#confident flirt will byers
byierficrecs · 1 year
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❝ make a move ❞ author: @astrobei
link: archiveofourown.org/works/45380008
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sadboyhrs · 2 years
hope jonathan and will get flirted with next season, they've been the other man long enough
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Part I: Sweet Tooth
(Part II)
Eddie stares down at his wristwatch. One minute to noon. Just one more minute.
“Want us to clear the path?” Argyle claps him on his shoulder and squeezes. “It’s almost time.”
“I don’t – I don’t know. Maybe you guys could stand behind the kitchen doors? You can see through the windows, right?” Eddie scrunches his nose.
He can feel it, he’s been conditioned to it by now, the familiar pit of anticipation. Other people may call it butterflies. Eddie thinks it’s more like pterodactyls breathing fire inside his stomach. He desperately needs someone to hold his fucking hand during this hardship.
But he also really, really doesn’t want anyone up close to witness him making a fool of himself in front of Hot Steve - a new regular customer at their cafe. An incredibly attractive guy who works at the bookstore next door.
Eddie can NOT fuck this up. It only happens once a day, for a maximum of three minutes.
“Maybe today’s the day you ask him out,” Jonathan smiles. Dude never smiles with his eyes. It’s kind of unsettling.
“Absolutely not, have you seen Hot Steve?” Eddie groans. “There’s no way he plays for my team. He’s –“
The doorbell chimes. Eddie’s head snaps towards the entrance, mouth falling open. Hot Steve is walking towards him, holy shit. It’s go time. Eddie shoos his coworkers away with a frantic wave, straightens his name tag, and rests his chin on his palm and bends over a little, elbow on the counter.
This is always the way he greets Hot Steve. It’s his signature move. Although, it hasn’t really worked yet. If it worked, Eddie would’ve won Hot Steve’s attention by now. But this is the best he got at the moment, damn it.
“Hi, Eds, how are you doing?” Hot Steve is wearing a baby-blue button-down today, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His name tag pin on the left side of his chest glints.
Eddie loves that Steve came up with that nickname on his own, despite only having seen him here at Cafe Byers for, like, two weeks now.
“Better now that you’re here.” Eddie gives him a cheeky smile, If Argyle and Jonathan were here, they might’ve been impressed with how smooth it sounded; they always comment on the way he flirts, the things he says. If you ever said shit like that to me, I’d be hella blushing, brochacho. You know you got game, right?
What they don’t know is that these lines are rehearsed in his head, so many times. It’s all Eddie ever does: practice pickup lines for Hot Steve.
“Right out of the gate, huh? You're makin' me blush,” Hot Steve smiles, and honestly, it’s hard to tell if he’s blushing at all. Or if he’s even flustered. Hot Steve's always so confident. “I’ll get a latte. With oat milk, please?”
“Oh?” Oat milk? That’s new. Steve didn’t care last time what milk he was getting. Interesting. Or is it? Eddie decides to file that information away for later. “Yea, coming right up.”
Another thing about Hot Steve that really does something to Eddie’s overworked pterodactyls, is that he never has a phone with him. Or on him. If it is, it's never visible.
Which is odd, because the entire café is littered with folks who cannot tear their eyes away from their little gadgets and devices, especially their phones; most people can’t even wait for their drinks without looking at them, checking something constantly, emails or texts or whatever. 
And, well, Hot Steve never does any of that. He always waits at the end of the counter, patiently watching Eddie making drinks. It always makes him feel so self-conscious. Eddie’s burnt his hands under hot steam a couple of times, actually.
But these two, maybe three minutes of Eddie making a fresh beverage for Hot Steve – this is the only time he gets to make small talk with him. Each time, he learns something new about him, or confirms something that Eddie’s already inferred. The grand question of the day is: “So, who’s the drink for?”
Hot Steve blinks rapidly, as if coming out of a daze. “Uh – what?”
“Whose drink is this?” Eddie says, tamping the coffee grounds. “I’m assuming it’s not yours.”
“How… did you know it’s not mine?” he narrows his eyes.
God. It’s really telling, isn’t it, that Eddie’s noticed these things? “First time for you to ask for oat milk, so. I don’t know, I figured,” he shrugs.
Hot Steve opens his mouth as if to say something. Then he doesn’t. In the corner of Eddie’s eyes, he sees him nodding with pursed lips, with a hint of a smirk. It’s so distracting that Eddie almost heats up regular milk despite this whole conversation being around someone’s (not Steve’s, apparently) preference for plant-based milk. Oops.
He finishes making the latte and walks over to the cash register, handing over the drink. Steve receives it with a small thanks. 
But Eddie knows Steve's not quite done here today. Because, when you have a tiny (massive) crush on a near-stranger, you just, kind of look for patterns. That’s just how human minds work; Eddie has been carefully collecting all the little information about Hot Steve, just based on the few minutes that he spends at the café at noon.
Which is how that Eddie’s almost certain (almost, because there’s always room for anomalies) what Hot Steve’s about to do when he asks, “Is that it for today?”
“Oh – um,” Hot Steve scans the glass case of assorted desserts and baked goods, subconsciously wetting his lips. “Actually, yea. Can I have the blueberry crumble, please?”
This is one of the very few predictable things about him. Eddie doesn’t know why Hot Steve even looks at the shelves of sweets each time as if he’s ever going to make a different choice, because it’s always the same, the only constant pattern besides his entrance that he’s ever shown Eddie: the house blueberry crumble, the ones that Eddie bakes himself.
And every time Hot Steve asks for it, Eddie has to turn around and flex his arms, letting out a silent scream of victory, because Hot Steve is fucking hooked on those things. It’s truly incredible to know that he wants it. Eddie pours his heart and soul into those.
“Of course, babe,” he swoops down, takes a small square piece out with tongs, wraps it in a pocket of parchment paper. “D’you know I bake these every morning?”
“You – it’s you?” Hot Steve’s eyes widen comically. “Wow. I thought they were, like, shipped over from a bakery or something.”
“We do have an oven,” Eddie points behind the kitchen with his thumb and looks back, makes a mistake of drawing attention to the door, only remembering then that Argyle and Jonathan are probably watching this whole thing. Really hoping that they’re being discreet. 
“That’s amazing. I – I love them,” he says, not at all looking behind, thank God. “Guess you’re good with your hands.”
Eddie could practically hear the angelic chorus from the sky. Holy shit. Hot Steve loves his crumbles. Fuck. He could cry. 
But, you know. Everything always comes to an end, and that’s usually how far their conversation goes. Nothing more than just small talk, and then Hot Steve would pay for the stuff, go back to the next-door bookstore where he works. And until the next day, it’s as if he doesn’t even exist. A mythical creature that only appears during those three minutes in time and space, then vanishes afterwards. 
So he tries, just one last time before he leaves. “Steve?”
“Yea?” Hot Steve looks up, batting his lashes. They’re – so – pretty. So long, delicate. Such a fucking contrast to his muscular arms and chest that his thin blue shirt does nothing to hide, sleeves and buttons ready to pop. It’s sinful.
Fuck, and time’s ticking, yet there are so many things Eddie wants to ask. What is your drink, then? ‘Cause you never get the same drink twice.
Why is it always at noon? Is that your break?
Where are you from? When does your shift end? You do work at the bookstore, right?
When are you free?
All of these are more or less reasonable, if not a tiny bit creepy questions. But any of these would’ve been so much better than what Eddie actually blurts out, so out of the left field that he surprises even himself: “So, uh, how much do you bench?”
Oh, fuck. Where the hell did that come from? Eddie cringes hard inside, unsure how those words, that kind of vernacular even came out of his mouth, please, he wants to rewind time - 
But it's spilled oat milk. Guh. He crinkles his nose to prepare himself to apologize. Sorry. That was so – I’m not a gym bro. I’m not! Look at me! He's about to say, but:
“You wanna know?”
Hot Steve has a shit-eating grin on. That’s a first. There might even be a faint blush on his cheeks. Holy shit. Hot Steve took the fucking bait. Not that it was bait – it was just Eddie being a fucking disaster – but he nods all the same, stupidly. Of course he wants to know. He’s committed, now.
“Let’s see.” Hot Steve’s now circling around the counter to take a closer look at Eddie, eyes travelling up and down. It feels like Hot Steve is undressing him with his eyes. It’s kind of insane that they’re doing this in public.
Hmm. 140, 145 at the most – Hot Steve mutters under his breath. “Oh yea. Easy,” he says, still smiling wickedly.
“What do you mean, easy?” Eddie croaks.
His breath hitches when Hot Steve leans over the counter, inches away from Eddie’s face. “Probably could do twenty reps of you,” he whispers, winking.
Eddie’s brain short-circuits. He stares open-mouthed at Hot Steve, unable to move until he exits the café with the drink and a brown bag, fading away from view. Gone for the rest of the day, rest of the evening. Rest of the next morning. Only to return the next day at noon, like a fucking reverse-Cinderella.
“Why were you guys whispering?” Jonathan appears from behind, nudging him on the arm. “What did he say? Did you finally ask him out?”
“I’m about to ask him out myself if you don’t,” Argyle says lazily, earning a sharp smack from Jonathan. “Just joking, man, you know you’re my main dude,” he squeezes a squirming Jonathan on the side.
“He… “ Eddie gulps, closing his eyes, and pictures Hot Steve’s tantalizing smile. “He winked.”
Continue reading on Ao3
Read the sequel: Savour
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vilentia · 1 year
How the Stranger Things boys would react…
...if another guy would hit on their girlfriend.
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Steve Harrington
Steve would feel a mix of anger and protectiveness. He would immediately step in, confronting the guy who flirted with you, making it clear that you're taken. Steve's love for you would drive him to defend your relationship and ensure that you feel secure and respected.
Billy Hargrove
Billy would become incredibly possessive and jealous. His temper would flare up, and he would likely confront the guy who flirted with you in an aggressive manner. Billy's intense love for you would make him unwilling to tolerate any threat to your relationship, and he would make it clear that you are his and his alone.
Jonathan Byers
Jonathan would feel a surge of insecurity and sadness. He might struggle with self-doubt, wondering if he's good enough for you. Rather than lashing out, Jonathan would withdraw a bit, feeling hurt by the situation. He would need reassurance and affirmation from you to rebuild his confidence and reaffirm the love you share.
Eddie Munson
Eddie would be overwhelmed with anxiety and worry. He would likely overthink the situation and doubt his own ability to keep you happy. Eddie's love for you would manifest in his deep concern for your well-being, and he would want to talk about what happened to understand your perspective and ensure that you still choose him.
Argyle would respond with playful humor and a touch of mischief. He would try to diffuse the tension by making light of the situation, teasing the guy who flirted with you in a good-natured way. Argyle's love for you would be expressed through his desire to make you laugh and feel at ease, reminding you that you're with someone who can handle any challenge that comes your way.
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
Just a Little More
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Steve's over Nancy, and there's a girl on his mind. One night out and some flirting might lead to a jealous Steve getting drunk.
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
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I'm not a party person. I'm definitely not a party person.
The music is too loud, the people are... too many. I don't know how Steve always manages to drag me in these things.
And yet, here I am, once again.
"C'mon, don't give me that face," he tells me as we walk to the house hosting the party. "You need to go out more,"
"I'm fine as I am. Thanks" I complain. "you just insist because you need moral support"
"For what?" He asks, faking innocence.
"You want to see Nancy"
"That's... no, okay? I'm over her. I swear." He says confidently "my eyes are on someone else now"
"Oh yeah?" I ask, with a surprised laugh "and who might that be?"
"I'm sure you already know her" he answers.
"Please don't tell it's Robin" I beg, I couldn't even warn him.
"Nah, don't worry." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders urging me to walk faster towards the party "you'll find it out... sooner or later"
I hope he's not gonna have his heart broken again. I hated seeing him after the break up with Nancy.
