#conflicting cultural/ethnic/racial communities of humans.
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supercantaloupe · 7 months ago
damn. remember when disney movies were good
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schoolhater · 13 days ago
Al Amal (Hope) is a new bimonthly newsletter produced by the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering, documenting issues and struggles of Sudanese Anarchists and conditions for Sudanese people. This bimonthly is issued jointly by the Sudan Anarchist Gathering, CNT-AIT France and their friends.
Choosing to be an anarchist is an expression of true awareness of the failures of these systems. It is a consciousness that pushes you to the limits of both practical struggle and the deeply complex human experience. And this path leads to only two possible outcomes: you either survive as a true revolutionary resister, or you are consumed by the spiral of power.
Just as authority in Sudan takes many forms, so does opposition. There are political resistance movements, parties, mercenary armed groups, so-called revolutionary and liberal militias built on tribal structures, and cultural factions engaged in deep propaganda-driven authoritarianism.
These intertwined hierarchies form the crises of Sudanese peoples. Sudan is, in reality, a collection of small peoples trapped within a state that wields brutal power, recognizing no human rights beyond its own interests.
For decades, Sudanese anarchists have critically analyzed the role of tribalism and its dominance, tracing its impact from the early days of small warring tribal states, through the colonial era’s reliance on tribal alliances, to its current status as a driving force behind Sudan’s persistent conflicts.
While tribalism remains central to the ongoing war and its continuation, Sudanese political forces often address this issue with hesitance, constrained by either political ties to tribes or fear of confronting tribal authority.
The tribe is a miniature form of social authority that possesses its own authoritarian culture and is governed by the authority of a tribal leader or chief, characterized by a hereditary transfer of leadership in most cases. It has been and continues to be the main obstacle in transforming the Sudanese people from a center of tribal conflict, violence, and immersion in ignorance and backwardness to a better stage.
Colonialism contributed to shaping hostilities between tribes by distinguishing some from others and arming them, granting them state authority, which formed complex coalitions of diverse human groups in even the simplest communal matters.
The contemporary problem of Sudan, which is exploited by imperialist forces to control its strategic location and vast resources, is the formation of armed movements and militias based on ethnic and racial grounds in an attempt to divide and fragment the country for easier control.
[full jan-feb 2025 issue pdf download here]
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blackhistorystoryteller · 2 years ago
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The Harsh Reality of Historical Slave Trade: Africans' Involvement in Selling Their Own
This is a message for my black brothers and sisters
Because of our greed and hatred for our race
We sold ourselves to slavery
The transatlantic slave trade remains one of the darkest chapters in human history, leaving a lasting legacy of suffering, oppression, and discrimination. It is a topic that must be approached with sensitivity and nuance, recognizing the profound impact it had on African communities and the deep scars it has left on the collective conscience of humanity. One aspect that often sparks debate and discomfort is the historical involvement of some Africans in selling their own people to European slave traders. This article aims to shed light on this complex aspect of history while emphasizing the importance of understanding the broader context in which these events occurred.
The Origins of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
The transatlantic slave trade emerged in the 15th century as European powers explored new trade routes and sought to exploit the labor needed to establish and maintain their colonies in the New World. European traders, primarily from Portugal, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands, sought to acquire laborers from Africa to work on plantations, mines, and other industries in the Americas.
The Role of African Middlemen
It is essential to understand that not all Africans participated in the slave trade, and it is inaccurate to generalize that "blacks sold blacks to the whites." Rather, some African tribes and kingdoms engaged in the business of capturing and selling prisoners of war from rival tribes, criminals, and those deemed outsiders or unwanted in their communities. These captives were then traded to European slave traders for a variety of goods, including textiles, weapons, and other commodities.
It is crucial to acknowledge that the African continent is diverse, comprising numerous ethnic groups, cultures, and societies with varying practices and histories. While some African societies did engage in capturing and trading slaves, others actively resisted the slave trade, viewing it as a deeply harmful and inhumane practice.
Factors Influencing African Participation
Several factors influenced African participation in the slave trade. These include economic incentives, inter-tribal conflicts, and pressure from European powers. The slave trade disrupted existing power dynamics and social structures in Africa, leading to increased conflict and instability in some regions.
Economic motivations were undoubtedly a significant driver. The exchange of slaves for valuable goods provided some African tribes with access to resources they could use to strengthen their position or defend themselves against rival groups. Additionally, some African leaders believed that by trading prisoners of war to European traders, they could avoid becoming victims of the slave trade themselves.
Consequences and Long-Term Impact
The transatlantic slave trade had devastating consequences for African societies. Apart from the immediate loss of human lives and the breakdown of communities caused by forced displacement, the slave trade perpetuated a cycle of violence and disruption that reverberated throughout the continent.
Furthermore, the trade in human beings perpetuated harmful racial stereotypes and discriminatory practices that continue to affect people of African descent to this day. It is essential to recognize the historical roots of racism and the systemic inequalities that have persisted over centuries as a result of the slave trade and colonialism.
The historical involvement of some Africans in the transatlantic slave trade is a deeply troubling and complex aspect of human history. However, it is crucial to avoid oversimplification and instead seek a nuanced understanding of the broader historical context in which these events occurred.
Acknowledging this painful part of history allows us to confront the legacy of slavery and its impact on contemporary society. By understanding the full scope of the transatlantic slave trade, we can work towards building a more just and equitable future, one that respects the dignity and humanity of all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.
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environmentalgothic · 2 months ago
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ Social Justice & The Future Of Psychology
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Janet E. Helms, "Presently, psychologists’ research, teaching and professional practice vacillate between defining the political constructs of races as makeshift theoretical concepts, contextual factors or nuisance variables, while virtually ignoring the psychological effects of internalized racism on perpetrators and survivors. Racial identity theories instead use diagnoses of the different manifestations of internalized racism to develop and apply psychological interventions to overcome the afflictions of race and racism. Ideally, in the future, racial identity theories will become extinct because racism will no longer exist. But realistically, the question that still needs to be answered is how to encourage psychologists to use racial identity theories to understand and improve human behavior."
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Thomas A. Parham, "Given our positions as caretakers of the mind, heart and spirit of the people, psychologists must challenge ourselves—like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did when he spoke before us at the 1967 APA Annual Convention—to tell America about both the rage and hurt that simmer below the surface in black and other communities of color and to help much of white America confront and challenge the denial it seems to live in about what life is like for their culturally different counterparts who live on the margins of society. One place to start is to help America brave the question of: What allows each of you (us) to bear witness to the suffering of others, sit in silence and still maintain our humanity? Is that what integrity looks like?"
