its longevity still surprises and impresses me.
Also down two positions from last week is “Higher Love” by Kygo and the late Whitney Houston at number-five, unfortunately making me quite doubtful for its chance to hit #1 as I expected.
Interesting, “Circles” by Post Malone has rebounded three spaces up to number-six.
“Sorry” by Joel Corry featuring uncredited vocals from Hayley May is somehow still here, down only a single space to number-seven.
Dominic Fike’s “3 Nights” isn’t moving at number-eight.
Re-peaking at number-nine is “Strike a Pose” by Young T & Bugsey with Aitch, up a position from last week.
Finally, rounding off our top 10 is Lil Tecca, with “RAN$OM”, up one space to #10.
There are very few climbers here and what few songs there are that climbed are either irrelevant and not notable or just plain bad, with “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi inexplicably returning to the top 20, jumping five spots up to #19, fitting tightly into both of those categories pretty well. Thanks to a music video release, Aitch’s “Buss Down” featuring ZieZie is also up 10 spaces to #25, amongst “God is a Dancer” by Tiesto and Mabel grooving up four chart positions off of the debut to #33, which means this may as well become a hit, and I am not pleased about that prospect at all.
We have a couple spoonfuls of fallers here though and a quite a bit more than the gains as this has been one of many cool-down weeks recently on the UK Top 40 Singles Chart, especially recently where we have undergone a week without a single new arrival (Although this is not the case for this week, I feel I should clarify, as we have three to discuss). Those fallers, from reverse order, are: “Wiley Flow” by Stormzy down a whopping 17 spaces to #39, “Lalala” by Y2K and bbno$ knocking back down after a surge last week, down six to #38, the underperforming “boyfriend” by Social House featuring Ariana Grande down five to #34, “Harder” by Jax Jones featuring Bebe Rexha is down six to #32, “Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee from the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse soundtrack is down four to #31, “Senorita” by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello is also down four to #24, “Goodbyes” by Post Malone featuring Young Thug takes a five-space hit to #23, “Don’t Call Me Angel” by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey from the Charlie’s Angels soundtrack is down six to #18, only TWO weeks after its debut at #2, and finally, evidently thanks to streaming cuts that would damage British rap heavily, “Take Me Back to London” by Ed Sheeran featuring Stormzy and remixed by Sir Spyro featuring Aitch and Jaykae, is down 12 spaces to #13, after its sixth week at #1, which is a pretty big drop but far from the biggest drop from #1.
Dropouts & Returning Entries
Lewis Capaldi is pushing “Bruises” as his next single, which is fine, and complimented with a video meant it returned to #11 on this week’s chart, however the BBC website claims that the song is by Lil Tecca and has an amateur cover art that looks very much NOT like either Tecca or Lewis Capaldi, but does remind me of Blueface’s original “Thotiana” artwork, despite the man on the cover not looking like Blueface at all. Huh.
In terms of drop-outs we actually have quite a few important exits, such as “I Don’t Care” by Ed Sheeran featuring Justin Bieber dropping out finally from #34 and even “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus out from #36, as well as “Location” by Dave featuring Burna Boy once again dropping out from #39. Oh, yeah, and “Sounds of the Skeng” by Stormzy is out from #40 but it’ll probably be back soon.
#40 – “South of the Border” – Ed Sheeran featuring Camila Cabello and Cardi B
Produced  by Ed Sheeran, Fred Gibson and Steve Mac – Peaked at #7 in Finland and #53 in the US
Ed Sheeran has released another single from his No. 6 Collaborations Project as soon as “Take Me Back to London” fell off the #1, perhaps in an attempt to attract more US success with Cardi and Cabello’s contributions, and it comes with a video, and it’s Ed Sheeran’s 41st UK Top 40 hit (which is insane), and  it’s Camila Cabello’s 11th UK Top 40 hit, and it’s Cardi B’s 11th too, and it’s not worth your time... at all. The pathetic Latin guitar compared with some MIDI-ass flute makes for a pretty generic tropical house beat from 2015, so making Ed Sheeran sing about bilingual sex over it doesn’t exactly scream for the best combination and yeah, it’s awful. “Come south of the border with me”? Jesus Christ. Camila Cabello is barely keeping words in to fit the meter, and her squealing triplet flow is intensely annoying, which is unfortunate because I do like her “rrrr!” ad-libs and the melody in the chorus, while not particularly innovative, is catchy. Cardi B exists here too, and her verse sounds like Wiz Khalifa on “Payphone”, with just as much as empty space yet a tad more actual rhyme. Her last line here about dropping babies and albums but never dropping the ball was kind of cool though. Otherwise, yeah, this is worthless.