We've been friends for a little while now. We got closer last year after an alternate dimensional creature attacked me, Nancy, Jonathan and him at Byers' house. He turned out to be not so much of an asshole, he even became my brother's best friend... big surprise. And now we're here.
As we enter the big house we're instantly surrounded by music, people and a strong smell of alcohol.
"Want something to drink?" Steve shouts over the music in my ear.
"No, thanks" I shout back.
"I'll be right back" he tells me.
"I'll go get some air"
He gives me a 'already?' look, nods and goes to the kitchen I suppose.
Yep, I decide I already need some air so I try to find my way to the back.
I walk through the sea of people dancing and chatting at the party as quickly as possible until I successfully get to the back.
Luckily there are a very few people, some are smoking and some are... holding their heads, feeling dizzy probably.
I try to enjoy the moment of peace, my mind wandering about who the girl Steve has a crush on now might be. Especially since he told me I know her.
Could it be Casey from my art class?
Or maybe it's Kelly...
I really can't-
"Hello there"
A voice interrupts my stream of thoughts.
Turning around I find myself face to face with none other than Billy Hargoves himself.
"Uh... Hi" I politely say, turning back around away from him.
I sense him walking beside me, he doesn't speak, though I can feel his eyes on me. The gesture makes me more nervous as seconds go on.
I try to not acknowledge him tok much, hoping he'd get tired and walk back inside, but unfortunately he stays.
Where the hell is Steve when I need him?
"I feel very lucky tonight" he casually say.
"Why's that?" I ask, knowing there's no way to ignore him anymore.
"Because I finally got you on your own and not attached to Harrington's hip" he answers with a grin.
"Yeah... uhm.. he's just getting something to drink. He... he'll be here sooner or later" I nervously laugh, trying to sound as casual as him.
"The later the better" he says softly.
"Uhm..." I think of something to say but nothing comes out.
"You tutor my sister, right? Well.. my step-sister" he asks.
"Yeah,I think. Max, right?"
"That's her. She always talks about you with my father and his girlfriend. She always talks about how nice and gentle you are" he speaks softly, slightly leaning towards me.
"Yeah.. well, that's nice of her..." I say, not looking at him "I only try to make her feel as comfortable as I can"
"And we all appreciate it" he basically whispers in my ear.
I step away, but I tripp into what looks like a vase and almost fall.
Billy's hands quickly catch me, helping me up, but even when I'm up straight again he doesn't let go. His grip isn't tight, I could shrug it off, but I can't seem to anyway.
"Careful there, gorgeous" he winks.
"Sorry... uh... thanks" I finally get out of his grip.
"My pleasure" he says looking down at me. He's still very close to me and as soon as I can catch his eyes falling to my lips, I take a deep breath turning my head to look back inside for Steve.
"Uhm... I think I'll go find Steve... I'll see you around" I say walking past him, but he moves to block my way.
"I'm sure he's fine. Stop worrying about him, for once... and" he moves his hand to rub, so slightly, my arm. "And start to worry about yourself... maybe we-"
He's cut off by Steve's voice.
"There you are!"
He's drunk... already?
"Ah! King Steve finally joined us!" Billy declare sarcastically.
"Are you drunk already?" I ask.
"Me? I could never..." he walks towards us, but almost fall as he nears.
"Yeah... sure" I say unconvinced.
"Damn... don't you look stunning..." he hiccups.
"Yeah. Okay. We're going." I state.
"No no no no no no" Steve blurts out. "You were having fun with him. Keep... keep going"
Oh god...
"C'mon Steve." I try to grab him to make him walk, but he yank himself away, falling to the ground.
"Don't worry, I'm okay" he quickly blurts out.
I let out a bug frustrated sigh, thinking about how to bring him home.
"Need a help taking his ass home?" Billy suddenly asks.
"I... you don't" I start.
"It's no trouble, sweetheart" he grins. "C'mon"
He grabs Steve's arm and lifts him up, helping him walk all the way to Billy's car.
"Open the door" he tells me and I rush to open the backseat door so Billy can make Steve lay there.
Then Billy and I get in as well and he starts to drive.
"Thanks, Billy" I say as Billy help Steve sit on the couch in Steve's house.
"No problem, sweetheart" he smirk looking back at me. "Take care, King Steve" he adds sarcastically
I walk him to the door.
"You know...how about you and I finish what we started earlier?" He suggests.
"About you starting to worry about yourself instead of him." He says, moving to grab my hand.
"Uhm... I.. I'm sorry..." I carefully move my hand out of his grip, glancing quickly at Steve on the couch "I better check on him"
"As you wish" He raises both hands in surrender, but surprisingly he smiles too. "If you ever change your mind, give me a call, sweetheart"
When Billy walks back to his car I walk back to Steve.
"Let's get you to bed, uh?" I say and he mutter something I can't catch.
I help him upstairs and to his bed.
"Oh thanks" he says like he just realised what's happening.
"No problem, Steve" I say as I help him take his shoes off.
"I ruined your night" he mutters.
"What?" I'm confused.
"You seemed reeeeeally comfortable with Hargoves tonight" he blurts out.
"What are you talking about?"
"I say you two talking.. and he was preeeeeetty close" he explains.
"We were talking about Max, his sister. I tutor her"
Why do I need to explain myself? And why does he sounds... jealous?
"He was too close" he states and he finally crawls to lay under the covers of his bed.
"Yeah. I guess." I say with a say and heading downstairs to grab him a glass of water.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"To grab some water"
"You coming back... right?" He seems.. anxious. Why?
I walk downstairs to finally grab a glass and quickly go back to Steve only to see him talking his shirt off, to sleep, the sight blocks me.
It happened before... I already saw him taking his shirt off, for any sort of reasons.. well.. not all possible reasons. But now... now feels different. Why?
I take a deep breath and walk back in his bedroom.
"There you go" I hand him the glass and sit on the bed.
"Thank you" he says and manages to drink the whole glass.
"You're welcome"
We stay in a comfortable silence for a little while, Steve layed down taking deep breath and me sitting on his bed playing with my fingers.
"You feeling okay?" I suddenly ask and he hums nodding.
"Good. You need anything I'll be downstairs" I tell him with a smile and get up.
"What? You're not sleeping here?" He gestures to the other side of the bed.
"You want me to sleep there?" I chuckle.
I always sleep on his couch when sometimes it's too late to walk home... never in his bed.. with him.
"Yeah." He says as a matter of fact.
"I... o-okay" I say. "I.. I just don't have anything to wear to bed"
My plan was to take off my trousers and shirt and rely on the covers... I obviously can't if sleeping in his bed.
"Just grab something of mine. I don't mind.. quite the opposite actually" he says simply.
"What?" I chuckle surprised.
"Well.. seeing the girl I have my eyes on in my clothes... God..." he says, without thinking probably.
"How you have realised I'll never understand" he giggles.
Okay.. he's drunk.
"Sure" I say unconvinced.
I grab one of his shirts and a pair of pj's pants and get changed in the bathroom.
As I walk back in his room he's still laying down, but he uncovered the other side of his bed for me to get in.
"Hey!" He exclaims.
"What?" I ask.
"I haven't seen you!" He complains.
"You're basically sleeping, Stevie. You can't keep your eyes open." I tell him. "Go to sleep"
"You don't believe me" he states.
"About what?"
"You being the girl... I.. like" he hiccups.
Is it true?
"You're drunk, Steve. Your just-"
"No, no, no, no" he says holding his finger to my lips, to stop me from keep speaking. "You're that girl. You. You. Yooou"
So... my crush isn't one-sided as I always thought..
"Kiss me?"
"Uh?" I ask taken aback.
"Please?" He says getting closer. Cuddling against me.
"How about this... you sleep and tomorrow morning, if you still feel like this, I'll kiss you." I tell him.
"And you'll believe me?" He asks looking at me with puppy eyes.
"Yes Steve. I'll believe you" I say, thankful for the darkness hiding my flustered face.
"Great" he says cuddling more against me.
"Goodnight Steve"
" 'Night... love"
The thing is... I do believe him. I just want him to suffer a little more.
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astrobei · 2 years
hey :) so i was wondering if you could incorporate 3, 12 and 50 into a single one shot ? bc that would be Amazing but if you don't want you you can just pick whichever haha
challenge accepted !! this was super fun to write thank you !! :^)
3, 12, and 50 for touch prompts: hiding face in neck + pushing a strand of hair behind their ear + putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up
If you’d asked Mike, a few years ago, how he thought he’d end up dying, he’d have a few different guesses. Clawed to death by monsters, maybe, was up at the top of his list for a while there. Shot to death by government agents also made the top five more than once, which was kind of worrying. And it was probably very concerning that getting stomped on, impaled, or eaten by an alien supermonster hivemind was on there at all.
Suffice it to say that he didn’t die in any of those ways, since Mike is currently, in the present moment, alive. But probably not for long. He’s seen some shit, and he hasn’t even graduated college, and maybe it’s a little bit pathetic that after all of that– the monsters and the Russians and the end of the world– that this is how he really dies: backed up against the wall at some completely questionable house party, being flirted with by Will Byers.
At least, that’s what Mike thinks is going on here. If he’s being totally honest, he doesn’t have all that much experience in the flirting department, considering that the one person he’d ever dated hadn’t done much flirting and the one person he had maybe wanted to flirt with hadn’t–
Well, it doesn’t matter. Said person is doing it now, and for all of Mike’s past reminiscence and speculation on the topic, he didn’t think it would be happening like this.
“You look nice tonight,” Will is saying, barely audible over the low thrum of music in the background. They’re not even somewhere particularly loud– the hallway is a blessed reprieve from the chaos of whatever is happening in the living room, but Will’s voice has dropped into something low and intentional. He smiles. “You should wear more green.”
Oh, god. Mike is going to die.
“Uh. Really?” he says, in what’s definitely not a squeak. It comes out assured and confident and–
Oh, who is he kidding? Will’s smile grows, surely delighted at the unfortunate crack in Mike’s voice. He leans in a bit closer, and it’s barely a few inches, but he might as well have just pushed Mike up against the wall and–
“Yeah,” Will whispers, so soft that Mike has to lean in another inch to hear him. He reaches a hand out and runs a thumb along the hem of Mike’s sweater, the side of his wrist brushing softly against Mike’s collarbone. Mike’s heart stops dead, still and unmoving and seized up, right there in his chest cavity. “It’s definitely your color.”
“Oh,” Mike breathes, and yeah.
So Will might be flirting with him, is the bottom line here, and the issue isn’t so much that it’s unwelcome– the opposite, in fact. Mike feels a little bit like if he weren’t caged in by Will’s arm on one side of his chest and the adjacent wall on the other, then his soul might be just flying right out of his body altogether. It feels like maybe it’s already halfway there, because Will’s gaze is steady, eyes sparkling with amusement even in the dim light of the hallway, and wow, are his hands shaking?
For his own sake, he hopes not. 
And the issue isn’t that it’s unwelcome, but more so that in all his years of existence and all the crazy shit he’s seen, somehow, being flirted with by Will Byers was lower on the list of things Mike thought might happen to him someday than interdimensional portals or his telekinetically gifted ex-girlfriend.
“You look nice too,” Mike gets out, in a surprisingly even voice. Will does look nice, so this isn’t a difficult sentiment to portray by any means. He’s swapped out one of his usual sweaters, big and worn comfortably around the edges and all down the seams, for something a little more fitted. It’s a soft cream color, and Mike doesn’t know where Will got this, because he’s been shopping at the same stores the entire time since they moved here for school and none of them carry clothes like this. Mature, a little grown up, and really, really attractive.
Will lets out a small, pleased noise. “Yeah?”
“How many drinks have you had?” Mike peers suspiciously down at him, because it’s not like Will is an idiot, per se, or super uptight about these sorts of things, but he’s not usually this– this bold. If Mike is going to be blunt about it, Will has never been this bold before and maybe it’s about time, but that doesn’t mean Mike is any more ready for it.
