#congrats on being a shit person
Arn seeing Timie on the street: aw what acute lil guy sure hope he isn't tormented!
Bro absolutely messed up, wanted to be a good boy and help someone because this mirrors shit that happened to him but instead found out that Timie is filled with 10thousand problems and somehow knows Arn to a weird degree withought ever really talking to him and he cant...figure out why..... can you really meet someone in a dream?
And now poor Arnold got a little guy that wants to cling onto him when they're sad
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Why do i keep getting so many people on my blog who hate Alastor
Like yes im an Angel simp first, but we love and adore Alastor in this house.
If your argument is gonna be something about how "bad a person" he is i hate to inform you of this, but this enitre cast is made of bad people. Yes even the ones you've aggressively labeled "uwu baby whos done nothing wrong" in your head.
Angel was in the mafia. He's killed people. Many people. In horrible ways, if typical mafia killings are any indication.
Husk was an overlord. You do not become an overlord by being a cool, nice guy. He was powerful enough for Alastor to see as a threat. He owned who knows how many souls.
Vaggie killed god knows how many sinners in cold blood.
I could go on.
Your weird fandom purity bs ain't gonna fly here. All your faves (besides maybe Charlie) have committed a horrific act in some way or another. Drawing arbitrary lines in the sand about which sins are "okay and acceptable" and which ones are "irredeemable" is stupid. You are pulling the same shit that Heaven is. The entire point of this series is that people can change if they try. The POINT is to see all these people who've done fucked up shit and see them as the humans they are. To understand people do awful things for a lot of reasons. It doesn't make them beyond help.
They have to WANT help. They have to WANT to change, but they can.
Like im begging yall to use your critical thinking here. If you can't do that, this show isn't for you. You are missing the goddamn point.
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stelly38 · 6 months
Am I imagining things and overreacting, or does it feel like life in 2024 america is just an endless exercise in trying not to get fucked? (Not in the good way). And I don’t mean just rules and regulations and guidelines and fine print and tests, but even in buying things, it’s never just cut and dried anymore… there are clubs! And points! And savings! And membership cards! And apps! And purchase insurance! And regular insurance! And automatic renewal! And records portals! And it’s all designed to make everything easier, but it doesn’t. It just adds multiple layers of complexity, and multiple layers of fines and fees and charges.
Example: Grocery shopping. Of course you don’t want the fucking grocery store to have your personal information, but you get special pricing if you enroll in their coupon club, and there’s a visible savings at the register if you join. So you do. But, damn, shit’s expensive one way or the other. Then you see a really good deal on strawberries, so you buy a couple packages, expecting them to be the advertised price of $2.99 each. They ring up at $5.99 each. You point out that the price is wrong. No, says the girl, that’s our cyber sale. Yeah, I have your club card, you say. No, she says, this is a different club you have to enroll in. So basically, there are three tiers of pricing now: wealthy, working class, and poverty.
Example: very few female adults over a certain age have just one doctor. Maybe you see different kinds of docs that don’t all belong to the same hospital or whatever…. Each office wants you to enroll in their online chart program. Maybe you have 3 or 4 different ones. Why should I do this?, you ask. Oh, because it makes it so much easier for you to contact the office, get test results, let your doctor access your history, etc. oh, ok. So you enroll. But your doctor (the same one you’ve been seeing for years) can’t remember what you’re being treated for, and has to ask you. She can’t even remember what you do for a living, which has a direct connection to one of the issues you’re having. On top of all that, their online records system gets hacked and you get a letter stating you’re eligible for a class action lawsuit, and if you win, you’ll get approximately $24.36 to soothe your pain. I mean, is this better? Is this progress? Is this considered high quality patient care?
But one way or another, you know you’re going to get fucked, whether you enroll in the club or not; whether you sign up for points or not; whether you fill out the automatic whatever or not; whether you opt into the insurance or not… you just can’t win. Until you’re dead. Those are the real winners, because they’re fucking done.
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batsplat · 4 months
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deeply compelled by this photo
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
Thinking About Sunnyyyy not even sexy im just pondering his issues [under cut for all kinds of abuse & trauma & mental issues & shit]
even after everything his dad put him through. being abusive & neglectful to him his whole childhood esp after his mom died, deliberately almost letting him die, telling him flat out from a young age that he didnt want him and outwardly favoring his siblings, saying endless awful things to him about his disabilities & his sickliness & his sexuality, essentially disowning him & refusing any of sunnys attempts to be friendly to him, making him feel like an unlovable burden from the day he was born, etc . sunny is way too forgiving & would make up with him in a heartbeat if he had the chance. if his dad was ever like Alright. I Change My Mind About You. You Can Be My Son. he would totally just throw the past behind him & embrace him fully. he wants his dads love so bad he would accept it even if he knew it was fake as hell. i think its the #2 thing he wants most in the world, #1 being his mom back
& like his adhd is a big part of why hes so sensitive & afraid of rejection but part of it also is that deep down hes convinced its his fault his dad was so awful to him & hes afraid his friends partners etc will and/or do feel the same way & hes afraid that hes just fundamentally bad & unlikable. even tho he knows hes superficially cute & charming & charismatic hes afraid that anyone who gets too close will start to see whatever his dad saw & get tired of him. this does not stop him from forming relationships with his whole heart but it Does make him worry about it. hes good at hiding these feelings tho he doesnt wanna worry anybody & he knows its not fair to his friends to project that insecurity onto them (even tho talking about it would probably help) so he pretty much just keeps it bottled up. he will get therapy someday
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ocdhuacheng · 1 year
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Literally the worst fucking post made about the new chapter like how are you so wrong and mean about this literal suicidal teenage girl just because she’s grossed out by sex (a very common teenage girl opinion)
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thegetdownrebooter · 2 years
apparently noah schnapp came out ? good for him.
