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S.A.R feu Albert 1er Prince de Monaco (Paris 1848 - Monaco 1922). Surnommé ''Le Prince savant'' ou ''Le Prince Navigateur''. Fondateur, en 1889, de l'Institut océanographique de Monaco et batisseur du Musée du même nom, Le Prince Albert 1er est également à l'origine de l'édification de l'Institut océanographique de Paris, rebaptisé en 2011, Maison des océans et de la biodiversité. Rarissime ouvrage provenant de la Bibliothèque personnelle de S.A.R feu le Prince Albert 1er de Monaco, portant sur sa tranche, le Monogramme Princier. Format 29cm x 23cm / 366 pages Ouvrage fortement illustré de 29 cartes lithographiées en couleur relatant l'Histoire du Continent Africain jusqu'à ....''l'action civilisatrice''.... perpétrée par Leopold II. De plus de son origine aussi prestigieuse qu'introuvable en dehors des murs du Palais Princier monégasque , cette édition de '' Héroïsme & Patriotisme des Belges'' édité en 1913 à Gand chez A.D. Herckenrath a été reliée par ''Dedoncker Frères au 99 rue Van Aa à Ixelles'', relieures du Roi Leopold II et de Bibliothèques. Excellent etat de conservation. Complet de ses 29 cartes et feuilles de couverture d'origine. #congohistory #histoireducongo #albert1erdemonaco #mediathequedemonaco #monaco #congobelge #muséedelafriquecentrale #bibliophile #bibliophiles #bibliophilia #bibliophilie #monacohistorique #monacohistoric #grimaldi #artafricain #arttribal #tribalart #tribalartlondon #bruneaf #livrerare #rarebooks
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Sounds of Legend (V) To see as a major Zande ethnographic and cultural piece, not as commercial objet. Most probably dating from the 18th century, this royal Zande horn for calling to war was brought back in Belgium in 1893 by Dr. Paul Briart, doctor of the Delcommune expedition between 1891 and 1893. It is one of the largest Zande war horn known to date and through the world. Originally, a skin and leaf cone of prolonged it to amplify the sound, and vary it according to the messages to be transmitted. It mesures 172 cm long, 15 cm diameter, for 11 kilos. It was mounted on a bronze foot by Paul Briart himself. Picture taken in-situ, inside the familial Dr. Briart's house. From estate inventory of the late Mrs. Lucienne Briart. #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #zande #azande #ivory #tribalartgallery #newyorkartgallery #dallasartgallery #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #laartgallery #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf #tefaf2019 #brusselsartfair #uele #tribalartlondon #ituri #masterpiece #masterpieces #tribalartfair #niamniam #bourgognetribalshow #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture https://www.instagram.com/p/BvT6FaPnbx0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5qi5r6yubwoi
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Souds of Legeng (V) To see as a major Zande ethnographic and cultural piece, not as commercial objet. Most probably dating from the 18th century, this royal Zande horn for calling to war was brought back in Belgium in 1893 by Dr. Paul Briart, doctor of the Delcommune expedition between 1891 and 1893. It is one of the largest Zande war horn known to date and through the world. Originally, a skin and leaf cone of prolonged it to amplify the sound, and vary it according to the messages to be transmitted. It mesures 172 cm long, 15 cm diameter, for 11 kilos. It was mounted on a bronze foot by Paul Briart himself. Picture taken in-situ, inside the familial Dr. Briart's house. (Private collection, M. K. not for sale.) Estate inventory of the late Mrs. Lucienne Briart (1909-2004). (ref: Sotheby's archives.) #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #zande #azande #ivory #tribalartgallery #newyorkartgallery #dallasartgallery #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #laartgallery #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf #tefaf2019 #brusselsartfair #uele #tribalartlondon #ituri #masterpieces #masterpiece #tribalartfair #ituri #bourgognetribalshow #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture #niamniam #congorepublic #drcongo #congordc (à Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvT3Js5n5F0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4qturvvm2pt9