Not that he’s complaining. Oh, god.
“One,” Will grins. “Why? How many have you had?”
Christ. Mike swallows, and says, “Like, half. It was nasty so I just– um. Left it there. Heads up, by the way, don’t drink the jungle juice.”
“Noted,” Will laughs. It does something to Mike’s stomach, watching the way his shoulders relax, like he’s comfortable and at ease here, standing in front of Mike all up close and personal in a dark corner of a dark hallway with– oh, god– no one around.
“Yeah,” Mike says, kind of lamely, and notices belatedly that his gaze has settled somewhere around the general vicinity of Will’s mouth sometime in the last forty seconds or so. Maybe longer, if he’s being totally honest, but who’s counting, right?
(Mike. Mike is counting.)
“So anyway,” Will continues, without missing a beat. “You look really good in green. I don’t know why you never wear colors.”
“It’s not on purpose,” Mike insists, even though it kind of is, because it’s a lot harder to accidentally look like an idiot if all of your clothes match by default. “I don’t know, I just– I don’t have a reason to?”
“Okay, well,” Will starts, and then he moves forward until their chests are almost flush against each other, and Mike is seriously, seriously backed into a corner, even more than he was before. Both metaphorically and extremely literally. “It looks nice with your hair,” Will murmurs, and reaches a hand up to tug lightly at a strand falling loose around Mike’s face.
Will smells really nice, actually, like the good cologne he wears on special occasions, and Mike doesn’t know why he dressed up so nice to go to a party where you have to scoop your drinks out of a bowl with a red plastic cup, but hey. Again, he’s not complaining.
“My– my hair?” Mike asks faintly, because it’s just his hair, and he hasn’t ever given it much thought before now, because it’s only hair. Black and just long enough to land on this side of inconvenient, but suddenly Will has one hand in it and it’s not just hair anymore, but maybe the best thing to ever happen to him.
Will nods. He looks a little pink, which is quite possibly the most endearing thing Mike has ever seen, and it’s also more of a confidence booster than it probably should be, that Will hasn’t turned into a total smooth-talking Casanova out of literally nowhere. That maybe he’s losing his shit just as much as Mike is right now.
“Yeah,” Will says, and yeah, his voice catches just a little bit on the single syllable, and Mike bites back a pleased smile. “It looks really good with your hair,” he says again, then tucks the loose strand carefully behind Mike’s ear. “So that’s one reason.”
“I hardly think that’s good enough reason to redo my entire wardrobe,” Mike says, egged on just a little bit by the way Will is definitely turning more pink by the second.
“It brings out your eyes too,” Will murmurs, looking steadily up at him. It’s hard to tell exactly what he’s thinking– half his face is drowned out in shadow and the proximity is rendering Mike kind of useless altogether– but Mike thinks maybe he has a guess.
He blinks. “My eyes?”
“Mhm.” Will strokes the pad of one thumb over the skin there, just over his cheekbone. Mike instantly forgets how to breathe. Christ. “They’re pretty.”
“I– are you sure you’re not drunk?”
“Stone-cold sober,” Will assures him. “Why? Who’s asking?”
Me, Mike thinks, me, me, me. What he says is, “Um. Someone.”
Will raises an eyebrow, but he keeps his hand right where it is– resting on Mike’s cheek, thumb under his eye, and oh, god. Mike is going to die. 
“You don’t know him?” Mike tries.
“Shame,” Will says noncommittally, and it sounds like he might be on the verge of laughing again. He steps back, the vacuum-seal proximity between their bodies vanishing in an instant as the air of the room rushes in all at once– stifling, stuffy, a little warm and sweaty and immediately, it’s like the noise in the place has been cranked up to ten.
Was it this loud in here all along?
Mike is going to scream. He’s going to die, right here in the hallway, and then he’s going to scream some more. “Where are you going?” he asks, and it comes out a bit petulant and a bit needy and way, way too thrown off-guard for his liking, but he can’t find it in himself to care. The lingering warmth of Will’s palm against his cheek is something he’s already missing like it’s a physical thing.
“Who’s asking?” Will says again, and dear god, if Mike had known before what it would have been like to be flirted with Will Byers, he would have, like, grabbed a couple witnesses and signed off an early copy of his last will and testament, bequeathed his meager belongings to whomever they may concern, then laid himself down to die in peace.
“Me,” Mike blurts out this time, taking a step forward from the wall and grabbing Will’s wrist. “I’m asking because I think you shouldn’t go and you should just stay here with me and– and flirt with me some more, because, um. That was nice, and I liked that, even if I thought I was going to die for a minute there, and if you go then– um. You can’t flirt with me anymore?”
Will smiles for real this time, wide and shocked and pleased. “Yeah?” And it’s a little shy when he says it, like maybe he didn’t actually expect this to go anywhere, like he didn’t expect Mike to grow a fucking pair and stop melting into the floor long enough to reciprocate.
“Yeah,” Mike whispers, and he’s just started to pull Will back towards him, Will already stumbling a little with the motion, when he hears a voice from around the doorframe they’re currently maybe ten feet away from.
“Mike? Will?”
“Shit,” Will mutters, eyes wide. “What the hell is Max doing here? I thought she was upstairs.”
Mike opens his mouth to answer when a second voice responds, “I swear I saw them go through here,” and it might be Dustin and it might be Lucas but all that’s really important is that whoever it is is close, and Mike doesn’t know if he has the cardiac strength in him to go through all of this again later, and all of his brainpower is currently being used to not pass out on the spot, and–
Lucky for him, Will has his shit marginally more together. “Here,” he’s saying, then there are fingers wrapping around Mike’s forearm and before he can fully process what’s happening, he’s being dragged in the opposite direction. Will throws open a door, then shoves Mike inside.
Mike wrinkles his nose. “It smells like feet in here,” he says, and he can’t see Will’s face because it’s pitch black in– wherever they are– but he’s willing to bet real money that he’s rolling his eyes.
“Coat closet,” Will says simply, “now shut up.”
Okay, yeah, makes sense. There’s something heavy and soft brushing up against Mike’s side, and he takes a couple steps backwards until he can feel the wall behind him. God, okay. This is fine. This is fine. This is–
“You know,” Mike says, as if this will distract him from his unnecessarily sweaty palms, “you didn’t have to ambush–”
Quick as lightning, Will claps a hand over Mike’s mouth. “If you want to kiss me,” Will hisses, and, okay, he’s pressed up against Mike again, which is fine, it’s great, actually– “I’m going to need you to shut up.”
The footsteps come closer. Mike holds his breath. He thinks maybe Will is too because he can’t hear him breathe, and he’s gone tense and still where he’s pressed up against Mike. A voice that’s definitely Dustin’s is grumbling, “Man, if I find them and the taco place down the street is already closed, I’m going to kill him.”
Mike bites back a laugh. The taco place closed twenty minutes ago, which he knows, because he’d been on his way to find Dustin when he’d– when he’d run into Will in the hallway.
Oh, god.
“Are they gone?” Will whispers, as if his hand is not currently over Mike’s mouth. He clears his throat like hello, and Will drops his hand. “Oh. Right. Sorry.”
“Who said I wanted to kiss you,” Mike says hoarsely, and Will’s hand pauses somewhere between his collarbone and sternum.
“Well,” he hears Will say, still entirely invisible in the dark save for a few dots of faint light coming in through the slats in the door. “You don’t have to kiss me. If you don’t want to.”
For the first time all evening, Will sounds a little hesitant. No, Mike thinks. He can’t have that. He shakes his head, even though Will can’t see him. “Let’s not be too hasty here, okay, I didn’t say that.”
A pause. “Yeah?” Will says, a little shy, almost. “You want to kiss me?”
Screw it. 
“I do,” Mike says, as earnestly as he can find in himself to muster up, and he hears Will breathe in sharply somewhere in front of him. “I really, really want to–”
To Will’s credit, kissing in the dark probably wouldn’t work out for anybody. Mike is a few inches taller and the angle is a bit off, and it’s pretty impressive, if he’s being honest, that Will’s mouth lands mostly on his. Which should also not be rendering Mike as totally speechless as it is– being kissed on the corner of his lips in an awkward, clumsily endearing sort of way– but Will has always surprised him. “Shit,” Will says, pulling back slightly, “sorry, I was trying to guess where you were, and I–”
“It’s cool,” Mike hears himself say, and he didn’t mean to say it, but it seems that his brain has sort of kicked itself into autopilot mode, because he’s reaching out before he can really think about what he’s doing. His hand brushes Will’s shoulder, and he moves it up against the side of his neck, and says, hesitating, “Here– let’s try this.”
“Okay,” Will says softly, not even a whisper with how quiet it comes out. Mike drags a hand into Will’s hair, brings the other one to cup his cheek, and slowly, slowly moves forward.
“I’m going to kiss you,” Mike murmurs, tracing a thumb over the curve of Will’s lower lip, grounding himself. “Um. Just so you know that I’m, like, coming in.”
“Okay,” Will says again, and then Mike kisses him.
It’s instantly better this time– so much better, Mike thinks, immediately going lightheaded with the sensation of it. It’s like every other sense is dialed up to eleven in the dark– Will’s hair soft against his hand, the scent of his cologne, the faint taste of orange soda on his lips. The soft, startled noise Will makes in the back of his throat, cut off like it escaped him before he could stop himself, and that thought is enough to make Mike’s stomach swoop in a dizzying sort of way, that Will really wanted to kiss him so badly that he just couldn’t help himself, that maybe he thought about it in all the same ways Mike had. That maybe he came up with a hundred and one ways it might happen and maybe this was a possibility, in Will’s mind– a coat closet in the dark, barely one drink in.
“I can’t see you,” Will says, pulling back so that their lips are just barely brushing against each other. He’s got his hands on either side of Mike’s neck, like he’s anchoring himself lest he drift away entirely in the dark.
Mike lowers his hands, pulls Will in by the waist– the solid planes of his back, the soft fabric of this sweater, this goddamn sweater– and says, “You’re the one that kissed me in the dark, you idiot.”
Will makes a small noise of affront. “You’re the one that asked me to,” he says, a little smugly, which technically isn’t the most true statement, but Mike supposes that he had kind of set himself up to be kissed, so maybe he should let this one slide. And then Will runs a thumb along to his chin, tilts his face down, slowly, slowly, and kisses him again– and Mike can’t remember what exactly it was he was protesting.
Maybe Will had been onto something, because Mike is pretty chuffed about not being able to actually see the person he’s kissing, especially when that person is Will, who Mike spent a disproportionate amount of time wanting to look at even before this whole thing went down, but this is pretty nice for now, he thinks, as Will presses him a little more firmly into the wall. And that’s also nice, because Mike thinks he might be dying, and the solid parallel weights of the wall behind him and Will in front of him might be the only thing keeping him from keeling over entirely.
“Okay,” Mike says, pulling back, which is nowhere close to his top ten most intelligent moments of all time. Or even twenty, maybe. “You–”
The rest of the sentence gets lost to the sands of time, because the door is flying open so fast that Will flinches, and Mike tightens his grip around his waist on instinct. “What–”
“Oh,” Max Mayfield is saying, arms crossed. “This is where you two disappeared to.”
Mike closes his eyes, and prays to whichever higher power might be listening for a rapid, painless death.
Nothing happens. Figures.
“Come on, man,” he hears Dustin say, “we were looking for you guys!”
“We know,” Mike says, and then immediately wants to sink through the floor and disappear at the way his voice cracks, just a little. It’s barely noticeable, really, but his friends are like sharks in blood-infested waters. Lucas’ smug grin grows so wide that Mike considers just leaning over and smacking it off his face.
“Oh,” he says, far too gleefully for Mike’s liking, “so is this what you meant by I’m going to go look for Dustin, Mike?”
“Didn’t realize I took up residence near Will’s tonsils,” Dustin grumbles.