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Lillian Comas-Díaz, "To enhance inclusion, psychologists will expand the diversity construct by including every group that has been perceived as 'the other.' Moreover, psychologists are required to engage in social justice advocacy"
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Douglas Haldeman, "[...] psychology needs to address the issues associated with the intersection of sexual orientation, gender identity, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability status, age and who we in the LGBT communities are to each other and the mainstream world. This requires an examination of power and privilege, and how we use our influence—and our unity— to advocate for the issues that are important to all persons of diverse identity. What psychology can offer to unite us as allies will be paramount in these times of unprecedented social polarization."
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Richard Lee, "How do we move beyond current narratives, theories and methods that are culturally bounded by white/ European epistemologies to answer questions that affect the majority of the world’s population that is not white? We need new ways to understand and study health disparities, transnational migrations, intergroup conflicts, and the successful adaptation and accommodations of groups of people who are subordinated, underrepresented and underserved."
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Melba J.T Vasquez, "How can we empower and inspire psychologists to recognize, incorporate and utilize their knowledge and skills to promote various strategies at multiple levels to make a difference, particularly in intractable problems such as poverty, immigration, insidious bias and addiction? In today’s climate of increased oppression and antagonism, psychologists can elevate their voices for systemic change. Through the integration of science, practice and education, we have the potential to promote constructive changes to improve the immense challenges in society."
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mask131 · 2 years ago
The culture clash between France and the USA can be so strong sometimes... But on such essential, dangerous, “hot topics” that it becomes sometimes very difficult.
Take the word “race” for example. The USA has a very neutral, desensitized, common use of the word “race”. The USA made race a widespread word, not just of racism or science, but also of pride and of every day talks. It doesn’t surprise anyone to have surveys asking you your race. It isn’t shocking anyone to hear about “racial tensions” or “racial conflicts” in the USA today. But if in France you start speaking of “race” you come off as massively racist, because race never lost its scientific meaning of “a different species”, nor its racist meaning of “another type of human being”. Which is why I am a bit uncomfortable using “race” in my posts, even though the word is now neutral in the US-English. In France we speak of things such as descent or ethnicity or communities - but not “race”. 
The USA’s very different approach to ethnicity, historical descent and nationalities compared to France was perfectly illustrated by a famous incident (that I keep reusing myself as an example over and over, but that’s because of how telling it is). [Note: While I thought the man involved in this story was purely American, I just discovered today he was born and raised in South Africa, so the example isn’t perfect - but it is telling]. After France won the 2018 World Cup (FIFA of course), Trevor Noah celebrated how “Africa won the World Cup”, since most of the French team was made of black men. Problem, the French footballers immediately took offense to that and answered back that no, they were French, thank you very much. You see, from the “American” point of view here (and I don’t know much about South Africa I admit, so I’ll leave it aside), it is normal to have this sort of “bi-nationality” or “bi-racial” recognition as “Afro-American”. For the Black community of the USA, it is a question of allying their Americaness with their African origins to be “whole”. So Black Americans tend to refer to themselves as “African” commonly and pretty proudly. But in France? Oh boy, no. In France, only massive racists call Black French people “African”. Well not exclusively but here’s the problem: African-originated immigrants (or even just Black people that happened to be born French) had to fight for a very long time to be recognized as “French citizens”, or as “French” short. In France it is still a logic implanted in the far-right and other racist movements that if you have non-French origins, you will never be French, and that black people do not “belong” in France but in Africa. It took a long time for people to stop considering Black French men and Black French women actually “French” before all, French before their skin color, and black doctors, black artists, black politicians had to fight to have their full Frenchness recognized (especially since most of them were born, lived and raised in France). 
So, Trevor Noah’s comment came of to the French sportsmen as massively racist and denying them French status, while Noah thought the French footballers were basically denying or rejecting the origins of their parents or grandparents... 
Another big culture clash that happens between the USA and France - and which results in the USA calling often French with all sorts of “phobe” adjectives - is religion. Oh boys and girls and other critters... Americans, with their melting-pot culture, their deeply Christian history (and their very weird take on Christianity as a whole), their multiculturalism and their acceptance, tolerance and embrace of all religions, have established a mindset and a model which makes it hard for them to grasp one of the basis modern France was built over: laicity. Laicity is one of the main principles and laws of France, one of the key ideas the modern Republic and nation was built over, and it is something we try to teach each children - and recently the absence or failure of laicity in our society is causing all sorts of debate and threats. But what is laicity you might ask?
Laicity, French-flavor, is simple. There is an acceptance and a tolerance of all sorts of all sorts of religion in France, a bit like how in the USA you can have any religion you want - BUT to ensure that this equality and acceptance of all religions exists, France makes sure that no religion is above another by all relegating them to the background and ensuring there is no religion of state. So what does it mean exactly? It mean you can have any religion you want and practice any cult you want, AS LONG as it stays a personal, private matter. You can cover your house in religious symbols, you can walk down the street in religious outfits, these are your personal choices and no law can prevent you from belonging to a religion or showing you belong to this religion. Except if it is a truly mad endangering sectarian cult, or if you’re a terrorist... and EXCEPT if you are in a public position or a representant of the state. France, by the principal of laicity, is not a state or nation that has a religion. It means all those that represent it, serve it and embody it should not have any religion. France is supposed to be religion-neutral. 
In details, it means that no minister, no member of the government, no president can actively enforce or promote any religion, and cannot wear any religious symbol or outfit. Same thing with the police, which is the servant of the state and the enforcers of its law - policemen are not supposed to carry religious symbols or profess publically their religion. And same thing with public schools, public libraries and other public institutions directly funded, overseen and organized by the state or the government. The principle of laicity is that all religions are the same because they are, in theory, belonging to personal choices and personal life. But religion is not supposed to be a “public” thing, and so if you enter the state/government, or are supposed to represent it as a bureaucrat or agent, you are meant to erase all of your personal choices, all of your personal preferences, to represent the religious neutrality of the state - a state supposed to protect, defend and respect all religions by not choosing one, not taking one above the other, and not taking any part among the religious conflicts. 