btw don't give him the "we been knew" treatment.
I know some y'all are chronically online losers who don't see entertainers as real human beings, but i'm begging y'all to just say "congrats" and move on.
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
It still absolutely blows my mind that there's like.... Fucking British people who can't wrap their mind around the fact that Americans haven't had control over their own government ever. Like Americans never agreed to bombings or coups, that shit was done without our approval. like we can't elect any high ranking members of our government without other high ranking members approval. Our president isn't even elected by us. It's elected by representatives that are held to no law to have to vote in the interest of the state's majority. That's why there's the popular vote and the electorial vote and that's how we got trump. he lost the popular vote to Hillary with 3 million+ votes, how is that fair? We also didn't elect our supreme court justices and those fuckers can sit up there till they die, halting progress because some of them were born in THE FUCKING 1940s.
Everytime I hear someone criticize American citizens for our government's actions, I have to remind people that: only rich people benefit, it's not widely known and none of us were ever asked or considered when that decision was made. Over 70% of the country wanted to keep abortion 100% legal yet the supreme court justices won't give us even basic healthcare. People are dieing from rationing insulin. Children are starving. We are on poverty wages at a time when you'd need almost triple that to survive. Every wave of inflation is manufactured. We live in corporation hell where the CEOs actively admit that it's more expensive for them to foster human life than exploit it so they'll keep doing that. Americans are not this ambivalent creatures who all blindly support and back up their government and it fucking shows. There's only one common ground shared by progressives and bigots in this country, we both hate our own government.
So before you go a type out what you think is an insightful post about living in the us, please take a moment to consider that the extreme wealth and wide spread approval of the harm of other countries are not things even remotely known by the wide public. That's why people constantly refer to the 1%.
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seilon · 2 years
@duchesscutlery 24.99 FOR CAT MEMES????????? WH. I DONT DESERVE THIS????THANK YOU
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Louis said at his show tonight that he's a bit of a stoner and he forgets things. He said at the show before that it was ironic to forget lyrics during a song about weed. I personally don't have an issue with him smoking weed but I'm surprised that people are trying to diagnose him for ADHD over admitting that him forgetting lyrics could be due to him smoking too much weed. He just as much said that.
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rosesradio · 2 years
ugh, i stumbled on the terf side of the byler fandom, gross
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dynamicks · 6 months
Bitches who dont make visual art themselves will speak on what can't be considered art
Are you stupid?
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batsplat · 2 months
hello, love your blog! it’s so fucking funny how you’re a lesbian motogp blogger who is into buffy, bc hey that’s me too but actually I first encountered your blog bc of your smallville posts. not to mention tennis (which I was only a very casual fan of thankfully afdhjkk)…….cool to know that there are several ppl like this apparently sgfhhjhjk.
anyways, buffy s6 is my beloved season and I like it for how dysfunctional it is. the only season I might like more is maybe s5. I am a spike fucker unforch
and as for motogp? sachsenring 2003 made me giggle. very embarrassing for you valentino. by 0.06 seconds??? and commentators made it worse by crowning him a winner before they even crossed the line. you just know if positions were reversed vale would capitalize so hard off this win, more ppl would be talking about it still. and well he did actually use that loss to reinvigorate himself. like valentino’s ability to make his wins (and losses too) narratively important is unparalleled. but regardless sete/vale rivalry is insane,
sadly only hot girls get it:(((
anon?? marry me??