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Congo DRC. Bakongo and Makere's terracottas. Early 20th century, circa 1900/1920 or older. Terracotta's ritual jugs for beer or palm wine. Most likely used for burials rituals and offerings to ancestors at ceremonies. Certainly Bakongo for 2 of them and Makere for the one with the 4 handles type. Very fine and stunning incisions pattern work. Collected in situ by parents of a Belgian family, who kept them till today. #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #bakongo #ethnicdecor #ethnicart #tribalartgallery #newyorkartgallery ##tribalarts #tribalart #terracotta #africanceramics #ceramics #congo #tribalartmagazine #pdm #paristribal #parcoursdesmondes #brafa #bruneaf #brusselsartfair #tribalartlondon #tribalartfair #bourgognetribalshow #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture #laartgallery #dallasartgallery #artofafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/BvB4jxrn6Fw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gwa5yvj5ajgq
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Giwoyo, funerary mask of Katundu area / chieftaincy. Turn of the XIXth to the XXth century, pre-repression period. The authentic giwoyo masks of the pre-repression period, such as this splendid example, are considered the rarest of the Pende corpus. Ref: Olbrecht ''Kongo Kunst'' 1946, pg.34, see the Emil Torday, collection 1909 for similar pre-repression example. Price upon request. Visible by appointment. Coming back from Paris, come to see it, I'm on the road to Paris / Brussels. (45 km before Brussels.) PS: Thank you for not confusing me with ''galerie de la Louve" in La Louvière, which sells mainly objects of African style and which have an essentially decorative character. Thank you. #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #pende #bapende #katundu #kasaï #tribalartgallery #newyorkartgallery #tshikapa #kasaioccidental #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf #tefaf #brusselsartfair #tribalartlondon #tribalmask #masterpieces #masterpiece #tribalarts #tribalartfair #bourgognetribalshow #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture #laartgallery #dallasartgallery https://www.instagram.com/p/ButVU9rnKiI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2527fl7h6vw7
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Shadow of a winter morning. (I) Ngaady a Maash Royal mask. Collected by Dr. Paul Briart during the Expedition Alexadre Delcommune, between 1891-1893. Preserved in the Briart Family since the collection by the Expedition A.Delcommune, until 2016. Estate inventory of the late Mrs. Lucienne Briart 2004. (ref: Sotheby's archives.) #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #kuba #bushong #kasaï #tribalartgallery #newyorkartgallery #bakuba #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #sankuru #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf #tefaf #brusselsartfair #tribalartlondon #tribalmask #sothebys #masterpieces #masterpiece #tribalarts #tribalartfair #bourgognetribalshow #mrac #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture #laartgallery https://www.instagram.com/p/BtalfwEFMo1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10hl5d43e4bm3
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Colors of Legends (V) Kuyu / Mbochi, schield, Republic of Congo. ~1880/1900. One of the most rarest shield of the African continent. Reason for what, they are very little known and not yet counterfeited… to date. The braiding is strongly impregnated with ritual organic matters and has an authentic shiny and intact patina. On 1984, the Chief of Kuyu-Gandza Antoinette Ehouli, a great initiate of Tsengui (Secret Society of Women Panthers), is photographed, by the cultural anthropologist Anne-Marie Bénézech, wearing her ceremonial clothes and showing her war shield, transmitted as an ancestral power staff, became a Regalia. Source: "THE DELAYED DISCOVERY OF KUYU OBJECTS", pg.6. by Madame, The Doctor in Cultural Anthropology Anne-Marie Bénézech, Published by the MEG, Ethnographic Museum of Geneva. POUPON Alfred Armand, "Ethnographic study of the kouyou tribe", Anthropologie, No. 29, 1918 - 1919. Also see the article in the excellent review "Tribal Art Magazine, No. 83, Spring 2017" pg.95. #artpremier #artpremiers #republiqueducongo #kuyu #mbochi #kouyou #congorepublic #newyorkartgallery #congohistory #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf2018 #tefaf #congoculture #congobrazzaville #tribalartgallery #tribalartfair #tribalartauction #africantreasures #africaculture #africanculture #sothonecklace #africahistory #masterpiece #masterpieces #tribalartsociety #bourgognetribalshow https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLUfY2n_YI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17my398yo8apj