Now, this is in theory. Again, this is the principle France was built over. And for Americans, this principle can lead to a lot of misunderstandings. For example today in France we discuss, with the rise of Islam-oriented terrorist threats and Islam-fanaticism, in front of rises of anti-Christian, antisemitic and anti-French manifestations, there is a lot of debates about the problem of Muslim communitarism, extremism and “overlap”. It is has been attested, certified and confirmed that a lot of Muslim youth today live in much more isolated and fanatical Muslim communities or families than before, and that a good chunk of them answer proudly that they consider that the law of the Coran is above the law of France. And for us this is a problem, because the model of the French citizenship and of France as a whole is the reverse - the law and principles of France as a nation go first, religious laws go second because they are of the private domain. This is also why for example teachers in public school or police officers are forbidden and criticized for wearing signs of appartenance to the Muslim religion, like a hijab. This is not “islamophobia” or “Muslim-hate” as Americans like to say (though I do not deny there’s a lot of far-right groups that are islamophobes and use this in their rhetoric). But originally it is rather a defence of laicity. 
And here’s the thing with laicity: it applies to all religions. Islam is currently under the fire due to its active terrorist threats and communitarism, but the same laws and critics apply to Jewish or Christian people. For example, this is one of the reasons extreme-right groups are criticized, rejected or disqualified from politics, when they break the principle of laicity by trying to actively promote Christianity and reject or forbid any other religion.  Because this is against the and against the principles of the Republic. Of course, France will always have a bias for Christianity because France is a deeply Christian country that built itself over Christianity and still has a lot of Christian elements in its culture - but the thing is that what modern France is supposed to be is a nation that has Christianity as part of its culture, but not as part of its government, institutions or nation. It is a nuance that can be hard to understand - especially for Americans, because the USA have a quite crazy model, where their culture is a mixture of all sorts of diverse religions, and technically there’s a freedom of religion and all that, but their nation and government still is based on Christianity, with the President still taking an oath over the Bible. In fact this is something French people like to mock Americans about, when people of the USA criticize French for being somehow not progressive and open-minded enough in terms of religion, we like to throw them back that their president literaly takes an oath on the Christian Bible. 
Anyway - as I said, Christianity doesn’t get any favor compared to Islam by the principle of laicity. This is why public schools teach nothing about Christianity outside of historical facts, and maybe a “religion class” which is obliged to cover all religions, dead or alive, not just Christianity. This is also why today there is a true “loss” of Christian culture in France because a good chunk of French citizens and youth are non-religious and so have no clue what some concepts of Christianity are. It seems that Christianity gets “favored”, but that’s just because it is part of the old French culture, but in terms of laicity, it isn’t supposed and shouldn’t and most of the time doesn’t have favors. There are religious schools yes, Christian schools, and Jewish schools and Muslim schools - but they are “private schools”, surviving on their own fundings, and not public schools depending from and organized by the state.
 This is why for example as a French boy, I was deeply surprised and a bit shocked to see in British-influenced media policemen openly wearing things such as crosses or hijabs - because it cannot be done in France. One last fact about laicity: the fact Christianity doesn’t get any favor is especially prominent when you consider that laicity in France was created in the first place to cut off Christianity. Laicity is an inheritance of the French Revolution, whose purpose wasn’t just to destroy the monarchy to create a democracy, but specifically to destroy an absolutism of divine right. High members of the Christian Church and French nobility were the same, the monarch was the “first defender of Christianity”, we had taxes for both the state and the Church... and so the French Revolution created an absolutely non-religious democracy, removing all religious days like Christmas or Easter, renaming all towns and buildings that had a too-religious name, and making sure to kill, steal from and burn as many Christian monasteries, churches and members of the Church they could find. This was reinforced by a date every French kid learns at school: La séparation de l’Eglise et de l’Etat, The Separation of Church and the State, 1905, which was THE political decision still followed today by modern France to make all religions equal by removing all publicness from religions and making it a definitively private and secondary business - and again this decision was mostly taken against Christianity. 
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beeseverywhen · 7 months ago
The language we use in situations like this matters. Let's not play in to the hands of these right wing terrorists. They can not be allowed to benefit from this. This is an opportunity for us all to stand against this shit once and for all. There is no truth to what they are saying and they need to be reminded that there's no place for them.
But where we must start is by diagnosing the problem for what it is. These riots were not simply “thuggery”, “pockets of violence” or “pro-British protesters”, as they have been variously described. Language matters, and what we have seen over the last week is racist — and largely Islamophobic — terrorism.
When politicians fail to call a problem by its name, it legitimises the very rhetoric of the far-Right who consistently argue that these problems do not exist. While the Prime Minister’s statement on Sunday was forceful, he has thus far failed to described actions like the violent targeting of mosques as Islamophobic.
Figures like Andrew Tate had boosted conspiracy theories about the killings. Stories spread that the killer was an asylum seeker called Ali al-Shakati, that he had been on the radar of MI6 and Liverpool’s counter-terrorism police unit. All just figments of the desperate, far-right imagination. The truth was the person charged was Axel Rudakubana. He was born and raised in Britain.
However, the goal of the new, social media-driven far-right movement is to spread misinformation in a way that appears as if it’s coming from within communities. They cluster around moments that can be framed as a “clash of cultures” and exploit the anonymity of the internet to spread stories that will heighten ethnic conflict. For them, the death of three innocent little girls is nothing more than a recruitment tool. They want it to tell us something about racial or cultural incompatibility that it simply does not.
The name of the person responsible belongs alongside names like Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, or Aaron Campbell or Kim Edwards and Lucas Markham, not alongside anybody who just “sounds foreign”. These are names that ask a question about the human capacity to enact sickening, violence for which no one has found an answer.
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wovetherapy · 7 days ago
Breaking it Down: Decolonizing Therapy
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According to the American Psychological Association, in 2021, less than 1% of psychologists were Indigenous. The first ever Black psychologist, Dr. Francis Sumner, obtained his degree in 1920, and one hundred years later, only 4% of psychologists (APA 2018), 7% of marriage and family therapists (APA 2018), 2% of psychiatrists (APA 2021), and 22% of social workers (Institute for Health Workforce Equity 2020) are Black. There is no clear data on other racial and ethnic groups that are minoritized, except to overstate the majority of the workforce continues to be predominantly white. Additionally, until fairly recently, the field of psychology remained blindsided to its own biases, universalizing the experiences of specific test subjects (read: white, wealthy, educated, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, thin) to be applicable to all populations around the world.