such an incredibly funny overlap of interests sdfhjkdf well always nice to learn this is a Type Of Person who Exists. I love buffy season five!! I am very much a spike fucker!! undoubtedly one of THE great characters, him and buffy is one of those ships where I don't really seek out fics because it's like?? I'm actually thrilled with what canon gave me!! I love the slapstick, spike as a lovesick freak, the dark and toxic stuff where buffy used him as a way to punish herself, and all the more melancholic season 7 stuff where they found refuge in each other. spike is like. such a great Device to explore all kinds of emotions and themes and all that... so many of my all time fave eps are very much spike eps. love s2's school hard and halloween, s3's lovers walk, s4's something blue (also just like, so much of his s4 scenes, when they chain him up in the bathtub and against the chair and all that), s5's fool for love (!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of THE episodes, his 'death wish' monologue to buffy and then showing up wanting to kill her and ending up comforting her oh GOD), s6's life serial and doublemeat palace AND when buffy confesses to spike she was in heaven AND all their scenes in once more, with feeling, s7 the buffy/spike church scene.... spike's "all these years and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of" speech likeeeeee.... I get all the issues people have with that relationship and how it was written, I know it's not for everyone, and I don't even 'ship' them in the sense of thinking they belong together or whatever... but I just love it!! it compels me so much, did so when I first saw it and still does now!! and spike is such a FUN character, like they let him be pathetic, they let him be cool, and he's #gender enough that yeah he's very hot to me too. all those scenes where buffy's throwing him around,,,,, yes character of all time. just has a real place in my heart too idk like the emotional landscape really GETS me
sharp pivot to sachsenring 2003, which takes place a mere few months after the buffy finale......... that's as smooth a transition as I can manage yeah. thematic overlap between btvs and motogp question mark. the buffy x dawn dynamic is either a bit marc x alex or to a lesser extent vale x luca when u think about it? not just in the 'congrats you've spotted they're siblings' way, but well the siblings' respective statuses in the worlds of motogp & vampire slaying, and the older sibling often being 'prioritised' because they have a lot on their plates, younger siblings as a kind of way to keep them grounded and feeling human, also unconditional devotion to your younger sibling... plus actually all the death wish stuff, surely? the fool for love speech...
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btvs and motogp both very much about the ties you need to the world, I reckon... also sports is inherently adjacent to chosen one narratives
ANYWAY sachsenring 2003, I think every detail about it is perfect!! whatever valentino says, I still reckon there's just no way he couldn't have made a move before that - and implicitly he acknowledges that by saying he will never leave it that late again. idk there's just something so deeply charming about that specific flavour of valentino to me, where he's so obnoxiously good he can get away a little bit with basically scripting his races BUT obviously that's only okay when he still ends up being the one who wins. and he gets so much shit for it!! it's so funny listening to the brno commentary like they are on his ASS and they're saying the italian press has been on his ASS and calling him washed and finished and even the commentary is going 'yeah he's been having a rough season' and it's very??
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oh no! the horror!! what a flop!!
obviously in retrospect we remember it as a great season because after that he only lost one more race, but back then they didn't know that!! and at like. the perfect time of the season too, because obviously that's when you have to go off and Sit On It for the whole summer break and can't immediately redeem yourself.... but as you say, he used that!! it's part of his story now, it became such good fuel for motivation. like, the mistake itself is kinda.... I mean it's not great, but it's one of those things that also wouldn't be a massive issue if you did it five laps earlier? he basically just picks too defensive a line that ends up killing his drive out of the corner, allowing sete to beat him to the line. which - the bit that I imagine really got to him is how dumb it was. like it wasn't a riding mistake as much as it was a decision making mistake, it wasn't his race craft it was just a literal dumbass moment. it's silly!! it's both a moment that shows valentino was maybe a bit too cocky, but also kinda rattled by sete? that man got to him! he did it! he flapped the unflappable valentino rossi!
and it IS incredible how it's now not really Discussed any more, and in his autobiography it's so neatly integrated into his own narrative. like!! it's always the laguna 2008 and catalunya 2009 performances that get me - he knew those were going to be memorable victories IMMEDIATELY and he played to that!! kissing the corkscrew drives me insane because it's literally... he's doing this on the cooldown lap for something that happened LAP FOUR and wasn't technically the race winning move, or definitely not the only one!! but he immediately zeroed in on that element and his post-race narrative is unquestionably ONE of the reasons why that's something we all remember now. he gets it!!
the commentators did fuck him over though lmaoooo... I mean at least you have to say he learned from his mistakes. imagine losing a race by .06 and doing this in the very next race against the same guy
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bringing back this too
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it IS only the hot girls who get it but that's for the best....... only the select few can see the vision I fear
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futurefind · 10 months
//I think my favorite thing about Mara (besides her... everything<3) is just?? You look at her history and summary and how she describes herself and expect an ex-stick in the mud who was only good at following orders blindly and nothing else, not even learning
But then you have a random genuine question about this or that relating to Shinra or SOLDIER or even mako/materia (to say nothing of her being a gearhead and other miscellaneous information fonts) and she just casually recites the answer. She suddenly goes full formal and professional vocabulary, so maybe at first you think she's just reciting textbook or papers verbatim because that's all she's got but like... no, no she does understand, and that's why she reverts to such formal language when answering such questions/infodumping — because such precise vernacular and technical language is the best for getting such precise information conveyed across, especially to someone who's genuinely curious
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gregmarriage · 11 months
why are wheelchairs so expensive!!! i just wanna be able to leave my house!!!! i just wanna make my life easier, but noooooooo!!!
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bloodcritic · 1 year
Sorry but writing callouts for ppl when you were doing the same thing last year is weird
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