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Colors of legends. #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #kuba #bushong #kasaï #kubaking #newyorkartgallery #bakuba #kubakingdom #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf2018 #tefaf2018 #brusselsart #tribalartlondon #tribal #tribalartgallery #masterpieces #masterpiece #tribalarts #tribalartfair #tribalartauction #mask #tribalmask https://www.instagram.com/p/BppbG-vn-dO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=174xueauhqmxw
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Sceptre d'autorité Kongo à très rare représentation féminine. XIXe siècle. Manche de chasse mouche Royal Kongo. Forte polis usuel brillant nacré et profonde patine miel ocre clair à foncé pour ce puissant et authentique regalia. Ex Collection Bodson (Liège), Ex Collection Clauwaert (Lasne), Collection Max K. depuis 2009. #artpremiers #tribalartlondon #bruneaf2018 #tribalartgallery #africahistory #kongo #bakongo #yombe #tribalarts #tribalartauction #tribalartfair #brusselsartfair #bruneaf #pdm #brafa2018 #tribalartmagazine #congohistory #congoculture #paristribal #tribal #cultureafricaine #africantreasures #africahistory #bruxellesart #kongokingdom #africanflywhisk #artpremier https://www.instagram.com/p/BpNNasOjIeh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w0vzgt7gkti0
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Trésor Royal Kuba. Masque Royal dansé. Règnes du 112e Roi, Miko aMabiinc maMbul dit Mikope Mobinjii 1885-1890 ou son successeur, Kot aMbweeky aMileng dit Koto Mboke 1890-1896. Localisé et documenté depuis 1893 jusque 2017, cf. Archives Sotheby's Londres, Inv. Succ. Famille Briart. Rapporte par l'Expédition A. Delcommune, Dr. Paul Briart 1891/1893. Sera présenté sur notre stand à Ciney du 12 au 14 Octobre, Stand 03D-E #tribalartlondon #tribalartgallery #tribalarts #tribalartmagazine #tribalartauction #kubapeople #kuba #congohistory #bruneaf2018 #sankuru #bushong #kubakingdom #kubaking #kasai #kasaï #artpremiers #artpremier #tribalartfair #tribalart #brusselsartfair #brusselsartsquare #masterpieces #mueka #museeduquaibranly #muséeroyaldelafriquecentrale #tefaf2018 #africantreasures https://www.instagram.com/p/Bod6_OtDmIf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1levf78108hdh
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Masque Royal Kuba, Bushoong ''Ngaady a Mwaash''. Masque dansé XIXe, avant avril 1891, date du passage de l'Expédition Delcommune de la C.C.C.I en territoire Bakuba. La C.C.C.I était le ''fer de lance'' et fleuron du holding colonial créé au bénéfice de Léopold II par l'intermédiaire de son aide de camp, Albert Thys, financé par la Banque Rothschild de Paris via l'agence Lambert de Bruxelles. (Future Banque Lambert, puis Banque Bruxelles Lambert, puis I.N.G Group.) Ce masque Ngaady a Mwaash est le mieux documenté et le plus ancien masque Royal de ce type connu a ce jour et dont l'authenticité est traçable du moment de sa collecte in situ jusque Février 2017. (Cf: archives Sotheby's; Vingt annees de vie africaine, par Alexandre Delcommune ; Aux sources du fleuve Congo, par Dr. Paul Briart, Inventaires d' assurance ''Nordstern'' de Mme Lucienne Briart, Inventaire de succession du Dr. Briart, inventaire de succession Briart chez/par l'Etude du Mr. Le Notaire J.P Rasquin de Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont.) Provenance: Rapporté en 1893 par un des pionniers de la 1ère expédition pour la C.C.C.I (1891-1893) et conservé jusqu'à son décès en 1920, puis par transmission directe sans interruption jusque fevrier 2017. Pour rendez-vous: info@6clic.be #brafa #kuba #bakuba #bruneaf2018 #bruneaf #tribalartlondon #tefaf2017 #artpremiers #artpremier #arttribal #africanmasterpiece #congohistory #histoireducongo #congoculture #bushoong #mrac #museeduquaibranly #muséedelafriquecentrale #museedetervuren #masqueafricain #ngaadymwaashcostume #africanmask #africanart #kubamask #tribalartmagazine #tribalartfair