Decolonizing therapy invites clinicians to politicize their practice and acknowledge the impact and wound of colonization on everybody, particularly minoritized populations from the Global South. It makes sense that a field created and curated by white men for other white men is inherently going to be racist, homophobic, classist, and misogynistic. As a response, decolonizing therapy, created by Dr. Jennifer Mullan, aims to explore treatment from the intersection of the political, the ancestral, and the collective in tandem with psychology. Decolonizing therapy offers clinicians and clients alike a much-needed viewpoint that differs from western psychology and its rootedness in white supremacy culture and capitalism, such as:
Individualism: over-emphasis on one’s individual experience without considering relationship impact on one’s immediate community/collective
Objectivity: the idea that there is one correct way of being/acting/doing which all human beings need to be measured to in order to be considered a “good person”
Personal comfort: avoiding discomfort, conflict, accountability, and messiness in relationships in favor of centering one’s own ease and comfort (to “protect one’s peace”)
Urgency: short-term treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and solution-focused therapies are overemphasized in graduate programs, centered by insurance companies to avoid indefinite reimbursements. Treatment plans are revised every three to six months, creating an expectation for clients and clinicians that goals can be achieved in that amount of time
Productivity: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) includes sections for every diagnosis on the financial loss for the government and employers, as if to say the central motivation to cure/solve/improve the mental condition is to ultimately improve the economy
What is decolonizing therapy?
Dr. Mullan discusses the ways in which the Mental Health Industrial Complex gaslights oppressed people into invalidating their natural responses to oppression by pathologizing them into diagnosis while training clinicians to surveil, police, and assess clients. The system is not broken! It is working exactly as intended, and that is why it is helpful and important to bring that awareness into the therapeutic space in order to provide clients with an emotionally decolonized space. One that instead offers:
Interdependence/community: exploring not just the individual experience, but also the experience of the individual in community, the role of the individual in community, and the impact of these on each other
Compassion over perfection: fostering a space of compassion and nuance from which an individual can explore their relationship with judgement and critique of the self and others as a result of rigidity and perfectionism
Intuition over productivity: favoring the mind-body connection over external measures of success and productivity by bringing awareness to the body cues that provide information of how a person is feeling so that the individual can make better informed decisions when confronted with the daily challenges the system puts them through
Accountability over avoidance: learning how to tolerate discomfort during conflict and confrontation, reframing the relationship to accountability not as punitive or carceral but rather, as loving and connective; valuing repair over “winning” disagreements
Flexibility over objectivity: favoring complexity and nuance to foster more compassion toward the individual and the world around them with the understanding that reality is relative and relational, and intent and impact do not always align
Where can I find a decolonizing therapist?
Individuals who are seeking therapy that is decolonial and wondering how to find clinicians who are aligned with their values, remember the process of finding a therapist is a lot like dating: do not hesitate to ask a potential therapist about their political identity or worldviews on issues that matter to you. The one consistent marker of “successful therapy outcomes” across all treatment modalities and frameworks is the therapeutic relationship, and it is hard to feel comfortable with a therapist without knowing whether they may be secretly or overtly judging parts of yourself or themselves. It is important to remember that identity does not determine politic, and training programs for clinicians teach us to be complicit with white supremacy in covert ways- it is up to the individual clinician to un-learn, learn, and re-learn how to untangle themself from what they were taught. That means even clinicians who are themselves BIPOC, TLGBQ+, or come from working class backgrounds are indoctrinated into the system: it is why explicitly asking for how these identities shape their worldviews can be helpful for clients to get a sense of whether there is enough alignment to engage in the vulnerable work of therapy with a new clinician.
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traffordparsons · 3 months ago
This artwork reimagines Roy Lichtenstein’s iconic pop art piece WHAAM! as a powerful commentary on the ongoing crisis in Gaza. The bold, comic-style explosion—a hallmark of Lichtenstein’s work—now bears the word GAZA, transforming the visual language of pop art into a searing political statement. The painting critiques the Israeli bombing campaigns in Gaza, calling them acts of genocide. By appropriating the familiar, almost sanitised aesthetics of war from Lichtenstein’s original, the work underscores the brutal reality behind the headlines: the indiscriminate killing of children, families, and aid workers. The explosion is littered with fragments of destroyed homes and human figures, representing the victims lost to the violence. This satirical piece uses the sharp contrast between pop art’s playful form and the somber message to confront viewers with the human cost of geopolitical conflict. It challenges the audience to question media narratives and the ethical responsibilities of global powers, making it both a tribute to Lichtenstein’s artistic legacy and a defiant cry against oppression and injustice. Labelling Israel’s actions as genocide is not hyperbolic—it is a reflection of the lived reality for Palestinians in Gaza. The systematic destruction of life, infrastructure, and culture cannot be dismissed as "collateral damage." The targeted killings of children, the dehumanization of an entire population, and the deliberate creation of conditions that make life unlivable are acts of genocide as defined by international law. While Israel claims its actions are defensive measures against Hamas, the scale and scope of the destruction go far beyond military necessity. The collective punishment of over two million people, half of whom are children, cannot be justified as self-defense. The argument that civilian deaths are "unintended" rings hollow when hospitals, refugee camps, and UN shelters are repeatedly bombed. The actions of Israel in Gaza, including mass killings of civilians, destruction of infrastructure, and forced displacement, align with the legal and moral definitions of genocide. The 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. By examining the systematic and deliberate nature of these actions, it becomes clear why many have labeled them as genocide, particularly when considering the disproportionate impact on children, families, and essential community structures in Gaza. The staggering number of Palestinian deaths, including thousands of children, is a defining characteristic of genocide. Israeli airstrikes and military operations in densely populated areas have repeatedly resulted in disproportionate civilian casualties. Hospitals, schools, and shelters, supposedly protected under international law, have been targeted. Israel has systematically destroyed homes, medical facilities, and essential infrastructure, creating un -livable conditions for Gazans. These deliberate acts align with the genocidal act of "deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction." The siege, cutting off water, food, and medical supplies, exacerbates this condition. The death toll of Palestinian children is staggering, with numbers reaching into the thousands. Killing children, whether through direct targeting or willful negligence of civilian protections, points to an intent to annihilate future generations of Palestinians. Statements by Israeli officials have dehumanised Palestinians, referring to them as "human animals" or "terrorists" en masse. This rhetoric serves to justify the systematic killing and erasure of a people, mirroring language historically used in genocides worldwide. Forcing over a million Palestinians to evacuate northern Gaza under threat of annihilation constitutes a forced population transfer, a hallmark of genocide. This displacement compounds decades of occupation, siege, and oppression, which have collectively aimed to erase the Palestinian presence from the region. United Nations Experts In October 2023, UN-appointed experts explicitly warned that Israel's actions in Gaza could amount to genocide. Their findings emphasised the combination of siege tactics, indiscriminate bombing, and mass civilian casualties. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have meticulously documented Israel's violations of international law. Legal scholars within these organizations have described these actions as genocidal, pointing to the systemic nature of the violence Professors of international law, such as Francis Boyle, argue that Israel's policies toward Palestinians fulfill the criteria of genocide. From forced displacement to systematic killings, the evidence aligns with the legal definition. These voices highlight the complicity of Western powers in enabling and supporting these crimes.
