#conference chair
sergle · 10 months
I really truly, from the bottom of my heart, hate you bitches so much, because on the tiktok of literally COCK AND BALL jokes w brittany broski, there were a few notes/messages like this:
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And I KNOW you don't think anyone's going to check. You had someone go into your askbox and say "hiii brittany broski is shitty about palestine she's really ignorant :/" and you went oh omg I didn't know!! thanks for telling me! So I checked! This is in reference to her talking in her podcast, because people were asking why she hadn't done any big press statements about Palestine, you didn't retweet this or that, you must not care, don't you care, what's your stance, etc etc please say more OKAY COOL. So what's going on there? What did Brittany say on her podcast? Is she a Bad Person? Can I have some transcript, please? ____ "Hey guys, before we get into this week's episode, I want to talk to you about the ongoing and prolonged suffering and loss of life in Gaza, in Israel, and the oppression of Palestinian people widespread. I don't ever want it to be a question that I would ever not be against the oppression of any group of people, that I would ever stand on the side of the oppressor." "There was a lot of fear of misusing my platform." ... "I will admit that I was nervous to talk about it, because I don't want to say the wrong thing. And this is too fucking serious of an issue to misspeak, or to spread misinformation, or to speak over or for someone." ... "So I want to take a moment on my biggest platform- which is this podcast, to say that I stand with the people of Palestine, I stand for the liberation of Palestinian people." ... "Every day, to log on to social media, and be just inundated with graphic, unimaginable violence, and loss, and grief, it's just--There are no words." ... "And I feel helpless. That's part of it too, when you feel helpless, the last thing you want to do is talk to people about it-- but visibility is a resource in and of itself. And I can offer that." ... "The outpouring of rage and passion online, and anger at what's happening, I would argue needs to be dedicated and focused on our elected officials. We live in a democracy- albeit an inherently flawed one- we live in a democracy where we have elected officials who were elected and put in power to represent us, and if we feel misrepresented, if we feel underrepresented in foreign affairs? These officials have public phone numbers and emails. There are scripts available online to express your disdain and your rage, and unfortunately that's one of the only ways we'll see actionable change."   "If you expected more from me, it's a terrible feeling- but I don't want to center myself, this needs to be all eyes on Palestine right now, where the real activism is happening. I would encourage you to follow journalists that are on the ground, people who are in Gaza, we need to be listening to them. I would also hope that we're at a point in this conversation where I can express my desire to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and that NOT meaning or suggesting or condoning anti-Semitism of any kind. There's a rise of anti-Semitism and islamophobia in the United States and it's just-- it's disgusting, and it's scary, so I want that to be said too. I just wanted to share that I am experiencing part of this collective sense of helplessness and hopelessness-- but it DOESN'T HAVE to be hopeless. I'm going to include a phone number in the description of this episode where, if you don't know the name of your senators or your Congressman, it's never too late to learn, and you can reach out to them." _______ Hm. What a bitch!! Yeah, just so ignorant and uncaring. Obviously she's not keeping up with anything. Should've retweeted more shit ig!
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spockvarietyhour · 6 months
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Still holding out hope for a DS9 treatment a la TNG.
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ephemeral-winter · 10 days
okay so the conference I applied to that’s supposed to give me an answer by Monday sent an email this afternoon that says I got a $500 grant “to support my participation” at the conference and links to a Google form to accept it. But crucially the email and form do not say anything about whether my paper was accepted. And it is now after 5pm on a Friday. I feel crazyyyyyyyy
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gremlins-hotel · 8 months
I’ve literally had the headcannon for years that Alfred has such a thick Southern accent but he puts on the “default” accent cuz most of the other nations don’t understand him/cant handle the power that comes from a Southern drawl
he leans on the nearest thing and starts shooting the shit and no one is understanding a word out of his mouth. (he forgot to code switch. on purpose, even.)
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hannie-dul-set · 2 months
presenting my paper in front of a bunch of phd holders and phd candidates later i'm going to VOMIT.
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hazellevessque · 2 months
I just went to the most FIRE talent show ever??? It was basically a private concert everyone was SO HYPE
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crackdkettle · 3 months
Not me pretending I’m doing a task on Taskmaster to make my job feel less frustrating lololol
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This episode’s guest is Dr Anne Pasek, Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture, and Environment, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies and the School of the Environment at Trent University. Dr Pasek is co-founder of the Low Carbon Research Methods Group, and she talks to Ariel all about what Low Carbon Research is (and can look like!), the “carbon footprint” of academic research, new innovative ways for research to respond to the climate crisis, the importance of zines, and even hosting her own solar server in her backyard!
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scaunedesign · 2 months
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Un astfel de scaun vizitator rezistent nu doar completează estetica unui spațiu, ci asigură și un confort superior pentru toți cei care îl folosesc. Ideal pentru birouri, săli de așteptare sau săli de conferințe, acest scaun se evidențiază prin calitatea sa remarcabilă și designul modern. Fabricat din materiale de înaltă calitate, scaunul OFF 835 oferă o combinație perfectă între funcționalitate și stil. Descoperă mai multe opțiuni și transformă-ți spațiul într-un loc elegant și confortabil pentru vizitatori.
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dreamsicle262 · 1 year
dazai's tendency to be gay around literally EVERY man he encounters needs to be scientifically investigated atp. someone give me a microscope i am going to study him
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viagginterstellari · 9 months
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Conference Room - Amida-do Hall, Kyoto, 2011
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spiral-radio · 10 months
At the point where if I listen to something even close to guided meditation I am at risk of dropping, kinda silly honestly.
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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The Voyager-A Shuttle has a purpose built conference table.
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obstinatecondolement · 3 months
I'm having a great time at the con but I am also nursing a two-day migraine by drugging myself to the gills and taking breaks to either watch programming virtually in my hotel room or to just Have A Break and watch the vidshow or panel later when I'm feeling more human.
I'm glad that I'm not pushing things too much, but I do I wish I were not such a crock. My GI issues have settled down a lot since I took some Imodium yesterday, which is something, and I was even able to tolerate a (mild) curry in the group dinner this evening, but also like… would love to have a body that could tolerate sitting down and watching videos better than this one can.
I also get a lot of FOMO about going off to have breaks, and I worry that I seem aloof or something—something which no one here has ever for even a second given me reason to believe that's what they think of me, but also. Argh.
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arsnof · 7 months
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fiascobaby · 7 months
so much expected work in academia is unpaid labor it's actually insane
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