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Haut-Uélé, 19th century or earlier 18th. Mbari shorelines area near Mbomou to Bangassou. Length : 172cm/weight +/-10 kilos. Provenance: Dr. Paul Briart Collection and heirs since 1893 to 2017. Exceptional olifant, Nzakara, Vidri, Azande or related peoples, probably before the Westerners influence in this area. These ivory olifant of very large size were part of the Royal objects preserved by the King himself or belonging to the most important member of the chieftaincy. Originally, these Royal olifant were extended by a conical dried skin pavilion of 70cm to 1 meter for emplifying the sound. They were mainly used for the call of war or / and major cultural gatherings. On the death of the King or clan Chief, these olifants recognizable by their exceptional size, were covered with palm oil and red ocher and transmitted with the "Royal treasure". Very few or no other example of the pre-colonisation era and of this size (172cm) are come down to us or known to date. Ex Collection of Dr. Paul Briart from 1893 to 1920, ex Victor Briart from 1920 to 1936, ex Lucienne Briart from 1936 to 2004, Mrs L. Briart's estate until 2017. #tribalart #artpremiers #arttribal #bruneaf #brafaartfair #brafa #tribalartlondon #tribalgallery #hautuele #congohistory #congordc #artafricain #museedetervueren #museedelafriquecentrale #museeduquaibranly #museedelhomme #zande #bangala #ituri #ubangi #oubangui #nzakara #ngbandi
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Victor Kabinda, (Feu de brousse.) Début des années '50. Atelier ''le Hangar'', Ecole de Lubumbashi, ex Ecole d'Elisabethville, chez Pierre Romain-Desfossés. Huile sur toile americani collée, à l'origine, sur unalite. Toile: 68,5cm X 41,5cm. Unalite: 51cm X 77cm. Ref: Collection Père Verbeeck, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Central à Tervuren MRAC info@6clic.be #pierreromaindesfossés #lehangar #ecoledelubumbashi #congoculture #congohistory #artpremier #artpremiers #tribalartgallery #tribalartfair #bruneaf #tribalartlondon #tribalartmagazine #tefaf #tefaf2017 #congo #congoleseartist #kabinda #victorkabinda #museeduquaibranly #muséedelafriquecentrale #mrac #museedetervuren #africanart #belasara #mwenzekibwanga #sylvestrekaballa #marcelgotene #potopoto #potopotoschoolofpainting
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Peuple Kuba, ethnie Lele / Wongo. Kasaï-Occidental Détail d'un tambour ''Polyandre'' fin XIXe /début XXe. (1880/1900) 117cm / 31 diamètre / 12,1Kilos Remarquable qualité des sculptures et forte patine brillante pour ce tambour conservé sans interruption dans la famille du collecteur depuis 1917. Le travail exceptionnel des motifs sculptés reflète l'importance du clan auquel il appartenait, mais également sa richesse au sein du groupe Bashilele. Considéré comme objet du trésor Royal, le tambour ''polyandre'' n'était sorti du trésor pour être joué que lors des cérémonies du cycle de vie, les cérémonies de la noblesse et la plus importante de toutes, la cérémonie de désignation de la ''femme-publique'', rite et cérémonie tres tôt interdite par les autorités coloniales. (Ex Fernand C.... à Mweka de 1917 à 1936, contrôleur pour la compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Congo, filiale de la ''C.C.C.I'' Compagnie pour le Commerce et l'Industrie.) Un exemplaire présentant de fortes similitudes avec le nôtre est conservé au MRAC (MO.0.0.27728). Il est considéré comme une des pièces maîtresses de la collection d'instruments de musique du MRAC. Rendez-vous: info@6clic.be #artpremiers #artpremier #tribalartlondon #tribalart #brafa #brafaartfair #bruneaf2018 #bruneaf #tribalartmagazine #tribalartfair #artpremier #tefaf #tribalartgallery #bakuba #kuba #kasaioccidental #sankuru #congohistory #histoireducongo #leletribe #bashilele #mrac #muséedelafriquecentrale #museeduquaibranly #wongo