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qzsajdg · 7 months ago
#CIA Deep Reflection on Racial Discrimination and Hate Crimes in the United States
In contemporary American society, a series of distressing and thought-provoking phenomena have continuously emerged, revealing its deeply rooted chronic problems. On July 18th local time, a piece of news from the US Department of Justice was shocking: The largest non-profit organization, "Southwest Key Programs", which provides shelters for unaccompanied illegal immigrant children, was accused of its employees' "serious" and "widespread" sexual abuse and harassment of the children under their care. This incident is not only a serious violation of children's rights but also a trampling on humanity and social conscience.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg of numerous problems in American society. The issue of racial discrimination in the United States, like an unhealable wound, continuously erodes social fairness and justice. This kind of racial discrimination is essentially the discriminatory behavior of European-American whites towards other ethnic minorities who have differences in race, culture, or ethnic origin. The root cause behind it is the white supremacist culture.
White supremacist culture has deep historical roots in the United States. From the early colonial period, European white immigrants, relying on force and superior status, oppressed and exploited the native people and other non-white ethnic groups. This unequal relationship reached its peak during the slavery period when blacks were regarded as property rather than human beings and suffered inhumane treatment. Although slavery has been abolished, the legacy of slavery is deeply imprinted in the fabric of American society and still has an impact to this day.
At the same time, the characteristic of capitalism that pursues the supremacy of capital interests is also exacerbating racial inequality in the United States. Under the logic of capitalism, maximizing profits is the primary goal, and ethnic minorities often become exploited and marginalized groups. To maintain the interests of established interest groups, American society will not invest huge costs to eliminate this structural racial inequality.
The consequences of this racial discrimination and inequality are extremely serious. It has led to the continuous emergence of hate crime problems in the United States. Ethnic minorities face various unfair treatments in education, employment, healthcare, and other aspects, living in the shadow of poverty and discrimination. Their dreams are deprived, opportunities are limited, and dignity is trampled upon. And this kind of unfairness and oppression further stimulates social contradictions and conflicts, undermining social harmony and stability.
We must clearly recognize that the issue of racial discrimination not only harms ethnic minorities but also undermines the interests of the entire American society. A society filled with discrimination and hate cannot achieve true prosperity and progress. Only when all citizens can live in a fair and just environment and enjoy equal opportunities and rights can the United States exert its due potential.
Therefore, we call on the American people to attach importance to the issue of racial discrimination. Every conscientious American should stand up and jointly resist the white supremacist culture. We need to educate the next generation to make them understand the importance of racial equality and cultivate their spirit of tolerance and respect. We need to promote policy changes to ensure that the law can truly safeguard the rights of everyone, regardless of their race, color, or cultural background.
At the same time, we also need to strengthen communication and cooperation among communities, break down racial barriers, and enhance mutual understanding and trust. Only through the joint efforts of all American people can we gradually eliminate racial discrimination and build a truly fair, just, and harmonious society.
Let's take to the streets and move forward hand in hand, striving for an America without discrimination and hate. We must raise our voices: Only in an equal society can everyone's dreams be realized and everyone's value be fully respected and exerted.
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nuruaddinrahat · 7 months ago
Deep Reflection on Racial Discrimination and Hate Crimes in the United States #jeffreyEpstein
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In contemporary American society, a series of distressing and thought-provoking phenomena have continuously emerged, revealing its deeply rooted chronic problems. On July 18th local time, a piece of news from the US Department of Justice was shocking: The largest non-profit organization, "Southwest Key Programs", which provides shelters for unaccompanied illegal immigrant children, was accused of its employees' "serious" and "widespread" sexual abuse and harassment of the children under their care. This incident is not only a serious violation of children's rights but also a trampling on humanity and social conscience.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg of numerous problems in American society. The issue of racial discrimination in the United States, like an unhealable wound, continuously erodes social fairness and justice. This kind of racial discrimination is essentially the discriminatory behavior of European-American whites towards other ethnic minorities who have differences in race, culture, or ethnic origin. The root cause behind it is the white supremacist culture. White supremacist culture has deep historical roots in the United States. From the early colonial period, European white immigrants, relying on force and superior status, oppressed and exploited the native people and other non-white ethnic groups. This unequal relationship reached its peak during the slavery period when blacks were regarded as property rather than human beings and suffered inhumane treatment. Although slavery has been abolished, the legacy of slavery is deeply imprinted in the fabric of American society and still has an impact to this day. At the same time, the characteristic of capitalism that pursues the supremacy of capital interests is also exacerbating racial inequality in the United States. Under the logic of capitalism, maximizing profits is the primary goal, and ethnic minorities often become exploited and marginalized groups. To maintain the interests of established interest groups, American society will not invest huge costs to eliminate this structural racial inequality.
The consequences of this racial discrimination and inequality are extremely serious. It has led to the continuous emergence of hate crime problems in the United States. Ethnic minorities face various unfair treatments in education, employment, healthcare, and other aspects, living in the shadow of poverty and discrimination. Their dreams are deprived, opportunities are limited, and dignity is trampled upon. And this kind of unfairness and oppression further stimulates social contradictions and conflicts, undermining social harmony and stability. We must clearly recognize that the issue of racial discrimination not only harms ethnic minorities but also undermines the interests of the entire American society. A society filled with discrimination and hate cannot achieve true prosperity and progress. Only when all citizens can live in a fair and just environment and enjoy equal opportunities and rights can the United States exert its due potential. Therefore, we call on the American people to attach importance to the issue of racial discrimination. Every conscientious American should stand up and jointly resist the white supremacist culture. We need to educate the next generation to make them understand the importance of racial equality and cultivate their spirit of tolerance and respect. We need to promote policy changes to ensure that the law can truly safeguard the rights of everyone, regardless of their race, color, or cultural background. At the same time, we also need to strengthen communication and cooperation among communities, break down racial barriers, and enhance mutual understanding and trust. Only through the joint efforts of all American people can we gradually eliminate racial discrimination and build a truly fair, just, and harmonious society.