Will groans, dropping his head to Mike’s shoulder. “Never talk about my tonsils again,” he mumbles against Mike’s collarbone, but he’s smiling. Mike can tell, even if he can’t see him.
“Not even if they’re inflamed?”
Will doesn’t pull away, just shakes his head and tightens his arms where they’re wrapped around Mike’s neck. Despite himself, despite the way his face feels about a million degrees warm right now, Mike smiles. “No,” Will says simply. “All of you go away.”
“Yeah, I bet you want us to,” Max says, “but I’m serious. We gotta go. Someone just threw up on the couch and it’s nasty in there.”
Mike wrinkles his nose. “Way to kill the mood.”
“Mission accomplished,” Max says, and wiggles her car keys in the air. “I’m leaving in five, with or without you.”
“I don’t want to stay here with the puke sofa,” Mike admits, pulling away with no small amount of reluctance. “So we should probably–”
“Yeah,” Will agrees, pressing a kiss to Mike’s cheek. “Now come on. I want to be able to see you when I kiss you this time.”
It’s a good thing the hallway is still dark, because Mike goes very, very red.
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
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All Steddie related fics are below the cut; angst, fluff + smut
All works can be found on AO3 as well.
multichap fics:
Baby Stardust Steve and his roommate Eddie can't seem to get along, always at each others throats, but they finally find some common ground one chilly Christmas when Steve finds his surprise baby on his doorstep, and Eddies struck by the baby fever - super fluffy + fun with some angst with suggestive themes throughout
Soccer Dads (wip) Single dad Eddies little rascal daughter Max finally makes a friend with the sweet, shy girl on her soccer team, El. And lucky for Eddie, her dad is super hot, and super single - fluffy madness and family dynamic angst
Steddie Week 2023 Submission Following all the prompts, each ficlet links together to tell one seven chap story! - fluff + angst
Can't Keep A Secret Eddie comes out to Robin on a whim when he suspects she might be the only other person who might understand, and confesses he has a crush on Steve, and Robin really can't keep any secrets from Steve and spills. Eddie gets her back when Nancy confides in him about her feelings towards Robin, and hypes her up to come out to Steve, who totally spills to Robin immediately - chaotic fluff
ficlets under 3k words:
Find Here Sorry there are litteraly so many this post got so cluttered so I made a seperate post for these ones :)
ficlets over 3k words:
Sunflower Boy At age 10 Eddie falls in love with the prettiest boy in the world on the playground one afternoon, before they're torn away from one another and never see each other again. It's only when they're 20 and preparing to go into an alternate dimension together does Eddie realise Steve is the boy he fell in love with that day - fluff and angst dude
Small Town Boy Inspired by the Bronski Beats song, Steve and Eddie meet in s1 and fool around together, but it ends badly, and Eddie's dad finds out, and he plans to run away, but his Uncle Wayne stops him - angst
Communication Breakdown Eddie is in love with Steve and wants nothing more than to be his boyfriend, but he knows that's unrealistic and will never happen, so he asks the cute barista out on a date. Steve is in love with Eddie and has loved dating him for the past few months, but gets his heart crushed when Eddie asks the stupid barista out on a date - angst with a happy ending i promise!
Missin' You, Big Boy Eddie's been crushing on Steve since forever and shamefully flirts year after year with no reward in sight, promising Steve he misses him whenever they're apart. He finally gets his way when in the Upside Down, and Steve promises he'll miss Eddie too - fluff with an angsty ending
Hellraiser Eddie, gobsmacked, chauffeurs and babysits Mike Wheeler whilst on his first date with Will Byers, who called Steve up for the same reason. Together, in the back of the cinema, Steve and Eddie throw popcorn at the teenagers heads when they get too close, and Eddie wonders if Mike could be gay, could Steve be too? - fluff!!!
Skull Rock Eddie and Steve both happen to have matching makeout spots to meet the girls they somehow pulled, however, when they both rock up at the same time and each refuse to leave before their dates arrive, tensions rise in a way neither of them expected them too - suggestive themes and language
Valentines Sucks Steve and Eddie both hate valentines, each for quite different reasons, so they decided to spend it together, and maybe Eddie gets a little sappy and breaks his own morals to buy Steve some flowers because he deserves them goddamnit! - so fluffy and sweet with some minor miscommunication angst before things get smutttty
Sunshine Smile Rockstar Eddie devotes song after song after song to his ex boyfriend Steve, hiding his love behind metaphors and symbols of yellow and sunflowers and happiness, all whilst Steve waits for him, year after year, their love never waning. Finally Eddie gets his act together and gets Steve back, all whilst coming out to the whole world - angst with a fluffy ending
Oblivious Eddie is very in love with Steve, but somehow, Steve doesn't catch on to Eddie's feelings at all. It only all comes out after a confronting game of spin the bottle where Eddie does what he does best; freaks out and runs - angsty as fuck but has a very fluffy happy ending I promise
First Time Steve knows what his boyfriend likes in bed, he's made sure to figure it out, and he loves the idea of being dominated and topped by his hot boyfriend, but what he doesn't yet know is that Eddie is a total virgin and completely freaks out when Steve starts dirty talking like a pornstar - chaotic smutty comedy
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kristybear2001 · 6 months
Steve had always considered himself a straight man. He knew Eddie wasn't straight, the man had been constantly flirting with him over the last week and he wasn't exactly shy about it. He wasn't exactly sure if Eddie was gay or bisexual, but he did know that Eddie wasn't straight. And Steve. Well, amid the Upside Down and trying to keep Max alive and figuring out Vecna and what to do, had been having a sexuality crisis. Because like it or not, he found Eddie attractive.
Eddie had an infenctious energy, and despite everything the man had been through he kept a smile on his face, the one that showcased his cute little dimples, the one that lit up his whole face, that made his beautiful chocolate brown eyes sparkle with amusement and excitement. And Eddie's flirtation had been heavy. And admittedly, Steve couldn't bring himself to put an end to the flirting, and maybe he'd flirted back a little. Eddie was beautiful, Steve couldn't deny it. More often than not, he was finding excuses to talk to Eddie, excuses to touch Eddie, excuse to look at Eddie. Specifically excuses to stare at Eddie's lips.
His entire conversation where Eddie had encouraged him to get Nancy back had barely even been registered because he couldn't stop staring at Eddie's lips. They were soft, pink and full, the kind of lips that looked like they would be heaven to kiss. And thinking back, this wasn't the first time that he'd wanted to kiss a man, though he'd pushed those feelings aside as quick as they came.
Sure, there had been a brief moment when Tommy Hagan was beating the shit out of him, that he'd wanted to kiss him. And maybe back then Steve would've been a bit homophobic. But then he met Robin, and she became his best friend, and he'd grown as a person, he became an ally. There was a brief moment where he'd even wanted to kiss Jonathon Byers, because despite how they'd started out, Byers was a good guy.
Then there was Billy. Billy Hargrove who was wild and untamed and yes. Attractive. And he'd called him King Steve, and he'd be lying if he said that didn't do something to him. And now there was Eddie. Eddie who was also a little wild and chaotic, but not in a bad way. In an adorable way, and Steve never thought he would find himself calling Eddie Munson of all people, adorable. But he was. Adorable, pretty, beautiful. Gorgeous even.
And this is how Steve got to where he was now. He'd mulled over his feelings, his thoughts, and he'd come to the conclusion, that while he wasn't straight, he wasn't gay either. He was in between. Bisexual. Eddie looked just as pretty as ever, his bandana wrapped around his head, his trademark black ripped jeans with a studded belt, an army green puffy vest thrown over his black leather jacket and his Hellfire Club shirt, and the makeshift shield and spear settled on his back.
"Hey, if anything goes south, I mean at all. You abort. Ok? Don't try to be cute or. Be a hero. You guys are just...."
"Decoys, we know. Don't worry Steve. You can be the hero," Dustin says, cutting him off.
"Absolutely, I mean look at us. We are nooooooot hero's," Eddie replied.
"Ok. Good."
Steve couldn't resist a glance at Eddie. Taking him all in, definitely checking him out, before he knew he had to go. So reluctantly he turned around. Before he could take a step, he heard Eddie step forward.
"Hey Steve?"
Steve turned back around, eyes locking on Eddie, who looked nervous, like he wanted to say something but ultimately decided not to and said something else.
"Make him pay."
Steve gave a nod and started walking away. And then his heart started pounding, something told him that he should take his chance now or he would regret it later.
"Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy says when Steve turned around, yet again.
But Steve ignored her, and with enough courage and confidence as he could muster he strode right up to Eddie, grabbed him by his jacket to pull him in. And kissed him. Eddie's lips were exactly what Steve imagined they would be, better even.
He could faintly hear the surprise of Dustin, Nancy and Robin and for a brief moment Eddie was frozen, but then he was kissing him back, his hands finding Steve's own jacket to tug him closer. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was everything Steve needed. He hadn't read it wrong, the flirting had been real, and the kiss had honestly felt like coming home, a sensation that was new to Steve, but very welcome. Steve gently broke the kiss.
"Stay alive ok?"
Eddie gave a nod, his adam's apple bobbing slightly.
"You too."
Finally they let go of each other and Steve left with Nancy and Robin to go to the Creel house.
(Just a little snippet from a one shot I posted on Wattpad. I haven't seen anyone put this into a scene and I've had this idea for a few days so I finally wrote it down. I might put ir up on AO3 but for now I'll give you this little snippet and post the Wattpad link for the rest of the one shot. If you guys want to request a Steddie one shot feel free to let me know and I'll write one up for you)
(Wattpad link) https://www.wattpad.com/story/366228702?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=KristyBear21
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
So I was wondering can you maybe do a Billy x reader where Like he jealous of Steve trying to flirt with reader but she is dating Billy but Steve does not know that so Billy goes up to reader and kisses her you can do whatever at the end thank you so much
i hope this is okay :)
I Wanna Be Yours
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Billy Hargrove has been dating Y/n Wheeler for a few glorious months. Considering their friends, they decided to keep it a secret. His friends didn’t like her. Her friends didn’t like him. And neither of them were upset about that deal as long as they were together. But when things start to test this theory, Billy has other plans...
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking (at a party), flirting, lots of fluffy stuff
[A/N: this has to be the happiest thing i've ever written. like there's no tears??? no death??? crazy stuff]
!this is set between ST2 and ST3!
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You weren’t originally meant to be at this party.
After your boyfriend told you he had been invited to a house party at Tommy H’s house, you didn’t have any interest in going. Most people would expect you to want to be there with your boyfriend, attend things as a couple like most do. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be with him, or that he didn’t want you there. It’s just different when you’re dating Billy Hargrove.
When you first met him, you had to admit you were attracted to his confidence. And, after time, you really got to know him beneath the typical jock exterior and fell for him for a whole new reason. The flirty comments and stolen glances would assure that you would soon end up dating, much to the dislike of your friends.
Billy didn’t have a great track record with people. In fact, just last year, he had gotten out of control and it resulted in a fight with Steve Harrington after Billy went after his sister’s friends. You had to admit, you didn’t like that side to him at all. Sure, he was always kind and patient with you, but it took a lot of apologies and promises for you to really forgive him. But just because you saw him for who he really was, didn’t mean your friends would too.
And they weren’t the only ones who would disapprove of the relationship. Billy was quick to make friends after moving to Hawkins, becoming close pals with Tommy H and everyone associated. And they hated you. Mostly because you wouldn’t take any of their bullshit. You only hung out with them when Nancy Wheeler did, considering she was your sister, and you were glad when she started dating Jonathan Byers. It meant you never had to deal with the ‘popular’ rich kids ever again.
You and Billy have been together for six months now, and you had kept it a secret for those six months. It wasn’t from embarrassment, or for the thrill. You both really liked eachother. You wanted this. But you didn’t want the snide comments from Steve and Nancy, nor the snarky remarks from Tommy and Carol. You just wanted to be happy together.