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Colors of Legends: (VI) Did you know by the Kuba Kingdom that the importation fabrics of Arab or European origins could only be worn by the King, and that, in any circonstence. Being a Royal privilege, it was forbidden to anyone to appear with this type of fabric, on pain of death. It is only since the submission of the Kuba Kingdom and related tribes, in 1904, that the importantion fabrics will be '' popularized '', year ending the cultural hegemony Bushoong whose the pluricentenarial authority was intact yet. One of these 2 mask, called Ngaady a Mwaash, has the extreme rarity to have the nape covered with a red Kuba made woven textile which suggests, if not dare to assert that he was danced at the funeral of a King having preceded the one who wore it. With strong presumption that it could have been worn for the funeral of Miko aMabiinc maMbul (1885-1890) If we take into account or if we know that this particular type of Royal mask was danced only once and exceptionnally and after, for a 2nd time by the best dancer of the clan. Then it will be kept later in the Royal treasure and later, could be given as important or "diplomatic" present, or transmitted with treasure part to the next King. But most often the dead kings were buried with a large part of their treasure. The second of the 2, bears at the nape a commercial textile, attesting to its Royal own status. The most interesting in this 2 masks, it's probably not the royal origin whatever ... but it's mainly the fact that they were executed by the same hands and at the same known period, before 1893 date which places it before or during the reign of Kot aMbweeky aMileng called ''Koto Mboke'' . To date in 2018, no Kuba Royal Kuba mask has so far been documented, with a so accurately certainty. Collected by Dr. Paul Briart. #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #kuba #bushong #kasaï #kubaking #newyorkartgallery #bakuba #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf #tefaf #brusselsartfair #tribalartlondon #tribalmask #tribalartgallery #masterpieces #masterpiece #tribalarts #tribalartfair #bourgognetribalshow #mrac #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVrWLInew5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19uyblex46vvw
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Sounds of legends (I) Royal drum Lele, Bashilele. Artistic and cultual similarities with Kuba neighbors whose Bashilele are a direct descendant 'cousin' branch of Woot and the founding Myth of the Kuba People. The richness of the patterns represented on this drum, is the representation of a social status within the group. This important drum can be considered undoubtedly as a Royal drum, intended for the treasure, thanks to his the iconography he suggests, relevance of symbols, but also by the dexterity deployed by the sculptor to meet the requirements of its owner that we imagine placed at the top of the Bashilele customary hierarchy. If the dating can not be considered with precision, it is nevertheless possible to date this drum with certainty after the reign of Mikope Mbula whose motive is associated with it, and probably the reign of Kot aMbweeky aMileng whose reign corresponds to the invasion of the Kuba Empire and the end of its sovereignty as a Free People around 1895 and the final annexation by force of Kasai in 1904. As everywhere, the European ingestion had an immediate repercussion on the methods of creation and quality of tribal artifacts. Personally and referring to its quality, I will allow myself to situate this Royal drum between the reigns of Miko aMabiinc maMbul (1885 - 1890) and Kot aMbweeky aMileng (1890-1896). The late post invasions drums are often smaller, made of light wood and of lower quality. 117 cm. 12.1 Kg. For a very similar drum with carved head and crocodile, see: inv. MO.0.0.27728 of the Tervuren Museum, or former Emil Storrer Collection. #artpremier #artpremiers #congohistory #kuba #bushong #kasaï #sankuru #newyorkartgallery #bakuba #kubakingdom #tribalarts #tribalart #tribalartmagazine #tribalartlondon #brafa #bruneaf #tefaf #brusselsartfair #tribalartlondon #tribalartgallery #masterpieces #masterpiece #tribalartfair #bourgognetribalshow #muséeroyaldelafriquecentrale #museeduquaibranly #mrac #africahistory #africantreasures #africanculture https://www.instagram.com/p/BrN0Jglnqdi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ng7eku0bcgr
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