Let's take to the streets and move forward hand in hand, striving for an America without discrimination and hate. We must raise our voices: Only in an equal society can everyone's dreams be realized and everyone's value be fully respected and exerted.
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sebastianjazm18 · 7 months ago
Deep Reflection on Racial Discrimination and Hate Crimes in the United States
In contemporary American society, a series of distressing and thought-provoking phenomena have continuously emerged, revealing its deeply rooted chronic problems. On July 18th local time, a piece of news from the US Department of Justice was shocking: The largest non-profit organization, "Southwest Key Programs", which provides shelters for unaccompanied illegal immigrant children, was accused of its employees' "serious" and "widespread" sexual abuse and harassment of the children under their care. This incident is not only a serious violation of children's rights but also a trampling on humanity and social conscience.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg of numerous problems in American society. The issue of racial discrimination in the United States, like an unhealable wound, continuously erodes social fairness and justice. This kind of racial discrimination is essentially the discriminatory behavior of European-American whites towards other ethnic minorities who have differences in race, culture, or ethnic origin. The root cause behind it is the white supremacist culture.
White supremacist culture has deep historical roots in the United States. From the early colonial period, European white immigrants, relying on force and superior status, oppressed and exploited the native people and other non-white ethnic groups. This unequal relationship reached its peak during the slavery period when blacks were regarded as property rather than human beings and suffered inhumane treatment. Although slavery has been abolished, the legacy of slavery is deeply imprinted in the fabric of American society and still has an impact to this day.
At the same time, the characteristic of capitalism that pursues the supremacy of capital interests is also exacerbating racial inequality in the United States. Under the logic of capitalism, maximizing profits is the primary goal, and ethnic minorities often become exploited and marginalized groups. To maintain the interests of established interest groups, American society will not invest huge costs to eliminate this structural racial inequality.
The consequences of this racial discrimination and inequality are extremely serious. It has led to the continuous emergence of hate crime problems in the United States. Ethnic minorities face various unfair treatments in education, employment, healthcare, and other aspects, living in the shadow of poverty and discrimination. Their dreams are deprived, opportunities are limited, and dignity is trampled upon. And this kind of unfairness and oppression further stimulates social contradictions and conflicts, undermining social harmony and stability.
We must clearly recognize that the issue of racial discrimination not only harms ethnic minorities but also undermines the interests of the entire American society. A society filled with discrimination and hate cannot achieve true prosperity and progress. Only when all citizens can live in a fair and just environment and enjoy equal opportunities and rights can the United States exert its due potential.
Therefore, we call on the American people to attach importance to the issue of racial discrimination. Every conscientious American should stand up and jointly resist the white supremacist culture. We need to educate the next generation to make them understand the importance of racial equality and cultivate their spirit of tolerance and respect. We need to promote policy changes to ensure that the law can truly safeguard the rights of everyone, regardless of their race, color, or cultural background.
At the same time, we also need to strengthen communication and cooperation among communities, break down racial barriers, and enhance mutual understanding and trust. Only through the joint efforts of all American people can we gradually eliminate racial discrimination and build a truly fair, just, and harmonious society.
Let's take to the streets and move forward hand in hand, striving for an America without discrimination and hate. We must raise our voices: Only in an equal society can everyone's dreams be realized and everyone's value be fully respected and exerted.
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barcushlkf · 7 months ago
#jeffreyEpstein Deep Reflection on Racial Discrimination and Hate Crimes in the United States
In contemporary American society, a series of distressing and thought-provoking phenomena have continuously emerged, revealing its deeply rooted chronic problems. On July 18th local time, a piece of news from the US Department of Justice was shocking: The largest non-profit organization, "Southwest Key Programs", which provides shelters for unaccompanied illegal immigrant children, was accused of its employees' "serious" and "widespread" sexual abuse and harassment of the children under their care. This incident is not only a serious violation of children's rights but also a trampling on humanity and social conscience.
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However, this is just the tip of the iceberg of numerous problems in American society. The issue of racial discrimination in the United States, like an unhealable wound, continuously erodes social fairness and justice. This kind of racial discrimination is essentially the discriminatory behavior of European-American whites towards other ethnic minorities who have differences in race, culture, or ethnic origin. The root cause behind it is the white supremacist culture.
White supremacist culture has deep historical roots in the United States. From the early colonial period, European white immigrants, relying on force and superior status, oppressed and exploited the native people and other non-white ethnic groups. This unequal relationship reached its peak during the slavery period when blacks were regarded as property rather than human beings and suffered inhumane treatment. Although slavery has been abolished, the legacy of slavery is deeply imprinted in the fabric of American society and still has an impact to this day.
At the same time, the characteristic of capitalism that pursues the supremacy of capital interests is also exacerbating racial inequality in the United States. Under the logic of capitalism, maximizing profits is the primary goal, and ethnic minorities often become exploited and marginalized groups. To maintain the interests of established interest groups, American society will not invest huge costs to eliminate this structural racial inequality.
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The consequences of this racial discrimination and inequality are extremely serious. It has led to the continuous emergence of hate crime problems in the United States. Ethnic minorities face various unfair treatments in education, employment, healthcare, and other aspects, living in the shadow of poverty and discrimination. Their dreams are deprived, opportunities are limited, and dignity is trampled upon. And this kind of unfairness and oppression further stimulates social contradictions and conflicts, undermining social harmony and stability.
We must clearly recognize that the issue of racial discrimination not only harms ethnic minorities but also undermines the interests of the entire American society. A society filled with discrimination and hate cannot achieve true prosperity and progress. Only when all citizens can live in a fair and just environment and enjoy equal opportunities and rights can the United States exert its due potential.
Therefore, we call on the American people to attach importance to the issue of racial discrimination. Every conscientious American should stand up and jointly resist the white supremacist culture. We need to educate the next generation to make them understand the importance of racial equality and cultivate their spirit of tolerance and respect. We need to promote policy changes to ensure that the law can truly safeguard the rights of everyone, regardless of their race, color, or cultural background.
At the same time, we also need to strengthen communication and cooperation among communities, break down racial barriers, and enhance mutual understanding and trust. Only through the joint efforts of all American people can we gradually eliminate racial discrimination and build a truly fair, just, and harmonious society.