So, Billy didn’t invite you with him to that house party. And you didn’t care. You knew he’d be right back to you after it was all over. Your plans to meet the diner down town were always kept like promises.
And then Steve came to you ranting about the same party some of his old basketball friends were dragging him to and you made the last minute decision to attend, hating every second.
“Oh, shit.” Steve murmurs into his red solo cup, eyes glued to the entrance.
“What?” You ask, sniffing your own cup and almost tearing up from the strong smell of alcohol.
When Steve didn’t answer, you place down the punch, gladly, and turn around to see what your friend was upset about.
Nancy was stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised at the display of someone hanging from the first floor banister, clearly drunk out of their mind. And beside her, sporting the same expression, was Jonathan. You hiss through your teeth.
“Oh.” You simply say, wincing when Steve chugs down the rest of his drink. “I didn’t know they were coming, I swear.”
“Me neither.” He sighs, reaching towards a bottle to refill his drink. Before he reaches it, you quickly swipe the Cola and hold it out to him. He laughs. “Okay, okay, fine.”
Pouring it into his cup, you hum happily. He had already dragged you to this loud party, you weren’t willing to also take on the responsibility of handling drunk Steve.
“Look, I know it’s all still fresh and new, but…” You place your hands on his shoulders, forcing him to look at you, “You need to move on.”
He simply raises an eyebrow.
“Go meet some girls!” You insist, and he shakes his head. “Well it’s either talk to some girls or watch Nancy and Jonathan be all cuddly and cute. They’ll be holding hands, then sharing drinks and eventually we’ll find them in a corner kissing-”
“Jesus, okay!” Steve interrupts and you smirk. “You’ve convinced me already, I don’t need that image in my mind.”
“Sorry.” You laugh, looking around the room and your eyebrows raise. “What about her?”
“Hm?” He turns his head to that direction, slowly nodding. “Yep, yeah, okay. I can do this.”
“That’s the spirit.” You smile, gently pushing him towards the girl leant against the wall, “Go get ‘em.”
Steve sends you an amused look and you giggle as he walks over to the blonde, immediately turning on his charm. If he hadn’t already been dating your sister when you met him, you probably would have found that attractive. Now, it was weird to think of him as anything more than a friend.
Your eyes drift across the room, searching the crowd like you’ve been doing ever since you got here. Then, there’s a loud bustle of laughter in the front room by the keg stand and you finally see what you’ve been looking for.
Billy notices you staring, his eyes lighting up across the room in surprise.
Ever since he got to the party, he had been regretting his decision. Not that he didn’t think he’d have fun, but because after six months he had realised just how much he loved having you around. There was a mild co-dependency that he felt with you; he finally found someone he could be himself around. When he was with Tommy and his mates, he always put on this mask of the person everyone thought he was. And it was exhausting. You were his breath of fresh air. And he couldn’t survive without it.
So, to see you standing across the room from him, looking as amazing as ever, his chest felt a little lighter.
You send him a little wave and he couldn’t help the grin that spreads across his face. Unluckily for him, he forgets he’s in close proximity to someone who would never understand.
“Seriously, dude?” Tommy nudges his shoulder, snapping him back into focus.
“What?” He tries to dismiss the conversation, filling his cup at the tap and trying to avoid letting his eyes drift back to you. He couldn’t help it. You looked beautiful.
“You could do so much better than that slut.” Tommy laughs, earning a few snickers of agreement from Carol after she finished her drink.
“She’s probably just here cause her last boy-toy ran away.” She sneers and Billy tightens his jaw.
“Or,” Billy leans back against the wall, looking uninterested, “She’s just here for the party. Let’s be real, who’d wanna miss a Tommy rager?”
His words distracted the conversation, boisterous laughs and slaps on the back echoing around Tommy and Billy let out a frustrated breath.
When he arrived in Hawkins, there had been a rumour going around that you had slept your way through high school. Which, not to his surprise, wasn’t the case. The rumour was created by Carol after you stood up to her in school. Girls like that didn’t take criticism too kindly. So, knowing the truth, Billy had to fight every bone in his body not to say what was really on his mind. Even if he couldn’t admit it, he actually cared what these people thought of him. They ruled the town. And he wanted his best shot at getting through this hell.
Conversation faded into casual talks, his friends sometimes making rude comments about random people at the party. Billy simply watched, only joining in when they looked at him expectantly. At this point in the night, he’d be too drunk to care. But ever since he started dating you, he realised he could have fun without alcohol.
In fact, things were going pretty smoothly until he caught sight of you and Harrington.
He was never bothered about your friendship with him, especially not after you made it clear he would only ever be a friend. But all those feelings change when he sees Harrington leaning in a little too close to you, his eyes drifting to your lips as you chatted obliviously. And Billy hated it.
“Did you even try to get their number?” You ask aimlessly, already knowing the answer from how Steve was awkwardly smiling at you. “God, okay, well. I guess you’ll never be over Nancy.”
After a few failed attempts at flirting, Steve had trudged back to where you were stood, embarrassed to say the least. You were always told about how great Steve was with the ladies. And watching as he was shot down by multiple women really lowered your expectations.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me!” He groaned, wiping a hand down his face. “I used to be a pro at this!”
“Are you sure?” You remark before shaking your head. “Sorry.”
“Ugh, you’re right.” Steve says miserably, “Nancy is going to have a happy little life with Jonathan and I’ll still be getting drunk at parties and moaning about how I lost the girl of my dreams.”
“Sounds like fun.” You smirk and he rolls his eyes. “Steve, you’re a great guy! Just because it didn’t work out with Nance doesn’t mean you won’t ever fall in love again. And I highly doubt you’re gonna find someone at a house party hosted by Tommy.”
“You think?” He looks hopeful, turning his whole body to face you and you nod, smiling.
“Absolutely.” You assure, playfully shoving his shoulder. “And I’m serious. You’ve grown a lot since junior year. Anyone you end up dating will be lucky to have you.”
Steve doesn’t reply. Instead, he just stares at you, searching your eyes and you raise an eyebrow with a laugh.
“Earth to Steve?” You say jokingly and he smiles.
“Sorry, I just…” He tightens his lips, gaze flickering to yours for just a second, “I think I’m drunk.”
“Probably.” You shrug, completely oblivious to what Steve was trying to do.
It wasn’t until he leant in closer that your mind finally decided he was flirting. Thankfully, you were aware it was because he was drunk and lonely. Tomorrow you’d both laugh about it.
“Steve.” You warn nicely and he blinks, shaking his head.
You suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder and you spin around with a confused frown before seeing Billy staring down at you.
Before you could speak, Billy cups your face and brings your lips to his. It’s sweet and passionate, his hands holding you gently. You instinctively lean in, smiling into his lips before realising what he was doing.
Pulling away, you frown at his action, only to see him smiling down at you and you search his eyes for some kind of answer to his actions.
“What the…” Steve mutters behind you and your eyes widen.
Tommy isn’t so subtle. “The actual fuck, dude?!”
“He- he’s just drunk.” You stammer out, trying to diffuse the situation with a million thoughts running through your mind.
When Billy saw Steve flirting with you, his body had reacted before his mind. He strode over to you with haste, tapping your shoulder and immediately claiming your lips. When you had broken the kiss first, he had already decided that this is what he wanted.
“What are you doing?” You whisper at him, a smile playing on your lips, and he could tell you were trying your best to keep up appearances.
“I don’t wanna hide anymore.” He admits and the grin you had been fighting breaks onto your face.
“Are you sure?”
Billy was fully aware of the audience you had right now. But it felt like it was just you and him in the room. Rather than answer verbally, he slips his arm around your shoulder and pulls you in to plant a kiss on the side of your forehead with a soft smile.
“I want the whole world to know I’m yours.” He whispers into your ear and you bite your bottom lip, eyes light with happiness.
“Okay.” You nod, allowing him to walk you away from the table and towards the front of the house, barely registering the shocked faces of people around you, “I hope you like me enough to fight off all the snarky comments we’re gonna get.”
“I like you enough to drop those assholes the second they make one of those snarky remarks.” He replies with a wink, opening the door for you.
“Dude’s whipped!” Tommy heckles from the far corner, earning a burst of laughter from his jock friends.
Once you step out, Billy turns back to the crowd and grins.
“For life.” He promises, shutting the door with no regrets.
You’re patiently waiting for him further up the path, shaking your head in amusement. The last thing you expected from this party was for Billy to reveal your secret. Your chest felt a little lighter knowing you could tell everyone about the boy you adored.
“What just happened?” You laugh when he meets you, slipping his jacket off and throwing it around your shoulders.
“I think we turned Tommy’s house party into our coming out party.” He shrugs, still grinning. Not that he could help it; he hadn’t felt this happy and relieved in years.
“Good.” You nod, clasping the hand that hung beside your neck, pulling him closer for warmth.
You’d deal with your friends another day. Right now, you were going to enjoy this moment for all it was worth.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 8 months
A Tattoo Is Worth A Thousand Words
by writersagainstwritersblock
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Wayne Munson, Dustin Henderson, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Gareth (Stranger Things), Jeff (Stranger Things), Unnamed Freak (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things), Eleven | Jane Hopper, Will Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Joyce Byers Additional Tags: Eddie Munson Lives, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Tattoo Artist Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Good Babysitter Steve Harrington, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, (except the enemies part is brief and one sided), Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Charming Steve Harrington, Confident Eddie Munson, Dom/sub Undertones, Eddie Munson Calls Steve Harrington Pet Names, Eddie Munson Calls Steve Harrington "Princess", Steve Harrington Has PTSD Words: 40,478 Chapters: 18/18
“Ambidextrous, princess, it’s what makes me so good with my hands.” Eddie wiggled his fingers. “You mean for guitar?” Steve asked, completely missing the innuendo, and also nearly knocking Eddie flat at the thought that Steve Harrington knew he played guitar. “You stalking me or something?” Eddie asked. Steve frowned. “Uh, no, but your band played in the middle school talent show, it’s pretty hard to forget a thirteen year old screaming death metal before his voice dropped.” Eddie almost laughed at that. Almost. “You saying I’m unforgettable, princess?” “If that’s how you want to take it, Munson." Eddie realized this was turning towards something far more dangerous than taunting a boy known for getting into fights, like flirting with a very, very straight boy known for getting into fights. OR After the events of season three Steve shows up on Eddie's doorstep asking for a tattoo... and then keeps showing up much to the dismay of Eddie's traitorous heart.
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uselessnbee · 2 years
there is a very specific fic i really want to read and that is a confident Will Byers making it his mission to make Mike Wheeler his boyfriend. i want a fic where the UD shit is done and byler are at that point in their relationship where they already accepted their feelings for the other and have an idea that the other could feel the same but haven't crossed the line between friendship and romantic relationship yet and i want Will to be like yeah fuck it i'm going to make this boy mine. i just want to see not only their dynamic a little reversed where it's Will going after Mike but i just really want to see a confident Will. i want him to own it to be so confident and comfortable in his love for Mike and just god this boy has been through so much and they literally survived the end of the world together...i just...i just want Will to notice the way Mike is obviously in love with him and i want him to let himself hope to let himself believe that Mike could love him back and i want him to go apeshit with it. i want him to shamelessly flirt with Mike i want him to calculate every move to make Mike a complete flustered mess. i want him to look at that one thing he's wanted for so long has been ashamed for wanting has thought he could never have and i want him to go yeah fuck it after everything i've been through i fucking deserve this and i will get it i will make this idiot my boyfriend.
you see what i'm saying? please if a fic like this exists please please please tell me i am desperate
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jcgalaxy148 · 5 months
And now ima post my stories here on Tumblr😈
This is a byler smut story so if you're not interested...DO NOT READDDD
TW: sexual content
Inspired by Cake by the ocean: DNCE
Will Byers:18
Mike Wheeler: 20
3 Person POV
Will decided that he'd break out of his shell and do something he'd probably never do.