#37 – “Turn Me On” – Riton and Oliver Heldens featuring Vula
Produced by Riton and Oliver Heldens
Who and who featuring who? Good question, let’s go through them. Riton is an English Grammy-nominated house producer with a close working relationship with Mark Ronson, who actually had his song “Rinse & Repeat” with Kah-lo peak at #13 back in 2016, meaning this is his second UK Top 40 hit. Oliver Heldens is probably the biggest artist here, as he released the massive hit “Gecko (Overdrive)” with Becky Hill that debuted at #1 way back in 2014, becoming the last sales-only UK #1. It also had a really strange music video. He had a two other hits in 2014 and 2016, including the #5 hit “Last All Night (Koala)” with KStewart, but since 2016’s “The Right Song” with Tiesto and Natalie La Rose, the well ran dry for Heldens until 2019, where he both collaborated with Nile Rodgers and made this song. I’m pretty sure this Zula guy is Ledri Zula, who has had a couple minor EDM successes in the past solo and with G4SHI, but he doesn’t have a chart history of even Wikipedia page. I may be completely wrong about that by the way, so I’ll edit that in later if I am (Edit: Ledri Zula’s a dude, this singer sounds like a woman. I think I’m wrong). Regardless, it’s Riton’s second UK Top 40 hit, Heldens’ fourth and Zula’s first. An interesting fact about this song is its sample of “Don’t Go” by Yazoo, which was a worldwide hit in 1982. Yazoo themselves are a duo of Alison Moyet and Vince Clarke of Depeche Mode, and from what I’ve heard, they’re pretty good, with “Don’t Go” having a particularly memorable synth riff that even those who have never heard of the song or Yazoo will know, mostly because it’s featured in the film Tango & Cash, as well as Grand Theft Auto and Dance Dance Revolution... and a Family Guy episode, which is where I vaguely recalled it from, which is kind of sad. Ritton and Heldens incorporate the synth riff as a replacement of the vocaloid drop of sorts... oh, yeah, and the song’s pretty good. I’m not usually a fan of the derivative house-pop that appears on the charts ever so often by acts like Sigala and Jax Jones but I’m not going to lie: that synth riff bangs in any context, especially with the plodding bassline behind it. Vula’s vocals are pretty sweet and include a lot of necessary sass to ride the groove here, and that’s all I can say really. I can see this shrinking on me because it could grow annoying but for now, this is pretty cool. Check it out.
#21 – “Playing for Keeps” – D-Block Europe featuring Dave
Produced by ???
Ah, D-Block Europe, back again, once again collaborating with a rapper who’s definitely of slightly high calibre, although keeping it local with Dave instead of Lil Baby like last time. Now it might seem like I really hate these guys but I actually love whenever these guys show up because they just give me all of the ammo themselves. I don’t need to make any observations because they’re so blatantly awful in a way I never need to analyse... hence I overanalyse. On the surface level this is just pretty generic British melodic trap-rap but once you dig into the lyrics of their 28-song long album that debuted at #4 this week on the albums chart, you really get into the D-Block Europe lore. Yeah, no, but this is D-Block Europe’s fifth top 40 hit on the chart and Dave’s 14th, and well, I think they might perhaps be improving as this isn’t that bad of a song, at least in comparison to last week’s confusing trainwreck that was “Nookie” with Lil Baby, with a vague, minimalistic guitar-lead beat produced by... someone. Although the vocals do come in incredibly abruptly after what sounds an avant-garde sound collage intro, with a pre-chorus that just... shrivels up into itself for one measure before the beat comes back and it just sounds really odd. Young Adz’s flow is melodic and could sound better if the beat was either competent or equally melodic as there’s barely another instrument here that isn’t an 808 or a drum. Dave sounds... stilted, as he really can’t translate his style to this beat. He also sounds jarring against Dirtbike LB who is really quiet in the mix and also in the unconfident sense, with a pretty non-existent flow, in fact, he might have the worst verse here, but overall, this is a really dreary single, it’s really dull and I’m honestly disputing the fact that it exists.
Oh, yeah, it’s D-Block Europe, so let’s talk about some of the worst lyrics here, except Young Adz doesn’t deliver the awful lyrics this time. In fact, his verse is probably the best here, with a pretty fun opening line:
.44 bells, you can’t go to war with a stun gun / We all spilt blood for these cunch-blocks, hella dumb-dumbs
If you’re wondering what “cunch-block” means, it literally means “D-block”, as in places where they sold drugs. Although he ends the verse with a misguided attempt at being intimidating, which was abandoned soon after.
When you catch a case or you go to jail, they’ll never miss you / Broski, I love you like cooked food, swear on mummy, I’ll never diss you
“I love you like cooked food” is about as sweet as “I love you like a fat kid loves cake”. Dave sounds really awkward here as well, and his usually fast-paced yet bluntly delivered flow allows for the nonsensical or cringeworthy puns to be a lot more digestible, but here, he slows down and the inexplicable wordplay is just... confusing.
I’m in D2, that’s Dan on deen, nothing to do with a mosque
Huh? Also, is Dirtbike LB okay? Like, Young Adz doesn’t exactly sound ecstatic but LB’s verse here is delivered in the saddest way imaginable and his lyrics aren’t happy at all, in fact, his verse sounds the worst but you could argue he has the best content here.
Scars all over my body like I went to war with the devil himself / I have a [gnarly dude] put one in your head, have your neighbours say, “Get him some help!” / Hard to be focused and righteous when you feel like you’re living in Hell / Just put a brick on the scales, wish me well
This is actually a good half of the verse and while short, it’s quite poignant, it’s just that the first half is this:
Girl, I waited all night just to taste this / Tell the truth, I’m faded
Sigh... never change, D-Block. Never change. Also, why the hell is the video for this over nine minutes?
You know what? I’ll give the benefit of me not expecting anything at all of quality to D-Block Europe, as they’re somehow staying safe and not gaining the title of Worst of the Week, as that’s going to Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello and Cardi B for the waste of time that is “South of the Border”, and I guess Best of the Week has to go to the nobodies with the relatively decent song, as Riton, Oliver Heldens and the Vula who I still don’t have a face to match with, get it for “Turn Me On”. You’re lucky that Yazoo let you clear that sample. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank and I’ll see you next week!
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