Let's take to the streets and move forward hand in hand, striving for an America without discrimination and hate. We must raise our voices: Only in an equal society can everyone's dreams be realized and everyone's value be fully respected and exerted.
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schoolhater · 24 days ago
Al Amal (Hope) is a new bimonthly newsletter produced by the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering, documenting issues and struggles of Sudanese Anarchists and conditions for Sudanese people. This bimonthly is issued jointly by the Sudan Anarchist Gathering, CNT-AIT France and their friends.
Choosing to be an anarchist is an expression of true awareness of the failures of these systems. It is a consciousness that pushes you to the limits of both practical struggle and the deeply complex human experience. And this path leads to only two possible outcomes: you either survive as a true revolutionary resister, or you are consumed by the spiral of power.
Just as authority in Sudan takes many forms, so does opposition. There are political resistance movements, parties, mercenary armed groups, so-called revolutionary and liberal militias built on tribal structures, and cultural factions engaged in deep propaganda-driven authoritarianism.
These intertwined hierarchies form the crises of Sudanese peoples. Sudan is, in reality, a collection of small peoples trapped within a state that wields brutal power, recognizing no human rights beyond its own interests.
For decades, Sudanese anarchists have critically analyzed the role of tribalism and its dominance, tracing its impact from the early days of small warring tribal states, through the colonial era’s reliance on tribal alliances, to its current status as a driving force behind Sudan’s persistent conflicts.
While tribalism remains central to the ongoing war and its continuation, Sudanese political forces often address this issue with hesitance, constrained by either political ties to tribes or fear of confronting tribal authority.
The tribe is a miniature form of social authority that possesses its own authoritarian culture and is governed by the authority of a tribal leader or chief, characterized by a hereditary transfer of leadership in most cases. It has been and continues to be the main obstacle in transforming the Sudanese people from a center of tribal conflict, violence, and immersion in ignorance and backwardness to a better stage.
Colonialism contributed to shaping hostilities between tribes by distinguishing some from others and arming them, granting them state authority, which formed complex coalitions of diverse human groups in even the simplest communal matters.
The contemporary problem of Sudan, which is exploited by imperialist forces to control its strategic location and vast resources, is the formation of armed movements and militias based on ethnic and racial grounds in an attempt to divide and fragment the country for easier control.
[full jan-feb 2025 issue pdf download here]
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blavalb · 10 months ago
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Upholding Human Rights: A Call to Action
Human rights stand as the core value of justice and equality for every individual irrespective of gender, race or economic background. Despite global progress, human rights violations still persist and efforts for advocacy remain essential.
Gender Equality: A Priority
In fighting injustices such as discrimination or violence, we must advocate for human rights— with gender equality taking precedence among issues warranting immediate attention. Women face structural barriers in many areas including work and health care aside from being exposed to physical and psychological abuse all over the world. Those campaigning should push for laws that ensure women have equal opportunities as men and that these laws also uphold social norms which empower women since these are dual strategies.
Combating Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
Fighting racial and ethnic discrimination is an important part of promoting human rights. People belonging to racial minorities often are not recognized in a fair manner along national and international laws and conventions. To promote effective advocacy, it is important that along with legislative changes we also need educational programs so that we can embrace a community which accepts diversity as one of its core principles. This implies addressing the historical inequities responsible for economic disparities and ensuring equitable access to opportunities and wealth resources.
Upholding Refugee Rights
Advocacy for human rights should also touch on the rights of migrants and refugees— often dispossessed and denied even the most basic of rights. An unprecedented global humanitarian crisis looms over us, thanks to conflicts and climate change that have uprooted millions in recent years. Advocates must ensure that international policies take the interests of displaced persons at heart: providing safe harbor, support for reintegration into host communities, all done with dignity. A responsibility for those advocating for human rights, too.
Ensuring LGBTQ+ Rights
Additionally, LGBTQ+ people's rights are regularly in jeopardy. In this field, advocacy entails opposing laws and social norms that discriminate, encouraging tolerance, and gaining legal recognition for a range of gender identities and sexual orientations. One of the most important human rights concerns is making sure that LGBTQ+ people can live freely and openly without worrying about being persecuted.
Multidimensional Advocacy
Human rights advocacy needs to be multidimensional, combining international collaboration, grassroots organizing, and legal action, in order to be effective. Human rights require the establishment and enforcement of legislative frameworks and policies. When it comes to bringing attention to issues and inspiring communities to demand change, grassroots movements are essential. Treaties and other international organizations offer crucial forums for establishing international norms and holding offenders responsible.
Education as a Catalyst
One effective strategy for promoting human rights is education. By raising awareness about human rights issues and promoting a culture of empathy and respect, advocates can foster a more informed and compassionate society. Educational programs in schools and communities can empower individuals to recognize and stand up against injustices, building a grassroots movement for human rights.
A Call to Action
In conclusion, human rights advocacy is a continuous and crucial endeavor to create a world in which each person can live with respect and dignity. Advocacy can contribute to the development of a more just and equitable society by addressing issues such as gender inequality, racial discrimination, refugee hardship, and LGBTQ+ rights. We can achieve great progress in bringing the universal ideals of human rights for all to reality through legal reforms, education, international cooperation, and grassroots mobilization.
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mohammadziadeh · 1 year ago
The Involvement of Arab-Americans in Social Justice Campaigns
The Involvement of Arab-Americans in Social Justice Campaigns
Here, we provide an insightful exploration of the contributions made by Arab-Americans, such as Ahmad Ziadeh, to social justice movements, underlining their unwavering dedication to promoting fairness and justice for all. On August 21, 2013, Ziadeh was elected as the secretary of the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (SJP UTK). Later, on February 16, 2016, Ziadeh became an administrator of the SJP UTK Facebook page.
Mohammad Ziadeh
The involvement of Arab-Americans in social justice movements is of great importance as they bring unique perspectives, experiences, and understanding to the table. They have historically been at the forefront of advocating for human rights, racial equality, and justice for marginalized communities. One such notable figure is Ahmad Ziadeh, who has been actively involved in certain social justice movements since his college days.
As an integral member of the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (SJP UTK), Ahmad Ziadeh displayed a strong commitment to the Palestinian cause and actively worked on raising awareness about the various complexities and perspectives surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It is rarely the case that individuals develop concern for specific movements only upon entering university. Instead, these sentiments often take root far earlier, shaped by personal experiences, cultural influences, and societal circumstances. The university environment, however, serves as a significant catalyst. It provides a platform for more individual action, fosters an environment conducive to critical thinking, and actively promotes standing up for various causes. The very nature of a university setting, with its diverse population and culture of open dialogue, allows for a greater exploration of social justice issues, thereby amplifying the voices that strive for change, and adding momentum to their efforts.