And that was going to the beach. Yea he knows it's stupid that he wouldn't go to the beach unless he looked like someone completely different but today that changed.
Lucas, His best friend invited him to the beach and practically begged him to come. Will agreed because he thought Lucas was very attractive therefore he'd distract all attention from Will.
"This is gonna be so fun!" Lucas said as they walked towards the beach. They had also invited another one of their friends, Dustin.
"Alright sun block, Towels, Water, Snacks, Speaker, Umbrella, and" Dustin said unpacking everything after they finally found a place to sit. "My floaty" He said with a smile and sat it down.
"Alright Will help me set up please" Dustin asked and Will agreed. Lucas was already off playing volley ball with some beach boys and was completely distracted.
After the two boys set up they sat down on their towels. "Alright could you help me put this sunscreen on?" Dustin asked and once again Will agreed. After helping Dustin, Dustin helped him and he was off to the ocean.
"I'll be back promise" Will nodded and Dustin waddled off to the crashing waves of the sea. Will was very much pale and thought a sun tan would do him quite nicely. So he moved his towel out into the sun, played some of his music on the speaker, put on his sun glasses and began tanning.
When he closed his eyes he felt like he was the only person in the world and just tuned out all noises that you could possibly hear from the beach.
Soon enough he turned off his back and onto his stomach and just rested on his forearms. He smiled to himself as the heat made him feel nice.
Now, Mike was a lifeguard and he was sitting inside of the post watching over the beach...Or watching the guys play volleyball. He smirked to himself as he bit on his whistle watching the guys run around and hit the ball.
He admired their bodies and their smiles, if he could see them, but soon enough his eyes moved from them and began scanning the rest of the beach for any hot guys.
And that's when he spotted Will laying down on the towel, ass up and tanning. Mike bit his whistle hard and just starred at the boys body and now he wanted a closer look.
He stood up and walked out of the post taking his hair and tying it up out of his face. Once he made it close to Will but not close enough that he looked weird he just starred. And especially at his ass.
"Fuck he's fine" Mike thought to himself and built up enough courage to walk over and bend down beside him. "Hey" He said and Will opened his eyes to the unfamiliar voice and turned his head.
Once he saw Mike he immediately blushed at how good this guy looked. "Hi?" Will said and Mike looked him up and down.
"You look nice out here" Will was shocked that someone was...flirting with him?
"T-Thanks" Mike chuckled at how cute Will was and put a hand to his shoulder.
"My names Mike, I'm the lifeguard and you are?" "W-Will" Mike smiled "cute name, Will."
Will couldn't believe that someone like Mike was calling him cute, he was practically a God compared to him.
"Soo do you want to...get out of here?" Mike asked and now Will had a dilemma.
Did he go with the hot lifeguard or stay with his friends. Well the only reasonable option was to stay with his friends but...
This guy was so fricking hot!
"Uh alright" Mike was shocked and lost all confidence at this very moment because when he'd ask these questions the other person would say no 90% of the time.
And the other 10% wouldn't even let Mike hit!
"Uh alright then let's gooo..." "let's go get icecream" Will said with a smile and Mike smiled and nodded.
"Let's go then" Mike waited for Will to get up and then they left.
"Theres a little bar over there they probably have icecream" Mike suggested and Will agreed.
"So is this a date you've asked me on?" Will questioned and Mike smirked "yea, you could call it that."
Will was now smirking "how old are you?" Mike looked at him and then smiled "how old do you think I am?" Will thought for a moment.
"18?" Mike smiled and looked Will up and down "your 18 honey I'm 20" Will blushed from the name and walked a little quicker.
This made Mike get behind Will and all he did was stare down at the way his hips were moving and how nice his ass was.
"You are so fine" Mike said and barley realized he had said it. Will smiled and turned to him.
He felt like he had know Mike for years yet he's only know him for 5 minutes.
"You don't look so bad yourself" Will said as they finally made it to the bar.
After dying of laughter from stupid stories and getting to know each other more they finsished their icecream and left.
"I should probably head back to my friends" Will said but Mike was quick to protest.
"How about you come back to the post with me" Mike said and Will sighed looking down at his phone at the message Lucas had sent to him 10 minutes ago.
"Dustin said you left with some dude? He better be hot or I'll kill you for leaving" Will rolled his eyes and decided to fuck it.
"Sure why not" Mike smiled like he'd never smiled before wanting only to fuck Will.
But that was the feeling he had before he got to know Will now he wanted him to be his boyfriend.
It might be crazy but first he had his eyes on his ass and now he had his eyes on his heart, wanting to find out more about this cute boy.
They got to the post and Mike took him inside and the place was much bigger then Will had imagined.
"This'll probably be unsafe but eh people should learn how to swim" Mike said closing the door and locking it then shutting all the blinds inside.
"What's going on? You gonna kill me?" Will said with a nervous laugh and Mike rolled his eyes.
"That's the last thing I'd do" he said before backing Will up against the wall and looking down at him.
"Is this okay?" Mike asked and Will almost died from the current interaction. Mike looked a million times better in the dimmed lighting and looked just as hot.
"Y-yea" Will said and Mike smiled "great" he said right before smashing his lips into Will's.
Will kissed back the best he could because he had only kissed someone like 5 times?
Mike pulled away and smiled "Let's go on another date" Mike said and Will smiled.
"When?" "Tommorow,
at the mall" Will smiled and kissed him "sure thing."
He smiled and let his hand slip to Will's ass and he grabbed at it with Will blushing a very bright red.
"You won't believe how bad I've wanted to do this since I saw your ass" Mike said leaning forward and kissing his cheek.
"What?" Will said and Mike laughed "you looked really fucking good out there and I just needed you" Will smiled as he felt his heart beat faster.
This has never happened to him before he had never had words like this said to him.
"T-Thanks" Mike laughed "not what your supposed to say, doesn't matter I need this, I need you."
Will was still dying of a literal heartattack as Mike kissed his neck and grabbed at his ass.
He moaned a bit as Mike bit his neck a bit and he quickly covered his mouth. "Sorry!" He said and Mike smiled uncovering his mouth.
"It was cute baby, keep doing it" He went back down into Will's neck and Will just let lose moaning when Mike would bite a sweet spot.
Eventually he sat down on the very big lounge chair in the back and motioned for Will to come over.
Will blushed and walked over and Mike pulled him down essentially making Will sit on his lap.
"You are one of the prettiest boys I've seen at the beach ever" He whispered to Will and kissed at the back of his ear.
"Y-you too" Mike smiled and started skimming Will's sides with the tips of his fingers.
"I've never seen you around the beach before" Will nodded "it's my first time" Mike was now nodding "figured."
"So everything that's about to happen I just wanna make sure it's okay" Will thought about it and wouldn't mind letting Mike do whatever he wanted to him.
"It's okay" Mike smirked "great now get on your knees" Will knew what was happening and smiled getting on his knees and bitting his lip as he saw the bulge poke through Mike's swimsshorts.
"I'm not gonna do it" Mike said putting his hands behind his head and Will rolled his eyes taking Mikes pants down and letting his hard cock spring out.
Will blushed at the sight seeing at how big it was and prayed if they did have sex that it didn't hurt cause it's been a while since he's had sex.
He leaned over and licked the tip it tasted a bit salty like the beach Will smiled and put his whole mouth around Mike's dick.
"Holy shit" Mike said shaking a bit as Will took his whole dick into his mouth and began sucking deeply.
"W-Wow your g-good at this" Mike said gripping onto the handles of the seat as Will continued to slobber all over his dick.
Will pulled off and began stroking it "I have experience" Mike smiled "so your a whore?" Will quickly shook his head "No no I've just done this like 5 times."
Mike nodded "well I hope my dick is the only dick you'll be sucking for a while" Will smiled "how about forever?" Mike smiled too and ran his hand threw Will's hair.
"Yea maybe" Will blushed and went back down on Mike but eventually Mike pulled Will up "I wanna cum inside that pretty ass darling."
Will smirked "not if you have aids or stds" Mike rolled his eyes "I don't, don't worry, do you?" Will laughed "Nope, no stds."
"Great looks like I'm going in raw" Mike took Will by the wrists and practically threw him onto the chair after getting up.
"Finally I can see your ass in full effect" Mike said bitting his lip as he pulled Will's pants down and all he could do is smile.
"Well I was quite lucky finding this cake by the ocean" Will rolled his eyes "don't be corny."
Mike laughed and took his hands grabbing onto Will ass and gripping hard. "My God your like, so hot" Will blushed "stop buttering me up and get to the point."
Mike smiled "So needy" He said before grabbing his ass one more time and diving in. (curled writing that)
Will let out a sharp moan as Mike slipped his tongue inside and started eating him out. "Oh Mike~ ah" Mike smiled hearing him moan his name and started flicking his tongue around more.
Will gripped onto the handles like Mike had, and clenched his jaw. The feeling was very overwhelming, Will could barley remember the last time this had happened to him and he had definitely forgot how good it feels.
Mike eventually pulled out and smacked Will's ass. "Ready for the good part?" He said and Will turned up and placed a kiss on Mike's chin. "Ready" they both smiled and Mike leaned over placing a kiss on Will's lips.
Mike spit on his hand and lathered his dick in the spit then he placed the tip at Will's entrance.
Will shook from the feeling and when Mike pushed in making Will yelp"G-geez your s-so big" Mike blushed "Don't say that" He said covering his face and begining to push in and out.
Will smiled weakly and began to moan a little louder as Mike got quicker. Mike looked down and smirked loving everything about how his dick was deep in Will's perfect ass.
"Oh my gosh Will I pray I'm good enough for you I-I want you forever" Mike said throwing his head back and thrusting in even harder gripping onto to Will's shoulders.
Will thought about everything Mike was saying and wondered if he only wanted him for his body, well his ass or to actually love him.
"Do you really wanna be with me" Mike could barley focus But he started to rub Will's shoulders still trying to listen to his quiet moans.
"I-I do, and not just for your b-body, y-you seem very very sweet a-and i want to treat you- ah fuck" Mike could barley get through his sentence but Will had heard enough and smiled.
He pulled forward making Mike's dick slip out of him He grabbed Mike's shoulders after standing up and throwing him onto the chair getting on his lap and putting his legs through the openings of the chair.
Mike was very out of it but he was enjoying every second that he was paying attention too. "Then I'm going to treat you just as good" Will grabbed Mike's dick and stroked it a little before sitting down and sighing.
Mike sighed too and grabbed onto to Will's ass as Will began to move back and fourth on Mike's dick. Will leaned forward and kissed Mike's lips and sped up his pace.
The feeling was incredible for the both of them as the room became full of Mike's groaning and Will's moaning.
"Oh my gosh your a-amazing" Mike whispered and Will could barley muster a smile as he legs began to quiver.
Mike felt this and decided to take control grabbing onto Will's ass and starting to fuck up into his ass and Will was moments from cumming all over Mike.
His eyes got blurry and his legs began to shake as he tried to tell Mike he was going to cum "M-Mike" Mike started rubbing his thighs because he had a feeling he already knew what Will was going to say.
"I know babe, I know" Will nodded as his lip quivered and Mike took this opportunity to started stroking Will's cock.
And that's all it took for Will to cum all over Mike and himself and Mike didn't take long to cum right into Will's ass.
They sat there for a moment before Will leaned into Mike's neck and smiled kissing it softly.
"So were still going on that date?" Will smiled and leaned up kissing Mike and Mike kissed back before letting him go.
"Of course" "I know this is weird but I feel like I've known you for forever" Mike said and Will giggled "Me too."
The exchanged numbers after sitting in the back and then eventually they heard banging on the door.
"Damn I'm coming" Mike opened the door and to Will's surprise he saw both Lucas and Dustin.
"Finally I have no clue what you do but our friend is missing" Dustin said and Will walked over and looked at them.
"Hey" Will said and Dustin started yapping about how he almost floated half way across the Paciffc because he fell asleep.
"I'll call you" Mike said and Will smiled walking over and kissing him on his cheek "Bye Mike" Mike held his cheek and blushed very bright watching as Will walked away.
But his eyes always landed right back to Will's swaying hips and ass.
Word Count: 2561
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notmybabies · 10 months
Some people really don’t get that Will Byers isn’t so much feminine as he just so happens to not be the masculine ideal of the 1980s.
Things that make Will “a queer” in 1980s Hawkins
-liking colorful clothing
-being artistic
-being small
-being “sensitive”
-not liking sports
-not pursuing girls
-being a nerd
-isn’t loud or attention-seeking
-sometimes walks, gestures, holds himself a little differently*
Many of these traits are shared throughout the party, but Will is the one who gets canonically singled out in the group as A Queer. However, when he is in Lenora we do not see evidence that he is singled out for being different. Amongst his Californian peers his outfits seem less colorful in comparison, and he seems to stand taller, with more confidence as he walks the halls. He gets flirted with by a female classmate and ignored by the bullies multiple times, even when he is right beside their favorite target—his sister. They didn’t find his masculinity lacking in a significant way or else they could have easily targeted both of them. Lenora isn’t some place where they magically accepted people for being gay in the 80s. If he didn’t get bullied for it it was because they did not suspect—so much so that he was confident about doing a report and presentation on Alan Freaking Turing.
I’m not here to say Will is not feminine at all, nor am I here to suggest being feminine is a negative trait. However, I think it is interesting that so many people want to place Will solely in the feminine category when there doesn’t seem to be much canonically to back that up—unless we are focusing entirely on others’ perception of his queerness. Unless we inherently attribute femininity to the perceived poor performance of certain standards of heterosexual masculinity, forcing queerness to be entirely feminine.
Why should we, the audience in the present, view his masculinity through the same lens as the characters from 1980s Hawkins? Why should we view Will’s character in only a feminine role? Why does there seem to be such pushback against appreciating his specific kind of masculinity? And why in this fandom do people see Will being masculine as somehow disempowering?
*not mentioned in the show, but more noticeable to audience in later seasons. this characteristic is often used as evidence of femininity
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jaegerisim · 1 year
evil Will (not vecna!Will. just evil!Will) flirting with Mike in the Upside Down
HI NONNY!!!! YESSS THIS IDEA IS BRILLIANT AND OMFG!!! FIC UNDER THE CUT!!!! I don't know if this makes the idea justice or if it is or isn't what you were expecting.
Mike had a problem. A big one at that. Will, his best friend of over 13 years, had become evil and this time it wasn't because Vecna had possessed him. This time it was because he had wanted to, yeah, Vecna had tempted him but if Mike hadn't done that, then none of this would have happened. This being, Will choking El to death and Mike hearing this happen, hidden in the kitchen of the Byers's house. Will and El were in the living room, next to a throne made out of vines, which the newly turned villain had done for himself.
"Well, well, Eleven... Not so strong now, are we?" cackled Will with malice "What happened to <<I will defeat you because you are a monster>>, huh??? What if I want to be a monster?"
El only gasped and struggled to free herself from the invisible force stopping her breathing.
"Bah, you're no fun, you know that? Fucking boring. I thought you were a superhero, right? Oh wait, you aren't anymore!" Will seemed to turn his attention away from El.
"Now, what do we have here?" mused Will, approaching Mike's hiding spot
Mike bit his lip and gripped the hilt of his sword.
"BOO!!" screamed Will appearing from behind Mike
Mike turned around and stared at Will. It had been almost a year since they'd last seen each other, and both of them had changed but Will, he was absolutely gorgeous.
Will had an overgrown bowl cut and wore black slack trousers and a white shirt that opened a few buttons revealing several tattoos he must have done himself. Both clothing pieces were stained with fresh blood, that surely belonged to Mike's friends.
A smile crept up Will's face, contorting it into looking more evil than it already did. His hazel eyes gleamed with sadism.
"Hello" - Will grabbed Mike's face - "old friend"
Mike spat at him, but Will only laughed and it made Mike sick in the stomach.
"What's wrong, Mike?" inquired Will stroking Mike's cheek "What happened to <<Best friends>>, huh?"
"I- I thought- th- that- you died!" he choked out
"Did you? Or was that what you wanted to believe?" Will snarled
Mike remembered vividly what happened a year ago. How could he forget when it haunted his worst nightmares.
"Mike!!!" he hears Will call, desperately clawing at the dirt while a vine drags him toward a portal leading to the Upside Down.
A nasty gash in Will's thigh pools blood and soaks the ground, still, Mike runs after him and grabs his hand. Another vine appears and wraps itself around Will's neck, choking him unconscious.
Will's breathing stops and Mike, shocked, lets go. He sees with horror how Will's unmoving body falls through a portal.
A hand stops Mike from rushing after him, a hand that belongs to El.
"Mike, he is dead. I can not feel him in the void. He is dead, Mike. Henry has killed him."
Mike breaks down in tears and screams at the world's unfairness.
Now, Mike is staring at a very alive Will.
"You let me go, and now it's your turn to fall, Mike" whispers Will and suddenly someone is dragged by a vine toward them.
El. She didn't run fast enough. Will elegantly moves his hand making the vine swing El around. With one final movement, El is thrust out of the window.
"That is only the beginning, Mike. You will suffer and although your friend's suffering will be ended by Henry, yours won't. I will personally make sure you suffer" - Will grabs Mike's waist and pulls him closer - "by my hand"
Mike can't help but love this new version of Will. He's confident and handsome, but the man he fell in love with was nerdy, kind, sweet, and with a dorky bowl cut whose teeth looked like the ones little bunnies had.
"Will..." he murmured softly and Will drew a little knife from his pocket. "You don't have to do this"
"Oh, but I want to" - he pressed the tip of the knife into Mike's cheek, drawing blood - "and I will"
Will swiped the blood away with his thumb and licked it, making Mike shudder.
"Will, please. Don't do this, come back. I'm begging you"
"If you were begging you'd be on your knees" smiled Will
He got down on his knees and sobbed "I'm begging you"
"I like it when you beg. Beg some more" Will smirked
And so Mike did. He begged until his knees grew numb and his arms felt heavy.
Will grabbed his head and lifted it up. They both looked eye to eye with each other.
"You look so handsome you know that?" mused Will
Mike grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulled him down, and caught Will's lips in his own.
So i'm extremely insecure abt this fic, ngl. i don't think i did it justice, like at all. plus nobody except my dyslexic ass beta read this shit and i think it sucks....
anyways!!! if you got the Maleficent reference!!! prize!!! 🩷
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sevenmerrymagpies · 2 days
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Chapter 4 is up!
Read a preview below
On the first Wednesday night of winter break, when he was sure Eddie would be home, Steve went to the trailer. He knocked on the door, and as he always had before, Eddie answered. He stepped outside, closed the door behind him, and said, "It's not a good time, Harrington."
"I can—" Steve started.
"Look," Eddie said at the same time, "Wayne's home. Otherwise…" He trailed off with a shrug.
In a flash of bravery and stupidity he usually only possessed during a crisis with the Upside Down, he asked, "We could just hang out?"
"You want to pay me to hang out?" Eddie looked at him as if he couldn't believe Steve was that desperate.
"Well, I didn't think I had to pay you to hang out," Steve hedged because he hadn't, but if Eddie needed the money, he wouldn't withhold it. "But, if you—"
"No, no, of course you didn't, because that would be...that would be weird, wouldn't it?" Eddie said. Deep in thought, he put his hand over his mouth and looked out in the distance over Steve's head and into the forest beyond the trailer park. It took him a few moments, but eventually, he said, "I had a great time with you last time, after everything, and I'd love to hang out, payment-free or otherwise. Wayne's gone in another hour or two, so if we hang out for that long, maybe payment could come into it after all." 
Eddie attempted a lascivious and predatory smile, one Steve had seen from him every time he'd been here before, but it came across as sincere. Steve couldn't help but smile back. 
They tiptoed through the trailer into Eddie's room.
"Can you shut the door?" Eddie turned on music, not exactly at a low volume, and explained, "Wayne can sleep through my music no problem because he expects to hear it, but he won't sleep through a conversation. If we drown out the conversation with music, he'll continue to sleep."
"And it's really not a problem that I'm here?" Steve asked. He never wanted to cause Eddie or his uncle any problems. He just wanted to see Eddie. He had waited a month until he was confident it wouldn't be too soon, but now that it was here, he didn't want to put it off again. 
"How did you know I'd be home?" Eddie asked. "This isn't your normal time."
"Dustin. He mentioned you weren't running a campaign over break, and I guessed tonight might be okay."
"So, their weird pseudo-bragging is real," Eddie said. "You do know my new freshman."
"Yep, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max, who lives across the way. She moved in November."
"Little Red? You know her, too?"
"Yeah, they were all friends of Will Byers. When I was dating Nancy, you know Mike's her brother, and he's Will's best friend, and I kinda got wrapped up with everyone and unofficially made a babysitter when the kid went missing. Even after we broke up, I continued because, well, they're nerds, but they're cool."
"They are nerds, and they are cool," Eddie said. "I gotta admit I'm a little surprised you could understand the dichotomy."
"It took me a while," Steve admitted, "but now I recognize my favorite people tend to be nerds. And apparently, I think they're cool."
Eddie leaned forward as if he'd said something unexpected and delightful.
"Yeah, your favorite kind of people? Us nerds?"
Steve could feel himself blush. He hadn't been thinking about Eddie when he said it; he'd been thinking about the kids in the Party, like Dustin, and of course, he'd been thinking of Robin, but now that Eddie was getting in his face about it, Steve realized Eddie counted, too.
"I guess. It surprised me too," he said, trying to play it cool, even if he could feel a flush pinking his cheeks. He couldn't figure out why Eddie made him feel giddy and giggly, flirty. It was how he'd describe the girls he used to flirt with in the hallways. Instead of controlling the situation, he was in someone else's hands. It surprised him how much he enjoyed it. He loved being on the other side of the chase and never gave this side of it any thought before Eddie. 
He reminded himself there was no chase here — Steve was the one paying, and Eddie took the payment. Even so, the game still felt natural and enjoyable to Steve.
"I'm glad you ended up finding them," Steve said, trying to get the subject back on track. "I knew if I told them you hosted a Dungeons & Dragons Club, Mike would reject it out of hand. And I knew you wouldn't believe me if I said some incoming freshmen were perfect for your club."
Eddie laughed at that. "Yeah, that's about right."
Steve continued, "Dustin would have believed me, and Lucas probably too. But Mike would have fought on principle just because I told them you existed..."
Eddie made an equivocating noise and wiggled his hand back and forth.
"I don't know if I think that's true," he said. "Mike may not speak of you in the exalted terms Dustin uses, but it's not like he's throwing you to the wolves either. He and Lucas pretty much defend everything that Dustin says, even if Mike is rolling his eyes while he's doing it."
"Nah, now I don't believe you," Steve smirked. "Mike can't stand me."
Eddie turned to fiddle with his boombox and said, "You know, I think you just might not know who likes you or who doesn't."
Steve laughed in agreement. "I tend to like snarky people, people with a bit of a mean edge, but it also means that sometimes I can't tell if someone is my friend or if they're being mean. I thought Carol was my friend; she was just being mean. I thought Tommy was my friend, and he was just a dick. I thought Robin hated me, and she's the best friend I've ever had."
"Robin? Buckley from band?" Eddie asked. "I think I've seen you dropping her off in the morning sometimes."
"Yeah, we worked together at Scoops Ahoy this summer. Bonded over retail hell, and uh, the fire."
"You both got caught in that?"
"We did," Steve said. "It sucked." He flopped back on the bed and tapped his toe on the ground to the beat of the new song Eddie had put in the tape deck. "Of course, no one gets us being best friends either, so they all think we're dating."