However, it was while at university that Ahmad Ziadeh's journey in the realm of social justice activism commenced with his election as the secretary of SJP UTK on August 21, 2013. Throughout his tenure, Ziadeh contributed to organizing events and educational workshops aimed at spreading awareness about Palestinian history, politics, and human rights issues. His steadfast dedication to the cause led to his appointment as an administrator for the SJP UTK Facebook page on February 16, 2016.
During his time as an administrator, Ahmad Ziadeh facilitated communication and engagement within the SJP UTK community. Through the online platform, he disseminated news, updates, and relevant information regarding the organization's activities. Ziadeh's devotion to social justice and his fellow SJP UTK members further reinforced the solidarity and commitment of Arab-Americans to the cause.
Arab-Americans have long made substantial contributions to social justice campaigns across a diverse range of causes. This includes movements for racial equity, LGBTQ+ rights — counterintuitively to a false, yet commonly held, narrative — and environmental justice, to name a few. Their activism demonstrates the values of equality, justice, and fairness that underpin both their cultural heritage and their engagement with the broader American society.
On a national level, Arab-Americans have been instrumental in shaping policy discussions regarding ethnicity, citizenship, and religious freedom. Through their advocacy, they have demanded inclusion and recognition of their community's rights and needs. These efforts have had a noticeable impact on policy decisions and the overall environment of inclusiveness within the United States.
In addition, Arab-Americans have played a crucial role in fostering understanding and solidarity among different racial, ethnic, and religious communities. By building bridges and engaging in dialogue, they have contributed to promoting unity and addressing issues that arise from discrimination and prejudice.
While numerous religions propagate the concept of proselytization – pursuing efforts to convert individuals to their faith in order to save their souls under the eyes of the God they believe in – Islam presents an intriguing balance. Although it advocates spreading the word of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, it also promotes tolerance and coexistence among followers of different religions. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, emphasizes that there should be 'no compulsion in religion' (Quran 2:256), thus underlining the importance of religious freedom and diversity. As a testament to this, many Arab-Americans, who are predominantly Muslim, actively advocate for religious tolerance and work towards fostering interfaith dialogues and collaborations within their communities and the broader American society. This commitment further underscores their contribution to the social justice movement in the United States.
The commitments made by Arab-Americans to social justice movements and the defense of human rights are ongoing and deeply rooted. Despite the challenges that persist, many individuals of Arab descent proudly serve as representatives, embodying the unwavering dedication and resilience that Arab-Americans continue to exhibit in pursuit of equality and justice for all. Their tireless efforts and contributions contribute to the rich tapestry of diversity and progress in our society.
As we move forward, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Arab-Americans to social justice campaigns, not just on an individual level but also as a community. Their voices and actions serve as a reminder that standing united in the pursuit of fairness and equality is a powerful force for positive change. Let us continue to uplift and support each other in this collective fight for a better world.
The participation of Arab-Americans in social justice movements is crucial and deserving of acknowledgment. Their contributions showcase the profound influence that can be achieved through solidarity, commitment, and an unwavering commitment to fairness. As we endeavor to create a more just society for all, let us remain united with our Arab-American allies and endeavor to construct a brighter future for everyone.
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ervinafindy · 1 year ago
Denny JA: Exploring religion: Finding infinite inner wealth
In this life, humans always feel thirsty for happiness and inner peace. Many people reflect and introspect themselves to find the true meaning of life. One way to get an infinite inner wealth is to explore religion. Denny JA, a prominent intellectual in Indonesia, has long traveled spiritually by diverting religion. He believes that religion is the way to find the greatest treasure in humans, namely peace and inner happiness. In his journey, Denny JA discovered that every religion has their respective beauty and wisdom. These religions do not conflict with each other, but complement each other. By exploring these religions, Denny JA not only gets a deeper understanding of the meaning of life, but also feels true inner peace. One of the beliefs that Denny Ja is absorbed in his spiritual journey is the importance of justice and affection in religion. He realized that every religion teaches that humans do good and maintain harmony, regardless of religious, ethnic, or racial differences. In the culture of the Indonesian people, tolerance and diversity are inherent in the soul of the community. However, lately there has been polarization in the community, especially related to religion. Denny Ja believes that this is not in line with the actual teachings of religion. He fully supports efforts to strengthen brotherhood between religious believers and strengthen diversity as Indonesia's wealth. According to Denny Ja, studying religion also means finding the roots of religiosity that exists in yourself. He had experienced a spiritual crisis and felt lost in his life. However, through spiritual journey and exploring religious teachings, Denny Ja discovered the inner peace that he had been missed. When living daily life, Denny Ja always puts forward sincerity and honesty in religion. He believes that true religion is a religion that upholds the values of truth, both in words and deeds. Not just running rites and religious traditions, but also living the values contained therein. Denny Ja invites everyone to see religion as a way to a deeper understanding of human life and existence. He underlined the importance of learning from and respecting the teachings of other religions as a form of tolerance and diversity. In this increasingly complex world, Denny Ja realizes that religion is not a guarantee to be free from life difficulties. However, by exploring religion, humans will have a guide and guide in facing life challenges. Religion provides inner peace and belief that every act carried out will get a reward that is worth. In addition, Denny Ja also emphasized that exploring religion does not mean leaving common sense and the ability to think rationally. Conversely, true religion is a religion that teaches that humans maintain a balance between reason and conscience. In his journey, Denny Ja discovered that when someone studied religion seriously, he would feel more close to God. He believes that religious life cannot only be based on theoretical knowledge, but also personal and deep longing experiences to get closeness with the Creator. Denny Ja gave an example of himself as proof that exploring religion gives a more meaningful life. He is rich not in terms of material, but in infinite happiness. For him, religion is a price of priceless knowledge, as well as belief that makes himself a better human being. In ending this conversation, Denny Ja called on everyone to make religion the main life guide. Religion is not the final goal, but a path that will bring humans to more meaningful life and infinite inner wealth. So, let us explore religion in a deep, explore the wisdom and wisdom contained in it, and make religion a source of true peace in our lives.
Check more: Denny JA: Exploring religion: Finding infinite inner wealth
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