"You're not dating?" Eddie asked.
"I wouldn't be coming here if I was dating somebody," Steve said, slightly offended. "I don't cheat, dude." He saw how cheating had ruined his parent's marriage and destroyed both of them in ugly ways. He'd vowed as a kid never to do that to anyone. Ever. 
"Didn't know your standards were so high. Most people's aren't."
"Well, mine are." He sighed as he realized this was a great time to bring up other topics. "Speaking of standards," Steve said because he promised himself they'd have this conversation before anything else happened between them. "I know the last two times we haven't used anything, but—"
"You want to start using condoms?" Eddie asked. 
"Yup. I got tested right after we fooled around last time. I'm clean, but we should still use condoms, and they said I should continue to test every six months." 
Steve was proud of himself for going to the clinic in Indy. He walked in there as an anonymous queer man trying to stay safe. He stepped back in two weeks later, proud to return and get his results. He sat with a counselor who went over his results with him, negative, and then went over best testing practices as well as repeating all the safe sex advice Steve had read about in the pamphlets and zines he'd been hoarding for the last few months. On his way out the door, he donated the rest of the cash in his wallet to help other queer people who couldn't afford to get tested themselves.
"I haven't been with anyone else but you in a couple of months, but I could go get tested," Eddie said. 
"Look, I can't ask that of you," Steve said. "You're not my partner. It's not my place to ask."
Eddie's lips thinned, but he said, "Harrington, I'll get tested, okay? Besides, condoms are a good idea for lots of reasons."
"Cool, okay, cool," Steve said, a deep sense of relief sweeping through him. He hadn't realized how much he wanted Eddie to get tested, no matter that he didn't feel like he could ask it of the guy until Eddie volunteered.
"Cool," Eddie said with a small smile.
They continued to hang out, listening to Wayne get ready for his workday before they moved out into the living room. Steve thought about the money burning a hole in his wallet, but even with the simmering desire, he didn't make a move, and Eddie didn't seem inclined to push him. Instead, they smoked out and watched a little Tuesday night TV. It was good; it was like hanging out with a real friend. Eddie ordered pizza, and Steve paid for it, not because he was the guy who brought a hundred bucks with him that night, but because Eddie shared his beer, and it was only fair. 
Was Eddie a friend? He felt like a friend. He felt a lot like he could be something more, but the money Steve brought with him tonight, even if he hadn't spent it, felt like a barrier. Eddie wasn't here for Steve; he was here for the money, and Steve was the gate between him and it. He didn't want that to be true anymore, but he didn't know how to stop it either. 
Before he knew it, he was too full and too tired to fool around that night. Instead, they awkwardly said goodbye, and Steve drove away, wondering what the hell had happened.
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
Just a little more
Steve x fem!reader
Summary: Steve's over Nancy and there's a girl on his mind. One night out and a flirting might lead to a jealous Steve getting drunk and then admitting his feelings
So... I'm not very very very proud of this one. I gotta say. BUT I wanted to write for Steve and this is what came out.
Let me know if you'd like a part 2 maybe.❤️
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I'm not a party person. I'm definitely not a party person.
The music is too loud, the people are... too many. I don't know how Steve always manages to drag me in these things.
And yet, here I am, once again.
"C'mon, don't give me that face" he tells me as we walk to the house hosting the party. "You need to go out more"
"I'm fine as I am. Thanks" I complain. "you just insist because you need moral support"
"For what?" He asks, faking innocence.
"You want to see Nancy"
"That's... no, okay? I'm over her. I swear." He says confidently "my eyes are on someone else now"
"Oh yeah?" I ask, with a surprised laugh "and who might that be?"
"I'm sure you already know her" he answers.
"Please don't tell it's Robin" I beg, I couldn't even warn him.
"Nah, don't worry." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders urging me to walk faster towards the party "you'll find it out... sooner or later"
I hope he's not gonna have his heart broken again. I hated seeing him after the break up with Nancy.
We've been friends for a little while now. We got closer last year after an alternate dimensional creature attacked me, Nancy, Jonathan and him at Byers' house. He turned out to be not so much of an asshole, he even became my brother's best friend... big surprise. And now we're here.
As we enter the big house we're instantly surrounded by music, people and a strong smell of alcohol.
"Want something to drink?" Steve shouts over the music in my ear.
"No, thanks" I shout back.
"I'll be right back" he tells me.
"I'll go get some air"
He gives me a 'already?' look, nods and goes to the kitchen I suppose.
Yep, I decide I already need some air so I try to find my way to the back.
I walk through the sea of people dancing and chatting at the party as quickly as possible until I successfully get to the back.
Luckily there are a very few people, some are smoking and some are... holding their heads, feeling dizzy probably.
I try to enjoy the moment of peace, my mind wandering about who the girl Steve has a crush on now might be. Especially since he told me I know her.
Could it be Casey from my art class?
Or maybe it's Kelly...
I really can't-
"Hello there"
A voice interrupts my stream of thoughts.
Turning around I find myself face to face with none other than Billy Hargoves himself.
"Uh... Hi" I politely say, turning back around away from him.
I sense him walking beside me, he doesn't speak, though I can feel his eyes on me. The gesture makes me more nervous as seconds go on.
I try to not acknowledge him tok much, hoping he'd get tired and walk back inside, but unfortunately he stays.
Where the hell is Steve when I need him?
"I feel very lucky tonight" he casually say.
"Why's that?" I ask, knowing there's no way to ignore him anymore.
"Because I finally got you on your own and not attached to Harrington's hip" he answers with a grin.
"Yeah... uhm.. he's just getting something to drink. He... he'll be here sooner or later" I nervously laugh, trying to sound as casual as him.
"The later the better" he says softly.
"Uhm..." I think of something to say but nothing comes out.
"You tutor my sister, right? Well.. my step-sister" he asks.
"Yeah,I think. Max, right?"
"That's her. She always talks about you with my father and his girlfriend. She always talks about how nice and gentle you are" he speaks softly, slightly leaning towards me.
"Yeah.. well, that's nice of her..." I say, not looking at him "I only try to make her feel as comfortable as I can"
"And we all appreciate it" he basically whispers in my ear.
I step away, but I tripp into what looks like a vase and almost fall.
Billy's hands quickly catch me, helping me up, but even when I'm up straight again he doesn't let go. His grip isn't tight, I could shrug it off, but I can't seem to anyway.
"Careful there, gorgeous" he winks.
"Sorry... uh... thanks" I finally get out of his grip.
"My pleasure" he says looking down at me. He's still very close to me and as soon as I can catch his eyes falling to my lips, I take a deep breath turning my head to look back inside for Steve.
"Uhm... I think I'll go find Steve... I'll see you around" I say walking past him, but he moves to block my way.
"I'm sure he's fine. Stop worrying about him, for once... and" he moves his hand to rub, so slightly, my arm. "And start to worry about yourself... maybe we-"
He's cut off by Steve's voice.
"There you are!"
He's drunk... already?
"Ah! King Steve finally joined us!" Billy declare sarcastically.
"Are you drunk already?" I ask.
"Me? I could never..." he walks towards us, but almost fall as he nears.
"Yeah... sure" I say unconvinced.
"Damn... don't you look stunning..." he hiccups.
"Yeah. Okay. We're going." I state.
"No no no no no no" Steve blurts out. "You were having fun with him. Keep... keep going"
Oh god...
"C'mon Steve." I try to grab him to make him walk, but he yank himself away, falling to the ground.
"Don't worry, I'm okay" he quickly blurts out.
I let out a bug frustrated sigh, thinking about how to bring him home.
"Need a help taking his ass home?" Billy suddenly asks.
"I... you don't" I start.
"It's no trouble, sweetheart" he grins. "C'mon"
He grabs Steve's arm and lifts him up, helping him walk all the way to Billy's car.
"Open the door" he tells me and I rush to open the backseat door so Billy can make Steve lay there.
Then Billy and I get in as well and he starts to drive.
"Thanks, Billy" I say as Billy help Steve sit on the couch in Steve's house.
"No problem, sweetheart" he smirk looking back at me. "Take care, King Steve" he adds sarcastically
I walk him to the door.
"You know...how about you and I finish what we started earlier?" He suggests.
"About you starting to worry about yourself instead of him." He says, moving to grab my hand.
"Uhm... I.. I'm sorry..." I carefully move my hand out of his grip, glancing quickly at Steve on the couch "I better check on him"
"As you wish" He raises both hands in surrender, but surprisingly he smiles too. "If you ever change your mind, give me a call, sweetheart"
When Billy walks back to his car I walk back to Steve.
"Let's get you to bed, uh?" I say and he mutter something I can't catch.
I help him upstairs and to his bed.
"Oh thanks" he says like he just realised what's happening.
"No problem, Steve" I say as I help him take his shoes off.
"I ruined your night" he mutters.
"What?" I'm confused.
"You seemed reeeeeally comfortable with Hargoves tonight" he blurts out.
"What are you talking about?"
"I say you two talking.. and he was preeeeeetty close" he explains.
"We were talking about Max, his sister. I tutor her"
Why do I need to explain myself? And why does he sounds... jealous?
"He was too close" he states and he finally crawls to lay under the covers of his bed.
"Yeah. I guess." I say with a say and heading downstairs to grab him a glass of water.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"To grab some water"
"You coming back... right?" He seems.. anxious. Why?
I walk downstairs to finally grab a glass and quickly go back to Steve only to see him talking his shirt off, to sleep, the sight blocks me.
It happened before... I already saw him taking his shirt off, for any sort of reasons.. well.. not all possible reasons. But now... now feels different. Why?
I take a deep breath and walk back in his bedroom.
"There you go" I hand him the glass and sit on the bed.
"Thank you" he says and manages to drink the whole glass.
"You're welcome"
We stay in a comfortable silence for a little while, Steve layed down taking deep breath and me sitting on his bed playing with my fingers.
"You feeling okay?" I suddenly ask and he hums nodding.
"Good. You need anything I'll be downstairs" I tell him with a smile and get up.
"What? You're not sleeping here?" He gestures to the other side of the bed.
"You want me to sleep there?" I chuckle.
I always sleep on his couch when sometimes it's too late to walk home... never in his bed.. with him.
"Yeah." He says as a matter of fact.
"I... o-okay" I say. "I.. I just don't have anything to wear to bed"
My plan was to take off my trousers and shirt and rely on the covers... I obviously can't if sleeping in his bed.
"Just grab something of mine. I don't mind.. quite the opposite actually" he says simply.
"What?" I chuckle surprised.
"Well.. seeing the girl I have my eyes on in my clothes... God..." he says, without thinking probably.
"How you have realised I'll never understand" he giggles.
Okay.. he's drunk.
"Sure" I say unconvinced.
I grab one of his shirts and a pair of pj's pants and get changed in the bathroom.
As I walk back in his room he's still laying down, but he uncovered the other side of his bed for me to get in.
"Hey!" He exclaims.
"What?" I ask.
"I haven't seen you in my clothes!" He complains.
"You're basically sleeping, Stevie. You can't keep your eyes open." I tell him. "Go to sleep"
"You don't believe me" he states.
"About what?"
"You being the girl... I.. like" he hiccups.
Is it true?
"You're drunk, Steve. Your just-"
"No, no, no, no" he says holding his finger to my lips, to stop me from keep speaking. "You're that girl. You. You. Yooou"
So... my crush isn't one-sided as I always thought..
"Kiss me?"
"Uh?" I ask taken aback.
"Please?" He says getting closer. Cuddling against me.
"How about this... you sleep and tomorrow morning, if you still feel like this, I'll kiss you." I tell him.
"And you'll believe me?" He asks looking at me with puppy eyes.
"Yes Steve. I'll believe you" I say, thankful for the darkness hiding my flustered face.
"Great" he says cuddling more against me.
"Goodnight Steve"
" 'Night... love"
The thing is... I do believe him. I just want him to suffer a little more.
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